BHS Student qualifies for National Debate Tournament
Bartlesville Public School District’s Weekly Email Newsletter The Bruin Educating Tomorrow’s Leaders Volume 9, Number 26...Friday, March 13, Superintendent’s Chalkboard BPSD has successful students This school year we have seen many great achievements from our students both academically and athletically. We kicked off Photo Special to The Bruin Dr. Gary W. Quinn Junior, Sean Mason; BHS Debate Teacher, Linda Shipley; and senior, Alex Hale, were awarded the school year National and District honors at the recent Oklahoma Eastern District Debate Tournament. with a great start with the Oklahoma State Department of Education A-F Report Card grades. Results from the A-F report cards reflect the quality of students and staff we have throughout the Bartlesville Special to The Bruin Bartlesville High School junior, Sean Mason, is one of just three students in East- Public School District. In the third year of the A-F ern Oklahoma to qualify for the National Forensic League’s National Debate Tournagrading system, five of our school ment; while BHS senior, Alex Hale, was named first alternate and will be part of the inaugural World School Debate Team. Linda Shipley, Bartlesville High School speech sites (50%) received a letter grade of A- or better. Overall, 60% and debate teacher, was also honored as the Eastern Oklahoma High School Debate of our school sites improved its Coach of the Year during the District awards ceremony. grade and 80% of our sites scored Mason won six of seven competitive rounds in the Lincoln-Douglas debate either an A or B grade. These are format at the Oklahoma Eastern District tournament qualifying him for the national tournament. The tournament will take place this June in Dallas. Mason now joins a se- outstanding results measuring the lect group of only 250 students from across the United States to go to Nationals, which success of our students. In October, we celebrated the is the largest academic contest in the nation. Final rounds at the National competition opening of the Project Fit America are judged by blue ribbon panels including CEOs, former Cabinet members, stage and equipment area on the Jane Phillips screen celebrities, sponsors, and acclaimed community members. “If debate were a sport, Sean’s achievement would be comparable to being named Elementary School campus. Jane Phillips is now one of only two an All-American,” says Shipley. “He’s 100% dedicated and committed to work hard, prepare and compete. Sean has been DEBATE- Continued to page 8 CHALKBOARD- Continued to page 8 BHS Student qualifies for National Debate Tournament Elks Students of the Month: March Bartlesville High and Tammy Turner. School seniors Blair Hunter is extremely Koster and Hunter accomplished in music Turner have been being a member of named Elks Students both the high school of the Month Select Chorus for the month as well as, the March. Select Jazz Blair Choir. He is Koster is also a cajon the daughter player for his of Tim and church. Stephanie Turner is Koster. She a member of Blair Koster is a member the Bruin tenof the Student Counnis team. cil and is the Student Outside of school, Body vice president. he works at Pioneer She is a member of the College Caterers. In National Honor Socihis free time, he enjoys ety and Spanish Club. playing Super Smash Koster is active in Brothers with his Bruin athletics friends. being a memElks ber of both Students of the varsity the Month- all volleyball and of whom are varsity track seniors- are teams. chosen by a Aside committee of from school, Bartlesville Hunter Turner Blair is very High School involved in K-Life. teachers. They must She also works at St. be of high moral John and St. James as character, have initiaa religion teacher aide tive, show leadership as well as, an after care capabilities, be good helper for the St. John students, and be active School. and interested in their In her spare time, school and community. she enjoys reading and One female stuspending time with her dent and one male stusisters. dent are selected each Hunter Turner month from October is the son of Kevin through May. Rotary Students of the Month: March Bartlesville High for the past three years and School students Haley American Legion baseball Downey and Brady Sewell as the starting center fielder have been named Rotary since 2014. Students of the Month for He was on the Bartlesthe month of March. ville Mid-High Haley Downey Honor Roll and is is the daughter of Jencurrently on the BHS ny and Gary Downey. Honor Roll. Sewell Downey is a very is also a member of active swimmer and the Young Republiis a member of both cans as well as, the the Phillips 66 Splash Bru Crew. ThroughHaley Downey Club as well as, the out his high school State Champion Bartlesville career, he has been involved High School swim team. in football, wrestling and She serves as team captain in cross country. both groups. During the summer Additionally, she is months, Sewell enjoys a member of the National fishing and golfing and his Honor Society and the favorite pastime is snowOklahoma Swimmer Athlete boarding in Breckenridge. Leadership team. The RoOutside of tary students of the school, Downey month, which can is a member of the be either a senior or Disciples Chrisjunior, are chosen tian Church youth by a committee of group and works at BHS teachers. The the Richard Kane student should be of Brady Sewell YMCA as a lifehigh moral charguard and teaching swimacter, have initiative, show ming lessons. In her spare leadership capabilities, be a time, she also enjoys spend- good student, and be active ing time with friends and and interested in their school family. and community. Brady Sewell is the One female and one son of Teresa Sewell and male are selected each Spencer Sewell. Sewell has month from September been playing Bruin baseball through May. Vocal Music Students receive Superior Marks at Solo Vocal Contest Special to The Bruin Bartlesville Public Schools Vocal Music Program hosted its annual Vocal Solo Contest on Saturday, March 7 at the Bartlesville High School Fine Arts Center. Students were judged on tonal quality, intonation, rhythm, vocal technique, interpretation of music, diction and memorization. Each student was given constructive feedback and scored for their performance. 46 students received the highest rating of “Superior” from the judges. 14 students from Central Middle School, six students from Madison Middle School and 15 from Bartlesville Mid-High/ High School received “Superior” ratings. BHS Mid-High and High School students receiving a “Superior” rating were Jacon Ainesworth, Gwen Belyea, Melody Brown-Clark, Paige Cleveland , Samantha Coats, Kaitlyn Cole, Abigail Hales, Josh Higgs, Alexis Jergensen, Logan Kelly, Garrett Lee, Katie McCollum, Katrina Randolph, Sydney Walker, and Julie Welch. Middle School students who received “Superior” ratings were Katelynn Briggs, Gloria Castillo, Claire Chipinda, Jessica Dunaway, Allison Hadley, Grace Hager, Ariel Jimison, Lydia Knollmeyer, Maggie Largess, Allison Lee, Brooke Marshall, Holly Massey, Emily Nordhues, Jordyn Parnell, William Pattison, Hannah Phelps, Matthew Pryor, Adji Rosadi, Hannah Rencountre, Corbin Valenciano. Congratulations to all the students who worked hard and participated in the Vocal Solo Contest! Shadow Day at Madison Middle School This past week I had the opportunity to participate in Madison’s Shadow Day and what a privilege it was to spend some time at the school! My day began with Shannon McKinney, instructional coach at Madison, introducing me to the student I would be shadowing for the day – sixth grader, Kamilla Anderson. Kamilla, an amazingly bright and kind girl, did a great job taking me around from class to class. My first stop with Kamilla was Mrs. Ray’s advanced math class. As we configured the area of several different shapes, I couldn’t help but wish I had a sixth grade math teacher like Deborah Ray. She did an amazing job explaining the steps to reach the correct answers and there was no student feeling left behind. Our next class was Mr. Johnson’s science class where we conducted a very cool experiment to see which materials were insulators and which were conductors. It was great to see the students get so excited when they guessed correctly on the outcome of their experiment. My final stop with Kamilla was geography where we watched a video on Martinique, an island in the Lesser Antilles in the eastern Caribbean Sea and one of the 27 regions in France. It was extremely interesting learning about the beautiful island and all it has to offer. As I left Madison that day, I was very thankful for the chance to explore the halls of a middle school as a student once again, which is what the day is all about according to the members of Madison’s MOYA committee. MOYA stands for Month of the Young Adolescent, and Shadow Day is just one of the many activities the school hosts during the month. “Shadow day is for community leaders to see what a middle school day is like,” says a MOYA committee member. “It is a chance for them to hear and see the positive that our students are a part of every day. Also, students gain an appreciation of representing their school and learn how to interact with adults.” Shadow Day is an amazing experience and we encourage everyone in the community to take some time to visit our wonderful schools and see firsthand, all the great things happening in the classrooms and hallways. My guide for the day, Kamilla Anderson. First Annual Central Classic 5k a success Special to The Bruin On February 28, 2015, the faculty and staff of Central Middle School hosted the First Annual Central Classic 5k Race and Fun Run. 325 runners pre-registered for the event, but the hours of seemingly endless snowfall put a chill on the motivation of many. However, with 173 actual participants - including out-of-state thrill seekers and 25 die-hards who signed up THAT morning - the race ended up a colossal success! Runners and walkers particularly enjoyed the camaraderie of fellow runners, the upbeat attitudes of race organizers, and the peace and quiet of the Pathfinder on a snowy winter’s morn. Central would like to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to all sponsors and participants of the Central Classic 5k Race and Fun Run. We look forward to many more years of this event! Life Principle of the Month: Courage Each month, the Bartlesville Public School District and the Bartlesville Regional United Way designate a Great Expectations Life Principle as Life Principle of the Month. BPSD students, staff and members of the Bartlesville community are encouraged to incorporate the Life Principle into their respective lifestyles as habit. The Life Principle of the Month for February is “courage,” which means, “strength of mind to carry on in spite of fear and difficulty.” Choir Students sing at the Capital for Youth Arts Day These Bartlesville 6th grade students are members of the 2015 Oklahoma Music Educators Association All-State Children's Chorus and performed four selections at the Rotunda of the Oklahoma Capitol Building during Youth Arts Day 2015. Along with the students' performance, State Education Superintendent, Joy Hoffmeister, read a proclamation from Governor Mary Fallin declaring March 10, 2015 Youth Arts Day. Miss Oklahoma 2015, Alex Eppler, spoke about her life in the arts as a dancer and performed for the crowd. Youth Arts Day is a partnership with Music in our Schools in the month of March. These programs highlight the wonderful impact that participation in Fine Arts can have on a student's overall education and the importance of Fine Arts classes and teachers in our schools. From left front: MeKayla Martinez, Madison Middle School; Erica Taylor, Central Middle School; Sophia Walker, Madison Middle School; Colton Green, Madison Middle School with Representative Travis Dunlap. Photo special to The Bruin Bruin Classic Golf Tournament slated for May 16 Special to The Bruin May 16 provides your chance to spend a day on the golf course while supporting a good cause. The popular annual Bruin Quarterback Club Golf Classic offers tee times at 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. at Adams Municipal Golf Course for four-person scramble teams. Cost is $400 per team. All funds raised at the tournament go to support Bruin football programs. Monies are used for vital equipment and uniform needs for the teams. Sign up to participate as a team by contacting Randy Johns at randyj21@ Tax deductible donations can be made to the Bartlesville Quarterback Club, Bruin Football Classic, P.O. Box 2182, Bartlesville, OK 74005. For more information, visit Project Graduation seeks donations for 25th annual celebration Special to The Bruin Project Graduation is coming up May 22 bringing a fabulous celebration party for the class of 2015. This is the 25th year for the annual post-graduation party, which offers a fun substance-free celebration sponsored by the Bartlesville High School Parent Support Group. This year’s Project Graduation event will take place from 11 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. at Washington Park Mall with plenty of games, food, music and festivities for the graduates. Each year 90 percent of the graduating class attends the BHS Project Graduation party. BHS Parent Support Group is asking for donations from the community to help continue hosting the annual after graduation party. Checks should be made payable to BHS Project Graduation and mailed to Sara Meszaros, 2709 Oxford Ct., Bartlesville, OK 74006. Project Graduation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization making it eligible for matching contributions. The tax ID number is 73-1333467. All Project Graduation programs are funded solely through fundraising efforts and the generosity of the Bartlesville community. BPSD Needs You! Community Volunteers Needed Test Monitors/Proctors are needed for upcoming End of Instruction tests. The job of a monitor/proctor is to assist the certified teacher in administering the test to the students. Dates Needed: April 15 — May 7th Time required varies from two to six hours depending on the test. The main job of the Test Proctor is to observe the Test Administrator and students during the test and report any irregularities in testing procedures. To volunteer call the school counselor for the school of your choice: 918-336-9337 Hoover Jessica Herrington 918-336-9479 Jane Phillips Kimi Keyes 918-337-3711 Kane Robin Barry 918-336-3810 Ranch Heights Rhonda Willcox 918-333-8000 Wayside 918-335-1177 Wilson 918-336-9302 Central 918-333-3176 Madison 918-333-4444 Mid-High 918-336-3311 High School Rhonda Kesselhuth Karen Salge Allison Ebert or Jane Sears Holly Martin or Julie Brown Rachel Gurule Rebecca Brown Test Proctors are required to participate annually in Test Proctor orientation. Test proctor training can be completed on line - orTraining.pdf Want to keep up with construction at BHS? Check out the BHS construction cam at: Summer School Teacher and Assistant applications now being accepted The Bartlesville Public School District is now accepting applications for summer school teachers and assistants. The summer school dates will be starting June 1-25, 2015, Monday – Thursday. Also, if you are a current school employee, you will not have to complete the entire application, just follow the instructions for current employees. The deadline to apply is April 24, 2015. If you have any questions, contact Christie Young at the ESC at 918-3368600 x1030, or BMHS student recognized as Kiwanis sophomore of the year Bartlesville Mid-High sophomore Pranoy Behera, is the Kiwanis Bartlesville Sophomore of the Year and is the overall winner of the Kiwanis Sophomore of the Year. The overall winner is chosen from the winners of the five Washington County schools. Behera is pictured here with Jeanette Miller, chair of the Sophomore of the Year committee, and Rachelle Wilson, chair of the Youth Services committee. Photo special to The Bruin DEBATE- Continued from page 1 working toward this since he was a freshman–and it’s rare for even a junior to qualify. He’s debated 12 different resolutions and has competed in more than 25 tournaments.” “Last year, he went to Nationals in Student Congress and participated in Debate Camp at Cameron University in Lawton to help hone his skills. It’s not uncommon for Mason to put in two-to-three hours a day researching and preparing his positions for tournaments.” Alex Hale, now in his fourth year of debate, qualified to be a member of our District’s first World School Debate Team. This team encompasses competitors from all different types of debate to work together and forge a team. “Alex has a brilliant, insightful mind and this new style of debate is tailor made for him,” says Shipley. The students work together as a team with no teachers present for one hour before each debate round after the debate topic has been revealed. “Alex will excel in this venue, quickly formulating interesting and complex arguments to be presented during the debate,” said Shipley. Bartlesville High School has 30 students enrolled in competitive debate. Three are seniors, three are juniors and the remaining 24 are Mid-High sophomores and freshmen. “We’re a very young, but also a very strong team,” says Shipley. “Our future looks promising. One of my favorite things about teaching competitive debate is watching the young freshman grow and mature as they develop their critical thinking, problem solving, and persuasive speaking skills. What these students are capable of accomplishing by the time they graduate from high school always amazes me, and I’ve been doing this for a very long time.” In 2009, Shipley was named the BHS teacher of the year and in 2008, she was the named the Oklahoma Speech and Debate Coach of the Year. Under Shipley’s leadership, the Bartlesville High School Debate program was named one of the Top 40 Debate high schools in America by the National Forensic League (NFL) in 2013. Since her arrival in 1994, the speech and debate team have boasted more than 50 and scores of others in state and regional competitions. schools in the state of Oklahoma to boast Project Fit America equipment. The Project Fit America area includes equipment such as ladders, ropes to climb, parallel bars, pull up bars and a stretching area among other innovative fitness equipment. This addition to the Jane Phillips physical education curriculum has been a huge success. Also in October, Bartlesville High School seniors, Alexander Hales and Thomas Talbot were named National Merit Semifinalists. Seniors Marlon Cummings, Catherine Hine and Logan Martin were named Commended Students. In total, only 50,000 students throughout the country are named either a National Merit Semifinalist or Commended Student, and BHS has five. We also had high school seniors, Gabrielle Culver and Virginia Drummond, receive the 2015 Academic All-State Award by the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence. They are among only 100 high school seniors selected from 558 nominations statewide. Culver and Drummond will receive a $1,000 merit-based scholarship and a medallion. Another great individual student success is that of Bartlesville High School senior, Gloria Tso, who was selected as a member of the 2014-2015 class of Coca-Cola Scholars. She is receiving a $20,000 scholarship award, renewable annually at $5,000, for four years of study at any accredited U.S. college or university of her choice. Tso was also recognized with the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards .The award presented by Prudential, in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), honors middle level and high school students for outstanding service to others at the local, state, and national level. In the realm of Bruin athletics, the Bartlesville High School football team made the playoffs for the first time since 2010. Our high school girls cross country team entered the 6A state championship meet on November 1 on a roll following a 6A regional title win in October. The success continued as the Lady Bruins sprinted to the 6A girls cross country state title outpacing Norman North High School and rival Jenks High School at the state meet which was held in Edmond. The BHS boys cross country team also had an outstanding finish, just narrowly missing the podium with a fourth place finish. Recently, our girls swim team took home their first State Championship since 1997. They competed in the State Championship on the weekend of February 20 in the Edmond Aquatic Center. The boys swim team did great as well coming in as state runners-up. The many successes of our students is directly attributed to the dedicated teachers, directors, sponsors and coaches who teach and lead them every day. These individuals who have dedicated their personal lives for the success of our students, all helping to shape our future. It has been a remarkable year so far and we look forward to the remainder of the year. We encourage you to come out and support our Bartlesville students in one of the many activities that will be taking place throughout the spring season – concerts, plays, school musicals, golf, tennis, baseball, slow pitch softball, track, and soccer. CHALKBOARD- Continued from page 1 Check out BPSD on facebook and twitter Keep up to date with the latest happenings around the Bartlesville Public School District by visiting the BPSD facebook page and the BPSD twitter page. To visit the BPSD facebook page, search Bartlesville Public Schools on Facebook or use the link!/BartlesvillePublicSchools. When you visit the site, make sure to like the page. Presently, the page has over 4,200 page likes. The BPSD is also on twitter, simply search for @ BPSDBruins. Become a follower and get district updates and announcements. Stellar Sites The Bartlesville Public School District offers a wide array of useful tools for students as well as parents. For some extra educational insight, give these websites a look: PowerSchool Click on the PowerSchool link toward the top of the home page. - Parents and legal guardians can check with office personnel at their student’s school to find out how to access PowerSchool. - Information on students - such as grades and attendance records available via PowerSchool. Study Island Use the “Member Login.” - Student login information must be obtained from teachers. Facebook or - Everyone can keep up with what’s going on throughout the BPSD or at Bartlesville High School by becoming fans of these pages, which are updated regularly with news and events. Twitter!/BPSDBruins - Keep up with the latest news and announcements from throughout the BPSD. Bartlesville Public School District Activities (March 13 - March 19) Friday, March 13 -No School for Elementary Schools Only - Parent/Teacher Conferences -Florida Band Trip -Central Special Olympics Practice @ BHS (9:00 a.m.) -Kane Spring Book Fair during conferences (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) -Varsity baseball @ Bishop Kelley (4:00 p.m.) -Coed Varsity track @ Jenks (4:00 p.m.) Saturday, March 14 -Florida Band Trip -JV baseball @ Bishop Kelley (12:00 p.m.) Sunday, March 15 -Florida Band Trip Monday, March 16 -Florida Band Trip -Spring Break Tuesday, March 17 -Florida Band Trip -Spring Break Wednesday, March 18 -Florida Band Trip -Spring Break Thursday, March 19 -Vocal Music Trip to Florida -Florida Band trip -Spring Break Where’s My Issue of The Bruin? With Spring Break set to unfold from March 16-20 throughout the Bartlesville Public School District, there will be no issue of The Bruin next week. But, look for it again - with plenty of Bruin news on Friday, March 27.
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