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PDF, 1.9 MB - Nudgee College
21 May
Open Day
Rugby GPS Rep Trials
25 May
GPS Cross Country Championships
26 May
National Sorry Day
Year 9 Emmaus Retreat
29 May
Corpus Christi
2 June
Riley and Tierney House Mass
Ross House Bake and Mothers’
Morning Tea
7 June
Principal’s Awards Assembly
Mr Peter Fullagar
Boarding has been at the heart of Nudgee College since its earliest days. Br Regis Hickey
in his biography of the life of Br Ambrose Treacy stated that “Nudgee would not be a high
class, prestigious private school, but a place that would be a suitable environment for the
education of boys from the bush”. More than 125 years on from the founding of Nudgee
College, Boarding remains at the heart of the school, though demographics would tell
us that we no longer just serve boys from the bush.
The reality is that, like all aspects of life in the modern world, Boarding is changing.
Earlier this year the College commissioned a review of Boarding to consider these
changes, and to seek to improve the quality of the Boarding experience for our boys.
The review was conducted by Mr Jeff Croser, an experienced educator and former
Headmaster of two boarding schools. On Monday, his report was presented to the
College Board and to the College Leadership Team. It is a detailed document and it has
provided some strong commendations of Nudgee College Boarding, as well as clear
recommendations for its future.
Some points of commendation from the report include:
The strong staff culture of support, and common sense of mission for Nudgee
Boarding staff are all highly committed and all very aware of how special
Nudgee College Boarding is, and what benefit it brings to the College
Parents are very aware of the Nudgee spirit and the Nudgee experience. These
are such strong influences on parents’ decision-making
The boys learn about how to get on with other boys from a variety of different
A good balance of staff with respect to experience and expertise
The Reach for the Stars study program was mentioned many times as a strong
positive feature
Importantly for the future of Nudgee College Boarding the report made many points
that require detailed consideration. The priorities within these include the broad areas
The changing demographic and clientele, and consequent needs
Senior staff supervision and accommodation
The role of the Director of Boarding
Promotion and Marketing
2199 Sandgate Road
Boondall Qld 4034
Tel: +61 7 3865 0555
Fax: +61 7 3865 0500
Email: contact@nudgee.com
Website: www.nudgee.com
19 MAY | VOLUME 39 | NO 14
Boarding families will receive a letter from the College in the coming days with some further details of the review. At the same time,
the College Leadership Team will begin the important process of implementing the recommendations in a strategic and coordinated
manner. This will be an ongoing project over the next few years. The implementation of the report, in conjunction with the recent
establishment of the Bathersby Boarding Village, will focus on three directions:
1. To drive our continued improvement in the provision of Boarding
2. To enhance the experience for Nudgee College boarders
3. To guide our responses to the changing landscape of boarding
Cross Country
Next Wednesday our Cross Country squad will travel to Limestone Park in Ipswich to compete in the GPS Championships. Results
from the lead up meets indicate that it will be a closely fought competition between a number of schools. Our boys are well
prepared and have committed many hours to training since early in Term 1. We wish the leaders of the team Michael O’Sullivan
(Captain), Max Homer and Pat Schostakowski (Co-Vice Captains) all the best for the day. They have set a fine example to the rest of
the squad. Thanks are also extended to Mrs Maureen Toohey (Head of Cross Country) and the teachers and coaches involved for their
leadership and support of all the boys.
Open Day
If pre-registrations are an indicator, then we will have a large crowd attending this Saturday’s Open Day. Some current families may
well recall that their first encounter with Nudgee College was through their attendance at an Open Day. Many staff and students are
involved throughout the day and I am grateful of their commitment. The Open Day has been re-energised over the past two years by
Mrs Erina Hitchings (Alumni and Community Officer) through her very capable leadership. In terms of the future of the College such
occasions are vital in ensuring that prospective families and their sons experience something of our unique spirit and are assured
that an exciting educational journey lies ahead.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
OPEN DAY 21 May 2016
Register www.nudgee.com
Mr David Johnston
Deputy Principal
Ladies’ Auxiliary Tuckshop Assistance
The Ladies’ Auxiliary is an active group of mothers within the College, who together with House parents, are largely responsible for
social and fundraising activities. The main areas of revenue for the Ladies’ Auxiliary are from the Tuckshop, canteen duty at home
games, and other fundraising events throughout each year. All profits are used for the benefit of the students and the College.
The Ladies’ Auxiliary needs your assistance at various times. ‘Hot spots’ are currently:
Canteen duty at home games, starting with this coming weekend
Breakfast canteen duty help from 7.30am to 8.30am. One hour only in the morning would be a great help, with over 300
boys now eating their breakfast at the Tuckshop
Please contact Ms Tricia Fitzpatrick on 3865 0560 or pfitzpatrick@nudgee.qld.edu.au if you are able to assist.
Open Day
The College’s main Open Day for the year is being held on Saturday 21 May, starting at 10.00am. Our program provides an
opportunity for prospective families to explore the state-of-the-art facilities, experience the exciting programs and meet several of
the dedicated teaching staff.
Current students will be present at the event to provide tours to interested parties, as well as offer first-hand knowledge about what
it is like to attend Nudgee College.
Attendees will be provided with a program so they can pick and choose which areas they would like to see and experience
throughout the day. For families interested in boarding, the Bathersby Boarding Village will be open for inspection. Formal
addresses by the Principal, the College Captain and a current parent will occur throughout the day.
Coinciding with the event will be the Nudgee College versus Anglican Church Grammar School home game on Ross Oval. This will
give the Open Day attendees the chance to catch the Nudgee College spirit and experience its sporting life.
Please encourage those that you know that are considering a Nudgee College education to attend. RSVP at www.nudgee.com.
May, Month of Mary
Finally, on Assembly this week I showed the boys a very powerful anti-violence against women video from Italy
(www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2OcKQ_mbiQ). I encourage all families to watch it together. The message is very powerful and
extremely well presented.
After the video I highlighted the fact that we are in the Month of Mary, and how as a College we pride ourselves on the respect we
have for women and what it is to be a Nudgee gentleman. After six years at the College I think we do this ‘in voice and in action’, most
of the time.
The DJ Hanly Learning Centre has become a real gathering point for all boys during break time. The boys gather, eat, socialise,
and then leave. What is left behind is where the challenge now lies for our community. For at least 30 minutes after each break a
young cleaning lady has to come through the Learning Centre and clean rubbish and scraps from all the tables. There may be some
design issues with the tables, there may be issues with the distance boys have to walk to bins, but our challenge, as a community of
gentlemen, is to correct this problem.
We have amazing spaces at the College that we need to respect. We also have amazing staff - but it is not their job to clean up after
any of us. I do pray our boys can respond to this challenge.
The Great Wheelbarrow Race 2016
By Christopher Duke
Year 12
On 12 May 2016, Nudgee College men Joe Herbert, Tom Donovan, Brock Carmichael, Oscar McDonald, Brenton Woolf, Josh Bunney,
Sam Bray, Angus McHugh, Angus McLeod and myself, along with staff members Mark Ellison and Sione Mohenoa, embarked on the
journey of a lifetime. A journey that would challenge each and every one of us, both physically and mentally. A journey known as the
Great Wheelbarrow Race.
The Nudgee College team has raised (and will continue to do so) money for Queensland drought relief, via Lions Drought Relief. It is
hoped that this will not only support the countless Nudgee College farming and rural families, but also those in the wider country
community in need of assistance.
The day prior to the race saw the team rise early for the five hour trip to Atherton. Here, we were met by the family of Tom Donovan,
who kindly opened their doors to the team. Following this, a training run was conducted at the Afghanistan Avenue of Honour in
Yungaburra, a sacred space on the edge of town honouring all Australian Service men and women who have served in the fight
against terror in the Middle-East. This inspired us further to run the race as hard as our bodies would permit.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Mr David Johnston continued ...
The Great Wheelbarrow Race is a gruelling 140km trek that begins in Mareeba and finishes in Chillagoe, with stoppage breaks in
Dimbulah and Almaden. The men in the blue and white excelled in the tough conditions, receiving a position of second overall, and
first in the school division. With a time of six hours and 53 minutes, we broke the division record, which was previously seven hours
and five minutes and held by last year’s Nudgee College team. The effort displayed by the team of 2016 also saw Nudgee College
written in the history books as the third team ever, across all divisions, to complete the race in under seven hours.
On the night prior to the end of the race, a talent competition was held in Almaden. This competition exhibited a wide variety of acts,
ranging from singing to acrobatics. Certainly the most inspiring, however, was a speech and poem written and presented by Rick
Heaton, a solo runner and Iraq veteran who was raising money for R U OK.
The following extract from Rick Heaton’s poem shows that PTSD and Depression are very real issues encountered by everyday
Australians and Service men and women alike. It also, however, shows that if people work together to provide support, those
suffering from a mental illness can receive guidance and support.
To face him with all that I do
He attacks me from anywhere
Everyday life is a battle
This Black Dog, a mongrel.
I didn’t choose this battle
I face him without fear
Without fear of loss, pain or suffering
The love and passion I once had, to find again.
He awakes me in my sleep
Rudely scares me while I’m alone
I cannot sleep without fear
Fear of vulnerability.
For those who can’t find the strength
Reach out for those who have it
They can help you fight
To stand beside you.
As those above us look down
Casualties of the battle
Honour them by standing to fight
The Black Mongrel Dog.
Together we all can beat him.
Our team was awarded a cash prize of $500 for coming first in the schools division. Inspired by the speech of Rick Heaton, along with
his cause, the team decided that the money should go towards the R U OK organisation.
We would like to say a huge thank you to the Donovan family of Atherton for their terrific hospitality and accommodation, and for
driving the bus and transporting equipment. Our thanks also goes to the communities we visited that were so welcoming, and to
St Augustine’s College (Cairns) for allowing us to use their school bus. A very big thank you also to our sponsors, Rode Road Meats,
Signmanager, and the Summit Rainforest Retreat Atherton.
The Great Wheelbarrow Race is fast becoming a Nudgee College tradition, and another way the boys in the blue and white are going
out into the community and being Signum Fidei - Signs of Faith.
To support the team in their fundraising efforts, please donate directly to Lions Drought Relief at
Mr Sione Mohenoa
Campus Minister
This Term has been extremely busy from the very first week back. Campus Ministry has been involved in Year 12 Kairos retreats,
Anzac Day commemorations, and Edmund Rice Feast Day celebrations, to name a few.
The Nudgee College Cultural Group added new flavour to the Edmund Rice Feast Day mass this year. A group of PNG, Aboriginal,
Torres Strait Islander, Melanesian, Polynesian, South African and Australian students came together to learn about each other and
each other’s cultures. Through their positive interactions and discussions, the students were able to identify their universal love of
music, and how music plays a huge role in their cultural identity. The students learnt a hymn called the Lord is my light by Adaeze and
performed the piece at the Edmund Rice Feast Day mass.
The students received great acclamation for their performance. They were praised by Senior staff members, teachers and their peers.
The students themselves were proud of the fact that they had the courage to stand in front of the whole College and share their
gifts and talents, many of whom would not have had the confidence to do so otherwise. As Campus Minister, I am extremely proud
of what the boys have achieved, and will achieve. Cultural Group numbers continue to grow and the students are excited to share
their cultures with the school. They look forward to giving back to the College community, which has given them so much.
Ms Natalie Webber
Head of Religion
Last week, 32 Year 12 Study of Religion (SOR) students attended a student conference at St Peter’s Lutheran College, where they
heard world-renowned ethicist Peter Vardy speak on the topic of ‘character’.
Peter Vardy is a theologian and philosopher, with a background in school leadership. He has been employed as a key note lecturer for
organisations such as the International Baccalaureate Organisation, the UNHRC, Islamic Sciences and Research Academy, and the St
James Ethics Centre. In addition, he has written for newspapers and magazines, such as the Age and the Tablet, as well as appearing
on both television and radio.
The aim of last week’s student conference was to explore what it might mean to live a good life in the 21st century. This is a question
Year 12 SOR students have been grappling with throughout this semester, as part of their unit on ‘Religion, Values and Ethics’. This
Term, Year 12 SOR students are completing an ethnographic study for their assessment, which requires them to collate secondary
and primary research in order to ascertain religious perspectives on contemporary ethical issues, including abortion, euthanasia,
capital punishment and environmental stewardship. As part of their research, students have been asked to conduct interviews with
faith adherents, in order to gain insight into the lived experience of believers.
Peter Vardy began his presentation by outlining two key desired outcomes, or ‘success criteria’ for the day. The first was that all
students were engaged in reflecting on their own positions on ethical matters. The second, was that they would strengthen their
ability to argue - his premise being, that what you think is not what is important, it is how well you can argue. The day was structured
around the four sections: ‘Being Human’, ‘Human Rights and Human Wrongs’, ‘Living and Loving Well’, and ‘Living Together’. On each
topic, Peter asked students to discuss questions with their peers. The purpose was not to arrive at an agreed answer or resolution,
but to evaluate different perspectives. This is reflective of the foundational aims of both our Senior subjects, SOR and Religion and
Ethics. We ask students to explore beliefs and values as a way of enabling critical analysis and self-reflection.
It was undoubtedly a successful day, which students enjoyed. The resources from this event have been shared with all Year 12 SOR
students for their reading and reflection.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Mr Andrew Newcombe
Dean of Learning and Teaching
Exam Preparation
As we move past the middle of Term 2, many students have been working hard on assessment items such as presentations, practical
assessments, and assignments. It is easy to focus on these tasks while they are outstanding, and plan to study for exams once
the examination period is near. This form of time management may seem appropriate, however research shows that in order to
master the types of skills that are often tested in formal exams, revision needs to be performed over a sustained period of time,
and content and skills seen numerous times. The key with studying successfully for tests is to see the work on a regular basis,
which means that studying for a large number of shorter sessions will benefit more than a few sessions for long periods of time.
Unfortunately, students who wait until the exam block to do most of their study end up modelling the latter of these two techniques.
Consequently, their long term memory is not formed and students rely on their unreliable short term memory in tests. Use of short
term memory under pressure creates stress, anxiety, and a feeling of panic.
I strongly urge parents to support students by taking an active, supportive interest in the revision process, and by ensuring that time
is allocated every week and weekend to some study (it does not need to be long sessions, just regular ones).
QCS Practice
Year 12 students should be reminded that the workshops being provided for QCS are an important and useful opportunity to
improve performance. Although this is a very busy period for them, the commitment to allocating some time each week to
attending a workshop and practicing some questions is of immense benefit.
NAPLAN Testing
Last week, the Years 5, 7, and 9 students completed three days of NAPLAN testing. The results of these tests will enable the College
to devise strategies for remediation, improvement and extension. Staff will have the opportunity to assess the data, and look at ways
in which individuals and year groups can be supported. Importantly, the data also allows teachers to analyse trends, which will help
them take the appropriate steps to provide each student with the best chance to reach his potential.
It is important to remember that well-resourced, enthusiastic, and engaged teachers are the key to delivering relevant programs
for their students, in order to capture their imagination, and develop understanding and sound problem-solving techniques. The
message we will continue to send every boy at Nudgee College is that every student is capable of successful learning.
Congratulations to all the boys who just completed the NAPLAN testing, and thank you to all staff that assisted over the three days,
with a special thanks to Mr John Christie and Mr Chris Cawley for their organisation and care for the boys.
Mr John Christie
Director of Learning and Teaching
Picasso Cow Project: Introducing Djara
Djara, the cow, has joined Nudgee College students in the classroom as part of Dairy Australia’s Picasso Cows program.
Djara was named by our Year 6 students, who are learning all about the Australian dairy industry, as part of the six week educational
program designed to teach children about where dairy foods come from, and the health benefits of consuming dairy foods such as
milk, cheese and yogurt.
Armed with glue, paint and loads of enthusiasm, the students
chose ‘unbeatable bones’ as their dairy learning focus, which will
see Djara transformed from a blank life-size fibreglass cow, into a
piece of art with an important educational message.
The students have been documenting their findings in a
learning journal, which they will showcase with Djara at a
presentation day later this Term, where Nudgee College will be
going head to head with other schools from Queensland for a
chance to win $250.
Stay tuned for further updates on Djara’s progress at Nudgee
Ms Lara Morgan
Director of Pathways (Acting)
Student Connect magazine
The May 2016 Student Connect Magazine was distributed to all Year 12 students last Friday 13 May in QCS and GSW classes. The
Student Connect magazine gives Year 12 students important and interesting information and advice about their studies, future
education, training and career pathways. It is published twice a year –in May and December. Students can also access the magazine
at www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/publications/newsletters-magazines/student-connect-magazine. Topics in the latest edition include:
Are you ready for the QCS Test?
OP myths busted
Careers expos and open days
Top tips for success in Year 12
Profiles and tips from past Year 12 students
In addition, it tells students how they could win a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 by logging into their learning account on the Student
Connect website between 1 May and 31 August 2016. They will need their LUI and password to do this - each students’ LUI number
was printed on the front.
Year 10 Careers Lessons in Student Formation
Year 10 students have begun an investigation of self-exploration and suitable career paths, in their Year 10 Student Formation
classes. Last week, students received their psychometric report that gives unique detailed information regarding their suitable career
These reports give information tailored to each individual student, including:
1. Their preferences for further study
2. Their preferences for choice of career and work
3. How to learn and study more effectively
Parents are encouraged to read and discuss these reports with their son, in the lead up to creating their SET Plan. There is even a
section titled ‘some suggestions for parents’ that gives unique information on how they can best support their child.
Free Introduction to Real Estate seminars
The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) presents these sessions for people considering a career in real estate. The seminars
provide information on how the Real Estate Industry operates and the career options available. The next seminar will be held in
Brisbane from 5:30pm to 7.00pm on Tuesday 24 May at Real Estate House, 21 Turbo Drive, Coorparoo. To attend this session phone
07 3249 7347 or email courses@reiq.com.au.
News and reminders from Griffith University
Popular Music Experience Day - This program will be offered on four alternative days (13, 14, 20, 21 July 2016) on Griffith’s Gold
Coast campus. Students can explore the B Popular Music degree program and participate in activities and talks with current
students. Visit www.griffith.edu.au/music/popular-music/high-school-and-community-programs/school-experience-day for details
and to view a video about the experience day. Interested students should contact their music teacher or guidance officer/counsellor
about attending the event.
Musical theatre audition workshop - This workshop will be of interest to students in Years 11 and 12 who want to develop their
audition skills for entry to Griffith’s Queensland Conservatorium Musical Theatre program. The workshop will be held from 4 to 8 July. Visit www.griffith.edu.au/music/musical-theatre/high-school-and-community-programs for more information and to apply.
Tertiary preparation workshop for music students - This workshop is designed to prepare students for the theoretical and practical
aspects of the music audition process. The workshop is from 27 June to 1 July. For more information and to apply, go to
Queensland School of Film and Television (QSFT) video production weekend workshop
QSFT will hold an ‘Introduction to Video Production’ workshop from 9.30am to 4.30pm on Saturday 28 May. This workshop is an
ideal introduction if you would like to gain a greater understanding of the principles behind shooting video and editing. You can
download the application for the workshop at www.qsft.qld.edu.au. Email your completed application to
applications@qsft.qld.edu.au or fax to (07) 3392 7511. For more information about the workshop, phone QSFT on telephone
3392 7788. QSFT is located at 22 Warwick St, Annerley, Brisbane.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Ms Lara Morgan continued ...
The Agricultural Skills and Technology Experience (TASTE) is coming
TASTE is a four day program for high school students aged 15 and over who are considering a career in agriculture, horticulture,
conservation and/or land management. The program will be run in the June/July and September school holidays at the Longreach
Pastoral College and the Emerald Agricultural College. The June/July 2016 program dates are:
26 to 30 June - Longreach Pastoral College lpc.edu.au/Learn_with_us/Pages/TASTE.aspx
3 to 7 July - Emerald Agricultural College eac.edu.au/Learn_with_us/Pages/TASTE.aspx
Scholarships are available to help cover the cost of the program at both colleges. See the latest news section of the Queensland
Agricultural Training Colleges website at www.qatc.edu.au/Pages/default.aspx. TASTE is a popular program, so apply early.
University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) Brisbane
USC South Bank is located within the TAFE Queensland Brisbane, South Bank campus. The following undergraduate courses offered
at this campus are taught by USC lecturers and tutors: B Business; B Business (Tourism, Leisure and Event Management); and B
Commerce (Accounting).
Read about the campus and its courses at www.usc.edu.au/learn/the-usc-experience/study-locations/study-at-south-bank.
Upcoming events at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ)
Years 9 and 10 USQ Careers Days - These days help students to start thinking about their future career paths. They will provide
students with an experience of university life and academic subject areas. They will be held on:
3 June 2016 at the Ipswich campus www.usq.edu.au/news-events/events/2016/06/yr-9-10-career-day-ips
9 June 2016 at the Toowoomba campus www.usq.edu.au/news-events/events/2016/06/yr-9-10-career-day-twba
Talk to your school guidance officer/counsellor if you are interested in attending one of these events.
Study Options Evenings - Explore the campus and study options available at these evenings to be held on:
26 May 2016 at the Ipswich campus www.usq.edu.au/news-events/events/2016/05/usq-study-options-Ips
9 June 2016 at the Toowoomba campus www.usq.edu.au/news-events/events/2016/06/study-options-evening-twb
16 June 2016 at the Springfield campus
Updates from the University of Queensland (UQ)
Parent Info Sessions: Getting ready for university - These sessions are for Year 10 students and parents. Among the topics presented
are preparing for university in Year 10, and the differences between high school and university. The sessions will be held on:
Monday 6 June from 1.00pm to 2.30pm
Tuesday 7 June from 6.00pm to 7.30pm
Wednesday 8 June from 10.30am to 12.00pm
Wednesday 8 June from 6.00pm to 7.30pm
Visit bit.do/uqyear10 to make a booking by 29 May 2016.
New B Criminology and Criminal Justice (Honours) in 2017 - This four year course has specialisations in criminology, criminal
law, criminal justice, research and evaluation methods and professional practice. Find out more about the course and careers in
criminology at social-science.uq.edu.au/study-area/criminology.
UQ Interaction Design Exhibit 2016 - You can experience new ways to interact with digital technology at this exhibit, which will
show interactive prototypes developed by UQ’s B Information Technology (User Experience Design), B Multimedia Design and Master
of Interaction Design students. You can see the exhibit at the Edge, State Library of Queensland, Brisbane on Tuesday 31 May 2016
from 12.00pm to 7.00pm. Register to attend at www.eventbrite.com.au/e/uq-interaction-design-exhibit-2016-tickets-24276226848.
Aviation Australia Information Sessions
Aviation Australia provides programs in Aeroskills Training and Cabin Crew Training. Its next information session is at its Brisbane
campus and will be held on Wednesday 25 May 2016, from 6.30pm to 8.30 (Cabin Crew Career Session), and Thursday 26 May 2016,
from 6.00pm to 8.30pm (Aeroskills Information Session).
You can register to attend these sessions on Aviation Australia’s home page at www.aviationaustralia.aero. Aviation Australia is
located at 25 Boronia Road, Brisbane International Airport, Eagle Farm.
Ms Lara Morgan continued ...
Brisbane National Career and Employment Expo
This is Queensland’s largest careers, skills, employment and education event. It will be held on Friday 27 and Saturday 28 May 2016
at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. The expo will include free career development workshops, a career advice centre
and representatives from universities, TAFE Queensland, private providers, various industries and Defence. Keep up-to-date at
Electrical pre-apprenticeship course at TAFE Queensland SkillsTech
If you want an electrical apprenticeship you can get a head start with the pre-apprenticeship course at SkillsTech. The Certificate II
in Electrotechnology - Career Start will give you basic skills to help gain an apprenticeship. The course also covers a General Safety
Induction course (White Card). Visit tafeskillstech.edu.au/course/11095 for more information about the course and when it is offered.
Want to be an electrician?
Electro Group Training and Apprenticeships is a group training company that specialises in training people for the electrical industry. It employs and monitors the training of electrical apprentices. It also offers the Certificate II in Electrotechnology - Career Start to
prepare students for an apprenticeship. For more information, visit www.electrogroup.com.au/index.php.
Additional entry requirement courses at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Most courses at QUT do not have prerequisites; they have assumed knowledge. The exceptions to this are the B Education courses
(which have Senior subject prerequisites in English, Maths and Science, depending on the course) and specific courses in the creative
industries area. The following are QUT creative industry courses that have additional entry requirements:
B Design (Honours) (Fashion)
B Fine Arts (Acting)
B Fine Arts (Dance Performance)
B Fine Arts (Dance)
B Fine Arts (Visual Arts)
B Music
B Business/B Fine Arts (Visual Arts)
Depending on the course, the additional entry requirement may be a portfolio, audition, interview, supporting documentation or a
combination of these. Do a course search for the above courses on the QUT homepage at www.qut.edu.au to learn more about the
additional requirements. In addition to applying to QTAC by 30 September 2016 (earlybird date) for entry to these courses, you are
also required to apply online to QUT by 9 September 2016. Late applications are not accepted.
Australian Institute of Creative Design (AICD) holiday courses
AICD is a private provider offering study options in the arts and design areas. Some of these areas include photography, interior
design, visual arts, surface and textile design, fashion design, styling and design coordination and specialist make-up. AICD has
campuses in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast. It offers full time, part time, short course and holiday study options. The following
are some of the short courses that will be offered in the June/July 2016 school holidays. Visit aicd.edu.au/holiday-courses.php for
information about these and other short courses you can register for.
Street Style Image and Fashion Flat Lays (one day) - Tuesday 5 July, from 9.00am to 4.30pm (Gold Coast campus); Wednesday
6 July 2016, from 9.00am to 4.00pm (Brisbane campus)
Special Effects Makeup (one day) - Monday 27 June, 9.00am to 4.00pm (Brisbane campus)
Makeup Look for You (one day) - Wednesday 6 July, 9.00am to 4.00pm (Gold Coast campus)
Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary programs for students
The Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary on the Gold Coast runs a number of programs for young people interested in working with or
around animals. Check out the following programs:
Creature Keepers Wildlife Course - gives students exposure to working in a zoo environment. Visit
www.cws.org.au/programs-courses/creature-keepers for more information and to book
Teen Volunteering - some animal contact however the focus is on interacting with park guests. See
www.cws.org.au/volunteer-programs/teen-volunteer for details.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Mr Peter Todd
Dean of Students
Open Day
One thing which always make me proud to be connected to the students at this wonderful school, is their deep sense of connection
to the College, their spirit and their desire to ‘sell Nudgee’ to others. I have been overwhelmed this week with the amount of terrific
young men who want to be tour leaders on Open Day, and to effectively be our best salesmen. With the quality of the lads involved I
know Open Day will be a hit.
Boyhood to Manhood - Relationship with Mum
In recent weeks, I have written about boys’ crucial relationships with their mums. We have celebrated many events at Nudgee College
to honour this relationship - Mothers Day Breakfast in our Junior School, and the well attended Year 12 Mother and Son Luncheon.
There was much ‘love in the air’ at both events. However, as boys head into (or are going through) puberty, this relationship is tested.
I must admit at around 14 to 16, I was terrible to my beautiful mum; her fierce determination butting up against my fierce will to be
independent. This period can be difficult, as mums adjust to their teenage son’s changed attitude.
In his book, the Politically Incorrect Guide to Teenagers, Nigel Latta takes a tongue in cheek look at a mother and son interaction during these years - when mum might become disappointed at her boy’s behaviour.
1. Mum challenges son. Teenage boy becomes Neanderthal and retreats to cave
2. Mother finds this behaviour hard to understand and so positions herself outside his cave and talks/cajoles/threatens
3. Cave boy comes out and grumbles at mother
4. Mother uses many, many words to explain to cave boy that she doesn’t like his tone
5. Cave boy loses his rag and yells at mother
6. Father, who has been listening in quiet frustration, hoping mother will just get to the point and stop talking, is now forced to
wade in and defend actions of mother that - in his heart - he knows were always going to end in this fight
7. Cave boy stomps back into cave, muttering under his breath
8. Mother continues to lecture cave boy as he retreats
9. Father tentatively suggests to mother that maybe she should try to be a little more direct and use fewer words
10. Mother feels undermined and snaps at father
11. Father realises there is no solution. Father stops talking. Father dreams of his own boyhood cave
This description makes me smile, but in all honesty, I have seen and heard of many variations of this storyline.
Firstly, it is crucial to note - dads, mums really need your help here. As Celia Lashlie (He’ll be OK: Growing Gorgeous Boys into Good Men)
recommends, this is time for mum to step off the bridge, and for dad to step onto it.
There are a few simple steps, which can really help people caught in this destructive pattern attain a little more peace:
*Learn how neanderthals (teenage boys) think. They don’t like to talk about everything, they like their caves, they are pragmatic to
their very core, and need to know what’s in it for them. Remember that you need to be a rock, not the sea. Don’t talk too much.
*Don’t chase after him begging/nagging/threatening him to try to get a conversation. Just sit and wait.
*Don’t be what Nigel Latta calls, a ‘Big Jessie’. The idea is not to negotiate like some weak-kneed apologetic sop, but to be clear about
what you expect, and what the benefits are to everyone. You don’t want to give way, you want to lead the way.
* Establish your bottom lines around his behaviour, the important rules like respect for each other, and then leave him alone.
*Above all, remember the supreme value of punctuation with teenage boys. Apply the full stop the first chance you get. The more
words you use, the more chance there is of it all going wrong.
St Joseph’s Nudgee College students and partners are invited to attend the Senior Formal on Sunday 10 July. It is being held at the
Royal International Convention Centre, RNA Showgrounds, 600 Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills, from 6.00pm to 10.30pm.
Cost: $125.00 per person - $250.00 per couple
Payments need to be made by Wednesday 1 June 2016. Please note your payment when placing your name on a table. Table
bookings close Friday 3 June.
A photographer will be at the venue to take photos during the evening. Parents are welcome to attend pre-formal from 5.00pm to
6.00pm for photos. A booking form will be emailed to parents to pre-pay and book photos with Gary Lynagh. A cash bar will be in
operation pre-formal for parents to purchase refreshments.
Mr Peter Todd continued ...
‘Pick your Program’ - Year 8 Student Formation
One of the biggest frustrations that many teachers wrestle with in the classroom is a lack of motivation among students. As
teachers, we worry about how to motivate students who appear unmotivated and apathetic. Motivation is integrally connected to
achievement. We know that students who are motivated tend to learn more.
The idea of the program is to introduce a creative/collaborative set of units, that will harness teacher talent/interest and engage
students as well. This will also fit in with the holistic principles of our wellbeing and Student Formation strategic goals.
For a four week period in Term 3, students will select an activity that they wish to delve into. Thank you in advance to the number of
teachers who have volunteered to run such programs.
Men’s Shed Project
Walking the Wetlands
Coding Games
Culinary Survival Skills
Nutrition and Active
Managing Money in the
Real World
Circus Skills
Advanced Study Skills
Exploring the Marine
The Art Experience
Presenting in the Media
The Creation Story
NB: Whilst every effort will be made to ensure students can choose their selected activity, students may have to complete their second or
third preference.
Year 8 Camp - 12 to 14 October
The Year 8 Camp this year will be held in two venues - Conondale National Park (bush experience) and Cooloola National park (beach
experience). The camp activities will be similar; however Conondale has a mixture of hiking and mountain biking, whereas Cooloola
has a combination of hiking and canoeing.
The goals of the camp are as follows:
Physically and emotionally relying on and supporting one another
Allowing students to engage with the natural elements
Encouraging students to lead themselves first, and then the group - developing group dynamics and resilience skills
Students are also provided with some options within the camp, depending upon the difficulty of the journey. Information will be
shared with parents over the coming months.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Mr Chris Cawley
Director of Junior School
Year 6 Excursion to the Cathedral of Stephen and the Brisbane Synagogue
Our journey started at the Brisbane Synagogue. This Term the boys have been
studying Judaism and its links to Christianity. The boys were very respectful and
attentive as the traditions and symbols significant to the Jewish community were
explained to them. As Christians, our faith has come from Judaism, as Jesus was a Jew.
As we celebrated the Eucharist later in the day at the Cathedral, it was here we saw
the link to the Passover Festival Jesus celebrated with his disciples on his final night.
Our journey then moved to the Cathedral of St Stephen. The sight of 120 young
Nudgee College men in full uniform occupying the first 15 rows of the Cathedral
for their 12.30pm mass was very impressive. The presiding priest made comment
at the end of mass how well our boys participated in the mass and how exemplary
their behaviour was. The students of Year 6 have also been studying primary and
secondary sources in History. On this day they were present in the greatest primary
source available with regard to Edmund Rice Education in Queensland. The Pugin
Chapel, dedicated to St Mary of the Cross, was the site of the Christian Brothers’
first school here in Queensland. This was later to move to what we now know as St
Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace. As we all know, our beginnings came from this
foundation, so it was great to sit and reflect upon our humble beginnings.
On Tuesday Year 6 went on an excursion to the Brisbane Synagogue as well as the
Cathedral of St Stephen. Firstly, we travelled to the synagogue. When we arrived our tour guide told us the meanings of many symbols, read us
some scripture, talked about the architectural side of the synagogue and blew a traditional horn used by the Jewish people during the war. Next
we walked to the Cathedral for a tour. During our tour we explored the Cathedral and its 2400 piped organ. Then we sat in the little chapel (which
was once the Terrace schoolhouse) and talked about its features, as well as an amazing Mary MacKillop sculpture. After this we went to the main
Cathedral and attended 12.30pm mass. By far this was my favourite part of the day. I don’t think it was just me who thought this excursion was
beneficial towards our religious development.
By Hugh Smith 6C
Year 5 Camp 2016 - online forms require completion by Friday 20 May
The majority of parents and caregivers should have by now completed their son’s online medical form. Over the coming weeks we will ask
boys to insert into their calendar how they are getting home from camp.
Lost Property
Lost property has been on the increase in the last few weeks, and unfortunately many items are not named. Could I encourage all parents
and caregivers to ensure that all items of clothing, lunch boxes and other items brought to school are clearly labelled with your son’s name.
Open Day 2016
Tomorrow is our first Open Day for the year and I thank the large number of students who have volunteered to come to the Junior School
to be our ambassadors on this day. Prospective parents will no doubt be impressed with our campus and facilities, but I strongly believe it
is the young men they meet on the day that will cement their commitment to send their son to St Joseph’s Nudgee College.
GPS Cross Country Championships - Wednesday 25 May
We wish all our competitors the best of luck for the GPS Cross Country Championship at Ipswich, next Wednesday. It has been a long
season that has been well supported by College staff. I hope on the day each boy runs to the best of his ability, and the overall result will
take care of itself.
Cattle Club Regional Tours
We had three Junior School students (Johnson Meraveka, Clancy Thomas and Michael Ware) involved in the 15 day Cattle Club tour to
Roma, Mitchell and Longreach, incorporating the agricultural shows in these towns.
Clancy Thomas was both under 12 Champion Judge and overall Champion Junior
Judge at the Roma Show, outperforming some much older boys from schools within
the region, and other visiting schools.
Our Show Team also had the honour of meeting with His Excellency the Honourable
Paul de Jersey AC, Governor of Queensland.
I have been informed that these boys represented Nudgee College very well, as well
as increasing their knowledge and passion with this aspect of Nudgee College life.
Mr Ben Ralston
Head of O’Brien Boarding House
Formal Dinners and Dorm BBQs
Over the last two weeks boarders have had a bit of a change to normal
dinner routine, which they have thoroughly enjoyed. Last Tuesday night it
was the House Mothers who organised a whole Boarding BBQ, which was
had in the wonderful surroundings of our Boarding Village. It was great
to see lots of boys from all Houses talking together over a meal and drink.
Each House will also be a part of, or already have been part of, a formal
dining experience. Last week saw O’Brien and Cotter Houses kick off the
formal dinners, which was followed up by Murphy this Monday night
and Hodda will round off this important part of our formation program
Recreation Activities
Boys have been able to enjoy a range of activities so far this Term
organised by the recreation activities team. Last weekend was a busy
one with a Fright night social at St Rita’s, Saturday sport versus BBC and
an evening Stu-eat-holme event, which included food stalls, markets
and bands over at Stuartholme. Sunday a number of O’Brien boys took
the opportunity to climb Mt Ngungun, with Sunday concluding with our
Sunday night Mass. This week a number of boys are looking forward to
attending ‘Bounce’ on Sunday.
Open Day
Many boarders will be actively involved in Open Day this Saturday
ranging from showing cattle, leading tour groups, working in
Construction and Engineering, helping with the BBQ in the Boarding
Village, and also representing the College in their respective sport for the
weekend. In advance the boys are to be thanked for their efforts.
End of Term Travel
Being the halfway point in the Term I thought it would be a good
reminder to mention end of Term travel. Once travel details have been
finalised please ensure your son enters this into REACH and also informs
their respective Head of House so any extra planning that needs to occur
around this can be organised.
Boarders’ Recreation Activities - 20 May to 22 May 2016
Friday Evening
Futsal in McKennariey Centre
GPS Football and Tennis vs Churchie (Home)
Touch on Wilkes 6.30pm to 8.00pm
Bounce 1.00pm to 4.00pm
Pool 1.00pm to 3.00pm
Link: sites.google.com/a/nudgee.qld.edu.au/boarding-recreation
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Sport and Culture
The Nudgee College Chess team had great success at the recent Brisbane Secondary Inter-school Chess Competition. Missing two of
its strongest players the 1st IV still managed to finish fourth in the top division. The results were very close, with the team only half a
point behind BSHS in third. Congratulations to Aaron Fahey, Ian Trinh and the reserves Jacob Martin and Joshua Peters who stepped
up to join the team. If the 1st IV are able to finish in the top four next Term they will earn a spot in the Queensland State Finals later in
the year. Also competing in the top division the team of Noah Smith, Tom Vo, Aaron Calvert and Fletcher Barber finished eighth. All
of the Nudgee College students in this division did well and won several major upsets against higher rated opponents. In particular
Aaron Fahey defeated Churchie’s board one and Fletcher Barber defeated a player rated 869. Competing in the B Division the team of Max Condren, James Connelly, Jaxen Dossel and Tristan Holand-Rotumah finished seventh
out of 32 teams. This was a fantastic result for these boys who were competing in their second tournament ever. Congratulations
especially to Max who won 5.5 out of seven games and received a merit ribbon. Over the past month Nudgee College students have also competed in several open tournaments for both adult and junior players. At
the Churchie International, Aaron Fahey won his division after a very strong performance, which included a very tricky draw against
Terrace’s board one. More recently Jazz Born defeated several higher rated opponents at the Peninsula Open. Congratulations to
both Aaron and Jazz. All of our Chess students will hopefully continue this success at the upcoming Somerville House tournaments and during
Inter-house Chess, which is running this week. Mr Martin Harmon and Mr Matthew Gillpin
Directors of Nudgee College Chess
Another strong contingent of Nudgee College men contested last week’s lead-up meet hosted by Churchie.
The NCXC team performed well, and despite coming off a big week’s training, most boys recorded close to their best.
Our youngest lads provided one of the highlights of the afternoon with 11 ten year old runners, Ryan Heaton won the race, and
Jacob Johnson showed fantastic determination on the final stretch to run into third position. Our next eight runners all finished in
the top 15.
The 3km course was contested by the 11, 12 and 13 year olds with some smart times recorded on the flat course. Ethan Rigby (11),
Malachi Tuck (12) and Lachlan Hill-Lewis (13) led their respective age groups in. A special mention goes to all those lads that took a
tumble at the beginning of their race - but all got up and soldiered on - and chased down and passed many runners.
The 4km course for the 14 and 15 year olds saw some smart times, with these talented young runners doing a great job with 18 boys
averaging sub-4 min kms. Ben McMillan (14) and Stephen Lean (15) led their age groups.
Finally the Open and 16s ran the 6km course and showed a steady improvement in their times and performances. It was great to
see Flynn Easton creeping inside the top 10 to join Nelson Birogi who placed first. They were joined by Jake Sedgman, Hugo Smith,
Harrison Jennings and Jack Carroll as scorers. Whilst in the Opens Captain Mikey O’Sullivan led the way with Brock Hunter and Billy
Bajic, Pat Schostakowski, Liam Mitchell and Max Homer having strong runs.
This Friday we head to the GPS course at Limestone Park, Ipswich. All boys are expected to attend so they know the course, and its
Please remember to check the Team App for all updates as we move into a very busy few weeks.
Date Claimers
Friday 20 May
Lead up meet (compulsory)
Monday 23 May
6.15am last training (compulsory)
Tuesday 24 May
8.00am Squad Photo on Ross Oval(all to attend, including reserves)
8.45am Presentation on Assembly (team only presented)
3.15pm to 4.30pm Afternoon tea, badges, kit
(all to attend, including reserves)Mackillop Centre
Wednesday 25 May
Followed by break up and presentation at the park
Tuesday 31 May
St Pauls Bald Hills
Met North Championships
Mrs Maureen Toohey
MIC Cross Country
Sport and Culture
GPS Senior Music Showcase
Congratulations to the following students who were selected to take part in this year’s GPS Senior Music Showcase last Thursday
12 May.
There were 10 boys from Nudgee College who were selected:
GPS Orchestra: Thomas Moore (12) Trumpet, Gregory Schreiber (10) Viola, Campbell Rose (8) French Horn and Ben Miller (10)
GPS Concert Band: Nat Pekol-Smith (12) Euphonium and Nick Flanders (11) Trombone
GPS Choir: Lachlan Green (12), William Hambleton (12), Alex Yates (12) and Keshav Kumar (12)
We also had the special privilege of hosting the GPS Choir students in our new Music facility.
The Music day event was followed by a Gala Concert at the Queensland Performing Arts Complex (QPAC) South Bank, which
showcased the music talents of the combined GPS Schools and was well attended by parents and friends. The concert was a great
success and the students from Nudgee College excelled themselves in the performance.
We would like to extend a big thank you to the Nudgee College Music staff and tutors for their assistance, and Mr Raoul Carmody
and his AV Team for their tremendous professionalism in working with the QPAC team each year.
Date Claimer Music Soiree - Monday 30 May (Week 8)
The annual 2016 Music Soiree will be held on Monday 30 May in Tierney Auditorium as per the College calendar. Foyer performances
will commence at 6.00pm with light refreshments and the bar open, with the formal concert commencing from 6.30pm until
9.00pm. All Music ensembles will be performing and more detailed information will be available shortly. Please mark it in your
calendar; it will be great night of entertainment.
Groups performing include:
All of the Rock Bands - 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
All Concert Bands - Junior, Intermediate and NC Big Band
String Ensemble
Combined Orchestra
NC Voices
NC Drumline
NC Stage Band
Mr Brett Foster
Head of Music
2016 All Age Rugby Camp And Season Launch
The Nudgee College All Ages Rugby Camp is an important element of the Rugby pre-season program at the College, as it gives all
players an opportunity to take part in an extensive block of quality training, and it gives coaches a final chance to look at players
before the first round of the GPS competition the following week.
After the success of last year’s event, we are very excited to announce the return of the Rugby Season Launch, but this year it will be
bigger and better. This will occur on the Friday afternoon (from 4.00pm to 8.00pm) of the camp and will have a carnival atmosphere
with rides, BBQ, drinks, live music, plus a meet and greet with Reds players and the introduction of the 1st XV squad. This will all occur
on campus at the ‘Staff Club’ (behind the Tennis courts). Families will have an opportunity to meet the coaches and coordinators of
their sons’ age group and other parents in their team.
This year we are helping to accommodate for the Boarding families who struggle to get their sons to the Rugby Camp due to the
Boarding House being closed. On the All Ages Rugby Camp plus Season Launch Payment Portal form, boarders will be able to
request to billet with a day boy. Day boy families who are able to accommodate a boarder for four nights (7 to 11 July) will be able to
indicate this on the Payment Portal form also.
Dates: Thursday 7 July, 12.30pm to 4.30pm (registration from 12.00pm); Friday 8 July, 12.30pm to 4.00pm, Rugby Launch from
4.00pm to 8.00pm; Saturday 9 July, trial games vs Gregory Terrace (at home)
Venue: Nudgee College
Age Groups: All Rugby players (Year 5 to 12)
Cost: $120 Per Person (includes coaching, game day, camp shirt, afternoon tea (Thursday), sausage sizzle (Friday), season launch - four hours
of rides, games, and giveaways)
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Sport and Culture
Equipment to bring: sunscreen, NC hat, training shirt, shorts, joggers, boots, mouthguard is mandatory, headgear (opt.)
Camp Bookings: to confirm your camp booking please go through payment portal at payments.nudgee.qld.edu.au before 8 June
Contact Details: Activities Office (Mrs Deb Daly) on 07 3865 0430 and Rugby Director via sgr@nudgee.qld.edu.au
Mr Sean Graham
Rugby Director
Last Saturday Nudgee College Tennis took on the powerful Brisbane Boys’ College (BBC) teams, led by Australian representative Dane
Sweeney. The 1st IV team of Cedric Rupa, Sam White, Seth Macute and Sebastian Hanna commenced well, winning the first doubles
and going down in another doubles 10-5 in the super tie-breaker. At that stage it was looking to become an intriguing contest,
however BBC asserted themselves in the singles rubbers to run away with the match. The 2nd IV of Lachlan Berge, Clancy Nugent,
Nathan McSweeney and Lachlan Carmichael also fought hard, but found their opposition a little strong. Nathan McSweeney took the
first set in his singles rubber only to eventually lose a close contest in three sets, while McSweeney and Carmichael battled hard to
lose a close doubles 7-5, 6-1.
Congratulations to the 11Bs team of Jacob Searle, Matthew Massotti, Jack Patane and Lachlan Chappel, who played some of their
best tennis of the season to defeat their BBC counterparts by 13 games. The Year 10 teams suffered from the loss of key players in
the higher teams with everyone else having to play up, however were not overawed by the challenge. In the 10As Patrick Kropp and
Alec Reverente lost their four sets in very close matches. The 8As team of James Hong, Heath Lillicrap, Angus Phelan and Joshua Ryan
also took the fight up to the strong BBC team, with Angus winning his singles 7-5 and James losing a close match 7-6. In the 8Cs,
Hugh Osbourne showed his improvement again this week by winning his singles 6-1 and one of his doubles 6-0. The 8Ds team of
Toby Quy-Verlander, Alexander George, Joseph Picone and Aiden Roost also battled hard, with Joseph winning both his singles and
The Year 7 teams also suffered from the loss of key players with everyone having to play up. They acquitted themselves well to lose a
number of closely contested matches. The 7Cs team could be considered very unlucky to lose their match by just one game. The 5As
team of Paddy Townsend, Patrick Kennedy, Jack McBride and Dean Defteros played a very close match to eventually go down by only
12 games. The first three singles matches went the distance and were all 6-5, with Jack winning his match and Paddy and Patrick just
losing their rubbers. Patrick and Jack also won a doubles 6-1.The 5Bs team of Xander Winton, Alex Pattison, Jack Wright and Michael
Kritzingern also lost a closely contested match against BBC by 11 games. Both Xander and Michael won their singles and Xander and
Alex won their doubles.
This week the Nudgee College teams will be playing against Churchie.
Mr Gary Stickler
Tennis Coordinator
From 12 to 15 May, Year 12 students Nick Wilson and Isaac Morrow-Jones competed in the Volleyball Under 19 State Championships,
representing Metropolitan North. The team played six undefeated matches over the first three days of the Championships, and
qualified for the Grand Final on the Sunday. With Metropolitan West as their opponents, the Metropolitan North team were defeated
in the Grand Final 3-1, and finished the Championship with the silver medal. Congratulations on your efforts gentlemen!
On Monday 16 May, Year 5 student Harry Takis competed in the Metropolitan North Golf Trials in the 10-12 age group at Keperra Golf
Club. He won the competition, shooting 43 gross over nine holes, and has been selected to represent Metropolitan North in the State
Championships in Yeppoon in July. Well done, and good luck Harry!
Opening Night Gala, 26 August
Preparations are in full swing for the Dimensions NC Art Festival. This annual event welcomes all families and friends of the College
and wider community. The Art Festival is a four day event which celebrates the creative arts at Nudgee College and provides an
opportunity for student works to be displayed alongside emerging and professional artists.
This year’s Opening Night Gala is scheduled for 26 August, so please save the date. It is a great opportunity for the Nudgee College
community to come together, and to view and purchase not only competition and guest artists’ work, but also those of our
amazingly talented students. Fine art, food and wine are always a highlight of this event, along with entertainment by our guest
artist and our talented Nudgee College Music students.
Invitations to the Dimensions NC Art Festival Opening Night Gala will be sent to you along with your book of raffle tickets during the
next school holidays.
The Dimensions NC Art Festival raffle is always amazing and this year the prizes are without question the very best yet... more details
to come.
For further information, please contact:
Debby White (President) 0417 802 430
Kathryn Hogan 0419 022 260
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
2017 Term Dates
Term 1
New Boarders Registration 2.30pm Year 12 Boarders and returning boarders moving into Year 7 return by 7.00pm New student Orientation Day for all new students
and returning students moving into Years 7 and 12 Returning Boarders Years 8 to 11 return by 7.00pm Term 1 Begins Term 1 Ends 3.00pm Monday 23 January 2017
Monday 23 January 2017 Tuesday 24 January 2017
Tuesday 24 January 2017
Wednesday 25 January 2017
Friday 31 March 2017
Term 2
Boarders Return between 3.00pm and 7.00pm Term 2 Begins Term 2 Ends 3.00pm Tuesday 18 April 2017
Wednesday 19 April 2017
Thursday 15 June 2017
Term 3
Boarders Return between 3.00pm and 7.00pm Term 3 Begins Term 3 Ends 1.00pm Monday 10 July 2017
Tuesday 11 July 2017
Friday 15 September 2017
Term 4
Boarders Return between 3.00pm and 7.00pm
Term 4 Begins Year 12s Finish Term 4 Ends 12.00pm for Years 5 to 10 Monday 2 October 2017
Tuesday 3 October 2017
Friday 17 November 2017
Friday 24 November 2017
Public Holidays
Good Friday
Easter Saturday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Australia Day
Anzac Day
Labour Day Royal Qld Show
Queen’s Birthday
Friday 14 April
Saturday 15 April
Sunday 16 April
Monday 17 April
Thursday 26 January
Tuesday 25 April
Monday 1 May
Wednesday 16 August
Monday 2 October
Semester 1, 2016
Does your child have a verified disability that requires transport assistance to and from school?
Has your school’s learning support teacher assessed your child’s travel capability rating as ‘semi-independent’ or
more dependent?
Visit our website to see if you qualify for financial assistance to
help with the cost of transport and
apply at www.schooltransport.com.au by 31 May 2016.
Late applications cannot be accepted.