May 3, 2015 - St. Athanasius Church
Page 1 St. Athanasius Church May 3, 2015 St. Athanasius Church PARISH STAFF Pastor Brooklyn, New York Rev. Msgr. David L. Cassato, B.A., M.Div., M.S. Ed. Parochial Vicars Rev. Ronald D’Antonio, B.A., M.Div. Rev. Gabriel Toro-Rivas, B.A., M.Div. Ministerio Hispano/Spanish Apostolate Deacon Dante Colandrea Deacon William Kelly Deacon Jaime Cobham The Sisters of St. Joseph Brentwood, New York Director of Music Ministries Mr. Steven Laplante, M. Mus. Lay Pastoral Leader WHO IS WELCOME IN ST. ATHANASIUS CHURCH? Are you a sinner? Have you been away from the church for a long time? Are you divorced or separated? Are you physically or mentally challenged? Are you from a different culture? Are you not accepted because of your sexual orientation? Are you elderly, a teen or young adult? Are you discriminated against because of your color? Are you feeling broken? Are you poor or out of work? Have you been imprisoned? Have you a feeling that you are left out? You are welcome here! This is your home, and we are your family! Do you suffer from Celiac Sprue Disease? We are Celiac friendly and, after receiving permission from our Bishop, we can provide you with low gluten hosts and a pyx, in order to enable you to receive Holy Communion at daily Mass and Sunday Mass. To begin the process, please call Fr. Ron D’Antonio at our rectory, 718.236.0124 Ext. 13. RECTORY: SAINT ATHANASIUS SCHOOL: 2154 61st Street Brooklyn, NY 11204-2569 Tel. (718) 236-0124 Fax. (718) 236-4960 6120 Bay Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11204-2569 Tel. (718) 236-4791 Fax. (718) 621-1423 Pastoral Administration: Mrs. Marie Skroly Mrs. AnnaMarie Scuteri Cluster Director of Youth Ministry Mr. Kenny Wodzanowski, B.S. St. Frances Cabrini 1562 86th Street Brooklyn, NY 11228 Tel. 718.490.4469 Email: Pastoral Associate for the Spanish Speaking Apostolate Mr. Alvaro Chavarriaga, B.A. Oficina de Ministerio Latino Rectory Basement To contact our Pastoral Planning Council Email: Principal: Faith Formation Office: 6120 Bay Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11204-2569 Tel. (718) 331-8811 Fax. (718) 331-2582 Mrs. Diane Competello B.A., M.S. Ed. Director of Faith Formation: Mrs. Nicoletta Milo Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Theresa Simon Our Church is Handicap Accessible. SUNDAY MASSES: ENGLISH Saturday: 5:30 PM Sunday: 8:30,10:00,11:30 (Choir) & 6 PM SPANISH Saturday: 7:30 PM (Lower Church) Sunday: 10:00 AM (Lower Church) 1:00 PM (Upper Church) ITALIAN 11:30 AM (Lower Church) WEEKDAY MASSES: 7 and 9 AM MORNING PRAYER: Monday-Saturday 8:45 AM ROSARY FOR LIFE: Saturday after the 9 AM Mass IMMACULATE CONCEPTION: Mondays after 9 AM Mass DIVINE MERCY PRAYERS: Every Wednesday after 9 AM Mass CONFESSION (Reconciliation): Saturdays 4-5 PM or anytime by appointment. HOLY DAY MASSES: Eve: 7:30 PM (English) Day: 7, 9 (English) Night: 7:30 PM (Italian) Upper Church 7:30 PM (Spanish) Lower Church BAPTISM: First & Third Sunday at 2:30 PM. Parents make arrangements with Deacon. Both parents & godparents must attend a Baptismal Instruction Class on last Tuesday of month in the evening. FIRST FRIDAY: Exposition of Blessed Sacrament after last morning Mass concluding with Benediction at 7:30 PM. Italian Mass at 8 PM (Oct.-June) MARRIAGE: Couples are to make arrangements six months in advance. ANOINTING & COMMUNION CALLS: Those who wish to be anointed or receive Communion at home, call one of the priests to make arrangements 718-236-0124 Page 2 St. Athanasius Church Sunday, May 3: 8:30 Mary Tuohy De Mola 9:45 First Holy Communion Pietro Ventura 10:00 Spanish Mass - Lower Church 11:30 PURG. SOCIETY - Antoninino Badalamenti 11:30 ITAL. - SS Crocifisso Maria Viterbo 1:00 Spanish Mass - Upper Church First Holy Communion 6:00 Felicia Napolitana Confirmation Mass Monday, May 4: 7:00 Rosolino Nania 9:00 Joseph Longo Tuesday, May 5: 7:00 Fernando Toro & Mercedes Rivas 9:00 Peter Inga St. Anthony Novena Week 8 7:30pmSt. Anthony Novena Week 8 Wednesday, May 6: 7:00 Peter Inga 9:00 Angelina Minagro Thursday, May 7: 7:00 Patricia Costa Kim 9:00 Thomas Mazzola Friday, May 8: 7:00 Vincenza Del Bianco 9:00 Concetta Ferrantelli Saturday, May 9: 9:00 Angelino Vonelli 10:30 Antonio Domingo - Memorial Mass - Italian 5:30 Concetta Sigona 7:30 Spanish Mass - Lower Church Sunday, May 10: 8:30 Laura D’Antonio 10:00 Holy Name Society - Albert Gammone 10:00 Spanish Mass - Lower Church 11:30 PURG. SOCIETY 11:30 ITAL. - Salvatore Davi 1:00 Spanish Mass - Upper Church 6:00 Florence Garbato & Amelia Vignapiano May 3, 2015 WELCOME, we’re glad you’re here! If this is the first time you have been to St. A's, welcome! We promise that if you keep your heart and mind open to God, you’ll find what you’re looking for. Would you like to talk to someone? We’re here to listen and help if we can. Just call us at the Rectory when you’re ready. In the meantime, remember that you are always prayed for and that it is our hope to pray with you each week. MAKE A VISIT TO THE CHURCH AND PRAY IN THE PRESENCE OF JESUS IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Don't forget our Upper Church is open Monday-Friday from 6:30a.m. to 3p.m. Saturday 7a.m. to 7p.m. & Sundays 7a.m. to 7p.m. Feel welcome to kneel at the communion rail at the Altar of the Blessed Sacrament or sit on the benches in the Sanctuary. Memorials for the Week HOSTS: In Loving Memory of Joseph Schicchi requested by Wife, Angela & Children ALTAR WINE: In Loving Memory of Antonio & Concetta Sigona requested by Connie Sigona CANDLES: In Loving Memory of Fay Cassato, Laura D’Antonio & Mercedes Rivas requested by Camille Lo Biondo SANCTUARY LAMP: In Loving Memory of Luciano & Maria Siciliano requested by Their Children Cathy, Nunzio & Grace SANCTUARY LAMP: In Loving Memory of John Calia requested by Your Children, Lawrence & Grace KNIGHTS-OF-COLUMBUS ROSE: In Loving Memory of Marie Pipitone & Mary Cangiarella requested by Mr & Mrs Frank Cangiarella Our Call to Christian Stewardship Baptismal arrangements are made every Wed. evening from 7-8:00 pm in the Rectory basement. Please bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate when you come in. Instruction Class is held the last Tuesday of the month in the evening. Page 3 St. Athanasius Church May 3, 2015 From the Pastor’s desk… Thank You to all who worked so hard to make our Spring Fling so special. Card Party Mail Raffle Winners 1st Prize - Disney Trip Dominick & Marianne Papandrea 2nd Prize - Yankee Trip Tina Crispo 3rd Prize - TV Liz Sokol Rainy Day Cash $2, 500 Anne Marie Sorice Msgr. Cassato Our Food Pantry is in desperate need of the following items: Cereal, canned vegetables, soups, peanut butter & jelly, tomato sauce & pasta. Please help us to help those less fortunate. Thank You, Fr. Ron Calendar.... Mon., May 11 7:30pm Parish Council Rectory Basement Sun., May 17 Blessing of Bikers & Motorcyles at 10:00am Mass Next weekend our parish will begin a Good Council baby bottle campaign to benefit their pro-life Catholic Homes. Joe Quattrocchi will speak at Masses and distribute baby bottles which you are asked to bring home and fill up with your spare change. Aug 30 Sep 13 Nov. 1 Aug 30 July 12 Sep. 6, Aug 2, 23, 13, 27 30 Oct 18, Sep. 6, 13, 27 25 Nov 29 Oct 4, 18, 25 Nov 22, 29 June 14 Aug 2,16, 23(2), 30(2) Sep. 6(2), 13 (2), 20(2), 27(2), Oct. 4(2), 18 Nov 8(2), 22(2), 29(2) Dec 6, 27(2) Our Goal - $ 865,000.00 Pledged - $ 810,000.00 Received - $ 92,000.00 St. Athanasius Parish will get half of all money received. Time 7:00am Date Parish Council Monday May 11, 2015 7:30pm - Rectory Basement Page 4 St. Athanasius Church May 3, 2015 Religious Education News Registration for Religious Education Classes for the 2015-2016 year will begin on Monday, May 11, 2015 at the Faith Formation Office, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. A NEW Registration Form must be completed for ALL PRESENT STUDENTS as well as for new students to the program TUITION: $120 per child for 1 or 2 children, 3 or more children $295. More than 3 children $50 additional per child. Cash or Money Order Only. (No personal checks) Anyone registering a child for the First Grade must submit a copy the Baptismal Certificate. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Nicoletta Milo Director of Faith Formation (718) 331-8811 St. Athanasius Rosary Society 1st Annual Bake Sale Sunday, May 17th, 2015 9:30 -11:30 a. m Bay Parkway & 62nd Street Entrance of School Auditorium. Homemade cakes, cookies, pies made by our dedicated members. Proceeds from this fundraiser will support our school, church and various charities we contribute to. Come pick up these delicious goodies for Sunday dessert or to take with you on your visits to family & friends. Page 5 St. Athanasius Church May 3, 2015 Adults desiring to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th must call Fr. Ron to register for Classes. Classes will meet every Sunday at 12:30pm in the Rectory Meeting Room. A new copy of your Baptismal certificate will be needed. Fr. Ron can be reached at 718 -236-0124 ex 13. The Annual World Communications Day, hosted by the Diocese of Brooklyn, will be held on Wednesday, May 13 at 10 a.m. at the Marriott in Downtown Brooklyn. Free and open to the public. Space is limited and registration is required. For more information and to register for the event visit: Bishop Kearney H. S. Summer Programs For more information or application call (718) 236-6363 or go to There are no Friday Classes Basketball Camp July 6-10, 9am-1pm grades 5-8 Fee: $200 Cheerleading Camp July 6-17, 9am-4pm grades 7-11 Fee: $250 (discount for 7th graders) Regents Review Courses July23-Aug13 HS Students-Co-Ed Fee: $275 per Regent TACHS PREP Volleyball Camp Sept15-Nov3, Tuesdays 4pm-6pm 8th grade Co-Ed Fee: $250 July 13-16, 9am-1pm grades 6-8 Fee:$175 Page 6 St. Athanasius Church May 3, 2015 2015 Annual Family Communion Breakfast Sunday, May 10th, 2015 - 10:00 AM St. A’s School Hall (6120 Bay Parkway) Enjoy a breakfast buffet this Mother’s Day morning with your parish family and be part of the Holy Name Society’s Good Cause Giveaway. Meet and hear the winners read their winning essays and collect their prizes in our annual Essay Contest. Checks will also be distributed to many other worthy organizations made possible by our yearlong fund raising efforts. The Holy Name Society provides support to the School, Youth Program, Youth Ministry, Veterans, Scouting Program, Fay Cassato Scholarship and Vincent DePaul/Food Pantry. This is the second year, of the long-time past-president, Sal Iacullo Scholarship Fund to help a graduating 8th grader entering a Catholic high school. Tickets are only $20.00 per person. Please call Jerry Mandaro at 917-865-5790 for additional information and tickets Page 7 St. Athanasius Church May 3, 2015 Bollettino Settimanale Messa in Italiano ogni Domenica alle 11:30am (Chiesa di giu’) Parrocchia Sant’Atanasio BELLISSIMO VIAGGIO dal 25 al 30 MAGGIO 2015 New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont Diacono Dante 917 – 602 - 3793 Dal nostro DIACONO DANTE COLANDREA Riflessione del mese di maggio LA VITA È BELLA, SIGNORE (Michel Quoist) La vita è bella Signore, e voglio coglierla come si colgono i fiori in un mattino di primavera. Ma so, mio Signore, che il fiore nasce solo alla fine di un lungo inverno, in cui la morte ha infierito. Perdonami Signore, se a volte, non credo abbastanza nella primavera della vita, perché, troppo spesso, mi sembra un lungo inverno che non finisce mai di rimpiangere le sue foglie morte o i suoi fiori scomparsi. Eppure con tutte le mie forze credo in Te, Signore, ma urto contro il tuo sepolcro e lo scorgo vuoto. E quando gli apostoli d'oggi mi dicono che ti hanno visto vivente sono come San Tommaso, ho bisogno di vedere e di toccare. 13 MAGGIO – BROADWAY SHOW - DR. ZHIVAGO –– partenza alle 4:30 da San Atanasio – cena prima dello show al ristorante La Sorrentina. $155 a persona. Diacono Dante 917-602-3793. DAL 25 AL 30 MAGGIO 2015 – viaggio in autobus negli stati di New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont – costo totale $905 a persona. Per informazioni e prenotazioni telefonare a Diacono Dante 917-602-3793. VENERDI’, 29 MAGGIO – serata allo stadio Citi Field per una partita di baseball, Mets contro Marlins. Biglietti $40 a persone comprende una baglietta sportiva in regalo. Sara’ una bellissima serata. Per prenotazioni telefonare a Joe Orlando al 646-210-2919 oppure Bill Finn al 917-8166186. Dammi abbastanza fede, ti supplico, Signore,per aspettare la Primavera, e nel momento più duro dell'inverno, per credere alla Pasqua trionfante oltre il Venerdì di passione. Signore tu sei risorto! Dal sepolcro, grazie a Te, la Vita è uscita trionfante. La sorgente d'ora in poi non si prosciugherà mai, Vita nuova, offerta a tutti, per ricrearci per sempre figli di un Dio che ci attende, per le Pasque di ogni giorno e di una gioia eterna. Era Pasqua ieri, Signore, ma è Pasqua anche oggi ogni volta che accettando di morire in noi stessi, con Te apriamo una breccia nella tomba dei nostri cuori, perché zampilli la Fonte e scorra la 30 GIUGNO 2015 – PARTENZA PER UN VIAGGIOCROCIERA IN ITALIA organizzato da Bove Travel con Padre Ron D’Antonio come direttore spirituale. Ritorno a New York il 12 luglio. Prima della crociera si visiteranno le bellissime localita’ sulla riviera di Portofino, Cinque Terre e San Remo. Porti di scalo della crociera sono: Savona, Marsiglia, Palma di Maiorca, Napoli e La Spezia. Dopo la crociera si va sul Lago di Como. Prezzo $3,650 per persona/camera doppia. Volo con Alitalia. Per prenotazioni telefonare ai seguenti numeri, Bove Travel 718-680-3333, 917-951-6774 oppure 347-2175180. Tua Vita. E se tanti uomini, nel loro sforzo umano purtroppo, non sanno che sei già lì, lo scopriranno più tardi alla tua luce. Era Pasqua ieri, ma è Pasqua anche oggi, quando un bambino divide le sue caramelle, dopo avere in segreto lottato per non tenersele tutte lui. Quando marito e moglie si abbracciano di nuovo dopo una discussione o una penosa rottura. Quando i ricercatori scoprono il rimedio che guarisce e il medico riaccende la vita che senza di lui si spegneva. Quando la porte della prigione si aprono, perché la pena è terminata, e quando già nella sua cella il carcerato divide le sigarette con i compagni. Quando l'uomo dopo un lungo sforzo trova lavoro e porta a casa un po' di denaro guadagnato. Sì, Signore, la vita è bella, poiché è tuo Padre che l'ha donata. La vita è bella, poiché sei Tu che ce l'hai ridata quando l'avevamo perduta. La vita è bella, perché è la tua stessa Vita offerta per dobbiamo farla fiorire. E per offrirtela ogni sera devo racco glierla sulle strade degli uomini come quel bimbo che passeggiando, raccoglie i fiori dei campi per farne un mazzo da offrire ai suoi genitori. Oh sì Signore, fammi scoprire ogni giorno, sempre di più, che la vita è bella! GIOVEDI’, 13 AGOSTO - TEATRO RELIGIOSO A SIGHT & SOUNDS THEATRE in Lancaster, PA. per lo spettacolo JOSEPH – $130 a persona comprende il pranzo per prenotazioni – 917-951-6774 oppure 347-2175180. PER CONCLUDERE L’ESTATE BELLISSIMO VIAGGIO - DAL 16 AL 27 AGOSTO 2015 – viaggio in autobus a Black Hills in South Dakota. Per informazioni e prenotazioni telefonare a Diacono Dante 917-602-3793. TEMPO PASQUALE – Vi ricordiamo che il tempo paquale termina Domenica, 24 maggio, il giorno di Pentecoste. E’ importante durante questo periodo ricevere almeno una volta la Santa Comunione. Se avete bisogno di confessarvi potete telefonare ad uno dei nostri sacerdoti. ACQUA BENEDETTA PER PASQUA - Vi preghiamo di portare nelle vostre case l’acqua dalla fonte battesimale che e’ stata appena benedetta per Pasqua. Potete usarla in casa e nelle vostre famiglie durante le preghiere del periodo pasquale. Page 8 St. Athanasius Church May 3, 2015 QUINTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA Permanecer en Cristo no es algo pasivo de nuestra parte, ni tampoco significa limitarse a realizar ciertas acciones , pensando que de esa forma ya habremos cumplido con Dios. Vivir unidos al Señor es fundamentalmente una actitud del Corazón, es cuestion de corresponder al amor de Cristo de una manera personal y decisiva. El señor desea ser nuestro confidente y amigo mas íntimo , la persona con quien podamos compartir todo, lo bueno , lo malo , lo agradable y lo desagradable de nuestra vida. Cuando abrimos el Corazón delante de Dios de esta manera , el Señor nos hace ver si entre nuestras motivaciones hay egoísmo ; nos Consuela en los pesares y nos da a conocer todo aquello que es contrario a su amor y voluntad. Jesús se alegra de sobremanera cuando simplemente le contamos como ha sido nuestro dia , se regocija de nuestras pequeñas victorias sobre el pecado y recibe con agrado las expresiones de gratitud y alabanza que ofrecemos. Pero no siempre es fácil entregarle al Señor todo lo que nos sucede , se requiere decisión y confianza en que él proveerá para nuestras necesidades. En realidad , se requiere la constante determinación de pedirle que nos ayude a discernir lo bueno y lo malo que hay en nuestra vida. El verdadero fruto de permanecer en Cristo es llegar a una comunión cada vez mas profunda con Dios. Piensa en la persona con quien tengas la relación mas agradable y satisfactoria de todas, y luego imaginate que el amor que impregna esa relación se multiplica infinitamente. Eso no es mas que una tenue muestra del amor perfecto que todos podemos descubrir si permanecemos en Cristo. AVISOS PARROQUIALES REGISTRACIONES PARA LA ESCUELA ELEMENTAL , TENEMOS CUPO EN TODO LOS GRADOS Y AYUDA FINANCIERA DISPONIBLE . MAYORES INFORMES CON EL SEÑOR ALVARO AL 718-236-0124 EXT 22 REGISTRACIONES PARA CATEQUESIS DE NIÑOS A PARTIR DE MITAD DEL MES DE MAYO ,INFORMES CON LA SEÑORA MILO AL 718-331-8811 CATEQUESIS PARA ADULTOS , REGISTRACIONES ABIERTAS A PARTIR DE ESTE FIN DE SEMANA , CLASES COMIENZAN EN EL MES DE SEPTIEMBRE , REQUISITOS SER MAYOR DE 16 AÑOS . INFORMES AL 718-236-0124 EXT 22 BAUTIZOS EN ESPAÑOL MAYO 30 , JUNIO 27 Y JULIO 25 . REGISTRAR EN LA RECTORIA CON EL PADRE GABRIEL O CON ALVARO . Page 9 St. Athanasius Church May 3, 2015 Enjoy an afternoon with The Glenn Mohr Chorale on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 3:00pm at Sts. Simon and Jude Church, 295 Avenue T (between Lake St. & Van Sicklen St), Brooklyn, NY 11223. “Go to Galilee” is a wonderful production based on the early ministry of the Apostles and the early Church. Please join us for this special FREE event! All are welcome! For further information please contact the Sts. Simon & Judy Rectory at 718-375-9600 Monday-Friday from 1:00-4:00pm AARP Driver Safety Program Sunday May 17, 2015 8:30AM to 4:30PM (Includes 2 breaks & 1/2 hour for Lunch) NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED AFTER 9:00AM Fontbonne Hall Academy Cheer with the Champions 2015 Open to girls grades 4 - 8 (as of Sept. 2015) Dates: August 3 - 7, 2015 Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm Price: $200 per camper If interested please contact: Debra Pepe ( or visit for an application Diocesan Pilgrimage The Passion Play in Sordevolo, Italy Rome, Assisi, Venice Padua & Piamonte Region September 3 - 13, 2015 Bishop Chappetto and Msgr. Aguggia Chaplains For a Brochure call Nettie at Central Holidays 1-800-935-5000 ext. 5244 Co-Sponsored by: Assemblyman William Colton at UPDC 29 Bay 25th Street (Between 86th St. and Benson Ave.) Brooklyn, NY 11214 TO REGISTER PLEASE CALL 718-236-1598 and ask for Paul S. Lipton. Please give your name and telephone number for preregistration and you will be given full information about the class. After regular office hours, leave your name and telephone number. You will be called back with full information about the class. A bracelet was found on the floor of the Church on Holy Thursday Evening. Please come to the rectory to identify and claim it. Society of St. Vincent de Paul Gives Back St. Athanasius should share in the profits. For each car, truck or van, running or not The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will back to our church $50/$100 per vehicle.Maybe you don’t have a vehicle, but a family member, friend or neighbor has an old or neglected vehicle in their driveway that they would like to dispose of. Call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (718) 491-2525 Page 10 St. Athanasius Church May 3, 2015 In your kindness please pray for the sick Paul Bergstrom, Lucy Branccio, Christina Blumstein, Mary Lynn D’Angelis, Fran De Rienzo, Joan DeMeyer Christine Diaz, Bruce Dalton, Lucy Foti, Elvira Fox, Paul R. Fortuna, Lena Gagliardi, Maria Gennuso Patrick Giordano, Paul Kelleher, Stephen Kelleher, Keith Klein, Rocco Lanzer, Rosa Lauriero, Maria Loffredo, Lynn Marie Longo, Debra & Nancy Manno, Paul Marchese, Crystal Mulvey, Elisa Nanlecz, Victoria Napolitano, Richard Paladino, Clara Pezza, Denise Rao, Ida Russo, Jose Rendon, Erick, Scarponi, Angelina Scarponi, Jenna Scarponi, Joseph Scavone, Rae Zito Please call Rectory weekly for name on list. Join St. Athanasius Parish Mediterranean Cruise on the Costa Diadema Fr. Ronald D’Antonio - Spiritual Leader June 30 - July 12, 2015 Ports of Call Savona - Marseille - Barcelona - Palma de Mallorca Naples & La Spezia Fares from $3,650 PP/DO Single Supplement available upon request Includes R/T Airfare via Alitalia, all surcharges & taxes Please contact Bove Travel 718-680-5600 or Brian Reilly at 917-951-6774 or Agata Ricupero at 347-217-5180 The MetroCard Mobile Staff will be at Assemblyman William Colton’s Community Office 155 Kings Highway (between West 12 & West 13 Streets Brooklyn, NY 11223-1026 (718) 236-1598 Friday, May 29, 2015 10:00am to 12 noon Food Pantry Our St. Vincent de Paul Food Panty is requesting donations of the following items: Cereal, canned vegetables, soups, peanut butter & jelly, tomato sauce & pasta. Leave all donations in front of the St. Joseph Altar. We thank you in advance for helping the needy of our Parish. Page 11 St. Athanasius Church Diocesan Pilgrimage 51 International Eucharistic Congress Cebu, Philippines ————————————— January 22 - February 1, 2016 Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio & Timothy Cardinal Dolan Chaplains ————————————— Sponsored by: The Pilgrimage Office, Brooklyn Filipino Apostolate Diocese of Brooklyn and Archdiocese of New York For a Brochure call Peters Way Travel 516-605-1551 st May 3, 2015 Sunday, May 15, 2015 8:30am to 4:30pm AARP Driver Safety Program Co-Sponsored by: Assemblyman William Colton at UPDC 29 Bay 25th St. (bet. 86 St and Benson Ave) Brooklyn, NY 11214 To register please call 718-236-1598 and ask for Paul Lipton. Page 12 St. Athanasius Church May 3, 2015 Page 13 St. Athanasius Church Faith Sharing We encourage you to talk about the readings & reflection question in the car on the way home from Mass, at dinner on Sunday, or at parish meetings. Faith sharing opens the door for us to meet, know & walk with Christ in our everyday lives. How do we remain in Christ each day? The Morning Scripture Reflection & Faith Sharing Group Golden Age Club Meets every Wednesday at 12:45pm in the School Auditorium (During the school year) All Golden Agers are welcome to join us. Figlia Maria SS Addolorata Join them every First Friday to pray the Rosary in the Nazareth Institute at 8pm. During May the Rosary is prayed on Mon., Wed. & Fri. at 8pm May 3, 2015 Rosary Society The Rosarians welcome all women of the Parish. The Society is dedicated to the Blessed Mother, the growth of the love of God through Mary. We honor the Blessed Mother by the constant and reverent praying of the rosary in our daily life. We are involved in all Parish activities, liturgical and social – and keep informed about civic community activities. Spiritual activities include an Annual Retreat, Annual Communion Breakfast and Baby Shower for Unwed Mothers. The Society raises money to help our Church continue outreach efforts. The fundraisers include: Christmas Fair, Basket Night, Chinese Auction. We attend the 10:00am Mass on the Third Sunday of the month (except July & August) followed by a meeting & light breakfast in the School. If interested, please call Barbara @ 718-331-8544 or just come to the Mass & meeting. Holy Name Society New members are welcome to help with our community service work. The Society is a spiritual organization, a fraternity of the Catholic Church, spreading devotion to the Name of Jesus. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow! The present Holy Name Society members dedicate themselves to corporal works in helping our Parish Organizations and School, with various fundraising. The Holy Name meets every second Sunday of each month (after the 10 a.m. Mass), except for July & August. Men of all ages are welcome, especially the fathers of children attending St. A’s School and Catholic War Veterans are cordially invited to attend. For more info., call Ed DiGiacomo at:718836-7917 Charismatic Prayer Group Meets every Tuesday evening at 8:00 p.m. in the Lower Church. The St. Athanasius Respect Life Ministry Thank You Jesus Community Outreach Program Where there is despair, let us bring hope. Volunteers are needed to serve food to the poor and the homeless on Saturday Mornings. For more information, please call Dawn Aiello at (718) 232-3113 Make a difference in your community. Join the Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus are looking for Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Whether it’s doing charitable deeds, making new friends, or supporting your church, the Knights of Columbus may be right for you. Find out more by visiting or call 718-259-5080. Lay Carmelites meet on the second Saturday of the month. The meeting is held in the Rectory basement at 10:00 A.M. after 9:00 A.M. Mass. We are located at 2154 61st Street. Lay Carmelites are not in a religious community, but are men and women, married or single, who are people of faith in our parish and wish to live the charism of prayer and devotion to Our Lady in the Carmelite tradition. Are you interested in this vocation as a Lay Carmelite? Please call: Patricia 718-837-4013 email: Page 14 St. Athanasius Church BINGO Every Thursday in the Auditorium. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Admission $3. Info. call 917-285-1932 Game starts at 7:30 p.m. Kenneth P. Thompson Kings Count District Attorney Do you have a public safety or quality of life concern in your community? If so, please visit or call the Action Center 350 Jay Street, 16th floor Brooklyn, NY 11201 Hotline: (718) 250-2340 Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Walk-in welcome from 9 a.m. until 4:00p.m. Home health attendant available for elder care service. Will provide; light housekeeping, cooking, personal care, physical activities, and accompany to all appointments. Experienced and local. If interested call Nancy at: (347) 336-2716. Babysitter Available Please call Colette (347) 275-2673 Home Companion Services Call us for Companionship and Care. We have Italian and English speaking companions. We can provide low cost, hourly, or live in companions to assist with cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry and accompanying to Doctors Appts. Call Joanne at Italian Board of Guardians Inc (718) 232-4242 May 3, 2015 Do you need a Minister of Caring? Is someone in your family ill, homebound, hospitalized or in a care facility (assisted living or nursing home) & wishes a visit or a phone call from a Minister of Caring, please call the Rectory and leave your name & number. Support Groups at St. A’s Bereavement Support meet on Monday, May 11, June 1 from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. in the Nazareth Institute. On Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 pm. May 12, June 2. Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. Meeting every Friday night at 7:30p.m. in the Nazareth Institute. Overeaters Anonymous members talk about their struggles with compulsive eating. Meeting every Wednesday night at 8:00p.m. in the Nazareth Institute. Is your life effected by someone who is drinking? To help them, you must first help yourself. Al-Anon helps families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with the problem drinking of a relative or friend. Our Al-Anon Group meets in the Nazareth Institute every Friday 8-9:30p.m. & Saturday 7:30-9:30p.m. Home Assistance We are happy to announce that a member of our Parish owns & operates the : Right-at-Home In Home Care and Assistance Agency 7102 20th Ave. 1-347-554-8400 - Asst. Danielle. Employment Opportunities Available Please call for details In order for designated Parish Ministries & Organizations to reserve one of our rooms at St. A’s, we require you to fill out our Parish Calendar & Room Request Form. The form is available in the rectory or can be downloaded from our website. We even have an E-form so you complete this form without writing. Just e-mail it back to us, or print it out and drop it off. All Requests must be made using our form. E-mail completed form to AnnaMarie Scuteri at This is the ONLY way to reserve a room here at St. A's. The group listed on the parish calendar is the group that has the right to use that space. If you are not a designated ministry of our parish, permission must be granted from our Pastor, Msgr. Cassato, a rental fee is paid, and a lease agreement completed in order to use space. Sunday Bulletin Deadlines The Sunday Bulletin must be e-mailed to our printer by 10a.m. Monday. All announcements must be submitted in WRITTEN form only (handwritten, typed, computer, fax, e-mailed, etc) by 3p.m. Friday. Announcements received after the deadline will be published the following week. No one on the parish staff will assume the responsibility for your ministry’s articles. Include your bulletin articles in your advance planning for your event. All Flyers need to be approved by a staff member and submitted by Email only to Our Printer Requires all Black or Grayscale Print, Clip Art & Graphics. If you submit color graphics, the printer will NOT print your flyer. Please email announcements to no other email addresses!
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