MCS America MCSA News May 2012
MCS America MCSA News May 2012
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: MCS & EMS 2 Awareness Month May 2012 Spreading MCS MCSA NEWS VOLUME 7 ISSUE 5 MAY 2012 May 2012 MCS Awareness Month 7 Awareness Tips for Getting Heard Patient Support and Resources 10 Community News 18 Research Studies 19 Electromagnetic Sensitivity Awareness Month Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 2 Article MCS and EMS Awareness Month May 2012 “The Government and Parliament Declaration on MCS & EHS addressed to Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) affects over 48 million men, women, and children of all races. Even though MCS is of widespread epidemic prevalence, public awareness of the toxicity of common environmental insults and ways to manage and accommodate MCS remains limited. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Month, May 2012, bestows upon us a great opportunity to work towards increased public awareness of MCS. Organizations around the world have put forth great effort to establish May of each year as either Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Month. Many activities occur around the world during May. A few highlights for May 2012 thus far: • • WHO was presented to the European Union.” • • • • MCSA The Government and Parliament Declaration on MCS & EHS addressed to World Health Organization was presented to the European Union. A current world wide effort to have MCS and EHS included as distinct and separate diseases in the ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases, version 11) is underway. The draft ICD-11 is due to be released during May 2012. Christiane Tourtet of MCS Homepage has put her annual MCS and EHS awareness month display in her Florida library. They Mayor of Cuyahoga, Ohio has signed an MCS resolution. The state of Washington has signed an MCS Awareness Month proclamation. The state of Wisconsin has signs a proclamation for Gulf War Illness. • The states of New York, Tennessee, Mississippi, and city of Roswell, New Mexico have signed healthy schools proclamations. • The United States Centers for Disease Control & Preventions had designated April 30–May 4, 2012 as Air Quality Awareness Week. • Many states have declared poison prevention week, hazardous materials week, and toxic injury awareness month. For more, see: NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 3 MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 4 MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 5 MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 6 MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 7 OpOp-Ed Spreading MCS Awareness Tips for Getting Heard “How can a tiny bit of perfume or air freshener make you sick when it May of each year marks Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Awareness Month. During the month, people suffering from MCS, their doctors, and researchers mobilize to increase awareness of MCS and education others in how to accommodate and prevent it. Once diagnosed with MCS, many patients find little understanding from family, friends, schools, and workplaces. Often they are shunned, misdiagnosed, and altogether dismissed. This frequently results in the unnecessary loss of career and educational opportunities, social circles, finances, and self-esteem. MCS Awareness month is dedicated to breaking these barriers of understanding and increasing public access for people who are disabled by MCS. Experts advise to watch what you say and how you say it. People with MCS need to work much harder to be understood than their counterparts with other chronic illnesses such as cancer or diabetes. Think about a time before you developed MCS and how you might have viewed someone else in your current shoes. doesn’t bother me?” Because people with MCS are often dismissed, they frequently become more insistent, emotional, and overly detailed in their explanations and quest to be understood, receive proper medical care, and obtain accommodations. This can backfire in terms of being taken seriously when a patient tries to promote MCS awareness. Dress for Success! As in any professional situation, it is important to look the part. Appearing disheveled, disorganized, or sloppy will hinder how seriously you are taken. Be clean, well dressed, and properly groomed. When in doubt, take it up a notch! Speak with Intelligence and Confidence Always speak with confidence and professionalism. The more professional and sure of yourself that you are, the more likely you will be taken seriously. Sharing your own personal story at this stage is not beneficial. Avoid emotional dialogue. MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 8 Speak Slow and Even “At least Talking fast not only loses your listener, but it also may make you appear to be manic. Always speak slowly, calmly, and evenly. Remember to pause periodically to allow your listener to ask questions and gain clarification. 45 million Speak Factually people in the US report People are not interested in your personal hardships. While it seems a natural thing to do in the face of wanting to be understood, talking about your symptoms and losses often backfires with all but your peers who also have MCS. Presenting documented facts about MCS will increase knowledge without causing your listener to tune you out. Focus on things like: sensitivity to MCS is a major Public Health Concern • At least 45 million people in the US report sensitivity to various chemicals. • About 3 million Americans are diagnosed with MCS. • MCS affects people of all ages, economic status, race, and both genders. various chemicals.” The Cost of Environmental Illnesses • Annual expenditures for healthcare and lost productivity due to MCS are estimated at $71.8 billion dollars per year. MCS Can be Prevented and Controlled • With a plan that includes avoidance and control of environmental triggers, many people with MCS can lead normal, healthy, and active lives. • MCS can be prevented by learning about the hazards of everyday chemicals, avoiding exposure, and turning to more natural methods of cleaning and pest control. Cut to the Chase Most people are extremely busy and want to get to the bottom line. Get to the point as quickly as possible. Be brief. Long and rambling details will decrease your chances of being taken seriously. Learn how to present your case in one to two minutes time. Your listener will ask questions when they require more detail. MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 9 How can a tiny bit of perfume or air freshener make you sick when it doesn’t bother me? “Eighty percent of all chemicals on the market in the United States have not been tested for human safety.” Finding an analogy that people can relate to is a good way to overcome this barrier to understanding. For example, how can a tiny bit of sugar make a diabetic sick when it doesn’t bother me? Most people understand clearly that a diabetic must avoid sugar. Painting an analogy to diabetes when someone says that fragrance or chemicals don’t bother them is a good way to open their eyes. Once you have their attention, you can provide additional facts and detail. They wouldn’t sell this if it wasn’t safe! Be prepared to quickly respond to and dispel myths with factual information. Eighty percent of all chemicals on the market in the United States have not been tested for human safety. Isn’t MCS just a conditioned response? Be prepared to quickly respond to and dispel myths with factual information. Scientific studies designed to extinguish MCS reactions as a conditioned response have all failed. MCS is psychological / all in your head Scientific studies have been unable to provide a clinical test to prove that MCS is psychological. There is no proof that MCS exists There are multitudes of peer-reviewed scientific studies performed on MCS subjects that show multi-system abnormalities which may account for many of the symptoms. I can’t control the environment It’s actually quite easy to reduce, and in many cases eliminate, most environmental contaminates for the health benefit of everyone. I need to clean/do/use this Most manufacturers hire psychologists to advise them on how to convince people their product is necessary to increase their sales. Then offer a natural alternative to the product the listener is using. Have a great MCS Awareness Month! MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 10 Resources Patient Support & Resources MCS Nebraska Open to the general public residing in Nebraska to discuss support, MCSA Public ideas, information, announcements, and/or share personal activ ism. No application is required. This list is operated in part by a Open to the general public open to discuss MCS, support, ideas, state subsidiary volunteer who resides in the state. information, announcements, news and activism. or subscribe at: MCS America Forums MCS America Members Activist/Support MCS Michigan Open to the general public residing in Michigan to discuss support, ideas, information, announcements, and/or share personal activism. No application is required. This list is operated in part by a state subsidiary volunteer who resides in the state. This group also fulfills the function of discuss support, ideas, information, announcements, and/or share personal activism like the MCSA-Pubic group, only with a closed membership that requires a membership application. This group also has the added benefit of being a place where individuals and other organizations and activists can engage in collaborative efforts with MCS America and being recipient to all the news feeds (see MCSA Feeds below). Members of this group are considered associate members of MCS America. Members do not operate MCS America in any way, but rather collaborate with the organization and are privy to some internal operations, activities, and events. 4Mom MCSA Feeds According to Mt. Sinai Medical School, there are many illness' caused by toxic substances such as pesticides. They are studying the The purpose of this public access group is to receive daily distribu- role other toxins play on the new childhood diseases triggered by tion of news and research studies on multiple chemical sensitivity, environmental factors. They call this the new epidemic. Mothers of chemical injury, environmental concerns, and other related environ- Many is for all parents with children who are ill and are affected by mental illnesses and disorders. Anyone can join without an applica- toxic chemicals such as Attention Deficit Disorder, Asthma, Cancer, tion. Only the moderator posts to this group. This is not a discus- Autism, Tourettes Syndrome, Multiple Chemicals Sensitivities sion group. This group distributes about 15 articles on average (MCS), Parkinson's, and any other condition affected. each day. Bay Area MCS MCS Salvage and Share Classified ads and notices for people with MCS (Multiple Chemical A public access group similar to Freecycle, except it's a free recy- Sensitivity) in the San Francisco Bay Area. cling program for safer reusable's geared towards individuals with MCS, CFS, FM, and other related disabilities correlated with the CFS CFIDS ME environment. The purpose of this program is to find, give, and recy- cle needed "safe" or "safer" items. All items are exchanged for free. This Group is to promote friendly discussion about places where Shipping cost are arranged between donor and recipient. Anyone people have gone and feel more or less recovered from CFS/ME/ can join without an application. CFIDS. Support Forums Outside the MCS America Network Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Toxic Injury This is a small non-Yahoo based group open to the general public to discuss MCS, support, ideas, information, announcements, news and activism. MCS Hawaii Open to the general public residing in Hawaii to discuss support, ideas, information, announcements, and/or share personal activism. No application is required. This group is currently recipient to all the news feeds (see MCSA Feeds above). This list is operated in part by a state subsidiary volunteer who resides in the state. MCSA Chemical Disability Australasian NETwork A Discussion/Chat/Mutual help list run by and for the chemically disabled. CMCS-EI Christian MCS, CFS, FM, and EI Group We are a Christian group who have invisible illnesses. Creative Canaries Community This group is an online meeting place for creative artists with Chemical Sensitivities. NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 11 Detox Chat at the Health and Environment Resource Center support "Detox" is a group to serve chemically injured, environmentally ill, This chat room is not associated with any group. It is unmoderated multiple chemical sensitivity, and related illness such as chronic fa- and no password is required. Chat Times: Saturday - 7 pm ET, 6 pm tigue, candidiasis, hypoglycemia, lupus, and others. CT, 5 pm Mtn, 4 pm Pac; Monday - 9 pm ET, 8 pm CT, 7 pm Mtn, 6 pm Pac; Wednesday - 8 pm ET, 7 pm CT, 6 pm Mtn, 5 pm Pac. Disinissues MCS Canada The purpose of Disinissues is to share experience and advice about the processes of obtaining and maintaining Social Security Disability This group was formed to assist patients and concerned parties from Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and long-term all nationalities learn to cope with environmental injury, including disability insurance. The group is targeted mainly towards those with disorders such as MCS,ME, CFS, FM, Lyme, Lupus, GWS, PPS, as invisible disabilities, such as CFIDS and other conditions not on So- well as related and associated illnesses. cial Security's Listing of Impairments. MCS Canadian Sources EMF Refugee MCS Canadian Sources is a support, information and resource exThis ML has been created with the intent of bringing refugees to- change for those living and coping with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity gether in countries around the world to form their own EMF-free (MCS), Environmental Illness (EI), or Chemical Injury (CI). communities in natural environments where they can heal and create healing environments for the Earth and others. MCS Photography Environmental Illness 001 MCS Photography is for those with multiple chemical sensitivity who capture and share the world and their life through photography. This group is dedicated to curing / resolving all issues related to Environmental Illness, including but not limited to: Multiple Chemical MCS Recycle Sensitivity (MCS), Multiple Food Allergy, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Can- dida, Epstein Barr Virus, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Heavy Metal The objective of this group is to be able to share with each other Poisoning, Porphyria, endocrine system dysregulation, etc. items that are chemical free and have been used in a non-toxic environment. This group is planet-wide. eSens - Electrical Sensitivity MCS Safe Shelter USA Do you feel ill when you're near computers, cell phones, fluorescent lights, or wireless internet? If so, you may have "electrical sensitivity". Short-term and long-term housing for people with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity). Check our database for listings by state. Find Gasslist-L (Glutaraldehyde, Aldehyde, and Solvent Sensitiv- rentals, hotels, and housing to purchase. ity) MCS Singles This list has been established to serve persons interested in Glutaral- dehyde, Aldehyde, and Solvent Sensitivity, especially darkroom per- Addresses the unique challenges of living alone without help as a sonnel, radiographers, and diagnostic medical sonographers. The single with MCS. Examines solutions, provides a place for general purpose of the list is to promote internet-wide exchange of research discussion, and is a resource for peer support. and information. MCS Survivors Green Canary For those who experience environmental illness or multiple chemical This list is dedicated to a life free from toxic chemicals, and the sensitivities (MCS), here is a place to gather, exchange ideas, links to health problems that they can cause. helpful websites, even have live chats. Enjoy! Immune This is the list for support and information about multiple chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, multiple sclerosis, porphyria, allergies, asthma, and other immune-related ailments. Immune Parenting This list is for both men and women who have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, or other immune system medical issues--or their partners--who are parents, pregnant, trying to conceive, or who are thinking about parenthood. MCSA MCS Toxic Injuries MCS-Toxic-Injuries is a self-moderated, secular, apolitical newsgroup for toxically-injured environmentally sensitive people to support one another and exchange coping methods, treatments and experiences. MCS Village The purpose of this group is to discuss the feasibility of building a village(s) or community in which MCS/EI patients can live safely, and to provide a forum to discuss the legal, medical, geographic, architectural, social and funding issues. NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 12 MCS Writers Group A place for writers who have chemical sensitivities (or chemical injury) to share their stories and articles, work on and develop public writing skills, exchange editing skills and perspective, and develop ideas in order to bring awareness and education to the published world about what it is like to live with MCS/ES/CI/EI. Midwest Oasis MCS E-mail Support Midwest Oasis MCS E-mail Support is the e-mail arm of the Midwest Oasis MCS Support Group. Although people from all geographical areas are welcome to join, a partial focus of this list will be discussion of regional issues affecting MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) in Missouri and other Midwestern states. those diseases that fall under the tenth paradigm. They include: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/CFIDS/M.E.), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Fibromyalgia (FM/FMS), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Gulf War Syndrome (GWS). The Sanctuary MCS-International.Org's Holistic Support Forums For sufferers of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and all other forms of Chemical Injury and Environmental Illness. Toxics Discussion If you're keen on a toxics-safe future for the planet, then this is the discussion group for you. Toxics are defined here as naturally occurring or man-made chemicals (elements/compounds/mixtures) that Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (Chemical Sensitivity, Porphy- have a toxic effect. rin & CO) WSMCSN (Washington State MCS Network) Discussion group where people afflicted with Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Carbon Monoxide Poisoning &/or Disorders of Porphyrin WSMCSN is a decentralized network of groups and individuals in Metabolism can talk about their illness, inquire with others on avoid- Washington State who share information about the issues of Multiance, methods of cleaning & products one can use for necessary ple Chemical Sensitivity. hygiene. Additional Forum Listing Webpage Old Dominion MCS-FMS_CFIDS Support Group A Vir- ginia Fibro MCS CFIDS Group Physician & Dentist Referral Lists Too many people in Va. have Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, CFIDS, Gulf War Syndrome (GWS), ES, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. The group owner wanted to create an informative, Physician Referral List by State supportive group for Virginians, and others. Some of the physicians on this list specialize in MCS, others in FM Planet Thrive and CFS. It is recommended that patients and doctors consult with A dynamic online community for those activity seeking answers and one another prior to beginning any treatment to ensure understandsupport for a variety of health concerns. A place where people ing of the patient’s needs and compatibility of patient and physician. around the world help each other get well and stay well. Sick Buildings Toxic molds are running rampant in our homes, offices and schools. Exposure to mycotoxins has been linked to the death of infants, as well as immune-compromised adults. Despite increasing reports of mold-induced illness and health problems associated with mold exposure, our public health agencies offer little, if any support or funding for research into this growing problem. Dentist Referral List by State Some of the dentists on this list are specifically familiar with MCS, others are not. It is recommended that patients and dentists consult with one another prior to beginning any treatment to ensure understanding of the patient’s needs and compatibility of patient and dentist. Sprayno This is a list to exchange information regarding environmental issues in the northern suburbs and NY metro area focusing especially on encouraging activism in this area and educating the public about toxic Air Now Air Quality Reports effects of pesticide/herbicide usage. Air Quality Reports Tenth Paradigm Society The Tenth Paradigm Society mailing list is for the dissemination and discussion of information concerning the NO/ONOO- cycle mechanism, a new paradigm of human disease, proposed by Martin L. Pall, Ph.D. Dr. Pall adopted the term "Multisystem Illness" to describe MCSA EPA State and Regional Indoor Environments Contact Information The National Association of Clean Air Agencies 4 Cleaner Air NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 13 American Lung Association: State of the Air Current Local & National Allergy Levels Scorecard: Pollution Index by Area Household Mold brochure from Quebec government ILRU: Understanding & Accommodating People with MCS in Everyday Living Indoor Air Chemistry Toxmap Hazardous Waste Site Locations Interior Design and MCS USA Smoke/Fire Pollution Map Jill Mellum: Breathe Easier, Hold the Fragrances Brochure Antenna Search (USA) MCS Homebuyer’s Questionnaire'sQuestionnaire.pdf EPA Safe Drinking Water Information by State MCS Task Force of New Mexico Brochure EPA Radon Zone Map MCS Public Accommodations 20ACCOMMODATIONS.pdf MCS Statistics Brochures No Scents Makes Sense Brochure Air Fresheners & Plug-Ins Chemical in Air Fresheners Reduces Lung Function Consequences of Childhood Chemical Injury Poster By Margaret S. O’Nan Electrosensitivity Brochure by Kato Yasuko Theory on the Cause of MCS: Peroxynitrite and Nitric Oxide Understanding Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Use of Baking Soda as a Fungicide Vaccine Poster - Are We Poisoning Our Children? Fabric Softener Visiting a Person with MCS Fragrances Grandma’s Cupboard: General Cleaning Solutions What you should know before visiting a person who has NRLA and/or MCS Grandma’s Cupboard: Kitchen Cleaning Signs Grandma’s Cupboard: Personal Care Acute Toxic Effects of Fragrances Business Card Grandma’s Cupboard: Laundry Chemical Awareness Ribbon MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 14 Electrosensitivity Sign - Please Turn Off Your Cell Phone KatoYasukoElectrosensitivtySignTurnOffYourCellPhone.pdf Request for Accommodations Under the Americans with Disabilities Act Facemask on Tweety Public Service Announcements Fragrance Free Sign: Brooks University Public Service Announcement #1 Air fresheners have been pulled off thousands of shelves nation-wide! No Scents Makes Sense Sign Public Service Announcement #2 When you use fragranced products, did you know you are wearing toxic chemicals!? WhenYouUseFragrancedProductsPSA2.pdf No Latex Sign by Jane Sagmoe You Could Be Next Sign Want to Put Your Friends and Family in Jail? Wood Smoke Trespass Flyer 8 1/2 x 11 Activist Materials Fragrances on Mail and/or Catalogs FragrancedMailCatalogBillsLetterforActivists.doc Air Freshener Use Use of Fragrance, Cologne, and Perfume Fabric Softener Emissions Letter to State Representatives to Ban Woodsmoke Letter to Doctors and Medical Boards Supporting MCS as a biological Illness (fully cited and scientifically supported) Website: PDF: *This work is copyrighted. Permission granted for personal use in activism provided that original copyright and authorship are maintained. For permission to reprint, mail MCSA Public Service Announcement #3 Secondhand Fragrances are Like Secondhand Smoke! Public Service Announcement #4 Scented laundry detergents and fabric softeners pollute indoor and outdoor air! Public Service Announcement #4 (SPANISH) Scented laundry detergents and fabric softeners pollute indoor and outdoor air! ScentedLaundryDetergentsPSA4Spanish.pdf Public Service Announcement #5 Wood Smoke... The Other Secondhand Smoke! Public Service Announcement #6 Fragrances undermine public health! Public Service Announcement #7 Fragranced Laundry Products Pollute Our Air Clothing & Novelties for Activism MCS America Store for the Environment Zona’s T-Shirts and Stuff Zone NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 15 Virtual & Work-at-Home Jobs Guide, About .com Agent, Staffing at Home Guide, ChaCha Agent, West at Home Home Agent, Convergys Agent, Working Solutions Independent Call Center Agent, LiveOps Bolger, Telemarketing, Intrep Sales Partners Call Center Representative, Accolade Support Online Juror, Call Center Representative, Overflow USA Online Juror, Call Center Representative, Overflow USA Online Juror,Trial Practice Inc. Caller Employee, Customer Loyalty Concepts Third Party Verifier, BSG Payments LLC Chef Instructor, Chefs Line Virtual Assistant,Virtual Office Temps Customer Care,VIP Desk Virtual Services, Arise Virtual Solutions Customer Service, Alpine Access Writer, Associated Content Editor, Writer, CyberEdit Inc. Expert, JustAnswer Corp Writer, Freelancer,Team Double-Click MCSA National Telecommuting Institute, Inc. NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 16 Environmentally Safer Housing Seagoville Ecology Housing 15126 Beckett Road Allergy And Environmental Health Association Of Quebec Seagoville, Texas 75159 (AEHAQ) Environmentally Adapted, Social Housing Pro- (972) 287-2059 Fax: (972) 287-7682 ject For People Suffering From Environmental Sensitivities The Natural Place Environmental Residence and Hotel Barrhaven Non-Profit Housing Inc. 1962 NE 5th St. Environmental Sensitivity Units Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 Steepleview Crossing, 954-428-5438 3001 Jockvale Road, Nepean, Ontario, K2J 4E4 (613) 823-6230 Fax: (613) 825-7724 Safer Building & Regulations Canada-wide Housing Connection 1-613-278-0463 Alliance for Healthy Homes Ecology House, San Rafael, California (built in 1994) 375 Catalina Blvd San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 456-4453 Escalante House P.O. Box 652 Escalante UT 84726 Phone/Fax: (435) 826-4778 American Lung Association: Resources & Referrals for and from the Master Home Environmentalist program. Architectural House Plans Healthy Homes Construction Guidelines Information: Booklet: Assessment of the Indoor Air Quality of a Suite for an Environmentally Hypersensitive Occupant Environmentally Friendly Housing Partnership Pride and Joy Condos -- North 5685 South A1A Highway Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 (321) 409-8233 - Phone (321) 725 4883 -- FAX Considerations For Safer Construction And Renovation By Preston Sturgis Dr. Grace Ziem’s Environmental Control Plan for MCS Patients The Eco Building Guild Green Homes for Sale The Effect of Housing on Individuals with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Safe Haven Community Housing P.O. Box 25281 Portland, Oregon 97298 Building for Health Materials Center The Pandora Initiative (Canada) Ecohaus Quail Haven - MCS Housing Just North of Tucson, AZ Call Diane Ensign for details: May through January call: (406) 586-3658 (Montana). January through May call: (520) 825-7276 (Tucson). MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 17 Heal Your Home Center U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development National Healthy Homes Conference The Healthy Housing Coalition: Basic Needs for Rental Housing for Chemically Sensitive Persons U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Healthy Housing Reference Manual Healthy Housing Practical Tips Builders and Building Material Suppliers IEQ Indoor Environmental Quality International Institute for Building Biology and Ecology LEED® Canada Green Building Rating System The Medical Perspective on Environmental Sensitivities: Building codes, regulations and guidelines Moving House - Things To Look For If You Suffer From MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS): The Controversy and Relation to Interior Design Optimum Environments for Optimum Health &Creativity: Designing and Building a Healthy Home or Office, William J. Rea, M.D. Recommended Architectural Features for Multi-Family Housing to Better Accommodate Chemical and Electrical Sensitivities, Susan Molloy, M.A, Research House for the Environmentally Hypersensitive Safer Construction Tips for the Environmentally Sensitive Green Building Store Healthy Buildings, Inc (Air Quality Testing) Heating and Cooling Options for the Environmentally Sensitive Resources for the Chemically Injured: Building Materials Tad Taylor’s Healthy Homes, LLC Other Housing Resources Extreme Home Makeover Ontario Human Rights Code: Policy and Guidelines on Disability and the Duty to Accommodate Non-Evident Disabilities Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities (Canada). Understanding & Accommodating People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Independent Living, Chapter 4, The Housing Challenge in MCS Disclaimer This data is for informational purposes and is not intended to replace the examination, diagnosis and treatment of a licensed physician and no such claims are inferred. MCS America will not be responsible for misuse of this information or the misuse of any information provided by it’s member organizations. Articles, citations, links and information are not necessarily the opinion of MCS America and printing does not constitute MCS America’s endorsement. MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 18 News Community News Subscribe to News & Media Articles To receive free daily news and research feeds about MCS & the environment as they happen, send an e-mail to: 'Family forced out' by Trecwn power plant Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in sweat: a systematic review. Failure to pass toxic-chemical bill put profits over children's safety Announcements: Air Quality Awareness Week - April 30-May 4, 2012 Protesters urge U.S. to scuttle Dow's new GMO corn (Agent Orange Resistant) Behavior Disorders Follow in Utero Exposure Toxic homes a challenge Environmental Groups Question Level of Dioxane in Tide Detergent MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 19 Featured Research Studies Complex organochlorine pesticide mixtures as determinant factor for breast cancer risk: a population-based case-control study in the Canary Islands (Spain) Luis D Boada, Manuel Zumbado, Luis Alberto Henriquez-Hernandez, Maira Almeida-Gonzalez, Eva E Alvarez-Leon, Lluis Serra-Majem and Octavio P Luzardo Environmental Health 2012, 11:28 doi:10.1186/1476-069X-11-28. Published: 25 April 2012 Abstract (provisional) Background All the relevant risk factors contributing to breast cancer etiology are not fully known. Exposure to organochlorine pesticides has been linked to an increased incidence of the disease, although not all data have been consistent. Most published studies evaluated the exposure to organochlorines individually, ignoring the potential effects exerted by the mixtures of chemicals. Methods This population-based study was designed to evaluate the profile of mixtures of organochlorines detected in 103 healthy women and 121 women diagnosed with breast cancer from Gran Canaria Island, and the relation between the exposure to these compounds and breast cancer risk. Results The most prevalent mixture of organochlorines among healthy women was the combination of lindane and endrin, and this mixture was not detected in any affected women. Breast cancer patients presented more frequently a combination of aldrin, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD), and this mixture was not found in any healthy woman. After adjusting for covariables, the risk of breast cancer was moderately associated with DDD (OR = 1.008, confidence interval 95% 1.001-1.015, p = 0.024). Conclusions This study indicates that healthy women show a very different profile of organochlorine pesticide mixtures than breast cancer patients, suggesting that organochlorine pesticide mixtures could play a relevant role in breast cancer risk. MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 20 Reported functional impairments of electrohypersensitive Japanese: A questionnaire survey Yasuko Kato a, Olle Johansson b a VOC-EMF Measures Research Association, Sapporo, Japan b The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Received 17 November 2011; received in revised form 13 January 2012; accepted 19 February 2012 Abstract An increasing number of people worldwide complain that they have become electromagnetic hypersensitive (EHS). We conducted a questionnaire survey of EHS persons in Japan. The aim was to identify electromagnetic fields (EMF) and plausible EMF sources that caused their symptoms. Postal questionnaires were distributed via a self-help group, and 75 participants (95% women) responded. Reported major complaints were "fatigue/tiredness" (85%), "headache", "concentration, memory, and thinking" difficulty (81%, respectively). Seventy-two per cent used some form of complementary/ alternative therapy. The most plausible trigger of EHS onset was a mobile phone base station or personal handy-phone system (37%). Sixty-five percent experienced health problems to be due to the radiation from other passengers’ mobile phones in trains or buses, and 12% reported that they could not use public transportation at all. Fifty-three percent had a job before the onset, but most had lost their work and/or experienced a decrease in income. Moreover, 85.3% had to take measures to protect themselves from EMF, such as moving to low EMF areas, or buying low EMF electric appliances. EHS persons were suffering not only from their symptoms, but also from economical and social problems. PMID: 22458999 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America PAGE 21 Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in sweat: a systematic review. Sears ME, Kerr KJ, Bray RI. J Environ Public Health. 2012;2012:184745. Epub 2012 Feb 22. Source Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1H 8L1. Abstract Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury exposures are ubiquitous. These toxic elements have no physiological benefits, engendering interest in minimizing body burden. The physiological process of sweating has long been regarded as "cleansing" and of low risk. Reports of toxicant levels in sweat were sought in Medline, Embase, Toxline, Biosis, and AMED as well as reference lists and grey literature, from inception to March 22, 2011. Of 122 records identified, 24 were included in evidence synthesis. Populations, and sweat collection methods and concentrations varied widely. In individuals with higher exposure or body burden, sweat generally exceeded plasma or urine concentrations, and dermal could match or surpass urinary daily excretion. Arsenic dermal excretion was severalfold higher in arsenic-exposed individuals than in unexposed controls. Cadmium was more concentrated in sweat than in blood plasma. Sweat lead was associated with high-molecular-weight molecules, and in an interventional study, levels were higher with endurance compared with intensive exercise. Mercury levels normalized with repeated saunas in a case report. Sweating deserves consideration for toxic element detoxification. Research including appropriately sized trials is needed to establish safe, effective therapeutic protocols. PMID: 22505948 [PubMed - in process] This newsletter is for informational purposes and is not intended to replace the examination, diagnosis and treatment of a licensed physician and no such claims are inferred. Articles are not necessarily the opinion of MCS America and printing of others’ opinions does not constitute endorsement. MCS America, Lourdes Salvador, Directors, and associate members of MCS America will not be responsible for misuse of this information. We welcome appropriate submissions for articles, letters-to-the-editor, poetry, artwork, jokes, cartoons, photos, and whatever else is physically printable. Submissions may be sent to We attempt to publish monthly. Contact Us: To subscribe to this free newsletter, send an email to: MCSA NEWS Copyrighted © 2012 MCS America
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