
Newsletter of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, SD
Mission Statement: LIVING IN GOD’S WORD,
July 2010
Issue #7
Saturday Worship
5:00 PM
Sunday Summer Worship
8:30 AM & 10:00 AM
Confirmation Camp 2010
The week of June 13-18 thirty-three sixth
graders, who will be 7th graders this Fall,
attended Confirmation Camp at NeSoDak
Bible Camp on Lake Enemy Swim near
Waubay, SD. Combined with youth from
other congregations, there were about
108 youth in camp! There were games,
activities, Bible Studies, Campfires,
Swimming, Kayaking, Canoeing, Worship,
and lots more! Pastor Loren led the Gloria
Dei group in studies of Biblical passages
and of the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.
Ask any of the kids about their week.
They’d love to tell you about it!
Those at camp were: Abigail Anderson, Reilly Andresen, Travis Christensen, Adam Daly, Madison Elliott, Abbie Grinager, Madelynn
Hacket, Jack Hammond, Matthew Harms, Adrianna Heinert, Austin Hoflock, Regan Jensen, Tommy Jensen, Kennedy Kampa, Jamie
Kayl, Kassandra Kolbeck, Alec Kray, Annika McCallum, Andrew McGuire, Morgan Moe, Ashley Needham, Jackson Olson, Amanda
Paulson, Ashley Paulson, Samantha Peterson, Alexis Ramharter, Madison Rost, Reilly Schneider, Logan Schultz, Peyton Stenzel,
Nick Sundstrom, Julie Teslow, and Brooke Weber.
A Word from Pastor Loren
The lightning streaks across the sky lighting up the
clouds. The thunder sometimes claps quickly after the
lightning, and sometimes it just rumbles from a distance.
The rain pours and builds up on streets and fills the
gutters to overflowing. The grass floods quickly because
the earth beneath can’t absorb rain that comes so fast.
It’s a South Dakota thunder storm!
Fortunately, that’s not an every-day occurrence; but we’ve all
seen it and stood in awe of its power and beauty! The earth
receives an absolute drenching. The trees sag temporarily
under the added weight of the rain water and bow with the
prevailing wind. And when the storm subsides and the sun
comes out again
the colors of leaves, flowers, and all things
natural seem so much more brilliant and fresh and clean!
Your life and mine are filled with all sorts of
things on a day to day basis. Some of those things
may be like lightning. Some like thunder. Some
like a strong wind. Some like a soft breeze. Some
like the earth soaked beyond capacity. Some like
the brilliant colors after the rain.
What’s going on in your life? Lightning? Thunder?
Soft breeze? Heavy wind? Bright sun? No matter
what’s in your life, it is important to look at WHO
is in your life. There is an amazing brilliance that
comes to our lives as we walk in faith with our Lord and with one another. Our burdens
become lighter. Our love grows greater. Our service is given more often. Our words of confession are spoken quicker. And our lives are transformed once again.
Our lives will never be free of lightning,
thunder, wind and rain. But by faith
we trust God’s love and care for us to
“see us through the storm” and guide
us in the darkness to the brilliance of
His own Son. It’s nothing you and I do,
because we can’t! It’s because of the
way our Lord’s love shines in our lives.
Pastor Loren
Soldier Creek
Soldier Creek is on the Rosebud Indian Reservation and is just outside Mission in South Central South Dakota.
There are over 20,000 people on the reservation and those living below the poverty level are over 80%. We have
been building a relationship over the years with the Soldier Creek residents and Grace Episcopal Church under
the guidance of Faith Roubideaux and Father John Spruhan. We have helped with building improvements to the
church, insulation, hot water heater, painting, cleaning, as well as other building maintenance. Every winter we
assist with the propane to keep the church heated and bring hats & gloves or sweat shirts & sweat pants, fruit
baskets, and gifts for everyone at Christmas.
We hope to improve water drainage and help repair erosion sometime this summer. Watch and listen for more
Do you feel called
to international mission work?
We Met New
Mission Volunteer,
Miranda Meyer
on June 26th & 27th
If so, mark your calendar – the dates for the 2011
Gloria Dei medical mission trip to Nicaragua are
February 16-23, again overlapping the President’s
Day holiday. The deadline for the trip deposit is
October 31, 2010 (this is earlier than previous
years due to Nicaraguan Ministry of Health regulations). Informational sessions will be held late
summer/early fall. Watch the newsletter and
bulletins for specific dates and times. You don’t
need to have medical training or background to
participate. Contact Pastor Loren for more
Miranda Meyer is the new South Dakota Synod Global
Mission Volunteer to Nicaragua. She graduated from
Augustana College in Sioux Falls this May and officially
began her work with the South Dakota Synod following
her installation at the Synod Assembly in Rapid City
June 11th & 12th. Miranda was at Gloria Dei the
weekend of June 26-27. Miranda will be going to the
ELCA Orientation for Mission Personnel the first three
weeks of July and arriving in Managua, Nicaragua, on
July 24. She and the current Mission Volunteer, Annie
Bjerke, will be together during August to create a
smooth transition. Please support her in prayer as she
prepares for her ministry in Nicaragua. Our medical
Mission Team will work very closely with her as we
prepare for the trip in February.
Books with pictures from previous trips can be
viewed in the church library.
A NAME CHANGE from Community Food Banks of SD to FEEDING SOUTH DAKOTA
The Community Food Banks of South Dakota has changed its name. Very simply, it describes
exactly what this organization is doing statewide …
Congratulations and
God’s Blessings to...
Sympathy and
God’s Peace to…
Angi and Marcelo Krunitsky on the birth
of their daughter, Eliana Paula, on June 3rd.
Don and Dee Sorvaag on the death
of their nephew, Tony, on June 2nd.
Greg DeBoer and his family on the death
of his father, Merle DeBoer, on June 9th.
Congratulations and
God’s Blessings to...
Alan Nyhus and his family on the death
Of his wife, Nancy on June 20th.
James and Kendra Johnson on the baptism
of their son, Cooper Dylan on May 16th.
Congratulations and
God’s Blessings to...
Adam and Ann Hanisch on the baptism of their
son Jaxton Douglas, on June 19th.
Pastor John and Marion Degelau
on their 55th Wedding Anniversary on June 4th.
Thank you Gloria Dei!
We experienced a wonderful 55th Wedding Anniversary given to us by Gloria Dei. It was a delightful
Saturday, June 5th and Sunday being greeted by you. The fifty-five years have laughter, joy, and
yes, some difficult times too. Thank you for being our church family! A special thank you to Judy
Schwerin (parish nurse) and the Board of Fellowship.
Pastor John and Marion
Elizabeth Ministry Presents…
Baby Steps
Bring your own expertise, questions,
and favorite mom tips or toys!
Motherhood is an AMAZING experience filled with
joys, fears, precious moments and challenges!
Baby Steps is an opportunity for new and expectant
moms to gather and share in this journey together.
In a small group atmosphere we will share questions, resources, and be strengthened in our faith
as we explore the calling of being a mom! Some of
our topics may include:
We hope to see you at this event! Do you
know a new or expectant mom who would
like to join us? Feel free to invite a friend!
You will receive a follow-up call from an Elizabeth Minister. Please RSVP to the hostess.
Babies are welcome!
Sunday, July 18th @ 1:30
Hostess: Jennifer Crisp-Griebel
27043 Split Creek Ct, Sioux Falls
Faith in the Home, Labor & Delivery,
Child Development, Feeding Issues,
Mom & Baby Health & Wellness,
“New” Family Dynamics
Exercising Your Faith has started and it’s not too late
to join us! This exercise and Bible Study group meets
weekly on Tuesdays from 5:15-6:15 pm. The resource is
Put Christ First with the First Place for Health program.
Books can be picked up at Crossroads for $20. The program
emphasizes balance in physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual aspects of life. Exercise is geared to the ability
and preferences of the attendees. Get fit physically and
The Health Ministry Team will not be meeting the month of July. The next meeting will be August
5th at the Whisk and Chop on north Minnesota Avenue at 11:45 a.m.
The Divorce C.A.S.T. (Called And Sent Team) will meet on Thursday, July 15th at 7:00 in Room
106. This is a group especially for those who are divorced, separated, or divorced and remarried. The
group is open to new members at any time. The format provides an opportunity to receive and share support related to a broken relationship.
The Visitation C.A.S.T. (Called And Sent Team) will meet on July 28th at 6:00 in Room 106. The
group meets every other month for education and support in their role as a caring partner for a church
member who needs extra support.
Mark your August calendars for the Food C.A.S.T. (Called And Sent Team).The church will be
smelling delightful on August 24th at 11:00 am. No special culinary skills are needed. You just follow
simple assembly instructions and enjoy the company of those around you. The meals are frozen and available for any church member to share with someone else in the church or their community who can use
the nutritional and spiritual support of a home-cooked meal.
Gloria Dei will not be working at the SIGH Clinic again until August 25th, but you are welcome to drop
off socks for those that attend the foot clinic at the church office at any time.
Would you like to part of our Card C.A.S.T (Called and Sent Team)? Cards are sent to our members
who are celebrating a birthday over 70 or the special anniversary days the first year after a baptism or
death. You receive the packet and send the card as needed at your convenience. Let Judi Schwerin, parish
nurse, know if you would like to learn more.
Living Well in Christ: “Bad things happen to good people, but great people use those moments for a
greater good. Source: I Only Have A Minute… So Let’s Make It Matter! by Kathy Brown.
“Oh Beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife
Who more than self their country loved
and mercy more than life.”
Lord, hold our troops safely in the palm of your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the selfless acts
they perform for us in our time of need.
The following Gloria Dei members have or are serving in the United States Armed Services:
Andi Anderson, Army National Guard
Rob Andresen, Army
Nicholas Assman (deceased father of Deb Johnson), WWII
Glenn Brueske, Korean War
Chris Brusseau, Army National Guard
Stan Cadwell, Army
Rodney Christensen, Air Force
Anita Fligge (sister of Brett Fligge), Air Force Reserve
Adam Hanisch, SD Air National Guard
Wayne Hetland (grand uncle of Nancy McNight), Navy- WWII
Jon Hovland, Air Force
Ralph Iverson, Army- Korean War
Mike Jones, Army, retired
Jason Kettwig (brother of Amanda Surat), Army
Ron Konold, Army
Todd Konold (Son of Clarice and Ron), Army
Julie Kriech, Marine Corps
Pat Kriech, Air Force
Mike Kuhnert, SD Air National Guard
Dave Meyer, Army, retired
Jim Olson, Army
Brigette Pirrung (sister of Jeremy Pirrung), Air Guard
Charlie Quam (brother-in-law of Robin Aden), Navy
Eric Schon, US Navy
Randy Shatto, Air Force
Doug Steinfadt (deceased), Army
Ray Wahle, Army- Viet Nam
Danny Wright, Army National Guard
Steve Zahn, Air Force
Dennis Zoerink, Army
(This is not an all inclusive list of Veterans at Gloria Dei. If you have served in the military, pleas contact the church office to be included with our Heroes)
Service men and women supported by Gloria Dei Hero CAST members
Capt Kevin Hansen
US Amy - Afghanistan
Hero CAST support: Adam Brinkman
Lt Nate Mortenson
US Air Force - England
Hero CAST support: Vince & Bill Rossing
1st LT Martin Merrick
US Marine Corps
Hero CAST support: Laura Riley
Aaron Werner
US Air Force - Texas
Hero CAST support: Nina Nelson
Aaron Schultz
US Army NG - Afghanistan
Hero CAST support: Rob & Michelle Andresen
Bob & Karla O’Connor
Pvt Jordan Mertes
US Army BMT - Georgia
Hero CAST support: Joe Schwebach
A1C Alex Oppold
SD Air NG - Sioux Falls
L Cpl Andrew Trites
Us Marine Corps
Hero CAST support: Sheri Mortenson
Col Russ Walz
SD Air NG - Sioux Falls
Lt Col Eric Knutson
SD Air NG - Sioux Falls
Hero CAST support: Yvonne & Todd Oppold
Jacob Klodt
US Air Force - South Carolina
Hero CAST support: Megan Johnson
L Cpl Travis Gruidel
US Marine Corps - Hawaii
Hero CAST support: Miranda Ankeny
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying. “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me.” Isaiah 6:8
The Hero C.A.S.T. is a ministry (a called and sent team) that serves to support members of Gloria Dei (or family of
Gloria Dei members) who are serving in our Armed Forces - men and women deployed over seas or stationed here
or away from home. Each member is connected with a serviceman in order to provide prayer and support for them
and their families. This has included cards and letters, care packages, phone calls to family and quilted pillowcases
for servicemen and their spouses. Member Sharon Edmonds serves by writing letters to Gloria Dei’s Heroes (and
others) while they are away serving our country. The Hero C.A.S.T. also serves by assisting/organizing the rest of
the congregation in remembering and supporting our military.
What can you do?
Pray: Our service men and women and their families are deeply grateful that someone cares enough to pray for them
and help carry their burden.
Lord, Bless our soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines.
Bless their bodies. Give them physical protection, safety and health.
Bless their labor that they may do their job well, with skill and wisdom.
Bless their emotional health, that they trust in you and rest in your peace.
Bless their social situations. Keep their marriages and their relationships with family and friends strong.
Bless their spiritual being that they may know you, trust you and experience your unfailing love for them
even in the great difficulties that they may face. Amen
Write: Send a card or write a letter - even if you do not know the servicemen or their family personally. Write about
everyday life here at home. And, of course, thank them for how they are serving us and our country. Letters can be
dropped off in the “letters to heroes” box in the narthex at church - to one of our Gloria Dei heroes or to any serviceman/woman. The Hero C.A.S.T. will address and mail it for you. You may also connect with groups sending cards/
letters/care packages and offering support in may ways on web sites like or
Remember: Always remember the families at home awaiting the return of their loved one. Their sacrifice is also
great. Offer help wherever there is a need - anything from child care to chores. And, of course, thank them for their
service and their sacrifice. Remember, too, those who have served before, both during times of war and times of
Heavenly Father,
Bless the families of our service men and women.
Provide them with every provision that they need
and comfort them in times of distress. Amen.
To our men and women in uniform…
past, present, and future
God bless you…
and thank you.
6:30 AM
at Gloria Dei
Women’s Bible Study
Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study
meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM.
Baptism Classes
Lutheran Woman Today Bible Study
Baptism Classes are offered twice a month. The second
Sunday of the month at 8:30 am and the third Saturday
of the month at 4:00 pm. Classes will be led by one of
the pastors and will meet in Pastor Heidi’s office.
Meet at 9:30 AM in the Church Library
on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday Mornings
for the months of July and August
Esther, Women’s Bible Study
Meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM
In the Fellowship Hall
June Baptism Classes:
♦ Sunday July 11, 8:30 am
♦ Saturday July 17, 4:00 pm
Scrapbook Group will not be meeting in July,
but will resume in August.
Gloria Dei
Mark your calendars!
Outdoor Worship followed by potluck Sunday, August 15 at Gloria Dei.
Adult Fellowship - Progressive Supper Friday, August 6 - watch for a sign up sheet
to be placed in the narthex.
Women of Faith Conference will be held in
Minneapolis October 22-23. Arrangements
are being made for bus transportation.
Please contact Pastor Heidi, Michele Crissman
or Sandy Berven for more information!
Team Highlights
Gloria Dei Gold won the first half of the 'D'
Division with a record of 10-2. Gloria Dei
Red was 2nd with a 9-2-1 record. Gloria
Dei Gold will be moving to the 'C' Division
because of the performance in the first half
of the season.
Come out and cheer on
your favorite Gloria
Dei Softball Team.
Gloria Dei Red placed 4th out of 20 teams in the Mid season Tournament
June 19th. Gloria Dei Red lost their first game then proceeded to win 4
games in a row before losing to the eventual champion. Gloria Dei Gold
finished 5th also losing to the eventual champion Holy Spirit.
Games are played Thursday night starting at 6:30 PM at Sherman Park.
ToDei’s Youth
For the latest info, please visit
(Also available by clicking on the Youth Ministries Tab on the Gloria Dei website (
Vacation Bible School
3 year old - Kindergarten
us6 Wednesdays
all summer long!
- 9School
6th-8th grade
- 12:00
3 year old
- Kindergarten
students and incoming 9th-12th grade students
each Wednesday.
Please check for times and updates!
Questions? Contact Lando (
or Jessica (
Hey kids, join me
Sunday, July11th and
Sunday, August 22nd
after the 10:00 AM service
for a puppet show in the sanctuary.
We will have a moovalous time!
Music/Drama Camp
Monday, July 26 - Friday, July 30
Grades 1- 8
Joseph: From the Pit to the Palace,
a STOMP musical
This dynamic musical grabs kids’ attention and
gets them excited about learning God’s truth.
Built around STOMP instrumentation, this
musical lets kids beat on pans, or drum on a
trash can while they sing high-energy, fun
music and learn about Joseph, a man who
modeled integrity, faith, courage, endurance,
humility, compassion, and forgiveness.
Registrations in the Church Office
Kelly Sundin will direct Gloria Dei’s Music and Drama Camp featuring the Musical Joseph: From the Pit to the Palace
Kelley Sundin is a choral director as well as a private voice teacher at Eastview High School in Apple Valley, MN. Kelly graduated from
Luther College with a degree in Music Education. Kelly sings professionally in The Singers - Minnesota Choral Artists.
She is also the founding artistic director of Ovation Singer-Actor Workshops. Kelley attends Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis
and is very excited to collaborate and share God's word through music and theater this summer at Gloria Dei.
Gloria Dei Summer Camps
Vacation Bible School - 3 year old - Kindergarten
High Seas Expedition
(Registration Forms available. Suggested $10.00 per child - Checks payable to Gloria Dei)
Join us as we search the High Seas for “God Sightings” in our everyday lives!
• Tuesday, July 6 - Friday, July 9 - 9:00 a.m. - 12:00p.m.
Program: Friday 6:00 p.m.
Day Camp - Grades 1 - 5
(Registration Forms available. Cost: $40.00 - Checks payable to Gloria Dei)
• Monday, July 5 - 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Meet the NeSoDak Camp Staff
Register for Camp and meet your friends
• Tuesday, July 6 - 9 :00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
• Wednesday, July 7 - 9 :00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
• Thursday, July 8th 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Program: 6:00 p.m.
Grades 3 - 5 Overnight
• Friday, July 9th - 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Music/Drama Camp - Joseph: From the Pit to the Palace - Grades 1 - 8
(Registration Forms available $50.00 - Checks payable to Gloria Dei)
• Monday, July 26 - Friday July 30 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Program Thursday, July 29 at 6:30 PM
Program Sunday, August 1 at 11:30 AM.
All friends are welcome to attend Gloria Dei Camps!
Please register them with your children.
Gloria Dei Summer Camps support Project SOS
Every year we choose a project to reach out into the community. This year, we chose to support Project SOS (Supply
Our Students) for all our Gloria Dei Camps. As we make a difference for our own children let’s make a difference for
the children of Sioux Falls and the surrounding areas! Project SOS is a ministry of The Banquet.
Number of supply packets given to children in need in Sioux Falls in 2009 –2010: 5,594 + Your help will allow our
area children to face the new school year with greater enthusiasm and optimism because they will begin with all of
their necessary supplies. Thank you for believing in Project SOS and for helping these grateful families.
We ask that you help by bringing one of the most needed items each day of camp.
• Day One - Backpacks (or) 2 inch 3– ring binders
• Day Two -Scissors - pointed (5” or 7”)
• Day Three - 12 or 24 count colored pencils
• Day Four - Crayola Classic markers– 8 or 10 count packages
• Day Five - Spiral notebooks
VBS Leaders Daniel Schmidtman & Bryson Rossing
have raised funds and organized this event. Please
help show your appreciation by letting your children
participate in Kid’s Night Out.
Ki d
’s N
s on
When: Friday, July 9, 2010
Where: Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Who: Children ages 3-12
Join us for:
Time: 6 pm-10 pm
Cost: $5
• Bible Stories
• Water Fights
Movies and Popcorn
Outdoor Games
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
2800 E 57th St.
Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Please note that this event is not limited to Gloria Dei kids. If you would like someone who is not a Gloria Dei member to
come, please specify on the form, but they are more than welcome to join us!
Child Registration Form - Kid’s Night Out
Cost: $5.00 payable to Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Child Name(s) _________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Name_____________________________________________________________
Child/Children Ages:___________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone Number_________________________ Home Phone Number__________________________
City_________________ State_________________________ Zip Code___________________________
Please list any allergies your child/children have:
4:00 PM Worship Team
7:00 PM Financial
5:00 PM Worship Service
8:30 & 10:00 AM
Worship Services
Independence Day
Holiday Observed
Church Office Closed
9:30 AM Women’s
Bible Study
6:30 AM Men’s Bible
7:00 PM Financial
6:00 PM Kids Night
4:00 PM Worship Team
5:15 PM Exercising
your Faith
5:00 PM Worship
6:30 PM - Esther–
Women’s Bible Study
Blood Pressure Checks
Vacation Bible School
Day Camp
8:30 & 10:00 AM
Worship Services
8:30 AM Baptism Class
11:00 am - Children’s
Puppet Show
9:30 AM Women’s
Bible Study
6:30 AM Men’s Bible
5:15 PM Exercising
your Faith
7:00 PM Council Mtg
1:30 PM Baby Steps at
the home of Jennifer
Crisp– Griebel
4:00 PM Worship Team
7:00 PM Financial
4:00 PM Baptism Class
7:00 PM Divorce
6:30 PM - Esther–
Women’s Bible Study
8:30 & 10:00 AM
Worship Services
7:30 Womens Bible
9:30 AM Women’s
Bible Study
6:30 AM Men’s Bible
7:00 PM Financial
4:00 PM Worship Team
5:00 PM Bd of Mission
and Outreach Mtg.
5:00 PM Worship Service
5:15 PM Exercising
your Faith
6:30 PM - Esther–
Women’s Bible Study
8:30 & 10:00 AM
Worship Services
9:30 AM Women’s
Bible Study
6:30 AM Men’s Bible
5:15 PM Exercising
your Faith
6:00 PM Visitation
6:30 PM Music/
Drama Camp Program - Also performing on Sunday,
August 1 at 11:30
6:30 PM - Esther–
Women’s Bible Study
7:00 PM Financial
Music/Drama Camp
Senior Pastor: Tim Selbo
Associate Pastors: Heidi Kvanli; Loren Odland
Visitation Pastor: *John J. Degelau
Parish Nurse: *Judi Schwerin
Director of Children’s Ministry: Sandy Berven
Director of Nursery and Toddler Ministries: *Michelle Anderson
Directors of Youth Ministry: Lando Anderson & Jessica Anderson
Lay Ministry Coordinator: *Mary Schultz
Director of Preschool: Sharon Claude
Preschool Teachers: Ginny Kroger, *Stacey Reitz
Teachers’ Aide/ Lunch Bunch Coordinator: *Sheila Martin
Business/Facility Manager: Cheryl McGuire
Office Manager: Lisa Hollaar
Administrative Assistant: Dayleen Swanson
Office Secretaries: *Gail Wilcox, *Tanya Stadem
Custodians: Jeff Riley, *Gordy Albers
Missionaries: James and Carolyn Brown - Cameroon
Annie Bjerke - Nicaragua
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Confirmation Camp 2010
A Word From Pastor Loren
Mission and Outreach
Fellowship Ministry
Health Ministry
Honoring our Service Men and Women
Gloria Dei Events and Announcements
Youth and Children’s Ministry
Summer Camps Support SOS
Kids’ Night Out
Simply Giving Form
Gloria Dei Calendar
* indicates part time position
2800 East 57th Street
Sioux Falls SD 57108
(605) 371-3737