February 2012 Messenger - Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
February 2012 Messenger - Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
The Gloria Dei Messenger February, 2012 Volume 48, Issue 2 Dear members and friends of Gloria Dei, Inside this issue: By the time you read this, the first 2012 Semi-Annual Meeting of the Congregation will have taken place. We will have reviewed the reports of the many faithful people who have served us this last year. We will also have seen if we are not careful we might even have a balanced budget this year. As the first full year of my ministry among you has concluded there are indeed hopeful signs. I pray that 2012 will be a year when this basic hope will be fulfilled. Ball in the House Concert ............... pg. 5 A word that I often use when I think of ministry in any of the places I have served is climate. One thing you might know about me by now is that I’m a guy who looks at the glass as ¾ full. Climate is a feeling word. A word that describes especially what a visitor senses when they come to worship for the first time. Climate describes how we treat each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. Climate in its good sense grasps our Lord’s call to always look to the future with hope and anticipation as to what the spirit is doing among us. I pray that we can grow in a loving, compassionate, faithful way as we go forward. If they know we are Christians by our love, we will indeed continue to grow in numbers and in faith. Hope Circle .............................. pg. 6 Lent is soon here, spring is around the corner. Let us gather in worship and learning and find out what God has in store for us. Red Cross Blood Drive ................... pg. 4 Peace, Pastor Joe Box Tops for Education ................. pg. 6 Church Mouse ............... pg. 2 Clothing Rack ................................ pg. 6 Family Bingo Night ................... pg. 3 February Birthdays ........................ pg. 2 Hospitalization ............... pg. 4 Kid’s Page ................................ pg. 7 Lenten Soup & Study ................ pg. 4 Memorial Gifts ................................ pg. 4 Messenger Deadline ......................... pg. 2 Pastoral Availability .................... pg. 2 Preparing for Worship .................... pg. 2 Shared Ministry .......................... pg. 8 Weather Cancellations .................. pg. 4 WELCA ......................... pg. 6 Preparing for Worship February 5 5th Sunday after Epiphany The Lord heals the brokenhearted. Isaiah 40:21-31; Psalm 147:1-11, 20c; 1 Corinthians 9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39. February 12 6 Sunday after Epiphany th My God, I cried out to you, and you restored me to health. 2 Kings 5:1-14; Psalm 30; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Mark 1:40-45 February 19 Transfiguration of Our Lord Out of Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth in glory. 2 Kings 2:1-12; Psalm 50:1-6; 2 Corinthians 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9 February 22 Ash Wednesday Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love. Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 (or Isaiah 58:1-12); Psalm 51:1-17 2 Corinthians 5:20b—6:10; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 February 26 First Sunday in Lent Your paths, O Lord, are steadfast love and faithfulness. Genesis 9:8-17; Psalm 25:1-10; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15 Pastoral Availability Pastor Joe is available every day except Friday. He can be reached on his cell phone at (860) 5931154, at home at (860) 673-0707, through the church office at (860) 582-0629, or through email at JBrandelle@GDeiChurch.org. The Messenger Deadline The deadline for the March issue of The Messenger is Wednesday, February 15th. Remember, all submissions must be made in writing, we cannot accept articles over the phone. Articles submitted by e-mail or on disk are greatly appreciated (but not necessary) Thank you! The Gloria Dei Messenger is published monthly, except August, by Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 355 Camp St., Forestville, CT 06010 February 2012 A big Happy Birthday to our 80+ members including: Lois Allaire (2/5), Jerry Jensen (2/10), Irene Burzler (2/11), Dorothy Ludlum (2/14), Kathy Albert (2/17), and Kay Kalwat (2/21). That’s all for this month! I know you folks are up to things, why not keep your church family informed? Lisa February Birthdays 1. Angela Daley 2. Donald Namnoum 3. Shannon Adams, Stephanie Adams, Alison Bredehorst, Luke Buslewicz, Bryan Capezzone, Rachel Gomme, Scott Tyler 4. Gary Barber, Brenton Eckstrom, Paul Eckstrom, Karina Klingner 5. Lois Allaire, Liam Collins, Bruce Fairservis Jr., Kara Kolavage 7. Wendy Colite 8. Tammy Thormahlen 9. Timothy Colite, Nick Jones, Ryan Palzere, Samantha Peters, Bailey Womack 10. Erik Bauder, Jerry Jensen 11. Irene Burzler, Sandy Ewen, Michael Moore Jr., Annette Shippee 12. Jeanette Gumbulevich, Lauren Knaggs 13. Jim Hubbard 14. Dorothy Ludlum 15. Michael Bialek, Jeremy Thormahlen 16. Michael T. Kuczenski, Todd Lilja, Brian Murray 17. Kathy Albert 18. Clair Anderson, Andrew Knaggs, Nancy Palzere 19. Makaila Johnson, Jennifer Martel 20. Deborah Ahl, Alisa Mello 21. Andrew Bekstrom, Kay Kalwat, Joshua Kutarba, Katherine Nguyen 22. Julie Hein 23. Sue Martel, Lonnie Nelson, Jeffrey Rosano, Mavis Suchinski, Tracy Yuschak 24. Laurie Aldrich, Lance Miller, Arthur Westergren Jr., Kate Zulauf 25. Melanie Norton, Louis Passaretti 26. Michael Thai 27. Kenneth Peters, Joe Sjogren, David Tyler 28. Robin Hein, Ella Ogonoski 29. Stephen LaBonte Page 2 February 2012 Page 3 Lenten Studies Please Join Us The mid-week Lenten services will be held on Wednesday evenings. We will be combining our services with those of St. Andrew’s. We will continue to have, as in years past, a light supper of soup and sandwiches or soup and bread at 6:00 followed by study, discussion and a brief service. We will meet at St. Andrew’s on February 29, March 14, and March 28. They will provide the supper. We will meet at Gloria Dei on March 7 and March 21. We will provide the supper. Easter Vigil will be held on Saturday, April 6 at Gloria Dei. Please, When Hospitalized... When you must enter the hospital, in order to have Pastor visit you it is necessary to tell the admissions person that you are a member of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. To protect your privacy as a patient, hospitals are withholding information, even to pastors, unless the patient makes this information known. Pastor Joe would like to be available to you during your hospitalization. So, please give our church name and if possible, inform pastor or the church office, especially if you go to a hospital outside of Bristol. Weather Related Cancellations: In the event of a weather cancellation, we will notify the NBC 30 Storm Tracker system, and the WFSB 3 Early Warning Network of any plans to cancel activities. Cancellations will be broadcast on TV and listed on the TV stations’ websites - nbcconnecticut.com, and wfsb.com respectively. We will also notify the Infinity Broadcasting Storm Center, please tune your radio to WTIC AM 1080 or, you can check the web at wtic.com or wrch.com. Whenever possible, we will also change the church answering machine message. February 2012 Red Cross Blood Drive Gloria Dei will host another Red Cross Blood Drive on Thursday, February 9th from 1-6 p.m. Please call 1-800-GIVELIFE (800-448-3543) or visit bloodct.org, and make an appointment today. Remember: a single blood donation costs you nothing, and can save up to three lives! The American Red Cross thanks you on behalf of patients throughout the state! June Eldridge Piano Fund: Lillian Stitham, Elsa Bullock Willie & June Eldridge Piano Fund: Scott & Sandy Ewen, Jane Logan Leona K. Sullivan France Thanksgiving & Memorial Fund: Tracy Carlson Dear Gloria Dei Friends, It was so festive to receive the decorated canister of home-made Christmas cookies which were delivered so kindly by Al Gabrielson! Thank you for your kindness - it was most appreciated! May you all enjoy a Happy and Blessed New Year! Viola Gustafson A note of thanks has been received from the American Red Cross for the donation of three afghans. The Red Cross reports that the day after some of the Gloria Dei afghans were delivered to them, there was a fire and the afghans were all given away. All you knitters and crocheters get busy working on afghans if you have the time! They are greatly needed and greatly appreciated. Page 4 February 2012 Page 5 Gloria Dei Women! Hope Circle Meets: First Tuesday of the Month Where: The Oasis Restaurant, Pine St., Bristol Time: 9:30 a.m. Menu: Breakfast of your choice. We share fellowship, news of upcoming happenings, time for sharing and caring together. It’s a special way to start the week and the month. Call Carol Roys: 860-582-9167 The Clothing Rack at 1st Lutheran Church in New Britain... is in desperate need of men’s clothing. First Lutheran is uniquely situated between New Britain’s two main homeless shelters, a block from the New Britain Senior Center and in a neighborhood with many working poor. They are collecting cleaned & laundered coats, jackets fleeces, heavy sweaters boots, scarves, hats, mittens, sleeping bags and blankets. New items , especially hats and mittens are always appreciated! Donations can be placed in the marked box in Pearson Hall. WELCA Coming Events All women members of Gloria Dei are members of Women of the ELCA. There are many opportunities for you to take advantage of Christian Fellowship. First Tuesday of Each Month (except during the summer) 9:30 a.m. Hope Circle at The Oasis Restaurant, Pine Street, Forestville. April 27-29 - Region 7 Spiritual Retreat at Purdy Center, Camp-of-the-Woods, Speculator, NY May 5 - Spring Gathering, Faith Lutheran Church, East Hartford, CT May 25-27 - Lutheran/Episcopal Women’s Retreat - Enders Island, Mystic CT. October 26-27 - NE/WELCA Biennial Convention at Camp Calumet Personal Care Items The food pantries and homeless shelters are in need of a continuing supply of personal care items. Use the basket in the narthex. Box tops and labels are collected in Pearson Hall for the benefit of Bethesda Lutheran Communities. February 2012 Page 6 T February 2012 Page 7 Our Shared Ministry - February 2012 February February February 5 12 19 Sue Allaire Altar Guild 8:30 Jean Olson Assisting Minister 10:45 Elizabeth Koerner The Murray Family Coffee Servers Tina Burkholder All Members Carol Roys Al Bredehorst Dave Logan 1 p.m. - Kay Kalwat Esther & Jan Gatzuras 10:45 Ellen Lyman Dawn Beland Judy Centurelli Lois Tillman 8:30 Curt Carlson Greeters 10:45 Paul & Gail Koerner 8:30 Ed Higgins Head Usher 10:45 Al Bredehorst 8:30 Jean Olson Lector Ushers The Higgins Family Sue Allaire Jean Olson Noreen Logan Cindy Guendert February 2012 1 p.m. - Al & Verla Gabrielson Scott & Sandy Ewen 7 p.m. - Judy Centurelli Lois Tillman Al Bredehorst Ron Brodie The Ron Miller Family Gary & Lori Mankus The Jones Family Sunday School Class The Colite Family Wayne Johnson Scott Ewen Al Bredehorst Jay Murray Paul Koerner 7 p.m. - Ed Higgins Sivert Jacobson Al Bredehorst Dave Logan 1 p.m. - Kay Kalwat Sue Allaire Sivert Jacobson Kay Kalwat 10:45 The Hynick Family Ruth Lipski 10:45 8:30 Dale Clift Sue Allaire Laurie McCary Judy Centurelli 7 p.m. - Valerie Cindy Guendert Holcomb 8:30 Dave Logan Ed & Peg Elmer Madsen Higgins Communion Assistants February February 22 26 Ash Wed. Clarence Murdock Sunday School 7 p.m. - Skip Class Burritt Gail Koerner Curt Carlson Sunday School Class Page 8 February 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 2 Friday 3 4 8:00 Men’s Breakfast 7:00 Inquiring Minds, Boy Scouts 5 5th after Epiphany 8:30 Holy Communion 9:00 Children’s Choir 9:30 Coffee Fellowship, SCS, Adult Forum 10:45 Holy Communion 12:00 Boy Scout Meatball Grinder Sale 12 6th after Epiphany 6 7 8 9 9:30 Hope Circle 6:00 Confirmation, 6:30 Cub Scout Bell Choir Den Meetings 7:00 Boy Scouts 7:00 Adult Bible Study, Youth Choir, Plainville Choral 13 14 7:00 Adult Voice Choir 15 8:30 Holy Communion 9:00 Children’s Choir 9:30 Coffee Fellowship, SCS, Adult Forum 10:45 Holy Communion Messenger Deadline 16 Family Sunday 8:30 Holy Communion 9:00 Children’s Choir 9:30 Coffee Fellowship, SCS, Adult Forum 10:45 Holy Communion 6:00 Sunday Night Youth 20 21 22 6:30 Cub Scout Den Meeting 11 4:30 Family Bingo Night 6:30 Cub Scout Den Meeting 17 18 8:00 Men’s Breakfast 6:00 Confirmation, 6:30 Cub Scout Bell Choir Den Meetings 7:00 Council, Boy 7:00 Adult Voice 7:00 Adult Bible Scouts Study, Youth Choir Choir, Plainville Choral 19 Transfiguration 9:00 Lay Ministry ‘til 3 10 8:00 Men’s Breakfast 1:00 Red Cross Blood Drive 5:00 Worship & Music 6:30 Congo Life 7:00 Adult Voice Choir 23 10:00 Altar Guild 26 First Sunday in Lent 27 28 Pack 432 Pinewood Derby 5:00 Pinewood Derby set-up 6:30 Cub Scout Den Meeting 24 25 8:00 Men’s Breakfast 9:00 Messenger Assembly 6:00 Confirmation, 6:30 Cub Scout Bell Choir Pack Meeting 7:00 Adult Bible Study, Youth Choir, Plainville Choral Saturday 9:00 Blanket Making ‘til 5 p.m. 1:00 Holy Communion 7:00 Holy Communion 29 8:30 Holy Communion 9:00 Children’s Choir 9:30 Coffee Fellowship, SCS, Adult Forum 10:45 Holy Communion 6:00 Confirmation, 6:00 Lenten Soup Bell Choir 6:30 Cub Scout & Study at 7:00 Adult Bible Den Meetings St. Andrew’s Study, Youth Choir, Plainville Choral 7:00 Adult Voice Choir Cub Scout Blue & Gold Dinner And now faith , hope , and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 February 2012 Ministers: ........................ All members of Gloria Dei Senior Pastor: ................ The Rev. Joseph Ekeberg Minister of Music: ............................. Todd Helming Secretary: ........................................... Lisa Michaud Sexton: ................................................ Mark Hynick Contact Info: Church Office: ................................... (860) 582-0629 Fax: ............................................ (860) 314-2629 Website: ........................................ gdeichurch.org E-Mail: .................... gdeichurch@gdeichurch.org Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 355 Camp Street Bristol, CT 06010 Pastor Joe (cell) .................................. (860) 593-1154 Home: .......................................... (860) 673-0707 E-mail: ....................... jbrandelle@gdeichurch.org Officers President ..................................................... Dale Clift 582-9795 Vice President ......................................... Sue Allaire 583-6336 Secretary ................................................ Ellen Lyman 585-8053 Treasurer ......................................... Wayne Johnson Council Members 583-1932 Rachel Bekstrom Ron Brodie Tom Burkholder Wendy Colite Valerie Holcomb David Logan Laurie McCary Jean Olson Commission Chairs Congregational Life ................... Peg Higgins - 678-7983 Outreach & Witness .......... Joanne Madsen - 582-7167 Property ........................... Gary Carlson - 582-9869 Finance .............................. Carl Johnson - 674-9065 Gloria Dei’s Mission Nourished by our worship together and in response to God’s love, Word, and grace through Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we the members of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church are working together to share God’s salvation with all. Come share with us!
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