Summer Workshop: Bring Your Own Tree


Summer Workshop: Bring Your Own Tree
August 2011
Volume 40 Number 8
Newsletter of The Bonsai Society of Upstate New York
Summer Workshop:
Bring Your Own Tree
ur August meeting will feature a free open workshop for all members.
During this workshop, experienced members will be on hand to help you
with whatever problems you might be having. Now is a good time for wiring
your trees, but if you wired your maples or
elms in the spring, it might also be time to
remove wire.
Bring trees, tools, wire, and a shallow box to
work in with you. You will not be able to pot
or transplant your trees during this workshop,
sorry. Come prepared to work on your trees,
share some stories and enjoy the fellowship
of other members interested in bonsai.
You also might have some rough material
that you don’t know what to do with and
want to start designing your new bonsai.
This workshop will be a good
place to get the help you need
especially for those members new
to bonsai.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, August 23
7:00 pm
Summer Workshop
Brighton Town Lodge at Buckland Park
1341 Westfall Road, Rochester, New York
near corner of Westfall and Clinton
Billboard is brought to you by:
Harvey Carapella,
Tom Friday & Irma Abu-Jumah
Mark Arpag, William N. Valavanis
 August 23: Summer Workshop:
Bring your own tree to work on.
 September 27: Julian Adams -
Educational Pine Program.
Dues Are Due!
See page
for details
Visit our Online Library
Click on the link below
Highlights of July
Garden Tour
ver 25 members, and guests attended the July Garden Tour at
Judy Fulmer’s. The setting for the garden tour was Judy
Fulmer’s very beautiful and rustic property in Victor. Judy personally
showed us around her six acres of rolling land with various types of
gardens, a large pond, and an old apple orchard.
The property included a wet garden, perennial and shade flower
gardens, vegetable garden, azalea and rhododendron gardens, shrub
gardens, herb garden, and a tropical garden. Judy told us that the
pond and the apple orchard attract numerous animals and birds. She
wasn’t kidding. While we were enjoying refreshments on the back
deck we could see deer walking near the pond and heading into the
orchard behind the pond. What a sight at dusk. Needless to say
Judy’s place is out in the country. Around the pond we saw a heron,
lots of other birds, and many frogs jumping into the pond. We were
told stories about Judy’s
encounters with bears,
mink, coyote, muskrats,
skunks, and other animals
in the many years since she
cleared the property and
built her home.
Thanks Judy for the
tour of your home
and property, the great
refreshments, and
the hospitality you
and Mark showed us.
Everyone had
a great time!
The view of the pond and orchard from Judy’s
back deck.
Members and guests exploring the area around
the pond
Everyone have the opportunity to ask questions
and learn from Judy, a master gardener.
Exotic plants, beautiful flowers and tropical
specimens where among items in Judy’s many
Judy was an excellent host and her house tour
was delightful indeed as you can see from all
the smiles.
Time to Renew Your Dues
We hope you have enjoyed your membership in the BONSAI
found it helpful with your bonsai. With your continued
support we can provide world-class educational programs
at each meeting and workshop.
Membership dues for the 2011-2012 season are now
due. Please send your check today so we can include your
name in the new membership list, now being prepared.
Renew now to avoid missing any bonsai billboard issues
and society news.
Most of our members are now receiving the BSUNY
Billboard by e-mail. This is the best way to communicate
with you. Receiving the Bonsai Billboard by e-mail
saves the society money, you get to see great color photos
of bonsai and we can quickly send you updates and
announcements. If you want a printed copy, you can
always print one from your computer.
Mail To & Make Checks Payable To:
Bonsai Society of Upstate New York
P.O. Box 92215
Rochester, New York 14692
Please check the box below if you would like to
receive your copy of the BSUNY Billboard by e-mail.
If you recently joined us during the BSUNY Bonsai
Exhibition held in May, or during the summer, your
dues for the coming year have already been paid. Thank
you for joining us. Perhaps you might like to give a gift
membership to a friend who has admired your bonsai.
Sincerely Yours,
There will be a $5 fee for members and $10 for
non members at our special meetings to help offset
the higher travel costs for special speakers.
Membership Renewal Form
Name _______________________________________________________________________
Please Print Neatly
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Membership Rates
$25 Individual
City ____________________ State_______ Zip___________ Phone ____________________
$30 Joint
(One Household)
E-mail ______________________________________________________________________
Check Box To Receive BSUNY Billboard By E-mail
Boston Bus Adventure Highlights
members, and guests left Rochester by bus for Boston at 6 am on Saturday and returned at about 10 pm on
Sunday. In those 40 hours we covered a lot of highway miles and saw quite a bit. The weather was beautiful
but very hot. We were able to visit: Bonsai West, the garden of Suthin Sukolosovisit, New England Bonsai Gardens,
and the Larz Anderson Bonsai Collection at the Arnold Arboretum. All these are in or near Boston.
Our first stop was at Michael Levin’s Bonsai West. We looked around a bit and then ate lunch there under his shade
house. After lunch Michael showed us through his park like garden and display area, and explained how he got started
in bonsai and the history of some of his masterpiece trees. Quite a few trees and pots were purchased and put into the
back of the bus.
The second stop on Saturday was at the Royal Bonsai Garden–the bonsai
nursery and private bonsai collection of Suthin Sukolosovisit. It featured a
very large number of shohin size bonsai. He had loads of beautiful large
trident maples as well as shohin size trident maples. Evergreen shohin
bonsai were in one enclosed area while the deciduous species were kept on
raised tables in another. More trees and bonsai items were purchased and
loaded on the bus. We then proceeded to a nearby hotel and checked in.
After freshening up we got back on the bus and went to the Minado Restaurant,
a Japanese seafood buffet restaurant for a very delicious dinner.
After a good nights rest and some breakfast on Sunday morning it was back
on the bus heading for the New England Bonsai Gardens, the bonsai
nursery of Hitoshi Kaneage and Teddi Scobi. People were able to purchase
bonsai, and chose from a large assortment of containers, tools, books, and
magazines, and other supplies. The back of the bus, under the seats, and the
overhead racks were filling up. Lots of treasures came home.
After a picnic lunch on the lawn near the nursery it was back on the road to
the Larz Anderson Collection of Bonsai at The Arnold Arboretum, the
oldest collection of bonsai in North America. Colin Lewis, the curator,
explained the history of the collection which is kept in a locked lath house
for security reasons. This collection contains mostly dwarf hinoki cypress,
and a few other species. We were then able to walk around part of The
Arnold Arboretum that was nearby. Wish we would have had more time to
explore this beautiful area like many other people were doing on a sunny
Sunday afternoon.
The trip back to Rochester was a long HOT ride. We made a few rest stops
for food and gas along the way. We were all glad to be home. Many many
thanks go to Mark Arpag for setting up and running this trip. Ron Maggio did
his usual good job of managing our finances and making sure we had lots
of cold water and other beverages on hand. Rick Marriott made sure we
had donuts, and coffee to start our two day trip. We all look forward to
another of our Great Bonsai Adventures!
Bus trips are fun aren’t they… Hope everyone had a good time.
Bill Valavanis and Jim Dolce have posted photos from the trip on the internet:
Jim's: Tree Party
Thanks to both of you for sharing. More pictures from the Bonsai Bus Adventure
will be in the September Billboard.
Dues Are Due!
Society Leadership
lease use the registration form
that came with the Billboard to
pay your dues as soon as possible. If
you joined us at or after the spring
show, your are already paid through
August 2012. Otherwise, fill out the
form and either send it or hand it and your dues to
our treasurer, Ron Maggio. If dues are not
received by or at the September meeting, this
will be the last Billboard you receive. So, if you
start missing the Billboard, you will know it
slipped your mind.
Harvey Carapella
Vice President
William Valavanis
Ron Maggio
Mark Arpag
Web Master
Irma Abu-Jumah
Doug McDade, Tom Friday,
Please note: Most of our members are now
receiving the BSUNY Billboard by e-mail. This is
the best way to communicate with you. Receiving
the BSUNY Billboard by e-mail saves the society
money, you get to see great color photos of bonsai
and we can quickly send you updates and
announcements. If you want a printed copy, you
can always print it from your computer. Consider
this when you renew your membership.
Visit Our Website
Bonsai Society of Upstate New York
P.O. Box 92215
Rochester, New York 14692
& Irma Abu-Jumah
Ways & Means
Bob Pfromm, Tom Friday
Tom Friday & Irma Abu-Jumah
Joe Galley
Bill Valavanis
Rick Marriott
Karen Proctor
Nick Montanaro
Past President
Jim Dolce
Membership Table
Elmer Dustman
Society Consultants
Doug McDade, Will Hebert
Public Relations
Jon Robbins, Dave Steele &
Fran Mahoney
Special thanks goes to our officers who have served
in these positions previously and continue to provide
guidance to the society.