Police Monthly Report February
Police Monthly Report February
t" ki. 7 4 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE To: Town Council Members From: Chief Michael E. Dove CC: Grant Kleinhenz Board of Police Commissioners Date: February 18, 2014 Council Members, Attached to this report are two additional documents from the Support Services and Operations Divisions. As you are aware, this last month we experienced record setting winter weather for our town. I am pleased to say that the purchase of our all -wheel drive pursuit -rated vehicles was essential in keeping the police department fully functional during times of inclement weather. Furthermore, we were able to respond to calls for service without much delay. However, due to the aforementioned weather issue, our police officers responded to an extremely high amount of accidents for the Month of January. At the last regularly scheduled police commission meeting, I presented the Brownsburg Police Department 2013 Annual Report to the commission. A copy of the annual report will be provided to the town board by Councilman Spencer. I will be in attendance at the February 27th town council meeting to answer any questions the town council may have, including discussion about the 2013 Annual Report. Respectfully submitte , Chief Michael Dove MD: kp Encl. Brownsburg Police Dept 31 North Green Street Phone 317 -852 -1107 Dispatch 317 -852 -1100 Brownsburg, IN 46112 Fax 317 -858 -4138 Major Joseph Grimes JANUARY 2414 MONTHLY SUPPORT REPORT CHIEF OF POLICE BROWNSBURG POLICE COMMISSION P, @iP@) Brownsburg Police Department The following information contained within this report summarizes information deemed pertinent for dissemination from Major Joseph Grimes. Investigations Records & Accreditation Human Resources Community Relations Training Public Information Emergency Response Team Information & Technology Purchasing/Quartermaster lnvesti ations The Investigations Division received 18 new cases in the month of January, closed Investigations Assigned Cases and /or suspended 13 cases and closed 5 cases with an arrest. 6% The Month of January was a hectic month for ki Barrett the Investigations Division. There was an increase in crimes against persons and suicides /attempted a Klayer suicides. a Gill These types of cases require lengthy and detailed investigations, which are 4 Bass time consuming. n Heller In the Month of January, Det. Sgt. Barrett concentrated on investigating an Attempted Murder case. This case required extensive investigative measures that Investigations Supplements resulted in numerous interviews with the victim, suspect, several witnesses, crime scene reconstruction, evidence processing and ISP Lab request for examination, and Q Barrett search warrants. a Klayer Sgt. Barrett continued to work various DCS reports of child abuse and neglect this month and assisted IMPD and Avon PD 3.0 Gill ia Bass with two ICAC ( Internet Crimes Against Children) cases. n Heller Det. Cpl. Jeff Klayer closed three cases with arrests this month. Cpl. Klayer was able to identify a suspect in a theft case by utilizing investigative tools and resources. He contacted the business that had been the reporting victim and provided them with the information, which ultimately resulted in the suspect' s arrest when he returned to the 2 victim business. Cpl. Klayer was able to interview the suspect and obtain a confession to Cpl. Klayer assisted the Enforcement Division in a narcotic and theft He obtained a search warrant for a residence and recovered stolen property. Cpl. Klayer looked into a reported and potential homicide due to neglect of an elderly female. This report came from the Marion County Coroner' s office, but upon review and further investigation it was determined that this was not neglect. The death other theft cases. investigation. Cpl. Klayer prepared to train Officers within Hendricks County for the new reporting system, Interact, which is set to go live in February 11, 2014. was considered natural. Det. Mike Gill made a felony arrest this month for Attempted Burglary. Through various interviews, Det. Gill was able to make a positive identification on suspect that was witnessed attempting to break into a residence in January. and Questionable Death Scene training this month. Det. Gill attended Homicide Det. Bass focused his efforts on an alleged rape that occurred, of which the investigation is ongoing. Det. Bass also continued to follow -up on a felony arrest for Sexual Misconduct with a Minor due to new allegations. Det. Bass cleared numerous DCS reports for child abuse and neglect. Det. Heller was assigned two new cases, assisted on a felony warrant service this month, and signed new confidential informants. He assisted the BPD Interdiction Unit, and he continues to focus his efforts on a vice investigation. The United Drug Task Force made two controlled buys during the Month of January. Belinda Sharkey has several assists for her administrative assistant duties and received 108 new items into the property room this month. She continues to work diligently with the Hendricks County Prosecutor' s office for property requests and researched and prepared 8 cases. meetings. Belinda researched 109 cases this month and attended two detective She assisted in the Attempted Homicide investigation and Rape investigation by completing numerous tasks. Belinda attended a meeting with the Chief Deputy Prosecutor and two Deputy Prosecutor' s. She attended the Police Commission meeting trained and for the upcoming InterAct property 12 11 10 9 S 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Barrett Klayer Arrest Gill Bass N Closed Suspended 3 Helier module. PROSECUTOR UPDATE: The female arrested for the Brownsburg Armed Robbery case where a she robbed a local check cashing business has filed a notice of plea. She is pleading to the lead charge: Robbery- Deadly Weapon B Felony. Sentencing will likely be in late February. Also, the Prosecutor' s Office disposed of 40 OWI cases in January. All 40 plead guilty to OWI for a conviction rate of 100 percent. Records & Accreditation During January, the Records Department staff continued archival scanning and also logged and stored 2013 documentation for appropriate retention. Kim Shupert spent the majority of the month preparing the department' s 2013 annual report and conducted preliminary orientation on new hires Steward, Shedrow, and Sears on January 271h The Records Department entered 74 hand -written citations or warnings, processed 17 public access requests, 20 criminal history requests, 21 gun permit applications, 104 alarm permit transactions, 3 rider requests, and 23 sets of fingerprints. Fees generated totaled $2, 550. 00. Below is the breakdown of the collected fees: Accident Reports 45. 00 Incident Reports 35. 00 Gun Permits 920. 00 Notary Fees 0. 00 Criminal Histories 65. 00 Fingerprints 115. 00 Alarm Transactions 1, 370.00 Vehicle Inspections 0. 00 Community Relations Sgt. Peter Fleck has been actively involved with a Juvenile Impact Program working with an incorrigible child by means of meeting with the child and the child' s parents at least once a week. Sgt. Fleck has aided the parents in setting goals and discipline expectations. So far, the family Sgt. Fleck has been working with has been happy with the initial results, and truly appreciates the efforts of the Brownsburg PD and School PD. Additional activities conducted by Sgt. Fleck during the month are included the following: All tours were cancelled due to adverse weather conditions No Crime Watch in January Juvenile criminal data was put into the state database before Jan 10 8th -- Women' s Self Defense January Working with Blake Ayers to increase Autism Awareness January Explorer meeting which again we had bad weather but still had 14th -- good attendance January 15th -- Juvenile Facility Inspection which we passed with good remarks 4 Due to weather and the holidays, Brownsburg Town Court only had court on January 15th & 22nd Public Information Media Resource The department had no reported media Facebook contacts during the Month of January. tweet on its Twitter Page and 2 enotifies from the website. 1439 19 The department released S Facebook posts, 2 Facebook Crime Tips post, 1 Subscribers /Contacts Facebook Crime Tips 1761 Current subscriber lists report the following Website number of members: 284 U Twitter 761 Press Release 13 v 2000 3,800 1900 - 1761- _ 14-00 _. 1439 Facebook 2000 761 Crime Tips Website 600 _. _ __ Twitter 400 200 284 e > a aJ t Ji e c` l e, o oe` Purchasinp/ 0 uartermaster As of January 31, 2014, the department expended 9.70% of its budget. Due to the fact there was only one Town Council meeting in December and the claims cut off was December 10th, our Spent/ Committed seems a little higher than our projected amount of 5 the budget spent. Many of the invoices paid in January were received in December after the off date, so they were not approved for payment by the Town Council until the January cut- 9th Town Council 6, 000,000 - r-$ 5,397,730 5, 000,000 v Budget 4, 000,000 a Projected meeting. Monies for Purchase Orders that 3, 000,000 were written, but not paid by the 2, 000,000 end of year 2013 and moved encumbered 2014 budget. Current 6 Positon were to our 1, 000,000 These will be paid 0 out of the encumbered monies. There were also 3 pay periods in January that slightly elevated Salaries & Benefits. Information Technology February brings the task of training the entire department on the new InterAct Records Management System, which is scheduled to go live on February 11th. Lieutenant Depinet hosted an inter -department discovery meeting with essential personnel to discuss operational issues that may occur after cutover. Additional issues are expected to be discovered in training, but we don' t believe there will be any major concerns that can' t be corrected with a simple procedural change. Training will take place at the Training Facility which will also be the host location for other departments in the county such as Hendricks County, Pittsboro, Clayton, Amo, North Salem, and Coatesville. The entire county will be trained, and cutover to the new system will be by March 17th of this year for all Hendricks County Agencies. The new Computerized Aided Dispatch ( CAD) cutover date has been moved up for agencies in Hendricks County, which will include Brownsburg. We are now focusing on complete cutover by June instead of October. Once again this will require training for the employees that will use the system in their vehicles. Training is expected to take place in April or May. Human Resources The Reserve Division has slowly begun to decline in number of personnel due to resignations and the hiring of two of our Reserves as Full -time Officers. However, this decline in number of officers within the division has not significantly hindered the intention of a Reserve Division, as the existing personnel of that division remain vigilant in their duties. Reserve Officer Brandon Lunsford submitted his letter of resignation affective December 26th, 2013. Brandon was in the Field Training Program, but due to personal reasons decided that the duties of a Police Officer were not suitable for him. On 3151, January 2014, Reserve Officer Dan Vogel submitted his letter of resignation due to personal reasons in seeking alternate means of supplemental income and dedication to continued education through college courses. Dan hopes to continue his strive to make law enforcement his career goal as a full -time officer. The following Reserve Officers have advanced to the next phase in the Field Training program: Ryan Lunsford -Phase 3 George Glossop -Phase 3 Corey Hill -Phase 4 Joseph Steward, Corey Sears, and David Shedrow were officially sworn in as Full -time Officers with Brownsburg Police Department on January 27, 2014. These three new hires were part of the 2013 Recruitment Process to replace personnel that had left vacancies within our Sworn Staff. From this process, our agency has a hiring list that will remain as an eligibility list until that latter part of 2014. Steward completed a Forty hour Pre -basic Course required by the ILETB, and will begin the Field Training Program in February. Sears was assigned to a night shift on solo patrol, as he had previously completed our Field Training Program as a Reserve several years ago; however, will be scheduled to attend the ILEA mid -year. Shedrow at the time of his hiring as Full -time Officer was a Reserve currently in Field Training with our agency, and will continue at the same Phase within the program until completion. Shedrow and Steward are scheduled to attend ILEA for sixteen weeks starting March 31 of this year. At the January Police Commission Meeting, Commissioners announced the recipients of the Employees of Quarter for the fourth quarter of 2013. The descriptions below detail the recipients for Operations, Support Services, and Reserve Division EOQ: As shown in the photograph to the left, Officer Jason McCoy received the EOQ for the Operations Division. Submitted nominations recommended Officer McCoy for this for his dependability, professionalism, consistent self -improvement, and being a well -rounded officer. Officer McCoy is well respected by his supervisors for his work ethics and practices, and also received a complimentary letter form a citizen during the quarter he was nominated for based upon his above listed characteristics. recognition As shown in the photograph to the right, Detective Cpl. Jeff Klayer received the EOQ for the Support Division. Submitted nominations recommended Det. Klayer for this recognition for his dedication to conducting criminal investigations assigned to him, specifically pertaining to a wide spread case of vandalism with over 7 0 30 cases and multiple victims, which ultimately lead to the identification of the accused. Det. Klayer utilized a unique skill set though investigator abilities and interview techniques to successfully file charges and close numerous cases pertaining to these vandalisms. In accordance with a change in department policy and KIN significant growth in the Reserve Division compared to p years, ears the Reserve Division nominated Officer Andrew Richards as EOQ for the 4th quarter of 2013. This was the first time that this division has had the opportunity to recognize one of their own without having to be in the running along with full -time AET= personnel. Officer Richards was nominated for his work ethics during his current performance in the Field Training Program and dedication as an volunteer personnel of this agency. Training As in years past, the majority of the Month of January is used to culminate and total training hours and events from the previous year. Therefore, much of the month was spent totaling and preparing reports of training hours to be forwarded to the Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board. January 14th -17`h Sgt. Andy Watts, Training Coordinator, was able to attend the annual SHOT show convention where vendors, manufacturers, and agencies from all over the world congregate to view new products and expand contacts across the country. This was the first time that Brownsburg Police Department had sent a representative to this event; however, believes in doing so will further aid our agencies networking and research of law enforcement products while conducting cost comparisons through potential vendor selections. d On January 22" the Indianapolis Metro SWAT team utilized the Training Facility range and shoothouse for their monthly training day. This agreement with IMPD includes their using the range 2 -3 times per calendar year in exchange for instructors, training, or equipment assistance throughout the year. Enforcement Training Council ( CILETC) 23rd the Central Indiana Law On January met at the Training Facility to discuss upcoming training events and needs. In addition, CILETC elected Sgt. Watts to continue to serve in the capacity of Council President for a third consecutive year. CILETC training calendar is beginning to become active and has been posted online at www.cilete.com, and all training opportunities are free of charge to Brownsburg Police personnel. On January the Brownsburg ERT utilized the Training Facility for its monthly training. Finally, on January 28th -31" Sgt. Watts conducted a weeklong 40 hour 27th pre -basic training session for the newest Brownsburg Police Officer Joe Steward. This included classroom, physical Tactics, and firearms training. Below is a list of trainings the Brownsburg Police Department will be hosting thus far for the 2014 year: February 25 -28, 2014 Safariland ICP Less Lethal Instructor Certification/ Recertification (OC, Impact, Chemical, and Distraction Device) Cost: $ 895. ( All four days), Each session can March 24 -25, 2014 be taken individually. Offensive/Defensive Knife Instructor Cost: $ 500.00 The Brownsburg Police Department will be hosting classes along with Dr. Paul Whitesell at the Brownsburg Police Training Facility. March 27 -28, 2014 PTO Basics Cost: N/ C The Brownsburg Police Department and CILETC are hosting a PIO Basics for officers seeking a more thorough understanding of public speaking and keeping the media informed of incidents /situations. April 7, 2014 Understanding Police Use of Force Cost: $ 125. 00 The Brownsburg Police Department and Pro -rain Inc. is instructing this informative course for Officers, Trainers, and Administrators. April 7 -10, 2014 PTS Defensive Tactics Instructor I — Standing Cost: $ 600.00 The Brownsburg Police Department will be hosting classes along with Dr. Paul Whitesell at the Brownsburg Police Training Facility. April 14 -15, 2014 PTS Defensive Tactics Instructor I — Standing, Recertification Cost: $ 500. 00 The Brownsburg Police Department will be hosting classes along with Dr. Paul Whitesell at the Brownsburg Police Training Facility. April 21 -24 PTS Defensive Tactics Instructor II - Ground Cost: $ 600.00 The Brownsburg Police Department will be hosting classes along with Dr. Paul Whitesell at the Brownsburg Police Training Facility. April 21 -23, 2014 PTS Defensive Tactics Instructor II-Ground, Recertification Cost: $ 500.00 The Brownsburg Police Department will be hosting classes along with Dr. Paul Whitesell at the Brownsburg Police Training Facility. April 21 - 23, 2014 S. A. F.E, ( Survive, Adapt, Fight, Escape) Program Cost: $ 375. 00 The Brownsburg Police Department and Pro -Train Inc. is will be holding this course at the Brownsburg Police Training Facility. 9 May 29, 2014 S. T.O.P.S. Instructor Advanced Tactical Live Fiore Course Cost: $ 175. 00 The Brownsburg Police Department and Pro -Train Inc. is will be holding this course at the Brownsburg Police Training Facility. September 15 - 16, 2014 Law Enforcement Response to the MMA Fighter Cost: $ 275. 00 The Brownsburg Police Department and Pro -Train Inc. is will be holding this course at the Brownsburg Police Training Facility. September 29 - October 2, 2014 S. T.O.P.S. Instructor Certification Cost: $ 465.00 The Brownsburg Police Department and Pro -rain Inc. is will be holding this course at the Brownsburg Police Training Facility. September 30 —October 1, 2014 S. T.O.P.S. Instructor Re- certification Cost: $ 265.00 The Brownsburg Police Department and Pro -rain Inc. is will be holding this course at the Brownsburg Police Training Facility. Worth noting is that as the hosting agency, our department will typically receive a number of free slots in the training course for our personnel, collection of facility usage fees, or utilization of other agency /entity instructors for the Brownsburg Police Department personnel training. Emerizencl Response Team On January 17, 2014 the Brownsburg ERT was activated to serve a high risk arrest warrant in Brownsburg. ERT operators were briefed on the warrant and deployed based upon assignment and tactics from the pre -planning briefing. Brownsburg ERT members maintained their assignments based upon their previous training and preparation. operators were exposed to the elements, ( extreme cold and snow), night. All in the middle of the As part of a key element to the peaceful resolution to this said event was negotiator Cpt. Ben Pyatt. Cpt. Pyatt made contact and quickly established a rapport with the suspect via cell phone. Cpt. Pyatt was able to talk the suspect in to surrendering and to exit the front door by himself with no weapons. The suspect was taken into custody without incident and the residence was cleared resulting in two more arrests of subjects that remained inside the dwelling. Each operator and negotiator should be commended for their actions and the utilization of their skills that they continually train with. It is for this very reason that we continue to train and prepare for incidents requiring a specialized and prolonged response. On January 18, 2014, ERT was again activated for a critical incident developing in the Brownsburg community. A female suspect was armed with a handgun and was 10 threatening suicide. ERT Operators arrived at the staging area as well is negotiator Capt. Ben Pyatt. Operators were briefed and assigned responsibilities. Capt. Pyatt began negotiations with the suspect, via cellular phone, who appeared reluctant to communicate. Through negotiations the female placed the gun outside the front door; however, advised that the gun was not the only method of suicide she could use. The female refused to exit the residence and negotiations broke down when the female would no longer communicate. Based upon intelligence gathered, statements of the female, and findings by the negotiator, contingency plan by ERT was initiated in fear that the female had or was harming herself. ERT was able to utilize tactics and their training to take the female into protective custody for an immediate detention without any damages to the residence or injury to persons involved. On January 29, 2014, ERT was placed on standby status for a possible high risk buy/bust assist with the United Drug Task Force pending some prosecutor decisions and a few other variables. After a few hours of investigator measures and pre -planning, the standby status was cancelled pending further investigation. RNAMWV 54044" 86406 0"" 7X4#. 31 North Green Street Brownsburg, IN 46112 Dispatch 317 -852 -1140 Fax 317- 858 -4138 Major Joseph P. Bullock January 2014 MONTHLY OPERA'T'IONS REPORT CHIEF OF POLICE BROWNSBURG POLICE COMMISSION Brownsburg Police Department Major Pat Bullock Chief of Operations ENFORCEMENT: On numerous days central Indiana faced extreme and harsh weather conditions that resulted in several city and county wide closings including our own Town of Brownsburg. Because it was so dangerous and even deadly, only essential personnel were required to report for work. This includes the shift officers and other town employees that were crucial for the function and day to day operation of the Town of Brownsburg. I am mainly speaking of the Town Plow Drivers and connected entities. I want to make it clear that when our officers called or when I called for assistance many employees of the town were " Johnny on the Spot" for us and did all they could do to get us on the road the help we needed. I want to take time to mention a few in a public forum: Jim Waggoner Chris Keers Shane Rance Matt Griner Lannie Agee Dave Albertson On multiple instances I or another Officer would call upon one of these individuals and they were more than willing to provide assistance. Stats For the month of January the Enforcement Division had: Arrests- 62 o OWI - 8 Charges - 116 o OWI - 14 Warrants Served - 3 Officer Response calls - 1826 Neighborhood patrols —592 Use of Force There were 6 Use of Force Reports for the month of January on three different subjects. Three of the reports were the deployment of the Taser, 2 were the pointing of the firearm and 1 was a physical restraint. One of the incidents took place at the Hendricks County Jail where the Jail Officers were in a physical altercation with a combative inmate and one of our officers that was transporting a prisoner to the jail aided in taking the subject into custody. Enforcement Division Hours Worked Traffic: Due to the very cold and hostile weather in January, Traffic logged many hours on the streets working accidents and slide offs. Not to take away from the shift officers they also were quite busy with it as well. January was the busiest month the department has had over the last 13 months. The next highest number of accidents was October 2013 with 47. Last January 2013 yielded 32 accidents. Traffic worked a total of 494.75 hours West —154.25 hrs Rooker —1 56. 5 hrs Huntsman 184 hrs Traffic investigated 46 of 85 dispatched vehicle collisions for a total of 54% There were no special details for the month of January. overall. INTERDICTION The I.C.E. Team was limited in their interstate time in the Month of January because the extreme weather but still were able to make some traffic stops to confiscated 2 pistols from convicted felons and arrest a suspected burglar on an outstanding warrant. RESERVE DIVISION Officer Andrew Richards received the first Reserve Officer of the Quarter. Officer Richards continues to show his dedication to the reserve division by spending much of his own time furthering his knowledge to better serve the department. Reserve Officers participated in Interdiction training Ied by Captain Pyatt. This training allowed officers an insight in to suspicious behavior as well as provided 3 training hours towards the yearly requirement. Vehicle inspections were done in the month of January. Cpl. Wilson ensured each vehicle is equipment with the necessary equipment. With the addition of 4 vehicles to the Reserve fleet, Cpl. Wilson will ensure that those vehicles will also be equipped. Reserve Officers staffed each Sunday in the month of January and worked from loam till 6pm. FLEET With all of the inclement weather for the new year that was brought on with extremely hazardous road conditions, the new AWD vehicles proved to be worth their weight in gold in getting to necessary locations to provide assistance for the Brownsburg community and surrounding areas. Purchase for new vehicles will be discussed in the Chief s topic of "Fleet Update ". Fuel consumption for the month was 4324 gallons with 10. 8 mpg. JU''V'ENILE OFFICER The department made 13 Juvenile Arrests with a total of 23 Charges. Some of the charges include: Battery Theft Possession of Alcohol Disorderly Conduct Possession of Marijuana Criminal Mischief Criminal Conversion
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