Vanier Intercom February 10, 2014


Vanier Intercom February 10, 2014
2014 Vanier College BDC Case Challenge winners
Volume M 12,2014
Issue No. 4, February 10, 2014
Intercom is published regularly and serves to inform Vanier staff and teachers of notices and special events. It is posted on the Vanier College Website and distributed
electronically. Submissions should be sent to Submissions should be in WORD, and sent as an attachment. No formatting or bullets. Deadline:
4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding publication.
Don’t miss Vanier grad Thomas Mulcair here on Thursday
On Thurs., February
13th, the Honorable
Thomas Mulcair, head
of the NDP Party of
Canada and Leader of
the Official Opposition
in Canada is coming to
visit Vanier and speak
to the Vanier Community
students in particular.
Loic Boyer, Security Services
St. Lawrence College (Kingston) wins the Gold Award at
the 2014 Vanier College BDC Case Challenge
Mr. Mulcair is a Vanier graduate who went on to become a
lawyer, university professor and politician. He will share his
personal story of how he went from Vanier College to Leader of
the Opposition and answer questions from the audience about
issues of interest to the Vanier Community such as women in
politics, leadership, discrimination and social justice and
sustainability. His talk is meant to inspire and motivate students
to pursue their own dreams and passions.
Mr. Mulcair’s presentation will take place from 1:00 to 2:15 PM
in the Vanier Auditorium.
Please contact Sheila Das or Lora Terlizzese to confirm space for your class.
that are assigned to a staff member will be discontinued at the
end of the day on the 14 of February. Please inform your
colleagues and employees so that they have time to ensure that
their card is in working condition and up to date.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Marguerite Corriveau, Vanier Communications
PIN codes being phased out as of February 14, 2014
As it was announced in the Intercom of December 9 2013, PIN
codes are to be phased out completely from our current access
control system in order to favor the use of Vanier ID cards. As of
today, there will be no more PIN codes to be issued to any
member of the Vanier College community. All current PIN codes
After a gruelling 2-day
competition, it was a
strong performance by St.
(Kingston) that earned it
the Gold Award at the
2014 Vanier College BDC
welcomed some of the
best business students in
the country on Feb. 8-9.
Six teams made it to the Sunday finals where they analyzed a new
case and presented a second time. These were St. Lawrence
College (Kingston) who won the Gold Award, Sheridan College
that won Silver, and SAIT that took Bronze. The other three
finalists were Seneca College, College of the North Atlantic, and
Cégep de Victoriaville.
The 12 teams who took top honours in Round One on Saturday
and who won the 2014 ScotiaBank Awards are: SAIT, Cégep de
Victoriaville, Sheridan College, St. Lawrence College (Kingston),
College of the North Atlantic, Seneca College, Collège Ahuntsic,
Vanier College, Collège Lionel Groulx, Cégep André-Laurendeau,
St. Claire College, and Okanagan Collage.
Congratulations to the Vanier Team consisting of Molly Biswas,
Angelyna Sanon, Cosmin Zainea, and Matthew Ventura coached
by David Moscovitz and Jessica Andrews. Their passion,
dedication and hard work, and outstanding performance led to a
well-deserved ScotiaBank Award.
Wednesday, February 5 , 12pm, A312
Friday, March 28 , 2:30pm, A313
“This year’s Case Challenge was the biggest ever,” says principal
organizer, David Moscovitz, Coordinator of the Vanier Business
Administration Program. “As always, all the teams worked hard
and demonstrated their professionalism and creativity.
Congratulations to all the teams. We’re looking forward to seeing
them again next year at our 10 anniversary Case Challenge in
Writing Better Sentences
Wednesday, February 12 , 12pm, A312
Wednesday, April 2 , 12pm, A312
Marguerite Corriveau, Vanier Communications
Cours Le Nord : territoires et imaginaires
Cette session, un cours complémentaire comprenant, en mars, un
séjour sur la Côte-Nord du Québec est offert aux étudiants.
Si vous voulez suivre les aventures des étudiants et en apprendre
davantage sur ce projet, nous vous invitons à consulter notre
page web :
Catherine Duranleau, département de français
Myriam Mansour, département de géographie
Thesis Statements
Wednesday, February 19 , 12pm, A312
Friday, April 11 , 2:30pm, A313
MLA and APA – Referencing and Plagiarism
Friday, February 28 , 2:30pm, A313
Wednesday, April 16 , 12pm, A312
Oral Presentations
Wednesday, March 5 , 12pm, A312
Friday, April 25 , 2:30pm, A313
Study Skills and Preparing for Exams
Friday, March 7 , 2:30pm, A313
Wednesday, April 30 , 12pm, A312
Kim Muncey, The Learning Centre
Vanier in the news
Several news stories went out last week on Vanier events and
news, including the 2014 Humanities Symposium, the Case
Challenge and football player Julien Kafo signing with the
University of Minnesota.
See the video on how the Vanier Marketing team prepared for
the 2014 Vanier College BDC Case Challenge.
Then see the video on Vanier Cheetah football player, Julien Kafo
signing a national letter of intent with the University of
Minnesota: This story also ran on
CTV Montreal News and was picked up by the Gazette and The
Saint-Laurent News.
Marguerite Corriveau, Vanier Communications
Academic Skills Development Workshops
The Learning Centre is offering a series of workshops over the
course of H14 to help students further develop their academic
skills. Each workshop is thirty minutes and is offered twice during
the semester. Students who attend at least three of the
workshops will receive a certificate.
Please refer any students you may have in your classes to any or
all of the following workshops.
Time Management
Friday, January 31 , 2:30pm, A313
Wednesday, March 26 , 12pm, A312
À vos claviers!
Dans le cadre de la Semaine de la francophonie, le service de
valorisation du français invite tous les employés du cégep à
soumettre un texte en français. Nous souhaitons en effet publier
un recueil qui comprendra toutes sortes de textes : récit,
reportage, poésie, interview, essai et autres créations.
Une fois vos textes rédigés, vous pouvez contacter Stéphane
Giroux qui vous rencontrera pour réviser votre document avant
sa publication. Tous les niveaux de français sont bienvenus.
Les textes doivent avoir été soumis et corrigés avant le vendredi 7
Stéphane Giroux, Service de valorisation du français
Prix collégial du cinéma québécois
Tous les étudiants, professeurs et employés du collège sont
invités à assister aux projections des cinq films québécois en lice
pour le Prix collégial du cinéma québécois. Elles ont lieu le jeudi à
17 h 30, au C-305. Calendrier des projections sur notre page
Facebook :
Je vous remercie d’en parler à vos étudiants.
Catherine Duranleau, département de français
Mathematics & Science Centre
Upcoming Review Sessions
As part of our mandate and in collaboration with faculty, we offer
mathematics and science course review sessions for students
almost every universal break. Please pass on the following
information to your students:
course, who will help them throughout the winter semester. They
will receive free peer tutoring (two hours per week) starting on
the fifth week of classes (the week of February 24).
If you require additional information, please do not hesitate to
contact me at ext.7271 or to email me at:
Thank you for your consideration.
February 12 from 12 to 1:30pm
Calculus 1 in D-508
Waves & Mechanics in D-506
Spiridoula Photopoulos, English Department
Teaching Tip: Let Léa keep you organized
February 19 from 12 to 1:30pm
Chemistry NYA/NYB in D-505
February 26 from 12 to 1:30pm
Waves & Mechanics in D-506
Students who wish to attend any of the review sessions must sign
up online at:
New Biology Mini-Tutorials
This semester, we will be hosting Biology mini-tutorials in the
MSC on specific dates throughout the next couple of months.
These sessions, led by Karl Laroche, will cover various topics. The
schedule is as follows and all sessions are open to all science
February 18 at 1pm – Topic: Cells and Cell Division
One of our most important, yet daunting, tasks as teachers is
assessing our students. Whether we do so with tests, pop quizzes,
reading responses, or assignments, we can reduce our end-ofsemester stress by putting in a little bit of time now.
Each semester, Léa creates a course page for each section you’re
teaching. Your pages are accessible through Omnivox just log in,
and select “Léa, the Omnivox Classroom.” While you may be
familiar with Léa’s strengths in uploading course outlines,
assignments, announcements, and deadlines, Léa has some other
features that can be useful in managing and organizing
How do I get started?
The first step is to create your on-line gradebook. This gradebook
will help you keep track of the progress of the group as well as
individual students, manage weighting and timing of
assessments, and allow your students to see their own progress –
so no more “I had no idea I was failing” meetings!
March 7 at 2pm – Topic: Genetics
March 31 at 2pm – Topic: Evolution
April 25 at 2pm – Topic: Diversity of Life
May 9 at 2pm – Topic: Ecology
Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us at with any inquiries.
Furthermore, please encourage your students to visit us.
Haritos Kavallos, Math & Science Centre Coordinator
Free Peer Tutoring to improve students’ language skills
I am currently looking for students who want to and/or need to
improve their English language and writing skills. Please
encourage the students in your classes who are experiencing
difficulties with English to apply for free peer tutoring by
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13. Application forms are available in an
envelope posted outside my office door (N-554) and at the FSGS
Dean’s office (B-208).
Applicants will be selected according to their availability and will
be paired with a peer tutor, a student taking my Peer Teaching
Click here to see a step-by-step process
What about dropping the worst __ marks?
Léa can help with that! When you click on the category in your
evaluation chart (Exams, Assignments, Homework, etc…) you
have the option of discarding one or more of the lowest marks of
the submitted student work. Léa will then automatically filter out
the lowest mark(s) that you wish to remove from your students’
How much time am I really saving?
Although setting Léa up will take some time, once your course
evaluation chart has been created, you have the option of
transferring the chart between courses. This means that if you
are teaching multiple sections of the same course, you only need
to do the work once and change due dates! Léa will automatically
input the names of your students into the grid, giving you yet one
more shortcut to efficient and timely marking!
Lea also saves your gradebooks, so next semester you can import
this semester’s evaluation grid to use again, without having to set
it all up from scratch. The imported evaluation grid can be edited,
so you can add or delete assessments, change weighting, amend
categories, and set new dates.
When you have marks to enter, hover over Online Gradebook
and click on Enter Results to input the data. Every time you enter
results, Lea calculates the progress of the group and the
individual students, and lets students know that new marks are
available for consultation. You can decide what information is
available – none, just the individual mark, or the mark and the
class average, as well as any individual or group comments you
have to make. Léa will even colour-code your assessment
summary so you know which students have consulted their marks
and read your comments.
1. Lab Reports
Wed., Feb. 19, 12:00-13:15 in F-217
Come and share your ideas for teaching students how to prepare
lab reports, and get some suggestions on how to include
assessment of language skills in your rubrics.
2. If Only they’d Do the Reading!
Wed., Feb. 26, 12:00-13:15 in F-216
As the mid-term approaches, come and share your ideas for how
to encourage and assist students in doing their course reading.
3. Assessment Equity Across Sections
Wed., Mar. 5, 12:00-13:15 in F-216
By agreeing on standard assessments for specific courses,
discover what some departments have adopted to ensure equity
of all sections of the same course.
Image courtesy of Skytech Communications
Some reminders
 Set up your courses in Léa early and often. Creating a
bank of evaluation charts and being able to use them
when the semester starts makes things much easier.
 Always keep a back-up copy of your marks because, at
the end of the day, we are still dealing with software.
 Update your marks often as a constant prompt and
reminder to your students; this will give them an idea of
their standing before, after, and during the midterm
assessment period.
 Use the gradebook to determine your mid-term
assessments – the system will show you each student’s
progress based on what’s been evaluated, and their
projected performance. A little bit of set-up time means
a lot less calculating time later on!
4. Topic: To be Determined
Wed., Apr. 2, 12:00-13:15 in F-216
Let us know what else you want to discuss. Topic will be chosen
from suggestions from YOU!
Need help?
Contact us at the PDO! We will be happy to help you create or to
review your evaluation chart.
Note: The LCAD team (Maggie McDonnell and Karen White) are
also available to attend department functions if your department
wants to participate but encounters scheduling obstacles.
See this and other Teaching Tips on the PDO web page
Tim Comerford, Pedagogical Development Office
Lunch and Learn Pedagogical Discussions
Support for Program Quality
As presented at Academic Council on Friday, January 31, 2014,
Vanier has organized several Lunch and Learn Pedagogical
Discussions for the Support for Program Quality. Working closely
with the LCAD (Literacy and Communication Across Disciplines)
group, we are pleased to announce a series of lunchtime
discussions related to issues surrounding literacy and
communication skills in the college classroom and program
quality. The discussions will include lunch (for those who
register), tips and resources, and are geared toward giving
teachers an opportunity to share ideas, best practices, and
Mark your calendars and plan to attend these 5 Lunch and Learn
5. Topic: To be Determined
Wed., Apr. 16, 12:00-13:15 in F-216
Let us know what else you want to discuss. Topic will be chosen
from suggestions from YOU!
Please let your departmental colleagues know about these Lunch
and Learn Pedagogical Discussions. Lunch will be provided to
Everyone is welcome, as are your suggestions for the April Lunch
and Learn Discussion topics.
Wilma Brown, Pedagogical Development Office (PDO)
Successful Community Learning Conversation at
On Tuesday February 4, Vanier College demonstrated its
engagement towards the Laurentian Anglophone Community by
co-hosting, with the Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier School Board, a vibrant
“Community Learning Conversation” at Saint-Faustin-Lac-Carré.
What was expected to be a 3-hour gathering over supper,
between key members of the educational sectors and the
community, turned into a 4-hour + vibrant exchange among close
to 40 people of all ages who shared their diverse experiences and
ideas, and made the commitment to work together to find the
best ways of providing services and activities to meet the needs
of learners, their families and the wider Laurentian community.
If the teachers or the students have any questions they can
contact Loris Peternelli Honours Coordinator at:
This event marked the launch of the newest Community Learning
Centre (CLC) to open in Québec, and the only one established in a
College (CEGEP) setting rather than an elementary or high school.
The 37 CLCs across the province are financed by MESRST through
the Federal-Provincial Entente on Minority Language Education to
support the development of citizens and communities through
Lifelong Learning. CLCs serve as places for education and
community development and as models for future policies and
practices. CLCs work with everyone: families, youth, schools,
neighbours and community partners to design and implement
activities tailored to particular regional needs.
Improve your oral French skills in a comfortable
and friendly atmosphere!
Workshops will be begin on February 18 2014
Three levels offered.
Water week at Vanier 400 hours of volunteer work, 800
For Vanier College, this is an opportunity to serve the Anglophone
and Larger Laurentian community around St-Faustin-Lac Carré, by
offering services and activities that contribute to lifelong learning,
support student success, prevent school drop outs, encourage
young people to remain in the area, which in return can
contribute to the vitality and sustainability of Laurentian
communities that are struggling to recruit and retain workers to
meet the local economy’s present and future needs.
The 3 annual Water week at Vanier was a busy one as about 800
staff and students made their way through volunteer guided
tours of the art installation. The installation will be transformed
as it gets set to hit the road visiting other cegeps. We will be
going to Cegep Ahuntsic, Dawson College, Cegep de Rosemont
and Cegep Gerald-Godin and others.
Sylvie Lord, Strategic partnerships, Personal & Professional
Honours Social Science and Commerce
Recruitment Campaign
Please encourage your strong first semester students (ID number
begins with 13) to apply to the Honours Social Science and
Commerce program.
They need to have an 80% average and be presently taking 6-7
classes. Applications can be found in A-286. You can also send me
the names and ID numbers and I will contact the students
The deadline to apply is Tuesday December 10 , 2013.
Loris Peternelli, Social Science
Free French Conversation Workshops For Faculty & Staff
See the attached flyer at the end of Intercom.
Stéphan Giroux, French Department
About 40 students worked on the
project as builders or as volunteer
guides. They obviously deserve our
first thanks as their dedication and
hope shone through to reach the
audience with a strong message
about our use of resources. A huge
thanks goes to student Kenneth Tse
and intern Nick Segura who had
everything to do in the conception of
the project and invested an
inordinate amount of time in making
it happen.
Thanks to College Administrators for
their patience in keeping up with our
ever changing and sometimes
requests. Thanks to the Service Department for accommodating
our complicated set-up. Thanks to the Communications: Arts,
Media, Theatre Department who were uber-collaborative in
letting us use their space to get ready, were supportive of the
project all along and also found some really creative ways of
involving their students in it. Thanks to Vanier Communications
who helped us send out information about the project.
Thanks to the staff who went through the tour of the exhibit: it
means a lot to our students that you take the time to support
their projects! And finally thanks to all the staff of Vanier as the
students who worked on this project were obviously inspired: and
that inspiration comes from somewhere!
Richard Dugas, Student Services
Teaching cost estimates
VCSA Anti-Bullying Awareness Day(s)
Wednesday, February 19- Friday, February 21, 2014
10 AM-2:30 PM
Locations: Jake’s Mall, B-325, and Vanier College Auditorium
The VCSA is holding three days of anti-bullying awareness at
Vanier. The goal is to raise awareness about the issue, empower,
and engage the viewers and audience. As well, we want to
promote the free services available to the students such as
psychological support, the student advocate, and councilors
(Student Services C-203).
The event consists of:
1. Promito Playback Theatre (Wednesday, February 19)(B-325)
Playback is an improvisational, educational and interactive form
of theatre during which audience members tell their stories
which are ‘played back’ on the spot in a spontaneous, sensitive
and respectful manner, often offering new insights for the teller.
Shows usually last from 1-1.5 hours and facilitate the expression
and working-through of emotions for individuals, groups and
communities. Promito has worked with audiences in schools,
community centres, libraries and other organizations and its
members have received special training on the topic of bullying.
For more information one can go to
Architectural Technology teacher Jeff Johnston, has an original
approach to teaching his students how to estimate the costs of
building projects. He starts them off by getting them to estimate
the cost of making a food dish.
In his multicultural class of
students this turned into a
food tasting event where
students made their national
or favorite dishes, and served
them up to classmates - along
with the cost estimates, of
2. Guest Speakers (Friday, February 21, 2014-Auditorium)
Alexis Lahorra- (Stronger than a Rock Campaign)
Vanier College Communication: Art, Media, and Theatre student
Lahorra created an anti-bullying awareness campaign called
“Stronger than a Rock”. It consists of three components: a short
video, surveys, and an installation of rocks.
More information regarding the full project can be found at:
Marguerite Corriveau, Vanier Communications
Vanier Cafeteria menu and news
The Cafeteria is now accepting debit card payments with a
minimum $5 purchase. Check out this week’s Main Menu for the
week of February 10, 2014 attached at the end of Intercom.
Cafeteria Hours
Main Cafeteria: Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 3:30pm
Monday to Friday, 7:30 am to 3:30pm
Jake’s Mall:
Monday to Thursday 7:30 am to 7:30 pm and
Friday from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
If you have questions, comments or suggestions please contact
Chantal Riffon, Vanier Cafeteria, extension 7938.
Chantal Riffon, Vanier Cafeteria
(Campaign (Unleash the NoiseMental Health Innovation Platform page) (Facebook page
Aliza Perez- (Anti-Bullying Campaign of Montreal Motivational
Aliza Perez is a speaker from the Anti-Bullying Campaign of
She will be talking about her experiences and what it's like to
grow up being bullied in school. Moreover, she will explain how
over the years, how these experiences can affect a person- even
once they have left school. Even 10 years after graduating from
high school, she wants to speak up about the issue and empower
(, because she saw the
need for individuals to know more about bullying and to hear
experiences from those who are overcoming similar situations.
Petros Chionis- Motivational Speaker/Performer (Dawson
Petros Chionis is a 17-year-old Dawson College Professional
Theatre student. Chionis has performed (singing, dancing, and
acting) across Laval and Montreal. He will be talking about how
he overcame bullying and his experience dancing on stage with
Britney Spears. He wants to speak up bullying, share his story,
and empower the youth. Chionis hopes to break the stereotypes
regarding men and boys who enjoy performance arts.
3. Awareness Kiosks (Wednesday, February 19- Friday, 21)
There will be kiosks presented by Vanier students. The purpose is
to raise awareness about bullying, cyber bullying, self-confidence,
and promote the free services available to the students (Student
Services C-203). Moreover, there will be a photo booth set up, to
take pictures of participants holding a board with words of
Location: Jake’s Mall & Metro Area
Time: 10AM-2PM
Various Kiosks:
- L.O.V.E (Leave Out Violence Organization) (Kiosk)
To reduce violence in the lives of youth and in our communities
by building a team of youth who communicate a message of nonviolence.
See more at:
-Photo Booth (Anti-Bullying Collage)
-Student Services Promotion (by students)
-Cyberbullying Awareness Kiosk
-Self-Confidence/Self-Esteem Kiosk
-Anti-Bullying Awareness Kiosk
-Art Exhibit (r/t to anti-bullying)
Artwork made by students and even posters made by 2 year
high school students from Ecole Secondaire Saint-Laurent (Edifice
4. Poetry, Rap, & Song at Jake’s Mall (February 19)
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Time: 12:10PM-1:30PM
Students and special guests will be performing on a stage. There
are a variety of spoken words, songs, raps, and acts relating to
anti-bullying awareness.
Please note all these activities are open to the public, Vanier
community of students, teachers and staff.
Alexis Lahorra, VCSA
Information Evening 2014
Information Evening 2014
Thank you to all of you who turned out to welcome our visitors to the 2014 Information Evening. This is the final push in our recruitment
efforts before the March 1 application deadline and at the end of a long day, during a work week your participation was definitely
appreciated. Our visitors commented that they were greeted in a warm and helpful manner by teachers, staff and students.
The Metro shut down and the short time frame in which this event was resurrected may have contributed to slightly lower numbers but we
still had a respectable attendance. Comments, concerns, ideas and suggestions are always welcome. Please send them to me at .
Attendance Year
Annabelle Kennedy, Vanier Communications
Feb. 1 – 26
Solidarity - Malawian Nursing Students Program
Feb. 1-28
Display Cases in Carrefour
Feb. 12
Black Theatre Workshop “The Meeting * U.B. * Auditorium
A fictional encounter between two of the greatest and most influential African-Americans in
history, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Meeting secretly in Harlem on the day that
Malcolm’s Chicago home is fire bombed and the two men engage in a heated debate.
Both wanting to eradicate racial injustice but having very different ideas on how to go about it,
their encounter is riveting – impassioned confrontation met with usual respect. Malcolm and
Martin dispute their conflicting beliefs, unable to persuade each other, yet able to honor and
respect their differing philosophies.
Feb. 14
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Sale for Malawi *10-2*Metro
Pick up your beautiful & tasty muffins. All proceeds will go to the Malawi Nursing program.
Feb. 15 - 27 Black History Quiz – C-203
Pick up the Vanier Black History quiz and test your knowledge of Black History. Prizes!!
Feb. 17
BHM Essay contest
Write an essay of between 250-500 words on an important event or movement in Black History
and explain how this event or movement is significant or inspiring to you personally.
Submissions are due in C 203 before noon Feb. 21st. Prizes will be awarded. For more info,
come to C-203.
Feb. 17
Film – “Prom Nite in Mississippi“* 2:30pm* Amphitheatre
In 1997, Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman offered to pay for the senior prom at
Charleston High School in Mississippi under one condition: the prom had to be racially
integrated. His offer was ignored. In 2008, Freeman offered again. This time the school board
accepted, and history was made. Charleston High School had its first-ever integrated prom - in
Feb. 18
Film – “Twelve Years a Slave”” – 9:30am, 12:00pm, 2:30pm * Auditorium
This film is based on an incredible true story of one man's fight for survival and freedom. In the
pre-Civil War United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from upstate New York, is
abducted and sold into slavery. Facing cruelty (personified by a malevolent slave owner,
portrayed by, as well as unexpected kindnesses, Solomon struggles not only to stay alive, but
to retain his dignity. In the twelfth year of his unforgettable odyssey, Solomon's chance
meeting with a Canadian abolitionist will forever alter his life.
Feb. 23
Black History Month Poster Contest
Help keep memories alive by submitting a poster for the Black History month Poster Contest.
Poster must illustrate the beauty and culture of Black History. Must be submitted to C 203 by
Feb. 21st noon. Prizes will be awarded. Winners will be announced on Feb. 26th during U.B. in
the Mall.
Feb. 26
Soul Call * UB * Mall
Join us for a celebration. Entertainer “Kiralina” will bring her wonderful dance and song to the
Mall for our final BHM event. We will have great food, entertainment, music and culture.
This event is not to be missed!
All funds collected will go to support our Nursing students- Malawi project.
(For more information, please contact Student Services C 203)
This program is sponsored by the College
Improve your oral French skills in a comfortable
and friendly atmosphere!
Workshops will be begin on February 18th 2014
3 Le v e l s o f f e r e d : B e g i n n e r , I n t e r m e d i a t e & A d v a n ce d
Starting February 20th
Starting February 18th
Starting February 21th
All workshops will be held bet ween 1 2 noon and 1 :0 0 p.m. in room A-2 8 2
Please bring your lunch!
Regist rat ion: Please e-mail St éphane Giroux at by February 1 4 t h,
2 0 1 4 . Your e-mail subject should be: French Conversat ion Workshops. Specif y your name,
depart ment and level. ( Evaluat e your own level.) Regist rat ion will be conf irmed by e -mail.
Semaine 1
M ardi
M ercredi
Week 1
M onday
Soupe au poulet et aux
Soupe aux tomates à la thaïe
Soupe au bœuf et à l’orge
Soupe au porc et aux nouilles
Tomato Thaï soup
Soupe aux lentilles à
Beef and barley soup
Pork and noodle soup
Crème de poireaux
Crème de chou-fleur
Crème de brocoli
Crème de légumes
Choix du chef
Cream of leek
Cream of cauliflower
Cream of broccoli
Cream of vegetables
Chef’s choice
Chicken and noodle soup
Option végétarienne
Possibilité quotidienne de
remplacer le plat principal par
une salade de fèves ou de
légumes secs (175 ml)
du bar à salades
Option végétarienne
Option végétarienne
Ragoût de bœuf San Diego
Cari de lentilles
Gratin de brocoli et de riz
Pâté chinois
Pâtes du jour
San Diego beef stew
Veggie Option
Lentil curry
Veggie Option
Gratin with broccoli and rice
Shepherd’s pie
Pasta of the day
Morue grillée au four
Poulet à la sauce hoisin
Pâtes à la Gigi
Oven-baked cod
Chicken with hoisin sauce
Pasta Gigi
Option végétarienne
Macaroni au fromage gratiné
Effiloché de porc barbecue
Bœuf bourguignon
Veggie Option
Mac cheese au gratin
BBQ pulled pork
Beef burgundy
Pommes de terre à l’ail
et aux fines herbes
Riz pilaf
Side dish
Pilaf rice
Légumes / Salade
Vegetables / Salad
Mélange de légumes
à la californienne
California-style vegetable medley
Salade verte
Green salad
Option végétarienne
Wrap au poisson
et salade asiatique
Frittata aux épinards
Veggie Option
Spinach frittata
Fish wrap and Asian salad
Option végétarienne
Veggie Option
A bean or legume salad (175 ml)
will be offered daily at the
salad bar as a vegetarian
substitute to the main dish
Asian lentil soup
Garlic and fine herbs potatoes
Macédoine de légumes
Mixed vegetables
Salade de carottes
aux agrumes
Carrot salad with citrus
Panini aux légumes grillés et
au fromage de chèvre
Bœuf sauté aux légumes verts
Veggie Option
Grilled vegetables and
goat cheese panini
Sautéed beef with green vegetables
Purée de pommes de terre
Riz brun
Nouilles de riz
Mashed potatoes
Brown rice
Rice noodles
Mélange de légumes
de la récolte
Mélange de légumes
à la scandinave
Mixed vegetable harvest
Scandinavian vege
Salade César
Salade de pois chiches et cari
Salade de légumes
Caesar salad
Chick pea salad and curry
Vegetable salad
Tous les jours, il y aura un choix de fruits en coupe, de desserts à base de lait, de yogourts, de desserts à base de grains entiers et de fruits frais.
A selection of fruit cups, milk-based desserts, yogurts, whole grain-based desserts, and fresh fruits will be available every day.

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