The Scribe - Georgia Genealogical Society
The Scribe - Georgia Genealogical Society
The Scribe Research • Discover • Share Vol. 22, No. 1~ February, 2015 MARCH SEMINAR TO BE HELD IN HOMERVILLE Make Your Family History Come Alive At Huxford Located just a few miles from the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge and the Florida line, Homerville, Georgia may see an unlikely place for genealogy research. But despite the size of the town (population less than 2,500 living in 3.5 square miles), Homerville contains one of the largest and best genealogy collections in the Southeast. The Huxford-Spear Genealogical Library in Homerville will be the site of the Georgia Genealogical Society’s meet on Saturday, March 7. The meeting, co-sponsored by the Huxford Genealogical Society, will be held in the Huxford Municipal Complex from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The library is located at 20 S. College Street, 250 miles from Atlanta between Valdosta and Waycross. The cost will be $35 for members of GGS and Huxford and $45 for non-members. A buffet lunch will be served. Postal mail registrations must be postmarked no later than Tuesday, Feb. 24. Online (PayPal) registrations are due by midnight on Monday, March 2. A $5 late fee will be charged. Check-in will be from 9-9:30 a.m., with the program from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. For more information contact Laura W. Carter Five speakers will provide four lectures on the theme, Making Your Family History Come Alive. Anne V. Wallace and Adra Anne Mayfield will present “Telling Those Family Stories Orally and Making Them Come Alive.” Wallace and Mayfield will demonstrate basic techniques to identify what needs to go into a story to make it effective and how to deliver it. They will include how to incorporate historical events and story mapping. Betty S. English will present “Exploring Your Family History by Bringing Back Old Fashioned Storytelling.” English believes storytelling gives breath and soul to the names, facts and dates found in written records. Participants will learn how to shape and polish even the most ordinary events, with humor, mimicry and timing into a good delivery for presentation. Nona K. Thornton will present “Genealogy Creations: Ways to Use and Share Your Genealogy Research.” Involve your family and others in your enthusiasm for genealogy research. Learn creative and practical ways to use and share your genealogy. Participants will discover how to transform ancestor’s names, dates, places, photographs and stories into easy to achieve projects. Examples of finished projects with how-to directions will be presented. Susan Sloan will present “Adding the Details: Researching Your Family Story” Learn to find interesting details about family members using a variety of sources. These details are what can bring family members to life. GGS May Host Bus Trip To South Georgia Seminar The Georgia Genealogical Society is considering the possibility of hosting a bus for the Homervillle seminar. A special Genealogy Research Weekend, March 5-8, would allow participants time to research at the HuxfordSpear Library. The bus would leave the Atlanta area on Thursday evening, March 5 and return to Atlanta area midday on Sunday, March 8. After breakfast at a hotel in Valdosta on Friday morning, the bus will take participants to the Huxford-Spear Library in Homerville to spend the day researching in one of the largest and best collections in the southeastern United States. The group will have lunch provided in Homerville and will return to Valdosta on Friday evening. On Saturday morning the bus will drive the group back to Homerville in time for the GGS seminar, and then leave Homerville around 4 p.m. to head back to Atlanta, with an overnight stop along the way. Included is the package are three nights at a hotel, transportation to southeast Georgia and back, transportation to and from Huxford-Spear Library, three breakfasts and lunch on Friday. Participants are on their own for dinners on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The hotel will be in walking distance of a variety of restaurants. The cost is $399 per person, based on double occupancy. Single rooms will cost $579 per person. This cost does not include seminar registration. A minimum of 28 people is required. The deadline for full payment will be February 7. The tour company is Daniel’s Discovery Tours. If you are interested, please email Laura W. Carter at no later than January 30. GGS will only finalize details if enough people express interest by the January 30 deadline. February, 2015 ~ Page 2 The Scribe The official quarterly newsletter of The Georgia Genealogical Society Society Officers Susan Sloan President Elizabeth S. Olson, Vice President James (Don) Evans, Treasurer John Phelps, Recording Secretary Barbara Stock, Corresponding Secretary Emma Davis Hamilton, Historian/Archivist Linda S. Hughes, Past President Directors Cynthia Horn, Publicity Jo Ann Huston, Membership Joanne Smalley, Publications Sarah Rondeau, Policies and Procedures Kenneth H. Thomas, Jr., At-Large Laura W. Carter, Programs Ex - Officio Members Dean Brantley, Webmaster Elizabeth Snow, Quarterly Editor Vivian Price, Newsletter Editor Deadlines: The first day of January, March, August, and October. Publication: February, April, September and November. Materials for publication: Send to Vivian Price 3570 Hildon Circle, Chamblee, GA 30341 Advertising: Members -- Quarter page, $10; half page, $40; full page, $80. Non-members -- Quarter page, $25; half page, $50; full page, $100 Address changes: Send to Jo Ann Huston 3293 Breton Circle, Atlanta, GA 30319 The Scribe via email: Write to Vivian Price P. O. Box 550247 Atlanta, GA 30355-2747 Please note: The Georgia Genealogical Society has no permanent staff or library and cannot assist with personal research. The Scribe From the President Susan Sloan The Scribe February, 2015 ~ Page 3 Making Your Family History Come Alive A Resolute New Year Saturday, March 7 9 A.M.-3:30 P.M. Many people make New Year resolutions to change in a positive way. History tells us that most New Year’s resolutions are just fond memories by the end of January. I hope that is not the case for you and your genealogical resolutions. I also hope that one of your resolutions is to support GGS in its resolve to serve family historians in the search for their ancestors. In 2015 there will be many opportunities to learn more about doing family research, to support the Georgia Archives and promote the preservation of Georgia’s records. GGS will continue its monthly webinars, quarterly seminars, publication of the Georgia Genealogical Society Quarterly and other projects. We also will be working with the new Georgia Archives Education Director, Madelyn Shepard, on some new projects that we are very excited about. In December we installed new officers and directors for GGS. I’m looking forward to working with each of them as we move the society forward; but, no matter how resolute we are, the board cannot do it alone. GGS depends on many volunteers to accomplish its resolutions. I hope you will follow through on your resolution to be a GGS volunteer. As we begin our second 50 years, GGS will still be focused on our founding principles. I hope that 2015 is the year that you find the answer to all you genealogical questions (or at least change the name on your brick wall)! WELCOME, NEW MEMBERS Deborah Calhoun Boyd, Acworth Barbara Brooks, Valley, Ala. Janice W. Brown, Comer Sandra Williams Bush, Amherst, N. Y. Miles B. Caggins, Jr., Midland, Ga. Susan and Tom Culpepper, Slocomb, Ala. Kathleen S. Fisk, Smyrna Noel Gilliam, Chattahoochee Hills Emily L. Hewett, Marietta John Houchins, Dacula Nancy Irwin, Midland, Ga. Caroline I. Mohr, Dunwoody Sue E. Morris, Newnan W. Morris and Sara J. Plott, Columbus Danny Spivey, Newnan Janet Butler Walker, Macon Dianne and Mike Webb, Newnan Judith Wickham, Columbus Catherine Williams, Augusta Teresa Wilson, Newnan Huxford-Spear Genealogical Library Homerville Municipal Complex 20 S. College Street Homerville, Georgia FIVE SPEAKERS • FOUR TOPICS Storytelling, Using and Sharing Genealogy Research, Adding Details To Family Stories co-sponsored by the Huxford Genealogical Society Cost: $35 Members (Georgia and Huxford societies) $45 Non-Members (lunch included) POSTAL MAIL REGISTRATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY FEBRUARY 24 ONLINE REGISTRATION (PAYPAL) DEADLINE: MIDNIGHT MARCH 2 A $5 surcharge will be assessed for late registrations. PLEASE NOTE: A tour bus package may be available. See Page 1 for details. Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Street __________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip __________________________________________________________________________ Email Address _________________________________________________________________________ Number members __ Number non-members __ Total enclosed $ __________ Please provide names of all registrants, so nametags can be made. ____________________________________________________________________________ Make checks payable to Georgia Genealogical Society and mail with completed form to: Dept. W P. O. Box 550247 Atlanta, GA 30355-2747 Please tell us how you heard about this meeting (check one): Brochure? ____ Ken Thomas’ column ____ Newspaper article ____ Web site ____ Other (please explain) __________________________________________________________ Join now and save! Individual membership: $35, Family membership: $40 For more information contact Laura W. Carter ~ The Scribe February 2015 ~ Page 4 February, 2015 ~ Page 5 The Scribe Holiday Lunch Features Awards Presentations, Board Inauguration Dorothy Fuqua, winner of the Elizabeth Haulbrook Taylor-Jacquelyn Cannon Award for her work on the GGS anniversary dinner, with President Susan Sloan New GGS Board Installed The new board was installed at the December meeting. The board will serve for 2015 and 2016. Left to right: Sarah Rondeau, Policies and Procedures Director; Kenneth H. Thomas, Jr., Director At-Large; Joanne Smalley, Publications Director; Jo Ann Huston, Membership Director; Laura Carter, Education Director; Emma Davis-Hamilton, Historian; James “Don” Evans, Treasurer; Ann Huston, Membeship Director; Barbara Smallwood Stock, Corresponding Secretary; John Phelps, Recording Secretary; Elizabeth Olson, Vice President; Susan Sloan, President; and Linda Hughes, Past President. Not pictured are Cynthia Horn, Publicity Director; Dean Brantley, Webmaster; Elizabeth Snow, Quarterly Editor; and Vivian Price, Scribe Editor. Vivian Price Daniel N. Crumpton, winner of the Oustanding Contribution To The Field of Genealogy Award for producing many books, most recently Wilkes County, Georgia, Land Records, Volume One, with Sheila Rogers, to whom Crumpton gives considerable credit for the books.. Cynthia Harrison, winner of the Volunteer Award for her outstanding service in 2014, with President Susan Sloan Adelle Frank, winner of a Award of Recognition for her work on the society’s new Website, with GGS President Susan Sloan. Bill Jacques, winner of the Membership Recruitment Award, with GGS President Susan Sloan. Mary Anne Hoit Abbe, winner of an Award of Recognition for her work at the registration table at quarterly seminars. Save trees! Receive your GGS newsletter via email. Kayla Barrett of the Georgia Archives receives a check for more than $4,000 from GGS for Archives educational programming, with President Susan Sloan. Did you know that you can join GGS and renew memberships online with PayPal? Jackson Group Busy With New Book, Old Courthouse Sharon Stanley, left, and Charlotte Mealor of the Jackson County Historical Society are pictured with Sean McClendon at the GGS holiday luncheon. The society is selling its new book, Jackson County, Georgia Superior Court Conveyances Recorded in 1802-1803, and has been busy with the restoration of the Jackson County Historic Courthouse. The courthouse now houses a Welcome Center and Historc Archives. Mealor is the Archives Coordinator. The Archives houses mortgage records, tax digests dating back to 1797, civil court dockets, individual court files, Superior Court minutes, family histories, historic photographs, antique courthouse furniture and artifacts. Knowledgeable volunteers are available to help with research. Archives hours are Mondays-Fridays, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. or by appointment. For more information, phone 706-387-7684. The book is available for $25 (check or money order) by writing the Jackson County Historical Courthouse, 85 Washington Street, Jefferson, GA 30529. February, 2015 ~ Page 6 The Scribe From the Archives The Georgia Archives new Education Specialist, Madelyn Shepard, has announced several activities for the first months of 2015. The Archives will host the following Lunch and Learn lectures topics through April: Friday, Feb. 13 – Tuskegee Airmen by Dr. Daniel Haulman of the Air Force Historical Association Friday, March 13 – Conserving and Caring for the Historic Torahs of Savannah by Members of Congregation Mickve Israel in Savannah and Kim Norman, Georgia Archives Preservation Manager and Conservator Friday, April 10 – Voices Beyond Bondage: An Anthology of Verse by African Americans of the 19th Century by Erika deSimone and Fidel Louis, editors, of New South Books Lunch and Learn lectures are free, and no reservations are required. Participants are invited to bring lunches. The lectures last from noon until 1 p.m. The Archives hopes to resume program guides soon, which will provide the year’s topics at a glance. A new lecture series also will begin on Saturday, Feb. 14. The quarterly lectures will be on Saturdays and last from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The format will combine the same informal nature as the Lunch and Learn series with a variety of speakers who will focus on a particular topic. The goal MARK YOUR CALENDARS The Georgia Genealogical Society’s next two free Webinars will be on Wednesday, Feb. 18 and Wednesday, March 18. Both Webinars will be from 8 until 9:15 p. m. Eastern time. The Webinars are free. For more information, see the GGS Website: Searching For The Elusive Ancestor The topic for the February Webinar will be Claws or Clues - Scratching for the Elusive Ancestor! The presenter will be C. Ann Staley. If you are at the point in your research that you are encountering “dead ends,” you may need to stop, regroup and check where you have been and where you need to go. Use your existing “clues” to break down the walls to find that elusive ancestor with a systematic research approach. This lecture is designed to start the thought processes with a systematic research approach. We will discuss evidence criteria, timelines and spreading your research net outwards. Staley, CGSM, CGLSM, is an instructor, consultant, trip leader and a lecturer. She is a member of the faculty of The National Institute for Genealogical Studies; Education Chair and Webmaster for the Jacksonville Genealogical Society, The Scribe February, 2015 ~ Page 7 2014 Cash Flow Report is to reach people who cannot attend the Lunch and Learn lectures. The first the topic will be Black History and the experience of African Americans in the 20th century South. Speakers will be Dr. Reggie Tiller, Deputy Superintendent of the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site; Holly Smith, Archivist for Spelman College; Charles Ward, Archivist for the Herndon Home; and Andrea Jackson, Archivist for Atlanta University Center. The event will include activities for children ages nine-12 (grades four-six) whose parents are attending the lectures. Coffee, water and snacks will be provided, but participants should be prepared to bring their lunches. Watch for further details on the availability of food as the event gets closer. Attendance for both the adult and children’s activities is limited. The registration deadline is Feb. 1. To register or for more information, phone 678-364-3714. The Archives’ first History Symposium is planned for Saturday, April 25 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. This year’s program will focus on the War of 1812. Several speakers will give presentations on the war and its impact on Georgia. Plans are underway for speakers to sell books, as well as for food vendors. Watch for news on the opening of registration for the symposium. Plans also are underway to develop teaching materials for schools from both Black History event and the History Symposium. Inc.; secretary of the Genealogical Speakers Guild; trustee of the Florida State Genealogical Society; and a member of the Board for Certification of Genealogists associate since 2000. Understanding The Language Of The Law Judy G. Russell will present What Does THAT Mean? Understanding the Language of the Law at the March Webinar. The language of the law might as well be a foreign language. It’s part Latin, part Greek and all confusing. But we have to understand it to understand that will or that deed. Learn what help is available to figure out just what they meant by that confusing legal lingo. Russell, JD, CGSM , CGLSM , is a lecturer, educator and writer and a genealogist with a law degree. She has attended the National Institute on Genealogical Research (NIGR) at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., and completed Elizabeth Shown Mills’ course in Advanced Methodology and Evidence Analysis and Thomas W. Jones’ course in Writing and Publishing for Genealogists at the Institute of Genealogy & Historical Research (IGHR) at Samford University. Russell now serves on the faculty at IGHR, at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG), at the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP), and at Boston University’s Center for Professional Education. Bank Account Balances As Of December 31, 2014 General Checking Account Savings Account PayPal/Amazon Account TOTAL $18,897.00 49,643.37 2,006.16 70,546.53 Income And Expenses As Of December 31, 2014 INCOME Advertising in Quarterly Donations Dues-Regular Interest Programs March April October December Sales Marriage Record Ga. Land Plats A & B Ga. Research Admissions Record 1807 Lottery Land Lottery Quarterly Back Issues Maps Pins R. J. Taylor Pay Pal Dues Programs March April October December Books, etc. Ga. Land Plats A & B 1807 Lottery Ga. Land Lottery Ga. Marriages Maps Pins Ga. Research Admissions Record Anniversary Dinner Anniversary Dinner Create Space/Ga. Research Archives Education Fund Gifts Amazon Storefront Ga. Marriages Ga. Land Plats A & B Land Lottery 1807 Land Lottery Admissions Register Morgan Books TOTAL INCOME $80.00 110.00 17,645.00 14.83 1,045.00 855.00 1,395.00 1,075.00 430.00 193.00 1,177.40 230.00 415.00 525.00 97.12 188.00 85.00 896.00 8,720.00 1,085.00 995.00 1,580.00 435.00 85.31 315.00 285.00 124.00 20.00 25.00 975.00 50.00 770.00 1,190.00 1,606.00 4,395.00 30.00 38.65 253.25 351.30 94.30 1,300 51,188.16 EXPENSES Affiliations Annual Awards Corporate Registration Insurance Webinars P. O. Box Postage and Supplies Corresponding Secretary Membership Treasurer Publicity Publications President Maps Programs Speaker’s Fee Facility Handouts Airline, Hotel, Meals, etc. Refreshments Caterer Tech fees for new Website Anniversary Stipends Newsletter Quarterly Webmaster Storage Rental Sales Tax PayPal Fees Dues Programs Books, etc. Anniversary Dinner NGS Transactions Printing Newsletter Quarterly Create Space orders George Morgan books Archives Education Fund Supplies Archives Education FundCollected Gifts Archives Education FundGGS Donation Amazon Storefront Fees Advertising (NGS Ad, Giveaways) Tabletop Display Web Services-Neon CRM $250.00 37.43 60.00 1,792.00 1,025.00 146.00 202.36 603.45 61.37 688.27 316.20 139.84 79.75 2,650 325.00 209.97 1,190.74 87.49 1,517.00 500.00 3,672.61 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,125.00 230.00 591.45 257.87 136.02 26.11 22.70 39.56 4,237.12 10,491.04 267.66 866.58 45.64 4,395.00 105.00 53.10 1,262.00 1,140.72 3,362.60 TOTAL EXPENSES 58,209.65 NET PROFIT/LOSS (7,021.49) Georgia Genealogical Society Nonprofit Organization U. S. Postage PAID Permit No. 315 Lilburn, GA 30047 P. O. Box 550247 Atlanta, GA 30355-2747 On the Internet at RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED DATED MATERIAL Join or Renew Today! Name ________________________________________________________ Street ________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip __________________________________________________ Day Phone ______________________ Evening Phone __________________ Email ________________________________________________________ New Membership OK to publish name in newsletter Yes No Please make checks payable and mail to: Georgia Genealogical Society P. O. Box 550247 Atlanta, GA 30355-2747 For more information: Renewal Membership Prefer newsletter by email Yes No Individual ~ $35 Families (same residence) ~ $40 Institutions/Organizations ~ $35 (online members-only access not included) Patrons ~ $50 Benefactors ~ $100
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The Scribe - Georgia Genealogical Society
Elizabeth S. Olson, Vice President
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