

Toni Rose, Principal
Sharon Hickey, Assistant Principal
Kanchana Iyer, Assistant Principal
2480 River Birch Road
Herndon, Virginia 20171
Phone 703.713.3000
Fax 703.713.3097
Attendance 703.713.3030
February 2016 School Newsletter
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Lea las noticias en
Española pagina 7
Inside this issue:
News from our
Birthday Celebration
6th grade baby
Kindness Week
SCA Food Drive
Science Shining Stars
Tardy Message
Math Corner
Spanish page
As we turn our calendars to February, let’s hope this winter weather will
allow us to return to our routines at school and focus on learning in the
classrooms. Even with all the interruptions with snow days and 2 hour delays, I see our Coates Stars coming through the front doors happy to be
here and eager to learn. The teachers are working on the progress reports for the 2nd grading period and they will come home on Thursday,
February 18th. Be sure to contact your child’s teacher if you do not receive the progress report.
The school staff is grateful to have an active, supportive PTA. We are especially appreciative of the PTA’s executive board members for the
many hours they devote to our school. Many Coates parents are volunteering their time to support the teachers during the school day. Others
have committed their time and energy to after school programs such as
Odyssey of the Mind, Spelling Bee, etc. We look forward to celebrating
our volunteers with a luncheon in April to show our appreciation. Right
now, we have an urgent need for library volunteers so that we can get
books back on the shelf for students to check out. If you can even help
for an hour each week, it would be appreciated. Please contact our librarian, Ms. Meehan, if you can help.
Finally, I wanted to outline some of our general safety information and
provide some suggested ways in which you can help continue to keep
our students safe. When you come to school, you will be asked to state
who you are and why you are here before you will be able to access the
building. If our office staff members do not already know you by name,
you will be asked to produce a picture ID when checking in, as well.
Some things you can do to help us when visiting our school: cooperate
with requests from office staff for picture IDs, make sure your visitor badge
is visible during your visit and make sure exterior doors close behind you.
If you see an exterior door open, please close it for us. We appreciate
your cooperation as we all work together to keep Coates Elementary
a safe environment for learning.
Toni Rose, Principal
February 2016 School Newsletter
Page 2
Timely Announcements
Feb 1-March 17 - WIDA Testing Window ( Remember to get plenty of rest )
Feb 9 & 23- Helping Hands
Feb 11- Parent Orientation at Carson Middle School 6-8pm
Feb 12- Club & Candid Pictures
Feb 15- Holiday –No School
Feb 18- Coates Cafe Transitioning to Middle School 6:30-7:30pm
Feb 18- PTA Meeting 7:30-8:00pm
Save these Dates:
March 8 -Family Literacy Night
March 8– Helping Hands
Change to in School Birthday Celebration
We want to continue to celebrate your child’s birthday at school with his classmates
In order to ensure your child’s special day is appropriately, fairly and safely recognized, please note the following changes .
Plans to send birthday treats should be made in advance with the classroom teacher.
From now until the end of the school year, please drop off the small treats or cupcakes
to the main office. The treats will be delivered to the classroom, and the teacher will
determine the best time of the day to share them with your child’s classmates.
Simple birthday treats, such as a pre-packaged snacks or individual cupcakes that do
not require a knife or fork to serve or eat, may be sent in on a child’s birthday. We
encourage healthy snacks instead of the “traditional” sugar filled treats.
Please do not send in cakes, cupcakes that look like cakes, candy, juice boxes or any
other drinks or additional food items.
If additional items other than small treats or cupcakes are brought to school to share,
they will be returned home with your child.
Cambios en las celebraciones de los Cumpleaños de los Estudiantes en la Escuela.
Deseamos seguir celebrando el cumpleaños de su hijo en la escuela con sus compañeros de clase. Para asegurar que el
día del cumpleaños de su hijo sea especial y reconocido adecuadamente, equitativamente y seguro, tenga en cuenta los siguientes
cambios.Si tiene planeado enviar una merienda especial para celebrar el cumpleaños debe coordinar por adelantado con la maestra.
A partir de ahora hasta el final del año escolar, por favor, envié las meriendas especiales (pequeños convites, pastelitos, o cupcakes)
a la oficina principal. Nosotros nos encargaremos de llevarlos a la clase y la maestra determinará el mejor momento del día para
compartir los pastelitos con los compañeros de su hijo
Las meriendas especiales para cumpleaños deben ser simples, fácil de servir y de comer. Pueden ser pre-empaquetado o individuales que no requieran el uso de cuchillos o tenedores. Animamos a que las meriendas de cumpleaños sean saludables en lugar
de las "tradicionales" golosinas llenas de azúcar.
Por favor no envíe pasteles grandes (tortas), dulces, cajas de jugo o cualquier otra bebida o alimentos adicionales.
Si envían más de un tipo de merienda de cumpleaños lamentablemente se devolverá a casa con su hijo.
Reminder for 6th Graders
A special page has been assigned for your baby
Pictures for the yearbook. Submit your photographs by email to or bring them into the office (they
will be returned). Deadline is March 11.
February 2016 School Newsletter
Page 3
L. L. Coates Kindness Week
February 15 –19
February 15
No School
Think of
kind you
could do for
Be ready to
share with a
classmate or
adult what
you did in
class tomorrow!!!
February 16
February 17
February 18
February 19
“Don’t Shout,
Work it Out”
“Be a H.E.R.O.”
Wear athletic/
Wear school
appropriate pajamas
Wear “Everyday
Hero” clothing
or colors
Wear your
Stand Up 2
Bullying shirt
or a pink shirt
In celebration of Kindness Week for the Westfield Pyramid, the children will be encouraged to wear the designated clothing on each day. We will be having announcements on the News Show each morning to remind
the students of what to wear the following day, as well as student created videos from past school years that
highlight kindness and being kind to others.
The SCA annual Food Collection Drive will be held from Tuesday, February 9th through Friday,
February 19th. The food will be donated to LINK which is a non-profit charity that provides
emergency food to people in need in the Herndon, Sterling, and Ashburn, Virginia communities.
The all-volunteer staff members at LINK believe in the power of selfless service and the importance of providing people in crisis with unconditional love. Thanks to the work of LINK,
many of our students and families at Coates Elementary and within our community receive food
during times of need.
Through your donations, the SCA is hoping to support LINK’s work at Coates Elementary and reach out to new students and families in need.
LINK is accepting canned and packaged goods. Please be sure to carefully check expiration dates as we have to discard expired food!
Our goal this year is to collect at least 1 canned or packaged good from each student at Coates. Food can be dropped
off in the boxes located outside the main office.
February 2016 School Newsletter
Page 4
Shining Stars in Science
Second Grade:
Rhema Rajesh
Yafet Mekonnen
Rhea Ramamoorthy
Jason Delgado Castro
Alejandra Salgado Otalora
Sebastian Patton
Natanya David
Aahaan Santosh
Raizel Clement
Ishan Modugu
Kimberly Seb-Arias
Advaith Shivkumar
Sanjay Vijayakumar
Fatmata Koroma
Srivarshini Mupparaju
Ben Marques
Aanya Shekhar
Bryan Alvarado-Salaverria
Joaquin Drzysko
Aaliyah Harris
Prajikta Nakarmi
Evinn Herring
Adolfo Seb-Arias
Manvika Pikkili
Tanvi Malireddy
Aarya Srikanth
Nicholas Batres-Cabrera
First Grade:
Chidinma Ejikeme
Nihit Yeruva
Rukmini Puskur
Faizan Baig
Nikitha Makkena
Pranav Sachdeva
Janat Wajeeh
Ashwin Chunchu
Lordina Owusu
Kevin Mejia Alvarenga
Asiya Ridwan
Oscar Flores Turcios
Third Grade:
Joanita Akouete
Philip White
Lindsey Gonzalez Solis
Ilan Irshad
Breanna Bates
Amir Nouri
Jennifer Salgado-Otalora
Lucas Puckett
Aaditi Rai
Jarl Azhrock Barangan
Andrew Ramos-Sandino
Fourth Grade:
Manasi Subedi
Nakul Kumar
Yusur Waleed
Kaushal Naidu
Elena Shipp
Carlos Cruz
Aneesa Noorzai
Vignesh Maram
Fifth Grade:
Rain Jasmine Madelozo
Nathan Chandrasekar
Skylar Cook
Tadele Tesfaye
Chase Meadows
Elisha Shannon
Aimee Wakefield
Oscar Herrera
Sixth Grade:
Skylia Waters-Hewitt
Noah Ogden
Ashley Torgesen
Annie Munguia Ortez
Colin Haywood
Tardy Message:
We realize a late arrival to school is sometimes unavoidable; however, there have been an
unusual number of students who are driven to school and are being dropped off late. As a
reminder, all students are to be in class by 9:15 when the bell rings. Please make sure
you drop off your child by 9:10 to ensure they have enough time to get to class. Also, if
your child eats breakfast at school, they should be dropped off no later than 9:05 so they can get
through the line before 9:15. If your child is late, please escort your child into the main office so
they can be officially checked in and get a late pass to class. This ensures we do not count them as
absent from school. We appreciate you working with us on this issue and getting your child to school
When there is a late start to the school day due to inclement weather or other circumstances,
breakfast is not served at school. Please make sure your child gets breakfast at home on late start
Cuando las escuelas empiezan tarde debido al mal tiempo u otras circunstancias, no se servirá el desayuno en la escuela. Por favor asegúrese que su hijo/hija desayune en casa en los días que las clases empiecen más tarde
February 2016 School Newsletter
Math Corner
By Lisa Buck and Damien Ettere
Do you have a deck of cards? If not, you can get
two decks of playing cards for a dollar from the
Dollar Tree,
Or you can print free playing cards from the Internet, , is one example.
Why would one needs decks of cards? So many
math games. Multiplication war, Addition
war...Addition war is played the same, just add
instead of multiply. Look for more ideas in future newsletters.
Multiplication War:
The object of the game is to win the most cards
by stating the product of the numbers before your
partner does.
Two decks of playing cards
Give each partner a deck of cards and remove the jokers, jacks, queens, and kings from
each deck.
Shuffle the deck of cards.
Each player will turn over one card at a
The first person to correctly say the product of the two cards wins the cards and will add
them to his/her pile. You must state the number
sentence (ex. 9x2=18).
If there is a tie while saying the product,
“war” begins. Each player will place two cards
face down, then turn a third card face up on top
of the pile. The player who correctly states the
product of the two face-up cards wins both piles.
The winner is the player with the most
cards at the end of the game.
Note: Ace= 1
Challenge: Keep the Jokers,Jacks, Queens, and
Kings in the deck and use the following values:
Joker= 0, Jack= 11, Queen= 12, and King= 13
Page 5
Immigration and Customs
Enforcement Activities
Some FCPS families have expressed concerns for the
safety and treatment of their children in school and in the
larger community following recent news reports of increased activity by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), as well as negative statements in the media
about migrants and refugees. There have been reports of
parents keeping their children out of school and in the
home to avoid contact with law enforcement or possible
harassment. It is important to note that there are no reports of ICE officials visiting schools or stopping students
from attending school. FCPS strongly supports the right
of every student and family in our schools to be safe, and
free from harassment on the bus, at school and at school
A list of community resources at the links below is for parents who express concern about safety or harassment
outside of school. All schools also discuss valuing unique
gifts and contributions of every individual with all students, and how diversity strengthens our community.
Actividades de la oficina de Inmigración y Aduanas
Algunas familias de FCPS han expresado su preocupación por la seguridad y el trato de sus hijos en la escuela
y en la comunidad después de las ultimas noticias de un
aumento en la aplicación de la ley de inmigración y Aduanas (ICE), así como declaraciones negativas en los medios de comunicación sobre inmigrantes y refugiados. Ha
habido reportes que padres no envían a sus hijos a la
escuela y se quedan en el hogar para evitar el contacto
con las autoridades policiales o el posible acoso. Es importante tener en cuenta que no hay ningún informe de
funcionarios de ICE visitando escuelas o deteniendo a
estudiantes que van a la escuela. FCPS apoya firmemente el derecho de cada estudiante y su familia en nuestras
escuelas para que estén seguros y libres de acoso en el
bus, en la escuela y en las actividades escolares.
El enlace de abajo le dará una lista de recursos que puede encontrar en la comunidad para compartir según el
caso con los padres que expresan preocupación sobre la
seguridad o acoso fuera de la escuela. Todas las escuelas también se les animan que continúen valorando los
dones únicos y las contribuciones que aportan que cada
individuo con todos los estudiantes, y cómo la diversidad
fortalece nuestra comunidad.
Februry 2016 School Newsletter
Page 5
Place your order now for $15.00
Extra Copies are not ordered and there will be no yearbooks
available after they run out .
Yearbook Order Form
Students First & Last Name_________________________________________
Teacher’s Name____________________________Grade____________________
Yearbook Quantity _____
$15.00 per yearbook
Total Amount Enclosed $___________________
Make checks payable to Coates ES or order online with a credit card at with yearbook ID Code: 10352416
Please send the exact amount, change will not be provided
Make checks payable to: L.L. Coates ES
Reminder for 6th Graders
A special page has been assigned for your baby pictures. Submit your photographs by email to or
bring them into the office (they will be returned).
Pictures in digital format must be sent in either.jpg or gif.
Send to Ms.Schools at
Un recordatorio para los 6tos Grados
Yearbook – Anuario Escolar -
Haga su pedido ahora por sólo US$15.00
Se ha asignado una página especial para tus fotos de bebé. Enviar tus fotografías por correo electrónico a Ms. Schools a su correo
electrónico o llevarlos a la oficina (luego serán devueltas). Fecha límite es el 30 de Enero.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Formulario para ordenar el Anuario Escolar
Nombre y Apellido del Estudiante ___________________________________
Nombre del Profesor____________________________Grado____________________
Total de libros ordenados: _____
$15.00 por anuario escolar
Si desea hacer la orden por internet entre a la pagina usando el
código de identificación: 10352416.
February 2016 School Newsletter