PDF, 2.6 MB - Nudgee College


PDF, 2.6 MB - Nudgee College
7 June
Principal’s Awards Assembly
9 June
Ross and Shaw House Mass
10 June
Year 5 and 6 Compulsory Assessment
10 to 16 June
Year 11 and 12 Exam Block
Year 7 to 10 Compulsory Assessment Week
16 June
Term 2 Ends, 3.00pm
24 June to 6 July
Japan Tour
11 July
Boarders Return
12 July
School Resumes Term 3
2199 Sandgate Road
Boondall Qld 4034
Tel: +61 7 3865 0555
Fax: +61 7 3865 0500
Email: contact@nudgee.com
Website: www.nudgee.com
Mr David Johnston
Deputy Principal
It takes a community
This is an amazing school. Sometimes I have to stop and take stock of all the wonderful
learning experiences on offer, the diversity of staff involved and the commitment all
members of the community share in ensuring we continue to offer, week after week,
normal ‘Nudgee College weeks’.
An affectionate saying shared amongst the College Leadership Team is the statement,
“just another normal week at Nudgee!” We all know the Nudgee College normal means
an eclectic kaleidoscope of a broad range of activities occurring, many that would not
be seen at many other schools. In only the past week, I have personally been to the GPS
Cross Country, spoken to the Year 9 boys as they were leaving on their Emmaus Retreat,
supervised the Year 11s undertaking the first ever trial of an external exam for a subject
here in Queensland in the past thirty years, supported our Football and Tennis teams in
action, and attended the Music Soiree - and before I offend anyone for not mentioning
their area or activity, please note that I wrote a list of only what I have managed to witness
first hand. I know there were other fantastic activities occurring that I am not even going
to try and list.
With all that is on offer, the boys were asked this week at Assembly to re-focus, get
organised, and follow processes put in place to assist them to complete the Semester
successfully (and this is where I move back into learning and teaching mode). At 10 weeks,
this is our longest Term of the year, and the two public holidays are now a distant memory.
With two weeks and a heavy assessment load looming, many students will need support
both at school and at home.
Some strategies parents can use:
If your son hasn’t already got one, help him to create a planner for the remainder
of the Term. They should write down each piece of assessment (including drafts)
and when they are due. Boys can then add in their other commitments (e.g.
sports training, work, church, family and social events) and then allocate slots
where they can work on assignments or study for exams.
Encourage students to space out their study for exams. Research shows this is far
more effective than desperately trying to cram information into a tired brain. A
little bit of study spaced out over several days (or weeks) is far more effective for
retention and understanding.
Ensure your son is eating healthy, nutritious food, ideally with lots of fruit,
vegetables and protein. This will help their brains work most effectively. As
tempting as sweets are, try to limit their intake of sugary drinks and foods, which
impede their learning and result in sugar lows.
Make sure your son gets a good nights sleep. Spacing out study and assignments
will help boys to avoid the last minute cramming that results in very late nights.
Even in Year 12, students need a good nights sleep to promote learning, memory,
recall and cognitive capacity.
When studying, encourage your son to take a 10-15 minute break every 1-2
hours. During this time, they should get off their computers and devices, drink
some water and, if hungry, eat a healthy snack. Fresh air and walking around are
good ways to re-energise the brain.
2 JUNE | VOLUME 39 | NO 16
Mr David Johnston continued ...
Study will be far more effective if it’s not interrupted by devices, social media and other distractions.
Finally, one of the most important things parents can do is remind your son just to do his best. Try to take the anxiety out of
the assessment by putting it into context and reminding them that as long as they have tried their hardest, that is all anyone
can ask.
Some boys are highly motivated, independent learners who have learnt good study skills over the years. For other students, a
supportive, structured environment is vital to academic success. Whilst it’s not too late in Years 11 or 12 to start strategies like those
above, it is more ideal to start in younger years so that the habits and strategies are learnt and embedded by the time the stresses of
Senior studies occur.
So together as a community, we should enjoy the ‘normal Nudgee College’ weeks, and work towards helping our boys have a
successful completion of the Semester.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Mr Mark Ellison
Director of Justice and Peace
Farewell Aspley Hope Centre
It was a sad evening last Tuesday night at the Aspley Caravan Park as we, and the residents of the park, said farewell to Jan and the
Hope Centre. After more than a decade supporting the people of the park and partnering with the Big BBQ program, the private
funding for the Hope Centre has dried up, and we are now hoping another organisation might be able to fill the gap. In appreciation
for the amazing work of the Hope Centre, please read Year 10 student Will Stark’s tribute:
“To everyone who has done at least one Big BBQ over the past two
years, thank you. Thank you for helping, even in the smallest way.
Whether you’re the guy who sits there talking to the people, or the guy
on the bacon, it all helped. The effect that you have had on the people
served is massive, and is taken with every form of appreciation. To the
people who showed up to celebrate the last official Big BBQ at the Hope
Centre, Seb Horder and Ned O’Reilley, thank you. It’s a shame that it’s
being closed down, but all great things must come to an end. People
always tell us at the park, how much we change their lives, but they also
should hear about how they changed ours. The feeling we get when
they smile after getting a snag on bread, and the many life lessons
learned from their experiences and knowledge every Tuesday from
5.00pm to 7.00pm, will be forever valued. THANK YOU!”
National Reconciliation Week
This week was a reminder to me of the great saying that, ‘every person we meet
has something to teach us’. As a trained teacher, I have spent many hours, and
invested much so-called expertise preparing lessons I hope will empower my
students, and have attempted for many years to use these skills to promote
reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. And then
one of our long-term patrons of the Big Brekky Van, Aboriginal elder Uncle
Gerard, waltzes in to the McKennariey Centre and teaches more in two minutes
than I have in my lifetime. One morning last year during Big Brekky, Gerard Kiri Kiri surprised us by
presenting one of his beautiful Aboriginal paintings as a thank you to Nudgee
College, and a celebration of National Reconciliation Week. For a man who has
so little in the way of material possessions, the presentation of such a gift was
incredibly moving. I asked Gerard if he would come to Nudgee College to present
his painting, but he said that speaking to a crowd of that size was something he
could never do. So when he arrived on Tuesday morning to present another of his
paintings for this year’s Reconciliation Week, and spoke about what reconciliation
means to him, simply being there provided a lesson for our boys even greater
than that of the powerful and moving words he delivered.
It is the many acts such as this that have seen us come such a long way as
a nation over the past half a century, in reconciling Indigenous and nonIndigenous Australians. As always we are incredibly grateful to our Indigenous
families for the contribution they make to our College and our wider community.
We pray this week for even greater compassion, welcoming, inclusivity, and
understanding between all Australians as we work towards an even greater
future together. Year 9 Emmaus Retreat
Finally, a very big thank you to the House Deans, teachers, and in
particular our Year 9 boys who made this year’s Year 9 Emmaus
Retreat such a special event. We were privileged to get to know each
other much better, to provide care and support for one another, and
to gain a greater experience of the divine in our lives. Thank you to
17-18 September
What to Expect:
◊ Sharing of quality time
◊ Time to reflect upon the family unit
◊ Bush walking
◊ Time alone
◊ Personal reflection
Koonjewarre Accommodation and Activity Centre,
2806 Springbrook Road, Springbrook 4213
This will be a great opportunity for parents to connect in a very special way
with their sons, in the beautiful surrounds of the Gold Coast Hinterland.
Anyone interested please contact Mark Ellison at
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Mr Andrew Newcombe
Dean of Learning and Teaching
Year 11 English
Last Friday, the Year 11 English students sat their Term 2 exam under external exam conditions as part of the QCAA trial. The students
were well prepared, and the process gave Nudgee College teachers and students an opportunity to practice the steps required to be
ready for a formal test situation. The experience allows the College to receive feedback on our mechanisms and techniques used to
prepare the students. This should prove beneficial for teachers and current students as we transition to a system that has a greater
emphasis on high stakes exams.
The QCAA had an invigilator present for the test, and she was highly complimentary of the students, and the exceptional manner in
which they conducted themselves. Although this will come as no surprise, the students should be congratulated on their attitude
and positive frame of mind, which was evident before and after the test.
Music Soiree
On Monday night I had the pleasure of attending the Music Soiree in Tierney Auditorium. The event showcased a number
of ensembles and bands, which included students ranging from Years 5 to 12. The quality of music was impressive, and the
presentation of the entire night was professional and a great experience for guests.
Music at Nudgee College is thriving, and with the move of Music and Art into the redeveloped Cleary Building, the opportunity for
growth and for students to get involved in the program has never been more enticing. The benefits of learning a musical instrument
are well acknowledged, so I would encourage any student who may be interested, to enquire at the Music Department.
A lot of work and preparation is required to organise an event as coordinated and well planned as the Soiree. Congratulations and
thanks need to be extended to Mr Brett Foster and his staff, who have dedicated a lot of time to assisting the students.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)
The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) is a joint state and federal government
initiative. The Data Collection is an annual national count of the number of students provided with educational adjustments as a
result of their disability, as defined broadly under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA). The NCCD will provide Australian
schools, parents, education authorities, and the community with information about the number of students with disability in
schools, where they are located, and the adjustments they receive. An information sheet is available from the website for parents
of students with disabilities. Please read this information carefully before making the decision to opt out of the data collection. (NB
The NCCD involves collection of numbers only, no names are submitted). Parents/Guardians wishing their student’s details not be
included in the NCCD collection are to advise the school in writing by Friday 17 June. Further information is available at
Mr John Christie Director of Learning and Teaching
Ms Lara Morgan
Director of Pathways (acting)
Healthy Waterways Award
Recently Year 12 student Max Homer has been named as a finalist for the Junior
Waterway Champion Award in the 2016 Healthy Waterways Awards. Max’s entry
was a multimedia production that reflected on the work that he and his peers
have been working on in Marine Studies. This Term the students have been
monitoring and evaluating the health of Cabbage Tree Creek. The video Max
produced aims to highlight the environmental impacts of human intervention
on local waterways, and raise awareness amongst his fellow students and
community members. Voting for the awards will close on Monday 27 June, with
the winners being announced on Friday 8 July at a gala dinner. To vote for Max
visit healthywaterways.org/awards/finalists.
Ms Lara Morgan
Director of Pathways (Acting)
Go get your dream career
This is the title of the graduateopportunities.com 2016 ebook. While its intended audience is university students, it has lots of useful
information for students in Years 11 and 12 who are exploring their future options. This information includes:
Grad Stats - these show the destination of 2015 degree graduates (under 25 years of age), based on their field of study, four
months after they completed their course. It also shows the starting salaries for these graduates
Profiles of graduates who are now employed
Job search skills - including resumes, interviews, networking
Industry snapshots - covers more than 25 different industries, providing information about the jobs within the industry,
earnings, future employment opportunities, etc
You can download the Go get your dream career ebook at www.graduateopportunities.com/free-downloads/ebooks. Also on this
webpage are specific ebooks for many Australian universities.
Australian Film, Television and Radio School (AFTRS) Course in Brisbane
AFTRS is Australia’s national screen arts and broadcast school. It is a federal statutory authority. AFTRS offers a B Arts (Screen) and
short courses, some of which are offered online. It will offer Introduction to Screen Writing on 17 to 18 September 2016 at
The Edge, State Library of Queensland, Brisbane. For details, visit www.aftrs.edu.au/short-courses/film (click on ‘Screen writing’).
You may also be interested in their online short courses. See www.aftrs.edu.au/search?query=online+short+courses for information
about these courses.
Bonded Medical Places (BMP) Scheme
The BMP Scheme is an Australian Government initiative to provide more doctors to locations (referred to as eligible locations) that
are considered by the Department of Health to be in need of qualified medical practitioners. The BMP Scheme provides funding
for additional Commonwealth supported medical school places at Australian medical schools. From 2016, 28.5 per cent of all firstyear Commonwealth supported places in Australian medical schools are expected to be bonded through this scheme. In return,
after completing their medical course, participants agree to work in an eligible location in Australia for a total of 12 months (called
the return of service period). This can take place from the time they become provisionally registered, to five years after they attain
fellowship (complete a specialty).
The application and selection process for the scheme is the responsibility of the universities, and usually takes place after an
application to study medicine has been lodged. In the case of the University of Queensland, Year 12 students can apply for a BMP
when they apply for the Doctor of Medicine (MD) Provisional Entry for School-Leavers (Bonded Medical Places) through QTAC. An
information booklet about the BMP Scheme can be downloaded at
Events at the Australian Catholic University (ACU)
University Experience Day - Registration for this event is now open. It will be held at the ACU Brisbane campus on Thursday 7 July.
On the day you can participate in workshops related to the degrees offered at ACU, meet staff and current students, check out the
campus, get tips on preparing for uni and enjoy the entertainment. Register to attend at
Open Day - This will be held at the Brisbane campus from 9.00am to 2.00pm on Saturday 23 July. This is a must attend event to learn
about the courses and student support services offered at ACU. Register to attend open day for a chance to win $5,000 for an ACU
study trip to Rome at www.acu.edu.au/study_at_acu/future_students/undergraduate/experience_uni_before_you_start/open_day.
Griffith University Updates
New in 2017 - The following are university wide changes for 2017:
The academic year will be divided into Trimester 1 (27 February to 26 May), Trimester 2 (3 July to 22 September) and
Trimester 3 (30 October to 2 February). The third is optional and could be used as a catch-up Trimester
Some degrees will have a fast track option, enabling students to finish in two years
There will be more flexibility to balance study with other activities (e.g. work, sports)
More industry placements and internships within degree programs
New double degrees
Students can study online, on campus or a combination of both
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Ms Lara Morgan continued ...
Single environmental science degree in 2017 - This new three year B Environmental Science will have specialisations/majors in
Ecology and Conservation, Environmental Management, Soil and Water Science and Urban Environments. Double degree options
are B Environmental Science/B Laws and B Environmental Science/B Engineering. Details at
2017 Griffith Undergraduate Degree Guide - This guide has information about the courses you can apply for in 2017. Download the
guide at www.griffith.edu.au/future-students/brochures. Course brochures are also available on this site.
Mathematics A and B bridging course - This is a self-paced modular course which runs on Monday nights at the Gold Coast campus
from 22 February to 14 November 2016. There is no set starting date. You can start on any Monday night. Successful completion of
the course will meet the Maths A and Maths B prerequisites and assumed study for degrees at Griffith. Visit
www.griffith.edu.au/griffith-sciences/future-students/bridging-short-courses for details.
Year 10 Parent Evenings - At these evenings, Year 10 students and their parents will be given information about choosing subjects
for future tertiary study; have their questions about tertiary study answered; and talk to the parents of current Griffith students. The
evenings will be held on:
7 June at the Nathan campus
8 June at the Logan campus
9 June at the Gold Coast campus
Details will be on the website at www.griffith.edu.au/guidance-officers-teachers/events (click on ‘2016 Griffith events and tertiary
expos’) shortly.
Could you survive a Mars mission? - Griffith’s Science on the Go website challenges you to test your skill/knowledge/imagination to
survive a Mars mission. Visit scienceonthego.griffith.edu.au/interactive-learning/marsmission to start your mission. While you are on
the Science on the Go website, read up on the latest science and technology news.
Information for future pilots
Pilot Aptitude Training Systems (PATS) is a private organisation that prepares people for aptitude tests and interviews that are used
by the Australian Defence Force and airline pilot cadetships (e.g. Cathay Pacific, Rex). For more information, see
News from the University of Queensland (UQ)
Exercise and Nutrition Sciences as your pathway to Medicine - According to UQ’s School of Human Movement and Nutrition, the B
of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences is a recommended pathway to UQ’s Doctor of Medicine program. Read more at
TAFE Queensland Brisbane News
Doing uni differently - Did you know you can study a degree course at TAFE? TAFE Queensland South Bank campus delivers degree
courses in partnership with the University of Canberra and Federation University. Students can receive from one to two year’s credit
into these degrees by successfully completing a relevant diploma or advanced diploma at South Bank. See the list of courses offered
in the Degree Pathways 2016 Course Guide that you can download at
Winter School Program - TAFE Queensland Brisbane will offer the following one day programs, at a cost of $20, during the 2016
June/July school holidays:
27 June - Hospitality: A life in hospitality - South Bank
28 June - Fashion ‘Grand Designs - Great Fashions’ - Mt Gravatt
28 June - Robotics/Networking - Mt Gravatt
29 June - Hospitality: A life in hospitality - Mt Gravatt
29 June - Horticulture/Animal Studies - Mt Gravatt
30 June - Fashion ‘Grand Designs - Great Fashions’ - South Bank
30 June - IT: Mobile Apps - Mt Gravatt
1 July - Photography: Light Painting - Mt Gravatt
4 July - Justice - Drugs and Law Q & A Queensland Police and Solicitor - South Bank
4 July - Business/Marketing: Drone Racing Planning, Marketing, Doing! - South Bank
Ms Lara Morgan continued ...
7 July - Film and TV: One story to rule them all - South Bank
7 July - Tourism and Events: Overview of the industry and career paths - South Bank
8 July - Acting and Performance - South Bank
8 July - Hair, Make-up, Glamour - Mt Gravatt
8 July - Cooking and Baking - South Bank
For more information and to apply for a program, contact Peta Wlodarczyk on telephone 3244 5684 or email
Actuarial Science at Bond
Bond offers three actuarial science programs:
B Actuarial Science
B Actuarial Science (Honours)
B Actuarial Science/B Laws
Actuarial Science applies elements of economics, finance, statistics and advanced mathematics to interpret, manage and evaluate
risk. It is currently a much in demand area of study globally. Visit
bond.edu.au/future-students/study-bond/search-program/actuarial-science for more information.
Applying to study at Bond
Apply online directly to Bond for all courses except Medicine. The criteria Bond uses to select Year 12 applicants includes, academic
achievement (based on school predictions - the minimum cut-off for most courses has been OP 9/10 in the past), extracurricular
activities and personal attributes (community participation, leadership, etc.) and a school reference. The early offer application
closing date for entry in 2017 is 31 July 2016. Offers are sent to applicants in October. You can apply for Bond scholarships on the
application form. Apply for Bond’s Medical Program through QTAC in early February 2017. Information about the application process
is at bond.edu.au/future-students/study-bond/how-apply/application-process.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Mr Peter Todd
Dean of Students
Well Done
To the Year 8 students who supported our GPS Cross Country as spectators last Wednesday, to the Year 12 leaders who
guided our Year 8s, and to our Cross Country members themselves. You carried yourself with pride and respect, and were a
great demonstration of what it is to be a Nudgee College man.
To the Year 9 students for their fantastic engagement in last week’s Emmaus Retreat. Feedback from House Deans and staff
who attended (thanks to them also) was wonderful, and glowing in praise of students’ openness and participation.
To Tyler Wolfe and Sean Power from Year 7, who were inspired by Br Damien Price’s plea for support to raise money for a new
ambulance and transport vehicle for East Timor. The boys bought a large jar of all day sucker style lollies, and sold them off
individually. They were helped by Benjamin Colebourne, Benjamin Neal, Sethum Goonewardena, Mikey Dechphant, and
Joey Kingston. These young men raised well over $100 for the project. Brilliant!
Well done to Mr Aaron Knott and Riley House - 41 Riley boys, two boys from other Houses, 16 parents and Ms Lynsey Hale
(RI 2), who collected for the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal last Sunday. Fantastic support of this great cause!
To the students who have consistently supported our teams in this winter Term on a Saturday afternoon. Our dress standard,
cheering and quantity of those present have been terrific - often we have larger numbers than schools who are hosting
us. For students looking to be a Prefect or leader in higher grades, one very simple form of leadership is just to ‘be present’.
Thank you to those who are supporting their Nudgee College ‘brothers’.
Inter-house Chess Tournament
Well done to Tierney for their win in the annual Inter-house Chess Tournament. Tierney defeated Shaw in the final. This competition
engaged many boys, as players and spectators, in the Learning Centre for many days. Thanks to Mr Martin Harmon for all he does
in Chess and for running this tournament. Thanks to House Deans for their facilitation, but most importantly thanks to those who
Fogarty - Aaron Fahey, Lewis Begg, Callum Beane, Tom Edwards and Aaron Calvert
Ross - Cooper Corcoran, Ethan Baker, Pat Kropp, Sam Wiseman, Zane Kirk, Gus Babao and Joseph Picone
McKenna - Ian Trinh, Caleb Giorgas, Riley Granger,Caleb Reiher, Jack Duane and Will Murdoch
Magee - Jacob Wakerley, Myles Andrews, Nicholas Blyth, Andrew Wiman, Joshua Wilkinson and Sam Quinn
Tierney - Tom Kennedy, Mackenzie Hope, Henry Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy, Jeffrey He and Ethan Hunter
Duggan - Matt Canty,Tom Canty, Hamish Lindsay,William Martin, Luke Rohan and Branden Hargreaves
Shaw - Jacob Martin, Jazz Born, Tom Vo and Seamus O’Leary
Riley- Declan Ford, Cameron Kuskie, James Connelly and Jack Prosser
Barrett - Joshua Peters, Noah Smith, James Hong and Fletcher Barber
Important Notices
Backpacks - An important component of the uniform is the Nudgee College backpack. All students were issued a backpack
last year, with commencing students for 2016 being issued that this year. Students are asked to use this bag as their main
school bag - not other bags like Nike bags, Brothers Rugby bags etc. Please clearly mark their name on their bag, or add a
key ring to it for identification. We appreciate that some of the second or third bags boys are bringing to school may not be
a Nudgee College bag, and we are exploring options here. There will be an increased bag focus in coming weeks.
Senior Formal - payments and tables to be finalised by Friday 3 June.
Friday next week (10 June) is the annual Blue and White Day for Years 5 to 10 (with Year 11 and 12 on exams). This is
connected to our game the next day against traditional rivals Gregory Terrace. Boys are asked to wear Blue and White that
day as a Nudgee College ‘fan’.
Absentee process for absences attached to a holiday period (either early departure prior to end of Term, or late return
after holidays) - All absences must be notified by way of email to the Principal requesting that leave be granted. Email
principal@nudgee.qld.edu.au with the request for leave and the reason for the request. This will ensure that all appropriate
departments (Learning and Teaching, Student Office and House Deans) are then notified by the Principal in granting the
Mr Sean Toovey
Director of Students (Year 7 to 12)
Student Formation Curriculum Article
Last week I wrote about the purposes behind the Student Formation Program and also broke down the Year 9 curriculum for
Semester 1.
This week I would like to outline the Year 7 program.
In the first Term ‘positive foundations to starting high school’ was the major focus:
Getting around Google
Being an organised student - practical approach to completing a personal time management planner
Understanding in more depth the 16 Habits of Mind
​The next unit covered was looking at ‘positive mindset’, which included the following learning outcomes:
How am I travelling? cohort survey
Bullying No Way day lesson
Having a learner mindset - looking for the positive side of situations
Habits of highly effective people
Finally, over the latter half of this Term, we are focused on ‘digital citizenship’. Thank you to Mrs Robyn Harrison who has completed a
great deal of work with this unit.
Introduction to teens online
Surveys for students and parents
What are you doing online? What do your parents think about you being online?
If you need any clarification on content discussed, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Mr Chris Cawley
Director of Junior School
Does your son have data access on his phone?
The introduction of BYOD has been very successful at Nudgee College, and has allowed us as educators to bring a whole new world
to the classroom. I see a major role we play at Nudgee College as teaching our young men to be responsible digital citizens. This
involves them being actively engaged on the pages we have asked them to access, and not pages they may wish to be on in class
A student who has unfettered access to the internet 24/7 is not encouraged. The Australian parenting website, raisingchildren.net.au
suggests that if your son is younger than 13, the age you’re allowed to have an account on many social media sites, then it might be
better for him to have a phone that can just make and receive calls and text messages. I would encourage all parents and caregivers
to assess what level of access their son has to the internet, that is not monitored.
We have to recognise we live in a digital age, but as adults we still hold the key to how much access our children have to this most
powerful tool.
GPS Cross Country Championships
Wednesday 25 May saw a star-studded, under 10-12 years Nudgee College Cross Country team head out to Limestone Park, Ipswich,
to compete at the GPS Championships. The competition was the culmination of five months of hard training for the boys, and we
had high hopes of going ‘back to back’ after taking out last year’s event. In dominant fashion, the Nudgee College runners took out
the under 10 and under 12 age groups, both having six runners through in the top 15. The 11s narrowly finished in second position,
and ran extremely well to make it a real team effort. This resulted in our boys taking out the Junior trophy in emphatic style, scoring
28 points out of a possible 30. A huge congratulations must go to all the boys who competed, and it is a just reward for your fantastic
dedication, hard work and commitment throughout the season. Well done GPS champions!
These excellent results are due not only to the dedication of our runners, but that of the coaches. Our thanks to all the coaching staff,
but in particular Mr Joe Stephens, Mr Anthony Steele and Mrs Maureen Toohey who led our Junior team to such a stunning win.
Year 6 Guest Speaker
On Wednesday, Year 6 were the lucky audience for Professor Paul Simshauser, Director-General of Water and Electricity, and his
most important job of all - dad to Alex in 6N. Paul kindly offered his services at the beginning of Term when he discovered we were
covering energy and electricity. The students learned valuable information from Paul, who has many years of experience in the
private and public sector. We discussed the ‘ins and outs’ of coal and gas power plants, and a range of renewable energy sources,
technologies and interesting facts. An excellent video showing the process of a plant outage concluded the experience. We sincerely
thank Prof. Simshauser for taking the time to share his knowledge and experiences with us.
Mr Ken Mitchell
Head of Hodda Boarding House
End of Term Travel
Please speak to your sons about details of end of Term vacation leave, so he can enter it and have it approved by parents and his
Head of Boarding House. Please note that Year 11 and 12 boarders are allowed to leave for holidays as soon as their last exam is
completed. Any early leave must go through the Principal’s Office, and Learning and Teaching. This is particularly important if boys
won’t be here for exams.
Please also indicate if your son will need transport to the airport or Roma St Station on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 May. These are the
only days the College provides transport.
Student Achievements
We would like to congratulate Adrian Lawrence who has just been selected in the Queensland Under 15 AFL team. In addition, Ethan
Bullemor was selected in the Queensland U16 Rugby League team, which was the State of Origin curtain raiser. Well done to both
boys on their achievements.
Formal Dinners
All Boarding Houses have just finished the latest round of formal dinners for Term 2. They have provided a wonderful opportunity
to learn about a more formal setting, and how best to behave as young gentlemen. Thank you to all House staff who contributed to
planning and executing the nights. The boys really appreciated the break from the normal routine and participated keenly.
Reach for the Stars
As it is now Week 8, all boys will be busy preparing for their exams and finishing off any assignments. There is no better time for them
to be taking advantage of the wonderful teachers who give their time to help boys at night. Please encourage your son to seek help
wherever he can so he can do his best in the upcoming exams.
Boys’ Education
As a father, teacher and role model to our Nudgee College boys, I am always interested and keen to learn more about what
makes boys tick; how best to connect with them and give them what they need to be the best they can be in the world they find
themselves in. To that end, I have found some wisdom, and hopefully, a variety of obvious things we already know about our sons for
you to ponder. I would also add that our sons need to feel respected, listened to and most importantly, loved.
Boys are found everywhere - on top of, underneath, inside of, climbing on, swinging from, running around or jumping to... A boy is truth
with dirt on its face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket Anonymous (Ian Lillico, Boys and Their Schooling, 2000)
Boys need the following:
Boys like to explore the natural world in a much more physical way than girls
They need to investigate how things work
They need balls to kick, things to climb and to pit themselves against a challenge
They need structure and boundaries
They need goals and coaching in how to persist
They need a safe environment and a zero tolerance towards ridicule
Grant, I, Growing Great Boys: How to bring out the best in your son (2008).
Boarders’ Recreation Activities - 3 June to 5 June 2016
Friday Evening
Games in McKennariey Centre
GPS Football and Tennis vs BSHS (Away)
Ice Skating with all Brisbane boarding schools 6.30pm to 9.00pm
Lunch with Clayfield College 12.30pm to 3.30pm
Touch on Wilkes 11.00am to 12.00pm
Games in McKennariey Centre 1.00pm to 3.00pm
Pool 1.00pm to 3.00pm
Link: sites.google.com/a/nudgee.qld.edu.au/boarding-recreation
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Sport and Culture
On Wednesday 25 May, 160 athletes represented Nudgee College at the GPS Cross Country Championships at Limestone Park,
Ipswich. The day had a fresh beginning, but ended with hot, dry, dusty conditions, which were very trying for the older lads.
The Junior boys (10-12 years) got us off to a flying start, coming first, second and first respectively to take out the Junior
Championship. The 10 years boys - Ryan Heaton (2nd), Jacob Johnson (4th), Paddy Maloney (9th) and Ben Kluck (10th) - were
outstanding. In the 11 years we had top 10 finishes to Callum Turner (4th) and Ethan Rigby (10th). The 12 years age group simply
dominated the top 10, and a special mention must go to our scorers for their amazing race - Malachi Tuck (2nd), Patrick Dallimore
(4th), Alex Kluck (6th), Sam Rogers (8th), Luke Sedgman (9th) and Inigo Lawrence (13th). Junior Captains Malachi Tuck and Alex Kluck
proudly accepted the trophy for the second consecutive year. Congratulations goes to all of the boys for a terrific season, and thanks
to Mr Joe Stephens and Mr Anthony Steele for their outstanding commitment to the boys.
After the Junior competition, the 13 years led us into battle for the Jack Ross Trophy. Pre- comp favourites BGS jumped to an early
lead, and in a close count our boys came 4th with Lachlan Hill-Lewis and Michael Jones being our best runners on the day, in 10th
and 12th place. The 14 years event held over two 2km laps meant two ventures up heartbreak hill. Ben McMillan ran a terrific 11th
place, which was a huge feat after he fell and was trampled by about 50 boys - what a recovery! He was followed in closely by
Lachlan Mahnken (12th), Harry Rigby (14th) and Ben Lonergan (16th). The team finished a close 5th, just 10 points away from 2nd
place. The next race, the 15 years boys, was one of the highlights of the day. Against a star-studded BGS team our boys ran strongly
and proudly. Stephen Lean, Toby Gillen and Will Harris all had top 10 finishes with 4th, 5th and 10th respectively. They were joined
by Ollie Diggles, Ethan Irvine and Finn Hearn as our scorers in taking the 15 years premiership. Moving into the 6km races, the 16
years did a steady job to take 5th place. Nelson Birogi won the race in a smart time of 20.04, 12 seconds ahead of 2nd place. Flynn
Easton and Tom Donovan ran beautifully, as did Tyler Trethowan who ran up to cover an injury. With four races down BGS had gone
to an unbeatable lead with only the Opens to go, and Nudgee College was in 2nd with TSS, BSHS and BBC breathing down our necks.
Despite the fantastic leadership of Captain Mikey O’Sullivan running a creditable 11th place, it wasn’t to be the Opens’ day, and a 9th
placing saw us slip to 4th place at the end of the day.
Congratulation to all the boys on a wonderful season, it is always a pleasure working with you.
Thanks to all of the coaching staff who did a fantastic job preparing the boys.
Final Scores were:
Jack Ross TrophyJunior Shield
8thIGS198thIGS 6
Met North
Many of the boys wrapped up their Cross Country season with the running of the Met North Championships at St Pauls, Bald Hills.
These championships provide the qualifying for the State Championships to be held in July in Maryborough. All of the races were of
an extremely high standard, with many age groups having three or four state or national champions in them.
Our Nudgee College runners were terrific, and the following are off to the next level:
Jacob Johnson - 10 years (2nd)
Ryan Heaton - 10 years (3rd)
Lachlan Hill-Lewis - 13 years (5th)
Toby Gillen - 15 years (5th)
Nelson Birogi - 16 years (2nd)
A further mention to Callum Turner (11 years) who is first reserve, Malachi Tuck (12 years) who is second reserve, Ollie Diggles (15
years) who is second reserve, Michael O’Sullivan (17 years) who is first reserve, and Liam Mitchell (18 years) who is second reserve.
Congratulations boys!
Mrs Maureen Toohey
MIC Cross Country
Sport and Culture
It was chilly weather that greeted us at the 2016 Casino Beef Week Rodeo this year, but this
certainly didn’t affect our boys from showing a record crowd that the Nudgee College cowboys
have plenty of riding talent and ability.
Our youngest rider, Billy Banks (Year 7), impressive in both the under 14 Steer and Poddy events,
received top scores, to take home the first place trophy.
Jerry Tarpencha (Year 11) has been the longest standing member of our current Rodeo team.
Jerry has had his fair share of being thrown off bucking stock, but this year he is showing that his
willingness to improve each and every time is paying off. Competing in the under 18 Junior Bull
Ride, he sat up nicely for eight seconds for a score of 70 points. Leading this event right up until
the end, he eventually took home third place, tipped at the post by the last two who are both
seasoned riders on the NRA circuit.
A huge thank you to Mrs Julie Cammack (Rode Meats), and our bus driver Mr Shaun McKeown. Your help and support to the team
each and every weekend is very much appreciated.
It was really great to have Isaac Westerhuis (NCOB 2015) travel to Casino with the team. Isaac competed in the Novice and Junior Bull
events, and was a great support to our riders throughout the Rodeo.
This weekend (4 June) will see the team competing at the Caboolture Show Junior Rodeo. Events kick off at 8.00am at the
undercover arena. Everyone is more than welcome to come along and support the team.
Ms Cindy Abbey
Rodeo Team Manager
Last Saturday Nudgee College travelled to the Gold Coast to play TSS. The 1st IV team of Cedric Rupa, Sam White, Seth Macute and
Sebastian Hanna fought hard all day to lose by just one rubber, after having to forfeit two rubbers. Cedric Rupa led his team from
the front, winning his singles and his doubles, while Seth Macute won his singles. Sebastian Hanna continued to show improvement
from the experience of teaming up with Cedric Rupa to win one of their doubles in straight sets.
The 2nd IV team of Lachlan Berge, Charlie Nugent, Nathan McSweeney and Lachlan Carmichael were a little unlucky to lose on
games after splitting all of the matches, three all. Congratulations to Nathan McSweeney who won both his singles and doubles
matches. The 3rd IV team of Michael Grimes, James Doyle, Andrew Deshon and Nicholas Mann played flawless tennis to defeat their
TSS rivals by 28 games. While the whole team played well, Nick Mann was in fine form, losing only four games in his three sets.
The 11As team of Tristan Knibbs, Charlie Seymour, Tony Rudkin and Matt Massotti battled hard all day to come away with a 41 all
draw. This was a great result considering their number one player Aaron Fahey was unavailable for the tie. The 11Bs team of Lachlan
Chapple, Jack Patane, Jacob Searle and Cory Heydon-Butcher combined well as a team to win six of the eight sets played, and the
match. The 10As team of Alec Reverente, Patrick Kropp, Jackson Owen and Charlie Luckman were once again too strong for their
opposition, winning by 20 games. The 8Ds team of Joseph Picone, Aiden Roost, Jarred Lockett and Alexander George battled hard all
day to lose a nail biting finish by only one game.
The 7As team of Zack Paulik, Callum Stringfellow, Declan Townsend and Eamon Gerrard-Stace showed the value of great teamwork
to lose only seven games in their eight sets played, to eventually win by 41 games. The 7Cs team of Thomas Ibraham, Hayden Miller,
Tehi Nicholson and Griffin Schostakowski and the 7Ds team of Hugh Osborne, Zach Arnaldo, Mitchell Doyle and Cooper Cocoran
were also successful on the day against their TSS counterparts. The 6Cs team of Sam O’Brien, Lachlan Grey, Alessio Bianchi and Griffin
Schostakowski showed the famous Nudgee spirit to go into the final set one game behind, and capture the win for Nudgee College
by only two games.
The 5Bs team of Dean Defteros, Alex Pattison, Jack Wright and Michael Kritzinger played some of their best tennis for the season to
win by 18 games. The 5Cs team of James Barrett, Chris Hernick, Sebastain Hughes and Charlie Blinko looked set for a comfortable win
when they led by nine games with only three matches to be played, but had to fight hard to salvage a draw 37 games all.
Over the weekend former Nudgee College GPS player Steven De Waard (NCOB 2008) won an international doubles event in Bosnia,
while another Nudgee College Old Boy Mitchell Robins (NCOB 2013) won both the singles and doubles at the Sunshine Coast Open.
This week Nudgee College will play Brisbane State High School, with the final match against Gregory Terrace the following week.
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
made the
Teams competing; Senior A and Year 11 Team. Come along and support the boys!
Sport and Culture
With those in need
2006 - 2016
11 September 2016, Davies Park Rowing Complex West End
The Barralong Corporate Regatta had its inaugural regatta in 2007 and was an event designed for the raising of
funds for the St Joseph’s Nudgee College Social Justice programs and Nudgee College Rowing.
The Barralong Corporate Regatta has provided the inspiration of a chain of events, over the years, which has seen
the advancement of the Social Justice Initiatives at Nudgee College. The Rowing Parents Support Group had the
vision to integrate a terrific community event which seeks to support the great sport of rowing, with a clear and
achievable project which seeks to be “with those in need”.
After several years of fundraising, in 2009, the Barralong Corporate Regatta was the first group to donate into
a fund which saw the purchasing and fit out of a 12 seater van, which has been used for several years now for
those in need in Brisbane through the Nudgee College Big Brekky and Big BBQ programs. The van (fitted out by
supporters of the Barralong Corporate Regatta, Rohrig Constructions and AE Smith) began operation in 2010,
allowing Nudgee College to consolidate and expand on its Social Justice projects.
In 2010, it was seen that the Social Justice Program needed a storage facility. This facility would ensure the
sustainability and accountability of this massive project and provide the continued opportunity for the students
to learn about the contemporary social issues facing Australia and how we can be people who make a difference
“with those in need”.
This storage facility is known as Ed’s Shed and was officially opened in March 2016, with the Barralong Corporate
Regatta having given funds to this project over a number of years.
2012 saw the Barralong Corporate Regatta help students in Cambodia, further their education at the Saint Paul’s
Institute of Phnom Penh, which is a centre of excellence for all poor students, who do not have the financial means
to continue their studies. Two students were the recipients of two full scholarships to the institute in the area of
business and information technology.
In 2013, the goal was for the Barralong Corporate Regatta to raise funds to support the Work and Welcome
Program, which is a program designed to help many new arrivals to overcome barriers, join a community and
re-establish a sense of hope, dignity and belonging. The recipient of the program consequently found
employment working with refugee children in Tasmania.
Funding from the 2014 Barralong Corporate Regatta assisted in a teacher exchange and professional development
program, with the College’s sister schools in the Philippines. Money raised covered the cost of two teachers,
from the island of Negros, who joined the Nudgee College community for ten days in May 2016 for professional
development and dialogue.
2016 sees us looking to Cambodia and the students of Phnom Penh were it is our hope, that over the next couple
of years, that we may again be able to help the further establishment of the Saint Paul’s Institute in Phnom Penh
and help further the lives of other students in this area.
The Barralong Corporate Regatta is a fun, four week learn to row program which concludes on the fifth week with
a regatta held at West End on Sunday 11 September 2016. This program is aimed at all levels of competitors,
from novice to expert, where competitors are taught the skills of this team orientated sport in a safe, supportive
and fun environment. Businesses are encouraged to use this event as a team building exercise in a sport that is
known as the ultimate team sport, with the regatta also providing opportunity for our Nudgee College gentleman
to participate in coaching and volunteering, enhancing their development as leaders of the future, for their
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Sport and Culture
With those in need
2006 - 2016
11 September 2016, Davies Park Rowing Complex West End
Training commences the week after the Induction Session on Sunday 14 August at 8.00am. Please tick your preferred two training
session times, keeping in mind they need to be on separate days:
 Wednesday: 5.30am to 6.45am
 Saturday: 6.30am to 7.45am
 Sunday: 6.30am to 7.45am
 Sunday: 8.00am to 9.45am
 Womens crew
 Mens crew
 Dads and lads crew
 Bush boat
 Mixed crew
Mums and sons crew
 Novice: less than one year rowing experience
 Amateur: 2-3 years regatta / recreational rowing experience
 Experienced: over three years experience - please outline: _________________________________________________________
No experience is required, in signing this form each participant confirms they are sufficiently fit to participate in the training and
on Regatta Day. Every participant must fill in all details, with forms and money to be received before Monday 11 July. We would
like to take photos for your memory and some may be used by Nudgee College for Barralong promotion.
 Please tick box if you DO NOT agree to use of your photo.
The crew captain will be the contact point for all registration, training and other queries.
Crew Captain Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Crew Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sponsoring Organisation: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Postal Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Daytime Ph: ____________________ Mobile: ___________________ Email: _____________________________________________
Print name
Email address
Shirt size
(S - XXL)
req. Y/N
2016 BARRALONG ENTRANT FEE (includes breakfast)
 Quad: 4 rowers + coxswain
 Eight: 8 rowers + coxswain
 I would like to donate, sponsor or
advertise the event
Payment is to be made via our online payment portal https://payments.nudgee.qld.edu.au. One receipt will be issued to the payee only.
If individuals require a receipt they will need to pay individually. Barralong is not a registered charity, please consult your tax agent for
tax deductibility advice.
Enquiries to Shannon Carmody on shannon@liquorlegends.com.au / 0417 731 936
Y 7 OCTOBE R, 201
Nudgee Cricket
Tony Bray
Tel: 0488 236 878
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Dimensions NC Art Festival: 26 to 29 August
The Dimensions NC Art Festival raffle is always impressive, and this year’s first prize is truly exceptional. Seven nights on a luxury
Coomera houseboat (valued at $3000).
Keiko is a beautifully appointed four bedroom houseboat, and the most modern houseboat in the Coomera fleet. At 14 metres x 5.5
metres, this spacious craft boasts large kitchen and lounge areas, and alfresco dining on both top and lower decks. There is a main
bathroom and toilet, and a second powder room with toilet. Keiko is spacious and well appointed inside and out, with roomy and
well-furnished deck spaces. Stepping aboard the Keiko is like walking into a modern, fully self-contained holiday apartment. Sleeps
8-10 people comfortably.
On board entertainment includes
Plasmas and LCD HD TVs, DVD players, surround sound
Stereo radio and CD players
Large marine BBQs, outdoor areas and sundecks
There is easy access to the theme parks and marinas, and you can explore the Moreton Bay Marine Park, one of the world’s greatest
marine parks. Explore! Relax! Enjoy!
Your Raffle books will be sent home during the school holidays, so keep an eye out for them... you need to be in it to win it! There will
be six prizes in total, including the book buyer’s prize. Support Cultural Activities at Nudgee College by purchasing your raffle tickets.
Nudgee College Cultural Arts Committee

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