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NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWS Mr Peter Fullagar Principal Dear Parents, Guardians and members of the College Community, DATE CLAIMERS | FEBRUARY 8 February Years 7 and 8 Parent Information Evening 9 February Years 9 and 10 Parent Information Evening 10 February Cultural Events Committee Meeting 11 February Barrett and Magee House Breakfasts 15 February College Board Meeting 16 February Ladies’ Auxiliary Meeting 18 February Barrett House Mass Riley and Shaw House Breakfasts 19 February Fogarty and Ross House Breakfasts NEWSLETTER OF ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE 2199 Sandgate Road Boondall Qld 4034 Tel: +61 7 3865 0555 Fax: +61 7 3865 0500 Email: contact@nudgee.com Website: www.nudgee.com The beginning period of the school year is now over and, in this second week, we have established the daily rhythm and routine of school. While the typical rhythm at St Joseph’s Nudgee College is a very quick one, it is the regular daily routine of school that is so important to boys settling well, focusing on their schoolwork and enjoying their schooling. This year we begin the year with a total of 1,540 students including over 250 boarding students. In the weeks prior to school beginning there was significant work carried out by our Support Staff preparing the school for the return of the teachers and the boys. These staff and their hard work are often unseen, working behind the scenes as they do. Nonetheless their contribution in the many areas of school life, such as Property and Services, Finance, IT, Administration, the Locker Room, Book Hire, the Laundry, and the Kitchen, are essential in having the school well prepared and well presented. On behalf of the community, I extend appreciation to the many members of our Support Staff who worked hard in preparation for the start of school. On Tuesday evening we commenced the series of Parent Information Evenings that occur this week and next. Details of these evenings have already been circulated to families. We were delighted with the strong numbers of parents who attended both the Year 11 and 12 evening on Tuesday and the Year 5 and 6 evening on Wednesday. This is a healthy indicator of the keen interest of parents in their son’s education as well as the strong partnership between families and the College. There is ample research evidence to support the fact that when schools and families work well together, students are the beneficiaries and their educational outcomes are improved. At Nudgee College, this partnership is also the basis for the deep sense of community connection that flourishes here. This community spirit was evident on the banks of Wyaralong Dam (near Beaudesert) last Saturday morning when our Rowing Support Group hosted the first GPS Regatta of the 2016 season. There were countless hours committed by numerous parents in preparing and hosting the regatta; well done to all involved. This sense of community will also be apparent on Friday afternoon when the cricket season is launched on Ross Oval with the All Stars Twenty20 cricket match. The previous occasions over the last two years have both been entertaining events with a large crowd and a carnival atmosphere. We look forward to Friday night being the same. In a different way, but in a very special manner, Friday morning’s Investiture Mass for our Year 12 leaders will be a further opportunity for parents and staff to come together to commit to supporting these young men in their year of leadership and service. We are delighted that Dr Lee-Anne Perry will be our special guest at this signature event. Dr Perry is the Executive Director of the Queensland Catholic Education Commission (QCEC) and was formerly the long term Principal of All Hallows’ School. We look forward to welcoming her to the school on Friday. Please remember in your prayers our College Captain, Angus Mc Hugh, his fellow school leaders and all the Year 12s as they undertake their important leadership roles. The Year 12s theme for the year ‘Make Your Journey Your Legacy’ will be a call to all of us to make 2016 a successful year for St Joseph’s Nudgee College. In conclusion, I share with you the reflection over the page which speaks poetically of the value of the home and school partnership. With every blessing for the week ahead, Peter Fullagar Principal 4 FEBRUARY | VOLUME 39 | NO 1 Mr Peter Fullagar continued ... I dreamed I stood in a studio And watched two sculptors there, The clay they used was a young child’s mind And they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher, the tools he used Were books and music and art; One a parent with a guiding hand And a gentle, loving heart. Day after day the teacher toiled With touch that was deft and sure, While the parent laboured by his side And polished and smoothed it o’er. And when at last their task was done, They were proud of what they had wrought, For the things they had moulded into the child Could neither be sold nor bought And each agreed he would have failed If he had worked alone, For behind the parent stood the school, And behind the teacher, the home. (Author Unknown) A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition Mr David Johnston Deputy Principal BYOD - Data supports our approach Three years ago the College embarked on an ambitious Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. BYOD was not, and is not new. Some schools started issuing laptops to their students in the mid 1990s, or to make that date even more dramatic, late last century! What made us different to most schools in Brisbane, and even Australia, was our move to complete freedom of choice with only very basic requirements. Primarily, we were able to do this due to our decision to move to a Google platform. The device we actually recommended was the Chromebook, selling for less than $300. Over the holidays I read an article titled, Chromebooks Make Up Majority of New School Computers, that came out of the United States. The article highlighted a report from Futuresource Consulting that found that Google Chromebooks currently make up over 50 per cent of devices used in classrooms across the USA. This fact comes as quite a shock to most analysts, as Chromebooks accounted for less than 1 per cent of all devices used in classrooms in 2012. Put bluntly, these devices have quickly and easily gone beyond the popularity of Microsoft and Apple. In all, 8.9 million technological devices were sold to K-12 schools and school districts in the USA in 2015. Of that, 4.4 million were Chromebooks. Broken down, this means an average of 30,000 new Chromebooks were activated in schools across the USA each day last year. While cost accounts for a large portion of the increase in Chromebook use, and it is one reason we strongly support the use of Chromebooks at Nudgee College, it has also been evident that the company who makes the device has been making an increased effort for involvement in the education sector. Google Apps for Education has seen growing popularity, with over 50 million students using them for sharing and collaborating on documents, submitting homework and completing research projects – all operations most students and staff use on a daily basis at our school. The fact that Chromebooks come preloaded with Google Play for Education software just heightens the ease with which our boys adapt to their use in the classroom. As I talk to friends and colleagues in other schools and listen to the costs associated with their BYOD programs and the frustrations they are experiencing I would, perhaps with some degree of Nudgee College bias, suggest we have the superior product and are paying a fraction of the price to deliver it. A close friend, who recently moved to a position in a school in NSW, commented about his frustration at no longer working with the Google platform. Queensland being in front of NSW again – as a diehard Blues fan, I told him you get used to it! Finally, I do know that while we have done a very good job at converting staff and students, we do need to spend time educating our parents on ways they can engage in the Google platform and work with the College to ensure we are providing the best platform for academic success. Watch this space, we are working on this and will present some tutorials at the College and share them online in the near future. ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 3 Ms Erin Wedge Dean of Idenity The Church must be a place of mercy freely given, and encouraged, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel. Pope Francis: The Joy of the Gospel 112, 114 Celebrating the Year of Mercy Welcome back to the new school year and a warm welcome to new families joining the Nudgee College Community. Our focus for this year: In our 125th year, we at Nudgee College are challenged to be an inclusive community who accept, welcome and celebrate all. In 2011, Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) launched its Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition. This Charter gives those of us involved in Edmund Rice schools clear guidelines on how we teach, make decisions, interact, and be followers of Jesus who walk in the footsteps of its founder, Edmund Rice. The Charter gives four touchstones for us to follow: Gospel Spirituality, Justice and Solidarity, Liberating Education and Inclusive Community. This year, Nudgee College students will be exploring the call of the charter through assemblies and all curriculum areas, including their Religious Education lessons, studies, retreats and social justice initiatives. In 2016, we will break open the Inclusive Community touchstone. We will strive to commit ourselves to be people who accept, welcome and celebrate all, where we foster right relationships and are committed to the common good. This year, the Identity Team will work with staff, students, parents and the wider community in building a better world for all through our focus on being people of welcome Year of Mercy Pope Francis has proclaimed that this year is the Year of Mercy. This means that throughout the year, the universal Catholic Church, and all who are involved in and through the Church are to make, ”more evident its mission to be a witness to mercy”. The motto, “Merciful Like the Father”, serves as an invitation to follow the merciful example of our God, who asks us not to judge or condemn, but to forgive and always love without measure. Throughout this year, we will be joining the wider Catholic community in exploring the Year of Mercy. Opening Mass The College’s Opening and Investiture Mass will be held this Friday, 5 February. All parents of Year 12 students are welcome to attend. This is a great way for the community to celebrate the new year and to ask for God’s guidance and wisdom in 2016. Blessings for the beginning of the year, I hope you and your son’s first few days are filled with excitement! Yours in celebration, Erin How can you live out the challenge to show welcome and acceptance to all in 2016? We have a variety of social justice initiatives that we would love your sons and families to become involved with – the Big BBQ and Big Brekky programs, Zillmere Jabiru Kids, Scrabble and Chat and the Sunday Refugee Welcome Hub. Students and parents can also join the Signum Fidei Justice League and ERA For Change to take part in regular advocacy campaigns and events. For more information about any of these programs please check out the flyer on the portal or contact mel@nudgee.qld.edu.au In Mark Ellison Director of Justice and Peace clu Communit e y siv Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good. A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition Mr Andrew Newcombe Dean of Learning & Teaching Welcome Back - 2015 Results The Scholars’ Assembly on Tuesday 9 February will acknowledge the outstanding achievements of the 2015 top academic students. This celebration is recognition of high levels of achievement, a commitment to improvement and effective time management. The acquisition of knowledge, combined with the ability to use knowledge meaningfully, is what allows students to achieve academic success. Of more importance, however, is the process involved in understanding how to do this effectively. In learning these processes, which are encompassed by the habits of mind, students are empowered to become lifelong learners, and eventually the drivers of their own learning. Persisting, thinking about thinking and remaining open to continuous learning are three habits which address this directly. In 2016, I would encourage students to build on the hard work and success of previous years. A culture that promotes academic success while focussing on the development of personal attributes is a priority for the staff in the College. The experiences students have throughout their schooling years should be positive and leave an indelible mark on the memories and personal attributes that they will carry with them into adulthood. Year 12 Results 2015 Nudgee College once again produced results which should be a source of pride for the graduating students. The dedicated work of staff in assisting students with their studies and tailoring learning to suit their individual needs, combined with an attitude to strive for success by the students, was rewarded with well-deserved OP results. This is a significant achievement for which the students should be congratulated. Some excellent points to note include the 2015 cohort achieving the best ever mean OP for the College, and the highest percentage of students receiving their QCE. The current Year 12 cohort would be well-advised to use all the resources available to assist them with reaching their potential this year. One key part of this is the preparation that the QCS team will provide, in order to continue to produce successful results. A commitment to work together as a team to drive a culture of high achievement is a key ingredient for continued good results. OP 1 Students 2015: Cameron Anderson, Aidan Cowman, Alexander He, Ahan Majmudar, Thomas Nugent, Harry O’Sullivan, and Ben Rada Martin. Other strong points to note include 28% of eligible students achieving an OP 1-5 and 55% of students 1-10. More than half of Nudgee College’s students received a single digit OP score in 2015, which is a fantastic result. These results are a culmination of many years work by the students, their teachers and the support network of peers and family. All members of the community should be thanked for their dedication and commitment to the success of the students. We also congratulate the current list of students below who will be acknowledged by way of receiving an academic medal for their achievements in Semester 2, 2015 at the Scholars’ Assembly next week. Year 5 Gold: Lachlan Barrett, Oliver Bryans, Cooper Cameron, Oliver Evangelista, Al McEwan, Harry Roati, Alex Romano, Nate Scott, Jayden Spiteri, Andrew Tora, Connor Van Der Meer Silver: Charlie Lester, Archie Wallis, Ashley Wong Bronze: James Chapman, Lachlan Cullum, Alec Fuentes, Oliver Langton, Isaac Mills, Charles Robertson, Hugh Smith, Blaize Wareham Year 6 Gold: Nicholas Bell, Jesse Dando, Mitchell Doyle, Jack Fuller, Thomas Gordon, Riley Granger, Matthew Johns, Will Mann, Ben McGinty, Joseph Picone, Luke Rohan, Declan Townsend, Malachi Tuck, Simon Vollert Silver: Gus Green, Conor Holloway, Xavier Roati, Samuel Rogers, Callum Wallace Bronze: Logan Azzopardi, Ciaran Casey, Morgan Chippendale, Henry Cliff, Asher Devlin, Lachlan Doherty, Jack Haines, Dylan Lawrance, Zac McGinty, Benjamin Neal, Tyler O’Keefe Year 7 Gold: James Armitage, Benji Bowker, James Clark, Cody Colette, Cooper Corless, Mattias Dahlstedt, Jesse Doherty, Caleb Giorgas, Max Grant, Jack Gray, Dylan Hackett, James Hong, Oliver Horwood, James Hueppauff, Blake Keir, Patrick Kelly, Zachary Krogh, Heath Lillicrap, James Maunder, Hamish McLaughlin, Braithan Neylon, Xavier Nicolaidis, Willem Pfitzner, Aiden Richards, Kehan Sully, William Svenson, Harrison Swane, Aaron Tran, Thomas Walsh, Callum Washington, Ben Weber Silver: Ellis Mahoney, Lachlan Roberts, Campbell Rose, Jude Tapper Bronze: Cooper Bentley, Jazz Born, Michael Jones, Daniel Kuskie, Christian Mills, Hunter O’Sullivan, Joshua Price, Luca Romano, Christian Setefano, Ryan Trout, Malakai Vale ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 5 Mr Andrew Newcombe continued ... Year 8 Gold: Marcus Cutuli, Ethan Ferraro, Charlie Hayes, Zane Kirk, Isaac Roati Silver: Connor Chistiakoff, Benjamin Connolly, Joshua Farne Sang, Samuel Jordan, Oliver Meyer, Harrison Van Der Meer Bronze: Jackson Cameron, Dominic Graziotto, Daniel Hughes, Henry Kennedy, Hamish Munt, Alec Reverente, Elvio Wang Year 9 Gold: Tom Canty, Tom Clark, Kieran Cowman, Tom Cusack, Oliver Diggles, Riley Evans, James Grey, Jack Hawkins, Dylan Hinchen, Meecham Hollister, Rory Hurford, Jayd Kafoa, Tevita Kaituu, Nihal Lalwani, Jack Lewis, Anton Malan, Fraser Masin, Angus McDonald, Will McEwan, Joseph McKeering, Finnien Mitchell, Conal O’Leary, Ryley Robertson, Callum Rorison, Shannon Wise, Sam Wiseman Silver: Daniel Atkinson, Matt Davies, Kai Fiechtner, Daniel Grimes, Patrick Kropp, Benjamin Lloyd, Jake Martino, Luke McLaughlin, Nathan O’Sullivan, Fraser Petracci, Jaymien Purchase, Ethan Robbins, Greg Schreiber, Henry Smith, Dylan Sutherland, William Teen, Zacharia Warren Bronze: Eric Ablanida, Gus Babao, Aonghas Bradley-Moore, George Caine, Liam Dollimore, Seamus Hackett, Flynn Harland, Seb Horder, Tom Jackson, William Kettleton, Joshua Lawrance, Matthew Pescatore, James Rogers, Surya Stark, Cameron WoodwardPeachey Year 10 Gold: Ryan Abel, McKinley Anderson-Brown, Luca Belperio, Tom Brandt, Toby Carrick, Corbin Duncan, Ryan Fitzgerald, Thomas Grech, Jeffrey He, Matt Holmes, Will Hughes, Adam Jamieson, Ed McEwan, Matthew O’Connor, Conor O’Reilly, Mat Parisi, Jack Patane, Joshua Purkis, Sam Quinn, Curtis Sorby, Tigger Sykes, Rhys Villiers, Linden Weir Silver: Freddie Carlton-Smith, Stephen Carpenter, Lachlan Chaplin, Sebastian Di Donato, Nicholas Di Michele, Thomas Gardner, Tarn Giddens, Cameron Kuskie, Tom Lambert, Adam Lord, Liam McCoy, Kyle Meder, Charles Mitchell, Isaac Nielson, Dominic Pizzica, Jack Prosser, Tony Rutkin, Zac Sheehan, Mitchell Wood Bronze: Harry Berns, Luke Brown, Noah Burchett-Knott, Connor Crawley, William Garrett, Dylan Gracie, Christopher Jenkins, James Johnson, Jack Read, William Reid, Michael Sanders, Isaac Schmidt, Samuel Whetton, Adam Williams Year 11 Gold: Myles Andrews, Jack Bartlett, Lewis Begg, Pierce Braithwaite, Samuel Bray, Mitchell Bunker, Matt Canty, Simon Crilly, Christopher Duke, Hamish Lindsay, Patrick O’Leary, Seamus O’Leary, Cedric Rupa, Nikul Sharma Silver: Braedan Aquilina, Lachlan Bowman, Hamish Braithwaite, Tom Edwards, Lachlan Green, Max Grierson, Calvin Jaques, Keshav Kumar, William Lambert, Jacob Roberts, Adam Stewart, Jacob Wakerley Bronze: Joshua Bunney, Luke Callaghan, Fynton Collier, Conor Goodchild, Tyler Graham, Michael Grimes, Christopher James, Clancy Nugent, Jacob Prideaux, Timothy Ricketts, Sebastian Shaw, Glen Turner OP/QCE Conversations During the first two weeks of school, the Year 12 students will be receiving OP estimates and updated information on their progress towards achieving a QCE. They will also have interviews with either their House Dean or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. I would strongly encourage all parents to discuss this information with their son, and contact the school should you wish to discuss any aspect of this update with staff. Maths Support Sessions The Mathematics Department runs sessions every Tuesday afternoon in the Library from 3-4.15pm. Boys are encouraged to come along if they need help with their Maths homework or if they need some help with concepts covered in class. All year levels are welcome! Good luck to all students in their academic pursuits during 2016. A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition Mr Peter Todd Dean of Students Well done to the Nudgee College students for their response to our focus on uniform and grooming and thank you to parents for your support of our standards. Part of being the ‘best we can be’ every day is how we carry ourselves and our dress standards. It is an important part of being a Nudgee College man (or in any context) and we will focus on boys looking their best each day. Thank you to many of you who purchased a NC with Spirit cap (for students in Years 7-12), as we are leaving our Activities hats for the Activities context ie not wearing them during the school day. After the first day last Thursday, a number of boys were given a deadline to correct their haircuts and it is pleasing to see they have corrected that. Students will have a sense of an on-going focus on these small but important details, the things they call the “1%ers” in the sport context. If you do many small 1%ers well, your performance improves dramatically. The students have made a terrific start to 2016. We would like to welcome new staff members to the Br Larkin Student Centre. In the role of Student Office Administration Assistant we welcome Ms Tanya Fogl who replaces Ms Elizabeth Ridgway. Tanya is covering the areas of student attendance monitoring, counsellor appointments and lost property. Tanya can be contacted on 3865 0338 or tfogl@nudgee.qld.edu.au The Counselling team welcomes Dr Tracey Muscat, who is available along with Mr Matt Ryall for personal student counselling needs. Appointments for Career Counselling with our Head of Careers, Ms Jeanette Maxwell, or appointments with the student counsellors can be made with Tanya. We would also like to welcome and congratulate Mr Michael Byrne who joins our team as the Ross House Dean and Mr Sean Toovey on his appointment to Director of Students Years 7-12. Current Events This week the Year 7s attended Camp at Mary Valley with House Deans and volunteer staff and we thank them for their time helping the boys to bond with their cohort. The first of our Parent Evenings commenced on Tuesday for Years 11 and 12 and Wednesday for Years 5 and 6. They will continue next week on Monday for Years 7 and 8 and Years 9 and 10 on Tuesday. Parents of Year 9s please note, that night’s presentation focuses on parenting boys at that age including looking at boys going through puberty and crossing the ‘bridge from boyhood to manhood’. On Friday 5 February we celebrate with the whole school the Investiture Mass and commissioning of our Year 12 Cohort as Tutor Group Leaders, along with our School Captain, Vice Captains and Prefects. Our uniform is a focus on this day and Senior students must be in full winter uniform, wearing trousers. All other grades will wear their normal summer uniform. At next Tuesday’s assembly we welcome back, and present, our 2015 OP1 Recipients and on Thursday 11 February Magee and Barrett Houses welcome parents to House Breakfasts. We look forward to all of those wonderful celebrations. Some basic nuts and bolts information: Mobile phones – While these devices are an important part of the lives of adolescents, we do not want them to interfere with students’ academic focus or the opportunity for face-to-face interaction at school. Hence, the following procedures will be in place: • Students are not permitted to use their mobile phone in any class without permission from a staff member. Students found to be using their phone for any purpose, will have the phone confiscated. • Electronic devices may only be used for academic purposes at school. • Headphones are not to be worn during the school day. Lockers – Every Years 7-12 student was issued with a locker in the first week of Term 1. Years 7-9 students had their locker location set for them, while Years 10-12 students had some flexibility on the location of their locker. For safety and security, laptops should be secured in lockers during break times. Preferably phones should be in lockers at all times during the school day unless a communication from a parent is essential. Please note the College will not take responsibility for the security and safekeeping of electronic devices (including mobiles) which are not secured or being used inappropriately; that is, if boys fail to secure their own device and it is lost, it is unfair to transfer the responsibility for its relocation onto College staff. ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 7 Mr Peter Todd continued ... Communication – Effective communication between home and school is an essential component of successful schools. The College encourages communication through various channels: • You are encouraged to develop a relationship with your son’s PC Tutor, who is your first point of contact for minor issues. • For any pastoral issue, please contact your son’s House Dean, or the Director of Junior School if the matter is related to a Years 5 or 6 student. • For specific boarding issues, please contact your son’s Head of Boarding House. • For specific classroom issues, please contact your son’s classroom teacher. • For issues relating to assignment extensions and other academic matters, please contact the relevant Head of Faculty or the Learning and Teaching Office. Years 7-12 Absentee/Late Arrivals/Early Departures or Leave during the school day: If your son is going to be absent for any reason absences need to be phoned in on 3865 0536 (prior to 9.00am) with the following information: • Full name of student • Year Level and PC group • Nature or duration of the absence • Your name and contact phone number. Alternatively you can email studentabsences@nudgee.qld.edu.au Late arrivals: Must sign in at the Student Office on arrival to school (even if it is during a lunch break) Early departures or part day absences: Students who need to attend appointments will not be approved to leave during the day without prior notification – either a phone call to the Student Office 3865 0536 or email studentabsences@nudgee.qld.edu.au. Year 12 students driving to school and parking on Campus Year 12 students who want to drive and park on the Nudgee College campus need to collect an application form from the Student Office to take home and read with their parents. Students can then bring the form signed by them and their parents with vehicle details to Ms Askin in the Student Office and make an appointment time to see Mr Sean Toovey, who will speak with the student and make contact by phone with the parents. The designated area for students parking on the campus is the Flats Carpark, with entry to the College grounds via Northumbia Road. A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition Ms Jeanette Maxwell Head of Careers Graduates 2015 - Apprenticeship opportunities - Plumbing and Carpentry A company has contacted Nudgee College offering a number of apprenticeships in the areas of plumbing and carpentry. If you would like more information regarding these apprenticeships please contact either Mrs Maxwell on 3865 0153 or Ms Morgan on 3865 0388. Jeanette Maxwell Head of Careers Ms Robyn Harrison Head of Learning Centre Welcome to 2016. It is an exciting time with the first full year of the D.J. Hanly Learning Centre being able to open its doors to provide exciting and innovative ways to promote reading and to access information and resources. This year sees many new things happening that will support your son to achieve his academic goals. Firstly, I would like to welcome to the Learning Centre two new Teacher-Librarians, Ms Kath White and Mrs Melissa Miller who are both thrilled about taking on this exciting role. This has allowed us to provide weekly timetabled literacy lessons to all Years 5, 6 and 7 students. These literacy lessons will focus on building a love a reading, as well as improving boys’ digital literacies. I would like to acknowledge the support of our College Principal, Mr Peter Fullagar, and Deputy Principal, Mr David Johnson, whose belief in the Learning Centre playing a pivotal role in liberating education enables us to provide these quality learning and teaching experiences. Some of the new initiatives will include ‘Nudgee College Champions Read’ book clubs for students in junior, middle and senior school, with our first ‘Senior Champions Read’ breakfast book chat taking place next week. We will also be having guest authors throughout the year and offering opportunities for parents to come in for information sessions on how you can support your son with their reading journey and assignments. The above events taking place in the Learning Centre certainly support a variety of Habits of Mind being exercised, including remaining open to continuous learning, thinking flexibly, responding with wonderment and awe and persisting. All of these are helping our boys develop the 21st century learning skills of creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking needed to prepare them for further study and jobs – many of which have not yet been created. “A teacher does not write on inanimate materials, but on the spirits of human beings.” Haim Gott Robyn Harrison Head of Learning Centre Week 1 in the Junior School ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 9 Mr Chris Cawley Director of Junior School Welcome to 2016! It was literally a very warm welcome to the 2016 academic year here at Nudgee College. I hope all our families had a wonderful Christmas break and are ready for what promises to be another very fruitful and rewarding year. This is my 29th year of welcoming young men into an EREA community, and I am excited that the young men in the Junior School have either started or returned with such enthusiasm and excitement. I’m sure their energy in these early days will continue over the term. I also thank the staff of the Junior School for all the planning that went into making the start of the year run so smoothly. Welcome Back This year we welcomed back Mrs Maria Egan after two years living and teaching on Tiwi Islands, off the coast of Darwin. Maria was one of our foundation teachers when the Junior School opened back in 2008, and I look forward to her sharing her recent experience with us in the coming weeks. Mrs Nicolette Beecham also returns this year after 12 months maternity leave. Junior School Procedures Listed below are the key procedures parents need to be aware of. For continuing parents, please read on as there are some significant changes from our procedures last year. • The Junior School office is open from 7.30am to 3.30pm and can be contacted on 3865 0527. If you need to contact the College after 3.30pm please ring our main reception on 3865 0555. • If your son is absent you have two choices to report this. Email juniorschool@nudgee.qld.edu.au or phone the Junior School Office on 3865 0527. Voicemail is available on this number so a message can be left at any time of the day or night. • For all student early departures/late arrivals, you must collect your son from the Junior School office and sign him out. • All visitors to the Junior School need to report to the Junior Office first. This is for the safety of all students and staff. A reminder that access to our building is between the hours of 7.30am and 3.30pm. • Ten Trip bus tickets are sold before school, morning tea, lunch and after school; cost is $30. These purchases are cash only, eftpos facilities are available at the Finance Office. Bus passes have now been distributed and therefore all students will need to show their term pass/10 trip ticket for all bus travel. • Notices to students will be delivered at the commencement of morning tea and lunch. Messages after 1.00pm can not be guaranteed to get through to your son as he may not be in the O’Neill precinct after this time. Years 5 and 6 Information Evening It was wonderful to see so many parents attend this event this week where Mr Peter Fullagar set out clearly our shared vision for the years ahead. I would like to thank the members of the College Leadership Team for their involvement in the evening and being available to meet with parents of the Junior School. The main aim of the evening was for parents to meet with their son’s core teacher. When the school and home work together, the outcomes for the student are greatly enhanced. I hope the connections you made on Wednesday evening are continued throughout the year. My sincere gratitude to all core teachers for their time spent outlining their goals and procedures for their class in 2016 on the night. Extra-curricular Activities Our GPS season kicked off last weekend and I enjoyed watching our Year 5 cricket teams have great success. I look forward to seeing all teams in the weeks ahead, and I also look forward to seeing our swimmers excel in the pool. My best wishes to all students in whatever endeavour they undertake this term. Nudgee College certainly offers a diverse experience for its students. Before/After School Care Boondall Early Childhood Centre at 73 Zillmere Road are offering this service to any of our interested parents. Centre hours are 6.30am to 6.30pm. They offer a bus service to our undercover area which provides a school drop off at 8.15am and an after school pick up at 3.15pm. For further information please contact the Centre direct on either 3865 1492 or director@boondallchildcarecentre.com.au. I have been very pleased with our start to the year and encourage parents, if they have any concerns, to contact their son’s core teacher or myself. Again, a sincere welcome to families joining us for the first time. A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition Mr Stephen Meara Director of Boarding We’re up and running and what a big week it has been! New boarders arrived on Australia Day and have settled in really well. In fact, it has been a very smooth start to the year which I think is a reflection of the very calm and positive young men we have in Nudgee College Boarding. Year 12 students were instrumental in this calm start, caring for their little brothers and providing excellent models of what it means to be a Nudgee College man. I thank everyone through whose efforts we have had such a positive start to the year, especially the Heads of Boarding House (Mr Ken Mitchell, Mr Ben Ralston and Mr John Cross) and our House Mothers (Ms Rae Jukic, Ms Julie Kopittke, Ms Denise Johnson, Ms Rachael Ellison, and Ms Bonnie Thomas). I thank, also, parents who attended the start of term briefing on the Wednesday our returning boarders came back to the boarding house and those who have volunteered to be a part of the steering group for the Boarders Support Group. The boarding community had a big day out at Wet ‘n Wild on Sunday with several other boarding schools from South East Queensland. It remains a great way to start the year and, despite the heat, everyone enjoyed themselves in a big way. Many of our Year 12 parents will be wishing to be here on Friday for the Investiture Mass. I look forward to seeing some of you then. Assembly video (Week 1): https://youtu.be/pHDJkC63Yu0 Boarders’ Recreation Activities 5 February – 7 February, 2016 Friday Evening Quiet Time/Study 6.30pm – 7.30pm Pool 7.30pm – 8.30pm Saturday pm Chermside 2.30pm – 4.00pm Eve Touch on Wilkes 6.00pm – 7.00pm Sunday am and pm Mt Ngungun with St Margaret’s 9.00am-2.30pm Pool 1.00pm – 3.00pm Link: https://sites.google.com/a/nudgee.qld.edu.au/boarding-recreation/ ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 11 Activities Sport and Culture ROWING Saturday saw a historical milestone in the history of rowing in QLD, with the regatta being held at Wyaralong Dam at Beaudesert on the newly built 10 lane course. This event was hosted by Nudgee College and it was a tremendous success. The course itself proved that this will be able to be our long term racing venue. I want to thank Mr John Sayers and the Rowing Support Group and the many parents who rolled up their sleeves to assist on the Friday and Saturday. A big thank you to Ms Julie Ledger who coordinated the regatta. I received an incredible amount of praise from other schools, Rowing QLD, the GPS Association and from our own school leadership team on the incredible job that Julie did. We are truly blessed to have someone like Julie who is willing to give so much so that our boys have such wonderful opportunities. First regatta This year we have set our sights on completing a very rare feat wining the overall cup for three years in a row and winning the 1st VIII trophy for the 4th straight time (a feat that has never been done!). Saturday saw a very positive start in our journey to accomplish this goal. If Saturday was Head of the River we would have won the regatta with 102 points for the overall championship with our 1st VIII winning both races in commanding style. The second round of racing saw another five crews improve their position, which shows a large amount of tenacity and resilience. However, it is a long way to 12 March and we need to keep working very hard as a team to attain our goal. Congratulations to: Year 10 7th Quad – Oscar Little, Ben Miller, Lachlan Fraser-Rieck, Elijah Kinsey, Tim Munro; coached by Luke Meacle (NCOB) Year 10 6th Quad – Fletcher Dickman, James Rogers, Gus Babao, Max Vacca, Darcy Carmody; coached by Harry Creswick (NCOB) and James Lunney (NCOB) Year 10 5th Quad – Surya Stark, Clay Combarngo, Harrison Miller, Elijah Power, Josh Bryans; coached by David Cullen (NCOB) and Geremy Kil (NCOB) Year 10 4th Quad – James Chirnside, Tom Clark, Ellis Nand, Tom Jackson, Lachlan Carmody, Cliff Herebete; coached by Blake Saurells (NCOB) and Jackson Smith (NCOB) Open 4th VIII – Hamish Braithwaite, Harvey Keith, Jacob Abraham, Brodie Woodwad, Zac Findis Guthrie, Kerryn Tombe, Zac Duck, Maxwell Liam Steven, Isaac Nelson, Ned O’Rielly, Harry Vella; coached by Geoff Hatch and Pete Tennant (NCOB) Open 2nd VIII – Pierce Braithwaite, Sean Vos, Finbar Martinez-Bennett, Patrick Schostakowski, Hamish Lindsay, Liam Mitchell, Rebin Steyn, Joshua Bunney, Nathan Trewthey, Jonas Pascoe; coached by Michael Hawke and Brenton Canning (NCOB) Open 1st VIII – Thomas Jeffries, Bill Peereboom, Robert Sinclair, Mat Ready, Lachlan Bowman, Harry Cannon, Joshua Hatch, Andrew Deshon, Isaac Schmidt; coached by John Bowes and Dave Steyn (NCOB) This Saturday We are still at Wyaralong for all year groups; the bus will leave school at 5.00am. Can I ask that boys who are taking private transport arrive at the course at 6.00am to ensure you have adequate time to catch the shuttle to the boating area. Race Day Nutrition Plan The nutrition plan that we have in place is that every boy is encouraged to eat as soon as they arrive at the course (egg/ham and cheese/jam sandwiches are provided). Please encourage your son to eat; the phrase I use is ‘they need to train their gut’. Many boys don’t like eating early due to nerves but it is vital that all boys have some fuel in their body two hours before their first race. Twenty minutes before they race boys are given chocolate/lollies. Immediately after their first race boys are given an ‘up and go’ and have fruit available for them. No rower is to eat hamburgers/ heavy meals until after their second race! After the boys second race they are free to either eat lunch that they have brought or access the host schools’ catering tent. Boarders will have hamburgers from the host school provided after their second race. We also provide something after boat unloading at the shed. Christening our New Boats This Saturday, after the regatta, we will have a boat christening back at the shed (approximately 4.00pm) to christen the new quads. These new boats were purchased on the back of the terrific fundraising that our community did last year at the Barralong Corporate Regatta along with the generous support of Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC). We will be christening the new boats the Debra Daly and Brenton Canning. Both Deb and Brenton have been long serving members of our club and community and I look forward to honouring their service and dedication this Saturday. I hope many of our past and present are able to attend to witness this tribute. I look forward to seeing many of you this weekend at either Wyaralong or back at the shed. Christian Oneto Rowing Director A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition Activities Sport and Culture VOLLEYBALL If you are a volleyball parent or player please sign up to Team App for all information relevant to volleyball. Please note it has been clearly communicated to all players that they will not be permitted to represent Nudgee College this Saturday, 6 February, without a white volleyball shirt, shorts and socks from the Locker Room. This applies to all teams except the 1st VI. FOOTBALL If you are a football parent or player please sign up to Team App for all information relevant to football. If you wish to play in the A team for your year group you need to sign up in the Activities Office for A team trials (times/dates on the app). A team trials start next week. Jamie Pybus Football Director Volleyball Coordinator MUSIC Ensemble Commencement Term 1, 2016 A reminder that all of the College’s Extra-curricular Music Ensembles are now back up and running. Please make sure you arrive on time for your rehearsals. A reminder that you have permission to leave sports training at 7.30am to arrive at Band Rehearsals by 7.40am. (Term 1 Draft from Week 2 onwards) Day Before School 7.30 – 8.25am Monday • NC Big Band (Z11) • NC Strings (Z01) Tuesday • NC Voices (Z01) • Intermediate Concert Band (Z11) Wednesday • Junior Band (Z11) • Guitar Ensemble (Guitar Studio) Lunch Break After School 3.00-4.00pm • NC Drumline (Z01) • Trumpet Choir (Z01) • NC Drumline (Z01) Thursday Friday # Rock Bands will be added after Week 3 Auditions have been held. Auditions For Rock Bands 2016 Once again, it is time to show us what you’ve got. If you are interested in auditioning on Vocals, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums or Keyboard for vacancies in one of our Senior School Rock Bands (Years 7–12 only) please come to the Music Block to sign up for an audition by Friday 5 February. The signup sheet will be located on the board just inside the Music Block Alternatively, email music@nudgee.com with your: • First name and surname • Year level • Instrument (including Vocal) and we will register your interest. The auditions will commence on Tuesday 9 February (Week 3). We will email you the day and time of your audition. A hard copy will also be published. ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 13 MUSIC continued NC VOICES NEEDS YOU If you enjoy singing, we have vacancies in NC Voices, so come along to a rehearsal anytime. New members are welcome from both the Junior and Senior School. Day: Tuesday mornings - Before School (after sports practice) Times: 7.30am - 8.20am Location: Z11 (Music Block) Conductor/Musical Director: Mr Ralph Grigg/Dr Robert Keane Susan Rumsey Music Admin Assistant Community Announcements Important Information from Book Hire Oxford English Knowledge and Skills Workbook - Years 7-10 If your son does not have a copy of the Oxford English Knowledge and Skills Workbook that was a compulsory item on the Years 7 to 10 Stationery lists, then we have made arrangements with MK Educational for this to be purchased from the College. Please note: This does not apply to English Communication students. • Year 7 - Oxford English 1 Knowledge and Skills Workbook - $24.95 • Year 8 - Oxford English 2 Knowledge and Skills Workbook - $24.95 • Year 9 - Oxford English 3 Knowledge and Skills Workbook - $24.95 • Year 10 - Oxford English 4 Knowledge and Skills Workbook - $25.95 Payment for this Workbook can be made as follows: For credit card payment please use the Online Payment Gateway, then go to Book Hire to collect the workbook. For cash payment please make payments at the Finance Office and then take the receipt to Book Hire. If you have any questions could you please email Mrs Yvonne Dye, Book Hire Coordinator - ydye@nudgee.qld.edu.au From The Health Centre Dear Parents, If you have requested Fluvax for your son and have not paid for it, please do so through the School Portal as soon as possible. Thank you, Glenda Elliott Nurse Manager Health Centre A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition From The Cultural Events Committee The Nudgee College Cultural Events Committee is proud to nurture and represent the Art, Music and Drama departments of our College, through support and fundraising initiatives that culminate at the DimensionsNC Art Show, held this year from Friday 26 August. Apart from the Art show, the Committee lends a hand with music recitals and the different drama presentations held throughout the year. The workload is quite small and done on a very fair roster basis (most of the Committee members would only have to serve at two or three events over the entire year), and while your involvement “ramps up” a little in the lead up to our spectacular Art Show, overall it’s a pretty non-invasive Committee to be a part of. We meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month, at the school, where we enjoy a laugh, some refreshments and, hopefully, put in place the plans to enhance and develop the artistic pursuits of your sons. This year at least 50% of our very small committee are Year 12 mums, and as such we are desperate for some new mums with boys in the lower grades to not only join the Committee, but also be prepared to take on some responsibilities and shadow existing members to learn the ropes. You definitely do not need to know anything about art or music (currently not one of the Year 12 mum’s boys take Art as a subject although we have a couple of Music mums. You just need a will to give a bit back to the College and be prepared to get involved. It’s actually more about making some of the best friends you can ever hope to have …well at least that’s what I’ve gotten out of the Committee over the last eight years. Please consider joining the Committee as we seriously need your help. I understand that everyone has a life outside Nudgee College walls, but every single person currently on the Committee works, mostly full time jobs in fairly demanding careers; if we can do it, seriously… anyone can! Contact me if you have any questions. The first meeting of the year will be on Wednesday 10 February at 7.00pm in the Macrossan Room (next to Ryan Hall). We would really love to see some new faces. Debby White President 0417 802 430 / dwhite@whiteretail.com Bendigo Bank Wilston Grange Junior AFL Club Sign On Weekend – 6th and 7th February Gorillas Clubhouse, Hickey Park, Babarra Street, Stafford 10am to 2pm Girls and boys welcome to play in all age groups from Under 6 (2010 & 2011) to Under 17 (1999) New players please bring Birth Certificate. Any enquiries please contact Julia McLauchlan julia.mclauchlan@gorillas.com.au 0412 384 069 ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 15
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