Daryl Hanly College Principal
Daryl Hanly College Principal
11 OCTOBER 2012 VOLUME 35 NO 30 5 FEBRUARY 2010 VOLUME 33 NO 1 2199 Sandgate Road Boondall, Brisbane Queensland 4034, Australia DATE CLAIMERS | SEPTEMBER 14-16 October Year 12 Kairos Retreat 15-19 October College Oratory College Music Tour 16 October Ladies Auxiliary Committee Meeting 19 October Walk to the Philippines and Free Dress Day 22 October Minister of Education Pupil Free Day 26 October Orientation Day Please refer to calendar for more information news NEWSLE T TER OF ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE Tel: +61 7 3865 0555 | Fax: +61 7 3865 0500 | Web: www.nudgee.com | Email: contact@nudgee.com Daryl Hanly College Principal Dear Parents and Guardians Welcome to Term 4 – the “Term of Transition”. This is the time in which we support each year level as it concludes the current year well, and prepares for the “step-up” to the next year. There are other elements of transition evident in our community. Thursday of last week, I attended the blessing and opening of the Holy Spirit Boondall retirement complex. Seventeen Christian Brothers, under the leadership of Brother Vince Connors, will transition into this complex, from early November. This week, we formally transitioned into the Treacy Building as we celebrated its recommissioning. This event was timed to coincide with the 100 year anniversary of the death of Brother Patrick Ambrose Treacy. The cohort needing most support will be, as always, our Year 12s, as they complete their academic studies, and move to the next stage of their life journeys. Every effort will be made to ensure they complete the year with dignity, and a sense of fulfilment. Following is an email I received during the holidays. Dear Nudgee College I have just returned from Bunnings at Albion and we all know what a bun fight that can be on a Sunday morning. During wrestling large bales of mulch to my car I was stopped by a young person who asked me if I would like some help! He then proceeded to seek directions from me and load my car. I was stunned, asked him what school he attended. I didn’t get his name because I respected his privacy. He said he attended your College, well, well done Nudgee. And of course, his wonderful family. Just thought you’d enjoy this small story, but quite a rare occasion from my point of view! Still amazed. MW I appreciate both the action of our young Signum Fidei as well as that of the author who, has seen fit to share the “Good News” with us. Standing up for fair funding for Catholic schools The Federal Government continues to work on the details of its response to the Gonski Review of School Funding. The following will be of interest to you all. One in five Australian students attends a Catholic school. On average, they receive 20 per cent less government funding than if they went to government schools. The families who choose to send their children to Catholic schools are quite similar to government school families. Catholic schools tend to charge low fees, so that more families can make that choice for their children. 1 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 13 OCTOBER 2012 | VOLUME 35 | NO 30 When parent fees are included, Catholic schools operate on around 90 per cent of the cost of government schools. Many parents make big sacrifices to send their children to a Catholic school. This includes parents whose children have special needs. Special needs students in Catholic schools receive less funding from government than if they were going to a government school. Despite the lack of funding, Catholic schools continue to show improvement for their students, including their most disadvantaged. Parents should be free to choose the type of education they want for their children. When parents choose a Catholic school for their children, governments can invest more on students in government schools. In choosing a Catholic education for their children, parents are also saving the taxpayer around $2.2 billion, which can be spent in other schools. Any decision to stop government funding for Catholic schools, or to reduce funding by not having school funding keep pace with government school funding, will mean that parent fees will have to go up. If Catholic school fees go up, parents may have to change their mind about where they send their children to school. Their only choice may be government schools, which will put increased pressure on the government system. Properly funding Catholic schools now, and in the future, will help take pressure off government schools. For more information about Catholic school funding visit: www.fundinginfo.catholic. edu.au (A video on Catholic school funding can be viewed by visiting www.qcec.catholic.edu.au and following the Gonski Review of school funding link). Daryl Hanly Principal 2 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 13 OCTOBER 2012 | VOLUME 35 | NO 30 GRAHAM LEDDIE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Date Claimer Ladies Auxiliary Committee The next Ladies’ Auxiliary Meeting is on Tuesday 16 October 2012 Board Room, Level 1,Treacy Building 7:00pm. Entry is via the Edmund Rice Mall. Everyone is most welcome. Date Claimer The Ladies’ Auxiliary Mothers’ Mass and Christmas Dinner Friday 9 November, 2012. Flyer can be found on the Nudgee College website or follow the link below. http://www.nudgee.com/files/public/events_ calendar/9426/ladies_auxiliary_pdf_13966. pdf Cost is $60.00 RSVP and payment accepted until Tuesday 30th October, 2012 unless sold out earlier. Congratulations to Mr Michael Byrne and his wife Bronwyn on the birth of their second child, son Cormac Alan, born Sunday 16 September weighing 7lb 15oz. On behalf of the College, I would like to welcome the following new staff. Ms Lynsey Hale – Lynsey returns to the College after a short term contract in Term 3. Lynsey brings over 7 years of teaching experience to Nudgee College. She has previously taught overseas at St Peter’s Roman Catholic High School, Brockworth Enterprise School, Aberdare Boys Comprehensive School and Abertillery Comprehensive School in the UK and Ebbw Vale Comprehensive School and Glyncoed Primary School in Brisbane. Lynsey holds a Post Graduate Certificate of Education-Secondary Geography (Swansea Institute of Higher Education) and a BA Joint Honours Degree-Geography and History (University of Wales). Mr Joseph Farragher – Joseph joins the College for a Term 4 contract with our Design Technology team. He has previously worked in Ireland at Presentation College Headford and Moville Community College. Joseph has also worked as a woodwork machinist with Mulburry’s in Victoria. Joseph holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Design and Technology Education (GMIT Letterfrack, Galway). Mr Dennis O’Neill – Dennis joins us for a short term contract until Friday 19 October. Dennis brings nearly 30 years of teaching experience to the College. He holds a Diploma of Teaching-Manual Arts (BCAE), a Bachelor of Education (QUT), a Diocesan Diploma in Christian Leadership (RIOFE), a Graduate Diploma in Arts-Leadership (ACU) and a Certificate IV TAA (TAFE). Dennis has previously worked at North Shore Development Centre, with Education Queensland, The Cathedral College, Rockhampton and Christian Brothers College, Rockhampton Ms Stephanie Bourke – Stephanie joins the staff for a short term contract for the next few weeks. Stephanie has completed practicums at Runcorn State High School and holds a Graduate Diploma of Education-Secondary (University of Queensland), a Bachelor of Business-Economics (QUT) and a Bachelor of Journalism (QUT). We hope that Lynsey, Joseph, Dennis and Stephanie enjoy their time at the College. We welcome back Mr John O’Keefe and Mr Chris Cawley from long service leave and wish the following staff all the best as they take leave in Term 4: Mr Mannie Navarro (LSL), Ms Cathy Mansfield (LSL), Mr Ken Mitchell (LSL), Ms Louise Gale (2 weeks LSL) and Mr Michael Byrne (Paternity leave). We also farewell Mr Brendan Greenwood who has covered a short term teaching contract for the past couple of weeks. Ladies Auxiliary AGM and Meeting Just a reminder of the upcoming Ladies Auxiliary AGM and meeting, which is being held on Tuesday 30 October at 7.00pm. I would encourage any mums who are new to the College, and current mums as well, to consider joining this wonderful fundraising group. The Ladies Auxiliary Committee does fantastic work to raise much needed funds for the College. Nominations for a position on the Executive committee close soon and the following positions are available: President, Vice President Senior School, Vice President Middle school and Vice President Junior School, Treasurer, Secretary, and Publicity Officer. Please submit your nomination for any of the above positions to myself by Wednesday 24 October 2012 either via email to GLeddie@nudgee.com or telephone (07) 3865 0405. AGM Guidelines The election component of the AGM will be under the control of the Deputy Principal; All positions are subject to approval by the Principal; All nominations need to be seconded (including proxy nominations); If there are several nominations a secret ballot will be taken; and All positions will be elected by popular vote. 3 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 13 OCTOBER 2012 | VOLUME 35 | NO 30 ERIN WEDGE DEAN OF IDENTITY St Joseph’s Nudgee College requests prayers for: Welcome back to our final term for 2012. Throughout this year we have been breaking open the EREA Touchstones and exploring what it means to aspire to be faithful to the four touchstones. The Touchstone of Gospel Spirituality, challenges us to invite people into the story of Jesus and make his message of compassion, peace and justice a lived reality for all. Those who are ill at this time: The Touchstone of Inclusive Community, calls us to be a community that welcomes all where right relationships are fostered. Dawson Sorby (NCOB 2011) Ms Emel Corley (Current Staff Member) Mr Frederick Wright (Grandfather of Alison Crilly, current staff Member) The Touchstone of Justice and solidarity, challenges us to commit ourselves to justice and peace for all and stand in solidarity with the Earth and the disenfranchised. Those who are recently deceased: Mr Noel J Heap (NCOB 1937-39) Mrs Joan Carter (Mother of Anne Murray, current Staff Member) Mrs Rae McGuire (Mother of Richard NCOB 1961, James NCOB 1965) Mrs Margaret Gavin (Wife of Keith NCOB 1960) This term we will come to know a Jesus who continues to call us to build a better world for all: where we as teachers, parents, workers, family members in education, liberate students and bring hope to those in our care who are hopeless. As people who come together in a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition we aspire to be faithful to the touchstones of Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community, Justice and Solidarity and pay particular attention this term to Liberating Education. Br Treacy was a man who brought about hope and lived in hope through presence, compassion and liberation. This term we celebrate the 100th anniversary of his death and on Thursday we re-dedicated and blessed his building. On Friday, I will be taking a few students to participate on a Treacy Trail and join other students from Edmund Rice schools, to remember a Christian Brother who came out from Ireland and visioned a Catholic Education for young boys. Excerpt from Regis Hickey’s Book on Patrick Ambrose Treacy Though Brisbane was a small provincial city, Queensland was a vast colony with settlements scattered all over it. The 1880s had been a time of rapid expansion in population, investment and development. Recognising that the school site at Gregory Terrace was too small for the expansion needed so that no-one was turned away from an education, Brother Treacy visioned another school that was a three hour walk from Terrace. Brother Patrick Ambrose Treacy was trying to meet a real need of the rural community – an education for the boys from rural Queensland and his thoughts turned to a large, unused block of bushland at Nudgee which Bishop O’Quinn had given to the Brothers. Among the Catholics the great majority were lower working class, especially rural and the aim would be to bring their children to the point where they would be employable at a higher level. Nudgee was established to not be for the higher class, or a prestigious private school, but a place that would be a suitable environment for the education of boys from the bush, with enough space for the boys to be themselves. Encouraged by the Brothers and Archbishop Dunne and despite limited resources of money, Ambrose put his trust in God and had hope in the project. Brother Ambrose Treacy on 28th June, 1889, wrote to his Superior General, “I commence the building of Nudgee without either the money for the building or even a promise from you of staff of Brothers to work. I have confidence however, that God will provide the means as heretofore and that God will come to our assistance in a more than ordinary way.” Blessings for the week ahead. 4 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 13 OCTOBER 2012 | VOLUME 35 | NO 30 Walk to the Philippines “Bayanihan” – Ilongo word meaning many people working together to lighten the load. On the recent Pag-inupdanay With Spirit immersion to the Philippines, Fr Brian Gore shared the metaphor of the walis tambo straw broom that is commonly used in the Philippines that he has taught the people of the Philippines for more than 40 years. He demonstrated that while a single straw can be easily broken, hundreds of straws combined can not be damaged. In the same way, one Nudgee College student walking the 8km from Shorncliffe to the College might not be seen as much, but when the 700 students from Years 5-9 take on the walk together next Friday, the combined distance is enough to take us all the way to our friends on the Island of Negros Occidental. At the same time, the students from our five partner schools in Negros taking part in their annual “Bayanihan Walk to Australia” event will cover the distance needed to bring them all the way to Brisbane. I saw proof of how powerful this “Bayanihan” can be by the result of the more than $100 000 the Nudgee College community has raised for the people of Negros through the annual “Walk to the Philippines” over the past four years - new classrooms and infrastructure providing deaf children an education they would otherwise not have, a goat farming project set up to provide employment for deaf adults, computers, text books, and science equipment in classrooms, newly created libraries full of books, newly repaired buildings and roads to mention a few. With one week to go do their very best to students, parents and amazing work we are we would like to urge all students in Years 5-9 to raise as much money as possible, and for all other friends to please give generously to continue the helping to provide for our friends in the Philippines. If any parents are able to help us out on the day as marshals along the route or cooking a BBQ back at school can you please contact me at mellison@nudgee.com Mark Ellison Director of Justice and Peace 5 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 13 OCTOBER 2012 | VOLUME 35 | NO 30 DAVID JOHNSTON DEAN OF LEARNING AND TEACHING Release of 2012 results Online All results contributing to the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) as well as Overall Positions (OPs) and Field Positions (FPs) will be available in students’ learning accounts on the Student Connect website https://studentconnect.qsa.qld.edu.au from 9am on Saturday 15 December 2012. Students must know their Learner Unique Identifier (LUI) and password to log in and check their results. Students will be able to access their results more quickly if they have previously activated their learning account. Mailout Students will receive their Senior Education Profile in the mail from Monday 17 December 2012. Profile contents depend on student participation and results, and will be made up of one or more of the following documents: QCE, Tertiary Entrance Statement and Senior Statement. Finishing the Year Strongly Dimension 5 of Dimensions of Learning is called Habits of Mind and, as I have stated in previous articles, it is a favourite of mine. These Habits work on the premise that ‘all boys can learn, but not on the same day and not in the same way.’ They do not displace the agreed upon standards of learning developed and adopted by the school. Rather, course content serves as a vehicle that provides an opportunity for learning Habits of Mind. Sixteen Habits have been identified. We need to train and develop the boys’ habits of mind to provide a foundation for academic success. With final assignments and end of year exams looming, the Habits we have tried to emphasise to the boys are: The habit of striving for accuracy – boys need to check their work, set themselves high standards and look for ways to improve. The boys have to be persistent – they need to stick with the problems presented in the various tasks, remain focused and not give up. In striving for accuracy and persistence you have to be self-disciplined. You have to be prepared to do things over and over. You have to be prepared to do things which aren’t always fun. Wayne Bennett sums up self-discipline like this: Do what has to be done; when it has to be done; as well as it can be done; and do it that way all the time. I hope all the boys take heed of this advice and finish the year strongly. 6 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 13 OCTOBER 2012 | VOLUME 35 | NO 30 PAUL BEGG DEAN OF STUDENTS It is always with a mix of joy and sadness that many students and parents return for Term 4. The joy from the parents who have just spent two weeks keeping their son’s entertained and the sadness from the boys! On a serious level it is that time where we say goodbye to our Seniors. It is a time filled with great hope that you have laid a strong foundation and delivered the best guidance. As a College community you hope that, in partnership with their parents, you have educated them to be gentlemen of strong values, young men who will carefully think about their actions and make responsible decisions. However, in the end you have to trust in their goodness and the quality of the education gifted to them. With that we begin the ‘final lap’ and the commentary of “This is the last time you will . . .” This may be your final opportunity to . . .” I must admit some selfishness in saying it is one of my favourite times and one of the great privileges of the job, to be here when the Seniors make their way into the world. Finishing Well All Seniors are reminded that they must finish well. Behaviour that changes or detracts from the tone of the school, targets other year levels or students or has the ability to effect the Colleges reputation will not be tolerated. Boys as late as the final assembly may lose their opportunity to attend the graduation mass and valedictory dinner if such behaviour were to occur. Mr Hanly has communicated this to all parents of Senior students via mail. Students in younger grades, and parents, are reminder that they are neither finishing at the same time nor graduating at the end of this year. They have a very limited role to play in the celebrations of completing school. Final Parent Information Evening INESS – Internet Education and Safety Services Monday 5th November Tierney Auditorium 6.30pm-8.30pm Our final parent education seminar this year is a holistically linked seminar delivered by Mr Brett Lee. Brett worked as a Queensland Police Officer for 22 years, 16 of those as a Detective predominantly in the field of Child Exploitation. In his last five years of service, he was a specialist in the field of undercover internet child exploitation investigations. The series of presentations is that there will be 3 student sessions – one for Year 7, Year 8 & Year 9, a session for staff at the afternoon staff meeting and then an evening session for parents of boys in Years 5-11. Each of the sessions have a different focus delivered specifically for the audience and their level of need. For students the broad topic of discovery is cyber safety however the focus is very much in the area of social medias and mobile devices as the largest portion of unmonitored internet activity is via mobile device rather than desktop or laptop. Congratulations to Dale Williamson, one of our Year 9 men, who recently completed the Brisbane to Gold Coast Cycle Challenge. Dale and his dad Richard did extremely well despite the hot conditions, and completed the 100km distance in a ride time of 3 hours 50 minutes quite an achievement I think. Dale and Richard were part of a group raising awareness and sponsorship for adrenal cancer research. Well done Dale. 7 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER Our staff session will look primarily at aspects of safety, legal perspectives and outcomes – what to look for in the classroom and playground - and finally the evening parent session will endeavour to ‘equip the cyber-illiterate’ with a compass to navigate the jungle – as well as deliver feedback from the days sessions with the students about the reality of what is happening in our school each day and more importantly each evening. As I am sure you can imagine, it is a significant financial investment but keeping at the cutting edge for both parents and teachers, as well as raising the boys awareness, is exceptionally important. For more information please visit Please RSVP to Ms Vicki Askin at VAskin@nudgee.com http://www.iness.com.au 13 OCTOBER 2012 | VOLUME 35 | NO 30 CHRIS CAWLEY DIRECTOR OF JUNIOR SCHOOL Welcome back to the final term, one which will be over before we know it. I would like to thank Mr John Richardson for his stewardship of the Junior School during my absence last term. I have certainly returned very refreshed and full of wonderful memories. Booklists for 2013 Once again the College is providing the option for families to order their stationery requirements from our back-to-school supplier, MK Educational Supplies. Additionally this year’s current Year 5 and 6 families will have the option to order and receive stationery packs for next year during the last week of school this year (week commencing 26 November). The pack will be delivered to the College (free of charge). The scheduled day of delivery to the College shall be advised closer to the end of school. 2013 Stationery Lists and Order Forms will be available for downloading from our website (Home Page/Enrolments/Booklists & Stationery) from Monday 15 October. Should you not have internet access, please do not hesitate to contact Reception on (07) 3865 0555 to obtain a mailed copy of forms required. Credit card orders can be directly placed via the supplier’s website www.mkes.com.au (click on the “Order Your Booklist” link and then enter our school code of STJNC13). This online ordering facility will also be available from Monday 15 October. Walk to the Philippines On assembly this week the boys were shown a video of what a difference their donation to this great cause will do for these communities in the Philippines. This walk will take place next Friday October 19, as a culmination of a week of activities to help raise money for this very worthwhile cause. Boys are to wear school sports uniform and must bring a hat and a water bottle. Enjoy the term ahead and if you have any questions about upcoming events please contact either myself or the Junior Office. 8 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 13 OCTOBER 2012 | VOLUME 35 | NO 30 MARK ENSOR DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES (SPORT AND CULTURE) Wet Weather Line To check if rain has caused the cancellation of training sessions or games, please call the Wet Weather Line: 07 3865 0423 and select (1) for GPS or (2) for CIC. Date Claimer Athletics Support Group meeting Monday 15th October at 6.30pm. Please meet outside the Health Centre to then move for a tour of the Museum and our meeting from there. For any enquires, please contact Mrs Maureen Toohey 0407162940 Congratulations to James Macklin on winning the 2012 Gary Player Golf Classic at the Pacific Golf Club.Trialing by 2 shots after the first day, James stormed to the lead of the 15 and Under age group, with a 2 under par round of 70 and extended his lead on day 3 with 73. With an insurmountable 9 shot lead, James held his nerve to shoot a final round of 76 to finish on 297 total and an 11 shot victory. Athletics Track and Field - September Holidays training camp 2012 On Friday September 21, 56 athletes and 7 staff headed for the Gold Coast and then onto Lismore, northern New South Wales. Here we were accommodated in magnificent style at St John’s College, Woodlawn. Set in picturesque rural surrounds, this magnificent campus holds many parallels with Nudgee College, and particularly so the opendormitory style accommodation of the Nudgee College of yesteryear. To this extent it served the team well in developing some understanding of the history and tradition to which they are linked - Nudgee College and GPS Track and Field - through their membership of Nudgee College Track and Field. It also assisted reflection upon how they will contribute to the further writing of this history and what legacy they in turn will leave. A meet on the first night of camp followed by a number of enthusiastically performed and fruitful training sessions over the weekend was blended with some other fun time well spent together as a group. One such occasion was the heats, semis and final of the “time-honoured” Big N Gift – 60m Handicap Sprint – held on the beach in Byron Bay on Sunday afternoon, in which all tourists participated. In an incredibly tight finish of the 6-man field final (decision requiring video analysis; as did many heats!), U14 youngster Brandon Herrigan added to his already glittering season to date (eg selection in Met Nth team), by snatching this coveted “title”, just shading out Jordan Pizzica and Tom Hogan. Many thanks are due to driver of the tour coach Mr John Hall for his constant professionalism and friendliness, and a great debt of thanks are due to the following coaches for their expertise on camp and giving so generously of their time for the Track and Field boys: Mrs Maureen Toohey, Mr Paul Schaumberg, Mr Nick Toohey, Mr Anthony Collins, Mrs Lyndall Warry, and Mrs Sally Blake. With training at the College for all who could attend during the holidays, the full contingent of the “Big N” now regroups for the final four week push to the GPS Track and Field Championships at QEII Nathan (QSAC) on November 3rd. The competition will - as always - be tough, and our results will reflect what we as a group have contributed by way of preparation. Peter Kropp Head of Track and Field Basketball - Term 3 Wrap up The final round of the GPS Basketball season for 2012 was a good one for Nudgee College. We won most games across year levels and witnessed significant improvement amongst the Year 8 cohort. The standout performances on the day were the 1st V. The final score was 100 points to 53 – the second time this writer has seen the score crack the tonne. It was an exciting game; Mr Darrington Overstreet (who used to be the Coaching Director here at Nudgee College) has been doing lots of wonderful work with the Brisbane Grammar team in order to make them more competitive. It was also a bittersweet game; Aidan Ptasznik, Jack Le Rossignol, Seaton Poto and Clarke Poto played their last GPS game for the blue and white. It was great to see them all on court together in the final quarter and it was clear they enjoyed it as well. So we say farewell to Aidan’s laid back brilliance, farewell to Jack’s rubber band arms, farewell to Clarke Poto’s floor diving, and farewell to Seaton Poto’s sweet swishing three’s. 9 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 13 OCTOBER 2012 | VOLUME 35 | NO 30 Fortunately for Nudgee College, Alex Boardman is sticking around for another year under the post, and there are a lot of subbies coming through with loads of talent. Well done to all the players, coaches and supporters for a successful final round of competition. Thank you to everyone who helped me in my first year as Head of Basketball, especially Mr Mik Scott, Mrs Peta Scott, Mrs Fil Ross, Mr Wayne Larkins, Mrs Karen Larkins, Mr Mark Ensor, Mrs Debra Daly, Mr Jamie Pybus, Mr Wayne O’Brien, Ms Shayna Poto, Mrs Kate Ptasznik, Mr Reiner Ptasznik, Mrs Kylie Swepson, Mr Des Swepson, Mrs Cheryl Boardman, Miss Ella Boardman, and Mr James Boardman. Corinna Hellmrich Head of Basketball Junior School Canberra Cricket Tour On Tuesday 2nd October 17 boys set off for Canberra in what was Nudgee College’s first ever Junior School cricket tour. The tour provided an opportunity for our identified cricketers to improve their skills and work as part of a team in the annual 8-a-side Kookaburra Cup Competition, held at venues across Canberra over 3 days. The 17 boys were divided into a Cup Team (9 boys) and a Plate Team (8 boys) for the 2012 Kookaburra Cup, in which 36 teams entered. The plate team had four Year 5 students, who regularly played against Year 6 cricketers in the U12s draw. Cup Team In the group stages the Cup Team lost two games on Day 1 and won two games on Day 2. They played against 3 representative teams, one of which (Hornsby, NSW) selects from over 20 club teams. The Cup Team lost their finals game, on Day 3, to a Blacktown, NSW Rep Team, who commented that Nudgee College were ‘the strongest school cricket team they had played against in that age level’. Plate Team In the group stages the Plate Team lost their first game and tied their second game on Day 1. On Day 2 they won both their games. They lost their finals game, on Day 3, to the team they tied with previously. One of the teams in this division was a rep team and all of the teams we played against contained rep players from various regions in both ACT and NSW. All the boys were awarded medals for various achievements they gained on the tour. A notable performance was Hugo Allen (Plate Team, Year 5) who scored 51 no in a group game. Our overall ‘most outstanding player of the tournament’ went to Connor Corlet (Captain of Cup Team, Year 6). The boys had a great time and behaved impeccably. Particular thanks must go to coach/parents Mike Pescatore, Mark McLaughlin and Marcus Kettleton, who accompanied us on tour. A special mention must also go to Mr Joseph Stephens (Year 6 Teacher/Year 5A Coach) for his role as Head Coach and Canberra Tour Guide. John Richardson Year 6 Teacher/Tour Manager 10 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 13 OCTOBER 2012 | VOLUME 35 | NO 30 COMMUNITY Position Vacant Golf Services Attendant - Nudgee College Golf Club Casual position approx. 12-20 hrs per week; Customer service and office and administration experience preferred; Club/bar/functions experience desirable; Golf knowledge an advantage; and, Must be flexible includes weekday and weekend shifts. The successful person will be required to apply for and obtain a blue card and an RSA certificate. To apply and for further details please call Andy on (07) 3865 0595 or send a resume to golfclub@nudgee.com New Pharmacy degree at Griffith University Final approval – including Australian Pharmacy Council accreditation – has been given for Griffith University to offer a Bachelor of Pharmacy commencing Semester 1, 2013. Key details are listed below. Further course information can be accessed via Griffith’s website at http://www148.griffith.edu.au/programs-courses/Program/OverviewAndFees? ProgramCode=1395 Course title: Bachelor of Pharmacy QTAC code: 233901 Campus: Gold Coast Prerequisites: English (4,SA); Maths B or C (4,SA); one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (4,SA) Bond University A reminder that all applications made by Queensland residents (excluding the Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery) should be made directly through the University’s online application form and not through QTAC. This change took effect from September 2012. For further application details, please see the ‘Apply now’ section of the Bond University website at: http://www.bond.edu.au/degrees-and-courses/application-enrolment/application/index.htm MSIT Options Evenings Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE (MSIT) is holding MSIT Options Evenings to help prospective students with their study options. The MSIT Options Evenings will showcase all courses on offer in Semester 1 2013. Loganlea Campus When: Tuesday, 23rd October from 5:00pm-7:00pm Where: B Block Courtyard, Lilypond Restaurant 50-68 Armstrong Road Meadowbrook Mt Gravatt Campus When: Wednesday, 24th October from 5:00pm-7:00pm Where: Breezeway courtyard in front of Student Connect (F Block) 1030 Cavendish Road, Mt Gravatt Further information or to RSVP: 1300 657 613 Overdue Book Hire Returns Over the past week students have been advised via the daily Student Notices of book titles that are overdue for return to Book Hire. Failure to return to Book Hire by Friday 19 October will attract a Saturday detention on 3 November. Detention slips will be issued Monday 22 October for any books listed below that remain outstanding. Students who have lost their text/novel/play were requested to see me by Thursday 18 October (closed Fridays) to avoid detention. Can you please read the list below and check with your son that he has returned any necessary items. Thank you for your support. Year 8 overdue titles: English Core: Blueback, Dougy, Treasure Island, A Series Of Unfortunate Events (The Bad Beginning), Hatchet, Stormbreaker, A Christmas Carol. Year 9 overdue titles: Core English and Core English Modified students: Tomorrow When The War Began, The Garbage King, The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, Inventing Elliott, Don’t Call Me Ishmael, 11 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 13 OCTOBER 2012 | VOLUME 35 | NO 30 The Iona Passion Play - AUDITIONS Experience Easter 2013 as part of the cast or crew of The Iona Passion Play. All are welcome - you can involve the whole family! Plenty of speaking, non-speaking and support roles available. Sunday Oct 14th 1.00pm Sunday Dec 9th 2.00pm If anyone is interested, please contact Veronica on (07) 3333 1993 or email: info@ipp.org.au 12 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER Deadly Unna. Drama students: Two Weeks With The Queen. Year 10 overdue titles: GES students: Geography For Australian Citizens, First Aid, Australian Bush Survival Skills. Core English: Julius Caesar. English Communication students: Lockie Leonard Legend. Drama students: Juice. Year 11 overdue titles: English Communication students: Boyz’R’Us. Drama students: Accidental Death Of An Anarchist, Sophocles - Antigone, Oedipus The King and Electra. English Core students: Lord Of The Flies, The Crucible. English ESL students: Follow The Rabbit-Proof Fence. Year 12 overdue titles: English Communication students: Skate. Drama students: Amigos, Blackrock. You are now finished with April’s Fool from Term 3 so can you also please return this play by 19 Oct. English Core students: Macbeth, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, All Quiet On The Western Front. English ESL students: Snow Falling on Cedar 13 OCTOBER 2012 | VOLUME 35 | NO 30
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