March 2013 Bulletin for the web


March 2013 Bulletin for the web
Friday, March 15th – “Honoring our Past” Shabbat, featuring liturgical
selections from our 175 year history. Keynote address by Dr. David Ellenson, HUC-JIR
President. Dr. Ellenson is internationally recognized for his publications and research in
the areas of Jewish religious thought, ethics, and modern Jewish history.
Underwritten by The Lillie Mann Lewis & David H. Lewis Endowment for Programming
Friday, April 12th – “Looking to our Future” Friday Night Live! Shabbat
Sunday, April 21st – “What is Reform Judaism” with Rabbi Shpeen, presented by the Outreach Committee
Sunday, April 28th – “Tracing Our Roots” Historic bus tour led by Rabbi Shpeen to sites of Albany’s
Jewish Community. Presented by the Outreach Committee
Sunday, April 28th –“Honoring our Fathers and Mothers” get together at Daughters of Sarah Nursing
Center presented by the Reyut Committee
Sunday, May 5th – “Next Generation” – The Einhorn Center for Jewish Education
Closing Day Ceremonies and Concert by Josh Nelson, a very talented musician
playing multiple instruments, writing energizing music and being joined by Adult
Chorale and the Religious School Choir. Sponsored by Sisterhood.
Saturday, June 15th – “Celebrate!” Anniversary
Megillah Reading at 11:00 a.m. With a game show
entitled “Who Is The Real Isaac Mayer Wise?”
Purim Carnival at Noon ~ Sponsored by CBEYG
Please join us to welcome Beth Emeth’s
new member families at the
Friday, March 8, 2013͒
5:00 pm - A small nosh before services͒
5:30 pm - Shabbat Service with New Member
6:15 pm - Oneg Shabbat (Reception)
Pre-neg and Oneg by Mansion Catering
Sponsored by the Membership Committee
Questions? Contact Susan Hager 439-1127
(evenings) or
Tuesday March 26 5:30 p.m.
(see grey flyer for details)
At the June 15
we look forward to recognizing
those making gifts and bequests
to help secure our future.
If you have included us in your
estate planning or wish to make a gift,
please contact
Gail Kendall at 436-9761 ext 225.
March 2013
Special Birthdays and Anniversaries
Congratulations to...
Beth Emeth wishes to congratulate the following on their
Special March Birthdays:
Kelly and Rick Alfred who will receive the Pillars of the
Community Award given by the Sidney Albert Albany JCC on
April 14th, at Beth Emeth. Info: 438-6651 x114.
Robin Anderson
Alan Arnold
Ruthie Ellenbogen
Fred Erlich
Iris Falk
Judy Glatt
Ellen Harris
Helene Haven
Phil Itzkow
Herb Jacobson
Linda Levine
Lisa Levine
Elinor Naigles
Abby Nash
Marc Nash
Leslie Newman
Elaine Peck
Eduard Raskin
Jordan Rosen
Rabbi Dennis Ross
Ken Wolberg
Nicole McFarland on her promotion to Executive Director of
Senior Hope Counseling, Inc., a not-for-profit non-intensive substance-abuse treatment program for seniors .
Deb Liebman for being the 2013 Recipient of the Excellence
in Public Service Award from the NYS Bar Association.
Jeanne and Leon Ratzker of Davie, Florida on the birth of
their first great grandson, Parker Reid Epstein, on January 16,
2013. Parker is the son of Randi and Brad Epstein of Buckeye,
Arizona. Maternal grandparents are Nora and Neil Isaacs of Slingerlands, New York and Port St. Lucie, Florida. Paternal grandparents are Ellen and Martin Epstein of Montgomery Village,
Beth Emeth wishes to congratulate the following on their
Special March Wedding Anniversaries:
Wendy and Ed Sossner – 20th
Joyce and Sandy Bookstein – 60th
Brad and Arnold Rosenstein on the 100th Anniversary of
Jack’s Oyster House Restaurant, founded by Arnold’s father
New Members
We welcome Ana, David, Sofia and Diego Weiser
to our Beth Emeth Family.
In Memoriam
Beth Emeth recognizes with profound sorrow
the death of our members
Thomas Friedman, NY Times Columnist, will be the
guest speaker at Hebrew Academy’s 50th Anniversary Celebration on Wednesday April 3rd. For more information:
482-0464 or
Lawrence Alfred
Husband of Susan Backer Alfred,
Father of David Alfred (Amanda),
Step-Father of Aubrey (Stephen) Schubert, Jennifer Wagner,
Michael Saltzman, Brother of Charles Alfred, Steven Alfred and
Amy Greenebaum (Robert)
Jason Burrick
Husband of Elaine Burrick, Father of Allison (Martin) Warzala,
Todd (Andrea) Burrick, Adam (Stacy) Burrick,
Sister of Bertha Kotlow, Shirley Reigelhaupt
The following have established Perpetual Memorials in
memory of their loved ones:
The Family of Roy Cohen
The Family of Larry Glaser
The Family of Henrietta Schechter
The Schaffer and Sykes Families
in memory of Burton A. Schaffer
The Family of Jacqueline Zinnershine
Dorothy Friedlander
Mother of Richard (Gail) Friedlander, Barry Friedlander
and Ruth Friedlander (Terry Holohan)
Vivian Green
Mother of Richard (Susan) Green and
Amy (Larry) Jacobson
Beth Emeth extends sympathy to those in our
congregation who have lost a loved one
Beatrice Cohen
Mother of Dr. Erik (Jade) Cohen
Thank you to our Yom Kippur Appeal Donors listed below. As
always, you are welcome to join the Yom Kippur Appeal.
Cathy and Saul Kimmel
Anne and Louis Patack
Marcia Cohen
Mother of Dr. Jason (Amy) Cohen
Vilma Farman
Father of Peter (Gayle) Farman
Congregation Beth Emeth Bulletin
March 2013 - 5772
Published monthly except February and August
Congregation Beth Emeth
100 Academy Road, Albany, New York 12208
Volume LVI, No. 6
Stanley Kivort
Father of Robert (Jocelyn) Kivort
Arlene Levin
June (Jack) Barach
Shabbat Ki Tisa
(Exodus 30:11-34:35)
Friday Evening, March 1 at 5:30 p.m.
Celebrating 100 Years of Women of
Refom Judiasm
Saturday Morning, March 2
Torah Study at 9:30 a.m.
Services at 10:45 a.m.
Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Brass
At the January meeting of the Board of
Trustees, Co-chairs Cheryl Gelder-Kogan
and Bret Kauffman presented detailed
results from the Next Dor focus groups.
(Please read their summary below.) Since
then, your Officers, Board members, clergy
and staff have been culling through the information gleaned from your responses and
are beginning the exciting process of incorporating some of your responses into our planning for next
In response to Next Dor, I am pleased to let you know that
starting this fall, the first Shabbat of the month will be
First Friday Family Night. We will be reaching out to you to
ask for your help in organizing the potluck dinners that will precede these services. The entire Board is actively talking about
ways in which all of our committees can work together to make
CBE an even warmer, more caring community. Please know
that some of your suggestions require more long term planning
for which we will actively solicit your input and involvement. As
always, please feel free to reach out to me, or any of the
Officers or Board members, at any time.
Once again, on behalf of the Officers and Board of
Trustees, thank you to those of you who facilitated Next Dor as
well as to all of you who participated. Your participation is
crucial to our working together to strengthen our congregational
Jill Goodman, president
Shabbat Vayak’heil-Pekudei
(Exodus 35:1-40:38)
Friday Evening, March 8 at 5:30 p.m.
New Member Shabbat
“Pre Neg” at 5, Oneg following Services
Saturday Morning, March 9
9:30 Shabbat Morning Service/ Torah Study in the Library
11 Rosh Chodesh Service in the Library
Shabbat Vayikra
(Leviticus 1:1-5:26)
Friday Evening, March 15 at 7:30 p.m.
Beth Emeth’s 175th Anniversary Service
Keynote address by Dr. David Ellenson
Saturday Morning, March 16
Torah Study at 9:30 a.m.
Services at 10:45 a.m.
Bat Mitzvah of Elizabeth Kalin
Shabbat Tzav
(Leviticus 6:1-8:36)
Friday Evening, March 22 at 7:00 p.m.
Founders Day Service at Congregation Gates of Heaven
no service at Congregation Beth Emeth
Saturday Morning, March 23
9:30 Shabbat Morning Service/ Torah Study in the Library
Just under 200 individuals participated in one of 18 focus
group sessions that were held between October and December.
These individuals represented 142 of the 783 member units, or
just under 20% of CBE’s total membership. The sample demographics align favorably with overall congregational demographics,
although the participants were slightly skewed to the younger side
of the age spectrum.
Like the findings from North Porch in 1991, the concerns
raised fell into the following broad categories:
CBE can enhance its role as a caring community
We can strengthen aspects of our ritual and worship activities
We value a strong Religious School and Adult Education
We care about issues relating to governance and administration and
We must continue our efforts to be welcoming and supportive
of interfaith families.
The Next Dor Steering Committee presented the detailed
results of the focus groups to the Board of Trustees at its January
meeting. The various Board Committees are developing work
plans to incorporate the respective issues that were raised through
the focus group process. Many temple committees are already
discussing plans addressing these changes. We expect that several task forces/work groups may come out of these committee
efforts—and hope that YOU will say yes when asked to participate. It is only through an engaged and active membership that
we can be assured that we address your concerns and develop
the programs and activities that will help to make CBE a vibrant
congregation for years to come.
We will be providing a more detailed analysis of the Focus
Group findings in the April Bulletin. As always, feel free to contact
any of the temple officers or trustees if you’d like additional
information or to find out how you can be more involved in this
Cheryl Gelder-Kogan and Bret Kauffman
Tuesday Morning, March 26, 10:45 a.m.
Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach
(Exodus 33:12-34:26)
Friday Evening, March 29 at 5:30 p.m.
Saturday Morning, March 30
9:30 Shabbat Morning Service/ Torah Study in the Library
Can’t come to Shabbat services?
Did you know that you can watch services
live on our web-site?
You can also go to our on-line
archive to see a service you missed!
To underwrite live-streaming for a week, a month, or more
Contact Gail Kendall in the office at 436-9761 x 225.
Baby Naming
Wedding Blessing
Special Anniversary Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Special Birthday
Consider sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat!
(light refreshments immediately following services on
Friday night) Interested? Contact
Gail Kendall at 436-9761 x225 or
Bulletin Deadline
All articles for the April Bulletin should be
submitted by March 6th.
Yom HaShoah candle bagging and preparation will be
Tuesday, March 19th at 6 p.m. Chinese buffet will be provided
for all volunteers. If you cannot help with the bagging event but
want to assist with candle delivery, route assignments and
candles can be picked up before noon in the Beth Emeth lobby
on Sunday, March 24th. Routes will also be available by contacting Mark Swyer at or 857-2850.
Brotherhood is staffing the soup kitchen on Sunday, March
3rd – contact me if you are interested in volunteering. Rabbi
Jonathan Rubenstein will lead a Challah Baking class in our
kitchen on Sunday, March 10th at 9:30 a.m. See the enclosed
grey flyer to make your reservation. This event is free for Brotherhood members and $5.00 for non-members. We will also be
attending Albany Devils hockey on March 10th at 3 p.m. – see
the grey flyer for reservations.
Second Night Seder will be Tuesday, March 26th at which
time the Brotherhood team will be preparing dinner. Check the
grey flyer to make reservations. Join us for the NCAA men’s
basketball March Madness semi-finals on Saturday, April 6 at 6
p.m. Great food will be served and this event is free to congregants and their guests.
Thank you for your support,
Rob Dorkin – President or 456-0503
Susan Shpeen Memorial Donor Dinner---Save the Date
The fourth annual Susan Shpeen Memorial Donor Dinner
will be held Thursday, May 9, at 6:00 p.m. This year’s highlight
will be a special program featuring Rabbi Kenneth Kanter, presenting a musical program in honor of our 175th anniversary...tracing the musical history through the generations. The
program is being sponsored by the RABBI SCOTT L SHPEEN
DISTINGUISHED ARTIST FUND in memory of Susan Shpeen.
Donor funds go towards youth projects for our youth groups
and other activities within the temple. Rabbi Kanter was a direct
recipient of these funds, while a member of our own CBEYG as
a teen. Be sure to watch your mail for your invitation.
Sisterhood’s Chapter One Book Club
On March 14th we will be discussing Dovekeepers by
Alice Hoffman. The Dovekeepers traces the lives of four
women and their path to the Masada massacre. Blending mythology, magic, archaeology and women this book will surely
generate discussion among our members.
The Submission by Amy Waldman will be
the topic of discussion on April 24th. Set in
2003, this fiction concerns not a mosque being
built in lower Manhattan but a 9/11 memorial.
A jury has spent months reviewing architects’ anonymous submissions for a monument to be built on the site of the tragedy.
The uproar that follows after a choice is made and the jury discovers, that the architect is a Muslim.
Mark your calendars for May 30th when author Jan Marin
Tramontana will visit our group to discuss her novel Standing
on the Corner of Lost and Found.
Please join us at any time during the year. Our meetings
are held in the Temple Library from 6:45 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.
Contact Nancy Lozman 469-0272 or with
any questions.
The Outreach Committee has been busily planning a
variety of programs for spring.
Sunday March 10th, 9:30 a.m. - Please join Outreach and
Brotherhood for a Challah Baking workshop with master baker
Rabbi Johnathan Rubenstein. RSVP and other information can
be found on enclosed grey flyer.
Wednesday, March 20th, 7 p.m. - Interfaith Outreach
Grandparent Gathering~ If you are the grandparent of a child
being raised in an interfaith family, please join us for an
informal conversation at the home of Marcia and Mike
Horelick. This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet other
grandparents, ask questions, talk about your experiences, and
much more. To RSVP and for directions to the Horelick’s home,
please contact me. (see goldenrod flyer for more information)
Thursday, March 21st, 7-8:30 p.m. - Interfaith Outreach
Wine and Cheese Mixer~ Ameera Crellin, Denise Gonick, and
Melissa Greenberg will host a meet and greet for interfaith
couples at the home of Denise and Steve Gonick. Please join
us to shmooze, compare notes, and more. Steve is a wine
enthusiast and will be sharing some of his favorite NYS selections. To RSVP and get directions to the Gonick’s home,
please contact me. We hope you will stop by! (see goldenrod
flyer for more information)
See cover for other 175th Anniversary celebration
events sponsored by Outreach.
Details and flyers will be available in the April bulletin and
on the temple webpage.
For more information about any of these programs please
contact Beth Monaco at or
439-3400 or visit the webpage at Just
look for “Our Beth Emeth Community” and click on Outreach.
As always if you have questions or suggestions for the Outreach committee we would love to hear from you.
Beth Monaco
Sisterhood’s Next Generation
The Sisterhood has a number of exciting events planned
over the next few months beginning with Sisterhood Shabbat on
March 1st at 5:30pm. Sisterhoods around the world are joining
together to mark the 100th year anniversary of Women of
Reform Judaism. We will celebrate the occasion with a service
led by Sisterhood members through prayer and song in the
Monday, March 18 ~ Passover Desserts
with Chef Gail Sokol
Thursday, April 25 ~ Different Drummer’s Kitchen –
Girls & Grills
Thursday, May 9 ~ Susan Shpeen Memorial Donor Dinner
Wednesday, May 29 ~ Kinky Boots,
The Musical –NYC Theatre Trip
(see salmon flyer for more information)
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry with Us!
Beth Emeth Gourmet Group for Adults. Singles welcome!
Here's an opportunity to put your culinary talents to work,
share a nice glass of wine, recipes, and camaraderie with us.
Contact Alice Slingerland at 518-768-2620 or Joan Weinberg at
513-519-0122. Come join us!
Parenting Center
Life Long Learning
Pre-schoolers and their parents/grandparents – join Micki
Groper for an hour of storytelling, music, crafts and of course a
nosh! Please RSVP to Deb Sokoler if you plan to attend.
(432-1392 or
Joy Behar in Conversation With Judy Gold
Tuesday, March 12 ~ 7:30 p.m.
March 16– We will be celebrating Passover and
making seder plates.
Our parent/pre-school drop-in program at The Parenting
Center – where old friends come together to meet new ones!
Join us for a cup of coffee and a bagel and enjoy our warm
Beth Emeth community!!
Upcoming Baby Break Dates: March 10, 17, 24
Please note: that the Parenting Center Room is available
for families to use during Friday night and Saturday morning
Services. No children without an adult.
Please see enclosed goldenrod flyer, website or weekly email
blasts for updated schedule and registration information
LUNCH & LEARN Wednesdays ~ Noon – 1:30/2:00 p.m. **
Our March series will be led by Rabbi Ross.
(see orchid flyer for complete March/April schedule)
You bring your lunch; coffee, tea and dessert are on us!
Beth Emeth Programming
DELI & MOVIE NIGHT – “Yiddle With His Fiddle”
Rob Edelman, film lecturer, WAMC film commentator, and author, will provide us with a program before the film as well as
Q & A after the film. (see canary flyer for details)
Saturday, March 9 ~ 7:00 p.m. – SEATING IS LIMITED!!!
CHALLAH MAKING WORKSHOP sponsored by Brotherhood
Sunday, March 10, 2013 ~ 9:30 a.m. (see grey flyer for details)
ALBANY DEVILS HOCKEY GAME sponsored by Brotherhood
Sunday, March 10, 2013 ~ 3:00 p.m. (see grey flyer for details)
(**These programs are available through the generous support
of Beth Emeth Sisterhood)
(sponsored by Sisterhood)
Monday, March 18, 2013 ~ 7:00 PM (see salmon flyer for more
Limited Seating! Tuesday, March 26. (see grey flyer for details) Interested in helping out? Contact Deb Sokoler 436-9761
It is with pride in the work of our committee and the
wonderful volunteers who staff the soup kitchen every Sunday,
that I report on an award being given to our committee by
Catholic Charities at the First Annual Sister Maureen Joyce
Center Dinner. We are receiving the First Annual Distinguished
Service Award in recognition of our demonstrated commitment
through our outreach and advocacy on behalf of the poor and
vulnerable, which is seen, as consistent with the spirit of the
Sister Maureen Joyce Center.
The dinner will take place on April 3rd with a 6-7 Cocktail
Hour at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites in Latham.
Please visit our web site if you want to know whom to get in
touch with for tickets .
The Mitzvah Squad has begun. If you are interested as an
individual or family unit in hearing about mitzvah activities such
as helping out at the Regional Food Bank, please join the
Squad. You will then receive e-mails about projects and activities and if you want to join in the activity you can.
You will soon be hearing about a Candid Conversation
with area state legislators that will be jointly sponsored by area
reform congregation social action committees taking place at
Congregation Gates of Heaven. Join us.
You can now sign up for volunteering for the Beth Emeth
Soup Kitchen on our web site. It is a wonderful individual, family or group activity.
Barry Z. Davis 237-5553
Shabbat & Holiday Toolbox
A LOT is being offered at Beth Emeth this month. In
particular, we are having several cooking workshops which I
highly recommend as so much of our celebration of holidays is
at home and through food!
My family always celebrated Purim by making hundreds of
hamentashen (traditional 3-cornered cookies) and giving them
out to family and friends (the Purim tradition of giving
“mishloach manot” or gifts of fruit or treats to friends and family)
At Beth Emeth the celebration of Purim will be on March
3rd where we will also celebrate our 175th Anniversary with the
theme of our Purim Spiel – a game show of “Who Is The Real
Issac Mayer Wise?” Lots of fun for kids of ALL ages!!!.
Passover, which begins on March 25th is a holiday filled
with recipes galore – there are so many ways one can shape,
season and eat matzah! Come to our Sisterhood’s Passover
Dessert Workshop (see salmon flyer) and then join us for our
Second Night Seder (see grey flyer) here at Beth Emeth on
March 26th. The seder will be lay led and catered by our wonderful Brotherhood chefs. A joyful evening for congregants of
all ages!
No matter how you celebrate your holidays, feel free to
reach out to me if you have any questions about any of our
traditions, foods, etc. There are oodles of resources on the
internet, but sometimes it’s just nice to talk to someone! I can
be reached at 436-9761 x228/
Wishing everyone joyful celebrations of Purim and Passover and if YOU think you know who the real Issac Mayer Wise
will be, give me a call!!!
B’ Shalom ,
Please Help Us Keep Our Records Current
If you have a new phone number, cell number, email address,
home address, etc. Let us know. If you change your locale
during the winter, please let us know when you are leaving and
returning so that we can mail Beth Emeth information to you.
Please call or email Joan Paley at 436-9761 x222 or
The Temple office mails acknowledgement letters to individuals who
have made contributions of $100 or more. Notification cards are mailed to
all recipients, and will appear in the Bulletin shortly thereafter.
Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund
Suzanne Freedman
Carol and Steven Ginsburg
Marlene and Howard Pressman
Marilyn and Ron Silverman
Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund
Lorelei and Sherry Armm
Dorry S. Kotzin
in appreciation
Ronni Sims
Leah Taub
Sandi Zarch
in memory of
Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund
The Parenting Center Chaverah
Marcia Dolgin Cohen
Marilyn and James Frisch
Merwyn Frisch
Marilyn Frisch
Josephine Fine Freedman
Yvette and Jerry Nackenson
Henrietta Schechter
Elinor Naigles
Jerry Efros
Jan and Alan Rubenstein and
their grandmother,
Herb and Marilyn Weisburgh
Jennie Weisburgh
Jan and Alan Rubenstein
Dorothy Friedlander
Maxine and Walter Silver
Dr. Richard Kelly
Marilyn and Ron Silverman
Joan Baker
Marilyn and Herb Weisburgh
Dorothy Friedlander
Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund
in honor of
Elaine Ainspan
102nd birthday of Florence Einhorn
Suzanne Freedman
engagement of
Hilary Shpeen and Josh Brownstein
Elsie, Verna and Bill Lapin
100th birthday of Elsie Lapin
Betty and Bill Nathan
special anniversary of
Ruth and Ben Mendel
Robin and Ted Sobol
the upcoming marriage of
Hilary Shpeen and Josh Brownstein
in honor of
Fund for Jewish Education
Joyce and Sanford Bookstein special birthday of Ann Schnog
Ellen and Larry Kotlow
special birthday of Bea Glucksman
Nina Sher
B’nai Mitzvah of
Rachel Denham and Zach Rosenblatt
Patricia Snyder
birth of Talia,
granddaughter of Iris and Chuck Falk
Patricia Snyder
birth of Dahlia, granddaughter of Ida Kay
Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund
in memory of
Jan Reiss Weitzman and Richard Bass
Art Ginsburg
grandmother of Mona Winter
mother of Karen Gilcher
sister of John Frohling
mother of the Greens
Margie and Rob Dorkin
Lawrence Alfred
Ileen and Dan Duffy
20 first graders and the six staffers
of the Sandy Hook Elementary School
Audrey Hoffman
Jason Burrick
Lisa Kasdin
Vivian Green
Harvey Rosen and Barbara Manning
Arlene Levin
Harvey Rosen and Barbara Manning
Jason Burrick
Sandy and Charles Stern
Jason Burrick
Nancy and Marshall Suess
Jason Burrick
Lynn and Andrew Warheit
Larry Glaser
Dr. Mark Zubres
Dorothy Friedlander
Rabbi Shpeen Distinguished Artist Fund
Kathie and Arnold Kaplan
Mim and Don Sommers
in memory of
Fund for Jewish Education
Joni Lieberman Basen, Don, Ari and Iyal Basen Jason Burrick
Joni Lieberman Basen, Don, Ari and Iyal Basen
Nomi Levy,
mother of Dalia Ben-Eliezer
Joni Lieberman Basen, Don, Ari and Iyal Basen
Adam Wade Stern
Bernard, Diane, Jennifer and Brian Kern
Bessie Reichel
Nancy and Barry Simon
Jason Burrick
Nancy and Barry Simon
Vilma Rogow Farman,
mother of Peter Farman
Nancy and Barry Simon
Nathan Goldsmith,
father of Paula Fishbein
Nancy and Barry Simon
Arlene Levin, sister of June Barach
Nancy and Barry Simon
Nomi Levy,
mother of Dalia Ben-Eliezer
Nancy and Barry Simon
Adam Wade Stern
Mim and Don Sommers and family
Harry Becker
Rabbi Dennis Ross’ Discretionary Fund
Leah Taub
in appreciation
Cantor Groper’s Discretionary Fund
Yvette and Jerry Nackenson
Leah Taub
in appreciation
General Fund
Aaron Sciore
Ellen Herkowitz Judaic Art Fund
in honor of
Eileen and Jay Fluster
speedy recovery to Stanley Metzner
Ellen Herkowitz Judaica Art Fund
Gloria and Allan Herkowitz
Beverly Pearlman
Ellen Reohr
Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund
Irma and Bert Weinberg
in memory
of Jason Burrick
Marilyn and Ron Silverman
Toby and Fred Wander
General Fund
Beatrice Glucksman
in memory of
Dr. Melvin Heflich
Vivian Green
Dorothy Friedlander
General Fund
Insurance Training Institute, Inc.
Steven and Lucia Fischer
John P. Granich
Edith Green
Donna and Lee Rosen
Linda and Neil Weisel
Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund
in honor of
Lorelei and Sherry Armm
recovery of Eileen Dunn Cultrela
Shirley Brand
Rabbi Dennis S. Ross, the 2013 Advocate
for Choice of Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood
Sara Lee and Barry Larner
engagement of
Jeffrey Lurie and Kelly Richardson
Bonnie and Stuart Rosenberg
engagement of
Jeffrey Lurie and Kelly Richardson
Bonnie and Stuart Rosenberg
birth of grandson, Noah,
to Sherry Gold
in appreciation of
Andrew Safranko
in honor of
my 90th birthday
in memory of
Paul Swyer
Nicole Plisson Rosenbloom
Dorothy Friedlander
Robert Green
Stanley Kivort
Dorothy Friedlander
Contributions to the YES Fund (Youth Education and Special
Projects Fund of the Women of Reform Judaism) should be made payable to Beth Emeth Sisterhood and should be sent to: Lisa Finkle, 92
Jordan Blvd. Delmar NY 12054.
FUND may be made to CBE Sisterhood and sent to: Karen Glaser, 103
Middlesex Court, Slingerlands, NY 12159.
General Fund
in memory of Jason Burrick
Kim and Brian Ashton
Wendy Barton
Shari and Stuart Berman/ Family
Joan and Robert Cantwell
Rhonda and Matt Delforte/ Family
Lauren and Charles Duerr
Noreen and Fran Goodman
Diane Green and Freddy Aponte
Rheba and Merwin Greene
Marcy and Paul Horowitz/ Family
Ida Kay
Arlene King
Lori and Ira Melnitsky/ Family
Dale and Jonathan Nemer
Meredith and Seth Niessen/ Family
Reeva Nowitz
Cynthia and Jonathan Root/ Family
Donna and Lee Rosen
Barbara Manning and Harvey Rosen
Doris and Bill Rosenblum
Suzanne and Charles Rosenblum
Ronni and Alexander Rubin
Myrna and David Sanders
Pearl and Harris Sanders
Barbara and Marty Scher
Elaine and Paul Scher
Theresa and Howard Silverman
Melanie and Jeff Singer/ Family
Edna Sissman/ Family
Harris Sitrin
Lisa and Ben Spirn/ Family
Sandy and Charlie Stern
Janet Sternbach
Nancy and Marshall Suess
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Tannen
Bev and Herb Vener
Rebecca and Alex Watson/ Family
Lauren and Drew Zalkind
General Fund
Ruth Vener Emple
Sara Lee and Barry Larner
Nancy and Steven Lerner
Sisterhood YES Fund
CBE Sisterhood
CBE Sisterhood
Elizabeth Epstein
Phyllis Goldstein
Patricia Snyder
Patricia Snyder
Patricia Snyder
Sisterhood YES Fund
CBE Sisterhood
CBE Sisterhood
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Deitcher
Dorry Kotzin
Dorry Kotzin
The Levin Family
Dr. Jeffrey and Nancy Lozman
in memory of Vivian Green
Fran Madison
Florence Rosen
Sandy and Richard Stein
Henry and Sylvia Braun Library Fund
Bernard, Diane, Jennifer and Brian Kern
Inscribed Prayerbook Fund
Elaine and Jason Burrick
Rona, Michael and Melissa Wilker
Youth Scholarship Fund
Frances and David Dembling
Frances and David Dembling
Rochelle and Paul Riven
in memory of
Natalie Reichel Kern
in memory of
Eugene Karp
Jason Burrick
Volunteers Needed
Congregation Beth Emeth - Sidney Albert
Albany Jewish Community Center
in honor of
Bar Mitzvah of Ari Miller
Health and Services Fair
for Adults and Senior Adults
Sunday, April 21st; 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
at the Albany JCC, 340 Whitehall Road
VOLUNTEER NOW PLEASE: Call or email Volunteer Coordinator, Helene Ainspan at 438-9561
Let Helene know your time preference and if you need a sitting
job. Leave a clear message with your phone number as followup calls will be made to confirm. Volunteers are needed at the
following times:
in memory of
Jason Burrick
Jason Burrick
Jason Burrick
Chuck Jacobs
Vivian Green
Adam Stern Wade
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.- Assemble box lunches
8:00 - 10:30 a.m. - Assist vendors and screeners from the
parking lot and guide people
10:15 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. - First shift
12:15 - 2:30 p.m. - Second shift
in honor of
Sharon Seiden Stein Memorial Fund
Bonnie and Stuart Rosenberg
engagement of
Melinda Seiden to Michael Fiorino
Roberta and Richard Seiden
special birthday of Fred Simon
Sharon Seiden Stein Memorial Fund
Roberta and Richard Seiden
Roberta and Richard Seiden
Roberta and Richard Seiden
in memory of
Lawrence Alfred
Jason Burrick
Dorothy Friedlander
Sisterhood Limud Fund
Roberta Fox
in memory of
Dorothy Friedlander
in memory of
Charles (Buddy) Adler
Jason Burrick
Eleanor Rosenberg
Reyut/Caring Community Fund
in honor of
Patricia Snyder
special anniversary of Ruth and Ben Mendel
Patricia Snyder
special anniversary of
Anne and Harry Rosenfeld
Patricia Snyder
special birthday of Doreen Smith
Reyut/Caring Community Fund
Roberta Fox
Addie Glazier
Lillian Jacobs
Lillian Jacobs
Patricia Snyder
Patricia Snyder
in memory of
Larry Glaser
Nathan Goldsmith
Jason Burrick
Nathan Goldsmith
Vivian Green
Marcia Dolgin Cohen
Jason Burrick
Youth Scholarship Fund
in honor of
Frances and David Dembling
good health to Bernice Shoobe
Frances and David Dembling good health to Laurie Stein Bigley
Lawrence Klepper Social Action Fund
in appreciation of
Nan and Ron Miller
David E. Siegfeld, J.D.
Anne Ruge Musical Arts Fund
Nina and Aaron Sher
in honor of
special birthday of Edna Sills
special birthday of Pearl Weinstock
Robyn Marinstein and Margie Dorkin
Heather Linsk
special birthday of Florence Einhorn
special birthday of Jane Sanders
special anniversary
of Jan and Alan Rubenstein
Businesses interested in reserving booth space should
contact Claire Sigal at the Albany JCC, 438-6651 x112,
This Fundraiser provides nearly $3,000 per year for
Congregation Beth Emeth
Selling or Trading-in your car?
Why not make it a tax-deductible
donation to Beth Emeth?
Contact Gail Kendall 436-9761 ext 225
Over 160 members of our Beth Emeth
family and friends gathered on both coasts this
winter to once again share Shabbat with Rabbi
Shpeen and with Temple President Jill Goodman.
This annual event is now in its 20th year!
The Boca Shabbat Brunch was sponsored
by Mark and Jane Levine of Levine Memorial
Chapel. The Sarasota Shabbat Brunch was sponsored by David Siegal, Esq.
Boca pictures courtesy of Doreen Smith
Change in CBEYG High School Youth Group Leadership:
Thank You Brett and Welcome Back Meredith!
Brett Kessler, who served wonderfully as
CBEYG advisor had to step down at the end of
January. Brett’s wife Jackie recently underwent
knee surgery and she is improving according to
schedule. Brett’s responsibilities to family and
his full-time job made it impossible for him to
continue with CBEYG. We know you join us in
recognizing Brett’s leadership and commitment
and in extending best wishes to Jackie for full
and speedy healing.
At the same time, we are delighted to announce that Meredith
Ray-LaBatt, our former youth advisor, has stepped in as advisor for
the remainder of the year. We are very pleased to welcome her
back. Beth Emeth is very fortunate to have talented and enthusiastic teen leaders as Brett and Meredith among our members.
Dan Dembling, Chairperson, Youth Committee
and Rabbi Dennis Ross
3 D V V R Y H U
This program is made possible by the Ruth Sherman
Linn Religious School Memorial Fund.
Carol Ann Margolis teaches the religious school
children about planting seeds in honor of
Tu B’Shevat. All were given supplies to bring back
seedlings in the spring for Diane’s Farm ~ Our
Soup Kitchen Garden.
Children Dancing to the
The Kol Simcha Band
(sponsored by the Iselin family, honoring the
memories of those who lost their lives in the
Newtown, CT school tragedy.
Passover Recess
No classes March 27-April 7.
Save the Date:
April 20th, Moveable Feast.
Havdallah and appetizers at CBE at 5:30 p.m.
and dinner at host homes at 7. Details to follow.
As is our custom, all B’nai Mitzvah participate in
Candle Lighting and Kiddush at services on the
Friday evening prior to their Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
Jacob Perry Brass, son of
Ruth and Robert Brass
will become a Bar Mitzvah on
March 2nd.
Elizabeth Kalin, daughter of
Sari and Kevin O'Connor
will become a Bat Mitzvah on
March 16th.
Shabbat of March 15-16 (cont.)
Alfred J. Sporborg, Jr.
Harriet Adler Rosenberg
Charles M. Stern
Bernard J. Roskin
Lewis Sumberg
Paul J. Roth
Rosara Kotzin Sundell
Sarah Feltman Rudof
Harriet Danziger Swartz
Irving H. Sabghir
Harris Swartz
Edna Shapiro Schaffer
Dr. Henry Swartz
Martin V. B. Schuster
Marvin D. Weil
Eva Segall
Marvin F. Wise
Isedore Siegal
Goldie Sherman Zubres
Rabbi Martin I. Silverman
Martin Leo Slawsky
Shabbat of March 22-23
Lazarus S. Bach
Irving S. Lozoff
Ernest O. Berman
Flora Nusbaum Mandelbaum
Harry S. Braun
Sanford S. Markowitz
Frederick S. deBeer, Sr.
Herman S. Mendelson
Elaine Applebaum Edwards
Augusta D. Miller
Miriam Elkind
Leon S. Moos
Helen Ettinger
Tillie M. Moos
Caroline Fein
Edith Braunold Muhlfelder
Charles Finkle
Thelma 'Toby' Ziegler Neifeld
Irving S. Fleishman
Theresa Neuman
Henry Fluster
Lillian Block Odes
Dr. Philip L. Forster
Samuel Ratzker
Frieda Fox
Lois A. Rice
Irene Stein Gangberg
Gertrude Rosen
Joseph B. Halpern
H. Robert Rosenblum
Fanny Handler
Dr. Irving Rosenthal
I. Robert Holland
Dorothy Aufsesser Saidel
Lillian Warshaw Horovitz
Charles Serling
Max S. Hyman
Lillian E. Siegel
Henrietta Illch
Marcia S. Sims
Gertruyd Jaffe
Fannie Stern
Louis Jaffe
Casper Weisburgh
Isabella Laventall
Kaddish will be recited for those beloved departed whose names are
perpetuated in Permanent Memorials established by their families.
Please note: If you wish to have a name included on our Shabbat Kaddish
list or have a question about a Perpetual Kaddish name being recited, please call
Joan Paley in the Temple office, 436-9761 x222. (Please do not leave a name for
the Yahrzeit list on email or voice mail.) When phoning in a name, please do so by
the Thursday of the week it is to be read.
Shabbat of March 1-2
Mollie Barnet Aufsesser
Bessie Pickar
Minna H. Bach
Irving Polk
Louis Baere
William Rogowski
Lawrence Bloomberg
Herman Rosenbaum
Lottie Bondy
Sampson Rosendale
Doris Schlesinger Bookheim
Ervin Rosenfeld
Gertrude R. Bookstein
Bernice F. Rosenstock
Louis Caplan
Rae Friedman Rosenthal
Nettye Anker Clapkin
Benjamin Roth
Dan Fishell
Abraham Safranko
Stanley Freedgood
Hyman Shapiro
Joseph B. Hai
Eileen R. Shields
Arnold A. Haven
Harry W. Sims
Abraham Illch
Adolph Sommers
Julius Illch
Theodore Sonnenfeld
Bernie Meyer Levy
Fannie Tarsey
Frank S. Lyons
Harry J. Taube
Sara Miller Newell
Nannie Valkenburgh
Muriel Parets
Shabbat of March 8-9
Carole K. Balick
Henry H. Koblintz
Rebecca Barnet
Peggy Levitan Kraft
Lillian Joseph Braun
Rose Krips
Gertrude M. Cadan
Isidore Krouner
Samuel Caplan
Meyer S. Levy
Shirley L. Cohen
Lewis Muhlfelder
Amelia Cohn
Florence L. Myers
Fannie Cohn
Hon. George Myers
Alex Zolzensky Colin
Minna Myers
May Dachs
Arthur Harris Nadell
Meyer J. Efron
John P. Newell
Harry H. Feldman
Louis Pearlman
Pearl Silberg Figarsky
Irving A. Perles
Mame Finkelstein
Ella Rosenberg Piel
Sophie Friedlander
Kate C. Ronson
Molly Glatt
Valerie Rosenberg
Israel William Goldfarb
Joseph Rosengarden
Julius J. Goodman
Samuel Rubin
Herbert S. Groper
John J. Sandler
Morris Grossman
Dr. Joseph Schleifstein
William Illch
Bertha Shapiro
Sanford Jaffee
Rae Heitner Turko
Ruth Weil Joseph
Rose H. Urbach
Frieda Kadish
James B. Wennar
Louis Kaminsky
Mary Aronson Yunich
1st Day Passover, March 26
Louis Cohn
Barnard Schmidt
Shabbat of March 29-30
Bessie S. Aker
Spencer Jay Andre
Leon Aronowitz
Samuel Berman
Henrietta Lowenstein Bernhard
Judah Bettman
Henry L. Bloch
Bessie Bloom
Ruth I. Clonick
Louis Cohn
David Dembo
Rose D. Einhorn
Seymour Englander
Ellis Ferber
Leigh M. Fine
Moses I. Frank
Nathan Herskowitz
Michael Hydeman
Jacob Isaacs
Meyer A. Jeneroff
Evelyn Katzman
Lizzie Blatner Kaufman
David Klugman
Syril P. Kotzin
Lena Livingston
Shabbat of March 15-16
Mollie Seltzer Ackerman
Selma E. Barnet
Marvin Berman
Henry Bischof
Isadore R. Blatner
Morris Jacob Bloomberg
Eva Braun
Mae Hai Brecher
Elias Brody
Donald Bronstein
Ruth Ratner Cowan
Sadie Finks Fogel
Ellis O. Friedman
Leah Meyerson Gertskin
Marvin Harris Gingold
Frank Milton Goldberg
Gertrude M. Goodman
Jacob Handler
Therese Schaler
Annette Herbst
Carrie Hessberg
Dr. Gerald Marvin Kotzin
Percy Lieberman
Sylvia Plotkin Malkin
Amalie Miller
Dr. Gerald Marvin Kotzin
Percy Lieberman
Sylvia Plotkin Malkin
Amalie Miller
Max Miller
Moses Naumoff
Dr. Evans H. Nelson
Leo H. Neuman
Albert Newell
Arthur Newell
Abraham Press
Bessie Selector Reichel
Dr. Philip L. Livingston
Leah Waldman Mann
Rosalie Mendleson
Burt Meyers
Mildred M. Miller
Bernard G. Milstein
Helen Bach Moss
Hannah Holzer Newhof
Belle Muhlfelder Pareira
Martin L. Press
Murray L. Ronson
Herman Rosner
Anne Kaplan Safranko
Therese Schaler
Barnard Schmidt
Rudolph W. Schwartz
Gary Alan Speigel
Anna Sittenfield Stone
Esther F. Stracher
Samuel Summer
Rose D. Sussman
Harry Tutshen
Adolph Valkenburgh
Sophie Weinbach
Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise
7th Day Passover, April 1
Nancy Stark Holzer
Martin Gordon
When services are in the Sanctuary yahrzeit plaques are placed on
the rear brick walls. When services are in the Chapel, yahrzeit plaques are
located in the alcove dedicated in memory of Rabbi Martin Silverman,
whose yahrzeit is observed this month.
The Passover Yizkor/Memorial Service will be held on Monday, April 1, at 10:45 a.m., in the Chapel. Listed below are the
names of our loved ones who have died since last year and will be
recited at this service. If you would like the name of a loved one
who died since last Passover (April 13, 2012) included in the service, please contact Joan Paley at 436-9761 ext. 222.
If you would like to honor the memory of a loved one with
a contribution to the Beautification Fund, please send a check payable to Congregation Beth Emeth addressed to Lynn Warheit, 213
Colonial Avenue, Albany, NY 12208.
Lawrence Alfred
Arthur Altman
Dr. Peg Bigley
Ida Block
Dr. Alan Brown
Jason Burrick
Beatrice Cohen
Marcia Cohen
Leona Cutler
Marvin Facher
Vilma Farman
Beatrice Feldman
Joan Fisher
Charlotte Fisher
Shirley Flasterstein
William B. Freedman
Ann Friedkin
Dorothy Friedlander
Yvonne Fritz
Eva Ginsburg
Larry Glaser
Nathan Goldsmith
Vivian Green
Ida Gross
Thomas Hartnett
Robert S. Herman
Marvin Isaacs
Ralph Iselin
Dr. Stewart Kaskel
Stanley Kivort
Arlene Levin
Sally Levine
Virginia Levitt
Dr. Harold Luria
Richard Miller, Sr.
Alan Oser
Nicole Rosenbloom
Karen Samson
Burton Schaffer
Henrietta Schechter
Joseph Sherman
Norman Silon
Lynn Sitrin
Annette Sternbach
Paul M. Swyer
Sally Tessler
Adam Stern Wade
Evelyn Weinstein
Rose Zilber
Have you thought about including us in your will?
If you love Beth Emeth, you can help perpetuate it.
Please contact Gail Kendall at 436-9761 ext. 225
Nominations for the Board of Trustees-Update
The following individuals have graciously agreed to serve on
the Nominating Committee: Amy Hoffman, Wendy Palat,
Stephen Gonick, Jay Hurewitz, Beth Monaco, and David Wollner. Lee Rosen will serve as Chairman. The Committee will
meet in March to nominate one person for each Trustee position to be filled at the next Annual Meeting. Thank you to all
who have submitted names for consideration. Nominees will be
announced in the May Bulletin.
Contributions can be made to the fund in memory of or in honor
of a person or event. Contributions can also be made to this fund
even though a Perpetual Memorial has not been established. Please
send all the information including the name of the donor, and the name
of the deceased (with date of the Yahrzeit) or the name of the honoree
with a check payable to Congregation Beth Emeth to Lynn Warheit,
213 Colonial Ave., Albany 12208 or
Shabbat of March 15-16 (cont.)
Jill Kapner
Phyllis O. Silverman and Family
Nancy and James Green
Steven M. Sumberg
Dorry S. Kotzin and Family
The Milstein Family
Bertha Susman
Jan and Alan Rubenstein and
Marilyn and Herb Weisburgh
Shabbat of December 28-29
in memory of
Beatrice Glucksman
Alfred J. Hanft and Samuel Goldberg
Shabbat of January 4-5
Carl Myers, Jr.
in memory of
Carl Myers, Sr.
Shabbat of January 18-19
Diana Sander
Ed Sperber and Family
The Spitalny Family
Gail Pipito and Carol Porter and Families
Shabbat of February 1-2
James and Michael Cohen
Ronald Richardson
Ronald Richardson
Gail and Hal Sokol
The Spitalny Family
Julie Crimmins
Shabbat of February 8-9
Karen and Steven Fein
Joseph M. Freedman
Shirley Larner
The Ruslander Family
Shabbat of March 1-2
Joyce and Stanley Bookstein
Lisa, Steve, Max and Will Brown
Helene and Ed Haven
Michael Newell
Elizabeth and Brian Epstein
Dorry S. Kotzin
Eli A. Swartz
in memory of
Irwin Sander
Elizabeth Sperber
Miriam Spitalny
Martha S. Vellano
in memory of
Bernhard Fein
Josephine Fine Freedman
Mark Alexander Larner
Blanche Goldowsky Rosenholtz
Shabbat of March 29-30
Sophie Berman
Lynn Shaw, Leo Katzman and Paul Katzman
Dorry S. Kotzin and Family
The Milstein Family
Kathleen and Richard Meyers
Florence Speigel and Cindy, Neal,
Adam and Eric Greenstein
Joan Goldstein
in memory of
Joyce Avrach
Murray Dorkin
in memory of
Gertrude Bookstein
Stanley Freedgood
Arnold Haven
Sara Miller Newell
Ervin Rosenfeld
Harry W. Sims
Rose Swartz
Shabbat of March 8-9
in memory of
Linda Rosenthal
Gertrude Cadan
Jackie Rosenthal and Family
Gertrude Cadan
The Friedlander Family
Sophie Friedlander
A. Richard Goodman
Julius Goodman
Glenn and Micki Groper
Herbert Groper
Linda and Larry Schechter
Sanford Jaffee
Pat and Bob Friedman
Hon. George Myers
Kathleen and Richard Meyers and Family
Mary Yunich
Shabbat of March 15-16
in honor of
Sari and Kevin O’Connor
Bat Mitzvah of Elizabeth Kalin
Shabbat of March 15-16
Harriet and Fred Ackerman
Linda and Larry Schechter
Sherry and Steve Einhorn and
Rose Goldberg and Family
Beverly Pearlman
Rabbi Scott L. Shpeen and Family
Dorry S. Kotzin and Family
Valerie and Spike Solomon
Nancy and Arthur Roth
The Sykes and Schaffer Families
Casper Weisburgh
Shabbat of March 22-23
in memory of
Ellen Clark, Abby Potts and Andy Clark
Elaine Applebaum Edwards
Karen and Steven Fein
Caroline Fein
Margaret and Jonathan Harvey
Dr. Philip L. Forster
Diedre Wolberg and Family
Irene Stein Gangberg
Estelle Halpern
Joseph B. Halpern
Lori Strong
Herman S. Mendelson
Nancy and Eric Yaffee and
Anne and Michael Marmulstein
and Families
H. Robert Rosenblum
Judith and Peter Saidel
Dorothy Aufesser Saidel
Millie and Mike Serling
Charles Serling
Cookie and Peter Siegel
Lillian E. Siegel
Dorry S. Kotzin and Family
Marcia S. Sims
in memory of
Dr. Donald W. Cohen
Blanche Gabrilove
Sheila Richardson
Estelle Sokol
Jack Spitalny
Claire A. Sutor
Shabbat of February 22-23
Donna, Lee, David and Jamie Rosen
Eleanor Breinan
in memory of
Eva Segall
Rabbi Martin I. Silverman
Alfred J. Sporborg
Lewis Sumberg
Rosara Kotzin Sundell
Rosara Kotzin Sundell
Milton Susman
in memory of
Mollie Seltzer Ackerman
Marvin Gingold
Frank M. Goldberg
Israel William Goldfarb
Gertrude “GG” Goodman
Gerald M. Kotzin M.D.
Dr. Evans H. Nelson
Paul J. Roth
Edna Shapiro Schaffer
in memory of
Samuel Berman
Evelyn Katzman
Syril P. Kotzin
Syril P. Kotzin
Burt Meyers
Gary Alan Speigel
Rose D. Sussman
52 Holmesdale Street
Albany, New York 12203
Insuring Beth Emeth and Its Families for Over 40 Years
Lurie & Co., P.C.
Certified Public Accountants
292 Washington Avenue Extension
Albany, NY 12203
Michael Lurie, CPA
Gregory Lurie, CPA
Tax, Accounting & Consulting Services
Serving the Capital District for over 20 years.
100 Academy Road, Albany, NY 12208
Phone 518.436.9761
Fax 518.436.0476
The Einhorn Center for Jewish Education 518.432.1392
General Inquiries:
Rabbi Scott L. Shpeen
Rabbi Dennis S. Ross
Cantor Glenn Groper
Gail Kendall, Executive Director
Nancy Simon, Interim Education Center Admin.
Phone Calls for
Deborah Sokoler, Programming Director
Please know that
phone messages left
outside of office hours
Debbie Schaffer, Bulletin Editor
are not forwarded to
clergy until the next
Jill S. Goodman .…..………………...President
business day.
Lauren Iselin…...…………..1st Vice President
leave a message outLee Rosen…….……...…...2nd Vice President
side of office hours: for
Michael Lurie ..……….…..………….Treasurer
Andrew Safranko.….……..………….Secretary
Rabbi Shpeen use ext.
Rob Dorkin..……...…...Brotherhood President
229; for Cantor Groper
Marjorie Dorkin/ Robyn Marinstein
ext. 226; and for Rabbi
…………………co-Sisterhood Presidents
Ross ext. 230.
Jamie Rosen ……………....CBEYG President
Garage Sale – Sunday, June 9th - Mark Your Calendars
The date for this year’s garage sale is Sunday, June 9, 2013. This event
is a key fundraising activity for Beth Emeth and also provides a very important
service to the Capital District community. In order for this event to be successful, the garage sale requires the support of many, many volunteers. If you
have volunteered in the past or perhaps have not yet participated in this terrific
event, we encourage your involvement this year. Even if you can only help for
a couple of hours in the evenings during the week to help organize and set up,
that’s fine. Volunteer forms, along with donation drop-off dates and times will
be available online and in future mailings and bulletins.
In addition to our regular volunteers, we also need people to serve on the
garage sale committee. Your commitment would involve attending 2 to 3 onehour meetings to help organize and plan the event. Fresh and original ideas
are always welcome. Many of the innovations that have been introduced in the
last couple of years to improve the quality of this event have come from this
committee. If you are interested in joining the garage sale committee, please
e-mail Margie at or contact the temple office. Thanks
for your continued support.
Rob and Margie Dorkin
January’s Mitzvah & Munch - families worked at the soup kitchen,
made tzedakah boxes, played games, and enjoyed dinner together.
Please join our donors who
support Special Needs
Programs and Scholarships
our Religious
School Tree
of Life
(see the green flyer for details)
Rabbi Shpeen was honored to be
invited, along with Bishop Hubbard, to
deliver the invocation at the ceremony on
December 28th at which time several NY
State legislators including CBE member,
Phil Steck, as well as State Senator Neil
Breslin and US Congressman Paul Tonko
were sworn into office.

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