- Good Shepherd Catholic Parish
- Good Shepherd Catholic Parish
January 10. 2016 Good Shepherd Catholic Parish St. Mary ’s, Holy Fa mily, St. Th om as th e Apostle & St. Ch arle s Borrom eo ESTABLISHED JANUARY 10, 2016 CELEBRATE OUR CONSOLIDATION Welcome our Bishop Armando Ochoa today as he visits St. Mary’s Church to sign an historical document for the Catholic Diocese of Fresno. Today Bishop Ochoa signs the promulgation that will officially consolidate Holy Family, St. Charles, St. Mary’s, St. Thomas, Bethlehem Center and Catholic School of Visalia, George McCann Memorial into one parish with one administrative office. Moving forward from this day, we are now known as Good Shepherd Catholic Parish. This is the first time the Diocese has consolidated multiple churches into one parish and it as an answer to the shortage of priests – a problem that persists across the country. The success of this consolidation may mark the start of a trend for the Diocese. This is the conclusion of a process that took more than seven years and called on ministry leaders, administrative staff, clergy and parishioners to work together to unify our communities. Today at our Parish Hall, following the 10:30 mass, we celebrate the diversity of our community with a multi-cultural celebration featuring food and entertainment all provided by our parishioners. Please join the festivities and fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Our Pastor Father Eric Swearingen asks us to be a constant reminder to Visalia and beyond of Jesus’ presence, his mercy, his outreach to those who have strayed and the dignity of all life. Working together, may we be faithful sheep to Our Good Shepherd! Anniversary Accolades! As we celebrate the change in our parish, we also want to thank and celebrate our Deacons who are celebrating ordination anniversaries this week! Deacon Ken Ramage (January 11, 2003) Thank you for your 13 Years! Deacon Paul Hernandez (January 11, 2003) Thank you for your 13 Years! Deacon Jim Rooney (January 11, 2003) Thank you for your 13 Years! Deacon Rick Miller (January 13, 2007) Thank you for your 9 Years! Deacon Doug Pingel (January 13, 2007) Thank you for your 9 Years! Deacon Henry Medina (January 15, 2011) Thank You for Your 5 Years! Welcome! We would like to extend a warm welcome to all visitors, families and friends of our community! We hope the information in this weeks bulletin is a helpful resource. Please use the registration form on this page if you are interested in becoming a registered parishioner. Just fill it out and drop it in the collection basket. It’s that easy! Thank you for choosing to visit Good Shepherd Catholic Parish (formerly The Catholic Church of Visalia). CONTACT INFORMATION PRIESTS IN RESIDENCE Fr. Eric Swearingen, Pastor Rev. Alex Chavez, Associate Pastor Rev. Victor Hernando, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jose Luis Varo, (In Residence) Contact number: 559-713-6860 DEACONS Rev. Mr. Paul Hernandez Rev. Mr. Doug Pingel Rev. Mr. Julian Ponce Rev. Mr. Ken Ramage Rev. Mr. James V. Rooney (Retired) Rev. Mr. Henry Medina Rev. Mr. Rick Miller, BETHLEHEM CENTER Benny Rodriguez, Director 1638 N. Dinuba Blvd., Visalia, 93291 Phone: 734-1572 Website: www.bcvisalia.org Administrator Rev. Mr. Henry Medina Administrative Assistant to the Priests Ruthanne Parlier, ext.118 Receptionist & Facilities Scheduler Danny Sarabia , ext. 101 On-Call Maintenance Line 559-901-7940 Liturgy Coordinator/Schedules Patty Call, 559-734-9522 Director of Music Charles Culbreth, 559-734-9522 Communications Please submit bulletin and website items at TCCOV Parish Office or by emailing dreac18@hotmail.com Pastoral Council pastoralcouncil@tccov.org THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL OF VISALIA, GEORGE MCCANN MEMORIAL SHEILA RAST, PRINCIPAL 200 E. Race Street, Visalia, 93291 559-732-5831 Phone 559-741-1562 Fax Website: gmccatholicschool.org Scrip Office: 732-7419 RELIGIOUS FORMATION Tomas Tafolla, Director +St. Mary’s (English) & (Español) Adriana Robles–Noricumbo, CRE (SP) Edie Loudermilk, Secretary, ext. 120 (EN) OFFICE: 559-733-3929 FAX: 559-734-3435 (located in the Parish Center) 506 N. Garden Street, Visalia, M-TH: 10:00 - 6:00 p.m. Closed Fridays +Holy Family Irma Gaitan, CRE Office Locations & Hours 1908 N. Court St., Visalia, (on the school grounds near Rm. 4) M-Th 4:00 –7:00 p.m. Phone: 559-732-9651 +St. Thomas The Apostle Antonio Mendoza - CRE Office Location (Sunday) 6735 Ave 308, Goshen Phone: 559-651-1923 Fax: 559-651-2270 Youth Ministry Coordinator Ruben Cabatic, ext. 117 WEDDING REHEARSAL COORDINATORS (Independent Contractors approved by TCCOV) Holy Family Church Rosann Porras-559-734-4456 E-mail: rosanne.porras@yahoo.com St. Charles Borromeo St. Mary’s Church Carol Serpa-559-734-0412 Email: carole39@sbcglobal.net Donna Grist 559-625-3115 REGISTRATION: Are you new to Good Shepherd Catholic Parish? Please take a moment to register by completing this form. You may drop it off at the Parish Office or in the weekend collection. Church most often attending: _______________________________ Name (Head of Household): _______________________________ Address: _______________________________ City, State & Zip: _______________________________ Home Phone: _______________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________________ Family email address: _______________________________ Would you like to receive: Offering envelopes? ___Yes ___No Mailings from the Church?__Y __N Be notified about Church Events?__Y__N Be notified about Ministry Events?__Y__N Information regarding Sacrament? __Y__N Please circle the one (ones) that you would like information about. Baptism? First Communion? Confirmation? Marriage? Vocations? Would like someone from our Hospitality Committee to contact you or visit you at your home? __ Yes ____No ____not at this time. The Baptism of the Lord: January 10, 2016 “A voice comes from heaven proclaiming Jesus as the beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased” -Luke 3:15 Reflection The Christmas season closes this Sunday with the Baptism of the Lord. This feast is a sister to last week’s feast of the Epiphany. Each of them celebrates an “epiphany,” or a manifestation of the Spirit of God in Jesus—first in his birth, and now at his baptism. The divine Spirit is manifested in all of the scriptures for this feast. Psalm 104 highlights the Spirit of God creating and renewing the earth, while the reading from Isaiah describes God restoring Israel. In Luke’s account of the baptism of the Lord the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus. And the letter from Titus reminds us that the Holy Spirit was “richly poured out” on us also, through the “bath of rebirth” (Titus 3:6, 5). GOD MADE MANIFEST An epiphany is a manifestation of God in visible form. Today’s scriptures are replete with references to ways that God was made manifest. Isaiah sees “the glory of the LORD . . . revealed” in the visible form of God renewing the covenant by bringing the Israelites home from exile (Isaiah 40:5). Psalm 104 presents God’s “manifold works,” singing: “When you send forth your spirit . . . you renew the face of the earth” (Psalm 104:30). The reading from Titus takes up this theme of renewal as a manifestation of God. It mentions three “appearances” of God—in the person of Jesus, in glory in the fullness of time, and in our baptismal “renewal by the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5). Finally, God was made manifest in Jesus’ baptism when “the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove . . . [a]nd a voice came from heaven” (Luke 3:22). BAPTIZED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND FIRE What do all these epiphanies have to do with us? Titus assures us that the same Spirit of God who renews the universe, renewed the covenant, and descended upon Jesus has been “richly poured out on us” in “the bath of rebirth” (Titus 3:6, 5). With Jesus, we have been baptized “with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Luke 3:16). Those of us who were baptized as infants may not remember our baptism; even less might we remember our experience of God made manifest in us that day. Yet every time our community prays the Eucharistic Prayer and shares in Holy Communion the Spirit descends upon us again, pouring out the divine life that renews and “fires” us. As we move into Ordinary Time we will hear how the Spirit propelled Jesus forth to proclaim the Good News. Through our sharing in the Holy Spirit in baptism and Eucharist we, too, are propelled forth to make Christ manifest in the world. God is manifested in visible form today by the renewal and the “fire” of all the baptized. SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND WILL BENEFIT SEMINARIANS IN THE DIOCESE OF FRESNO The second collection next weekend, January 16 & 17, goes to the support of our seminarians as they pursue their college and post-graduate studies for the priesthood. By necessity, these costs have grown to be a major part of the annual diocesan operational budget (upwards of $30,000 per seminarian, room, board and tuitions fees). At the present time our diocese is blessed to have 15 men at different stages of formation for eventual ordination as priests for the Diocese of Fresno. Our diocese was most blessed with the ordination of Fr. Jorge Robles this past May 30th. Needless to say, priestly vocations are still at a “crisis level” here in our diocese so we must support our seminarians in this practical way as well as through our continued daily prayers. Please keep the intentions of all the young men who are studying for their dedicated life as well as for many to follow their example. Again, we encourage all to take a more active part in fostering vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Weekly Collection Your continued generosity in the weekly collections is greatly appreciated. The collection amount for the week ending, January 3, 2016: SM HF SC ST Actual Collection Amount: $17,335.38 Actual Collection Amount: $3,985.64 Actual Collection Amount: $7,973.28 Actual Collection Amount: $541.41 December 27, 2015: SM HF SC ST All Actual Collection Amount: Actual Collection Amount: Actual Collection Amount: Actual Collection Amount: Christmas Collection Amt: $15,903.56 $3,399.35 $7,697.81 $378.93 $78,587.82 Upcoming & Ongoing Events Traditional Latin Mass: Come and experience the beauty of the traditional Latin Mass. It is offered every Sunday at 3:30 pm at St. Anthony of Padua’s Catholic Church in Fresnoa dn every Thursday, at 6 p.m. at Holy Family Catholic Church in Kingsburg. To learn more about the form of the Mass, visit fresnolatinmass.org. Pro-Life Rosary: Every 2nd Thursday of the month after the 12:15PM Mass @ St. Mary's. Medjugorje Peace Rosary: All are welcome to join us in praying the Rosary for peace every second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Please bring your rosary as we gather at Mrs. Borba’s home at 5705 W. Elowin Drive in the Lakes. For more information, contact MRs. Borba at 625-0740 or Mr. and Mrs. Perry at 733-9390. TCCOV Catholic Singles Meeting: Every third Wednesday of the month at a restaurant. Call Carol for more information 786-6407. Holy Hour at St. Thomas: Holy Hour at St. Thomas Church in Goshen , 1st Friday of each month, 6:007:00 p.m., Service conducted by Deacon Ponce. Sacred Heart Chapel: "We were made for thee, O Lord…our hearts are not at rest, until they rest in Thee." -St. Augustine Come, experience the peace Our Lord gives: Sacred Heart Perpetual Adoration Chapel Florence Evans - 734-4807; para espanol - Juanita Olvera - 651-2419 or Florentina Mata - 372-7875/652-5606 Prayer Warriors: Do You Have a Special Prayer Request? Reach out and contact The Catholic Church of Visalia Prayer Warriors: Nancy Kane at 559-732-9970 or nancydkane@aol.com or Deacon Ken at ken.ramage@sbcglobal.net. THE GOSPELS BIBLE STUDY: will be on a Christmas break for the rest of the month of December. We will resume on Tuesday, January 5. All are welcome. Come and join us. A great New Year’s Resolution. We meet at St Charles on Tuesdays from 7-8:30 PM. Gospel of Luke, a continuing study. Questions: Jerry 960-3245. January 11 Serra Club: The Mission of the Serra Club is to foster, promote and support vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Please come and join us for our month meeting the second Monday of each month in the Serra Center at 6:00 pm and the fourth Wednesday of each month at 5:30 for an hour of Adoration and Benediction at St. Mary's Church. Consider: In talking to your children and grandchildren, remember to raise the call to Church ministry. The process of answering God's call begins in childhood and adolescence. Our Church needs answered vocation calls. January 16 Public Safety Night: The Knights of Columbus will hold a Public Safety Night in recognition of of Public Service at 6 p.m. Jan. 16 at St. Mary’s Parish Hall. For more information, contact James Wilfong at 559-972-2388 or jpwilfong@yahoo.com. January 16 Come and See Days: “Called to be Preachers of Mercy” Catholic single women ages 18-40 years old are invited to attend to learn more about the Dominican Contemplative Nuns (nunsmenlo.org). Contact Sr. Joseph Marie O.P. at vocations@nunsmenlo.org for more information and to register. January 20-21 Prayer & Life Workshop ENGLISH & SPANISH: Learn more about God’s mercy and grow in his love and grace by participating in a Prayer and Life Workshop. Using various prayer methods, scripture and music you can change your life. Find out how on Wednesday in English and Thursday in Spanish from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. beginning on January 20 English and 21st in Spanish in the Serra Center at 600 North Garden Street (behind St. Mary’s Church). Can’t come to the first session? Participants welcome throughout! January 22 Centering Prayer Retreat: Centering Prayer New Year Retreat by Contemplative Outreach of Central California at St. Anthony's Retreat Center, 43816 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers, CA 93271, January 22-24, 2016. Would you like to start the New Year by deepening your prayer life and nurturing your relationship of intimacy with God? Centering Prayer is a time-honored prayer practice in the Christian tradition that has helped Christians to prepare for the gift of Contemplative Prayer. Whether your interest is deepening your relationship with God, relief from the stress of daily life, or learning about Contemplative Prayer, why not take some time at the beginning of this New Year, to learn and practice Centering Prayer? An introductory retreat offers instruction and practice on the method of Centering Prayer and discussion about its conceptual background. We will learn from skilled retreat facilitators, insightful DVD's and small group discussion. There will be plenty of time to rest and enjoy the beautiful retreat center. This workshop refreshes the spirit and deepens our commitment to a regular Centering Prayer practice. Save by registering early through Jan 18th. Shared Room: $225. Private Room: $267. Includes 2 nights lodging and 6 delicious meals. $30 late registration fee after Jan 18th. Retreat begins Friday at 6 p.m. and ends Sunday at 1 p.m. Please make payment to "COCC" and mail to COCC, 3325 Roberts Avenue, Clovis, CA 93619. To save your space, please call Everardo Pedraza, OSB, Cam. Obl. at 559-230-9736 or email: centeringfriends@gmail.com. Thank you and we look forward to you joining us. Jan 30 Mardi Gras Ball: This event will support The Catholic School of Visalia George McCann Memorial Campus. The event will be held at 5:30 p.m. at the Visalia Country Club and will include a no-host cocktail reception, dinner, live auction and entertainment by Run 4 Cover. To sponsor, donate or purchase tickets, contact Monique Mirwald at 559-8048184. WWW.TCCOV.ORG/EVENTS Upcoming & Ongoing Events Jan 30 Liturgical Ministers Retreat featuring Daniel Longoria: From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. we encourage all involved in Liturgy to participate in this retreat which will feature the testimony of Daniel Longoria who will testify how the Heavenly Father’s Mercy has been granted on to him through the ministry of others, allowing him to grow into the person he is today. During this retreat we will examine the Bull of Indiction and renew our commitment to the various Liturgical Ministries. Feb 1 OLPH Rosary & Novena: Please join OLPH Ministry in praying the Rosary & Novena every First Mondays of every month, 7 PM at St. Mary's Church. Feb. 6-7 Evangelization Retreats: Mark your calendars and save the dates now for up-coming Evangelization Retreats: Spanish Speaking Retreat: Feb 6 and 7. English speaking Retreat: Feb 27 and 28. Both of these retreat are held at St. Mary's Hall. They are a great opportunity to begin a deeper. richer personal relationship with Jesus. Watch for m ore details in the coming weeks. Feb 13: Valentine’s Dinner & Dance: The Knights of Columbus will host a Valentine’s dinner and dance on Feb. 13, 2016 at 6 p.m. at St. Mary’s Parish Hall. Proceeds will benefit scholarships. For more information, contact James Wilfong at 559-972-2388 or jpwilfong@yahoo.com. Schedule of Masses Holy Family 1908 N. Court Street, Visalia, 93291 M - F: Misa 8:00 AM Saturday: Misa 5:00 PM Sunday: Mass 10:00 AM Misa 12:00 PM St. Mary’s - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin 608 N. Church Street, Visalia, 93291 M - F: Mass 12:15 PM Saturday: Mass 4:00 PM Sunday: Mass 7:00, 8:30, 10:30, & 7:00 PM Misa 1:00 PM St. Thomas the Apostle 6735 Ave. 308, Goshen, 93291 Sunday: Misa - 9:30 AM St. Charles Borromeo 5049 W. Caldwell Ave., Visalia, 93277 Sunday: Misa 8:00 AM Mass 10:00 AM Mass 12:00 PM Confession Schedule Saturday-St. Mary’s 2:30 - 3:30 PM Due to the cold and Flu season we will not be offering the cup beginning the 1st Sunday in Advent December 5 at any of the Masses until further notice. Catholic Center PARISH OFFICE 506 N. Garden St. Visalia, CA 93291 Office Hours/ Horas de Oficina Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. - Noon Phone: 559-734-9522 Fax: 559-734-3435 Please visit our website for more information: www.tccov.org News & Info Jubilee Year of Mercy Holy Door Pilgrimage Sites in the Diocese of Fresno: ∗ St. John’s Cathedral, Fresno ∗ Our Lady of Mercy, Merced ∗ St. Joachim, Madera ∗ St. Anthony of Padua, Reedley ∗ Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hanford ∗ St. Aloysius, Tulare ∗ Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bakersfield ∗ St. Therese, Shafter ∗ St. Ann, Ridgecrest What is “temporal punishment”? Sin has two consequences. The first is a split from God, this is eternal punishment, hell in other words, and can be erased by going to confession and beign readmitted to our state of grace and communion with God. But every sin, however minor, entails what Church Catechism refers to as an unhealthy attachment to creatures. This requires purification and deserves a temporal punishment which a person may (here the emphasis on “may,” because we cannot know) still be bound by , regardless of forgiveness granted during confession. “If I offend someone and then want to reconcile myself with them, I must compensate him. This requires me to lower myself and a punishment. This is how it works between us men, this is also how it works with God and we Catholics fear that once the sin has been remitted, God will not put remit on the whole punishment due if a sinner’s repentance is imperfect.” This second consequence of sin, temporal punishment that is, can be undergone on this Earth, through voluntary prayers and penitence, with charitable works and the acceptance fo life’s suffering and trials. Or it can be undergone in Purgatory. Temporal punishment is not an act of revenge by God, it derives from the very nature of the sin committed. Check back next week for more information on indulgence. Get more information on the church’s Year of Mercy at www.tccov.org. ? w o n k uWE’RE ON FACEBOOK! o y d i D Get info, events, scripture and more. Like us today to stay connected! Good Shepherd Parish Facebook.com/tccov Bethlehem Center Facebook.com/bethlehemcentervisalia Catholic School of Visalia, George McCann Facebook.com/catholicschoolvisalia Youth Ministry Facebook.com/ccovym Young Adult Ministry Facebook.com/catholic-church-of-Visalia-young-adult -ministry Need help starting a facebook account? Email dreac18@hotmail.com OUR BELOVED DEPARTED In the kindness of your prayers, please remember our most recently deceased: MILLICENT DOREEN BARRY mother of Trent Barry ARACELI GREENY wife of Gary Greeny MARCELLA FROSCHEISER sister of Marge Novotny JOHN TOSTA husband of Belmira Tosta DIANA SEBREE mother of Denette Castro VIRIGINIA MARIA ESCAMILLA wife of Felipe Escamilla BESSIE L. CASAREZ great-grandmother of James Ruiz, Jr. ALFRED VASQUEZ father of Bernadette Vasquez BILL FILIPONI Father, father-in-law of Gino & Cyndi Filiponi, grandfather of Chris & Monique Mirwald, great-grandfather of Tristen & Tyler Mirwald Bienvenida QUEREMOS dar una cálida bienvenida a todas las familias, amigos y visitantes de nuestra comunidad! Esperamos que la información contenida en este boletín semanal sea un recurso útil. Si usted no esta registrado. Por favor, llene el formulario de inscripción en la primera página y deposítelo en la canasta de la colecta y sea miembro de nuestra Comunidad. Es así de fácil! Gracias por elegir ser parte de nuestra Comunidad y por visitar la Iglesia Católica de Visalia. El Bautismo del Señor: 10 de enero de 2016 “Después del bautismo de Jesús, el cielo se abrió” -Lucas 3:15 Reflexión DIOS SE MANIFIESTA Una epifanía es una manifestación de Dios en forma visible. Las Escrituras de hoy están llenas de referencias sobre las formas en que Dios se manifiesta. Isaías ve que “aparecerá la gloria de Yavé” en la forma visible de Dios que renueva la alianza de llevar a casa a los israelitas del exilio. Salmos 104 presenta las “numerosas obras” de Dios, entonando: “Si envías tu espíritu... renuevas la faz de la tierra”. La lectura de Tito toma este tema de la renovación como una manifestación de Dios. Menciona tres “apariciones” de Dios –en la persona de Jesús, en la gloria de la plenitud de los tiempos, y en la “renovación por el Espíritu Santo” en nuestro Bautismo. Finalmente, Dios se manifiesta en el bautismo de Jesús cuando “bajó el Espíritu Santo sobre Él en forma de paloma, y vino una voz del cielo”. BAUTIZADO CON EL ESPÍRITU SANTO Y CON FUEGO ¿Qué tienen que ver con nosotros todas estas epifanías? Tito nos asegura que el mismo Espíritu de Dios que renueva el universo, renovó la alianza y descendió sobre Jesús, ha sido “derramado” abundantemente en nosotros, y así “volvimos a nacer y fuimos renovados”. Con Jesús hemos sido bautizados “con el Espíritu Santo y el fuego”. Aquellos de nosotros que fuimos bautizados de niños no recordamos nuestro bautismo, mucho menos podremos recordar nuestra experiencia de Dios manifestado en nosotros ese día. Sin embargo, en cada momento que nuestra comunidad reza la Oración Eucarística y comparte la Sagrada Comunión, el Espíritu Santo desciende nuevamente a nosotros, y derrama su vida divina que nos renueva y nos “enciende” con su fuego. Al avanzar en el Tiempo Ordinario, escucharemos cómo el Espíritu impulsó a Jesús a proclamar la Buena Nueva. Al compartir el Espíritu Santo en nuestro bautismo y en la Eucaristía nosotros también somos impulsados a manifestar a Dios en el mundo. Para todos los ministros de liturgia – guarde la fecha -Marquen sus calendarios Habrá una oportunidad de reunirse para reflexionar y renovar nuestro compromiso de fe en nuestro ministerio litúrgico. 30 de enero 8:30am. Vean el boletín para más información. ¡Los Calendarios de Arte Católica ya están disponibles! Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad una vez más para agradecer la generosidad de Jeff Salser & Steve Dillard de la Capilla Funeraria, Salser & Dillard por su amabilidad en patrocinar el Calendario Católico 2016 de la Iglesia Católica de Visalia. Por favor, solo tomen un calendario por familia para que haya suficientes para todos los que deseen tener uno. Lecturas de la Semana Lunes: Martes: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Sal 116 (115):12-19; Mc 1:14 20 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mc 1:21 28 Miércoles: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Sal 40 (39):2, 5, 7-10; Mc 1:29 39 Jueves: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Sal 44 (43):10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mc 1:40 45 Viernes: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Sal 89 (88):16-19; Mc 2:1 12 Sábado: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Sal 21 (20):2-7; Mc 2:13 17 Domingo: Is 62:1-5; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11 ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL FIN DE SEMANA Enero 2, 30 y 31, 2016 Centro Pastoral, Fresno Ampelio y Delia Gutierrez 559-358-5677 News Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14 20 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk 1:21 28 Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29 39 Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mk 1:40 45 Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1 12 Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13 17 Sunday: Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11 Catholic Art Calendars Now Available! We would like to take this opportunity once again to acknowledge the generosity of Jeff Salser & Steve Dillard of Salser & Dillard Funeral Chapel for their kindness in sponsoring the 2016 Catholic Church of Visalia Catholic Calendar. Please take one calendar per family to that there will be enough for all who wish to have one. Como Nosotros Facebook.com/tccov Aprenda más sobre la misericordia de Dios y Crezca en el Amor de Dios y su gracia, participando en el taller de “Oración y Vida” utilizando diferentes métodos de orar, escritura y música, usted puede cambiar su Vidal. Ven y aprende cómo? El Miércoles 20 de Enero en inglés y el Jueves 21 de Enero en Español de 9:00am a 11:00 am en el Serra Center ubicado en el 600 N. Garden St. ¿Atrás de la Iglesia Santa María. No tienes tiempo de ir a la Primera Sección? Hay otro para el 3 y 4 de Febrero, Llama a Charlotte Willenburg (799-3048) para más información y registrarse. Funeral Ministry Your help is needed serving at Funerals in both English and Spanish. The need for volunteers in this ministry is urgent. We currently have 12 volunteers that we must stretch to accommodate the 6-7 funerals per week. Most of the funerals in our parish are during the day time mainly in the morning. It is a commitment of 1 ½ hours. We will train you and you can serve as often you would like. A call is made when we have a funeral to see if you are available to help. We need Altar Servers and Lectors. To help, Contact Patty Call at 734-9522. Thank you. Masses & Intentions SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, VIGIL FOR FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. FLORENCE BAIR by the Notarnicola family WALTER & MARY CASKEY by their family CARLOS, SR. & EMELIA LOURENCO by Carlos B. & Yolanda Lourenco TONY MENDONCA by Rose Lawrence SAT., JANUARY 16, VIGIL FOR 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (SM) (SM) (SM) (SM) MARIA DEL CONSUELO GONZALEZ FRANCO by Lina Chavez Gonzalez (HF) SUN., JANUARY 10, FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 7:00 a.m. KELLY SALCEDO by her family (SM) 8:00 a.m. DAVID DUARTE by M/M Bill Lyons (SC) 8:30 a.m. EMELIA DEMELO by Joe & Maria Silva (SM) INT. OF BRYAN WILSON by Kathy Wilson (SM) INT. OF SHEKINAH WILSON by Kathy Wilson (SM) JUANITA HURLBUTT by St. Mary’s Altar & Rosary Society (SM) MATTEO & ROSE ROMANAZZI by Remy & Felix Tangco (SM) ROSE LAWRENCE by Rose Neves (SM) PASQUALE & MARIA COPPOLA by Sam & Terry Sciacca (SM) 9:00 a.m. ROGER H. GARCIA by Roger & Mary Garcia (HF) 9:30 a.m. DON LORENZO by Bob Gunthner (ST) 10:00 a.m. MARY JANE ORLOPP by Adrian & Wilma Marquez (SC) 10:30 a.m. DON BUHL by Eldon Costa (SM) 12:00 p.m. IDA ROMANAZZI by Dan & Marjie Jungwirth (SC) 12:00 p.m. HOLY SOULS IN PURGATORY by Peter & Anna Maria Nava (HF) 1:00 p.m. INTENTIONS OF ALL PARISHIONERS (SM) 7:00 p.m. CARL M. ROCHA by Mary Costa (SM) Monday, January 11, Weekday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. TLATHUI LEUVANO by Maria Elena Hernandez (HF) 12:15 p.m. INT. OF DOMINGA R. TABUTOL - BIRTHDAY by Warren B. Tabutol (SM) Tuesday, January 12, St. Marguerite Bourgeoys 8:00 a.m. ADELINE MCCARLSON by Dennis & Connie Williams 12:15 p.m. PHIL FOUCHT by his family 8:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 13, St. Hilary INT. OF MARISA CISNEROS by her family JOEY BETTENCOURT by Keith & Barbara Bettencourt & family (HF) (SM) (HF) (SM) Thursday, January 14, Weekday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. ISREALDA RODRIGUEZ by Zachary Navo (HF) 12:15 p.m. ANDREA CULVER by her parents (SM) Friday, January 15, Weekday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. DEMETRIA DIAZ by Felipa Estrada Diaz 12:15 p.m. PACIFICO M. VIZMONTE by Rick & Agnes Vizmonte (HF) (SM) Thank You! To all those who helped in preparation for Our Lady of Guadalupe. The celebration was a huge success and first class celebration for our Blessed Mother. It was wonderful to see all four of the communities work and celebrate together. Thank You! 5:00 p.m. MILT MEDEIROS by Larry & Janet McLaughlin (SM) INTENTIONS OF FAMILY OF ANDY RIZZO by Al & Anna Herrera (SM) INTENTIONS OF REMY TANGCO by Joe & Matt Romanazzi & families (SM) INT. OF MAGGIE MEDEIROS by Nancy Garza (SM) MARY MARGARET HEMMERICK by Joan Hemmerick (SM) JOAN HEMMERICK & Faith & Steve Leibel (SM) JUANA SANCHEZ GONZALEZ by Miroslava Gonzalez (HF) SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:00 a.m. THE JACCARD FAMILY by the Sorensons (SM) 8:00 a.m. INTENTIONS OF ALL PARISHIONERS (SC) 8:30 a.m. MSGR. TOM KLEINHANS by Frank & Joan Bell (SM) IN HONOR OF ST.JUDE by the Arias family (SM) 9:30 a.m. LOUISE SCIACCA PETTIT by Sam & Terry Sciacca (ST) 10:00 a.m. MARY AILEEN ARMI by Gary Armi, Craig Armi and Georgetta Dolensek (SC) 10:00 a.m. INT. OF STAN & REBECCA HILLAN & FAMILY by Peter & Anna Maria Nava (HF) 10:30 a.m. INT. OF FR. ERIC & PRIESTS OF GOOD SHEPHERD PAR. by Norman & Karen Donohue (SM) 12:00 p.m. MARGARITA CAGA & FELIZARDO BAGAY by Evelyn Perry (SC) 12:00 p.m. JESUS ESTRADA REYNOSO by Felipa Estrada (HF) 1:00 p.m. SAN ANTONIO by Miriam Rodriguez (SM) 7:00 p.m. JEFFREY BONOVICH by John & Jean Harley (SM) FatherEric,FatherAlexand FatherVictorwouldliketothankall ofourwonderfulparishionerswho honoredusthisyearwithChristmas Cardsandgreetingsthroughoutthe season.God’sBlessingsonyouall. Thank You from OLPH! The Our Lady of Perpetual Help Ministry would like to extend a heartfelt gratitude to all that made our Simbang Gabi possible. These 9 Christmas Novena Masses were celebrated because of the community efforts of all our Priests, Deacons, Sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers and the Church; the people. Thanks to ALL of you! Thank you most especially to our Pastor Father Eric and the Administration for the diversity offered to our Parishioners and allowing the Simbang Gabi Celebration (10 years now) Thanks to all the Planning Committee for your hard work specially Father Victor. Thank you to those that brought foods to share, The attendance, The Food and Fellowship after each Mass was excellent! May God's blessings be upon us all and we look forward to celebrating this Tradition here at the Good Shepherd Catholic Parish in the years ahead. Mary Jane Paying too much for your medicine? Start saving today with the pharmacy discount card. Just clip and show to the pharmacist for every Rx. ✃ Your Prescription Savings Card Lic# 644731 592-7264 Member ID: Cardholders phone # This is not insurance. Pharmacy discount only. 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Direct Cremations from $1,000 Funeral Service with a Cremation from $2,795 Funeral Services from $2,885 Hablamos su idioma! Ask about preplanning! 10% Discount with Ad We accept Pre-Needs & insurance policies written by other funeral homes EDDIE & MIKE PROFESSIONAL ROOFING SANCHEZ BROTHERS LIC. #882464 RE-ROOFING & LEAK REPAIR ASPHALT SHINGLE/TILE ROOF CERTIFICATION 559-739-7005 STERLING & SMITH FUNERAL HOME DISCOUNT OF 50% FOR PROBATE, WILLS & TRUSTS FOR PARISHIONERS Phone: 559.732.4955 Specializing in Personal Injury and Auto Accidents. Free Consultation. 2340 W. Whitendale Ave. Suite A, Visalia MATEO ESPINOZA CA. CONT. LIC. #799998 FULLY INSURED PL & PD TREE SERVICE 559-679-3504 If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! PARISHIONERS VISALIA (559) 636-9295 ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 409 N. “K” Street Tulare TULARE (559) 685-9295 800.393.9954 (559) 684-9304 1123 Plaza Dr., Visalia 559.302.4550 Fax 559.651.1742 Lic. # FD2106 www.sterlingsmithfd.com Lynn A. Minyard, LCSW INSURANCE AGENCY E S TA B L I S H E D 1 9 7 3 CA Insurance Lic. #0472072 Let’s Meet at the Bear After Mass Local for 42 years! We are associated with a major insurance company, and a nationally top rated claims department. AUTO • HOME • LIFE • COMMERCIAL RV/TOYS • RETIREMENT • LONG TERM CARE LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF COURT & WALNUT BEHIND 7-ELEVEN 2041 S. Court Street • Visalia • marknavo@allstate.com For Professional, Personal Service Call: 559-627-6301 AN ALLSTATE AGENCY Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Beer & Wine 3103 S. 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Mineral King Ave Ste C Visalia CA 93291 (559) 625-3200 David Miller Brad Miller Gary Giraudi Jim Klapperich Ray Gomez an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Parishioner Miller Memorial Chapels www.millerchapel.com FD-65 732-8371 1120 W. Goshen • “Next to Visalia Cemetery” Jesus A to Z Alethea Coelho, DDS Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Dr. Alethea Coelho and her staff share a common goal, which is to provide the very best, friendly, warm, and welcoming environment to each and every patient. A dental professional who devotes herself to excellence in General and Cosmetic Dentistry. (559) 733-2218 A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 2220 W. 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FAMILY SEDATION & IMPLANT DENTISTRY Parishioner (559) 733-2273 www.icondentalsmile.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 DAVID MINYARD Valera Tech Services R E A LT Y Attorney at Law I.T. Services With A Personal Approach • Repair & Maintenance of Macs & PCs • Network Setup & Data Recovery • Smartphone & Tablet Repair “Your Hometown Appliance Store” Horacio Valera 559.280.6951 CELL Family Law • Personal Injury • Criminal Law Divorce, Adoptions, Guardianships 635-4794 Visalia, CA 904 West Center Ave. Gerrie@GerrieGiotta.com 2410 E. Mineral King 732-2112 We Sell the Best & Service the Rest Referrals Appreciated I MMIGRANT R IGHTS C ENTER “Dignified and Affordable Without Compromise” Certified Computer Technician OLA R AZA , I N C . Parishioner / Se Habla Español CENTRO DE DERECHOS DE INMIGRANTES CON EL PUEBLO DESDE 1974 ValeraTechServices@gmail.com 559-429-5294 Delta Nursing & REHABILITATION CENTER Gerrie Giotta F U N E R A L C H A P E L 2 Locations to Serve Your Family Guaranteed Lowest Cost VISALIA 559-625-8900 FARMERSVILLE 559-594-1063 1700 W. Caldwell, FD# 2129 332 E. Visalia Rd., FD# 2048 Mission Care Group www.hadley-marcom.com Mark and Maureen Fisher Mary Patty phone 559-732-8614 Realtor www.missioncg.com Jordan-Link & Co. Parishioner 514 North Bridge St. Visalia, CA 93291 559.786.3179 Referrals Welcome fax 559-732-1082 BRE Lic#0194339 www.marypatty.c21.com Law Offices of Jim R. Martinez•DDS Family & Cosmetic Dentistry JAMES P. HURLBUTT New Patients Welcome 3445 S. Demaree • Visalia Attorney / Parishioner Estate Planning • Wills, Trusts & Probate Elder Law & Long-Term Care Planning Conservatorships • Business Transactions Estate & Business Litigation Bakersfield Delano Porterville Tulare Visalia 661-324-1667 661-725-2123 559-784-1121 559-684-1470 559-627-6291 1630 19th St. Bakersfield, California 929 Jefferson St. Delano, California 180 N. Main St. Porterville, California 140 S. “K” St. Tulare, California 115 W. Main St. Visalia, California www.facebook.com/olarazainc www.olaraza.com The Most Complete Online National Directory of Check It Out Today! Catholic Parishes I’M YOUR AGENT Letizia (Leti) Pingitore Broker Associate / Realtor 733 - 4478 559-281-4568 LRPingitore@kw.com Parishioner Keller Williams Realty CA BRE Lic# 01747651 Licensed CA Attorney Hablamos Español 134 N. Akers St., Visalia, CA 93291 • (559) 738-9646 hurlbuttlaw.com • Se Habla Español Roger & Linda Delph Owner / Parishioner 3636 W. Mineral King 3636 S. Mooney Blvd. 1401 E. Noble Ave. 1819 E. Noble Ave. Enhance the Life of 559-747-2183 2950 E. Douglas Ave. Visalia, CA. 93292 3102 N. Dinuba Blvd. 5215 W. Walnut Ave. St. Joseph Christian Supply LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES (Lic.# 858753) FULL LINE OF RELIGIOUS STATUARY Lynn Ramires-Owner/Parishioner 688-0086 26300 N. Mooney Blvd., Tulare, CA call 679-8930 For Reliable, Quality Work Repairs and Improvements Free Estimates Books – Bibles – Gifts – Statues Rosaries – Free DVD Rental 3100 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 734-2691 YOUR LOVED ONE www.magnoliainhomecareservices.com (inside Wal-Mart) Ed’s Fountains Joel’s Handyman Service www.olaraza.org 559-625-6001 www.magnoliaparkassistedliving.com Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. and Real Estate 559-734-0400 Commercial and Residential Sales & Leasing License #018394960 www.stratuspropertymanagement.com Parishioners, discounts offered Visalia’s Only Locally Owned & Operated Funeral Chapel FD-1781 • Member of George McCann’s Script Program • Owner Jeff Salser (FDR 1464) • Owner Steve Dillard (FDR-167, EMB-7791) Parishioner of St. Mary’s On Site Cremation Services Available 127 East Caldwell Ave., Visalia • (559) 635-1144 • www.salseranddillard.com 600750 Catholic Church of Visalia (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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