Tables of content index - Gulfstream Bonsai Association
Tables of content index - Gulfstream Bonsai Association
Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. Gulfstream Bonsai Association, Inc. SPRING ISSUE SUMMER ISSUE AUTUMN ISSUE WINTER ISSUE SPRING ISSUE SUMMER ISSUE AUTUMN ISSUE WINTER ISSUE SPRING ISSUE SUMMER ISSUE AUTUMN ISSUE WINTER ISSUE SPRING ISSUE SUMMER ISSUE AUTUMN ISSUE 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 WINTER ISSUE 2007 AUTUMN ISSUE 2007 WINTER ISSUE Tables of content index Autumn 2007 Through Winter 2011 Gulfstream Journal of Tropical Bonsai In This Autumn Issue 3 15 23 This quarterly magazine is posted on the companion web site:, and is available in print by subscription, see attached form. The digital magazine is copyrighted with all rights reserved as is the printed copy. The digital copy can be downloaded for individual enjoyment, but not for multiple copies to be sold or traded in any way. All information herein is owned by the writer, and the presentation is property of the publisher, Gulfstream Bonsai Association. For information, subscriptions or advertising contact : Richard Miller 444 Muirfield Dr. Atlantis, FL 33462 Phone: 561 / 432 - 1230 Email : Info@gulfstreambonsai. org, or BACK TO INDEX 35 33 3. Bougainvillea, by Dan Hayes, BGI 10. Bougainvillea, things I learned by Dick Miller 15. The Tale of Two Seeds, by Carl L. Rosner 23. String Theory, by Terrence Wolfe 30 Who are these people . . . An Interview 33. The perils of Pauline–or. . . , by Editor 35. Enjoying Bonsai In Winter, by Carl L. Rosner 51. Why Bonsai?, by Chuck Eschenberg Autumn 2007 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 1 Number 3 Issue 1 Gulfstream Journal 2 6 1 BACK TO INDEX In This Issue 2. Brazilian Raintree 1 by Allen Carver 6. Brazilian Raintree 2 by Erik Wigert 11. Brazilian Raintree 3 by Mike Cartrett 13. Brazilian Raintree 4 by Dick Miller 15. Who Are These People? by Dick Miller 18 13 18. Growing Tropicals in Up State New York by Pauline Muth 20. Growing Tropicals in MidState Florida by Gene Callahan/Dick Miller 36. Growing Bonsai Anywhere 20 by CP Enterprises & Dick Miller 22. Studying Bonsai in Japan –A Personal Journey– by John Armitage 28. Learning Tropical Bonsai ABS Seminar 38. Tropical Bonsai Defined by Martha Goff 36 43. Memories of Jim Moody by Carl Rosner 46. New Public Bonsai Museum by Dick Miller Winter 2007 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 1 Number 4 Issue 2 Gulfstream Journal 3 In This Spring 08 Issue: 3. Willow-leaf Ficus 1 BACK TO INDEX by Jim Smith 10. Willow-leaf Ficus by Bob Horvath 10 12 12. Willow-leaf Ficus by Jerry Meislik 15. Who Are These People? by Editor 17. Bonsai: South Texas Style by Dr. Jorge Mendizabal 15 22. Studying Bonsai in Japan –A Personal Journey–Part II by John Armitage 28. Learning Bonsai ABS Seminar 30. Green House Considerations (A Synopisis or a paper) by 17 R.A. Bucklin 34. Sources of materials by Editor 43. Readers Write/We Respond 44 by Readers & GBA 44. Bougainvillea Up–Date by Editor Spring 2008 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 2 Number 1 Issue 3 Gulfstream Journal 2 5 12 1 In This Issue 2. Ficus Toolittle 5. Ficus Rianne/Wiandi 8. Ficus Roots & More Roots 10. Ficus care 11. More Roots 12. Ficus Trash Tree 14. Ficus Tidbits 16. Working with Fragile and/or Heavy Bonsai 18. The Rest . . . of the Story 20. Flotsam & Jetsam 23. A Large Ficus Redesign 24. Manufacture Your Own Tree 26. Ficus Gallery 28. Learning Tropical Bonsai BACK TO INDEX Support our advertisers: Atchison 3 Jupiter 7 HollowCreek 10 Cartrett 21 BGI 22 ABS Seminar 28 H&F 29 Rosner 31 Smith 35 Greensheets 42 Meco 43 Monastery Bk cvr ABS Seminar 30. Who Are These People Who Do Bonsai? 32. Ruth Has An Epiphyte 36. Mother of all Epiphytes 38. Escambron Blanco Summer 2008 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 2 Number 2 Issue 4 Gulfstream Journal 2 1 In This Issue 2. Dwarf Black Olive Photo BACK TO INDEX by Bonsai by the Monastery 4. Bucida spinosa by Eric Wigert 6 5. Bucida spinosa by G.B.A. 6. Spring de la Spinosa 13 14 20 18 22 28 32 by G.B.A. 13. Who are These People by Editor 14. Texas/ABS Learning Seminar by Editor 18. J Roth New Talent Comp. by Editor 20. The Texas State Bonsai Exhibit. by Editor 22. Raintree Update by Dustin Mann 28. Message In A Bottle by G.B.A. 32. Romance With the Pink Pixie by Jorge Mendizabal, MD 41. Subscription Application by G.B.A. 43. Advertising Rates by G.B.A. Autumn 2008 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 2 Number 3 Issue 5 Gulfstream Journal 1 In This Issue 2. Chinese Elm Introduction 2 6 10 11 16 24 32 BACK TO INDEX by Editor 4. Ulmus parvifolia by Editor 6. Elm Taxonomy by.Brent Walston, 10. Insprirational Elements by Rita Rosenbeerg. 11. Who Are These People by Editor 16. It’s A Small (Tropical) World by Editor 22. Ficus Musings & Stuff by Editor 24. Bonsai Engineering 101 by Editor 30. GBA Products by GBA 31. Making Bonsai More Fun by GBA 32. Message In A Bottle by Anonymous Sender 35. Bourgainvillea Re-visited by Editor 41. Subscription Application 35 by G.B.A. 43. Advertising Rates by G.B.A. Winter 2008 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 2 Number 4 Issue 6 Gulfstream Journal 2 5 11 1 In This Issue 2. To Be Or Not To Be... 4 8 14 16 19 23 28 32 34 ABS Learning Seminar Boise Idaho “American Spirit” June 11 – 14, 2009 BACK TO INDEX by Dr. Jorge Mendizabal 4. Bonsai With Succulents by Editor 5. Portulacaria afra by Jim Smith. 8.&10. Bonsai Inspirations by Jim Smith 11. Who are These People by Editor 14. Too Much Info-(for some) by Editor 16. Hands On With Jades by Editor 19. How To Cut by Editor 23. ABS Learning Seminar by ABS 28. Message In A Bottle by G.B.A. 32. Experience by Editor 34. Engineering 102 by G.B.A. 41 Subscription Application 43. Advertising Rates 39. Advertiser’s Directory Spring 2009 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 3 Number 1 Issue 7 Gulfstream Journal 1 BACK TO INDEX In This Issue 2. Sea grape - The Species by Editor 6 2 6. Sea grape - The Bonsai by Mill Balfrey 15. Interview by Editor 18. Introducing Bonsai Green by G.B.A. 18 15 21. Lesson Learned by Editor 22. White Fly Terrorist Diary by C. L. Rosner 26. Morikami Museum by Dick Miller 28. Cuttings by Pierre Kaufke 21 22 31. Speaking Of The Tropics. by Editor 32. Message In A Bottle by G.B.A. 36. Engineering 103 by Dick Miller 39. Advertiser’s List 41. Subscription Application 26 by G.B.A. 43. Advertising Rates by G.B.A. Summer 2009 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 3 Number 2 Issue 8 Gulfstream Journal 2 1 BACK TO INDEX Contents In This Issue 2. Pigeonplum by Balfrey & Editor 6. Water Jasmine by Editor 14 Who are these people 6 by Editor 17. Jean Smith by Sena Zane plus 22 Thread Grafting 14 by Balfrey & Editor 26. The Toolittle Bonsai Challenge 17 22 26 30 Bonsai Green 34 Products by GBA 37 Engineering 103.1 39. Advertizers List 40. Greensheets 41 Subscriptions 43. Advertizing 37 Dura-stone..................... 13 Meco ...............................14 Cartrett .........................24 Atchison ....................... 25 Jupiter Bonsai...............28 Haskill..............................29 Bonsai Mart..................30 Rosner . ........................... 31 Jason Schley..................33 H&F ..................................32 HollowCreek .............. 39 Greensheets ...............40 Monastery ........... Bk cvr Autumn 2009 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 3 Number 3 Issue 9 39 1 BACK TO INDEX Gulfstream Journal Contents In This Issue 2. Bald Cypress 2 by Joe Day 6 6. Bald Cypress by Robert Pinder 10. Cypress–Texas Style by Jorge Medezabal 13 10 17 16 28 32 12. Cypress Workshop 13. Cypress Collecting by Ed Trout 16. Cypress Range 17. Cypress Knees by Editor 20. Interview–Paul Pikel by Editor 28. Bonsai Green 28. GBA products 31. Message in a Bottle 32. Honey, “I shrunk the Work-shed!” by Editor 20 The cover cypress sketch was provided by Ed Trout. 37. Advertizers List 38 Subscriptions 39. Advertizing Rates Meco . ..................................15 Dura-stone......................... 19 Atchison ........................... 24 Cartrett ..............................25 Jupiter Bonsai.................. 26 Haskill..................................27 Bonsai Mart...................... 28 Jason Schley......................33 Rosner ................................35 Greensheets ....................36 HollowCreek ...................36 H&F ......................................37 Monastery ......Back cover Winter 2009 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 3 Number 4 Issue 10 37 1 BACK TO INDEX Gulfstream Journal Contents In This Issue 2. Cypress In My Refrigerator Dick Ramspacker 2 4. How to Grow Cypress 4 8 20 14 Editor 8 Chop ‘til You Drop by Rob Kempinski 14. A Cypress Stand/Strand/ Dome by Editor 18 Interview – Elaine White by Editor 20. The Texas Bonsai Exhibit 24 20 40 39 42 by Elaine White 24 Roots That Girdle The Pot By Editor 26. 2010 Tropical Bonsai Open House By Erik Wigert 27. MABA Conv. 39 Products by GBA 40. Message In A Bottle 39. Advertizers List 42. Gulfstream Library 46 Subscriptions 47. Advertizing Spring 2010 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 4 Number 1 Issue 11 2 1 BACK TO INDEX Gulfstream Journal Summer 2010 Contents 2. Jaboticaba 4 7 Joe Day 4. Jaboticaba ,SA, Brazil Brazilian 7. Jaboticaba, NA, Miami Miami 8 A Childhood Memory Unknown 10. Jaboticaba Solutions Various 10 14 14. Jaboticaba, The Rare Fruit Rare Fruit Gardner 16. Bonsai With Jaboticaba Dick Miller 20. Do You Think, Dick Miller 22. A Tree For All Seasons 16 Rojas/Bayer 27. Jaboticaba Recipes Various 29. An Interview Eric Wigert 40 35 42 29 35. Bonsai Green 38 Products by GBA 40. Message In A Bottle 42. Repairing Your Bonsai 43. Advertizers List 45 Subscription info 47. Advertizing rates Summer 2010 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 4 Number 2 Issue 12 Gulfstream Journal of Tropical Bonsai 5 INDEX BACK TO Autumn 2010 Table of Contents 6 6. Schefflera For Indoor Bonsai Jerry Meislik 12. Schefflera The-High Potential Bonsai. Dave Fukumoto 17. Been There-–Done That Dick Miller 12 20. Interview: Andy Graham Editor 22 22. A Gallery Of Schefflera 23. Dwarf Schef-Misc. Dick Miller 20 24. Plant Nutrition Dr. David Neal 25 35 34 25. Mineral Elements Plants Need. Dr. David Neal 30. Nutrition-Some Things May Surprise You. Dr. David Neal 31. Complete Nutrition For Trees. 34. Message In A Bottle Jorge Mendezabal. 35. Anchors Away Jorge Mendezabal 38. Do Ya Think Dick Miller 40 40. Advanced Bonsai Classes Jason Schley 45 44. The Next ABS Learning Seminar. 45. Bonsai Green 49. Subscriptions 51. Advertising Autumn 2010 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 4 Number 3 Issue 13 BACK TO 1 INDEX Gulfstream Journal of Tropical Bonsai 6 Winter 2010 Table of Contents 6. Casuarinas Robert Stevens 12. Toolittle Bonsai Challenge Arthur Parker 17. Rags to Riches 12 Ed Trout 20. Good News for Bonsai 17 Editor 22. Heathcote Botanical Gardens Editor 23. Interview. Dick Miller 20 23 24. Message in a Bottle Editor 25. Australian Pines Affair Dick Miller 30. Jason Says 22 Jason Schley 46. Subscriptions 24 25 47. Advertising Our Advertisers: Atchison....................7 Bonsai Mart.............. 15 H & F Import............ 19 MECO...................... 24 Heathcote................ 25 Wigert..................... 30 Jason Schley............ 39 Meco ...................... 44 Dura-stone............... 45 Rosner . .................. 41 Jupiter Bonsai........... 42 Things Shibui........... 43 Greensheets ............ 45 Monastery . ........ Bk cvr Winter 2010 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 5 Number 4 Issue 14 BACK TO INDEX 1 Gulfstream Journal of Tropical Bonsai Spring 2011 Table of Contents 2. Windswept 2 David Whitacker 4. About Styles 4 6. Buttonwoods 6 Dick Miller 16 16. Interview 22. World’s Greatest Buttonwood Collection Dick Miller 22 26 26. Best of the Best 30. Long Range Weather Forecast 32. Message in Bottle Editor 34. Just Thinking 36. Japanese Aesthetics 43. Subscriptions 45. Advertising Rates Our Advertisers: ABS................................ 38 Atchison.......................... 11 Bonsai Mart..................... 19 Dura-stone...................... 21 Greensheets ................... 44 H & F Import................... 25 Heathcote....................... 20 Jupiter Bonsai.................. 42 MECO............................. 39 Monastery....................... 47 Rosner ........................... 41 Schley’S Bonsai................ 39 Things Shibui................... 43 Wells Fargo ................Bk cvr Wigert............................ 30 Spring 2011 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 5 Number 1 Issue 15 Summer 11 Table of Contents 2. Advantages of Fukien Tea For Bonsai Jerry Meislik 4. Ehretia buxifolia (Fukien Tea)s 1 Back to Index 2 4 Jose Rivera 10. My Fukien Tea Dustin Man 16 10. Interesting Tea Tidbid Dale Graw 16. In My Humble Opinion 20 Dick Miller 20. Interview Editor 24. Fukien Tea Gallery 28. More on Styles- From the lighter side Clay Gratz 32. Message in Bottle Editor 33. Algae Dick Miller 45. Advertising Rates 46. Subscriptions The cover photograph was taken by the editor roughly 10 years ago of a Fukien Tea bonsai owned by Jim Moody. Our Advertisers: ABS................................ 38 Atchison............................9 Dragon tree..................... 42 Dura-stone...................... 23 Greensheets ................... 44 H & F Import................... 42 Heathcote....................... 22 Jupiter Bonsai.................. 27 MECO............................. 43 Monastery....................... 47 Rosner ........................... 41 Schley’S Bonsai................ 39 Things Shibui................... 43 Wells Fargo . ..............Bk cvr Wigert............................ 42 Summer 2011 (ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 5 Number 2 Issue 16 Back to Index Autumn 11 Autumn 2011 Table of Contents 1 1 Mother of all Saikei 8 (Saikei)Island features 10 Clasic Saikei 13 13 Gumbo Limbo 15 Bad News 15 23 Do you think? 25 25 Interview Jason Schley 27 27 Bonsai Green 29 Message in a Bottle 29 Tropical Bonsai shows 31 Wickert’’s Nursery 32 Miami Bonsai Society 33 Bonsai Society of Southwest Florida. 39 Dragon Tree 45. Advertising Rates 46. Subscriptions The cover photograph was taken by the editor roughly in 2004 at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. Our Advertisers: Atchison.......................... 12 Dragon tree..................... 39 Dura-stone...................... 22 Greensheets ................... 41 H & F Import................... 11 Heathcote....................... 21 Jupiter Bonsai.................. 18 MECO............................. 40 Monastery....................... 44 Rosner ........................... 38 Schley’S Bonsai................ 36 Things Shibui................... 39 Tropical Bonsai Shows.. 31-32 Wells Fargo ................Bk cvr Wigert............................ 31 Autumn 2011(ISSN 1938-5153) Vol 5 No. 3 Issue16 vii Back to Index