11November 2015 Newsletter
11November 2015 Newsletter
The Nisei Week l; Descanso Bonsai Society NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Michael Jonas The GSBF conven-on was great, featuring excellent bonsai talent, vendors and renewal of friendships for me. Though I didn’t get to spend as much -me at the conven-on as I would have wanted, the -me I did was very enjoyable. I hope you all had the opportunity to spend -me in Riverside this weekend at the event, too. This month’s mee-ng is the last one of the year and we will not be geEng together for a demo again un-l our February mee-ng. Roy Nagatoshi will be our featured demonstrator for November and as many of you already know being students of Roy, he is the owner of Fuji Bonsai Nursery at 13170 Glenoaks Bl., Sylmar 91342. In December we are dark at the club and in January we will not have a club mee-ng, but we will again be having our annual luncheon on January 31st beginning at 1:00 at the Angeles Na-onal Golf Club, 9401 Foothill Bl. In Sunland, 91040 and your choices for entrée are Broiled Top Sirloin Steak, Salmon or a vegetarian meal. Email Elizabeth or call her and let her know how many guests to expect and what you would like to eat as we have to tell the cooks what they will need to prepare. Many people take the opportunity to pay for their annual dues at the luncheon when they take care of their meal and raffle -cket purchases. Please remember that we will need for you to bring one or more dona-ons for the raffle and your generosity is greatly appreciated. Benefits derived from the raffle help to fund part of the cost of the luncheon, which the club always pays to keep your costs down. It will be wonderful seeing everyone at the luncheon, where we can sit and enjoy each other’s company. I hope this year the weather will cooperate and hold off on the El Nino-‐like weather for a bit more. The annual a\er Thanksgiving Sale at Yamaguchi Bonsai Nursery put on by California Bonsai Society will be held on Sunday, November 29th at 1905 Sawtelle Bl., West LA. The doors to the CBS sale will open to buyers at 9:00 a.m. on goes to 3 p.m. Happy hun-ng. We are currently looking for someone who would like to take over for Fred Seeley in the posi-on of 2nd Vice President/ Membership Chair. If you are interested please contact Michael Jonas either via email mjonas48@hotmail.com or (818) 776-‐0813. There is NO DBS MEETiNG in December, and there will be no December Newsletter.Your weary newsletter editor is taking a one month break. (: Steve Valentine’s Brazilian Pepper tree at the GSBF Convention Our last club Meeting of the Year Tuesday, November 17, 2015 7:30 p.m. Van de Camp Hall, Descanso Gardens 1418 Descanso Drive, La Canada Flintridge November Refreshments Jody Dundas, Sarah Acevedo, Emma Janza, Marie Atkison November Niche Nathan Simmons, Jim Barrett November Demonstrator Roy Nagatoshi of Fuji Bonsai Nursery MANY THANKS TO ALL WHO DONATED TO OUR OCTOBER RAFFLE Maggie Carpenter, Roberta Daniels, Jerry Bañuelos, Gonzalo Rodriguez, Emma Janza, Fred Seeley, Sonja Kobler, and someone whose name I couldn’t decipher. NOVEMBER TIPS by JIM BARRETT Boy! Last month was more like August than October. Most of my deciduous bonsai took a real beating from the heat and their natural slowing down for the fall/winter dormancy. Consequently the leaves on the maples, hornbeam, and plum are pretty far gone. I do not expect new growth to replace them. Although it seems early, I’m recommending that you defoliate Japanese maples and any deciduous tree whose leaves are shriveled and damaged from the hot dry Santa Ana weather we had last month. Remove old leaves from the soil, scrub the bark on smooth bark trees with a mild detergent or Safers insecticide soap. An early dormant spray treatment would then be a prudent thing to do. I wouldn’t defoliate elms, pomegranate or other deciduous trees if their foliage is still healthy and strong. Repotting quince this month is recommended by many of our Japanese experts. Waiting until spring tends to cause heavy thick roots and to stunt the tree’s growth. Quince should be given as much sun as you can provide. No high nitrogen fertilizers for the rest of this year. Plants are not taking up water as fast now, so modify your watering schedule accordingly. Pale green or chartreuse foliage on pines and junipers may indicate their soil is staying too wet. Hold back on the water and try keeping the soil on the dry side (not bone dry.) Black pine and more juniper bonsai can still be repotted now. The trees that have dropped their leaves and the ones you have defoliated can be pruned and wired for detail. It’s easier with the foliage gone. Also, remove old wire that appears to have done its job. Below, a California Juniper, styled by Bjorn Bjorholm during a demo at the GSBF Convention sold at the auction for $4000. Above, Elvis Presley showed up at the GSBF Convention Halloween night. Photo by Keith Martin Bob Pressler, of Kimura Nursery, holds the 30 year old procumbens nana he used as a demo tree at the DBS October meeting. The happy winner of the tree, Bill Wawrychuk. Photo by Jim Pelling 2015 Golden State Bonsai Federation Convention Above, Bjorn Bjorholm and Kathy Shaner critique the bonsai exhibit. Middle, June Nguy with her Blue Ribbon Best Conifer from the Judged Exhibit; Nathan Simmons assists John Wang on John’s demo California Juniper. Bottom, stuff for sale. DBS NEWSLETTER ℅ Jim Pelling 944 Pine Grove Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90042-1354 Nov. 29, 2015 West Los Angeles, CA Annual a\er Thanksgiving Sale at Yamaguchi Bonsai Nursery, put on by California Bonsai Society at 1905 Sawtelle Bl., West LA. The doors to the CBS sale will open to buyers at 9:00 a.m. and the sale goes to 3 p.m Dec. 9, 2015 7:30 p.m. Encino, CA San-Sui Kai Bonsai Society Sales and Auction at the December meeting. All members of the community a1re welcome! Sepulveda Garden Center, 16633 Magnolia Boulevard, Encino, CA 91406. Dec. 26, 2015 – January 3, 2016 San Marino , Ca. California Aiseki Kai: 26th Anniversary Exhibition of Viewing Stones Show at the Botanical Center of the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens, 1151 Oxford Road. Hours are 10:30 AM – 4:30 PM each day (Clos ed New Year’s Day). Free parking. For more information see our website: www.aisekikai.com and/or contact sashaichris@gmail.com DESCANSO BONSAI SOCIETY OFFICERS President Past Pres. 1st VP 2nd VP/ Secretary Treasurer Advertising Officer Officer Officer Officer Michael Jonas Jim Barrett Cesareo Perez Fred Seeley Keith Martin Elizabeth Likes Bill Wawrychuk Kathy Benson Marge Blasingame James Pai Newsletter Ellen Keneshea Nathan Simmons customclassic@sbcglobal.net DBS WEBSITE (818) 776-0813 (626) 445-4529 (626) 797-8227 (661) 250-0125 (310) 927-0199 (818) 352-3064 (818) 790-9415 (626)798-0485 (626)579-0420 (626) 614-8079 ( 6 2 6 ) Mjonas48@hotmail.com cesareop@earthlink.net fred@fredseeley.com keithemartini@gmail.com Lizlikes@aol.com b_wawrychuk@yahoo.com 1benson99@charter.net Blasmrjr@aol.com paijames@ymail.com 6 4 4 - 3 2 0 5 (818) 363-5752 ekeneshea@socal.rr.com www.descanso-bonsai.com Descanso Bonsai Society $25 - Single $30 - Couples Payable to: Descanso Bonsai Society See Membership Chair Fred at the next meeting or send to: Fred Seeley 27124 Crystal Springs Road Canyon Country, CA 91387
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