June 2011 Newsletter
June 2011 Newsletter
June 2011 GWRRA Region H The Hospitality Region GWRRA Region H The South Central Region HOME OF FRED & MANDY MEW 2010—2011 INTERNATIONAL COUPLE OF THE YEAR INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Director’s Corner Harry and Joan Dollarhide Region H Directors June already, my how time flies. Our best wishes go out to our friends in Louisiana who might be effected by the recent flooding. We sincerely hope they escaped any damage or injury. I want to thank the Texas District Team and all the volunteers who made the 2011 Texas convention such at success. Great time with friends. Congratu- lations Texas. The Texas convention was the second stop on the 2011 Region H Pine Car races. The driver & design team of Shari & Rupert Rodriguez, TX-O2 swept both the Traditional and Open classes for First Place. Next stop the Arkansas District Convention, May 26, 27, 28. Come race with us, it’s loads of FUN when you participate. ‘Round the Region this month Congratulation to Kansas Chapter Directors Gene Shannon and Steve Bockhaus. Both were nominated for Senior Chapter Director and were officially awarded Senior status effective 1 May 2011. First Senior Chapter Directors in Region H is several years. Congratulations to Gene & Steve for a job well done and the recognition of potential for leadership in continued on page 4 Announcements 6 Calendar 16 Care and Concern 2 Couple of the Year 4 Flag Day 7 Kansas District 13 Leadership 8 Training MEDIC First Aid 12 Membership 4 Enhancement Motorist 10 Awareness June 14 is Flag Day Oklahoma 14 District Region H Team 15 Rider Education 11 Page 2 GWRRA Region H The South Central Region Corner of Care and Concern Prayers and Best Wishes for a speedy recovery are offered to: Bill McBride Region H ADE Rodd Polk LA DE Chuck & Marilyn Powell KS A All our GWRRA friends and family effected by drought, flooding, tornadoes. In Memoriam Carl Smith Dana Louise Holloway Frank Patton Our condolences are offered to: TX-X Edith Smith TX-X AR-L Allen and LaRue Holloway KS-A The GWRRA Kansas Family AR-L Page 3 The Hospitality Reg ion June 2 011 Director’s Corner continued from page 1 service to the members of their chapters and Kansas District. Great news from GWRRA: We are pleased to announce that through a newly enhanced partnership with American Honda, we will be giving away a brand new 2012 Honda Gold Wing to one lucky winner at Wing Ding 33 in Knoxville, Tennessee this July 6-9! As you make plans to attend Wing Ding this year, be sure to attend the International Couple of the Year selection. Our 2010/2011 Region H Couple of the Year Steve & Faye Alexander will be in the selection process. Please attend and show your support for Steve & Faye. Friendly faces and vocal support do not affect the judges, however it does lend vital moral support to the couple. This Wing Ding will mark the end of the reign of the current International Couple of the Year, Fred & Mandy Mew, Texas Directors. Congratulations to Fred & Mandy, who represented GWRRA in an outstanding manner for the past year. Talent? Renee Thomas the Entertainment Director at Wing Ding is recruiting act’s for the talent show. If you are interested let me know and I will put you in contact with Renee. Wing Ding is a great opportunity to spotlight your chapter or individual talent (or lack of) and participate at Wing Ding. Bob and Karla Greer, Interna- tional Assistant Directors, Chapter of the Year recently announced the 2010 GWRRA Chapter of the Year, Region A, District Florida, Chapter FL1-L2. Congratulations. As noted prior, Region H has responsibility for the Wing D ing B ik e S h ow th is year. Please let your District Director know if you are willing to help. We need volunteers in addition to the judges. Paper work, staging, etc. all require numerous volunteers. The Bike Show is scheduled for all day Thursday, however we need your assistance even if for just a couple of hours. Thanking you in advance for your participation. Did you know? There is now a webpage dedicated to Trikes. http://gwrra.org/trikes.html. National is looking for content provided by you! So please, send your stories, ideas, memories, and experiences and they may place it on the webpage! Travel SAFE! See you at Wing Ding. I include the following e-mail, it struck home with me. Enjoy: PASS THE BISCUITS When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was reach for his Biscuit, smile at my mom and ask me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I'll never forget what he aid: "Honey, I love burned biscuits." Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your momma put in a long hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides...a burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!" You know, life is full of imperfect things...and imperfect people. I'm not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else. What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other’s faults and choosing to celebrate each other’s differences, is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship. So...please pass me a biscuit. And yes, the burned one will do just fine! Life is too short to wake up with regrets... Love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't. ENJOY LIFE NOW... IT HAS AN EXPIRATION DATE! Page 4 GWRRA Region H The South Central Region Membership Enhancement Notes John & Lena Bryant Region H Membership Enhancement and Couple of the Year Coordinators Participate FUN and Have They Are Listening – Recruiting and Retention, what’s it all about? Our hope would be that each time you are out and about; you have a GWRRA Membership application with you. Especially if you are on your Motorcycle! People who ride motorcycles like to talk about and compare their motorcycles. These conversations usually lead to a discussion about the ride they are on or where the group is headed. Then, while you mention the “FUN” your Chapter has socializing at Gatherings, eating and riding, “they are listening”. They’re probably thinking, “How do I get involved in or join this “FUN” group”? That is why you should carry a GWRRA Membership application with you all the times. You are now prepared to explain the benefits of GWRRA and what it is all about. That is the beginning of Recruiting a new Member. Once that Member is recruited, they need to know about Chapter Gatherings, rides and events that are scheduled. As soon you recruit a new Member, the Retention starts. There is so much to know about GWRRA. Not only about the District, Region, and National Levels, but also about the Rider Education and Leadership Training that is available in GWRRA. Now, not only do we have a new Member in GWRRA, but you have a new friend. In order for that friendship to last and for the Member to remain in GWRRA, you will need to help them get involved with Chapter Life. If that Member is from another District, get some contact information from them and follow up with them to be sure they are contacted by a local Chapter Member. Let them know there are many Chapters and they can participate in any or all of them. You join GWRRA not a Chapter. New Members who join GWRRA at a Convention or at Wing Ding are at a disadvantage unless someone follows through with them and helps them to understand the Programs within GWRRA. But we have to start at the beginning, with GWRRA Membership application. Don’t leave home without it! Ed & Linda Johnson Int’l Director, MEP For continuous growth, we need both, Recruitment and Retention REMINDER: MEC’s (District & Chapter levels), don’t forget….. Setup and have a Recruitment Booth at your upcoming Conventions or big Chapter event. Recruiting materials and supplies can be ordered directly by contacting Customer Service at National. If your Chapter or District needs any assistance with planning, organizing or setting up a Recruitment Booth, please contact us. Couple Notes of the Year TX held their 2011 Selection Process on May 13th. We congratulate and welcome Dale and Carleen Garrett to the new group of Region H 2011 District Couple of the Year Team. AR is next with their Selection Process during their Convention Memorial Day weekend. We look forward to KS and OK in the up coming months. We encourage all Chapter Couples; represent your Chapter in your next District Selection Process. Participate and Have FUN! Page 5 The Hospitality Reg ion June 2 011 Couple of the Year 2011 Wendell and Marie Vince Wow, what a month! And we're not finished yet. We criscrossed Louisiana one weekend and the next we were in Texas for the District Convention in Killeen. What a great convention! Great job by the Texas Team, led by Fred and Mandy Mew. Next we will be heading off to Arkansas for the District Convention in Rogers. Always great riding and a great Convention. As Always, Ride Safely... Marie & Wendell Vince Region H Couple of the Year 2011 Our Team is busy planning our next Region H Convention in Marshall, Texas next March. The theme is "Fabulous Fifties" gonna be a blast from the past! Membership Enhancement Program Continued from page 6 FINAL REMINDER: Wing Ding is just around the corner. Don’t forget to mark the date, Tuesday, July 5th. AR, LA, OK, KS & TX; let’s all show up in full force in Knoxville, for Wing Ding 33 and stand in full support of Steve and Faye as they represent all of Region H in the International Selection Process. Region H Until the Next sue…………….. We are Sends Best Wishes to John & Lena Bryant Steve & Faye Membership ment Program Is- Enhance- Region H Membership Enhancement Coordinators Couple of the Year Coordinators Page 6 GWRRA GWRRARegion RegionH H The South Central Region HOME OF Fred & Mandy Mew ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention all Rally Cats. Your district directors and region team bring you a challenge; attend all six Region H Rallies (Region H, LA, TX, AR, KS & OK) in 2011 and you will be eligible to enter in a drawing for FREE rally registration for all the Region H rallies in 2012! Simple rules, keep track of your rally attendance throughout 2011. After the last rally, Oklahoma, submit your name to the Region H Director. We will draw the winner at the Nov 2011 Region H team meeting. Winners participation will be verified with the region & district directors. You MUST be pre-registered at all the rallies to enter. This is for one person. If couples attend all the rallies each may submit their names individually for the drawing. If you went to the Region H, Arkansas ,Louisiana and Texas conventions, continue by registering for the Kansas convention, the form is on page 15. Same for Oklahoma. See page 16 for their registration form. Region H has been assigned Wing Ding responsibility for the Bike Show. We will not have the Goodie Booth this year. The Volunteer for the Goodie Booth contest is suspended for 2011. Want to know about what is going on In GWRRA? Check out the " Insight " Newsletter The Director of GWRRA in conjunction with the Directors of Rider Education, Leadership Training and Membership Enhancement are publishing a monthly newsletter. It can be found at: http://med.gwrra.org/newsletter/newsletter.html Page 7 The The Hospitality Hospitality Reg Region ion June June 22011 011 Proclamation 2654 - Flag Day, 1945 May 28, 1945 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation It is our custom each year to set aside a day on which to render special honor to our Flag. We celebrate Flag Day this year with a fresh sense of our strength as a nation. Solemnly, we accept the responsibilities placed upon us by our power. We honor the men and women in the armed services and in the factories and homes who, with God's help, have given us our victories. We face the battle ahead with solemn gratitude for the triumphs of the past. Our Flag has accompanied our fighting men on a hundred battlefields. It flies beyond the seas over the friendly lands our arms have freed, and over the hostile countries our arms have conquered. Our Flag will be planted in the heart of the empire of our last remaining enemy. As we press forward to final victory, we are strengthened with the knowledge that for millions of people in other lands as well as in our own our Flag is a living token of human integrity and freedom. Let us observe this Flag Day by raising our Flag and beside it the flags of the United Nations. It is especially fitting that we thus honor our Allies at a time when we are working with them to lay a firm foundation for world peace. Let this display of the flags of the United Nations symbolize our unity with our Allies both upon the battlefields of war and under the skies of peace. Let us again dedicate ourselves and our Republic, under God, to the united cause of peace and justice and the brotherhood of all men everywhere. Now, Therefore, I, Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate June 14, 1945, as Flag Day, and ask that the people of our nation on that day do especially honor our Flag, and the men and women of the armed services who have served under it, and that they also pay honor to our Allies of the United Nations. I direct the officials of the Federal Government and I request the officials of the State and local government to display the Flag of our Republic on all public buildings on Flag Day; and I urge the people of the United States on that day to fly the American Flag from their homes, and also to arrange wherever possible for joint displays of the flags of the freedom-loving United Nations, whose staunch collaboration has aided us to achieve the victories of war and will aid us to realize our hope for an enduring peace. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 28th of May in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty-five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixty-ninth. HARRY S. TRUMAN By the President: JOSEPH C. GREW, Acting Secretary of State. From The American Presidency Project Page 8 GWRRA Region H The South Central Region BY THE BOOK By: Steve Cotton Region H Trainer The “By the Book” articles are intended to help familiarize GWRRA Volunteer Leaders and Members with the policies, procedures, and information contained in the GWRRA Officer’s Handbook (OHB). A copy of the Officer’s Handbook can be found at www.gwrra.org - Click on the Officer Connection tab at the bottom of the page; then select Officer’s Handbook in the upper right hand corner. Please feel free to reprint these articles in Region, District, or Chapter newsletters. Thanks to Dale Wingrove (former Region H Trainer) for the inspiration to write this month’s article based on ideas he wrote in December 2006. Revisions have been made to keep it current. GWRRA and the Alcohol Policy “ This does not mean that every Member of GWRRA must be a nondrinker or “teetotaler”. Since it is the riding season for almost everyone regardless of your location and weather, I thought it would be appropriate to cover the Alcohol Policy of GWRRA. This is a very timely topic at any time of the year, but especially when our Members are out on their motorcycles riding. very clear and precise statements. Sell alcoholic beverages, One of the few “rules” we have as Volunteer Leaders (meaning a Region/ District/or Chapter officer in GWRRA language) is the “Alcohol Policy”. And unfortunately, it is one that is often misinterpreted. During the times I have been involved in presenting the Officer Certification Program (OCP), questions and discussions always seem to need clarification concerning the Alcohol Policy. Information regarding the Alcohol Policy can be found in the Officer’s Handbook on page D-15, and the policy is stated in Profit from the sale of alcoholic beverages, Distribute as an award or prize any alcoholic beverages, Basically, the Alcohol Policy has four parts to it. As representatives of GWRRA, Voluntary Leaders may not (at any GWRRA event): Encourage its use by advertising its availability or causing it to be available. While GWRRA makes no attempt to legislate policy as it relates to an individual’s freedom, we must give strong consideration to potential liability exposure of the Officer group. There are a couple of areas where Chapters, Districts, and Regions have the potential of misinterpreting this alcohol policy. They may not have any type of alcoholic beverage as a door prize, or as a part of a raffle at a poker run or gathering. Also, they may not pay for any alcoholic beverages to be served at a picnic, gettogether, or Christmas party. They are not supposed to advertise BYOL parties. Now, don’t get me wrong. This does not mean that every Member of GWRRA must be a non-drinker or “teetotaler”. Although this policy may seem very stringent, it is not new, and has been in existence for many years. GWRRA Members may still exercise quite a bit of freedom when it involves the consumption of alcohol. Page 9 The Hospitality Reg ion June 2 011 BY THE BOOK Continued from page 10 This policy does not prohibit Members from consuming alcoholic beverages during a GWRRA event. As a matter of fact, any GWRRA Member may purchase and consume alcoholic beverages whenever they want – as long as it is not paid for, or encouraged by, a Volunteer Leader. Members may even bring their own beverages with them to a GWRRA event. Of course, for those who do choose to consume alcohol, your fellow Members will still expect you to Hello all, exercise good judgment and responsibility. Even though most people are not willing to admit that they cannot “hold their liquor”, alcohol will affect your judgment. And, when it is time to leave the event, you are not only putting your own life at risk, but also that of your fellow Members if you choose to drive or ride. So, in consideration of all your GWRRA family and friends, wait until you have parked your “pride and joy” and put it to bed for the night before you cele- brate the fact that you have just experienced another wonderful day traveling on your Gold Wing. Let’s stay safe out there, and not do anything that would bring harm to yourself or our Association. “your fellow Members will still expect you to exercise good judgment and responsibility.” Learn Something New… Then Teach Someone! Steve and Carolyn Cotton Region H Trainers REQUESTING YOUR HELP AT WING DING We are still looking for volunteers to fill some 44 volunteer positions at Wing Ding this year for the Recruiting and Retention Table and Membership Enhancement Booth. Please pass this e-mail to anyone you know who is knowledgeable about GWRRA Member Benefits and Membership Applications as well as anyone you personally know that can assist with this. This year there will be two separate R&R tables. One at the maid Wing Ding location (Clinch Concourse) and another R&R table where all the demo rides will be. Then we will need just a few volunteers for the MEC booth in Clinch Concourse also. Volunteers at the Recruitment and Retention Tables (Clinch Concourse and Chilhowee Park) will help sign up new GWRRA Members, register attendees for Wing Ding and assist attendees register for statistical awards. We will be there to help if anyone has questions. Volunteers at the Membership Enhancement Booth (Clinch Concourse) will answer questions about the Membership Enhancement Program and provide another information and assistance as necessary. Everyone will be welcome to help out whenever you can get by to do so. However, we would like to know that a minimum of two couples per four hour period will be there to help. That is why we are encouraging everyone that wants to volunteer to request the date and times you want to help. Please e-mail us back directly and do it as soon as possible. These voluntary slots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. The earlier you get responses back to us, the more likely you will get the day and time you want. Thanks so much to all and hope to hear back from many, very soon. Bob and Karla Greer, International Assistant Directors Membership Enhancement Program, Chapter of the Year CHOYcor@att.net "Building Relationships Page 10 GWRRA Region H The South Central Region Rider Education “Safety is for Life” M o t o r i s t Awa r e n e s s Bill and Jennie McBride Region H Motorist Awareness Coordinators Our Mission is to Facilitate a Reduction in Motorcycle Crashes with Other Vehicles Motorist Awareness is something that we often do on a normal basis and don’t even realize that we are doing it. Every time we discuss our sport with others, we are contributing to Motorist Awareness. We want to put a face on the operator of a motorcycle. We want them to have a name, let people know that we have families, friends and are just like them. We need to take advantage of every opportunity that arises to talk to others and make them aware that we are sharing the roads with them. Think about the fact that we all notice motorcycles easily when we are driving. The reason is that we are aware of motorcycles is because we ride them. We know other riders and they are real people. This is what we want to pass on to the nonmotorcycle riding public. We need to put a “person” on every motorcycle and help the other drivers want to share the road with us. If you have any questions, or suggestions please contact your District Motorist Awareness Coordinator. Ride safe, Ride often and Share the Road, Bill and Jennie McBride Region H Assistant Directors Motorist Awareness Coordinators Page 11 The Hospitality Reg ion June 2 011 Rider Education “Safety is for Life” Jo h n a n d Ly d i a B o u r g R e g i o n H E d u c a t o r s The Amazing Team Challenge What exactly is the Amazing Team Challenge? The GWRRA Rider Education website states: “This is a timed, competitive event, involving a straight-away, right and left turns, a couple of 360 degree circles, a cone weave, stopping in a box after the timed run and a lot of fun. It is open to all levels of ability—it can be easy for the novice rider and humbling for the more advanced rider. Proper riding gear is required.” We say it is an opportunity to play on your bike and/or test your riding skills. As with anything else it is what you make it. Do you go to a parking lot and practice? This is for you. Do you enjoy swerving through the cones? Left and right turns? How do you perform when it comes time to ride in a circle? The Amazing Team Challenge has this and more. You can challenge yourself and make it hard or you can pace yourself and take it easy. It is timed and there are judges which is enough to make it a test for many of us. It does not have to be a test but rather a fun way to see how our riding skills stack up against some of our fellow riders. Are you the fastest through the course with the fewest errors? How slow can you go through the straight run? You can run the course as an individual or you can participate with up to five others to make a team. You can ride it on two wheels or three. Participate in the Amazing Team Challenge and tell us what you think. “You can challenge yourself and make it hard or you can pace yourself and take it easy. “ Are you the turtle for the slowest overall run? A champion cone killer? Do you need a compass to help you stay on the course? REGION H RIDER EDUCATION IS PROUD TO BE SPONSORED BY HONDA OF RUSSELLVILLE Page 12 GWRRA Region H The South Central Region Medic First Aid Steve & Terri Bockhaus Region H MFA Coordinators This month I would like to share an e-mail that I received. It shows that MFA is something that can and will be used at any time. “ After it was all over, I told Duane I was sure glad we took the time to go through the classes” “Duane and I were on our way back from Ponca City, OK in February, We were on the Old Highway when a car passed us at a high rate of speed with his 4 way flashers on. We just assumed he was late for ice cream!! Farther down the road we came up on that car on the side of the road and the gentleman was out of his car and standing at the cattle fence trying to hug a young girl who was bloody. That’s when we noticed the pickup in the field not far from her and it had been rolled numerous times! Well guess what? All those times Duane and I have attended all those MFA classes came to good use. All of a sudden we both went into MFA mode. Him being a police officer and dealing with these kind of things was natural for him, but me, I just followed everything he said and helped calm Dad down and assure him she would be alright. We both looked at her and noticed her eyes were dilated and she was shaking like a leaf. I told Duane she was going into shock and I took off my jacket and handed it to him, knowing we had to keep her warm. We got her to lay down in the grass until the EMS could get there. After it was all over, I told Duane I was sure glad we took the time to go through the classes, you never know when you might need it!! Ride safe everyone!!” Duane & Cathy Sherrard Kansas District Trainers Thank you for sharing the story. I always like to receive these. They let me know that the training is being put to use. Steve & Terri Bockhaus Instructor/Trainer Region H MFA Coordinators The Hospitality Reg ion June 2 011 Page 13 Page 14 GWRRA Region H The South Central Region Page 15 The Hospitality Reg ion June 2 011 MEET YOUR REGION H TEAM Region Director Patches and Pin Harry and Joan Dollarhide director@gwrra-h.org (405) 391-7661 Assistant Region Director Region MAD Coordinator Bill and Jennie McBride adirector@gwrra-h.org mad@gwrra-h.org Assistant Region Director Vendor Coordinator Jere and Maurine Pyburn a2director@gwrra-h.org 318 387-1741 (870) 257-4777 Region Trainer Steve & Carolyn Cotton trainer@gwrra-h.org (918) 245-7111 Region Educator Webmaster/Newsletter John and Lydia Bourg educator@gwrra-h.org Assistant Region Trainer Jack Wagner jwagner10@cox.net (405) 359-7892 Assistant Region Educator Sam and Anita Belinoski ared@gwrra-h.org (281) 469-5755 webmaster@gwrra-h.org newsletter@gwrra-h.org (281) 242-5125 Region MFA Coordinator Steve and Terri Bockhaus mfa@gwrra-h.org (316) 772-6603 Region MED Coordinator John and Lena Bryant med@gwrra-h.org (817) 741-5216 Region Treasurer Chapter of the Year Coordinator Ed and Ann Nahl treasurer@gwrra-h.org (405) 321-6467 Region Couple of the Year 2011—2012 Wendell and Marie Vince coy@gwrra-h.org District contacts: GWRRA Region H The Hospitality Region Harry and Joan Dollarhide Region Director 19719 SE 59th St Newalla, OK 74857 Phone: (H) 405-391-7661 (C) 405-694-5218 Email: hdirector@gwrra-h.org Newsletter deadline is the 21st of each month. Please send your articles to: newsletter@gwrra-h.org This newsletter is meant to be a resource for the Districts and their Chapter participants. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Arkansas District Director: Chris and Pam DePriest director@argwrra.org 501 882-9172 Kansas District Director: Garry and Phyllis VanBuskirk triketalk @hotmail.com 316 321 -0896 Louisiana District Director: Merlin and Beverly Mayon merlinmayon@att.net 985-384-2673 Oklahoma District Director: Bill & Dea Ann Gray bgray455@cox.net 918-231-9371 Texas District Director: Fred & Mandy Mew TexasDD@gwrra-tx.org 817-707-3568 Region H Calendar of coming Events Seminar Presenter Development Program (SPDP) July 30, 2011 Best Western Motor Lodge; Stroud, OK enrollments to jwagner10@cox.net no later than July 15 www.gwrra.org 1-800-843-9460 WING DING July 6—9, 2011 Knoxville, TN Kansas District Convention August 26—27, 2011 El Dorado, KS Officer Certification Program (OCP) Sept 24-25, 2011 Best Western Motor Lodge; Stroud, OK enrollments to jwagner10@cox.net no later than Sept 9 Oklahoma District Convention October 27—29, 2011 McAlester, OK Louisiana District Convention April 12-14, 2012 Lafayette, LA Region H Business Meeting November 11—13, 2011 Marshall, TX Texas District Convention May 17—19, 2012 New Braunfels, TX Horizon Program Nov 19-20, 2011 Best Western Motor Lodge; Stroud, OK enrollments to jwagner10@cox.net no later than Nov 4 Region H Convention March 29 –31, 2012 Marshall, Texas
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