Feb - Four Seasons Bonsai Club of Michigan
Feb - Four Seasons Bonsai Club of Michigan
February 28th www.fourseasonsbonsai.com CLUB MEETING @ BORDINES SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28TH 1:30 2:00 3:00 3:45 CLUB CHECK IN / SET UP EVENTS DISCUSSION Q&A RAFFLE / CLOSING Spring is coming soon, we've seen a few 50 degree days and it's time PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE: to start preparation for repotting your trees, procuring the elements First of all, I'd like to welcome the six new members to the Four Seasons Club. We continue to grow and that is all thanks to fellow club members sharing their stories, photos of their trees on their social networking pages and emails. Our growth is key to procuring master level bonsai artists to conduct workshops and demonstrations for our club. New members will help us procure more items for our massive raffle and improve our club's annual show attendence. to make a soil specifically suited for your trees, maintaining protection from Michigan's high winds and potential heavy snow. Yes, we all know how unpredictable our weather is, however, by attending our meetings, you will be prepared for whatever Mother Nature sends your way. We have a special guest speaker, Aaron Wiley, giving an in depth presentation on soil development, preparation and understanding your bonsai's chemical needs and how the right soil can promote stronger roots and leaf development. Club members are asked to bring samples of their own "custom" mix and share stories of success and failure with soil development. We will discuss how to mix, procure and organize your mix to your bonsai needs. We will be meeting in the back of Bordines Nursery. Enter from the front and walk down the middle of the store. We will be in the employee lounge. As always, bring in items for the raffle and new faces to the club. Above all, new members bring new ideas and stories for all of us to use to create better bonsai. As we all prepare for another great year, be sure to bring your trees and ideas to every meeting. We look forward to hearing from new people from beginner to expert leve. Michael Corbeille President Creating the perfect soil for you. -Aaron Wiley Have you ever wondered why there are so many people saying that they have the perfect soil mix for bonsai? Well that’s because they do……… for their bonsai that is. The ability to grow a healthy tree starts with the proper soil mix for your tree and for your lifestyle. Lifestyle you say?? Yes, the amount of time you have to water and fertilize is also a crucial factor in creating the right bonsai soil for your trees. This seminar will focus not on why a specific mix is right for you but on each individual element of the soil. The more you know about the ingredients that we have available to us the better you can make a decision on the perfect soil mix. We will go over water holding ability, effects on fertilizer and partial size. From akadama to turface and from expanded shale to river stone, all will be discussed and presented to you so that you can create that perfect bonsai soil for your trees and your lifestyle. Pine Bark Grit and Rocks Akedama There are a number of qualities that are required in a good soil mix Good water-retention. The soil needs to be able to hold and retain sufficient quantities of water to supply moisture to the bonsai between each watering. Good drainage. Excess water must be able to drain immediately from the pot. Soils lacking good drainage are too water retentive, lack aeration and are liable to a build up of salts. Too much water-retention will also cause the roots to rot, killing the tree. Good aeration. The particles used in a bonsai mix should be of sufficient size to allow tiny gaps or air pockets between each particle. Beside the need of oxygen for the roots, it is also important to let the good bacteria and mycorrhizae intact, so the processing of food will take place before being absorbed by the root-hairs and send to the leaves for photosynthesis. Deciduous tree bonsai soil 50% Akadama 25% Organic potting compost 25% Grit Coniferous / Pine tree bonsai soil 60% Akadama 10% Organic potting compost 30% Grit Bonsai Screens Finalized Calendar of Events. Be sure to check our Facebook/Website for updates. NEW RAFFLE TREE Tickets are only $10. Only 80 tickets are available. The massive Shimpaku is worth over $950 Raffle tree is only available to club members. Tickets are sold at every club meeting 2016 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2016 CLUB SCHEDULE JAN 31st . INTER CARE - Q & A W Meeting held at SMZ Advertising in Troy. Our first meeting of the year wil be an open forum for members to share ideas for our new calendar of events. Dues will be collected. Febr 28th .... AARON WILEY SOIL LECTURE An informative look into the creation of the perfect soil for your specific species of bonsai. Mar 27th ..... BONSAI CIRCUS New to bonsai or just looking to hone your skills, don’t miss this meeting! Members will hold simultaneous workshops and demos on a wide variety of bonsai related topics geared toward beginners through expert level bonsai artists. April 23rd ... FLOWER MARKET IN DUNDEE (road trip) Kurt Smith, the owner of the Flower Market, will conduct demos and hands on workshops at his incredible store. Discounts for members. May 29........ VANCE HANNA PINE DEMO One of our most decorated club members will be sharing over 25 years of bonsai experience with our club. Bring in your own pine tree for styling and development advice. June 26th..... KURT SMITH DEMONSTRATION The owner of Michigan's largest bonsai nursery will conduct a live demo. Subject TBD. July 17th...... BONSAI SHOW PREPARATION Highly awarded club members will advise members on how to prepare your trees for the annual show next month. Aug 6-7th.... 43rd ANNUAL BONSAI SHOW BORDINES NURSERY IN ROCHESTER Come see our best bonsai trees on display, live demos, workshops and bonsai trees for sale. A must see for all bonsai fans. Mark Fields will be our judge and special guest master. Live demos and beginner workshops, raffles and more. Sept 25th.... BONSAI AUCTION A massive amount of bonsai trees and bonsai related items being sold for some of the lowest prices of the year. A must attend for all levels. Oct 23th...... SPECIAL GUEST PRESENTER We are working on procuring a master level bonsai artist to conduct workshops and lectures. Nationally recognized Mugo pine expert and au thor, Vance Wood will be demonstrating expert level styling on a massive pine. A must see. Nov 20th..... VANCE WOOD STYLING DEMO Dec 11th ..... HOLIDAY DINNER at CAFE SUSHI Open to all club members. 2016 OFFICERS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND COMMITTEE CHAIRS President.................Michael Corbeille mrcorbeille@gmail.com Vice-President......... Vance Hanna vancehanna@hotmail.com Secretary................. Aaron Wiley (248) 544-3112 abw8182@gmail.com Treasurer................. Guy Vitale, (734) 558-2024 guy_vitale@hotmail.com Newsletter................ M.Corbeille / Aaron Wiley Library..................... Kandy Wiley (248) 872-8050 Show Chair.............. Michael Corbeille Website.................... Cate Horn (248) 979-2254 smoknjoeonthego@gmail.com Social Director ......... David Muzzarelli (586)-873-2747 dadmgraphics@gmail.com Director, 2-Yr. Term... John Stevens (248) 544-3112 jalden123@aol.com Director, 2-Yr. Term... Troy Rider (585) 953-4207 upstatesatcom@gmail.com Director, 2-Yr. Term... Ray Alexander (734) 846-8588 bearraya@aol.com Director, 1-Yr. Term... Rick Bieniek richardbieniek@yahoo.com Catering, 1-Yr. Term.. Judy Muensch mexicomuench@aol.com THE MAJORITY OF OUR CLUB MEETINGS WILL BE HELD AT BORDINES NURSERY IN ROCHESTER HILLS. PLEASE CHECK THE NEWSLETTER FOR ANY LOCATION CHANGES AND TO CONFIRM OUR MEETING TIMES. SUPPORT OUR LOCAL BONSAI VENDORS