Geos Communications SIP Trunking
Geos Communications SIP Trunking
T P P A P P N O T E TPP-10253 Date: January, 2010 Product: ShoreTel | Ingate | Geos Communications System version: ShoreTel 9.2 Application Note Geos Communications 23 February 2010 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Table of Contents APPLICATION NOTE .......................................................................................................................... 1 GEOS COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................... 1 1 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................. 3 1.1 2 GEOS COMMUNICATIONS ..................................................................................................... 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 GEOS COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCT INFORMATION..................................................................... 5 GEOS COMMUNICATIONS CONFIGURATION ................................................................................ 5 GEOS COMMUNICATIONS SALES & SUPPORT .............................................................................. 5 INTEROPERABILITY REQUIREMENTS, CERTIFICATION AND LIMITATIONS ...... 6 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 SIP TRUNKING ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW ................................................................................ 4 VERSION SUPPORT ...................................................................................................................... 6 CERTIFICATION RESULTS SUMMARY .......................................................................................... 7 LIMITATIONS AND OBSERVATIONS ........................................................................................... 10 SHORETEL ................................................................................................................................ 11 4.1 SHORETEL UNSUPPORTED FEATURES ....................................................................................... 11 4.2 SHORETEL CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................... 12 4.2.1 ShoreTel System Settings – General: .............................................................................. 12 5 INGATE ....................................................................................................................................... 22 5.1 INGATE PRODUCT INFORMATION .............................................................................................. 22 5.2 INGATE PRODUCT CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................... 23 5.2.1 Startup Tool .................................................................................................................... 23 5.3 INGATE TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................... 30 5.3.1 Call Flow Examples ........................................................................................................ 30 5.3.2 Startup Tool .................................................................................................................... 31 5.3.3 Ingate Example Configuration........................................................................................ 35 5.3.4 Ingate Troubleshooting Tools ......................................................................................... 39 5.4 INGATE SALES & TECHNICAL SUPPORT .................................................................................... 42 5.4.1 Sales................................................................................................................................ 42 5.4.2 Technical Support ........................................................................................................... 42 6 DOCUMENT AND SOFTWARE COPYRIGHTS .................................................................. 43 7 TRADEMARKS.......................................................................................................................... 43 8 DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................................................ 43 9 COMPANY INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 43 pg. 2 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 1 Overview This document provides details for connecting the ShoreTel system though the Ingate SIParator® to Geos Communications for SIP Trunking to enable audio communications. The document specifically focuses on the configuration procedures needed to set up these systems to interoperate. SIP Trunking allows the use of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) communications from an Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP) instead of the typical analog, Basic Rate Interface (BRI), T1 or E1 trunk connections. Having the pure IP trunk to the ITSP allows for more control and options over the communication link. This application note provides the details on connecting the ShoreTel® IP phone system through an Ingate SIParator which is connected to both the LAN and WAN and acts as a secure gateway to Geos Communications for SIP Trunking. ShoreTel and Ingate have teamed up to build a solid security focused solution, ShoreTel being the IP PBX which sits on the LAN and connects to the Ingate SIParator® / Firewall. Providing a solution to allow customers the ability to connect to SIP Trunks offered by Geos Communications in a secure manner is important. The Ingate then is connected to not only the LAN but also the WAN, providing the typical firewall security abilities but also intelligent SIP routing and such SIP features as: Registration Digest Authentication Dial Plan Modification Back to Back User Agent (Terminates SIP messaging on both LAN and WAN side for SIP Protocol Normalization) Transfer conversion of SIP REFER to SIP reINVITE messaging Quick configuration templates for each of the certified ITSPs pg. 3 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 1.1 SIP Trunking Architecture Overview There are a number of different network deployments of SIP Trunking from a Service Provider to an Enterprise. Some Service Providers provide SIP Trunking directly over the Internet and others over provide managed link into their network. Here are two typical deployments examples: pg. 4 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 2 Geos Communications GEOS Communications, Inc. is a leading provider of award-winning patented and innovative high-quality mobile applications and services that employ best-of-breed VoIP technology and use a combination of the Company's own services network and the Internet to deliver high-quality communications products to customers on a global scale. GEOS Communications’ current solutions, which use the MyGlobalTalk™ brand name, provide reduced-cost international long-distance calling from any device: smartphone, cell phone, landline or desk phone, and/or computer. 2.1 Geos Communications Product Information GEOS Communications’ SIP Trunking solution employs the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) in an interconnected deployment between an Enterprise’s IP-PBX and the GEOS network. SIP Trunking, through the deployment of SIP-based communications, permits the customer to utilize hi-reliability and lower cost IP communications channels (“trunks) in-lieu of the typically higher cost analog Basic Rate Interface (BRI), T1, or E1 lines when interconnected to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). 2.2 Geos Communications Configuration GEOS Communications supports common SIP Trunking configurations (see figure below). In addition to interfacing an Enterprise’s IP-PBX to its network GEOS employs the use of the InGate SIParator. With the SIParator deployed at the customer network edge, GEOS is able to interface with any SIP-enabled IP-PBX; thereby eliminating the need to achieve interoperability with every IP-PBX vendor and address the widest number of customer environments. In this context, the SIParator serves as a “normalization engine” between the IP-PBX and GEOS, ensuring a successful SIP trunk roll-out. 2.3 Geos Communications Sales & Support For GEOS Communications SIP Trunking Solutions Sales & Support please contact the following: Sales: Mr. David Schafer; 949.300.6322; Support: Mr. Steven Short; 678-608-3969; pg. 5 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 3 Interoperability Requirements, Certification and Limitations 3.1 Version Support Products are certified via the Technology Partner Certification Process for the ShoreTel system. The table below contains the matrix of Ingate Firewall and Ingate SIParator and GEOS Communications versions firmware releases certified on the identified ShoreTel software releases. Ingate Firewall and Ingate SIParator version 4.5.1 with the patch igpatch-4-5-1shoretel-2 applied 4.5.2 4.6.1 4.7.1 4.8.1 ShoreTel 7.0 ShoreTel 7.5 ShoreTel 8.0 ShoreTel 8.1 ShoreTel 9.0 ShoreTel 9.2 Network gear used in the ITSP’s network along with the applicable releases which were tested. GEOS Communications Network Gear & Versioning FreeSwitch ver. 1.0.3 FreeSwitch ver. 1.0.4 Cisco 7200vxr ShoreTel 7.0 ShoreTel 7.5 ShoreTel 8.0 ShoreTel 8.1 ShoreTel 9.0 ShoreTel 9.2 pg. 6 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 3.2 Certification Results Summary Here are TTP Test Plan Results when testing with <Insert ITSP Name Here> Table 1: Initialization and Basic Calls ID Name Description 1.1 Setup and initialization Outbound Call (Domestic) Inbound Call (Domestic) Verify successful setup and initialization of the system under test (SUT) Verify calls outbound placed through the SUT reach the external destination. Verify calls received by the SUT are routed to the default trunk group destination. Verify that the SUT recovers after power loss to the SUT Verify the SUT recovers after loss of network link to the SUT. Verify an inbound caller hears busy tone when all channels/trunks are in use Verify an outbound caller hears busy tone when all channels/trunks are in use Verify proper call progress tones are provided and proper call teardown for incomplete inbound calls. 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Device Restart – Power Loss Device Restart – Network Loss All Trunks Busy – Inbound Callers All Trunks Busy – Outbound Callers Incomplete Inbound Calls Notes PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS Table 2: Media and Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) Support ID Name 2.1 Error! Reference Error! Reference source not found. source not found. 2.2 Media Support – SIP Reference to SUT 2.3 Codec Negotiation 2.4 DTMF Transmission – Out of Band / In Band Auto Attendant Menu 2.5 2.6 Auto Attendant Menu “Dial by Name” Description Verify call connection and audio path from SIP Reference phones to an external destination through the service provider using all supported codes with both sides set to a common codec. Verify codec negotiation between the SUT and the calling device with each side configured for a different codec. Verify transmission of in-band and out-ofband digits per RFC 2833 for various devices connected to the SUT. Verify that inbound calls are properly terminated on the ShoreTel Auto Attendant menu and that you can transfer to the desired extension. Verify that inbound calls are properly terminated on the ShoreTel Auto Attendant menu and that you can transfer to the desired extension using the “Dial by Name” feature. Notes PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS pg. 7 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 ID Name Description 2.7 Auto Attendant Menu Checking Voice Mail Mailbox Verify that inbound calls are properly terminated on the ShoreTel Auto Attendant menu and that you can transfer to the Voice Mail Login Extension. Notes PASS Table 3: Performance & Quality of Service ID Name 3.1 Voice Quality Service Levels 3.2 Capacity Test 3.3 Post Dial Delay 3.4 Billing Accuracy Description Notes Verify the SUT can provide a voice quality service-level agreement (SLA) across the WAN from the customer premises to the SUT SIP gateway. Verify the service provider interface can sustain services through period of heavy outbound and inbound load. Verify that post dial delay is within acceptable limits. Verify that all test calls made are accurately reflected in the SUT’s Call Detail Record (CDR) and billing reports. N/T PASS PASS PASS Table 4: Enhanced Services and Features ID Name Description 4.1 Caller ID Name and Number Inbound Caller ID Name and Number Outbound Hold from SUT to SIP Reference Call Forward SUT Verify that Caller ID name and number is received from SIP endpoint device 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Call Transfer – Blind 4.6 Call Transfer – Consultative 4.7 Conference – Ad Hoc Notes PASS Verify that Caller ID name and number is sent from SIP endpoint device PASS Verify successful hold and resume of connected call Verify outbound calls that are being forwarded by the SUT are redirected and connected to the appropriate destination. Verify a call connected from the SUT to the ShoreTel phone can be transferred to an alternate destination. Verify a call connected from the SUT to the ShoreTel phone can be transferred to an alternate destination. Verify successful ad hoc conference of three parties PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS pg. 8 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 ID Name Description 4.8 Verify the SUT provides inbound “dialed number information” and is correctly routed to the configured destination. 4.9 Inbound Direct Inward Dialing/Dialed Number Identification Service (DID/DNIS) Outbound 911 4.10 Operator Assisted 4.11 Inbound / Outbound call with Blocked Caller ID Inbound call to a Hunt Group 4.12 4.13 Inbound Call to a Workgroup 4.14 Inbound Call to DNIS/DID and Leave a Voice Mail Message Call Forward – “FindMe” Call Forward Always 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 Inbound / Outbound Fax Calls ShoreTel Converged Conferencing Server Notes PASS Verify that outbound calls to 911 are routed to the correct Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for the calling location and that caller ID information is delivered. Verify that 0+ calls are routed to an operator for calling assistance. Verify that calls with Blocked Caller ID route properly and the answering phone does not display any Caller ID information. Verify that calls route to the proper hunt group and are answered by an available hunt group member with audio in both directions using G.729 and G.711 codecs. Verify that calls route to the proper workgroup and are answered successfully by an available workgroup agent with audio in both directions using G.729 and G.711 codecs. Verify that inbound calls to a user, via DID/DNIS, routes to the proper user mailbox and a message can be left with proper audio. Verify that inbound calls are forwarded to a user’s “FindMe” destination. Verify that inbound calls are immediately automatically forwarded to a user’s external destination. Verify that inbound/outbound fax calls complete successfully. N/T Verify that inbound calls are properly forwarded to the ShoreTel Converged Conferencing Server, that it properly accepts the access code, and you’re able to participate in the conference bridge. N/T N/T PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS N/T pg. 9 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 ID Name Description 4.19 Inbound Call to Bridged Call Appearance (BCA) Extension 4.20 Inbound Call to a Group Pickup Extension Verify that inbound calls properly presented to all of the phones that have BCA configured and that the call can be answered, placed on-hold and then transferred. Verify that inbound calls are properly presented to all of the phones that have Group Pickup configured and that the call can be answered, placed on-hold and then transferred. Notes PASS PASS Table 5: Security ID Name Description 5.1 Digest Authentication Verify the SUT supports the use of digest authentication for service access for inbound and outbound calls. Notes N/T 3.3 Limitations and Observations Observations in Scale-ability Each DID requires a REGISTER. If a customer order 100 DIDs then the Ingate will have to register 100 different accounts. The Ingate has the ability to route based on the combination of the one REGISTER and the DID in the To Header. The To Header of the incoming INVITE should be the AOR, or Called Number. The Ingate dynamically Encrypts the Contact URI of the REGISTER. As per RFC, the AOR is the To and From header and of course the Binding Address is the Contact Header. For mostly security purposes, the Ingate creates an Encrypted URI in the Contact Header of the Register, to ensure that no one can call the URI and prevents Toll Fraud, and SPIT attacks and such. It also hides internal network topology, it does provides SIP routing according to the RFC without compromising security, and provides globally routable unique URI's. From what was observed, the INVITE Request URI Header is perfect, calling the Contact Header of the REGISTER. The issue is in the TO Header, currently it is the same as the Request URI Header but this should be the AOR, or Called Number. Not that a RFC or specification issue with this, but the ShoreTel expects to see a 10 or 11 Digit DID in this header. Here the ShoreTel can route calls to individual users or applications. Another benefit is that you can have one REGISTER and hundreds of DIDs in the To Header to which the IP-PBX can route the call. This does not affect operation of the SIP Trunk, only configuration. pg. 10 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 4 ShoreTel The configuration information below shows examples for configuring the ShoreTel, Ingate and ITSP. Even though configuration requirements can vary from setup to setup, the information provided in these steps, along with the Planning and Installation Guide and documentation provided by Ingate and the ITSP should prove to be sufficient. However every design can vary and some may require more planning then others. 4.1 ShoreTel Unsupported Features Please consult the ShoreTel Administration Guide, Section 18 – Session Initiation Protocol, and more specifically Section and for specific details regarding unsupported features. Here is an excerpt of the Section General Feature Limitations ShoreWare supports Music On Hold (MOH) over SIP trunks. The capacity limits of MOH switches is the same as other trunks; a switch can provide up to 15 streams. However, these streams can be to other switches or to SIP devices. If the ShoreTel server has a conference bridge 4.2 installed, you should not enable SIP. The conference bridge is not compatible with a ShoreTel system that has SIP enabled due to the dynamic RTP port required for SIP. 3-way conference on a SIP trunk call uses Make Me conference ports. A minimum of 3 Make Me ports must be configured to support 3-way conferencing. Make Me conferencing for 4 to 6 parties is not supported. A SIP trunk can be a member of a 3-party conference but cannot initiate a 3-way conference (unless the SIP device merges the media streams itself). ShoreTel SIP supports basic transfers (i.e. blind transfers) and attended transfers (i.e. consultative transfers). Silent Monitoring is not supported on a SIP trunk call. Barge-In is not supported on a SIP trunk call. Call recording is not supported on a SIP trunk call. Call recording requires presence of a physical trunk in the call. Call redirection by SIP devices is not supported. Park/Unpark is not supported on a SIP trunk call. This is planned for a future release. Silence detection on trunk-to-trunk transfers is not supported since it requires a physical trunk. Fax (and modem) redirection is not supported with SIP trunks as only physical trunks can detect fax tones. pg. 11 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 4.2 ShoreTel Configuration This section describes the ShoreTel system configuration to support SIP Trunking. The section is divided into general system settings and trunk configurations (both group and individual) needed to support SIP Trunking. Note: ShoreTel basically just points its Individual SIP Trunks to the Ingate SIParator. The first settings to address within the ShoreTel system are the general system settings. These configurations include the Call Control, the Site and the Switch settings. If these items have already been configured on the system, skip this section and go on to the “ShoreTel System Settings – Trunk Groups” section below. 4.2.1 ShoreTel System Settings – General: The first settings to address within the ShoreTel system are the general system settings. These configurations include the Call Control, the site and the Switch Settings. If these items have already been configured on the system, skip this section and go on to the “ShoreTel System Settings – Trunk Groups” section below. Call Control Settings: The first settings to configure within ShoreWare® Director are the Call Control Options. To configure these settings for the ShoreTel system, log into ShoreWare Director and select “Administration” then “Call Control” followed by “Options” (Figure 4). Figure 4 –Administration Call Control Options pg. 12 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 The “Call Control Options” screen will then appear (Figure 5). Figure 5 – Call Control Options Within the “Call Control Options” SIP parameters; confirm that the appropriate settings are made for the “Realm” “Enable SIP Session Timer” and “Always Use Port 5004 for RTP” parameters. The “Realm” parameter is used in authenticating all SIP devices. It is typically a description of the computer or system being accessed. Changing this value will require a reboot of all ShoreGear switches serving SIP extensions. It is not necessary to modify this parameter to get the ShoreTel IP PBX system functional with AT&T IP Flexible Reach Service. Verify that the “Enable SIP Session Timer” box is checked (enabled). Next the Session Interval Timer needs to be set. The recommended setting for “Session Interval” is 3600 seconds. The last item to select is the appropriate refresher (from the pull down menu) for the SIP Session Timer. The “Refresher” field will be set either to “Caller (UAC)” [User Agent Client] or to “Callee (UAS)” [User Agent Server]. If the “Refresher” field is set to “Caller (UAC)”, the Caller’s device will be in control of the session timer refresh. If “Refresher” is set to “Callee (UAS)”, the device of the person called will control the session timer refresh. The next settings to verify are the “Voice Encoding and Quality of Service”, specifically the “Media Encryption” parameter, make sure this parameter is set to “None”, otherwise you may experience one-way audio issues. Please refer to ShoreTel’s Administration Guide for additional details on media encryption and the other parameters in the “Voice Encoding and Quality of Service” area. Disabling the parameter “Always Use Port 5004 for RTP” is required for implementing SIP on the ShoreTel system. For SIP configurations, Dynamic User Datagram Protocol (UDP) must be used for RTP Traffic. If the parameter is disabled, pg. 13 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) will no longer use UDP port 5004; MGCP and SIP traffic will use dynamic UDP ports. Once this parameter is disabled (unchecked), make sure that “everything” (IP Phones, ShoreGear® Switches, ShoreWare Server, Distributed Voice Mail Servers / Remote Servers, Conference Bridges and Contact Centers) is “fully” rebooted – this is a “one time only” item. By not performing a full system reboot, one-way audio will probably occur during initial testing. Sites Settings: The next settings to address are the administration of sites. These settings are modified under the ShoreWare Director by selecting “Administration” then “Sites” (Figure 6). Figure 6 – Site Administration This selection brings up the “Sites” screen. Within the “Sites” screen select the name of the site to configure. The “Edit Site” screen will then appear. The only changes required to the “Edit Site” screen are to the “Admission Control Bandwidth” and “Intra-Site / Inter-Site Calls” parameters (Figure 7). Figure 7 – Site Bandwidth settings Note: Bandwidth of 2046 is just an example. Please refer to the ShoreTel Planning and Installation Guide for additional information on setting Admission Control Bandwidth. pg. 14 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Sites Edit screen – Admission Control Bandwidth The Admission Control Bandwidth defines the bandwidth available to and from the site. This is important as SIP trunk calls may be counted against the site bandwidth. Bandwidth needs to be set appropriately based on site setup and configuration with AT&T’s IP Flexible Reach Service. Please refer to the ShoreTel Planning and Installation Guide for additional information. Sites Edit screen – Intra / Inter-Site Calls By default ShoreTel 9.x has 10 built-in codecs, these codecs can be grouped as “Codec Lists” and defined in the sites page for “Inter-site” and “Intra-site” calls. Configure the "Inter-Site Calls" option for "Very Low Bandwidth Codecs" and save the change. By default "Very Low Bandwidth Codecs" contains two codecs, G.729 and G.711u, with G.729 being the primary codec of choice. The “Inter-Site Calls” parameter defines which codecs will be used when establishing a call with AT&T IP Flexible Reach Service the preferred codec choice is G.729. Note: Please do not modify the "Very Low Bandwidth Codecs" "Codec List". Switch Settings - Allocating Ports for SIP Trunks The final general settings to configure are the ShoreGear switch settings. These changes are modified by selecting “Administration” then “Switches” followed by “Primary” in ShoreWare Director (Figure 8). Figure 8 – Administration Switches pg. 15 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 This action brings up the “Switches” screen. From the “Switches” screen simply select the name of the switch to configure. The “Edit ShoreGear Switch” screen will be displayed. Within the “Edit ShoreGear Switch” screen, select the desired number of SIP Trunks from the ports available (Figure 9). Figure 9 – ShoreGear Switch Settings Each port designated as a SIP Trunk Port Type enables the support for 5 individual SIP trunks. ShoreTel System Settings – Trunk Groups ShoreTel Trunk Groups only support Static IP Addresses for Individual Trunks. In trunk planning, the following needs to be considered. - Ingate SIParator LAN and WAN interfaces should always be configured to use a “Static”IP Address. The settings for Trunk Groups are changed by selecting “Administration”, then “Trunks” followed by “Trunk Groups” within ShoreWare Director (Figure 10). Figure 10 – Administration Trunk Groups pg. 16 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 This selection brings up the “Trunk Groups” screen (Figure 11). Figure 11 – Trunk Groups Settings From the pull down menus on the “Trunk Groups” screen, select the site desired and select the “SIP” trunk type to configure. Then click on the “Go” link from “Add new trunk group at site”. The “Edit SIP Trunk Group” screen will appear (Figure 12). Figure 12 – SIP Trunk Group Settings The next step within the “Edit SIP Trunks Group” screen is to input the name for the trunk group. In the example in Figure 12, the name “AT&T IP Flex Reach” has been created. The next step is to enable (check) the setting of the “Teleworker” parameter. Enabling the “Teleworker” parameter will configure the trunk group for inter-site calls, which was configured earlier (see Figure 7) for “Very Low Bandwidth Codecs” which has G.729 as the primary codec choice. Once this parameter is enabled, it will count against the site bandwidth. The “Enable SIP Info for G.711 DTMF Signaling” parameter should not be enabled (checked). Enabling SIP info is currently only used with SIP tie trunks between ShoreTel systems. The “Profile:” parameter is new to ShoreTel 9.x and should be left at a default setting of “_SystemTrunk”, it is not necessary to modify this parameter when connecting to AT&T IP Flexible Reach Service via an Ingate SIParator. pg. 17 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 The “Enable Digest Authentication” parameter defaults to “<None>” and modification is not required when connecting to AT&T IP Flexible Reach Service. The next item to change in the “Edit SIP Trunks Group” screen is to make the appropriate settings for the “Inbound:” parameters. (Figure 13). Figure 13 – Inbound: Within the “Inbound:” settings, ensure the “Number of Digits from CO” is set to match what the ShoreGear SIP trunk switch will be receiving from AT&T IP Flexible Reach Service and ensure the “DNIS” or “DID” box is enabled (checked), along with the Extension parameter. We recommend that the Tandem Trunking parameter be enabled (checked) otherwise transfers to external telephone numbers will fail via SIP trunks. For additional information on this parameter please refer to ShoreTel’s Planning and Installation Guide. Note: Geos Communications can be provisioned to deliver 10, 7 or 4 digits for incoming calls, the ShoreTel Trunk Group will only allow one setting. If your service has been provisioned for 10, 7 or 4 digits configure the trunk group for 10 digits, you will then need to configure Ingate to add digits to the 7 or 4 digit calls, so that they will be 10 digits in length. See section 5 Configuring Ingate to convert 7 or 4 digit called number to 10 digits. The following section is configured in the same way as any normal Trunk Group. pg. 18 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Figure 14 – Outbound and Trunk Services: Enable (check) the “Outbound” parameter and define a Trunk “Access Code” and “Local Area Code” as appropriate. In the “Trunk Services:” area, make sure the appropriate services are enabled or disabled based on what AT&T IP Flexible Reach Service supports and what features are needed from this Trunk Group. The last parameter determines if the call is sent out as <unknown> or with caller information (Caller ID). User DID will impact how information is passed out to the SIP Trunk group. After these settings are made to the “Edit SIP Trunk Group” screen, select the “Save” button to input the changes. The last configuration parameters for configuration in the Trunk Group is “Trunk Digit Manipulation” (figure 15): pg. 19 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Figure 15 – Trunk Digit Manipulation: The only parameter that needs adjustment (from default) to interface with AT&T IP Flexible Reach Service is “Dial 7 digits for Local Area Code”, disable (uncheck) this parameter. Save the changes. This completes the settings needed to set up the trunk groups on the ShoreTel system. ShoreTel System Settings – Individual Trunks: This section covers the configuration of the individual trunks. Select “Administration”, then “Trunks” followed by “Individual Trunks” to configure the individual trunks (Figure 16). Figure 16 – Individual Trunks The “Trunks by Group” screen is used to change the individual trunks settings that appear (Figure 17). Figure 17 – Trunks by Group pg. 20 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Select the site for the new individual trunk(s) to be added and select the appropriate trunk group from the pull down menu in the “Add new trunk at site” area. In this example, the site is “Headquarters” and the trunk group is “AT&T IP Flex Reach”, as created above, see Figure 12. Click on the ”Go” button to bring up the “Edit Trunk” screen (Figure 18). Figure 18 - Edit Trunks Screen for Individual Trunks From the individual trunks “Edit Trunk” screen, input a name for the individual trunks, select the appropriate switch, select the SIP Trunk type and input the number of trunks. When selecting a name, the recommendation is to name the individual trunks the same as the name of the trunk group so that the trunk type can easily be tracked. Select the switch upon which the individual trunk will be created. For the “Sip Trunk Type”, the only option available is “Use IP Address”, define the IP address of the Ingate SIParator product. The last step is to select the number of individual trunks desired (each one supports “one” audio path – example if 10 is configured, then 10 audio paths can be up at one time). Once these changes are complete, select the “Save” button to commit changes. Note: Individual SIP Trunks cannot span networks. SIP Trunks can only terminate on the switch selected. There is no failover to another switch. For redundancy two trunk groups will be needed with each pointing to another Ingate SIParator – just the same as if PRI were being used. After setting up the trunk groups and individual trunks, refer to the ShoreTel Planning and Installation Guide to make the appropriate changes for the User Group settings. This completes the settings for the ShoreTel system side. pg. 21 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 5 Ingate Ingate Systems AB is a Stockholm, Sweden based high-tech company that designs, develops, manufactures and markets leading data communications products for trusted Unified Communications. Ingate designed the world’s first Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)-capable firewalls and SIParators, products that enable Unified Communications over the Internet. Unified Communications, with applications such as Internet telephony, presence indication, instant messaging, and audio/video conferencing, are modern and powerful business tools that enable enterprises to maintain reliable IP-communications internally and externally. As more businesses utilize these applications, service providers are offering SIP trunks to connect Local Area Networks to the outer world via Internet and/or dedicated, managed IP-lines. The enterprise Session Border Controller (Firewall) needs to manage all incoming and outgoing traffic securely. Authorized traffic based on SIP needs to pass through the Session Border Controller in a controlled manner reaching SIP units inside and outside the LAN. Ingate's Session Border Controllers are compatible with existing networks, and allow businesses to utilize the cost and time saving benefits of IP-based real-time communications with minimum investment. Ingate’s leading products are marketed through world leading distributors, Value Added resellers and OEM’s on all continents. 5.1 Ingate Product Information Ingate SIParator and Firewall products are compatible with communications equipment from other vendors and service providers who support the SIP Protocol. The Ingate products are a security device designed to sit on the Enterprise network edge, an ICSA Labs Certified security product, focused on SIP communications security and network security for the Enterprise. Ingate products are designed to solve the issues related to SIP traversing the NAT (Network Address Translation) which is a part of all enterprise class firewalls. The NAT translates between the public IP address(es) of the enterprise, and the private IP addresses which are only known inside the LAN. These private IP addresses are created to enable all devices to have an IP address, and also provide one of the security layers of the enterprise network. In addition, the Ingate products provide routing rules to flexibility in SIP traffic flows and ensure only allowed SIP traffic will pass. This provides an ability to route any call to any destination in a secure manner. The Ingate products also contain SIP Protocol normalization tools to assist in the interoperability of all of the different SIP vendors and service providers. Features such as a B2BUA and other advanced customization tools allow integration with any other vendor. pg. 22 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 5.2 Ingate Product Configuration The following section will briefly describe the configuration of the Ingate products. Further configuration of the Ingate products can be found under the Account Login page. Including a Configuration Guide for the Ingate with a ShoreTel when using SIP Trunking. 5.2.1 Startup Tool The Ingate Startup Tool is an installation tool for Ingate Firewall® and Ingate SIParator® products, facilitates the “out of the box” set up of SIP Trunking solutions with ShoreTel and various Internet Telephony Service Providers. Designed to simplify SIP trunk deployments, the tool will automatically configure a user’s Ingate Firewall or SIParator® to work with ShoreTel and the SIP Trunking service provider of your choice. With the push of a button, the configuration tool will automatically create a SIP trunk deployment designed to the user’s individual setup. Users can select ShoreTel from a drop-down menu and the Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP) they use; the configuration tool will automatically apply the correct settings to the Ingate Firewall or SIParator to work seamlessly with that vendor or service provider. A list of SIP Trunking service providers that have demonstrated interoperability with the Ingate products is incorporated into the interface. Please note that not all SIP Trunking service providers listed in this interface have been certified by ShoreTel. Consult the ShoreTel Certified Technology Partner list of vendors for a current list. ( The configuration tool is available now as a free download for all Ingate Firewalls and SIParators. It can be found at Also available here is a Startup Tool Getting Started Guide to assist in using the Startup Tool. pg. 23 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Contacting the Ingate Unit There are three main options to keep in mind. 1) Is this an “Out of the Box” installation, if so select “Configure the unit for the first time.” 2) If the Ingate has a configuration already, then select “Change or update configuration of the unit”. And 3) Select “Configure SIP Trunking” to have the available options for SIP Trunking. Select one or the other Select Configure SIP Trunking Assign IP Addresses and MAC the tool will use to config the Ingate Assign Password the tool will use to config the Ingate Status Information, helpful for troubleshooting pg. 24 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Startup Tool Configuration – Network Topology The Network Topology tab is about defining how the Ingate product will be deployed and the Network Topology required around it. The Product Type defines the deployment and the rest define the IP Addresses and Masks and DNS Servers. Select the deployment according to the picture Assign IP Addresses, the tool will config the Ingate Status Information, helpful for troubleshooting pg. 25 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Startup Tool Configuration – IP-PBX Selecting ShoreTel as the IP-PBX Type will ensure the Ingate Startup Tool propagates the necessary configuration into the Ingate SIParator or Firewall to ensure correct operation. This configuration is based off of extensive TTP Interop Testing as well as experience in various deployments. Simply assign the IP Address of the ShoreTel ShoreGear Switch. Assign the ShoreTel as the IP-PBX Type Assign the IP Address of the ShoreTel ShoreGear Status Information, helpful for troubleshooting pg. 26 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Startup Tool Configuration – ITSP Ingate has gone out to verify and test with a large number of Carriers and Service Providers. With every ITSP verification, Ingate records the individual setup and deployment characteristics of each Service Provider. With a simple selection of the Service Provider the knowledge and configuration of each deployment is propagated to the Ingate SIParator or Firewall. Select ITSP Vendor Assign the ITSP IP Address User Account Information, DID Assignment and Registration Authentication Status Information, helpful for troubleshooting pg. 27 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Upload Configuration At this point the Startup Tool has all the information required to push a database into the Ingate unit. The Startup Tool can also create a backup file for later use. 1. Press the “Upload” button. If you would like the Startup Tool to create a Backup file also select “Backup the configuration”. Upon pressing the “Upload” button the Startup Tool will push a database into the Ingate unit. 2. When the Startup has finished uploading the database a window will appear and once pressing OK the Startup Tool will launch a default browser and direct you to the Ingate Web GUI. pg. 28 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 3. Although the Startup Tool has pushed a database into the Ingate unit, the changes have not been applied to the unit. Press “Apply Configuration” to apply the changes to the Ingate unit. 4. A new page will appear after the previous step requesting to save the configuration. Press “Save Configuration” to complete the saving process. pg. 29 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 5.3 Ingate Troubleshooting 5.3.1 Call Flow Examples Incoming Call Incoming calls will always originate from the Service Provider and be addressed directly to the Ingate SIParator IP Address. The Ingate in turn will route the call to the ShoreGear switch. Outgoing Call Outgoing calls will always originate from the ShoreTel Phones, then the ShoreGear switch makes a call directly to the Ingate IP address. The Ingate in turn will route the call to the ITSP. pg. 30 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 5.3.2 Startup Tool Status Bar Located on every page of the Startup Tool is the Status Bar. This is a display and recording of all of the activity of the Startup Tool, displaying Ingate unit information, software versions, Startup Tool events, errors and connection information. Please refer to the Status Bar to acquire the current status and activity of the Startup Tool. Configure Unit for the First Time Right “Out of the Box”, sometimes connecting and assigning an IP Address and Password to the Ingate Unit can be a challenge. Typically, the Startup Tool cannot program the Ingate Unit. The Status Bar will display “The program failed to assign an IP address to eth0”. Possible Problems Ingate Unit is not Turned On. Ethernet cable is not connected to Eth0. Incorrect MAC Address An IP Address and/or Password have already been assigned to the Ingate Unit Ingate Unit on a different Subnet or Network Possible Resolution Turn On or Connect Power (Trust me, I’ve been there) Eth0 must always be used with the Startup Tool. Check the MAC address on the Unit itself. MAC Address of Eth0. It is possible that an IP Address or Password have been already been assigned to the unit via the Startup Tool or Console The Startup Tool uses an application called “Magic PING” to assign the IP Address to the Unit. It is heavily reliant on ARP, if the PC with the Startup Tool is located across Routers, Gateways and VPN Tunnels, it is possible that MAC addresses cannot be found. It is the intension of the Startup Tool when configuring the unit for the first time to pg. 31 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Possible Problems Despite your best efforts… Possible Resolution keep the network simple. See Section 3. 1. Use the Console Port, please refer to the Reference Guide, section “Installation with a serial cable”, and step through the “Basic Configuration”. Then you can use the Startup Tool, this time select “Change or Update the Configuration” 2. Factory Default the Database, then try again. Change or Update Configuration If the Ingate already has an IP Address and Password assigned to it, then you should be able use a Web Browser to reach the Ingate Web GUI. If you are able to use your Web Browser to access the Ingate Unit, then the Startup should be able to contact the Ingate unit as well. The Startup Tool will respond with “Failed to contact the unit, check settings and cabling” when it is unable to access the Ingate unit. Possible Problems Ingate Unit is not Turned On. Incorrect IP Address Incorrect Password Despite your best efforts… Possible Resolution Turn On or Connect Power Check the IP Address using a Web Browser. Check the Password. 1. Since this process uses the Web (http) to access the Ingate Unit, it should seem that any web browser should also have access to the Ingate Unit. If the Web Browser works, then the Startup Tool should work. 2. If the Browser also does not have access, it might be possible the PC’s IP Address does not have connection privileges in “Access Control” within the Ingate. Try from a PC that have access to the Ingate Unit, or add the PC’s IP Address into “Access Control”. pg. 32 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Network Topology There are several possible error possibilities here, mainly with the definition of the network. Things like IP Addresses, Gateways, NetMasks and so on. Possible Problems Error: Default gateway is not reachable. Error: Settings for eth0/1 is not correct. Error: Please provide a correct netmask for eth0/1 Error: Primary DNS not setup. Possible Resolution The Default Gateway is always the way to the Internet, in the Standalone or Firewall it will be the Public Default Gateway, on the others it will be a Gateway address on the local network. IP Address of Netmask is in an Invalid format. Netmask is in an Invalid format. Enter a DNS Server IP address IP-PBX The errors here are fairly simple to resolve. The IP address of the IP-PBX must be on the same LAN segment/subnet as the Eth0 IP Address/Mask. Possible Problems Error: The IP PBX IP does not seem to be on the LAN. Error: You must enter a SIP domain. Error: As you intend to use RSC you must enter a SIP domain. Alternatively you may configure a static IP address on eth1 under Network Topology Possible Resolution The IP Address of the IP-PBX must be on the same subnet as the inside interface of the Ingate Eth0. Enter a Domain, or de-select “Use Domain” Enter a Domain or IP Address used for Remote SIP Connectivity. Note: must be a Domain when used with SIP Trunking module. pg. 33 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 ITSP The errors here are fairly simple to resolve. The IP address, Domain, and DID of the ITSP must be entered. Possible Problems Error: Please enter a domain name for your provider Error: Please enter number, name and domain. Possible Resolution Enter a Domain, or de-select “Use Domain” Enter a DID and Domain, or de-select “Use Account” Apply Configuration At this point the Startup Tool has pushed a database to the Ingate Unit, you have Pressed “Apply Configuration” in Step 3) of Section 4.7 Upload Configuration, but the “Save Configuration” is never presented. Instead after a period of time the following webpage is presented. This page is an indication that there was a change in the database significant enough that the PC could no longer web to the Ingate unit. Possible Problems Eth0 Interface IP Address has changed Access Control does not allow administration from the IP address of the PC. Possible Resolution Increase the duration of the test mode, press “Apply Configuration” and start a new browser to the new IP address, then press “Save Configuration” Verify the IP address of the PC with the Startup Tool. Go to “Basic Configuration”, then “Access Control”. Under “Configuration Computers”, ensure the IP Address or Network address of the PC is allowed to HTTP to the Ingate unit. pg. 34 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 5.3.3 Ingate Example Configuration Configure your Ingate Firewall or Ingate SIParator to get basic network connectivity on all applicable interfaces. Please refer to the Reference Guide and other documentation as needed. Remember to configure the following: Assign IP addresses on the inside and outside interface. For DMZ SIParators, use one interface only. (Network -> All Interfaces) Assign a default gateway. (Network -> Default Gateway) Assign a DNS server address. (Basic Configuration -> Basic Configuration) Define the IP subnet allowed to configure the Ingate and the interfaces to use for configuration. (Basic Configuration -> Access Control) First make these basic settings and apply the configuration to have the unit working in your network environment. Then proceed with the following settings to get SIP Trunking to work with your service provider. Network and Computers This is an example of the Network – Networks and Computers page with an Ingate SIParator in a Stand-alone configuration. The Networks and Computer page is a IP Table List or Route List, providing the Ingate knowledge of its surrounding networks and what interface they are connected too. Also, the table provides identification of specific IP Addresses for later use in providing filter and identification of source IP addresses in the Dial Plan and other locations. Add a network for the Service Provider (ITSP IP). If you don’t know the IP addresses used for the ITSP, you can put in as lower limit and as upper limit. In this way, requests from any IP address will be accepted. Add a network for the LAN (inside IP range). Add an IP Address of the ShoreTel ShoreGear pg. 35 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Basic Configuration – SIParator Type (SIParator Only) Use the appropriate SIParator configuration for your deployment. SIP Traffic – Filtering Under Proxy Rules, change the Default Policy for SIP Requests to “Process All”. Content Type: Add */* and Allow - ON pg. 36 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Interoperability There are some general Interop settings required for use with ShoreTel. Configuration Steps: URI Encoding – Use shorter, encrypted URI Signaling Order of Re-INVITEs – Send response before re-INVITE are forwarded Allow Large UDP Packets - Allow Large UDP Packets pg. 37 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Dial Plan This is an example of the SIP Traffic - Dial Plan on the Ingate SIParator. There are three main parameters that need to be defined to create the Dial Plan. Matching From Header, Matching Request URI and Forward To are parameters that when combined together form the Dial Plan. The key difference in the ShoreTel integration is the use of the B2BUA as the SIP Normalization Tool, thus the Forward To section Regular Expression has sip:$1@;b2bua for the ShoreTel ShoreGear destination as well as sip:$1@;b2bua for the Service Provider destination. pg. 38 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 5.3.4 Ingate Troubleshooting Tools Display Logs Here is the internal logging of the Ingate. The Display Logs show all SIP Signaling and also TLS (SSH) certificate exchange and setup. Press “Display Log” to see internal logs Always create a “Support Report” for Ingate Support Show newest log on top Filter on SIP specific fields Filter on SIP traffic only pg. 39 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 Packet Capture The Packet Capture capability of the Ingate allows for the capture and export of all traffic on any one or ALL interfaces simultaneously. Then export to your PC where it can be viewed in Wireshark or Ethereal. Select “All Interfaces” to cook multiple captures from multiple interfaces into one PCAP Filter on Port, Transport and other criteria Download PCAP File Start Capture, reproduce the problem, then Stop Capture Check Network Standard PING and Trace Route feature for simple network checks. PING and Trace Route pg. 40 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 pg. 41 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 5.4 Ingate Sales & Technical Support 5.4.1 Sales North America For general sales questions or resellers who want to start selling this solution, please contact; Steven Johnson 603-883-6569 or EMEA For general sales questions or resellers who want to start selling this solution please contact; Ingate Systems HQ +46-8-600-7750 or 5.4.2 Technical Support North America Customers: The Ingate Authorized Reseller should always be your first contact for support. The ShoreTel TAC is a part of the Ingate Authorized Resellers. If you don't work with an Ingate Authorized Reseller, you may purchase an Annual Support Agreement from Ingate Systems. All support questions and issues should be directed to: Email: Phone: 1-866-809-0002 Operational Hours: 8:00am to 6:00pm EST EMEA Customers: The Ingate Authorized Reseller should always be your first contact for support. The ShoreTel TAC is a part of the Ingate Authorized Resellers. If you don't work with an Ingate Authorized Reseller, you may purchase an Annual Support Agreement from Ingate Systems. All support questions and issues should be directed to: Email: Phone old: +46-13-21 08 52 Phone new: +46-8 600 7766 Operational Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm CET (UTC+1) pg. 42 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 6 Document and Software Copyrights Copyright © 2009 by ShoreTel, Inc., Sunnyvale, California, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without prior written authorization of ShoreTel Communications, Inc. ShoreTel, Inc. reserves the right to make changes without notice to the specifications and materials contained herein and shall not be responsible for any damage (including consequential) caused by reliance on the materials presented, including, but not limited to typographical, arithmetic or listing errors. 7 Trademarks The ShoreTel logo, ShoreTel, ShoreCare, ShoreGear, ShoreWare and ControlPoint are registered trademarks of ShoreTel, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. ShorePhone is a trademark of ShoreTel, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other copyrights and trademarks herein are the property of their respective owners. 8 Disclaimer To be “ShoreTel Certified” means that Technology Partner's product will interoperate with the ShoreTel system, but ShoreTel does not certify that the features or functionality of Technology Partner's product will perform as specified by Technology Partner nor that Technology Partner's product will meet your specific application needs or requirements. To inter-operate means that Technology Partner's product is able to exchange, use and share information with the ShoreTel system. 9 Company Information ShoreTel, Inc. 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, California 94085 USA +1.408.331.3300 +1.408.331.3333 fax pg. 43 960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333
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