October 2012 online version


October 2012 online version
(see flyer for details)
(see flyer for details)
As Rabbi Shpeen spoke about in this year’s Rosh Hashanah message, 22 years ago our
congregation undertook an initiative known as North Porch. Over three hundred congregants
shared their thoughts and ideas on the future of Beth Emeth. The goal was to strengthen
what is working well, change and improve where necessary, undertake new programs to
meet the needs of the congregation, and plan for our future. Many of the ideas regarding
governance, ritual and worship, and education are still in effect today. It is now time to take
this initiative to the next generation, the Next Dor.
Over the next few months we will be conducting a series of focus groups and request that
each of you sign up for an opportunity to share your thoughts as we embark on this vital
initiative. Each of the focus groups will be intentionally small, led by trained facilitators and
scribes, and designed to allow every voice to be heard. Each session is designed to run
between 60 and 90 minutes and will be followed by a short reception.
Focus groups will be held at Beth Emeth on the following dates:
Wednesday, October 17, 4-6 p.m.
Sunday, October 21, 10 a.m. -Noon (Babysitting available)
Wednesday, October 24, 6-8 p.m.
Monday, November 19, 7-9 p.m.
Thursday, December 6, 7-9 p.m.
Monday, December 17, 7-9 p.m.
Please sign-up for one of these sessions either by returning the enclosed flyer or through
the link on our website, www.bethemethalbany.org.
Cheryl Gelder-Kogan and Bret Kauffman, co-chairs, Next Dor
October 2012
Special Birthdays and Anniversaries
Congratulations to...
Beth Emeth wishes to congratulate the following on
their Special October Birthdays:
Steve and Mary Squires on the birth of their son, Ethan
Jacob, on August 25, 2012.
David Barnet
Sophie Berman
Dave Carr
Daniel Duffy
Ileen Duffy
Davis Etkin
Barry Feinman
Paul Fellenbaum
Cathy Chazen Stone on the marriage of her son, Andrew
Stone to Kate Clark of Nashville, TN
Doris Galek
Karen Gerstenzang
Shari Gordon
Judy Kraus
Linda Schechter
Maxine Silver
Stephanie Wacholder
Congratulations to Rabbi Scott Shpeen on the engagement of
his daughter, Hilary, to Joshua Brownstein of Alexandria, VA,
son of Jeanette and Steven Brownstein of Tampa, FL.
Do you have good news you’d like to share? Please send
to: bulletin@bethemethalbany.org. Submissions can also be
mailed to the Temple office, attn: Bulletin.
A belated special birthday to Jane Levine
New Members
Beth Emeth wishes to congratulate the following on
their Special October Wedding Anniversaries:
We welcome Douglas Berinstein; Lisa Levine and Jay, Eli and
Jack Cloutier; Monica, Bill and Maxwell Sharp
to our Beth Emeth family. (as of press-time September 10th)
Marge and Barry Hollander (10th)
Erica Razek and Bruce Doris (15th)
Roberta and Ned Berkowitz (25th)
Wendy and Dan Keyser (30th)
Alicia and Scott Osur (30th)
Beth and Mark Scher (30th)
Patricia and Samuel Fallek (40th)
Faina and Eduard Raskin (45th)
Roddie and Newt Kaplan (50th)
Thank you to those who voluntarily pay above
standard Annual Commitment
Guardians and Above: Marilyn and Robert Abrams,
Joyce and Sanford Bookstein, Steve and Sherry Einhorn, Jill
Goodman and Arthur Malkin, Bea Herman, Marge and Barry
Hollander, Alan Iselin, Sara Lee and Barry Larner, Donna and
Lee Rosen, Mark Rosen and Leslie Newman
Benefactors: Lucia and Steven Fischer, Sherry and
Marvin Freedman, Sherry Gold and Wendell Lorang, Lauren
and Harold Iselin, Mark and Leslie Laven, Nancy and Jeffrey
Lozman, Stanley Metzner, Ilene and Chip Stein, Sally and
Jeffrey Stern, Florence Speigel and Ed Sperber, Stevi and
William Swire
Sponsors: Michelle and Scott Davidoff, Karen and Mark
Glaser, Ellen and Morton Hess, Anne and Michael Marmulstein, Ronald Richardson, Robert Ruslander, Beth and Mark
Scher, Lynn and Andrew Warheit
Patrons: Anonymous, Harriet and Fred Ackerman,
Wendy and Larry Barnet, Carl Bloomberg, Jay and Naomi
Bloomfield, Joy Davidoff and Jim Finale, Barry and Beth Davis,
Bunny deBeer, Robert Dropkin, Malka and Eitan Evan, Karen
and Steven Fein, Margaret and Sam Feldman, Lauren and
Robert Finkle, Cheryl Gelder-Kogan and Barry Kogan, Karen
and Peter Gerstenzang, Carolyn and Bruce Ginsburg, Cheryl
and Marc Ginsburg, Liz and Jerry Goldstein, Karol and Myron
Gordon, Carol and David Grand, Adam Greenstein and
Robyn Rosenblatt, Cindy and Neal Greenstein, Tom and
Susan Hager, Sophie Hollander, Becky and Paul Kasselman,
Sandy and Stuart Kletter, Kathy and Dick Kotlow, Jane and
Mark Levine, Eileen and Greg Lurie, Curt and Ruth Manasse,
Penny and Neil Manasse, Donald Metzner, David and Allison
Meyers, David Alan Miller and Andrea Oser, Meryl and Al
Norek, Sari and Kevin O’Connor, Marcia Pasternack, Lee and
Debbie Ross, Bonnie and Stuart Rosenberg, Nancy and Arthur
Roth, Ellie and Stephen Safranko, Judith and Peter Saidel,
Jane and Garry Sanders, Marcia Scharfman, Mollie and David
Shulan, Ronnie and Arthur Siegel, Nancy and Barry Simon,
Gail and Harold Sokol, Valerie and Spike Solomon, Charlotte
and Jeffrey Sperber, Susan and Reid Sperber, Peter Spitalny,
Ruth and Michael Staff, Marion Strasser, Jerry and Ilene
Sykes, Steven and Lori Strong, Toby and Fred Wander,
Kathryn Zox
Volunteers: Alan and Gloria Arnold, Harry and Anne
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In Memoriam
Beth Emeth recognizes with profound sorrow
the death of our members
Thomas Hartnett
Husband of Nancy Hodes
Father of Tricia Hartnett (Leon Spath), Jeffrey (Seema) Hartnett,
Christopher Hartnett, Matthew Hartnett,
Amanda Hodes and Elizabeth Hodes
Robert Herman
Husband of Beatrice Herman ,
Father of Gerald Herman and Arthur Herman
Lynn Sitrin
Wife of Harris Sitrin
Mother of Steven Sitrin (Becca Gratz) and
Lauren (Charles) Duerr
Beth Emeth extends sympathy to those in our
congregation who have lost a loved one
Dr. Peg Bigley
Mother of Michael Bigley (Laurie Stein)
Sally Levine
Mother of Dianne (Harvey) Kahalas
Annette Sternbach
Mother of Sheila (Gary) Hand
Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot
(Exodus 33:12-34:26)
Friday Evening, October 5 at 5:30 p.m.
Special Oneg in the Sukkah
Saturday Morning, October 6
9:30 Shabbat Morning Service/ Torah Study in the Library
We have a book of optical illusions.
One of the illusions, My Wife and Motherin-Law, is fairly well known. Some people
look at it and immediately see the profile of
a young woman, others first see the profile
of the older woman. According to the book,
if someone stares at the image for a long
enough time, his/her perception will
“switch” from one to the other, but if you
don’t take the time you may never see the
second image.
Sometimes this is true as it pertains to our responses to
people and institutions that matter to us. We get so used to
seeing them one way, that we don’t realize that if we spend a
bit more time looking at them, we might see something completely different.
I’d like for all of us to take another look at CBE. Is there
something “new” that the Congregation can offer you OR that
you can offer the congregation? Take a few minutes, sit down
with the bulletin. Look for those services, activities, programs
to which you naturally gravitate and add them to your calendar.
Then take a second look: if you’ve never been to a Friday night
Shabbat service in the Chapel, never attended a 92nd St. Y
program, never volunteered at the Sunday Soup Kitchen, never
attended a cooking class or a Brotherhood or Sisterhood program...do it once. You might be pleasantly surprised by what
you find. And of course, if there is something that you don’t
see, that you would like to, please let us know…we can try to
work together to make it happen
Shabbat Bereshit
(Genesis 1:1-6:8)
Friday Evening, October 12 at 5:30 p.m.
Saturday Morning, October 13
Torah Study at 9:30 a.m.
Services at 10:45 a.m.
Bar Mitzvah of Evan Freedman
Shabbat Noach
(Genesis 6:9-11:32)
Friday Evening, October 19 at 5:30 p.m.
Rabbi Shpeen will present "Jewish Calisthenics"
Saturday Morning, October 20
Torah Study at 9:30 a.m.
Services at 10:45 a.m.
B’nai Mitzvah of Oliver Miller and Seth Schoenblum
Shabbat Lech L’cha
(Genesis 12:1-17:27)
Friday Evening, October 26 at 5:30 p.m.
Blessing of our Newborns - If you've had a new addition in the
past year, please join us for a blessing. If you plan to attend,
please contact Deb Sokoler - dsokoler@bethemethalbany.org
by Wednesday, October 24.
Saturday Morning, October 27
9:30 Shabbat Morning Service/ Torah Study in the Library
Jill Goodman, president
Can’t come to Shabbat services?
Did you know that you can watch
services live on our web-site?
You can also go to our on-line
archive to see a service you missed!
Baby Naming
Wedding Blessing
Special Anniversary
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Special Birthday
Consider sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat!
(light refreshments immediately following
services on Friday night) Interested?
Contact Gail Kendall at 436-9761 x225 or
To underwrite live-streaming for a week, a month, or more
Contact Gail in the office at 436-9761 x 225 or
"Jewish Calisthenics: Why We Move While We Pray”
Have you ever attended a Shabbat Service at Beth Emeth
or elsewhere and noticed that people do not always remain
seated or stand still?
Ever wonder why at certain prayers worshipers bow or
sway or move in a certain manner? Are they just stretching or
getting into the rhythm?? OR perhaps there is a reason for why
we move and during what prayers in the service??
Come to Shabbat Services on Friday, October 19th as
Rabbi Shpeen walks (or at some point bows/sways/moves) us
through those motions traditionally associated with the Shabbat
evening service.
Beth Emeth’s Interfaith Outreach Committee will host an
Oneg immediately following the service. We look forward to
seeing you and chatting with you. If you have any questions or
would like more information about this or other outreach
programs please call Beth Monaco at 439-3400 or email outreach@bethemethalbany.org.
February 14 - 24, 2013
Limited space available
Experience the trip of a lifetime led by Rabbi Shpeen
Congregation Beth Emeth Bulletin
October 2012 - 5772
Published monthly except June and August
Congregation Beth Emeth
100 Academy Road, Albany, New York 12208
Volume LVI, No. 2
Beth Emeth strives to offer a warm and friendly house of
worship, based on a foundation of respect for welcoming and
valuing everyone's place in our congregational community. Our
covenant of membership reflects that ideal in a way that
embraces individuals and families throughout their lives.
The Board of Trustees recently updated our membership
policies to ensure that they continue to reflect this valued relationship. Please take a look at the Membership page on the
Beth Emeth web site at http://www.bethemethalbany.org. There
is a link at the bottom for you to review these policies. We
encourage your feedback.
If you have a friend, neighbor or colleague at work who is
considering joining a congregation, please encourage them to
join us for services. Suggest that they also call the office at
436.9761 and speak with Gail Kendall at ext 225 or e-mail
gkendall@bethemethalbany.org. to request membership information. Please let me, one of our clergy, another Board or staff
member know if you plan to bring someone new to services so
that we can extend a warm welcome and answer any questions
they may have.
Susan Hager, Membership Committee Chair
439-1127 (home evenings) or susan.k.hager@gmail.com
2013 is our 175th Anniversary
Save these dates. More events to come.
Friday, March 15th – “Honoring our Past” Shabbat, featuring liturgical selections from our 175 year history. Keynote
address by Dr. David Ellenson, HUC-JIR President
Friday, April 12th – “Looking to our Future” Friday Night
Live! Shabbat
Sunday, April 21st – “What is Reform Judaism” with
Rabbi Shpeen, presented by the Outreach Committee
Sunday, April 28th – “Tracing Our Roots” bus trip to sites
of Albany’s Jewish Community presented by the Outreach
Sunday April 28th – “Honoring our Fathers and Mothers”
get together at Daughters of Sarah Nursing Center presented
by the Reyut Committee
Sunday, May 5th – “Next Generation” – The Einhorn Center for Jewish Education Closing Day Ceremonies and Concert
by Josh Nelson, sponsored by Sisterhood
Saturday, June 15th – “Celebrate!” Anniversary Dinner
and Show
Please join us this fall and winter as we discuss a diverse
group of novels chosen by our Book Group Members. We
welcome new members at any meeting and encourage you to
bring a friend or family member. Meetings are held in the
Temple Library from 6:45 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. The books to be
discussed in the next months include:
Fall started off on the right note with the long awaited
beginning of the CBEYG year. On September 19th, CBEYG
held it’s annual Opening Barbeque, where old friends were
reunited and the incoming freshmen were welcomed into the
CBEYG community. Members are always welcome, and membership forms will continue to be distributed at CBEYG meetings every Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00, so any high schooler
wishing to join CBEYG should feel free to come experience the
spirit of CBEYG. With exciting events coming up such as the
NFTY-NE Levi Leap Dance October 20-21st, and interesting
programs and games each week, the future looks great for our
youth group and we would like to continue to see it grow and
If you have any questions or comments about CBEYG, feel
free to contact me michelle.c.kauffman@gmail.com. On behalf
of CBEYG, we would like to wish everyone a great beginning of
the year and encourage all high schoolers to come next
Wednesday night!
Michelle Kauffman, CBEYG Exec. Vice President
November 1, Their Eyes are Watching God
by Zora Neale Hurstonon
December 6, Once We Were Brothers by Ronald Balsam
January 24, 2013, Canada by Richard Ford
Details on these book selections and
cancellations can be found on the Beth
Emeth website under Sisterhood.
Contact Nancy Lozman if you have
any questions at nlozman1@aol.com.
Calling All Women
Sisterhood is once again sponsoring Rosh Chodesh
services. The first one will be for the month of Cheshvan on
Saturday, October 13, at 10:45 a.m. in the library. All women
are invited to participate. You don’t have to be a member of
Sisterhood to attend. Please RSVP to Heather Linsk at
Gourmet Group
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry with Us!
Beth Emeth Gourmet Group for Adults. Singles welcome!
Here's an opportunity to put your culinary talents to work,
share a nice glass of wine, recipes, and camaraderie with us.
Contact Alice Slingerland at 518-768-2620 or Joan Weinberg at
513-519-0122. Come join us!
Selling or Trading-in your car?
Why not make it a tax-deductible
donation to Beth Emeth?
Contact Gail Kendall 436-9761 ext 225
Auditions for "A Shayna Maidel" at Congregation Ohav
Shalom, Albany.
A powerfully haunting and deeply affecting portrait of a
family after the Holocaust.
October 10th and 11th, 6:30 p.m.
Need 3 females, 20's-50"s and 2 males 30's-50's.
Info Iris.Singer@dot.ny.gov or musdice@verizon.net
Bulletin Deadline
All articles for the November Bulletin should be
submitted by October 10th
Parenting Center
Life Long Learning
Saturday, October 20, 2012 ~ 11:00 AM
Pre-schoolers and their parents/grandparents – join Micki
Groper for an hour of storytelling, music, crafts and of course a
nosh! We will begin our year celebrating Simchat Torah and
will be making our very own Torah! Please RSVP to Deb
Sokoler if you plan to attend! dsokoler@BethEmethAlbany.org
or by phone: 436-9761 x228.
Go to www.bethemethalbany.org for latest postings of
our Fall season line up.
To Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World It
Invented & How We Can Come Back
Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 8:00 p.m.
(see flyer for complete Fall schedule)
Our parent/pre-school drop-in program at The Parenting
Center will begin on Sunday, October 14 – where old friends
come together to meet new ones! Join us for a cup of coffee
and a bagel in a place filled with age-appropriate toys; teacher
facilitated activities and a warm Beth Emeth community!!
Upcoming Baby Break Dates: October 14, 21 and Nov 4
Wednesdays ~ Noon – 1:30/2:00 p.m. **
You bring your lunch; coffee, tea and dessert are on us!
First Lunch & Learn – October 24th with Rabbi Shpeen
discussing “Pirket Avot”.
Friday, October 26 ~ 5:30 PM
If you've had a new addition in the past year, please join
us for a blessing at our Erev Shabbat Service. If you plan to
dsokoler@bethemethalbany.org by Wednesday, October 24.
(see flyer for details)
Saturday, October 20 at 7:00 p.m.
(see flyer for details)
Please note that the Parenting Center Room is available
for families to use during Friday night and Saturday morning
Services. No children without an adult.
(**These programs are available through the generous
support of Beth Emeth Sisterhood)
Shabbat & Holiday Toolbox
Recently, our community experienced the loss of a congregant and friend to many in our Beth Emeth community, Bob
Herman, who Rabbi Shpeen referred to in his eulogy as a true
“mensch”. That got me thinking about what makes a person a
“mensch”? How do we as parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles/
teachers help raise children who will become “menschen”?
To begin with, “mensch”, is a Yiddish word that means
“maximum human being”. That means that we want to raise
children who are ethical and lead a good moral life, following
Jewish values. Some useful steps to follow:
1 – To set a goal, you must understand which values you
wish to teach. In Judaism, there is extensive literature from the
“Musar” movement about “midot” (or measures). To learn
more about these values go to: http://urj.org/holidays/shabbat/
2 – Create opportunities to make mistakes and take
responsibility for our mistakes. This a very Jewish process,
one called “t-shuvah” (repentance) – the very essence of the
High Holy Days.
3 – Most importantly, being a good role model. Living as
kind and ethical a life as you can and even harder, willing to
admit mistakes (to yourself and others).
Your Beth Emeth community is another avenue for teaching/reinforcing these values. Through our family education
programs, we offer parents opportunities to learn about what
Judaism has to offer in raising children who are “menschen”.
It does take a “village to raise a child”, and our Jewish
community is a wonderful “village” for our families.
Debbie Sokoler
Advocacy is the focus of this column. The month of Chesvan which this year runs from October 17-November 14 has
been chosen as Advocacy Month by the Reform Jewish Voice
of New York State (RJV, www.rjvnys.org). The Reform Jewish
movement has long been a voice for social and economic
justice. The Religious Action Center (RAC, www.rac.org) is
the action arm of this voice for the Union of Reform Judaism
(URJ). It is essential that we understand that each of us has the
power and responsibility to be a world changer and effective
advocate. RJV is focusing on increasing the minimum wage to
make it more of a living wage.
Other issues of concern include health care affordability
and accessibility, reproductive health, marriage equality, campaign finance reform, hunger and hydrofracking. Please visit
the web sites mentioned above, our own Beth Emeth webpage
and read Rabbi Ross’s wonderful book, “All Politics is Religious”.
Advocacy takes place on many fronts and includes letter
writing, phone calls, viewing and participating on pertinent internet sites and blogs, public and private speaking. Learn about
the issues, learn about the candidates, and use your knowledge to become an agent of social change. You make a difference by your action or inaction. I encourage you to make that
difference through positive and affirmative action.
Make sure you register to vote if you are eligible, get an
absentee ballot if you are going to be away election day and do
not forget to vote.
Barry Z. Davis
The Temple office mails acknowledgement letters to individuals who
have made contributions of $100 or more. Notification cards are mailed to
all recipients, and will appear in the Bulletin shortly thereafter.
Fund for Jewish Education
Joni Lieberman Basen and Don Basen
in honor of
engagement of
Benjamin Lipman
Nancy Cronin
B’not Mitzvah of Katie and Emma Farman
Nancy and Barry Simon
birth of Mara Saige Harwood,
granddaughter of Shirley and Fred Simon
Nancy and Barry Simon
birth of Ethan Jacob,
son of Mary and Steve Squires
Sonya Smelyanskaya
our students at the beginning
of the new school year
Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund
in appreciation of Rabbi Shpeen
Amy and Arnold Weintraub
in honor of
Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund
Debra and Brian Gordon
special birthday of Jan Rubenstein
Helene and Edward Gordon
marriage of
Becka and Steven Sitrin
Jessica and Michael Shapiro
baby naming of Claudia
Lynn and Andy Warheit
marriage of
Rebecca Lozman to Eric Oxman
Lynn and Andy Warheit
marriage of
Emily Meckler to Ben Hayes
in honor of
Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund
engagement of Hilary Shpeen and Josh Brownstein
Jane and Mark Levine
Beth and Fred Monaco
Doreen and Larry Smith
in memory of
Nicole Rosenbloom
Lynn Sitrin
Bob Herman
Gail Caplan Memorial Fund
Amy and Jason Cohen
Heather and Tony Linsk
General Fund
Suzanne Freedman
in honor of
marriage of
Felice and Stanly Coplin’s granddaughter
Arlene King marriage of Michael Rosenthal and Hillary Manski
Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin
engagement of
Hilary Shpeen and Josh Brownstein
in memory of
Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund
Nellie Berzin
Edward Berzin
Eileen and Jay Fluster
Katherine Fluster
Jean and Lewis Hecht
Bob Herman
Gloria and Sanford Krimmer
Joan Fisher; Bill Freedman;
Jeffrey Gluck; Katherine McCartney; Rose Zilber
Beverly Pearlman
Bob Herman
Martha and Arnold Slowe
Barbara Iselin
Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund
Irma and Bert Weinberg
Fund for Jewish Education
Josh and Sandi Effron
The Levin family
Estelle and Allen Yarinsky
in memory of
Richard Smith
Nicole Rosenbloom
Lynn Sitrin
Evelyn Weinstein
Nicole Rosenbloom
Tom Hartnett
Lynn Sitrin
Robert S. Herman
General Fund
Suzanne Freedman
Paul J. Goldman
Donna and Lee Rosen
Donna and Lee Rosen
Valerie and Spike Solomon
Ilene and Jerry Sykes
Ilene and Jerry Sykes
Irma and Bert Weinberg
in honor of
Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund
Sara Lee and Barry Larner
marriage of
Michael Rosenthal and Hillary Manski
Joan Paley
40th wedding anniversary of
Marilyn and Herb Weisburgh
Beth and Fred Monaco
engagement of
Molly Warheit and Alex Kane
Jan and Alan Rubenstein
40th wedding anniversary of
Marilyn and Herb Weisburgh
Patricia Snyder
special birthday wishes to Vivian Green
in honor of
Lawrence Klepper Social Action Fund
Nan and Ron Miller
birthday of Lawson Klepper
in honor of
marriage of
Hillary and Michael Rosenthal
special birthday of Jan Rubenstein
Reyut/Caring Community Fund
Cynthia Freedman and Family
Cynthia Freedman
Reyut/Caring Community Fund
Cynthia Freedman
in memory of
Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund
Marilyn Frisch
her father, Robert B. Freedman
Joan Paley
Lynn Sitrin
Jan and Alan Rubenstein
Lynn Sitrin
Patricia Snyder
Daniel Goldstein
Patricia Snyder
Robert S. Herman
in memory of
Howard Roth
Sharon Seiden Stein Memorial Fund
in honor of
Roberta and Richard Seiden
marriage of
Michael and Hilary Rosenthal
Roberta and Richard Seiden
new grandchild of
Shirley and Fred Simon
Roberta and Richard Seiden speedy recovery of Steve Stracher
may be made year-round, payable to CBE Sisterhood.
Karen Glaser, 103 Middlesex Court, Slingerlands, NY 12159.
Sharon Seiden Stein Memorial Fund
Roberta and Richard Seiden
in memory of
Robert S. Herman
in honor of the special birthday of
Sisterhood YES Fund
Congregation Beth Emeth Sisterhood
Mary Kaplan
Gertrude Iselin
Bertha Susman
Contributions to the YES Fund (Youth Education and Special Projects Fund of the Women of Reform Judaism) provide scholarship for
rabbinic students at HUC-JIR, support for NFTY programs and funding
for special Sisterhood programs.
Contributions should be made payable to Beth Emeth Sisterhood
and should be sent to: Lisa Finkle, 92 Jordan Blvd. Delmar NY 12054.
Sisterhood Limud Fund
Beth and Fred Monaco
in honor of
engagement of
Hilary Shpeen and Josh Brownstein
Tree of Life
Amy and Jason Cohen
Gayle and Peter Farman
Lauren and Rob Frantz
Patricia Belair and Rob Futterman
Heather and Tony Linsk
Wendy and David Palat
New Art Exhibition at Connections Café
A new exhibition of beautiful wall hangings by our own
Estelle Yarinsky is now on display in the gallery case at Connections@BethEmeth. Estelle uses fabric as a medium of expression. She was trained as a textile designer and art
teacher. Several of her large wall hangings adorn Beth Emeth.
Her work has been exhibited at the Albany Institute of History
and Art, and in Washington, DC, Philadelphia, and New York
One of her wall-hangings will be included at the Hebrew
Union College Museum in New York City in an exhibition
entitled “The Sexuality Spectrum”, opening in September,
2012 to June, 2013. Her work “Homosexual Holocaust”
appears in this new exhibit in New York. It depicts the various
color patches used by the Nazis during the World War II
capture and deportation of Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, and
other “undesirables” to the death camps.
Estelle and her husband, Allen, have been members of
the congregation for forty-six years, and their three children
were raised and educated at Beth Emeth.
The works on exhibit at the Connections@BethEmeth
Café are available for purchase for $85.00 each. Estelle is
donating 15% of the sale price to The Einhorn Center for Jewish Education. Other works by Estelle are also available.
Please contact Gail Kendall in the office at 436-9761, ext. 225.
If you are an artist and would like to exhibit in our café
gallery, please contact Gail Kendall.
Youth Scholarship Fund
Rochelle and Paul Riven
Nancy and Arthur Roth
in memory of
father of Roni Serlin
Nicole Rosenbloom
Tuesday evenings
October 16 - February 26
7- 9 p.m.
The garden is planted and we made our first delivery of
tomatoes to the Beth Emeth Sunday Soup Kitchen. We need
interested helpers to join us for our Sunday morning gardening.
Please come by any Sunday morning or call Cheryl GelderKogan to find out how you can help.
There are many individuals who deserve our thanks and
appreciation for bringing this long dreamed about garden to
fruition. Special thanks to:
Mark and Marjie Burgasser Terry and Linda Freedland,
Mark Nash, Heather and Shira Linsk, Lauren, Claire and
Arianna Frantz, Joe Bierman, Bill Nathan, Janet Wright,
Richard Goldstein, Barry, Beth and Shay-Lynne Davis, Lisa
Roth, Lee Rosen, and Barry Kogan. And very special thanks to
Mark Warford who has helped us plan the garden, given lessons to the novice gardeners, and did much of the “heavy lifting”
getting the fencing installed and to Rob Dorkin, who
created and installed our much appreciated irrigation system.
special thanks to John Phillips of Phillips Hardware
who has sold us our garden tools at cost and been an absolute
delight to work with.
A most special thanks is due to the Goodman Family for
generously endowing Diane’s Farm. Their generosity allows us
to live the Reform Jewish values of tikkun olam and tzedakah—
by planting and harvesting vegetables that will be used in our
Sunday Soup Kitchen and donated to the local Food Pantries,
we will provide fresh food to the hungry in our community.
For more information please see
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CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE! www.bethemethalbany.org
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Yom Kippur Appeal
Thank you to our Yom Kippur Appeal Donors, listed below, as of press-time (September 10). You are still welcome to join the
Yom Kippur Appeal. An updated donor list will appear in the November bulletin
Nancy and Frank Allen
Gloria and Alan Arnold
Sara Barr
Susan and Gerald Benjamin
Sara Berg
Greta Berkson
Sophie Berman
Susan and Joseph Bierman
Naomi and Jay Bloomfield
Sara and Moshe Bonder
Joseph Boochever
Joyce and Sanford Bookstein
Nancy and Dwight Boone
Sorelle Brauth
Dorice Brickman
Patty and Steven Brown
Elaine and Jason Burrick
Wilma Cadan
James Campbell and Cynthia Shenker
Marcia and Gerald Chaifetz
Nancy and Richard Cummins
Joan and Peter Danziger
Joanne and Donald Davidoff
Joy Davidoff and James Finale
Beth and Barry Davis
Mary Ellen and Bruce Dix
Marjorie and Rob Dorkin
Lois and Jan Dorman
Robert Dropkin
Ileen and Daniel Duffy
Sandra and Joshua Effron
Richard Englander
Malka and Eitan Evan
Renee and Evan Feinman
Richard Feldman
Margaret and Sam Feldman
Lauren and Robert Finkle
Marilyn Frisch
Anita FitzPatrick
Roberta Fox
Lauren and Robert Frantz
Barbara Freed
Lisa Freedman
Sherry and Marvin Freedman
Suzanne Freedman
Cecile and Richard Friedenthal
Karen and Mark Friedman
Patricia and Robert Friedman
Karen and Mark Glaser
Elizabeth Godfried
Ruby and Harvey Gold
Alan Goldberg
Bonnie and Glenn Goldberg
Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin
Elizabeth and Jerome Goldstein
Joan Goldstein
Phyllis and Richard Goldstein
Denise and Stephen Gonick
Richard Goodman
Shirley and Herbert Gordon
Karol and Myron Gordon
Elinor and Norman Greenfeld
Adam Greenstein
Cindy and Neal Greenstein
Cantor Glenn and Micki Groper
Laurie and Philip Gross
Ellen Gruben
Susan and Tom Hager
Estelle Halpern
Helene and Ed Haven
Selma Heflich
Nancy Hoffman and Tom Spagnoletti
Margaret and Barry Hollander
Hope and Myles Hyman
Milton Kaplan
Ruth and Richard Karlin
Bernice Karp
Ida Kay
Jeffrey Kellert and Robert Piechota
Gail Kendall and David Galletly
Diane and Bernard Kern
Wendy and Daniel Keyser
Michael Keyser
Judith Koretz
Dorry Kotzin
Michelle and Brian Kovelman
Judy and Bill Kraus
Elaine and Robert Krouner
Elizabeth and Michael Langer
Leslie and Mark Laven
Martha Lepow
Harold Lerner
Jane and Mark Levine
Susan and Paul Lipman
Nancy and Jeffrey Lozman
Betty Lubitz
Eileen and Greg Lurie
Melissa and Michael Lurie
Judith and Stuart Madnick
Ruth and Curtis Manasse
Asya and Valentin Markov
Anne and Michael Marmulstein
Judith Mayer
Dianne and Peter Meckler
Stanley Metzner
Kathleen and Richard Meyers
Jo Anne Milhausen
Betty and Bill Nathan
Caryl Newhof
Sari and Kevin O’Connor
Natalie Oser
Joan Paley
Joan and Fred Paul
Marlene and Howard Pressman
Mancia and Lawrence Propp
Sharon and Jeffrey Radden
Debra and Lee Ratner
Susan and Alan Rauch
Jason Rice
Ronald Richardson
Jessica and Alan Richer
Sonya Rose
Harvey Rosen and Barbara Manning
Judy and Larry Rosen
Donna and Lee Rosen
Bonnie and Stuart Rosenberg
Carole Rosenblum
Anne and Harry Rosenfeld
Rabbis Dennis Ross and Deborah Zecher
Nancy and Arthur Roth
Jan and Alan Rubenstein
Judith and Peter Saidel
Linda and Lawrence Schechter
Meryl and Jonathan Schwalb
Roberta and Richard Seiden
Millie and Mike Serling
Rabbi Scott Shpeen
Mollie and David Shulan
Cookie and Peter Siegel
Lucy Siegel
Edna Sills
Marilyn and Ronald Silverman
Nancy and Barry Simon
Shirley and Fred Simon
Sonya Smelyanskaya
Doreen and Larry Smith
Patricia Snyder
Robin and Ted Sobol
Gail and Harold Sokol
Debbie and Rick Sokoler
Valerie and Spike Solomon
Miriam and Donald Sommers
Amy and Alan Sonne
Florence Speigel
Edwin Sperber
Ilene and Chip Stein
Cathy Chazen Stone
Sandra Storfer
Marion Strasser
Sally Tillman
Alla Umanskaya
Lynn and Andrew Warheit
Irma and Bert Weinberg
Harriet and Stanley Weintraub
Marilyn and Herbert Weisburgh
Karen Kaufman-White and Steven White
Renee Whitman
Melvin Wilcove and Laura Cohen
Paula Winig
Nancy and Eric Yaffee
Estelle and Allen Yarinsky
Barbara Zaron
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Wednesday, October 3
First mid-week session for grades 3-7, 4-6 PM
First session for grade 8, 6-8 PM
First session for grades 9-10, 7-8 PM
Wednesday, October 10
Regular classes grades 3-7, 4-5 PM
Parents of students in Grades 3-7 are asked to join their
children and the entire congregation at 5:15 p.m. for our
joyous celebration of Simchat Torah. All students and
families are encouraged to attend. Kindergarteners and
new First Graders will be consecrated during the service.
A family dinner will follow; reservations must be made in
advance (see enclosed flyer).
Students in Grades 8-10 are requested to attend services
in lieu of formal classes in observance of Simchat Torah.
Sunday, October 14 9:30-10:30 AM
Grade 4 Family Education Program,
“Unraveling the Torah” with Rabbi Shpeen
(see flyer for details)
Sunday, October 28, 2012 ~
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Our B’nai Mitzvah
As is our custom, all B’nai Mitzvah participate in Candle Lighting and Kiddush at services on the Friday evening prior
to their Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
Evan Freedman,
son of Marna D. Meltzer
& David S. Freedman
will become a Bar Mitzvah
on October 13th.
Oliver Miller,
son of Julie and Craig Miller
will become a Bar Mitzvah
on October 20th.
Seth Schoenblum,
son of Meredith and Paul Schoenblum
will become a Bar Mitzvah
on October 20th.
Kaddish will be recited for those beloved departed whose names
are perpetuated in Permanent Memorials established by their families.
We invite your inquiries about this thoughtful way of remembrance.
Shabbat of October 19-20
Yetta Abramson
Robert M. Adler
Aaron Barrick
Henry G. Berne
Bernard L. Bernstein
Jeannette S. Bookheim
David S. Boyer
Dr. J. Clinton Brand, Jr.
Nathan Brown
Elias Cadan
Ruth Goldberg Cantor
Philip Dworkin
Albert M. Fenster
Alice C. Finks
George W. FitzPatrick
Beatrice Forsted
Blanche Auer Friedman
Minnie Friend
Reika Weil Fromm
Bernard Ginsburg
David Goodman
Pearl Cohen Green
Arnold S. Hatch
Calmon Heller
Isaac M. Hydeman
Albert Iselin
Please note: If you wish to have a name included on our Shabbat
Kaddish list or have a question about a Perpetual Kaddish name being
recited, please call Joan Paley in the Temple office, 436-9761 x222.
(Please do not leave a name for the Yahrzeit list on email or voice mail.)
When phoning in a name, please do so by the Thursday of the week it is
to be read.
Sukkot, October 1
Eva Brenner
Irene Clahr
Leo Gilbert
Claire V. Kaufmann
Helen Mendleson Mann
Willard M. Saidel
Cecil A. Shulman
Shabbat of October 5-6
Walter Begleiter
Brownie L. Blume
Eva Brenner
Irene Clahr
Hugo Dublin
Philip W. Fenster
Frances Fischer
Ida Lifton Fisher
Leo W. Gilbert
Lewis Goldmeer
Philip Granoff
Ida V. Hatch
Shirley Jackofsky
George Kasselman
Mary Brownstein Kasselman
Claire V. Kaufmann
Jean Kneznek Korn
Celine Leefson
Tea Hellman Little
Helen Mendleson Mann
Lillian Mann
Cora Livingston Marx
Emil Pelzer
Gail Spector Phillips
Janet Edith Rosenstein
Willard M. Saidel
Melvin B. Schulman
David H. Shapiro
Cecil A. Shulman
Max Solomon
Charles J. Swartz
Silas Swartz
Lyubov Tabak
Shabbat of October 26-27
Helen Holzer Bach
Morris Berinstein
David H. Berke
Frances Bernstein
Philip Brothers
May Forman Buchman
Rose Pearl Davis
Irving Englander
Harry M. Feinman
Sadye H. Gisser
Miriam Herkowits
Anita K. Illch
Mary Isaacs
Lois Weiss Karten
Rose Koblintz Kintisch
Ethel Rosenthal Kirchenbaum
Abraham Koblintz
Erving R. Kraft
Eva Hotchkiss Landau
Rose G. Levy
Lillie Mann Lewis
Shemini Atzeret, October 8
Martha Hahn
Belle Stanton Harold
Paula Lagus
Rudolph Lagus
Ruth Lagus Langdon
Julius Speigel
Shabbat of October 12-13
David Avrach
Jerry N. Balan
Mordecai Bressler
Tillie Brothers
Ida F. Einhorn
David H. Fisher
Ruth Bookheim Fisher
Jacob Fulder
Barry Alan Gold
Sarah Stern Goodman
Fannie D. Guthmann
Martha Hahn
Henry Handler
Belle Stanton Harold
Janice P. Harris
C. Lester Herskowitz
Bertram Hess
Della Hirschfeld
Edward Hyman
Gilbert Illch
Lillian Isaacs
George Jacobs
Abraham Jacob Kaplan
Marion Brower Kaskel
Eva Katchman
Jacob M. Katz
Rachel Kolp
Herman Lapin
Carl C. Lavine
Solomon Mann
Matthew Margolis
Leon Mendleson
Herman D. Muhlfelder
Lena Barnet Nathan
Simon Newhof
Bonnie Ostroff
Elias Rosenberg
Fannie Rosenberg
Dr. Mark A. Rothenberg
Nathan Shapiro
Fannie Sonnenfeld
Sarah Stahl
Julia Stern
Mildred Sass Weikers
Helen M. Weiss
Caroline Wolfsheimer
Dr. Albert Yunich
Joseph Karp
Mary Kneznek
Frances Vener Krips
Paula Lagus
Rudolph Lagus
Ruth Lagus Langdon
Irving M. Lefkowich
J. Frederick Lewis
Many Lincoln
Helen Roskin Lyons
Benjamin Mendel, Sr.
Kurt Muhlfelder
Samuel Nisoff
Sylvia Pinals Novik
Clara Nussbaum
Louis Paul
Bessie Rubin
Arnold Sanders
Herbert Siegal
Julius Speigel
Samuel N. Sperber
Minnie Taube
Fannie Cohn Lieberman
Silas H. Livingston
Isaac Mann
Janet Ruth Mann
Gabriel Meckler
Daniel H. Myers
Jacob M. Olshansky
Thelma B. Oppenheim
Henry L. Oppenheim, Jr.
Sadie L. Rabineau
Abraham Reiner
Dr. Irving M. Richter
Penny Rosen
Benjamin Shwartzer
J. Stanley Steinberg
Cora D. Stern
Georgiana Egers Summer
Bernard J. Swartz
Mortimer Weinback
Zachary Wellman
When services are in the Chapel, yahrzeit plaques are
located in the alcove to the right of the ark. When services are
in the Sanctuary, yahrzeit plaques are placed on the rear brick
The Yizkor/Shemini Atzeret Service will be held on
Monday, October 8, at 10:45 a.m., in the Chapel.
Listed below are the names of our loved ones who
have died since last year and will be recited at this service.
If you would like the name of a loved one who died
since last Shemini Atzeret (October 20, 2011) included in the
service, please contact Joan Paley at 436-9761 ext. 222.
If you would like to honor the memory of a loved one
with a contribution to the Beautification Fund, please send a
check payable to Congregation Beth Emeth addressed to Lynn
Warheit, 213 Colonial Avenue, Albany, NY 12208.
David Alfred
Angelia Allen
Arthur Altman
Mary Barnet
Richard Berkson
Dr. Peg Bigley
Ida Block
Leonard Bloomberg
Dr. Alan Brown
Roy Cohen
Leona Cutler
Ruth Dordick
Marvin Facher
Joan Fisher
Kip Forster
William B. Freedman
Ann Linett Friedkin
Eva Ginsburg
Thomas Hartnett
Robert S. Herman
Selma Kaplan
Edna Kaufman
Max Kuperman
Sally Levine
Lawrence Litman
Dr. Harold Luria
Nicholas Maletta
Richard Miller
Clara Perlmutter
Esther Pressman
Mae Ratner
David Richter
Dr. Doris Rome
Nicole Rosenbloom
Jay Rosenfield
Bernice Rosenstock
Edward Sachs
Irwin Sander
Burton Schaffer
Joseph Sherman
Norman Silon
Lynn Sitrin
Doris Skapik
Sanford Soffer
Annette Sternbach
Marvin Sussman
Lilian Swartz
Sally Tessler
Maryam Umansky
Evelyn Weinstein
Dorothy Weiss
Paul Wollner
Evelyn Zaron
Rose Zilber
Jacqueline Zinnershine
Contributions can be made to the fund in memory of or in honor of a person or event. Contributions can also be made to this fund
even though a Perpetual Memorial has not been established. Please send all the information including the name of the donor, and
the name of the deceased (with date of the Yahrzeit) or the name of the honoree with a check payable to Congregation Beth Emeth to
Lynn Warheit, 213 Colonial Ave., Albany, NY 12208 or beautificationfund@gmail.com.
Shabbat of August 24-25
Mara and Neil Dembo
in memory of
Shabbat of October 19-20
Linda and Larry Schechter and Family Bernard L. Bernstein
Shirley W. Brand and Family
Dr. J. Clinton Brand, Jr.
Harriet and Doug Spector
Nathan Brown
Jackie Rosenthal and Family
Elias Cadan
The Englander Family
Irving Englander
Karen and Ed Martin
Beatrice Forsted
Cheryl, Marc, Shari and Lauren Ginsburg Bernard Ginsburg
Carolyn, Bruce, Emily and Evan Ginsburg Bernard Ginsburg
Jill Goodman and Artie Malkin and Sons
David Goodman
The Green Family
Pearl Cohen Green
The Green Family
Jacob M. Katz
Phyllis and Howard Berk
Carl C. Lavine
Kathleen and Richard Meyers and
Allison and David Meyers and Family
Dr. Albert Yunich
in memory of
Sandra Dembo
Shabbat of September 7-8
Gayle and Peter Farman
in honor of
B’not Mitzvah of
Emma and Katie Farman
Shabbat of September 7-8
Phyllis and Howard Berk
Stuart Doling
Joseph Freedman
Julie Crimmins
in memory of
Abraham Berk
Ann Lee Doling
Robert Freedman
Bella Hersh
Shabbat of September 14-15
Rita and Rabbi Paul Menitoff
Stacy, Mark, Jake and Nate Netter
in memory of
Lillian G. Menitoff
in memory of
Shabbat of October 26-27
Nancy and Dwight Boone
May Forman Buchman
Beth and Barry Davis
Rose Pearl Davis
Judy and Stuart Madnick and Family
Abraham Koblintz
Philip Oppenheim
Henry and Thelma Oppenheim
Harvey Rosen
Penny Rosen
Leslie Newman and Mark Rosen
Penny Rosen
Taube and Paul Rothenberg
Mark Rothenberg
Ruby and Harvey Gold
Georgiana Summer
Miriam Macoby Netter, Esq.
in memory of
Shabbat of September 21-22
Carolyn, Bruce, Emily and Evan Ginsburg
Ira Martin Bloom
Eric Larner
Ira Martin Bloom
Nancy and Dwight Boone
Dr. Aaron L. Buchman
Millie and Mike Serling
Stanley Levine
Jane Loeb and Family
David G. Loeb
The Cigarroa Family
Howard Roth
Irene Marcus Senter
Rose Marcus Silverstein
in memory of
Shabbat of September 28-29
Rita and Rabbi Paul Menitoff
Albert J. Menitoff
Donald Rubin
Louis Rubin
Donna Siegal
Dr. Milton Siegal
Susan, Reid, Kate and Jordan Sperber
Rhoda Sperber
Mark, Barry and Rick Zubres
Doris Fleishman Zubres
Shabbat of October 5-6
Charlotte Fisher and Family
Becky and Paul Kasselman
Jeff Shapiro and Family
Michelle, Scott, Max and Julia Davidoff
Linda Rosenthal
Carole S. Rosenblum
The Clergy of Beth Emeth take great pride in making
themselves available to the members of our congregation at the
time of their pastoral needs.
However, in recent years the realities of hospital visitations
have changed dramatically. First, because of the HIPPA Laws,
the Temple is only notified of the hospitalization of a member IF
the hospital is specifically instructed to do so OR if a family
member chooses to inform us. Secondly, the typical length of a
hospital stay has decreased significantly and many procedures
require a minimal stay if any.
In addition, we understand and fully respect the privacy of
our members in that many individuals do not want or require a
pastoral visit while hospitalized and, in fact, an unscheduled visit
might well interrupt their recuperation, rehabilitation schedule or
testing procedure.
In light of this, please be reminded that if you are hospitalized and would, indeed, welcome the visit of a member of our
Clergy or are in need of pastoral attention, PLEASE either have
the hospital chaplain or nurse be in touch with us (as they can
easily do) OR have a relative or friend let us know. The Clergy
are not routinely in the hospitals and ONLY make calls upon
request because of the aforementioned reasons and out of
respect for your privacy.
in memory of
Ida Lifton Fisher
George Kasselman
George Kasselman
Gail Spector Phillips
Elias Cadan
Max Solomon
in honor of
Shabbat of October 12-13
Elaine and Robert Freedman and Elaine Meltzer
the Bar Mitzvah of Evan Gabriel Freedman
in memory of
Shabbat of October 12-13
Donna, Lee, David and Jamie Rosen
David Avrach
Sherry Gold
Barry Alan Gold
Marla and Robert Blumenthal
Belle Stanton Harold
Becky and Paul Kasselman
Mary Brownstein Kasselman
Jeff Shapiro and Family
Mary Brownstein Kasselman
Marion L. Strasser
Ruth Lagus Langdon, Paula Lagus
and Rudolph Lagus
The Speigel and Greenstein Families
Julius Speigel
Bob and Ed Sperber
Samuel N. Sperber
Shabbat of October 19-20
Julie and Craig Miller
Meredith and Paul Schoenblum
in honor of Bar Mitzvah of
Oliver Miller
Seth Schoenblum
52 Holmesdale Street
Albany, New York 12203
Insuring Beth Emeth and Its Families for Over 40 Years
Lurie & Co., P.C.
Certified Public Accountants
292 Washington Avenue Extension
Albany, NY 12203
Michael Lurie, CPA
Gregory Lurie, CPA
Tax, Accounting & Consulting Services
Serving the Capital District for over 20 years.
100 Academy Road, Albany, NY 12208
Phone 518.436.9761
Fax 518.436.0476
The Einhorn Center for Jewish Education 518.432.1392
General Inquiries: info@BethEmethAlbany.org
Rabbi Scott L. Shpeen
Rabbi Dennis S. Ross
Cantor Glenn Groper
Gail Kendall, Executive Director
Nancy Simon, Interim Education Center Admin.
Phone Calls for
Deborah Sokoler, Programming Director
Please know that
phone messages left
outside of office hours
Debbie Schaffer, Bulletin Editor
are not forwarded to
clergy until the next
Jill S. Goodman .…..………………...President
business day.
Lauren Iselin…...…………..1st Vice President
leave a message outLee Rosen…….……...…...2nd Vice President
side of office hours: for
Michael Lurie ..……….…..………….Treasurer
Andrew Safranko.….……..………….Secretary
Rabbi Shpeen use ext.
Rob Dorkin..……...…...Brotherhood President
229; for Cantor Groper
Marjorie Dorkin/ Robyn Marinstein
ext. 226; and for Rabbi
…………………co-Sisterhood Presidents
Ross ext. 230.
Jamie Rosen ……………....CBEYG President
That Used To Be Us: How America
Fell Behind in the World It Invented &
How We Can Come Back
Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 8:00 p.m.
(see flyer for complete Fall schedule)
A father passes away, a mother and son meet to
reminisce. But how do you talk about the past, when
each perception of it is different? What do we take
with us and what do we leave behind? Remembrance
is a film about remembering different truths.
Saturday, October 20 at 7:00 p.m.
(see flyer for details)