the City of Newnan
the City of Newnan
Newnan City Council Meeting September 23, 2013 - 6:30 P.M. AGENDA CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Keith Brady INVOCATION READING OF MINUTES I Minutes from Regular Meeting on September 10, 2013 .......................................................... Tab A REPORTS OF BOARDS AND COMMISSION I 1 Appointment – Newnan Cultural Arts Commission – 3 Year Term (Unexpired) II 1 Appointment – Keep Newnan Beautiful – 3 Year Term (Unexpired) III 1 Appointment – Livable Centers Initiative Study Team – Term/Project REPORTS ON OPERATIONS BY CITY MANAGER REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR NEW BUSINESS I Recreation Facility and Program Agreement between Coweta County and the City of Newnan ......................................................................................................................... Tab B II The Boys and Girls Club of Metro Atlanta Request the opportunity to enter into a multi-year agreement with the City to manage and operate the Wesley Street Gym .......................................................................................................................................... Tab C III Surplus Property Declaration and Disposition .......................................................................... Tab D IV Presentation of 2014 Newnan Centre Budget .......................................................................... Tab E NEWNAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA September 23, 2013 @ 6:30 P.M. Page 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS I Public Hearing – City’s request to rezone a total of 10.692+ acres at the old Hannah Homes site from OCR (Open Space, Conservation and Recreation District) and RML (Residential Multiple Family Dwelling-Lower Density District) to CGN (General Commercial to construct a Public Safety Complex and allow additional commercial businesses on the site .......................................................................... Tab F An ordinance to amend the zoning map for property located at Jefferson Street/Augusta Drive, Tax Map N05 0001 006 and Tax Map No 0001 008 containing 10.106 acres in the City of Newnan, Georgia II Public Hearing – 4 & 6 St. Clair Street – Resolution to repair or demolish ............................Tab G III Public Hearing – 39 Ray Street – Resolution to repair or demolish ....................................... Tab H IV Public Hearing – 121 Pinson Street – Resolution to repair or demolish ................................. Tab I VISITORS, PETITIONS, COMMUNICATIONS & COMPLAINTS I First Baptist Church requests to block Brown Street between Madison and West Washington Streets from 7:00 am until 4:30 pm on Sunday October 27, 2013 for a church-wide fellowship ........................................................................................................... Tab J II Sam Connor, Newnan CPR request for permission to randomly teach “Free Hands-Only CPR” training on the Newnan Square Sidewalks – No set schedule, possibly twice a month for approximately two hours at a time, free to community .................. Tab K III Request from Margaret Thompson, Newnan Chapter No. 483 of the Eastern Star to host the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Parade at noon downtown on Saturday January 11, 2014 beginning with parade participants entering on Sewell Rd then starting at Armory Road and LaGrange and ending at Willie Lynch Park ................................................................................................................................ Tab L IV Request from Newnan Junior Service League to hold their annual 5K/10K and Leprechaun Dash on Saturday May 14, 2014 beginning at 7:30 am on the certified race route used yearly ............................................................................................... Tab M V Request from Gabby Williamson for C4 Productions, Inc. for one-block lane closure on Broad Street between Perry Street and Thompson Street during filming and one day before both shoots for the filming of “Seashore” at Caldwell Tanks in December and January.............................................................................................. Tab N EXECUTIVE SESSION – LEGAL, PERSONNEL AND REAL ESTATE ADJOURNMENT CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 2:30 p.m. in the Richard A. Bolin Council Chambers of City Hall with Mayor Keith Brady presiding. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Brady called the meeting to order and delivered the invocation. PRESENT Mayor Keith Brady: Council members present: George Alexander; Ray DuBose; Cynthia E. Jenkins; Clayton Hicks; Robert Coggin and Rhodes Shell. Also present were: City Manager, Cleatus Phillips; City Clerk, Della Hill; Planning Director, Tracy Dunnavant; Code Enforcement Officer, Shane Pridgen; Business Development Director, Hasco Craver; City Attorney, Clay Hudson and Police Chief “Buster” Douglas Meadows. MINUTES – REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING – AUGUST 27, 2013 Motion by Councilman Coggin, seconded by Councilman Alexander to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Regular Council meeting for August 27, 2013 and adopt them as presented. MOTION CARRIED. (7 - 0) APPOINTMENT – CONVENTION CENTER AUTHORITY Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Jenkins, seconded by Councilman Alexander to appoint Carles Stinson to the Convention Center Authority for a 3 year unexpired term. MOTION CARRIED. (7– 0) APPOINTMENT – NEWNAN CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION Mayor Brady asked the City Manager to place Councilman Alexander’s appointment to the Newnan Cultural Arts Commission on the agenda for the next meeting. APPOINTMENT – KEEP NEWNAN BEAUTIFUL Mayor Brady asked the City Manager to place Councilman Hicks appointment to the Keep Newnan Beautiful Commission on the agenda for the next meeting. CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 APPOINTMENTS - THE LIVABLE CENTERS INITIATIVE CORE TEAM Motion by Councilman DuBose, seconded by Councilman Alexander to appoint Dr. Rebecca Gibson to the Livable Centers Initiative Team. MOTION CARRIED. (7 – 0) Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Jenkins, seconded by Councilman Alexander to appoint Kathie Gay to the Livable Centers Initiative Team. MOTION CARRIED. (7 – 0) HOWARD WARNER COMMITTEE – FACILITY USE RECOMMENDATION Dr. Gibson stated over the past two months the Committee has been listening to individuals with proposals and presentations for the building, to determine if the projects are feasible. A common theme that keeps arising is the lack of funding. Neither presenter has the funds needed to renovate the facility. They are having a hard time envisioning raising the millions of dollars needed to bring the building up to code. The Committee feels they were able to identify several good programs for the buildings, but are up against an impossible task in finding funding sources. They are asking Council’s assistance in developing a plan of action to address the funding issue which is keeping them from completing their task. Mayor Brady thanked Dr. Gibson and the Committee for their hard work. He indicated it is very hard to try to come up with a plan and funds to execute the plan. Councilman Coggin asked if the million dollars would be for restoring the building or for programs. He understands there is money that can be used. Mayor Brady indicated there is SPLOST money that can be used. The next step is operations of programs with funding. Ms. Gibson stated there are a number of groups waiting to present their programs both educational and recreational to the committee. Mayor Pro Tem Jenkins noted the SPLOST is tied to a Community/Recreation Center within the neighborhood. She thinks this would be an outstanding use for the community and for a recreation project. There are several ideas floating around, one being after school programs. She is in the process of getting a community center in the facility along with a nonprofit organization that can be self-sustaining with ongoing programs. Councilman Coggin asked if the Boys and Girls Club had been contacted. CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 Ms. Gibson stated the Boys and Girls Club has been contacted but because of funding they are not able to provide that service at this time. The YMCA has recently been contacted and it is a matter of coming up with something affordable. MAIN STREET MANAGER Business Development Director/Main Street introduced the new Main Street Manager, Courtney Collins, and welcomed her to Newnan. She has a great back ground in preservation. BOY SCOUT TROOP 2193 COKES CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Mayor Brady welcomed a member of Boy Scout Troop 2193 Cokes Chapel United Methodist Church who is satisfying one of the requirements for Citizenship and Community Badge. PROCLAMATION – CONSTITUTION WEEK Mayor Brady stated the Proclamation for Constitution Week is an annual event and this year it will be the week of September 17- 23, 2013. He welcomed the members of the DAR that were present, read the Proclamation and presented it to them. PUBLIC HEARING – ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSE – TEMPLE FOOD MART Mayor Brady opened a public hearing on the application for the transfer of Licensee from Nazmin Kaba to Nareshkumar Patel on the Retail Off Premise (Package) Sales of Malt Beverages and Wine License for MJN LLC d/b/a Temple Food Mart located at 114 Temple Avenue. A representative of applicant was present for the hearing. No one spoke for or against the application. Mayor Brady closed the public hearing. The City Clerk advised that all the documentation had been received and everything was in order. Motion by Councilman Coggin, seconded by Councilman Hicks to approve the application for the transfer of Licensee from Nazmin Kaba to Nareshkumar Patel on the Retail Off Premise (Package) Sales of Malt Beverages and Wine License for MJN LLC d/b/a Temple Food Mart located at 114 Temple Avenue. MOTION CARRIED. (7 – 0) CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 PUBLIC HEARING – ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSE – J PAUL’S SPORTS BAR AND GRILL Mayor Brady opened a public hearing on the application for the transfer of License Representative from Roger McDonald to Jerome White on the Retail On Premise (Pouring) Sales of Distilled Spirits, Malt Beverages and Wine License for Winning Venture, Inc. d//b/a J Paul’s Sports Bar and Grill located at 385 Hwy 29. A representative of applicant was present for the hearing. No one spoke for or against the application. Mayor Brady closed the public hearing. The City Clerk advised that all the documentation had been received and everything was in order. Motion by Councilman Coggin, seconded by Councilman Hicks to approve the application for the transfer of License Representative from Roger McDonald to Jerome White on the Retail On Premise (Pouring) Sales of Distilled Spirits, Malt Beverages and Wine License for Winning Venture, Inc. d/b/a J Paul’s Sports Bar and Grill located at 385 Hwy 29. MOTION CARRIED. (7 – 0) PROPOSALS – FINANCING NEWNAN HOSPITAL REDEVELOPMENT The City Manager stated a total of five (5) proposals were received for financing of the Newnan Hospital Redevelopment Project. After close evaluation, Staff recommends that Council accept the financing proposal from United Bank. The loan is fixed at 1.9% for the first 5 years and United Bank is waiving the loan origination fee and their closing costs. It is also recommended that the City utilize the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) as the conduit for such financing. This process will require development of intergovernmental agreement with the DDA to act as the loan recipient. It is further recommended that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate an agreement with the firm of Alston & Byrd to assist the City Attorney with the legal process of this financing. This form of direct financing will require legal assistant to work with United Bank’s legal Counsel on loan documents. It will require legal opinion, and creations of resolution and intergovernmental agreements to be considered by Council and Downtown Development Authority. Most important it is going to require the creation of petition for Court validation which the City Attorney recommended utilizing this type of financing. The estimated closing should be the end of the year. Motion by Councilman Coggin, seconded by Councilman Alexander to accept the proposal from United Bank for the financing of the Newnan Hospital Redevelopment project at a fixed rate of 1.9% for the first 5 years with the bank waiving the loan origination fee and closing costs. MOTION CARRIED. (7 – 0) CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 AWARD CONTRACT – BELT ROAD GUARDRAIL The City Manager stated a total of four bids were received. Keck & Wood, Inc., the Engineer of Record, has reviewed the bids. The lowest bid, submitted by Integrated Construction and Nobility, Inc. for $52,659.70 has been found to be responsive to the request for bids. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Jenkins, seconded by Councilman Alexander to award the bid for the Belt Road Guardrail project to Integrated Construction and Nobility, Inc. for $52,659.70 and funding from SPLOST2007. MOTION CARRIED. (7 - 0) AGREEMENT – J SMITH LANIER – USE OF PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION The City Manager informed Council this is an agreement with J Smith Lanier, broker service, for our optional insurance. This agreement sets forth the City’s expectations for use of the Protected Health Information and their responsibilities in maintaining confidentially. Motion by Councilman Coggin, seconded by Councilman Alexander to approve the agreement with J. Smith Lanier for the use of the Protected Health Information for our optional insurance. MOTION CARRIED. (7 – 0) REQUEST – REZONING RZ2013-03 – HEATH HAWKINS ON BEHALF OF DAVIS DEVELOPMENT – REZONE 22.46± ACRES - OFF OF NEWNAN CROSSING BOULEVARD EAST – FROM OI-2 (OFFICE INSTITUTIONAL-HIGH DENSITY) TO RMH (RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT-HIGHER DENSITY) – INFORMATION ONLY The Planning Director stated the request is before Planning Commission for consideration and recommendation. SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING –125 LAGRANGE STREET The Code Enforcement Officer is seeking Council’s approval to schedule a public hearing for October 22, 2013 for the substandard structure located at 125 LaGrange Street. Motion by Councilman Coggin, seconded by Councilman Alexander to approve the request to schedule a public hearing for the substandard structure located at 125 LaGrange Street for October 22, 2013. MOTION CARRIED. (7– 0) CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 SUBSTANDARD HOUSING STATUS REPORT – 7 BURDETT PLACE, 7 UPPER MANN STREET, 48 FAIR STREET The Code Enforcement Officer informed Council of the status report of various properties having been before Council in Public Hearings. Resolution Property Owner Status Deadline 7 Burdett Place Charles Carmichael Progress made 10/23/13 7 Upper Mann Street Donald Smith Progress on Exterior 10/23/13 48 Fair Street Bill Fike Progress Continuing 05/13/13 The Code Enforcement Officer indicated no further action is required. CONSIDERATION – GATEWAY SIGNAGE MASTER PLAN REVISION The Business Development Director informed Council the committee has addressed the comments received from Council at the June 11, 2013 meeting. He stated the more industrial rivets were removed and decorative filigree elements were added to make the sign appear less industrial. The base was widened and the top portion of sign has been simplified. The City Manager stated the primary gateway sign would be located at Exit 47. His vision would be to clean up the intersection in conjunction with the sign and maybe adding some landscaping at the exit. Motion by Councilman DuBose, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Jenkins to approve the Gateway Signage Master Plan as recommended by the committee and to proceed as appropriate. MOTION CARRIED. (7– 0) REQUEST – AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY – HOLD 5K WALK – SATURDAY OCTOBER 19, 2013 – ASHLEY PARK – TEMPORARILY CLOSING PORTIONS OF NEARBY STREETS Motion by Councilman Alexander, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Jenkins to approve the request for the American Cancer Society to hold a 5K Walk on Saturday October 19, 2013 at Ashley Park at 8:00 am temporarily closing portions of nearby streets. MOTION CARRIED. (7- 0) CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 REQUEST – FULL CIRCLE TOYS – CLOSE MADISON STREET BETWEEN JEFFERSON AND PERRY STREETS – SATURDAY OCTOBER 26 FOR AN EVENT Motion by Councilman Alexander, seconded by Councilman Coggin to approve the request for Full Circle Toys to close Madison Street between Jefferson and Perry Streets from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm on Saturday 26 for an event. MOTION CARRIED. (7– 0) REQUEST – NEWNAN JUNIOR SERVICE LEAGUE – SET A COLLECTION POINT ON THE DOWNTOWN SQUARE – HOLD 30TH ANNUAL CAN-A-THON Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Jenkins, seconded by Councilman Shell to approve the request by the Newnan Junior Service League to set up a collection point on the downtown square to hold their 30th Annual Can-A-Thon which will benefit the Coweta County Food Pantry on Tuesday December 3rd from 7 am to 7pm. MOTION CARRIED. (7– 0) REQUEST – MARCH OF DIMES – HOLD 2014 MARCH FOR BABIES COWETA WALK Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Jenkins, seconded by Councilman Alexander to approve the request from March of Dimes to hold their 2014 March for Babies Coweta Walk on Saturday May 17, 2014 beginning at 10:00 am on the route they have used in the past years which begins and ends at Carl Miller Park. MOTION CARRIED. (7 -0) REQUEST – FOUR CORNERS CHURCH – HOLD BARBEQUE FUNDRAISER Motion by Councilman Hicks, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Jenkins to approve the request from Four Corners Church to hold their Barbeque Fundraiser on Saturday October 12th from 9 am to 5 pm. MOTION CARRIED. (7– 0) VISTORS – DRAINAGE Marcus Rosser, 10 Tuxedo Avenue, informed Council there is a serious drainage problem with water washing out his yard and his neighbors also. He is asking that someone come out and check on this problem which has been going on for some time. The City Manager indicated a site visit was made and we are in the process of getting quotes from engineering firms. We are trying to supply the firms with as much information as possible in order to establish a cost proposal for Council to consider. CITY OF NEWNAN, GEORGIA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 Annie Warner, 29 Domineck Street, informed Council she is having a drainage issue also. She has built a retainer wall but when the drainage ditch runs over it runs down her driveway causing problems. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Councilman Shell, seconded by Councilman Coggin to adjourn the Council meeting at 3:15 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. (7 - 0) ______________ Della Hill, City Clerk _________________ Keith Brady, Mayor City of Newnan Cleatus Phillips, City Manager MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council DATE: September 23, 2013 RE: Recreation Agreement / Wesley Street Gym _________________________________________________________________________ The Recreation Agreement between Coweta County and the City of Newnan has been updated for another year of joint operations and is presented for your approval. Please note that the Wesley Street Gym has been removed from the agreement as Coweta County has stated that program participation has steadily declined over the past few years. Cleatus Phillips, City Manager Libby Winn, Administrative Assistant Newnan City Hall P O Box 1193 Newnan, GA 30264 (P) 770-254-2358 (F) 770-254-2353 RECREATION FACILITY AND PROGRAM AGREEMENT GEORGIA COWETA COUNTY THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ___ date of ___________, by and between the City of Newnan, Georgia, hereinafter called “City” and the Board of Commissioners of Coweta County, State of Georgia, hereinafter called “County”. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, The governing bodies of the City and County are mutually interested in an adequate program of community recreation under the auspices of the County Recreation Department; and WHEREAS, said governing bodies are authorized to enter into agreements convenient to and cooperate in the cultivation of citizenship by providing for adequate programs of community recreation; and WHEREAS, the County has established a Recreation Department responsible for carrying out the purposes of community recreation in Coweta County; and WHEREAS, in the interest of providing the best service with the least possible expenditure of public funds; full cooperation between the City and County is necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, said City and County agrees to cooperate with each other in carrying out the above purpose, and to that end agree as follows: 1. The City will make available to the County for community recreation activities the following: a) b) c) d) e) Swimming Pool at Lynch Park (previously know as Duncan Street Pool) Pickett Field at Lynch Park C. J. Smith Field Westgate Park Ray Park 2. The City agrees as follows: a) To pay for all utility expenses for each facility b) To provide a response to the equipment, repairs, and renovations to needed at the facilities upon written request from the County Recreation Department no later than October 31st each year. Any disputes concerning the necessity for repairs shall be resolved by the City Manager and the County Administrator. Disputes which are irresolvable at this level shall be 1 Recreation Facility and Program Agreement forwarded to the Mayor and County Commission for their resolution. The County shall have the right to suspend any scheduled program at a facility if that facility is unsafe for the program and officials are unable to reach an agreement concerning the necessity of the repair. c) To mow and maintain the grounds surrounding facilities with the exception of areas used as ball fields and, practice fields, and the grounds of Ray Park. d) To purchase adequate liability insurance to cover the facilities included in this agreement. The city agrees to provide the County with a Certificate of Insurance naming the County as an “additional insured”. e) To provide renovations and equipment at the facilities to improve the conditions at each as approximately set forth in Exhibit “A”. f)e) To pledge to continue to upgrade facilities over a five year period and to develop a specific schedule for such improvements, including a plan to bring into compliance with any applicable federal or state regulations. 3. The County, through its Recreation Department of Recreation, agrees as follows: a) To provide adequate personnel to supervise recreation activities sponsored by the county at City facilities as set forth in Exhibit “BA”. b) To provide a list of equipment, repairs, and maintenance needed at the facilities to the City no later than September 30th each year. b)c) To provide daily cleaning and oversight of each facility, Monday through Friday, and to inform the City of any maintenance needs or hazardous conditions existing at any facility. c)d) To maintain all grounds used as ball fields or practice fields. Such maintenance to include, but not limited to seeding, rolling, fertilizing, surface maintenance and mowing. d)e)To provide all recreation equipment and supplies necessary to properly conduct recreational activities and afford the proper cleaning, maintenance and mowing of ball fields, and practice fields. e)f) To purchase adequate liability insurance to cover any program held at the facilities under the auspices of the County Recreation Department. The County agrees to provide the City with a Certificate of Insurance naming the City as an “additional insured”. 2 Recreation Facility and Program Agreement 4. It is further agreed that any permanent improvement or any equipment which is permanently affixed on facilities contained in this agreement shall remain the property of the City. 5. Any disputes concerning the necessity for equipment, repairs, and maintenance shall be resolved by the City Manager and the County Administrator. Disputes which are irresolvable at this level shall be forwarded to the Mayor and County Commission for their resolution. The County shall have the right to suspend any scheduled program at a facility if that facility is unsafe for the program and officials are unable to reach an agreement concerning the necessity of the repair. 6.5. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period beginning October 1, 2013 and ending on September 30, 2014. The Agreement shall be automatically renewed for successive one (1) year terms thereafter unless cancelled upon written notice by either party. Either party may terminate this contract with sixty (60) days written notice. This agreement will expire at midnight December 31, 2011, but it is the intention of each governing body to continue to cooperate in the provision of recreational opportunities. a) No later than September 30th the City shall provide a list of requested changes to the programs to be provided at City facilities and a revised Exhibit “A” indicating improvements planning for these facilities. b) No later than October 31st the County shall respond to these requests and submit a revised Exhibit “B” which will reflect the programs to be operated by the County. 3 Recreation Facility and Program Agreement EXHIBIT A RECREATION PROGRAM AGREEMENT LYNCH PARK POOL Cover and winterize pool at end of season Remove cover and start pool filtration system at beginning of season Touch up painted areas of pool house as necessary WESLEY STREET GYM Paint interior ceilings and walls Replace lighting PICKETT FIELD Maintain and replace fence as necessary Rehab drive and parking lot Repair dugout Repair concession building Reseed grassy areas C J PARK Repair fence 4 Recreation Facility and Program Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and pursuant to the authority granted by duly recorded resolutions, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed on their behalf. ATTEST: CITY OF NEWNAN City Clerk By: _____________________________ Mayor City Manager City Attorney ATTEST: COWETA COUNTY, GEORGIA County Clerk By: _____________________________ Chairman County Attorney 5 RECREATION FACILITY AND PROGRAM AGREEMENT EXHIBIT A Lynch Park Pool: Apply for Health Department permit annually Pool Schedule: o Opens on Memorial Day weekend o Weekday open swim starts at 1:00 p.m. o Open on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. o Open on Sunday from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. o Weekday Programs that begin prior to the 1:00 open swim (program times to be determined by the Recreation Department): Monday and Wednesday - Day Camp Swimming Tuesday and Thursday - Swimming Lessons and Water Aerobics Friday - "Mommy and Me Swim" and "Adults Only Swim" Additional programs may be announced by the Recreation Department and will be scheduled to begin prior to weekday 1:00 open swim When students return to school, the pool will be open on weekdays for morning programs and special events only. When students return to school, the pool will be open for open swim on Friday (1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.), Saturday (11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., and Sunday (1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.). Last day of operation for the season will be Labor Day Pickett Field: Maintain field for league practice Support the City upon written request C. J. Smith Softball Field: Spring and Summer League/Tournament Play o March through August Fall League Play o September through October Winter Field and Grass Maintenance o November through March Westgate Park: Support the City upon written request City of Newnan, Georgia Mayor and Council Date: September 23, 2013 Agenda Item: Surplus Property Declaration and Disposition Prepared By: Ronda Helton, Program Manager Presented By: Cleatus Phillips, City Manager Purpose: To obtain Council approval of the disposal of the City’s surplus and/or obsolete property, per the schedule attached. Background: The items on the attached schedule are either no longer in use or inoperable. Funding: N/A. Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council declare as surplus the equipment and/or vehicles listed on the attached Surplus Property Schedule and grant authorization for the disposal of such. Options: 1. Approve the request as submitted. 2. Other action as directed by Council. Attachments: Surplus Property Schedule. Previous Discussion with Council: N/A. Items for Disposal 1 1 Description Condition 2004 Chevy Impala 27 Mobile Radios Operable Obsolete City of Newnan, Georgia – Mayor and City Council Date: September 23, 2013 Rezoning Request – RZ2013-01 Hannah Homes Site – Jefferson Street and 60 Augusta Drive Agenda Item: Prepared and Presented by: Tracy Dunnavant, Planning Director Purpose: The City of Newnan is seeking to rezone a combined total of 10.692 ± acres located at the old Hannah Homes site on Jefferson Street and 60 Augusta Drive. The request is to rezone the properties from OCR (Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation District) and RML (Residential Multiple Family Dwelling – Lower Density District) to CGN (General Commercial) with conditions. The applicant is seeking the rezoning to construct a public safety complex and to allow additional commercial businesses on the site. Proffered conditions are as follows: 1) There will be no front setback requirement as this will be a traditional neighborhood designed development allowing buildings to be built up to the street. 2) The 35 foot buffer between the subject property and the existing cemetery will be reduced to 15 feet to accommodate the drive as shown in the conceptual drawing. 3) Certain uses will be prohibited per the list that was included as part of the zoning application. Background: Present Zoning District Proposed Zoning District Current Land Use Parcel Size OCR & RML CGN Vacant Land 10.692 acres Surrounding Zoning Classifications (See Attached Zoning Map) North East South West CGN & Jefferson Street R/W RR R/W; CGN; RU-I ILT RU-7 Surrounding Land Use Pattern North East South West Commercial; Commercial; Residential Industrial Cemetery Summary: Public Safety Complex/City of Newnan Rezoning Request 2013 -1- Staff analyzed the following criteria prior to formulating a recommendation: Is the proposed use suitable in view of the zoning and development of adjacent and nearby property? The subject property is primarily bordered by a mixture of commercial and industrial land uses. There is a cemetery to the west and a residential neighborhood to the east; however, the residences are separated from the subject tract by the railroad right-of-way. Given the intensity of the existing uses and the railroad buffer, Staff feels the public safety complex and other commercial uses would be suitable uses for the area. Will the proposed use adversely affect the existing use or usability of adjacent or nearby property? Given that there are numerous commercial uses, an industry, a cemetery, and the railroad right-of-way, Staff anticipates no adverse impact on the adjacent or nearby property. In fact, Staff feels the location of the public safety complex could have a positive impact on the neighboring residences. Are their substantial reasons why the property cannot or should not be used as currently zoned? Yes. The property is currently zoned OCR and RML, which would not allow for a public safety complex. In fact, OCR is limited to primarily outdoor recreational uses and cemeteries. Since it is not the City’s intent to expand the existing cemetery to that location, the OCR would severely limit the options in terms of uses. Recreational facilities would not be the most appealing option given the sites proximity to the railroad, state route, and industrial uses. Will the proposed use cause an excessive or burdensome use of public facilities or services, including but not limited to streets, schools, water or sewer utilities, and police or fire protection? No, the proposed use will not cause an excessive or burdensome use of public facilities or services. Water and sewer is already provided to the site as it housed the former Hannah Homes development. In addition, the public safety complex will benefit the police department. The schools will not be impacted since the site will be developed for commercial uses. Is the proposed use compatible with the purpose and intent of the comprehensive plan? The Future Land Use Map shows the property as future mixed use commercial. This would be compatible with the requested zoning. Will the use be consistent with the purpose and intent of the proposed zoning district? The proposed use would be consistent with the purpose and intent of the proposed zoning as commercial uses would be allowable in a CGN designation. Public Safety Complex/City of Newnan Rezoning Request 2013 -2- Is the proposed use supported by new or changing conditions not anticipated by the comprehensive plan? As specified above, the Future Land Use map shows this property as future mixed use commercial. Therefore, the Comprehensive Plan anticipated this type of use for this particular tract of land. Does the proposed use reflect a reasonable balance between the promotion of the public health, safety, morality, or general welfare and the right to unrestricted use of property? Yes. The public safety complex and other commercial uses do provide a reasonable balance as they are appropriate uses for the area given the existing mixture of uses. Proffered Conditions: The applicant is proffering the following conditions: 1) The property will have a zero front setback to allow for a traditional neighborhood development design. 2) The 35’ buffer between the subject property and the existing cemetery will be reduced to 15’ to accommodate the drive as shown in the conceptual drawing. 3) The permitted uses on the property will be limited by excluding the uses listed in appendix “A” of the rezoning application. Options: A. Approve the rezoning request as submitted B. Approve the rezoning request, with the proffered conditions C. Deny the rezoning request Planning Commission Recommendation: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 13, 2013 and voted unanimously to recommend Option B: approve the request for a CGN zoning with the proffered conditions as submitted by the applicant. The site is abutting a mixture of commercial and industrial uses as well as the existing cemetery. Therefore, there will be limited impact to the surrounding properties and what impact does occur should be positive since vacant property is being redeveloped. In addition, the applicant is willing to limit some of the more intense uses as a condition of zoning to ensure that there is minimal impact to the surrounding neighborhood. Attachments: Application for Rezoning Location Map Concept Plan Previous Discussions with Council: July 9, 2013 Public Safety Complex/City of Newnan Rezoning Request 2013 -3- RU-I RML IHV CHARLES PL W DR RU-I OI-1 RU-I CGN CGN CGN CARMICHAEL ST CGN CGN JACKSON ST OI-1 OI-1 RU-I RU-I t u OCR OCR CGN AUGUST A DR CHV CHV R SPONCLER PL CGN CHV RU-I CHV CHV CHV RU-I CGN RU-I CHV CHV RU-I CUN DR RU-I BERRY AV RU-I BERRY AV RU-I CUN N ST RU-I RU-I JEFFERSO RU-I OCR COLLEGE ST ND D OI-1 WILCOXEN ST RU-I TEMPLE AV RU-I OCR RU-I RU-I RU-I RU-I RU-7 ST RU-I 29 JACKSON RU-I CGN RU-I KELLOG PL RU-2 HERL A OI-1 OI-1 CLARK ST RU-I RU-I RU-I RU-I SO U T CGN RU-I RU-I BULLSBORO T PL IDE DR OI-1 CGN CGN CGN CGN ND DR SUTHERLA OCR CAVENDER ST 34 CGN CGN N PL NORTHS RU-I IHV OI-1 OI-1 CIR OI-1 CGN OI-1 O ERS JEFF CARMICHAEL OI-1 CGN RU-I RU-7 CUN GLENN ST COCHRAN DR CUN RU-I RU-I CITY OF NEWNAN | LEE ST CBD Rezone Request CITY OF NEWNAN PLANNING DEPT. (AJB) 25 LAGRANGE STREET NEWNAN, GEORGIA 30263 RU-I ILT ILT MXD-1 ILT OCR PITTS ST RU-I CASEY ST RU-I CGN RU-I RU-I IHV RU-7 RU-7 ILT PERRY ST RU-I ST IHV OCR OI-1 DR TOWER PL ILLE ST R CIR RU-I PH Y BILB O IHV RS-15 ELM ST RU-I HELMS ST RS-15 85 MU R RU-I IHV FARMER ST RU-I IHV COLE PL RS-15 CGN OCR RU-I BURDETTE PL RS-15 IHV RU-I RS-15 OOD LN A GRE ENV MANSOU RS-15 RO BO MURRAY ST RS-15 ! RBRIARW LS ATKINSON ST A V JACKSON ST 16 L BU SWIN AY PL E NORTH AV HW TE M ANDREW ST HIG RS-15 W HIGHWAY 34 ST AY 34 E HIGHW ON PAS S SPENCE ST N BY ILT RML 70 NEWNA IHV RU-I FE RS H IG HW AY 29 85 JE F N HIGH WAY LUNDY ST AV S PARK RU-7 ZONING LEGEND CBD CUN OI-1 RS-15 Quality Development Corridor Overlay N CCS IHV OI-2 RU-2 Downtown Design Overlay CGN ILT PD RU-7 INTERSTATE 1:6,000 CHV MXD-1 RMH RU-I REZONE REQUEST CSN OCR RML 1 inch = 500 feet PARCELS CITY LIMITS City of Newnan, Georgia - Mayor and Council Date: September 23, 2013 Agenda Item: 4 and 6 St. Clair Street Prepared and Presented by: Shane Pridgen, Code Enforcement Officer Submitted by: Bill Stephenson, Chief Building Official Purpose: To conduct a public hearing concerning the dilapidated structure located at 4 and 6 St. Clair Street. Background: Owner: ASSET BACKED SECURITIES CORP HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST SERIESOOMC2005 HE6 WELLS FARGO BANK N A TRUSTEE Date Sub-Standard housing file was opened: April 2, 2013 Does the cost to bring this structure into compliance by means of repair exceed 50% of the structure’s assessed tax value? YES On April 2, 2013 the Building Department conducted an inspection of the premises and found the structure to be unsafe and in violation of numerous City codes. All notices sent have been received and the staff has not been contacted concerning the repairs needing to be made to this property. The structure has been determined to be unsafe as set forth by City Ordinance Section 5-24. (a), Sub-sections (5, 6, 8, 9, 10). Options: 1. 2. Adopt a resolution directing the property owner to either repair or demolish the structure within forty five (45) days. Other direction from Council. Funding: Not Applicable Recommendation: Staff is requesting Council’s approval to proceed with Option 1. Previous Discussions with Council: August 2, 2013 – Council informed of conditions. August 13, 2013 – Public Hearing was requested. After recording please return to: Della Hill, City of Newnan 25 LaGrange Street Newnan, GA 30263 TO: RESOLUTION Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for Asset-Backed Certificates Corporation Home Equity Loan Trust, Series OOMC 2005-HE6 Asset Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series OOMC 2005-HE6 Deed Book 3876 Page 52 Lien Holder: Coweta County Tax Commissioner WHEREAS, the property of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for Wells Fargo Bank, NA as trustee for Asset-Backed Certificates Corporation Home Equity Loan Trust, Series OOMC 2005-HE6, Asset Backed Pass Through Certificates, Series OOMC 2005-HE6 located at 4 St Clair Street, Newnan, Georgia 30263, in the City of Newnan was alleged by the Building Official of the City to be an unsafe building, as defined by an Ordinance adopted by the Mayor and Council on October 10, 1977; and, WHEREAS, a hearing was set for the Mayor and Council to determine in accordance with the provisions of such Ordinance whether such building was in fact an unsafe building, as defined in such Ordinance and/or that the same was unsafe to the extent that it should be demolished or repaired; and, WHEREAS, notice of such hearing was given to the owner, lien holder and tenant, if any, as required by such Ordinance, and all other provisions of the Ordinance have been complied with; NOW THEREFORE, the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan, after hearing evidence upon the question of whether such building is an unsafe building as defined by the Ordinance of the City of Newnan, do hereby determine that the building of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for Wells Fargo Bank, NA as trustee for Asset-Backed Certificates Corporation Home Equity Loan Trust, Series OOMC 2005-HE6, Asset Backed Pass Through Certificates, Series OOMC 2005-HE6 located at 4 St Clair Street, Newnan, Georgia 30263, in should be repaired or demolished, and the owner thereof is given __________________________ (______) days within which to repair or demolish and remove the same; RESOLVED FURTHER, that in the event the owner shall fail to repair or demolish and remove the same within the period of __________________________ (______) days herein fixed, the Building Official of the City of Newnan is hereby ordered to repair or demolish and remove the same, and to prepare an itemization of the cost of such repair or demolition and removal, and deliver such itemization to the Clerk of the City of Newnan, who is ordered to issue an execution against the owner for the total cost of such repair or demolition and removal, which execution shall constitute a lien against such real estate as of the date of this resolution - all in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Newnan. ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan this ___ day of _______________, 2013. ATTEST: ___________________________________ L. Keith Brady, Mayor _________________________________ Della Hill, City Clerk ___________________________________ Cynthia E. Jenkins, Mayor Pro-Tem Reviewed: _________________________________ C. Bradford Sears, Jr., City Attorney ___________________________________ George M. Alexander, Councilmember ________________________________ Cleatus Phillips, City Manager ___________________________________ Rhodes Shell, Councilmember ___________________________________ Ray DuBose, Councilmember ___________________________________ Clayton Hicks, Councilmember ___________________________________ Robert W. Coggin, Councilmember TO: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for Asset-Backed Certificates Corporation Home Equity Loan Trust, Series OOMC 2005-HE6 Asset Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series OOMC 2005-HE6 Deed Book 3876 Page 52 Lien Holder: Coweta County Tax Commissioner GEORGIA, COWETA COUNTY: The requirements of the resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan adopted on the _____ day of _________________, 2013 and recorded in Deed Book ______, Page _______ of the Deed Records of Coweta County, Georgia relating to property located at 4 St Clair Street in the City of Newnan, Georgia having been complied with, the Clerk of Superior Court is authorized to enter this satisfaction thereof of record. This ______ day of _____________________, 2013. CITY OF NEWNAN By:________________________________ Building Official Attest:_____________________________ Clerk [SEAL] After recording please return to: Della Hill, City of Newnan 25 LaGrange Street Newnan, GA 30263 TO: RESOLUTION Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-1, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006-1 Deed Book 3833 Page 127 Lien Holder: Coweta County Tax Commissioner WHEREAS, the property of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-1, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006-1 located at 6 St Clair Street, Newnan, Georgia 30263, in the City of Newnan was alleged by the Building Official of the City to be an unsafe building, as defined by an Ordinance adopted by the Mayor and Council on October 10, 1977; and, WHEREAS, a hearing was set for the Mayor and Council to determine in accordance with the provisions of such Ordinance whether such building was in fact an unsafe building, as defined in such Ordinance and/or that the same was unsafe to the extent that it should be demolished or repaired; and, WHEREAS, notice of such hearing was given to the owner, lien holder and tenant, if any, as required by such Ordinance, and all other provisions of the Ordinance have been complied with; NOW THEREFORE, the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan, after hearing evidence upon the question of whether such building is an unsafe building as defined by the Ordinance of the City of Newnan, do hereby determine that the building Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-1, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006-1 located at 6 St Clair Street, Newnan, Georgia 30263, in should be repaired or demolished, and the owner thereof is given __________________________ (______) days within which to repair or demolish and remove the same; RESOLVED FURTHER, that in the event the owner shall fail to repair or demolish and remove the same within the period of __________________________ (______) days herein fixed, the Building Official of the City of Newnan is hereby ordered to repair or demolish and remove the same, and to prepare an itemization of the cost of such repair or demolition and removal, and deliver such itemization to the Clerk of the City of Newnan, who is ordered to issue an execution against the owner for the total cost of such repair or demolition and removal, which execution shall constitute a lien against such real estate as of the date of this resolution - all in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Newnan. ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan this ___ day of _______________, 2013. ATTEST: ___________________________________ L. Keith Brady, Mayor _________________________________ Della Hill, City Clerk ___________________________________ Cynthia E. Jenkins, Mayor Pro-Tem Reviewed: _________________________________ C. Bradford Sears, Jr., City Attorney ___________________________________ George M. Alexander, Councilmember ________________________________ Cleatus Phillips, City Manager ___________________________________ Rhodes Shell, Councilmember ___________________________________ Ray DuBose, Councilmember ___________________________________ Clayton Hicks, Councilmember ___________________________________ Robert W. Coggin, Councilmember TO: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-1, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006-1 Deed Book 3833Page 127 Lien Holder: Coweta County Tax Commissioner GEORGIA, COWETA COUNTY: The requirements of the resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan adopted on the _____ day of _________________, 2013 and recorded in Deed Book ______, Page _______ of the Deed Records of Coweta County, Georgia relating to property located at 6 St Clair Street in the City of Newnan, Georgia having been complied with, the Clerk of Superior Court is authorized to enter this satisfaction thereof of record. This ______ day of _____________________, 2013. CITY OF NEWNAN By:________________________________ Building Official Attest:_____________________________ Clerk [SEAL] City of Newnan, Georgia - Mayor and Council Date: September 23, 2013 Agenda Item: 39 Ray Street Prepared and Presented by: Shane Pridgen, Code Enforcement Officer Submitted by: Bill Stephenson, Chief Building Official Purpose: To conduct a public hearing concerning the dilapidated structure located at 39 Ray Street. Background: Owner: Margaret Rosso Date Sub-Standard housing file was opened: April 11, 2013 Does the cost to bring this structure into compliance by means of repair exceed 50% of the structure’s assessed tax value? YES On May 31, 2013 the Building Department conducted an inspection of the premises and found the structure to be unsafe and in violation of numerous City codes. All notices sent have been received and the staff has not been contacted concerning the repairs needing to be made to this property. The structure has been determined to be unsafe as set forth by City Ordinance Section 5-24. (a), Sub-sections (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 ). Options: 1. 2. Adopt a resolution directing the property owner to either repair or demolish the structure within forty five (45) days. Other direction from Council. Funding: Not Applicable Recommendation: Staff is requesting Council’s approval to proceed with Option 1. Previous Discussions with Council: August 2, 2013 – Council informed of conditions. August 13, 2013 – Public Hearing was requested. After recording please return to: Della Hill, City of Newnan 25 LaGrange Street Newnan, GA 30263 RESOLUTION TO: Margaret Rosso Deed Book 2709 Page 512 Lien Holder: Green Tree Servicing, LLC Deed Book 3984 page 121 America’s Wholesale Lender Deed Book 2933 Page 895 Georgia Chiropractic Associates Lien Book 101 page 770 Lien Book 111 page 425 Coweta County Tax Commissioner WHEREAS, the property of Margaret Rosso located at 39 Ray Street, Newnan, Georgia 30263, in the City of Newnan was alleged by the Building Official of the City to be an unsafe building, as defined by an Ordinance adopted by the Mayor and Council on October 10, 1977; and, WHEREAS, a hearing was set for the Mayor and Council to determine in accordance with the provisions of such Ordinance whether such building was in fact an unsafe building, as defined in such Ordinance and/or that the same was unsafe to the extent that it should be demolished or repaired; and, WHEREAS, notice of such hearing was given to the owner, lien holder and tenant, if any, as required by such Ordinance, and all other provisions of the Ordinance have been complied with; NOW THEREFORE, the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan, after hearing evidence upon the question of whether such building is an unsafe building as defined by the Ordinance of the City of Newnan, do hereby determine that the building of Margaret Rosso located at 39 Ray Street, Newnan, Georgia 30263, in should be repaired or demolished, and the owner thereof is given __________________________ (______) days within which to repair or demolish and remove the same; RESOLVED FURTHER, that in the event the owner shall fail to repair or demolish and remove the same within the period of __________________________ (______) days herein fixed, the Building Official of the City of Newnan is hereby ordered to repair or demolish and remove the same, and to prepare an itemization of the cost of such repair or demolition and removal, and deliver such itemization to the Clerk of the City of Newnan, who is ordered to issue an execution against the owner for the total cost of such repair or demolition and removal, which execution shall constitute a lien against such real estate as of the date of this resolution - all in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Newnan. ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan this ___ day of _______________, 2013. ATTEST: ___________________________________ L. Keith Brady, Mayor _________________________________ Della Hill, City Clerk ___________________________________ Cynthia E. Jenkins, Mayor Pro-Tem Reviewed: _________________________________ C. Bradford Sears, Jr., City Attorney ___________________________________ George M. Alexander, Councilmember ________________________________ Cleatus Phillips, City Manager ___________________________________ Rhodes Shell, Councilmember ___________________________________ Ray DuBose, Councilmember ___________________________________ Clayton Hicks, Councilmember ___________________________________ Robert W. Coggin, Councilmember TO: Margaret Rosso Deed Book 2709 Page 512 Lien Holder: Green Tree Servicing, LLC Deed Book 3984 page 121 America’s Wholesale Lender Deed Book 2933 Page 895 Georgia Chiropractic Associates Lien Book 101 page 770 Lien Book 111 page 425 Coweta County Tax Commissioner GEORGIA, COWETA COUNTY: The requirements of the resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan adopted on the _____ day of _________________, 2013 and recorded in Deed Book ______, Page _______ of the Deed Records of Coweta County, Georgia relating to property located at 39 Ray Street in the City of Newnan, Georgia having been complied with, the Clerk of Superior Court is authorized to enter this satisfaction thereof of record. This ______ day of _____________________, 2013. CITY OF NEWNAN By:________________________________ Building Official Attest:_____________________________ Clerk [SEAL] City of Newnan, Georgia - Mayor and Council Date: September 23, 2013 Agenda Item: 121 Pinson Street Prepared and Presented by: Shane Pridgen, Code Enforcement Officer Submitted by: Bill Stephenson, Chief Building Official Purpose: To conduct a public hearing concerning the dilapidated structure located at 121 Pinson Street. Background: Owner: Zora Reese Estate and Sarah Reese Clements Date Sub-Standard housing file was opened: March 21, 2013 Does the cost to bring this structure into compliance by means of repair exceed 50% of the structure’s assessed tax value? YES On March 21, 2013 the Building Department conducted an inspection of the premises and found the structure to be unsafe and in violation of numerous City codes. All notices sent to the recorded owners have been returned. Staff has been contacted by the new owner of this property. The structure has been determined to be unsafe as set forth by City Ordinance Section 5-24. (a), Sub-sections (3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10). Options: 1. 2. Adopt a resolution directing the property owner to either repair or demolish the structure within forty five (45) days. Other direction from Council. Funding: Not Applicable Recommendation: Staff is requesting Council’s approval to proceed with Option 1. Previous Discussions with Council: August 2, 2013 – Council informed of conditions. August 13, 2013 – Public Hearing was requested. After recording please return to: Della Hill, City of Newnan 25 LaGrange Street Newnan, GA 30263 TO: RESOLUTION Zora Reese Estate c/o Sarah Reese Clements, Executrix Zora Ransby Reese Felton Ransby, Jr. Dwight Ransby Sarah Paulette Ransby Maurice Ransby Edward Barker Alfred Barker Clifford Barker Rochelle H. Brooks Samuel Hudson, Jr. Deed Book 324 Page 648 Lien Holders: Coweta County Tax Commissioner Jarviss Ballard and Marcus Beasley, holders of Tax Deed, Deed Book 3999 page 337 WHEREAS, the property of Zora Reese, Estate located at 121 Pinson Street, Newnan, Georgia 30263, in the City of Newnan was alleged by the Building Official of the City to be an unsafe building, as defined by an Ordinance adopted by the Mayor and Council on October 10, 1977; and, WHEREAS, a hearing was set for the Mayor and Council to determine in accordance with the provisions of such Ordinance whether such building was in fact an unsafe building, as defined in such Ordinance and/or that the same was unsafe to the extent that it should be demolished or repaired; and, WHEREAS, notice of such hearing was given to the owner, lien holder and tenant, if any, as required by such Ordinance, and all other provisions of the Ordinance have been complied with; NOW THEREFORE, the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan, after hearing evidence upon the question of whether such building is an unsafe building as defined by the Ordinance of the City of Newnan, do hereby determine that the building of Zora Reese, Estate located at 121 Pinson Street, Newnan, Georgia 30263, in should be repaired or demolished, and the owner thereof is given __________________________ (______) days within which to repair or demolish and remove the same; RESOLVED FURTHER, that in the event the owner shall fail to repair or demolish and remove the same within the period of __________________________ (______) days herein fixed, the Building Official of the City of Newnan is hereby ordered to repair or demolish and remove the same, and to prepare an itemization of the cost of such repair or demolition and removal, and deliver such itemization to the Clerk of the City of Newnan, who is ordered to issue an execution against the owner for the total cost of such repair or demolition and removal, which execution shall constitute a lien against such real estate as of the date of this resolution - all in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Newnan. ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan this ___ day of _______________, 2013. ATTEST: ___________________________________ L. Keith Brady, Mayor _________________________________ Della Hill, City Clerk ___________________________________ Cynthia E. Jenkins, Mayor Pro-Tem Reviewed: _________________________________ C. Bradford Sears, Jr., City Attorney ___________________________________ George M. Alexander, Councilmember ________________________________ Cleatus Phillips, City Manager ___________________________________ Rhodes Shell, Councilmember ___________________________________ Ray DuBose, Councilmember ___________________________________ Clayton Hicks, Councilmember ___________________________________ Robert W. Coggin, Councilmember TO: Zora Reese Estate c/o Sarah Reese Clements, Executrix Zora Ransby Reese Felton Ransby, Jr. Dwight Ransby Sarah Paulette Ransby Maurice Ransby Edward Barker Alfred Barker Clifford Barker Rochelle H. Brooks Samuel Hudson, Jr. Deed Book 324 Page 648 Lien Holders: Coweta County Tax Commissioner Jarviss Ballard and Marcus Beasley, holders of Tax Deed, Deed Book 3999 page 337 GEORGIA, COWETA COUNTY: The requirements of the resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan adopted on the _____ day of _________________, 2013 and recorded in Deed Book ______, Page _______ of the Deed Records of Coweta County, Georgia relating to property located at 121 Pinson Street in the City of Newnan, Georgia having been complied with, the Clerk of Superior Court is authorized to enter this satisfaction thereof of record. This ______ day of _____________________, 2013. CITY OF NEWNAN By:________________________________ Building Official Attest:_____________________________ Clerk [SEAL] September 12, 2013 City of Newnan 25 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 Dear Sir, We are having a church-wide fellowship on October 27, 2013 from 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. on Brown Street. In order to make this event possible, we request permission to block off Brown Street between Madison and West Washington Streets from 7:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Thank you for your consideration of this request, Sincerely, Brenda Turner Pastors’ Assistant September 9, 2013 City of Newnan Mayor and City Council Post Office Box 1193 Newnan, GA 30264 Dear Mayor and City Council, The Newnan Junior Service League would like to hold a 5K/10K and Fun Run (2 Laps around Court Square) on Saturday, March 14, 2014. We would like to begin the event at 7:30 am and have it completed by 9:45 am. Our race route is outlined below and I have attached a map of our certified course. We would also like to request to set up on the southwest corner of the courthouse across the street from the Piedmont Wellness Center. Our race route is certified as a Peachtree Road Race qualifier. 5K/10K Route The starting line would be on the southwest side of the Court Square at the red light of West Broad Street. Head south on LaGrange Street towards Newnan High School. At the red light in front of Newnan High School turn around and head back down LaGrange Street. Take a Right onto Alpine Drive, continue down Alpine until reaching the stop sign. Turn Left at the stop sign and left again onto Woodbine Circle. Turn Left onto Woodbine Drive. Turn Left onto Nimmons Street. Turn right onto LaGrange Street continue over the bridge and right onto Salbide. Turn Left onto Highway 29/Greenville Street. Continue on Greenville Street until reaching the North side of the Court Square. Turn Left at North Court square and left onto Lagrange Street where the finish line would be set up at the southwest corner of the court square. The start and finish line is the same location. The path is 3.12 miles or 5K. The 10K path would repeat this course. Leprechaun Dash (2 Laps around Court Square) The starting line would be on the Southwest side of the Court Square at the red light of West Broad Street. Head east on South Court Square. Turn Left onto Greenville Street. Turn Left at North Court Square. Turn Left at Lagrange Street where the finish line would be set up at the southwest corner of the court square. This route is repeated a second time to complete 2 laps. Please contact me if there are any questions or concerns. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Kristi Mundt Race Director Newnan Junior Service League 404-272-0517 From: gabby williamson [] Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 6:38 PM To: Libby Winn Cc: Gina Snider Subject: "Seashore" - Newnan (Caldwell Tanks) Filming Packet Hi Libby, Please see the attached safety plan, notification letter, and notification area for "Seashore" filming at Caldwell Tanks in December and January. We are requesting a one-block lane closure on Broad St. between Perry St. and Thompson St. during filming and one day before both shoots for our production trucks and trailers (additional details are included on the attached notification letter.) I met with Chief Meadows and Deputy Chief Jones last week to discuss safety measures and traffic coordination during the lane closure. The notification area (in green) on the notification overhead shows the businesses and residents that Chief Meadows suggested we notify. I would like to attend the city council meeting next Monday, the 23rd, to present this information and answer any questions that may come up. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thank you, Gabby Gabby Williamson Assistant Location Manager C4 Productions, Inc. Seashore m: 678 770 7226 | e: Motion to Enter into Executive Session I move that we now enter into closed session as allowed by O.C.G.A. §50-14-4 and pursuant to advice by the City Attorney, for the purpose of discussing And that we, in open session, adopt a resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor or presiding officer to execute an affidavit in compliance with O.C.G.A. §50-14-4, and that this body ratify the actions of the Council taken in closed session and confirm that the subject matters of the closed session were within exceptions permitted by the open meetings law. Motion to Adopt Resolution after Adjourning Back into Regular Session I move that we adopt the resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the affidavit stating that the subject matter of the closed portion of the council meeting was within the exceptions provided by O.C.G.A. §50-14-4(b).