The Bruin - Bartlesville Public Schools


The Bruin - Bartlesville Public Schools
Bartlesville Public School District’s
Weekly Email Newsletter
Volume 5, Number 31...Friday, March 25,
Special event
allows us to
celebrate valued
members of
Bruin family
The Bartlesville Public
School District’s 21st Annual
Classified Person of the Year
Reception is scheduled for Thursday, and the event will be especially poignant for me.
On that same day, Gayle Fox,
the executive
secretary in
During the Bartlesville Public School District’s annual Classified Person of the Year Reception,
the superdoor prizes are typically awarded to every classified employee who attends.
office, will
step into
after more
than two
decades of
Approximately 150 people are expected at the
Dr. Gary W. Quinn
Bartlesville Public School District’s 21st Annual Clasto the
sified Person of the Year Reception, which is set to
Classified Person of service
Gayle has been in
take place next week at the Bartlesville Community
the Year Reception her position throughout my time as
the BPSD superintendent, and all
There’s little doubt that all of them will have fun.
of us throughout the district will
Fun is the common thread which runs through all
miss her immensely.
of the BPSD’s Classified Person of the Year events.
Community Center
The BPSD boasts approxiThough the themes may change – this year’s is “Gems
of the BPSD” – the focus is to celebrate the district’s
Thursday, March mately 850 employees in all,
around 390 of whom are classiclassified employees in a highly enjoyable environment. 31 (5-6:30 p.m.)
fied. While teachers and admin“It’s a very relaxed, informal and fun event,” says
istrators are considered certified
Linda Jo Jones, the attendance secretary at Woodrow
This is a free event
Annual reception can
always be classified as fun
CLASSIFIED - Continued to Page 13
CHALKBOARD - Continued to Page 15
Pom tryouts set
for next month
BSC makes donation to BPSD athletic department
The Bruin pom program is
set to hold tryouts next month
at the old gymnasium on the
Bartlesville High School campus.
The tryouts – which are
open to students who will be
ninth through 12th graders in the
Bartlesville Public School District during the upcoming 201112 academic year – will be held
from 3:30-6 p.m. each day from
April 11-14.
The tryouts will be preceded by open practices at the
old BHS gymnasium on March
22, March 29, April 5 and April
7. The practices will span from
3:30-5 p.m. each day.
A mandatory meeting for
parents of students who will
be involved in the Bruin pom
program is scheduled for April 7
– beginning at 5:30 p.m. – in the
old BHS gymnasium.
Cheerleading tryouts
fast approaching
The Bruin cheerleading program has scheduled a tryout clinic
for later this month.
The tryout clinic – which is
open to students who will be ninth
through 12th graders within the
Bartlesville Public School District
during the upcoming 2011-12
academic year – is scheduled from
March 28-31 at the old gymnasium on the Bartlesville High
School campus. The tryout clinic
will be held from 3:30-5 p.m. each
The tryout clinic will be
followed by actual tryouts, which
will begin at 4 p.m. on Friday,
April 1 in the old BHS gymnasium.
Representing the Bartlesville Sports Commission, Bob Pomeroy (pictured left) presents a check
for $5,000 to Tim Bart (center), the Bartlesville Public School District’s interim athletic director,
on Tuesday afternoon as Stan Wagnon, the commissioner of the Lone Star Conference, looks
on. The BSC, of which both Pomeroy and Bart are members, has made a donation to the BPSD
athletic department in each of the last four years following the Lone Star Conference’s Men
and Women’s Basketball Championships, which have been held at the Bartlesville High School
Fieldhouse on the BHS campus. The BSC, which was instrumental in bringing the Lone Star
Conference Basketball Championships to Bartlesville, was formed in 2007 and has a stated
mission to “further the support of athletics and athletic excellence in the Bartlesville area.”
A volunteer and organizer for
the 14th Annual Energy Days
event which was held from
March 22-24 at the Bartlesville
Community Center, Judy Yang
Logan works with students
on Tuesday at the Rock Lab
station. Energy Days is a
hands-on event which allows
fifth graders from throughout
the area an opportunity to
learn about science in a fun
environment. Students from
19 schools took part in this
year’s event, including all
seven elementary schools from
the Bartlesville Public School
Science comes to life for area fifth
graders at annual Energy Days event
A three-day program which attracted approximately
950 fifth grade students to the Bartlesville Community
Center, the 14th Annual Energy Days event concluded
this week.
A hands-on event which allows fifth graders from
throughout the area – including those from each of
the seven elementary schools throughout the Bartlesville Public School District – an opportunity to learn
more about science in a fun environment, Energy Days
spanned from Tuesday through Thursday.
Classes from the 19 schools which took part in the
event were able to spend two hours rotating through the
10 stations that were set up in the Bartlesville Community Center. The stations included Petroleum Scavenger
Hunt, Science of the Underground, Tools of the Trade,
When Oil Meets Water, Your Petroleum IQ, Petroleum
Mix & Match, Rock Lab, Climate & Energy, Hot Spots,
and Alternate Energy.
An estimated 260 volunteers helped Energy Days
– which is offered free of charge to the schools – run
“Everything went very well,” said Becky Hoover, a
former educator who serves as the Energy Days director.
“The reaction we receive from teachers and students
is always very positive. They are thankful that we continue to hold Energy Days every year.”
Plans are already afoot for next year’s program,
which is typically held during the week before or after
spring break.
Hoover helped to create Energy Days after retiring
from the BPSD, where she served 16 years as a teacher
and science specialist. She has directed Energy Days
since its debut in 1997 as part of the Oklahoma Energy
Centennial in Bartlesville. The initial program proved so
popular that Hoover decided to fashion it into an annual
ConocoPhillips serves as the primary sponsor of Energy Days and many of the event’s volunteers are current
and retired employees. Other program sponsors include
Bartlesville AIChE, David L. Greene Inc., the Society of
Petroleum Engineers, the Oklahoma Energy Resources
Board, and Joshi Technologies International Inc.
Bartlesville Public School Foundation: Hall of Fame Inductee Profile
Students brightened up Brock’s life
In 1981, as an instructor at Limestone Elementary
finishing her career at Wayside Elementary School.
School, Mary Brock was named the Bartlesville Public
Most of Brock’s time was spent teaching kindergarten
School District’s first-ever Teacher of the Year.
students, though she worked with first, second and third
Soon, she will become part of the second class ingraders as well.
ducted into the Bartlesville Public School Foundation’s
“I loved working with younger students and seeing
Educators Hall of Fame.
the progress that they made,” says Brock, who lives
During her 30-year teaching career, Brock never
with her husband Leonard in Bartlesville. “And, they
went in search of accolades or milestone achievements. were so innocent.
But her talent for reaching and educating students
“I was blessed to have very, very good students.
brought them to her nonetheless.
They were very well behaved.”
“It was the biggest surprise of my life,” says
During Brock’s first year at Limestone, she taught
Brock, discussing her initial reaction when
kindergarten in a one-room school house
she was informed of her pending induction
behind the main building. Air conditionin late February. “I was overjoyed.”
ing wasn’t an option and class sizes often
Together with three other esteemed
educators from the BPSD – Carolyn
“I had 48 kids in the morning and
Goetzinger, Lola Kelley and Barbara Potanother 48 in the afternoon,” recalls Brock,
ter – Brock will help comprise the second
who retired in 1989. “It wasn’t easy, but
class of the Bartlesville Public School
we managed.”
Foundation Hall of Fame. A special inducBrock, who grew up in Ramona,
tion ceremony will be held at the Hillcrest
comes from an athletic family and played
Country Club on Thursday, April 7 from
basketball as a young child, in high school
7-8:30 a.m. The Hall of Fame celebrates
and college, and then throughout her adult
Mary Brock
those educators who made a lasting impact
years. She continued playing Senior Olymon the lives of BPSD students.
pic Basketball up until she turned 70. Brock played 15
The BPSF has been investing in students and staff
years of Senior Olympic Basketball in all, and her time
members within the Bartlesville Public School Disin the organization allowed her to compete in national
trict for more than 25 years. The 501 (c)(3) non-profit,
tournaments throughout the country. Brock’s brother,
tax-exempt organization offers three types of grants for David Boone, is a decorated Senior Olympic softball
which educators are encouraged to apply – Classroom
Grants for Teachers, Experts in Residence Grants, and
Three decades ago, Brock was a decorated
Professional Growth Grants.
educator as she was crowned as the BPSD’s firstSponsored by the OAK Foundation and Conoever Teacher of the Year. Looking back on the honor,
coPhillips, the money generated by the BPSF’s Hall of
she notes that she felt a bit embarrassed at the time,
Fame induction ceremonies helps to fund the organizathinking that many of her colleagues deserved the
tion’s grant programs.
honor as well. And while being named the district’s
Growing up, several of Brock’s aunts were teachTeacher of the Year was certainly rewarding, she was
ers and she liked the idea of becoming one herself one
fortunate enough to be fulfilled by her students on a
day. As a child, she used to line up her dolls in a school daily basis.
setting and play the part of the teacher to them. Later,
“The highlights of my teaching career were my
she led Sunday school classes.
students,” says Brock. “To see their eyes light up when
After graduating from Northeastern State Univerthey learned something – such as tying their shoes or
sity in Tahlequah in 1961, Brock headed to California
whatever we were doing at the time – was such a reto teach. After two years on the West Coast however,
she became homesick for Oklahoma. She took a job
“I wouldn’t change anything if I had my life to do
at Limestone and taught there for several years before
over. I would be a teacher all over again.”
Bartlesville Public School Foundation: Hall of Fame Inductee Profile
Teaching was great fit for Goetzinger
When Carolyn Goetzinger was initially informed
and moving to Bartlesville. Initially, as the couple was
that she had been selected for induction into the Bartles- starting a family, Goetzinger didn’t plan to go back to
ville Public School Foundation’s Educators Hall of
work. But her passion for teaching tugged at her, and
Fame, it was appropriate that the call came from Earl
Goetzinger ended up taking a part-time role at WashingSears.
ton Elementary School.
Now a member of the Oklahoma House of RepAfter a year at Washington, Goetzinger shifted her
resentatives, Sears was the principal at Central Middle
full-time focus back to her family for the next 10 years
School in 1986 when he offered a position to Goetzinger. before returning once again to teaching.
She was teaching sixth grade at Richard Kane Elemen“When I returned to teaching, both of my children
tary School at the time, but decided to make the move.
were enrolled at Ranch Heights Elementary School,”
“Earl was so supportive in so many ways,” recalls
notes Goetzinger. “I began teaching at McKinley ElGoetzinger, who taught at Central for 14
ementary and really enjoyed it.”
years before retiring in 2000. “He made
Goetzinger taught fifth and sixth
me feel like he really wanted me there.
grade math at McKinley before moving on
“I was bound and determined to prove
to Kane when the school made its debut
his trust in me.”
in the fall of 1985. After a year at Kane,
Goetzinger most certainly did that.
where she taught sixth grade, Goetzinger
Together with three other esteemed educaaccepted Sears’ offer at Central.
tors from the Bartlesville Public School
“When I first arrived at Central,”
District – Mary Brock, Lola Kelley and
notes Goetzinger, “I taught in teams –
Barbara Potter – she will help comprise
math and social studies for sixth graders.
the second class of the Bartlesville Public
As the years went by, I taught strictly
School Foundation Hall of Fame. A spemath. I enjoyed Central very much.
Carolyn Goetzinger
cial induction ceremony will be held at
“I enjoyed the kids the most. I enthe Hillcrest Country Club on Thursday, April 7 from
joyed being with them. I enjoyed the subject matter.
7-8:30 a.m. The Hall of Fame celebrates those educaFinding ways to try to get children to want to learn and
tors who made a lasting impact on the lives of BPSD
achieve was rewarding. I wanted to give them somestudents.
thing concrete to hold onto.”
The BPSF has been investing in students and staff
Beyond the subjects which Goetzinger taught, she
members within the BPSD for more than 25 years. The
strived to teach the students in her care life skills which
501 (c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization offers
they could use outside of the classroom. She utilized a
three types of grants for which educators are encourprogram she dubbed “Scholar Dollars” through which
aged to apply – Classroom Grants for Teachers, Experts the youngsters would be rewarded for their hard work
in Residence Grants, and Professional Growth Grants.
and good grades with mock money which they could
Sponsored by the OAK Foundation and Conouse to buy additional school supplies within the classcoPhillips, the money generated by the BPSF’s Hall of
Fame induction ceremonies helps to fund the organizaGoetzinger was in school herself – at Will Rogtion’s grant programs.
ers High School in Tulsa – when the idea of eventually
Sears called Goetzinger in late February to let her
becoming a teacher initially crossed her mind. At the
know of her pending induction.
school, she had several instructors who she admired,
“When Earl told me, I was flabbergasted,” says
and eventually she followed in their footsteps.
Goetzinger. “It was quite a surprise, and I’m really
“I think teaching was my calling,” says Goetzinger.
“I think subconsciously, I always knew that I had made
Goetzinger began her teaching career in Tulsa after the right decision.
graduating from Northeastern State University in 1958.
“I loved being around kids and being able to
She worked for a decade there before getting married
Photos Special to The Bruin
Five Bartlesville High School students - Rachel Adams,
Shane Eagen, Melissa Neel, Alexis Quinn and Allie Hoppe
- recently had a collective six works recognized during the
2011 Young Talent in Oklahoma art contest, which was held
earlier this month on the University of Central Oklahoma
campus in Edmond. The students are all in the class of Jane
Harlow, who is an advanced placement studio art instructor
as well as the secondary art department chair for the
Bartlesville Public School District.
Bruins have works recognized at 2011
Young Talent in Oklahoma art contest
The works of several Bartlesville High School
students was recognized recently during the 2011 Young
Talent in Oklahoma art contest which was held in Edmond.
The contest, for which judging was held earlier
this month on the University of Central Oklahoma
campus, is an annual event for youngsters from grades
nine through 12 throughout the state. Special emphasis
is placed on the works of graduating seniors who plan
to continue their education in visual arts at the college
level. Making the contest even more poignant is the
fact that March is recognized throughout the country as
Young Artists Month.
The BHS students entered singles categories in the
areas of drawing, painting, photography, and mixed media. Five youngsters had their respective works selected
to be placed for public view in the University of Oklahoma School of Art’s Lightwell Gallery from March 12
through April 2.
The students were seniors Rachel Adams
(“Let’s Play,” pastel drawing in sepia tones), Shane
Eagen (“Mrs. Martin,” mixed media portrait), Melissa Neel (“Mom’s Kitchen,” pastels on used newspapers) and Alexis Quinn (“Principal Teri Brant,”
portrait in mixed media) as well as junior Allie
Hoppe (“Native American,” tempera resist painting;
and “Study of Hands in Sepia,” colored pencil drawing).
“I work hard in both my gymnastics and art,” notes
Adams. “The hard work has paid off in both.”
The five BHS students – who had six pieces selected among them for the exhibit in all – have all been
invited to the contest’s awards presentation, which is
scheduled for April 2.
The youngsters are all in the BHS class of Jane
Harlow, who is an advanced placement studio art instructor as well as the secondary art department chair
for the Bartlesville Public School District.
BHS set to host Oklahoma Percussive Arts
Society’s annual festival from April 1-2
The Oklahoma Percussive Arts Society is set to
hold its 2011 Festival on the Bartlesville High School
campus early next month.
The annual festival – which will feature special
guests Michael Burritt, whose specialty is the marimba,
and Lalo Davila, who shines in the area of Latin percussion – is slated from April 1-2 in the Fine Arts Center.
Several of Oklahoma’s most highly regarded high
school and college percussion ensembles are due to perform as well. Among them will be representatives from
the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University
and the University of Arkansas. All events at the festival
are offered free of charge and are open to the public.
Davila is set to hit the stage on the opening day –
Friday, April 1 – of the two-day weekend extravaganza.
He will offer a Latin percussion clinic that afternoon
before joining the Bartlesville Steel Drum Band for a
performance during the evening hours.
The director of percussion studies at Middle Tennessee State University, Davila is an accomplished musician.
He has performed with – among others – the Corpus
Christi Symphony Orchestra, the Nashville Symphony,
Six Pence None The Richer, Clay Walker, Vickie Carr,
Sherry Lewis, The Panhandlers Steel Band, and Max
Carl and the Big Dance. Currently, he performs with several Latin groups including “Orkesta Eme Pe.” Known
as an outstanding clinician and adjudicator, Davila has
conducted clinics throughout the United States, Mexico,
Cuba and Japan. Boasting undergraduate and master’s
degrees in music, he is the author of the book “Contemporary Rudimental Studies and Solos.”
Set to showcase his skills on April 2, Burritt has
been recognized as one of the world’s leading percussion
soloists. He has performed on four continents and is in
frequent demand in Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada and
the United States. Burritt has been featured as a soloist
with the Dallas Wind Symphony, the Omaha Symphony,
the Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra, the Eastman Wind
Ensemble, the Ju Percussion Group in Taiwan, the Percussion Art Quartet in Germany, the Amores Percussion
Group in Spain, Peaux of Sweden, and the Tempus Fugit
Percussion Ensemble of Pittsburgh, Pa. He boasts three
solo recordings of his original work.
Burritt currently serves as the professor of percussion and the head of the percussion department at the
Eastman School of Music. He has the distinction of
being just the third person in the storied institution’s
history to hold the position. Prior to his appointment
at Eastman, Burritt was the professor of percussion at
Northwestern University from 1995-2008.
Those seeking more information regarding the Oklahoma Percussive Arts Society’s upcoming 2011 Festival
can contact BHS percussion instructor Steve Craft via
phone (918-230-4840) or email (
Schedule: Oklahoma Percussive Arts Society’s 2011 Festival (April 1-2, 2011)
Friday, April 1
10:30 a.m.: Ada High School Percussion Ensemble
11:00 a.m.: Comanche High
School Percussion Ensemble
11:30 p.m.: Oklahoma State University Percussion Ensemble II
1:30 p.m.: Oklahoma State University Percussion Ensemble I
2:15 p.m.: Union High School
Percussion Ensemble
2:45 p.m.: University of Central
Oklahoma Percussion Ensemble
3:30 p.m.: Latin Percussion Clinic
with Lalo Davila (sponsored by Pearl,
Zildjian, Innovative Percussion, Evans,
Row-loff and the Musical Research
Society of Bartlesville & the Bartlesville
School Foundation)
4:45 p.m.: Putnam City North High
School Percussion Ensemble
5:15 p.m.: Pryor High School Percussion Ensemble
5:45 p.m.: Tahlequah High School
Percussion Ensemble
8 p.m.: Bartlesville High School Steel
Band featuring Lalo Davila (sponsored
by Pearl, Zildjian, Innovative Percussion, Evans, Row-loff and the Musical
Research Society of Bartlesville & the
Bartlesville School Foundation)
Saturday, April 2
9 a.m.: University of Arkansas
Percussion Ensemble
9:45 a.m.: Elgin High School Percussion Ensemble
10:15a.m.: Southeastern Oklahoma State University Percussion
11 a.m.: Carl Albert High School
Percussion Ensemble
12:45 p.m.: University of Okla-
homa Percussion Ensemble
1:30 p.m.: Moore High School
Percussion Ensemble
2 p.m.: Cameron University Percussion Ensemble
2:45 p.m.: Yukon High School
Percussion Ensemble
3:15 p.m.: Marimba Clinic with
Michael Burritt (sponsored by Kp3,
Malletech, Zildjian, Evans, the Bartlesville Musical Research Society and the
Bartlesville Public School Foundation)
4:30 p.m.: East Central Oklahoma
University Percussion Ensemble
5:15 p.m.: Xylophone Rag Concert
8 p.m.: Bartlesville High School
Percussion Ensemble with Guest Artist Michael Burritt (sponsored by Kp3,
Malletech, Zildjian, Evans, the Bartlesville Musical Research Society and the
Bartlesville Public School Foundation)
First semester honor rolls for BHS revealed
Principal Teri Brant has announced the first semester honor
rolls for the 2010-11 academic year
at Bartlesville High School.
Students must receive all “A’s”
for the Principal’s Honor Roll or
receive a 3.50 to 3.99 GPA for the
Bruin Honor Roll, with no grade
below a “C.”
All told, 37 seniors and 40
juniors made the Principal’s Honor
Roll during the first semester at
BHS. Making the Bruin Honor Roll
were 115 seniors and 78 juniors.
From the Bruin Academy, one
senior made the Principal’s Honor
Roll while two seniors and a pair of
juniors qualified for the Bruin Honor
Listed below is the complete
list of first semester honor roll students from Bartlesville High School.
2010-11 Bartlesville High School
First Semester Honor Rolls
Principal’s Honor Roll
Kendall Baughn
Ethan Bean
Ethan Bliss
Destiny Brayfield
Natasha Camacho
Amanda Cole
Caitlin Day
Ashlee Dizmang
Kylan Durant
Alyssa Ewert
Catherine George
Kaylee Gryzmala
Sean Harrison
Meghan Hills
Alex Johnson
Rebecca Just
Braden Kennedy
Jeffrey Kibler
John Kirkpatrick
Kristin McClain
Bella McCorvey
Zachary Merciez
Michael Miller
Zackery Minor
Trevor Moser
Dylan Muzljakovich
Ryan Pentecost
Daniel Rigsby
Edward Shigley
Nicole Simmons
Curt Spence
Mallory Sumter
Carl Szmutko
Ericka Tresner
Kaitlyn Williamson
Luke Wittenbach
Mackenzie Wright
Bruin Honor Roll
Rachel Adams
Taylor Allen
Russell Arellanes
Jack Armstrong
Taylor Aurentz
Stephanie Baillargeon
Eric Barnes
Edward Bass
Chandler Bennett
Deanna Boone
Thomas Bridges
Austin Child
Christina Clem
Tucker Collums
Miles Colwell
Sean Cox
Johnathan Dancer
Tyler Davis
Isabela Diaz
Kaitlyn Duncan
Kegan Duplechin
Shane Eagen
Amanda Elliott
Brittany Faulks
Taylor Fogle
Derek Ford
Shelby Fraser
Hannah French
Egan Galvin
Joshua Gardner
Anna Garrett
Taylor Garrett
Gavin Gastel
Hunter Gaut
Karl Geerts
Patty Gerfers
Kelsey Gerrish
Amber Goff
Ashley Goff
Travis Greer
Rachel Hackler
Sadie Hackler
Rebekah Hammon
Johanna Hartsock
Taylor Holman
Collin Hulstine
Kayia Jacobs
Macy Johnson
Dakota Kelley
Danielle Koster
Ken Laabs
Kathryn Langston
Kimberly Largess
Mitchell Lathrop
Kelsey Lee
Aaron Lewis
Brendan Lindgren
Kaitlin Loyd
Amber Mann
Whitney Martin
Alexis McKinnon
William Milligan
Colby Mitchell
Yocelin Montanez
Jessica Morrison
Emily Mueller
Gregory Munday
Blaine Neece
Melissa Neel
Cheyann Nuncio-Marshall
Madhuri Patel
Alexandra Pellegrino
Ashley Perry
Weston Powell
Shiloh Purkey
Alexis Quinn
Emily Rainwater
Devin Randall
Nicholas Rauch
Sadie Reed
Amanda Reese
Peyton Reitinger
Morgan Rockman
Aaron Rodgers
Abbie Ruckman
Holly Rummage
Courtney Salge
Kenneth Sandoval
Kirby Schoenthaler
Hilary Schwantes
Brooke Sewell
Candace Smith
Jessica Smith
Ethan Snowden
Cameron Spicer
Marissa Stahl
Kathryn Stanley
Benjamin Stire
Amanda Stouffer
Stephen Sturgeon
Shelby Swanson
Kevin Swartz
BHS - Continued to Page 14
Mid-High unveils 1st semester honor rolls
Principal Jason Langham has
announced the first semester honor
rolls for the 2010-11 academic year
at the Bartlesville Mid-High School.
Students must receive all “A’s”
for the Principal’s Honor Roll or
receive a 3.50 to 3.99 GPA for the
Bruin Honor Roll, with no grade
below a “C.”
All told, 74 10th graders and 79
ninth graders made the Principal’s
Honor Roll during the first semester
at the Mid-High School. Making
the Bruin Honor Roll were 82 10th
graders and 92 ninth graders.
Listed below is the complete
list of first semester honor roll students from the Mid-High School.
2010-11 Mid-High School
First Semester Honor Rolls
Principal’s Honor Roll
Dylan Adkins
Ivan Ahlert
Garrett Allen
Ellen Armstrong
Nicole Biddinger
Heather Bliss
Tyler Brownlee
Cody Cabler
Logan Chaney
Alithea Charlson
Stephen Cochran
Laura Cole
Phillip Collins
Jacob Coordsen
Brenna Cragun
Sierra Crow
Devin Davis
Jason Demuth
Mara Demuth
Gavin Dolsky
Leanna Elkins
Amber Eudy
Elizabeth Fentress
Kimberly Gardner
Anna Garrett
Nathaniel Gregg
Cara Guilfoyle
Jessica Hadley
Kevin Harrison
Kathleen Heath
Candace Hinnergardt
Matthew Hoelting
Blake Holcombe
Ian Holtz
Dalton Howell
Kelsea Hull
Benjamin Jacobs
Randi Jenner
Kathleen Keleher
Natalie Koster
Katy Layman
Brian Lea
Thomas Lee
Rebecca Leupp
Haley Mabry
Susana Mann
David Mitchell
Austin Peters
Emily Pham
Bonnie Pope
Jessica Pope
Kelsey Reynolds
Taylor Rodgers
Jonathan Russell
Cody Rutherford
Andrew Satterfield
Joachim Scaggs
Trevor Schwantes
Nicole Shigley
Brooke Sloan
Anna Smoot
Kendrick Stephen
Austin Stone
Brandy Storey
John Tobola
Cameron Villines
Katelyn Vogel
Alexis Wade
Sydney Warrick
Micah Watson
Brandi Williams
Thomas Wiseman
Rachel Wittenbach
William Wood
Bruin Honor Roll
Dresan Alexander
Christian Bailey
Christopher Bailey
Adam Bean
Gage Becker
Fawn Boomershine
John Botts
Kevin Brackett
Kayla Cary
Alex Coppenger
Kaitlyn Cornish
Itzel Cortez
Bryce Cotton
Jasmine Diaz De Leon
John Dietrich
Amanda Diver
Terah Ennis
Collin Ford
Dariann Gallegos
Grant Gardner
Wyatt Gerth
Rhett Gill
Hallee Gillard
Sierra Gillette
Amanda Goodbrand
Jakob Hartsock
Margaret Headley
Henry Herren
Korey Herrman
Autumn Holcomb
Dustin Holmes
Jennifer Jones
Kaylee Kelley
Andrew Kimrey
Emily Kirchner
Colton Krause
Sreeram Krishnan
Susan Lewis
David Long
Forrest Long
Andrew Manley
Donald Margolis
Jason McCullough
Kelvin McGee
Elisa Mercado
Joshua Moore
Angelica Morgan
Laura Morton
Scott Nading
Christopher Noland
Stetson Nordic
Braden O’Neal
Mason Orr
Oswaldo Ortiz
Carryn Osborn
Crystal Parrett
Sumer Patel
Austin Raatz
Isaac Ruiz
Sergio Sanchez
Logan Savage
Letesa Sayles
Melody Schmidt
Jahira Serrano
Quinton Smith
Timothy Snow
Alexandria Spriggs
Matthew Swartz
Amie Thomison
Benjamin Thompson
MID-HIGH - Continued to Page 15
Madison announces 1st semester honor rolls
Principal Lexie Radebaugh has
announced the first semester honor
rolls for the 2010-11 academic year
at Madison Middle School.
Students must receive all “A’s”
for the High Honor Roll or receive
a 3.50 to 3.99 GPA for the Regular
Honor Roll, with no grade below a
All told, 35 eighth graders, 36
seventh graders and 47 sixth graders
made the High Honor Roll during
the first semester at Madison. Making the Regular Honor Roll were 48
eighth graders, 52 seventh graders
and 61 sixth graders.
Listed below is the complete
list of first semester honor roll students from Madison.
2010-11 Madison Middle School
First Semester Honor Rolls
High Honor Roll
Kyle Bell
Gunter Bostwick
Colton Burns
Brian Burpo
Nicholas Charlson
Talyssa Dorsey
Sara Dunlap
Arianna Dysinger
Katherine Eubank
Martin Geerts
Katelyn Gerth
Loren Giles
James Glock
Hannah Griffin
Alexander Hales
Jacob Henderson
Torrie Hennesy
Lauren Hoelscher
Kasia Jarmola
Connor LaRue
Tyler Marshall
Isabella Martinez
Joshua McCraw
Jocelin Merciez
Alexandria Newcomb
Shanaye Nordic
Cameron Powell
Alexander Ray
Joshua Reich
Taylor Rigdon
Jacob Schwantes
Madison Scullawl
Ginaphr Seat
Gloria Tso
Hailey Tucker
Regular Honor Roll
Aaron Armendarez
Reagan Barber
Trey Beck
Jeremy Bertels
Brandon Bishop
Jamie Buford
Reece Burch
Austin Bursey
Nicholas Centanni
Brittany Christian
Derek Cole
Drennan Dolsky
Trey DuVall
Corey Erfurdt
Brittany Fields
Ashley Freeman
Ashley Golden
Hannah Gray
Jayla Harder
Hunter Hatheway
Jenya Hayes
Ryan Ho
Caleb Hood
Daniel Hubler
Taylor Hunkapillar
Trystan Hutto
Madysen Jefferies
Madison Kent
Hannah Kerr
Brashly Kight
Chase Kirby
Rabeka Lashbrook
Irving Lechuga
Kaylee McKinney
Yuka McMillan
Faith Morgan
Paige Park
Lathan Patterson
Treshaun Reed
Nicholas Rhodes
Sierra Sizemore
Ashlynne Storm
David Stranger
Austin Teehee
Jordan Vallandingham
Brittany Waisner
Taylor White
Kendra Wilkinson
High Honor Roll
Taylor Abrams
Parker Acree
Jaden Adkins
Zackariah Atherton
Ashley Barnes
Riley Blevins
Ashlea Bucher
Makaly Cranford
Olivia Craun
Brent Cunningham
Nathan Dautermann
Garrett Dugan
Emily Gibson
Scotty Gilkey
Kyla Gillette
Kaylee Hagar
Mikah Hansen
Nathan Hansen
Hayley Hines
Emily Jacobs
Emily Leupp
Austin Linthacum
John Martinez
Mason McCollough
Logan McNeill
Alexandru Platon
Emily Reel
Ashlynn Robbins
Brady Sewell
Chelsey Stull
Chase Sumner
Aaron Sutter
Tristan Taylor
Rudi Thompson
Katie Woodward
Triston Wyatt
Regular Honor Roll
Miguel Ambriz
Matthew Argo
Madison Brost
Zane Brumley
Matthew Bullick
Richard Candelaria
Avery Carr
Daniel Casto
Ashlyn Coale
Nathan Coordsen
Keenan Davis
Jacob Dean
Courtney Estes
Taylor Garrett
Benjamin Grief
Leslie Griggs
Hunter Gritzmaker
MADISON - Continued to Page 16
2011 Bruin Football Schedules
Friday, Sept. 2
SHAWNEE (7:30 p.m.)
BIXBY (7:30 p.m.)
Friday, Oct. 14
at Sand Springs (7:30 p.m.)
Friday, Sept. 9
At East Central (7:30 p.m.)
Friday, Sept. 16
Thursday, Oct. 20
TULSA UNION (7:30 p.m.)
Friday, Oct. 28
at Stillwater (7:30 p.m.)
Friday, Sept. 23
OWASSO (7:30 p.m.)
Friday, Nov. 4
at Enid (7:30 p.m.)
Friday, Sept. 30
At Ponca City (7:30 p.m.)
(Home games are in CAPS)
Friday, Oct. 7
Junior Varsity
Eighth Grade
Monday, Sept. 12
Thursday, Sept. 1
at Sand Springs (7 p.m.)
Thursday, Sept. 1
at Sand Springs (6 p.m.)
Monday, Sept. 19
At Skiatook (6 p.m.)
Thursday, Sept. 8
ENID (7 p.m.)
Thursday, Sept. 8
ENID (6 p.m.)
Monday, Sept. 26
At Owasso (6 p.m.)
Thursday, Sept. 15
At Ponca City (7 p.m.)
Thursday, Sept. 15
At Ponca City (6 p.m.)
Monday, Oct. 3
PONCA CITY (6 p.m.)
Thursday, Sept. 22
Thursday, Sept. 22
Monday, Oct. 10
At Bixby (6 p.m.)
Thursday, Sept. 29
At Pawhuska (7 p.m.)
Thursday, Sept. 29
At Pawhuska (6 p.m.)
Monday, Oct. 17
Tuesday, Oct. 4
at Claremore (7 p.m.)
Tuesday, Oct. 4
at Claremore (6 p.m.)
Monday, Oct. 24
At Tulsa Union (6 p.m.)
Tuesday, Oct. 11
Tuesday, Oct. 11
Monday, Oct. 31
Tuesday, Oct. 18
PONCA CITY (7 p.m.)
Tuesday, Oct. 18
PONCA CITY (6 p.m.)
(Home games are in CAPS)
(Home games are in CAPS)
(Home games are in CAPS)
Eighth Grade Blue
Tuesday, Oct. 11
(Home games are in CAPS)
21st Annual Classified Person of the Year Reception
CLASSIFIED - Continued from Page 1
Wilson and one of the driving forces behind the reception each year.
“After the receptions, I always get a lot of calls and emails from people
wanting to let me know how much they enjoyed it. That’s always a good
The Bartlesville Public School District features approximately 850
employees in all. While teachers and administrators are considered certified employees, the classified employees – there are approximately 390
within the district – handle support roles such as receptionists, custodians
and bus drivers. During the annual Classified Person of the Year Reception, the name of each classified employee who attends is registered for
the door prize drawing. And thanks to a wealth of generous sponsors,
everyone always wins something.
The highlight of the event comes when the Classified Person of the
Year is revealed. Each year, prior to the reception, BPSD personnel are
invited to nominate a classified employee for the honor. The nominees are
grouped into seven categories, and after all of the nomination forms have
been tallied, a selection committee chooses the winners in each category.
Among the seven category winners, a Classified Person of the Year is
chosen and then revealed at the annual reception.
This year’s candidates for the BPSD’s Classified Person of the Year
honor are Central Middle School’s Karri Erfurdt (Child Nutrition category), Richard Kane Elementary School’s Jim Walker (Custodial/Maintenance), Madison Middle School’s Lisa Crosthwait (School Assistant),
Hoover Elementary School’s Jacquelyn Smith (School Age Care), Madison’s Dana Elkins (Tech Media/Health Services), Transportation’s Kenny
Jones (Transportation) and Central’s Jerri McCollum and the Education
Service Center’s Mary Ponder, who tied to represent the Administrative
Assistant category.
The 21st Annual Classified Person of the Year Reception is scheduled from 5-6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 31 in the Community Hall of
the Bartlesville Community Center.
While door prizes are awarded and light fare is served, the reception
is a free event. Serving as the main sponsors of the event are 66 Federal
Credit Union and Arvest Bank. A wide array of area businesses donate
items as door prizes. No district money is spent on the reception.
Jones serves as the master of ceremonies – as she has done for years
– and is always quick with a joke. She is part of the reception’s organizing committee as well, along with Jennifer Kindley, Teresa Gaines, Karen
Fleming, Debbie Leming and Lori Newton.
Special needs bus driver Lois Keene is the district’s reigning Classified
Person of the Year. As part of the honor at last year’s reception, she received
the first-ever Grace Snyder Lowe Award, which honors the memory of the
mother of former Bartlesville Board of Education president Barry W. Lowe.
For years, Lowe served as an anonymous donor, offering a cash prize to the
district’s classified person of the year during the annual reception. Last year,
he decided to turn the anonymous gift into a tribute to his mother.
Service pins will be awarded to classified personnel during the reception and the annual Patoot Award will be handed out also.
Complete List of Classified Person
of the Year Honorees
(The new honoree is due to be
revealed Thursday evening)
1991: Mary Olehy (Administrative Assistant; Rusty Ryan (Custodial/
1992: Bill Tate (Custodial/
1993: Ron Ryan (Custodial/
1994: Jeanette Bolden
(Administrative Assistant)
1995: Gene Packard (Custodial/
1996: David Kitchens
1997: Steve Webster (Custodial/
1998: Sandy Hartzfeld (Child
1999: Jeannie Jones (Child
2000: Darlene Bolain (Child
2001: Vicki Howell
(Administrative Assistant)
2002: Calvin Frakes (Custodial/
2003: Trey Yankovich
(Custodial Maintenance)
2004: Karen Fleming
(Administrative Assistant)
2005: Vicki Murphree (Child
2007: Linda Bradford (Child
2008: Debbie Leming
(Administrative Assistant)
2009: Margaret Puckett
(Administrative Assistant)
2010: Lois Keene
Rib Crib Hosting Project Graduation Fundraising Event Today
The Rib Crib BBQ & Grill in Bartlesville is playing host to a
special fundraiser for Bartlesville High School’s upcoming Project Graduation event today.
To participate, simply print off the coupon pictured to the
left and head to Rib Crib, which is located at 2077 SE Washington
Now in its 21st year in Bartlesville, Project Graduation offers
a safe environment for youngsters to gather and celebrate following commencement. The event will be held at the Washington
Park Mall for the BHS Class of 2011 – which is due to graduate
on May 20 – and will again be a fun-filled, all-night party without
alcohol and drugs. The party will feature food, activities, games,
music and prizes, all at no cost to the students.
Those who are interested in donating to this year’s Project
Graduation effort can contact Lisa Johnson via phone (918-3333176 ext. 3500) or email (
BHS - Cont. from Page 8
Brandon Taylor
Kaitlin Thompson
Serena Thornbrugh
Carris Toothman
Rachel Totten
Shantel Traxson
Holly Trumble
Connor Tuckett
Collin Walsh
Thoran Willis
Kimberly Witte
Brandon Wong
Ethan Wood
Principal’s Honor Roll
Michaela Bailey
LuCinda Blanco
Trent Bone
Callie Briley
Miranda Burks
Austin Burrus
Tyler Carvell
Carissa Cole
Haley Culver
John Culver
Laura Davidson
Lisa Freeman
Timothy Hamilton
Lauren Heald
Joseph Heisserer
Preston Hiemstra
Kelsie Hoelscher
Rebecca Jackson
Courtney Landon
Michelle Landry
Taylor Long
Claire Malaby
Katelyn McCarley
Kelsey Menze
Nicholas Morgan
Victoria Needham
Kimberly Oliver
Lindsay Pauls
Haley Polk
Hayden Powell
Anne Reburn
Allison Redding
Jessica Reid
Moncerat Sanchez
Sadie Schaffner
Kylee Smith
Molly Smith
Michael Spence
Emily Thill
John Wiseman
Bruin Honor Roll
Furqaan Afzal
Harlene Alford
Karina Aranda
Heather Armstrong
Kylee Armstrong
Ashley Bailey
Abbagail Barnes
Lindsey Barnes
Royce Behar
Tyler Bell
Jayden Brazda
Hunter Brown
Austin Bryant
Jacqueline Buford
Luke Buhlinger
Katlin Bullock
Gabriel Carr
Cius Chung
Katie Cole
Nathan Collins
Kimberly Craig
James Craun
Hannah Darnell
Lucas Denyer
Jessica Duesi
Emma Dunlap
Jared Fowler
Michelle Garrett
Rachell Gawlik
Daniel Gormley
Alanna Grisham
Taylor Haag
Anthony Hennesy
Kaylee Henshall
Allie Hoppe
Nathan Hosier
Tristan Hubler
Heather Humphrey
Bailey Jenkin
Zachary Karns
Daphne Kirschman
Kosuke Kuribayashi
Nathan Lea
Ryan Lester
Riley Manor
Joshua Mason
Sara McElyea
Ann Miller
Susan Nickell
Jenna Parnell
Jeremiah Parnell
Priya Patel
Maria Perez
Breana Reece
Hartley Reid
Christina Reilly
Brady Roper
McKenzie Ryan
Stephanie Sanchez
Jennifer Sanders
Jimmy Scott
Grant Shoemaker
Kade Skoog
Tracy Sung
Ty Sutter
Seth Tate
Matthew Townsend
Macy Travis
Michael Troxell
Kady Turcotte
Sawyer Vaclaw
Brittney Walton
Michelle Walton
Rebecca Walton
Johnathon Weber
Morgan Wilson
Mitchell Wright
Tatiana Young
Bruin Academy
Principal’s Honor Roll
Melissa Sweeten
Bruin Honor Roll
Richard Connett
Marc Ring
Bruin Honor Roll
Dakota Bricker
Joshua Dozier
CHALKBOARD - Continued from Page 1
employees, classified personnel serve roles such as bus
drivers, custodians and – like Gayle – secretaries.
Classified personnel are vital to this district and the
upcoming reception is a great way for them to be celebrated and honored.
The 21st Annual Classified Person of the Year Reception will span from 5-6:30 p.m. on March 31 in the Community Hall of the Bartlesville Community Center. Door
prizes – provided by generous sponsors – will be awarded
MID-HIGH - Cont. from Page 9
Isaya Vysotsky
Shawn Waddle
Skyler Watkins
Spencer Welch
Micah Weygandt
Austin White
Sydney Williams
Paige Wilson
Michael Wood
Shelby Woody
Ava Yeabower
Ashley Young
Principal’s Honor Roll
Maryam Afzal
Elisabeth Antloger
Jack Appleyard
Mary Atherton
Andrea Baldwin
Jackson Bart
Ryan Behar
Julie Benyshek
Stacee Blake
Kailyn Brown
Kyler Brown
Kaitlin Bullick
Jessica Burke
Samantha Cheng
Vanessa Cole
Joshua Coleman
Olivia Culver
Gabrielle Cummings
Eric Cummins
Dawson Davis
Rachel Day
Hannah Divelbiss
Alexander Evans
Jenna Ewert
Grace Fodor
Ashley Fouts
Kaitlynn France
Preston Garrett
Nicholas Gaskill
Lillian Geerts
Garrett Giles
Jennifer Gillispie
Sarah Grisham
Michael Hamilton
Garrett Hartzfeld
Matthew Hixon
Christy Humphries
Austin Hunt
Tylar Ivy
Megan Kibler
Devin Laurence
Kyle Linzy
Laci Lynn
Mariah Maze
Gabriel Meidl
Cassandra Mihm
Slade Nordic
Brianna Norvell
Benjamin Pauls
Corey Petersen
Joshua Phelps
Stephen Phillippe
Samantha Polk
Madeline Poole
Maranda Reedy
Kristina Reid
Hugo Rivera
Jordan Roundtree
Collin Sanders
Kelly Shelts
Nicholas Shoemaker
Kelsey Silver
Molly Singleton
Ashley South
Hannah Steward
Claire Stire
Michael Thompson
Victoria Toth
Kelli Trotter
Bailee Tullos
Heather Walker
Alexa Wallace
Rebecca Walters
Joseph Washum
Kellen Watt
Brooke Wong
Tyler Yardley
DeAngelo Young
Lawrence Zhou
to all classified employees in attendance and light fare will
be served, also. The main sponsors of the event – which is
offered free of charge – are 66 Federal Credit Union and
Arvest Bank. No district funds are spent on the reception.
One of the highlights of the event is the crowning of
the district’s Classified Person of the Year. The nominees
for this year’s honor – who are chosen by a special selection
committee to represent respective categories – are Central
Middle School’s Karri Erfurdt (Child Nutrition category),
RECEPTION - Continued to Page 16
Bruin Honor Roll
Gabriela Aranda
Eric Ausland
Kevin Austin
Emery Bennett
Joel Bjornen
Brittney Boineau
Jason Boswell
Alesha Boughner
Emily Brchan
Jennae Brewer
Emily Brown
Kelsey Brown
Bailey Brurud
Felicity Bunch
Cinthya Carranco
Todd Cone
Enrique Cuellar
Taylor Daniels
Morgan Davidson
Ezrah Deaton
Zackary Divine
Brenna Dyer
Kaylie Eason
Nicole Elias
Jaylyn Ellis
Sarita Emiterio
Emma Farr
Alexandrea Foreman
Lauren Fox
Peyton Frank
Anne Franklin
Justin Fredenburg
Joel French
Isabella Gawlik
Annalise Goff
Dillon Graham
Stefan Grisham
Cole Hammond
Kyle Harding
Amanda Hardy
Caleb Harp
Jessica Hendren
Scott Henthorne
Michaela Hewitt
Alysha Hicks
Caden Hilger
Sarah Hoag
Hollis Holcomb
Kylie Hopkins
Chance Hough
Lana Hughes
Ammon Jeffery
Garrick Johnson
Sarah Klawun
Ashley LeCoq
Steven Long
Connor Louthan
Joshua Louthan
Rian Major
Allison Manor
Keeley Marquez
Lynda’Kai Mathes
Trey McKinnon
Dominick Merhib
Emily Newby
Katelyn Orphin
Alyssa Ostermeier
Marielena Pedraza
Kelby Peters
Nuvia Piedra
Dayln Pollard
Kaitlin Quinn
Felicia Rawlings
Andrew Redding
David Ricketson
Hannah Roseborough
Jonathan Rovenstine
Nathania Santoso
Briana Sayles
Maegan Scruggs
Katie Shea
Acacia Shelton
Nakia Smith
Haley Snowden
Rebecca Steinhart
Bailey Stillwell
Hailee Sullivan
Sara Talbott
Jadrian Tomlinson
Kelley VanDeVenter
Clement Wasicek
Elizabeth White
RECEPTION - Continued from Page 15
Richard Kane Elementary School’s Jim Walker (Custodial/
Maintenance), Madison Middle School’s Lisa Crosthwait
(School Assistant), Hoover Elementary School’s Jacquelyn
Smith (School Age Care), Madison’s Dana Elkins (Tech
Media/Health Services), Transportation’s Kenny Jones
(Transportation) and Central’s Jerri McCollum and the Education Service Center’s Mary Ponder, who tied to represent
the Administrative Assistant category.
During the reception, tables are set up throughout
the Community Hall and Linda Jo Jones, the attendance
secretary at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School, serves
as the master of ceremonies. Along with BPSD executive
director of human resources Chuck McCauley, I have the
privilege of distributing service pins to those who have
reached milestones in terms of time of service to the district – such as five, 10, 15 and 20 years.
Approximately midway through the event, the lights
MADISON - Cont. from Page 10
Johnny Joe Hough
John Houston
Connor Ivy
Hannah Jackson
Joseph Jones
Zachary Kay
Colton Kelley
Conrad Kimble
Allison Lang
Emily Matlock
Madison McClintock
Chase McClintock
Lucia Montiel
Haley Moran
Corinne Nelson
Elizabeth Norris
Colton Penrod
Ainsley Reid
Haley Roszel
Spencer Sears
Makayla Simmons
Kolter Smith
Katie Southwick
Autumn Stewart
Tyler Stitt
Madison Swanson
Allison Swift
Jordyn Taylor
Bailey Thornbrugh
Alexis Tinsley
Montana Trusler
Connor Tussing
Rachel Wade
Reid Walker
Kelsi Wilson
High Honor Roll
Marlenne Ambriz-Leal
Melody Baxter
Paige Bostwick
Katherine Childers
Kaitlyn Cole
Erin Cope
Madison Culver
Victoria Curry
Sydney Earley
Kelsie Eason
Noah Eiden
Joseph Fodor
Gabriel Garcia
Hunter George
Tyler Gerth
Chance Gibson
Brian Gilbert
Margaret Giovannetti
Dakota Giovinazzo
Natasha Grass
Easton Hammonds
Kamille Himes
Tate Holman
Makayla Lein
Olivia Lindsly
Alyse LittleSun
Moriah Luallen
Hunter Martin
Brianna McKinney
Garrett Meidl
Quinton Palmer
Dylan Potter
Kyle Powell
Abigail Ray
Brayden Reece
Tyler Reedy
will be dimmed in the Community Hall and a special
PowerPoint presentation featuring slides of the Classified Person of the Year nominees will be shown. The
presentation is always met with open arms as it shows the
nominees as children and at different periods during their
respective careers with the district.
Gayle’s career with the district began in 1989. Since that
time, she has done a tremendous job and has gained a great
deal of respect from all of those who have had the privilege of
meeting and working with her. She is part of the foundation of
the district upon which we continue to build a great future.
Gayle is part of an excellent group of classified personnel within the district, highly valued members of the
Bruin family. And though she will soon retire, Gayle will
always be a part of our Bruin family.
Thursday’s event will offer us a fine opportunity to
celebrate each and every one of our classified employees
from throughout the BPSD. I look forward to it.
Jade Rodriguez
Heidi Roseborough
Joseph Ruiz
Morgan Ryan
Lane Sizemore
Grace Smoot
McKayla Snyder
Joshua Swift
Bryce Waddle
Jessica Watters
Karleigh Zoeller
Regular Honor Roll
Kara Allen
AJ Archambo
Kristy Ausland
Aaron Bailey
Andrew Barnes
Kandelyne Bishop
Kiersten Brown
Adam Burpo
Ali Caldwell
Emily Carley
Emma Claiborne
Katherine Clingan
Jackson Crawley
Dylan Criess
Donovan Crumpton
Austin Davis
Kiara DeCrane
Chandler DeLapp
Alexandria Dorsey
Molly Feeler
Alexandria Ford
Jacob Freeman
Ashley Frymark
Jordan Gagnon
Ashley Goodart
Shane Hawkins
Kelsey Hayes
Xavier Hickok
Angel Higareda
Derek Hill
Conner Hoelting
Melanie Holcomb
Sand Hopkins
Zachary Horton
Emalee Hough
Morgan Jefferies
Courtney Johnson
Samantha Leeper
Samuel Marshall
Ian McCallister
Heather McCraw
Paris McDonald
Jacob Miller
Kyle Miller
Michael Miller
Anthony Mora
Daniel Murillo
Juan Ortiz
Audrianna Peacock
Gabrielle Pendergraff
Ashten Phelps
Kallee Scullawl
Samantha Silver
Zachary Snow
Cambria Snyder
Kiersten Sutton
Desaryn Taylor
Kyleen Villines
Sydney Walker
Daphnne Wheat
Dylan Whitaker
Stellar Sites
jumping to help a heart
took part in
Jump Rope
for Heart
today, a
event to
benefit the
by grade
level in
the school
under the
of Hoover
The Bartlesville Public School District offers a wide array of useful tools for
students as well as parents. For some extra
educational insight, give these web sites a
PowerSchool Click on the PowerSchool link toward the top of the home page.
· Parents and legal guardians can check
with office personnel at their student’s school to
find out how to access PowerSchool.
· Information on students - such as grades
and attendance records available via PowerSchool.
Study Island Use the
“Member Login.”
· Student login information must be obtained from teachers.
Facebook!/BartlesvillePublicSchools or
· Everyone can keep up with what’s going throughout the BPSD or at Bartlesville High
School by becoming fans of these pages, which
are updated regularly with news and events.
Bartlesville Public School District Activities (March 25-31, 2011)
Friday, March 25
Money due or pictures returned (Central)
Pickles and popcorn for pre-kindergarten students (Wayside)
Lunch and Learn event for parents in library (noon) (Jane Phillips)
Peaceful Warriors and Gracious Girlfriends program for fifth graders (2:15 p.m.) (Jane
Madrigal Dinner at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (6 and 7 p.m.)
Date change for spring pictures (Kane)
Track: Junior high boys and girls at Pawhuska (TBA)
Bruins for Christ in library (7:20 a.m.) (Madison)
Load-in for choir at Fine Arts Center (2:15 p.m.)
HIV and AIDS meeting for parent of sophomores in library (6 p.m.) (Mid-High School)
Smart Cookies Night for 3rd through 5th graders (6 p.m.) (Hoover)
Editing, writing, design and
Cub Scouts meeting (6:30 p.m.) (Jane Phillips)
photography by David Austin,
Saturday, March 26
Madrigal Dinner at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (6 and 7 p.m.)
Sunday, March 27
(No events scheduled)
“So many shining moments”
Monday, March 28
2011 Spring Book Fair (Central)
Tennis: Junior high boys and girls at Ponca City (8 a.m.)
Wind symphony clinic time at Fine Arts Center (7 p.m.)
Tuesday, March 29
2011 Spring Book Fair (Central)
Bartlesville Public School
Wednesday, March 30
District’s community relations
2011 Spring Book Fair (Central)
coordinator, unless
Sequoyah trip to Tulsa (TBA) (Wilson)
otherwise noted
Sixth grade academic reward lunch (11:06 a.m.) (Central)
Choir rehearsal for competition at Fine Arts Center (11:17 a.m.)
Girl Scouts meeting (5:30 p.m.) (Jane Phillips)
Thursday, March 31
Final day to order yearbooks (Kane)
2011 Spring Book Fair: Dads and Doughnuts Day (7:30-8 a.m.) (Central)
Seventh grade academic reward lunch (11:06 a.m.) (Central)
Graduation announcements distribution in main lobby (11:15 a.m.) (BHS)
Choir rehearsal for competition at Fine Arts Center (11:17 a.m.)