0600750-02-23-2014re.. - Good Shepherd Catholic Parish
0600750-02-23-2014re.. - Good Shepherd Catholic Parish
The Catholic Church of Visalia St. Mary’s, Holy Family, St. Thomas the Apostle & St. Charles Borromeo CATHOLIC CENTER PARISH OFFICE 506 North Garden Street Visalia, CA 93291 Office Hours/ Horas de Oficina M-F 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sat. - 9:00 a.m. - Noon February 23, 2014 SCHEDULE OF MASSES Holy Family 1908 N. Court Street, Visalia, 93291 M - F: (Misa) 8:00 AM Saturday: Sunday: 559-734-9522 Phone 559-734-3435 Fax CONFESSION SCHEDULE Holy Family - Visalia Tuesday: 5:00– 6:30 PM St. Mary’s - Visalia Wednesday: 12:45 –1:15 PM St. Charles Borromeo Saturday: 7:00-8:00 PM St. Mary’s - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin 608 N. Church Street, Visalia, 93291 M - S: Mass M - F: Mass Misa 5:00 PM Mass 8:00 & 10:00 AM Misa 11:45 y 5:00 PM Lahu 2:00 PM (1st Sunday of Month) St. Thomas the Apostle 6735 Ave. 308, Goshen, 93291 7:00 AM 12:15 PM Saturday: Mass 4:00 PM Sunday: Mass 6:30, 8:30, 10:30, & 7:00 PM Misa 1:00 PM St. Charles Borromeo 5049 W. Caldwell Ave., Visalia, 93277 (S/E Corner of Akers) M - F: 8:00 AM Servicio de Comunión Sunday: Misa - 9:30 AM Mass - 6:00 PM Saturday: Sunday: Mass 5:30 PM Misa 8:00 AM Mass 10:00 AM Mass 12:00 PM Visit our website for more information: www.tccov.org WELCOME We would like to extend a warm welcome to all visitors, families and friends of our community! We hope the information in this weeks bulletin is a helpful resource. Please use the registration form on this page if you are interested in becoming a registered parishioner. Just fill it out and drop it in the collection basket. It’s that easy! Thank you for choosing to visit The Catholic Church of Visalia. CONTACT INFORMATION PRIESTS IN RESIDENCE Rev. Msgr. Raymond C. Dreiling, Pastor Rev. Jesus del Angel, Parochial Vicar Rev. Xavier Pappalliyil, O.C.D. Parochial Vicar Rev. Juan Garcia, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jose Luis Varo, (Retired) Rev. Msgr. Anthony Janelli, (Retired) Deacons Rev. Mr. Paul Hernandez Rev. Mr. Doug Pingel Rev. Mr. Julian Ponce Rev. Mr. Ken Ramage Rev. Mr. James V. Rooney (Retired) Rev. Mr. Henry Medina Rev. Mr. Rick Miller, rmiller@tccov.org Chaplain at Kaweah Delta District Hospital Director of Administration Rev. Mr. Henry Medina Administrative Assistant to the Priests Ruthanne Parlier, ext.118 E-mail: rparlier@tccov.org Receptionist & Facilities Scheduler Danny Sarabia , ext. 110 Baptism Coordinator/Safe Environment, Bulletin Editor Cynthia Salazar, ext. 109 E-mail: csalazar@tccov.org Facilities Manager Stan Hillan, Sr., ext. 103 Liturgy Coordinator/Schedules Patty Call, 559-733-2688 E-mail: pcall@tccov.org Office located in the Doherty Center 520 N. Church St., Visalia, CA 93291 Director of Music Charles Culbreth, 559-733-2687 E-mail: TBA Office located in the Doherty Center 520 N. Church St., Visalia, CA 93291 Youth Ministry Coordinator Ruben Cabatic, ext. 117 George McCann Memorial Catholic School Sheila Rast, Principal 200 E. Race Street, Visalia, 93291 559-732-5831 Phone 559-741-1562 Fax Website: gmccatholicschool.org Scrip Office: 732-7419 call for hours of operation or E-mail: gmcscrip@gmail.com BETHLEHEM CENTER Benny Rodriguez, Director 1638 N. Dinuba Blvd., Visalia, 93291 Phone: 734-1572 Website: www.bcvisalia.org E-mail: director@bcvisalia.org RELIGIOUS FORMATION Barbara Cabatic, DRE St. Mary’s (English) Denise Vasquez, Admin. Asst., ext. 106 Edie Loudermilk, Secretary, ext. 120 E-mail: ediloudermilk@tccov.org (located in the Parish Center) 506 N. Garden Street, Visalia, M-TH: 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. CLOSED FRIDAYS 559-734-9522 St. Mary’s (Español) Adriana Robles, CRE La oficina-Doherty Center 520 N. Church St., Visalia, CA 93291 Horario de Oficina: Lunes: 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Teléfono: 559-733-2686 Holy Family Irma Gaitan, CRE Office Locations & Hours 1908 N. Court St., Visalia, (on the school grounds near Rm. 4) M-Th 4:00 –7:00 p.m. Phone: 559-732-9651 St. Thomas The Apostle Antonio Mendoza - CRE Office Location (Sunday) 6735 Ave 308, Goshen Phone: 559-651-2270 REGISTRATION: Are you new to The Catholic Church of Visalia? Please take a moment to register by completing this form. You may drop it off at the Parish Office or in the weekend collection. Church most often attending: ___________________________ Name (Head of Household): ___________________________ Address: ___________________________ City, State & Zip: ___________________________ Home Phone: ___________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________ Family email address: ___________________________ Would you like to receive offering envelopes? ___Yes ___No Mailings from the Church? Be notified about Church Events? Be notified about Ministry Events? E-mail: rcabatic@tccov.org Wedding Rehearsal Coordinators (Independent Contractors approved by TCCOV) Holy Family Church Rosann Porras-559-734-4456 E-mail: rosanne.porras@yahoo.com St. Mary’s Church Carol Serpa-559-734-0412 Email: carole39@sbcglobal.net Prayer Request Please Contact: Deacon Ken: ken.ramage@sbcglobal.net Nancy Kane: nancydkane@aol.com SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 23, 2014 BE HOLY, FOR I, THE LORD, YOUR GOD, AM HOLY. –Leviticus 19:2b REFLECTION GIVE BETTER THAN YOU RECEIVE... Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel continue to contrast the Jewish law and practice with the practice of the followers of Jesus. Today’s Gospel continues with slight variations the formulation: “You have heard...” and “What I say to you is...” The old laws of retaliation were once created to soften the severe and vengeful retaliations common among the peoples that surrounded the struggling people of God. The would-be followers of Jesus again feel surrounded by people bent on retaliation. So Matthew presents Jesus, who asks his followers not only not to retaliate at all but to “turn the other cheek.” He asks that his listeners give the one who asks more than he or she seeks. Jesus asks us to love and pray for those of our home country and the alien, the ones who love us and the ones who hate us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. March 1 & 2 RETREAT SCHEDULE: Saturday: 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. WHERE... St. Mary’s Parish Hall 506 N. Garden St. Visalia DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY!! BRING... An open heart, an open mind, and a pillow. Everything else will be provided for you. THINK ABOUT... Who is Jesus in my Life? Come to a deeper love and experience of our Lord! For more information please contact: Deacon Doug Pingle - 734-9522 Nita Hernandez - 733-2790 NEXT WEEKENDS SECOND COLLECTION The second collection next weekend is for the Improvement Fund. Improvements to each parish is on going and we appreciate your support and generosity. Fill out the Registration form below and drop it off at the Parish Office or in the Weekend collection basket in an envelope. The deadline is February 24, 2014 Name:_______________________________________ ATTENTIONS ALL PARISIONERS If you would like a copy of your 2013 Contribution Statement, please contact the Parish Office at 734-9522 and ask for ext. 107 or 108. SAVE THE DATES: City: ___________________, Phone: ( Age:___________ ) ________________________________ Male: ________ Female: ________ ROSARY MAKERS Upcoming Rosary Sales St. Thomas the Apostle St. Charles Borromeo Holy Family St. Mary’s Address:_____________________________________ March 16, 2014 March 23, 2014 March 30, 2014 April 5 & 6, 2014 Look for more information in upcoming bulletins. Have you attended this retreat before? Yes: ___ No: ____ Are you Catholic? Yes: _____ No: ______ Name of relative or close friend attending the retreat: ____________________________________________ Each individual attending the Weekend Retreat MUST fill out an individual registration form. UPCOMING AND ONGOING EVENTS ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 5th at St. Mary’s and since it falls on Ash Wednesday, the Rosary will be recited at 11:40 a.m. in the Church. The General Meeting will be held at the St. Mary’s Hall immediately following Mass. A light meal (in accordance with the Holy Day) will be served. Everyone who is interested in the Ministry is welcome to join us. Our special guest and speaker will be Mr. Benny Rodriguez, Director of The Bethlehem Center. If you have any questions or would like more information, please call Patricia at 799-2402. INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM Are you unbaptized and considering being baptized in The Roman Catholic Faith? Are you a baptized Catholic who was confirmed? If your answer to these questions is “YES” and you are least 18 years old, an Introduction to Catholicism might just be for you. It’s the initial phase of the RCIA process and is also called INQUIRY. It includes 9 sessions that cover Basic Catholic Beliefs and Practices in an informal setting where questions are welcome. Sessions 10:00 a.m. Serra Center, 600 Garden St. (NE Corner of Garden Street & Race Ave) If you have any questions, please contact: Deacon Ken Ramage: 559-734-8303 E-mail: kenramage@sbcglobal.net or Mr. Jack Martensen: 559-740-9599. #Sunday Sessions Session Topic 5 Mar 2, 2014 Bible/Tradition 6 Mar 16, 2014 Bible/Tradition 7 Mar 30, 2014 Saints/Mary/Prayer 8 Apr 6, 2014 Why Do Catholics . . ? 9 Apr 13, 2014 Recap and Q&A -- Church Tour TBD ------- Pax Peace Paz ST. ANTHONY RETREAT CENTER ASH WEDNESDAY-DAY OF REFLECTION MARCH 5, 2014 The cost is $30.00 per person and it includes a Continental breakfast and lunch. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. Mass will begin at 3:00 p.m. with the Distribution of Ashes. We hope you can join us. Contact us at 559-561-4595 to register. UPCOMING RETREATS: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS RETREAT February 28 - March 2, 2014 CATHOLIC SENIOR ADULTS March 24-26, 2014 CAMPING RETREAT June 23-28, 2014 Register Now! Limited to only 10 people. St. Anthony Retreat Center website: www.stanthonyretreat.org PLEASE NOTE: There will be a Communion Service on Thursday, March 6th, 12:15 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church. All the priest of the Diocese will be attending a Farewell Luncheon for Monsignor Cotta. Caritas Christi Monthly Meeting & Annual Fundraiser 2014-Festival of Trees Application If anyone is interested in decorating and donating a tree for the Festival of Trees please contact Carol Serpa at 734-0412. Applications will be taken until April 1, 2014. Groups and ministry's are invited to decorate a tree. Caritas Christi meetings will be held every second Wednesday of the month. Our meetings will begin March 12th at 7:00 p.m. in St. Mary’s Parish Hall, room 3. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information, please contact Karen Wallen at 559 302-7083. UPCOMING AND ONGOING EVENTS UNIVERSAL LENTEN PRACTICES Fasting from food / abstaining from meat The Church calls upon its members to put ourselves in union with the suffering Christ by sharing certain types of personal sacrifice. Because Friday is considered the day of Jesus suffering and death, the Church has always urged all Catholics to sacrifice in some way on Fridays in honor of the Passion and Death of Jesus. Abstinence The Church has never abandoned the obligation to abstain from meat on certain days. The obligation to abstain from meat binds Catholics on Ash Wednesday and on each of the Fridays during Lent. Those who have reached 14 years of age are asked to observe this practice. The obligation stays with us all our lifetime; there is no automatic “expiring” age at which we are no longer obliged to abstain from meat. Fasting The obligation to fast binds all Catholics only on two days, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. The “law of fasting” is quite different. It allows for one full meal a day. The law does not forbid the taking of food at the other two meals, but it ordinarily offers as a norm, that the other two meals should only equal the main meal in quantity. More importantly, eating food and snacks between meals is not permitted. (That’s probably the hardest part of the practice of fasting!) The main meal of the day may be taken at whatever time a person chooses. This law binds everyone from eighteen to fifty-nine, i.e. the beginning of their sixtieth year. The Church urges it’s members, young and old, to place themselves in union with the Passion and Death of Jesus by performing some type of voluntary sacrifice during the season of Lent. It would be a good idea to mark your calendars for the two days of obligatory “fasting,” and Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent for “abstaining from the eating of any meat.” “Giving up things” for Lent will always be a respected and honorable practice for all us Catholics; there is nothing “old fashioned” about this practice. At the same time, we try to improve our prayer life and more good and positive practices. Consider giving up something dear to you and your family, i.e., refined sugar, all desserts, candy (or certain kinds of candy), soft drinks, beer, wine, hard liquor, cellphone, tablets or television on certain nights, walk-in movies,... the list goes on and on. George McCann Memorial Catholic School-Visalia EST. 1924 George McCann Scrip Program You may purchase your Scrip on: Mon., Wed., Fri. Tue. & Thurs. Sat. Sun. 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Scrip is also available at St. Charles Borromeo: Sat: 5:30-7:00 p.m. & Sun: 9:30-1:00 p.m. TCCOV Religious Education Program Do you feel the grace of the Blessed Mother in your heart? Come and teach God’s Children. Become a Religious Formation Catechist! Join with us as we prepare for the upcoming school year. Please contact Barbara Cabatic, Director of TCCOV Religious Formation 734-9522 , ext. 120. St. Mary’s Religious Formation Classes CONFIRMATION Monday—Confirmation 1 Bible Study Monday, March 24, 2014 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Both Confirmation 1 & 2 each consist of 9-week classes. They may choose a Fall or Spring course and must complete a 9-week Youth Ministry course. Just a reminder that ALL classes must be completed by the end of the Spring Semester. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE - ISRAEL Sept 6 to Sept 17, 2014 Informational meeting at St. Charles Borromeo on Thursday, March 20th at 7:00 p.m. More information will be given in the March. T C C O V O F F E R S P R E - B A P T IS MA L ORIENTATION CLASSES MONTHLY F O R T C C O V P A R IS H I O NE R S Please stop by the Parish Office for an informational pamphlet and to register for the class. If you have questions, please contact Cynthia, Baptismal Coordinator, at 734-9522, ext. 109 or via e-mail: csalazar@tccov.org, for more information. PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE NO BAPTISMS DURING LENT. ASH WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE WILL APPEAR IN THE MARCH 1 & 2, 2014 WEEKEND BULLETIN PLEASE REVIEW THE SCHEDULE for all the times and locations of TCCOV LENTEN SERVICES THE SCHEDULE WILL BE POSTED ON OUR WEBSITE: TCCOV.ORG TCCOV YOUTH MINISTRY Youth Director-Ruben Cabatic: 559-734-9522, ext#117 Upcoming Events: Archdiocese of Los Angeles Congress - Youth Day (Anaheim, California) March 13, 2014 Facebook us at : facebook.com/TCCOVYM Readings for the Week EXPLORING SPIRITUAL WRITINGS OF THE CHRISTIAN MYSTICAL TRADITION Continuing with our series of workshops, the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master in conjunction with the World Community of Christian Meditation are offering a workshop exploring the Spiritual legacy and significance of the teachings of Mystics, Saints, and other relevant holy men and women. There will be periods of meditation led by Sr. M.Tiziana Dal Masetto, PDDM or a qualified guide. When: Saturday, March 8, 2014 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Where: Sister Disciples of the Divine Master's Convent located at: 3700 No. Cornelia Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 (Across from Central High School) Topic: Dietrich Bonhoeffer German, Lutheran pastor & theologian who suffered martyrdom at Flossenburg Concentration Camp on April 9, 1945. Presenter: Fr. Steve Coffey, OSB He is from the Benedictine Abbey of the Risen Christ in San Luis Obispo. These workshops are open to everyone, no prior knowledge is required! Please bring a sack lunch coffee and tea are provided. For more information please contact: Sr. M. Margaret at 559-275-1656. MASS REQUEST Monday: Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8; Mk 10:13-16 Sunday: Is 49:14-15; Ps 62:2-3, 6-9; 1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt 6:24-34 If you would like to request a Mass for a loved one, there are Mass request slips (yellow) available at the Parish Office. You may request a Mass at St. Mary’s, Holy Family, St. Thomas the Apostle and St. Charles Borromeo. The stipend is $10.00 per Mass. Please visit the Parish Office for more information. Please note: This Mass Request Form is not for a Funeral Mass or Memorial Mass. B IENVENIDA QUEREMOS dar una cálida bienvenida a todas las familias, amigos y visitantes de nuestra comunidad! Esperamos que la información contenida en este boletín semanal sea un recurso útil. Si usted no esta registrado. Por favor, llene el formulario de inscripción en la primera página y deposítelo en la canasta de la colecta y sea miembro de nuestra Comunidad. Es así de fácil! Gracias por elegir ser parte de nuestra Comunidad y por visitar la Iglesia Católica de Visalia. SÉPTIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 23 DE FEBRERO DE 2014 Sean santos, porque yo, el Señor, soy santo. REFLEXIÓNES ES MEJOR DAR QUE RECIBIR Las palabras de Jesús continúan contrastando la practica y Ley judía con los seguidores de las enseñanzas de Jesús. El Evangelio de hoy continúa con una ligera variación de la frase “Ustedes han oído que se dijo...” y “yo les digo que...” Las antiguas leyes de venganza se escribieron para mitigar las represalias severas y vengativas tan comunes entre los pueblos que rodeaban al pueblo guerrero de Dios. Aquellas personas que querían ser seguidores de Jesús también estaban rodeadas por personas empeñadas en vengarse. Por lo que Mateo presenta a Jesús pidiendo a sus seguidores que si alguien los golpea en una mejilla que pongan la otra. Él les pide a las personas que lo escuchan que den más de lo que alguien les pida. Jesús nos pide amar y orar por nuestros conciudadanos y los extranjeros, a los que amamos y a quienes nos odian. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 1 Levítico 2:9-10 RETIRO DE EVANGELIZACION 15 y 16 de Marzo-2014 Para Adultos Registro y desayuno Sábado: 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Retiro Sábado: 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Retiro Domingo: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Salón de Sta. Maria 506 N Garden St. Registraciones en la oficina de la Iglesia o Llamar Deacon Paul al 300-3305, Víctor del Rio al 730-1677, o a Nita al 733-2790. Ultima fecha de registración el 6 de Marzo. Nombre: ____________________________________ Dirección: ___________________________________ LA CUARESMA COMIENZA EL MIERCOLES 5 DE MARZO EL MIERCOLES DE CENIZA ES UN DIA DE AYUNO OBLIGATARIO, PARA EDADES ENTRE 18 a 59. Es también Día de Abstinencia, (no comer carne), comenzando a la edad de 14. Ciudad y Código Postal: _____________, __________ Teléfono: ( ) ______________________________ Hombre: Mujer ______: ________ Edad: __________ Soltero: _______ Casado: ________ otro:_________ ¿Ha asistido a este retiro antes? Sí: _____ No: _____ ¿Es usted católico? Sí: _____ No: ______ ¡ATENCION! ¿Le gustaría fortalecer su familia? ¿Fomentar armonía y paz en su hogar? ¿Proveer una fundación fuerte y segura para sus hijos? Le invitamos a participar de este nuevo ministerio. El Bienestar de la Familia Programa de 6 clases los jueves de 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. en la iglesia Santo Tomás Apóstol, 6735 Ave. 308, Goshen Fechas: 20, 27 de Febrero y 6, 13, 20 y27 de Marzo Temas: 1. Padres como Líderes y como Ejemplo en Familias Saludables Cristianas. 2. Hijos en Familias Saludables Cristianas 3. La Pareja en Familias Saludables Cristianas 4. Cuando los Hijos Crecen: Manejando el Cambio 5. Resolviendo Problemas Familiares en Familias Saludables Cristianas 6. Enseñando Valores a sus Hijos TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Aún lo recuerdo, estaba viajando en el metro de la ciudad de Roma cuando subieron dos mujeres con niños. Vesơan como si fueran a una fiesta de disfraces. Noté que todas las personas las evitaban. Eran gitanas, esas a las que mi mamá y mis ơas me iban a dar si no me portaba bien. Los gitanos no Ɵenen una buena reputación entre las naciones. Tienen la misma reputación de los pastores de PalesƟna que vivieron en Ɵempos de Jesús. Se piensa que son ladrones e inmorales, gente a la que hay que tenerle miedo. Sin embargo, decimos que Jesús es nuestro Buen Pastor. En Jesús, todas las personas que jamás creeríamos capaces de alcanzar la sanƟdad, lo logran. Tal es el caso del Pelé o Zeferino Jiménez, un gitano que en 1936 fue fusilado por militares españoles. El moƟvo de su muerte fue la enseñanza y difusión de la fe en Cristo. Su muerte fue la cumbre de una vida de fe como franciscano seglar. El ejemplo de vida que este gitano nos dio, logró hacer que los españoles lo respetaran y olvidaran sus prejuicios en contra de su gente. Además de eso, evangelizó a sus hermanos gitanos. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Stgo 1:1-11; Sal 119 (118):67-68, 71-72,75-76; Mc 8:11-13 Martes: Stgo 1:12-18; Sal 94 (93):12-13a; 14-15, 18-19; Mc 8:14-21 Miércoles: Stgo 1:19-27; Sal 15 (14):2-4ab, 5; Mc 8:22-26 Jueves: Stgo 2:1-9; Sal 34 (33):2-7; Mc 8:27-33 Viernes: Stgo 2:14-24, 26; Sal 112 (111):1-6; Mc 8:34 — 9:1 Facilitadores: Armando Medina, Psicólogo Escolar y LMFT, y Luz Medina, Maestra Certificada (K-12). Donación: $5/por clase, por familia. El Cupo es Limitado Mas Información: 559 - 213-3248 o 559 - 786-8402 Sábado: 1 Pe 5:1-4; Sal 23 (22):1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19 Domingo: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 8, 10, 12-13; 1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5:38-48 Renueve Su Romance ¡Si usted y su cónyuge desean un fin de semana de renovación espiritual, tienen que venir a un retiro de FIN DE SEMANA del Encuentro Matrimonial! Usted crecerá en su relación con su cónyuge, conl os demás y con Dios. Inmediatamente notará una gran diferencia en su vida. El próximo retiro es: 21, 22, y 23 de Marzo. Para más información llamar a: Rosa y Evaristo Padilla 559-736-8527 Ampelio y Delia Gutierrez 559-358-5677 SCHEDULE OF MASSES & INTENTIONS Sat., February 22, Vigil for 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. EVA F. ROEPKE by Al & Barbara Hack 5:00 p.m. CONSUELO MERCED VARGAS a sus Maria Rodriguez y familia 5:30 p.m. MARIA DE JESUS SERPA by Maria & Duarte Monteiro (SM) (HF) (SC) Sunday, February 23, Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 6:30 a.m. JOHN & HELEN DELANEY by Ron & Jackie Cordill 8:00 a.m. INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT 8:00 a.m. INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT 8:30 a.m. RICHARD BETTENCOURT by Myron & Mary Ann Bettencourt 9:30 a.m. INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT 10:00 a.m. NADINE MACIEL by Don & Brenda Rose 10:00 a.m. INT. OF ESTHER NAVA by Peter & Anna Maria 10:30 a.m. CYNTHIA & STEVEN ORTIZ by cousins, Pauline & Angie 11:45 a.m. IN THANKSGIVING TO ST. JUDE by Kayla Perez & Carol Perez 12:00 p.m. MARIA MENDES by Bob & Edie Loudermilk 1:00 p.m. CARLOS GONZALEZ ALVAREZ by Claudia Velasquez 5:00 p.m. INTENTIONS OF ALL PARISHIONERS 6:00 p.m. BETTY MADRIGAL by TCCOV Staff 7:00 p.m. ALICE MILLSAP by Sharon Seita, Antoinette Cruz & families (SM) (ST) (SC) (HF) (SM) (HF) (SC) (SM) (HF) (ST) (SM) (SM) (HF) (SM) Tuesday, February 25, Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. MARY BOSETTI by Ron Bosetti (SM) 8:00 a.m. BELEN ALVARADO by friends (HF) 12:15 p.m. VIOLA COPPOLA by Milt & Magdalene Medeiros (SM) Wednesday, February 26, Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. FRANCES CUTLER by Sam & Terry Sciacca (SM) 8:00 a.m. INTENTIONS OF ANTHONY GODINA & FAMILY by Peter & Anna Maria Nava (HF) 12:15 p.m. BILL SPELLMAN by SM Altar & Rosary Society (SM) Thursday, February 27, Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. IRENE MATTA by Vernon & Jeanette Borges 8:00 a.m. GLORIA COPPOLA by Sam & Terry Sciacca 12:15 p.m. INT. OF KRISTIN WARREN by Kathy Wilson 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. CATHERINE EBINER by Rod & Nancy Banks ROMAN MAUCH by his family INT. OF SAM SCIACCA by PPAV Ladies TONY RIBEIRO by M/M Keith Bettencourt (SM) (HF) (SM) (SM) Saturday, March 1, Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. INT. OF COHEN BLAKE SMITH by Caritas Christi (SM) Saturday, March 1, Vigil-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (SM) (SC) (HF) Monday, February 24, Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. FRANK CUTLER by Celine Cutler 8:00 a.m. INTENTIONS OF HELO-ESQUEDA FAMILY by Helo-Esqueda family 12:15 p.m. MANUEL PACHECO by Mary Costa Friday, February 28, Weekday in Ordinary Time (SM) (HF) (SM) 4:00 p.m. LIVING & DECEASED - VINK & BETTENCOURT FAM. by Myron & Mary Ann Bettencourt (SM) 5:00 p.m. MARIA OLIVIA OROZCO LARIOS a sus familia Orozco y hijos (HF) 5:30 p.m. PETE GIOTTA by Leslie & Beverly Mello (SC) 6:30 a.m. VELMA ESPINDULA by SM Altar & Rosary Soc. (SM) Sunday, March 2, Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT (SC) 8:00 a.m. ROGER H. GARCIA by Roger & Mary Garcia (HF) 8:30 a.m. GEORGE & DOTTIE PIMENTEL by Margaret Rosa (SM) 9:30 a.m. INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT (ST) 10:00 a.m. ROMAN MAUCH by Bob McNutt & family (SC) 10:00 a.m. INTENTIONS OF ALL PARISHIONERS (HF) 10:30 a.m. FRANK KLEINHANS by Frank & Joan Bell (SM) 11:45 a.m. LIVING, DECEASED & ESPECIALLY ILL MEMBERS OF THE GUADALUPE SOCIETY by Gpe Soc. (HF) 12:00 p.m. CLARA COSTA by Eldon Costa (SC) 1:00 p.m. MARTIN JAVIER, LIBORIO JIMENEZ & DELFINA ESPINOZA by Josefina Espinoza (SM) 2:00 p.m. ERICO BALANG by Carmina Stepp (HF) 5:00 p.m. OMAR PALMA by Filberto Palma (HF) 6:00 p.m. LOUISE SCIACCA PETTIT by Sam & Terry Sciacca (ST) 7:00 p.m. JOHN PAUL MAGAO by Nerissa Bitanga (SM) OUR BELOVED DEPARTED In the kindness of your prayers, please remember our most recently deceased: EUSELIA RAMIREZ mother of Anthony Troncozo JUAN MEDINA husband of Mary Medina father of Della Clark, Ramona Gallegos& John Medina HAZEL EBERT mother of Thomas Ebert ANGELA WHITE mother of Monty and Carol Sterns SERGIO VALENCIA SILVA father of Sergio Silva
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