October 2009 - MCS America


October 2009 - MCS America
Getting to the
Social Security
Disability Appeals
Asthma May Be
Getting to the Point
Linked to Toxics
Your House as a
AMA to Train on
Toxic Chemicals
Cell Phones
Proven Danger
Gene For CFS
Hep B Triples
Risk of Autism
Mold Leads to
Vaccines & Goods 24
May Lead to CFS
How to Effectively
Communicate MCS
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Feature Article
Getting to the Point
How to Effectively Communicate MCS
One of the most frustrating aspects of multiple
chemical sensitivity (MCS) is the lack of understanding and acceptance of the condition by
those around the person with MCS. Often,
people with MCS are subjected to wellmeaning, but ignorant, comments that can be
deligitimizing and hurtful. Comments may take
the form of unwanted advice, insults, and simple disbelief.
Learning how to respond to these comments,
educate others, halt abusive insults, and diffuse
unwanted advice can be the difference between healthy adjustment and despair. There
are several response approaches which each
serve a different purpose. The approach selected depends largely on whether one wants
to diffuse a situation, end the conversation, or
engage in educating someone about MCS.
Humor displays an overall good attitude, a
point of strength. Humorous responses can
also be used to toss a misplaced comment
back at another person in a funny way that
gets a point across.
In some situations, it is most desirable to simply diffuse the comment in such a way that the
commenter is unable to respond. This is useful when one is
not feeling well,
has no resource for humor, lacks time,
or does not
wish to engage
in long explanations.
Educational responses attempt to help the commenter to understand the truth about MCS and
what causes it. These are often the most difficult responses because they take considerable
time and energy in discussion. It is engrained in
most people that consumer products are safe.
Breaking through the barrier of understanding
why one person is affected when “it doesn’t
bother me” can be difficult. Despite the difficulty, educational approaches are the most fruitful so far as spreading the word and enlightening
the world. This method is a must for friends,
family, co-workers, and others a person has
regular contact with.
Another method that acts to diffuse a comment
is the snappy response. This may involve a
slightinsult designed to embarrass the other person into silence. This response is not particularly effective with anyone with whom a good
relationship is desired. However, this method
can be useful in cases where total strangers
make inappropriate or insulting comments.
The most important thing is to never try to explain or defend oneself. Doing so only results in
an argument where each person tries to prove
they are right. Turning the conversation to the
other person instead of yourself is an extremely
effective diffusing mechanism. These kinds of
encounters can leave victims feeling abused and
misunderstood. If you walk away from the encounter smiling and suppressing a giggle, you’ve
done well for yourself.
The following tidbits are some typical comments
and suggested responses for each of the approaches.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
"But I don't smell anything!"
Humor- Try inhaling!
Educational – In MCS, the blood brain barrier leaks. Since chemicals enter
the brain rapidly through inhalation, a leaky blood-brain barrier allows them
to enter the brain and be detected at much lower levels.
Scientific - You’ve been psychologically habituated to it through cognitive
Snappy – Maybe you should see your doctor about your inability to smell?
“Do you think if you just used some perfume again, you might get
immune to it and not notice it so much?"
Humor- You are absolutely right! When I stop breathing and go unconscious,
I don’t care a bit!
Educational - Perfume is made up of nearly 5,000 different unregulated
chemicals. Less than 20% have been tested for human safety. Perfume has
been linked to various health effects.
Scientific - The chemicals in perfumes may act to upregulate the nitric oxide
and peroxynitrite cycle of biochemistry.
Snappy – Would you not notice rat poison less if you kept ingesting it?
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
“Take an allergy pill” (Epi Pen, allergy shot, etc.)
Humor- Gosh, why didn’t my doctor tell me that 20 years ago when I got
MCS? You’re brilliant!
Educational - MCS is not an allergy. Allergies are abnormal responses to
harmless substances which can be treated by medications. MCS is triggered
by toxic substances which actually poison the entire body.
Scientific - MCS is a toxicological disorder which is not mediated by immunoglobulin E.
Snappy – Please show me your medical license or give me your social security number and address so I can have my lawyer contact you for practicing
medicine without a license.
“If it’s real, then go to the doctor and get it fixed.”
Humor- If I were a simple car, my doctor would the best darned mechanic in
the world!
Educational – Curing medical conditions is virtually unheard of. When
someone is poisoned, the treatment is to remove the poison and avoid future exposure.
Scientific - Before a doctor can attempt to “fix” xenobiotic induced neuroendocrineimmune deregulation, the patient must remove all xenobiotics from
the environment.
Snappy – Go to college and get your ignorance fixed.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
“You should try (yoga, going to church noni juice, therapy, etc).”
Humor- It’s always been my goal in life to be a well-adjusted and relaxed, disabled person.
Educational – Those are coping mechanisms, not treatments or cures for
MCS. They won’t help reduce toxic reactions.
Scientific – Please provide me with copies of peer-reviewed, journalpublished studies supporting the efficacy of these interventions.
Snappy – May I see a copy of your medical degree so I can turn you in for
practicing pseudo science?
“Just don't think about it.”
Humor- Ignorance is bliss… ‘til I die of exposures anyway.
Educational – Consider a roach sprayed with pesticide. Most reasonable
people would agree that a roach does not think the way humans do and is
not intelligent enough to realize it’s been sprayed with a lethal poison. Even
though the roach isn’t thinking about it, it still dies.
Scientific – Xenobiotics have the same effect on living organisms whether or
not the organism is cognizant of their presence.
Snappy –Consume a lethal dose of rat poison and don’t think about it.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
“You don't look sick.”
Humor- Thank God! What a relief!
Educational – People with cancer don’t look sick either, but they still suffer
and die. It’s like a ripe piece of fruit that looks great on the outside, but is
being eaten on the inside by maggots.
Scientific - The glutathione S-transferase genes control hepatic detoxification.
In people with MCS, certain genetic variations slow hepatic detoxification.
Snappy - You don’t look blind and ignorant.
“Aren’t you all better by now?”
Humor- In my mind, thoughts, and convictions!
Educational – MCS is a lifelong toxic injury for which there is no cure. Like
an amputee, we learn to live with our disability.
Scientific - The glutathione S-transferase genes control hepatic detoxification.
In people with MCS, certain genetic variations slow hepatic detoxification.
Snappy – Aren’t you educated by now?
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
"It doesn’t bother me, so it shouldn’t bother you."
Humor- Can I test some rat poison on you then. I’ve been wondering if it
would bother me.
Educational - Similarly, sugar doesn’t bother most people, but can be deadly
to diabetics.
Scientific – In people with MCS, certain genes which regulate the break
down of toxic materials are deleted. The glutathione S-transferase genes
control hepatic detoxification.
Snappy – Fresh, clean, healthy air doesn’t bother me, so it shouldn’t bother
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
"Why can't you get your olfactory nerves cut?”
Humor- All the less to smell you with my dear!
Educational - The olfactory nerve brings the sensation of smell to the brain.
Removing it does not make toxic substances less poisonous. In fact, it would
make a person less able to protect themselves by removing the ability to
identify potentially toxic substances through smell.
Scientific - Cutting the olfactory nerve can not alter the toxicological properties of xenobiotics.
Snappy – Why can’t you have a lobotomy?
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
“I'm only wear a little bit of perfume.”
Humor- Do you put a little bit of rat poison in your drink every day too?
Educational – In MCS, the blood brain barrier is damaged. Since perfumes
enter the brain rapidly through the olfactory nerve and contain ingredients
on the EPA toxic waste list, the lack of blood-brain barrier protection allows
them to be detected and have effects at very low levels.
Scientific - The glutathione S-transferase genes control hepatic detoxification.
In people with MCS, certain genetic variations slow hepatic detoxification.
Snappy – Maybe you should see your doctor about your inability to smell?
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
“It's all in your head.”
Humor- What a relief! Wait ‘til I tell my doctors that they’ve got it all wrong!
Educational – Actually, you are partially right. The chemicals in fragrances do
disrupt normal brain function. Lab studies have confirmed that common fragrances contain toxic ingredients and induce acute toxic effects.
Scientific – SPECT scans have shown that fragrances reduce perfusion, essentially starving the brain of life sustaining oxygen in people with MCS.
Snappy – Please give me your social security number and address so I can
have my lawyer contact you for practicing medicine without a license.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Column: Walkup Talks Disability
Social Security Disability
- Michael Walkup, Attorney at Law
Although each stage of the Social
Security Disability process can be
called an “appeal”, what I will be
talking about here are appeals from
adverse decisions following a hearing before an Administrative Law
Judge (ALJ).
Michael Walkup is an experienced disability practitioner with
over 25 years of experience in
the disability law field. In 2001
he became disabled due to MCS,
CFS, and FM. He is now providing a service to advise clients with
potential disability claims who
have MCS, CFS, and/or FM. As
these programs and law are usually Federal, he is able to practice
in all 50 states, so your location
does not matter.
Michael is a long time Sustaining
Member of the National Organization for Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR),
the only national body for disability representatives. He is also
certified as a Federal Trial Lawyer
and is admitted to the U.S. Court
of Appeals for Veteran’s Claims.
Michael would welcome the opportunity to try to help you with
your legal claims. His web site
www.MCSLegalHelp.com, or he
may be contacted at
MJWalkup@Amertech.net, or at
866-880-HURT (4878).
An adverse ALJ decision will be
called an “Unfavorable Decision”.
You may also appeal a “Partially Favorable Decision”, which will be a
decision in which you were awarded
some, but not all, of the benefits
you were seeking. If you won entirely, it will be called a “Fully Favorable Decision”. You cannot appeal a
Fully Favorable Decision even if you
don’t like the rationale that was
used to award the benefits i.e. mental impairment.
You have 60 days to appeal an adverse decision which is done by filling out a form and sending it to the
Hearings Office. The entire file, including the decision and a disc of
the hearing testimony, will be sent
to the Appeals Council in Baltimore,
Md. You can send in additional evidence and make additional arguments. This is addressed to the Appeals Council in writing.
You can estimate that it will take at
least a year for the Appeals Council
to render a decision. You can keep
updating your file and adding evidence
while that is going on. The average
amount of time the person reviewing
your file will spend for the review is
about fifteen minutes, so keep any
comments short and to the point.
To the extent that anything favorable
happens at the Appeals Council it will
be probably be to remand the case
back for an additional hearing with
instructions to the ALJ rather than an
outright reversal. The exception to
this would be if there is some definitive testing or definitive evidence of a
non MCS condition which is disabling
that was not raised before, such as bi
polar disorder.
This will not tend to apply in MCS
cases so you should at best look forward to a remand for an additional
hearing. The remand hearing will be
in front of the same judge as denied
the claim originally, unless you move
out of that Hearing Office’s area, in
which case it will be transferred to
the new office and re-assigned to a
different judge. Your chances will be
better if you can get the remand
heard by someone new.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
"If you
lose at the
you can file
a lawsuit
against the
If you lose at the Appeals Council, you
can file a lawsuit against the SSA in the
Federal District Court for your area.
These are decided entirely on paper
with briefs submitted by both sides. A
transcript has to be prepared of the
hearing testimony. If the audio disc is
not audible, the case will automatically
be remanded for a new hearing.
Federal court cases are difficult for
MCS claims as the federal courts tend
to follow more restrictive rules of evidence for admission of expert testimony. Even though there are no rules
of evidence in Social Security Disability
cases, I nevertheless find that these
rules tend to influence the thinking of
the federal judge and make it difficult
to convince them to accept what may
be considered non-standard tests and
opinions. The decision from any federal appeal will also be published nationally, so it can create a bad precedent for others. I therefore tend to
discourage federal court appeals in favor of advising my clients to re-file for
benefits, where possible.
You may re-file your application while
pursuing the Appeals Council appeal.
The Appeals Council will take a year or
more to decide on your appeal and, at
best, will probably be sending it back for
another ALJ hearing that will take time
to schedule. The amount of time it will
take on an entirely new application may
not be that much different. Even if you
are still living in the same area, the new
application will be assigned randomly to
one of 6 or more ALJs in that Hearing
Office, so the chances are that you will
be assigned a different judge than the
one that denied the previous claim.
The exception to this is if your “Date
Last Insured” for disability benefits had
expired before the date of the ALJ Decision. In that case, you will not be able
to re-file a new application and will have
to take all available appeals.
I will talk more about that in the next
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Scientific Study
Asthma May Be Linked to
Toxic Exposures
According to researchers, there may be a noteworthy relationship between asthma and chemical sensitivity.
Equal percentages of the population suffer from allergies and chemical sensitivity as separate illnesses. A survey
showed that 13% of the population suffers from asthma while another 12% suffers from chemical sensitivity.
Both conditions affect racial groups equally.
Over a third of asthmatics also report symptoms of chemical sensitivity, with 38% suffering ill effects from
scented products, such as perfumes, air fresheners, and other fragrances.
More than 1 in 10 asthmatics also say their asthma was caused by an exposure to a toxic substance.
Every day, Americans are exposed to a farrago of toxic substances found in the air, food, water, and consumer
products. Some of these toxic substances are known toxics such as pesticides and industrial pollution. Others
are hidden in commonly used products, such as fragrances.
Fragrances are added to cleaners (laundry soap, glass cleaner, all purpose cleaner, etc.), personal care products
(soap, shampoo, lotion, after shave, etc), laundry detergent, air fresheners, and many others.
Fragrance companies do not disclose the ingredients used to create their scent under trade secret laws; however, tests have shown that a fragrance may contain as many as 5,000 toxic chemicals. Several of the chemicals
discovered are classified as hazardous waste by the Environmental Protection Agency and less than 20% have
actually been tested for human safety.
Fragrance is ubiquitous in the environment, yet it is listed a primary trigger for both asthmatics and the chemically sensitive.
Toxic chemicals are capable of damaging body tissues, impairing enzyme function, weakening the immune system, initiating brain swelling, and causing genetic alterations that impair normal liver detoxification. People injured in this way often become less able to eliminate the chemical loads placed on them in day-to-day living.
Asthma is one result of this toxic onslaught. Chemical sensitivity is another. Other studies have correlated
cancer, autism, and many other modern diseases and disorders to toxic exposure.
Chemicals which have been tested have only been tested individually and scientists do not yet understand the
complex interactions which occur when chemicals with similar or opposite properties are mixed with one another in the environment. Neither do scientists understand how these complex mixtures affect human health.
Caress SM, Steinemann AC. Asthma and chemical hypersensitivity: prevalence, etiology, and age of onset. Toxicol Ind Health. 2009 Feb;25(1):71-8.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Stephen’s Healthy Housing Column
Welcome to MCS:
Time to Look
at Your
as a
Stephen Collette, BBEC, LEED AP
Stephen Collette is a Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant (BBEC). This
lengthy certification analyses the built environment and how it impacts people’s health.
Stephen was a natural builder for 5 years specializing in straw bale construction. Stephen has
an engineering background and training which enables him to understand the various processes occurring within the home and how they can interact. Applying these skills and knowledge to the standard home and small office enables Your Healthy House to find the reasons
for poor indoor air quality and to create solutions to help create your healthy house.
Stephen Collette is a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - Accredited Professional (LEED AP), which allows Stephen to use the Canada Green Building Council’s guidelines and method to ensure a quantitative approach to building green.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Welcome to MCS:
Time to Look at Your House
as a System
“A better
of your House
as a System will
help you
For many people who have had MCS
for some time, they have slowly made
their living space their sanctuary. For
those who are newly diagnosed,
things are going to be different, and
need to be for you to stay as well as
possible. That means looking at your
home in a different light. This series of
articles will walk through the kinds of
elements that I look for in a healthy
house and where the potential problems may lie. We will focus on the
sneaky things that you may have
missed in your own process.
Your House as a System
upon it, such as wind, water, sun, heat,
and cold. We also have a dramatically
damaging element on the inside that
does more damage to a building than
anything else, and that is the occupants. We throw tremendous amounts
of water, heat, chemicals, and poor
judgment at a house and expect it to
perform under all situations.
This, however, is a challenge. We must
remember that the house does in fact
operate as a system. If you change this
dynamic interplay between indoors and
outside by altering an element, such as
windows, there is a cause and effect.
Initially this would be the warmer winters, less heat loss, and air movement.
However, there are other effects that
the installer does not mention, such as
the elevated moisture levels in the
house because now the moisture you
generate no longer escapes around the
leaky windows as it has in the past.
Understanding how your house
works, as a system is a critical component to making it work for you and to
be able to keep at bay the elements
that might impact you from outside
and inside. A better understanding of
your House as a System will help you When we hire someone to come and
fix something in the house, we typically
prevent potential building failure.
hire a specialist who knows a lot about
Consider your house very the area of concern, such as a roofer, a
much like another layer of plumber, an HVAC technician or a
yourself. It really is our window installer. They understand
third layer, with the first how their products and skills can help
being our skin, the second improve your home, but they don’t
our clothes and our home necessarily understand how their prodis the third. The house is uct interacts with the rest of the buildan interactive structure, ing and what impact the changes they
with various elements out- make could have on other components
side of the house acting of your house.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
“The House as
a System
approach also
deals with how
the house just
functions from
day to day or
from occupant
to occupant.”
Let’s take a standard example that we
started with above. A 1950’s house
with a mid efficiency furnace located in
the basement (heating climate) and old
slider windows. The homeowners want
to do their part for the environment
and save some money by upgrading
these two standard elements. Since the
change they have had massive amounts
of condensation upstairs and are seeing
mould growth in the basement that
they never had before. What has happened?
What has happened is that the former
mid efficiency furnace used to take air
from the basement, heat and condition
it, and move it around the house. The
new high efficiency furnace now takes
air from outside, not the basement,
and therefore there is less air movement in the basement. With less conditioning of the air in the basement
there is more moisture and stale air,
which can support mould growth. The
windows upstairs used to leak all of the
moist air from showers, laundry, and
breathing. Since this moisture can no
longer escape, condensation forms on
the windows.
Since neither the window installer nor
the HVAC technician mentioned to the
homeowners that these effects
might happen, the homeowner
has no one to turn to, who
can explain all the changes.
The trades people often don’t
mention that a dehumidifier
would be required in the basement during the cooling season or that an HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilator) would have
made the homeowner much
happier and satisfied with their
service. Unfortunately, this scenario is
more common than you can imagine.
It happens with all areas of the building,
due to a lack of House as a System understanding by the various trades.
The House as a System approach also
deals with how the house just functions
from day to day or from occupant to
occupant. Consider the moisture generated in a house with an elderly couple versus a young family. The retired
couple might do laundry once a week,
do minimal cooking and showering,
thereby not creating a large moisture
impact upon the house. A young family
in the same home, however, might
have teenagers taking long showers,
lots of laundry, and dishwashing which
create a significantly larger moisture
impact upon the house. The same
house under different parameters can
create situations in which moisture and
potential mold develop that were not a
problem for the former owners.
In a heating climate (more heating days
than cooling days within a year) there
is more moisture on the inside trying
to get out. In a cooling climate (more
cooling days than heating days within a
year) there is more moisture on the
outside trying to get in. For those areas in the middle band of comfort,
moisture largely depends on the construction, location, and occupants.
Controlling this moisture and ensuring
that it moves through the wall system
safely and doesn’t create a potential
problem with condensation can be a
bigger challenge than many realize. This
is why just slapping up some walls for
an addition or finishing off your basement can in fact create a detrimental
situation instead of a positive one.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
The movement of air, moisture, and thermal energy all work together within the space of our
walls and ceiling in a remarkable manner. For myself, located in Ontario, we have temperatures
dropping down to -30C (-22F)
and we have the equivalent of
driving to Florida inside my
walls as the temperature goes
up on the inside to 18C (64F).
That’s pretty remarkable capacity that the walls can deal with
when we think of buildings
dealing with such a dynamic
change in conditions.
Building Pressure
Building pressure is another
issue that plays inside homes.
This is the chimney effect or
stack effect, whereby the house
becomes pressurized by the air
inside of it. Hot air rises, and
cool air falls. Our basements
and lower levels are cooler as
warm outside air enters through the rim joists,
cracks around windows and other leakage points.
The air then warms up, becomes buoyant, and
rises. As it rises, it expands and pressurizes the
house. This is why upper floors can keep out exterior odors better, because the spaces are more
positively pressurized, compared to the lower levels. This air then leaves the house through the attic hatch, leaky windows, and around light fixtures.
You can improve air quality and energy efficiency
by sealing up any of these areas, as it will reduce
exfiltration (exiting of your conditioned air) and
infiltration (dirty dusty, yucky air coming into the
Of course the outside also plays a part with wind
loads on the house. And, the difference in temperature between inside and outside can amplify
the pressure inside the house. Then add the mechanicals inside the house, with dryers and ex-
haust vents drawing out, fresh air intakes, fireplace, and furnace chimneys and this can quickly
become a challenge.
Another example to help explain
this situation: The house was a
nice 1940’s story and a half plastered house. The upper floor had
3 bedrooms and a bathroom. The
owner was a carpenter and did
some work in the basement
workshop area. The son had
some allergies and the family was
concerned as they also noticed
some sort of film on the child’s
walls. Turns out it was plaster
dust from the basement, that
would rise up through the house,
and because the bedroom was on
the east side (leeward side from
the prevailing winds) this room
was the endpoint for the airflow
within the house when applying
stack effect and wind effect upon
the house. The homeowner built
a shop for his work and stopped working in the
basement, thereby reducing the exposure to the
child all the way on the second floor.
Buildings and how they operate change from season to season, and with temperature and wind
loads even daily or hourly. The system is also affected by how you operate your house on the inside from the moisture generated, the temperature you keep it at, or the activities that are carried out in other parts of the house. It is a learning
process to listen to the house and what it is telling
you and how it operates that we can learn to live
healthier lives within their secure walls.
Stephen Collette is a Building Biology Environmental
Consultant and LEED accredited professional, who
owns Your Healthy House, and is living with his family
in Lakefield, Ontario.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
AMA to Train Health Providers on
Health Effects of Toxic Chemical Exposures
"The AMA
also will
encourage the
training of
medical students,
and other health
professionals on
the human
health effects of
toxic chemical
The 2008 Annual Meeting Highlights
for the AMA House of Delegates Reference Committee on Amendments to
the Constitution and Bylaws was recently published on the internet.
Of immense interest was the statement declaring that, "The AMA also
will encourage the training of medical
students, physicians and other health
professionals on the human health effects of toxic chemical exposures."
While this sounds very honorable, it
may or may not lead to better care for
toxically injured people, such as those
suffering from chemical injuries, multiple chemical sensitivity, autism, vaccine
injuries, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
In order for this statement to be
meaningful, the AMA would have to be
willing to accept advancing scientific
evidence of chemical toxicity. Should
the AMA deny this science, as is so
commonly seen when industry debunks research studies, this declaration may indeed be useless. Claiming
an exposure is too insignificant to
cause any health effects has been a
common way to deny toxic injury.
In addition, physicians would need to
be trained to believe their patients’
reports of injury and the relationship
of certain exposures to symptoms. If
physicians continue to simply dismiss
patient reports as psychogenic, the
truth will remain evasive.
If, on the other hand, the AMA takes
new research and patient reports seriously, this may be the beginning of improved health care. Many illness are
linked to environmental exposure, including cancer, asthma, allergies, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, chemical sensitivity, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer's,
and more.
A shift toward recognizing how toxic
exosure impacts human health would
be meaningful in terms of improving
the health of the injured and avoiding
toxic injury for the masses through
education and stricter regulations.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
“This is
and lends
to doubt
as to
the AMA
will actually
true toxic
The same declaration adopts a policy to “recognize that insufficient evidence exists to specifically restrict use of high fructose corn syrup or other fructosecontaining sweeteners in the food supply, or to require the use of warning labels
on products containing high fructose corn syrup.”
This is most discouraging and lends to doubt as to whether the AMA will actually recognize true toxic exposures and “encourage the training of medical students, physicians and other health professionals on the human health effects of
toxic chemical exposures.”
The full resolution on toxics education states:
“The AMA resolved to call upon the federal government to implement a comprehensive chemicals policy that is in line with current scientific knowledge on
human and environmental health, and that requires a full evaluation of the
health impacts of both newly developed and industrial chemicals now in use.
The AMA also will support the restructuring of the Toxic Substances Control Act
to help federal and state agencies reduce the use of industrial chemicals, and
efficiently assess the human and environmental health hazards that result from
them. In addition, the AMA will support the Strategic Approach to International
Chemicals process leading to the sound management of chemicals throughout
their lifecycle so that by 2020 chemicals are used and produced in ways that
minimize adverse effects on human health and the environment. The AMA
also will encourage the training of medical students, physicians and other health
professionals on the human health effects of toxic chemical exposures.”
2008 Annual Meeting Highlights for the AMA House of DelegatesReference
Committee on Amendmentsto the Constitution and Bylaws. 2008. American
Medical Association. Retrieved on September 14, 2009 from
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Cell Phones Proven Dangerous
Public concern over the dangers of cell netic hypersensitivity (EHS) to a loss of
phone radiation and microwave emis- fertility and an increased risk of getting
sions is at an all time high.
cancer,” says Goldsworthy.
“There is
increased risk
for glioma and
neuroma after
10 years of
mobile phone
Scientists evaluated current scientific
evidence for long-term mobile phone
use. There is a consistent increased
risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma
after 10 years of mobile phone use.
People who suffer from electrosensitivity have much higher natural rates of
calcium leakage. “Since their leakage
rates are already high, even small
amounts of electromagnetic radiation
that would not affect non-sensitive indiScientists Hardella and colleagues now viduals can trigger their symptoms,” says
conclude that, “Current standard for Goldsworthy.
exposure to microwaves during mobile
phone use is not safe for long-term Symptoms of electrosensitivity include
exposure and needs to be revised.”
unusual feelings of heat, touch, pressure,
crawling sensations, pins and needles,
Andrew Goldsworthy, a retired Lec- dizziness, nausea, and pain.
turer in Biology at the Imperial College
London, says, “Cell phone signals have Goldsworthy asserts, “EHS may become
to be “modulated” if they are to carry a major problem for us all. Although
information such as speech and the only a few percent of the population are
various control signals needed to make at present electrosensitive, the condithe system work. Most digital modula- tion can be brought on in hitherto
tion systems involve sharp changes in healthy people by repeated or prosignal strength. These occur over a longed exposure to the radiation. Howwide range of frequencies, some of ever, it sometimes takes many years to
which are biologically active. Further- develop so, even if you are currently
more, they occur at radiation levels one of the lucky ones who are not afmany orders of magnitude lower than fected, there is no guarantee that it will
those specified by guidelines. These stay that way.”
guidelines are therefore set far too
high to protect us from modulated ra- Electrosensitivity is a growing problem
and has already been given a special
month by Colorado, Broward County
Signals are usually thought of as dan- Florida, and Connecticut in the U.S.
gerous only when they provide heat.
Now there is evidence that signals Reference
which do not produce heat, including Hardella, L, Carlberga, M, Mildb, KH.
cell phone signals, can cause calcium Epidemiological evidence for an associaleakage in brain cells. “This in turn can tion between use of wireless phones and
produce all sorts of unwanted biologi- tumor diseases. Pathophysiology. August
cal effects, ranging from electromag- 2009;16(2-3):113-122.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Gene Responsible for Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome Identified
explains that
there is a gene
that produces a
protein which
tells the muscles
when they are
too tired to keep
In recent news, Alan Light, a research
professor in the anesthesiology department, dispels the myth that
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is
mere laziness.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is
characterized by disabling fatigue, unrefreshing sleep, headaches, depression, cognitive dysfunction, and body
More than 4 million Americans suffer
from CFS. While more frequent in
women aged 40-59 years, people of all
ages, ethnicities, economic statuses,
and both sexes may develop CFS.
Light explains that there is a gene that
produces a protein which tells the
muscles when they are too tired to
keep working. When this gene signals, people feel fatigued and are
encouraged to rest.
mal people, these proteins are limited;
however, in people with CFS these
proteins increase rapidly and induce a
feeling of exhaustion.
Though graded exercise therapy is often recommended for people with
CFS, this finding shows that exercise is
extremely counter-productive for people with CFS.
Light’s research does not identify what
causes this gene to suddenly malfunction in previously healthy people,
though he hopes that CFS will now be
viewed as an actual disease.
Even more importantly, a simple genetic test could identify chronic fatigue
syndrome for diagnostic purposes.
Other research has linked vaccinations,
toxic environmental exposures, and
various infections as triggers of CFS.
Toxic exposures may act to alter geHowever, in persons with chronic netic constitution. Vaccines may act to
fatigue syndrome, this gene signals sensitize the immune system.
the muscles too early. This leads
to fatigue and exhaustion at much There is now sufficient evidence that
lower levels of activity than most of chronic fatigue syndrome is real and
us experience.
Exercise acts to increase proteins Light’s research may lead to potential
which signal muscles fatigue. In nor- treatments for CFS.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Hep B Vaccine Triples Risk of Autism
have found links
between the
hepatitis B vaccine
ear infections,
arthritis, throat
and the
need for
Since 1991, vaccination with hepatitis months. The CDC recommends that
B vaccine has been recommended for the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine be
given at birth.
all newborns.
The vaccine contains aluminum hydroxide which is injected as a part of
the vaccine. The material safety data
sheet for aluminum hydroxide states,
“Harmful if swallowed. May cause irritation. Avoid breathing vapors, or
dusts. Use with adequate ventilation.
Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and
Scientists have now found that male clothes. Wash thoroughly after hanbabies vaccinated with the hepatitis B dling. Keep container closed.”
vaccine have triple the risk of developing autism when compared to un- Some research has shown that certain
vaccinated boys and those vaccinated people are not able to metabolize aluminum hydroxide as previously though.
at an older age.
The adjuvant is then stored in the musThe risk of autism increases with ad- cle tissue where it can lead to muscular
ministration of the hepatitis B shot degenerative diseases.
and is greatest for non-Caucasians.
Thimerosal has also been found in
Hepatitis B is liver disease caused by a some formulations of the hepatitis B
virus and transmitted via body fluids. vaccine. Thimerosal is a mercury comThe virus leads to liver inflammation pound that has been linked to neuroand may result in liver cancer, liver toxicity and is widely in question as a
failure, and kidney disease if un- potential cause of autism.
Neither thimerosal or aluminum hySymptoms include:
droxide has been investigated for huAbdominal pain
man safety since the 1920’s. At that
Dark urine
time, investigation was limited to a sinJoint pain
gle study.
Loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting
Weakness and fatigue
Yellowing of skin and the whites
C. Gallagher, C, Goodman, M. Hepatiof eyes (jaundice)
tis B Vaccination of Male Neonates and
Hepatitis B vaccine is usually given as Autism. Annals of Epidemiology. 19
a series of several shots over several (9):659-659.
The shot is frequently given on the
day of birth, but has a questionable
safety record. Studies have found
links between the hepatitis B vaccine
and ear infections, arthritis, throat
inflammation, and the need for special
education services.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Scientific Study
Mold Linked to Allergies
A new scientific study confirms that
mold odor near baseboards is correlated with childhood allergies and
rhinitis. “There are consistent findings
on associations between asthma and
allergy symptoms and residential mold
and moisture,” says Hägerhed-Engman
and colleagues.
readily. Energy efficient hermetically
sealed homes do not allow moisture to
escape through adequate ventilation.
Researchers say the only true way to
determine if baseboard odor is linked
to hidden mold problems is to take
apart the baseboard and break into the
wall and floor to look for visible moisMolds can have devastating health ef- ture damage.
fects, particularly on young, developing children. Odor along baseboards Inadequate ventilation increases the
may signify hidden moisture or mold risk of both mold discovery and the
problems within the walls or founda- health effects of any existing mold.
tion of a building.
Keeping a home dry and well ventilated
Mold and dampness is linked to many decreases the chance of mold. A dehealth problems, including respiratory humidifier may be useful in humid clidisease, asthma, allergies, immune dis- mates and damp places such as laundry
ease, behavioral disorders, and toxic rooms and bathrooms. Checking regupoisoning. Occupying a moldy building larly for leaks and replacing any water
nearly doubles the chance of asthma.
damaged building materials promptly
will reduce the chances of mold taking
Molds are both a biotoxin and an al- hold.
lergen. Allergic symptoms of mold exposure include congestion, sneezing, Should mold illness occur, prompt
watery eyes, sore throat, cough, skin medical attention should be sought. It
irritation, headache, fatigue, and light is crucial to relocate until mold remesensitivity. Toxic mold exposure symp- diation has been completed. Contintoms include neurological disorders, ued exposure to mold can cause worsbehavioral changes, chronic fatigue, ening health over time.
and chemical sensitivity.
There are many different kinds of bacteria, fungi, and spores which grow on Hägerhed-Engman L, Sigsgaard T,
nearly any surface under the right Samuelson I, Sundell J, Janson S, Borneconditions. Moist places, such as air hag CG. Low home ventilation rate in
ducts, ceilings, and plumbing enclo- combination with moldy odor from the
sures are most problematic. Home- building structure increase the risk for
owners frequently neglect regular allergic symptoms in children. Indoor
cleaning of these out-of-reach places Air. 2009 Jun;19(3):184-92. Epub 2009
and mold can develop and fester quite Mar 9.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Vaccines, Infections, & Consumer Goods
May Lead to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
an important
in CFS
Once thought to be “yuppie flu”, scientists have now confirmed that
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is
most likely a deregulation of the immune system influenced by specific
toxic agents, such as infections, vaccination, and consumer products.
linked to CFS.
There is also notable overlap between
CFS and other autoimmune and infectious diseases.
says, “Autoantibodies commonly described in some autoimmune diseases
have been found in CFS patients as
well.” Autoimmune diseases arise
from an immune response attack
against the body’s own cells.
In a few cases, depression may be reactionary in terms of grief suffered as a
result of the severe life changes illness
Ortega-Hernandez concludes that
“evidence suggests that CFS is a complex disease in which several risk factors might interact to cause its full expression. Thus, although different alterations have been found in CFS paChronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is tients, undoubtedly the main feature is
characterized by disabling fatigue, un- central nervous system involvement
refreshing sleep, headaches, depres- with immunological alterations.”
sion, cognitive dysfunction, and body
pain. More than 4 million Americans He also proposes a new term, neurosuffer from CFS. While more fre- psycho-immunology, with the view that
quent in women aged 40-59 years, immunological alterations are thought
people of all ages, ethnicities, eco- to be associated with concomitant psynomic statuses, and both sexes may chological and health disturbances.
develop CFS.
Most others have labeled CFS a neuro“Vaccination is depicted as playing an endocrineimmune disorder, which is
important role in CFS onset,” accord- viewed by many as more accurate
ing to researcher Ortega-Hernandez since CFS is not psychological in cause.
and colleagues. A case study confirmed a cause and effect link between The depression seen in some cases of
a hepatitis B vaccination and silicon CFS is most likely due to endocrine
breast implants leading to new onset and immune dysfunction and would
chronic fatigue syndrome in a previ- resolve upon correcting endocrine and
immune imbalances.
ously healthy woman.
Ortega-Hernandez OD, Shoenfeld Y.
Infection, vaccination, and autoantibodies in chronic fatigue syndrome, cause
Certain infections which result in anti- or coincidence? Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2009
body production have also been Sep;1173:600-9.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Patient Support & Resources
MCS Nebraska
Open to the general public residing in Nebraska to discuss support,
MCSA Public
ideas, information, announcements, and/or share personal activhttp://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/mcsa-public/
ism. No application is required. This list is operated in part by a
Open to the general public open to discuss MCS, support, ideas, state subsidiary volunteer who resides in the state.
information, announcements, news and activism.
or subscribe at:
MCS America Forums
MCS America Members Activist/Support
MCS Michigan
Open to the general public residing in Michigan to discuss support,
ideas, information, announcements, and/or share personal activism. No application is required. This list is operated in part by a
state subsidiary volunteer who resides in the state.
This group also fulfills the function of discuss support, ideas, information, announcements, and/or share personal activism like the
MCSA-Pubic group, only with a closed membership that requires a
membership application. This group also has the added benefit of
being a place where individuals and other organizations and activists
can engage in collaborative efforts with MCS America and being
recipient to all the news feeds (see MCSA Feeds below). Members
of this group are considered associate members of MCS America. Members do not operate MCS America in any way, but rather
collaborate with the organization and are privy to some internal
operations, activities, and events.
MCSA Feeds
According to Mt. Sinai Medical School, there are many illness'
caused by toxic substances such as pesticides. They are studying the
The purpose of this public access group is to receive daily distribu- role other toxins play on the new childhood diseases triggered by
tion of news and research studies on multiple chemical sensitivity, environmental factors. They call this the new epidemic. Mothers of
chemical injury, environmental concerns, and other related environ- Many is for all parents with children who are ill and are affected by
mental illnesses and disorders. Anyone can join without an applica- toxic chemicals such as Attention Deficit Disorder, Asthma, Cancer,
tion. Only the moderator posts to this group. This is not a discus- Autism, Tourettes Syndrome, Multiple Chemicals Sensitivities
sion group. This group distributes about 15 articles on average (MCS), Parkinson's, and any other condition affected.
each day.
Bay Area MCS
MCS Salvage and Share
http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/MCSA-safer-salvage-and-share Classified ads and notices for people with MCS (Multiple Chemical
A public access group similar to Freecycle, except it's a free recy- Sensitivity) in the San Francisco Bay Area.
cling program for safer reusable's geared towards individuals with
MCS, CFS, FM, and other related disabilities correlated with the CFS CFIDS ME
environment. The purpose of this program is to find, give, and recy- http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/CFS_CFIDS_ME/
cle needed "safe" or "safer" items. All items are exchanged for free. This Group is to promote friendly discussion about places where
Shipping cost are arranged between donor and recipient. Anyone people have gone and feel more or less recovered from CFS/ME/
can join without an application.
Support Forums Outside the
MCS America Network
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Toxic Injury
This is a small non-Yahoo based group open to the general public to
discuss MCS, support, ideas, information, announcements, news and
MCS Hawaii
Open to the general public residing in Hawaii to discuss support,
ideas, information, announcements, and/or share personal activism. No application is required. This group is currently recipient to
all the news feeds (see MCSA Feeds above). This list is operated in
part by a state subsidiary volunteer who resides in the state.
Chemical Disability Australasian NETwork
A Discussion/Chat/Mutual help list run by and for the chemically
CMCS-EI Christian MCS, CFS, FM, and EI Group
We are a Christian group who have invisible illnesses.
Creative Canaries Community
This group is an online meeting place for creative artists with
Chemical Sensitivities.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/mcs-america-membersLive Chat at the Health and Environment Resource Center
"Detox" is a group to serve chemically injured, environmentally ill, This chat room is not associated with any group. It is unmoderated
multiple chemical sensitivity, and related illness such as chronic fa- and no password is required. Chat Times: Saturday - 7 pm ET, 6 pm
tigue, candidiasis, hypoglycemia, lupus, and others.
CT, 5 pm Mtn, 4 pm Pac; Monday - 9 pm ET, 8 pm CT, 7 pm Mtn, 6
pm Pac; Wednesday - 8 pm ET, 7 pm CT, 6 pm Mtn, 5 pm Pac.
MCS Canada
The purpose of Disinissues is to share experience and advice about http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/MCS-Canada/
the processes of obtaining and maintaining Social Security Disability This group was formed to assist patients and concerned parties from
Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and long-term all nationalities learn to cope with environmental injury, including
disability insurance. The group is targeted mainly towards those with disorders such as MCS,ME, CFS, FM, Lyme, Lupus, GWS, PPS, as
invisible disabilities, such as CFIDS and other conditions not on So- well as related and associated illnesses.
cial Security's Listing of Impairments.
MCS Canadian Sources
EMF Refugee
MCS Canadian Sources is a support, information and resource exThis ML has been created with the intent of bringing refugees to- change for those living and coping with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
gether in countries around the world to form their own EMF-free (MCS), Environmental Illness (EI), or Chemical Injury (CI).
communities in natural environments where they can heal and create
healing environments for the Earth and others.
MCS Photography
Environmental Illness 001
MCS Photography is for those with multiple chemical sensitivity who
capture and share the world and their life through photography.
This group is dedicated to curing / resolving all issues related to
Environmental Illness, including but not limited to: Multiple Chemical MCS Recycle
Sensitivity (MCS), Multiple Food Allergy, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Can- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MCSRecycle/
dida, Epstein Barr Virus, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Heavy Metal The objective of this group is to be able to share with each other
Poisoning, Porphyria, endocrine system dysregulation, etc.
items that are chemical free and have been used in a non-toxic environment. This group is planet-wide.
eSens - Electrical Sensitivity
MCS Safe Shelter USA
Do you feel ill when you're near computers, cell phones, fluorescent http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/mcssafeshelterusa/
lights, or wireless internet? If so, you may have "electrical sensitivity". Short-term and long-term housing for people with MCS (Multiple
Chemical Sensitivity). Check our database for listings by state. Find
Gasslist-L (Glutaraldehyde, Aldehyde, and Solvent Sensitiv- rentals, hotels, and housing to purchase.
MCS Singles
This list has been established to serve persons interested in Glutaral- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mcs-singles
dehyde, Aldehyde, and Solvent Sensitivity, especially darkroom per- Addresses the unique challenges of living alone without help as a
sonnel, radiographers, and diagnostic medical sonographers. The single with MCS. Examines solutions, provides a place for general
purpose of the list is to promote internet-wide exchange of research discussion, and is a resource for peer support.
and information.
MCS Survivors
Green Canary
For those who experience environmental illness or multiple chemical
This list is dedicated to a life free from toxic chemicals, and the sensitivities (MCS), here is a place to gather, exchange ideas, links to
health problems that they can cause.
helpful websites, even have live chats. Enjoy!
This is the list for support and information about multiple chemical
sensitivities, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, multiple
sclerosis, porphyria, allergies, asthma, and other immune-related
Immune Parenting
This list is for both men and women who have Multiple Chemical
Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune
disorders, or other immune system medical issues--or their partners--who are parents, pregnant, trying to conceive, or who are
thinking about parenthood.
MCS Toxic Injuries
MCS-Toxic-Injuries is a self-moderated, secular, apolitical newsgroup
for toxically-injured environmentally sensitive people to support one
another and exchange coping methods, treatments and experiences.
MCS Village
The purpose of this group is to discuss the feasibility of building a
village(s) or community in which MCS/EI patients can live safely, and
to provide a forum to discuss the legal, medical, geographic, architectural, social and funding issues.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
MCS Writers Group
A place for writers who have chemical sensitivities (or chemical
injury) to share their stories and articles, work on and develop public writing skills, exchange editing skills and perspective, and develop
ideas in order to bring awareness and education to the published
world about what it is like to live with MCS/ES/CI/EI.
Midwest Oasis MCS E-mail Support
Midwest Oasis MCS E-mail Support is the e-mail arm of the Midwest
Oasis MCS Support Group. Although people from all geographical
areas are welcome to join, a partial focus of this list will be discussion of regional issues affecting MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity)
in Missouri and other Midwestern states.
those diseases that fall under the tenth paradigm. They include:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/CFIDS/M.E.), Multiple Chemical
Sensitivity (MCS), Fibromyalgia (FM/FMS), Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD), and Gulf War Syndrome (GWS).
The Sanctuary
MCS-International.Org's Holistic Support Forums For sufferers of
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and all other forms of Chemical Injury
and Environmental Illness.
Toxics Discussion
If you're keen on a toxics-safe future for the planet, then this is the
discussion group for you. Toxics are defined here as naturally occurring or man-made chemicals (elements/compounds/mixtures) that
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (Chemical Sensitivity, Porphy- have a toxic effect.
rin & CO)
WSMCSN (Washington State MCS Network)
Discussion group where people afflicted with Chemical Sensitivity, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WSMCSN
Chronic Carbon Monoxide Poisoning &/or Disorders of Porphyrin WSMCSN is a decentralized network of groups and individuals in
Metabolism can talk about their illness, inquire with others on avoid- Washington State who share information about the issues of Multiance, methods of cleaning & products one can use for necessary ple Chemical Sensitivity.
Additional Forum Listing Webpage
Old Dominion MCS-FMS_CFIDS Support Group — A Vir- http://ww.mcs-america.org/forums
ginia Fibro MCS CFIDS Group
Physician & Dentist Referral Lists
Too many people in Va. have Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, CFIDS, Gulf War Syndrome (GWS), ES, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. The group owner wanted to create an informative, Physician Referral List by State
supportive group for Virginians, and others.
Some of the physicians on this list specialize in MCS, others in FM
Planet Thrive
and CFS. It is recommended that patients and doctors consult with
A dynamic online community for those activity seeking answers and one another prior to beginning any treatment to ensure understandsupport for a variety of health concerns. A place where people ing of the patient’s needs and compatibility of patient and physician.
around the world help each other get well and stay well.
Sick Buildings
Toxic molds are running rampant in our homes, offices and schools.
Exposure to mycotoxins has been linked to the death of infants, as
well as immune-compromised adults. Despite increasing reports of
mold-induced illness and health problems associated with mold exposure, our public health agencies offer little, if any support or funding for research into this growing problem.
Dentist Referral List by State
Some of the dentists on this list are specifically familiar with MCS,
others are not. It is recommended that patients and dentists consult
with one another prior to beginning any treatment to ensure understanding of the patient’s needs and compatibility of patient and dentist.
This is a list to exchange information regarding environmental issues
in the northern suburbs and NY metro area focusing especially on
encouraging activism in this area and educating the public about toxic Air Now Air Quality Reports
effects of pesticide/herbicide usage.
Air Quality Reports
Tenth Paradigm Society
The Tenth Paradigm Society mailing list is for the dissemination and
discussion of information concerning the NO/ONOO- cycle mechanism, a new paradigm of human disease, proposed by Martin L. Pall,
Ph.D. Dr. Pall adopted the term "Multisystem Illness" to describe
EPA State and Regional Indoor Environments Contact Information
The National Association of Clean Air Agencies 4 Cleaner
Air http://www.4cleanair.org/
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
American Lung Association: State of the Air
Current Local & National Allergy Levels
Scorecard: Pollution Index by Area
Household Mold brochure from Quebec government
ILRU: Understanding & Accommodating People with MCS
in Everyday Living
Indoor Air Chemistry
Toxmap Hazardous Waste Site Locations
Interior Design and MCS
USA Smoke/Fire Pollution Map
Jill Mellum: Breathe Easier, Hold the Fragrances Brochure
Antenna Search (USA)
MCS Homebuyer’s Questionnaire
EPA Safe Drinking Water Information by State
MCS Task Force of New Mexico Brochure
EPA Radon Zone Map
MCS Public Accommodations
MCS Statistics
No Scents Makes Sense Brochure
Air Fresheners & Plug-Ins
Chemical in Air Fresheners Reduces Lung Function
Consequences of Childhood Chemical Injury Poster By
Margaret S. O’Nan
Electrosensitivity Brochure by Kato Yasuko
Theory on the Cause of MCS: Peroxynitrite and Nitric Oxide
Understanding Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Use of Baking Soda as a Fungicide
Vaccine Poster - Are We Poisoning Our Children?
Fabric Softener
Visiting a Person with MCS
Grandma’s Cupboard: General Cleaning Solutions
What you should know before visiting a person who has
NRLA and/or MCS
Grandma’s Cupboard: Kitchen Cleaning
Grandma’s Cupboard: Personal Care
Acute Toxic Effects of Fragrances Business Card
Grandma’s Cupboard: Laundry
Chemical Awareness Ribbon
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Electrosensitivity Sign - Please Turn Off Your Cell Phone
Request for Accommodations Under the Americans with
Disabilities Act
Facemask on Tweety
Public Service Announcements
Fragrance Free Sign: Brooks University
Public Service Announcement #1
Air fresheners have been pulled off thousands of shelves
No Scents Makes Sense Sign
Public Service Announcement #2
When you use fragranced products, did you know you are
wearing toxic chemicals!?
No Latex Sign by Jane Sagmoe
You Could Be Next Sign
Want to Put Your Friends and Family in Jail?
Wood Smoke Trespass Flyer 8 1/2 x 11
Activist Materials
Fragrances on Mail and/or Catalogs
Air Freshener Use
Use of Fragrance, Cologne, and Perfume
Fabric Softener Emissions
Letter to State Representatives to Ban Woodsmoke
Letter to Doctors and Medical Boards Supporting MCS as a
biological Illness (fully cited and scientifically supported)
Website: http://mcs-america.org/MCSPositionStatement.htm
*This work is copyrighted. Permission granted for personal use in
activism provided that original copyright and authorship are maintained. For permission to reprint, mail admin@mcs-america.org.
Public Service Announcement #3
Secondhand Fragrances are Like Secondhand Smoke!
Public Service Announcement #4
Scented laundry detergents and fabric softeners pollute
indoor and outdoor air!
Public Service Announcement #4 (SPANISH)
Scented laundry detergents and fabric softeners pollute
indoor and outdoor air!
Public Service Announcement #5
Wood Smoke... The Other Secondhand Smoke!
Public Service Announcement #6
Fragrances undermine public health!
Public Service Announcement #7
Fragranced Laundry Products Pollute Our Air
Clothing & Novelties for Activism
MCS America Store for the Environment
Zona’s T-Shirts and Stuff Zone
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Virtual & Work-at-Home Jobs
Guide, About .com
Agent, Staffing at Home
Guide, ChaCha
Agent, West at Home
Home Agent, Convergys
Agent, Working Solutions
Independent Call Center Agent, LiveOps
Bolger, PayPerPost.com
Telemarketing, Intrep Sales Partners
Call Center Representative, Accolade Support
Online Juror, eJury.com
Call Center Representative, Overflow USA
Online Juror, OnlineVerdict.com
Call Center Representative, Overflow USA
Online Juror,Trial Practice Inc.
Caller Employee, Customer Loyalty Concepts
Third Party Verifier, BSG Payments LLC
Chef Instructor, Chefs Line
Virtual Assistant,Virtual Office Temps
Customer Care,VIP Desk
Virtual Services, Arise Virtual Solutions
Customer Service, Alpine Access
Writer, Associated Content
Editor, EditFast.com
Writer, CyberEdit Inc.
Expert, JustAnswer Corp
Writer, MyEssays.com
Freelancer,Team Double-Click
National Telecommuting Institute, Inc.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Environmentally Safer Housing
Seagoville Ecology Housing
15126 Beckett Road
Allergy And Environmental Health Association Of Quebec Seagoville, Texas 75159
(AEHAQ) Environmentally Adapted, Social Housing Pro- (972) 287-2059
Fax: (972) 287-7682
ject For People Suffering From Environmental Sensitivities http://www.ehcd.com/resources/ecologyhousing.html
The Natural Place Environmental Residence and Hotel
Barrhaven Non-Profit Housing Inc.
1962 NE 5th St.
Environmental Sensitivity Units
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Steepleview Crossing,
3001 Jockvale Road, Nepean, Ontario, K2J 4E4
(613) 823-6230
Fax: (613) 825-7724
Safer Building & Regulations
Canada-wide Housing Connection
Alliance for Healthy Homes
Ecology House, San Rafael, California (built in 1994)
375 Catalina Blvd
San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 456-4453
Escalante House
P.O. Box 652
Escalante UT 84726
Phone/Fax: (435) 826-4778
American Lung Association: Resources & Referrals for and
from the Master Home Environmentalist program.
Architectural House Plans Healthy Homes Construction
Information: http://tinyurl.com/6dteuz
Booklet: http://www.architecturalhouseplans.com/products/
Assessment of the Indoor Air Quality of a Suite for an Environmentally Hypersensitive Occupant
Environmentally Friendly Housing Partnership
Pride and Joy Condos -- North
5685 South A1A Highway
Melbourne Beach, FL 32951
(321) 409-8233 - Phone
(321) 725 4883 -- FAX
Considerations For Safer Construction And Renovation By
Preston Sturgis
Dr. Grace Ziem’s Environmental Control Plan for MCS
The Eco Building Guild
Green Homes for Sale
The Effect of Housing on Individuals with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Safe Haven Community Housing
P.O. Box 25281
Portland, Oregon 97298
Building for Health Materials Center
The Pandora Initiative (Canada)
Environmental Home Center
Quail Haven - MCS Housing
Just North of Tucson, AZ
Call Diane Ensign for details:
May through January call: (406) 586-3658 (Montana).
January through May call: (520) 825-7276 (Tucson).
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Heal Your Home Center
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development National Healthy Homes Conference
The Healthy Housing Coalition: Basic Needs for Rental
Housing for Chemically Sensitive Persons
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Healthy Housing Reference Manual
Healthy Housing Practical Tips
Builders and Building Material
IEQ Indoor Environmental Quality
International Institute for Building Biology and Ecology
LEED® Canada Green Building Rating System
The Medical Perspective on Environmental Sensitivities:
Building codes, regulations and guidelines
Moving House - Things To Look For If You Suffer From
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS): The Controversy and
Relation to Interior Design
Optimum Environments for Optimum Health &Creativity:
Designing and Building a Healthy Home or Office, William
J. Rea, M.D.
Recommended Architectural Features for Multi-Family
Housing to Better Accommodate Chemical and Electrical
Sensitivities, Susan Molloy, M.A,
Research House for the Environmentally Hypersensitive
Safer Construction Tips for the Environmentally Sensitive
Green Building Store
Healthy Buildings, Inc (Air Quality Testing)
Heating and Cooling Options for the Environmentally Sensitive
Resources for the Chemically Injured: Building Materials
Tad Taylor’s Healthy Homes, LLC
Other Housing Resources
Extreme Home Makeover
Ontario Human Rights Code: Policy and Guidelines on Disability and the Duty to Accommodate Non-Evident Disabilities
Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program for Persons
with Disabilities (Canada).
Understanding & Accommodating People with Multiple
Chemical Sensitivity in Independent Living, Chapter 4, The
Housing Challenge in MCS
This data is for informational purposes and is not intended to replace the examination, diagnosis and treatment of a licensed physician and no such claims are inferred. MCS America will not be responsible for misuse of this information or
the misuse of any information provided by it’s member organizations. Articles, citations, links and information are not necessarily the opinion of MCS America and printing does not constitute MCS America’s endorsement.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
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Fight Grows Over Labels on Household Cleaners
Risks From Toxic Ingredients In Cosmetics, And Personal Care Products
Mercury fears will make some pass on swine flu vaccine
Sussex County school moving playground away from power lines, averts closure
EPA Awards UH Lead Role to Study Toxin Effects on Embryonic Development
Davis Weighs Area's Stiffest Wood-Burning Ban
NIH funds grantees focusing on epigenomics of human health and disease
Dangerous Pathogens Live in Showerheads
Cell phones: Feds probing health impacts
Is swimming pool chlorine fueling the allergy epidemic?
U.S. senator promises look into cellphone-cancer link
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Featured Research Studies
Regional differences in residential environments and the association of dwellings and residential factors with the sick house syndrome: a nationwide cross-sectional questionnaire
study in Japan.
Kishi R, Saijo Y, Kanazawa A, Tanaka M, Yoshimura T, Chikara H, Takigawa T, Morimoto K,
Nakayama K, Shibata E.
Indoor Air. 2009 Jun;19(3):243-54. Epub 2009 Jan 19.
Department of Public Health Sciences, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Kitaku, Sapporo, Japan. rkishi@med.hokudai.ac.jp
This study was conducted to clarify regional differences in residential factors and the association
of those factors with dwellings having sick house syndrome (SHS) problems. The survey was conducted in six areas of northern and southern Japan. In terms of regional differences, dampness was
not as severe in the dwellings in Sapporo as compared with that in areas in the south. SHS was
defined using five categories of nasal, throat and respiratory, skin and general symptoms, which
appeared frequently or not frequently and improved upon leaving the home. The dampness index
was estimated by the sum of the presence of several indicators: condensation on the window panes
and/or wall, visible mold growth, moldy odor, slow-drying wet towels in the bathroom, and water
leakage. The dwellings where inhabitants showed any symptoms of SHS comprised 3.7% of all
surveyed dwellings. We found significant associations between SHS and dampness index, odors,
and stuffiness of the air. For dampness, the adjusted odds ratio (OR) increased with increased
dampness index, adjusting for the age of the house, pets indoors, stuffiness of the air, and odors.
These results showed an increased risk when several dampness indicators appeared simultaneously.
PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: To evaluate the associations of residential environments and
Sick House Syndrome (SHS), this cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted on 2297
dwellings in six areas in Japan from 2003 to 2004. The dwellings where inhabitants showed any
of nasal, throat and respiratory, skin and general symptoms comprised 3.7% of all surveyed dwellings, and an increased risk for SHS was found when several dampness indicators, 'condensation', 'visible mold growth', 'moldy odor', 'slow drying wet towels in
the bathroom' and 'water leakage', appeared simultaneously.
PMID: 19302505 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Mycotoxin Detection in Human Samples from Patients Exposed to Environmental Molds
Dennis G. Hooper 1,* , Vincent E. Bolton 1, Frederick T. Guilford 2 and
David C. Straus 3
Int J Mol Sci. 2009 April; 10(4): 1465–1475.
The goal of this study was to determine if selected mycotoxins
(trichothecenes, aflatoxins, and ochratoxins) could be extracted and identified
in human tissue and body fluids from patients exposed to toxin producing
molds in their environment.
Human urine and methanol extracted tissues and sputum were examined.
Trichothecenes were tested using competitive ELISA techniques. Aflatoxins
B1, B2, G1, and G2, and ochratoxin A were tested by using immunoaffinity
columns and fluorometry. Test sensitivity and specificity were determined.
Levels of detection for the various mycotoxins varied from 0.2 ppb for trichothecenes, 1.0 ppb for aflatoxins, and 2.0 ppb for ochratoxins. Trichothecene
levels varied in urine, sputum, and tissue biopsies (lung, liver, brain) from undetectable (<0.2 ppb) to levels up to 18 ppb. Aflatoxin levels from the same
types of tissues varied from 1.0 to 5.0 ppb. Ochratoxins isolated in the same
type of tissues varied from 2.0 ppb to > 10.0 ppb.
Negative control patients had no detectable mycotoxins in their
tissues or fluids. These data show that mycotoxins can be detected in body fluids and human tissue from patients exposed to
mycotoxin producing molds in the environment, and demonstrate which human tissues or fluids are the most likely to yield
positive results.
Copyrighted © 2009 MCS America
Mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired oxidative-reduction activity, degeneration, and death in human neuronal and fetal cells induced by low-level exposure to thimerosal and other metal compounds
D. A. Geier; P. G. King; M. R. Geier
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, Volume 91, Issue 4 June 2009 , pages
735 - 749
Thimerosal (ethylmercurithiosalicylic acid), an ethylmercury (EtHg)-releasing compound (49.55% mercury (Hg)), was used in a range of medical products for more
than 70 years. Of particular recent concern, routine administering of Thimerosalcontaining biologics/childhood vaccines have become significant sources of Hg exposure for some fetuses/infants. This study was undertaken to investigate cellular damage among in vitro human neuronal (SH-SY-5Y neuroblastoma and 1321N1 astrocytoma) and fetal (nontransformed)
model systems using cell vitality assays and microscope-based digital image capture techniques to assess potential damage induced by Thimerosal and other metal compounds (aluminum (Al) sulfate, lead
(Pb)(II) acetate, methylmercury (MeHg) hydroxide, and mercury (Hg)(II) chloride) where the cation
was reported to exert adverse effects on developing cells. Thimerosal-associated cellular damage was
also evaluated for similarity to pathophysiological findings observed in patients diagnosed with autistic
disorders (ADs). Thimerosal-induced cellular damage as evidenced by concentration- and timedependent mitochondrial damage, reduced oxidative-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell
death in the in vitro human neuronal and fetal model systems studied. Thimerosal at low nanomolar
(nM) concentrations induced significant cellular toxicity in human neuronal and fetal cells. Thimerosalinduced cytoxicity is similar to that observed in AD pathophysiologic studies. Thimerosal was found to
be significantly more toxic than the other metal compounds examined. Future studies need to be conducted to evaluate additional mechanisms underlying Thimerosal-induced cellular damage and assess
potential co-exposures to other compounds that may increase or decrease Thimerosal-mediated toxicity.
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licensed physician and no such claims are inferred. Articles are not necessarily the opinion of MCS America and printing
of others’ opinions does not constitute endorsement. MCS America, Lourdes Salvador, Directors, and associate members
of MCS America will not be responsible for misuse of this information. We welcome appropriate submissions for articles,
letters-to-the-editor, poetry, artwork, jokes, cartoons, photos, and whatever else is physically printable. Submissions may
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