Saint Mary`s Santa Maria - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
Saint Mary`s Santa Maria - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
Saint Mary’s Catholic Church _________________ Iglesia Católica Santa Maria 600 AVENUE B • STERLING, IL 61081 (815)625–0640 Body & Blood of Christ El Santisimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo June 14, 2009 P a r i s h D i r e c t o r y Office/Officina Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Mon.-Thurs./Lunes-Jueves 9am-3pm/Fri. 9am-12/Viernes 9am-12 Phone/Teléfono: 815-625-0640 • Fax: 815-625-1684 Rectory/Rectoria Phone/Teléfono.............................................................. 815-625-0640 Pastoral Staff/Personal Parroquial Pastor/Párroco, Fr. Donald M. Ahles .........................................ext. 11 Associate Pastor/Párroco Asociado, Fr. Jesus Dominguez…ext. 12 Deacons/Diaconos: John Kellen, James Lopez ........................ext. 26 Parish Secretary/Secretaria Parroquial, Donna Blum .............ext. 13 Business Manager/Contador, Marilyn McBride ........................ext. 25 Pastoral Associate, Jane Olson ................................................ext. 20 Ministry to the Sick and Shut-in/Visitas a Enfennos, Sally Kellen Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano, Janie Atilano .. 626-5735/625-0640 ext. 43 Religious Education/Educación de Doctrina Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Monday-Friday/Lunes a Viernes 9:00am-3:00 pm Phone/Teléfono.............................................................. 815-625-6688 Director/Directora, Gerry Williamson……………………………..ext.44 Secretary/Secretaria, Dianne Williamson……………………..…ext.14 Two (2) years of religious education are required before a child can receive Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. / Para recibir la Ira Comunión o Confirmación, los niños deben completar 2 años de doctrina. St. Mary School/Escuela Santa Maria Phone/Teléfono ........................................................... (815) 625-2253 Principal/Directora Becky Schmitt Weekend Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas English/Inglés Saturday/Sábado 5:00 pm • Sunday/Domingo 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 am Spanish/Español Sunday/Domingo (En la Iglesia) 11:30 am Weekday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Monday -Friday 8:30-chapel/Lunes a Viernes 8:30 am Mass- capilla Saturday/Sabado 8:30 am in the Church/8:30 am en la iglesia All the masses are in English./Todos del esta Misas son en Ingles. The Sacraments/Los Sacramentos Reconcuiadon/Reconciliación Saturday/Sábado 4:00-4:30pm Communal Penance Services in Advent & Lent. Baptism/Bautismo Please call the parish office for the arrangements. Held on the First Sunday of the month. Please call the Parish Center four months prior to the birth. / Estos son el tercer Domingo de cada mes. Llama al Centro Parroquial cuatro meses antes de nacimiento. Marriage/Matrimonio Couples should contact the parish priest at least 6 months in advance. Arrangements can not be made on the phone. Persons must be at least 19 years old. / Las parejas deben comunicarse con el sacerdote, al menos con 6 meses de anticipación. Las fechas no se arreglan por teléfono. Las personas deben tener al menos 19 años de edad. Most Holy Body and Blood Of Christ St. Mary’s Church Sterling, Illinois Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm Phone: 815-625-0640 Pastor, Fr. Donald M. Ahles ext. 11 St. Mary School/Phone/ (815) 625-2253 Principal/Becky Schmitt Weekend Mass Schedule/ English: Saturday 5:00 pm • Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 am Spanish: Sunday 11:30 am Mass Intentions Monday, June 15 8:30 am Dr. John McDonnell Tuesday, June 16 8:30 am Joseph Ramirez Wednesday, June 17 8:30 am 59th Wedding Anniversary of Ed & Connie Schweiss Thursday, June 18 8:30 am Mary LaBrie Friday, June 19 8:30 am Joseph Paul Bauer Saturday, June 20 8:30 am Pat Duncan, James & Mary McCormick 5:00 pm St. Mary Parishioners Sunday, June 21 7:00 am Vic Beien 8:30 am Herman Rodriguez 10:00 am 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mike & Louise Flynn 11:30 am Guadalupe, Maria, Brigidio Celestino Weekday Masses are held in the Parish Center Chapel. Family Life Office Happenings Overnight for Teenage Sons and Dads “Rock Solid” is a retreat that gives growing sons and busy dads an opportunity to be with each other and to talk about what it means to be a man. Dads, here’s your chance to “hang-out” for a couple of days with your teenage son (7th-10th graders). Join us on August 15-16, 2009 at the Bishop Lane Retreat Center, Rockford. Cost: $45 per person & includes lodging and three meals. For more information or to register, call the Family Life Office at 815-965-5011 or email: familylife Overnight for Teenage Daughters and Mothers “Growing in Grace” is a weekend for teenage daughters, ages 12-15, and their mothers*, on Aug. 22 & 23. Discussions will address relevant topics for todays teens while having fun talking about growing up. It’s all aobut respect, virtue, love and the truth about sexuality. Cost: $45 per person & includes lodging and three meals. For more info or to register, call the Family Life Office at 815965-5011 or email: familylife * For mothers or other significant woman, such as a stepmom, grandmother, aunt, etc. Third Annual Catholic Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School will be held on Sunday, June 21 thru Thursday, June 25, 5:30-8:30p.m., at St. Andrew’s School. St. Andrew, St. Mary & Sacred Heart parishes sponsor this fun, faithfilled week, which gives you the opportunity to invite friends, grandchildren, and neighbors to come and share our faith. Registration forms can be picked up at St. Mary Parish Center and St. Mary’s School office. Parent volunteers are greatly needed. Volunteer sign-up information is on the registration forms. If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to phone St. Mary’s Religious Ed Office, 815-6256688, or Dawn at Sacred Heart, 815-6251134x16. Sponsors Needed We are looking for sponsors for our VBS T-Shirts which will be worn by all participants and volunteers for the week. For a donation of $100 your business can be listed on the back of our 2009 T-shirts. Please contact Dawn Harrielle @ 815-625 -1134 ext.16 or email if you are interested in helping out with this. Thank you for your continued support. St.Vincent DePaul Society St. Vincent DePaul’s pantry is in need of your help. We have designated every 3rd weekend of the month (June 21 this month) for collecting contributions of non -perishable food ítems or paper products of any kind(especially diapers), monetary contribu-tions are appreciated. Silver & Gold Wedding Anniversary Celebration Couples celebrating their 25th, 50th, 60th, 65th, 70th wedding anniversaries in 2009 are invited to a special mass and reception in their honor at St. Peter’s Cathedral on Sunday, October 4 at 2:00 p.m., with Bishop Thomas G. Doran. Each couple attending will be presented with a beautiful certificate. To receive your invitation, please contact Donna at the parish office before August 1st. The invitations will arrive around the first of September. Sponsored by Don & Lori Gramer and the Diocesan Office of Family Life, Rockford. Family of Praise Meeting There will be a meeting in the Parish Center, on June 11, at 7:00 p.m. Newcomers are welcome! Parish Information Sacrament of Reconciliation *Saturday 4:00pm. (or anytime by appointment). Communal celebrations are scheduled several times during the seasons of Advent and Lent. *Sunday afternoon at 1:00pm every first Sunday of the month in English and every third Sunday of the month in Spanish. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are also held during Mass, upon request. We require you to attend the Baptismal Preparation Program. Sacrament of Marriage *A six month minimum notice before the date of marriage. To schedule a wedding contact Jane Olson. Communion for the Sick *We are happy to take Holy Communion to those confined to their homes. Notify one of the parish priests if someone or Homebound in your house wishes to receive Communion at home. We have Eucharistic Ministers who make daily or weekly visits. Call Deacon John Kellen, at the Parish Center 815-625-0640, to set up a visit. Anointing of the Sick *If someone needs to be anointed, please call one of the priests, to come to your home or to the hospital. Communal celebrations of Anointing of the Sick are scheduled once a year at a Sunday liturgy. Give Everything Collection Report-Fiscal Year June 7, 2009 Description Weekly Required Amount $15,867.81 Envelope Collection $13,290.00 Loose Collection $ 551.87 Children's Collection $ 19.00 Total Collection $13,860.87 Over (Short) of Required $(2,006.94) There is a popular song that says, “I don’t want broken hearts because when I give mine I give it whole.” The truth is that we like things that are complete, whole, and that are given up entirely. Someone recently told me that love consisted of giving oneself totally without reservations, giving all. But it is not that easy. We would always like to keep a little something for ourselves and not carry out a complete and total sacrifice. Even society sometimes advises us to be a little less generous and look out a little more for our own interests. We are told, “to take care of ourselves.” Description Required Amount Envelope Collection Loose Collection Children's Collection Total Collection Over (Short) of Required In today’s feast day we are told about totalities. When Christ gives himself up he does not keep anything back: he gave up his Body and blood completely for our liberation. The Body was given up, broken and divided, and even his last drop of blood spilled. That is why it can be said that when he gives his heart he gives it entirely, and it is not simply a symbol or a lovely sentiment. For Christ it is a very painful reality that cost him his life. Perhaps no one is asking for our blood or that we give up our body, but as Christians who are nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ, we are also called to give our all and not just a small part. Year To Date $777,522.58 $577,350.80 $ 32,716.49 $ 1,213.41 $611,280.70 $(166,241.88) Members Contributing 305 New Consolidated Loan Total $118,191.02 Observer Bill: $ 2,743.00 Parish Tithe Report Tithe: Our 7.0% tithe of $970.26, for June 7, has been given to Winning Wheels This week’s 7.0% tithe will be given to Hessed House, Aurora Next week’s tithe will be given to St. Vincent de Paul Society. Liturgical Schedules Lectors Saturday, June 20 5:00 pm Dick Warren, Raul Trujillo Sunday, June 21 7:00 am Helen Musyl 8:30 am Taryne Rightley, Bert Davis 10:00 am Mike Marruffo, Sue Marruffo Eucharistic Ministers Saturday, June 20 5:00 pm Dolly Rodriguez, Maureen Roberts, Megan Summers, Caitlin Summers, Michael Hermes Sunday, June 21 7:00 am Paul Hess, Alice Ports, Billie Ebersole 8:30 am Deacon, Beth Sterk, Zac Furr, Katie Gunthrie, Ann Stroup 10:00 am Deacon, Julie Smith, Jenna Smith, Sharon McKenna, Haleigh Garza Altar Servers Saturday, June 20 5:00 pm Xena Trujillo, Emily Thayer, Teagan McKenna Sunday, June 21 7:00 am Bob Ebersole 8:30 am Makenzie Sterk, Moriah Rightley, Noelle Rightley 10:00 am Mary Francque, Victor Francque, Kaylie Matera We can give everything if we truly and consciously accept that loving another person and in the Christian faith we are asked to love everyone - implies the sacrifice of everything we are and have, which is not always easy. We can give all if we trust that Christ has given himself completely for us and therefore we can trust in the love of the Body of Christ, and the love of the community of the church. What does it mean to give yourself completely? It can mean simple things like telling the truth at all times, without hiding or pretending; to serve others; considering their well being before our own; demonstrating little things to show our love such as being helpful and kind; helping out at home so other family members can take a break; doing everything in our hands to learn, excel and achieve everything we can to help the entire family and the community; and not hiding our talents by placing them at the service of the community. On some occasion, it could also mean behaving heroically in the service of others or for the benefit of the family. Sacrificing all that we are and have, does not happen once and for all, but requires a day by day and minute by minute commitment. This makes sense only if we think about the Body of Christ, sacrificing himself for us over and over again, and his blood being spilled drop by drop For Reflection In what ways can I give more of myself today? In which moments am I extremely Parish “Face Lift” Report St. Mary’s Smoke Damage “Face Lift: Previous Balance: $22,458.00 Collected This Week: $11,240.00 Total Balance: $33,698.00 Theology of the Body for Teens Gianna’s House Pregnancy Resource Center and the Diocesan Respect Life Office are co-sponsoring an all day training session on Sat., Aug., 15, 2009 at Sacred Heart Church, Sterling. The training invites anyone who works with teens to learn how to implement and teach this wonderful Catholic chastity program for teens. For more info call Molly Smith at 815-213-0290. Please Pray For…Those taking vacation trips this summer. May they return home safely. Fellowship Gathering Men from the Family of Praise Prayer Group will meet on June 25 at 7:00p.m., in the Parish Center. Altar & Rosary Meeting There will be an afternoon meeting on Tuesday, June 16 at 1:00 p.m. Please make plans to join us plan a new agenda for the coming year. St. Mary, Tampico News St. Mary’s in Tampico is having a Parish Hog Roast & Barn Dance on Sat., June 20 from 4:00-10:00 p.m. at Roesslein Barn, 25910 Fargo Rd., in Tampico. (one mile north & two miles east of Tampico). Tickets are $25; admits 2. The evening includes a silent auction, 50/50 raffle, 1/2 Hog raffle, crafts and a bake sale. For tickets, see or call Fr. Louie Tosto, at 815438-5425. Santisimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo Rev. Jesus Dominguez, Janie Atilano, Coordinadora/Secretaria Teléfonos 626- 5735 / 625- 0640 Ministros para el fin de semana del 21 de Junio Lectores: Esther Uresti, Jorge Camacho Ministro de Eucaristia: Elvira Brown, Juan Castañeda, Elisa Cisneros, Javier Olivas, Martha Cavazos Monaguillos: Lupita Serrano, Pedro y Raciel Ocampo, Evelyn Soto, Thalia Arellano Acomodadores: Roberto Flores, Juan Trujillo, Juventino Trujillo, Juan Barrientos Reporte Financiero para la Restauracion de Nuestra Iglesia. La meta: $130,000.00 Previo Balance: $22,458.00 Esta semana se Colecto: $11, 240.00 Total recolectado: $33, 698.00 Calendario Semanal Nuevo Horario De Oficinas: Lunes a Jueves 9:00a.m.-3:00 p.m. y Viernes 9:00a.m.12:00, durante el verano. Lonches Gratis Para Los Niños Pueden recoger lonches cada Martes, Miércoles y Jueves de la semana en la cocina parroquial, a las 11:30-12:30 pm. Los lonches son gratis para los niños. Estudio de Biblia Para Ninos… Los niños están invitados a asistir el lunes 21 de Junio a Jueves 25 de Junio de las 5:30pm a las 8:30pm a estudio de la Biblia. El estudio será en la escuela de San Andrés en Rock Falls. La escuela será para los niños de 3 años hasta los niños que están en el grado octavo. Para mas información o para inscribir su niños por favor de llamarle a Janie. Cursillistas… Estan invitados a un taller de la Escuela de Dirigentes. Habrá cantos, temas espirituales y convivencia. El taller será el sábado 20 de Junio, en Belvidere de las 10:00 a.m. hasta las 4:30 p.m. Para mas información, llame al Centro Parroquial con Janie. El Departamento De Salud ... Invita a todas las personas mayors a un taller el 18 de Junio, de 10:30-11:30 a.m. Mi carne es verdadera comida, y mi Sangre verdadera bebida; el que come mi Carne, y bebe mi Sangre, en Mí mora, y Yo en Él. (Jn 6, 56-57) Servicios En Español Clases de Preparación Para Bautismo: Las platicas serán el sábado 11 de Julio de las 2:00pm a las 4:00 pm, en el Centro Parroquial, para los que van a bautizar en Julio. Por favor de no traer sus niños. La platica es unicamente para los papas y padrinos. Los Bautismos: Los bautismos se realizan unicamente el 21 de Junio, el tercer domingo del mes. Por favor programe su bautismo con su familia y sus padrinos. Los padrinos tienen que estar casados por la iglesia o ser solteros. No habra bautismos en sabado. Presentaciones de niños en la Iglesia: Si usted quiere presenter su niño o niña en el templo, unicamente las presentaciones serán el 28 de Junio, el cuarto domingo del mes durante la misa o despues de misa. Matrimonios: Hacer cita con el sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada. Favor de no hacer planes antes de tener la fecha confirmada con el sacerdote. Misas: Si usted quiere ofrecer una misa por alguna persona fallecida o por alguna otra intencion, por favor de pasar al Centro Parroquial y pedirla con Janie o Donna. Adoracion… Acompáñenos en la oración al Santísimo Sacramento todos los martes de 9:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. en la capilla. Ciudadania… Habrá clases en ingles sobre el gobierno, educación civil y historia americana, comenzando el 7 de Julio hasta el 30 de Julio de 8:30a.m. a 11:30a.m. en la escuela Wallace. Para mas información comunicase con Janie en el Centro Parroquial. Estudio De Biblia.. No habrá Biblia durante el Verano, iniciaremos en Septiembre. Atencion!... Por favor de avisar a la oficina parroquial si usted o un miembro de su familia se encuentra internado en el hospital o en su casa. ¿Celebran 25, 50, 60, 65, o 70 Aniversario de Matrimonio este Año?..La Diócesis de Rockford los invita a una misa y recepción en su honor en la Catedral de San Pedro en Rockford, el 4 de Octubre 2009. Para recibir una invitación llama la oficina de Janie antes de el primero de Julio. Entregarlo Todo “Corazones partidos, yo no los quiero, que cuando doy el mío, lo doy entero”, dice un canto popular. La verdad es que nos gustan las cosas completas, enteras, las entregas verdadera. El amor, me decía recientemente alguien, consiste en entregarse sin reservas, del todo. En entregarlo todo. Pero no es fácil. Siempre nos gustaría guardar algo para nosotros, quedarnos con una partecita, no hacer el sacrificio tan completo y tan total. Y la sociedad muchas veces incluso nos aconseja un poco menos de generosidad y un poco más de velar por nuestros propios intereses: “Debes cuidarte a ti mismo,” se nos dice. En la fiesta de hoy se nos habla de totalidades. Cuando Cristo se entrega no guarda nada: entregado, partido y repartido y sangre derramada, hasta la última gota. Por eso puede decir que cuando da su corazón lo da entero. Y no es simplemente un símbolo, o un sentimiento hermoso. Es una realidad dolorosa para él. Le costó la vida. Quizá a nosotros no se nos pida sangre y la entrega de nuestro cuerpo, pero, como cristianos que nos alimentamos del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo, también estamos llamados a darlo todo, y no sólo una partecita. Nos podemos entregar del todo sí de verdad, conscientemente, aceptaos que el amar a otra persona - y en la fe cristiana se nos pide amar a todos - supone el sacrificio de todo lo que somos y tenemos, que no siempre es fácil. Nos podemos entregar del todo si confiamos en que Cristo se ha entregado totalmente por nosotros y por lo tanto, podemos confiar en el amor del Cuerpo de Cristo, de la comunidad de la iglesia. ¿Qué puede significar entregarse del todo? Cosas tan sencillas como decir la verdad en todo momento, sin ocultar ni disimular; servir a otros pensando en su bien antes que en el nuestro; tener detalles de amor sencillos, como pequeñas, ayudas, signos de cariño; cooperar en casa para que los demás puedan descansar; hacer todo lo que está en nuestra mano para aprender y superarnos y llegar a ser todo lo que podemos, porque eso servirá mejor a la familia y a la comunidad; no guardarnos los talentos que tenemos, sino ponerlos al servicio de la comunidad. En alguna ocasión, podría también significar actuar heroicamente para el servicio de alguien, por el bien de la familia. Nuestro sacrificio de todo lo que somos y tenemos no ocurre de una vez por todas, sino día a día y minuto a minuto. Tiene sentido solamente si se piensa en el Cuerpo de Cristo, una vez y otra entregado por nosotros, en su sangre derramada, gota a gota. Para La Reflexión ¿De qué maneras puedo entregar un poco más de mi hoy? En qué momentos soy más bien egoísta y miro por mis cosas antes que por las de los demás? Mitchell A. McNinch Owner With Facilities In Rock Falls • Sterling Prophetstown Milledgeville Funeral Homes, Inc. STERLING - EMERSON MINI STORAGE HEAT-CO MECHANICAL, INC. Ricos Tacos, Burritos, y Tortas al estilo Chicago Best in Town Chicago Style Tacos, Burritos & Tortas Tacos De Asada, Pastor, Carne Molida Sergio Arredondo, Owner (815) 622-9350 1102 W. 4th Street • Sterling, IL 61081 Heating / Cooling / Sheet Metal Commercial & Residential 815-625-0111 Tel. 815-625-0116 Fax 815-213-0044 Cell 1705 Westwood Drive, Sterling, IL 61081 United Electric KELLY’S Lunch & Dinner Open Daily 625-7969 218 Locust You’ve Got Stuff ~ We’ve Got Solutions 815-626-1552 Industrial-Residential-Commercial Farm Wiring - Fire Alarms 1412 W. Rt. 30, Rock Falls 626-2211 VALLEY EYE CARE Complete Family Vision Care Dr. Thomas R. Hogge 815-625-8006 4006 E. Lincolnway, Sterling Caring For People ... Not Just Eyes Simental’s Lawn Care 815-631-1076 Free Estimates, Seniors 10% off Dan Simental, Parish member SHELL JOHNSON OIL Shell Stations In Sterling - Rock Falls FOLSOM’S BAKERY 319 1st Avenue, Rock Falls, IL 61071 (815) 622-7870 CROWN EXTERMINATORS INC. “A FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1942” Graduation Cakes & Wedding Cakes All Your Bakery Needs PROFESSIONAL PEST CONTROL 1514 W. 4TH ST., STERLING, IL 61081 (815) 625-8604 29020 Mechling Lane, Rock Falls, IL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS - 24 HR. SERVICE James S. Ferris, D.D.S. OCTOPUS BRUSHLESS CAR WASH Dental Care For The Entire Family 2000 N. Locust, Sterling Phone: 625-6842 4 W. Third St. • Sterling, IL 61081 (815) 622-5000 Many Hands to Serve You Mon.-Sat. 8-5:30 Sun. 8am-1pm 407 E. 3rd St. SM The Pharmacy That’s All About Your Health FURR EXCAVATING, INC. JERRY WARREN Complete Line of Excavating PONTIAC BUICK Residential • Commercial FURR’S SEPTIC MAINTENANCE 2502 Locust Street 625-2290 815-626-0864 1408 First Avenue, Rock Falls 815/625-5949 Pumping • Repair • Installation 625-5318 1219 WEST 4TH STERLING, IL 61081 TEL: (815) 626-9011 FAX: (815) 626-9109 José, Manager/Owner Carnes Frescas Cortadas Al Gusto Productos Mexicanos, Música, Películas. Notario, Income Tax Y WHOLESALERS OF ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEERS JOEL M. DOWNIE, P.C. Certified Public Accountant & Consultant Joel M. Downie, CPA Parishioner 907 West Route 30 Rock Falls, IL 61071 (815) 625-8800 CONSTRUCTION Advertising Brings Results! 630-896-7220 Place an Ad Today! LITE Call Jorge Sanchez at ¡Ponga un anuncio hoy! Llame a Jorge Sanchez a la extensión 2487 262-785-1188 • 1-800-950-9952 Correo electrónico: FRANK’S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR 262-785-1188 • 1-800-950-9952 extension 2487 Email: Service & Parts on Lawn & Garden Equipment Overnight Chain Saw Sharpening Toro & Echo Equipment Frank Thayer - Owner 30 Years Experience 4-Cycle Engine Certified Mechanic 405 Ash Ave., Sterling, IL 61081Mon-Fri 8-5-Sat 7-12 (corner of Ash Ave. & IL Rt. 2) 815-622-9999 Pray for Vocations McCue Tax & Accounting Teresa M. McCue E.A. Everything for the Office & Gifts! 501 Locust St. 625-4375 ©2009 Owner AL J. DIETERLE DECORATING Res: 626-0755 Parish Member FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-950-9952 DIXON NAPA 713 N. Galena Dixon, IL 61021 (815) 284-3301 FAX (815) 288-7754 Coventry Living Center LLC 612 W. St. Mary’s Road 815-626-9020 302 1st Ave., Suite 510, Sterling, IL 61081 Bus: 622-0308 BRECK LOOS, Parishioner STERLING NAPA 218 W. 3rd St. Sterling, IL 61081 (815) 625-3300 FAX (815) 625-3479 Phone 1-815-625-5279 Sterling WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY CHURCH STERLING, IL A 4C 01-0240 04-27-2009 12:06:45 SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Deje que Community State Bank le abra las puertas a la casa de sus sueños Para mas información comunicate con una de nuestras representantes bilingües Cuenta de cheques • Cuenta de ahorros • Certificados de depósito • IRA’s • Prestamos para automóviles • Prestamos para la compra de casa • Y mucho más Locally owned and managed Dentro de County Market 815-622-3939 en contacto contigo Empowering People . . . . Empowers Communities 229 First Avenue, Suite 2, Rock Falls, IL 61071 (815) 625-7860 Voice (815) 625-7863 TTY BOB WOESSNER 626-0000 Se Habla Español Se Habla Español Sterling Pavilion, Ltd. This space available. Serving Our Community With Caring Hearts & Skillful Hands Since 1974 OFFERING ♥ Skilled Nursing ♥ Licensed Physical Occupational And Speech Therapy ♥ Specializing in Wound Care For a price quote call 626-4264 105 East 23rd (Adjacent To Rec Center) MOORE TIRES, INC. COMPLIMENTS OF 2411 East Route 30 Rock Falls • 625-1800 Goodyear • Sigma • Uniroyal CORP. Bandag • Firestone • Titan 625-0379 Michelin ... and many more STEWART BEVERAGE 1307 W. 4th Jorge Sanchez at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2487 Email: Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. ©2009 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY CHURCH STERLING, IL B 4C 01-0240 04-27-2009 12:06:45
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Saint Mary`s Santa Maria - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
Parish Secretary/Secretaria Parroquial, Donna Blum ............ ext. 13
Business Manager/Contador, Marilyn McBride ....................... ext. 25
Pastoral Associate, Jane Olson ......................