Autumn 2012 - Waterville
Autumn 2012 - Waterville
The Canal Post AUTUMN City offices will be closed for the following holidays: JOIN THE CITY OF WATERVILLE MONDAY FOR THE SEPTEMBER 3 LABOR DAY MONDAY 39th ANNUAL NOVEMBER 12 VETERANS DAY ROCHE DE BOEUF FESTIVAL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 22 & Saturday September 22, 2012 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 23 THANKSGIVING 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Annual Roche de Boeuf Festival is held every September to commemorate the historic meeting of local tribes who were fighting against General Anthony Wayne and his troops. The festival features a parade, entertainment, local vendors and artists. It is a great way to celebrate autumn in Waterville. Trick or Treat Wednesday October 31st 6pm to 8pm Festival Provided by the: Waterville Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with many generous sponsors Roche de Boeuf Info ~ Contents ~ City Office & Council Schedule Queen for Waterville ~ Make the Mosaic information 1 2 Fishing Derby Info & Registration ~ Employee Recognition ~ Lot for Sale Tree Care ~ Halloween Safety Information 3 4 Trash & Recycling Information 5 Unlimited Trash Pick-Up ~ Daylight Savings ~ Voting ~ CPR Training Leaf Collection Schedule 6 7 Police Department Information ~ Rotary “Buck - a - Duck” pre-RDB Party Historical Society Page ~ “Pioneer Arts “on Roche de Boeuf 8 9 Roche de Boeuf Festival Information City Council Meeting Schedule Mondays at 7:30pm At the Town Hall September 10 & 24 October 8 & 22 November 13 & 26 View Live on Time Warner Cable Ch. 5 Review Agendas & Minutes on web site 10 Roche de Boeuf Car Show 11 Browning Masonic Community News 12 Engraved Brick Program 13 City Contact Information ~ Fire Department “Hot Spots” Autumn 2012 2012 14 1 Queen for Waterville Sponsoring The Miss Waterville contest were from left to right: Eric Nicely, Manager for Huntington National Bank hosted event. Sponsors: Elaine Blackwood owner of The Wellness Center Day Spa & Salon; Shelby Johnston, Queen for Waterville; Tammy Shelley and Kristi Chapman, owners of Swan Creek Bridal. In addition, the committee would like to thank those who helped support this event: The Waterville Historical Society; Judges, Mayor Lori Brodie, Sam Ansara former President of the Chamber of Commerce; Fire Chief Steve Parsons; Huntington National Bank; Fifth Third Bank and Kroger Company. The first annual Miss Waterville Contest was held in July. Shelby Johnston was crowned the first Miss Waterville. Shelby is a senior at Anthony Wayne High School. Some of her activities include riding horses, Anthony Wayne H.S. Band, Vice President of 4-H Club, Drama Club and she is also active in her Youth Group just to name a few. Shelby will be available, upon request, to be in attendance and represent the Waterville area with their many events through out the year. Waterville Artist Selected for Library Mosaic Project Local artist, Alison Quinn, has been selected as the illustrator for the community-based glass mosaic project being organized by the Waterville Area Arts Council. This exciting project will invite all Waterville area community members to actively participate in creating a 13’ X 6’ glass mosaic mural which will be on permanent display at the Waterville Branch of the Toledo/Lucas County Library. Mosaic artist, Gail Christofferson, will lead these community art sessions scheduled for September and October. Ms. Quinn’s illustration, which was selected from a large field of entries by local artists, represents how reading opens up the world to people. A recent graduate of Ohio University with a degree in art and film, Alison has received a number of recognitions for her art work. Most recently she was one of five nationwide winners for a Bath and Body Works package design. The Waterville Area Arts Council working with glass artist, Gail Christofferson, responded to Waterville Library’s request for new art work to be displayed at the library with the idea of the community-based glass mosaic project. This large glass mural will help to instill a sense of pride and participation as all community members, regardless of age, will be invited to help place the glass pieces into the art work. Multiple work sessions lead by Gail Christofferson will held in the fall to allow citizens to try their hand at being a contributing artist in this project. The process is easy so everyone will be successful. While the Waterville Area Arts Council is coordinating the project free of charge, the cost of materials and related expenses is being covered by the Toledo/Lucas County Library Legacy Foundation. Friends of the Waterville Branch of the Library group made the final selection of the design. For more information visit The Waterville Area Arts Council at . Bring the family for some fun and join in the art project! Session times: Sept. 20 - 10:30 am to 1:00 pm at the Waterville Library ~ Sept. 25 - 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Waterville Library Sept. 29 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Browning Masonic Community ~ Oct. 13 - 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Silver Lining Gallery Autumn 2012 2 For Fishing Derby Registration forms please visit the website or you can pick one up at the Municipal Building 25 North Second St. EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION INDUSTRIAL LOT FOR SALE 1134 DISHER DR., WATERVILLE, OHIO Acreage: 1.565 Parcel 96-03008 Lot Dimensions: Rectangular, Width, 185’ (Frontage on Disher Dr.); Depth 355.36’ Price: $47,900 Vacant Land (Sign on Property) Zoning: M-1 Industrial District Street: 2 Lane, 2 Way, Curbed Closest Cross Street: Waterville - Monclova Rd. (300’) Utilities: 10” Water, 8” Sanitary Sewer, 24” Storm Sewer, 4” Medium Pressure Natural Gas, Telephone, CATV: All available along street frontage For more information, contact: Waterville Municipal Administrator: James M. Bagdonas / 25 North Second St. / Waterville, OH 43566 The City of Waterville Wishes to recognize the following employees for their continued commitment to our community. Volunteer Firefighters Randy King ~ 15 years Sharon Parsons ~ 15 years Steve Sloan ~ 15 years Chris Shoemaker ~ 10 years Autumn 2012 3 Trimming & Pruning Trimming of trees located within the public right-of-way to a safe height (6’6” to 7’) above the sidewalk and more extensive pruning may be requested by submitting a written request to the Public Works Department, Town Hall, 25 N. Second St.. The Public Works Dept. will direct your request to the Waterville Tree Commission. Any tree limbs thought to be hazardous should be immediately reported to Town Hall at 878-8100 or the Public Works Dept. at 8788108. improve soil structure and drainage. Organic mulch is preferred to inorganic materials due to the soil enhancing properties of organic materials. If you chose to mulch the trees on your property, it is important that you do so properly. Too much mulch may actually harm the trees. Over mulching or creating a “mulch volcano” may cause problems for trees, inviting insects and disease. It is better to mulch wide than mulch deep. similar to a doughnut. This will hold water but won’t invite insects and disease to infest the trunk. Watering With the warm, dry weather we have been having, it is important to water the trees on your property. It is especially important for newly planted trees to get regular watering. More Information If you have questions regarding the topics covered here or It is also important to keep the other tree information, there mulch away from the trunk of are many resource pamphlets the tree. It is best to form a from the International Society Mulching ring of mulch around the tree, of Arboriculture available at There are many benefits to keeping the mulch 6” away Town Hall. mulching your trees. It helps from the trunk A depth of 2 to maintain soil moisture and 4” of mulch is generally recomcontrol weeds. Some mulch can mended. The proper shape is SAFE & HAPPY HALLOWEEN Halloween may be a fun holiday for kids, but for parents, trick-ortreat time can be a little tricky. Concerns about children’s safety, whether they are out in the neighborhood or back home with bags of booty - can darken the day more quickly than a black cat. But not to worry! To make Halloween a treat for all, follow these safety tips: Autumn 2012 MAKE SURE YOUR KIDS DRESS UP SAFELY Check that the costumes are flame retardant so the little ones aren’t in danger near burning jack-olanterns and other fire hazards. Keep costumes short to prevent trips, falls, and other bumps in the night. Make sure kids wear light colors or put reflective tape on their costumes. Trick-or-treaters always should be in groups so they aren’t a tempting target for real-life goblins. Parents should accompany your children. 4 Wednesday October 31st 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. MAKE TRICK-OR -TREATING TROUBLE FREE Make sure older kids trick-ortreat with friends. Together, map out a safe route so parents know where they’ll be. Tell them to stop only at familiar homes where the outside lights are on. Try to get your kids to trick-ortreat while it’s still light out. If it’s dark, make sure someone has a flashlight and pick well-lighted streets. Make sure kids know not to enter strangers’ cars. City of Waterville WASTE COLLECTION REGULATIONS Contracted Hauler: S t e v e n s D i s p o s a l & R ec y c l i n g P h o n e n u mb e r 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 7 9 - 0 3 4 4 E ma i l : UNLIMITED TRASH PICK-UP MONDAY OCTOBER 15th , 2012 Residents are limited to three (3) bags/containers per week. Each bag/container must weigh 50 lbs or less. 2. Households with an excess of 3 bags/containers may purchase extra bag tags for $1.00 each at the City Office, 25 N. Second St. (Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday). 3. Large, bulky items, such as furniture and appliances are collected the same day as regular trash. Residents must purchase a bulk item sticker for each item. Large item tags are available for $10.00 at the City Office. 4. Appliances. Residence are responsible for the removal of all Freon Refrigerants from applicable appliances prior to collection. A certification label must be affixed to the appliance. This requirement is mandated by Federal Law. 5. Bi-Annual Unlimited Collections. The City of Waterville will have a one day unlimited clean-up twice per year for residents to dispose of unwanted items. Collections will be curbside and items will not require tags on this day only. 6. Holiday Collection Schedule. Stevens Disposal & Recycling observes the following holidays: January 1, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day. There will be no collection of these holidays. Collections will be one day late for the day of the holiday and those days following. Monday collections will be on Tuesday. Holiday collection schedule does not apply if holiday is observed on a Saturday or Sunday. 7. Exclusions. Curbside collection excludes the following materials: Yard waste, including brush, grass, leaves, shrubs; auto parts; tires; building materials, including paint, concrete, metal pipes, and rocks; liquids, motor oil, hazardous chemicals, pesticides, insecticides; dead animals. If you have any questions regarding the handling or acceptability of an item, please contact Stevens Disposal or the City Office. 8. Bags & Containers. Use only standard, regulation metal or plastic waste containers or bags 1.5 mill or stronger. Do not use cardboard boxes, waste basket liners, plastic or paper grocery bags, barrels or laundry baskets for the curbside collection of your waste or recyclables. This is a litter as well as a safety precaution for the drivers and collectors. 9. Special Services. Stevens Disposal & Recycling Services provide collection and containers for special projects such as remodeling & certain excluded items. Please contact Stevens Disposal directly should you require additional or special services. 1. CURBSIDE RECYCLING GUIDELINES Residential curbside recycling is provided through the City’s contract with Stevens Disposal & Recycling. Each Monday Stevens Disposal will pick up recyclables and refuse. • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recyclables do not need to be sorted. Place your recycling bin at the curb away from your refuse. Do not use plastic bags or cardboard boxes as recycling containers. You can purchase extra recycling bins at the City Office, 25 N. Second St. (Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday). Recyclable Items Include: Newspapers and Cereal Box-Type Paperboard: Stack in paper grocery bags or tie with string. No wet newspapers. Clear, Green, and Brown Glass Bottles and Jars: Remove lids and rings. Rinse clean. Plastics #1 through #7: Remove lids and rings. Rinse clean. Flatten if you wish to save space. Aluminum and Steel Cans: Rinse clean and remove any paper labels. For safety place the lid inside the can and pinch the end closed. Brown or White Corrugated Cardboard: Remove all packing materials. Break boxes down into sections not more than two feet long. Bundle boxes together with string. You may leave tape, staples, and address labels on boxes. When writing a check to the City for a Utility or Tax Payment please make check out to **City of Waterville, or just Waterville,** it is not necessary to write Municipality on the check . Autumn 2012 5 UNLIMITED TRASH PICKPICK-UP Semi-Annual Unlimited Garbage Pick-up for Waterville residents Monday October 15th (curbside by 7 a.m.) NOTE: REFUSE PICK UP WILL BE ON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4TH DUE TO THE Labor Day Holiday Exclusions: Exclusions: Curbside collection excludes the following materials: ♦ Yard Waste (including brush, grass, leaves, shrubs) ♦ Building materials (including liquid paint,)(dry paint or empty cans acceptable) concrete, metal pipes and rocks) ♦ Liquids of any kind ♦ Hazardous Chemicals (including pesticides and insecticides) ♦ Dead animals ♦ Motor oil, Auto Parts and Tires Appliances: Appliances: Residents are responsible for the removal of all Freon refrigerants from applicable appliances prior to collection by the contractor. A certification label must be affixed to the appliance. This requirement is mandatory by Federal Law. Large, bulky items such as furniture and appliances will not require a bulk item sticker on this day only. LOCK YOUR DOORS & REPORT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4th AT 2:00 A.M. City residents are reminded to remove valuables from their parked vehicles and lock the car doors. Also please make sure that your overhead garage door is locked as well as your house. If you see or hear any suspicious activity in your neighborhood you are asked to call the: DON’T FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR Replace the batteries in your Smoke Detectors! POLICE immediately at 419-878-6666 or 911. CPR TRAINING TUESDAY NOVEMBER 6th EL E I CT ON The Waterville Fire Association will be offering CPR classes. If you are interested please contact the Waterville Fire Department 419-878-0165 DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! DAY Collection day for both trash & recycling is Monday TRASH & RECYCLING SERVICES Always Delayed MEMORIAL DAY 4TH OF JULY If on LABOR DAY CHRISTMAS DAY Monday: NEW YEARS DAY Never Delayed: MARTIN L. KING VETERAN’S DAY COLUMBUS DAY PRESIDENT’S DAY Please keep this trash & recycling schedule handy for future reference. Autumn 2012 6 Unlimited Trash Pick -Up Monday October 15th (see above) ANNUAL SIX WEEK LEAF COLLECTION PROGRAM TLEW (Bluebird) & Norfolk Southern RR BEGINS OCTOBER 15th The Waterville Public Works Dept. will be collecting leaves throughout the City. The City will be divided into two sections at the TLEW Bluebird railroad tracks, with pick-up on alternating weeks between sections. See map and schedule below left. We ask that you please read and follow the reminders listed below: West - Section 2 TLEW (Bluebird) & Norfolk Southern RR ♦ East - Section 1 Please DO NOT rake leaves into the street or put them in a container. ♦ Keep parked cars away from piles so that the crews can reach them easily. ♦ Check leaves for: Limbs or sticks, corn stalks, garden waste, rocks, grass clippings & weeds. Leaf Pick-Up Schedule (weather conditions may affect schedule) Leaves mixed with these items WILL NOT be picked up! The items listed above can damage and/or clog the intake & vents on the equipment resulting in major costs & delays. Please help us to better serve you by ensuring that these items are removed prior to collection. OCTOBER 15th ~ EAST SECTION 1 OCTOBER 22th ~ WEST SECTION 2 OCTOBER 29th ~ EAST SECTION 1 The City’s leaf removal program will end NOVEMBER 5th ~ WEST SECTION 2 November 21st NOVEMBER 12th ~ EAST SECTION 1 NOVEMBER 19st ~ WEST SECTION 2 Anyone with leaves that fall late may dispose of them at the Clean Wood Recycling Facility located at 6730 Anthony Wayne Trail until Friday November 30th If you have any questions please call the Public Works Dept. 419-878-8108 Autumn 2012 7 ♦ ♦ CALLING EMERGENCY SERVICES Provided by: The Waterville Police Department ♦ 911 is your connection to police, fire, and rescue services. Our Communication Operators are highly trained, dedicated professionals who assist you in getting the help you need. Please remember these tips whenever you call 911: ♦ Teach children to use 911 properly and remind them it is not a toy. ♦ Put your address information near the phone and make sure children and babysitters know where to locate it. ♦ If you dial 911 accidentally, please stay on the line and tell the operator it was an accident. If you hang up they will send emergency personnel to your location unnecessarily thus tying up resources. ♦ Be prepared to answer questions. Listen carefully; speak clearly and try to remain calm. ♦ You will be asked questions to determine the nature of your emergency. ♦ The call-takers are experienced “information gathers” and their persistence is based on a need to provide accurate and specific information to the attending emergency personnel. Bicycles Each year there are numerous bicycles found and turned over to the Waterville Police Department. Most bicycles have no owner identification on them and go unclaimed. Waterville Municipal Code 373.12 requires bicycles that are used on any street or public place of the Municipality to be registered with the Police Department. Waterville residences can obtain bicycle license tags for FREE at the Waterville Police Department office 25 N. Second Street Waterville, Ohio 43566. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ You will likely be asked many specific questions. Please understand that while they are asking you questions, they are relaying vital information simultaneously to emergency personnel. The more information emergency responders have before they arrive on the scene, the better prepared they are to help you. Communicate your location as soon as you are asked. Know your location at all times. This is particularly important if you are calling from a cell phone. Cell phones do not provide name, number or location information because the phone is not registered to a fixed location like an in-home telephone. This is a serious safety issue. You should know what city you are in, building or home address, cross street, landmarks, etc. Persons who place false 911 calls are violating the law and face criminal charges and fines. A bicycle being unlocked is a bigger factor in whether it gets stolen than how expensive the bicycle is. Tips to prevent your bicycle from being stolen: Never leave your bicycle unlocked even for a minute. Use a bike lock. For the best protection, put the lock through both the frame and the front wheel when locking the bicycle to something. ULocks are better than cable or chain locks both together are best. Always secure your bicycle to a SOLID object. Lock your bicycle in an open, welllit area that can be seen by pedestrians and passing motorists. Do not leave your bicycle in a rack overnight. Check the rack to see if is easy to take apart or broken at the top or bottom. Be sure to secure any quick-release parts such as wheels or seat posts. Report your stolen or missing bicycle promptly to the police department. Friday Night - Sept 21, 2012 Rotary Pre-Event Party 7 pm - downtown 3rd St. Band: Johnny Rocker and the Hitmen Saturday Races - Sept 22,2012 @ Roche de Boeuf Festival - meetings Mondays at 6pm @ Zinful Autumn 2012 8 Roche de Boeuf Day Waterville Historical Society Roche de Boeuf Day Skills of over 25 craftsman and women from years past will be on display at the Waterville Historical Society’s Museum Complex, 114 & 118 South River Road on Roche de Boeuf Day, September 22 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Attractions this year include an Indian Trading Post encampment, butter churning, corn shelling, beekeeping, Indian beadwork, Indian face painting, basket weaving, chair caning, blacksmithing, quilting, rug weaving, spinning, rope making, tinsmithing, woodcarving, and stereography. Children may participate in many of these activities and learn an appreciation of the skills our pioneers needed in their daily lives. There will also be a coloring contest and story telling for children, and old fashioned ice cream will be for sale. Musical entertainment will be provided throughout the day by a singing minstrel outside and a harpist and pump organist in the Robbins House. Both house museums will be open for touring for a 50 cent donation. An Attic Treasures Sale beginning at 7:30 a.m. will include a wide variety of collectibles. Donations of books, prints, knick knacks and antiques but no clothing or large items are still being accepted. For information call Jim Stoma 419-878-0657. Books published by the Society as well as WHS T-shirts will be for sale, and a donate to park parking lot at Wakeman Hall, 401 Farnsworth will also provide proceeds to help the Society maintain their three museums and continue their educational programs. There will also be a square dancing demonstration at noon as well as a Watermelon eating contest at 2:00 p.m. on a small stage located in the street close to the Robbins & Sargent Houses. A signed and dated art glass piece by Waterville artist Brian Lonsway will be one of several unique items offered in a silent auction on Roche de Boeuf Day at the Robbins House Museum. Lonsway, who died in 2001, moved his studio to Waterville in the late 1970’s and became a beloved town character who joined his neighbor, Herb Mericle in his annual New Year’s Day swim. Brian produced beautiful blown glass pieces that are treasured by collectors. Waterville Historical Society presents… “Pioneer Arts” Find us at S. River Rd. & South Street 1 block west of antique Car Show Highlights include: Interactive demonstrations with artisans, re-enactors, and entertainers from the Pioneer Days of northwest Ohio. This event is free and open to the public. Roche de Boeuf Day Saturday, September 22, 2012 10 a.m. ~ 4:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend two free programs sponsored by the Waterville Historical Society this fall. Popular speaker, historian and author, Fred Folger will present, “Now and Then; Out and Around Toledo” on October 17. Then on November 14, Leslie Poolos and Karen Herzberg will sing and play instruments to illustrate, “American History Through Music”. Both programs begin at 7 p.m. Wakeman Hall, 401 Farnsworth Rd. Following the programs refreshments will be served. Autumn 2012 9 Roche de Boeuf is the French translation which means “ rock of Beef or Buffalo Rock” commemorating the rock which is still present in the Maumee River area of Waterville at the old Electric Railway Bridge. Autumn 2012 10 Autumn 2012 11 Browning Masonic Community Proudly Presents…. THE SWINGSTERS Big Band Concert Saturday September 29th of ound ! s ur d S ent o h an ym 2 B o g enj i B e ou r h T ry fo 7 - 9 p.m. $5 per person at the door. Refreshments provided by: The Residents of Browning Masonic Community Call Sharon 419-878-1813 to make your reservation ~ Seating in Harmony Hall is limited ~ Everyone is also invited to participate in Browning Masonic Community’s Fall Craft Fair Bake Sale & Soup Luncheon Saturday November 3rd 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. VENDORS: Cost per table (6 foot table & 3 chairs provided) Electricity provided with advance notice & early registration. Reserve your table today by calling Sharon 419-878-1813 to get a Reservation Form. The event will be advertised in the Mirror Newspaper and the Key Shopper along with flyers distributed throughout the community. Autumn 2012 12 Become a part of Waterville’s history with the purchase of an engraved brick for you or your loved ones! Bricks are located in the entranceway of the clock tower building at the corner of the Anthony Wayne Trail and Farnsworth Road and are visible to thousands of visitors to downtown Waterville each year. Engraved bricks make a great permanent gift and are an excellent way to commemorate any special occasion, to recognize family members or to provide a lasting memorial for a loved one. Each brick you purchase helps to support revitalization efforts in downtown Waterville. Engraved bricks are available in two sizes: 4” X 8” with up to three lines of text with up to 13 characters in each line (including spacing and punctuation) per line: $100.00 8” X 8” with up to six lines of text with up to 13 characters in each line (including spacing and punctuation) per line: $225.00 To order your engraved brick, simply fill out the form below and drop it off or send it along with payment to the: City of Waterville, 25 N. Second St., Waterville, Ohio 43566-1491. If you have any questions, please call the City at 419-878-8100. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to purchase an engraved brick [____ 4” X 8”] [____ 8” X 8”] (check one). Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________ Daytime Phone: _______________________________________________ Email Address: ________________________________________________ A check for $_________________ is enclosed. PLEASE CLEARLY PRINT COPY (No Logos) EXACTLY AS IT IS TO APPEAR ON YOUR BRICK* (Including spacing and punctuation); All engravings will be centered & will use both upper & lower case letters Line 1: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Line 2: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Line 3: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Line 4 (8” X 8” ONLY): ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Line 5 (8” X 8” ONLY): ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Line 6 (8” X 8” ONLY): ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Autumn 2012 13 REMEMBER SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION CITY OF WATERVILLE CONTACT INFORMATION WATCH FOR CHILDREN TOWN HALL GENERAL INFORMATION UTILITY BILLING INCOME TAX DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS POLICE (NON EMERGENCY- M-F 8AM-4:30PM) (NON EMERGENCY- M-F 8AM-4:30PM) FIRE AND RESPECT THE BUSSES. 878-8100 878-8101 878-8102 878-8108 878-8184 878-0165 FOR NONNON-LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCIES AFTER HOURS CALL: 419-878-6666 FIRE & POLICE EMERGENCIES - 911 MAYOR LORI BRODIE 8119 BRIDGEHAMPTON DR. 878-8818 COUNCIL MEMBERS BARB BRUNO ANN CHERRY JEFF MARTY MICHAEL METZGER TIM PEDRO JIM VALTIN The City of Waterville is always interested in hearing opinions and comments from its residents. Please visit the Contact page on our website or send us a note and tell us of your suggestions about our city. The Waterville Municipal Building 25 N. Second St. Waterville, OH 43566 137 S. RIVER RD. 7656 SHOEMAKER DR. 504 MICHIGAN AVE. 861 MAPLE LANE 514 CEDAR LANE 142 WILKSHIRE DR. 878-8865 878-8071 878-9999 878-2801 878-2364 878-0127 MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATOR JAMES BAGDONAS When writing a check to the City for a Utility or Tax Payment please make check out to **City of Waterville, or just Waterville** TOWN HALL 25 N. SECOND ST. 878-8100 OFFICE HOURS: MON - FRI. 8 AM - 4:30 PM Visit us at: Waterville Fire Department HOT SPOTS Halloween is just around the corner, and soon after, we will celebrate several other winter holidays. It is the wish of the Waterville Fire Division that every one has a safe and fun filled holiday season. With the fall season comes the time to change our clocks back from daylight savings time. This year we revert back to standard time on the first Sunday in November. Therefore, the time change occurs on Sunday, November 4th at 2:00 a.m. When you change your clocks, it is also a good time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. Fall is also a good time to check your heating system. This should be done by a certified heating technician. While checking your heating system you should also check your carbon monoxide detectors. Changing your batteries in your smoke detectors, checking your heating system, and carbon monoxide detector, can be the start to a safe holiday season. With Fire Prevention week occurring during the month of October, it is a great time to get your family together to conduct a fire drill at home. And don’t forget to designate a meeting place for the entire family to meet after they are out of the house. If you would like help setting up an evacuation plan and having a fire drill, the Fire Division will gladly help you out. If you have questions about your smoke detectors, or carbon monoxide detectors, please contact the Fire Division at 419-878-0165. REMEMBER: WORKING SMOKE DETECTORS SAVE LIVES!!!! Autumn 2012 14 14
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not more than two feet long. Bundle boxes together with string. You may leave tape, staples, and address
labels on boxes.
The Canal Post
of Waterville. Contact the Fire Department at 419-878-0165, or stop by for a tour ~ see what we’re all about.