The Gloria Dei Messenger - Gloria Dei Lutheran Church


The Gloria Dei Messenger - Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
The Gloria Dei Messenger
March, 2012
Volume 48, Issue 3
Dear members and friends of Gloria Dei:
Inside this issue:
This, of course, is the time to spend additional focus on the core message of our spiritual life together. In a world with diverse motives, faiths, and goals we lift up the Lenten
season. We reminds ourselves that we are a
people created by God, gifted by the Spirit,
but ultimately right with God through the
suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Jesus is the one who walked in our shoes;
Jesus is the one that loves us and cares for us; Jesus is the one who has
made us a part of the Body of Christ. Let us spend Lent together remembering our core values.
Ball in the
House Concert ............... pg. 5
In another place in the Messenger you will find
an outline of our special Wednesday worship
schedule. Like the ministry of Jesus, it focuses
us on the needs of the less fortunate, primarily
the hungry. We will share our journey as we go
back and forth with our brothers and sisters at
St. Andrew. This act alone reminds us of the
partnership we have in the Gospel all around us.
Many speakers will be sharing their particular
ministries. May you take advantage and be lifted
Circle .............................. pg. 6
I continue to thank God for my work among you. My legs are now
fully under me and I think we’re ready to grow in spirit, in numbers,
and in our love for our Lord and each other. May we await together the
joy of spring and the celebration of Easter.
Pastor Joe
Box Tops
for Education ................. pg. 6
Church Mouse ............... pg. 2
Rack ................................ pg. 6
Bingo Night ................... pg. 3
Birthdays ........................ pg. 2
Hospitalization ............... pg. 4
Page ................................ pg. 7
Soup & Study ................ pg. 4
Gifts ................................ pg. 4
Deadline ......................... pg. 2
Availability .................... pg. 2
for Worship .................... pg. 2
Red Cross
Blood Drive ................... pg. 4
Ministry .......................... pg. 8
Cancellations .................. pg. 4
WELCA ......................... pg. 6
Preparing for
March 4
Second Sunday in Lent
All the ends of the earth shall remember
and turn to the LORD.
Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Psalm 22:23-31;
Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38
March 11
Third Sunday in Lent
The Commandment of the LORD
gives light to the eyes.
Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19;
1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22
March 18
Fourth Sunday in Lent
You deliver your people from their distress.
Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22;
Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21
March 25
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51:1-12 (or Psalm
119:9-16); Hebrews 5:5-10; John 12:20-33
Pastoral Availability
Pastor Joe is available every day
except Friday. He can be reached
on his cell phone at (860) 5931154, at home at (860) 673-0707,
through the church office at (860)
582-0629, or through email at
The Messenger Deadline
The deadline for the April issue of
The Messenger is Thursday, March
15th. Remember, all submissions
must be made in writing, we cannot
accept articles over the phone. Articles submitted
by e-mail or on disk are greatly appreciated (but
not necessary) Thank you!
The Gloria Dei Messenger is published monthly, except August, by
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 355 Camp St., Forestville, CT 06010
March 2012
March Birthdays
1. Betty Carlson, Karie Ogonoski, Donald Parker
2. Donna Douglas, Denise Eckstrom, John
Gatzuras, Travis Helming, Michael Litke,
Nancy Rosshirt
3. Shane Carlson, Tony Pannazzo
4. Dale Clift, Dick Fitz, Donna Namnoum, John
Norton, Donald White Jr.
5. Diane Arduini, Kasey Ewen, Brian Hintz
6. Siera Cote-Adams, Nate DeAngelo6
7. Marianne Carlson, Joseph Kanachovski
8. Joseph Guendert, Carol Musmeci, Ashley
Richard, Heather Richard
9. Kevin Classen, Gerald Gordon, Charlotte Kall,
Michael Prue
10. Norma Jean Olson-Bartley
11. Andrew Classen, Ron Middleton, Cameron
12. Frederick Arduini, Chelsey Logan, Deborah
13. Christian Gomme
14. Kimberly Heath, Bruce Lindquist
15. Carrie Wessman
16. Grace Forsberg, Jeanne Lubben, Christian
Thomas, Amber Willequer
17. Scott DeAngelo, James Gordon Jr.
18. Curt Carlson, Bethany Mullins, Bianca Spataro
19. Mark Bozzuto, Mary Gallagher, Alyce
Mankus, Nicholas Piteo
20. Ed Sousa
21. Olyvia Sciaraffa
22. Ben Ogonoski, Jess Passaretti
23. Natalie Beland, Andreia DeAngelo, Devon
24. Robert Howe III, David Marsh, Jacob Moore
25. Justin Cormier
26. Keegan Miller
27. Jake Albert, Paula Kanenberg
28. Jonathan Carlson, Doris Green
29. Jessica Brinton, Wade Willequer, Jeffrey
30. Justin Camerato, Thomas Johnson, Ethan
Logan, Tyler Murray
Page 2
Lenten Mid-Week Supper Study
Wednesday evenings
through Lent
Join us for a light supper of soup and
sandwiches at 6:00 followed by worship
and discussion of ways we can care for people and the
world around us. The hosting schedule will alternate between Gloria Dei and St. Andrew Lutheran churches.
February 29th
St. Andrew
Preacher/Presenter - P. Matthew Martin
Kids Care - Hunger
March 7th
Gloria Dei
Preacher/Presenter - Brooks Sumberg
Harvest Now - Community gardening
March 14th
St. Andrew
Preacher/Presenter - Shirley Dickau AIM
Zion Lutheran Soup Kitchen
March 21st
Gloria Dei
Preacher/Presenter - Pastor Ruth Drews
Resurrection Lutheran Church, New Haven
March 28th
St. Andrew
Preacher/Presenter - Bristol Community Organization
Saturday, April 6
Easter Vigil at Gloria Dei
March 2012
Page 3
We’ve received the
recent address
 Keith & Jessica Carroll - mail returnedundeliverable.
 Cassie Howe - mail returned-insufficient address
 Gary & Maryann Swanson – 1230 Gantry
Road, North Port, FL 34288
If you have moved or changed your phone number
within the past year, or it was listed incorrectly in
the last directory, please let the church office know
so that our mailing list is as accurate as possible!
Addresses are still needed for the following: Jessica Adams, Shannon Adams, Stephanie Adams, Raymond & Ruth Auckland, Ronald Bodamer, Jessica
Brinton, Vanessa Brinton, Joyce Brinton-Anderson,
Vadim & Jean-Anne Brown, Monique Bruce, Michael
Camerato, Rolland Couch, Matthew Cyr, Michael
Cyr, Albert & Kimberly Heath, Melody Howse, Brian
C. Johnson, Ethel Johnson, Jeff & Kristina Klezun,
Cory Kobylski, Michael T. Kuczenski, Erin & Stephen
LaBonte, Patrick Latozas & Janice Osga, Liv Leftwich, Bobby Joe Lindsey, Bryan Lockhart, Maryann
McCann, Desilyn Nelson, Michael Prue, Brenda &
Gordon Robinson, Martin Roy, Katherine Rydingsward, Bonnie Selander, Brittany Selander,
Shane Simpson & Cindy Subik, Donna Symolon, Scott
Therrien & Tina Massey, Christina Thibodeau, Christopher Tolli, William Tolli, James & Florence Tracy,
Joseph Tyler, Amy Wessman-Pelletier, Joseph Williams, and Karl Zimmerer.
Please contact the church office if you know any of
these addresses. Thanks.
You will notice “Return Service Requested” is printed
on our Messenger envelopes. This is our way of letting the post office know that we need to have addresses verified. For a fee, and if your move was
within six months, the post office will supply us with
your new address, but we prefer to hear from YOU!
Have you given your email address to your church? If
not, why not send us a quick email at or
so that we might add your address to our list. We
sometimes send out emails to everyone with breaking
news such as the death of a member or cancellations.
This is a great way for every member to keep up with
the goings of the church. If you would rather not have
your email address published in the new directory,
you can let us know, and it will be omitted.
March 2012
Many thanks for all the prayers and good wishes for
Archie as he recovers from bladder removal surgery.
Special thanks to Pastor Joe for his numerous visits to
Hartford Hospital and his many prayers. I want to say
to all of you that he is a GEM.
Thank, Pastor Joe.
Esther Gatzuras
Dear Gloria Dei ParishionersI write this note to thank you for your recent donation
to BCO. Please know these funds will be used to help
the less fortunate in the Bristol area.
Tom Morrow
Thank you, as always, for your prayers and support. To
go along with the support statements and records which
are included with some of these letters, I asked a
younger member of Resurrection to write this Mission
Partner letter.
Pastor Ruth Drews
Dear Mission Partners and friends,
My name is Devonte Hall. I go to Amistad Academy. I am
9 years old, in fourth grade and I live in New Haven,
I have been going to Resurrection Lutheran Church since
I was three years old. I like church because I make lots of
friends, they have lots of special events, and one of the
many best things is being a part of RCDC (Resurrection
Connection Day Camp), a camp of the three F's: Fun,
Faith, and Friends!
At Resurrection I learn the right path to go. It tells me
about the history of the Bible. It also helps me in reading
class because I get to practice my reading skills on Sundays by volunteering to read the Bible lessons and church
announcements which is different from other churches
where children cannot participate in the service.
I am very thankful for Pastor Ruth, Resurrection, and my
church family.
That's what church means to me!!!
THANKS BE TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you notes have also been received from the ELCA
for donations to the Disaster Response Fund and World
Hunger; and from St. Vincent DePaul for the donation of
hats and small afghans.
Page 4
March 2012
Page 5
March 2012
Page 6
Please Give Blood!
We had a successful blood drive
here at Gloria Dei on February 9th
with 34 much needed pints collected. However, our state’s
blood supply remains at dangerously low levels. This puts Connecticut patients at risk - whether it’s a premature baby who
needs treatment, a crash victim, or a woman who
has cancer. Won’t you please call 1-800-GIVELIFE (800-448-3543) or visit, and
make an appointment today? Remember: a single
blood donation costs you nothing, and can save up
to three lives! The American Red Cross thanks
you on behalf of patients throughout the state!
Please, When Hospitalized...
When you must enter the
hospital, in order to have
Pastor visit you it is necessary to tell the admissions person that you are
a member of Gloria Dei
Lutheran Church. To protect your privacy as a patient, hospitals are withholding information, even
to pastors, unless the patient makes this information known. Pastor Joe would like to be available
to you during your hospitalization. So, please give
our church name and if possible, inform pastor or
the church office, especially if you go to a hospital
outside of Bristol.
Local Blood Drives:
March 9th. - 1 - 6 p.m., Clarion Hotel,
42 Century Drive, Bristol
March 12th 1 - 6 p.m., Our Savior Lutheran
Church, 505 S. Main Street, Thomaston
March 17th 8 a.m. - 1:45 p.m., The Orchards at
Southington, 34 Hobart St., Southington
March 21st 1 - 6 p.m., The Elks Lodge,
126 South Street, Bristol
March 27th 1 - 6 p.m., St. Paul’s Church,
461 Alling Street, Berlin
Related Cancellations:
In the event of a weather cancellation, we will notify
the NBC 30 Storm Tracker system, and the WFSB 3
Early Warning Network of any plans to cancel activities. Cancellations will be broadcast on TV and
listed on the TV stations’ websites -, and respectively. We will also
notify the Infinity Broadcasting Storm Center, please
tune your radio to WTIC AM 1080 or, you can
check the web at or Whenever
possible, we will also change the church answering
machine message.
March 2012
Pauline Anderson
Kitchen, Memorial Garden &
Rudy Kanenberg Worship & Music Funds:
Bob & Judy Pannazzo
Virginia Murray
Thanksgiving & Memorial Fund:
Mary Jane Johnson
Laura Nicholls &
Elvira Burman
Thanksgiving & Memorial Fund:
Alan Burman
In honor of Ruth Swanson’s
99th Birthday
Thanksgiving & Memorial Fund:
Bette Arey
Page 7
Gloria Dei Women!
Hope Circle Meets: First Tuesday
of the Month
Where: The Oasis Restaurant,
Pine St., Bristol
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Menu: Breakfast of your choice.
We share fellowship, news of upcoming
happenings, time for sharing and caring together. It’s a
special way to start the week and the month.
Call Carol Roys: 860-582-9167
The Clothing Rack at 1st Lutheran
Church in New Britain...
is in desperate need of men’s clothing. First Lutheran is
uniquely situated between New Britain’s two main homeless shelters, a block from the New Britain Senior Center
and in a neighborhood with many working poor. They
are collecting cleaned & laundered coats, jackets
fleeces, heavy sweaters boots, scarves, hats, mittens,
sleeping bags and blankets. New items , especially hats
and mittens are always appreciated! Donations can be
placed in the marked box in Pearson Hall.
WELCA Coming Events
All women members of Gloria Dei are members of
Women of the ELCA. There are many opportunities
for you to take advantage of Christian Fellowship.
 First Tuesday of Each Month (except
during the summer) 9:30 a.m. Hope Circle at
The Oasis Restaurant, Pine Street, Forestville.
 April 27-29 - Region 7 Spiritual Retreat at
Purdy Center, Camp-of-the-Woods,
Speculator, NY
 May 5 - Spring Gathering, Faith Lutheran
Church, East Hartford, CT
 May 25-27 - Lutheran/Episcopal Women’s
Retreat - Enders Island, Mystic CT.
 October 26-27 - NE/WELCA Biennial
Convention at Camp Calumet
Personal Care Items
The food pantries and homeless shelters
are in need of a continuing supply of personal care items. Use the basket in the narthex.
A big Happy Birthday to our 80+ members including: Betty Carlson (3/1), Dick Fitz
(3/4), Jerry Gordon 3/9), and Grace Forsberg (3/16).
Todd Helming has been named Connecticut’s 2011 Director Who Makes a Difference in
the 50 Directors Who Make A Difference Report by School Band and Orchestra
Magazine. Way to go, Todd!
Skip Burritt is the winner of a 2012 American Cancer Society Sandra C. Labaree New
England Values Award. Skip is one of 45 outstanding Society volunteers from throughout New England to receive this recognition, which honors those volunteers in each
state whose actions and service in the fight against cancer most exemplify the Society’s
organizational values. Congratulations Skip!
Boy Scout and church member Shane Carlson and an all-volunteer Cemetery Commission have worked for
months to restore the Downs Cemetery near Memorial Boulevard. Shane, a student at St. Paul Catholic High
School, replaced the fencing, cleaned the grounds and installed new flag holders for Revolutionary War veterans. He has put up directional signs and an information board all as part of a Boy Scout project. Great job,
Dylan Cushing and his parents Will & Joy made their opinions known at recent Bristol Board of Education hearings concerning the elimination of music programs at the local middle schools. Dylan’s photo was included in
two separate stories in the Hartford Courant. Tom Burkholder was also quoted in the stories.
Word has been received of the death of Irene Burzler in South Carolina sometime prior to Christmas. Please keep
Irene’s family in your prayers and thanks to Erwin Murdock for notifying the church office!
Now, that’s more like the Mouse we all remember and love! Let’s keep it going! Send your info to the church office.
March 2012
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March 2012
Page 9
Our Shared Ministry - March 2012
Altar Guild
Laurie McCary
Coffee Servers
Karen Tolli
Al Bredehorst
Dave Logan
Sue Allaire
Kay Kalwat
Polly Anderson
Laurie McCary
Lois Allaire
Joyce Douglas
Karen & Steve
Sue Allaire
Peg Higgins
Sue Allaire
Jean Olson
Scott & Sandy
10:45 Martha Sterrett
Esther Gatzuras
Al & Verla
Lois Tillman
Norma OlsonBartley
Noreen Logan
Cindy Guendert
8:30 Linda Smythe
Paula Corrao
Barbara Jensen
Judy Pannazzo
Sunday School
Carol Roys
Al Bredehorst
Ed Higgins
Jay Murray
Paul Koerner
Sivert Jacobson
Paul Koerner
Al Bredehorst
Dave Logan
Sue Allaire
10:45 Valerie Holcomb
The Ewen Family The Albert Family
10:45 Noreen Logan
8:30 Scott Ewen
Head Usher
10:45 Wayne Johnson
8:30 Jean Olson
Tina Burkholder
8:30 Bev Benson
Sue Allaire
Sue Allaire
8:30 Jean Olson
Assisting Minister
10:45 Ellen & Sara
Elizabeth Koerner Sunday School
Judy Pannazzo
8:30 Ron Brodie
March 2012
10:45 Ron Brodie
Sunday School
Kay Kalwat
Page 10
8:00 Men’s
(Pinewood Derby
Snow Date)
5:00 Concert
6:30 Vasa, Cub
Den Meeting
7:00 Voice Choir
4 2nd Sunday in Lent
8:30 Holy Communion
9:00 Children’s Choir
9:30 Coffee Fellowship,
SCS, Adult Forum,
SCS Breakfast PreK&K
10:45 Holy Communion 6:00 Confirmation,
Bell Choir
7:00 Youth Choir,
6:00 SNY
11 3
Sunday in Lent
8:30 Holy Communion
9:00 Children’s Choir
9:30 Coffee Fellowship,
SCS, Adult Forum
10:45 Holy Communion
6:30 Cub Scout
Den Meetings
6:00 Lenten
Supper &
6:30 Cub Scout
Den Meetings
25 3rd Sunday in Lent
5:00 Worship &
6:00 Nutmeg
7:00 Voice Choir
6:00 Lenten
7:00 Voice Choir
Supper &
Study at St.
6:00 Nutmeg
6:30 Cub Scout
Den Meeting,
Derby set-up
6:30 Cub Scout
Den Meeting
8:00 Men’s
9:00 Messenger
Family Sunday
8:30 Holy Communion
9:00 Children’s Choir
9:30 Coffee Fellowship,
SCS, Adult Forum
10:45 Holy Communion
5:00 Mardi Gras
6:00 SNY
8:00 Men’s
8:00 Men’s
2:00 Nutmeg Symphony 6:00 Confirmation,
Bell Choir
7:00 Youth Choir,
7:00 Boy Scout Comm.
18 4th Sunday in Lent
9:00 Hope Circle
7:00 Ball in the
6:00 Confirmation,
Bell Choir
7:00 Youth Choir,
8:30 Holy Communion
9:00 Children’s Choir
9:30 Coffee Fellowship,
SCS, Adult Forum
10:45 Holy Communion
7:00 Cub Scout
Pack Meetings
6:00 Lenten
Supper &
8:00 Council
2:00 Bridal
7:00 Voice Choir
8:00 Men’s
6:00 Confirmation,
Bell Choir
7:00 Youth Choir,
6:00 Lenten
7:00 Cub Scout
Supper &
Den Meetings
Study at St. 7:00 Voice Choir
6:30 Cub Scout
Den Meeting
March 2012
Ministers: ........................ All members of Gloria Dei
Senior Pastor: ................ The Rev. Joseph Ekeberg
Minister of Music: ............................. Todd Helming
Secretary: ........................................... Lisa Michaud
Sexton: ................................................ Mark Hynick
Contact Info:
Church Office: ................................... (860) 582-0629
Fax: ............................................ (860) 314-2629
Website: ........................................
E-Mail: ....................
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
355 Camp Street
Bristol, CT 06010
Pastor Joe (cell) .................................. (860) 593-1154
Home: .......................................... (860) 673-0707
E-mail: .......................
President ..................................................... Dale Clift
Vice President ......................................... Sue Allaire
Secretary ................................................ Ellen Lyman
Treasurer ......................................... Wayne Johnson
Council Members
Rachel Bekstrom
Ron Brodie
Tom Burkholder
Wendy Colite
Valerie Holcomb
David Logan
Laurie McCary
Jean Olson
Commission Chairs
Congregational Life ................... Peg Higgins - 678-7983
Outreach & Witness .......... Joanne Madsen - 582-7167
Property ........................... Gary Carlson - 582-9869
Finance .............................. Carl Johnson - 674-9065
Gloria Dei’s Mission
Nourished by our worship
together and in response to
God’s love, Word, and grace
through Jesus Christ and
empowered by the Holy
Spirit, we the members of
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
are working together to share
God’s salvation with all.
Come share with us!