PDF - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
PDF - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH August 14, 2016 Holy Spirit Catholic Church Mass Intentions of the Week 7243 E. 10th Street Indianapolis, IN 46219 Parish Office……………………….………….317-353-9404 Fax ..…………………………………..317-351-1707 School Office ………………………………....317-352-1243 Fax ..…………………………………..317-351-1822 Religious Education………………………….317-357-6915 Youth Ministry/Confirmation ..……………317-353-9404 #7 Spanish………………………………………..317-353-9404 Little Ramsies……………………………..317-353-9404 #9 LITURGY SCHEDULE Masses: Monday through Saturday 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 5:30 p.m. Saturday 5:30 p.m., Mass of Anticipation Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00/Noon, 1:45 Spanish Communion Services (except Holidays and Holy Days) Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m.; Monday & Thursday 5:30 p.m. Holy Days- See Sunday bulletin prior to Holy Day. CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS Baptism - Third Sundays of each month at 3:30 p.m. in the chapel. Please call the Parish Office for arrangements. Parents must attend the Preparation Class on the second Sunday of the month at 10:30 a.m. Class will meet in Conference Rm. C in the Parish Center. Reconciliation - Saturday, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Each Weekday 5:10 to 5:25 p.m., by request only or anytime by appointment. Call Parish Center. Marriage - Please arrange at Parish Office six months in advance. Holy Orders - Those considering the Priesthood or a Religious vocation, please contact our Pastor or the Archdiocesan Vocation Office at 317-236-1490. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sunday morning classes are available for ages 3 through high school. For information call the Religious Ed. Office. Mon. Aug. 15th The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:30 a.m. Barbara Waddick - Req. by Kathy Feeley & Family 5:30 p.m. Communion Service Tues. Aug. 16th Weekday 8:30 a.m. Marilyn & Tony Eversgerd - Req. by Red Eversgerd 5:30 p.m. Jean A. Griffin - Req. by Family th Wed. Aug. 17 Weekday 8:30 a.m. Tom Lenahan - Req. Dick & Roselle Darragh 5:30 p.m. Patty Lathrop - Req. by Family Thurs. Aug. 18th Weekday 8:30 a.m. Jim Hines - Req. by Family 5:30 p.m. Communion Service Fri. Aug. 19th Weekday 8:30 a.m. The Suffering Souls in Purgatory 5:30 p.m. Jose Alberto Ruiz - Req. by Friend Sat. Aug 20th Saint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church 8:30 a.m. Jane Johns- Req. by Ray & Judy Johns 5:30 p.m. Peter Talen - Req. by Deacon Mike & Paula Slinger Sun. Aug 21st Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. Congregation 9:00 a.m. Jerome Sternberg - Req. by Cheryl Lynette 10:30 a.m. Art Slinger - Req. by Deacon Mike & Paula Slinger 12/Noon Guidance for the President 1:45 p.m. Spanish Mass NURSERY CARE Child Care is available during the Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass. It is located off the side of the west vestibule. PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Msgr. Paul D. Koetter, Pastor Rev. Juan José Valdés, Associate Pastor Deacon Michael Slinger, RCIA Coordinator Quenia Rodríguez, Administrative Assistant Rita Parsons, School Principal Gladys Tarter, Coordinator of Religious Education Holly Herber, Music Director Suzanne McLaughlin, Business Manager Kathy Peacock, Business Manager Mary Kate Shanahan, Coordinator of Youth and Family Ministry Terrie Lake, Pastoral Council Chairperson Bob Lane, Finance Committee Chairperson Pastoral Council meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of most months at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. All are welcome! INTERESTED IN THE CATHOLIC FAITH? Readings for the Week of August 14, 2016 Monday The Assumpon of the Blessed Virgin Mary Rv 11:19a, 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10, 11, 12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Tuesday Saint Stephen of Hungary Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-27ab, 27cd-28, 30, 35cd-36ab; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14 Friday Saint John Eudes, Priest Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9; Mt 22:34-40 Saint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church Ez 43:1-7a; Ps 85:9ab, and 10, 11-12, 13-14; Mt 23:1-12 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1, 2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30 Saturday Inquiry Classes begin in late summer as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Call the Parish Office for information. BULLETIN The deadline for the articles is Monday 8:00 a.m. for the following Sunday bulletin. This will allow more information to be translated into Spanish. Preferred method of communication is e-mailing the article or information (Word Document or .pdf format) to bulletineditor@holyspirit.cc. If no computer access, please drop off your information at the Parish Office. Sunday NURSE LINE Please call 317-353-9404 #8 to leave a message or to request a ride to an appointment. NEW PARISHIONERS AND VISTORS We hope you have enjoyed celebrating with us. Those interested in joining Holy Spirit Parish are invited to stop by the Parish Office so we can meet you or you may call 317-353-9404. Please come again! Parish Mission Statement Holy Spirit Parish is committed to facilitating the lifelong spiritual growth of its parishioners. The religious, educational and family life programs will help parishioners grow in their relationship with God, the Father, through Jesus Christ, while serving others under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAYER LINE - Do you, a friend, or family member have health issues, or are you looking for a job? Feel free to call the Pra er Line at 317-353-0358 and share your prayer intentions with Dorothy Riley. We will be happy to pray for you! If you are interested in becoming a member of the Prayer Line, please give Dorothy a call at 317-353-0358. You are asked to call the next person on the prayer list, it’s easy & very powerful. We’d love to have you! Please Remember in Your Prayers: **We are trying to update our prayer list. Please call the parish office if you’d like a name added to this list. Phyllis Thompson, Joe Ryan, Nancy Ryan, Margaret Flack, Chris Johnson, Bill & Phyllis Barrett, David Sajdyk, Alexis Clark, Jim Lenahan, Gary Hurst, Karen Gatto, Susan McGinnis, Greg Cawthon, Michael Rairden, JoAnne and John Rairden, Shirley and Robert Mason and Anita Minniefield. Please note: due to some new hospital regulations, we are not notified when someone is admitted to an area hospital. If you or a loved one is seriously ill and in need of the sacrament of the sick, please call the parish office and let us know at: (317-353-9404). If you would like a name added, please call the Parish Office. We will leave names on our list for a few weeks, and then remove them if we do not have any current information. At Nursing Homes and/or Hospitals: Westminster Village North: Joe O’Connell Rosewalk: Mike Curtis St. Paul’s Hermitage: Margaret Callahan, Mary O’Donnell, Sam Ajamie Berkshire of Castleton: Alice Shanahan Methodist Hospital: John P. Lee Jr. Wildwood: Mildred “Millie” Warfield Crestwood Village East: Fr. William Munshower Greenbriar/Dutch Haven: Bob Cavanaugh Dear Friends of Holy Spirit, It is good to be back with you following my family reunion in Central Kentucky. God was good with reasonably good weather and all 77 family members arriving safely. Saturday, we were able to take a whole Koetter family picture and individual pictures for each of my siblings and their families. Great time, but it is good to be home. On Tuesday of this past week we had a day retreat for our teachers. Using St. Paul’s Letter to the Colossians (3:12-17), we focused upon letting go of any anger or resentments that might be dominating our hearts AND where gratitude might be present in our lives. I encouraged the teachers to identify any angers or resentments and to write a simple prayer, asking God to free his/her heart from this anger or resentment. I then encouraged the teachers to pray the prayer each day, putting the prayer in a place where they will see it each day. The daily reading of the prayer will keep us focused and open to God’s Grace each day. Maybe this is something that each of us could do, as we move into these fall months. Think about it! In their reflections, the teachers talked about the importance of staying in the moment. So often we are caught up with ‘getting through the day’, or we are thinking about all the things that need to be done! Staying in the moment is recognizing that God is fully present in each moment of my day and that each moment is filled with the possibility of love, goodness and sacredness. Each moment! Right now! Think about it! Please remember Fr. Juan’s brother, Jorge, who is very, very ill in California. Jorge is only 65 years old and has been fighting cancer. God’s Blessings and Love, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Miles and Marissa Mattingly 1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Please pray for the souls of the recently departed: Margaret Miller, Barbara Bowers, Glen M. Shanahan, Jose Posos Ayala, Weekly Budget $23,385.00 Sunday Collection 8-7-16 = $17,084.63 Avg. weekly online collection = $4,100.00 Total = $21,184.63 (-$2,200.37) Jack Henthorn, Pamela Sue Hansa and Luis A. Bustos May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH Talk with Archbishop Tobin Fr. Paul is asking us to try and attend the talk by Archbishop Joseph Tobin, who will be speaking on "The Jubilee Year of Mercy" at Holy Spirit Catholic Church on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 7 p.m.. It is sponsored by the Eastside Cohort of Little Flower, Our Lady of Lourds and Holy Spirit. The Archbishop’s talk is a continuation of our celebration of the Year of Mercy which Pope Francis began las December. Please see flyer in the bulletin for more information! August 14, 2016 1040 Post Road Dinner with the Knights Fatima Event Center on Monday, August 22 Dinner served at 6:30 p.m. Cost: $5.00 Fiesta Night: Carnitas - slow roasted pork tacos, Quesadilla's, Spanish Rice, Beans and Fresh chips and Salsa, includes soft drinks & dessert. The Ladies Auxiliary of Our Lady of Fatima Council Knights of Columbus is sponsoring A Time For All Seasons Bazaar Saturday, October 22 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Fatima Event Center If you are interested in booth space please contact Chris Davis at 317-313-5534. This Bazaar will be open to the general public and Giving Hope to a World in Need A Human Crisis. More than 20 years after the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine erupted into conflict in 2014 as the country grappled with whether to join the European Union and NATO. Approximately 10,000 civilians have died, and more than 1.8 million in Eastern Ukraine have fled their homes due to armed conflict between Ukrainian government forces and separatist groups in the Crimean and Donbas regions of eastern Ukraine. Another 3 million struggle to survive in the conflictaffected areas. Pope Francis has made it clear that the global refugee crisis isn’t an Arab crisis, or an African crisis, or even an European crisis, but a human crisis. CRS, born in the refugee crisis at the end of World War II, is reaching out in the midst of this Ukrainian human crisis, helping uprooted people - isolated from their former homes, jobs and schools - searching for any sense of normalcy in their lives. Learn more at crs.org. to all our parishioners who service our community as first responders. May God bless and protect you! Karaoke Night with Jersey Danny! -NO COVER CHARGE Fatima Event Center on Friday, August 26 Kitchen opens at 6:00 p.m. Singing begins at 7:00 p.m. Bingo every Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to Noon. We have a $1,000.00 Jackpot! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A KNIGHT TO ATTEND. ALL ARE WELCOME – COME JOIN US! RCIA INVITATIONS RCIA classes will be beginning soon. The classes are for non-Catholic persons who are interested in joining the Catholic Church, for non-Catholic persons who would like to know more about the Catholic faith of a family member, for baptized Catholic adults who wish to be confirmed, and for Catholic persons who would like to refresh their knowledge of our faith. Please take some time and think of anyone whom you might want to invite to these classes. Your invitation is one of the very best ways to encourage others to investigate and potentially join the Catholic Church. Classes will begin in Wednesday, August 31, and continue through Easter. Please call the Parish Office at 317-353-9404 extension 6 or email Dcn. Mike at mslinger@holyspirit.cc for more information. 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ministry Quote • Hospitality Coordinators for funeral visitation “Brothers and sisters: No one lives for oneself, and no one dies for When visitation is held at the Church, the Hospitality Coordinators are asked to be present and to serve as liaisons for the deceased’s family and the mortuary representatives as well as the presiding priest. They ensure that needed equipment is available for the family and the people from the mortuary and answer any of their questions. This includes putting on soft music, helping with videos, putting banners out and distributing programs. oneself. For if we live, we live for Before all funerals, whether there is visitation or not, the Coordinators assist the Adult Servers in making sure that everything is ready for the Celebration of Life. After the Funeral Mass, the Coordinators work with the Adult Servers to put things away and make sure the Church is returned to order. ‘When the viewing is held in the church before the service, we are there to help the family.” the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord; so then, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. For this is why Christ died and came to life, that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living.” -Romans Romans 14:714:7-9 Volunteer Quotes “I believe we help everyone as ‘Hospitality coordinator for Funeral Visitations.’” At the present time, there are three coordinators: Marleen Norton, Mary Peat and Ginny Haag, who are involved in this ministry. This ministry requires no meetings. There needs to be at least one coordinator in attendance for each funeral Mass held at Holy Spirit. If you are interested in joining this group and/or becoming a coordinator, please contact Marleen Norton at 317-4929597 for more information. If you would like your ministry to be the Ministry of the Week, please have your ministry head send an email to Michelle Schultz at mschultz@holyspirit.cc. HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH August 14, 2016 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mary Kate Shanahan, Youth Director mshanahan@holyspirit.cc Confirmation 2016-17 Today, Sunday, August 14, we will have Parent Meetings for our Confirmation Program. All parents of confirmation candidates are asked to join us for our meetings. We will talk about the flow of our program, expectations and requirements, etc. and there will be an opportunity for parents to ask any questions that they may have. The English Parent Meeting will take place at 5:00 p.m. in the Parish Center and the Spanish Parent Meeting will take place in the same location at 6:00 p.m. If you would like to register your child for our Confirmation Program, you can find our registration forms online on our Parish Website and in the Parish Office with our Secretary or Youth Minister. We are planning on starting our classes on August 28, and look forward to an exciting year! Jesse Manibusan Concert On Tuesday, August 16, there will be an opportunity to visit Marian University for an evening of prayer and praise with Jesse Manibusan and the San Damiano Scholars. Jesse is a Catholic musician, speaker, and well known for his appearances at NCYC and his song Open My Eyes. The night will begin at 7:00 p.m., and if you are interested in joining us, please contact Mary Kate Shanahan in the Parish Office for more information. Upcoming Dates August 14 - Confirmation Parent Meeting 5 p.m., English; 6 p.m. Spanish August 17 - Jesse Manibusan Concert All flyers and permission slips will be posted online and in the parish office. Holy Spirit School Rooted in Faith... Fruitful in Spirit September 5 7 13 15-16 Labor Day - NO SCHOOL PTP Trash Bag Sale Begins PTP Info Night #1 NO SCHOOL - INPEC Teacher Professional Development 19-22 8th Grade Washing DC Trip 22 Trash Bag Sale Ends School Volunteers Needed Holy Spirit is back in session! Our school volunteers have had a wonderful experience in the past working with students in the K-8 classrooms. We are looking for volunteers to come in once a week or every other week to work with students in small groups or one-on- one. We also try getting together for breakfast or lunch so this is a great way to meet other parishioners. Working as a school volunteer is a great way to help Holy Spirit Catholic School and the teachers and administrators are extremely appreciative of our help. If you would be interested in joining our school volunteer group, please call Barb McClellan at 317-477- 0894. You can also reach me on my cell phone at 734-673- 9015 or send an email to berbmcclellan@yahoo.com. HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH Scecina Memorial High School Class of 1976 -40 Year Reunion Saturday, September 10 Milano Inn (outdoor patio) 231 S College Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 Tickets are $55 per person, $100 per couple You may purchase tickets two ways: 1 - If you choose to use a debit/credit card we will request your payment through PayPal, with your email address or cell phone number (please reply with which you prefer). There is NO additional charge to you for this service. 2 - If you choose to write a check please make it payable to: Scecina Memorial Class of 1976 and mail to: Scecina Memorial Class of 1976 7625 Cape Cod Cir Indianapolis, Indiana 46250-1844 ALL payments, whether credit, debit or check MUST be received before AUGUST 10, 2016. Email your RSVP to SMHS1976Reunion@gmail.com ASAP BEING AND BELONGING November 18-20, 2016 Save the Dates! A Weekend Retreat for Separated and Divorced Catholics An annual retreat open to all faiths held at Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th Street in Indianapolis, Indiana. As a participant, you are invited to relax as you journey with others, listening to their stories and exploring a common loss. The program will help deepen your understanding of the healing process and increase your sense of belonging as well as help you discover and affirm that God is with you in your struggles and in your hope. Please contact Deb VanVelse at 317-236-1586, 800 -382-9836 (ext. 1586), or dvanvelse@archindy.orgfor additional information. August 14, 2016 The Eastside Catholic Community (Little Flower ~ Holy Spirit, ~ Our Lady of Lourdes) will host a Health Fair on Sunday, September 11, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Little Flower in the school cafeteria. There will be an opportunity for the following screenings: blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose and lead (for children and pregnant women). Flu shots will also be available (payment needed at time of service). Various health agencies will have booths set up such as the Indianapolis Fire Department, Prime Smiles, Ransburg YMCA, Ossip Optometry, Rejuvenation Station (massage therapy), and the Jane Pauley Center to name a few. There will be healthy snacks and activities for children. Spending an hour or so focusing on your health may have long lasting results. For questions or more information contact Peggy Clegg: pclegg@littleflowerparish.org or 317-357-8352. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to focus on your health!!! Peace & Nature Garden Walk Benedict Inn Retreat & Conference Center 1402 Southern Avenue, Beech Grove will have an open community labyrinth walk and a guided walk through the Peace & Nature Garden every third Thursday of the month. Bring your friends! Bring your family! Come see our garden grow. All are welcome to walk. Facilitators: Sr. Cathy Anne Lepore, OSB and Sr. Angela Jarboe, OSB. Feee: Free Will Donations Graciously Accepted. 7p.m.-8:30 p.m. Third Thursdays: August 18 & September 15. Rummage Sale The Ave Maria Guild of St. Paul Hermitage will have a Rummage Sale on Friday, August 26, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Because of renovations taking place at St. Paul Hermitage, we will be having our event at Our Lady of Grace Monastery, 1402 Southern Avenue, Beech Grove. Donations may be dropped off on Wednesday the 24th between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Please call Vicki at 317-223-3687 with any questions. All proceeds will benefit St. Paul Hermitage. 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cemetery Masses Calvary Cemetery will hold a Memorial Day Mass on Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at Calvary Cemetery Chapel, 435 W. Troy, Indianapolis IN at 2:00 p.m. Our Lady of Peace Cemetery will hold a Memorial Day Mass on Thursday, August 18, 2016 at Our Lady of Peace Cemetery Chapel, 9001 Haverstick Road (just west of 86th & Keystone) Indianapolis, IN at 2:00 p.m. Please Join us, all are welcome. Dome Golf Classic Seize your opportunity to play golf on the scenic Pete Dye Course at French Lick, Indiana, plus support the Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana, at the 14th Annual Dome Golf Classic on Monday, August 15, 2016. For more information, visit thedome.org/ golf or call 812-367-1411. Bicycle Ride Supporting Family Scholar House Come to Ferdinand, Indiana, September 17 and 18 for the 4th annual Folk Fest Bike Tour, a DC Multisport bicycling event that supports the Sisters of St. Benedict and their work with the Family Scholar House. The ride is in conjunction with the Ferdinand Fold Fest. Saturday, rides are 12, 24, 32, or 50 miles and Sunday’s ride is 50 miles. For more information and to register, go to folkfestbiketour.com AUGUSTRAVAGANZA - August 19 & 20 Come join your friends at the 11th annual Augustravaganza at Nativity Catholic Church. It will be held from 4-midnight August 19 and 20. We will have lots of family fun events including kids' games, live music, Tiny Titan Trek - an infant crawling race, 5K and 1 mile family fun walk/run benefiting God's Bounty food pantry, Silly Safari, and more! Cookies & Canvas and a Mystery Beer Tasting will be held Thursday night. Also, we will once again host Bingo, Monte Carlo, and a raffle with a grand prize of $3500. Delicious food, carnival rides - get all the info on the Augustravaganza link on www.nativit ind .or . Also, find us on Facebook under Augustravaganza! Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose This program invites us all to identify God’s voice in our lives and the specific purpose for which we’ve been created. This event is hosted at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church at 10655 Haverstick Road Carmel, IN, 46033, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on November 12, 2016. The cost is $39. Daily Devotion from Jesus Calling I AM YOURS FOR ALL ETERNITY. I am the Alpha and the Omega: the One who is and was and is to come. The world you inhabit is a place of constant changes - more than your mind can absorb without going into shock. Even the body you inhabit is changing relentlessly in spite of modern science’s attempts to prolong youth and life indefinitely. I, however, am the same yesterday and today and forever. Because I never change, your relationship with Me provides a rock-solid foundation for your life. I will never leave your side. When you move on from this life to the next, My Presence beside you will shine brighter with each step. You have nothing to fear because I am with you for all time and throughout eternity. - Revelation 1:8; Hebrews 13:8; Psalm 102:25-27, 48:14 HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH August 14, 2016 PRESENTS Archbishop Joseph Tobin speaking on "The Jubilee Year of Mercy" Tuesday, August 16 7:00 P.M. Holy Spirit Catholic Church Don’t miss this opportunity to hear our Archbishop with your friends and neighbors from the Eastside Catholic Community! 20º D234562 789 T483:2 O;745<;42 PRESENTA AL ARZOBISPO JOSEPH TOBIN Hablando del “Aniversario del Año de la Misericordia” martes, 16 de agosto a las 7:00 PM en la iglesia del Espíritu Santo ¡No se pierdan esta oportunidad de escuchar a nuestro arzobispo con amigos y vecinos de la Comunidad Católica del este de la ciudad! IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO 14 de agosto del 2016 BOLETIN EN ESPAÑOL Pastor: Monseñor Paul Koetter Carta del Pastor Asociado Pastor Asociado: Rev. Juan José Valdés Secretaria de la Iglesia: Sra. Quenia Rodríguez, Disponible: Martes a Viernes de 9 a.m. a 5 p.m. Queridos amigos de la Iglesia Espíritu Santo, Teléfono (317)353-9404 AHORA SÍ, MARÍA ∗ ACTIVIDADES DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA DE LA IGLESIA ESPIRITU SANTO M678 9: 97;8<=> 8 >8 1:45 ;.A. C=:B976=:97: 1:15-1:45 ;.A. S8:C= R=78D6=: 1:15 ;.A. ∗Bautismos, primer domingo de cada mes, próximos el 4 de sepembre. ∗Pláticas para Bautismos infanles, menores de 6 años, las próximas clases serán el 26 de agosto de 5:00 a 7:00 p.m. Inscripciones en la oficina parroquial antes de asis>r. ∗Quinceañeras, para más información, registrarse, o apartar el día, comuníquese con Quenia Rodríguez. ∗Reunión del Ministerio Hispano, segundo martes de cada mes, próxima reunión el 13 de sepembre; 7:00 p.m. en el comedor parroquial. ∗Preparación Matrimonial, tercer martes de cada mes, próximas pla>cas 16 de agosto. Antes de asis>r a las pla>cas regístrate en la oficina parroquial. ∗Matrimonios Comprometidos, (Reunión de parejas casadas por la Iglesia que quieran seguir creciendo a nivel humano y cristiano) próxima reunión será el 19 de agosto de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. en el salón # 6 de las oficinas centrales de la Iglesia. Más información con Eduardo Sánchez o María Ibarra. ∗Misa del Grupo de Adolecentes, el cuarto domingo de cada mes. Te invitamos a aprender y servir durante la misa. Comunícate con Miriam Reyes. ∗Ensayo de Coro de Jóvenes Kudai, todos los viernes 7:00 p.m. Para más información comunícate con: Miriam Reyes (317) 737-4133. APUNTA LA FECHA La Comunidad Católica del Este de la Ciudad presentara al Arzobispo Joseph Tobin hablando acerca del Jubilo del Año de la Misericordia en la Iglesia del Espíritu Santo el 16 de agosto. Planea y ven a este evento con tus amigos y vecinos de la Comunidad del Este de la Ciudad. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Fue enseguida. ¿Cuándo? Nadie supo cuándo, pero fue enseguida de la muerte y sepultura de María. María resucitó. María fue llevada a los cielos en cuerpo y alma. Ahora sí. Ahora sí ha llegado el momento eterno del triunfo. Ahora podemos rodear a María de todos los mantos, de todas las joyas, de todas las nubecillas rosas, de todos los ángeles. Ahora podemos ponerle coronas, guirnaldas y flores, y entronar cantos en su honor. Ahora, sí María. Ahora eres exaltada, porque en tu vida terrenal fuiste pequeña. Ahora eres Reina, porque antes fuiste la esclava del Señor. Has llegado aquí, María, porque durante toda tu vida fuiste sencilla, sacrificando... O mejor dicho: porque Dios puso sus ojos en la humildad de su esclava. María, Virgen triunfante en la Asunción, que fuiste una mujer de nuestra misma carne, con la grandeza de tu sencillez, tu entrega y tu sacrificio, y que ahora eres prueba viviente de que las promesas del Señor se cumplen. Ahora sí, María. ¡Dios los bendiga! 20º D234562 789 T483:2 O;745<;42 IGLESIA DEL ESPIRITU SANTO DIRECTORIO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO Vida Espiritual Coordinador del Ministerio: Fr. Juan José Valdés 317-353-9404 jvaldes@holyspirit.cc EucarisLa: Pedro Herrera 317-431-6338 pherrera2010@hotmail.com Lectores: Juan Pérez 317-414-4972 juanitoperez1992@live.com Hospitalidad: Grupo # 1 Sandra Guárenos 317-332-9353 sguarneros@aG.net Hospitalidad: Grupo # 2 Fidelina Duarte (317) 513-1076 Monaguillos: Eloísa Pérez 317-890-8420 Coro Parroquial: Directora de Música Holly Herber 317-353-9404 ext. 5 hherber@holyspirit.cc Coro de Mujeres: Marisela Pérez 484-546-1954 Coro de Jóvenes y Niños: : Julio Reyes 317- 737-4147 Arte y Medio Ambiente: María Caldera 317-935-5284 Ensayo de Ceremonias: Rocío Mejía 317-513-0925 rocio_rojas_1965@hotmail.com Formación en la fe Pastoral juvenil, Familiar, adolecentes y confirmaciones: Mary Kate Shanahan 317- 353-9404 Ext. 125 mshanahan@holyspirit.cc Grupo Juvenil Kudai: Miriam Reyes 317-737-4133 miriam.reyes.752@gmail.com Pequeñas Comunidades: Julio Muñoz y Virina Cárdenas 317-459-9717 Cristo Renueva su Parroquia –Mujeres: Liriam Jiménez 317-496-1623 liriam17@hotmail.com Cristo Renueva su Parroquia –Hombres: Juan Hernández 317-927-5077 jherdz77@gmail.com Catecismo y bauzos especiales: niños mayores de 6 años Gladys Tarter 317-357-6915 gtarter@holyspirit-indy.org Formación de adultos: María Ibarra y Cecilia García 317-612-1248 317-438-6545 mariaibarra85@yahoo.com RICA Español: Gladys Tarter 317-357-6915 gtarter@holyspirit-indy.org Matrimonios compromedos: Eduardo Sánchez y María Ibarra Eduardo: 661-9253 María: 438-6545 Divinas Representaciones: Eric Vergara 317- 652-8602 Quinceañeras: Quenia Rodríguez 317-353-9404 qrodriguez@holyspirit.cc Pastoral Social Caballeros de Colon: Juan Pérez 317-414-4972 juanitoperez1992@live.com Grupo de oración SAN JUAN BOSCO: Dulce Lammers 317- 862-4474 lammers22@yahooo.com Grupo de oración carismáco FUEGO NUEVO: Aurora Meléndez y Yolanda García Aurora:317-851-0675 Yolanda: 317-909-5572 matmelena@hotmail.com Religiosidad Popular Virgen peregrina y devoción Guadalupana: Claudia Gómez 317-435-7630 claudia_de_tala@hotmail.com Novenario y condolencias de difuntos; Irma Navarro Y Sergio Vargas 317- 625-7547 sergiovargas317@gmail.com Comunicaciones BoleLn en español: 317-353-9404 bulle>neditor@holyspirit.cc Por favor envíe por 8 a.m. lunes por la mañana. ¡Gracias! Secretaria Parroquial: Quenia Rodríguez 317-353-9404 qrodriguez@holyspirit.cc D4@A5B2C D E5@8;32C 78 5A8CB;< E23A547<7 Oración por los Enfermos Madre querida, Virgen María: asísteme y bendíceme en mi enfermedad y haz que en medio de nuestros dolores y angustias, me sienta reconfortado por ti y unido a tu hijo Jesucristo en su Cruz. Virgen Santísima, tú que conoces el sufrimiento, reanima mi fe, cúbreme con tu manto protector, pues eres mi fortaleza y esperanza de alcanzar el alivio en los padecimientos. Señora mía, socórreme en la hora del dolor, protégeme de la desesperación, infúndeme esperanza. Enséñame a cumplir la misteriosa voluntad de Dios y a alabar y bendecir su nombre. Nuestra Señora de la Salud, ruega por nosotros. Amén. Por favor oren por los enfermos y difuntos de nuestra comunidad. INTENCIONES Las intenciones para la misa se deben registrar antes de la misa en el vesNbulo del oeste, junto a la guardería. Alguien estará ahí para ayudarles de 1:00 a 1:40 pm. Les pedimos una donación de $5. ¡Gracias! Difuntos (+) Carmen Parada (+) Pablo Méndez(+) Bryan Misael López (+) Ampelia Macías (+) Guadalupe Casillas (+) Crisóforo León Francisco (+) José Pozos Ayala (+) Cumpleaños Luis Madrigal Luis Reynoso Enfermos Rosa Montoya José Aguilar Carlos García Marco Patiño Jesús Ángeles Leonor Paramo Jorge Valdez Aniversario Matrimonio Tomas Vázquez e Irma Nieves Acción de gracias Familia Hernández Guarneros ORACION DE LA SAGRADA FAMILIA Jesús, María y José en ustedes contemplamos el esplendor del verdadero amor, a ustedes nosotros oramos con confianza sagrada familia de Nazareth, concede que nuestras familias también puedan ser lugares de comunión y paz, autenticas escuelas del evangelio y pequeñas Iglesias domesticas. Sagrada familia de Nazareth que las familias jamás experimenten violencia, rechazo y división; que todos los que han sido heridos o escandalizados encuentren confort y sanación. Sagrada familia de Nazareth haznos mas dóciles a lo sagrado e inolvidable de la familia y su belleza en el plan de Dios. Jesús, María y José escuchad nuestra oración. AMEN. IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO Escuela del Espíritu Santo Enraizada en la fe... Fructífera en Espíritu Septiembre 5 7 15-16 Día laboral - NO HAY CLASES PTP Comienza la venta de bolsas para la basura NO HAY CLASES - INPEC Desarrollo Profesional para Maestros 19-22 Viaje de 8° grado a Washington DC 22 Finaliza la venta de bolsas para la basura 1040 Post Road Cena con Kinghts Centro de eventos de Fátima el lunes 22 de agosto. La cena se sirve a las 6:30 p.m. Costo $ 5.00 Noche de Fiesta: Carnitas- tacos de carne asada de cerdo, quesadillas, arroz, frijoles, patatas frescas y salsa, incluye refrescos y postres. Mujeres Auxiliares de la Virgen de Fátima junto Caballeros de Colón del Consejo patrocina Todas Bazar de todas las estaciones Sábado 22 de octubre de 9:00 a.m.-02:00 p.m. en el Centro de Eventos Fátima. Si usted está interesado por favor contacte a Chris Davis en 317-313-5534. Este bazar estará abierta al público en general Noche de karaoke con Danny Jersey! -NO COVER. Centro de eventos de Fátima el viernes 26 de agosto Cocina se abre a las 6:00 PM El canto comienza a las 7:00 PM Bingo todos los martes desde las 9:30 a.m. hasta el mediodía. ¡Tenemos $1,000.00 para ganar! ¡¡¡ TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS, ACOMPANANOS!!! INVITACION RCIA Las clases RCIA comenzaran pronto. Las personas no católicas que estén interesadas en formar parte de la Iglesia Católica y quieran saber mas sobre la fe católica. Los adultos católico bautizados y quieran ser confirmados y para las personas católicas que deseen actualizar sus conocimientos de nuestra fe, tomen un tiempo para pensar en alguien a quien pueda invitar a estas clases, su invitación es una de las mejores maneras de motivar a otros a investigar y potencialmente ser parte de la Iglesia Católica. Las clases comenzaran el miércoles 31 de Agosto. Por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial al numero 317-353 -9404 ext. 6 con Dcn. Mike o al e-mail mslinger@holyspirit.cc para mas información. 14 de agosto del 2016 MINISTERIO JUVENIL DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO Directora de Pastoral juvenil, Mary Kate Shanahan, mshanahan@holyspirit.cc Eventos del Ministerio Juvenil 14 de agosto - Programa de Confirmación 5 p.m. en ingles; 6 p.m. en español 17 de agosto - Concierto de Jesse Manibusan Pro rama de Confirmación Hoy 14 de agosto tendremos reunión de padres a las 6:00 en español. Hablaremos todo lo relaconado al programa, así como también resolver todas las dudas. Es importante que todos los padres de los candidatos a recibir este sacramento puedan asistir. Si necesitan registrar a sus hijos para el programa de confirmación, la información e inscripciones están disponibles en línea en el sitio web de la Parroquia y en la oficina parroquial con Quenia Rodríguez y con Mary Kate Shanahan. Vamos a empezar las clases de confirmación el día 28 de Agosto. Concierto de Jesse Manibusan El 16 de agosto habrá un concierto de Jesse Manibusan. El es un cantante y orador católico. El es famoso por sus apariciones a NCYC y por su canción Abre Mis Ojos. El evento empieza a las 7:00 en Marian University. Si les gustaría asistir o tener más información, por favor contactar a Mary Kate Shanahan en la oficina parroquial. Escuela del Espíritu Santo esta de regreso! Nuestros voluntarios escolares han tenido experiencias maravillosas en los trabajos pasados con los estudiantes. Estamos buscando voluntarios que vengan una vez a la semana o cada dos semanas para trabajar con los estudiantes en pequeños grupos o individuales. También intentamos que se reúnan para desayunar o comer ya que es una buena forma de conocer otros feligreses. Trabajar como voluntario es una manera de ayudar a la Escuela Católica del Espíritu Santo: los maestros y administradores agradecen su ayuda. Si esta interesado en unirse a nuestro grupo de voluntarios de la escuela por favor llama a Barb McClellan al numero 317-477-0894. También puede ponerse en contacto conmigo en mi teléfono celular en 734673-9015 o enviar un e-mail a berbmcclellan@yahoo.com 310 N. Mitthoeffer Rd. 317-897-7777 www.qsalonindy.com St. Joseph Thursday Bingo 4332 N. German Church Rd. Play for as little as $9 for 12 games Every Thursday at 9:30AM www.thebaitbarn.com Live Fishing Bait & Tackle Where bait shop & country store meet! Operated by a family of U.S. Military Veterans 317-545-BAIT (2248) 3241 N. Arlington Ave. DEERING CLEANERS 1160 N. Arlington Jeannene Talbott Jeannene Talbott Agency Parishioner 1511 N. Post Rd., Ste. B 317-897-3750 EAST SIDE PRESCRIPTION SHOP jtalbott@amfam.com PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company Home Office – Madison, WI 53783 ©2012 006441 - 9/12 5317 E. 16th St. Convalescent, Hospital & Sickroom Aids & Supplies 359-8278 356-2471 317-469-0169 800-887-0437 Parishioner Carpet Cleaning–Limpieza de alfombra 317-755-6175 PremierSteamCleaning.com • Whole Home Remodeling & Room Additions • Residential & Commercial Parishioner Since 1972 861-9778 www.thomasjpearson.com Commercial & Residential Backflow Preventer Certified RICHARD T. FOWLER & DAUGHTER Plumbing Contractor HALL RENTAL Book Your Special Event Now! Weddings • Holidays • Family Gatherings 1040 N. Post • 317-897-1577 Our Lady of Fatima Council #3228 Contact: Holly Blagburn (H) 335-1177 • (C) 965-8781 MORTUARIES & CREMATORY Over 100 Years of Family Ownership & Operation Five Locations 9606 E. Washington St. 897-9606 Licensed • Bonded • Insured 356-9191 • Repair & Installation • Drains Cleaned • Bath Remodeling • Water Lines 11020 E. 10th St. | Dr. Dane Uhl, DMD | 317-898-9231 • Small, Custom Feel Community • Walking Trails & Pond • All Ranch Homes, with Brick & Stone Exterior Options • Bonus Rooms & Basements Available • Mt. Vernon Schools C RESTWOOD FAMILY RESTAURANT Open 6 AM • 7 Days a Week Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner (317) 387-7000 www.flannerbuchanan.com SPECIAL Buy 1 entree & 2 beverages get the 2nd entree at 1/2 PRICE An “Over 55” active adult and assisted living community. Utilities paid Fitness Center Free Transportation 356-4173 Carry Out Available 894-5570 ONE LIGHT EAST OF MEIJER Parishioner Cumberland VILLAGE EAST %15!,(/53).' /00/245.)4 9 www.Crestwood-Living.com Caring For You Since 1910 Anthony M. Campo Selling Homes is Our ONLY Business & Associates Attorneys at Law David M. Zeyen REAL, GRI REALTOR®/Broker Home (317) 861-3721 Cell (317) 753-4611 david@zeyen.com www.zeyen.com FEENEY-HORNAK SHADELAND MORTUARY Please refer your friends and relatives to The Zeyen Team. Holy Spirit Parishioner for over 40 years by Medy Myers, RN Certified Geriatric Massage (H) 317-894-4011 (C) 317-432-1565 899-2577 www.yorkshire-landscaping.com yorkshirelandscaping@gmail.com Ask for Rick Rohrman, General Manager 7101 Washington St. 317-613-7000 Indy’s Low-Price Powerhouse 897-0328 Large Parties Welcome! 9918 E. Washington St. AUTHENTIC MEXICAN RESTAURANT 10417 E. Washington St. CatholicMatch.com/goIN Residential • Commercial New Construction RESTAURANTE MEXICANO 317-898-3921 Parishioner Corner of Washington St. at Mitthoffer All Types of Concrete Work www.indyguadalajaragrill.com including •Tear Out & Replacement Work •All Types of Decorative Concrete • Concrete Safe Rooms • Vaults We Build Insulated Concrete Homes Dennis Zeyen • 317-462-9622 Sales • Service & Repair Installation Robert Lane Financial As your life changes, so do your financial needs. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED Quality Indoor Comfort from Our Family to Yours Since 1978 FC Tucker Company Design to Sell Enterprise, Inc. 317-945-2040 www.hughesheatingcooling.com Free Estimates - We Service/Repair All Brands $49 Tune-Up when you mention Holy Spirit! Owners/Parishioners: MaryBeth (Wise) Hughes Ken Hughes • Jason Hughes 1-800-282-5106 5129 S. Emerson Ave. .........................786-0799 8005 E. 30th St. ........................................894-1867 4914 Rockville Rd. ..................................381-9787 Indiana 352-0956 Enjoy The Best Mexican Food In Town! YOUR BIRD SEED HEADQUARTERS CatholicMatch Auto, Truck, Slip & Fall Injuries; Estates, Wills, Trusts; Powers of Attorney & Living Wills Bob Rohrman’s Indy Hyundai Integrated Therapeutic Massage State Massage Certification by Indiana Professional Licensing Agency H.S. Parishioner 8888 E. 10th St. 6084 W. 800 N. McCordsville For Advertising Information CALL 353-6101 feeneyhornakshadeland.com Family Dentistry Cell 317-945-8445 Fax 317-336-7152 Business 317-336-6051 Lana L. Zayen 1307 N. Shadeland Dr. J.R. Lindeman “Grow with the Flow” RODOLFO PALACIOS, Owner 317-443-7429 Real Estate Consultant 1st VP Residential Sales CRS, GRI, Interior Designer Parishioner www.designtosellenterprise.com designtosell@talktotucker.com Robert H. Lane, CLU Financial Representative, Parishioner 973 N. Shadeland Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46219 rhl@robertlanefinancial.com Call Bob Lane today at (317) 294-9732. Robert Lane is a Registered Representative and Investment Advisor Representative of and offers securities and advisory services through WRP Investments, Inc. Securities and Advisory Services are supervised by WRP Investments, Inc. at 4407 Belmont Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 44505 (800) 589-2023. WRP Investments, Inc. is a member of FINRA & SIPC. Try Our Weekend Brunch Pizzas Dine In / Carry Out / Delivery Bob & Laura Stark – Parishioners Mick McGrath & Nancy Duncan – School Family 5646 E. Washington St. • 356-6612 GYROS • RIB TIPS • WINGS 899-5565 1002 N. POST RD. VISIT US AFTER MASS www.jockamopizza.com The place to watch all your college & NFL football games! “Indy’s oldest heating & cooling co.” Parishioner Each office is independently owned and operated. 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