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media kit Igniting the Spirit of Jelita When I was younger, I thought beauty was external. Therefore, great style, flawless skin and knowing how to match the right eyeshadow with one’s lipstick were subjects I related to beauty back then. As I matured, I came to realise that true beauty is beyond skin deep. After the lure of physical beauty has faded away, it is the lasting appeal of inner joy, knowledge, patience, a positive outlook and a kind and giving spirit that remains as radiant, glowing, timeless beauty. For the past 39 years, JELITA magazine has strongly advocated to Malaysian women, the importance of being ‘jelita’ from the inside out. To me, JELITA is more than a magazine; it is a trusted brand name with a legacy of inspiring and empowering women for generations. Its relaunch will signify a new era with a fresh new look and unique, well-researched content. The new JELITA offers inspiring stories and interviews with glamorous celebrities and exciting new talent. As her readers are busy, style-conscious women with a wide range of interests, JELITA now offers gorgeous beauty and fashion spreads and useful columns packed with helpful tips from experts who are well-respected in their fields. From recipes for quick, easy and nutritious family meals, to practical health and parenting advice, JELITA is tailor-made to bring inspiration, excitement and knowledge into her readers’ lives with grace, style and beauty. Most importantly, JELITA understands that its reader needs a trustworthy source of information that truly understands not just her mind, but her heart. JELITA fits that special place in her life. inspiring, yet achievable style Anida Salwani Anida Salwani, Deputy Editor MajalahJelita MajalahJelita MajalahJelita Local and international celebrity updates insider tips and tricks inspiring easy recipes to try beautiful and practical home ideas Accessible ideas for improvements trusted advice and dream holidays editorial content breakdown editorial content breakdown 30% 20% Family First Celebrity Life & Style Enjoy beautiful, well styled spreads showing off the celebrity lifestyle at its happiest and most attractive. Readers love that the gorgeous presentation of these stories are coupled with articles on their idyllic life. In the fashion and beauty sections, celebrities, well-known stylists, and makeup and hair experts share their secrets to gorgeous yet achievable style. 25% 25% Having to constantly juggle work and family, the Jelita reader needs quick yet creative solutions that allow her to fulfill her many commitments well. Filled with insights on personal empowerment and positivity, parenting advice, health and nutrition, and quick and delicious recipes, Jelita equips her with all the knowledge and skills required to manage her family and career with ease and confidence. Achievable Fashion & Beauty Readers love looking their best! Next to reading about celebrity style secrets, they enjoy learning about new fashion and makeup tricks from the magazine that they can apply on themselves. These accessible tips and tricks are presented step by step, with a number of them accompanied with video tutorials for a fully interactive experience. lifestyle beauty fashion features Life, Inspired Real-life experiences, inspirational insights from celebrities and wellknown experts on looking and living better and insider tips on the best new places to explore with your family. With the new Jelita, we believe in giving the reader a truly insightful, enjoyable and beneficial reading experience! an aspiritional audience a desirable audience AGE 72% are 25-39 years old 20% are 25 -29 years old 52% are 30 -39 years old 28% are 40 -49 years old PROFESSION 53% of readers are fully employed 35% of those fully employed are white collar workers 30% housewife/retired OTHER 66% are married 48% live in a landed property Average number of children is 2 with 61% being under the ages of 10 READERSHIP 215,877 – Ipsos Media Index 2011 INCOME 33% household income is between RM5,000 and RM10,000 PRINT RUN 40,000 Source: Ipsos Media Index 2011 The JELITA readers are practical and value a work/life balance. They place high importance to looking and feeling good as well as the wellbeing of their family. Jelita readers believe that it is important to + have lasting relationship with one partner + be respected by their peers + continue to learn and grow throughout life + be well informed about all matters + keep young and look attractive + be well connected through gadgets and devices + keep up with the latest fashion trends JELITA readers are independent 87% own a car 75% own life insurance 75% own credit cards JELITA readers are mobile and connected 87% own a smart phone 83% shop online 68% does online banking 94% have facebook accounts 72% have instagram accounts Rates 2016 COLOURCASUAL 3X RM RM 6X RM 12X RM 18X RM 24X RM 36X RM Full Page Double Page Spread Two Column (vertical) Half Page One Column (vertical) 4,205 8,410 3,160 2,525 1,685 3,995 7,990 3,000 2,400 1,600 3,795 7,590 2,850 2,275 1,520 3,600 7,200 2,710 2,160 1,445 3,420 6,840 2,575 2,055 1,370 4,665 9,330 3,500 2,800 1,870 4,430 8,860 3,325 2,660 1,780 editorial themes 2016 ISSUE THEME January JELITA at Any Age February The Power of Two Hearts February Collector’s Edition – The ROYAL Issue April Kids Special May The Fashion Issue SPOT COLOURS RATES & 5th COLOURS June Pre-Raya Issue Where spot colour or 5th colour is required, loading at prevailing rates is applicable. July Welcoming Syawal – The Entertaining Guide COVER POSITIONS (only casual rates apply) Inside Front Cover Spread RM11,650 Inside Back Cover RM5,125 Outside Back Cover RM7,955 NOTE: All rates are in Malaysian Ringgit and subjected to prevailing Government Taxes. August The Reader’s Issue September Parenting and Education Special October The Beauty Issue November The Big 40th Birthday Issue December Get Organized with a section on Back to School SPECIAL POSITIONS 2nd Double Page Spread 3rd Double Page Spread Facing Contents/Masthead Facing Regular Features 10,460 10,250 5,215 4,790 9, 920 9,740 4,955 4,550 9,420 9,250 4,710 4,323 8,950 8,785 4,475 4,105 8,500 8,345 4,250 3,900 8,080 7,930 4,035 3,705 7,680 7,535 3,830 3,520 Full Page Two Columns Vertical 3,035 2,270 2,885 2,155 2,740 2,050 2,600 1,940 2,470 1,845 2,350 1,755 2,230 1,670 MONOTONE ISSUE booking/cancelation material deadline January 13 November 2015 13 November 2015 February 15 December 2015 22 December 2015 March 15 January 2016 22 January 2016 April 15 February 2016 22 February 2016 May 15 March 2016 22 March 2016 June 15 April 2016 22 April 2016 July 13 May 2016 20 May 2016 August 15 June 2016 22 June 2016 September 15 July 2016 22 July 2016 October 15 August 2016 22 August 2016 November 15 September 2016 20 September 2016 December 14 October 2016 21 October 2016 All special creative inserts must arrive at the printer by the 10th of each month prior to issue date. 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