The largest gay sites in Scandinavia
The largest gay sites in Scandinavia
QX Publishing presents The largest gay sites in Scandinavia deliver political as well as entertainment news on a daily basis. At you’ll find a daily updated guide to the Scandinavian gay scene published both in Swedish and English. At our mail order shop has it’s home. Statistics: Top positioning Qruiser is the largest Scandinavian gay/queer community on the Net. Nearly 100.000 active members has their own page, send messages, starts and become members in clubs. Qruiser is a multilingual page that can be used in Swedish, English, German, Danish, Norwegian and Finnish. You can have your ad shown on the top ad positions only. Price +15% on and +100% on Statistics: QX GayMap Please note: Prices below are for ads shown for users in Sweden. Pricelist 2009 (SEK excl. VAT) Week Month Week Month Widescreen 6 000 22 500 4 000 12 000 Double Widescreen 8 000 30 000 6 500 20 000 Triple Widescreen 10 000 39 000 8 000 24 000 Full page 12 000 45 000 – – – – 10 500 32 000 Pop up 19 500 78 000 18 000 72 000 Grande 15 000 60 000 – – Text link 2 500 10 000 1 500 6 000 39 000 / day – – – 250 x 120 pixels / max 30 KB 250 x 240 pixels / max 40 KB 250 x 360 pixels / max 50 KB 375 (max) x 250 pixels / max 50 KB Stripe 730 x 60 pixels / max 40 KB Size variation - please contact us 592 x 120 pixels / max 50 KB Max 50 characters / 250 pixels wide Total Frame Covering the whole advert area Grande Total Frame Targeting At you can show your advert to targeted visitors choosen by region, sex and/or age group. Please ask for prices. QX GayMap offers a guide to hotels, restaurants, bars, cafés, shops, services, parties, travel agents etc, in Scandinavia, as well as gay friendly cities and resorts around the Globe. Listings are for free. Ad PLUS and increase visibilty. See GayMap Price List. Technical specifications Delivery address: Please deliver two workdays before first publishing day. Accepted material: GIF, JPEG, Flash, HTML. Maximal file size: 30-50 KB depending on ad size. Please note that files that do not follow the size limits can not be published. Click tag: To be able to count your clicks on a Flash or HTML-advert you need to include a ”clickTag”. Changing advert: Change of your advert once a month is included in the price. If you need to change more times a fee of 500 SEK will be charged for each additional change. This price list is valid for the year 2009, with the exception of changes and misprints. Vitare tänder på 30 minuter, spara 1000-lappar. Text link Widescreen Double Widescreen Full page Helsida Triple Widescreen To book advert space and for more info - please contact: Roscoe K.M. Williams Sales & Marketing Internet +46 - (0)8 - 442 49 51 Tomas Gunnarsson Sales & Marketing +46 - (0)8 - 442 49 52 Ulrika Lahne Sales & Marketing Director +46 - (0)8 -442 49 50 QX Förlag AB Box 17 218 SE - 104 62 Stockholm, Sweden Visit: Ludvigsbergsgatan 22
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