Alleged Kidnapper Makes First Court Appearance On Monday
Alleged Kidnapper Makes First Court Appearance On Monday
COALGATE POWERLIFTERS WIN CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE — The Coalgate powerlifting team competed in the Konawa Weightlifting Invitational on January 18 and brought home the 2013 championship title. Twelve teams competed in the event. Medalists in their respective weight classes included: Tanner Cunningham, 1st; Brian Lee, 1st; Cody Powell, 2nd; Austin Lenamond, 2nd; Austin Golden, 2nd; Willard Delozier, 3rd; Trent Delozier, 3rd. Shown above from left (front) - Eric Strother, Willard Delozier, Cody Powell, Tyler Coslow, Tanner Cunningham, Logan Layton, Kevin Lee; (center) - Tristan Franks, Trent Delozier, Colby Jones, Eddie Waggoner, Seth Walkup, Jackson Hale, Brian Lee; (back) - Dalton Standridge, Austin Golden, Ty Mowdy, Scott Beam, Austin Lenamond, Zach Kingston, Brian Sharp, C.J. Cole. Not Pictured - Ricco Bellettini, Tristan Williams, Cooper Frankovich, Chisholm Jones, Randal Walton. The Coalgate powerlifting team is coached by Dustin Newberry and Scott Doss. COALGATE Volume 129 Number 46 COALGATE, OKLAHOMA 74538 RECORD REGISTER Coal County (USPS 120140) 50¢ Wednesday, JANUARY 30, 2013 Alleged Kidnapper Makes First Court Appearance On Monday —Judge sets bond at half-million dollars A Lehigh man accused of kidnapping his estranged wife at gunpoint early Saturday morning made his first appearance in Coal County District Court on Monday afternoon. The man remains behind bars in the Coal County jail on a $500,000 bond in connection with four felony charges plus a $5,000 bond for a misdemeanor charge. Timothy Paul Horn, 41, was formally charged Monday with felony kidnapping, domestic assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, burglary in the first degree, and domestic assault and battery by strangulation. He also faces a misdemeanor charge for protective order violation with injury. Horn managed to evade dozens of law enforcement officers during a 24-hour manhunt that began shortly after 7:00 a.m. Saturday. The search ended at 6:55 a.m. Sunday when Horn contacted Sheriff Bryan Jump by telephone. Horn’s estranged wife had escaped Saturday in her vehicle, leaving him in a wooded area east of Lehigh where she said he had forced her to drive. Coal County Sheriff Bryan Jump said Mrs. Horn first called him about 6:45 a.m. Saturday stating that Tim Horn had been trying to call her “all night long,” which was in violation of a protective order she had obtained against him. He said he had advised her, because of previous COTTONWOOD DONKEY BASKETBALL — Who says you have to be on your feet to catch a pass!! Mark this one up to donkey rider Berney Blue, Coalgate Fire Department. Blue was one of the players that participated in a Donkey basketball game on January 25. Three games were played with the following results: 1st game - Shamrock Bank 2, Cottonwood School 0; 2nd game Coalgate Fire Department 2, FirstBank 0; 3rd game – Coalgate Fire Department 3 Shamrock Bank 10. The event was a fundraiser for the Cottonwood eighth grade class. Principal Mark Barrett extended the school’s appreciation to the Coalgate Fire Department, FirstBank and Shamrock Bank for their participation and to the community for its support. The event netted over $3,200, Barrett said. incidents that had occurred, to go to the sheriff’s office and file a report. Mrs. Horn filed for divorce on January 7. “She called again at 7:00, and I could hear them fighting, and her saying, ‘No, Tim, no,’” he said. He said a deputy and a Coalgate police officer responded to the residence i m m e d i a t e l y, but the house was empty when they arrived. “The front door had been kicked in, and both of them were gone,” Jump said. Mrs. Horn’s car was also gone. Jump said all deputies were then called out, and the search began. Deputy Jarel Bailey said he was traveling west on a county road about two miles east and one mile south of Lehigh when he saw Mrs. Horn’s car approaching from the east. The time was approximately 8:15 a.m. He said when he came in contact with the vehicle, Mrs. Horn immediately exited the vehicle and told him Tim Horn had tried to kill her. She was “distraught and extremely upset” and was bleeding slightly, he said. The car had obviously been wrecked, with damage to the front and the air bags deployed. Bailey said Mrs. Horn told him she was on the phone with her mother when Tim Horn busted the door and entered the house with a rifle. She said he grabbed her by the throat, choking her, and kept telling her he was going to kill her. She said he forced her to her car at gunpoint and forced her to drive to County Line Road (Coal/Atoka County line) on a dead end section line road. Bailey’s probable cause affidavit states that Tim Horn had left a handwritten note at his mother’s residence that appeared to be a suicide note. Mrs. Horn said she had made an earlier attempt to escape but had crashed the vehicle into a corner post. She said during the second attempt while she was sitting in the driver’s seat, Tim Horn was on his knees beside the open door. When she put the vehicle in gear and began accelerating, Tim Horn grabbed the door and was dragged about 50 yards, still holding the rifle. She said she kicked him twice, at which time he fell from the vehicle onto the roadway. Search teams consisting of at least four dozen law enforcement officers from the Coal County Sheriff’s Office, Coalgate Police Department, Atoka County Sheriff’s Office, and the Oklahoma Highway Patrol with search dogs canvassed the area until dark. Jump, along with several deputies, Coalgate police officers and state troopers remained in the area throughout the night. “About 6:55 Sunday morning, Tim called me and told me he was ready to give himself up,” Jump said. Horn had made his way back to a relative’s home where he made the call, he said. Jump said Horn told him he had “dug into some hay in the middle of a pasture” and spent the night there. Horn was not armed at the time of his arrest, Jump said, and denied having had a gun. Deputy Bailey’s probable cause affidavit states that Horn’s clothing was ripped, he was wet from the knees down, and he had several scratches on his arms, legs and face. Horn has pleaded not guilty to all charges and is scheduled to return to court on February 7 for a preliminary hearing conference. “I want to thank all the agencies for their help,” Jump said. “I appreciate their cooperation and working together.” PAGE A-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013 Question: What do you call a grown son who is grateful, respectful and never asks you for money? Answer: A myth. —CC— Speaking of sons, one our readers sent in the following . . . “I hadn’t realized that my five-year-old son had overheard his mother and me discussing the new baby until my dad stopped by for a visit. “Are you excited about a baby brother or sister coming?” he asked my son. “I guess so, Grandpa. But I think the names Daddy has picked out are kind-of weird. He said if it’s a girl he would like to name her Elizabeth, and that’s okay, I suppose. But if it’s another boy, Daddy said they were definitely going to call it Quits.” As a father of three sons, I can sure understand the Dad’s feelings. —CC— Looking for the secret to domestic peace and tranquility? According to researchers writing in the Journal of Social Psychology, the answer could come from freshly baked bread. Scientists at the University of Southern Brittany in France conducted experiments designed to test the theory that the smell of freshly baked bread can alter behavior in humans. Their findings, published in an October issue of the scientific journal, reveal that the aroma of baking bread triggers a rising sense of altruism, increased happiness and other beneficial effects. —CC— I have always enjoyed “piddling.” When my children were at home, they would often come into the garage and asked me what I was doing. Often I would answer, “Just ‘piddling’ around.” You don’t hear that word often anymore but when I do it grabs my attention. “The obituary made me smile. Ellis Ray of Moundville passed away Saturday...he was a loving husband, father, and grandfather, who loved to fish and piddle. He will be greatly missed. I mean no disrespect. Quite the contrary, I smiled because Ellis, whom I never met, is my brother, bound to me not by blood but by a shared habit. We are piddlers. Or we were. Now I am left here, an earthbound piddler, to piddle alone. What is a piddler? It is hard to explain to begin with, because piddling is neither one thing or another, but something in between. It is not rest, not something that can be done with your feet on an ottoman or as you recline in a Posturepedic. But then neither is it work, something that one toils at, sweats at, something one needs a break from, for lunch, coffee. It is certainly not something for which one should ever be paid, and absolutely not something that one does while watching a clock. The whole idea of piddling is to kill time, but without any great effort at all, or even really meaning to. If one piddles correctly, time just goes away, without regret on the part of the piddler, or even any particular notice. One does not march off to piddle. One meanders. And even when one heads off to do it, one may not go to piddling right away, because one might have to loafer a little first. But loafering is another story. A piddler does not fix a leaky washing machine, or a slipping transmission, or a hole in a roof. Such work is necessary, and the more necessary a labor is, the farther from piddling it becomes. A piddler may use tools, but only small, light ones, and only on things that are not needed right then. Changing out a car battery in the dead of winter is not piddling, because it is a necessity. But tinkering with a lawn mower in the middle of February is, especially if the grass is deader than Great-Aunt Minnie’s house cat and buried under a foot of snow. Doing a load of laundry is, of course, not piddling. Organizing one’s sock drawer by color and fiber is. Fishing is not piddling. That is why Ellis Ray’s survivors made that distinction in his obit. But sharpening hooks and respooling line is, especially if the bass boat is covered in sheet ice. Going to a baseball game is not piddling. Retying the laces on your cleats is, but only if the only way you will ever again go fast down the firstbase line is if someone shoots you out of a cannon. Some people have to retire to piddle. Dr. David Sloan, a venerated college professor who worked across the hall from me, seemed one of the least piddling men I ever knew. But he said he fully intended to spend at least some of his retirement piddling. I am not so disciplined. I rearrange books, sharpen knives–the ones I am certain not to use–and change knobs on dressers and cabinets, but only if the ones I am replacing were perfectly fine. I rearrange pictures on the wall, and re-rearrange them because my wife makes me. I spackle holes left from the first rearranging, but only the holes that are hidden by the paintings and do not really have to be spackled at all. To spackle a hole in plain sight would be necessary and therefore illegal under piddling guidelines. My wife does not piddle, and this is how I know she is from another solar system. She reads, gardens (successfully), and uses her time wisely. No one, no one born on this planet, is purely piddle free. But when I try to interest her in my own piddling she looks at me with disdain and says she does not have time to waste. Ellis Ray of Moundville was 68 when he died. I bet he never wasted a second.” — Rick Bragg Southern Living Magazine —CC— Quote of the Week . . . “A senior citizen is someone who can tell you where to buy cheap jogging suits but can’t tell you what jogging is.” District Court Records Felonies Shannon Wayne Cottrell, Coalgate, OK - Domestic abuse assault and battery 2nd and subsequent. Shelly Dawn Tucker, Coalgate, OK – Burglary in the 2nd degree; knowingly concealing stolen property; driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol; unlawful possession of controlled dangerous substance without a prescription. Timothy Paul Horn, Lehigh, OK – Kidnapping; domestic assault and battery with a dangerous weapon; burglary in the 1st degree; domestic assault and battery by strangulation. 2013 l l a B r e t n i W Saturday, February 2nd 7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Coalgate Park Building Semi-Formal Dress Code Gentlemen - collared shirt, nice jeans Ladies - dresses or slacks NO T-shirts or Shorts! 500 $ per couple 300 $ per individual 7th - 12th Grades Sponsored by the CHS Cheer Parents Continued on Page A-8 E N S I P T E N C E I A L 1 Dozen L A V Dipped Strawberries $ 00 15 Fudge Hearts, Chocolate Pralines, Turtles and lots more for your Sweetheart! (pre ordered) Come in and let us sweeten you up!!! Three Rivers & Amish Store 405 S. Mississippi in Atoka (Next to O’Reillys) 580-889-3111 E.E. Emerson Elementary Honor Roll Announced Students listed on the honor roll for the first semester of the 2012-2013 school year at E. E. Emerson have been released. Students listed on the Superintendents Honor Roll (making no grade lower than A) include: A.D. Mauk, Rylie Blue, Laney Brown, Cade Cometti, Rainey Davidson, Macy Delozier, Falyn Eaves, Myca Farris, Gavin McMichael, Rachel Prince, Teagan Brown, Bodee Burkhalter, Cord Coffee, Jonathan Cole, Ridge Duncan, Maci Gaylor, Josilyn Jump, Kyla Lewis, Brylee Rice, Shadow Bayles, Faith Brunson, Leah Fuller, Trista Horn, Raeleigh Madden, Zackery McKeen, Savanah Reed, Isaac Tekubie, Eas- ton Wilkinson, Julio Arcos, Austyn Brewer, Ashton Cagle, Isaiah Holt, Abi Looney, William Jaydon Walters, Jordana Fuller, Damyon West, Destiny McCarter, Zachary Sevenack, Laren Traylor, Trapper Farley, Delaney James, Colin Manion, Jillan Orr, Ashlee Pollard, Trevor Sutton, Jody Trevathan, Waylon Bennett, Briar Davidson, Karsyn Flowers, Falon Hobbie, Trevin Loudermilk, Austin Lynch, Toby Riley, Braeden Van Eron, Keira Ermis, Reese Grigg, Breana Hale, Adysin Lambert, Douglas Pebworth, Amy Walton, Angelina Albarado Reece Garcia, Sarah Hall, William Noe, Will Penney, Kenley Thompson, Gavin Blue, Chloe Brown, Payton Rebekah West Tillery and Michael Spence would like to announce their upcoming wedding on February 14, 2013 at Grace Fellowship Church across from the Atoka Library at 7:00 p.m. All friends and family are invited to attend. A reception will follow. Oklahoma Highway Patrol Report Tips from a Trooper Child Restraint Submitted by Trooper John Ivey Every driver, when transporting a child under six (6) years of age in a motor vehicle operated on the roadways, streets, or highways of this state, shall provide for the protection of said child by properly using a child passenger restraint system. For purposes of this section and Section 11-1113 of this title, “child passenger restraint system” means an infant or child passenger restraint system which meets the federal standards as set by 49 C.F.R., Section 571.213. Children at least six (6) years of age but younger than thirteen (13) years of age shall be protected by use of a child passenger restraint system or a seat belt. The provisions of this section shall not apply to: The driver of a school bus, taxicab, moped, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle not required to be equipped with safety belts pursuant to state or federal laws; The transportation of children who for medical reasons are unable to be placed in such devices, provided there is written documentation from a physician of such medical reason; or The transportation of a child who weighs more than forty (40) pounds and who is being transported in the back seat of a vehicle while wearing only a lap safety belt when the back seat of the vehicle is not equipped with combination lap and shoulder safety belts, or when the combination lap and shoulder safety belts in the back seat are being used by other children who weigh more than forty (40) pounds. Provided, however, for purposes of this paragraph, back seat shall include all seats located behind the front seat of a vehicle operated by a licensed child care facility or church. Provided further, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that a child has met the weight requirements of this paragraph if at the request of any law enforcement officer, the licensed child care facility or church provides the officer with a written statement verified by the parent or legal guardian that the child weighs more than forty (40) pounds. Traffic Citations The following traffic citations issued by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol were filed in Coal County District Court from Tuesday, January 22, through Monday, January 28: Leeroy Deontwayn Wells, Coalgate, OK – Driving under suspension 2nd & subsequent; speeding. Edgar R. Perez-Rojas, Pauls Valley, OK – Speeding. Tamara Jo Stockton, Angleton, TX – Speeding. Hunter Ruggles Davis, Mansfield, TX – Fail to carry security verification. Nicholas Blake McMaster, Atoka, OK – Speeding. Richard L. Kendrick, Caddo, OK – Speeding. Roberto Antonio Degante, Coalgate, OK – Driving under suspension. Larry Sean Newville, Lexington, OK – Speeding. Virginia Lee York, Atoka, OK – Speeding. David M. Thomas, Olla, LA – Violation of special permit. Shelly Dawn Tucker, Coalgate, OK – Litter from a vehicle; left of center in no passing zone. Tara Andrea McCants, OKC – Speeding. Bobby Dwight Forbes, Tulsa, OK – Speeding. Michael David Buckner, Ada, OK – Speeding. Pamela Buttram Parker, McKinney, TX – Speeding. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013—PAGE A-3 J ERIK OHNSON Merritt, Nathan Norris, Makinsy Ringels, Kathryn Rogers, Tyler Wood, Laci Sjlestad, Brent Johnson, Wyatt Jarvis, Kallie Chapman, Natalie Deela, Jakeb Pollard, Caitlyn Sandlin, Jakob Strother, James Beck, Hannah Hall, Henry Colten Ringels, Gavin Cagle, Erick Clements, Baylee Hale, Madison Taylor, Jace Stephens, Rowdy Wood, Rylie Wood, Christian Midkiff, Odessa Deela, Katyn Denson, Austin Lambert. Students listed on the Principal’s Honor Roll (making no grade lower than B) include: Sunni Dillard, Jeffrey Hampton, Caleb McBride, Kaylee Pate, Aubrey Manion, Rodnea Russell, Isaiah Green-Lozano, Toby Ladner, Zoey McDonald, Alyssa Orvis, Buster Ratcliff, Terri Vaughn, Emily West, Damian Martinez, Joshua Pollard, Sky Meaders, Tison Franklin, Jayden Franklin, Christopher Hudson, Mark Reed, Kayla Gootee, Journey Holt, Holden Lampkin, Bruce Noe, Rhoda Buckley, Mersadey McNutt, Alorany Villalobos, Makayla Wilson, Tyler Cole, Jagger Farris, Braxton Lemons Martin, Nathan Rainey, Danni Dillard, Ty Golden, Sean Hilfer, Patrick Kingston, Shelbie Roebuck, Trey Wilkinson, April Burris, Hailey Decker, Keaton Sevenack, Timber Williams, David Hunter Wood, Mayci Vela, Hailey Tekubie, Jacob Rishton, Allisyn Howe, Brayden Barnes, Harley Flowers, Shian Flowers, Konnor Chiles, Austin Connor, Kolton Johnston, Shalyn McCollum, James Thomas, Hailey Benedict, Nathan Blagg, Tyson Buckley, Jake Coffee, Rayce Duncan, William Gregoire, Tre’than Gwinn, Nathaniel Jim, Carson Manion, Haylee McCarter, Hallee Nelson, Ely Roebuck, Rylee Wilson, Pierce Farris, Toxey Franklin, Nicholas Horn, Tagen Miller, Madison Sam, Hunter Traylor, Gwenith West, Elisia Brannen, Christopher Breger, Kortnie Haney, Joley James, Shea Linton, Abbigale Daffern, Dylan Grubbs, Anna Humphreys, Michaela Johnson, Triston Marlow, Ian Penney, Tylissa Ragland, Lillie Reed, Emily Van Eron, Abby Willis, Gery Wrana, Maylin Burns, Auston Crank, Bree Hughes, Zachary Paden, Molly Rainey, and Joshua Strother. ATTORNEY AT LAW • Business Law • Real Estate • Probate & Trust • Insurance Disputes • Family Law Tax-free Income Is the 211 W. 13 , Ada 580-279-1975 Best Gift You Can Give email: Yourself at Retirement. th With an Edward Jones Roth IRA, any earnings are tax-free, and distributions can be taken free of penalties or taxes.* You may even benefit from converting a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. Tax-free Income Is the Best Gift You Can Give Yourself at Retirement. *Earnings distributions from a Roth IRA may be subject to taxes and a 10% penalty if the account is less than five years old and the owner is under age 59½. At Edward Jones, we spend time getting to know your goals so we can help you reach them. To learn more about why an With anEdward Edward Jones Roth earnings areyou, tax-free, Jones Roth IRAIRA, canany make sense for call orand distributions can be taken free of penalties or taxes.* You may visit today. even benefit from converting a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. Taylor P Howard *Earnings distributions from a Roth IRA may be subject to taxes and a 10% penalty if the account is less than five years old and the Advisor owner is under age 59½. Financial . 1500 Hoppe Blvd Suite 11 At Edward Jones, we spend time getting to know your goals Ada, OK 74820 so we can help you580-436-1632 reach them. To learn more about why an Edward Jones Roth IRA can make sense for you, call or visit today. Taylor P Howard Financial Advisor Member SIPC . 1500 Hoppe Blvd Suite 11 Ada, OK 74820 580-436-1632 LandrumENT Ear•Nose•Throat•Allergy•Hearing Member SIPC We Can Help You! Allergy Testing Allergy Treatment Hearing Aids Audiology Sinus & Nose Tre’ Landrum DO Board Certified Otolaryngology, Head and Neck, Facial Plastic Surgeon Tonsils & Adenoids Tubes Acid Reflux Thyroid Sleep Apnea Balance Testing Office Hours in Ada & Atoka 580-421-6470 *! ((10)#" *! ()-. ((#,-*! (#,/&!# &-%#.0*,'+#!& (- . ,.&)$ . 3,,,* $.2'"$ "( %$ !' $#. ,.&)$ . '%&-$$#+0$.+$0)/,2 ') !)$ -0,*!#,3+), #3'0&*!1-), # . ,.&)$ . !*13- .#((&.#- 34 $01*( 2 PAGE A-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013 Service Thursday for Norma Jean Palmer Funeral services for lifetime Coalgate resident, Norma Jean (DePasse) Palmer, will be held Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel with Dr. Micah Meek officiating. Burial will be in Coalgate Cemetery with arrangements under the direction of Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate. Family night will be Wednesday evening 6-8 p.m. Norma was born February 4, 1941 at Phillips, OK to Arthur Leon DePasse and Mary (Cicio) DePasse and passed away January 28, 2013 in Coalgate, OK. at the age of 71. She attended and graduated from Coalgate High School. Norma married Floyd Palmer on December 24, 1959 at Coalgate, OK. She served as Coal County Treasurer for over 30 years. Norma enjoyed sewing and baking. Survivors include her husband, Floyd Palmer of the home in Coalgate; daughter, Karyl Miller and husband, Kenneth James of Rowlett, TX; granddaughter, Kyra Miller of Rowlett, TX; mother, Mary DePasse of Phillips, OK; brothers, Arthur DePasse and wife, Marie of Pine, OK. and Harold DePasse and wife, Gwenda of Phillips, OK, along with nieces, nephews, other relatives and numerous dear and loved friends. She was preceded in death by her father, Arthur Leon DePasse. Pallbearers will be Roy Deck, Floyd Gibson, Eddie Campbell, Roy Campbell, Rusty Christman and Steven Flowers. Serving as honorary pallbearers are John Benedict, Monte Palmer, Bryan Palmer, Earl DePasse and Raymond DePasse. Victor Enrico, a longtime Coalgate resident, passed away January 24, 2013 in Coalgate, OK. at the age of 91. His services were Monday, January 28, 2013 at the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church at 2:00 p.m. with Father Higgins officiating with burial at Coalgate Cemetery. He was born July 7, 1921 in Coalgate, OK to Charles and Catherine (Patrozza) Enrico. Victor married Isabel Parry on October 27, 1952 in Krebs, OK, she preceded him in death on March 15, 1999. Victor had attended Coalgate schools and was a member of the Coalgate Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. He took care of the building and grounds maintenance for the U.S. Post Office in Coalgate for 40 years, and was a Veteran of the U.S. Army. Survivors include one daughter, Mary Cath- erine Kuettel and husband, Charles of OKC, OK; one son, David Victor Enrico of Coalgate, OK; granddaughter, Konnie Gourley and husband, Andrew of Choctaw, OK; great granddaughters, Makaylee Gourley and Kylee Gourley of Choctaw, OK, along with other relatives and many dear and loved friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Catherine (Patrozzo) Enrico; wife, Isabel (Parry) Enrico; brother, Louis Enrico and half sister, Annie Sechiatano. Pallbearers were Ralph Wilson, Steve Sandmann, Kevin Parry, Kevin Guinn, Lonnie Williams and Joe Avanzini. Serving as honorary pallbearers were Jack Ruffini, Johnnie Bellettini, Nick Lolli and Marion Parker. Services were under the direction of Brown’s Funeral Service-Coalgate. Funeral services for Mairlyon (Coffee) Scott, a Coalgate resident will be held Friday, February 1, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at the Brown’s Funeral Chapel with Rev. David Boggs officiating. Burial will be at Woodman Cemetery in Coalgate, OK. with arrangements under the direction of Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate. Family night will be Thursday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. Mrs. Scott was born June 10, 1939 in Coalgate, OK. to Rufus Moore and Jessie Ola (Griffin) Coffee. Mrs. Scott passed away January 27, 2013 in Coalgate, OK. at the age of 73. She attended Centrahoma, Pine, Parker and Coalgate schools. She married Henry “Sonny” Cleo Scott on August 18, 1959 in Coalgate, OK. He preceded her in death on August 9, 1975. Mrs. Scott was a caregiver and a housewife. Mrs. Scott is survived by her sons, Larry Don Scott and wife, Carolyn of Lehigh, OK. and Jef- fery Wayne Scott and wife, Barbara Diane of Kiowa, OK; 5 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, Johnny Cagle of Coalgate, OK. and many other relatives, and dear and loved friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, Rufus Moore and Jessie Ola (Griffin) Coffee; husband, Henry “Sonny” Cleo Scott; son, Mark Henry Scott; nieces, Imogene Westbrook, Tracy Thompson and Connie (Coffee) McNeil; brothers, R.J. Coffee, Robert Dale Coffee and Hubert Harley Coffee; sisters, Cairloyn (Coffee) Gwinn File, Gladys Lee (Coffee) Hanks Acosta, Effie Mae (Coffee) Wellington, Flora Gertrude (Coffee) Lacy and Lena Coffee. Pallbearers will be Sonny Scott, Wesley Scott, Cody Scott, Travis Smithart, Billy Smithhart and Corky Acosta. Seving as honorary pallbearers are Justin McKinney, Waylon McKinney, Timothy Vinsant, James Little, Jerry Hanks. Funeral services for Loin Berley (Cowboy) (L.B.) Smith of London, AR, were held Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at The Shinn Chapel in Russellville, AR at 2:00 p.m. with Bro. Claude Jackson, Bro. Buddy Little and Pastor Ervin Petty officiating. Burial was in East Point Cemetery with arrangements under the direction of Shinn Funeral Service of Russellville, AR. Loin was born April 26, 1916 in Briggsville, AR to Joseph Michael and Georgia Smith and changed addresses from his earthly home to his mansion in glory on Friday, January 18, 2013 at the Arkansas Hospice River Valley Home in Russellville, AR at the age of 96. He attended school at Van Horn, Mowdy, Wardville and Limestone Gap all in Oklahoma. He married Thelma McClendon (his bride for 62 years) at Kiowa in May 1941. She preceded him in death in February, 2004. Loin was raised in the Wardville, OK area and later moved his wife and family to California where he worked for several years before moving back to Oklahoma for a short while then to Arkansas in 1957 where he remained the rest of his life and finished raising his family. He was a retired farmer, rancher and construction worker and was a member of Cornerstone Assembly of God Church in London, AR. Survivors include his children, Charles L. Smith and wife, Nina Jo, Floy Stanton and husband, Bobby, Margie Sexton and husband, Jearl, and Lonnie Smith and wife, Debbie; his special friend, Juanita Ragsdale; thirteen grandchildren, Lisa Pew and husband, Jeff, Charlotte Smith and Randy Millikin, Missy Smith, Karen Faries and husband, Doug, Loretta Mckenzie and husband, Craig, Melody Armer and husband, Joseph, Billy Stanton and wife, Carla, Sandra Jo Thompson and husband, Mark, James Stanton, Jana Andringa and husband, Kip, Wayne Holt, Justin Smith and wife, Lisa and Eric Smith and wife, Lane; twenty-one great grandchildren; one great-great grandchild; one sister, Omarie Little of Wardville, OK; one brother, Joe Mike Smith of Wardville, OK; and numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives and many friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife in 2004; one daughter, Joyce Stanton in February 2005; two sisters, Lela Smith and Effie White; one brother Grady Smith; one daughter-in-law Francis Smith; two brothersin-law, Woody White and Bennie Little; and one sister-in-law, Daisy Smith. Active pallbearers were Justin and Eric Smith, Billy Wayne and James Stanton, Wayne Holt and Ethan Bratton. Honorary pallbearers were his WalMart coffee-drinking friends. Service Held for Victor Enrico It’s your future, Plan Plan ahead. It’s you future. ahead It’s your future and your choice. At Brown»s Funeral Service we»ll guide you through the process of prearranging your funeral wishes. We offer a variety of payment plans to –t almost every lifestyle. You may choose to pay in full, or select a payment plan from 12 months to 10 years. It’s your choice. We also offer life insurance and monuments. Call Jeremy Burris for a no-obligation consultation. B Funeral Service 400 W. Queen Coalgate, OK 580-927-6915 or 927-2101 Brown’s Come by & say hi and see what we have to offer! Service Friday for Mairlyon Scott Service Held For Loin Berley (Cowboy) (L.B.) Smith Countryside Values Discount Grocery “Saving you money in the country” • Premium Cheese • • Butter • Meats • Try our line of Amish Wedding Products: • Pickles • • Jams • • Vegetables • Hwy 48, Clarita • 9 miles south of Tupelo • (580)428-3547 we now accept VISA Debit and Access Cards COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013— PAGE A-5 Service Friday for Ricky Zane Robson Funeral services for Ricky Zane Robson, a Coalgate resident, will be held Friday, February 1, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Coalgate with Rev. Bill Weathers officiating. Burial will be in Coalgate Cemetery with Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate in charge of arrangements. Ricky was born March 26, 1961 in Ada to Thomas William and Shirley Mozelle (Massie) Robson and passed away January 29, 2013 in McAlester, OK at the age of 51. He attended Coalgate schools and was a mechanic. Ricky was of the Baptist faith and enjoyed fishing for bass and catfish, hunting, riding motorcycles and fast cars. Survivors include his children, Rikki Robson and husband Preston Newman of Kiowa, OK, and Travis Robson of Kiowa; grandson, Zaiden Newman of Kiowa; brothers, Randy Robson and wife Donna of Coalgate, and Norvin Robson and wife Hazel of Coalgate; special friend, Shelly Robson of Kiowa; friend/mother-in-law, June Kirkland of Kiowa; nieces, Kayla Robson of Coalgate, Shawnda Salazar and husband Tod of Columbus, MO, Leslie Battles and husband, Dustin, and Lori Plunkett and husband, John all of Coalgate; nephew, Tommy Robson of Coalgate; great nieces and nephews, Natalie, Samantha and Sidney Salazar, Abi Looney, Cooper Battles, Trevor Robson and Tori Plunkett; aunts, Marilyn Layton of OKC and Mary Jo Massie of Coalgate, along with other relatives and many dear and loved friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; and uncles, Waymond Massie and Roy Massie. Pallbearers will be Ronnie Reid, James Ward, Joe Childress, Jimmy Shockey, Leon Matthews, and Woody Phillips. Honorary bearers will be Anthony Breger, David Stiles, Ronnie Burris, Jerry Ike Shockey and Larry Mills. ECU Honor Roll Outstanding academic work by East Central University students have led to listings on the President’s Honor Roll and Dean’s Honor Roll for the fall semester of 2012. Students must complete 12 credit hours during the semester to be included on the honor roll. They cannot receive an “I” for incomplete work. Those included on the President’s Honor Roll have earned A’s in all of their courses during the semester for a perfect 4.0 grade point average. To be eligible for the Dean’s Honor Roll, students must have a 3.3 grade point average with no grade lower than a C. Students listed on the President’s Honor Roll are listed by hometowns: COALGATE: Matt Sven Calvert; Human Services Counseling (Deaf); Sarah Michelle Sanders, Biology. Students listed on the Dean’s Honor Roll are listed by hometown: COALGATE: Jared Scott Collins, Chemistry; Robert Zane Darling, English (Teacher Certification) ; Wesley Joe Eddings, Biology; Tyler Nicolas Griffin, Nursing; Debra M. Hill, Nursing; Jonathan Ridge Kennedy, English; Landra Sue Nelson, Nursing; Nicole L Wood, Art (Art Studio) LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 30, 2013 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: PABLO ENERGY II, LLC RELIEF SOUGHT: LOCATION EXCEPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201205060 AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and all other interested persons, particularly in Coal County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant in this Cause is requesting that this Commission grant a well location for a well to be drilled and produced from the Woodford common source of supply spaced as a 640-acre unit underlying Section 35, Township 1 North, Range 9 East, Coal County, Oklahoma, at a location as follows: Surface Location: 200 feet from the South line and 1,595 feet from the West line of Section 26, Township 1 North, Range 9 East, Coal County, Oklahoma. Completion Interval: (Proposed cased, cemented and perforated) First Perforation: 166 feet from the North line and 416 feet from the West line of Section 35, Township 1 North, Range 9 East, Coal County, Oklahoma. MD 6,530’ Last Perforation: 390 feet from the South line and 265 feet from the West line of Section 35, Township 1 North, Range 9 East, Coal County, Oklahoma. MD 11,263’ as exception to Order No. 559849. A request will be made to designate the Applicant or some other party as the operator of the proposed well. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the drilling and spacing unit described in the caption hereof underlies Section 35, Township 1 North, Range 9 East, Coal County, Oklahoma, and the sections adjacent are Sections 25, 26, 27, 34 and 36, Township 1 North, Range 9 East; and Sections 1, 2 and 3, Township 1 Landon Garcia is shown with her Prospect Steer that won Reserve Champion at the Tulsa State Fair (top picture). She is pictured in the bottom picture with her Simmental Steer that made the sale at the Tulsa State Fair. Pictured with her is her young brother, Reece. They are the children of Lana Thomas and granddaughter of Bob and Melva Thomas, all of Coalgate. Coal County Sheriff’s Report OSBI Investigation Coal County Sheriff Bryan Jump said Tuesday that allegations concerning a Coal County deputy also employed as Coal County Drug Court compliance officer have been brought to his attention. “I have requested an OSBI investigation concerning possible embezzlement,” Jump said. “The deputy has been placed on administrative leave with pay effective Friday, January 25.” “Yesterday, the sheriff requested OSBI open an investigation into possible embezzlement of funds in the drug court area,” said Jessica Brown, Public Relations Director with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. Brown said the investigation began on Tuesday. No additional information is available at this time. Traffic Citations Michael William Maravelas, Denver, CO – Illegal U-turn. South, Range 9 East, all in Coal County, Oklahoma. IT IS ORDERED that this Cause be referred to an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. IT IS ORDERED AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that this Cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Merits Docket at the Corporation Commission, First Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 19th day of February, 2013, and that this notice be published as required by law and the Rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action contact the Land Department, Pablo Energy II, LLC, P. O. Box 2945, Amarillo, Texas, 79105, (806) 3714765, or CHARLES L. HELM, Attorney, 105 North Hudson, Suite 700, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73102, (405) 232-9000. Please refer to Cause CD Number. DONE AND PERFORMED this 24th day of January, 2013. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA PATRICE DOUGLAS, Chairman BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner ATTEST: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary For more information call 918-424-1754 Buyers Register at Salebarn Office Auctioneeer: Chillie Joe Bills 580-258-0312 PAGE A-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013 Commissioners’ Proceedings Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the monthly appropriations. Michael SUPPLIES Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley and Pebworth approved the appropriations 1328 EMBASSY SUITES NORMAN $77.00 DIST 2 LODGING as follows: 1329 LINCOLN INN EXPRESS $65.00 DIST 2 LODGING The next item was to discuss and take possible action regarding bridge 1330 HOOTEN OIL CO $1,760.00 DIST 3 OIL closures as recommended by ODOT. The issue was tabled until Shelly Williams The Coal County Board of County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled 1331 HENSLEY, MICHAEL DON $46.62 DIST 3 TRAVEL arrived. meeting on Thursday, December 13th, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. in the conference room 1332 AT&T $297.77 SERVICE Michael Hensley made a motion to approve a utility relocation agreement of the County Commissioners Building. 1333 GRAHAM INTERNATIONAL INC$435.48 DIST 3 PARTS for Muddy Boggy Low Water crossing CIRB project in District 3. Johnny Ward Alvin Pebworth called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. 1332 AT&T $297.77 SERVICE 1334 PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP $160.00 DIST 3 BLANKET seconded. Hensley, Ward and Pebworth approved. GRAHAM INTERNATIONAL INC $435.48 DIST 3 PARTS Roll was called by Alvin Pebworth. Those present were: Alvin Pebworth, 1333 1335 WYRICKS LUMBER $67.65 DIST 3 TOOLS PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP $160.00 DIST 3 BLANKET Johnny Ward made a motion to approve a resolution to increase the Chairman, Michael Hensley, Vice-chairman, Johnny Ward, Member, and Eugina 1334 1336 DOUBLE S LUMBER $58.16 DIST 3 SUPPLIES 1335 WYRICKS LUMBER $67.65 DIST 3 TOOLS county’s sales tax from 1% to 2%, to include the hospital tax, which will become Loudermilk, County Clerk. 1337 B&S SUPPLIES $559.64 DIST$58.16 3 SHOP SUPPLIES 1336 DOUBLE S LUMBER DIST 3 SUPPLIES effective April 1, 2013. Michel Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley and Pebworth Guests present were: Nick Peterson, Louis Sandmann, Rick Chaney, Bob 1338 ARAMARK $61.63 DIST 3 SUPPLIES 1337 B&S SUPPLIES $559.64 DIST 3 SHOP SUPPLIES approved. Thomas, Leon Carter, Bill Johnson, Allen Leaird, Wanda Utterback, Gerry 1338 1339 O REILLY AUTO PARTS $125.20 DIST$61.63 3 FILTERS ARAMARK DIST 3 SUPPLIES Michael Hensley made a motion to select SAIC as the bridge engineering firm Watkins, Jennifer Malone, Imogene Mowdy, Kathryn Ivey and Shelly Williams. 1340 O REILLY AUTO PARTS $38.97 DIST 3 OIL DIST 3 FILTERS 1339 O REILLY AUTO PARTS $125.20 to represent Districts 1 and 3. Ward said he would abstain from voting, but is Michael Hensley made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous 1340 O REILLY AUTOTIRE PARTS DIST 3 OIL 1341 HERCULES $1,633.44 DIST$38.97 3 TIRES in favor although District 2 is with CED#4. Alvin Pebworth seconded. Hensley, HERCULES TIRE $1,633.44 DIST 3 TIRES meeting. Johnny Ward seconded the motion. Hensley, Ward and Pebworth 1341 1342 YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO $311.04 DIST 3 PARTS 1342 YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO $311.04 DIST 3 PARTS Pebworth and Ward approved. approved. 1343 RED ROCK PIT $676.08 DIST 3 GRAVEL RED ROCK PIT $676.08 DIST 3 GRAVEL One bid was received for a used excavator for district 3. Yellowhouse Michael Hensley made a motion to approve the payroll claims for December 1343 1344 RED ROCK PIT $835.93 DIST 3 GRAVEL 1344 RED ROCK PIT $835.93 DIST 3 GRAVEL Machinery bid a 2008 John Deere 160DLC for $91,500.00, less the trade of a 690 1-15th, 2012. Johnny Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Pebworth approved. 1345 RED ROCK $810.10 DIST 3 GRAVEL 1345 RED ROCK PIT PIT $810.10 DIST 3 GRAVEL Johnny Ward made a motion to approve transfers of appropriations within 1346 1346 RED ROCK $1,199.70 DIST 3 GRAVEL RED ROCK PIT PIT $1,199.70 DIST 3 GRAVEL John Deere for $3500.00. which brings the total to $88,000.00. Michael Hensley made a motion to approve the bid. Johnny ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and the General Fund and the County Use Tax account. Michael Hensley seconded. MD-1A MD-1C BUDGETBUDGET ACCT ACCT MD-1AMD-2HEALTH MD-1C MD-2HEALTH Pebworth approved. 9292 OKOK STATE DEPT OF HEALTH $16,401.12 HEALTH DEPT SALARIES Ward, Hensley and Pebworth approved. STATE DEPT OF HEALTH $16,401.12 HEALTH DEPT SALARIES RECORD REGISTER $26.00DEPT HEALTH DEPT SERVICE Clerk Loudermilk said she received a notice of the annual OklahomaAassociation Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the monthly purchase orders for 9393 RECORD REGISTER $26.00 HEALTH SERVICE AVAYA INC $172.92 HEALTH DEPT SERVICE of Fairs and Festivals membership and meeting. She said she would notify the payment. Michael Hensley seconded the motion. Ward, Hensley and Pebworth 9494 AVAYA INC $172.92 HEALTH DEPT SERVICE 95MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT $30.00 HEALTH DEPT SERVICE Fair Board members. approved the following: MILLERFINANCIAL OFFICE EQUIPMENT $30.00 HEALTH SERVICE 9695 CANNON SERVICE $205.00DEPT HEALTH DEPT SERVICE Jennifer Malone said she had received a letter of resignation from Tom Corsini, 96 CANNON SERVICE $205.00 HEALTH DEPT SERVICE MD-4 HEALTH DEPTFINANCIAL GRANT & CASH DONATION member of the 911 Authority Board. She said the 911 Board had accepted his Fiscal Year: 2012-2013 Payments by Fund 1 AES MD-4AMATEUR HEALTH EQUIPMENT DEPT GRANT & CASH DONATION $159.99 HEALTH DEPT GRANT resignation. Johnny ward made a motion to accept his resignation. Johnny ward Approved RESALE1PROPERTY AES AMATEUR EQUIPMENT $159.99 HEALTH DEPT GRANT made a motion to accept his resignation. Michael Hensley seconded. Ward, 22RESALE PITNEY BOWES $30.58 TREAS OFFICE SUPPLIES From: 12/11/2012 To: 12/26/2012 PROPERTY 2322 QUIL CORPBOWES $710.60 SUPPLIES TREAS SUPPLIES Hensley and Pebworth approved. Warrant No. Vendor Name Amount Purpose PITNEY $30.58 TREAS OFFICE SO-6 ASSESSORS HARDWARE UPGRADE Malone said Rick Chaney had agreed to replace Corsini on the 911 Board. 911 COLLECTIONS QUIL CORP $710.60 TREAS SUPPLIES 1123 COUNTY RECORD INC $220.00 ASSESSOR MAPS Johnny Ward made a motion to appoint Chaney to the 911 Authority Board. 57 MAIN TRADING COMPANY $114.89 911 EQUIP SO-6 ASSESSORS HARDWARE UPGRADE Michael Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley and Pebworth approved. B-4 SHERIFF SERVICE FEE 11 COUNTY RECORD $220.00 ASSESSOR MAPSseconded. Ward, Johnny Ward made a motion INC to approve the monthly appropriations. Michael Hensley Hensley and Pebworth The next item on the agenda was a discussion with Billy Johnson regarding the 68 J P COOKE CO $27.40 SHERIFF DEPT approved the appropriations as follows: update of progress of property transfers from the Coal County General Hospital to SUPPLIES the Board of County Commissioners. Johnny Ward said the deed of the hospital B-4 SHERIFF SERVICE FEE ACCOUNT $ 2,150.92 69 ADA PAPER CO. $30.08 SUPPLIES B-41A SHERIFF PERSONAL SERVICE $ 2,487.90 and manor property would need to be transferred into the county’s name. Allen 70 CIRCLE N MARKET $34.00 FUEL B-4CS COURTHOUSE SECURITY $ 529.60 Leaird offered to help with the paperwork. Ward said they could use the local 71 CIRCLE N MARKET $28.58 FUEL B-8 SHERIFF SALES TAX $ 7,283.53 attorney, so they could get the title and everything changed over. Rick Chaney CDBG WATER GRANT C-3 TREASURER MTG TAX $ 14.00 added that a trust would need to be established and a lease agreement made 5 OK DEPT OF COMMERCE $520.84 CLARITA/OLNEY WATER PY CD-4 EMERGENCY MGMT CASH ACCT $ 2,500.00 between the county and the hospital. Ward said the commissioners would need to COUNTY SALES TAX DRUG-3 DRUG COURT CASH ACCT $ 2,775.00 appoint board members and draw allotment so their terms stagger. He asked that 661 RICKS AUTO $1,849.87 SHERIFF DEPT E-3 OSU EXTENSION $ 3,641.76 it be put on the agenda for January. There will need to be 10 board members total REPAIRS EMS-3 EMS SALES TAX $ 4,734.29 and the deadline for all the paperwork to be completed and filed will be April 1st. 662 PALACE DRUG $88.63 INMATE MEDICATION F-3 COUNTY CLERK LIEN FEE $ 391.74 The Board revisited possible bridge closures as recommended by ODOT. 663 PALACE DRUG $48.36 INMATE MEDICATION F-3P COUNTY CLERK PRESERVATION $ 995.00 Shelly Williams, ODOT, said two of the bridges in District 1 (Local ID 17 and 18) are J-3 COURT CLERK REVOLVING FUND $ 965.54 664 PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP $18.59 SHERIFF DEPT BLANKET PO old truss bridges with fractured critical structures. She said ODOT recommends LL LAW LIBRARY $ 504.25 665 HICKMAN PRINTING $229.77 SHERIFF DEPT SUPPLIES MD-2 HEALTH DEPT $ 20.78 closing the bridges immediately for safety reasons until repairs can be made to 666 MARLOW, JANET K $45.28 JAIL SUPPLIES REIMB R-5 COUNTY SALES TAX $ 9,832.76 them. Alvin Pebworth said he has been working on the repair issue and has the 667 COALGATE FUELS $1,367.10 SHERIFF DEPT FUEL R-6 COUNTY GENERAL MATCHING $ 7,045.26 pilings and beams to fix the bridges. Williams said the bridges are a liability to 668 OSU COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERV $2,883.00 OSU SALARY R-7 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT $ 5,098.47 the county and need to be closed as soon as possible. Pebworth said he would 669 STIDHAM, LANA $389.38 OSU TRAVEL R-8 SOLID WASTE $ 1,452.53 notify his guys and have them put signs up this afternoon. Michael Hensley made 670 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER $42.62 EMER MNGMT AND 911 SER R-10 COUNTY USE TAX $ 6,093.71 a motion to temporarily close the bridges until they can be repaired. Johnny Ward 671 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER $ 116.15 SHERIFF DEPT SERVICE R-11 COUNTY LODGING TAX $ 12.39 seconded. Hensley, Ward and Peworth approved. 672 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS $14.36 SERVICE RESALE TREASURER RESALE $ 953.36 Old Business: 673 TERMINIX PEST CONTROL $80.00 EMER MNGMT AND 911 SER RF RURAL FIRE $ 1,820.88 Leon Carter said he had heard some “coffee shop talk” that in the last meeting, 674 TERMINIX PEST CONTROL $50.00 SHERIFF OFFICE SERVICE SO-5 ASSESSOR STATE MONEY $ 0.32 he got in the County Clerk’s face and blamed her for the commissioners paying SO-6 ASSESOR HARDWARE UPGRADE $ 148.00 675 SEQUOYAH ENTERPRISES INC$46.52 JUVENILE SERVICES SC SENIOR CITIZENS $ 2,913.41 an excise board member as a vendor, which is not legal. He asked Loudermilk 676 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH $35.74 SHERIFF DEPT SERVICE T-1A HIGHWAY PERSONAL SERVICE $ 98,000.00 if that is what happened, and Loudermilk said “No, you stood from where you 677 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER $1,339.00 COURTHOUSE SERVICE T-2A HIGHWAY M&O $ 27,172.78 were sitting across the room and pointed your finger at me”. Carter said he was 678 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER $142.19 COMMISSIONERS SERVICE T-2B HIGHWAY RENTALS $ 36,962.90 sorry if he got in Loudermilk’s face, but added that he knew where that rumor had 679 RECORD REGISTER $72.00 PUBLICATION T-3 HIGHWAY CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 2,500.00 come from. 680 MARC $100.92 COURTHOUSE SUPPLIES 911 COLL. 911 SURCHARGE COLLECTIONS $ 5,207.13 New Business: 681 AT&T $212.67 SHERIFF DEPT SERVICE CBRIF 105 STATE HWY MONEY $ 20,256.41 Jennifer Malone, 911 Coordinator, thanked the Board for funding the 682 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH $17.50 SHERIFF SERVICE dispatchers’ salaries for 911. She said the equipment needed to operate 911 has 683 C & C HARWARE $449.00 EQUIPMENT Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the 2012 Safety incentive awards. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the 2012 Safety incentive awards. Michael Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley and Pebworth been ordered and should be in sometime in January. She said she has selected 684 SPRINT $208.14 EMERGENCY MNGMTapproved SERV the following, listed by seconded. department: Ward, Hensley and Pebworth approved the following, Michael Hensley three full-time and one part-time employees to begin around the first part of 685 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH $478.74 COURTHOUSE SERVICE listed by department: January. She said Nick Hinkle, who had been hired for radio installation, has OFFICE/DEPT RECIPIENTS’ NAME 686 SPRINT $90.48 EMERGENCY MNGMT SERV OFFICE/DEPT RECIPIENTS’ NAME been hired as a dispatcher. She said there is a 911 Board member that has not 687 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER $112.36 EMER MNGMT AND 911 SER attended a meeting in a few months, Johnny Ward said they probably needed to 688 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER $52.67 SOLID WASTE SERVICE COUNTY CLERK CONNIE LANGSTON send him a letter asking for his resignation. 689 CASCO IND. $1,636.00 CLARITA RFD SUPPLIES SUSAN WALKER Allen Leaird updated the Board on the OSU Extension building. He said the 690 PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP $57.69 TUPELO RFD SERVICE KYLA WILLIS preliminary drawings are available. He said the building would be constructed 691 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA $22.44 TUPELO RFD SERVICE TREASURER SUSIE DAVIDSON south of the dam on highway 75 near the rest area and large cannon. He said 692 CLARITA OLNEY WATER $12.50 CLARITA SENIOR CITIZENS B the survey has been completed and the city has agreed to swap some of the land BETTE PRICE 693 HUGHES, VICKIE $50.00 CLARITA SENIOR CITIZENS S with Logan Reed. Johnny Ward said he would find out if the county needed to 694 TERMINIX PEST CONTROL $1,300.00 LEHIGH SERVICE KAY GWINN advertise for architectural services. 695 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA $56.75 TUPELO SENIOR CITIZENS B ASSESSOR JOYCE WILLIAMS Michael Hensley made a motion to adjourn at 1:41 p.m. Johnny Ward seconded 696 AT&T $71.11 TUPELO SENIOR CITIZENS B RACHEL LEWIS the motion. Hensley, Ward and Pebworth approved. 697 PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP $212.24 TUPELO SENIOR CITIZENS GAIL HORN B s)Alvin Pebworth s)Michael Hensley COURT CLERK REVOLVING CASH FUND Chairman Vice-chairman 25 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER $11.02 COURT CLERK SERVICE COURT CLERK BRITTANY BRICE DRUG COURT CASH FUND CHERYL HOBGOOD s)Johnny Ward s)Eugina Loudermilk 29 AT&T MOBILITY $99.99 DRUG COURT SERVICE MICHELLE LAMPKIN Member County 30 YOUNG, CHRISTINA L. $99.00 DRUG COURT SERVICE Clerk 31 FLOURNOY ,JOHN RICHARD $650.00 DRUG TEST ELECTION BOARD VICKY SALMON ATTEST: 32 HUMPHREY, JUSTIN $1,500.00 DRUG COURT SALARY AMBER FANNING SEAL 33 WILLIS, KYLA L. $108.00 DRUG COURT CONTRACT SE SHERIFFS OFFICE CASSANDRA BAILEY F-3 COUNTY CLERKS LIEN FEE ACCT JEREMY BRICE 117 AT&T $239.92 COUNTY CLERK SERVICE CHRISTINA BROWN 118 COUNTY OFFICERS AND DEPUTIES A $75.00 COUNTY CLERK REGISTRAT NICHOLAS DAVIS 119 KELLPRO COMPUTER SOLUTIONS $2,075.50 JOHN FLOURNOY COUNTY CLERK OFFICE EQU STEVEN FLOWERS 120 STAPLES CONTRACT & COMMERCIAL $355.74 COUNTY CLERK MICHEAL GILLIAM SUPPLIES TINA GILLIAM GENERAL BUDGET ACCT. 811 STAPLES CONTRACT & COMMERCIAL $16.49 SHERIFF OFFICE BOBBY HATTON SUPPLIES JANET MARLOW 812 STAPLES CONTACT & COMMERCIAL $35.98 SHERIFF OFFICE CRYSTAL McININCH SUPPLIES HELP WANTED LEGAL SERVICES CLIFFORD RIDGEWAY 813 AT&T U-VERSE $60.00 SHERIFF SERVICE EXP FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional 814 STAPLES CONTRACT & COMMERCIAL $35.69 SHERIFF OFFICE JOSHUA VINCENT SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY opportunities now open with plenty of SUPPLIES CLAIMS. Saunders & Saunders DISTRICT 1 MICHAEL ANDERSON freight & great pay! 800-277-0212 or 815 HL s GUN & PAWN $269.90 SHERIFF DEPUTIES Attorneys at Law. No Recovery – No ROGER CUNNINGHAM SUPPLIES Fee. 1-800-259-8548. DRIS DEE HENSLEY 816 AT&T $566.47 SHERIFF DEPT SERVICE FREIGHT UP = More $. Need CDL BARRY MAGGIA 817 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS $68.33 SHERIFF SERVICE STEEL BUILDINGS Class A Driving Exp. Plus Benefits, 818 AT&T $145.00 TREAS SERVICE KENNY PEARCE New Equip. & 401K 877-258-8782. 819 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS $5.01 TREAS SERVICE STEEL BUILDINGS Cancelled Orders DAN PEBWORTH 820 CANNON FINANCIAL SERVICES $207.02 TREAS SERVICE MUST GO. Make Low monthly payED PECK 821 QUILL CORP $194.99 COMMISSIONERS ments on 4 remaining. 20x24, 25x30, DRIVER – $0.03 quarterly bonus, plus JOHNATHAN SMITH SUPPLIES 30x40, 42x60 SAVE Thousands Call $0.01 increase per mile after 6 and 12 822 QUILL CORP $41.97 COMMISSIONERS SUPPLIES Now! 757-301-8885. TERRY YOUNG months. Daily or Weekly pay. CDL-A, 823TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATION$19.68 COMMISSIONER SERVICE 3 months current exp. 800-414-9569. DISTRICT 2 WARREN BAILEY 824 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS $8.80 COUNTY CLERK SERVICE FOR SALE WESLEY BROWN 825 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS $9.70 ASSESSOR SERVICE FLOYD CAMPBELL RENT-TO-OWN Portable OUTDOOR 826 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS $10.34 COURT CLERK PHONE "CAN YOU DIG IT?" Heavy Equipment GARY DORITY Buildings. Sheds, Storage Barns & SERV Operator Training. 3-wk HandsMORE. No Credit check. Low monthly on Program. Bulldozers, Backhoes, 827 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER $90.41 FAIR BARN SERVICE MARY EDDINGS Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement payments. Free Delivery in 7 business 828 AT&T $247.58 ELECTION BRD SERVICE LEE FACION Asst. w/National Certs. VA Benefits days. 877-595-1875 829 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATION$ 2.37 ELECTION BRD SERVICE DAVID JOHNSON Eligible - 866-362-6497. 830 AT&T $160.46 ASSESSOR SERVICE RICKIE LEWIS FARM 831 HILTON GARDEN INN $94.04 ASSESSOR LODGING & OWNER OPERATORS Class-A CDL. MEAL THOMAS McCOY Regional, dedicated, recession-proof EARN TOP $$$ Leasing Hunting 832 BOB BARKER CO. INC. $40.55 INMATE SUPPLIES JOHNNY MCLELLAN freight. Lease purchase program Rights to Your Land. Call Base 833 MARY HURLEY HOSPITAL $1,387.83 I NMATE CARE with down payment assistance. DARRILL MORGAN Camp Leasing for free quote & info HIGHWAY 1 yr. driving experience within the JERRY NANNY packet. Hunting Leases Done Right 1297 CENTERPOINT ARKLA $39.64 DIST 1 SERVICE past 5. Call Cornelius: 866-915-3910 since 1999. 1-866-309-1507. www. LES PEBWORTH 1298 AT&T $188.46 DIST 1 SERVICE 1299 RICKS OIL COMPANY $1,124.96 DIST 1 BLANKET JACKIE SHIRLEY 1300 GREAT PLAINS INC $123.70 DIST 1 PARTS DRIVERS OTR DRIVERS Sign LEE WEATHERS CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION 1301 GREAT PLAINS INC $62.25 DIST 1 PARTS On Bonus. $1,000-$1,200, Up to BILLY WEIR 45 CPM, Full-time Positions with 1302 HALLS AUTO SUPPLY $104.49 DIST 1 BLANKET AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train DISTRICT 3 EARNEST COTTRELL Benefits! Pet Policy, O/O's Welcome! 1303 C & C HARDWARE $35.98 DIST 1 BLANKET for hands on Aviation Career. FAA deBoer Transportation 800-825-8511 1304 KOUNTRY STORE $1,801.33 DIST 1 BLANKET WILLARD DELOZIER approved program. Financial aid if 1305 PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP $165.00 DIST 1 BLANKET qualified – Job placement assistance. RONALD FRANKLIN 1306 YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO $1,832.05 DIST 1 LABOR CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance GROENDYKE TRANSPORT INC CALEB HEATHCOCK 1307 YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO $390.27 DIST 1 LABLOR 866-802-6655. - Regional/OTR drivers needed for 1308COALGATE INTERNET SERVICES LLC $39.95 DIST 1 SERVICE COLIN HEATHCOCK Tulsa, Enid and Elk City locations. 1309 YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO $1, 117.02 DIST 1 BLADES JIMMY HEATHCOCK Must be 23 years of age with CDL, will ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from 1310 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL $2,839.26 DIST 1 RENTAL work with you on tanker and hazmat JONATHAN HENSON Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal 1311 COALGATE FUELS $313.20 DIST 1 FUEL endorsement. Excellent benefits packJustice, *Hospitality. Job placement LAVAUGHN HENSON 1312 FITTSTONE INC $104.12 DIST 1 BLANKET age, safety bonus program and 401K. assistance. Computer available. $65K/year possible plus good home JOHN McCOY 1313 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATION $0.76 DIST 2 SERVICE Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV time. Please call 800-843-2103 or 1314 BOGGY CREEK QUARRY $1,890.78 DIST 2 BLANKET KENNETH McININCH authorized. Call 866-579-2843. www. check us out at 1315 ROCKIN C ROY YARBROUGH EOE. $1,842.96 DIST 2 HAULING MISCELLANEOUS 1316 YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO $182.24 DIST 2 PARTS ADVERTISE STATEWIDE WE ARE EXPANDING! Long Term AARON BLUE 1317 GRAHAM INTERNATIONAL INC $18.19 DIST 2 PARTS Success means LOCAL DRIVING 1318 ADA SALES & RENTAL $870.00 DIST 2 EQUIPMENT DON BURNS JOBS WITH BIG MONEY. Gibson ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more 1319 GRAHAM INTERNATINAL INC $265.57 DIST 2 SUPPLIES SAM GOLDEN Energy has several fleet owners who information or to place an ad, call 1320 STUTEVILLE FORD MERCURY$49.80 DIST 2 SERVICE need drivers. All jobs are local and will KATY KREBS Courtni at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free 1321 C&C HARDWARE $99.14 DIST 2 SUPPLIES pay in excess of $70-$90k per year. in OK at 1-888-815-2672. ALLEN LEAIRD 1322 DOUBLE S LUMBER $21.90 DIST 2 CEMENT Two years Class A driving experience JENIFER MALONE with Hazmat endorsement. 866-6871323 ARAMARK 5281. EOE OCAN012713 $58.17 DIST 2 SHOP SUPPLIES 1324 OK DEPT OF TRANS $1,134.31 DIST 2 RENTAL item2 was to discuss and take possible action regarding bridge closures as recommended by ODOT. The issue was tabled until Shelly 1325 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH $99.44 The nextDIST SERVICE FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE Williams 1326 AT&T $185.96 arrived. DIST 2 SERVICE Hensley made a motion to approve a utility relocation agreement for Muddy Boggy Low Water crossing CIRB projectADVERTISING, in District 3. CALL 1-888-815-2672 1327 SHARE CORP $762.78Michael DIST 2 SHOP Johnny Ward seconded. Hensley, Ward and Pebworth approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve a resolution to increase the county’s sales tax from 1% to 2%, to include the hospital tax, which will become effective April 1, 2013. Michel Hensley seconded. Ward, Hensley and Pebworth approved. Michael Hensley made a motion to select SAIC as the bridge engineering firm to represent Districts 1 and 3. Ward said he would abstain from ALL ZONES ATTENTION OCAN COORDINATORS from the OPA We Look for your insertion order w (You will receive an insertion or 2x2 ads may be placed an THIS COPY ONLY FOR THE OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013— PAGE A-7 Open HOuse Tupperware Mystery Host Party at Velma’s Kitchen Clarita, Ok (across from the post office) FEBRUARY 2, 2013 • Free Tupperware • Refreshments & Door Prizes 9:00 am to 3:00 pm For more details call 580-428-3121 ext 3 COTTONWOOD DONKEY BASKETBALL — Jaxon McKinney takes a ride on one of the donkeys with the help of Sylvia Davidson and Renay Foreman. Clarita Is Open For Greenhouse 2013 Season onion PLAnTS & SEEd PoTAToES ra e here SALE! Packaged Fruit Trees $895 Red Seed Potatoes $1950 for 50 lb AlSO In StOck • Lawn & Garden Fertilizer • Bagged Chicken Manure Cotton Burr • Cotten BurrCompost Compost • Potting Soil • Mulch • High Calcium Lime • Gypsum • Potted Fruit Trees PoTTed Blackberries Blueberries Grapes Located on Hwy. 48 Clarita ~ 580-428-3529 Thank You We would like to thank everyone who sent the food, flowers, plants, cards and calls that we received during the loss of our dad. Special thanks to Coal County Hospital staff and Dr. Helton for the wonderful care he received while there. Thank you to Bobby Graham for the lovely service, and to their help. Brown’s Funeral Service for all there COTTONWOOD DONKEY BASKETBALL — FirstBank player Kelsey Ward gets ready to shoot as teammate Leigha Ryan gives her a little encouragement. Coalgate High School 1st Semester Honor Roll Coalgate High School has released its honor rolls for the first semester of the 2012-2013 school year. Students listed on the Superintendents Honor Roll (making all A’s) include: Claudia Baker-Powell, Laredo Beal, Chillie Bills, James Burns, Aspen Clemens, Dylan Davidson, Samantha Faudree, Cooper Frankovich, Landon Garcia, Kaitlyn Hawk, Matthew Hill, Krista Lowe, Chekota Medlock, David Mowdy, Landi Munholland, Robyn Ott, Robert Penney, Madisson Powell, Angelica Ramos, Jaydin Riley, Jarrett Self, Jaclyn Shirley, Khini Shores, Preston Sims, Jerad Stephens, Dalton Stewart, Ashley Stiles, Paula Whitney. Students listed on the Principals Honor Roll (making no grade below a B) include: Taylor Airington, Makaela Barnes-Elkins, Alicia Bigelow, Katy Blackmon, Domineque Borders, Ericka Bowker, Chelsey Brooks, Philip Brown,, Abbygail Cantrell, Allyson Casey, Noah Clem, Christopher Cole, Kendra Coslow, Tyler Coslow, John Cunningham, Kristen Daugherty, Megan Davis, Michael Delozier, Racheal, Denton, Shelby Duncan, Kelsey Dunn, Stacey Earles, Sondi Ennis, Brea Ermis, Katharine Farley, Brian Frazier, Makayla Fuller, Hunter Greene, Whitney Gregory, Nathaniel Hardy, Sabra Hedgecock, Bailey Hughes, Brooklynn Hughes, Baylin Humphrey Lawson, Tanner Johnston, Colby Jones, Jerhett Kellis, Kayla Kellis, Nicolas Kennedy, Darby Kingston, Zachariah Kingston, Tori Lampkin, Kayla Lane, Austin Lenamond, Destiny Luck, Shelby Martindale, Haley Nelson, Aaron Orr, Melissa Padelford, Chloe Paden, Jenniffer Palmer, Tennie Palmer, Alicen Pettigrew, Nathan Price, Tyler Price, Jaylee Riley , Sabrina Riley, Curtis Robbins, Lindsey Sanders, Morgann Sandmann, Tayler Sexton, Karley Shores, Dominick Simonson, Paden Stanley, Kenia Starry, Nickolas Strother, Brianna Talley, Kevin Thompson, Cliff Tomlinson, Kaci Trentham, Chelsea Villareal, Kara Vo, Brianna Walkup, Seth Walkup, Austin Ward, Courtney Warren, Haley Williams, Tristan Williams , Whitney Williams, Haylee Willis, Stephanie Woods, Ashley Yarbrough. The Family of Charles James J. Don & Cathy Flint, Cheryl & Don Lawrence & Jr. & Susie James UP TO 75% OFF! SpriNngewTo ps Arriving h t i W s s Dre Weekly! Pizazz Purses and Family Hair Care Center Owner: Barbara Callicoat 314 E. Court • Atoka, OK 74525 • (580) 889-7704 Jewelry T-Shirts 25% $10 Rack! 75% Off Racks! OFF! Check Out Our Miss Me Plain Pocket Skinny Jeans! Selection of Men’s Shirts & Jeans Check Out Our Jean Sale! HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Silver Jeans, Miss Me Jeans and Shirts ALWAYS 30% OFF! (includes new inventory) All Sizes Including Plus Size to 3X and Junior Plus Sizes Competitive Pricing! Be friends with us on Facebook! See photos of what’s new on Facebook. PAGE A-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013 Coal County District Court Records Continued from Page A-2 Misdemeanors Shannon Wayne Cottrell, Coalgate, OK - Resisting an officer. Lucas Jay Lancaster, Coalgate, OK - Obstructing an officer. Shelly Dawn Tucker, Coalgate, OK – Transporting open bottle or container of liquor. Timothy Paul Horn, Lehigh, OK – Protective order violation with injury. Sherri Lee Williams, Coalgate, OK – Domestic abuse assault and battery. Michael David Buckner, Ada, OK – Driving under the influence by person under 21. Marriages Greg Alfred Galbraith and Linda Mae Waltrip, both of Stroud, OK. Country Chics’ Tea Room 33 N. MAIN - COALGATE, OK. Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30a.m.-5p.m. Owners: Rhonda Sharp: 580-276-0886 • Melissa Burns: 580-258-1111 February Menu 1 – Garlic Lime Verde Chicken, Rice, Taco Rollups, Oreo cream cheese cookies 4 – Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli Soup, Chicken Club wrap, 5 layer bars 5 – Pizza Pasta Bake w/ garlic bread, Italian Sub, Pineapple Angel Cake 6 – Chili Beans, cornbread, Black forest Ham, Apple cobbler 7 – Dixieland Bowtie Pasta, Pit Ham on pretzel rolls, Peanut Butter Cookies 8 – Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Potato Salad or Chips, Banana Pudding 11 – Taco Soup, Cuban Wrap, Pecan Pie 12 – Goulash, Garlic Bread, Turkey and Provolone Sandwiches, Banofee Pie 13 – Beef Stroganoff, French Dip Sandwiches, Chocolate Chips Cheesecake Bars 14 – Mexican Chicken Penne, Roast Beef Sliders, Butterfinger Pudding 15 – Chicken Nacho’s, Stuffed Burritos, Nutella Cookies 18 – Beef Stew, Cornbread, Turkey & Swiss Sandwiches, Turtle Pie 19 – Baked Potatoes, chicken Ranch Taco’s, Peanut Butter Cup Cookies dough Brownie 20 – Chicken Alfredo Soup, Pit Ham sandwiches, Orange Blossom Cupcakes 21 – Hobo Dinners with garlic bread, Banana Bread 22 – Broccoli Cheese Soup, Club Sandwiches, Chocolate Cake 25 – Potato Soup, Steak House Grinders, Butter Pecan Cupcakes 26 – Taco Salad, Turkey on Sourdough, Classic Dump Cake 27 – Fire Roasted Tomato Soup, BLT’s, and Cheesecake TRENTHAM SIGNS WITH CARL ALBERT — Coalgate High School catcher Kaci Trentham signs a letter of intent to play softball at Carl Albert State College in Poteau, OK as her parents and coaches look on. Seated beside Kaci are her dad, Eddie Trentham, and her mom, Tammy Trentham. Standing are David Holt, head softball coach, Carl Albert State College, left, and Kerwin Manion, Coalgate High School head softball coach. The signing took place on Thursday, January 24, at Coalgate High School. Wildcats looking to build on win streak —Coalgate boys put 2-game roll into home games with Stonewall and Holdenville By HERMAN BROWN Coalgate correspondent Looking at the calendar, Coach Kerwin Manion is getting a sense of urgency. His Coalgate Wildcats basketball team is moving into 28 – Enchilada Soup, Chicken Fajitas, Fantastic Dessert pubLic auction WednesdAy, februAry 13, 2013 ~ 10:00 Am Lobby of the Coal County Court House, Coal County, Oklahoma Offering the Estate of Dianna Spangler Auctioneer: Todd Simonson- Listing Agent: Tom Fritz-580-258-0262 Call to view land or home prior to date of sale. Land to be auctioned at 10 aM : 259 acres (no minerals) lying West of the Muddy Boggy River in Section 14, Township 2 North, Range 10 East in Coal County, Oklahoma. House to be auctioned at 10:30 aM: 2 bedroom, 1 bath frame on 1 acre, with legal easement. It will be auctioned separately and is being auctioned “AS IS”. MineraLs to be auctioned in 1 group at 11 aM: 145.2 net acres. 8 producing wells. Production records available on request. To have production records emailed to you, please call Patty Dingle @ 580-889-7977 • Section 14 Township 2 North, Range 10 East – 110.666 net acres Royalty decimal – 0.03242188 5 wells Eddings 1H-14 Eddings 1H-14 Eddings 3H-14 Eddings 4H-14 Eddings 5H-14 • Section 11 Township 2 North, Range 10 East – 20 net acres Royalty decimal - 0.00585938 2 wells Perry 1H-11 Perry 2H-11 • Section 2 Township 2 North, range 10 East – 14.6218 net acres Royalty decimal - 0.00428375 1 well Perry 1H-2 See WeB SIteS FoR MoRE CoMplETE INFoRMaTIoN or BuyerS’ BrokerS Welcome. Buyer WIll Be exPected to PAy hIS Broker February and the most important stretch of the season. “I always break the season into thirds,” the CHS skipper explains. “You have the first part of the season up to the Christmas break. The second part is the games you play after Christmas and before the playoffs. The third part of the season is the playoffs. That, obviously, is the most important part of the season. You use the first part to learn and get it together. The second part is to take what you’ve learned and get better in all phases. Once you start the playoffs, you take everything and see how far you can go with it.” The playoffs are looming for the Wildcats. Luckily, there has been some recent improvement for CHS – and still a chance for some momentum once post-season arrives. “We have a chance to have a 4-game win streak going into February,” Coach Manion said. “That will really be a big thing for us. But we know that it will not be possible unless we take care of business this week against Stonewall and Holdenville. Both of these games will be played at our place. Both are winnable and would really be a lift for us. But we could lose one or both of them if we don’t come in ready to give a strong effort on both ends of the floor. We need to continue to play HIGH SPEED INTERNET! AVAILABLE VIRTUALLY ANYWHERE! Get of that that Get Rid rid of Rates as low as SLOW RHINO! SLOW DIAL-UP $ 99 MBPS 49 Faster Than DSL! Setup $49.99 12 4x UP TO Download Speed!!! /mo. SUPER FASTSERVICING IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE Call us for a FREE in-home demonstration. ³6HUYLFHQRWDYDLODEOHLQDOODUHDV%DVHGRQ0ESVDYHUDJH'6/VSHHGVIURP)&&UHSRUW0LQLPXP PRQWKFRPPLWPHQWWHUPPRQWKHTXLSPHQWOHDVHIHHSOXVPRQWKO\VHUYLFHIHHVDQGWD[HV DSSO\1RQVWDQGDUGLQVWDOODWLRQPD\UHVXOWLQDGGLWLRQDOFKDUJHV(TXLSPHQWPXVWEHUHWXUQHGXSRQ FDQFHOODWLRQRIVHUYLFHWRDYRLGXQUHWXUQHGHTXLSPHQWIHHV$FWXDOVSHHGVZLOOYDU\8VHRIWKH([HGH VHUYLFHLVVXEMHFWWRGDWDWUDQVPLVVLRQOLPLWVPHDVXUHGRQDPRQWKO\EDVLV)RUFRPSOHWHGHWDLOVDQGWKH 'DWD$OORZDQFH3ROLF\YLVLWZZZH[HGHFRP([HGHLVDUHJLVWHUHGPDUNRI9LD6DW,QF´ ABROWN Co. 888-759-6385 good defense. That is critical. We also are getting better on offense and we need that to continue too.” Stonewall visits Wildcat country on Thursday evening for a varsity showdown. Holdenville comes to town on Friday. “Holdenville has a couple of athletic players,” warns Coach Manion. “If we don’t get after them, they could certainly win this game. It will be our annual Homecoming game, so we’ll have to be prepared to deal with those issues. You just hope your players can maintain their focus and not be distracted with the things that go with Homecoming.” Coalgate enters this week on a 2-game winning streak. The Wildcats lost to Varnum in the opener of the Star Conference Basketball Tournament on Tuesday. However, CHS bounced back with a victory over the hosting Tupelo Tigers on Wednesday in the consolation semi-finals. The Wildcats jumped right back into action Thursday and bounced to a 47-35 win over the Stonewall Longhorns. In the opener, Varnum jumped out to a 16-4 lead in the first quarter. Coalgate was forced to play catchup for the rest of the game. The Whippets went on to lead 31-20 at the half and 42-28 at the end of three periods. VHS then outscored the Wildcats 17-8 down the stretch to garner the 59-36 verdict. Jaydin Riley and C.J. Bills each powered CHS with an 11-point scoring performance in a losing cause. C.J. McClain added 4 points. Five others scored 2 points each, including Tyler Price, Nate Hardy, Jerad Stephens, Rob Penney and Brandon Courson. “We didn’t come out ready to play,” Coach Manion said. “We got down 16-4 in the first quarter. When you get down like that to a good team you really don’t have much of a chance. We did make a run when Jaydin and C.J. (Bills) stepped up and got their scoring going. We just couldn’t maintain it over the whole game. Our defense gave up too many offensive rebounds and looks. It was not a very good game overall.” Due to the tournament’s unique schedule, Coalgate was back in action the very next night. The Wildcats faced the Tupelo Tigers and came away with a hard-fought 47-43 victory. CHS led 9-6 after a quarter, 1917 at the break, and 34-26 at the end of 3 periods. Tupelo stayed close enough and then made a Continued on Page B-1 Wildcats looking to build on win streak —Coalgate boys put 2-game roll into home games with Stonewall and Holdenville Continued from Page A-8 run in the final period to try to overtake the Wildcats. However, Coalgate hit 12 of 17 free throws and one basket to hold off THS by four points. C.J. Bills was one of three Wildcats to land in double figures in scoring with 13 points. C.J. McClain and Jaydin Riley joined the freshman in double digits with 11 points each. Dakota Powell provided 4 points while Tyler Price added 3. CHS had three players scoring 2 points each, including Mason Jim, Nate Hardy and Jerad Stephens. Coach Manion credited his squad for a solid defensive performance. “We did a better job on defense,” he said. “We have been using a couple of freshman and I thought C.J. Bills really gave us a lift. But everybody stepped up and we played hard. We hung in there in the end. They made us make some turnovers and got to within 2 points in the fourth quarter. Luckily, we finally settled down and made some free throws to help us win the game. We had to step up to do that and I am proud of the effort.” By winning the consolation semi-final contest, Coalgate was pressed into playing a third game in three days. CHS faced the Stonewall Longhorns in the consolation finals. The Wildcats took a 10-6 lead in the opening period. Stonewall closed the deficit to only two points at 19-17 going into intermission. Coach Manion’s squad then responded in the third frame to outscore Stonewall 13-5 for a 32-22 cushion. The Wildcats outscored the Longhorns 15-13 over the final eight minutes to seal the 12-point win at 47-35. CHS ended up with three players finishing in double digits, including C.J. McClain’s 16-point night and 10-point efforts by Mason Jim and Jaydin Riley. Tyler Price was productive with 7 points while C.J. Bills added 4 points. “C.J. McClain got us going by hitting his first three treys,” Coach Manion said. “We also played really good defense. Jaydin Riley took their best offensive player and played lock-down defense on him, holding the kid to only 3 points in the game! That was huge for us. The others on defense followed his lead and we did a really good job with it.” Coalgate stepped off the court Thursday as the consolation champions. “It was a good win,” the coach said. “I ended up playing most of my kids again. We have been doing more of that lately. We did it against Varnum. Once my older kids let it go (chance of winning), I played four freshmen for about half of that game. It gave us a chance to rest a little. We ended up playing three straight days and winning the last two games. Now, we head into this week with a chance to extend our winning streak to four games. But it will not happen unless we do the right things and show up and play hard against Stonewall and Holdenville. I’d love to have a four-game winning streak going into February. As I said earlier, we are working to be playing our best basketball when the third part of the season starts – the playoffs.” The one thing the coach wants his players to take from the tournament is the value of strong defense. While offensive comes and goes, he believes there is no excuse for a team not to play solid defense. “The biggest comment for me is when someone will tell us we played really good defense,” he said. “If we can understand that and do it on a regular basis, we’ll have a chance to be a lot better team.” --STAR Tournament 1/23 - 1st Round Varnum 59, Coalgate 36 Coalgate - 4 - 16 - 8 - 8 - (36) Varnum - 16 - 15 - 11 - 17 - (59) Coalgate scoring: Jaydin Riley 11, C.J. Bills 11, C.J. McClain 4, Tyler Price 2, Nate Hardy 2, Jerad Stephens 2, Rob Penney 2 and Brandon Courson 2. --- 1/24 – Second Round Coalgate 47, Tupelo 43 Coalgate - 9 – 10 – 15 – 14 – (47) Tupelo – 6 – 11 – 9 – 17 – (43) Coalgate scoring: C.J. Bills 13, C.J. McClain 11, Jaydin Riley 11, Dakota Powell 4, Tyler Price 3, Mason Jim 2, Nate Hardy 2 and Jerad Stephens 2. --1/25 – Third Round Coalgate 47, Stonewall 35 Coalgate - 10 - 9 - 13 - 15 - (47) Stonewall - 6 - 11 - 5 - 13 - (35) COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013— PAGE B-1 “The Gospel Barn” 1 1/2 miles West of Coalgate, Ok on Hwy 31 (Follow Signs) NEW DAY 3rd Friday Nite of each month 6:00 - 10:00 concessions Southern Gospel, Bluegrass, Traditional Country/Gospel Information Call 580-927-2829 or 927-0861 No Drugs or Alcohol Allowed Coalgate scoring: C.J. McClain 16, Mason Jim 10, Jaydin Riley 10, Tyler Price 7 and C.J. Bills 4. --This week’s games … 1/29 vs Stonewall (A) 2/1 vs Holdenville (3A) “From Starter Homes to High End” “most homes built in 90 days” ≈now serving coal county and surrounding areas∆ —Photo submitted COALGATE HS BASKETBALL HOMECOMING CANDIDATES ANNOUNCED — One of these couples will be named the 2012-2013 Coalgate HS Basketball Homecoming Queen and King Friday evening at the high school gymnasium. The coronation ceremony will begin at 5:45 p.m. The candidates include (from left) – Brooklynn Hughes and Jaydin Riley, seniors; Mekyla Carney Jacobs and Nathan Price, juniors; Racheal Pebworth and Brandon Courson, sophomores; Karley Shores and Nate Hardy, freshmen. Following the coronation, Coalgate will face the Holdenville Wolverines. PAGE B-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013 FIRSTBANK DONKEY BASKETBALL TEAM — Lacey Mowdy, Kristy Nelson, Shane Hamilton, Leigha Ryan, and Kelsey Ward, from left. Shane suffered a broken leg during the ballgame and was transported to the hospital. He underwent surgery on Monday. FREE LOCAL DELIVERY Farley’s Barber Shop BUY 1 GET 1 per customeron 1/21 coupon OFF s gne o l o C es & Perfum Deli s t f i G 8 lb Bag Ice .99¢ COTTONWOOD DONKEY BASKETBALL — Cottonwood School Superintendent John Daniel is having way too much fun in this game!!! COTTONWOOD SCHOOL DONKEY BASKETBALL TEAM — Michaela Jump, Brittany Doose, Darrell Wilhite, Sylvia Davidson, Roy Vanderburg, John Daniel, Renay Foreman, and Will Stucky made up the Cottonwood School team that participated in the donkey basketball tournament held January 25 at Cottonwood School. Lady Wildcats to face strong foes this week COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013— PAGE B-3 —Coach Poynter getting Coalgate girls prepared for Stonewall and Holdenville By HERMAN BROWN Coalgate correspondent The Coalgate Lady Wildcats continue their journey through the challenging 2012-2013 basketball campaign. Coming off the Star Conference Tournament, Coach Ashley Poynter’s CHS squad faces a pair of games this week with a pair of strong teams. “We have Stonewall and Holdenville both coming to our place this week,” Coach Poynter said. “Stonewall is really a strong team. I had my girls watch Stonewall (in the Star Tournament) to prepare for what we’ll be facing. They (Lady Longhorns) are a high-caliber team and our girls understand we’ll have to play the full 32 minutes to have a chance to stay with them. We know we will have to take care of the ball and also to continue to get after it on defense. I reminded them that it is our defense that controls our offensive success. If we start with strong defense we can turn that into scoring opportunities. “We’ll see a similar situation when Holdenville comes to play at our place this week. Holdenville is an outstanding team. We know it is not going to be easy. But we also realize that a lot of what has happened to us is mistakes we make that we are really beating ourselves. If we continue to work hard and improve on what we are doing, the rest of it will take care of itself.” Last week, the Coalgate girls suffered back-to-back losses in the annual Star Conference Tournament at Tupelo High School. The Lady Wildcats were beaten 41-22 by the Varnum Lady Whippets in the first round of the tournament. Varnum used a strong second quarter to turn a 7-5 lead into a commanding 22-6 halftime advantage. The second half was much more competitive as VHS outscored Coalgate 6-3 in the third period and matched their 13 in the fourth quarter. The result was a 41-22 win for the Lady Whippets. Five CHS players scored in the 19-point loss. Landon Garcia led the balanced attack with 6 points. Brooklynn Hughes and Kaci Trentham added 5 points each. Morgann Sandmann and Shelby Martindale rounded out the scoring with 3 points apiece. For Coach Poynter, the game was really decided in one quarter – the second quarter. “They outscored us by 14 points in a game we ended up losing by 19,” she said. “That’s what I mean about the need to play 32 minutes. You can’t take off eight minutes in a game and expect to beat a good team.” The area where Coach Poynter was most proud was on defense. “They (Lady Wildcats) got after it,” she said. “We had talked about help-side defense and moving our feet to give ourselves some opportunities to steal the basketball. But, on the other side, we continued to have growing pains as a young team. We had 25 turnovers and it gave Varnum too many looks on offense. It came down to the little things, which it almost always does.” In the consolation semi-finals, Coalgate picked up the scoring quite a bit. However, the Lady Wildcats were still outscored by the Roff Lady Tigers in a 52-35 CHS loss. Coalgate led 12-9 after the first period. Roff then rallied to a 20-16 half-time edge. The Lady Tigers used the third quarter to double the 4-point lead to eight at 35-27. Roff then outscored the Lady Wildcats 17-8 down the stretch to blow open the 17-point final margin at 52-35. CHS used six players to pile up 35 points in the loss. Kaci Trentham just missed double digits in scoring with 9 points. Brooklynn Hughes and Morgann Sandmann added 7 points each while Shelby Martindale and Landon Garcia contributed 5 apiece. Bailey Hughes finished with 2 points. “We talked again about that first quarter and every time our scoring is so low,” Coach Poynter said. “We have to get out and get that quicker start. We have to focus on 8-minute chunks (quarters) and get the ball in the basket. We got the tip to start the game and Morgann Sandmann went down the court and created two defensive players on her. She passed to Kaci Trentham and she hit a 3 from the corner to get us going. We went on and were up 12-9 and it was the first time we got the lead. It gave us confidence and our offense was incredible in this game. We were still within striking distance through three quarters. But we allowed too many offensive put-backs and layups and that’s what got us. “I do believe it was a learning experience for our girls. They are seeing that it takes the little things to win. You have to block out and take care of the ball. We also are seeing that it does take 32 minutes of good basketball to beat a good team. I am just glad our girls are still hungry and working hard. They are young and they are getting better as we go.” --AT A GLANCE Varnum 41, Coalgate 22 Coalgate – 5 – 1 – 3 – 13 – (22) Varnum – 7 – 15 – 6 – 13 – (41) Coalgate scoring: Landon Garcia 6, Brooklynn Hughes 5, Kaci Trentham 5, Morgann Sandmann 3 and Shelby Martindale 3. --Roff, 52, Coalgate 35 Coalgate – 12 – 4 – 11 – 8 – (35) Roff – 9 – 11 – 15 – 17 – (52) Coalgate scoring: Kaci Trentham 9, Brooklynn Hughes 7, Morgann Sandmann 7, Shelby Martindale 5, Landon Garcia 5 and Bailey Hughes 2. --This week’s games… 1/29 vs Stonewall (A) 2/1 vs Holdenville (3A) James Troyer Phone: 580-428-3159 J & N Construction General Construction Custom Steel Buildings, Metal Roofs Free Estimates Route 5 Box 445 Coalgate, OK 74538 ATOKA LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE EVERY MONDAY 11:00 NOON Weekly Market Report Monday, January 28, 2013 SALE RESULTS CATTLE SOLD 670 STEERS 200 - 300 lb .......$2.10 - $2.45 300 - 400 lb....... $1.87 - $2.17.5 400 - 500 lb....... $1.74 - $1.91 500 - 600 lb....... $1.50 - $1.65 600 700 lb........$1.40 - $1.58 HEIFERS 200 - 300 lb........$1.55 - $1.75 300 - 400 lb....... $1.60 - $1.85 400 - 500 lb....... $1.44 - $1.81 500 - 600 lb....... $1.36 - $1.50 600 - 700 lb........$1.25 - $1.37 PAIRS -NO TEST • STOCKER COWS $1050-$1375 • PACKER COWS .70¢-.77¢ LOW DRESSING .54¢-.69¢ • PACKER BULLS $.85 -$0.92 BULLS PER hEAD NO TEST • BABY CALVES $300-$370 Owners & Operators Phil & Paula Hatridge Mob. 918-424-1754 ~ Office 580-889-3264 PO Box 1103 - Atoka, Ok 74525 Coalgate Assembly of God Church 3 North Byrd • Coalgate, OK ~ Church phone: 580-927-3020 Pastors Billy and Linda Wilson, and Mary Jo Johnson Pastor Billy is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor Pastors Linda and Mary Jo are licensed counselors ServiCe tiMeS: Sunday School 10:00 am ~ Sunday Night 6:00 pm Wednesday Night 7:00 pm We at the Coalgate Assembly of God are looking for the hurt, neglected and unloved people of the community. We want you to know that Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to bring you into a relationship with him. Our pastors have years of experience in the deliverance ministry. We are also gifted in healing through Christ Jesus. if you are fighting addictions we are looking for you. We want you to be set free. Free counseling available by appointment Call Pastors Billy & Linda at 927-2050 or Mary Jo at 927-2898 NOW MEETING ON TUESDAY & THURSDAY EVENINGS COALGATE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH ~ Meetings Will Start at 6:30 pm ~ Meetings will be led by Tisha Wilson 580-258-8925 and Clinton Palmer 580-579-4043 with pastoral staff available for free counseling. Pastor Billy Wilson is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, and Pastors Linda Wilson and Mary Jo Johnson are licensed counselors. Tisha has over come destructive habits and long to help you do the same. We are here to help you be free from destructive habits and move into a fulfilling life. COTTONWOOD DONKEY BASKETBALL — Giddy-up, Donkey! Coalgate Fire Chief David Holt has the ball and attempts to make it to the goal on his donkey. We invite anyone who feels unloved or alone to come enjoy friendship with others who are having the same problems. WE want YOU TO KNOW THAT Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to be your friend. Church phone: 580-927-3020 Pastor Billy’s cell: 580-927-5588 PAGE B-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013 GARAGE SALES ESTATE SALE—Feb. 1 & 2. at 107 E. Elm in Tupelo, 8:30 to 4:00. Furniture, appliances, book collections, (Louis Lamour) and many others, household items, collectibles, antiques, etc., too much to mention. (1tp46) FOR SALE FPR SALE—2006 HHR, 30 MPG, 112,000 miles. Call 927-5172. (2tc47) FOR SALE—2008 Nissan Ultima, Automatic V-6, Sunroof & CD Player. Great Condition. Call 580-927-5988 or 927-6083. (2tc46) $0 DOWN WITH LAND on new or repo doublewides. Over 30 to choose from. Call 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) WANTED: $You don’t have to be rich$ to get our homes. A DEED is all you need! NO LAND: (? DON’T CRY! We’ll get you some! Low down payments. Wac 405-631-3200. (5/30tfn) Special Gov’t Program! Own Land/ Family land ZERO down! Don’t prejudge your credit. E-Z qualify by phone. 2,000 furniture package with purchase. Homes starting at 26,500 and up. W.A.C. 405-631-7600 or 405-206-3693. (10/24tfn) ASSUME PAYMENTS on 4 bed, 2 bath doublewide. If interested call 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) ATTENTION NATIVE AMERICAN HOUSING HELP for Modular or Manufactured Homes. Zero down with land program. In Muskogee, for details call 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) FEDERAL RECOVERY for Landowners. Zero down and low payments. Easy qualifying. Well and Septic are available. Will remove or trade for existing homes. Call Heath @ 918-576-3696 for your approval. wac (6/6tfn) FOR RENT FOR RENT–3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, CH/A. 580-258-8856 (1/23tfn) FOR RENT–Large 3 bdrm. House, 7 N. Byrd. per month.580-239-2170 (1-23tfn) FOR RENT-3 bdrm., 1 bath, brick home on 514 Vincent St. $500 per month. 580-258-1984(11/7tfn) FOR RENT-2 bdrm., 1 bath, brick home on Finney St. CH/A. $500 per month. 580-258-1984. (11/7tfn) FOR RENT—1, 2, 3 & 4-bdrm houses. 580-258-8856, cell. (11/24tfn) HOUSES FOR RENT—Furnished & unfurnished. All bills paid on some. 927-3133. (3/10tfn) FOR RENT –– Office spaces: one is 800 sq. ft and one is 2400 sq. ft. Also have house for rent. Call Rebecca Washburn 580-927-5332 (1/18tfn) OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT– Spacious modern office on Main Street. Call 580-927-1117 for more info. (11/7tfn) FOR RENT—3-bdrm, 2-bath brick house in country, on 1 acre (ClaritaOlney Area), 2 storage buildings, carport. (No Smoking) $500 month, ATTENTION Interested in selling your oil or gas mineral rights please call 405-203-8055 for further details “ last months rent $500. Call (580) 428-3490. (5tc46) FOR RENT—Also 3-bdrm singlewide mobile home in Olney $450 per month, plus $300 deposit. Call 580-927-2282 before 5:00 p.m. or 580-258-0094 after 5:00 p.m. Also 2 RV spots in Olney for rent, $300 per month. (12/26tfn) FOR RENT—VFW house, 2-bdrm, 1-bath. $350 per month. Call 9272024. (2tc47) FOR RENT—1-bdrm apts. with stove, refrigerator, CH/A, 3 walkin storm shelters, water, sewer & garbage paid. Laundry facility on property. Handicap assessible apts available. At least 62 years of age may apply at Louis Sandmann Senior Housing. 1201 Cedar Way, west of Coalgate football field. 580-9272781. Office hours M-F, 9:00 to 1:00. (4tc47) FOR RENT—3-Bdrm singlewide mobile home in Olney, $450 per month, plus $300 deposit. Call 580927-2282 before 5:00 p.m. or 580258-0094 after 5:00 p.m. Also have 2 RV spots in Olney for rent, $300 per month. (1/16tfn) WANTED RICK’S TANK TRUCK SERVICES is looking to hire qualified drivers to drive at night for the Calvin area. Yard is located south of Calvin on Hwy 75. You must carry a Class A CDL, be 21-yrs.old, and have at least one-year tank truck driving experience. $16.25 per hour. Average 60-hrs. Benefits available. Please contact Matt 580-399-5608. (tfn) Trinity Screen Printing 580-364-3752 Call for pricing for your: School, Sports Team, Church, Fundraisers, etc. •No Hidden Fees •Minimum Order of 10 Free T-Shirt for the Purchaser! Ranch Specialist Cheyenne Stanley E-mail: 918-557-5308 580-889-7977 Atoka, Oklahoma • New Listing- 100 acres - 5 miles N.E. of Coalgate. 80% open. $1375 per acre. • New Listing - 640 acres - Wardville. cabin and good hunting. 60% timber. Asking $1155 per acre. • 400+/-acres of Prime hunting land located on the West side of the Jack Hills. 4 ponds. Creek. Small hunters cabin. Whitetails. Rio ACTHogs NTRquail. COSome Grande Turkey. and other predators. $1400 per acre. Price reduced to $1,250 per acre. Clarita • 710 acres - A recreational paradise. High fenced. Managed deer program since 2006. 2800 sq. ft. home. 3 bedrooms, 3.4 baths. Guest house. 3500 sq. ft. insulated shop building. 7 ponds. 3 seasonal creeks. $1.6 million. • 110 acres - Great hunting lodge. Pecan trees. Pond. Blue river frontage. Meadows. $410,000. SOLD for your apartment, home or office. Satisfaction Guaranteed!(2tp46) WORK WANTED–– I have 35 yrs in Ranch Work. I can build & mend fences, run heavy or light equipment, weld, build forms, & trim trees. Call me on my capability. 580-927-5674. (4tp48) WORK WANTED––Alterationsmen & ladies clothing, formal wear & bridal. Will also do upholstery work. 580-320-1552. (3tp47) TO GIVE AWAY FREE— Firewood, average stove size rounds. Free in Lula area. Call 580-845-2542. (1tc46) New Listings! REDUCED!!! 3/2 Brick Home, Carport, Ch&a, Laminate Wood floors throughout, Patio, Privacy Fencing,All Appliances. 802 SW Railroad $54,500. REDUCED!!! 2/2 Frame Home, 2 Living Areas, Carport, Strg. Bldg., Privacy Fencing. 6 S. Veterans Dr. $22,500. LOG HOME!!! 2/2 Log Home on 1 ACRE, heat pump, metal roof, pine walls, ceilings, and cabinets, Built in 2009. Olney $79,500. GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!! 3/2 Frame Home on 8 Acres, Pond, Patio, Hot Tub, Metal Roof, Ch&a, Real Wood Floors, 24 Stall Metal Kennel with Runs, 3 Car Carport with Garage, Cellar and soo much more... Olney $169,900. LIVIN LARGE!!! 5/3 Vinyl/Stone Home on 20 Acres, Family Room, Formal Dining Room, Pond, 2 Patios, 60x90 Barn, Strg Bldg, and Basement. Nixon Rd. $195,000. RENTALS AVAILABLE: 2/1 Home with appliances and ch&a. 703 E. Lafayette. $450. Monthly $250 Deposit 4/2 Log Home on 11 Acres, 3100 sq.ft., completely wooded. Atoka County $900. Monthly $900. Deposit Monica Chesney/Broker Associate BRYAN APPRAISAL & REALTY Office: 580-924-7220 Cell: 580-927-6300 Fax: 580-924-7228 Real Estate Sale Land for D L O S MANy MoRE LISTINGS AvAILABLE. PLEASE CHECk oUR WEB SITE foR ALL LISTINGS WITH PICTURES NEW LISTING -905 W. Blair, 3 bdrm. 1.5 bath, brick home, with 1,654 sq ft, 2 car carport, new storage bldg., Priced at $89,000. NEW LISTING- 313 N. Byrd, 3 bdrm., 1 bath, frame home, 1,252 sq ft, large front porch, on beautiful lot. Priced at $68,000. “Handling Coalgate homes....Tom Fritz...580-258-0262” We are currently seeking motivated Customer Service Agents for our training classes at our Ada, Oklahoma Call Center Call Center Agents / Customer Service As a Customer Service Agent, you’ll receive inbound calls on behalf of our brand-name clients. You’ll be responsible for answering product questions and servicing accounts while handling a high volume of incoming calls in a fast-paced environment. You should be tactful and have the ability to handle challenging situations professionally and calmly. We offer: QualificationsInclude: •TopPay-$10.50Productionrate Type20WPM •HugeBonusPotential Abilitytonavigateweb •EmployeeReferralIncentives MusthaveaHSDiplomaorGED •PaidTraining–$9.50rate Musthaveprovenandconsistentworkhistory •GreatBenefits Mustpasscriminalbackgroundcheck • Apply now at • Apply in person and get hired TODAY! 3700 IRT Dr, Ada, OK (Take Kerr Lab Rd to IRT Drive) (580)272-9200 EOE CAXCA HELP WANTED—The City of Coalgate is accepting applications for a full time police officer. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and have a high school diploma and valid driver’s license. Applications are available at Coalgate City Hall, 1 S. Main St., Coalgate. The City of Coalgate is an Equal Opportunity Employer. (12/26tfn) HELP WANTED—Atoka Manor is hiring CNA’s and RN’s. Apply in person or call 580-889-2500. (2tc(47) WORK WANTED—Need an extra hand? Call A & M Cleaning at 580927-6684. We offer deep cleaning NEW LISTING - 2 miles W. of Coalgate on Hwy 3, 3 bdrm., 1 3/4 bath, brick home, on 2 acres, very nice. Priced at $99,5000. 1004 W. Blair, 3 bdrm. 2 bath, brick home, on large corner lot with storm shelter. Priced at $79,000. 714 S. Railroad, 3 bdrm. 1.5 bath, brick home with 1202 sq. ft., 12x16 storage building. Priced at $85,000. 706 S. Ada on corner of Ada and Taylor St., 3 bdrm. 2 bath doublewide with 1508 sq. ft., 3 metal out buildings, 2 car carport, garden spot, pecan trees, and fruit trees all on 2 large lots. Priced at $69,000. 2 bdrm., 1 bathroom home on 8.5 acres 6 miles Northwest of Coalgate on Hwy. 3. Priced at $68,ooo. OLNEy - 3 bdrm., 1 1/2 bath brickhome on 1 acre with closed in garage. Priced at $39,000 320 AcRES -East on Hwy 43 N. on Wardville Rd with a 2 bedrm., 1 bath, frame home, shop building. Priced at $315,000. D L O S 806 S. BAyARd-1680 sq ft frame home with 3 bedroom, 1 3/4 bath 30x30 all metal shop, 4 car carport, RV carport & fenced yard. Priced at $115,000. Reduced to $105,000. BAcK ON THE MARKET -3 bedroom, 1 bath frame home with detached metal carport, storage building, very clean and extra nice, recently remolded on 2 lots. 4 South Veterans Drive. Priced and $89,000. Reduced to $79,000. For all your auction and Real Estate needs call: Haney Auction and Real Estate 203 North Mississippi • Atoka OK • 580-889-3497 Kevin Haney Auctioneer/Broker • 580-927-5029 Sales Associate: Joel Coffee • 580-927-5563 Sales Associate: Chillie Joe Bills • 580-258-0312 Honest, Hardworking & Dependable! COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013— PAGE B-5 8th Graders study the Holocaust. Ms. Wood’s 8th grade reading class at Wallace Byrd Middle School have been busy studying the history of the Holocaust and The Diary of Anne Frank. This week the students were fortunate enough to view an authentic Nazi flag. The flag belongs the the family of Loyd Loudermilk and was presented to the class by his great-grandaughter Maria Martinez. The flag was shot down by Mr. Loudermilk while serving in the Army during World War II and sent back home to his wife Maretta where it has been kept in the Loudermilk family since. Maria also shared some of her great-grandfather’s letters home and the students were able to get some first hand insight into what it was like during that time in history. The students will finish up the unit of study later on in the month with a trip the the National Holocaust Memorial Museum in Dallas, Texas where they will witness the testimony of a Holocaust survivor and view rare photos of Anne Frank and her family. The students are, from left to right: Sara Shockey, Wyatt Munholland, Maddie Crank, Bridgette Delsigne, Breanna Deela, Maria Martinez, Kenzi Pebworth, Kristen Roebuck, Chloe Jameson, Destini Sjuelstead, Shaylyn Coslow, Meri Casey, Frankie Brecheen, Chaci Hobgood, Madelyne McNutt and Ronica Ennis. Coalgate Woman Charged With Four Felonies Storm Shelters All Concrete 10 yr. Manufactured Warranty on leakage Installed driving left of center in a no Jerry English passing zone. Shelly Dawn Tucker was arrested January 22 on a General Backhoe Work ~ Dozer Work ~ Septic Systems Coal County warrant issued in connection with a 2012 misdemeanor for driving under the influence of alcohol. She pleaded guilty to the 2013 Legislative charge in February 2012 and Briefings Announced was given a one-year deferred ir t D l Fil State Sen. Josh Brecheen and Rep. Donnie Condit have announced sentence under the custody Top that they will hold legislative briefings in Coalgate the second Friday of and control of Last Chance Soi l Jerry Lemons each month during the current session of the Oklahoma Legislature. All ZONE:M1,2,3,4 Probation. briefings will be held at the Brandin’ Iron Restaurant beginning at noon. Home for of isJanuary 2013 Cell 580-258-0282 Theweek first briefing scheduled for27, Friday, February 8. The remaining A probable cause affidavit 580-428-3166 briefings scheduled for Friday,inMarch 8; Friday, April 12; and Friday, 2x2 adsaremay run anywhere your newspaper. Don’t forget to remind your classified department to filed by Coal County sheriff’s May 10. download the line ads for this week at These are informal meetings to keep THE the public informed on issues deputy Jarel WIDTH Bailey states that - CHOOSE AD SIZE CLOSEST TO YOUR COLUMN affecting our county and state. The legislators review the current session during inventory of Tucker’s and take questions from the audience. All citizens are invited and encourvehicle on January 22, aged to attend. SERIOUS INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH several items were recovered Medical Malpractive • Defective Products • Industrial Accidents Send an Oklahoma veteran to WashingtonRailroad DC that matched the descriptions Accidents Send an Oklahoma veteran to Washington DC Oklahoma’s World War II veterans waited 60 years Call for Free Consuultation Oklahoma’s World War II veterans waited 60 years for a of items reported stolen forthe a memorial in their honor. We want you to help memorial in their honor. We want you to help Oklahoma 323 E. Carl Albert Parkway, McAlester, Ok. Oklahoma veterans visit this memorial by making previous day from a Coal veterans visit this a tax-deductible donation to Oklahoma Honor 423-0421 • 1-800-658-1596 memorial by making County residence. Flights today. a tax-deductible donation to Oklahoma The stolen items included a Honor Flights today. Scott McCormack knife collection and three pill 580-310-4389 For more Cell information on how to donate, visit For more information on how to donate, visit bottles containing • (405) 259-9000 or call (405) 259-9000 medications. The items were West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 later identified as property Thank You for your patronage & support! Coalgate stolen from the Coal County Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls residence. Bailey states in his Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. affidavit that Tucker admitted Average Report for 01/23/2013 to breaking into the house and Total Head: 1670 Pentecostal Church of God #1 Steers 1 Heifers 508 E. Dyer St. Coalgate, OK. stealing the items. 259-285 .............................$213.00-$220.00 358-398 .......................... $161.00-$176.00 307-348 .............................$209.00-$225.00 405-439 .......................... $158.00-$164.00 Tucker has pleaded not 360-395 .............................$203.00-$215.00 455-498 .......................... $149.00-$163.00 400-448 .............................$186.00-$199.00 500-545 .......................... $140.00-$151.00 guilty to the charges and is 410...................................................$205.00 530.................................................$155.00 “A Light In A Dark World” 450-495 .............................$173.00-$185.00 553-599 .......................... $132.00-$145.00 scheduled for a return court 515-548 .............................$165.00-$180.00 600-645 .......................... $130.00-$135.00 EVERYONE IS WELCOME 553-599 .............................$154.00-$170.00 appearance on February 7. 654-688 .......................... $127.00-$134.00 600-62 ...............................$135.00-$151.00 704.................................................$128.00 Come And Enjoy The Light Of Christ She remains in custody on 650-680 .............................$135.00-$145.00 759.................................................$125.50 703-747 .............................$135.00-$140.00 Sale Every $39,000 bond. 752-760 .............................$135.00-$137.00 Pastor, Delbert White Wednesday 821...................................................$130.00 A 41-year-old Coalgate woman remains in the Coal County jail this week after she was charged January 23 with felony burglary in the second degree, knowingly concealing stolen property, driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, and unlawful possession of CDS without a prescription. She also faces a misdemeanor count for transporting an open bottle or container of liquor and traffic citations for littering from a vehicle and 580-927-5493 Dozer Work Gravel Hauling Gospel Lighthouse 580-927-2156 PAGE B-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013 FULL-TIME POSITION TenderCare Home Health & Hospice is looking for an LPN to join their team. This position is fulltime and does require someone with an Oklahoma LPN license and valid drivers’ license and auto insurance. We offer a full benefit package some of which includes mileage reimbursement, PTO, paid holidays, health insurance most of which is paid by the company for the employee as well as other paid time off and insurance programs. Please apply in the Human Resource Department at 8 N. Covington, Coalgate or you may call 927-2327 ext. 259 or 257 to request an application. EOE Clagg SprayFOAM Insulation It’s getting hot outside; now is the time to insulate with FOAM. Insulate the attic of your existing home or insulate the attic and walls of a new construction for maximum comfort and efficiency. We can also cool your metal building and chicken or hog bar. No mileage charges for travel. 918-424-1143 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 23 & 30, 2013 2t) NOTICE OF ELECTION City of Lehigh, Oklahoma Resolution No. 1-18-2013 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council members of the City of Lehigh that for the purpose of electing Council members from Wards 1 and 2. 1. A general election shall be held on Tuesday, April 2, 2013 from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. at the Lehigh City Hall, Lehigh, Oklahoma. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that each candidate for the City Office be a qualified elector of the city and that each candidate for the office of councilman from a ward shall be an actual resident of the ward from which he is a candidate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk cause a notice to be published in the Coalgate Record Register setting forth the fact that the office of the County Election Board shall open from 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. on each week day beginning on Monday, February 4, 2013 thru Wednesday, February 6, 2013 for filing a sworn statement of his/her qualification and candidacy from Wards 1 and 2. The notice shall also state the qualification one must possess to hold the office of concilman in the City of Lehigh. All offices will be for a four-year term. THE FOREGOING notice shall be run n the January 23, 2013 and January 30, 2013 editions of the Coalgate Record Register and proof of publication shall be requested. BE IT RESOLVED, that the election on the above candidates for councilmen shall be opened to all qualified voters in the City of Lehigh and shall be at the regular polling place at Lehigh City Hall. The election shall be held between the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. and these questions shall be decided by a majority of those persons voting therin. ADOPTED this the 17th day of January 2013 by the Lehigh City Council. ATTEST; Kay Yarbrough Lehigh City Clerk Earnest Cottrell Mayor LEGAL NOTICE MIDWAY (580)927-1112 Drive Thru Window Daily Lunch Specials Mon. - Fri. call - in orders welcome ive Prices Competit Large Selection of Liquor & Beer Food Stamps Accepted Wine Room FRESH PECANS (580) 927-3334 New Owners: Mike & Teresa Linton Lehigh, Ok McAlester Stockyards Market Report Tuesday, January 22, 2013 sold 1740 cattle. Steers $1 to $6 Lower. Heifers Steady to $4 Lower. Next Replacement Cow and Bull Sale is scheduled for February 16th. Consignments are open! “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matt. 5:16) weight range 225 to 300# 300 to 350# 350 to 400# 400 to 450# 450 to 500# 500 to 550# 550 to 600# 600 to 700# 700 to 750# 800 to 850# #1 Steers $212 to $222 $192 to $212 $193 to $207 $191 to $204 $173 to $187 $164 to $178 $152 to $167 $135 to $159 $132 to $143 $131 to $140 #1 heifers $170 to $182 $170 to $181 $161 to $174 $157 to $171 $151 to $164 $141 to $154 $135 to $148 $121 to $131 $117 to $130 $115 to $126 170 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale. paCKeR COwS STeaDy TO $2 hIGheR. paCKeR BuLLS $3 hIGheR high yielding packer bulls sold from ....................$98 to $102 average yielding packer bulls sold from..............$94 to $97 Low yielding packer bulls sold from.......................$89 to $93 high yielding packer cows sold from ....................$77 to $83 average yielding packer cows sold from .............$73 to $78 Low yielding packer cows sold from .....................$68 to $74 Sale Every Tuesday Stocker & feeder cattle begin at 10 a.m.Cows and Bulls Tuesday evening, 6 pm Open 7 DayS/weeK & 24 hOuRS/Day 2 ReCeIVe & CaRe FOR yOuR LIVeSTOCK InVeSTMenT! Julie Grant Offfice: 918-423-2834 Laura Sherrill Lindsey Grant Richard Magby George Tarr Donny Shadwick 918-421-9057 580-889-6049 918-423-4498 918-649-4750 918-548-3478 580-889-1329 918-424-1464 918-655-7754 Ken Sherrill 918-421-0257 Curt Krigbaum 918-650-8013 THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS! (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 9, 16, 23 & 30, 2013 4t) Jerry Battles (Battles-1), RR 4 Box 980, Coalgate, OK 74538, has submitted a permit application to the Oklahoma Department of Mines (ODM) to mine shale through surface mining method on portions of the following parcels of land: A tract of land being part of the NW/4 of Section 25, Township 1 North, Range 9 East, Indian Meridian, Coal County, Oklahoma, The total permit area, containing 3.0 acres, is located in the Coalgate U.S.G.S. quadrangle map. The permit site is located approximately 5 miles west of the town of Coalgate and 2 miles north and ¼ mile east of State Highway 31. A copy of this complete permit application is available for public inspection and copying at the Coal County Court House, 4 North Main, Coalgate, Oklahoma 74538. LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register January 30, 2013 1t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA In the Matter of the Guardianship of DORTHY J. HICKS, an Incapacitated Person No. PG-2012-6 NOTICE OF PETITION TO SELL REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that there has been filed in the District Court of Coal County, State of Oklahoma, a Petition to Sell Real Property by EDITH JUNE SMITH, Guardian of the Person and Estate of DOROTHY J. HICKS, an incapacitated person. Said real property is described as: Lot One (1) of Block Ninety-five (95), in the City of Coalgate, Oklahoma. SURFACE ONLY Notice is also given that the 14 day of February, 2013 at the hour of 9:00 o’clock A.M. Has been appointed as the time for the hearing of that Petition before the judge of the District Court, Coal County Courthouse, in Coal County, State of Oklahoma, when and where all persons interested in said Guardianship may appear and contest the same. A copy of this notice shall be published one time in the Coalgate Record-Register newspaper in Coal County, Oklahoma and mailed to all interested parties not less than ten (10) days before the time set for said hearing. Dated this 24th day of January, 2013 S)D. Clay Mowdy JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT Rick Branam 302 E. Court Atoka, OK 74525 Phone: 9580) 889-9428 HELP WANTED Atoka Manor is now hiring CNA’s & RN’s Apply in person or call 580-889-2500 FULL-TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE Ruth Wilson Hurley Manor has a full-time LPN and Can positions available. We offer competitive wages and full benefit package some of which includes PTO, sick leave, holiday pay, shift and weekend differentials, and medical insurance. Please apply in the Human Resource Department at 8 N. Covington, Coalgate or you may call 580-927-2327 ext 259 to request an application to be mailed or emailed. EOE Lifeguards Needed! The City of Atoka is now accepting applications for lifeguards at the Atoka Municipal Pool Are you 16 years of age and able to swim? This job may be right for you. You must be able to work flexible works and obtain a Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Already have your certification? We encourage you to apply Come by the Atoka City Hall 315 East A Street between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday to fill out an application. The City of Atoka is an equal employment opportunity employer. Dr. Donald Dingle, D.C. Treating Auto accident victims and other dull matters. Call me: 580-889-3338 C ommerce F inance $ It doesn't matter $ if you owe others $ Call Collect for Phone Applications 580-436-4123 $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MICHAEL L. DIAL, D.D.S. Family Dentistry & Orthodontics 104 Ruth Avenue, Atoka •Crowns • Bridges • Fillings •Root Canals •Cosmetic Dentistry •Oral Surgery •Teeth Whitening •Sedation Office hours by appointment (580) 889-2505 Major credit cards accepted Fincher & Son’s Pipe & Steel 16 Mi. South of Atoka, Hwy. 69 & 75 Call: 580-889-6778 or 800- 889-6778 Custom Built Corral and Pasture Gates Metal Buildings ALL TYPES OF METAL FABRICATION FOR ALL YOUR PIPE, STEEL, LIVESTOCK HANDLING, & EQUIPMENT NEEDS CONTACT 24’ x 30 x 10’ all steel barn w/10’ framed opening .....................$5,295.00 30’ x 60’ x 10’ steel barn w/10’ framed opening .........................$10,595.00 40’ x 60’ x 10’ steel barn w/10’ framed opening..........................$12,995.00 5-1/2 x 12 Heavy Duty Corral Panels..........................................$119.00ea. Self-Catching Head Gate............................................................$399.00 6’ Creep Feeder - 850 Lb Capacity.............................................$695.00 8’ Creep Feeder - 1 Ton Capacity...............................................$1,150.00 3-1/2 Ton Bulk Feeder on Wheels...............................................$1,895.00 7’ x 12’ Steel Cattle Guard.........................................starting at.....$595.00 7’ x 16’ Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard..................................$1,075.00 7’ x 16’ Super Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard ...starting at.......$1,250.00 7’ x 20’ Super Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard.......................$1,875.00 Colored Sheets, Doors, and Concrete Additional Charge Visit our website COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013— PAGE B-7 COALGATE FIRE DEPARTMENT DONKEY BASKETBALL TEAM — From left (front) – Clint Mowdy, Chief David Holt, Chris Clymer, Michael Burns; (back) – Berney Blue, Caleb Burrows, Aaron Blue, Tony Watson. Tupelo drops 2 close tournament games —Tigers put pressure on Moss and Coalgate before coming away with losses By HERMAN BROWN Tupelo correspondent They say that close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and slow dancing. It’s doubtful that Tupelo High School basketball coach would disagree. On Monday, Coach Weller’s Tigers came close to knocking off the high-octane Moss Pirates. On Wednesday, Tupelo came even closer to beating the defensiveminded Class 3A Coalgate. In each case, Tupelo High School came out on the short end of the final score. The consecutive losses came in action at the annual Star Conference Basketball Tournament at Tupelo. “It’s tough to lose close ones like that,” said Coach Weller. “We were down to Moss by one point with 2:30 to go. We hung in there almost to the end. But they hit a big 3-point shot and pulled away a little there late. “In the Coalgate game, we were down by 3 points with about 15 or 16 seconds to go in the fourth quarter. We called our last timeout and set up a shot to tie the game. We didn’t get exactly the shot we wanted and it went in and out! We were forced to foul them and they hit a free throw to beat us by four points. It was another game that was so close, but did not go our way.” On Monday, Moss lived up to its reputation as a high-scoring squad. The Pirates poured in 26 points in the first quarter en route to a 7164 win over Tupelo. The Pirates extended the advantage to 43-31 at halftime. The Tigers then matched MHS’ 16 in the third stanza. In doing so, Moss carried a 12-point lead into the last quarter. Tupelo cut into the deficit down the stretch by outscoring Moss 17-12. “We got close,” said Coach Weller. “We couldn’t get enough scoring at the end to win it.” Tupelo fans may have been disappointed with the loss. However, they had to be proud of the offensive surge the Tigers put on display on Monday evening. John Umsted and Chisum Henry erupted for 20 points apiece. H.D. Bullard was not far off the pace with a big 16-point outburst. Caleb Watson and Chat Henry rounded out the attack with 4 points each. “This is one of the highest if not THE highest scoring games we have had this year,” the Tupelo coach said. “Obviously, we shot the ball extremely well. There were 22 treys in the game. Each team hit 11 of them! John (Umsted) had another big night. And Chisum (Henry) had four treys. H.D. (Bullard) also had another good night from the field. He also ended up with a double-double with 16 points and 11 rebounds.” Coach Weller credited the Moss Pirates for their play – and for their team talent. “Moss is a really good offensive team,” he said. “They have the best combination of guards that we have seen, and they also have a good big guy inside. We still felt like we were still in the game. We just ran into a team that was much better offensively. On this night, we kind of matched up with them to give the fans from both teams a good ballgame. We still had our opportunities coming down to the end. Credit them for scoring late and getting the win.” On Wednesday, Tupelo squared off against the neighboring Coalgate Wildcats in a consolation semi-finals showdown. The winner would move on into the consolation finals. Meanwhile, the loser would be eliminated from the tournament. “We played another close game with Coalgate,” said Coach Weller. “The difference was that our offense was not nearly as strong as it was two nights earlier. We kept in real close but Coalgate found a way to get the win.” Tupelo missed a bunch of shots, and not all of them were from long range. In fact, Coach Weller recalls far too many close-in looks that were off the mark on Wednesday. Coalgate took a 9-6 edge after one period of play. The Wildcats were still on top, 19-17, going into intermission. In the third quarter, Coalgate picked up the tempo and extended the 2-point lead to 34-26. Tupelo was then forced to foul in the fourth quarter. The ploy came close to working. However, the Wildcats connected on 12 (of 17) free throws to hold off Tupelo’s comeback bid. Two THS players generated double figures in scoring in the narrow loss. H.D. Bullard dropped in a team-best 16 points. Chisum Henry added 13 points in the 4-point setback. Caleb Watson scored 7 points while Chat Henry managed 5 points. The only other offense was John Umsted’s 2-point showing. “I give credit to Coalgate for having some of the best defense,” Coach Weller said. “No doubt, that had effect on our offense. They play man defense and we use a zone. We have to do that because of our lack of depth. It worked fairly well for us as we were right there at the end. We felt like we could beat Coalgate, but did not get it done. It was another loss … another close loss. You can’t feel too good about a loss, but there were some good things we can take out of both of those games.” Looking ahead, the Tupelo boys will be 9 days between games. They lost in the tournament on Wednesday and will not see action again until this Friday. “We’ll have to sit more than a week (for an actual game),” the Tiger skipper said. “Hopefully, we can get some confidence and we’ve got Caleb (Stallcup) back and that’ll help a little with our depth. We are starting to get more offense and that will be very helpful. It’s to the point where you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and we need to keep improving until we get there.” --Star Tournament Monday – First Round Moss 71, Tupelo 64 Tupelo – 18 – 13 – 16 – 17 – (64) Moss – 26 – 17 – 16 – 12 – (71) Tupelo scoring: John Umsted 20, Chisum Henry 20, H.D. Bullard 16, Caleb Watson 4 and Chat Henry 4. --Wednesday – Round 2 1/24 – Second Round Coalgate 47, Tupelo 43 Coalgate - 9 – 10 – 15 – 14 – (47) Tupelo – 6 – 11 – 9 – 17 – (43) Tupelo scoring: H.D. Bullard 16, Chisum Henry 13, Caleb Watson 7, Chat Henry 5, and John Umsted 2. --This week … Friday @ Milburn RINEHART REALTY.NET For All Your Real Estate Needs 816 ARliNgtoN - AdA, oklAhomA - (580)436-4662 Broker, Thurman Rinehart - 421-2271 Eric Pierce - 399-7106 Max Hudson - 320-3377 Larry Lee - 310-2305 Jennifer Wallace - 235-7480 Out of Town - 1-800-776-5608 ~ 10 ACRES — Byng School District. $17,000 ~ 1.31 ACRES TO 5 ACRES — Latta School District. $23,900 & Up ~ ALLEN — 409 S. 10th, 3 BD 1 Bath. 110x140 Lot. $40,000 REDUCED $35,000 ~ 53 ACRE HAY MEADOW — 15 miles out of Ada on 3W. $106,000 ~ 4 BED 2.5 BATH —On 26 acres between Allen & Francis. $192,000 ~ 3 BED 2 BATH — 1344 sq ft 1978 doublewide mobile home on 140x125 lot. 200 West 7th, Stratford $5,000 ~ BYNG SCHOOL DISTRICT — 10 Acres. $17,000 ~ 426 West 5th, Ada — 2 Bed 1 Bath, range, refrig, washer & dryer, CH&A. Bargain at $45,000 ~ ALLEN — 308 W. Broadway. 1352 sq ft, 2 BD 1.5 bath, CH&A, built 1998 on 100x120 lot. Very well landscaped. Double carport. $89,900 ~ ALLEN — 40 Acres out Gerty Road 4 miles, just across Broadway of SOLD America on left side. $68,000 ~ 3 BD 2 BATH — Ranch style on 9.5 acres. 1624 Sandy Creek Lane, Ada. $149,000 Like New CH&A ~ SASAKWA — 49 wooded acres with 30x60 shop building, water well, two ponds and older house (needs remodeling). $110,000 ~ ADA — Beautiful older home in excellent shape with wrap-around porch. 3 BR 2 Bath. Owner/Agent. Only SOLD $119,000 REDUCED $117,900 ~ LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN — 30x50 Metal Shop, insulated, CH&A, bathroom w/Shower. Over 1/2 acre. Byng REDUCED to $48,000 ~ PICKETT — 3 BR 1 bath, CH&A, large carport, large fenced backyard. $85,000 REDUCED $75,000 ~ 5 LARGE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS — East of Ada on over 7 acres. $300,000 WILL DIVIDE, MAKE OFFER ~ EAST OF ATWOOD – 3 BR, 2 bath, approximate 2356 sq ft. Lots of room with 2 living areas, nice size kitchen/dining area, large master BR with rural water, on 5 acres. $98,800 ~ HWY 3-W — 3 BR 1 bath, needs work. On 1 acre mol. $42,000 REDUCED TO $39,900 ~ ADA — Commercial Buildings. Two 1250 sq ft buildings, 10x10 building, 12x13 building. Good place for mechanic or other types of business. $69,500 REDUCED $64,000 ~ GERTY AREA — 100 Acres of Hunting Land – turkey, hogs, deer & more – mostly wooded. $1000 per acre. REDUCED TO $95,000 You’ve grown up so fast and the world is your oyster...just you wait and see. It seems like only yesterday you sang Shania and sat upon our knee. We love you more than the sky is wide, more than there are grains of sand. Happy 16 Birthday th to our Baby Girl Keara Lyn Bourland Love, Nanny & Papa, MeMe & Papa, Momma & Daddy & Ty & Colton NOW ACCEPTINGAPPLICATIONS PRACTICALNURSINGPROGRAM forthe Applications are available at your local Kiamichi Technology Center campus and at Application must be returned by April 15th to be considered for the program. A pre-admission exam is required & seating is limited. A National Criminal History Records Search will be KTC Campuses Currently Offering performed by KTC on each applicant. Practical Nursing Programs Atoka, OK ......... 580-889-7321 Durant, OK ........ 580-924-7081 Hugo, OK .......... 580-326-6491 Idabel, OK ......... 580-286-7555 McAlester, OK ... 918-426-0940 Poteau, OK........ 918-647-4525 APPLICATIONS ACCEPTEDTHRU APRIL15,2013 ClassesbegininJuly&August Calltodayformoreinformationor Kiamichi Technology Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, naƟonal origin, age, geneƟc informaƟon or disability, or veteran status with respect to its programs or any aspect of its operaƟons. Inquiries concerning this policy may be referred to: Compliance Coordinator, PO Box 548, Wilburton, OK 74578. (888) 567-6807 or 918-465-2324. 6.44x5 PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JANUARY 30, 2013 SHAMROCK BANK DONKEY BASKETBALL TEAM — Corbin Cowan, Cameron Cowan, Cliff Dixon, Blake Tubbs, Chris Tubbs, and Jarred Stanley, from left. Lady Tigers win consolation title in tourney —Tupelo girls use improved shooting to defeat Moss and Roff By HERMAN BROWN Tupelo correspondent The Tupelo Lady Tigers head into a ‘light’ week of action this week following a successful showing during the annual Star Conference basketball tournament. The tournament unfolded over a 6-day period at Tupelo High School last District Attorney Emily Redman Announces 2013 AMNESTY PROGRAM FOR BOGUS CHECK WRITERS Bryan, Atoka, and Coal Counties January 22nd through April 30th, 2013 During the amnesty period, pending and existing bogus check warrants will be withdrawn upon full payment of restitution, fees and court costs, provided that the check writer has no other pending criminal matters. If you think you might be named on an arrest warrant for bogus checks, or if you know you have unpaid hot checks, contact the District Attorney’s office immediately to avoid arrest. Office District Attorney Bogus Check Division 117 North 3rd DURANT, OKLAHOMA 580-924-2987 • 877-865-3665 week. Coach Missy Rogers guided her THS Lady Tigers to a consolation championship during the event. Tupelo lost the opener to Konawa on Monday before rebounding with back-to-back wins over the Moss Lady Pirates and the Roff Lady Tigers. “Anytime you lose the opener, you have to find a way to get over the hump and play good basketball the rest of the way,” Coach Rogers said. “They (THS girls) finished strong and played well. They looked good in the final two games. For us to win two of three games it looks to be a good week.” In Monday’s opener, Konawa used a strong second quarter to build a 21-8 halftime lead. KHS then outscored the host team 27-22 in the second half to capture the 4830 victory. Brittany Sanders led a total of eight Tupelo girls in scoring. Brittany generated a double-digit performance with 10 points. The rest of the points for THS included Phylisha Chamberlain with 6, Kayley Sanders with 5, Kate McCoy with 4, Kristyn Parker with 2 and Haylee Fowler, Haylee Ellis and Kara Bourland all with 1. The 18-point loss dropped Tupelo into the consolation semi-finals. Facing elimination, the Lady Tigers rallied to shoot down Moss 42-27. THS led 13-6 after a quarter and 25-12 at the break. They outscored Moss 17-15 in the second half to secure the 15-point win at 42-27. Kate McCoy was the ringleader for three double-digit scoring performances in the win. Kate dropped in a game-high 17 points. Kayley Sanders generated 11 points while Brittany Sanders had 10. Kara Bourland followed with 3 points. Phylisha Chamberlain finished off the list with 1 point. By beating Moss, the Tupelo ladies advanced on to the consolation finals. They played (and beat) the Roff Lady Tigers 5140. The 11-point verdict clinched the consolation championship for Tupelo. Coach Rogers watched her girls ease out to a narrow 19-16 halftime advantage. However, they broke open the game in the third period by outscoring Roff 17-4. The effort sent THS into the last quarter with a commanding 36-20 cushion. Tupelo was outscored 20-15 in a busy final chapter. Even so, they held on and won by 11 over Roff, 51-40. Tupelo’s offensive attack generated three more double-figure scoring performances. Kayley Sanders was tops with a solid 18-point outing. Brittany Sanders was close off the pace with 16 points. Kate McCoy contributed another 10 points to the win. Phylisha Chamberlain scored 5 points and Haylee Fowler added 2. The victory was impressive for the Tupelo girls. “We had a lot more shots fall in the last two games,” Coach Rogers said. “We took care of the ball better and shot better down the stretch.” Looking ahead, Tupelo’s only varsity basketball game this week will be on Friday evening at Milburn. The Lady Tigers and Lady Eagles will hook up for a 6:30 contest. --AT A GLANCE Jan. 21 - First Round Konawa 48,Tupelo 30 Konawa – 5 - 16 - 11 - 16 - (48) Tupelo – 3 - 5 - 9 - 13 - (30) Tupelo scoring: Brittany Sanders 10, Phylisha Chamberlain 6, Kayley Sanders 5, Kate McCoy 4, Kristyn Parker 2, Haylee Fowler 1, Haylee Ellis 1 and Kara Bourland 1. --Second Round Tupelo 42, Moss 27 Moss – 6 - 6 - 8 - 7 - (27) Tupelo – 13 - 12 - 12 - 5 - (42) Tupelo scoring: Kate McCoy 17, Kayley Sanders 11, Brittany Sanders 10, Kara Bourland 3, and Phylisha Chamberlain 1. --Consolation Championship Tupelo 51, Roff 40 Roff - 8 - 8 - 4 - 20 - (40) Tupelo – 8-11-17-15 - (51) Tupelo scoring: Kayley Sanders 18, Brittany Sanders 16, Kate McCoy 10, Phylisha Chamberlain 5 and Haylee Fowler 2. --This week... Tupelo at Milburn, Friday Join us for a retirement reception honoring Howard Nelson. Wednesday, January 30th 2:00 until 4:00 101 North Main - Coalgate - 580-927-2311 Member FDIC
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