Readington Recreation


Readington Recreation
January 2016
Spring/Summer Preview 2016
Readington Recreation
Inside this issue:
The Possibilities are Endless...
Art Classes
After School Tennis
Golf Youth & Adult
Sports Clinics Ages 3-8
Youth Tennis
Adult Softball
Fitness Classes
Adult Tennis Lessons
Location: Dobozynski Cottage
2016 promises to be a great
year, with lots of new programs for residents of all
ages. We are very excited
about our new online registration program. Registering
for Readington Recreation
programs and activities are
now easier than ever. Program/facility information and
registration are now at your
Session II 5/21-6/25, no class 5/28
Time: 9:00-10:30am
April 2-Nov 18th
Cost: $115
 Pickell Park—Tennis, basketball, ballfields, picnic
pavilion, playground,
Instructor: Tony Robinson
Adult Coloring is a form of expression highlighting the interaction and interplay between design form, and color. Students work from a template or create
their own. Design your own coloring book while exploring a variety of coloring media including pencil, charcoal, markers, pastels, and watercolors.
Participants will receive a preprinted coloring book or bring your favorite
coloring book from home! High school students welcome.
 Hillcrest Park - Ballfields,
playground, picnic tables,
 East Whitehouse—
Ballfield and playground
 Dobozynski Cottage open March 15-Dec 15
 Questions about recreation facilities call 908-534
-9752. Rental forms are
available on the web site.
Dates: Session I 4/16-5/14
Recreation Facilities Open
 Cornhuskers Park - Ballfields, playground, bathrooms
Friday Night Basketball 8
 Summer Road Park - Ballfields, basketball, in-line
skating, playground, bathrooms
finger tips!! Registration
for Spring programs & activities begins 2/18.
NEW Saturday Morning Class
Days: Sat. 4/16-6/4, 7:30-8:30am
Location: Pickell Park Cost: $165 8 weeks
Take part in one of the country’s newest aerobic fitness
trends! Cardio Tennis provides a full body workout by
combining, simple body strength activities with a range
of tennis skills, all in a fun, social environment. No tennis experience is necessary to take part, simply the desire to stay in shape and have fun on the tennis court.
Aerobic Exercise-Core Strength
Footwork-Balance & Agility
Racquet Skills-Tennis to Music
Page 2
Readington Recreation
Drawing and Painting Ages: 6-10
Location: Dobozynski Cottage
Cartooning Ages: 9 +
Dates: Session I 4/16-5/14
Location: Dobozynski Cottage
Dates: Session I 4/16-5/14
Session II 5/21-6/25, no class 5/28
Session II 5/21-6/25 no class 5/28
Time: 10:30am-11:30am NEW TIME
Cost: $85, materials included
Time:11:30am-12:45pm NEW TIME
Instructor: Tony Robinson
Cost: $115, materials included
Students improve their skills in this class focusing on the principles of the art of drawing and painting. Students will work using
pencil, charcoal, and paints on a variety of fun projects designed
to sharpen artistic skills in the areas of drawing, color theory,
composition, and painting technique.
Instructor: Tony Robinson
Japanese Anime, Comic Book Heroes, Dragon Ball Z, the XMen, this class has it all. Learn how to draw your favorite
characters from sketch to finished art. Develop your own
characters and learn to draw your favorites.
Rec Soccer Times
9:30-11:30am Grades 1/2 and 6/7/8
Location: Summer Road
11:30-1pm Grade K
Cost: $130 Trainers: USA Soccer
11:30-1:30pm Grades 3/4/5
Day: 4/16-6/11
*Please note times may change based on
Location: Grades K-5 Summer Road Park
Grades K-5 play at Summer Rd on Saturdays.
Grades 9-12 will have a week night practice,
grades 6-8 will practice on Saturday morning, both
age groups will play games with other town teams
on Sunday afternoons in the tri-county league.
Home games are scheduled at Summer Road Park.
Spring Soccer Coaches
Meeting Tuesday April 5th Readington
Middle School room 304 at 7:00pm
Rutgers SAFETY Clinic
A Requirement for ALL Readington Coaches
A class is scheduled on Wednesday, April 6th at 6:30pm, in room 304 at the Readington Middle School. You must preregister using the adult registration form on the web site to attend. The class is free for Readington Recrea-
tion coaches, the fee is $40 for coaches from other organizations.
FENCING CLINICS 3rd-8th grade
Tuesdays Session I 3/1-4/12
no class 3/29
Session II 4/19-5/24
Time: 6:00-7:00pm Beginners
Location: Whitehouse School
Cost: $174.00, sign up for both
now for $310
Instructor: Medeo Fencing
Fencing is a sport of strategy and skill. Students learn
the basic terminology of
develop motor
skills, reflexes, and coordination necessary to the
basic skills of fencing which
include: Position, Basic Footwork, Offense, Defense, and
Tactics, improve their general physical condition, develop mental discipline,
practice good sportsmanship, safe fencing, and learn
to apply the rules of fencing.
All equipment provided.
Readington Recreation
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Beginner Lessons 7-15yrs
Adv Beg/Intermediate Golf 7-15
Date: Sundays, 5/1-5/29
Date: Sundays, 5/1-5/29
Time: 10:00-11:00am
Time: 11:00-Noon
Ages: 7-15yrs
Ages: 7-15yrs
Cost: $129
Cost: $129
Introduce Fundamentals of golf;
stance, grip, alignment, putting,
chipping, iron shots, sand shots,
and drivers. We cover course
etiquette and some basic rules
of golf. This program is designed for the beginner/
intermediate player.
Review of the fundamentals of golf;
stance, grip, alignment, putting,
chipping, iron shots, sand shots,
and drivers, This program is designed for the intermediate to advance player.
Hillsborough Golf &
Country Club
146 Wertsville, Rd.
Hillsborough, NJ
Golf Professional
Bobby D’Amica
Learn to play golf on grass,
no rubber matts at this
fabulous facility.
Date: Sundays, 5/1-5/29
Date: Sundays, 5/1-5/29
Time: 9:00-10:00am
Time: NOON-1:00pm
Cost: $129
Cost: $129
Review of the fundamentals of golf;
stance, grip, alignment, putting, chipping, iron shots, sand shots, and drivers,
This program is designed for the advanced beginner/intermediate player.
Introduce Fundamentals of golf; stance,
grip, alignment, putting, chipping, iron
shots, sand shots, and drivers. We cover
course etiquette and some basic rules of
golf. This program is designed for the
beginner/advanced beginner player.
After School Tennis Ages 5-11
Cost: $134
Instructor: Firefly Tennis
Whitehouse - Session I Mondays, 3/7-5/2 , No Class 3/21, 3/28,
Session II 5/9-6/20, No class 5/30
Three Bridges School—Session I Thursdays 3/3-4/21, No Class 3/24 & 3/31
Session II 4/28-6/2
Time: 3:30-4:15pm or 4:30-5:15pm
Tennis in a convenient location. Smaller courts, lighter and
lower bouncing balls, and smaller and lighter racquets
make it easy and fun for our players to hit and play right
from the start! Class size is limited so we strongly encourage parents to register early. Equipment provided.
Register Now for the SPRING FENCING TEAM Girls & Boys grades 4-12
Spring Season 2/12-6/10 Cost: $385 one day per week or $760 two nights per week
Option to practice once or twice a week at Medeo Fencing in Bridgewater. New Fencers will try all
three weapons before deciding which weapon they would like to specialize in. Beginning Fencers will
be placed in the appropriate practice time by our professional coach. Intermediate Fencer practice
day & time will be determined by weapon. Lesson schedule available on the Medeo web site. Fencers will have the opportunity to participate in tournaments on week nights and weekends every couple
of weeks in the local area including Bridgewater, Far Hills, Bedminster, and Bernardsville.
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Readington Recreation
Soccer Squirts - Ages 3-5
Day: Saturdays, 4/16-6/11
Time: 9:30-10:30am
Sport Squirts Ages: 3-5 T-Ball Squirts Ages 3-5
Location: Summer Road
Dates: Sat. 4/16-6/11
Time: 12:15-1:15pm
Day: Sundays, 4/17-6/12 No T-Ball 5/29
Location: Pickell Park
Location: Summer Rd
Cost: $159.00
Cost: $159
Time: 1:30-2:30pm, ages 3-5
Instructor: US Sports
Instructor: US Sports
2:30-3:30pm, ages 3-5
No Class 5/28
3:30-4:30pm, ages 5-7
No Soccer 5/28
Soccer Squirts learn the fundamental
skills of soccer through a program of
structured activities, fun based games,
and scrimmages. Each Soccer Squirts
session focuses on maximizing participation and learning through a variety
of fun games designed to stimulate a
child's imagination and develop motor
Sport Squirts introduces children to a new sport each week.
The emphasis is on safety, fun
and learning. All Sports are presented in positive and relaxed
environment with an emphasis
on participation, interaction,
and communication.
Grades K-2
Golf Squirts/Stars Ages 4-8
Date: Saturday, 4/16-6/11, 8 weeks
No class 5/28
Time: Squirts 2:00-2:50pm Ages 4-5
3:00-4:00pm Ages 5-8
Cost: Squirts $155 Stars $159
Location: Pickell Park
Instructor: US Sports
This clinic uses a revolutionary new system to introduce the game of golf to children. Children learn all
the basic golf techniques such as the swing, grip and
ball striking using unique and fun training methods as
well as doing team challenges and playing in our US
Open Competition. Children will experience greater
success using the larger balls and club heads allowing
them to strike the ball more consistently and increase
their confidence which will encourage them to continue to enjoy the game of golf. Equipment provided.
Cost: $159.00 Trainers: US Sports
T-Ball Squirts focuses on the fundamental
skills of the game; including hitting, throwing,
catching and running the bases. Our progressive T-Ball curriculum enables each child to
develop their skills, and understanding of the
game. Using safe and developmentally appropriate equipment, core
components of T-Ball
are learned through a
series of fun games
and activities designed
to reinforce fundamental skills and incorporate game situations.
Tennis Squirts Ages 3-5
Date: Tuesday, 4/19-6/7, 8 weeks
Time: 4:00-4:50pm
Cost: $155 Ages 3-5
Location: Pickell Park
Instructor: US Sports
Following the guidelines set out by the US Tennis Association (USTA), children develop their tennis skills using the highly appraised
Quickstart Tennis Model.
Our program offers a variety
of games and activities to
promote maximum learning.
Rackets provided for Tennis
Squirts. Rackets are not
provided for older age
Readington Recreation
Page 5
Dates: Tuesday & Wednesdays 4/12 & 4/13
Location: Pickell Park Cost: $60, limited space
Date: Wednesdays 4/20-6/8
8 weeks
Location: Pickell Park
Time: 5:30-7pm
Interested in being part of the Readington Tennis Team?
Take part in our pre season tennis clinics. These sessions
are designed to knock the rust off and get playing before
the season begins! You will meet new players, compete in
inner squad matches and work on the technical and tactical aspects to elevate your game.
TENNIS TEAM ages 10-14
Tennis Team: Wednesdays, 4/20-6/8 8 weeks
Location: Pickell Park Time: 6:00-7:30pm
Coach: USPTA certified professional coach US Sports
Cost: $349 or $425 with one private lesson included
The Readington Tennis Team program provides premium
instruction, to experienced players looking to take their
game to the next level. Along with professional coaching
and evaluation, players will have the chance to compete
against other USSI Junior Tennis Teams, and will be notified of any local youth tennis tournaments. Training will
be focused not only skill refinement, but also tactical play
and court awareness in both the single
and doubles game. All players receive a
team playing shirt and 12 month junior
USTA membership. TEAM TRY OUTS are
scheduled for interested students who
are not attending the preseason clinics
on Wednesday 4/13 7:00-7:30pm.
Foundation Tennis Ages 5-14
Dates: Tuesday, 4/19-6/7 5:00-6:00pm Ages 5-8
6:00-7:00pm Ages 8-11
Wednesday, 4/20-6/8
5:00-6:00pm Grades 6-8 NEW
Saturday, 4/16-6/11
10:00-11:00am Ages 8-11
11:00-Noon Grades 6-8 NEW
Location: Pickell Park
HIGH SCHOOL Tennis Challenge!
Instructor: US Sports
Cost: once a week $165, twice a week $310
Classes follow developmental curriculums and guidelines
laid out by the USTA, including their highly appraised 10
and Under tennis model. Regardless of age, participants
will learn the basic fundamentals of stroke production,
court movement and footwork skills in a low pressured,
yet energetic environment. Most importantly it’s all about
fun, with games, games and more games throughout
each session! Foundation Tennis is for beginner level players.
All players must provide their own racket.
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Instructor: USPTA certified professional coach
Cost: $165
High School Tennis Challenge (coed grades 9-12) will work towards refinement of fundamental technique while developing a
thorough tactical knowledge of both the singles and doubles
game. Advanced shots - including spin, lob and drop shots - will
be introduced, expanding each player's ability to perform point
winning strokes during match play situations. On-court conditioning, speed and agility work will be incorporated into each
class. This class is for high intermediate and advanced players
NEW HIGH SCHOOL Tennis Lessons
Date: Saturdays 4/16-6/11
8 weeks, no class 5/28
Location: Pickell Park Time: 12:30-1:30pm
Instructor: USPTA certified professional coach
Cost: $165, must provide your own racket
Tennis lessons follow developmental curriculums and guidelines
laid out by the USTA. Regardless of previous experience, participants will learn the basic fundamentals in stroke production,
court movement and footwork, in a low pressured, yet energetic
environment. Most importantly, it’s all about having fun and
taking the time to enjoy a social, healthy, lifelong sport.
Development Play Tennis Ages 8-11 & Middle School
Dates: Tuesday, 4/19-6/7
6:00-7:00pm Ages 8-11
Wednesday, 4/20-6/8
5:00-6:00pm Grades 6-8 NEW
Saturday, 4/16-6/11
9:00-10:00am Ages 5-8
10:00-11:00am Ages 8-11
11:00-Noon Grades 6-8 NEW
Location: Pickell Park
Instructor: US Sports
Cost: once a week $165, twice a week $310
Development Tennis caters to intermediate players looking to take their
game to the next level. Using curriculums and guidelines approved by the
USTA, Development Tennis classes
allow participants to work towards
refining the fundamental skills of
stroke production, rally consistency and court awareness, all essential aspects to successful match play. This class is for intermediate level players. All players must provide their own racket.
Page 6
Lacrosse Clinics Girls & Boys K-2
Instructor: Professional Coach
Location: Hillcrest Park
Cost: $144 introductory offer
Day: Sundays, 4/17-6/12, no class 5/29
Times: 1:00-2:00pm Co-ed Kindergarten
2:00-3:00pm Girls grades 1 & 2
3:00-4:00pm Boys grades 1, 2, & 3
Introduction to the sport of lacrosse and
is designed for beginner players who
have little or no experience in the sport.
The program is taught in a relaxed atmosphere with the emphasis on fundamental skills and technique in order to
help all children progress and succeed.
Participants will learn how to play lacrosse through a series of fun activities and then take part in small scrimmages to put into practice what
they have learned. All equipment is provided for the program which
makes it a more affordable way for children to learn the game. Participants who own equipment are welcome to use their own.
*2nd need experience and permission from Lacrosse Director
Practices and games Tuesdays/Fridays and some Saturdays.
Registration ends March 1st
3rd/4th grade team $175 5th/6th team $185
Price includes uniform
For more information contact Jack Kripsak
Girls SOFTBALL 1-5
Dates: Saturday, April 9th Branchburg Sports Complex Pre-season Clinic
Season April 11 - June 11th
Location: Summer Road Park
Days: Grades 1/2 play Tues/Thurs Grades 3/4/5 play Wed/Fri
Cost: $130 until 2/15, $150 after 2/15 upon availability
Grade K - T-Ball Clinic info on page 4
Grades 1/2 will play in the Branchburg League on a Readington Team. Play will be on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Practices will be in Readington, games will be in Readington &
Grades 3/4/5 will play in Readington if we get a few more girls. Note: If we do not get
enough girls by 2/15 to play in town we will play in the Branchburg League one week night
and Saturdays. If you register and do not want to play in Branchburg you will receive a full
Girls Softball Coaches Meeting for grades 1-5
will be on Saturday April 9th at the Branchburg
Sports Complex.
Page 7
Dates: Sundays 4/17-6/26 Rain Dates: 7/10 & 7/17 No softball 5/29
Time: Games start at 6:15pm
Location: Hillcrest Park
Cost: $588 per team or $58 individual
Games Sunday evenings starting at 6pm at Hillcrest Park. Team Registrations must be received by 4/11, maximum of 15 players/minimum of 10
per team. Additional players $25 each. All team members must complete
a registration form to participate in the league and submit to the league
coordinator. ASA League Coordinator Crissy Lopez will be on site 4/17 to
collect team rosters and registration forms. Registration fee does not include team shirts or ref fees.
Questions e-mail Crissy 973-809-4974
Dates: begins April
Time: Games start at 6:15pm
Location: Pickell Park
Games played on Monday/Tuesday/Thursday (Make up games for rain
outs on Wednesday). To register a team e-mail the Men’s Fall Ball Coordinator Bill Wilbert
Boot Camp
Date: Saturdays, 2/6-3/12
Date: Saturdays, 2/6-3/12
Time: 8:00-9:00am
Time: 9:00-10:00am
Location: Holland Brook School
Location: Holland Brook School
Cost: $60 per class, $110 two classes per week
Cost: $60 per class, $110 two classes per week
High Intensity intervals mixed with elements of nature and Body
weight exercises. This class is for Beginners & Advanced
(modifications offered) exercisers who want to push their bodies
and GET RESULTS! A great way to start your weekend. Equipment
A great way to stretch, lengthen and align your body. Use
of breath and postural awareness to balance internally,
release stress and energize naturally. Great for
Bootcamp participants and those wanting to start their
Ballroom Dance
Latin Dance
Date: Mondays, 3/7-4/18 no class 3/28
Date: Mondays, 3/7-4/18 no class 3/28
Time: 7:30pm-8:15pm
Time: 6:45pm-7:30pm
Location: Holland Brook School
Location: Holland Brook School
Cost: $60 per class, $110 Ballroom & Latin
Cost: $60 per class, $110 Ballroom & Latin
If you ever wanted to dance with the stars this is the class for you! Have fun learning latin dances including Salsa, Merengue,
This beginner class will teach you the basic steps in the most pop- Rumbe, and Chacha. Singles and couples welcome!
ular ballroom dances: foxtrot, waltz, and tango. Singles & couples
Readington Recreation
Page 8
Beginner Wed. 7:45-8:45pm
Dates: 4/20-6/8
Intermediate Sat. 7:30-8:30am
Date: Sat. 4/16-6/11
no class 5/28
Location: Pickell Park Cost: $165
Instructors: US Sports
Beginner: Regardless of previous experience, participants
will learn the basic fundamentals in stroke production, court
movement and footwork, in a low pressured, yet energetic
environment. Most importantly, it’s all about having fun and
taking the time to enjoy a social, healthy, lifelong sport. This
class is for beginner to intermediate level players.
Intermediate tennis classes are ideal for any player that
holds previous playing experience and a sounds knowledge
of the game. Participants will focus not only on skill refinement, but tactical strategy in both the singles and doubles
game. Each session is designed to be engaging, social and
challenging, providing plenty of opportunities to showcase
skills in match play activities.
Day: Fridays, 4/8-6/3 no class 4/29
Times: Grades K/1/2 6-7pm, Grades 2/3 7-8pm
Cost: $149
Location: Whitehouse School
Times: Grades 4-6 6-7:30pm Grades 6-8 7:30-9pm
Location: RMS Front Gym
Cost: $179
Trainers: US Sports
Ideal for children who want to learn improve their basketball skills in a
low pressure, fun environment and a great night off for mom & dad.
The main focus Friday Night Basketball is to develop a well rounded
understanding of the game through exciting games and drills. Professional Coaches will teach the basic techniques of
dribbling, passing, shooting and defense through a
series of inclusive group activities. Each week the last
hour will be devoted to small sided, game realistic
scrimmages, allowing each player the chance to showcase newly learned kills during structured team play.
Open to all Travel Basketball Players 4th—6th and rec players who would like to play travel next year
Day: Fridays 4/8-6/3, no class 4/29
Location: Readington Middle School Back Gym
Girls Travel Training 6:00-7:30pm $179
Boys Travel Training 7:30-9:00pm $179
Keep your skills sharp in the off season, with the Friday Night Basketball – Travel Training Program. Each week players will have the
chance to learn, and refine advanced skills and tactics through
games and activities designed to challenge travel level players. Sessions will focus on: shooting technique, ball handling, decision making and offensive/
defensive team play. Each class will culminate in an instructional scrimmage, allowing players
the chance to improve on-court formation and team play.
*Registration limited, please register early to secure your spot.
Page 9
Readington Recreation
Spring Break SOCCER CAMP Ages 6-12
Dates: 3/28-4/1
Time: 9:00am-12:30pm
Location: Summer Road Park
Cost: $165
Instructor: USA Sports
Spring Break Soccer Camp (age 6 to 12):
Stay active over the school break with an
action-packed, fun and educational soccer
camp! USA Soccer’s professional coaches
cover different topics and themes each day,
with ample scrimmage time to allow players
to put these new skills into practice.
Dates: 6/27-8/5, 6 weeks
tration forms are available online
on the Readington Township web
RMS 8:00am-5:45pm
site, click on Recreation Forms.
K-4th Grade Whitehouse School Registrations received after June
Children enrolled in Kindergar- 15th will be assessed a $50 late
ten, First, Second, Third, and
fee. TRIPs are available for an additional fee.
Fourth Grade in fall of 2016.
5th-8th Grades Readington
Middle School Children going
into Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, &
Eighth grades in Fall 2016
Cost is for the entire 6
weeks of the program, there
will be no adjustments for
vacations, scout or sport
camps, etc.
Payment: Payment in full is required at the time of registration.
For more information e-mail Patti
8am-3pm 5 days $674
8am-3pm 3 days $424
8am-5:30pm 5 days $894
8am-5:30pm 3 days $559
8:30am-Noon 5 days $344
8:00am-3pm 4 days $549
8:00am-5:30pm 4 days $729
* Non-residents additional $20
Children will enjoy games, crafts,
special events (such as art, science, & entertainment), juice and
FENCING ages 3-12 9:00am-3:00pm
Foundations/Development Tennis Camp ages 5-8 912:30pm
GOLF ages 7-15 9:00am Noon
ART ADVENTURES ages 6-11 9:00am-Noon
High School Tennis Camp 5:30-8:30pm
CARTOONING ages 8-14 1:00pm-4:00pm
SOCCER ages 5-12 9:00-12:30pm
FENCING ages 3-12 9:00am-3:00pm
GOLF ages 7-15 9:00am-Noon
Foundations/Development Tennis Camp ages 5-8 912:30pm
Tennis Team Pre-season Camp - ages 10-14 9-12:30pm
CRAZY CONTRAPTIONS ages 7-12 1:00-4:00pm
MULTI SPORTS ages 5-12 half day or full day 9:00am-4:00pm
Online Registration begins 2/18!!
Any question about online registration please call our
office and we will be happy to help you.
Call 908-534-9752
Online: Register online at
Mail: Mail in a registration form and payment to the recreation office.
In Person: Mon-Fri drop registration and payment by the Readington
Recreation office located in the Readington Township municipal building.
Please be advised that registrations are taken first come, first serve. If you
see a program online and choose to mail in your registration it is possible the
activity will fill before we receive your registration in the mail.
Date: May 30
Time: 10:30am
Location: Main Street to
the Municipal Building
The parade will end at the
Readington Township Municipal Building with a
Memorial Ceremony followed by a family day in
Pickell Park with music,
rides for children, free hot
dogs and drinks.
Parade Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers too march in the parade– scouts or clubs, veterans, etc. bring your classic
cars, convertibles and create
your own floats. Volunteers
are also need to help cook
and serve hot dogs,
Anyone interested in taking
pictures at the parade and
would like to share them
with the township and win a
gift certificate for best picture.
Please send photos to:

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