Summer 2015 Newsletter - Kinship Christian Radio


Summer 2015 Newsletter - Kinship Christian Radio
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A Special Day…or…Half Day!
As a radio ministry, we talk a lot about sponsoring a “Full Day” or “Half Day” of broadcasting each fall during
Shareathon. Many listeners respond at that time of year as they sponsor a day of broadcast ministry in honor
of cherished family members and special life events.
But we know that life has a way of bringing us unexpected joys at various times of the year…a daughter
announces she is going to be married, a “forgotten” (listen up, guys!) wedding anniversary is remembered, a loved one celebrates a
milestone birthday, or a precious family member is taken home to be with Jesus. All of these events can be commemorated and
celebrated through your sponsoring a “Full Day” or “Half Day” of broadcasting at any time during the year.
If you have a special life event that has “popped up”, we can help you celebrate and share the broadcast ministry of Godʼs Word
with a special Full or Half Day sponsorship at any time. Just give us a call at 1-800-810-5559 or go on-line to and
click on the Kinship station you would like to support for all the details!
Minn-Iowa Christian Broadcasting – Kinship Christian Radio
104.5 FM 100.7 FM 95.5 FM 88.9 FM 90.9 FM 88.3 FM
Blue Earth, MN
“I feel like this is a silly wild goose chase for song lyrics...
But... While driving in to the hospital to deliver my 3rd baby,
early this morning, around 8am, I was greatly uplifted by a
song played on KJLY. The only lyrics I can think of are, "lift up
your eyes" and I'm not even positive that's right! I tried to log
online and catch what song it was but missed it. Any clues?
Thank you :)” (By the way, we were able to locate the song for
this mother… “Today Is Beautiful” by David Dunn)
"We appreciate the ministry of KJIA so much. I am home
much of the time during the day and like the good variety of
music, teaching and news from the Christian perspective."
- Spirit Lake
“KJCY People, Thank you for always being Christ centered
and sharing God's love and His good news of salvation. I have
been encouraged, convicted, comforted, and smiled often listening to programs and people speaking during their broadcasts. Thank you!”
- St. Ansgar
“Dear Friends, Thanks again for your ministry. Sometimes I
wonder where I would be without the teaching ministry of Dr.
David Jeremiah and the others. Not to mention the ministry of
music in my life. Thank you!”
- Austin
“This gift is in honor of my friend. She was 29 days from
being 101 when she passed. She couldn't see, but she listened
to your station. She memorized Bible verses and was just a precious human being!!”
- St. Ansgar
“KJCY Staff, So nice to be able to hear the station on-line even
in AZ. Blessings to all of you!”
- Lyle
“When my heart is faint, I can hear God speak through KJLY
radio. From these ashes we will rise! Blessings over and over
- Faribault
“KJCY, Thank you for your mission on the air. I have enjoyed listening to you over the years. Just wanted to send a donation to express my thanks for all you do.”
- Mason City
"Thanks for the great music and spreading God's Word on
- Lake Park
“Thank you for all your Easter Friday, Saturday and Sunday
programming. My gift is small, but sent with gratitude and
grace. God Bless you.”
- Fort Dodge
“My tax return was bigger than I expected - PTL! Wish it
could have a zero or two behind it! Thanks for all you do! Your
ministry truly saved my life! Blessings to all!”
- Lakeside, IA
My favorite place on earth is….
“My favorite place on earth is in my flower gardens.. putzin' around... diggin' in the dirt... plantin' somethin'
new... And finding God's peace there.” – Beth Erdman – KJLY Receptionist
“I don’t get to go to my favorite place on earth as much as I’d like to, but the corner of Carnegie and Ontario in downtown Cleveland, Ohio would be my favorite. That’s the ballpark home of my beloved Cleveland Indians. For me it has
always been a great place to get away from the stresses of life, enjoy a great hot dog, spend time with family and several thousand
other people that love the Indians and baseball as much as I do! Being that I do live in Minnesota though, 1 Twins Way in downtown
Minneapolis would come in a close second! Play Ball!!!!!” – Steve Ware - Announcer
KJLY - 104.5 FM KJYL - 100.7 FM KJCY - 95.5 FM KJIA - 88.9 FM KJWR - 90.9 FM KJTS - 88.3 FM KJTT- 88.3 FM
Bloomington 91.5 Elko 106.5 Rochester 105.7 Blooming Prairie/Austin 98.3
Forest City area 94.7 Mankato 107.1 Mason City 92.5 New Ulm 104.9 Newell/Storm Lake 96.3
Albert Lea - Northwood 101.9 Owatonna 93.5 Redwood Falls 92.3 St. Peter 97.9 Burt/Algona 107.9
Eagle Grove, IA
Mason City, IA
Okoboji, IA
Windom, MN
The One That Got Away
I’m almost afraid to mention this but I occasionally think
about the one that got away.
Mine is not a thought about a huge Walleye that I almost
landed in the boat. Or, the large buck that I somehow
missed during last fall’s deer hunting season.
No. I’m referencing what I think about when I hear a
person has died. Maybe it was somebody I knew to some
degree…perhaps a relative or a classmate from school. Just
as easily, it could be a complete stranger whose obituary I
noticed in our local newspaper.
More and more these days, as I read or hear of someone’s
death, the thought runs through my mind…“Did they
know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior”? In other words,
“Were they saved”?
I think these thoughts more often these days, not out of a
sense of morbidity or penchant for tragedy, but because the
eternal God of love that prompted the words “He is not
willing that any should perish” continues to grow in prominence in my heart. And, louder and louder, the imperative
to be about the business of sharing the Gospel of Jesus
Christ is resonating in my spirit.
Here is a really scary question which I ask you, for a purpose and for just a moment, to reflect upon; Have you ever
been present at a funeral of a relative or friend of whom
your personal thoughts are that you are truly unsure
whether or not this person was a Christian? In honest reflection, you recognize that there was nothing in their life
that would indicate any relationship with God and you
just, well,…wonder.
If there is a more terrifying thought than to extrapolate
this person’s location in the afterlife, I certainly don’t know
New Ulm, MN
88.3 FM
Story City, IA
By Matt Dorfner,
Executive Director
it. Thankfully, the eternal destination
of any person is not ours to make.
After all, God’s ways are higher than
ours and who knows but in that last
blink of an eye or final breath there was a wholehearted
surrender to God and the acceptance of His sacrificial death
and resurrection that will bring that relative or friend into
the blessed Kingdom of heaven.
But somewhere in the statistics…and from the mouth of
our Lord Jesus Christ Himself in Matthew 7:13… is the understanding that not everyone chooses the narrow way that
leads to eternal life.
That, my friend, is what I consider the only true tragedy
in life.
And I am eternally thankful that it is a tragedy that does
not have to happen. Not even once!
To this end, the ministry of Kinship Christian Radio is
dedicated. Specifically, to preach the full Word of God in
the power and presence of the Holy Spirit who alone can
open the eyes of the spiritually blind, unstop the spiritual
ears of the deaf and turn hearts of stone into hearts of flesh
that they might turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and receive
eternal Life!
How about if and me…enter into this summer,
committing to one another and to God, that we will allow
ourselves to be used so that not one more person “gets
away.” Let’s make it our prayer and we go forth in His
Name to make disciples knowing that the One who has
called us to do so has also promised, “And surely, I am
with you!”
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Melodee Roberts
KJYL enthusiastically
introduces you to our new
Administrative Assistant,
Melodee Roberts of Eagle
Grove! Melodee, or
“Odee”, as she’s best
known, hails from the
southern Iowa town of
Creston; but, along with
her family, has called
Eagle Grove home for 23
Melodee has worked in
this region for many
years, including at Community Memorial Hospital in Clarion,
where she was first given that nickname, “Odee”. She says
there were two “Melodees” on staff there, and because of all
the confusion, one needed to go with a nickname; and she was
pleased to accept “Odee”!
She was born the oldest of 3 children and was raised going
to church, but, she says, “My faith was weak and through the
years church was missed more than it was attended. My
daughter was introduced to the Left Behind series and I also
started reading them. They made me think ‘What if…’, and I
realized there is more to Christianity than just knowing Jesus
was born to Mary and Joseph and that He died on the cross.
My favorite place on earth is….
“My favorite place in the world is the deck at my Mom and Dad’s
cabin in northwestern Wisconsin. I love to sit there and watch all
the action in the yard. The birds, squirrels, deer and the occasional
bear provide a lot of entertainment!” – Beth Crosby – Announcer
“My favorite place on earth is... snuggled in my husband's arms
each night before falling asleep.”
– Beth Siebrands – Assistant Bookkeeper
Kinship Crossroads
It’s a bird! No, it’s a plane! No, it’s one of the Kinship
Radio announcers flying across the listening area on his
way to a live ‘Kinship Crossroads” report!
That’s right, we are no longer confined to our microphone and audio controls in the studio, but have been
set free to roam across Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa to broadcast LIVE interviews and conversations with all sorts of interesting people.
By Jay Rudolph
My desire to learn more about the Lord has brought me farther
than I ever dreamed.”
Melodee adds, “In fact, the Lord led me to KJYL here in
Eagle Grove. It happened one morning as I was on my way
home from another job as a sleep study tech in another town.
This particular morning, I was thinking how tired I was and
that my bed sure sounded really good! Next thing I knew, I
was inside the KJYL radio station, shaking hands with Jay and
asking if they had found a secretary. Jay told me they had been
scheduled to interview a candidate that morning; but, she
called to say she had accepted another position elsewhere.
‘What are YOU doing today?’ he laughingly asked. Lo and behold, I ended up being the interview that day – and here I
Melodee expresses: “I believe the Lord took over that morning and He has some great things in store for me!”
Melodee Roberts is married to a wonderful man, Daryl, who
works as a recruiter for Iowa Central Community College in
Fort Dodge. They have four children: Kalli, Ross (wife Fawn),
Tessa and Jere (pronounced Jerry) and 4 grandchildren: Lauren
10, Dylan 5, Kinsley 2 and Bella 2 (Kinsley and Bella are
All of us at Kinship Christian Radio are really looking forward to seeing how God will use Odee’s gifts and talents for
His glory through this radio ministry!
“My favorite place on earth is my front porch on a
nice spring day with a slight breeze, sunshine, and a
good book.” – Tracy Jones – Senior Bookkeeper
Inspiring Passion
By Lynette Dorfner
KJIA Community Outreach Coordinator
The ministry of KJIA desires to inspire passion
for knowing God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in
the most personal way and causing an unstoppable
sharing of the Good News of the Gospel message!
Because of our common bond with the friends of
the ministry, we are passionate about collaborating
with you to spread The Word and spending time
together in sweet fellowship. In early June, the annual “KJIA Family BBQ Picnic” will present a great
opportunity for you to enjoy some cherished fellowship. We still have a few bits of planning to fiThe “Faith Girlz” from Crosswinds Church in
nalize but as we complete the remaining details,
Spirit Lake and Spencer are ready to pass
we’ll be sharing all the information on the KJIA
out candy and trinkets again this summer at
website and announcing it on “Community Calenthe Milford Pioneer Days parade on
dar”. (Everyone on the KJIA mailing list will also
Saturday, July 25th. The group will be led
Elise Rusk of Linn Grove and
receive a post card invitation sometime in midby Larry & Pat Oleson driving their 1918
friend Halle Laursen of Peterson
Model T Ford.
stopped by the KJIA booth at the
This summer, as in many years past, a sea of
recent Spencer “Family Fest” to
friends in yellow KJIA t-shirts will be following close behind KJIA Ambassador’s Larry and
play Ring Toss and win prizes.
These two girls were a couple of
Pat Oleson’s 1918 Model T Ford as KJIA will be making an appearance in many area parades.
the hundreds that stopped by to
Passion for Christ and KJIA’s Radio Ministry is apparent when you witness the enthusiasm
play and learn more about KJIA
and diligence of these amazing volunteers!
Christian Radio.
Speaking of amazing volunteers, the ministry would be lost without the faithful, dedicated
monthly mailing volunteers. They bring such joy and encouragement as they skillfully do
the work. God has blessed the staff with longtime friendships from this special group of people. Gathering for office work each
month brings opportunity for huge blessings for all. Prayer needs are shared, joys expressed, funny stories told and passion for
the things of God inspire all!
If you have a testimony of blessing, support or inspiration you have received by listening to KJIA or any of the Kinship Radio
ministries – we would love to hear from you! We delight in the sharing of how Jesus’ message of salvation and daily victory
changes lives. Just send an email to us at kjia@kjiaradio or by calling our office in Spirit Lake at 712-332-7184.
“My favorite place on earth is: In the summertime it
has to be Rushing Wind Resort in Ontario, Canada
during a couples retreat…the Christian fellowship, fun, food and
fishing are wonderful, however I will take a sunny beach in Florida
or South Texas any wintery day!”
– Diane Thome -KJCY Office Manager
KJLY’s “A Day for Women”
A Living Tapestry
By Allen Jones – Announcer
What can you expect to hear from a Kinship
Crossroads report? Anything and everything!
From interviews with Presidential nominees to
chatting with the local bake sale cook.
If you have an event coming up and would be interested in doing a live interview (there is no
charge), give us a call at 1-800-810-5559 or shoot us an
email at
Be sure to watch the skies, because we could be flying
to your community soon! (Actually, don’t watch the
sky…just the ground…because of all the gifts that God
has given us, none of the announcer’s actually have the
gift of flight…that I know of!)
News from KJIA
Kim Gravel
KJLY will be offering our 6th Annual “A Day
for Women” conference on Saturday, May 16th
with the theme of “A Living Tapestry”. Because
of the overwhelming response we have had in
the past, we have moved to a new church that
allows us to have more ladies attend and we
hope you can join us at Crossview Covenant
Church at 2000 Howard Drive in North
Mankato. The doors will open at 7:45AM for
registration with the Welcome and Worship
Music beginning at 8:45AM.
We’re excited to share the news that Kim
Gravel, from the musical trio “Beloved”, is
coming back this year as our main speaker! She
will talk about our purpose for being here, help
us focus on what is right, and what kind of
steps we need to take in our faith. Along with
her speaking, she will also lead us in worship
music a few times throughout the day. Many
ladies may remember Kim from a couple years
By Tracy Jones
ago and know that she is full of laughter,
energy and shares many relatable stories about
her experiences.
Another awesome feature this year will be
Joni Neiman as she presents a “Bed Turning”
featuring the many quilts that she and her
family have made through the years. Monica
Burtis of Fairmont is also sharing her incredible
testimony of what she and her family have gone
through with health problems and how God
helped them make it through the difficult times.
The day also includes a time in the morning for
a mini-breakout session, lunch, and special
The cost for the entire day is only $30 and
we hope you will make our day complete with
your presence! You can register online at or by simply calling the station at
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By Lynette Dorfner
With “Shine The Light” as our theme for the Third Annual “KJCY Friend and Volunteer
Appreciation Dinner” to be held Tuesday, May 12th, weʼre excited to share the news that
our own on-air announcer, Steve Ware, will be our special speaker. Joining Steve will be
his talented and lovely wife, Jan, as they share their testimony and musical gifts with us.
To make our evening complete we would love to have you join us at Rolling Acres
Christian Reformed Church in Mason City beginning at 6 PM for fellowship and punch
with a delicious complimentary catered dinner at 6:30pm. Steve will then bless us with
the message the Lord has laid upon his heart following dinner. Please allow us this
opportunity to express our deep appreciation for your continued friendship and support
of the KJCY ministry that is honored to “Shine The Lightʼ in our neighborhoods and
communities! All you need do is let us know you are coming with a phone call or email to
our KJCY studios in Mason City.(641-424-5529 or
Hereʼs a photo of KJCY friends (from left) Sandy Lief, Betty
Golnik, Ilene Brown and Dave Lief enjoying hors dʼoeuvres
We are so excited to announce that KJCY will be at the Olmstead County Fair in
at last years "KJCY Appreciation Dinner”. By the way, this
Rochester from July 27 through August 2nd! The staff and volunteers were extremely
year's complimentary dinner will take place at 6 PM on
blessed last year to meet new friends at the fair and share the great news that people in
Tuesday, May 12th at Rolling Acres Christian Reformed
the Rochester area and surrounding communities can now hear KJCY through our
Church in Mason City and we would love to have you join
us! All you need do is RSVP by calling the KJCY office in
Rochester Translator at 105.7 FM.
Mason City at 641-424-5529 or by emailing Diane at
Of course, KJCY staff and volunteers will also be meeting and greeting our great Everyone is invited!
Austin area friends at the Mower County Fair again this year. Be sure to stop by the
KJCY booth to enter our drawing for some special ministry gifts and resources at the
booth August 11th through the 16th!
With many opportunities to connect with our ministry friends this spring and summer, we hope to have the opportunity to fellowship with
you. (By the by, KJCY is always looking for more “helping hands” to assist with monthly tasks as well as volunteering to spend time in the
fair booths. If you would like to hang out with us – contact Diane and say “I would like to help!” Hope to see you soon!)
TO THE END OF THE EARTH.” – Acts 13:47
My favorite place on earth is….
“I must be getting old because my favorite place on earth is my bed.
Nothing makes me smile like laying my head on the pillow after a
long day. And if my bed is located on a Hawaiian island... all the
better!” – Scott Pieri - Announcer
“My favorite place on earth is being together with family anywhere
they are.” – Sheri Wegner – Prayerline Coordinator
“My favorite place on earth is… the Rocky
Mountains of Colorado. I have been to the Rockies
region three times (once in Colorado, once in
Wyoming, and once in Montana), and each time I
have absolutely marveled at the splendor and beauty
of the majestic mountains God has formed. They just
display so much to me about God’s power and majesty
– and I love to hike in them!”
– Jay Rudolph – KJYL Operations Manager
“Pledge to Walk, Pledge to Pray.”
By Sheri Wegner
Kinship Prayerline Coordinator
As Christians who see events in our nation and around the world we recognize
the signs of the times. As we read scripture we also realize that a part of our calling
is to act as “watchmen on the wall”. Watchmen on the wall don’t wait for things to
happen but actively watch and pray over events and situations.
Kinship Christian Radio is announcing a “Call to Prayer” encouraging our listening family to form prayer groups or “Prayer Walks” in their communities. As we do, we are claiming the promise of God
in 2 Chronicles 7:14 where He says, “If my people, who are called by my Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek
my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Prayer walks can be as simple as walking through your neighborhood and praying. It can also occur as you are driving
to work or running errands. The emphasis is to actively be watching and praying over events and situations and for others. This is a call to action by actively praying for our communities, nation, leaders, military and for the events unfolding
around the world, especially involving our fellow Christians in the Middle East.
Will you join your Christian brothers and sisters in stepping out to use the best and most effective weapon that God has
given us? “For such a time as this” it is time to pray without ceasing!
Jay Rudolph KJYL Operations Manager
It’s already been a very busy spring which started with a wonderful time
of worship with the husband-wife musical duo known as “Love & the Outcome”. Hundreds of folks attended the concert we co-sponsored with Zion
Lutheran Church of Humboldt on March 8th.
We also had the pleasure of co-sponsoring a very beneficial event called
“Girlz Gone Right” with renowned abstinence speaker Pam Stenzel at Faith
Community Church of rural Palmer. I also reported from the Homeschool
Day at the Capitol event in Des Moines on April 9th, and we look forward to
featuring more of these exciting “Kinship Crossroads” live reports from the
What can the KJYL Christian Radio family look forward to in the coming
months? While some of the plans are still in the formative stages, we invite
you to keep listening to KJYL to hear about the many possible concerts and
events we’ll be involved with. We do know that we will be walking in several area parades this summer, and we’d love to have you join us as a volunteer -- handing out Gospel tracts, KJYL Program Schedules, and other free
items. If you can’t join us, be sure to wave and say “Hi” as we pass by!
(And be sure to let us know about a parade in your area so we can consider
adding it to our schedule.)
We are also considering ways to promote KJYL and Kinship Christian
Radio and to share the Gospel with the thousands of riders on RAGBRAI, as
it moves through our listening area this summer with overnight stops in
Storm Lake and Fort Dodge. Our crew of KJIA Ambassadors has come up
with some good possibilities but should you have any creative ideas of ways
to reach those riding during RAGBRAI, please drop me an e-mail at or call the KJYL studios in Eagle Grove at
(515) 448-4588.
We’re looking forward to sharing a smile and some goodies with you this
My favorite place on earth is….
“My favorite place on Earth is my Hobby Room. This is where I like
to start my day - watching the sunrise, spending time with God
while sipping on a hot cup of cappuccino. Favorite photos and
childhood memorabilia are displayed everywhere and my large work
area allows me to create cards and relive moments as I scrapbook.”
– Bev Cother – KJIA Secretary
“My favorite place on earth is behind the handlebars on my motorcycle rolling down the highway. Someday I plan on taking a nice
long trip... on two wheels!” – Doug Johnson – Announcer
“My favorite place on earth is anywhere I haven't been before. I
love to go exploring and seeing things I've never seen.”
– Melodee “Odee” Roberts – KJYL Secretary
“My favorite place on earth is high in the Rocky Mountains"
– Mark Bohnett – Chief Engineer
(From left to right) - Dean Schnetzer, Jodi and Chris from
the musical group “Love & the Outcome”, KJYL Operations Manager Jay Rudolph, Lydia Rudolph, and Kaitlynn
Jones pose for a photo following the Love & the Outcome
concert at Zion Lutheran Church of Humboldt on Sunday
evening, March 8th.
Our thanks to all who help make the ministry of KJYL
possible including these “mailing day” volunteers; Marion
Dencklau, Elaine Carlson, Jan Cooper, Margaret
Johnson, Doryce Halverson, Ruth Siemens, Joyce
Hallback, Pat Uri and Nelda Kiley. Thanks ladies!
“My favorite place on earth is anywhere by a
babbling brook or a meandering river; surrounded
by trees, plants and flowers on a warm, sunshiny
day. The presence of my family and gentle critters
would be a perfect touch (without pesky
mosquitoes and flies, of course). I feel so
close to God in such a place. “
– Lynette Dorfner, KJIA Office Manager
“My favorite place on earth is my in-laws ranch outside of Ree
Heights, SD. It’s the perfect mixture of plains and rolling hills
where an Indian tribe, known as the Rees, used to inhabit the land
and use one of the big hills for a Buffalo run. It’s the perfect place
to hunt and fish, thanks to all the hard work my mother and
father-in-law have put into their land. As much as I love the land,
what makes this place truly special is the family that inhabits it.
It is a home of love that can’t help but infect whoever enters into it.
Whenever I’m there I always feel like I’m getting a little glimpse
into what heaven may be like when we’ll be surrounded by the
unconditional love of our Lord.” – Allen Jones – Announcer
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“Ever Wonder if You are in the Will?”
Haven’t we all, at one time or another, dreamt about being named in a relatives
Last Will and Testament?
Of course, a Will is an intensely personal thing that rightly calls for the
bequeathing of finances and property to family members and loved ones.
It also is a great opportunity to bless your church or favorite ministries with a
more sizeable gift that will allow them to realize some ministry dreams of repair,
replacement or expansion.
As you reflect on your will and estate plan, thank you for considering the
ministry of your favorite Kinship Christian Radio station as a part of your estate
plan. It’s an easy step to take and only requires a simple notation in your Will
detailing a gift or percentage of whatever size you determine to be appropriate to
be given to the radio ministry of KJLY, KJYL, KJCY, KJIA, KJWR, KJTT or KJTS.
As you consider this final act of stewardship, you can rest assured that your gift
will help the ministry reach out to even more people with the one message that
truly matters...the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Preparations for the upcoming KJLYʼs “A Day for Women”
has included a couple of days preparing some of the favors
that await those attending. Hereʼs a photo of craft day
volunteers Jessica Jones, Scott Pieri, Leah Bohnett,
Lorraine Haughland, Beth Crosby, Carol Bohnett, Jan Ware,
Carol McGowen, Lois Strack, and Marilyn Stallkamp
As with any piece of equipment, a radio station transmitter will age (and eventually
wear out!) as they operate continuously for years at a time. A case in point would be the
KJYL transmitter which…except for relatively brief break-downs and power
outages…has been operating continuously for over 20 years!
As you may know, a radio station “Transmitter” is like the engine in your car. The
transmitter is the critically important piece of electronic equipment that moves great
Bible teaching programs like David Jeremiah and James MacDonald, announcers like Jay,
Scott, Beth, Steve, Allen and Doug and Christian music from the KJYL studios to your
car, home, and family. And while KJYL’s transmitter has been heroic in its service, it is
now 21-years-old. (Some listeners will remember when KJYL first went on the air with
this very same transmitter in February of 1994!)
Imagine if you were driving a car 20 years old! Of course, there is nothing wrong with
a 20-year-old car but it is obvious that it does not perform like it did when it was new.
Nor does it provide the safety, technological advances or increased gas mileage that a
new car provides.
The same is true for transmitters. In addition to the 20 years of advancements in technology, a new “solid-state” transmitter will use about 20% less electricity, providing a
very significant savings to the KJYL ministry every year.
Our goal at KJYL is to raise the $61,000 for this new solid-state transmitter. As we do,
we plan to put the current transmitter to good use and keep it as an emergency standby
to provide a second layer of assurance that KJYL will stay on the air sharing God’s Word
and love.
We’re happy to report that, to date, over $30,000 has been given towards the purchase
of this new transmitter by KJYL listeners. While we are ecstatic with the response, you
can see that we are going to need more KJYL friends to join what we are calling the
“KJYL Special Forces” by sharing a tax-deductible gift of $300 or more to be used towards the purchase of this new transmitter. Can you help? If you would like to assist in
the purchase of this new transmitter, thanks for sending your “Special Forces” transmitter gift to KJYL, PO Box 325, Eagle Grove, Iowa 50533. God bless you!
News from
By Matt Dorfner
When a close friend makes a suggestion to read a
book, listen to a new song or try a new restaurant, we
are usually much more likely to actually follow their
advice than if we were to hear the same suggestion from
a stranger. A friend’s knowledge of our preferences,
tastes and Christian lifestyle give them a special and
respected place to provide suggestions that we will
seriously consider. The same can also be said when it
comes to recommending a radio station…if a friend
makes the suggestion, chances are good we’ll at least
give it a listen.
With that thought in mind, we would like to
encourage you to “tell a friend” about the presence of
the KJWR radio ministry right here in Southwest
Minnesota! It’s easy to do…maybe through a post on
Facebook, a simple email, a Tweet or just sharing the
KJWR frequency with your neighbor, church fellowship
or Bible study group.
We’re looking forward to another great summer of
ministry across Southwest Minnesota with plans being
considered for parades, events and promotional efforts
to help share the news about the “Good News” that is
shared 24 hours a day on 90.9 FM KJWR! If you would
like to be a part of the important planning of these
events, we would love to have you join what we call the
KJWR “Ambassadors”. The Ambassadors are a small
group of KJWR listeners and friends who meet in
Windom periodically to plan events and consider various opportunities to inform more people of the KJWR
radio ministry. If you would like more information
about the “KJWR Ambassadors” please email
Don’t forget, too, that if you have an upcoming event
and would like to let the rest of the KJWR family know
about it, we’re always here to provide our help and
assistance. A case in point was our recent story and
announcements promoting the Marshall FCA
(Fellowship of Christian Athletes) benefit concert
featuring the “Newsboys” in Marshall. We can certainly
do the same for your event so if we can help, just write
us at KJWR, PO Box 125 in Windom, send us an email at, or call us at 1-800-810-5559!
Bright and Shiny New Things
Over the past few months we’ve added some convenient new additions to the Kinship Christian radio
web sites including a comprehensive “Cancellations”
feature when bad weather forces area church, event
and school cancellations.
We’re also getting very close to adding a new listing of our business Underwriters on our homepage
to help identify and encourage your patronage of
these area professionals and business people who
help support the Kinship Christian Radio broadcast
A third feature is an even-easier way to send us an
email….simply click on the red “button” right next to
the news scroller at the top of the home page.
Of course, on the web sites you’ll also find Bible
help resources, weather, news headlines, the current
temperature, information on how to become a Christian, Community Calendar announcements from
around the listening area, photos and bios of the announcers and staff, a way to submit a confidential
prayer request through “PrayerWorks”…and much
more. Click on over to or any of
the individual station websites and check it out!