File - Southland School District
File - Southland School District
Southland Independent Postal Patron School District 500 Rural Route PO Box 351 Post Office Box Holder Non-Profit Organization US Postage Permit No. 16 ECR WSS Adams MN 55909 Adams MN 55909 Serving the Southland School District REBEL TALK June 2006 Math Masters Competition Future Farmers of America Hold their Annual Banquet The FFA had its awards banquet Saturday May 6, 2006. Along with the awards, door prizes were given out that local businesses donated. The Record Keeping Award went to freshman Isaac Noterman. The Larry Klapperich Leadership Award went to junior Melissa Schneider. Grain Production went to sophomore Jason Steinkamp. Agricultural Services Award went to senior Brock Nelson. Star Greenhand to Lacey Holst. Senior Pete Thome and junior Scott Helgeson were recognized for their state degrees. Pete Thome was also recognized for Seventeen 5th graders participated in the regional Math Masters of Minnesota Challenge in Austin, MN on May 5, 2006. Three teams of students competed individually and as teams on eight sets of mathematical problems in this competition. The Southland teams were three of 44 teams participating in Austin. Travis Bruggeman received 9th place in the individual fact drill contest. Math Masters of Minnesota began as a fifth grade math competition program in 1989 from 44 schools taking part. The program has expanded through the years and currently there are approximately 4000 fifth and sixth graders who compete. Southland 5th grade participants are Decker Bendtsen, Travis Bruggeman, Megan Harvey, Jana Schammel, Chris Wolff, Hilary Bottema, Maetzin Cruz-Reyes, Jackie Freund, Jon Shaver, Addison Tapp, Sam Klaehn, Morgan Mortenson, Travis Oudekirk, Buzz Peterson, Scott Sheely and Shelby Vlasaty. The team coach is Laura Freund. Southland Knowledge Bowl Competes in State Finals Southland Knowledge Bowl finished 14th out of 24 teams at the state KB finals in Brainerd, Minnesota, on April 25 and April 26. Team members included seniors Derek Olson, Ashton May, Matt Hinderaker, and sophomores Katie Hoff, and Mark White. Adviser is Mr. Tim Brennan. Competition consisted of one 60 question written test followed by five 45 question oral rounds. Teams are “power ranked” after each round with three team competition rooms. Teams are tightly bunched during oral rounds, with small margins separating ranking. Out of 285 possible questions, Southland was only 8 points out of medaling. A fine job. Star Farmer. The banquet went into the retiring of officers: President-Pete Thome, Vice president-Lance Sorenson, Secretary-Adam Nelson, Treasurer-Scott Helgeson, Reporter- Emily Mullenbach., SentinelMike Sheely. The new officers for 2006-2007 are President-Scott Helgeson, Vice president- Lance Sorenson, Secretary- Josh Lammers, Treasurer- Mike Sheely, ReporterMelissa Schneider, Sentinel-Jared Emanual. The banquet was closed by the new President Scott Helgeson. Left: Kevin Brown, Southland FFA Advisor, recognizes Senior FFA member, Pete Thome, for his many achievements, including the Star Farmer Award . Right: Lacey Holst received the Star Greenhand Award. Rebel Scrapbooks The Southland Middle/High School is currently taking pre-orders for 12”x12” scrapbooks. These will be blue with a Southland Rebel emblem in the center. They would make a wonderful memory book for next year’s seniors or to keep a record of your student’s school activities and accomplishments. They also come with Southland stickers to decorate your pages. The cost will be $35. To order a book, or for more information, call Julie at 4333604. Class of 2006 Katie Ann Anderson Riverland Nursing Marie Lynn Boe Riverland Computer Technology Emily Laurene Churchill Joshua Allen Applen Riverland Carpentry Christopher Alan Coffman RCTC Paramedic Louis Daniel Dion III RCTC Hilary Ann Fasbender Luther College Communications Kirk Andrew Felten NDSU Business Marketing Christine Marie Hanson Luther College Nursing Courtney Lynn Hegge Work Ashley Carol Ann Henry Riverland Cosmetology Andrew Joseph Barthel Alexandria Technical College Diesel Mechanics Rachel Lynn Crouch Sister Rosalind Massage Therapy Corey Joe Gilles RCTC Criminal Justice Matthew Charles Hinderaker U of M Duluth Pre-Med Candice Kay Howe RCTC Nursing Ryan Thomas Huntley Mankato Accounting Bradley Earl Kiefer Century College Prosthetic Practitioner Brendan John Kiefer Pharmacy Michelle Marie Landherr U of W River Falls Business Administration Robert William Learmont Riverland Construction Electrician Kevin Gregory Jax U of M Duluth Mechanical Engineering Eric James Kiefer Mankato Ashton Debra May U of W LaCrosse Physical Therapy Nicole Kristine Jax RCTC Physical Therapy Daniel Craig Klingfus RCTC Early Childhood Development Priscilla Diane Mork Riverland Cosmetology What lies behind us And what lies before us Are tiny matters Compared to what Lies within us -Class Motto Emily Christine Mullenbach MN School of Business Health and Exercise Science Brock Matthew Nelson SDSU Engineering We have the memories of yesterday, We know the reality of today, And hold the hope of tomorrow Derek Alan Olson Drake University History Joni Marie Schmitz St. Cloud State University Business Peter Joseph Thome Riverland Ag Business Kevin Allen Vogt Riverland Elementary Education Travis Smith Schmitz U of M Duluth Corey Lee Tolias RCTC Criminal Justice Sarah Lyn Warnke U of W River Falls Business Equine Verne Fredrick Olson Arizona Tech Design Kurtis Daniel Retterath Riverland Computer Technician Dustin Rodney Smith Work Kate Elizabeth Stephenson RCTC Nursing Kyle James Ulland Gustavus Adolphus College Geology Benjamin Peter Viker Alexandria Technical College Power Sports, Marine Tech Rebecca Kay Weaver RCTC Radiology Jacob James Wilberding Riverland Carpentry Heather Jo Wilson Mankato Pre-Law Jessica Lynn Wilson Dunwoody Architecture Jenna Jo Wolterman Augustana Nursing Jared Vincent Zillgitt Mankato Construction Management The 2006 Graduating Class of Southland High School Seniors sadly saying goodbye to their high school... ...but finding a little time for some levity! Mousetrap Car Competition Correction Dairy Vending Machine Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Chelsey Smith and Hilary Johnson show off the car which won first place for them in the Mousetrap Car Competition. In the May Edition of the Rebel Talk the winners of the Mousetrap Car Competition were identified incorrectly. First place in the competition were Chelsey Smith and Hilary Johnson. 9th grade physical science students finished up their mouse- trap car unit in March. The students had chances to run several trial runs and change different variables to enhance the outcome of their final run. The students’ names will be engraved on a plaque to be displayed in the high school. Southland Junior-Senior Prom Held on April 29th Many students gathered at Travis Schmitz’s house for a photoopportunity before heading to the grand march in the school auditorium. A meal and dance followed at the American Legion in Adams. The post-prom party was held at the school. A fun time was reported by all! FFA Advisor, Kevin Brown, FFA Members, Princess Kay of the Milky Way Rebekah Dammann and Milkmaid Molly Smith were on hand for the official milk machine ribbon cutting ceremony at Southland Middle and High School. Thursday morning, May 11, 2006, Southland MS/HS students and staff welcomed Princess Kay of the Milky Way Rebekah Dammann from Glencoe, MN. Along with Mower Co. Milkmaids Mollie Smith and Abby Rossow, she performed the “ribbon cutting” officially announcing the addition of a dairy vending machine to our school. She also spoke about the importance making good nutrition choices and encouraged students to consume at least three servings of dairy products daily for good health. FFA Advisor Kevin Brown, along with members Scott Helgeson (President), Lance Sorenson (Vice President), Josh Lammers (Secretary), Mike Sheely (Treasurer), Jared Emanuel (Sentinal), and Peter Thome (Region 8 President) served samples of products available in the machine, including string cheese, yogurt, and low fat and flavored milk. FFA members are responsible for keeping the machine filled with fresh dairy products. Gene Anderson, Treasurer of the Mower County American Dairy Association, read a list donors who contributed to the purchase of this machine. Other Mower Co. ADA members who deserve a big THANK YOU include Chris Sukalski (Chairperson), Steve and Darcy Reinartz (Vice Chairpersons), Julie Jax (Secretary), Randy Smith, Rick and Tracy Smith, Bob and Connie Irvin, and Janet Heller. Many other dairy producers and businesses in the Southland School District have also supported this fundraising effort with the goal of providing dairy vending machines for every secondary school in Mower County. Please contact one of the ADA members listed if you are interested in contributing to this fund. The dairy machine is available throughout the school day and has already proven to be popular with Southland students and staff. We also appreciate the support of Gary Kuphal, Supt. and Jon Ellerbusch, MS/HS Principal, in helping make the addition of this machine to our school a reality. Bad Hair Day! Middle and High School PTO Meeting The Southland Middle and High School PTO met on April 5, 2006 at 7:00 pm in the Media Conference room. Present were Laura VanBushkirk, Carrie Sorgatz, Tisha Simonson, Joe Vogt, Shauna Schlichter, Terrie Hanson and Dawn Mueller. The secretary’s report was read. Motion was made to approve the report by Laura and second by Carrie. Motion passed. Treasurer’s report was read. Motion was made to approve the report by Dawn and second by Joe. Motion passed. We still have some coupon books left to sell. The kids can keep selling the books and we will keep giving the kids the $1.00 per book sold. The classroom that won the pizza for the most books sold is Mr. Schulte’s homeroom. On Monday Joe will pick up the pizza and bring to the classroom. Each kid is to bring their own pop or something else to drink. If we do the coupon book next year, the kids would like to have another week to sell. There was no principal report. The Elementary School carnival is May 12. Shirley, Shauna and Terrie are working the meal for the High School Play. It was decided that we will go with the 3 ring binder for the cookbook. All the recipes are in. Laura will check with Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Knable to see if there is a class that would like to help us decided some things for the cookbook. Joe will take care of the recycling on Monday. We reviewed the wish list. The only new request was from Mr. Galle. He put in a request for help to start up an archery program for grades 4-12. The total cost is $1300.00. He is also looking to ask some other clubs for help. Motion was made by Terrie and second by Tisha to give Mr. Galle $500.00 to help start the archery program, with a possibility of more help if he needs it. Motion passed. The PTO will be doing a Rebels basket for the Carnival. Please bring all items to the May meeting. There was some discussion as to having a Haunted House during MEA next October. This will be discussed more at the next meeting. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Dawn and second by Terrie. Meeting adjourned. Mrs. Paula Mortenson, Southland Science Teacher, shows students how NOT to style their hair in the morning. Her recent hair-raising experience was the result of a demonstration using a Van de Graaf generator to explore electrical charges in the electricity unit. Exploring Our World The Cookbooks are Coming!!! Mrs. Klingerman’s third grade recently finished up a unit on the solar system. During this unit students were able to explore our world via the Internet in coordination with their classroom’s SmartBoard. The students interacted with a website that explored the nine planets plus the sun. The students were very excited and learned a lot. At the end of the unit, each student made a replica of a planet to display in the recent Elementary Art Show. Pamala Pater proudly shows off her model of the Sun. The Middle/High School PTO is presently finishing up preparations to send our cookbook to print. Thanks to everyone who contributed their wonderful recipes. The plan is to have the books by the end of the school year. Hopefully, as you are reading this, they have already arrived. We will be selling the cookbooks the Sunday of Dairy Days in the Adams Park, and also at Rose Creek Fun Days. If you can’t be at either event and would like a cookbook, call the school at 5823568. You may also call 433-2364 or 437-6993 to buy a book or for more information. DODGEBALLTOURNAMENT ADAMSDAIRYDAYS Estrella Infante-Garcia displaying her planet, Saturn. Southland Elementary PTO Says “Thank You” Thank you to the whole Southland community for making the Southland Elementary Carnival a huge success. In spite of the weather, we were able to earn over $6,700.00 to use to improve our kids education. Thank you to all the donators and parents who made it all possible. We are always looking for parents and teachers to help out during the year. The meetings are the second Monday of the month during the school year at the elementary school. -The Elementary PTO Mr. Brennan’s Play to Run at Rochester Repertory Theater Southland English teacher Tim Brennan’s original one act play “About Yesterday” has been accepted at Rochester Repertory Theater for a three weekend run beginning July 14. The play centers on a spirited conversation between Edwin and God, and the reasons why things occur or should occur. “About Yesterday” will be part of an evening of one act plays. See for more information. Date: Saturday,June10 Divisions: 1. Boysenteringgrades3and4 2. Girlsenteringgrades4and5 3. Boysenteringgrades5and6 4. Girlsentering6-8 5. Boysentering7-8 6. Girlsentering9-12 7. Boysentering9-12 8. Adultwomen 9. Adultmen Teams:5playersperteam Minimum:4teamsminimumperdivision Place: SouthlandH.S.OldGymandSacredHeartGym Time: Division1—8:00-9:00a.m.intheH.S.OldGym Division2—9:00-10:00a.m.intheH.S.OldGym Division3—10:00-11:00a.m.intheH.S.OldGym Division4—11:00-12:00p.m.intheH.S.OldGym Division5—12:00-1:00p.m.intheH.S.OldGym Division6—8:00-9:00a.m.atSacredHeart Division7—9:00-10:00a.m.atSacredHeart Division8—10:00-11:00a.m.atSacredHeart Division9—11:00-12:00p.m.atSacredHeart Cost:$3.00perplayeror$15.00perteam Awards:Medalsforthefirstplaceteam Guarantee:Eachteamwillplayaminimumof2games Money Earned:GoestotheSacredHeartJugglingTeam Deadline:Monday,June5withtheexceptionthatadultscanregisterthedayof. Send to:GregStorey,SacredHeartSchool,115thStreetSW,Adams,MN,55909 Checks Payable to:P.E.Camp TeamName_____________________________Division-circle:123456789 Player1________________________________GradeEntering___________________ Player2________________________________GradeEntering___________________ Player3________________________________GradeEntering___________________ Player4________________________________GradeEntering___________________ Player5________________________________GradeEntering___________________ Coaching Positions Open for the 2006-2007 School Year Where:SouthlandHighSchoolGym Adams,MN When:Monday—Friday June5-9,2006 Grades refer to 2006-07 school year Girls Entering Grades 5-8 Boys Entering Grades 5-8 Cost: 9:00 A.M.—11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M.—3:00 P.M. $50.00 Whyattendacamp? To learn drills and skills that you (the player) can use to help achieve your goals. At this low cost—teaching intensive camp, individual skills will be emphasized. Shooting, passing, ball handling, rebounding, offensive and defensive drills will be used to help players improve themselves. Each player will receive a “Southland Basketball Camp” tshirt. Varsity Boys Basketball Coach Varsity Boys/Girls Golf Coach Also available - Lower level coaching positions in most sports For information and application contact: Jon Ellerbusch, Principal Southland Schools PO Box 351 Adams, MN 55909 (507)-582-3568 Application deadline – Until filled Or visit our website at Detachandsendintheformbelow. Keepcanceledcheckasreceipt. Keeptopforcamp dateandtimes. Southland June 5th-9th $50.00 Basketball Camp Registration Form Question’s Call Coach Riggin or Wittrock 507-582-3283 Southland June 5th-9th $50.00 Name:______________________________Grade2006-07:_____ Gender:BoyorGirl T-shirtsize(men’s)SML MailingAddress:________________________________________ City:_____________________State:_______Zip:____________ Parents’Name__________________________________________ Telephone#____________________________ Mychildhashealthinsurance.Neitherthecampcoachesnortheschooldistrictwillbe heldliableforinjuriesincurredatthecamp. ParentSignature:_________________________________________Date___________ Evening Custodian Position Available Southland Elementary is looking for an evening custodian to work 15 hours per week (2-4 hours per night). This position will require vacuuming and cleaning of classrooms/ halls, scrubbing/cleaning of gym, and additional duties as assigned. If you are interested in the position, please contact Randy Juhl at 507-437-3214 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Application deadline – until filled. Make check out to Southland Girls Basketball and turn in with form to Coach Riggin at the high school office. Art Class Notice Of Filing Dates For Election To The School Board The period for filing affidavits of candidacy for the office of school board member of Independent School District No. 500 shall begin on July 4, 2006 and shall close at 5:00 o’clock p.m. on July 18, 2006. The general election shall be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2006. At that election, three (3) members will be elected to the School Board for terms of four (4) years each. Affidavits of Candidacy are available from the school district clerk, at Southland Middle/High School, Central Office, 203 2nd St NW, Adams, MN. The filing fee for Seniors Rachel Crouch and Becky Weaver concentrate on their art projects in Ms. Nybo’s Art Class. this office is $2. A candidate for this office must be an eligible voter, must be 21 years of age or more on assuming office, must have been a resident of the school district from which the candidate seeks election for thirty (30) days before the general election, and must have no other affidavit on file for any other office at the same primary or next ensuing general election. The affidavits of candidacy must be filed in the office of the school district clerk and the filing fee paid prior to 5:00 o’clock p.m. on July 18, 2006. Community Education Classes Youth Summer Golf Lessons Learn the basics of golf at the Cedar River Country Club in Adams. This class is being offered for boys and girls who will be entering seventh grade next school year. This is a great way to get started on the basics and etiquette of this life-long sport. Bring your clubs. Dates: Thursday, June 22nd, Tuesday, June 27th, and Thursday, June 29th. One more date may be set up by instructor and participants. Time: 3-4 p.m. Place: Cedar River Country Club Driving Range Instructor: Wayne Robertson, SHS golf coach Cost: $10.00 Registration is limited to 15 students Register with full payment by Tuesday, June 20 Summer Recreation and Learning Opportunities Check the Austin Park and Recreation website for wonderful summer recreation and learning opportunities for children of all ages. Canoe trips, fishing, nature activities, learning about birds and butterflies are all available. Most activities take place at the Hormel Nature Center or are sponsored through them and Austin Park and Rec. Contact the website at for more information. Senior Citizens 500 Senior citizens will continue playing 500 on the second Monday of each month during the summer months. Join us at 1:30 p.m. at the Fire Hall in Adams. Refreshments are served. Scrapbooking and Crafting Spend a weekend concentrating on getting caught up on your scrapbooking, stamping or craft projects. Bring anything you want to work on and the space will be provided for you to work. When: Friday, June 2, 6p.m.-12midnight Saturday, June 3, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Where: Southland Elementary Gym Cost: $5.00 for each day. Fee goes toward art projects in the elementary school Please bring a dish to pass and your own beverage. If you have questions, call Julie 433-3604 or Lyn 433-0075 Community Education Advisory Committee Dawn Gilles Rose Creek Don Larson Adams Georgia Jech Elkton Julie Hendrikson Rose Creek Barb Kloeckner Adams Linda Howton Rose Creek Lea Ann Gilbert Dexter Early Childhood/Family Education Nancy Dvergsten Adams School Board Representative Carol Matheis Adams Community Education Coordinator Jan Weness Adams 437-6451 582-3610 584-6753 433-3604 582-7818 437-3066 584-6463 582-1328 582-3380 582-3197 Geometrical Hats Students show off their geometrical hats they made in Mrs. Sylte’s Geometry Class. The assignment was part of their class portfolio. PTO Recognizes Contributions of Southland Staff Members The Southland ParentTeacher Organization (PTO) recently recognized the staff of Southland Schools by presenting them with a Southland Rebel lunch bag at assemblies held at the elementary, middle and high schools. Computer and Electronic Rummage Sale at Southland There will be a computer/electronics rummage sale at the Southland Middle/High School on Friday, August 18, 2006, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Baccalaureate Service for Southland Graduates 2006 Southland Prom Grand March DVDs for Sale To order your DVD(s), fill out the following information. The cost is $10.00 per DVD. This includes shipping and handling. Please make checks payable to “Southland Schools”. This is a fundraiser for the Southland Technology Department. Name: ______________________________________ Address:______________________________________ Seniors Danny Dion and Kate Stephenson lead the Baccalaureate processional into the gym on Sunday, May 21st. ______________________________________ Telephone Number or Email Address: ___________ Baccalaureate services were held for Southland Seniors on Sunday, May 21st in the new gym. The services were led by Pastor Greg Strunk of the United Methodist Church in Dexter. Scripture readings were read by Joshua Applen and Peter Thome. The Praise Band performed two songs, “With Me” and “With Every Breath”. The Commencement ceremony will be held on Sunday, May 28th at 2:00 PM. ______________________________________________ Number of DVDs Ordered: _____________________ Payment Enclosed (Amount): $__________________ Mail to: Janet Stephenson Southland High School 203 2nd Street NW Adams MN 55909 Southland Administration Elementary Presidential Fitness Awards Mrs. Decker, Elementary Physical Education Specialist has announced the Presidential Fitness Awards for this year. Award winners are Decker Bendtsen, Hilary Bottema, Ben Himebaugh, Danielle Hanson, Jana Schammel and Krista Wells. Southland Wins Seatbelt Challenge!! Southland School is the winner of the 2006 Seatbelt Challenge! During the month of April, SADD co-sponsored a Seatbelt Challenge with the Mower County Chemical Health Coalition. Initial seatbelt checks were done in March and when they were done again at the end of April, Southland had the biggest increase in seatbelt use! Results are shown in the table below. Congratulations! Pictured above are the dedicated administrators of Southland Schools: Gary Kuphal, Superintendent; Randy Juhl, Elementary Principal; and Jon Ellerbusch, Middle/High School Principal. Southland Grand Meadow LeRoy Pre-Check 54% 42% 42% Post-Check 82% 62% 50% Increase +28% +20% +8% FCCLA Activities Congratulations to Brooke Hamilton on her gold award at the FCCLA state meeting. Brooke competed in Event #9 All in the Family and gave an informational power point on families and the challenges step family members can face. FCCLA members enjoyed a final end of the year evening meeting at the Adams Legion. Following the delicious all you can eat taco meal members were presented a certificate of membership and reviewed activities held during the year. Brooke Hamilton was recognized for her leadership as President of the organization and all officers were thanked for their time and leadership. Members then had fun with games. FCCLA is a student led organization for students in grade 7-12. The emphasis is on developing leadership skills, community service, speaking skills, and enhancing skills students will utilize in everyday living. Advisor is Mrs. Jan Miller. Assisting her this year is Mary Lynn Knoebel. FCCLA members enjoying a noon meeting with soda and giant party Subs from Subway. Already plans are being made for next fall. FCCLA Delegates Attend State Meeting Emily Walters accepting the FCCLA door prize from the end of the year taco night. The door prize was a $10 gift certificate for the Rose Pedaler donated by Becky Hartwig. Thank you for your support of the FCCLA. Pictured left to right: Mary Lynn Knoebel, Christina Schmidt, Brooke Hamilton, Samantha Oswald, Mrs. Jan Miller, advisor Liz Meany participating in a game of Vaseline and marshmallows at the recent FCCLA taco night. On April 27-29 members of the Southland FCCLA attended the 2006 FCCLA State meeting at the Sheraton Hotel in Bloomington Minnesota. While there they participated in leadership training, were trained in a new project called “Nutrition Buddies” that Southland FCCLA members will be implementing next fall and competed in Star Event contests. STAR stands for: Students Taking Action with Recognition. These contests introduce teens to new knowledge and opportunities. The presentations involve weeks of research and lots of incredible information. Each event is designed to help members develop specific lifetime skills in character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal commutation, practical knowledge and vocational preparation. Eddie Slowinski, an Inspirational speaker spoke to delegates with the message of Fly High with your Dreams! His motivational speech centered on the importance of conceiving, believing and achieving one’s dreams in life. June 2006 Schedule of Events This schedule is current through May 21, 2006. For an up-to-date schedule, please log-on to the district website at and click on the link “Event Calendar” Thursday, Jun 1, 2006 Last Day of School 8:15AM School is dismissed at 12:30 pm Track: Varsity State Tournament 9:00AM Away vs. Hamline University Hamline University-St. Paul, MN Track: Varsity Sectional Tournament 4:00PM Away vs. Stewartville Stewartville Friday, Jun 2, 2006 Community Ed Scrapbooking 5:30PM Rose Creek Elementary Gym Saturday, Jun 3, 2006 Community Ed Scrapbooking 8:00AM Rose Creek Elementary Gym Monday, Jun 5, 2006 Boys and Girls Youth Basketball Camp 9:00AM High School Gym Boys Camp will be from 9 am to Tuesday, Jun 6, 2006 Boys and Girls Youth Basketball Camp 9:00AM High School Gym Boys Camp will be from 9 am to Wednesday, Jun 7, 2006 Boys and Girls Youth Basketball Camp 9:00AM High School Gym Boys Camp will be from 9 am to Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 Boys and Girls Youth Basketball Camp 9:00AM High School Gym Boys Camp will be from 9 am to Friday, Jun 9, 2006 Boys and Girls Youth Basketball Camp 9:00AM High School Gym Boys Camp will be from 9 am to Track: Varsity State Tournament 9:00AM Away vs. Hamline University Hamline University-St. Paul, MN Monday, Jun 12, 2006 Physical Education Camp 12:00PM High School Gym Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 Physical Education Camp 12:00PM High School Gym Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 Physical Education Camp 12:00PM High School Gym Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 Physical Education Camp 12:00PM High School Gym Friday, Jun 16, 2006 Physical Education Camp 12:00PM High School Gym Monday, Jun 19, 2006 School Board Meeting 6:30PM Media Center Conference Room 12 pm. Girls will be from 12 pm to 3 pm. 12 pm. Girls will be from 12 pm to 3 pm. 12 pm. Girls will be from 12 pm to 3 pm. 12 pm. Girls will be from 12 pm to 3 pm. 12 pm. Girls will be from 12 pm to 3 pm. July 2006 Schedule of Events Monday, Jul 17, 2006 School Board Meeting 6:30PM Media Center Conference Room Tuesday, Jul 18, 2006 BST-Written 8:15AM Little Cedar Church Grade 10th-12th retest Wednesday, Jul 19, 2006 BST-Math 8:15AM Little Cedar Church Grade 10th-12th retest Thursday, Jul 20, 2006 BST-Reading 8:15AM Little Cedar Church Grade 10th-12th retest Friday, Jul 21, 2006 BST-Make-up for all BST tests 8:15AM Little Cedar Church Grade 10th-12th retest August 2006 Schedule of Events Tuesday, Aug 8, 2006 Sports Physicals-7th Grade/MS students needing Physicals 1:30PM Adams Clinic The student athletes need to have an up to date physical on record with the school before they will be allowed to participate in the athletic programs.NO EXCEPTIONS. Sports Physicals-10 Grade/HS students needing Physicals 3:00PM Adams Clinic The student athletes need to have an up to date physical on record with the school before they will be allowed to participate in the athletic programs. NO EXCEPTIONS. Tuesday, Aug 29, 2006 Volleyball: B Match 6:00PM Away vs. Albert Lea Albert Lea High School Volleyball: 9 Match 6:00PM Away vs. Albert Lea Albert Lea High School Volleyball: Varsity Match 7:30PM Away vs. Albert Lea Albert Lea High School Thursday, Aug 31, 2006 Volleyball: 8 Game 4:30PM Wabasha-Kellogg Southland High School Volleyball: 9 Game 5:00PM Wabasha-Kellogg Southland High School Volleyball: 7 Game 5:30PM Wabasha-Kellogg Southland High School Football: B Game 6:00PM Away vs. Wabasha-Kellogg Wabasha-Kellogg High School Volleyball: B Game 6:15PM Wabasha-Kellogg Southland High School Volleyball: Varsity Game 7:30PM Wabasha-Kellogg Southland High School The Rebel Talk The Rebel Talk is a monthly publication of the Southland School District. All comments or suggestions should be directed to Janet Stephenson, Editor, at jstephenson@isd500.k12. or 507-582-3568. You may also view the Rebel Talk online by logging onto the Southland School District Website at and clicking on the link, “Current Edition of the Rebel Talk Online”. Final Edition of the Rebel Talk for the 2005-2006 School Year The June Edition of the Rebel Talk will be the last printed for the 2005-2006 school year. There will be no Rebel Talks for the months of July and August. The September Edition will be published at the end of August. That edition will include information concerning the 20062007 school year. If you have information you would like included in the September Edition, please contact Janet Stephenson at jstephenson@
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