November - Bonsai Society of Miami
November - Bonsai Society of Miami
VOLUME #2 ISSUE # 8 NOVEMBER 2009 Be Inspired NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Page 2 / November 2009 P r e s I d e n t ’s M e s s a g e Hello Bonsai friends, Last month we had a terrific program presented by Allen Carver of Jupiter Bonsai. Allen worked on Jamaican Ebonies and had a very nice assortment of tress in different stages of development. He explained how he grew them and where to cut them to give the best movement for future growth. He had one that he had already started to style and finished wiring it into a "Literati". It was a very enjoyable program and on behalf of the club I want to thank Allen for coming down and sharing his knowledge and also for donating the trees to our raffle table. Congratulations to Hiram for winning Tree of The Month with his slanted Escambron. Our field trip to Jarbas and Al’s was a big hit. They have an incredible collection of trees and we had a good turnout. Everyone was overwhelmed by the amount of really good bonsai trees they have. Each one of the highest quality and style. We what to thank Jarbas and Al for inviting us to their home and sharing their beautiful bonsai collection with us. Hard to believe but it’s that time of year again. It’s time for elections to elect your new Board of Directors. We do have a slate of officers but if you or anyone you know would like to be nominated or would like to help us out, please let us know at the meeting. Well for all the recipients of "Tree of the Month", it's that time. Time to bring your trees and plaques back to this months meeting to put on display for everyone to enjoy and vote for their favorite tree for "Tree of the Year". We'll see any progress or changes that may have been made and we will have special tables set up for this event. Also at this months meeting, hopefully we will be voting on a new logo tree. So please, everyone who would like to enter a tree, please do. The more we have to choose from the better the logo. Please participate. Next month is our ANNUAL AUCTION. You can pick up your sales slips at this months meeting. It’s a good time to thin out your unwanted trees and make some extra cash especially in this economy. And remember: you do not have to be a member to buy or sell, so tell all your family, friends and neighbors. Last but not least, it’s membership renewal time. Time to renewal your membership for the upcoming 2010 season. You can download an application from our web site, get it from your newsletter or pick one up at this months meeting. Let's all do our best to get them to Bob Benaim on time. See you at the meeting, Glenn Welcome New members Leon & Jeanne Cravens Victor Mills Page 3 / November 2009 Allen’s Jamaican ebony demo Allen’s demo trees. Two of the Jamaican Ebonies for raffle. Allen explaining about the Jamaican Ebony. The raffle table. Allen critiquing the display trees. Display tree table. Page 4 / November 2009 November’s demo Allen pointing out Allen’s Texas Ebony, different techniques. It’s a Beauty. Chris’ Neea Buxifolia Shohin. Allen speaking of the tree crown. Mike’s Bucida Spinosa Tree Of The Jarbas’ Australian Pine. Chris’ Dwarf Bucida Spinosa Month The Tree Of The Month was won by Hiram Macias. Family: Verbanaceae Genus: Clerodendrum Species: aculeatum Common name: Escambron I received this plant in February of this year. Enclosed is a picture before and after. I repotted in soilless mix. I designed it in April of this year. In a short period and lots of nurturing and detail it has blossomed to a beautiful bonsai. Escambrones are a native to Puerto Rico and are a shrub. They have little white flowers, but due to the pinching and designing you rarely get to see them in bonsais. It is a very fast grower and I am addicted to this magnificent bonsai plant material. I hope you all enjoy this journey of mine that I am sharing with all my fellow club members. Page 5 / November 2009 Bunjin - Estilo Literati Se trata de un estilo bastante peculiar de origen puramente chino. Ya desde los tiempos de la dinastía Han (206 a.c. 220 b.c.) en China, funcionarios gubernamentales recorrían el país buscando gentes especialmente ilustradas e interesadas en temas como el arte, la filosofía, la historia, etc., para atraerlos al servicio del gobierno. Eran los llamados 'hombres de libros', los 'Literati'. Estos literati vivían una vida bastante frugal y ascética, donde el estudio y el arte consumían buena parte de su tiempo. Con el paso del tiempo acabaron desplazando su atención hacia los árboles cultivados en los jardines de aquellos palacios en los que trabajaban, trasmitiéndoles su forma de ser y de concebir el arte. Surgieron así unas formas estilizadas muy alejadas de los estilos populares que, pese a todo, no se puede decir que no tengan su fiel reflejo en la naturaleza. A orillas del mar, o creciendo en zonas donde el árbol ha debido competir por la luz, pueden encontrarse ejemplares naturales que encajan perfectamente en este estilo. Son árboles en los que las normas convencionales no se aplican, han sido apartadas, más que rotas. En ellos predominan líneas ligeras, limpias y sobretodo asimétricas en las que la masa de verde se ve reducida a su mínima expresión, formando ejemplares generalmente altos y de porte elegante. Si bien también es cierto que resulta factible adaptar otros estilos. Page 6 / November 2009 On the cover This is an Escambron. ( Clerodendrum aculeatum ). It is a native tree from Puerto Rico. WIGERT’S OPEN HOUSE 2010 February 27 - 28th, 2010 it starts @ 9:00 am . Featuring Pedro Morales Yrene Vasquez Adam Lavigne Erik Wigert of of of of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Orlando, Florida Ft. Myers, Florida To reserve a workshop, please call Erik @ 239-543-2234 2009 board OF directors President Glenn Hilton 1st Vice President Bob Hulnick 2nd Vice President Chris Casellas Treasurer Bob Hulnick Secretary Kathy Kinkaid 2009 committees Membership Bob Benaim Hospitality Audrey Freeman n/a Newsletter Editor Hiram Macias Webmaster Peter Griffiths Raffles Audrey Freeman n/a Club Sales Kathy Kinkaid Auction Randy Brooks Hospitality Harriet Frillarte n/a Page 7 / November 2009 C a l e n d a r Of E v e n t s n o v e m b e r 2009 10th BSM General Meeting - Elections, Tree of The Year & Logo Tree Voting. Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens, 10901 Old Cutler Road. 14th Gold Coast Bonsai Society @ 9:30 am. Village Civic Center, 6800 Sunset Strip, Sunrise Florida. 17th BSM Board Meeting @ 7:30 pm. Betty’s Best Burgers US 1 & 104th Street ALL MEMBERS WELCOME 20,21, & 22nd Ramble at Fairchild - Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens 9 am - 5 pm - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. 21st Broward Bonsai Society @ 10:00 am - Flamingo Gardens, Davie Florida D e c e m b e r 8th BSM General Meeting - 2009 ******** A U C T I O N ******** @ 7:30 pm - Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens, 10901 Old Cutler Road. 12th Gold Coast Bonsai Society @ 9:30 am. Village Civic Center, 6800 Sunset Strip, Sunrise Florida. 5th BSM Board Meeting - @ 7:30 pm. Betty’s Best Burgers US 1 & 104th Street ALL MEMBERS WELCOME 19st Broward Bonsai Society @ 10:00 am - Flamingo Gardens, Davie Florida 8 of 10 / November 2009 Field trip to Jarbas & al’s garden The Usual Bonsai Suspects. Al’s & Jarbas’ Buttonwood Collection. Victor won the donated Shohin tree. Audrey admiring some Buttonwood Specimens. Al’s Shohin collection. Al and Victor in the Shohin area. 9 of 10 / November 2009 Membership Dues are due It’s that time of year again. We ask for you to renew ASAP. Within this bulletin is a copy of the Membership Application – 2010. Please either bring it to the next meeting or drop it in the mail. Bob Benaim – Membership Chairperson Mail to: Bonsai Society of Miami - Membership 17850 S.W. 280 Street Redland, Fl 33031-3321 Membership application 2010 Member’s Name:_______________________________________________________ Other Household Members: ______________________________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________City, State, Zip:______________________ Home Phone: (______) _________ - __________ Cell Number: (______) _________ - ____________ E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________ Can we send your monthly newsletter via-email? Yes____ No _____ Dues: Join During The Month Of: Single Member: Household Membership: Corresponding Membership: Commercial Membership: New_______ Nov. 2009 - April 2010 $ 25.00 $ 35.00 $ 18.00 $ 150.00 Renewal_______ May - Oct. 2010 $ 15.00 $ 20.00 $ 10.00 $ 85.00 State Group Membership Dues: If you wish to join Bonsai Societies of Florida and receive the Florida Bonsai publication, check here _____ and include an additional $10.00. We will forward your dues for you. Date:________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________ Received By: _____________________________ Form Of Payment: Cash _______ Check # _______ 17850 S.W. 280 Street Redland, Fl 33031-3321