July 2014 - Eastwood Christian Church
July 2014 - Eastwood Christian Church
The Evangel Eastwood Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Vol. 19, No. 7 July, 2014 Sunday School Celebration August 10 9:15 a.m. in Fellowship Hall Coffee and donuts for everyone Come celebrate the start of a new school year, witness the beginning of our new Children’s Workshop Rotation, and head off to all classes by about 9:30. “Shining our light by welcoming all people, building community, and serving God and neighbor.” Jesus said to them: “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” – Matthew 14:16 Thoughts from Jay Greetings, my friends: A friend recently sent me an article about immigration, the U.S.-Mexican border, and reasons for building a border wall. The article states that in the last 15 years, 27 border walls have been built around the world – almost of all of them by wealthy countries trying to keep out immigrants from poorer countries. Throughout human history populations have always migrated to areas where they could find food, but now this natural process is being inhibited by border walls, as wealthy populations try to hold on to the advantages we have. Immediately after reading the article, I picked up the lectionary texts and was struck by Matthew 14:16: Jesus said to them: “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” Although Jesus wasn’t talking about immigration, his words provide a great contrast to the idea of keeping people out and sending them away so we can protect our own resources. The disciples were afraid they didn’t have enough food. They held what’s called a “theology of scarcity” – the belief that there’s not enough and we have to protect our own wealth. But Jesus held a “theology of abundance” – the belief that there is enough for all of us, if only we share. Jesus was not an advocate for hoarding, for building bigger barns to store our wealth, for keeping what we have when others have little. Jesus seemed to believe that our salvation lies in sharing, that we are saved only in community, that we are all children of God and our fortunes are inextricably bound together. I imagine Jesus might enjoy the words of Robert Frost: “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall.” Peace & Blessings to you all, ATTENDANCE Pastor Jay INQUIRER’S CLASS — AUGUST 17 & 24 Pastor Jay will be hosting a class for all who are new to Eastwood and interested in learning more about ECC and the Disciples tradition. Inquirer’s Class meets in Pastor Jay’s off at 9:15 a.m. on August 17 & 24. 6/22 6/29 7/6 7/13 7/20 128 93 105 100 118 Here’s What’s Going On... Baseball Field Trip Bob Frech invites the ECC congregation to one final game at Greer Stadium before it closes following this season. August 8 at 7:05 vs. Round Rock. Fireworks after the game. Tickets purchased in advance are $10 – please place your order and give your money to Christy Jo Harber ASAP, but no later than the Wednesday night fellowship dinner on August 6. The Youth Group at Nashville’s airport getting ready to fly to Guatemala! On Thursday, July 24! Mark Your Calendars… July 30 August 3 August 3 August 6 August 8 August 8 August 10 August 10 August 17 August 17 Choir Practice Resumes, 7:00 pm Eastwood Choir returns to Sunday services Movie Night on the Lawn Fellowship Meal, 5:45 pm Church-wide outing to Sounds Game Youth Group Lock-in Sunday School Kick-off, 9:15 am School Kits Due ~ See Marie Wiggins for more info Inquirer’s Class begins with Pastor Jay, 9:15 am Covered Dish Lunch after worship ~ bring food to share! Hello from Christy Jo! If you’d like to send them a message or keep up with their trip, you can check out their blog: www.Eastwoodccyouth.wordpress.com I have really enjoyed getting to know many of you this summer not only at church but also at Leiper's Fork, Bethany Hills, the Harpeth River, and soon Guatemala! We have BIG plans for youth this fall and I can't wait for the fun to begin! August 3rd you will not want to miss worship, it will be Allison's last Sunday here and also a time where those who went to Guatemala will share about the trip. Other important dates you want to keep on your calendar include: August 8th the back to school bash from 5:30pm-8am, August 10th Sunday night youth kick off, August 13th stockholder's dinner. Hope the rest of your summer is full of peace and happiness! BIBLE TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE MONTH: From the Church Mouse ... Holy chaos! Imagine this scenario on a recent day in July: •A youth group is visiting from out of town, sleeping in our building, eating in Fellowship Hall •Our youth are having a lock in on the same night •Science Camp is exploding things all over the Fellowship Hall •150 Africans have planned a big dinner and worship service in Fellowship Hall •It’s “Movie Night” – all ECC and the neighborhood are invited to the front lawn •3 improv groups are rehearsing •And ... there’s a community square dance in, you guessed it, Fellowship Hall •Oops, we forgot ... there’s a wedding scheduled •And we’ve just been asked to host a funeral Holy chaos! What do we do?!?! Well, even though all these events happened in July, we haven’t had any major collisions yet, thanks to the nimble calendar dancing of Heidi Hoeft. Heidi is our Adminstrative Assistant Magician, and she helps us host many different groups without crashing into each other. You can make Heidi’s job easier, however, by making sure to call/email and reserve space at the church before scheduling ANYTHING! ☺ This summer, the Old Testament readings have told the story of the Israelite “patriarchs.” Name the 3 male patriarchs, and the women they married (known as “matriarchs”). For extra credit, name the 3 maids with whom the patriarchs also fathered children. If you know the answer, send it via email (jay_ecc@bellsouth.net) or voice mail (2272285 and press 1). Correct answers will have their name printed in the next Evangel! Last Evangel Trivia Contest Winners: Barry Lumpkin, Grace Ellithorpe. Thanks for playing Bible Trivia! Last Month’s Answer: The Lord appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre in the form of three men, telling Abraham that he and Sarah were about to have a baby. Being that they were “past their prime,” Sarah laughed at the idea. THIS MONTH IN EASTWOOD HISTORY August 1981 Mildred Myatt relocates her well respected Pre-Kindergarten program to Eastwood from Lockland Christian Church. PRAYER LIST Congratulations to: Stephanie, Taylor and Sydney Bates have recently welcomed Benjamin Taylor Bates to the family! He was born on July 14. In Sympathy We extend our deepest sympathies to Barry Lumpkin upon the passing of his father on July 9. Corner Children’s David Brown Sandy Burton Melba Casey Charity Eden Ira Ellithorpe Bart Francis Sharon Frech Ellen Graham Taylor Hinton The Hooper Family Grant Houston Peggy Jackson Michelle Key Anna Lombardo Gene Lovelace Leah Lucas Georgetta Madole Jamie Miller Linda Miller Joanna Stanfield Montgomery Tom Pebworth Monica Rutherford Alicia Smith Keeva Smotherman Steve Stratton Grant Vosburg Evelyn Ware Audrey Grace Williams Tanya Wooten Sue Worff Ralph Young Sherri Zerbe Families with kids… come on out on August 10 to start our new Sunday School year with us! We're beginning a new curriculum - a Workshop Rotation model that will be fun and hands-on and a great way to learn some fantastic Bible stories! Age groups will be: Preschool/ Kindergarten (ages 3-5), Younger Elementary (grades 1-2), Older Elementary (grades 3-5) Look for an email from me soon that will outline our new program even more! Hope to see you there! Julie Eastwood Choir! Please join us for our first Wednesday night rehearsal on July 30, from 7:008:30 p.m.! Everyone is welcome! If you're curious about joining but not quite sure, feel free to try it out for a while and see what you think. Besides the blessing of singing in the service every Sunday, our weekly rehearsals are incredible times of fellowship and worship through music. Plus...science is finding out (as if we didn't already know!) that singing in a group is really good for your mental health, happiness, and overall wellbeing! So come out and get happy! :-) Julie August 2014: Roots in the Ruins: Hope in Trauma I’ve commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged! I am your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 Have you ever stepped into a threshold in time and space where, when you came out on the other side, you knew something in you had changed forever? Author Lisa Schirch in her book “Ritual and Symbol in Peace-Building” speaks of liminal space as the place of transformation, just after what "used to be" and before "what is to come" it is holy land, where the Spirit of God gives us new perspectives and inspires us with vision. The Roots in the Ruins: Hope in Trauma courses, supported by Global Ministries, are an invitation into liminal space. Pastors, lay leaders, church and community members are invited to explore trauma healing and resilience development theory and practice in the context of Latin American and the Caribbean churches. We step together into liminal space, forming a deep-sharing community, trusting each other with our trauma stories, uplifting each other's dignity, and walking together towards reconnection with God, ourselves, others, and the world around us. Boris Cyrulnik says that a "resilience tutor" is someone who, like the stake attached temporarily to a growing sapling, accompanies others for a time, shoring up confidence, promoting independence and affirming self worth and capacity. The liminal space and the people who were there with us nourish our resilience. Vitally important for healing is the way I behave as I share the learning space, teach with humility and respect, and recognize that I, too, am a "wounded healer" dependent on the guidance and grace of the Holy Spirit. What I model speaks louder than what I teach. Elena Huegel, a member of Iglesia Cristiana Ebenezer, Los Fresnos, Texas, serves the Pentecostal Church of Chile (IPC). She is an environmental and Christian education specialist. June’s Budget Report Summary Total Income Total Expense Bottom Line June Actual June Budget YTD Actual YTD Budget Annual Budget $22,095.81 $18,394.67 $115,952.93 $110,626.98 $224,300.00 $19,383.81 $23,756.23 $104,645.90 $112,012.62 $224,300.00 $2,712.00 -$5,361.56 $11,307.03 -$1,385.64 $0.00 August April 2008 2014 The Compassion Family will be serving. SCRIPTURE READER August 3 Youth Group August 10 Christy Overall August 17 Ellie Preslar SCRIPTURE READER August 24 Scott Jamieson August 31 Jared Witt CHILDREN’S MESSAGE August 3 Christy Jo Harber August 10 Saundra Horner August 17 Teresa Pecinovsky CHILDREN’S MESSAGE August 24 Julie Duemler August 31 Bob Frech CHILDREN’S WORSHIP August 3 August 10 August 17 August 24 August 31 None—hear about youth Teresa Madole Margaret Nourse Saundra Horner Teresa Pecinovsky LECTIONARY READINGS August Birthdays 8/3: Gen 32:22-31 & Psalm 17:1-7,15; Is 55:1-5 & Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21; Rom 9:1-5; Matthew 14:13-21 8/10: Gen 37:1-4, 12-28 & Ps 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b; 1 Kings 19:9-18 & Ps 85:8-13; Rom 10:5-15; Mt 14:22-33 8/17: Gen 45:1-15 & Psalm 133; Isaiah 56:1, 6-8 & Psalm 67; Rom 11:1-2a, 29-32; Matthew 15:21-28 8/24: Exodus 1:8-2:10 & Psalm 124; Isaiah 51:1-6 & Psalm 138; Romans 12:1-8; Matthew 16:13-20 8/31: Exodus 3:1-15 & Ps 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b; Jer 15:15-21 & Psalm 26:1-8; Rom 12:9-21; Mt 16:21-28 Teresa Madole Natalya Rose Sherry Perry Beverly Stocks Annalise Watkins Juanita Taylor Brittany Childs Meagan Clark Del Dorr Jocelyn Hartley James Owens Stephanie Bates Darcy Duncan Teresa McDonald Taylor Hinton Bexley Billingslea Sharon Frech Earl Stocks Allison Enari Charles Hudson Silas Mathes August 2 August 2 August 3 August 3 August 5 August 6 August 7 August 7 August 8 August 10 August 14 August 17 August 20 August 21 August 22 August 24 August 25 August 26 August 28 August 30 August 31 August Anniversaries Ellie & Brad Preslar Lindsey & Lawson Soward Jen & Michael Dominguez Ashley & Chris Edwards Emily & Michael Matassa Alicia & Terry Riggans Elizabeth & Andy Brown Dawn & Jay Hartley Ann & Adam Howard Debbie & Casey Tytlandsvik Jennifer & Steve Kummer Dottie & James Owens August 4 August 4 August 5 August 5 August 7 August 14 August 15 August 15 August 18 August 20 August 24 August 30 Jay R. Hartley Julie Duemler Allison Enari Christy Jo Harber Barry Lumpkin Heidi Hoeft Marcia Blair Linda Armstreet EASTWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) (615) 227-2285 Fax: (615) 228-4901 www.eastwoodchristianchurch.org e-mail: jay_ecc@bellsouth.net Sunday School-9:15 am Worship-10:30 am Senior Minister Director of Children’s Ministries/Music Director Youth Minister Youth Minister Organist Administrative Assistant Nursery Attendant Nursery Attendant The Evangel Eastwood Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 1601 Eastland Avenue Nashville, TN 37206 Vol. 19, No. 7 July, 2014 (Disciples of Christ) Eastwood Christian Church The Evangel
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