the City of Newnan
the City of Newnan
Newnan City Council Meeting March 26, 2013 - 6:30 P.M. AGENDA CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Keith Brady INVOCATION READING OF MINUTES I Minutes from Regular Meeting on March 14, 2013 .................................................................. Tab A II Minutes from Retreat Meeting on March 14, 2013 ................................................................... Tab B REPORTS OF BOARDS AND COMMISSION I 1 Appointment – Howard Warner Committee – Unexpired term to expire at Project Completion II 1 Appointment – Newnan Development Authority – Unexpired 4 year term to expire October 2015 REPORTS ON OPERATIONS BY CITY MANAGER REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR NEW BUSINESS I An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 3, Alcoholic Beverages, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Newnan, Georgia to Provide for the Regulation of Sales and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages at the Newnan Centre; to Provide for Severability; to Repeal Conflicting Ordinances; and for Other Purposes ................................ Tab C II Recommendation for Stillwood Drive Drainage Improvements ................................................ Tab D NEWNAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA March 26, 2013 @ 6:30 P.M. Page 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS I 48 Fair Street – Status Report .................................................................................................. Tab E II Public Hearing – Annexation Request by Dennis Drewyer on behalf of Ted Justiss that 6.2+ acres located off of Lower Fayetteville Road be annexed into the City Limits with requested zoning CCS (Community Shopping Center District) ................ Tab F Ordinance to annex to the existing corporate limits of the City of Newnan, Georgia certain unincorporated land adjoining the existing corporate limits of said City in accordance with Section 36-36-21 of the Official Code of Georgia, and for other purposes Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map for property located off Lower Fayetteville Road, containing 6.2+ acres in land lots 11 and 22, of the fifth land district, in the City of Newnan, Georgia III Public Hearing – Proposed amendment to the City’s future land use map along the future extension of McIntosh Parkway ...............................................................................Tab G IV Consider adoption of drafted plan of Phase 1 of the citywide bicycle and pedestrian plan ......................................................................................................................... Tab H VISITORS, PETITIONS, COMMUNICATIONS & COMPLAINTS I Summergrove Social Committee request to be allowed to place 3x3 signs at the entrances to Summergrove along Lower Fayetteville Road and Newnan Crossing nd th th th Blvd. on May 2 through May 4 and September 5 through September 7 for their Semi-annual Summergrove Community Yard Sales ......................................................... Tab I EXECUTIVE SESSION – LEGAL, PERSONNEL AND REAL ESTATE ADJOURNMENT AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 3, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF SALES AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AT THE NEWNAN CENTRE; TO PROVIDE FOR SEVERABILITY; TO REPEAL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, it has been determined that certain changes are necessary in the text of Chapter 3, Alcoholic Beverages, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Newnan to provide for the regulation of sales and consumption of alcoholic beverages at the Newnan Centre within the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of same: Section I: Sec. 3-23, Regulation of sales and consumption of alcoholic beverages, of Article I, of Chapter 3, Alcoholic Beverages, to provide for the regulation of sales and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises of the Newnan Centre to read as follows: (a) The sale of alcoholic beverages and consumption on the premises at the Newnan Centre in the City of Newnan shall be allowed. (b) The consumption on the premises license provided for herein is exempted from the food sale requirements provided for in Section 3-81 of this chapter. (c) The City, through the Newnan Convention Center Authority (the “Authority”) shall offer for bid an alcoholic beverage license, except as provided in subsection (e) below, as follows: 1. The Authority shall take bids for the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises at the Newnan Centre; 2. Each bid shall be according to the terms and provisions set forth in the invitation to bid by the Authority. 3. The right to sell alcoholic beverages under this bid system shall go to the highest and best bidder which is deemed in the overall best interest of the City, and shall entitle each license holder to the exclusive sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises at the Newnan Centre; 4. All sales of alcoholic beverages under this license shall be competitive and be of sufficient quality as is required by the franchise 1 agreement that will be entered into between the Authority and the Grantee of the franchise. 5. The bidder must provide sufficient proof that he would be entitled to operate a business in the City and an alcoholic beverage license for consumption on the premises under this chapter. If the bidder currently holds a City of Newnan pouring license for on premises consumption of distilled spirits, the additional license fee shall be $1000.00, otherwise the license fee shall be as set forth in this Chapter for a pouring license for on premises consumption of distilled spirits. (d) No alcoholic beverages shall be sold, possessed or consumed on the premises of the Newnan Centre unless the alcoholic beverages are delivered by or sold by the holder of the alcoholic beverage license provided for in this section. (e) The Director of the Newnan Centre, or his designee, may hold an alcoholic beverage license for the Newnan Centre so that the orderly operation of the Newnan Centre will not be interrupted in the event the person or entity holding the alcoholic beverage license for the facility is unable to serve alcoholic beverages for any reason. There shall be no city license fee paid by the Director of the Newnan Centre, or his designee. (f) The hours of sale of alcoholic beverages on the premises of the Newnan Centre shall be the same as provided in Section 3-11 of this chapter for the sale of alcoholic beverages upon the licensed premises. Section II: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict or inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section III: Should any phrase, clause, sentence, or section of this Ordinance be deemed unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not effect the remaining provisions of this Ordinance, which provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Section IV: The effective date of this Ordinance shall be upon adoption. 2 DONE, RATIFIED and PASSED, by the City Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, this the ______ day of ___________________, 2013, in regular session. ATTEST: ___________________________________ L. Keith Brady, Mayor _________________________________ Della Hill, City Clerk Reviewed: ___________________________________ Cynthia E. Jenkins, Mayor Pro-Tem _________________________________ C. Bradford Sears, Jr., City Attorney ___________________________________ George M. Alexander, Councilmember ________________________________ Cleatus Phillips, City Manager ___________________________________ Rhodes Shell, Councilmember ___________________________________ Ray DuBose, Councilmember ___________________________________ Clayton Hicks, Councilmember ___________________________________ Robert W. Coggin, Councilmember 3 City of Newnan, Georgia - Mayor and Council Date: March 26, 2013 Agenda Item: Stillwood Drive Drainage Improvements Prepared by: Michael Klahr, Public Works Director/ City Engineer Purpose: To consider a contract award for Stillwood Drive Drainage Improvements Background: On March 12, 2013, separate sealed bids were received by the City of Newnan for construction of the above referenced project. The work generally consists in re-constructing 350 linear feet of Stillwood Drive approximately 250 feet north of the intersection of Stillwood Drive and Village Park Drive, including earthwork, asphaltic concrete pavement sections, utilities, curb & gutter, storm drainage, sidewalks, erosion control, traffic control, and other items and duties clarified in full on the Construction Plans. Five (5) bids were received. The lowest bid, submitted by Piedmont Paving, Inc. has been found to be responsive to the request for bids. All criteria outlined in the bid documents have been met. Options: A. Award a contract to Piedmont Paving, Inc. for $136,727.43 B. Other action as directed by Council Funding: SPLOST 2007 Recommendation: Attachments: Option A Bid Tabulations Bid Recommendation Letter, ISE March 20, 2013 Cleatus Phillips City Manager 25 LaGrange Street Newnan, Georgia 30263 Re: Bid Recommendation Letter Stillwood Drive Drainage Improvements City of Newnan, Georgia Dear Mr. Phillips: Integrated Science & Engineering, Inc. (ISE) has reviewed the bids received by the City of Newnan at 10:00 A.M., local time, on Tuesday, March 12, 2013, for construction on the abovereferenced project. A total of five (5) bids were received. ISE has reviewed each bid for completeness and accuracy. The following Contractors submitted bids: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Piedmont Paving, Inc. ISC, Inc. Southeastern Site Development, Inc. Crawford Grading and Pipeline, Inc. Site Engineering, Inc. $136,727.43 $150,392.15 $165,275.50 $168,147.64 $228,986.30 The low bid amount of $136,727.43 was submitted by Piedmont Paving, Inc. of Newnan, Georgia. The bid contained a 5% bid bond on proper bid form from a surety company listed on U. S. Treasury Circular 570. Further review indicates that this Contractor is qualified for road and drainage construction project, has successfully completed projects within the local area, has specifically completed projects similar in scope to this project, and meets the requirements of the bidding documents. As such, ISE recommends that the City of Newnan award the construction contract to Piedmont Paving, Inc. with a base bid amount of $136,727.43 for construction of the Stillwood Drive Drainage Improvements Project. Atlanta / Savannah 1039 Sullivan Road, Suite 200, Newnan, GA (p) 678.552.2106 30265 (f) 678.552.2107 Mr. Cleatus Phillips March 20, 2013 Page 2 of 2 If there are any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, INTEGRATED SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, INC. Richard A. Greuel, P.E. Senior Engineer Cc: Mr. Michael Klahr, P.E. City of Newnan, Georgia - Mayor and Council Date: March 26, 2013, 2012 Agenda Item: 48 Fair Street Prepared & Presented by: Shane Pridgen, Code Enforcement Officer Submitted by: Bill Stephenson, Chief Building Official Purpose: To provide a status report concerning the repairs to the structure located at 48 Fair Street. Some progress has been made, but not to the extent scheduled by the property owner. Background: Hearing was conducted on November 13, 2012 for the property owner to present a time frame for repairs needed to be made to the structure. Funding: Not applicable. Recommendation: 1. To inform council of progress made. Attachments: None City of Newnan, Georgia – Mayor and City Council Annexation Review Form Date: March 26, 2013 Agenda Item: Annexation Request - Annex2013-01 6.2 ± acres located off Lower Fayetteville Road by Dennis Drewyer for Ted Justiss Prepared and Presented by: Tracy S. Dunnavant, Planning Director Purpose: A request by Dennis Drewyer on behalf of Ted Justiss to annex tax parcels 087 5011 002A and 087 5011 004A located off Lower Fayetteville Road into the City limits. Background: Zoning District Requested Zoning Current Land Use Parcel Sizes County – RC (Rural Conservation District) CCS Single Family Residence and Vacant Land A total of 6.2 ± acres Dennis Drewyer, on behalf of Ted Justiss, is requesting the annexation of a total of 6.2 ± acres located off Lower Fayetteville Road into the city limits. The requested zoning is CCS (Community Shopping Center District), which will accommodate the proposed commercial/office development that he is envisioning on the site. CCS is a district designed to permit the development of neighborhood, community, and regional shopping centers in a scale with surrounding market areas. Community shopping centers provide a broad range of facilities and services appropriate to the general need of the area served. A commercial designation would be consistent with the County’s future land use map for this area as it is shown as an interstate gateway character area. Surrounding Zoning Classifications The tracts to be annexed are adjacent to the following: North: Lower Fayetteville Road R/W; Planned Development Residential/Commercial West: RC - Rural Conservation (County) South: RC - Rural Conservation (County) East: CCS (Community Shopping Center District); RS-15 (Suburban Residential Single Family Dwelling District – Medium Density) Surrounding Land Use Pattern The property is surrounded by mostly vacant land with an apartment complex located across Lower Fayetteville Road in the Madison Park planned development. In addition, the property to the west is the site of the old brown steel plant. Summary: Staff analyzed the following criteria prior to formulating a recommendation. Is the proposed use suitable in view of the zoning and development of adjacent and nearby property? Adjacent and nearby property is zoned for and currently houses both commercial and residential uses. In addition, the property to the west is part of the land formerly belonging to Brown Steel. The petitioner is seeking a CCS zoning designation and has submitted a concept plan showing roughly 45,000 square feet of commercial and office space. The property to the east already has this zoning designation and the County’s future development map shows the subject property as being part of their interstate gateway designation. An apartment complex is located across Lower Fayetteville Road as well as a portion of the Madison Park recreational area. Staff views the CCS zoning as an acceptable designation given the surrounding zonings and uses of the neighboring properties. As a condition of this zoning, Staff would recommend that the Quality Development Corridor (QDC) and Lower Fayetteville Road Commercial Landscape Corridor Overlay (LFR) requirements be placed on the tract as they already apply to the properties to the north and east. Will the proposed use adversely affect the existing use or usability of adjacent or nearby property? There will be no additional impact to adjacent properties to the north, east and west. A portion of the property does abut a couple of lots in Lakeshore subdivision; however, the petitioner is showing a 50 foot buffer between those lots and the proposed development. The required buffer is 35 foot densely planted, so the petitioner would actually be adding an additional 15 feet. Staff would recommend adding a condition requiring buffers as approved by the Landscape Architect to be installed as shown on the conceptual plan when the property is developed. Are their substantial reasons why the property cannot or should not be used as currently zoned? While most of the property is vacant, there is a residential home on a portion of the tract. The property could continue to be used as a residence. However, given the County’s future development plans for the area and the CCS zoning of the property to the east, Staff feels a commercial/office use would be more appropriate. Will the proposed use cause an excessive or burdensome use of public facilities or services, including but not limited to streets, schools, water or sewer utilities, and police or fire protection? Fire Chief, David Whitley, and Police Chief, Buster Meadows, indicated that they would be able to service this property with limited impact. Dennis Drewyer on behalf of Ted Justiss Annexation/Rezoning Request 2013 2 According to Scott Tolar, Newnan Utilities, there would be minimal impact in terms of water and sewer service; however, they cautioned that an easement may need to be acquired from the property to the east in order to be served by sanitary sewer. The City Engineer has suggested that the following items be addressed as part of the annexation approval: 1. The full access driveway proposed should only be allowed if the drive is lined up with Newnan Lakes Boulevard as shown. 2. A traffic study will be conducted prior to development to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If warranted, a portion of the cost of the signal equal to the development’s impact will be paid for by the developer or placed in escrow to cover future installation. 3. The cross parcel access shown to the Cates tracts should be a requirement to limit future access points onto Lower Fayetteville Road. 4. The development shall comply with the new Stillwood Creek Watershed Drainage Basin Ordinance passed by Mayor and Council October 9, 2012. The school system would not be impacted since the land will be used for commercial/office development. Is the proposed use compatible with the purpose and intent of the comprehensive plan? The Comprehensive Plan does not address this area, as it is presently in the County. The County’s Future Land Use Map shows the subject property as part of an interstate gateway character area. The proposed uses would be compatible with the County’s vision for this area. Will the use be consistent with the purpose and intent of the proposed zoning district? The applicant is proposing commercial and office uses; therefore, CCS would be an appropriate zoning district. Is the proposed use supported by new or changing conditions not anticipated by the comprehensive plan? As this property is in the County, it is not addressed by the City of Newnan Comprehensive Plan. However, this area is shown as being part of an interstate gateway on the County’s land use map, which would support the applicant’s request. In addition, the City’s future land use map does show the properties to the east as future commercial. Does the proposed use reflect a reasonable balance between the promotion of the public health, safety, morality, or general welfare and the right to unrestricted use of property? The use of the property does reflect a reasonable balance. Coweta County Response to the Annexation: Dennis Drewyer on behalf of Ted Justiss Annexation/Rezoning Request 2013 3 The Coweta County Board of Commissioners met on February 19, 2013 and voted to file no objection to the annexation. They asked the Council to consider the following during the annexation process: 1) The City of Newnan should provide Coweta County notice of any conditional uses, special exceptions, accessory uses and/or structures, and temporary or seasonal use/structure requests filed with the City, applicable to the subject property. 2) Whereas the subject property adjoins unincorporated Coweta County and the property is zoned for residential use, the City should require that adequate screening in the form of a vegetative buffer of at least 50 feet in depth or an opaque screen barrier be installed. 3) The City of Newnan should require that the applicant dedicate or reserve additional right-of-way along Lower Fayetteville Road along the subject property to accommodate the City’s possible future widening of the roadway. 4) The City should require the applicant to widen Lower Fayetteville Road east of the intersection of Newnan Lakes Boulevard to allow for the addition of a proposed left turn lane. Currently, the existing pavement begins to taper east of Newnan Lakes Boulevard. 5) The City should ensure that the existing cross drain under Lower Fayetteville Road will carry the flows from the proposed development. The Engineering Department has indicated that the majority of these will be addressed during the plan review process. Conditions Proffered as Part of the Annexation: The applicant has proffered the inclusion of the property in the QDC overlay. Options: A. B. C. Recommend approval of the applicants’ request to annex the subject properties into the corporate limits of Newnan Recommend approval of the annexation request with conditions Recommend denial of the annexation and rezoning request Planning Commission Recommendation: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 12, 2013 and voted unanimously to recommend Option “B”; approve the annexation requests with conditions. The conditions recommended by the Commissioners are as follows: 1. The property will be included in the Quality Development Corridor (QDC) overlay. 2. The property will be included in the Lower Fayetteville Road Commercial Landscape Corridor Overlay (LFR). 3. The site will be developed with a 50 foot buffer where the property abuts lots within Lakeshore subdivision and a 20 foot buffer where the property abuts the former Brown Steel property. Both buffers shall be approved by the City’sLandscape Architect. Dennis Drewyer on behalf of Ted Justiss Annexation/Rezoning Request 2013 4 4. The full access driveway proposed if approved by the Mayor and Council should only be allowed if the drive is lined up with Newnan Lakes Blvd as shown. 5. A traffic study will be conducted prior to development to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If warranted, a portion of the cost of the signal equal to the development’s impact will be paid for by the developer or placed in escrow to cover future installation. 6. The cross parcel access shown to the Cates tracts should be a requirement to limit future access points onto Lower Fayetteville Road. 7. The development shall comply with the new Stillwood Creek Watershed Drainage Basin Ordinance passed by Mayor and Council October 9, 2012. It should be noted that after the Planning Commission’s meeting, the Board of Commissioners submitted their items that they wanted the Council to consider which included right-of-way for the future widening of Lower Fayetteville Road. After discussing this issue with the City Manager, the Engineering Department, the Landscape Architect, and the applicant, Staff would recommend that condition 5 be amended to read as follows: 5. A traffic study, paid for by the applicant/developer, will be conducted prior to development to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. When warranted, the portion of the cost of the signal equal to the development’s impact will be paid for by the City. In exchange for the City paying the developer’s portion, the applicant will provide an additional 20 feet of right-of-way along the property’s road frontage to accommodate the future widening of Lower Fayetteville Road. The applicant has reviewed the proposed language and is agreeable to the amended condition. Attachments: Letter from applicant Annexation Application Survey Concept Plan Location Map County Response Previous Discussions with Council: January 22, 2013 Dennis Drewyer on behalf of Ted Justiss Annexation/Rezoning Request 2013 5 R EAM FB CLIF CT 85 RE M RU-7 RU-2 SOMERSET LN E GR RU-7 WA Y RLIN BL VD 85 NE WN A CGN N LA KE CGN SB CCS OI-2 CCS LV D PD PD MERRITT IVISION RD E RU-2 CCS SUM ME PD NEWNAN LAKES DR LYNNFIELD DR P RU-7 IN G TO N CLIFFHAVEN CIR S DR N PD R AMBREY LN R GE D JACK KL PAR RU-7 O LO CHASTAIN WAY RU-2 IN TA CHASTAIN CIR R NT AS CIR CCS CCS CCS CGN CCS LOWER FAYETTEVILLE RD PD PD PD PD CCS PD PD D LN PD RU-2 CAMERON CIR BALL ST D R AR AN CT CT IN THW SO U DR D LN PD RD BY P PD SS ING CCS NC RO L CT KEND A CT ABERDEEN O LW DR OD PD CARLISLE ST ZONING LEGEND CUN OI-1 RS-15 N CCS IHV OI-2 RU-2 CGN ILT PD RU-7 1:12,000 CHV MXD-1 RMH RU-I CSN OCR RML INTERSTATE ANNEXATION REQUEST PARCELS CITY LIMITS CAMDEN VILLAGE DR NA NE W INVERNESS AV KESWICK CT BRISBANE CT ST HU RO N TAHOE DR PRESERVE DR E NEWNAN RD STIL DR PD RS-15 CBD 1 inch = 1,000 feet PD RK VILLAGE PA Annexation Request CITY OF NEWNAN PLANNING DEPT. (AJB) 25 LAGRANGE STREET NEWNAN, GEORGIA 30263 LAKESHORE PKWY RS-15 ONTARIO CT PD E PAYTON DR CITY OF NEWNAN | RU-7 RS-15 D BLV GLADECRESS LN RS-15 G SIN OS CLIFF CIR 85 CR HAMPTON PL MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DR OD LWO ST IL AN RU-7 RU-7 DR SEABREEZE T WN NE ROCKCRESS CT K SW I AN PAUL ST HASTINGS ST LE ER IST CITY VIEW DR DODSON PL VIL ILL WINDY TR WAY R CH RA WREO LEOB TE TET DFASY EV Y WA D ON RU-7 ER TT RE MO W LO E FAY LI S N D E BBLV LVD COLLE C OOLM LM CO MAALLC M WEL EL JAN CCS CCS E CT RU-2 RMH ST RML IL L TH EE ZE CHICKAPE RU-7 KE LA S WE BR RU-7 RML PD CCS ABINGTON LN RU-7 CHV CCS WORCHESTER DR SE A S POPE ST HULL ST ALEXIA DR RML SAKOYA DR E BROA RU-7 WY CH PK TOSH MCIN RU-7 N RID BROW ISO RU-7 MARBELLA DR PD TE RIAR R N TE ILLE ST MILL ST RU-7 RU-2 GTO GRE ENV BENNETT ST ! R RU-7 RU-7 ED SUBD 29 HW AY IG H N RU-7 OI-2 IN COV POPE ST N POPE ST JACKSON ST FRANK ST GLENN ST EX N CROSS ING BLVD 16 A V DR CCS CCS AY 34 E HIGHW UNNAM AY BU BERRY AV PL E RO BO CGN RML S NEWNA HW TE M LLS P THOMASTON ST HIG W HIGHWAY 34 RML RA FF O N 47 P M EX A R F F O 47 M S I 85 W RML TORERO TR 85 N I 85 S RML POPE LN 70 BY PAS PINEWOOD VILLAS APTS HIGH WAY N NEWNA ROBERTS RD RU-7 OI-1 CHESTNUT LANE APTS BARCELONA ST RU-7 CGN Eric Edge and Ted Justiss 6.2 ± acres, off of Lower Fayetteville Road Land Lots 11 & 22, 5th Land District, Coweta County, Georgia Tax Parcels #0875011002A and #0875011004A ORDINANCE TO ANNEX TO THE EXISTING CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED LAND ADJOINING THE EXISTING CORPORATE LIMITS OF SAID CITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3636-21 OF THE OFFICIAL CODE OF GEORGIA, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Newnan, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same and by the authority granted to the governing authority of the City of Newnan by Section 36-36-21, Official Code of Georgia, annotated, that the following described property is hereby annexed and shall hereinafter be treated and considered as a part of the corporate limits of the City of Newnan, Georgia, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 11 and 22 of the 5th Land District of Coweta County, Georgia, containing 6.2± acres and being more particularly described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that said property is annexed into the corporate limits of the City of Newnan subject to the following conditions: 1. All development on the property will meet the Quality Development Corridor Overlay requirements as specified in the City’s Zoning Ordinance. 2. All development on the property will be included in and meet the Lower Fayetteville Road Commercial Landscape Corridor Overlay (LFR) requirements as specified in the City’s Zoning Ordinance. 3. The site will be developed with a 50 foot buffer where the property abuts lots within Lakeshore Subdivision and a 20 foot buffer where the property abuts the former Brown Steel property. Both buffers shall be approved by the City’s Landscape Architect. 4. The full access driveway proposed if approved by the Mayor and Council should only be allowed if the drive is lined up with Newnan Lakes Blvd. as shown. 5. A traffic study will be conducted prior to development to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If warranted, a portion of the cost of the signal equal to the development’s impact will be paid for by the developer or placed in escrow to cover future installation. 6. The cross parcel access shown to the Cates tracts should be a requirement to limit future access points onto Lower Fayetteville Road. 7. The development shall comply with the new Stillwood Creek Watershed Drainage Basin ordinance passed by Mayor and Council October 9, 2012. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that said property annexed be zoned CSS (Community Shopping Center District) subject to the conditions set out herein above and as provided in the separate rezoning ordinance adopted in connection herewith. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance shall be effective upon adoption and as provided in O.C.G.A. §36-36-2. DONE, RATIFIED AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, this _____ day of ______________, 2013 in regular session assembled. ATTEST: ___________________________________ L. Keith Brady, Mayor _________________________________ Della Hill, City Clerk ___________________________________ Cynthia E. Jenkins, Mayor Pro-Tem Reviewed: _________________________________ C. Bradford Sears, Jr., City Attorney ___________________________________ George M. Alexander, Councilmember ________________________________ Cleatus Phillips, City Manager ___________________________________ Rhodes Shell, Councilmember ___________________________________ Ray DuBose, Councilmember ___________________________________ Clayton Hicks, Councilmember ___________________________________ Robert W. Coggin, Councilmember Eric Edge & Ted Justiss 6.2 ± acres, off of Lower Fayetteville Road Land Lots 11 & 22, 5th Land District, Coweta County, Georgia Tax parcels #0875011002A and #0875011004A ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP FOR PROPERTY LOCATED OFF LOWER FAYETTEVILLE ROAD, CONTAINING 6.2± ACRES IN LAND LOTS 11 AND 22, OF THE FIFTH LAND DISTRICT, IN THE CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA WHEREAS, the owner has filed an application for rezoning of the property described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof from the Coweta County Zoning Classification RC (Rural Conservation District) to CSS (Community Shopping Center District) following annexation into the corporate limits of the City of Newnan; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission of the City of Newnan has forwarded its recommendation to the City Council; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance, the City Council has conducted a properly advertised public hearing on the rezoning application not less than 15 nor more than 45 days from the date of publication of notice, which public hearing was held on the 26th day of March, 2013; and WHEREAS, after the above-referenced public hearing, the City Council has annexed the property and has determined the re-zoning of the property would be in the best interest of the residents, property owners and citizens of the City of Newnan, Georgia; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, that the Zoning Map of the City of Newnan be revised as follows: Section I. That the property described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof containing 6.2± acres be rezoned as CCS (Community Shopping Center District) subject to the conditions which follow. 1. All development on the property will meet the Quality Development Corridor Overlay requirements as specified in the City’s Zoning Ordinance. 2. All development on the property will be included in and meet the Lower Fayetteville Road Commercial Landscape Corridor Overlay (LFR) requirements as specified in the City’s Zoning Ordinance. 3. The site will be developed with a 50 foot buffer where the property abuts lots within Lakeshore Subdivision and a 20 foot buffer where the property abuts the former Brown Steel property. Both buffers shall be approved by the City’s Landscape Architect. 4. The full access driveway proposed if approved by the Mayor and Council should only be allowed if the drive is lined up with Newnan Lakes Blvd. as shown. 5. A traffic study will be conducted prior to development to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. If warranted, a portion of the cost of the signal equal to the development’s impact will be paid for by the developer or placed in escrow to cover future installation. 6. The cross parcel access shown to the Cates tracts should be a requirement to limit future access points onto Lower Fayetteville Road. 7. The development shall comply with the new Stillwood Creek Watershed Drainage Basin ordinance passed by Mayor and Council October 9, 2012. Section II. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict or inconsistent with this Ordinance hereby are repealed. Section III. This ordinance shall be effective upon adoption; DONE, RATIFIED, and PASSED, by the City Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia, this the ______ day of ___________________, 2013 in regular session assembled. ATTEST: ___________________________________ L. Keith Brady, Mayor _________________________________ Della Hill, City Clerk ___________________________________ Cynthia E. Jenkins, Mayor Pro-Tem Reviewed: _________________________________ C. Bradford Sears, Jr., City Attorney ___________________________________ George M. Alexander, Councilmember ________________________________ Cleatus Phillips, City Manager ___________________________________ Rhodes Shell, Councilmember ___________________________________ Ray DuBose, Councilmember ___________________________________ Clayton Hicks, Councilmember ___________________________________ Robert W. Coggin, Councilmember City of Newnan, Georgia - Mayor and Council Date: March 26, 2013 Agenda Items: Public Hearing - Future land use map amendment along the future McIntosh Parkway Prepared and Presented by: Tony Bernard, Planner Purpose: Solicit feedback regarding the proposed amendment to the City’s future land use map along the future extension of McIntosh Parkway. Background: The attached map was presented for review at the January 8th City Council meeting, all council feedback was received by January 25th. The proposed amendments to the future land use map along the planned extension of McIntosh Parkway were sent to the Three Rivers Regional Commission (TRRC) for their review and approval. The current land use plan in this area is predominantly “medium density residential” (single family homes on less than one acre, townhomes, and apartments). Staff envisions that the land along this future corridor will develop as low impact neighborhood commercial \office centers to serve the existing and planned residential developments within the area. In addition, Staff proposes to change a portion of land along McIntosh Parkway from medium density residential to park/rec/conservation to preserve an existing floodplain and encourage the investment of quality greenspace. The TRRC review found that “the proposed amendment to the future land use map maintains consistency with the 2006-2026 Newnan Comprehensive Plan.” Request: Staff is requesting that the Mayor and Council forward any additional feedback concerning this proposed map amendment to the planning and zoning department. Otherwise, staff will bring this item back to City Council for adoption at the April 9th meeting. Attachments: • Map - Proposed land use along the future McIntosh Parkway, • Map - Current land use along the future McIntosh Parkway, • Letter – Three Rivers Regional Commission Future Land Use Amendment Review N ERSO R PA ST KB D LV SO UTH INDUSTRIAL ST D RD W AY OR CT LN MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL IA MA LL E NEWNAN CROSSING BYP UNNAME HELMS ST SPENCE ST ST ID DR AV VA LE NC MATADOR WAY DR SE VI MA TA D FE RS JE F R DR CT PHY O A AD AN GR MU R R BO LS L U OT ON ST R RE TO B BILB O ASHLEY PARK DR JEFF EY HL T MAIN S AS RD EAST ST RRY WEST ST SPR AYB E MCINTOSH PKWY PARKWAY NORTH CE DR TOWER PL BA R ND SUTHERLA PUBLIC/INSTITUTIONAL MARBEL LA DR LO NA ST COMMERCIAL SOMERSET LN TO NW AY N E WN A N LA KES B LVD CLIFFHAVEN CIR MERRITT CIR LO SAKOYA DR CAMERON CIR Proposed Land Use along future McIntosh Parkway CITY OF NEWNAN PLANNING DEPT. (AJB) 25 LAGRANGE STREET NEWNAN, GEORGIA 30263 ER D 85 85 ABINGTON LN JANE LN CITY OF NEWNAN | L VIL N I 85 ALEXIA DR HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL R WE E TT YE FA WORCHESTER DR CLIFFHAVEN CIR PINSON ST HULL ST S POPE ST CT IN G LN E BR O AD R GE D CHASTAIN WAY N R ID LYNNFIELD DR DR CHASTAIN CIR BROW S JACK ST R NEWNAN LAKES DR OP SMITH R TE AMBREY LN R JONES ST E BROAD LO AD ST NT E BR O N ISO MCINTOSH PKWY KL PAR AIN ST TON ST A CH E WASHING E GR LOCUST DR BRIA R N TE RE M OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL THOMASTON ST ROBERTS RD BENNETT ST F CLIF GTO MILL STREAM CT PITTS ST FRANK ST COMMERCIAL, MIXED USE IN COV GLENN ST PARK/REC/CONSERVATION POPE LN BERRY AV BERRY AV POPE ST N POPE ST FARMER ST CHESTNUT LANE APTS WILCOXEN ST PINEWOOD VILLAS APTS COLE PL SPONCL ER PL N 1:12,000 1 inch = 1,000 feet LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CHICKAPE E CT LAND USE LEGEND COMMERCIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL MCINTOSH PKWY EXT. COMMERCIAL, MIXED USE MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED ACCESS RDS OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL INTERSTATE INDUSTRIAL PARK/REC/CONSERVATION STATE ROUTE 34 TRANS/COMM/UTILITIES PUBLIC/INSTITUTIONAL PARCELS CITY LIMITS JEFF N ERSO Y PA ST RK B SO UTH INDUSTRIAL ST ASHLEY PARK DR T MAIN S LE ASH RD EAST ST RRY WEST ST SPR AYB E LVD D RD LN COMMERCIAL, MIXED USE MCINTOSH PKWY ST LO NA CE BA R CT SOMERSET LN BROW CLIFFHAVEN CIR CHASTAIN WAY CHASTAIN CIR NE W NA N LA KE SB LV D NEWNAN LAKES DR MERRITT CIR LO SAKOYA DR ALEXIA DR L VIL ER D 85 85 N CLIFFHAVEN CIR PINSON ST R WE E TT YE FA WORCHESTER DR CAMERON CIR EL JAN HULL ST S POPE ST CT O AD TO NW AY LN E BR ST DR OP SMITH R GE D LYNNFIELD DR R LO NT JONES ST E BROAD N ISO AD ST KL PAR AIN ST E BR O E GR MCINTOSH PKWY A CH TON ST S JACK LOCUST DR IN G AMBREY LN N R ID HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL T ER S I 85 PARK/REC/CONSERVATION EA M POPE LN ROBERTS RD MILL ST R CLIF RE M R FBRIA R N TE PITTS ST BENNETT ST Question MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL GTO POPE ST N POPE ST FARMER ST FRANK ST IN COV GLENN ST PINEWOOD VILLAS APTS COLE PL BERRY AV BERRY AV THOMASTON ST TOWER PL DR CHESTNUT LANE APTS MARBEL LA DR ND SUTHERLA PUBLIC/INSTITUTIONAL WILCOXEN ST E WASHING PARKWAY NORTH COMMERCIAL OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL SPONCL ER PL CT IA MA LL E NEWNAN CROSSING BYP UNNAME W AY OR AV VA LE NC MATADOR WAY HELMS ST SPENCE ST ST ID DR SE VI MA TA D FE RS JE F R PHY DR CT MU R DR A AD AN GR BILB O O OT ON ST R RE TO B R BO LS L U ABINGTON LN LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CHICKAPE E CT CITY OF NEWNAN | Current Future Land Use along McIntosh Parkway CITY OF NEWNAN PLANNING DEPT. (AJB) 25 LAGRANGE STREET NEWNAN, GEORGIA 30263 N 1:12,000 1 inch = 1,000 feet LAND USE LEGEND COMMERCIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL MCINTOSH PKWY EXT. COMMERCIAL, MIXED USE MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED ACCESS RDS OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL INTERSTATE INDUSTRIAL PARK/REC/CONSERVATION STATE ROUTE 34 TRANS/COMM/UTILITIES PUBLIC/INSTITUTIONAL PARCELS CITY LIMITS FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT REVIEW Three Rivers Regional Commission P. O. Box 818 Griffin, GA 30224 Telephone: 678-692-0510 Fax: 678-692-0513 City of Newnan Future Land Use Map Amendment to 2006—2026 Comprehensive Plan Date of Review: January 22, 2013 Submitting Local Government's Address: City of Newnan Planning & Zoning Department 25 LaGrange Street Newnan, GA 30263 Local Government Contact Person: Tony Bernard, City Planner Telephone: 770-254-2354 Email:] Description of Proposed future land use amendment: The City of Newnan has proposed to amend its current future land use map along McIntosh Parkway. The City envisions the land use along this future corridor as “low impact neighborhoods with commercial/office/ centers.” In additon, the City proposes to change a portion of land along McIntosh Parkway from Medium Density Residential to Park/Rec/Conservation to preserve an existing floodplain area and encourage the investment of quality greenspace. Reviewing Regional Commission: TRRC Contact Person: Address: Telephone: Three Rivers Regional Commission Aronda Smith, Planner Three Rivers Regional Commission P. O. Box 818, 120 North Hill Street Griffin, GA 30224 678-692-0510 Email: FINDINGS: Three Rivers Regional Commission finds the proposed amendment to the future land use map maintains consistency with the 2006-2026 Newnan Comprehensive Plan. City of Newnan, Georgia - Mayor and Council Date: March 14, 2013 Agenda Items: Adopt City of Newnan BikePed Plan – Phase I Prepared and Presented by: Tony Bernard, Planner Purpose: At the request of City Council, Planning and Zoning staff has drafted phase 1 of the citywide bicycle and pedestrian plan. Staff is requesting that the Mayor and Council adopt the attached plan. Background: The attached plan was presented for review at the January 8th City Council meeting, all feedback was received by February 1st. The BikePed Plan – Phase I represents a conceptual bicycle, sidewalk, and trail network, building upon previous and ongoing local and regional planning efforts, and reflecting input offered by city staff and Newnan residents. The recommended projects and strategies described in the attached plan are intended to: • Build upon investments in the existing and planned bicycle and pedestrian system • Serve a broad range of existing and potential users (various ages, confidence levels, and trip types) • Enhance the existing system to better serve users • Expand the system to streamline connections and develop new routes to better serve existing and future destinations • Establish seamless links with surrounding county planned greenways and bicycle routes • Enhance user safety and comfort This project is being done in-house and will include the sidewalk network created in the City's GIS mapping system and database developed in Phase I. Recognizing that there are limited resources to address bicycle and sidewalk deficiencies, the next phase of this plan will use a matrix to rank the potential bicycle and pedestrian segments outlined in Phase I. The matrix indices are connection deficiency and user potential. Bicycle and sidewalk facility expenditures will then provide maximum benefit. Phase II of this plan is estimated to be completed in September. Request: Staff is requesting that the Mayor and Council adopt the City of Newnan BikePed Plan – Phase I. Attachments: City of Newnan BikePed plan – Phase I showing the proposed bike, pedestrian, and trail network. From: Brad Smith [] Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:40 AM To: Libby Winn Subject: Request for sign approval for Summergrove Semi-annual Yard Sale The Summergrove Social Committee is requesting to be allowed to place 3 X 3 signs at the entrances to Summergrove Subdivision along Lower Fayetteville Road and Newnan Crossing Blvd. on May 2nd through May 4th and on September 5th through September 7th. These signs will be used for advertising the Semi-annual Summergrove Community Yard Sale. Thank you for your consideration, Brad Smith Summergrove Social Committee 12 High Vista Newnan, Ga 30265 770-251-0600 Motion to Enter into Executive Session I move that we now enter into closed session as allowed by O.C.G.A. §50-14-4 and pursuant to advice by the City Attorney, for the purpose of discussing And that we, in open session, adopt a resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor or presiding officer to execute an affidavit in compliance with O.C.G.A. §50-14-4, and that this body ratify the actions of the Council taken in closed session and confirm that the subject matters of the closed session were within exceptions permitted by the open meetings law. Motion to Adopt Resolution after Adjourning Back into Regular Session I move that we adopt the resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the affidavit stating that the subject matter of the closed portion of the council meeting was within the exceptions provided by O.C.G.A. §50-14-4(b).
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