summer is HOT!


summer is HOT!
Prime Times
How can I support Elder Care?
lder Care offers a broad range of services designed to improve the quality of
life for senior adults, their families and their caregivers. As the number of
older citizens in our community increases so does the need for these services.
Elder Care is a not-for-profit organization and we depend on private contributions to support our work. Please consider making a gift today.
City, State, Zip:
My check (payable to Elder Care) is enclosed
Please charge my:
Hi, I’m Summer!
DayBreak Art
Festival takes
place in AUGUST
Other Amount $___________
(circle one)
Card Number
Exp. Date
Please mail to:
Elder Care
1223 Swan Drive
Bartlesville, OK 74006
summer is HOT!
please indicate your choice
Healthy Aging with ELDER
Issue 7, Volume 8
July 2008
Yes! I would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to
support Elder Care’s many important programs and services
such as in-home care for the homebound, adult day care
(DayBreak) and care management.
Mark your calendars now for August 12 for the
DayBreak Summer Arts Festival. DayBreak participants
will be showcasing their work and allowing the public
to take their art home for donations. The event takes
place from 5:30 pm to 7 pm and will include light hor
d’ouvres. Guests will be able to enjoy ceramics, paintings, and crafts. Artwork will be available for donations
from $1 to $20. For questions please call Elder Care at
918-336-8500. Don’t miss this very special event of our
talented DayBreak artists!
Cool off with the
Rejuvenate your life!
1223 Swan Drive
Bartlesville, OK 74006
Nowata 918-273-0993 or 273-3190
In This Issue
G o l d e n O p p o r t u n i t i e s N e w s . . . . . . . . . . p. 2 C a r e g i v e r S u p p o r t G r o u p . . p . 5
C O O L R O O M P R O J E C T ! . . . . . . p . 3 Thank you to our donors and volunteers.................p. 6
Fa l l Pr e v e n t i o n T i p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 4
Prime Times
Elder Care’s
Golden Opportunities News!
Elder Care’s Golden Opportunities Summer Quarter began late last month
and is still taking enrollment for classes in physical fitness, education, social and
travel opportunities, as well as GO memberships.
“We have so many new and remarkable day trips offered this quarter,” Lori Esser,
Community Relations Assistant said. “The most popular one is to Oklahoma City
to see the Roman Art Exhibit from the Louvre. Oklahoma City is only one of three
cities in North America where this exhibit will be stopping, so it’s such a rare opportunity we couldn’t pass up.”
For the month of August there will be a stirring cooking class with fresh spin on Tex
Mex to serve at your next fiesta hosted by Bartlesville’s own Rosie Swindell.
“We will be taking a day trip in August to Ponca City,” Esser said. “Not many people
have taken the drive over to Ponca City to stop and look around. They usually drive
on through to their next destination. I think this trip offers an appealing day full of
looking back into our pioneering past and remembering where we came from.”
The trip will feature a stop at the Marland mansion, Pioneer Woman museum, Head
Country BBQ for lunch and a final stop at the Poncan Theater.
Another out of the ordinary trip will be taken to the Gilcrease Museum on August 19
for a night of jazz, food and art.
“The Gilcrease has a Third Tuesday Jazz Night each month and this month is especially special,” Esser said. “Earl Clark and the band Spectrum are performing as well
as buffet provided by the Osage Restaurant. The interesting part is that the galleries
at Gilcrease will remain open during the night and the Ansel Adams exhibit will have
just opened that week. They will also be showcasing the 101 Ranch Memorabilia
exhibit. It’s not very often you can experience jazz and fine art in one evening at one
Due to the high interest of participants responding to the enrollment in the Digital
Photography class, GO will offer a second session in August.
“I will be teaching an additional 3-day Digital Photography Class for anyone interested in becoming more educated with using a digital camera,” Esser said. “Some have
purchased a camera and have not used them very often because they are intimated by
it. I hope that everyone that attends will be able to return home at the end of the week
and photograph beautiful subjects and feel confident.”
Class favorite, instructor Rohn Munn, returns to help students learn to use watercolor
to discover their hand at Landscape painting. This exciting workshop is the first Satcontinued on page
Jessie Albright
Billye Andrews
Tucker Attebery
Sarah Jane Baker
Mary Lee Bailey
Shirley Baldwin
Bill & Lynn Bohon
Jennine Bolen
Arlene Bratt
Allene Brewer
Dorothy Brown
Katie & Keith Carleton
Guy Carrow
Jon & Narda Caton
Peggy Cauthen
Donna Chandler
Carla & Dave Cherry
Ann Cleary
Jean Courtney
Betty Dalrymple
Bill & Ruby Dennis
Alice Doyle
Paul & Virginia Fox
Doris Geiss
Bill & Katie Griffin
Edna Harbison
Judi & Melvin
Jean Hoskinson
Sue Hunter
Letty & John Jones
Dee & Robert Joplin
Jerry Jordan
K.I. June
Apryll Kannard
Doris Kastner
Alene Kitchell
Mary & Robert Lathem
Claudia Lawrence
Zoa Layton
Elizabeth Leatherman
Leona Lee
Earleen Long
Hazel McCord
Linda Moore
Maxine Moret
Jo Oertle
Margaret Patterson
HughAnn Payne
Steve & Cheryl Perry
Linda Pierce
Betty Place
Dana Pratt
Don & Donna Pyles
Donna & Robert Rau
Irene & Byron Reburn
Carole Robbins
Jonelle & Sam
Melinda & Bill Rule
Fran Salih
Rowland & Lois
Annetta & Leon Smith
Paulene Smith
Thelma Smith
Peg Soules
Kaye & Troy Stafford
Barbara Stamper
Rosie Swindell
Henry & Catherine
Bonnie Lee Thaxton
Dale Tolin
Patsy Tracy
Annette Walker
Darwin Widmer
Mavis Young
Heritage Villa
Prime Times
June Donors
Sue N. Adams
The A.E. and Juanita Richardson
Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. William Cordill
Disciples Christian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Drumb
Rhonda Fleming
George Halkiades
Nancy Jones
Ross and Claire Meredith
McCoy Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Petersen
St. James Church
The Charles W. Selby Trust
Thomas Tate
Robert Wahlgren
Ray Woods
In Memory of Billie Shertzer
Jim and Linda Earnhart
Frances Mahan
Thank You.
Special thanks to our June Donors.
Elder Care appreciates all that you do to
help us provide services to seniors and caregivers.
In Memory of Jack Seidle
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allison
June Volunteers
Sarah Jane Baker
Rachel Daniel
Steve Davis
Everett Dodson
Mary Gillett
George Halkiades
Wendy Hall
Leslie Hartsock
Barney Hay
Caroline Holder
Grace Hickman
Melvin Hildabrand
Bob Hollingsworth
Henry Kane
Lil Leopold
Leane Line
“I also like to remind everyone
of our Golden Hour that we have
every fourth Thursday of the
Saturday in August from 10:00
month,” Esser said. “It’s a fun
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Newcomers
evening out with friends and you
are encouraged to participate
can enjoy good music along with
and all materials are provided
tasty food. This event is free to
for the class. Don’t miss out
all the seniors in the area because
on this opportunity and sign up
of our wonderful sponsors Heribefore all the spots are full.
tage Villa and Central National
Golden Opportunities is an
innovative program at Elder
For information about enrollment
Care developed to enhance the
or memberships, call 336-8500,
overall quality of the lives of
stop by Elder Care at 1223 Swan
active seniors in the Bartlesville
Drive or visit www.aboutelderarea. Enrollment is open to any
senior in the area; you do not
have to be a GO member to
sign up for any event. Yearly
GO membership is optional and
benefits include 20 percent off
classes, 10 percent off travel
and quarterly members only
cont. from page 2
Phil Lorenz
Bill & Mary Ann Moore
Roni Murphy
Lea Petri
Lillie Porter
Paula Shelow
Marta Stanley
Mary Stewart
“I am very excited about being
able to offer this opportunity to
the seniors in our area,” Lori Esser, Community Relations Assistant, said. “This ship has all kinds
of new deck-top features like the
9-hole mini golf course, Carnival
WaterWorks spray park, a tropical
resort-style pool and the Serenity
adult only outdoor retreat. There is
something for everyone.”
Rosie Swindell
Sue Welch
Ruth Weldon
Lee Warzel
Pam Willhoite
Cindy Zornes
Prime Times
published monthly by
Promoting wellness
and independence
1223 Swan Dr.
Bartlesville, OK 74006
Tel. 918-336-8500
Fax 918-336-8519
307-A Locust
Nowata, OK 74048
(918) 273-3190
A United Way Agency
Program Management
Mike Fogle
Executive Director
Frank Danel
Facility Manager
Mary Grove, P.T.
Director, Physical Therapy
Maria Swindell Gus
Community Relations Director
Chantelle Julian
Senior Living Director
The Monday cruise takes you
off to the Bahamas the week of
March 9, 2009 to visit Half Moon
Cay and Nassau. Then it visits
Grand Turk, an island famous for
one evening and each cabin will
its underwater wall as well as its
receive $25 onboard ship credit
new cruise center, which features
and a bottle of house wine. You
a Margaritaville.
can’t find a deal like that anywhere
“The cost of this trip includes almost everything,” Esser said. “For
A $200 deposit per person is
a little over $1,150 it covers the
required to reserve a spot and is
cruise, roundtrip airfare, all govnon-refundable unless the miniernment and port taxes, all cruise
For the first time ever, Golden
mum participants are not met. You
This quarter’s members only
staff gratuities, all needed transOpportunities will be sailing
do not need to be a GO Member to
event is Tuesday, August 5 and
portation and onboard meals. And
away to the Eastern Caribbean
sign up for this trip. For informawill be an evening of mystery
since we are going as a group, we
early next year. Take a five day
tion about exact pricing for indiand murder. Although this event
are able to receive exclusive group
cruise from Miami on Carnival
viduals, call 336-8500 or stop by
is free to members, a reservawith a group of your friends for a benefits just for us! We will be
Elder Care at 1223 Swan Drive.
tion is required before the end
trip to remember to the Bahamas. treated to a private cocktail party
of July to attend.
Deirdre McArdle
Development Director
Chris Taylor, D.O.
Geriatric Physician
Director, W. R. Bohon Senior Health Clinic
Board Members
Roger Box, President
David King, Vice President
John Swanson, Treasurer
Randy Anderson
Jim Clark
Frances David
Janice Drake
J.P. Fitzgerald
Elizabeth Gallery
Thad Kent
Sandy Moore
David Oakley, Jr.
Gerald Reed, D.O.
Lisa Roll
Joe Rovenstine
Kay M. Sallee
Rosie Swindell
what is the
Young Professionals Bartlesville and Elder Care Team Up to Keep Seniors Cool
Oklahoma summers can be
brutal, but Elder Care and
Young Professionals Bartlesville (YPB) are teaming up
for the third year in a row to
make sure that area seniors
can stay cool.
tion of $5 towards the campaign.
According to Kelli
McKee, Young Professionals of
Bartlesville Event Planning chair,
the collaboration for the project
has been one that YPB has enjoyed.
“This is our third year
for the event and the past two
t’s hot outside. Most Oklayears have been more successful
homans are used to the high
than we could have hoped for.
temperatures this time of
Last year, YPB and others in the
year but the elderly are especially
community helped us raise over
vulnerable to the summer heat.
$1400. For this project it really
Some are not able to adjust to the
is like Christmas in July!” said
heat effectively and others may
be on medication that can cause
Maria Swindell Gus said
intolerance to heat and humidity.
the cooperation between orgaThat’s where The Cool Room
nizations to support the annual
Project and Elder Care come in.
campaign is one that is coming
The goal of the project
at the right time for Bartlesville
is to be able to provide a 110
area seniors.
window unit for one room in the
“August is one of the
home where seniors can get a
hottest months of the year and so
little relief. “We aren’t looking
often seniors are the ones that fall
to cool the entire house,” says
prey to the heat,” said Gus. “The
Maria Swindell Gus, Elder Care
Cool Room Project is just one of
Community Relations Director,
the many ways Elder Care works
“but perhaps we can at least proto help seniors stay healthy and
vide a comfortable place where
they can get a break from the
According to Gus, it is
the YPB focus in Community
Thursday July 31st at
Service that has really helped
5:30pm, Elder Care and YPB will
boost the awareness of Elder
team up to launch Elder Care’s
Care’s Cool Room Project.
2008 Cool Room Project at
“YPs have really taken
YPB’s monthly social hour to be
an interest in making this a better
held July 31st at the Solo Club,
community for all of us, much
located at 404 E. 2nd Street in
like the seniors in Bartlesville
downtown Bartlesville. Anyone
have done for so many years. I
who attends will have the opporlike that the YPs are helping to
tunity to give a suggested dona-
carry the torch that so many in
Bartlesville started long ago.
I hope that seniors in the area
will approve of how the YPs
are making continued efforts to
make Bartlesville a better place
to live.”
Anyone is encouraged
to attend the July 31st event as
well. Whether it be to make a
donation or to come in support
of Elder Care and see the collaboration take place, any extra
people desiring to be involved
are welcomed, said McKee.
“There are so many
supporters of Elder Care,
spanning a variety of ages all
throughout the community,”
said McKee. “We really hope
they’ll come out and see the
faces of YPB and show both
of our organizations support as
we continue this very special
For more information about YPB go to www. To find
out more about the Cool Room
Project or to make a donation,
call Elder Care at 336-8500 or
visit us at www.abouteldercare.
Prime Times
What YOU
can do to prevent falls.
Falls and difficulty with balance are common problems
among seniors. A fall can be a
devastating event for an older
The most important thing to
remember is that falls are not a
normal part of aging. The best
way to combat this problem
is to work on preventing falls
before they happen. There are
several ways to accomplish
this goal. The first thing you
can is to make simple modifications to your home to make
it safer. Some suggestions are
to remove all throw rugs, use a
nightlight to illuminate walking paths at night, and consider using a reacher to gather
objects beyond reach.
Common problems for many
seniors are decreased lower
extremity strength and lack of
flexibility. Seniors with these
problems are at a greater risk
for falls because this slows the If are experiencing difficulty
ability to respond to a loss of
with balance or falls, ask your
physician to refer you to Elder
Physical therapy can also play Care physical therapy. We
a vital role in the prevention of can establish a fall prevention
falls. Therapists are equipped
program to help you with your
with screening and assessment specific problem. If you have
tools that can help determine
any questions, please call our
risk factors contributing to
office at 766-0391.
falls. Once an evaluation is
complete, a program is developed to address the specific
risk factors.
Patients who participate in a
fall prevention program gain
strength, flexibility and balance. They are able to live
their lives with greater confidence and participate in more We may not have ice to worry about at this
time of year, but falls can still be a risk for
activities they enjoy.
some seniors.
Prime Times
Young Professionals of Bartlesville Rising Star Award
Maria Swindell Gus
Maria Swindell Gus was named the Young Professionals
Rising Star Award winner during the Bartlesville Regional Chamber of Commerce dinner on June 27.
Maria has served as the Community Relations Director of
Elder Care of Bartlesville since 2004. She also serves on numerous
boards, committees, and commissions including the Board of Adjustment for the City of Bartlesville, the Total Resource Campaign
Team for the Bartlesville Regional Chamber, she serves as board
president of Casa Hispana, she is on the Core Team of the Bartlesville Young Professionals, a committee member of the annual Cow
Thieves and Outlaws Reunion, a member of Daybreak Rotary
Club, and many other volunteer duties.
“I can’t think of anyone that exemplifies this award more
appropriately,” states Mike Fogle, Elder Care Executive Director. “The enthusiasm with which she goes about doing her job
is infectious and her professionalism is well respected within the
community. Elder Care is fortunate to have Maria as a part of our
leadership team.”
It’s an honor to have one of our employees recognized for
their accomplishments. It also continues to show the excellence of
our staff here at Elder Care. Congratulations Maria from all of us!
Caregiver Support Group Events
Caregiver Support Group meets Tuesdays from 10:00 to
11:15 am at Elder Care in Bartlesville.
The caregivers’ loved ones can receive free
DayBreak care during the meeting.
Call 918-336-8500 and ask for the Support Group.
JULY 22nd
Charles Danley, Grand Lake Mental Health
JULY 29th
Facilitated Discussion: “Temperatures are Raising
Our Frustration Doesn’t Have to”
Open Group Discussion
AUGUST 12th Medication Management and Record Keeping
AUGUST 19th Care Giving For the Caregiver
AUGUST 26th Charles Danley, Grand Lake Mental Health
Physical Therapy Center
The Aging Athlete
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Balance Disorders
Functional Decline
Spinal Pain
Multiple Medical Conditions
1223 Swan Drive
Bartlesville, OK 74006
Green Country Village
1/2 Page Horizontal

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