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PDF, 15.59MB - Santa Clarita Gazette and Free Classifieds
Now Enrolling for Fall 27908 Seco Canyon Road Santa Clarita, CA 91350 661-673-5676 See page 2 For More Details (661) 298-5330 FREE CLASSIFIEDS Issue 931 July 15 - July 21 Your Hometown News and Classifieds www.santaclaritagazette.com SCVTV Money Crisis By Lee Barnathan Contributor Sometimes, things aren’t as they appear. Leon Worden knows this all too well. SCPTA, will come up with a funding plan that works, or makes sense to the taxpayers.” The latest contract between the City of Santa Clarita and the sevenmember Santa Clarita Public Television Authority (SCPTA) board, which runs the public access channel, shows that SCVTV received $25,000 from the city for the quarter ending Sept. 30. In the past, the station received that amount over two quarters, making it appear the city doubled its commitment. Worden said the station needs $300,000 each year to fully operate. (One percent of residents’ cable bills takes care of rent, equipment and capital outlay. There is a line item in the city budget of $118,600 that is only used to air city council meetings.) The city has given $50,000 each year, meaning the station has had to come up with the balance through advertising revenue, sponsorships, donations and any other way it can. In fact, Worden and the city leaders say, this is a one-time contribution while both sides meet to try and figure out a way to make SCVTV financially healthier. “I don’t anticipate having to shutter it,” Worden said. “I’m optimistic we, working with the city and the INFANTS • TODDLERS • PRESCHOOL • KINDERGARTEN Pokemon Go ‘Catches’ All By Martha Michael Gazette Editor Po Pokemon Go is an app for Android and iOS users – a free download that prompts the us owners to physically travel in order to catch ow animated Pokemon characters. an Nintendo created Pokemon, which was a N hugely successful handheld video game of hu the 1990s with parallel merchandise, such th as collectible cards which earlier generations might compare to baseball cards. But tio Pokemon has definitely gotten “out of Po hand” – literally. ha “That formula has not worked,” Worden said. “Ad revenue has not been sufficient to make up the difference. … It is annoying to be constantly berated for how much money the city’s giving SCVTV.” continued on page 10 THE DURABLE, FURNITURE-LIKE FINISH FOR CABINETS & TRIM Th They swarm public parks and take over malls and parking lots, heads at full-tilt, m buried in the screens of their phones. The bu Pokemon pandemic has spread like a Po disease – where catching these pocket di monsters is, apparently, catching. m Now players find PokeStops around town, N where varieties of Pokemon are available wh for capture, which is where the tagline fo comes from: Catch ‘em all! Illustration by Emma Thompson continued on page 3 IRS TAX PROBLEMS? Owe Back Taxes & Making Payments You Can’t Afford? Under IRS Audit? Unfiled Tax Returns? GET TAX RESOLUTION NOW! Ray J. Bulaon, Attorney TRUSTED, EXPERIENCED & COMPASSIONATE Business or Personal IRS Problems Offers in Compromise l Wage & Bank Levies Payroll Tax Problems l Audits & Appeals Installment Plan Negotiation l Unfiled Returns Franchise Tax Board, EDD & Board of Equalization OTHER PERSONAL AND BUSINESS DEBT SETTLEMENT BANKRUPTCY (CHAPTER 7 & 13)) SERVICES: FREE CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION 18597 Soledad Cyn. Rd., Canyon Country (661)252-1572 *2016 Benjamin Moore & Co. Advance, Benjamin Moore, Paint like no other, and the triangle “M” symbol are registerred trademarks licensed to Benjamin Moore & Co. Valencia Office 661-964-4493 FamilyFinanceLawyer.com *We are a designated debt relief agency under Federal law. If necessary, we help clients obtain debt relief under the Bankruptcy Code. 2 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 www.montessoriofvalencia.com INFANT CARE $200 OFF TODDLERS 1st Month’s Tuition Must Enroll by 8-30-16 Entertaining Summer Program PRESCHOOL & K VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 3 The Gazette SCVTV continued from front page Actually, there have been discussions going on for some time now. The SCPTA put the TV contract up for bid earlier this year, and Worden provided the only offer: He would operate SCVTV for $300,000 if the City of Santa Clarita kicked in that amount. The city leaders declined. People are not getting paid or are not receiving full pay (Worden said he and CFO/engineer Mike Mazzetti haven’t ever taken a dime). No contractors are being used right now, either. Video production is minimal. Part of the blame goes to the economy. SCVTV turned on Jan. 1, 2009, amid the Great Recession, and Worden said he never had the money to hire a large ad staff. One person, Tami Edwards, the former host of “SCV Today,” was willing to sell ads on commission (and sometimes waive that commission), Worden said. But Edwards has left, and no one has followed. shown high school football games, and Worden said he needs sponsorships for that to continue. Another problem: Public TV has no Nielsen ratings, so the station can’t set ad rates based on numbers of viewers. Worden said the station has the largest online presence of any media outlet in the area, more than KHTS, The Signal and The Gazette, but he can’t set ad rates based on page views and unique visitors. So, the city and SCPTA board agreed to the onetime $25,000 funding, and now the sides have until Sept. 30 to come up with a new plan. Worden said that in some ways it’s fortunate that this is happening in the summer because it won’t be as obvious that production is so bare-boned. “SCV Today” is on hiatus, and Worden said he has a library of shows that will rerun. But once schools restart, absences might be more noticeable. For example, SCVTV typically has “We’re looking for a long-term solution,” City of Santa Clarita communications specialist Nick Robles said. “We’re trying to identify which plan is most important. The contractor asked for this interim agreement.” Worden admits nothing is definite at this point. “We need to be a little creative and find a way to augment that budget,” Worden said. “To what extent will it remain a 24-hour TV station? Call me in about two months.” Pokemon Go continued from front page In Santa Clarita, the craze that began a week or two ago is alive and well. Travel through town and note groups of teens, young adults and – yes – people in their fourth, fifth and sixth decades searching their phones for signs of “life.” Brian Jacobovitz, a manager at Paper Hero’s Comics in Valencia, says a lot of his regular customers are heavily involved in the game. “There’s a fire station right next door and if you walk over there you can (catch Pokemon) every five minutes or so. If you work there, you can sit there all day,” Jacobovitz joked. Jacobovitz said he has a friend who complains about not living or working near a typical PokeStop. Apparently, Jacobovitz is one of those “enviable” people. Quite a few of the Pokemon characters are found in the vicinity of his bedroom, he said. “Pokemon GO is lit” “People say, ‘You caught that in your room, you’re so lucky!” Jacobovitz said. “I live near a wash – such a perk.” On Saturday nights, the 27-year-old and his friends go to Old Town Newhall to catch Pokemon and he sees hundreds of people participating. “Last Saturday there were about 50 people yelling out ‘I caught this one!’ It’s crazy,” he said. Mike Hill, owner of Brave New World in Newhall, said there is a Pokemon Go buzz in his store also. “Apparently they’ve caught rare Pokemon in here. It’s great to see them, because we’re a community-based store,” Hill said. continued on page 4 “Mr. Antico’s skill in mediation was extremely helpful in the resolving of a long running company dispute. 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We provide legal assistance and help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 4 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Santa Clarita Animal Hospital Inc. 24899 Railroad Ave. Free exam brought Santa Clarita CA 91321 to usifwithin 7 days 661-425-9913 of adoption Juliette is a gorgeous 10-yearold Labrador mix who is so precious and loving. It's so sad to see this senior dog in the shelter, she should be living out her golden years with a family who loves her. She is very well mannered, walks well on a leash and gets along with other dogs. She will make an excellent pet for a family who appreciate dogs in their golden years. Once you see her you will fall in love too, visit the Castaic Shelter to find out! Free exam if brought to us within 7 days of adoption Whelmina is a chunky purr machine who just wants to be cuddled and have a comfy lap to sleep on. She is 5 years old and gets on well with other cats, dogs and children. In foster care she can’t wait to get into bed with you and she has the most beautiful purr. She is perfect for someone looking for kitty companionship. You can email her foster at larissa_barnes@hotmail.com. Molly is a sweet German Shepherd who is about 2 yrs old. She has a great disposition, a beautiful smile and beautiful eyes. She truly loves her walks, is very smart, and is eager to please. She would love an active family who wants a big dog to romp and play with, and in return, she will love you unconditionally. She is at Castaic Shelter eager to meet you! 661-425-9913 259pets.com Santa Clarita Animal Hospital Inc. 24899 Railroad Ave, Santa Clarita CA 91321 There are always concerns about the down side to a popular craze, such as reports of Pokemon leading people to dangerous areas or kids getting hit by cars because they are unaware of their surroundings. “I thought, ‘I’ll walk off a cliff. I’ll fall to my death trying to catch a Pokemon,” Jacobovitz joked. Some of the local young adults have voiced other concerns also. “I think it’s super cool that it brings a diverse group of people together, but (there was) a gathering of 100plus people at the mall last night,” described Scotty Sonksen, a sophomore Princess is a 1-year-old beauty who came to the shelter when she gave birth to three kittens. She is stunning in looks and personality, and loves cuddles and kisses, with a purr that makes your heart melt. She is playful like a big kitten and is very talkative! She is at Castaic Shelter waiting to play with you! Ugly Parking Pokemon Go “Pokemon was started 20-plus years ago, so we’re seeing people from young kids to people in their early 40s, those who played it on the original Game Boy,” Hill said. “They’re walking into the store and asking questions and engaging.” Oliver is a gorgeous tiny guy. His owner passed away and it was found that he was part of a hoarding situation. He is playful, curious and friendly. Likes nothing more than to snuggle on your lap and follow you around with devotion. Can't even begin to tell you how precious he is! He is completely housebroken, loves taking walks and plays well with other small dogs. You can email his foster at gmartin5@socal.rr.com. All cats are free to adopt. Awesome Adoptable Pets At Castaic Animal Care and Control 31044 N. Charlie Canyon Rd. Castaic Hours: Mon-Thurs 12pm-7pm and Fri-Sun 10am-5pm continued from page 3 He describes the game as a combination of Geocaching and collectibles, and sees a wide range of ages participating. 259pets.com in college. “Nobody looked up from their phones to make eye contact with me. The game is awesome as long as our focus is bringing people together. When our screen addiction intersects human interaction, we’re doing it wrong.” Late teens seem to be a big part of the Pokemon Go demographic. “I play because it’s an easily accessible way to connect and share a common experience with my friends and actually go outside,” said Camden Espino, a senior in high school. “I play usually at COC and at the mall.” Many of them have deeper explanations for their interest in the game. “Pokemon Go is bringing people closer through these dark times,” said Bryce Marks, 19, of Canyon Country, referring to the last few weeks of tragic news, such as the shootings. His friend, Chris Kelemen, shows pure enthusiasm for his latest avocation. “Pokemon Go is lit,” Kelemen said. Sponsored by: Crazy Otto’s 19132 Soledad Canyon Rd 661-299-6886 Upload your Ugly Parking photo. Click on the Ugly Parking link on our website: www.santaclaritagazette.com az SCG Contents ette Classif ieds Employment Animals Electronics Family & Leisure Real Estate Rentals Professional Svs Home & Garden Vehicles Wanted 23 Announcements 18 Movie Listing 18 Crossword Puzzle/Sudoku 17 Weather 11-13 SC Living 10 Sports 24 Bridge 27 History 23 23 23 28 28 28 33 30 38 38 Please note: Classified ads are free for private parties except for ads the categories of employment, real estate, childcare, and professional services. Ads for any business, regardless of category are paid ads. Please call 298-5330 for rate information. All Content © Copyright Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds Locally owned and operated PHONE ADDRESS OFFICE HOURS Free Ad Line (24hrs) 298-5333 Business Advertising 298-5330 Fax Line 298-5338 27259 1/2 Camp Plenty Road Santa Clarita, CA 91351 Mon - Fri 9-5 GAZETTE & FREE Since 1998 PUBLISHER OPERATIONS EDITOR STAFF WRITERS ADVERTISING SALES Doug Sutton ext. 278, doug@santaclaritagazette.com Jean Sutton ext. 271 Martha Michael ext. 284 Sarah Farnell ext. 271 Barbara Ward ext. 279, Henry Carpenter ext. 280 ON-LINE ACCESS www.santaclaritafree.com www.santaclaritagazette.com Santa Clarita Gazette is published every Friday and is available for pick-up FREE of charge at hundreds of locations throughout the Santa Clarita Valley and is also available for home delivery by paid subscription. Check website or call us for rates! DEADLINE: ADS RECEIVED BY TUESDAY AT 5:00 PM WILL RUN IN THE FRIDAY EDITION Publisher is privileged to revise or reject any advertisement for any reason. VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 5 EASY FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR EVERYONE! 0 DOWN 0 INTEREST UP TO 36 MONTHS O.A.C. NO CREDIT, NO COSIGNER, NO CASH, NO PROBLEM AUTHORIZED DEALER Aaron The Th Vinyl King is Here! All the way from Kansas City to California! The King is offering special pricing on: WE WILL BEAT ANY COMPETITOR’S PRICE BY 15%* *(MSRP PRICE) •V Vinyl Wraps 3 Year Warranty* • Tinting Windows Lifetime Warranty* Legal Tinting Starting at $99 IN DASH and MUCH MORE iPOD, USB, AUX, BLUETOOTH, BLUETOOTH AUDIO, WORKS WITH APPLE CAR PLAY starting from $179 *some restrictions apply Complete Auto Service We perform authorized dealer scheduled maintenance repairs here 15/30/60/90 Certified Repair Facility Timing Belts BUY ONE PAIR OF SPEAKERS GET ONE PAIR 9” DVD FLIPDOWN TV W/DVD PLAYER Specializing in Hyrdro Dipping/Graphics 50% OFF* 24. $ Starting at 149 $ 29 95 includes pressure check, evacuation and recharge system, freon $24.95 lb Includes estimate of needed addition repairs Brake Special FREE Check Engine Light 99 Computer Diagnostic Check $ CD PLAYERS Includes parts and labor foreign or Most Cars domestic 95 95 We top off all fluid and check pressure Synthetic oil extra, Free tire rotation with oil change, any weight manufactured oil Free 20 point inspection vehicles with cartridge filter extra OR $ Lube Oil Air Conditioning Service Filter Special Special $199 5 Year Warranty* • Clear Protection NAVIGATION & DOUBLE DIN HEADREST PACKAGE W/DVD Starting At and Lamin-X Lights 95 Most cars, Foreign & Domestic Includes turning rotors and drums $7900 Suspension Systems Starting at $299 *of equal or lesser value MECP Certified Technicians Manufacturer Trained HUGE SELECTION OF WHEELS AND TIRES IN STOCK FROM 15” T0 30” STARTING AT $299 AND MANY MORE! 9-6 Mon-Sat Closed Sunday 661-424-1579 www.xtremeautosportsscv.com 20715 Soledad Cyn Rd. Santa Clarita CA 91351 * must present ad to receive promotional pricing Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 6 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Prices Good with this ad Only! VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 7 Sunday’s AmericanaFest Brings Free Concerts to Santa Clarita A part of the LASummerFest lineup, this Sunday’s concert at Rivendale Park & Open Space will feature music that is rooted close to home. AmericanaFest has slated headliner Whiskey Sunday to hit the stage following performances by Men of Harmony, Trish Lester and Linda Geleris. ginning at 5 p.m. Beer and wine is available from 8th and Rail. Everyone is advised to bring a chair or a blanket for seating. Whiskey Sunday plays folk/Irish rock with a Midwestern sound. The four members play electric harp, fiddle, guitar, bodhran, harmonica, banjo and upright bass. The band begins at 7 p.m. Find Whiskey Sunday on Facebook. Nashville and Los Angeles. You can find Linda at LindaGeleris.com. AmericanaFest is this Sunday, July 17 from 5-9 p.m. and is sponsored by L.A. County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. Rivendale Park & Open Space is located at 22425 The Old Road in Newhall. For more information, visit lasummerfest.org/ americana.html The Men of Harmony Santa Clarita Valley is a chorus sharing a cappella barbershop style music, swing era jazz, doo-wop and other styles with audiences. Members also perform as quartets, dancers, jugglers, magicians and balloon artists. To contact them, visit SCMenofHarmony.com. Trish Lester is an award-winning singer/songwriter from Santa Clarita with a pop/folk style and original songs. Her CD, “Plymouth Belvedere,” was featured on NPR’s compilation of funny car music, “Stairway to Heapdom.” And “Thank a Soldier,” is shared on patriotic websites and in veterans’ tribute videos. She is in the trio Women on the Move. To follow Trish, visit TrishLester.com. There is no admission charge and guests will enjoy music, dancing and specialty food trucks be- Linda Geleris has been performing and songwriting for 20 years. Her song “Call Me Crazy” opens a Columbia TriStar film, and she signed a multi-song deal with a boutique company in New York. She performs as a solo singer-songwriter and is also a member of Women on the Move. Linda has been recording two new CDs, both in College of the Canyons Partners with OpenStax to Promote Free Textbooks C ollege of the Canyons has been selected to participate in a partnership with OpenStax to encourage the increased use of free, peer-reviewed textbooks that will help make college more affordable for all students. A recent report by the United States Public Interest Research Group found that 48 percent of students surveyed said textbook costs impacted how many or which classes they took each semester. COC is one of 11 institutions from across the nation selected to participate in the partnership program. The selected schools are now eligible to receive individualized support from OpenStax in order to help implement the widespread use of Open Educational Resources (OER) on campus. “With OER, students can have access to the course materials before the class even begins,” added Weston. “Instructors have the ability to customize the course materials for a more local flavor of information that can engage students.” Initiated by Rice University and supported by several philanthropic foundations, OpenStax provides free textbooks that are developed and peer-reviewed by educators to ensure readability, accuracy and adherence to scope and sequence requirements of most introductory college courses. The announcement comes after a rigorous application process that included a demonstration of the college’s willingness to drive adoption of OER — teaching and learning materials that have been released in the public domain or under an intellectual property license as a nocost alternative to traditional textbooks. “The partnership between OpenStax and COC reinforces our ongoing commitment to student success, retention, and completion,” said Brian Weston, director of Distance and Accelerated Learning at the college. “OpenStax will help COC with support, OER adoption, and community advocacy. The enhanced support will reduce the cost of education for students and allow faculty the option to customize course materials by adapting, remixing, and sharing materials with other faculty to use in their courses.” According to the non-profit organization College Board, college students should budget between $1,200 and $1,400 per year for textbooks and supplies. This additional cost not only impacts students’ ability to attend college, but also the ability to continue and successfully complete coursework. OER sources eliminate cost barriers for students and allow every student immediate access to learning materials. OpenStax textbooks are comparable to textbooks that cost $200 or more, but are available for free electronically online, or can be printed as a PDF at a very low cost. Texts also meet standard scope and sequence requirements and are peer-reviewed by educators to ensure accuracy and ease of use. “OpenStax is thrilled to partner with College of the Canyons as it expands its OER initiative,” said Nicole Finkbeiner, associate director for institutional relations at OpenStax. “The college has already seen tremendous growth in student accessibility and affordability through their OER initiative. By consulting with institutions on strategy and by facilitating a network of institutions, each partner school is poised to offer tremendous savings for their students.” COC is committed to increasing student success by reducing barriers, such as high textbook costs for students, while still protecting academic freedom and ensuring quality instruction. In June, the college announced plans for an OER-only degree program that is set to debut by fall 2017. The new academic pathway will allow students to earn an associate degree in sociology by completing only OERbased courses. For more information about the COC Distance and Accelerated Learning Department, visit www.canyons.edu/distancelearning. For additional info about OpenStax, visit http://openstax.org. Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 8 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 OPINION Lean to the Left ‘E Pluribus Unum,’ Out of Many, One. Racism in America Andrea Slominski Contributor W e have a fantastic opportunity in this moment. We have the chance to make another leap forward in achieving a foundational principle stated in The Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The journey toward equality for blacks and other minorities in the U.S. is being run on a stormy and unfinished road. As a democracy, we have done it before; we have survived protests, both violent and nonviolent. We have risen above our differences and appealed to our higher natures, in order to redress the wrongs imposed upon minorities, races and people groups, ensuring and supporting their rights as Americans. Now — today — we have another opportunity to go farther and reach higher, toward human equality. Beginning with the Abolitionist Movement before the Civil War, continuing with the Emancipation Proclamation, the ratification of the 13th Amendment, the Civil Rights Movement, and Voting Rights Acts of the 1960s, Americans have never given up on the quest to ensure equal rights for all Americans. This is a fundamental foundation of the American Dream. We cannot stop now. There is a pattern of systemic racism in our country. There is no denying it. Despite all the laws and amendments passed, racism has lingered in the American soul. Blacks in the U.S. suffered through 246 years of slavery before the 13th Amendment was officially part of our Constitution. It was another hundred years before civil rights legislation was passed outlawing discrimination and segregation in our day-to-day lives. It takes time and generations to remove the echoes of this thinking. Despite the Passage of the 14th Amendment, which includes as one of its clauses the requirement that each state provide equal protection under the law to all people within its jurisdiction, we cannot help but see, plainly, in view of recent events, how we are failing to fulfill this right within the black and minority communities. “Young black men were nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by police officers in 2015, according to the findings of a Guardian study that recorded a final tally of 1,134 deaths at the hands of law enforcement officers this year,” said an article on Alternet.org. “Despite making up only 2 percent of the total U.S. population, African American males between the ages of 15 and 34 comprised more than 15 percent of all deaths logged this year by an ongoing investigation into the use of deadly force by police. Their rate of police-involved deaths was five times higher than for white men of the same age.” This is what Black Lives Matter is about. Black Lives Matter does not mean that no other lives matter. It is a movement born of frustration, desperation, grief and anger over the killing of black men, many unarmed, and the absence of justice for their deaths. BLM wants us all to recognize that discrimination and oppression still exist in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the U.S. We need to make another leap forward as a society. No one in their right mind condones this kind of violence. No one in their right mind condones the shooting of police officers. The shooting has got to stop. “An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind,” as Mahatma Gandhi so wisely said. The BLM website explains it this way: “What Does #BlackLivesMatter Mean? When we say Black Lives Matter, we are broadening the conversation around state violence to include all of the ways in which Black people are intentionally left powerless at the hands of the state. We are talking about the ways in which Black lives are deprived of our basic human rights and dignity.” BLM has created itself to purposely be leaderless. This is an attempt to keep the organization decentralized, so the loss of one leader, such as MLK, will not cripple the movement. Even so, no one person can be held accountable for another’s actions. One lone gunman, who had lost his mind in hopelessness, killed the policemen in Dallas. He was not acting as an agent of BLM. Even if you do not include the killings of multiple black men and boys from the last year, you cannot look at the recent shootings of Alton Sterling and Philano Castile and not admit in your heart, that something has gone very wrong here. When the people have risen up in this country and protested in order to change the laws and culture of this great country, history shows (in our very short history) that the issues were worthy – Civil Rights, the Vietnam War and Occupy Wall Street are a few examples. I believe this is worthy of our attention too. Our country will continue to suffer as long as minorities and the poor fear for their lives in interactions with law enforcement. My children do not fear the police. They are white; they live in Santa Clarita. If they are pulled over while driving, they don’t fear for their lives; they fear my reaction when they show me the ticket. I don’t have to fear about interactions with police when my kids go out to walk to Circle K, or drive into L.A. for a concert. I don’t fear every day as they walk out the door. I am lucky; we are lucky. That is white privilege. I want everyone to have fearless life privilege. I support BLM. Because Black Lives have mattered less for a long time. That time is over. **The Views and Opinions expressed in these columns are those of the writer, not necessarily those of Valley Publications/Santa Clarita Gazette.** Political Endorsement Letter Policy The Santa Clarita Gazette will print any letter (space available) supporting or endorsing a candidate for political office free of charge. Preferred length is 250 words, but we do reserve the right to edit them as necessary for space. Include your name and submit to editor@scfree.net or Doug@santaclaritagazette. com. Campaign managers wishing to purchase a paid advertisement for candidates call Barbara at 661-298-5330 or email Barbara@scfree.net. Filing Period for 2016 City Council Election Opens July 18 T he City’s 2016 General Municipal Election will be consolidated with the Los Angeles County General Election and will be held on November 8, 2016. Registered voters in the City of Santa Clarita will have the opportunity to elect two City of Santa Clarita councilmembers of the five-member City Council, for a term of four years each. These seats are presently occupied by incumbents Mayor Bob Kellar and Councilmember TimBen Boydston. The filing period for local residents interested in running in the 2016 Santa Clarita City Council election will open Monday, July 18, 2016, and continue through Friday, August 12, 2016. The consolidated election will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Prospective City Council candidates must secure the signatures of 20-30 registered city voters prior to filing nomination paperwork. If any incumbent councilmember chooses not to file nomination papers by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 12, the filing period for non-incumbent candidates will be extended to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 17. Each candidate is required to file a Statement of Economic Interests disclosing investments and interests in real property at the time the nomination paper is returned for filing. There is no charge for filing nomination papers. Nomination papers and candidate handbooks will be available beginning July 18, 2016, in the City Clerk’s Office, at City Hall, Suite 120, located at 23920 Valencia Blvd. Election office hours are from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except during holidays. Any City of Santa Clarita resident wishing to lend their signature to a potential candidate’s nomination paperwork must be a registered voter 18 years of age or older at the time nomination papers are issued, reside in the city of Santa Clarita, and be a citizen of the United States. Each eligible voter may nominate up to two prospective candidates. For a fee, candidates may also prepare a statement to be included in the sample ballot materials and mailed to voters. Statements may include the candidate’s name, occupation, and brief description of no more than 200 words stating their education and qualifications. The estimated fees are $1,700 for printing the candidate statement in English only and $3,400 for English and Spanish translations and is payable when nomination papers are filed. Prospective candidates should call the City Clerk’s Office at (661) 255-4391 to schedule an appointment for the approximate 30-minute process to obtain or to return materials for candidacy. The two top vote-getters are expected to be sworn into office on December 13, 2016 just prior to the regularly-scheduled City Council meeting. For more information on the 2016 Santa Clarita City Council Election, including results of past City Council elections, visit votesantaclarita.com. VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 9 I Give the Trump Up! Pathetic: Okay, I get it. I give up. Trump is a loser, he’s a racist, he’s a bigot (according to some folks, so am I), he’s a woman-hater and suffers from Islamophobia. Republicans don’t even like him and he would make a terrible president. Get it? Got it? Good! In Dallas a few days ago our president made one of his self-aggrandizing appearances amid the folks who were in a truly agonizing mourning process. (In honesty, other political leaders were there, which I don’t understand either.) If the man wants to show his respects by attending the memorial with the other mourners, that’s fine, but to give a political speech in which he refers to himself some 45 times is pathetic. So now, let’s turn our attention to Hillary: She is the perfect person for the job, honest and truthful, with the critical experience needed. She has been successful in each aspect of that experience, and after all, she is a woman, which should be the overriding factor when we cast our vote in November. Hillary is promising progress, positive changes, and a transformation that will make life better for all of us. I’m confident she is aware of what needs improving and how to do it. I’m sure she knows there are millions of unemployed people who want to work, but have given up looking, there are millions frozen and not improving their standard of living. Folks are not adding to their wealth, they’re losing jobs, losing income. If someone has savings, they’re worried somebody’s gonna take it or they’re gonna have to tap into it before they intended to and it’s gonna be gone. An Excerpt: “And so, when African-Americans from all walks of life, from different communities across the country, voice a growing despair over what they perceive to be unequal treatment, when study after study shows that whites and people of color experience the criminal justice system differently. So that if you’re black, you’re more likely to be pulled over or searched or arrested; more likely to get longer sentences; more likely to get the death penalty for the same crime.” I’m sorry; I just don’t think a memorial for such a tragic event is the place to publicly politicize your views. She must be acutely aware the health care system’s been blown to bits; people don’t know what or who they can trust going forward with health insurance, as we head into 2017. Even if you have a job, you›re worried the premium is going to be too expensive, adding to the increasing cost of living you are already confronted with. Recent Headlines Catching My Attention: (with my 2 cents thrown in) Hillary must realize that when she sees the president on TV and he is happier than he can be, touting how the economy is going well, that’s really not what’s happening. Surely she sees a president and sees the Democratic Party thinking things have never been better, and she is aware they are not. Hillary must scratch her head and wonder how her fellow Democrats actually believe this stuff, that they’re not just saying it for political gain to get her elected. Jeb Bush Warns: ‘People Are Going to Really Feel Betrayed’ by Trump. No Jeb, we feel betrayed by you and your sour grapes big mouth campaigning for Hillary! Yep, and she knows she doesn’t have to address any crucial issues while campaigning. All she has to do is bash the hell out of Trump, proclaim free stuff and cruise to victory. Go Hillary! You’re exactly what this country needs at this point in time. Too Old For Sex? Not at This Nursing Home: There is hope! Reality: Will California Ever Thrive? Not in my lifetime! Let’s get real. There are millions who are going to vote for this woman, come hell or high water. They don’t care if she is a liar with recent hard proof. They don’t care she defends women’s rights and turns around, taking millions of dollars for the Clinton Foundation from countries that treat women as third class citizens, where much of their treatment of women is illegal in this country. They don’t care she intimidated her husband’s sexual abuse victims to keep them quiet. They don’t care she acts as though she is concerned for all people, but there is documented proof that on a regular basis she verbally abused secret service agents with profane remarks. They don’t care that the list of scandals she has been involved in is a mile long, and if any other candidate had a similar list they would be vilified – especially Mr. Trump. Quotes of the Week: Even if you don’t count the documented scandals and lies, people deadset on voting for her don’t care that she has absolutely no plan of action she can articulate to show us what she is going to do to make this nation better. All they know or care about is: She is a woman, she ain’t Trump, and that’s enough for them. The “don’t care folks” seem to not give a rip about anything that could further harm this nation. This is evident in their blind faith fervor for a candidate who is a documented liar with selfish tendencies that, by my account, will slide us into a deeper sewer than we are already in. But that’s just me. Socialism is the Answer for Utopia: I’m running out of ranting time and energy, but the speech Bernie Sanders gave on Tuesday really made my day. There was Hillary standing right between him nodding her head like an animated doll, as Sanders proclaimed to the world that she will create an American utopia for us all, with free this and free that. WHAT A COUNTRY! And a broke country, I might add! Anti-Trump Republicans Urge Kasich to Run as Part of Last-Ditch Bid: Go ahead you idiots, disregard the record number of votes Trump got, screw it all up and welcome Hillary to the White House. Is that what you want? Obama at Dallas Service: We Are Not as Divided as We Seem: I’ll tell you one thing, Mr. President. We’re a lot more divided than we were since your incompetent butt went to Washington. New Black Panther Party Plans to Bring Guns to GOP Convention: I’m not seeing much hope of peace outside either of the conventions. “We’re asking cops to do too much in this country. Every societal failure we put off on the cops to solve. Mental health, drug addiction, loose dogs, failing schools, the public expects cops to solve. Seventy percent of the African American community is being raised by single women; let’s give it to the cops to solve that as well. Policing was never meant to solve all those problems.” (David Brown, Dallas police chief) “Don’t be a part of the problem. We’re hiring. We’re hiring. Get off that protest line and put an application in.” (David Brown, Dallas Police Chief) “Here I am, running one of the largest intelligence agencies in the world. He (Obama) appoints me twice — one as the assistant director of national intelligence and one as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. I’m also his senior intelligence officer. I never met with him once.” (Michael Flynn, retired Lt. General) “There is no doubt in my mind that the policies and philosophy of the left—including, and especially, Barack Obama—have played the primary role in the deterioration of our national grit, character and mental toughness.” (Eric Bolling, Fox News) "Loving God... Loving Others" Sunday Services at 10:00 AM Now Meeting at Canyon Springs School 19059 Vicci Street In Canyon Country (Whites Canyon Rd. at Pleasantdale Street) (661) 251-8340 www.hopevineyard.com Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 10 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Sports Highlights Team and Individual Sports: Two Sides of the Same Coin By Keir Chapman, Mr. Sports Contributor F or many, athletics are an essential part of life, as they help teach people traits such as teamwork, communication, and trust. It is easy to see why this would be the case for team-oriented sports, like basketball, but those lessons might be harder to associate with sports such as swimming, where individual success is emphasized. While team and individual athletics have their differences, they are both sports, and both styles offer principles that can be applied in everyday life. “Much more self-motivation has to happen,” said Steven Himes, the Junior Lifeguard Director for Castaic Lake and former Canyon High School swim coach, regarding individual athletics. “Team sports do need the self-motivation as well; there just is more pressure from others on the team that help along the path.” Learning to find the strength within one’s self to complete the tasks necessary for growth is difficult. It requires you to not always choose the easy route, and forces you to step outside of your comfort zone. Individual-oriented sports forces athletes to hold themselves accountable, and the performance they put out is a direct reflection of how much they prepared. “Learning to play on a team and being a part of something bigger than yourself should teach sacrifice, dedication, commitment and unselfishness,” said Greg Hayes, who studied under John Wooden and coaches basketball in Santa Clarita. “There is also a shared sense of purpose and accomplishment, especially when goals are achieved.” The concept of self-motivation is important, but life also demands that we, as individuals, integrate into society. This requires us to find out how we relate to the people around us, and how our own personalities fits into the community. Team athletics create a microcosm of society that helps a person learn to work alongside others, while retaining his or her individuality. In dual meets, some of the events only have space for four athletes from each team, so only the top four can participate in those events, the sprints primarily, and only the top three finishers earn points for the team,” explained Christopher LaQuay, high jump coach at West Ranch High School. “I think it helps the athletes to become better and more competitive, and they all understand from the outset at the high school level that this is how it has to work. The nice thing about track and field is that it is the ultimate sport, in terms of being objective, because every performance is measured. If one athlete ran faster or jumped higher or farther, then that athlete is a better performer than his or her peers. There’s no subjectivity in evaluating performance and who gets to do what, unlike, say, in baseball or football.” “Often there is little difference in skill among players, but there is a difference in the opportunities to play and perform, disproportionate to the relative ability of the players,” Hayes added. “This can cause envy, jealousy, critical spirits, bitterness, self-pity, and undermining of players and coaches by disgruntled players.” Playing opportunities in team sports can hammer home the idea that life is not fair. An athlete can put his heart and soul into practice and still sit on the sidelines while others play in games. In these moments, it’s easy to take a “woe is me” approach. Feelings of jealousy and anger are a natural self-defense mechanism, according to experts, but to truly accept the situation and be able to use it for personal growth, it helps to keep some things in mind. For instance, other athletes have worked just as hard, and the time spent in practice was not a waste, as it helped the team as a whole reach new levels. “Sports that have competition inside the team can sometimes lead the team to fail,” Himes said. “But, if the team has the right mindset, it can also lead to a stronger and better team.” A commonality that both team and individual sports share is the competition that arises among teammates. In both sports and life, competing with friends and loved ones can be a good way to grow one’s own talent; if the competition becomes unhealthy, however, it may lead to a host of other problems that will ultimately have negative consequences. Coaches urge a positive frame of mind, and knowing one’s work helps the team succeed is a way to foster healthy competition among teammates. This further bolsters the point that both team and individual sports force athletes to understand themselves and, on a grander scale, how each personality meshes with the team’s. “Our athletes have to compete with each other every day in practice and in the meets themselves. There truly aren’t many differences between team and individual sports, and athletes, including Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Self-Defense Class at UFC Gym Draws Crowd of Women By Martha Michael Gazette Editor M ore than 130 women and girls packed a free self-defense class on Tuesday night offered by a local partnership, including law enforcement, Assemblyman Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, a non-profit group and UFC Gym in Canyon Country, where it was held. The women heard opening remarks by the Assemblyman, trainer Alex Coates, Los Angeles County Sheriff ’s Deputy Brian Heischuber, and Linda Davies of the Domestic Violence Center of Santa Clarita. Coates started the class with warmups before instructing attendees using a series of defensive moves. “I’ve never learned self-defense before,” said Katie Franklin of Canyon Country, a student at University of Massachusetts Amherst. “I wanted to know some defensive moves in case bad situations occur while I’m at college.” After instructions and demonstrations by Coates and another UFC Gym trainer, Kevin, everyone had opportunities to develop defensive skills with time on the mat. “People are always telling women to watch out and be careful, but I’ve never actually been educated on what to do if being careful isn’t enough,” said Annie Tiano, a student at California State University, Fullerton. “I think it was a great opportunity to learn a few things that could possibly save my life if I was ever put in a threatening situation.” The stated goal for the one-time course was to empower women to make them “victors, not victims.” Coates taught several strategies in the two-hour time slot, including: escaping the grip of an aggressor; turning the body to prevent pinning by another individual; and scooting away, creating a distance from an assailant. “The world is different today,” said Jane Bettencourt-Soto, who attended the class with her friend, Sue Contant. “I just want to be more aware of what I can do. Something that just may save my life.” Leaders announced they would schedule another class, due to the size of the turnout. For more information, contact UFC Gym at https://ufcgym.com/ santaclarita. Himes and Hayes, find themselves playing both. Each style offers the same lessons to different degrees, and participating in either teamoriented or individual-oriented athletics make a person better than before. behind leaders in the United Women’s Soccer West Conference, Real Salt Lake Women. The local team has a chance to take the lead if The Blue Heat wins its rematch against the Colorado Pride at the Master’s College on July 15. Mr. Sports Santa Clarita Shoutout Kelsey Gudgeon of The Blue Heat has also been named the UWS West Conference Defensive Player of the week for her spectacular defense that helped Santa Clarita hold both Colorado teams to a combined three goals, as well as scoring once against the Colorado Storm on a penalty kick. Congratulations to the Santa Clarita Blue Heat, who finished their Colorado road trip with a 5-1 victory against the Colorado Storm on Friday, and a 2-2 tie with the Colorado Pride on Sunday. The Blue Heat now sit just two points VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 11 Advertiser of the Week By Martha Michael Gazette Editor We Rock the Spectrum Parents of all ages are on the lookout for local amusement for the kids, and a local play place has new owners who recently opened its doors to the community. Austin and Michele Anderson purchased We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym on Bouquet Canyon in Santa Clarita last month and are providing a safe sensory experience for children and young teens seven days a week. “It’s part childcare and part play gym, so it’s a mix of everything,” said Austin Anderson. “I think it has a little bit of everything for everyone. We have an infant area … a zip line, trampoline and a whole bunch of swings. You could bring all your kids and the older ones won’t be bored.” Every Friday night is “Parent’s Night,” enabling local moms and dads to leave their children in a stimulating environment from 6-9 p.m. and go out. Children have to be potty-trained, so the youngest kids to benefit from the local amusement venue are about 2 years old. In addition to the Andersons, caretakers at We Rock the Spectrum include an EMT student and an elementary school substitute teacher. In addition to field trips, camps and birthday parties, they specialize in providing amusement for kids on the autism spectrum, said Austin. Dozens of kids can play at a time, but it is a good idea to call first in order to be sure there is availability – especially for the “drop off ” service. Potty-trained children may be dropped off for periods of three hours, but the facility needs to have advance notice to keep the ratio 4:1, children to employees. Austin and Michele are a busy couple. He works in the film business, she works for a restaurant management company, and they have two children – a 10-month-old and a 2 ½-year-old. They moved to Santa Clarita about five months ago and bought a house in the area two months ago. There is no age limit for kids to come and play, Austin said. There is a vending machine with snacks and tables in the back for parents to sit and do snack time with their kids. There are birthday party packages that include pizza and cake as well. The play place is open 7 days/week, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. However, on Friday nights it is open just to Parent’s Night Out customers after 6 p.m. We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym is located at 26063 Bouquet Canyon Road in Santa Clarita next to Mac’s Pools, near Dapper Dan’s Car Wash. You can call them at (661) 259-7949 or visit WeRocktheSpectrumSantaClarita.com. Location Filming in Santa Clarita Still Rising Santa Clarita had another strong year of location filming in fiscal year 2015-2016 (July 2015-June 2016), according to the city’s film office. Records indicate there were 528 film permits obtained and 1,305 location film days, which generated an estimated economic impact of $30.9 million to the local community. Not included in the reported numbers are the film days and economic benefit from filming that takes place on certified sound stages and does not require a film permit. More than half of the filming days for FY 2015-2016 were attributed to television production alone, many of which were from local Santa Clarita based shows, which included returning hits “Blunt Talk,” “NCIS,” “Part Timers,” “Recovery Road,” “Switched at Birth,” and “Stitchers.” Additionally, several new productions moved into area sound stages last fiscal year, including “Good Girls Revolt,” “Mistresses,” “Santa Clarita Diet,” “Shooter” and “Westworld.” Other productions that filmed on location in Santa Clarita last fiscal year include television shows “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” “Bar Rescue,” “Baskets,” “Bosch,” “Cesar 911,” “Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders,” “Fresh Off the Boat,” “The Last Ship,” “Modern Family, “NCIS: LA,” “Roadies,” “Scorpion,” “Teen Wolf,” “Transparent” and “Twin Peaks,” among others. Feature films included “Behold My Heart,” “Day of Reckoning,” “How to be a Latin Lover,” “La La Land,” “The Last Word,” “The Lovers” and more. Many factors have contributed to the continued success and appeal of filming in Santa Clarita, including the California Film and Television Tax Credit Program, as well as the city’s own Film Incentive Program and Movie Ranch Overlay Zone. “We’re excited Santa Clarita has retained its reputation as an ideal location for productions to film their projects,” said Mayor Bob Kellar. “We remain committed to making Santa Clarita a top choice for filming because the entertainment industry provides high paying jobs and contributes significantly to our local economy.” Santa Clarita’s numerous sound stages, movie ranches, thousands of filmfriendly locations, its one-stop shop Film Office, low-cost film permits and ideal location within the industry’s 30 Mile Zone, have made the City one of the most filmed areas in California. For more information about filming in Santa Clarita, visit FilmSantaClarita. com or contact the Film Office at (661) 284-1425. For an insider’s view to filming in Santa Clarita, follow the Santa Clarita Film Office on Instagram (@FilmSantaClarita). Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 12 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Athletes of the Week Marissa Kneisel Trevin Kozlowski C A She is a member of the college’s women’s soccer and track & field programs and the first COC studentathlete to win the CCCAA/CCCSIA award since its inception in 2012. She is also the first soccer play to be honored. Trevin is the U.S. Hockey Report’s 2016 Prep Player of the Year and Goaltender of the Year. He was also chosen for the American Family Insurance first team All-USA Boys hockey. ollege of the Canyons sophomore dual-sport student-athlete Marissa “Mari” Kneisel has been named the California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA) & California Community College Sports Information Association (CCCSIA) 2015-16 Female Athlete of the Year. In 2015, the standout forward registered 31 goals, 12 assists and 74 points to lead Canyons in all categories, while serving as a team co-captain and starting all 21 games for the Cougars. She led the state in goals, points, shots and shots on goal, while ranking 19th in assists. Included in her season totals were 11 game-winning scores. n ice hockey goalie from Valencia, Trevin Kozlowski has been playing hockey at eastern prep school The Gunnery and making headlines. This year, he was invited to attend the Anaheim Ducks Development camp after breaking The Gunnery’s record for most shutouts in a season. His school won the New England championships for prep school hockey. “I am extremely proud of Mari for receiving this honor,” said COC women’s soccer head coach Justin Lundin. “She has demonstrated outstanding character from the first day she stepped on our campus and I can’t think of a better representative of College of the Canyons Athletics.” This season he will play for the Salmon Arm Silverbacks in the British Columbia Hockey League before heading to West Point in the fall of 2017. Brought to you by: Proud Sponsors of Santa Clarita Valley Athletics 19252 Soledad Cyn Rd 661-250-9464 www.buffalowildwings.com VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 13 Non-Profit of the Week Canyon Theatre Guild ‘Entertaining, Educating, and Enriching’ the SCV Communtiy with Live Theatre F or nearly half a century, the Canyon Theatre Guild has brought live theatre performances to the SCV with the goal of entertaining, educating and enriching the local community. In the “Jack Oakie STARS” workshop, children age 13 through 17 are giving their final performances this weekend of “Legally Blonde: The Musical.” The show follows the transformation of Elle Woods, a character made well-known by Reese Witherspoon in the non-musical feature film. She fights stereotypes, snobbery and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. Ticket prices are $10 for adults, $8 for seniors 62+ and $5 for juniors under 18 years old. The CTG performing arts team puts on full-scale productions every season – drawing approximately 30,000 attendees – and has been recognized as the “Best Live Theatre” in the Santa Clarita Valley by the Reader’s Poll every year since its inception. The Canyon Theatre Guild’s production of “The Wizard of Oz” opens the following weekend, on July 23 and runs through August 14. This performance will be held at the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center on the campus of College of the Canyons, 26455 Rockwell Canyon Road in Valencia. The CTG also offers daytime, after school and summer workshops for children age 6 through 17, with 10 percent of all participants given full scholarships based on financial need. Throughout these workshops, local youth receive training in multiple aspects of production in a working theatre. Every year, CTG officials donate hundreds of free theatre tickets to the Boys & Girls Club, churches and other nonprofit organizations, and award a scholarship to a graduating senior from a local high school. This summer, CTG’s summer workshops included “CTG Kids” for ages 6 through 10, learning and performing “The Mediating Munchkins.” CTG Juniors, ages 10-13, have been performing “The Big Bad Musical.” For more information about the Canyon Theatre Guild, or for ticketing information, go to www.canyontheatre.org or call the box office at 661-7992702. Proud to support Santa Clarita’s Non-Profit Community, Jen Gerard and Brought to you by: www.gerardcosmetics.com www.whiteninglightning.com Free Household Hazardous E-Waste Collection Event July 30 Santa Clarita residents are encouraged to bring unwanted hazardous household and electronic waste to the local Household Hazardous Waste /E-Waste Roundup on Saturday, July 30, 2016. Due to the positive feedback from last year’s event, this free event will again take place in the Canyon Country community from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Via Princessa Metrolink Station, located at 19201 Via Princessa. Residents should enter from Weyerhaeuser Way at Via Princessa between Whites Canyon and Sierra Highway. Items not eligible for disposal at the event include: Hazardous waste and electronic waste from businesses Explosives, ammunition, and radioactive materials Garbage and tires White goods such as refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, etc. Controlled substances The Household Hazardous/E-Waste Roundup allows residents to safely and securely dispose of household hazardous waste and unwanted electronic equipment (e-waste). A number of household hazardous waste items will be accepted at the event, including brake fluid, paint, paint thinner, cleaners with acid or lye, pesticides or herbicides, household batteries and car batteries, pool chemicals, motor oil, oil filters, expired pharmaceuticals, anti-freeze and fluorescent light bulbs. The Household Hazardous Waste/E-Waste Roundup is open to all Los Angeles County residents. No appointments or reservations are needed to attend. E-waste items eligible for disposal at the event include computers, monitors, televisions, computer CPUs, keyboards, printers, cell phones, VCRs, fax machines and stereos. For more information on the Household Hazardous Waste/E-Waste Roundup and additional household hazardous waste permanent collection centers, visit www.lacsd.org or call (888) CLEAN LA. Residents disposing of household hazardous waste at the event should pack items in a sturdy box, preferably in their original labeled containers. Residents should be prepared to leave containers and boxes and empty all other items from their trunk. Upon arrival at the event, residents may remain in their cars while trained personnel remove the hazardous waste from the trunk. *Residents may also recycle paint at participating retailers through the PaintCare Program. Details are available at GreenSantaClarita.com. The Household Hazardous Waste/E-Waste Roundup is sponsored by the County of Los Angeles and presented by the Department of Public Works and the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, in cooperation with the City of Santa Clarita. Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 14 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Lee Barnathan Contributor Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Mobile Home Mess W hen the Parklane Mobile Estates residents came to the March 31 meeting of the Manufactured Home Rental Adjustment Panel, they thought they were going to get to appeal the previously announced rent increase. The city’s officials posted 102 of those pages on its website. Instead, it appeared the meeting turned into a challenge of the very petition they used to earn the right to appeal. Cole finally sent notice on Mar. 14 that the appeal would be heard Mar. 31. The law is a complicated matter, as they perhaps re-discovered. The appeal actually occurred, but the attorney representing the owners outworked, outmaneuvered and outsmarted everyone, meaning the residents had to pay an additional $30.55 a month. According to the meeting minutes, Fraser disputed the item coming before the panel. Rodriguez said last week that the residents shouldn’t have been shocked, because they knew back on Nov. 23 that the owners were objecting to the petition on those grounds. “We can understand why they were thrown for a loop,” said City Housing Program Administrator Erin Lay, who attended the meeting. Lay explained it this way last week: “An appeal is a legal action in which both parties get to make their claims. The owners wanted a rent increase, then tenants objected, but the owners have the right to due process.” When the Jan. 28 meeting occurred, the minutes showed no mention of Parklane. Nor did the minutes from the next meeting, Feb. 22. This did not sit well with Douglas Fraser, a member of the five-person panel and one of two members to represent the residents. He blamed the City of Santa Clarita for letting down the residents and called on Lay and other staff to be barred from all Panel business. Lay, who said she helped write this part of the municipal code, admitted that the rights of due process and cross-examination are not specifically spelled out in the code. “City staff needs to be impartial when they conduct their business,” Fraser said. “The city’s business-oriented attitude is not helping the residents.” “This is very complex stuff, very hard,” she said, “and you’re expecting older people to read 6.02 when city staff doesn’t want to read it.” The story began last September, when Parklane residents received news of a rent increase effective Jan. 1. According to City Municipal Code 6.02, residents may appeal to the Manufactured Rental Adjustment Panel using a prescribed three-page petition form that must be submitted to the city’s Community Development Department within 45 days of receiving the notice of increase or Nov. 14, whichever is earlier. The department received the petition on Nov. 9, according to city documents. Not so for Rodriguez. He pointed out that all Cole and his staff did was count the signatures, which he called a “prima facie counting.” Nor did they – and Rodriguez said no city should be expected to – do the title searches to verify each resident because it’s time consuming and, at $35 a name, expensive. Most important is the third page, the Resident Signature Form. At least 50 percent plus one of the affected residents must sign this form. In this case, Lay said, that’s 203 people. Once the Community Development Department receives the entire petition, the head of the department, in this case Tom Cole, must certify that the petition meets the guidelines set forth in the municipal code. If it does, an appeal hearing is scheduled, and the fee increase does not go into effect until after that hearing. Oakland-based attorney Anthony Rodriquez, representing the owners, received the petition and, in a letter dated Nov. 23 and addressed to Cole, objected to the petition on two grounds: that the owners did not receive the petition in time and that there weren’t enough valid signatures. Rodriguez outlined how that was so: City Municipal Code Sec. 6.02.020 (D) defines a resident as “any person entitled to occupy a manufactured home as the owner thereof or pursuant to a rental or lease agreement with the owner of a manufactured home.” Cole, nonetheless, responded to Rodriguez via email on Dec. 2, informing him that the appeal petition meets the standards and the hearing would be held in January. Cole added, “Your client may bring forth whatever information it feels is relevant for the Panel for its consideration on this issue.” (Calls to Cole’s office were forwarded to Lay.) Rodriguez responded on Dec. 4 with another letter repeating the same claims. Then on Jan. 27 and again on Mar. 10, Rodriguez submitted hundreds of pages that included title searches from the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and other documents related to the appeal that he said showed five signatures were duplicates and 37 others were invalid because they were not the names on the title deed. The minutes show the panel discussed the definition of “resident” versus “owner” and ultimately voted 3-2 to deny the petition. Rodriguez was satisfied. “We had the right to appeal Mr. Cole’s decision,” he said last week. “We had the right to challenge Mr. Cole’s findings that the petition could go forward. We proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that there were not enough signatures.” Lay said she felt badly. Fraser was not satisfied, however. “City staff validated all the signatures,” he insisted. “Tom Cole, his staff validated the signatures.” Fraser further alleged in several May emails that Lay and Assistant City Attorney Rachel Richman did not follow the procedures in the city code and proposed that Lay and Richman be barred from all panel business, pending an investigation. Nothing has come of that. Lay said, and Fraser admitted, that there has been a contentious relationship between the city leaders and Fraser. “My first meeting was in 2007 and there never has been a change in attitude,” Lay said. Fraser responded. “I’ve been a thorn in their side for 10 years,” he said, adding that he was happy that the matter has been publicly aired. Perhaps the final indignity: The residents were required to pay the $30.55 increase retroactively to Jan. 1. Owners are giving them some extra time to pay it, however. VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 15 Visit our New E Store at www.BennettHoney.com We Have The Dodgers! Open for Lunch and Dinner Monday through Saturday 11:30 to Closing Open Sunday 4 p.m. to Closing Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 16 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Weekend Scenic every Saturday Weekend Scenic to Santa Paula Every Saturday in July 12-4 Weekend Scenic to Piru & Bennett’s Honey July 10, August 14 12-3 $25 adults • $23 senior $15 4-12 yrs • $10 2-3 yrs August 6 Margarita Madness Dinner Train August 20 Murder Mystery Dinner Train Grand Opening! July 16 & August 20 Murder Mystery Dinner Train YOUR NEW NEIGHBORHOOD (18 and up only) SIERRA 6:30 pm $89 per person choice of entree Prime Rib, Chicken Cordon Bleu, Blackened Pork Chop or Vegetarian August 13 Zombie Hunter Paintball Train 5pm (10 yrs+ to shoot) Adults/Shooter $49, Under 10 or Train ride only $25 805-524-2546 • www.fwry.com 364 Main St. Fillmore, CA 93015 Bar & GRILL RECYCLING CENTER Guaranteed Top Price In Town with this AD $$ CASH Payout $$ 27125 Sierra Hwy Santa Clarita 91351 818-383-9294 Behind Dunkin Donuts in Lower Level Parking Lot Mon-Sat 9am-5pm best steaks and burgers in town! Wide Selection of E-Liquids $10.00 OFF BUY 2, Get 1 FREE Any Purchase of $60 on E-Cig Cannot be combined with other offers expires 08/31/16 CIGARS Cannot be combined with other offers expires 8/31/16 OFF BUY 2, Get 1 FREE $5.00 Any Carton of Cigarettes E-Liquid • Bottomless Mimosas Saturdays & Sundays • Live Music Tuesday & Thursday • Nascar • All Dodgers! Cannot be combined with other offers expires 8/31/16 Offers valid and accepted at any of our3 locations at the same value or less. Hours of Operation: Mon-Sat 8am-9pm • Sun 9am-8:30pm CIG STORE #1 251-3133 16404 Delone St., Canyon Country Sand Canyon & 14 fwy - next to Mobil Gas Must buy 2 cartons (cash only) or $2 off a carton Cannot be combined with other offers expires 8/31/16 CIG 4 SALE CIG WORLD 18563 SOLEDAD CANYON RD 27649 BOUQUET CANYON RD 16507 SOLEDAD CANYON RD CANYON COUNTRY CA 91351 SAUGUS CA 91350 CANYON COUNTRY CA 91387 661-250-8430 661-263-8719 661-250-4808 VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 By Robin Sandoval Contributor Your Hometown News and Classifieds 17 If You Know You Have a Warrant, It’s Best to Turn Yourself In W hen someone is suspected of committing a crime and confronted by law enforcement, they don’t really have a choice as to what happens to them; they will be arrested. When someone finds out they have a warrant out for their arrest, they’ll be faced with two options: Ignore it and hope to avoid law enforcement forever, or they can turn themselves in. Being in custody can be nerve-racking; the fact of the matter is, though, it is the correct choice to turn yourself in if you know you have a warrant. That life isn’t as glamorous as Hollywood can make it out to be, and it’s nearly impossible to completely avoid law enforcement forever. Odds are, unless you plan on moving to the moon, you’re going to have a run-in with law enforcement at one point or another in the future. The upside to turning yourself in, however, is in the amount of anxiety saved (as well as time spent in custody afterward). Before turning yourself in to law enforcement, the first thing a person should do is to obtain legal counsel. A criminal defense attorney can provide invaluable advice, walk you through the arrest and booking process, and ensure that you’re well-aware of your rights. Speaking with a defense attorney before you’ve been arrested will also be beneficial, in that they can begin working on your case as early as possible. When you wait to obtain legal counsel or a court appointed public defender when you’re in custody, there’s no telling how long it can take. Also, you may find that your choices are significantly limited. Once you have decided to turn yourself in, if you plan on getting out of jail as quickly as possible, the next person to call is a local, experienced bail bondsman. When you contact a bail bondsman before you’ve turned yourself in, they can work with you and your family members to pull any resources together, set up the paperwork, help family members understand the bail process, costs and payment plan, and your court obligations. When a bail bondsman knows where and when you’re planning to turn yourself in, this can also significantly help the timing of your release. When you do turn yourself in, you’ll have to go through the standard booking and processing procedures (photographs, fingerprints, etc.). This can take anywhere from two to eight hours or longer, depending on how busy the station/jail is at the time. Once that process is completed, bail will be set by a judge and if bail is allowed, it will be possible to obtain your release via bail bond. In summary, if you have all your ducks in a row before turning yourself in, the bond can be posted immediately upon your being cleared for bail. Once released, make sure to get to your court dates and abide by the judge’s orders and you will be able to put this all behind you, and get on with the more pleasant things in life. Robin Sandoval is a California Licensed Bail Bondsman and owner of SCV Bail Bonds. Robin writes blogs and articles to help increase community awareness of the bail industry. If you have questions or want to suggest a topic, email robin@scvbailbonds.com, visit www.scvbailbonds.com or call 661-299-2245. bad boys and girls A 27-year-old rig hand from Castaic was picked up for possession of an opium pipe/drug paraphernalia. And an unemployed 25-year-old from Long Beach was charged with possession of a narcotic/ drug/alcohol/drug paraphernalia in jail. A 47-year-old barber from Oakland, a 23-year-old construction worker from La Canada, an unemployed 20-year-old Canyon Country man and a 19-year-old unemployed man from Valerie, Calif. were arrested for burglary. A 21-year-old server from Palmdale was charged with possession of concentrated cannabis with specific prior arrests. A 26-year-old unemployed Lancaster man was charged with damaging property. Charges of possession of a controlled substance went to: 40-year-old videographer from Puyallup, Wash. 30-year-old construction worker from Pacoima 18-year-old music teacher from Canyon Country A 39-year-old cleaning woman from Newhall was picked up for corporal injury on a spouse/cohabitant. And a 51-year-old forklift driver from Newhall was picked up for battery against a former spouse. A 26-year-old Newhall man who works in petitions was picked up for carrying a concealed weapon. A 20-year-old Castaic man who works at Magic Mountain was cited for shoplifting. A 31-year-old EMT from Lancaster was charged with theft of personal property. An unemployed 36-year-old Canyon Country man was charged with illegal possession of a false U.S. document. A 30-year-old Canyon Country electrician was charged with forging/making/using an access card to defraud. A 39-year-old carpenter from Santa Clarita was arrested for taking a vehicle without the owner’s consent. DUIs with prior arrests included: 40-year-old unemployed Canyon Country man 24-year-old bartender from Lancaster 48-year-old supervisor from Santa Clarita 41-year-old unemployed Santa Clarita man 22-year-old technician from Saugus 46-year-old Ventura woman serving in the Navy 29-year-old plant manager from Lake Hughes 43-year-old Valencia man who works in medical sales 21-year-old unemployed Saugus woman local crime report In the Neighborhood In Saugus: A report of grand theft from a building came in on July 7 at 6:10 p.m. on the 26400 block of Bouquet Canyon Road. On July 8 at 9 p.m. an alleged grand theft auto occurred on the 27900 block of Helton Drive. In Valencia: A petty theft from an auto allegedly occurred on the 25900 block of Pueblo Drive on July 10 at 3:30 a.m. And a petty theft from an auto was also reported on July 11 at 1:37 a.m. on the 24400 block of Valencia Blvd. In Stevenson Ranch: A burglary was reported on the 25600 block of The Old Road on July 11 at 1:30 p.m. In Santa Clarita: A grand theft auto charge was reported on July 8 at 10:26 a.m. on the 23200 block of Sierra Highway. In Canyon Country: A grand theft auto charge came in on July 4 at 8:45 a.m. on the 20800 block of Santa Clara. Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 18 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Bankruptcy: Finding Hope in Tough Financial Times Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Un-Tiring By Arif M. Halaby, CEP Contributor By Ray Bulaon, Esq. Contributor “I can’t believe this is happening to me. Life’s not fair. I haven’t done anything bad. Why do I feel like I’m being punished for something I didn’t do?” These are words often heard from people struggling with financial problems. At one time or another in your life, you may face debt problems that you don’t know what to do about. You may find yourself unemployed, sick, in the middle of a painful divorce or a failed business venture. We are living in tough economic times. Bankruptcy is nothing more than a tool to help you obtain a fresh financial start. The honest debtor who lacks the resources to pay back creditors is given a chance to start a new life free from the burden of debts. Our very own U. S. Congress realized this more than 100 years ago, and thus, enacted bankruptcy laws that will help debtors who are in genuine need of debt relief. These laws were passed to help, not hurt you. So, if you are facing serious debt problems and don’t feel like you deserve to be in this situation, there is no need to over-analyze everything and try to make sense of what you are going through. The first step to financial recovery is a simple acknowledgement of where you are and taking responsibility for your problems. Whatever you are going through will soon pass. The past doesn’t have to be your future – unless you let it, by dwelling on things that you cannot change. Atty. Ray J. Bulaon has been a debt relief attorney since 1998 and has helped more than 5,000 clients get out of debt and solve tax problems. For a free consultation, call his Valencia office at (866) 477-7772. W hy do most people have to go back to work AFTER retiring? newer companies that have yet to prove themselves to you. Purpose and money. These two factors are always a part of the reasoning behind people choosing to “Un-Tire.” There may be many other reasons as well, but these seem to make up a majority of the components involved in the decision. My experience has taught me that “purpose” is, by far, a better reason to return to work, even if it’s part-time employment. Having enough money to stay retired can keep you from becoming Un-Tired. But what about purpose? Everyone needs to have a reason to get up in the morning and that initially begins with grandkids. But once they are older (which means you may have been retired for 10 years or more), the need for you to be close by every day diminishes. That means you may Un-Tire just to feel needed and important, which is often satisfied by working part-time in a job that doesn’t require huge responsibility or supervisory skills. I have also seen this need fulfilled through volunteer work and the development of hobbies. How do you avoid the need for money being the main reason to return? Simple. Have enough retirement income so that all of your needs and wants are met, and then some. Annuities have satisfied the retirement income need for retirees for decades. Fixed and fixed index annuities can offer the guarantee that you can never run out of money and still not lose your principal when the market goes down. The losses in one’s retirement savings have been a significant cause of retirees running out of money. Annuities provide a guarantee, based on the strength of the company you choose. In my opinion, you should select a company with minimum guarantees, a high rating, and a long track record. Companies that have been around for decades and that have seen many market and economic conditions seem to show the most stability. Stay away from Keep in mind that many of you will UnTire someday, and when you do, it is better to do it for “purpose” and not for the money. You can solve the money issue by using financial vehicles like fixed or fixed indexed annuities to supplement retirement income. Then the choice comes down to purpose. What job will you choose in your Un-Tirement? Arif M. Halaby is a Certified Estate Planner in the State of California, and the President/CEO of Total Financial Solutions, Inc., a financial and insurance services company based in Santa Clarita, California, with offices extending to the San Fernando and Antelope Valleys. MOVIE Times valid July 15- July 21 LISTING Any movie before 5:15 is a Matinee G.A.T.S. or passes may not be accepted at all shows. (Check with theater). Accessibility devices available. EDWARDS VALENCIA GRAND PALACE STADIUM 24435 Town Center Dr - 287-1740 Ghostbusters: An IMAX 3D Experience (PG-13) • 1 hr 57 min No passes 10:45a 1:45p 4:45p 7:45p 10:45p Ghostbusters 3D No passes 10:15a Ghostbusters (2016) (PG-13) • 1 hr 47 min No passes 1:15p 4:15p 7:15p 10:15p Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates (R) • 1 hr 38 min 11:45a 2:35p 5:20p 8:05p 10:50p The Secret Life of Pets 3D(PG) • 1 hr 31 min No passes 3:00p 5:30p 8:00p 10:30p The Secret Life of Pets (PG) • 1 hr 30 min No passes 10:10a 11:30a 12:40p 2:00p 4:30p 7:00p 9:35p The BFG (PG) • 1 hr 57 min 10:55a 1:55p 5:00p The Legend of Tarzan 3D (PG-13) • 1 hr 50 min No passes 11:00a 10:10p The Legend of Tarzan 1:45p 4:30p 7:20p The Purge: Election Year (R) • 1 hr 43 min 11:30a 2:20p 5:05p 7:50p 10:35p Independence Day: Resurgence (PG-13) • 2 hr 0 min 7:55p 10:50p The Shallows (PG-13) • 1 hr 27 min 11:35a 2:10p 4:40p 7:10p 10:05p Central Intelligence (PG-13) • 1 hr 57 min 10:25a 1:10p 3:55p 6:40p 9:25p Finding Dory 3D (PG) • 1 hr 43 min No passes 11:15a 4:50p 9:45p Finding Dory (PG) • 1 hr 43 min 10:35a 1:20p 2:05p 4:05p 6:45p 7:30p 9:30p EDWARDS CANYON COUNTRY STADIUM 10 18800 Soledad Canyon Rd (near Sierra Hwy) - 299-9385 Ghostbusters 3D N• No passes • 11:00a 11:00p Ghostbusters (2016) (PG-13) • 1 hr 47 min No passes 10:15a 1:10p 2:00p 4:05p 5:20p 7:00p 8:10p 9:40p Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates (R) • 1 hr 38 min 10:05a 1:30p 4:50p 8:30p 11:00p The Secret Life of Pets 3D (PG) • 1 hr 31 min No passes 10:00a 10:50p The Secret Life of Pets (PG) • 1 hr 30 min No passes 10:30a 11:20a 12:20p 1:00p 1:50p 2:50p 3:30p 4:20p 5:10p 6:00p 6:50p 7:40p 8:30p 9:50p The BFG (PG) • 1 hr 57 min 10:30a 12:10p 3:40p 6:40p 9:30p The Legend of Tarzan 10:50a 1:40p 4:35p 7:20p 10:00p The Purge: Election Year (R) • 1 hr 43 min 11:00a 2:50p 6:00p 9:15p Independence Day: Resurgence (PG-13) • 2 hr 0 min 12:30p 3:20p 6:30p 9:20p Finding Dory (PG) • 1 hr 43 min 10:00a 1:15p 4:10p 7:10p 10:10p VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 19 DENTAL IMPLANTS - ORAL SURGERY ORTHODONTICS (BRACES) - Financing PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Most Insurances Accepted - 0% Interest Financing Available O.A.C. All Treatments Done on Premises Experience Stress Free Treatments with our Digital Conscious Sedation System The Doctor and his team speak Spanish as well Now N ow accepting a ce ac eptiing Dentical Dentical for fo or Children Chi hild ldre re en and and Adults Adul Ad u ts s 2 Locations Lo oca ati tions on ns to o Bring Brriing you you o Better Bet ette ette er Service S rv Se r iic ce 661-250-9600 661-287-4352 NEWHALL CANYON COUNTRY July 14, 2016 September 10 - November 9, 2016 18772 Flying Tiger Dr 25044 Peachland Ave, Suite 100 On Sierra Hwy - on side of U-Haul Between Via Princessa and Soledad Across Peachland from Post Office In front of Valencia Pharmacy FREE CONSULTATION WITH ONE X-RAY WITH TREATMENT -OR- $25 FOR CONSULT 45. $ • X-RAY (NECESSARY) 00 WITH COUPON • CONSULTATION • REGULAR CLEANING WITH NO GUM DISEASE scvdentalteam@gmail.com Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 20 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 We also remove calcium deposits from pebble, rock and stone finishes. Locally owned "Our cleaning process works so well, you'll think we and operated for installed new tile." over 25 years MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE $50.00 OFF! Ask for Bill Small World Preschool Registering now for Preschool Loving & Nurturing classes for 2-year through 5-year-olds Preschool classes from 9am-12am Extended Day Care is available for all ages: 1/2 Day - 6:30 am to 12:30 pm Full Day- 6:30 am - 6:30 pm Small World Preschool 26640 Bouquet Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91350 Please contact the office at 661-296-1155 for more info www.scumc.org/small-world.html VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 21 22 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Grand Opening - Mo Hair Wig & Extension Bar #1 COMPLETE TREE SERVICE WE TRIM YOUR TREES RIGHT! • Removals • Pruning • Trimming • Stump Grinding 661-255-0297 or online @ www.tiptoparborists.com ST CONTR LIC #821770 10% OFF When you Mention the Gazette Specializing in Wigs & In & Out Services at Affordable Prices Extensions Jim Lewandowski ISAWC 1413 • Todd Walter ISAWC 10664A Tom Baal ISAWC 7566 “Serving Santa Clarita Valley And Surrounding Communities With Pride Since 1974” Bouquet Canyon Road, Valencia 951-712-1097 $5 OFF service with this ad! 24881 Railroad Ave Suite 106 ‘ Gear Up for Summer! 30% ONE DAY SERVICE! ELIMINATION GUARANTEED! AFFORDABLE HEAT TREATMENTS! WE TREAT ALL OTHER PESTS! INITIAL SERVICE Ants, Rodents, Raccoons Spiders, Bees, Gophers, REASONABLE RATES Flies, Earwigs & Much More! CALL TO COMPARE! E E! with this coupon only with any service plan expires 9-30-16 All Pro Pest Control Locally Owned & Operated in Santa Clarita GAZETTE SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Gazee Gazee Gazee Gazee VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 City on a Hill (Church) Come enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit in your heart, every Sunday starting at 1030am. Our direction is 17180 Soledad Canyon Road, Santa Clarita 91387. Right off the 14 freeway. 661-250-4797 Does anyone even read these Classifieds? SURE.. You are reading them right now. Have others look for a great deal, and find what you have to offer. Place your ad today Call 661-298-5333 Freezer Meal Workshop Make 7 meals in two hours. In my home on July 17. $30pp. Go to freezerworkshop.angelfire.com for details. 4 spaces left. Ann 661-904-1322 Your Hometown News and Classifieds Mobile Dog Groomer Wanted Full-Part time mobile Dog Groomer Wanted Local mobile dog grooming Co. seeks responsible, experienced groomer for full and or part time work. Must have clean driving r e c o r d . L e a v e message-661-300-0128 Professional Handyman de restaurante DOE Por favor solicitar en persona en Kisho 23430 Valencia Blvd Santa Clarita, Cho Cho San 19010 Ventura Blvd Tarzana y 4928 Balboa Blvd Encino. Leasing Agents Full and part-time leasing agents, for busy property management company. MUST have valid California Real Estate Agent or Broker License. MUST Have clean DMV for the last 10 years. $11 per hour. Sick time and 401K for all employees plus vacation for full time employees. Send resume to francis at screm.com BRE 00969557 Garage Sale GARAGE FURNITURE SALE. SAT. JULY 16. VALENCIA. EXECUTIVE OFFICE CHAIR. LIVING ROOM COFFEE TABLE. TABLE Lamp MANY OTHER ITEMS. Jim at 818-802-2404 Employment Swimming Pool Serviceman Wanted Pool Serviceman Wanted to do 20 - 30 pools in SCV. Must have experience, truck, ins. and speak english. Paid vacation- permanent position Scott 661 810-7080 Clerical TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN THE FREE CLASSIFIEDS Food Pantry Assistant We have a opening for a part-time Office-Warehouse Assistant, 16-20 hours per week. Provides secretarial and receptionist support , oversees the day to day volunteer activities. 2 Years min. experience. Must be bilingual. Please email your resume to infoatscvfoodpantry.org. No phone calla please. MEDICAL BILLING SPECIALISTS NEEDED! Begin training at home for a career working with Medical Billing and Insurance.. Online training at the right College can get you ready..HS Diploma-GED and Computer-Internet needed. 1-888-734-6711 Animals General BREAKFAST COOK NEEDED Saturday and Sunday only from 7am to 1 pm. For the Drifters Bar and Cocktail Lounge. Call Dennis 661-609-3153 Make $1,000 Weekly! Paid in Advance! Mailing Brochures at Home. Easy Pleasant work. Begin Immediately. Age Unimportant. www.HomeMoney77.com 2 horse trailer with ramp, 2 escape doors. tires and floor are good, asking $675 located in Agua Dulce 818-524-8009 Visit us at www.scfree.com Birds: Large white portable cage with a variety of 30 plus finches. $100.00 661-310-8289 23 HORSEBOARDING NEED DOG HELP? •Large Arena - 2 Round Pens •Racetrack Around Complete Ranch for Exercising AngelDogs Training your Horse for behavior solutions! •Clean & Feed twice a day, Lunch available •24 Hour care - Turnouts - Supplements fed - Train your dog to be an angel! • Oversized Enclosed Barn Type Stalls with Turnout plus Regular 18x24 with Cover Miles of trails - Trainers available Private Lessons please call jen 661-713-0158 Abby Blue- French Bulldog Puppy for Sale Thank you for viewing our puppies. These puppies are AKC LIMITED registration. They have been vet checked, and are up to date on shots and dewormings. Pay 500 text 406-709-8288 Dogs, dogs, sweet dogs! Charity mens ranch and food bank for the poor is selling young pups to raise money. to avoid a tax sale on the ranch. We have brown eyed huskies, and chaweenies, for only $50 each, or best offer. We are a 501c3 nonprofit. www.avhomeless.org Kelly 661-433-2654 Livestock 4 horse trailer 2 full size escape doors, located in Agua Dulce 818-524-8009 Mexican charro saddle $290located in Agua Dulce 818-524-8009 New bird cage 20 by 24sq by 52in h,$100 818-554-3691 Western Circle Y all around saddle. $400 OBO 818-524-8009 Computers A C E R A S P I R E LAPTOP/WEBCAM 15.6 ACER ASPIRE DUAL COR2.00 GHZ Proc.-320 Gb Hdd-4Gb Memory-15.6 Lcd screenwebcam-Dvdrw-Windows 10 with office and carrying case VIRUS PROTECTION, GAMING L A P T O P REFURBISHED.$140.00 818-425-7438 VISIT US ONLINE www.scfree.com DELL Core2 DesktopComputer WIRELESS SFF DELL DUO CORE 2.93 GHZ-1 TB HDD-3GB DDR2-DVDRW Windows 10 OFFICE-Wireless-22IN. MONITOR webcam SPEAKERS 2.1 SURRUOND VIRUS PROTECTION REFURBISHED 150.00 818-425-7438 NATIONAL CEMENT Mark Tipton HP CORE I3 LAPTOP/WEBCAM 17.3 IN HP G72 LAPTOP CORE I3, 2.26 GHZ,6GB MEM,500 GB HDD,WINDOWS 10 WITH OFFICE, 17.3 WIDESCREEN L C D , W I R E L E S S REFURBISHED, VIRUS PROTECTION AND CARRYING CASE $190.00 818-425-7438 Affordable Boarding and Board & Train College Certified Trainer HP DESKTOP SYSTEM 27IN WIRELESS HP DESKTOP WIRELESS QUAD 2.1 PROC. 8 GB MEMORY 1TB HDD WINDOWS 10 WITH OFFICE 27 MONITOR,5.1 SURROUND SPEAKERS WIRELESS KEYBOARD MOUSE VIRUS PROTECTION $325.00 818-425-7438 IPad Air 2 NEW REDUCED PRICE Ipad Air 2 64gb, less than a year old. Case and keypad included. excellent condition. $400 661-252-4683 Kids talking learning computer Vtech. 31 learning games. Spelling,Trivia fun,mathematics and lots more.Makes learning fun. Your child wont want to put it down. Canyon Country. $30.661-252-9723. T 0 S H I B A 1 7 . 3 LAPTOP/WEBCAM QUAD CORE 2.30 GHZ PROC. HDD 750 GB MEMORY 6GB- DVDRW WINDOWS 8.1 With OFFICE ENTERPRIZE-17.3 LCD SCREEN WEBCAM VIRUS PROTECTION REFURBISHED Carrying CASE 250.00 818-425-7438 TOSHIBA LAPTOP/WEBCAM WIDESCREEN TOSHIBA CORE I3 2.4GHz 4GB MEM 500 GB HDD WINDOWS 10 WITH OFFICE 15.6 LCD DVDRW CARRING CASE VIRUS PROTECTION REFURBISHED 180.00 818 425 7438 Audio Video 51 INCH PIONEER PROJECTION TV EXCELLENT CONDITION. BEEN IN STORAGE. $70 661-263-5017 Owner/Trainer www.angeldogstraining.com (661) 803-8461 Bose Home Theater Surround System excellent condition, never been used, in box, $300 661-373-1933 DISH TV 190 channels plus Highspeed Internet Only $49.94-mo. Ask about a 3 year price guarantee and get Netflix included for 1 year. Call Today 1-800-686-9986 Dual movie projector $50 818-363-5492 Karaoke Machine brand new with speaker $55 plus 2 DVD tapes monitor included 661-284-6498 Magnum Dynalab Analog FM Turner Magnum Dynalab Analog FM Tuner. $300. 619-871-2010 Marantz receiver model no. 2230, $300 818-554-3691 Moving sale Sony TV 32 inch $160 661-600-8865 Nikon 35mm-f2-silicon blue with nikkor 50mm lens, $250 818-363-5492 Onyko stereo receiver model no. ht-r340, $25 818-554-3691 Panasonic 42-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV Television 1920 x 1080 Resolution. This HDTV is in very good condition. Included remote control, HDMI cable and manual . Model TH-42PZ700U. $99. Call 661-775-8168. Shure microphone model number sm57-lc, new in box, $40 818-363-5492 SAMSUNG 61 inch HDTV DLP TV WIDESCREEN EXCELLENT This SAMSUNG HL-R6167W 61 inch DLP HDTV is in EXCELLENT condition. It was VERY LIGHTLY USED, so it has an excellent picture. Remote and manual are included. $199. Call 661-775-8168. Vernon 8mm film editor $40 818-363-5492 Phones Motorola Droid 3 Verizon Touch screen Used very good condition clean ESN comes with USB charger $50818-268-2276 Other Epson WorkForce WF-2650 WIRELESS PRINT COPY SCAN FAX VERY NICE AND MOVABLE. PRINTS FROM iPAD iPhone TABLETS. NEVER HAS BEEN USED. JUST PURCHASED A COUPLE OD MONTHS AGE. 100 661 250-7897 Pixma pro 9000 mark II new in box, $150 818-554-3691 INDEPENDENT POOL & SPA SERVICE ASSOCIATION MEMBER National Cement Company of California, Inc. MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN National Cement Company, Inc. has a need for qualified Mechanical Maintenance Technicians. We have a proactive maintenance team involved in heavy industry where the technician performs a variety of tasks that include rebuilding and repairing of plant equipment, welding and fitting, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, lifting and rigging, precision tool work, etc. these tasks must be completed within company safety and housekeeping guidelines. Why Hire An IPSSA Member? Liability Insurance Mandatory Water Chemistry Certified Advanced Continuing Mechanical & Water Chemistry Training Sick Route Coverage - Uninterrupted Pool Service Guaranteed IPSSA Code of Ethics Kent Simpson, owner, offers conscientious, reliable pool service at affordable prices. CORNERSTONE POOLS Qualified candidates should submit their resume to talexis@natcem.com for consideration. National Cement is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Contractor Lic. #888587 Health Dept. Lic. #4875 661-373-9901 WWW.CORNERSTONEPOOLS.NET Pet Adoptions brought to you by Valencia Veterinary Center 263-9000 23928 Summerhill Lane, Valencia 91354 www.bestvalenciavet.com Cooper is the most loving boy ever! He'll grab hold of your leg or arm and not let go unitl you pick him up! Kisses galore! He loves to run and play! He's about 1 1/2 yrs and weighs 10 lbs, Corgi and Terrier mixhe is a beautiful boy! Anxious to be loved, he gets so excited to see people! This boy loves walks and playing! He's afraid of some kids, so a couple or individual would be his best owners. He would be a perfect companion pet too:) Visit for Rescued Animals and New Clients This beautiful sweet soul is 'AVA'. She has the most loving temperment. She is ready for her new family! She never barks, loves everyone and is potty trained. She's about six lbs. Ava is special with those soulfull big brown eyes. Just darling, she's an indoor girl only. She's great with other pets. Daisy now 2 years old, humble and sweet and loves all animals and people (but afraid of men) and loves kids. Only 6 lbs. Great on the leash, loves to cuddle and sit on your lap. Rescues on the Runway (661) 305-5700 rescuesonrunway@aol.com Website: http://www.rescuesontherunway.org/ Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 24 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Now and Then By Linda Pedersen Contributor The Rocking Horse Derby T elevision and radio personality Ralph Story hosted a nostalgic program back in the late ‘60s, early ‘70s that still runs from time to time on our local public broadcasting stations. He called it “Things That Aren’t Here Anymore.” Ralph would take viewers around Los Angeles and point out the spots where famous landmarks like The Brown Derby Restaurant once stood. And he would remind residents of bygone sounds, such as the friendly whistle of the Helms Bakery Truck on their neighborhood streets. room. In subsequent years, the monies funded other hospital needs. With the help of wood cutting geniuses Earl Lewis and Jerome Arnett, along with designer Evan Arnold, a fleet of small horses on casters was fashioned to carry riders down and back the length of the Cal Arts Main Galley (renamed Disney Downs in honor of the event). Betty and her committee of Hospital Guild members added decorating touches and talked local restaurateurs into providing food for the jockeys and the fans. Pre-race festivities included a fashion parade of local socialites wearing gowns that rivaled the Ascot Races outfits featured in “My Fair Lady.” Dress shop owners Aggie Lewis and Margo Hudson created many of the costumes. Next came the elaborately festooned horses, paraded into the arena by their decorators. Bearing catchy names like ZsaZsa, Impromptu Miss, Sha Na Na, Little Hula Horse, and Masked Marvel, the three-foot-high steeds were draped in everything from satin and sequins to bright red plumage, black velvet and calico frills. Eva Millsap and Joyce Armstrong won the Grand Prize for most elaborately decorated horse three years in a row! Eva Milsap and Joyce Armstrong Bell put finishing touches on their prize-winning entry for the 1980 Rocking Horse Derby. The Santa Clarita Valley could have its own version of that show – not only in things that aren’t here anymore (The Mustang Drive-In, Mama Toni’s Restaurant, Milt Diamond’s General Store), but in fundraisers as well. One wildly popular event that ran for a number of years in the ‘70s and ‘80s was the Rocking Horse Derby. Realtor and Chamber of Commerce member Betty Bardwell developed the concept to raise money for the Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital’s emergency Finally, it was time for the races. The first race was a traditional rivalry between the Sheriff ’s Department and the California Highway Patrol, which featured antics and stunts that delighted the crowd of 600 cheering spectators. In all, the Rocking Horse Derby had all the spills and thrills that only horse racing on wheels could provide. Riders on their tiny mounts, would eagerly wait for the starter’s horn, then scramble down the raceway in windmills of flying feet and legs, often swerving out of their lanes and bumping into rival racers. The most competitive and daring jockeys, who managed to stay on their steeds and avoid tipping over, would plow into hay bales at the finish line, some- Rocking Horse Derby jockeys race for the finish line. times sailing over the tops of their trusty mounts. And what fun to see a favorite businessman or politician finish by a nose – well, actually land on his nose! Winners over the years included Lt. John O’Brien, Lt. Tom Rogers, Rusty Clark, Beth Asmus, Dave Hooker, Deryl Ketchum, Dr. Gary London, Rick Stephens, Bruce Mullen, John Relic, and Roger Wells. In addition to the ticket price for the event, more fundraising opportunities came from the purchased scrip that was used for betting on the entrants, and the auctioning of the horses when the event was over. The Rocking Horse Derby was a spectacle worthy of a Cecil B. DeMille production, and perhaps it was unrealistic to expect it to survive for more than a few years, considering the hours of planning, the number of volunteers, and the energy that such an enterprise takes. In any event, with all its thrills, chills, and the occasional scratches and bruises, it probably couldn’t survive in today’s litigious atmosphere. BRIDGE BITES from The American Contract Bridge League THE KEY CARD By: Brian Gunnell West opens 3♠ and eventually South becomes Declarer in 6♥. West’s opening lead is the ♠K, won by Declarer’s Ace. Looking just at the N-S ♠3 ♥ AKQ2 ♣K is with East. That means that he will need to score 7 or 8 trump tricks if he is to make his slam. And with East sure to be out of Spades by now, ? ♦ AK95 ♠ KQT9852 ♣ A765 North ♥5 ♦8 ♠J One possibility is to hope for 2-2 trumps and for East to have the ♣K. In ♥ T43 West East ♣ K982 ♦ QJT7642 ♣ JT Declarer ♠ A764 to have less than his share of the Hearts … secondly, this line requires the ♣K with East, and those readers who have peeked at the E-W hands can see that this is not the case. ♥ J9876 ♦3 three Spades high in Dummy: win the ♠A, cross to the ♣ Q43 works against most distributions, requiring only that East has the ♥T. That’s the key card on this deal, not the ♣K! Visit www.acbldistrict23.org to find a bridge club near you or learn to play online at www.acbl.org/learntoplaybridge. VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 25 Van Nuys Appliances We Buy and Sell Used Appliances PLUMBING AND DRAIN SERVICE • Stoves • Washers • Dryers and much mu more! ave We h NDS USA THO liances in p of ap ventory! our in Where Service is the Difference! DEPENDABLE 24-HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES IMMEDIATE RESPONSE HUGE SAVINGS FOR SCV FOOD PANTRY DONORS DON’T REPLACE AFTER REGLAZE Bathtubs • Sinks • Countertops Reglaze dated surfaces of Tile, Formica or Cultured Marble with a speckled finish to give them modern look of stone. BEFORE Over 100 colors to choose from! Mention this ad for $ SPRING SALE • MARCH 19-22 50 OFF Scan this QR code with your smartphone to watch our video. PKB REGLAZING 800-951-5659 WWW.PKBREGLAZING.COM Owners Danny & Tina Phillips Victory Blvd. Call for a FREE Estimate & In-Home Consultation. Van Nuys Blvd. Lic. #941976 A Real Family Owned & Operated Reglazing Company Vanowen St. COME VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 16507 Soledad Canyon Road, Ste. 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FREE Home of the 3 Year / 50,000 Mile Automatic Transmission Warranty TOWING with major repairs Don't Get Stuck Service Your Transmission Today! FREE! Check Engine Light On? We’ll check it for FREE! (with repairs) Large Inventory of New, Rebuilt And Used Transmissions Competition TRANSMISSIONS lic or C l l a C y! Toda Highly Recommended by Santa Clarita Valley Residents CLUTCH PROBLEM? Bring it in for a FREE Inspection Fast Pr Professional rofessiona ofessiona al & Qu Q Quality ality a lity y Service at Affordable Prices Automatic Standard Clutch Jobs * REAR ENDS 4x4 SPECIALIST k 661-298-8827 WWW .C OMPETITION T RANSMISSIONS . COM wery 18003 Sierra Hwy. Canyon Country 1/2 Mile North of Soledad Hablamos Español L N S aH ierr wy. Soledad Cyn. Rd. COMPLETE AUTO DETAILING • Autos • Boats • RV’s • Trucks • Street Rods • Show Cars • Motorcycles Spend Your Money in the SCV. Shop Local. 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Here’s a look at what happened on this week in Santa Clarita Valley records and lore… Guild and was my old office at the newspaper. 80 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK, 1936 ... • Stupidity and the motor vehicle is not a new combination. A reckless father overturned his speeding big V-8 up Mint Canyon. He, his wife and children were severely injured when the car flipped three times. “The oranges, coffee, plums and groceries were mixed up with pillows and blood on the car,” noted a witness. • or mailboxes. • It’s nearly impossible to imagine the pain the poor Ramirez family went through. Their house burned to the ground a week earlier. In the confusion, they left their five-year-old daughter inside. A few days later, their only other child, just 3 months old, fell ill and died moments after being taken to the hospital. • As was often the case, it was impossible for the SCV to lobby with L.A. County. A contingent of locals unsuccessfully petitioned to have Hasley Canyon spelled at least phonetically correct. Hasley is an old typo. It’s really “Islay,” from the Tataviam name for Prunus ilicifolia — or, as you lay people call it: the holly leaf cherry. IN EONS GONE BY … • Believe it or not, The Gazette was not the SCV’s first newspaper. The valley’s SECOND newspaper, The Acton Rooster, published its premier edition on July 15, 1891. It goes in and out of business over the years (it’s “out” right now, I do believe). The SCV’s FIRST newspaper? The name is lost to history. But it was published by Billy Carlson, a bookkeeper for the Coast Oil Company in Newhall in the late 1870s. It was a 2-page broadsheet. Hope Gazette publisher Doug Sutton doesn’t get any ideas, but Carlson printA HALF CENTURY AGO THIS WEEK, 1966 ... ed and distributed just 10 copies each week — EACH • Lots of projects never get off the drawing board. COMPLETELY WRITTEN IN LONG HAND. An artist’s sketch of a giant gingerbread house was Carlson would become a millionaire, making, and circulating around town. It was to be a huge ski relosing, a fortune in real estate. While in Newhall, besort in Frazier Park. I’m pretty darn sure the megasides working at the oil company and being a longchalet was never built. Remember that? Snow on the hand newspaper publisher, Carlson was a failed goat local mountains? rancher. After buying 50 goats, Bill was wondering • Not too many people — Baptists included — rewhy his herd was not expanding, as they’re supposed member Robert K. Bross. He was the Vista, Califorto do in the farming business. Turned out Billy didn’t nia businessman who donated $250,000 to build a know Billy had bought all Billy goats. new gym for Los Angeles Baptist College in Plac• July 14, 1876, deep within a mountain, a erita Canyon. Today, LABC is The Master’s ColChinese laborer in a rubber suit stuck his pick Back on this date in 1986, future assemblyman and Santa Clarita councilman Cam- lege and Bross’ gym is still there. through a wall and shook hands with another eron Smyth was strutting his stuff on stage. The 17-year-old Hart student appeared • Somewhere was a thief with an upset tummy. in a Hart High skit as one of the Village People (the gay song-&-dance ensemble Chinese worker. Thus, the first air was ex- made famous for their anthem, “Macho Man.”) The future community leader played Dubbed “The Junk Food Bandit,” the crook changed between the San Fernando and Santa the motorcycle patrol officer character, complete with boots, helmet, and heaven broke into the Mint Canyon Little League snack Clarita valleys — underground. That very day, knows what else. So next time you see our former mayor out in public, go up to bar and stole 25 pounds of hot dogs, buns, 50 construction was completed on the 6,940-foot him, smile, do your best “nae nae” dance move (made famous by comedian Martin boxes of Cracker Jacks and apparently nothing long Newhall train tunnel, one of the longest in Lawrence in his TV show) while humming the theme to “Y.M.C.A.” Who knows? with which to wash it all down. Maybe Cam will dance with you … the world in its day. Originally, the SCV had 11 train tunnels. All but three were blown up dur40 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK, 1976 ... ing World War II to protect against Axis saboteurs. Hot here eight decades back — 110-plus. Before air • I wonder if Dr. Patrick Shaughnessy had an alibi There was a payroll of around 350 white workers conditioning, SCVians slept in the summertime on for the 1966 snack bar caper. The good soul launched and 500 Chinese at the start of construction of the their screened-in porches. Or, they just slept outside. a program at Sierra Vista Jr. High to cut down on Newhall Train Tunnel. That payroll would grow to • Locals were divided about recalling Governor the wretched crap schools put in their completely 1,500. It was extremely dangerous work. The ground Frank Merriam. He had defeated socialist/author misworded “nutrition” program. Pat replaced the was saturated with oil and water and it kept cav- Upton Sinclair in 1934, then introduced the state junk food in the vending machines with healthier ing in and killing workers. A good day was 4 feet income tax. The growing federal government was grub. The result? Income from the machines fell in of progress. Digging toward one another from San already taking 50 percent — and more — from a month from $8,000 to $5,000. You may write your Fernando to Newhall, the tunnel was only off by a wealthier citizens. The California tax would make own damning editorial… half-inch. the top rate more than 70 percent. Then, Merriam • Country/western singing star Merle Travis and his suggested the state taking over factories and private wife, Betty, moved into the Lily of the Valley Mobile 90 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK, 1926 ... businesses. And, state unemployment was at a stag- Home Park. Yup. Into a trailer. • We used to have a highway tunnel linking the SCV gering 30 percent. • A 25-year-old San Diego woman was crushed to with the SFV on the southern end of Sierra Highdeath on I-5. The last thing she saw were the two way. This week in 1926, workers flicked a switch to 70 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK, 1946 ... huge wheels, tires and axle assembly from a big rig light up a giant, rotating search light over the Ne- • Future Oscar-winner and local cowboy Ben John- truck bouncing toward her Volkswagen. The assemwhall Highway Tunnel. The big bulb lit up the skies son was most sad. His dog, Pal, a redbone hound, bly just broke off the truck after it had left the Castaic for miles. In 1926, we had Newhall International got in a fight with a mountain lion and died. scales. Airport and planes made daily landings and take- • A popular Sylmar boy, Jim Chandler, drowned in offs from the strip, near where Granary Square is to- front of horrified friends in a 25-foot-deep irrigation 30 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK, 1986 ... day. It was jokingly called “Newhall International,” pond in Val Verde. Poor Jim couldn’t swim. • Another plan that never left the drawing board. Debecause there was a mail biplane taking off once a • A good part of our treasured SCV history was velopers popped $150,000 for plans to build an airweek to Mexico. A local writer observed what we all saved, thanks to one man — A. B. Perkins. The own- port in the Santa Clara riverbed at Indian Dunes, the know today: “The fog below the mountains is often er of the Newhall Water Co., judge, volunteer and once-world famous motorcycle park. I could have so dense that flying is impossible, and were a plane good soul began collating his decades of research saved them some cash by circling the word, “riverto arrive here during the night, Los Angeles might as into an authoritative history of the SCV. bed…” well be at the bottom of the ocean.” • Al Pyle was thrown into the poky for assault with • A Superior Court judge ruled that Six Flags Magic • Back in 1926, Newhall (the SCV today) covered a deadly weapon. Which was a hoe. He tried to slice Mountain violated civil rights laws when the amuseabout 1,000 square miles. The Board of Supervisors off his neighbor’s head with the gardening imple- ment park refused to host a gay pride celebration. voted to create a Sheriff ’s sub-station here to help ment. cover this sprawling territory. Originally, the station (SCV historian and author John Boston has been named was to be installed in A.C. Swall’s home (on Main 60 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK, 1956 ... Best Serious and Best Humorous newspaper columnist Street today). The SCV would be getting a dozen- • Everyone in Sand Canyon had to change their in America, many times, to go with 119 major writing plus deputies, with four on duty at all times. That house numbers. They were part of the last outposts awards. He writes his America’s Humorist national blog staff of 12 would have to cover the 1,000-square of the SCV to succumb to the L.A. County drive to thrice weekly the johnbostonchronicles.com. You can also miles. Today, the building is still there, at the cor- make everyone have a 5-digit address. Folks had just purchase his novels here. © 2016 by John Boston) ner of 6th and Main. It’s part of the Canyon Theatre three (or less, in some cases) numbers on their gates Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Minolta 35mm dyxum 5000i, af-35-105 lens also 49mm lens, flash and case, in perfect condition, $100 818-554-3691 Nintendo ds game $10 Goosebumps DS, $3 case, $3 Charger$2, 2 game case 818-268-2276.... Mariokart sold Jewelr y Dark green oriental jade charms with fourteen carat hooks 15 total $10 each 661-360-8798 VINTAGE WATCH SHOP NOW OPEN IN CANYON COUNTRY.. We specialize in all kinds of watch and clock repairs. Free Estimates. Over 40 years experience. Fast turnaround. On Soledad Cyn, near the post office 661-388-5982 Apparel 1972 Extra large pink Floyd t-shirt $50 818-363-5492 Adidas Daybreaker Hoodie size S Mens adidas Infinite Series Daybreaker Hoodie New with tag size S Reg.90$.... Selling for $35818-268-2276 Coach wristlet purse 8 w X 5 h. 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Knife is in excellent condition. $50 contact Jose 818-268-2276 text-call NEW • VINTAGE • USED REPAIRS Hw Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance Collectibles rra AIRLINE CAREERS Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Sie 28 • Full Body Massage • Deep Tissue/ Oil Massage • Physical Therapy 661-299-5819 18402 Soledad Cyn. Rd. Santa Clarita CA 91351 (At Sierra Hwy, Behind 7-Eleven) Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 29 FEATURED HOME! Corner Cordova Home! Own your own home!!! Spacious Open Floor Plan Voted #1 ~ EZ Qualifying ~ Lowest Interest Rates Available - O.A.C. ~ Low Down Payments!!! 2 bed, 2 bath, lots of storage, large porch very clean, family friendly park Ser # s11o8u/x Mobile Home Dealer in the SCV .EMH . 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ONLY $49,900 Huge 4 bedroom foreclosure, large open floor plan, Over 1500 sq/ft, huge master suite and covered patio, family friendly park New 1 bedroom 1 bath, Space Rent only $550, Huge driveway space, Great Location and Very quiet neighborhood Ser # GHKES57482 Ser # b147984 Over 1560 sq/ft, 3+2, open floor plan, secluded location, large fenced yard, huge kitchen with island, drywall, open floor plan Ser # S64146x/u EXECUTIVE MOBILE Space Rent Only $500 Gorgeous 2003 Only $94,900 HOMES Se Habla Español! Brand new 2016 home, 3 bed 2 bath, drywall, 9 ft ceilings, island kitchen with granite countertops, great in town location you pick the colors Only $44,500 Newer Beautiful Home, cathedral ceilings, spacious living room, 2 bedroom, 1 bath SN#GWE521FC568 Ser # 7485s241 Call us for a complete listing of repos available!! 661-250-9060 18520 Soledad Cyn Rd Ste. K • Canyon Country, CA 91351 Dealer # 1074750 PREPPERS, Get out of the City! Humboldt County, Nevada DEAN BUYS HOUSES ALL CASH • No Equity Required 140 Acres East of Reno, Already divided into 4 parcels. Shopping in the small community of Valmy on Interstate 80 and the Humboldt River are each one mile close! Land is level and ideal for ranching, recreation, resales etc. Good road access to all 4 parcels. ONLY full cash price for all ! $30,000 Owner must sacrifice due to age and ailing health for this Any Condition Any Location 661-618-7015 Place Your ad at www.santaclaritafree.com Large Studio full size refrigerator, mini kit, full bath, sand canyon, sep entrance, carport, laundry, country but 3 miles from town, 875 per month plus utilities, $900 dep, 1 yr lease 661-433-5558 or 661-251-8095 ext 10 CALL 298-5333 TODAY TO PLACE YOUR AD Valencia $2600, 1530 sq ft Single Story Home, 4bd 2ba, HOA Pool and Spa 6 6 1 - 2 5 5 - 7 6 0 0 www.screm.com So Cal Real Estate Mgmt BRE 00969557 775-453-3724 please call after 11 a.m. OWNER/BROKER AVAILABLE NOW! 1 Bedroom available, full house privileges, own bathroom, close to all. Off Pear blossom and 14 freeway. NEAT, CLEAN and RESPONSIBLE PERSON ONLY. NO DRAMA PLEASE ,Smoking OK outside. $600 a month plus utilities. Palmdale. 661-425-2700, 661-361-9188 Sandi PLACE YOUR AD ONLINE www.scfree.com Newly Remodeled Room Canyon Country house with shared remodeled bathroom. Use of kitchen, Washer and Dryer, Direct TV-premium channels. $600 per month, includes utilities, first and last month rent, women preferred. 661-810-9643 sub-divided spacious view parcel. no texts Rooms ESF CO PR RW ENE RO DN INTG Saugus $2700, 1877 sq ft House, 4bd 3ba, Beautifully Remodeled with View 6 6 1 - 2 5 5 - 7 6 0 0 www.screm.com So Cal Real Estate Mgmt BRE 00969557 Valencia $2995, 1892 sq ft House, 3bd 2.5ba plus Loft, Gorgeous Back Yard with Pool, Spa, BBQ and Fire Pit 6 6 1 - 2 5 5 - 7 6 0 0 www.screm.com So Cal Real Estate Mgmt BRE 00969557 Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! NICE PLACE VERY QUIET in CANYON COUNTRY MUST BE EMPLOYED. 1 room available. NO deposit and NO last month r e n t . A s k f o r Melissa661-414-2526Hablomos Espanol 30 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Featured Home NEW HOME COMING SOON! New Fleetwood Festival II 35x60 This home will be 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with an option of a 2 car garage. Call Majestic Homes today to be the first one in line! 1970 Silvercrest $79,900 2 Bedroom 2 Bath, Large Home, Drywall Located on a cul-de-sac, spacious kitchen, remodeled guest bath, dishwasher refrigerator, range, new countertops Serial#S5502XIU SALE PENDING Brand New 2016 Fleetwood, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, $139,900, Valle Verde MHP in Chatsworth Serial#36671A/B 1981 Kaufman Canyon Crest Mobile Home, in Castaic 2 bed, 2 bath, great starter home, $55,000 661-255-7600 Homes and Condos for Lease Castaic $3150 3152 sq House 4bd + 3ba+ Office + Lo 3 Car Garage Valencia $2995 1892 sq House 3bd + 2.5ba + Lo Gorgeous Back Yard with Pool + Spa + BBQ + Fire Pit Saugus $2700 1877 sq House 4bd + 3ba Beaufully Remodeled with View Serial#1KBCASNA115285/2KBCASNB11521 SALE PENDING 1986 Skyline 1 bedrooms and 1 bath. Corner lot with patio. Elm Lane Mobile Home Park is a family community located in North Hollywood Serial#33710108W Valencia $2600 1530 sq Single Story Home 4bd + 2ba HOA Pool + Spa Canyon Country $1900 982 sq 3bd + 1.5ba Canyon Country $1600 948 sq. . Lower Condo 3bd + 2ba, HOA Pool + Spa + Playground SEE MORE HOMES FOR LEASE AT: WWW.SCREM.COM 26639 Valley Center Drive, Suite 108, Santa Clarita, CA (Corner of Soledad and Valley Center) SOLD Want to Know What Your Home Would Rent For? Beautiful 2012 Champion, 2 + 2, upgraded laminate floors throughout, beautiful kitchen w/marble countertops, plenty of cabinet space + a pantry 1999 Fleetwood 24x50 2 bedroom, 2 bath, enclosed front porch, open floor plan, ceiling fans, on a cul de sac, Cordova Estates Serial#176000HA000231A/B Serial#CAFLX08A/B232102H12 Serial#GW80CAL4010A/B Se Habla Español! BRE License# 00969557 Private bedroom for rent, shared bathroom Room for rent in a 3 bedroom 2 12 bath home. Nice, quiet, neighborhood. $600 monthly Use of kitchen and laundry room. Utilities not included. Call 310 709 5613. SALE PENDING Golden West Mobile Home For Sale $70,000 1979 Golden West, 2 Beds, 2 Baths in Greenbrier West Call Today For A Rental Market Estimate - It’s Free! 2004 Champion Mobile Home, 3+2, 20x20 free standing carport, Lg Master, Master bath double sink and jacuzzi tub, Big kitchen area, plenty of cabinets $140,000 Serial#009055514964A/B Empty Lots Available Throughout the San Fernando Valley Call & Ask About Our Open House Dates 661-251-9949 27578 Sierra Highway Canyon Country, CA 91351 Saugus room for rent in beautiful pool home, shared bath, utilities included, furnished or not furnished, all house privileges, must be working responsible adult,must have own transportation no smoking, no pets $700.00 per month, $500 deposit. Please call 661-300-0128 Home & Garden Appliances Ethan Allen metal lamp antique $50 661-296-9104 Moving, have to sell Whirlpool refrigerator 70in tall 36in wide 27 deep. 1.5 years old stainless steel $650. GE, 70in tall 36in wide 27in deep, under two years old, like new stainless steel, very good condition $875. 310-998-7155 Van Nuys Appliances We Buy And Sell Used Appliance, stoves, washers, dryers and much more. Open every day from 9am-8pm 6650 Van Nuys blvd. 818-256-9925 Washer and Amp Dryer LG Front Load Washer which still works good. GE Dryer, works good but knob fixture will need to be fixed. BOTH for $100. Will need to be moved from upstairs CALL MAJESTIC HOMES Furniture TODAY TO BUY OR SELL! mobilehomeslosangeles.com dealer: DL1081855 2 high barstools brown leather $40 for both818-298-2453 Antique 1920s-1930s era old school desk, oak wood grain, hinged top lifts up for pencils and paper $70 OBO 661-904-5096 Antique solid oak Dining Room set from 1920s-1930s era oval table with carvings on legs, 3 leafs one ft each, with 6 matching chairs and throw seat cushions, great condition, extends 5 to 8ft, $400 661-904-5096 Black rod iron baker’s rack with wood shelves and glass and wine rack holder for $125. Length 37in width 15.5in height is 74in. 661-252-1903 Blue chair 15 dollars OBO 661-373-8694 Beautiful Antique Mahogany Dining Room Set with double pedestals and hand carved wood designs underneath table. Four leaf extensions, expands from 6 to 10 feet. Has 6 matching chairs with floral cloth seat in front and back. Entire table padded covers. $450 661-904-5096 Blue Couch 40 dollars obo 661-373-8694 Book Shelf Book Shelf - Extremely Sturdy $25.00323-236-1317 Cute Natural Wood cabinet, can be used for kitchen, bathroom cabinet or desk. Has drop down lid, mail slots, bottom has drawer with two shelves. 40 tall x 20 wide $40 661-904-5096 Dark oak china hutch with beveled glass doors and lighting. Plenty of storage underneath, $325. Length is 60 in by width 16 and a half in, height is 85 in. 661-252-1903 Easy Chair and Ottoman100 Comfortable light green chair and ottoman. Very comfortable. Like new. $100. 619-871-2010. Picture available but exceeds this sites maximum - must see. Entry Table wooden 24 high 26 wide 30 dollars 661-373-8694 Family Room Furniture Family room furniture includes couch, love seat, easy chair, ottoman. Color is green. Condition is good. $500. 619-871-2010. Other pictures exceed limits. Must see. Free office furniture. Office doors, walnut color, modular desk dividers, desk chairs 661-360-9133 Girls dresser antique antique with a beveled mirror $80 661-296-9104 Living and Dining Room - Matching Living room includes 8 pieces. Dining room includes table, 8 chairs and hutch. Great condition. $5,000. 619-871-2010 Marble lamp 40 in high 20 in wide 15 dollars 661-373-8694 Pottery barn swivel desk chair rattan medium honey color $50 Selling a beautiful twin maple bed with mattress and trundle. $100 great condition light maple wood. 661-296-9104 Solid oak book case with glass door and shelves on the top. with light fixture inside, and wooden door with shelves on bottom. $50 661-904-5096 Spinal Care KING size bed (Paid $1400) Moving sale. Spinal Care KING size bed with frame. Bought brand new for $1400. 1.5 year old. Excellent condition. $399. Call 661-775-8168. Three Book cases oak wood 3 extra shelvings $65 or $25 each call 661-294-1257 VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Three breakfast barstools 24 inch solid oak swivel base high back $100 for all 661-296-2015 TV Table plenty of room for more electronic glass door cabinet $45 Call 661-294-1257 Two book cases one mahogany from Ethan Allen. Larger maple book case $40, smaller $10. 661-296-9104 Two Italian leather sofas, cream color, both for 485.00 Call 661-294-1257 Two matching Broy Hill sofas 90 in wide with three comfortable cushions and back support. Luxurious, forest green fabricclassic design. $250 each. 661-296-1061 Vintage rocking chair 15 dollars OBO 661-373-8694 Wall Cabinet Shelf Wall Cabinet Shelf - White - $25.00 30X24X15323-236-1317 Wood dining table plus extra glass cover six chairs beautiful like new $485 call 661-294-1257 Housewares E l e c t r i c d i g i t a l turkey/fryer/steamer and boiler 28 cord, new in box, $40 818-363-5492 Building Supplies Roofing Tiles Roofing tiles. $5. Call Jim at 818-271-1681 Slumpstone blocks Slump stone blocks. $20. You come and get them. Call Jim at 818-271-1681 Tools Craftsman Drills 1 half in. 19.2 volt cordless drill-driver and 3 eights in. right angle drill driver. Comes with charger case and manuals. Batteries wont charge. $40. 661-252-9723. Garden & Patio Hydro Spa jacuzzi for sale. Great condition. $200 661-259-4069 NIB electric Lawnmower NIB Greenworks electric lawnmower. 20 inch 12A 3in1 bag mulch and side discharge.200 FIRM 661 250-7897 Round glass patio table, four chairs for $40. 818-363-5492 Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 31 Real Estate - Recent Sales by Area Closed Sales Acton Agua Dulce Address COE Date 32315 Agua Dulce Canyon 07/07/2016 Br 4 Bath 3.00 Sqft 2,685 Price $826,000 Closed Sales Canyon Country Address COE Date 20066 Northcliff 06/30/2016 20088 Canyon View DR 06/30/2016 27238 Luther DR #615 06/30/2016 18209 Sierra HY #44 06/30/2016 18209 Sierra HY #80 06/28/2016 26914 Flo LN #441 06/30/2016 20315 Rue Crevier #564 06/29/2016 27071 Crossglade AV #5 06/30/2016 17945 Lost Canyon RD #13 06/28/2016 20151 Ermine ST 06/30/2016 17934 River CR #1 06/30/2016 27021 Karns Ct #1402 06/29/2016 27926 Avalon DR 06/28/2016 15847 Cindy CT 06/30/2016 19321 Fairweather ST 06/28/2016 19839 Merryhill ST 06/30/2016 27254 Walnut Springs AV 06/28/2016 19336 Four Oaks 06/30/2016 14649 Hydrangea WY 06/27/2016 26570 Goldfinch PL 06/28/2016 26751 Madigan DR 06/28/2016 20211 Gratland DR 06/28/2016 26864 Hummingbird CR 06/30/2016 27703 Adonis LN 06/29/2016 28075 Valcour DR 07/01/2016 19612 Monarch Ridge DR 06/29/2016 17133 Summer Maple WY 06/28/2016 17430 Dove Willow ST 06/30/2016 15873 Falconrim DR 06/29/2016 15365 Michael Crest DR 07/01/2016 Br 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 5 5 5 Bath 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 Sqft 1,700 1,482 652 795 795 910 1,064 1,114 1,160 1,087 1,268 1,356 1,810 1,838 1,492 1,240 1,214 1,676 1,226 1,669 1,700 1,660 1,666 2,258 1,765 1,852 2,282 3,456 3,056 4,018 Price $120,000 $127,000 $179,900 $212,000 $228,000 $245,000 $267,500 $299,000 $325,000 $330,000 $330,000 $332,000 $382,000 $385,000 $420,000 $426,000 $440,000 $445,000 $445,000 $480,000 $484,000 $485,000 $486,000 $520,000 $530,000 $550,000 $575,000 $575,000 $898,000 $940,000 Closed Sales Castaic Address 31938 Emerald LN 27879 Wakefield RD 28222 Cascade RD 29148 San Remo PL COE Date 07/05/2016 07/08/2016 07/06/2016 07/06/2016 Br 2 3 4 5 Bath 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Sqft 1,140 1,260 1,778 3,055 Price $290,000 $432,000 $500,000 $595,000 Closed Sales Newhall Address COE Date 25015 Peachland AV #244 07/08/2016 19405 Flowers CT #136 07/06/2016 24946 Chestnut ST 07/07/2016 26373 Oak Plain DR 07/08/2016 25139 Atwood BL 07/05/2016 Br 3 2 2 2 4 Bath 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 Sqft 1,007 1,135 794 1,178 1,825 Price $250,000 $283,000 $345,000 $369,000 $475,000 Closed Sales Stevenson Ranch Address COE Date 25150 Steinbeck AV #C 07/07/2016 25333 Carson WY 07/07/2016 25902 Coleridge PL 07/06/2016 26857 Grey PL 07/07/2016 24823 Southern Oaks DR 07/06/2016 Br 2 3 5 5 5 Bath 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 Sqft 1,164 1,769 3,000 3,689 3,510 Price $359,950 $488,000 $875,000 $1,110,000 $1,115,000 Closed Sales Valencia Address COE Date 23947 Del Monte DR #11 07/05/2016 24761 Masters Cup WY 07/07/2016 27212 Sycamore Meadow D 07/08/2016 29117 Shasta LN 07/08/2016 23607 Via Beguine 07/08/2016 23964 Avenida Crescenta 07/07/2016 25860 Bellis DR 07/08/2016 27523 Wellsley WY 07/06/2016 23422 Kingston PL 07/08/2016 23234 Sorrel CT 07/08/2016 Br 1 4 2 4 3 4 3 4 5 4 Bath 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 Sqft 710 1,462 1,579 1,941 1,435 2,192 2,164 1,913 2,830 2,573 Price $250,000 $420,000 $443,000 $485,000 $520,000 $599,000 $635,000 $655,000 $725,000 $735,000 Closed Sales Saugus Address 27641 Susan Beth WY #L 22913 Banyan PL #248 22583 Paraguay DR 21767 Candela DR 27436 Garza DR 21841 Propello DR 19953 Sassoon PL 19639 Lanview LN 28899 Half Moon PL 28883 Woodside DR Br 2 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 Bath 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Sqft 870 1,040 1,250 1,420 1,815 1,998 2,082 2,424 2,229 3,027 Price $240,000 $357,500 $420,000 $420,280 $475,000 $486,658 $515,000 $584,900 $587,500 $638,000 COE Date 07/07/2016 07/08/2016 07/08/2016 07/08/2016 07/08/2016 07/08/2016 07/08/2016 07/08/2016 07/05/2016 07/08/2016 Mariness Chata, Broker Over 20 Years Of Real Estate Experience Buying, Selling or Just Want to Know What Your Home is Worth? Call Me! Experience Working For you! Cell: 661-317-3332 www.MarinessChata.com www.trulia.com/profile/MarinessChata Bre# 01082675 Tiki patio furniture and swing. Table has 6 chairs. Asking for all $375 or best offer. Located in Agua Dulce 818-524-8009 Other A PLACE FOR MOM. The nations largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today. Our service is FREE-no obligation. CALL 1-800-217-3942 Ab Rocket Ab Rocket - $40 obo323-236-1317 AIRLINE CAREERS. Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly. Call AIM 888-686-1704 AVIATION Grads work with JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and othersstart here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204 ALL INCLUSIVE RESORT packages at Sandals, Dreams, Secrets, Riu, Barcelo, Occidental and many more resorts. Punta Cana, Mexico, Jamaica and many of the Caribbean islands. Book now for 2017 and SAVE For more info. call 877-270-7260 or go to NCPtravel.comnbsp Bird Cage used. Light grey, powder coated. 32 wide,23 deep, 63 tall. Front door swings open, hinged opening on top. 2 stainless steel feeding bowls. Asking $100 OBO.661-255-5583 Wall lamp Cool modern techy style wall mount lamp. Very clean condition. $40, 661-255-7510 Proud Sponsors of Santa Clarita Valley Athletics 19252 Soledad Cyn Rd 661-250-9464 www.buffalowildwings.com CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2000 and Newer. Nations Top car Buyer..Free Towing From Anywhere.. Call Now.. 1-800-864-5960. CRUISE VACATIONS - 3, 4, 5 or 7 day cruises to the Caribbean. Start planning now to save $$ on your fall or winter getaway vacation. Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, Carnival, Princess and many more. Great deals for all budgets and departure ports. For more info. call 877-270-7260 or go to NCPtravel.com www.venicepizzeria.weebly.com 17806 Sierra Hwy LARGE MEAT LOVERS, SUPREME OR MEXICAN PIZZA $10.99 ELECTRIC MOBILITY SCOOTER BATTERIES. SEALED, GEL. RECENTLY PURCHASED. $70 EACH OR BOTH $120. 818-421-3665 Pick Up Only plus taxes Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 FREE ESTIMATES OPEN 7 DAYS Since 1968 Family Owned and Operated since 1968 Pizza Al Pastor Cilantro Onion with spicy sauce Carpets • Hardwood • Tile • Vinyl • Area Rugs $100 OFF Full House Carpet et min 100 sq yds www.wicallscarpets.com www wicallscarpets com $150 OFF $9.99 each plus tax pick up only Hardwood Flooring min 300 sq ft expires August 30, 2016 26635 Valley Center Dr. (off Soledad Canyon) Financing Available OAC Wicalls Carpets, Inc.LIC# 301091 Bread Sticks $ & Sauce 1.99 Carne Asada Cilantro Onion with spicy green sauce Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 32 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 e’s r e H rd a C My Concrete Your business card on this page! Call us 661-298-5330 Stamped, All Colors, Retaining Walls & Complete Landscaping. Block-Walls, Stone/Brick, Rock Work Hardscaping Designer Construction 661-992-8573 • 661-965-6056 lic 218b39 5 B US BUILD HA Credit Cards Accepted S ER BO www.auto-repairsantaclarita.com FREE Estimates Kitchens and Baths Home Improvement • Handyman Services Patio Covers • Concrete & Masonry Backyard Entertainment Structures Room Additions • Electrical • Plumbing Roofing • Doors lic# 549488 661-810-6151 WE BUY ANY PHONES! WE FIX iPhones Certified Landscape Lighting Installer Lic #346593 call us 661-476-7676 Tile Work by Joey Marazzito HANDYMAN CAN!! I DO IT ALL • REMODELING Shower walls, floors, countertops all phases of tile work AC/Heating, Electrical, Tile, Concrete, Flooring, Carpentry, Roofing, Drywall, Painting, Ceiling Fans, TV Wall Installations, and more! 16 years experience FREE ESTIMATES within 10 miles of Canyon Country cell 661-313-4313 or home office 661-673-7227 661-313-2593 18962 Soledad Canyon Rd. Canyon Country 91351 www.dwcookieco.com Marina Housecleaner eaner • $45 - $65 and up • References Available e • Honest & Dependable le 661-505-0781 661-993-0767 767 lic#784182 Ramiro Robles Owner -Clean-Up -Stump Removal -Concrete -Lawn Care -Sprinkler Repair -Trimming/Hauling It's All About Your Yard! -Weekly Service Great Services & Prices 305-7725 TRES FLORES GENERAL CONSTRUCTION • Additions • Remodeling • Shower & Tub Replacement, Reglazing & Repairs Kitchen Counter Tops • General Welding • Fabrication & Installation of Gates & Panels lic # 784182 tridentautovalencia@gmail.com 818-389-5089 Bonded and Insured COUPON Your One-Stop Auto Repair Facility! OIL CHANGE SPECIAL with FREE Car Wash Car Wash 24233 Creekside Rd., Valencia 1 Block North of Valencia Town Center www.valenciacarwash.com (661) 255-3448 $ 10 OFF Not to be combined with any other offer. FC Coupon. COUPON FULL SERVICE CAR WASH . $10 99 Reg. Price $14.99 Oversize extra. Not to be combined with any other offer. VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM lic#986119 Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 33 STONE CHIP REPAIR Lawn Tractor 2011 GT6000 Craftsman Lawn Tractor in excellent condition with only 62 hours. Includes brush guard, sleeve hitch, snow blade and compaction roller. $3800 Contact Rick at 661-341-2441 Garage Sales Good Sized moving sale Estate moving sale Saturday, July 9, 2016. 9 AM to 2 PM. Furniture, rugs, LPs, CDs speakers, camera equip, refrig and more. Everything negotiable. Wash • Vacuum Sealer Wax $ & DETAIL 23105 Valencia Blvd (Corner of Bouquet & Valencia Blvd) (661) 222-9793 10.99 . $14 99 Reg. Price $11.99 Reg. Price $15.99 Vans, trucks and limos extra. Not to be combined with any other offer. $ 20 OFF Not good with any other offer. Ranch Sale - Sports equipment collectible items, household items, tools, furniture, horse, car parts, 29515 San Francisquito Canyon Saugus. Two miles up canyon on left. Saturday July 16th at 7 AM Yard Sale - July 16th Estate Sale, quality items, hand-painted dishes, teacups, housewares, cookie jars, collectibles, 26858 Hummingbird Circle Canyon Country cross streets Rainbow Glen, Gilbert. Wash • Vacuum Tire Dressing Rainbow Wax Vans, trucks and SUVs extra. Not to be combined with any other offer. COMPLETE DETAIL Multi Family Sale Multi Family Garage Sale-23957 Mill Valley Rd,Valencia Saturday, July 23rd 7am-3pm Tools, clothes, furniture,2012 nissan versa $10,000 EXPRESS CLAY WAX $39.99 Reg. Price $59.99 Vans, trucks and SUVs extra. Includes Tire Dressing. Professional Services ALL PRO PEST CONTROL Bedbugs are Santa Claritas Growing Problem. One Day Service. Elimination Guaranteed. Affordable heat treatments. 30 percent off initial service with any service plan. We treat ants, rodents, bees, gophers, everything. Call 661-298-2200 Trident Auto $49.95 AC special. See ad in automotive section. 661-254-SMOG. Welcome to i-Fixx CONSTRUCTION REPAIR TRAINING WORKSHOPS HANDS ON TRAINING JOB SITE SIMULATED PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION IDEAL FOR: HANDYMAN, CONTRACTORS, HOMEOWNERS, MAINTENANCE STAFF REAL ESTATE INVESTORS, STUDENTS NEXT WORKSHOP TOPIC: DRYWALL REPAIRS AND TEXTURING THIS ONE DAY WORKSHOP COVERS ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS AND TEXTURING INCLUDING: GENERAL REPAIRS TAPING/FLOATING OF COMPOUNDS TEXTURE APPLICATIONS ORANGE PEEL KNOCKDOWNS TROWELED ACOUSTIC CEILINGS MOLD REMOVAL LEARN HOW TO USE ALL THE LATEST EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES BY A PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTOR 20709 Soledad Cyn Rd Canyon Country (Across from Home Depot next to Jiffy Lube) WE REPAIR POWER WINDOWS Soledad Cyn Se Habla ~ Espanol Home Depot Whites Cyn HERO MILES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at www.fisherhouse.org Salt Water Fish Tank 80 gallon salt water fish tank in great working condition. Includes live rock, coral, fish, cooler, lights, skimmer, filters, etc. $900.00 OBO. PERFECT FOR MEDICAL OFFICE RECEPTION AREA OR LARGE Ruether CALL 298-5333 TODAY TO PLACE YOUR AD e b i r c s Sub day! o t YOU CAN GET THE DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME KEVERY WEEK FOR A YEAR - ONLY $19! KSIX MONTHS - ONLY $10 CHECK ONE **Out of area call for mail rates Name ________________________________________________ DATE: SATURDAY JULY 30th IN SANTA CLARITA CHECK IN: 7:30AM COST: $195.00 VISA, MASTERCARD AND AMEX SORRY NO CHECKS Address ______________________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________ Phone Number_________________________________________ Method of Payment: Credit Card COURSE IS LIMITED TO 12 ATTENDEES DRESS CODE: CLOSED TOED SHOES, WORK CLOTHES YOU CAN GET DIRTY (PANTS PREFERRED) Check Cash CC #:________________________________________________ Exp. Date:___________________ Security Code: ____________ (Please do not mail cash. Make checks payable to Valley Publications.) CALL NOW TO RESERVE 1(855) 90iFixx (1 855 904-3499) MAIL OR DROP THIS FORM WITH PAYMENT: SCG&FC, 27259 1/2 CAMP PLENTY, SANTA CLARITA, CA 91351 661-298-5330 Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 34 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 35 (on select models, cannot be combined with rebates) 2015 RMZ 250 2016 RMZ 450 2015 C-50 2016 GSX S-1000 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE $4,999 $7,499 $6,499 MSRP $7699 MSRP $8799 MSRP $8199 WWW.SIMIVALLEYCYCLES.COM WE TAKE CREDIT APPLICATIONS OVER THE PHONE! $8,299 MSRP $9,999 805-522-3434 SIMI VALLEY CYCLES 2902 E LOS ANGELES AVE, SIMI VALLEY save up to $3500 on selected models 2.99% FINANCING on 2016 Waverunners plus rebates 0% FINANCING FOR 6 MONTHS (on select models, cannot be combined with rebates) es) 2015 YAMAHA FJR 1300ES 2015 YAMAHA WR 250F 2015 YAMAHA BOLT C-SPEC 2015 YAMAHA V-Star 950 2015 YAMAHA YZFR3 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE $5,499 $6,499 $4,199 MSRP $8690 MSRP $8690 $13,899 $5,999 MSRP $16,890 MSRP $7,990 805-522-3434 OPEN TUES-SUN 118 FWY Los Angeles Ave. 405 FWY Sycamore SIMI VALLEY CYCLES 2902 E LOS ANGELES AVE, SIMI VALLEY 5 FWY MSRP $4990 WWW.SIMIVALLEYCYCLES.COM Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD 0 DOWN 0% FINANCING FOR 60 MONTHS 36 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS We Repair & REPAIR FREE TESTSTATION Smog Failures SUMMER SPECIALS RETEST OIL AND FILTER BRAKE AC STAR CHANGE SPECIAL SERVICE SMOG SAFETY INSPECTION FRONT OR REAR DISC LEAK TEST SPECIAL FREE CHECK ENGINE $125 PRESSURE TEST $ CODE CHECK Parts + Labor 40 Total ‘99 and older $10 extra $34.95 4 CYL 2 yr warranty $49.95 Plus Freon RADIATOR COOLANT FLUSH Summer Guests? Bring Them to See the Biggest Bird on Earth! 49.95 $ 26516 Ruether Ave. #212, Santa Clarita, CA 91350 661-360-8675 • Present this ad for $5 off! • Tours & gi shop • Feed ostrich, bring a picnic lunch, find unique gis - enjoy some family fun! Plus Coolant Most Cars LAST UNIT ON LEFT Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Se Habla Español 44420 Shaffer Rd., Lake Hughes, CA 93532 QuailRunOstrichRanch.com 661-724-1592 SELL IT!! HIGH DESERT DRIVING SCHOOL FREE Summer Special ONLINE DRIVER’S ED! When You Pre-Pay For Driver’s Training $ 299 With pre-payment of Drivers Training 661298-5330 HIGH DESERT DRIVING SCHOOL 661 61-940-8835 -940-8835 Sign Up & Pay Online! Local News! DMV STATE LIC. #2087 WWW .H IGH D ESERT D RIVING SCHOOL . COM WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM WWW.SANTACLARITAGAZETTE.COM VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 37 Cosmetic Laser Center General and Surgical Dermatology summer is hot... Let Faces keep you fresh and fabulous with great specials Laser Resurfacing Sun Damage • Acne Skin Discoloration Microdermabrasion Botox • Restylane • Facials Varicose Veins Introducing the new Venus Freeze Laser • Skin Tightening • Cellulite Treatment New Red Carpet Facial - Fire & Ice Free Consultations Most Insurance Accepted Intense Pulsed Light Treatments 5 for $450 Chris Towery PhD, NP • Dr. Frank Lusher, Medical Director 23206 Lyons Ave, Suites 103/104 Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661.254.7400 WWW.FACESL ASER.COM Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! 38 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 100% HAND WASH 26575 McBean Parkway 2010 GMC Terrain Loaded 3.0L V6 2WD, 68k miles Excellent Condition,leather upholstery, power sunroof, power liftgate,rear back-up camera. All Maintenance Records $14,950 661-433-3739. Valencia 661-288-2618 EXPRESS WASH 4 $ 95 DELUXE WASH 12 $ Monday-Thursday Includes: 100% Hand Wash Must present coupon. Truck, SUVs, Vans extra. WATERCRAFT Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast - FREE pick up. 100 percent tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398 Honda Civic 120,000 miles, new engine, new timing belt, for sale $3,000 661-600-8865 AS LOW AS $30 1972 Ford Truck Long Bed F-250 Original-motor and transmission completely rebuilt by high school shop class. With new tires, and brakes. Original paint job, carburetor needs some work, for sale by homeless mens charity ranch $2,500. Please help us with a g o o d c a u s e . www.avhomeless.org Kelly 661-433-2654 .00 27255 Camp Plenty Rd. Canyon Country, CA 91351 661.799.8140 661.251.0233 next to Fox Liquor 4 tires for truck 35125r17 Puma Mts still have 80-85 tread left on them. Only used 1 year, 17 inch rims 35 inch tall. Excellent condition. $600 661-251-0933 68 Dodge Dart four door, 6 cylinder stick, shift, does not run. $800 OBO 661-526-7799nbsp Michelin Snow Tires 235-55r17 on BMW x3 rims used one season $220 661-254-8796 Wanted: Porsche 356B Tail Lights / Bumper Guards Looking for Porsche 356b tailight assemblies, rear bumper guards and a bunch of other stuff for a basket case project. Thanks Peter 818-400-4097 WWII JEEP TRAILER (BANTON PC3) STAINLESS STEEL TOP COVER, NEW LUG TREAD TIRES, BEARINGS, ETC. $975 OBO 818-421-3665 Vehicles Cars 16 ft, heavy duty car trailer, 4 wheels with tool box, $3000 818-378-2437 2 chevy rear doors from a 2002 silverado have 2 rear doors from a 2002 chevy silverado white, drives is good passenger has some damage, both come complete and ready to go661-317-9761 Motorcycles CALL NOW AND SAVE! Accessories Must present coupon. Truck, SUVs, Vans extra. RV STORAGE Leave Your RV Here When You’re Not Using It $50 PER MONTH ANY SIZE - ANY VEHICLE - WHILE SPACE IS AVAILABLE CONSIGNMENT SALES ALSO AVAILABLE 2450 Soledad Canyon Road, Acton, CA A LOCATED CLOSE TO THOUSAND TRAILS - THOUSAND TRAILS MEMBER 661.810-2650 1998 Ford Expedition running perfect, current tags, $850 obo 818-439-2099 Services Se vices D & S Concrete Masonry Block, Brick, Custom Rock. Commercial, Residential, Foundations, Flat work. Free Estimates License 784182 Call Dennis Marazzito 661-609-3153 or Joe Marazzito 661-621-1993 DART CONTRACTING SERVICES FOR ALL OF YOUR CONSTRUCTION AND HANDYMAN NEEDS. CALL ROB 818-588-8884 DBA LIC 346593 FREE ESTIMATES Tile Work By Joey Marazzito 16 Years Experience in all phases of tile work, showers, walls, floors, counter tops and more. License Number 784182. FREE ESTIMATES with in 10 miles of Canyon Country. Call 661-313-4313 Cell or 661-673-7227 office Includes: 100% Hand Wash Full Service Vacuum Rainbow & Sealer Wax, Tire Dressing, Air Freshener 1991 Mazda pickup - 4 cylinder stick shift $950 running good. Needs smog check 818-439-2099 per car** Offering Vehicle Registration Service - Camp Plenty Location 23566 Lyons Ave #101 Newhall, CA 91321 95 FOSTER’S starting at Trucks/SUV www.661wash.com 1993 Lincoln Mark VIII 122,000 miles, IRS rearend, factory 280 horsepower Cobra engine, new ac, new suspension, almost new tires, all new speakers. This car drives great and gets 25 mog on the highway. $2,500 obo Call Ray 702-630-7684 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix S dark red color. $1,000.00 OBO Please call 661 372-8168 for further information and any questions. 2007 Mercedes Benz c280 very clean inside and out blue with beige interior $9700. 661-755-5606 95 BMW 525i one owner, 96,000 miles 661-713-5348 05 PT Cruiser Convertible 62K Miles, $3,800 661-713-5348 1996 Chevrolet Classic Caprice $2,000.00 OBO. Wont pass smog computer codes 1441 and 1870. Receipt for all replaced parts. Very Cold AC. Lessthan 2,000 miles on tires.661-252-2655 CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All MakeModels 2000-2015..Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer.. Free Towing.. Were Nationwide.. Call Now.. 1-888-416-2330. Franklin Mint Precision Model 1998 RED VW Beetle, Scale 124 $35 661-298-0406 Wolf’s Towing 1996 Banshee $4,000 Firm. Call 661-972-2615 2003 450r co2003 450r Barely ridden great condition engine dress up kit Tires are in good shape Pro Ti-4 exhaust and spark arrester starts right up and runs great $2200 contact Richard WANTED OLD JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI Z1-900 1972-75, KZ900, KZ1000 1976-1982, Z1R, KZ 1000MK2 1979,80,W1-650, H1-500 1969-72, H2-750 1972-1975, S1-250, S2-350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, Suzuki-GS400, GT380, Honda CB750k 1969-1976, CBX1000 1979,80 CASH.1-800-772-1142, 1-310-721-0726 usa at classicrunners.com Motorhomes Camping 1982 Layton Trailer. 22’. Sleeps 5-6. AC, lots of storage, newer tires. Registration is current. Good restoration potential for only $1,900 OBO. Call 661-993-7114 RV Great 5th Wheel - Queen sized bed plus bunk beds, lots of new upgrades last year. Vinyl refrigerator, water pump, etc. Paperwork Available. Great condition, interior, no tears or stains, sleeps 8, awning. $5,800. 661-755-0914 Leave message. Watercraft 12’ Fishing Boat and Motor 5 HP $200, Includes the boat . 661-670-0068 Proud Sponsors of Santa Clarita Valley Athletics 19252 Soledad Cyn Rd 661-250-9464 www.buffalowildwings.com 100% Hand Wash and Tire Dressing Hand Wash $14.99 $11.99 Trucks, Vans & SUVs Extra. With This Coupon. Trucks, Vans & SUVs Extra. With This Coupon. Crista Chevron Hand Wash & Lube 26483 Bouquet Cyn. Rd. 661-263-6233 1982 Rally center counsel boat 19ft Rally center counsel with 115 hp Johnson just rebuilt, custom aluminum trailer, duel axle , disc brakes, good tires, runs great, needs cleaning, must sell, to many boats661-317-9761 PHOTO ADS SELL UPGRADE TO PHOTO AD CALL 298-5333 SELL IT FASTER PLACE A PHOTO AD 85 hp johnson out board motor complete 85 hp Johnson out board motor, runs great, comes complete with prop, gas tank, wiring and controls, motor needs starter solenoid, come here run, make offer661-317-9761 Brand New Kayaks with Paddles Part of our inventory storage left over from our closed kayak and paddle board store. All items are brand new never used. Priced less than 12 retail price. 661-810-7080 Brand new Pelican Kayaks Part of our inventory storage left over from our closed kayak and paddle board store. All items are brand new never used. Priced less than 12 retail price. 661810-7080 Wanted PLACE YOUR AD ONLINE www.scfree.com CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All MakesModels 2000-2016 Any Condition. Running or Not. Top $$$ Paid Free Towing. Were Nationwide. Call Now 1-888-985-1806 Fishing equipment WANTED! All types of fishing equipment, new or used ok, all types, fly fishing, bass fishing, salt water, best prices paid for all rods, reels and old lures, CASH PAID 661-296-0151 Records and Amp Vintage Stereo Equipment Willing to Buy Records collections and Vintage Stereo Equipment. Ask for Rich. 661-341-1546 Stamp Collection Looking for help to appraise and sell my stamp collection 50 50 split. Contact me at rdkowal gmail.com or 661-341-2441 Wanted: Single size trundle bed or twin bed 661-252-4187 TIRES - NEW & USED BRAKES • SUSPENSIONS • OIL CHANGES LAW EN ENFORCEMENT DISCOUNT WITH VALID ID Car Auction Every Tuesday at 10 am None’s Tires 17205 Sierra Highway #101 Santa Clarita 661-298-1730 661-414-2443 Open to the Public 26855 Ruether Ave Santa Clarita, CA 91351 24-HOUR ROAD SERVICE 661-414-2144 se habla espanol HOURS: M-F 7:30AM-6PM • SAT 7:30AM-5PM • SUN 8AM-1PM VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016 Your Hometown News and Classifieds 39 21618 Golden Triangle Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91350 661-254-2929 • kenandjoes.com 21618 Golden Triangle Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91350 661-254-2929 • kenandjoes.com Come Visit our New Superstore kenandjoes.com Golden Triangle Soledad Canyon Call Santa Clarita Gazette & Free Classifieds at 298-5333 to place your FREE classified ad today! Bouquet Canyon Whites Canyon 21618 Golden Triangle Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91350 661-254-2929 100% Price Match Guarantee 40 SANTA CLARITA GAZETTE & FREE CLASSIFIEDS VISIT OUR ALL NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.SANTACLARITAFREE.COM Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2016
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