May - Beach Cities Quilters Guild
May - Beach Cities Quilters Guild
Volume 16, Number 8 May 2008 MEETING DATE — Thursday, MAY 8, 2008 HAPPY (HALF) HOUR — 6:30 to 7:00 P.M. BUSINESS — 7:00 to 9:30 P.M. NANCY BROWN Nancy Brown started making quilts over fifteen years ago. She has always loved animals and found that she could create animal portraits with hand appliqué. She has made a wide variety of these quilts featuring very wild animals to the more tame, neighborhood pets. The expressions and details are extraordinary. This love of animals has driven Nancy to create her own style of Baltimore Album quilt, using original animal designs. She has also captured some old black and white family photos in her appliqué quilts, using pieced blocks from the period in the borders. You will recognize her award winning quilts, which have been exhibited around the world, and in many books and magazines. Please check out her website and be amazed by her unique style. You won’t want to miss this program or her workshops! Anyone available to assist the speakers with book and pattern sales, or holding quilts during the meetings should contact Marian Mapes. Please join us for dinner with Nancy Brown at Sarducci’s restaurant, in the San Juan Capistrano Depot, at 5:00 p.m. prior to the Guild meeting. PLEASE call or email Marian Mapes to reserve your spot for dinner. 2008 May: Nancy Brown, June: Gabrielle Swain, July: Melinda Bula, August: Jane Sassaman, September: Hollis Chatelain, October: President’s Quilt Presentation November: Diane Gaudynski, December: Holiday Program The Beach Cities Quilters Guild was established to promote quilting and other fabric arts in the South Orange County area. Membership is $30 per year, October through September. Guests are welcome at meetings for a $5 guest fee (free in December). For membership information, contact Nancy McBride at 22751 Via Tercero, Mission Viejo, CA. 92691. Web Site: Listed email and phone numbers are for BCQG business only please. Beach Cities Quilters Guild Board Committee Chairpersons Marco Forster Middle School (Cafetorium) Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month in the Cafetorium of Marco Forster Middle School 25601 Camino del Avion San Juan Capistrano Next Board Meeting May 15 @ 6:00 P.M. at A Time to Sew 28461 Marguerite Parkway (at Avery) Please call Marsha Burns at 496-4525 if you will be unable to attend. Directions: I-5 to Avery Parkway exit. Turn east (toward mountains). Make an immediate left turn into Avery Center driveway (next to Del Taco). Proceed through parking lot. A Time to Sew is in the building in the back (close to the freeway). If you get to the light at Marguerite/Avery, you have gone too far—make a safe U-turn at the light, then a right into the Avery Center. A Time to Sew will be straight ahead, on the left. Page 2 Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 President’s Message YIKES!! May is right around the corner!! That means that the quilt show is descending upon us. You will want to be sure your quilts are finished, tickets bought, you have volunteered on a committee and, most important, ask your friends, neighbors, and family to come to our show. It is going to be fabulous! It is a weekend that BCQG members can truly be proud of our guild. What can I say? Mary Arntz, Odette Osantowski and Debbie DeLuca were FABULOUS! They gave us such a wonderful evening; one that made us want to go home to sew and inspired each of us towards more creativity. I always enjoy Membership Showcase and this was no exception. I thank each of you for presenting your quilts and stories; it was great! We have such tremendous quilters in our guild and I love it when they share their skills and knowledge with all of us. Mother’s Day is coming and I hope that each of you enjoy your family on that Sunday. It is a day that most of us have an excuse not to cook! Mother’s Day is a day that gives tribute to all of the moms so if your mom is still alive enjoy her, if you have kids enjoy them for they made you a “Mom”! Enjoy the day and relish in all of the work that you have done in your life to make a mark on the world. Happy Mother’s Day, Marsha OC Fair Is Back! BCQG will have a booth at the Orange County Fair on July 23, 2008. We will be responsible for the booth from 12 to 9:00 p.m. with a stage demo at 1:00 p.m. We will be looking for volunteers to help “man” this booth during these hours. As a volunteer you will have a free pass to the Fair so when your shift is finished you can enjoy the sights and sounds of the Fair. While you are doing your shift you can bring a sewing project to work on so the day turns out to be very fun and productive! The program coordinator is very happy that BCQG is coming back this year as she knows that many people enjoy stopping by our booth and speaking with our members. It turns out to be a very fun afternoon for us too! I am looking for volunteers so please contact me if you are interested in joining us at the OC Fair on July 23, 2008. Marsha Burns These are a small sample of the beautiful quilts our three special ladies shared with us. Top—Odette Middle—Mary Bottom—Debbie Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 Page 3 WIN! WIN! WIN! Sell those Opportunity quilt tickets and win! The income from our opportunity quilt is one of the largest sums we gather for our operations every two years. Besides, chances for our beautiful quilt are sew easy to sell, after all you made it. The top seller of tickets will receive: Two $ 25.00 gift certificates to two different local quilt shops Tropical FantaSea Quilt Kit and Workshop with Jan Hirth AND this wall hanging, Tropical FantaSea - Incentive Version 39" x 39" Blocks were made by members of the Threads of Friendship. Hand appliquéd, machine and hand quilted by Nancy Ota The second highest seller will receive: Two $ 25.00 gift certificates to two different local quilt shops Tropical FantaSea quilt kit and workshop with Jan Hirth The third highest seller will receive One $25.00 gift certificate to a local quilt shop Tropical FantaSea quilt kit and workshop with Jan Hirth WIN A TROPICAL FANTASEA KIT, PATTERN AND WORKSHOP The next top 17 Opportunity Quilt ticket sellers will receive a chance to make their own Tropical FantaSea. Each winner will receive a kit of strips from the making of the quilt, pattern instructions and appliqué patterns. These strips can be combined with scraps from your own stash to make a similar quilt as the Tropical FantaSea quilt. AND the kit comes with a free workshop with the designer, Jan Hirth. Jan will instruct you on how to piece and appliqué this quilt! As of March 31, 2008, Regina Moore has sold 125 tickets!! That puts her in first place—now you know what you need to do in order to win a prize. Tickets are 6 for $5.00 or $1.00 for one; you can sell them to your dentist, neighbor, friend, doctor; or, to anyone that would like our beautiful quilt! Do you remember all those people that you bought their kid’s gift wrapping, candy bars, school car wash fundraisers, cookies, etc. from? Well, now is the time to sell them your opportunity quilt tickets! Do you need more tickets? Contact Kathy Stolhand or Marsha Burns and they will mail tickets to your home. MAY 8 IS THE DEADLINE FOR TURNING IN MONEY TO BE COUNTED TOWARDS THE AWARDS FOR OPPORTUNITY QUILT TICKET SALES. MONEY TURNED IN AFTER THAT DATE WILL NOT COUNT TOWARD THE TOP SELLER INCENTIVES. Page 4 Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 All quilt show entrants are required to pick up instructions for entry turn in. They will be available at the May Guild meeting. Please visit the Quilt Show table in front of the stage. DROP-OFF TIMES FOR QUILT SHOW ENTRIES Place: A Time To Sew 28641 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 364-6372 Times: Thursday, May 22, 2008 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. This quilt rack is one of the raffle items that has been donated by Sue Peters. Quilts not included! Friday, May 23, 2008 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 30, 2008 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Saturday, May 31, 2008 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Sunday, June 1, 2008 12 Noon – 4:00 p.m. QUILT SHOW AUCTION—Saturday, June 7th at 1:00 p.m. In one word, the word for this year’s quilt show auction is WOW. Again, we have had some beautiful quilts donated, which is no surprise knowing this guild. Julie, Monica and I feel so very fortunate to be members of Beach Cities Quilters Guild. Everyone is so supportive and when the SOS goes out, so many life savers appear!!! We now have either in hand or promised 25 quilts for the auction. As you know the proceeds from the auction go to the budget allowing us to invite nationally and internationally famous quilters to speak at our meetings and offset the cost of workshops. We would like to have about 40 items (quilts, wearable’s, dolls and purses) for the auction and we still need your help. The quilts can be any size from table runners to wall hangings to lap and bed sized. If you and/or a friendship group are in the process of making an auction item, please contact Julie, Monica or Pat so that we can have an idea of exactly how many items we will have. Again, thank you to all. We are hoping to make this the best auction yet. Julie Greenspan, Pat Pardoen and Monica Shafer VOLUNTEERS ARE STILL NEEDED FOR THE QUILT SHOW PLEASE SIGN UP AT THE NEXT GUILD MEETING There are still plenty of jobs left to fill, both sitting and standing! If you can’t “work” the show, maybe you’d like to bring a treat to support our vendors? Plenty of volunteer positions are for two or more people so sign up with a friend, make a new friend or bring your entire friendship group and join in the fun! Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 Page 5 April Door Prize Donors MONTHLY MINI Thank You to All of Our Door Prize Donors Sherry Glidden started quilting in 2004, which is the year she joined BCQG. She currently serves as Treasurer for the guild and Acquisitions Chair for the upcoming quilt show. Her interests lean more to designing pictorial art quilts. She enjoys creating “happy” nature scenes. And Barbara Thieme was happy to take this lovely mini home. Janet Cook, Wendy Price and Mary Arntz A Time to Sew Capistrano Sew n Vac Cozy Quilt Shop - Daniela Stout (our March Speaker) Flying Geese Fabric Material Possessions Moore's Piecemakers Q's Longarm Quilting Tall Mouse Anonymous SUNSHINE AND SHADOWS Members of Betty Korleski’s family sent our guild a very generous donation of $100. If anyone has ideas of how we can honor Betty with this gift, please send a note to Marsha Burns. In the meantime, a note of thanks would be very nice! Address it to: The Knowlton and Burns Family 1136 Radcliff Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93305 If anyone would like to send cards to Marianne Cunningham’s daughter Amanda Long, please mail them to: 456 W. Calle Paso Suave Sahuarita, AZ 85629 Amanda has been very ill following recent childbirth, and it is hoped that she will be returning home from the hospital soon. Cards can also be sent to Marianne who has been there caring for Austin, Amanda’s 2 year old, and Ryan, the newborn. Let’s keep them all in our prayers. Our hearts go out to Kathy Hutchins, who recently lost her mother-in-law. It seems that many of us have family who could benefit from a little extra prayer! If you are so moved, please include not only those above, but Sheri Forrester’s grandson Ryan, our dear Helen Brassaw, and the Kouzelos Family in your prayers. Thank you, Sue Peters & Barbara Green Page 6 The Guildy Girls Becky, Tara, Keri, Janet, Cheryl and Deborra Dear BCQG, My family and I recently moved to Arizona! This beautiful quilt was made for me by Becky McDaniel, Keri Follmer, Janet Crosson, Cheryl Carrera, Deborra Singletary and quilted by Alicia Passarelli. Had it not been for Deborra bringing me to the guild, I might not have met anyone! Thank you so much to everyone for all you have shared with me!!! Much love to all, Tara Hilde Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 Marsha Burns’ President’s Quilt – From the Mountains to the Sea It’s that time of year again to honor President Marsha Burns for all her hard work by making her a wonderful quilt. Marsha’s theme was chosen because she loves both the mountains (Big Bear) and the Sea (the Pacific Ocean). We are combining the two and doing a quilt that reflects both of her loves. Please keep in mind the following: Color: Marsha’s home is beautifully designed in earth-tones, the backgrounds of the blocks can be, sky-blue, light green, beige, or sand. Block ideas/patterns: Plants, flowers, pine trees, palm trees, leaves, acorns, sports activities like boating, canoeing, biking, and swimming. You can make cabins, cabanas, deer, squirrels, dogs, skis, birds, bugs, mountains, and even little quilts! Your block can be pieced, appliquéd or foundation pieced. Dimensions: Your block should measure 5 1/2” UNFINISHED – 5” FINISHED. If you are appliquéing, please make your block larger. DO NOT TRIM YOUR BLOCK. NO-NOs: No fish, no underwater scenes, no scary bugs or snakes! Please feel free to embellish your block, but if you are going to add a doo-dad that might break, put it in a baggie and pin it to your block. PLEASE SIGN YOUR BLOCK WITH YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME. Avoid signing into the margins. We will have pens at the table if you don’t have one. THE DEADLINE FOR THE BLOCKS WILL BE THE JULY 10TH MEETING Please come by the President’s Quilt table at the Guild meeting for ideas, patterns and sample blocks. We will also need volunteers to work on Marsha’s quilt; the sign-up sheets for various jobs will be at the table also. If you are interested in hosting a quilting bee or would like to assemble or appliqué on the quilt, please contact Bettie Blauser. We would love for everyone to participate. Bettie Blauser, Past President PHILANTHROPY: Don't you just love spring? Everything seems fresh and new. With the quilt show fast approaching, I know many of you will have your minds on completing your quilts for the show, but please consider taking a relaxing afternoon off to sit with us philanthropy gals. There's some really satisfying, stress-free tasks to do, like sewing on bindings and labels. No pressure, just a little hand work and some socializing. I'll make some raspberry iced tea. Of course, if you're feeling ambitious and all your outside projects are caught up, by all means bring your machine—we've always got lots to do, and it means so much to those we help. Thanks! Monica Shafer Next Meeting May 15 from 1 to 4 at A Time To Sew Lyndy and Monica are wearing cancer caps. Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 Page 7 TREASURER’S REPORT WORKSHOPS We would like to thank Tall Mouse and A Time To Sew for hosting our Members Workshops in April. Of course, we also want to thank our wonderful members, Sandy Corbin, Raquel Reyes-Cardona and Alisa La Londe for the fabulous workshops. On May 9 & 10 Nancy Brown: An award winning appliqué quilter her quilts have been featured in books and magazines. We have several openings for the Friday May 9 class, the hummingbird pattern, and a few openings for the May 10 cat pattern class. The class is $30 at A Time To Sew from 10-4 June 13 & 14 Gabriella Swain: 2 day workshop $80: at A Time to Sew. Gabriella is best known for her use of color. Her quilts range from abstract to representational and offer the viewer another perspective on our environment. She uses a combination of fabrics and color pencils to create her appliqué designs. July 11 & 12 “Fabulous Flowers” with Melinda Bula: $45 plus a $12 kit fee. Melinda is an award winning quilter whose new book “Cutting-Garden Quilts, Fabulous Fusible Flowers”, was released in December and is already a big hit. The beautiful April Monthly Mini made and donated by Sherry Glidden was made by Sherry at one of Melinda’s Workshops. BLOCK PARTY Thanks to everyone who participated in the April Block Party. Thirty blocks were turned in. We had four winners of seven blocks each, Megan Lord, Sandy Jones, Helen Brassaw, and Jean Carr. Congratulations! We still have 2007 Block Party Pattern Books on sale for $5. Please come visit us at the Block Party Table during the regular meeting. Megan Lord and Lupe Maher Page 8 To sign up for a workshop please contact one of the workshop chairmen, and remember we need a check to secure you space. Thank you, Walli Skrocki, Patty Seebold, and Kathie Bellamy OOPS! If you gave Jeanne Haynes money for the Fons & Porter Magazine Subscription at the April Meeting your check has been accidently destroyed. Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 MEMBERSHIP April Attendance: 232 Members: 218 - New Members: 3 - Returning Members: 2 - Guests: 10 There are currently 514 members in good standing and 3 newsletter subscribers. Welcome new members: Sharron Keck, Jan Pearce and Judy Sansone Also welcome back to returning members: Pat Kubba and Lu Pringle All members are reminded to please check in at the Membership table before the meetings. This gives us an accurate count for attendance and helps us plan the appropriate number of chairs for the meetings. Also please remember to wear your name badge at all meetings. It’s a great way for new and existing members to get acquainted! A special thanks to Lynn Blackburn, Christina Ehrengruber and Soley Wendell for helping at the April meeting. Nancy McBride, Vice President, Membership hdays May Birt Sally King Kathy Stewart Sandra Confalone Sharon Ludwig Jane Zappia Marcia Kuehl Sandy Corbin Patty Seebold Sherry Muetzel Patrice Badir Judy Burrell Bambi Comer Joanne Florence Jeanne Haynes Jan Hirth Charleen Eaves Mary Arntz Flint Reed Patti Creel Mary Harrigan Joann Arthur Maggie Bell 1 1 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 16 16 ! Chris Biro 16 Cindy Lebus 17 Donna Wagner 17 Ruth Nahas 18 Sushila Sampat 18 Kathy Hutchins 19 Barbara Harley 20 Patty Mayer 21 Frieda Shull 21 Judy Newby 22 Beverly Peters 22 Carolyn Yamashiro 22 Patricia Kubba 24 Margaret De La Cruz 25 Sherry Glidden 26 Rhonda Sultan 26 Dawn Winings 28 Claudia Evans 29 Laurel Weaver 29 Nancy Gilman 30 Jill Donaldson 31 Deborah Yanes 31 HOSPITALITY is trying something new: If it’s your birthday month bring a goodie to share with fellow guild members to celebrate your birthday. Hosting is not hard, though it does require your group to be there a little early to set up and to help dismantle and clean up. The guild provides all the paper items, crystal light, coffee and tea. Did you know you get 3 pink tickets for hosting? So grab a few friends and have some fun while greeting your fellow members. It’s fun and easy. Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 Sandra Silbernagel and her granddaughter Felicity. Look at Felicity’s Wounded Warrior quilt on Page 10. She’s only 5 years old—what a cutey! Please remember to bring your goodies in disposable containers. If you bring them in something that you would like back, remember to check the back table at the end of the meeting. Thanks to Teri Pyle, Chris Biro, and Judy Sansone for helping at the hospitality table in April. Sharon Gilmore, Eileen Campbell and Sandy Jones Page 9 Sandi Corbin, Karen Kowalchuk, Barbara Green, Sheryl Smith-Bailey Showed off the beautiful purple quilts made with their Scrapbaggers Friendship Group Jane Zappia, Pansy Carol Christianson, Dresden Plate a finished UFO quilted by Lillian Gordon of Elegant Expressions SHOW & TELL Jan Hirth, Stripping with ME-Mary Engelbreit Barbara Green, Lyn Mann Mystery Cruise Sandi Corbin, In God We Trust Crazy Quilt Jeanne Tavasci, Ohio Star made for her sister in Jan Hirth’s class Mimi Harris, Original baby quilt made for Maya Crane in 30’s pinks Sheryl Smith-Bailey, Leapfrog made in Barbara Barber Workshop Felicity Silbernagel, For My Warrior This lovely quilt was sewn by Felicity for a wounded warrior. Wally Skrocki, Sherry Glidden, Marsha Burns, Mary Ann McCuistion, Deborah Komatsu and Odette Osantowski made these quilts at the guild workshop given by Daniela Stout. Page 10 Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 Nickel Club is the way we fabricholics exchange 5” charm squares and enjoy expanding our collections of fabrics for quilts. Each month two types of fabric will be selected for exchange. You’ll turn in your fabric squares and pick them up the following month. You may exchange one type of fabric, both types, or none. You may elect to participate every month or only one month. Please look at the previous newsletters for the guidelines. If you don’t follow the guidelines, your squares will be returned to you and NOT exchanged. Our exchanges for the next few months are Turned in Returned April—Light Batiks and Pastel May May—Kaffe Fassett and Brights June Brights should NOT include novelty/juvenile prints or those with black or white backgrounds. June—Background Tans, and July Medium/Dark Blues The next Nickel sew day will be Tuesday, June 17, from 10 to 4 at A Time To Sew. **NEW LIBRARY BOOKS** Kathie Bellamy, Seeing Red–finally finished another UFO! Quilted by Nana’s Capo Beach Strip-Pieced Quilts by Maaike Bakker Donated by Daniela Stout: Strip Clubbing by Daniela Stout More Strip Clubbing by Daniela Stout The Giving Quilt by Cozy Quilt Designs PLACES TO GO — QUILTS TO SEE May 3 & 4—TLC Quilters presents “Alice in Quilter Land”: A member’s showcase of quilts, vendors, silent auction items, a country store and much more! Email for more information. May 17 & 18—Antelope Valley Quilt Association’s 31st Annual Quilt Show “Spring Splendor” at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds. Featuring quilt displays, a merchant mall and children’s quilt coloring workshop. For information: 661-947-7604 or June 7 & 8—Beach Cities Quilters Guild “FantaSea of Quilts Show”, Soka University Gymnasium 10 to 4. Guest Artist: Rob Appell. General Admission at the door $8.00. Merchant Mall, Auction and Quilt Drawing. July 6, 7, 8, 9, 10—Camp Watch-a-Patcher, Concordia University, Irvine, CA. For information contact: July 25, 26, & 27—International Quilt Festival, Long Beach (NEW SHOW) August 2 & 3—Yorba Linda Quilt Daze VII at the Yorba Linda Community Center, 4501 Casa Loma, Yorba Linda. Admission $7.00. 10 to 4 Saturday and Sunday. For information: Franki Solesbee 714-528-5151 or email JoAnn Ardanaz at August 28, 29, 30—27th Annual San Diego Quilt Show at The San Diego Convention Center, 111 W. Harbor Drive, San Diego. Guest Artist: Mickey Lawler. Contact Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 Page 11 BEACH CITIES QUILTERS GUILD Page 12 Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 ADVERTISERS Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 Help me celebrate the arrival of my new Statler Stitcher Longarm Quilting Machine. If you haven’t seen this in action, you’re in for a treat! Call: Lillian Gordon Elegant Expressions of California at 949-554-4633 and stop by for a tour of my new Home Studio in Laguna Niguel which is packed with goodies for quilters. And my prices can’t be beat! Page 13 Page 14 Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 Stitches in the Sand—May 2008 Page 15 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Mission Viejo, CA Permit No. 949 Beach Cities Quilters Guild P. O. Box 322 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693-0322 Dated Material Please Deliver By May 1 NEXT MEETING: MAY 8 AT MARCO FORSTER MAY 8 IS THE DEADLINE FOR TURNING IN MONEY TO BE COUNTED TOWARDS THE AWARDS FOR OPPORTUNITY QUILT TICKET SALES. MONEY TURNED IN AFTER THAT DATE WILL NOT COUNT TOWARD THE TOP SELLER INCENTIVES LISTED ON PAGE 4. FOR SALE: Antique TOY Sewing Machines and rare TOY treadle machine. Also, rare upholstered antique folding quilting-bee chair. Call June at 949-493-3415. FOR SALE: Bernina 153 Quilters Edition $600 Excellent condition, lots of accessories Please contact Leonor Tucker 949/586-6426 Or email