January 2012 Messenger


January 2012 Messenger
The Gloria Dei Messenger
January, 2012
Volume 48, Issue 1
Dear members and friends of Gloria Dei:
Inside this issue:
The year ahead is starting out to look like a
time to accomplish the three goals the council lifted up during stewardship time.
2012 ELCA
Youth Gathering ............ pg. 4
1. To get our financial house in order. (We
still have not completed the response
time, but early reports have show a
clear increase from 2011. If this holds
true, 2012 could be the first time in a
while we will pass a balanced budget at
the Annual Meeting on January 29th.
Meeting .......................... pg. 3
2. Look at adding staff. 1 minor staff position is also under consideration dependent on goal #1.
3. Set our physical plant in order: The Council in December approved the request by our Kitchen Committee to move forward
on several major projects. As
the year progresses, several
other projects will be coming
As you can see, 2012 could be a good
year for us. Pray the spirit would continue to move us forward.
I have a personal goal for 2012. As
you might know, I started my move to
Connecticut years ago as a pastor developer. It taught me the importance of growing the church and reaching out to many who need to
hear the good news. Our Outreach and Witness team is also ready to
move forward. More on this later.
Pastor Joe
Changes .......................... pg. 7
Thanks ............................ pg. 3
Church Mouse ............... pg. 2
Life ................................. pg. 4
O’Clockers ..................... pg. 7
Circle .............................. pg. 7
Birthdays ........................ pg. 2
Gifts ................................ pg. 6
Deadline ......................... pg. 2
Ministry .......................... pg. 5
Envelopes ....................... pg. 3
Acts ................................. pg. 2
Availability .................... pg. 2
for Worship .................... pg. 2
Ministry .......................... pg. 8
Thank You
Note ................................ pg. 6
Cancellations .................. pg. 7
WELCA ......................... pg. 7
Preparing for
January 1
1st Sunday of Christmas
The splendor of the LORD is over heaven and earth.
Isaiah 61:10—62:3; Psalm 148;
Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:22-40
January 8
The Baptism of Our Lord
The voice of the LORD is upon the waters.
Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29;
Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11
January 15
2nd Sunday after Epiphany
You have searched me out and known me.
1 Samuel 3:1-10 [11-20]; Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18;
1 Corinthians 6:12-20; John 1:43-51
January 22
3rd Sunday after Epiphany
God alone is my rock and my salvation.
Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 62:5-12;
1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20
January 29
4th Sunday after Epiphany
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.
Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 111;
1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28
Pastoral Availability
Pastor Joe is available every day
except Friday. He can be reached
on his cell phone at (860) 5931154, at home at (860) 673-0707,
through the church office at (860)
582-0629, or through email at
The Messenger Deadline
The deadline for the January issue of
The Messenger is Sunday, January
15th. Remember, all submissions
must be made in writing, we cannot
accept articles over the phone. Articles submitted
by e-mail or on disk are greatly appreciated (but
not necessary) Thank you!
The Gloria Dei Messenger is published monthly, except August, by
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 355 Camp St., Forestville, CT 06010
January 2012
A big Happy Birthday to our
80+ members including:
Bea Koerner (1/2), Elsa
Lindblad (1/8), Ruth
Swanson (1/19), Helen
Baranowski (1/26).
Carol Roys has been honored by the Bristol Garden Club with the honored rank of Life Member in the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut for her many accomplishments.
That’s all for this month!
January Birthdays
1. Melissa Ann Green
2. Courtney Anderson, Beatrice Koerner, Erik J.
Schubert, Rochelle Schwartz, James G. Tracy
3. Freda Ahl, Ashley Green, Carla Leber
4. Ann Capezzone, Jacob Newton
5. Barbara Unwin
6. John Eckstrom, Virginia Kozikowski, Sean
7. Jack Schubert
8. Roland Lavigne Jr., Elsa Lindblad
9. Carl Carlson, Alexander Johnson, Holly Kay
10. Scott Wennberg
11. Gene Curtis, Jennifer Douyard, Cheryl Theriault
12. Joy Cushing, Michael Rosano
14. Eli Borden, Paula Corrao
15. Tracy Carlson, Gina Pannazzo, Anthony
16. Audrey Collins, Donald Palzere Jr.
17. Jessica Adams, Alan Burkholder
18. Pace Ferro
19. Joe Michalic, Ruth Swanson, Amanda Tellier
20. Summer Carroll, Mandy Johnson, Jon
21. Nicole Cox, Francis Dugo, Stephen Hintz
22. Evalynne Grenier, Joanne James
24. Alyssa Douyard, Kathryn Leber
25. Jerry Carrier
26. Helen Baranowski, Mike de Pascale, Kara Rivera
28. Gavin Latozas, Jonathan Lindquist
29. James Casey
31. Kaleb Carroll, Della Logan, Kaitlyn White
Page 2
We Are Gloria Dei!
Special Thanks
for a
Wonderful Christmas
at Gloria Dei to...
All adults who helped; and especially all of our
children for their hard work on the SCS
Christmas Program.
Every person who contributed poinsettias and/
or luminaria in memory or honor of loved
Our Altar Guild Members and everyone who
decorated our tree with Chrismons (Christian
symbols. The word means Christ monograms).
Clarence Murdock who delivered our Christ-
Each of us is important
to the good health of Christ’s Body.
(I Corinthians 12)
The first Semi-Annual meeting of 2012 will be held on
January 29th. Reports of the pastor, officers, finances,
commissions, committees, and organizations will be reviewed. Appreciation will be expressed to leaders. A year
2011 spending plan/budget will be presented for action.
We need your presence, your input, your vote. Please
mark your calendar now for the last Sunday in January
and attend this important part of our church’s life.
Due to the early date, and in order to prepare a complete and accurate Annual Report that members may
have to review before the meeting, all chairs of
commissions and committees, and all leaders of
organizations must have their reports into the
church office by January 9th! It is important that our
annual report reflect a true snapshot of our congregation and our activities in 2010.
Organizations having treasurers must also leave their
financial records in the church office for audit by
January 9th.
mas trees and donated one.
Lo Presti and family who donated the
other Christmas tree.
Todd Helming and all members of the Adult,
Children’s, and Handbell Choirs, and the soloists for your gifts of music and song.
The youth and adults who went caroling to our
The 4th grade SCS class who baked and packed
cookies for our homebound members.
Paul Koerner who prepared our candles for our
Lisa Michaud who created our Christmas Bulletins and Lois & George Tillman who copied and
assembled them.
Mark Hynick who made sure our church home
was ready for visitors.
Pastor Joe for bringing the Good News to us
January 2012
Offering Envelopes
Offering envelopes for 2012 are
in in Pearson Hall. We have
reduced the number of preprinted envelopes ordered, therefore, everyone with
pre-printed envelopes is being assigned a new envelope
number. Please be sure to not use your 2012 envelopes in 2011 or your gift may be credited to another.
If you currently receive a pre-printed set of envelopes,
but do not or rarely use them, please let the church office know as soon as possible. We can assign you an
‘envelope’ number above the pre-printed envelope
range so your gifts are properly recorded. Some of you
contribute monthly, quarterly, or yearly, and therefore
do not need the weekly envelopes, others have their
bank write a periodic check to the church or make use
of the Simply Giving© program, which automatically
transfers your gift from your checking or savings account to the church account. (Further info about this
program can be obtained in brochures in the Narthex or
from the church office.)
If you do not currently have pre-printed envelopes but
would like them, please contact Lisa in the church office at 860-582-0629.
Page 3
Notes from the
Congregational Life Commission
The Congregational Life Commission has been
discussing events to bring Gloria Dei families and
friends together in activities that would interest all
ages. We’ve been hosting Sunday
School class breakfasts for students and their parents during
class time on Sunday mornings. Pastor Joe leads the
class that morning on the lessons of the day. So far we’ve
hosted breakfast for the 3rd and
4th grades and for the1st and 2nd grades. Next we’ll
be hosting the 7th and 8th grades. Everyone seems
to enjoy breakfast together and it gives parents the
opportunity to meet the other children in class and
their parents.
We’re looking forward to trying new ways to help
in God’s work among us and become a more active congregation. Getting to know one another
better, both adults and children, is the first step.
We have a great congregation and we want to encourage having fun getting to know each other.
Our first fun event will be a Bingo
and Pizza party on Saturday February 11 from 4:30 – 7:00. Families
and friends (members and nonmembers) are invited. ALL are
welcome! This is just the beginning of many activities we can
enjoy together. We would like
your ideas for future events. Talk to any of
the members of the Congregational Life Commission if you have any ideas to
Lois Allaire
Commission members:
Peg Higgins (Chair), Lois Allaire, Sue Allaire,
Judy Centurelli, Lori Jones, Jean Olson, Cheryl
Sowers, Martha Sterrett, and, of course, Pastor Joe
January 2012
The 2012 ELCA National Youth
Gathering in New Orleans will be
held July 18-22 and plans are well
under way for Gloria Dei to be well
represented. Fourteen (!) youth
[Megan Albert, Allison Balfour,
Emma Bartley, Shane Carlson,
Mary-Elise Carlson, Matthew Clift,
Justine Collins, Katie Douglas,
Leandra Hynick, Julia Kemmling,
Elizabeth Koerner, Karelyn Kuczenski, Beth McFarland, Miranda Nowell] along with four leaders [Ed Higgins, Scott Ewen, Steven York,
Olivia Higgins] have registered to
attend this historic event. We have
been fundraising since returning
from the 2009 National Youth Gathering [also in New Orleans] and
have several more events planned
before our departure next summer.
Proceeds from Christmas Eve luminaria, Easter Breakfast, Mardi Gras,
Mother’s Day Car Wash/Flower sale
and the Invest in The Youth Stock
sale will all go towards the expenses
related to attending this great event.
Thank-you in advance for your continued support of our youth ministries here at Gloria Dei.
Page 4
January 2012
Page 5
Members of Gloria Dei,
Pauline (Polly) R. Anderson
Rudy Kanenberg Worship & Music Fund:
Tracy & Eric Carlson
Split 80% to the Kitchen Renovation Fund &
20% to the Rudy Kanenberg Worship & Music
Gerald & Dayl Carrier, Betty Carlson
Willie (Bill) Eldridge
Rudy Kanenberg Worship & Music Fund:
Tracy & Eric Carlson
June Eldridge
Piano Fund:
Antonette Tetreault, MaryJane Johnson,
Dawn & TJ Beland, Lois Allaire,
Thorsten & Marlene Wennberg, Grace Forsberg,
The Nakayama Family, Clarence & Lois
Murdock, John & Diane Glaeser
Rudy Kanenberg Worship & Music Fund:
Tracy & Eric Carlson
Willie & June Eldridge
Piano Fund:
Marion Plageman, Mike & Ginger Smith,
Florence & Bob Porat, Nancy Anderson,
Mr. & Mrs. George Root, Jenevie & Albert Porat,
Betty Carlson
Kitchen Renovation Fund:
Laurie McCary
Carl Sellberg, Jr.
Thanksgiving & Memorial Fund:
Carl & Sharon Sellberg
January 2012
Last month’s hymn festival was a mountaintop
experience for all of us here at the Institute of Sacred Music, but it could never have been such
without your choir’s invaluable contributions. I
write to thank you for the time you spent in preparation and for the effort it took to travel in order to
The hymns of the church are some of the greatest
treasures we church musicians steward. They accompany us through
every life passage,
church’s sacraments and they
enliven the proclamation of the word.
They are the melodies
and texts that have pervaded the lives of God’s
people as long as we have gathered for prayer.
Our culture does not always value these treasures
as much as we would like. Your contribution went
a long way in lifting up these beautiful works of
art before God’s people as a tool for bringing
praise and prayer to our Creator.
I want you to know how grateful we all are for
everything you did to make this possible. Together, we created a community that transcended
race, class, age and religious tradition. I pray that
the seeds we planted will bear much fruit in the
months to come, and I look forward to seeking
other similar opportunities for ministry in the future.
Thank you again.
Very sincerely,
Martin Jean
Yale Institute of Sacred Music
409 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Page 6
Hope Circle will meet at the Oasis on Tuesday, 3rd at 9:30. We invite women of the
congregation to join us. Please contact
Carol Roys or Lois Tillman for further information.
For personal reasons I find it necessary to
turn over leadership to another. When
Hope Lawson died several years ago I
stepped up and became leader for 8 years.
I’m now looking for someone new to lead
this vibrant group of seniors. It is not difficult and Pastor
Joe will be available to provide devotions each month.
Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Esther
Gatzuras (860-583-6834)
WELCA Coming Events
All women members of Gloria Dei are members of
Women of the ELCA. There are many opportunities
for you to take advantage of Christian Fellowship.
 First Tuesday of Each Month (except
during the summer) 9:30 a.m. Hope Circle at
The Oasis Restaurant, Pine Street, Forestville.
 April 27-29, 2012 - Region 7 Spiritual Retreat
at Purdy Center, Camp-of-the-Woods,
Speculator, NY
 May 25-27, 2012 - Lutheran/Episcopal
Women’s Retreat - Enders Island, Mystic CT.
(See pg. 4 for more details.)
 October 26-27, 2012 - NE/WELCA Biennial
Convention at Camp Calumet
We’ve received the
recent address
 Dayl & Jerry Carrier – 21043 Meehan Avenue,
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
 H. Scott Persson – 111 Augusta Drive, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
 Cassie Howe– 4256 South West, Port St. Lucie,
FL 34953
 Billiejo Willequer – 5220 Tompkinsville Road,
Glasgow, KY 42141
If you have moved or changed your phone number
within the past year, or it was listed incorrectly in
the last directory, please let the church office know
so that our mailing list is as accurate as possible!
January 2012
Attention Knitters & Crocheters
The Families First unit at Bristol Hospital is
always in need of baby hats for preemies
and other newborns. The hats must
be stretchable but all sizes are
needed. Also needed are blankets
for small children and babies. See
Lois Tillman for more info.
Personal Care Items
The food pantries and homeless shelters
are in need of a continuing supply of personal care items. Use the basket in the narthex.
Please, When Hospitalized... When you must
enter the hospital, in order to have
Pastor visit you it is necessary to
tell the admissions person that you
are a member of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. To protect your privacy as a patient,
hospitals are withholding information, even to pastors,
unless the patient makes this information known. Pastor Joe would like to be available to you during your
hospitalization. So, please give our church name and if
possible, inform pastor or the church office, especially
if you go to a hospital outside of Bristol.
The Clothing Rack at 1st Lutheran
Church in New Britain...
is in desperate need of men’s clothing. First Lutheran is
uniquely situated between New Britain’s two main homeless shelters, a block from the New Britain Senior Center
and in a neighborhood with many working poor. They
are collecting cleaned & laundered coats, jackets
fleeces, heavy sweaters boots, scarves, hats, mittens,
sleeping bags and blankets. New items , especially hats
and mittens are always appreciated! Donations can be
placed in the marked box in Pearson Hall.
Weather related cancellations:
In the event of a weather cancellation, we will notify the
NBC 30 Storm Tracker system, and the WFSB 3 Early
Warning Network of any plans to cancel activities. Cancellations will be broadcast on TV and listed on the TV
stations’ websites - nbcconnecticut.com, and wfsb.com
respectively. We will also notify the Infinity Broadcasting
Storm Center, please tune your radio to WTIC AM 1080
or, you can check the web at wtic.com or wrch.com.
Whenever possible, we will also change the church answering machine message.
Page 7
Our Shared Ministry - January 2012
(1 service at
10 a.m.)
Altar Guild
Carol Roys
Laurie McCary Karen Tolli
No Coffee
Coffee Servers
Kay Kalwat
Martha Sterrett
Martha Sterrett
Jean Olson
Bev Benson
Al & Verla
The Koerner
10:45 Judy Centurelli Valerie
Ed Sousa
Al & Verla
Polly Anderson Holcomb
Laurie McCary Gabrielson
Martha Sterrett
Bev Benson
Rose Mancini
Sunday School
Barbara Jensen
Al Bredehorst
Scott Ewen
Head Usher
Judy Centurelli
Ed Higgins
Jay Murray
Scott Ewen,
10:45 Sivert Jacobson Wayne Johnson Paul Koerner
Sivert Jacobson Wayne Johnson
10:45 Dylan Koerner Will & Dylan
Judy Centurelli Sunday School
Dawn Beland
January 2012
Sunday School
Page 8
January 2012
1 2nd Sunday of Christmas 2
New Year’s Day
9:00 Coffee Fellowship
10:00 Holy Communion
6:30 Cub Scout
Den Meeting 7:00 Inquiring
Minds, Boy
8:30 Holy Communion
9:00 Children’s Choir
9:30 Coffee Fellowship,
SCS, Adult Forum 6:00 Confirmation,
6:30 Cub Scout
Bell Choir
10:45 Holy Communion
Den Meeting 7:00 Boy Scouts
7:00 Adult Bible
Study, Youth
Choir, Plain6:00 SNY
ville Choral
15 2nd after Epiphany 16 Martin Luther 17
Messenger Deadline
8:30 Holy Communion
9:00 Children’s Choir
9:30 Coffee Fellowship,
SCS, Adult Forum
10:45 Holy Communion
6:00 Confirmation,
Bell Choir
7:00 Cub Scout
7:00 Council,
7:00 Adult Bible
Pack Meeting
Boy Scouts
Study, Youth
Choir, Plainville Choral
Family Sunday
8:30 Holy Communion
9:00 Children’s Choir
9:30 Coffee Fellowship, 6:00 Confirmation,
Bell Choir
6:30 Cub Scout
SCS, Adult Forum
Den Meeting 7:00 Boy Scouts
10:45 Holy Communion 7:00 Adult Bible
Study, Youth
Choir, Plainville Choral
6:00 SNY
29 4th after Epiphany 30
6:30 Cub Scout
Den Meeting
8:00 Men’s
5:00 Worship &
Music Com.
7:00 Voice Choir
6:30 Cub Scout
Den Meeting
8:00 Men’s
King, Jr. Day
22 3rd after Epiphany 23
8:00 Men’s
9:30 Hope Circle
at The Oasis
8 The Baptism of Our Lord 9
8:30 Holy Communion
9:00 Children’s Choir
9:30 Coffee Fellowship,
SCS, Adult Forum 6:00 Confirmation,
Bell Choir
6:30 Cub Scout
10:45 Holy Communion
7:00 Adult Bible
Den Meeting
Study, Youth
Choir, Plainville Choral
7:00 Voice Choir
Cub Scout
Pack 425
6:30 Cub Scout
8:00 Men’s
9:00 Messenger
7:00 Voice Choir
6:30 Cub Scout
Den Meeting
January 2012
Ministers: ........................ All members of Gloria Dei
Senior Pastor: ................ The Rev. Joseph Ekeberg
Minister of Music: ............................. Todd Helming
Secretary: ........................................... Lisa Michaud
Sexton: ................................................ Mark Hynick
Contact Info:
Church Office: ................................... (860) 582-0629
Fax: ............................................ (860) 314-2629
Website: ........................................ gdeichurch.org
E-Mail: .................... gdeichurch@gdeichurch.org
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
355 Camp Street
Bristol, CT 06010
Pastor Joe (cell) .................................. (860) 593-1154
Home: .......................................... (860) 673-0707
E-mail: ....................... jbrandelle@gdeichurch.org
President ..................................................... Dale Clift
Vice President ......................................... Sue Allaire
Secretary ................................................ Ellen Lyman
Treasurer ......................................... Wayne Johnson
Council Members
Rachel Bekstrom
Ron Brodie
Tom Burkholder
Wendy Colite
Valerie Holcomb
David Logan
Laurie McCary
Jean Olson
Commission Chairs
Congregational Life ................... Peg Higgins - 678-7983
Outreach & Witness .......... Joanne Madsen - 582-7167
Property ........................... Gary Carlson - 582-9869
Finance .............................. Carl Johnson - 674-9065
Gloria Dei’s Mission
Nourished by our worship
together and in response to
God’s love, Word, and grace
through Jesus Christ and
empowered by the Holy
Spirit, we the members of
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
are working together to share
God’s salvation with all.
Come share with us!