Jhjk/kk th }kjk x.ks`k th dh Lrqfr
Jhjk/kk th }kjk x.ks`k th dh Lrqfr
o"kZ&1 RNI No. DELBIL/2015/08148 vad&1 tuojh 2016 ikS"k@ek?k ubZ fnYyh ls izdkf'kr fo-l- 2072 ewY;& `10 jk"Vª dk vkè;kfRed izgjh jk"Vªh; ekfld www.hindusanskriti.com 'kqHk A-1/25, JANAK PURI, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 630, New Delhi - 110058 Ph.: 2555 5503, 2555 5506, 2555 5509, 2555 5539 ykHk ekl ds izeq[k R;kSgkj 5 tuojh (eaxyokj) liQyk ,dkn'kh 10 tuojh (jfookj) ikS"kh vekoL;k 12 tuojh (eaxyokj) Lokeh foosdkuan t;arh 13 tuojh (cq/okj) yksgM+h 14 tuojh (xq#okj) edj laØkafr 16 tuojh ('kfuokj) xq# xksfoan flag t;arh 20 tuojh (cq/okj) iq=knk@cSdqaB ,dkn'kh 23 tuojh ('kfuokj) usrkth lqHkk"kpUæ cksl t;arh 26 tuojh (eaxyokj) x.kra=k fnol 27 tuojh (cq/okj) ladVk x.ks'k pkSFk 28 tuojh (xq#okj) ykyk yktirjk; t;arh 30 tuojh ('kfuokj) egkRek xk¡/h 'kghn fnol 31 tuojh (jfookj) Jh jkekuUnkpk;Z t;arh mijksDr mfDr ds vuqlkj Jhx.ks'k th dh vxziwtk loZ=k lqifz l¼ vkSj izpfyr gSA ekuo thou dk pje y{; nsoRo dh izkfIr gS vkSj vklqjHkko mlesa iz/ku izcy fo?u gSA Hkxoku x.ks'k fo?us'oj gSaA mudh Ñikn`f"V gksus ls fo?uksa dk ioZr vius&vki /jk'kk;h gksdj {k.kek=k esa fou"V gks tkrk gSA vr,o lk/uk ;k mikluk vFkok fdlh Hkh /k£ed rFkk ekaxfyd dk;Z ds vkjEHk esa Jh x.ks'k th dk iwtu&Lrou fd;s fcuk flf¼ izkIr gksuk lEHko ugha gSA gekjs lukru fgUnw&/eZ ds vkpkjkuqlkj leLr dk;ks± ds vkjEHk esa Jhx.ks'k th ds Lej.k] ueu] Lrou vkSj iwtu vkfn dk fo/ku gSA blfy;s fdlh dk;Z dk 'kqHkkjEHk ^Jhx.ks'k* ukeksPpkj.kiwoZd fd;k tkrk gSA thou esa lq[k&le`f) ds fy;s ekrk&firk ,oa xq:tuksa dk vk'khokZn ges'kk ysaA 24 tuojh (jfookj) ikS"kh iw£.kek 25 tuojh (lkseokj) ek?k Luku izkjEHk vknkS iwT;ks fouk;d% Jhjk/kk th }kjk x.ks'k th dh Lrqfr ija /ke ija czã ijs'ka ijehÜÒje~A fo?ufu?udja 'kkUra iq‘a dkUreuUrde~AA lqjklqjsUæS% fl¼sUæS% Lrqra LrkSfe ijkRije~A lqjiÁfnus'ka p x.ks'ka eÄyk;ue~ AA õ tks ije /ke] ije czã] ijs'k] ije bZ'oj] fo?uksa ds fouk'kd] 'kkUr] iq"V] euksgj vkSj vuUr gSa] iz/ku&iz/ku lqj] vlqj vkSj fl¼ ftudk Lrou djrs gSa] tks nso:ih dey ds fy;s lw;Z vkSj eaxyksa ds vkJ;&LFkku gSa] mu ijkRij x.ks'k dh eSa Lrqfr djrk gw¡A loZfo?ufouk'kk; loZdY;k.kgsrosA ikoZrhfiz;iq=kk; x.ks'kk; ueks ue%A t;ukjk;.k vxzoky xk¡/h uxj] fnYyh tuojh 2016 2 www.hindusanskriti.com çHkq dh Ñik Mottos for everyone Maturity is not when we start speaking 'Big Things' but actually it is, when we start understanding 'Small Things'. Don't make your voice loud to make others to listen you. Make your attitude so loud that others beg to listen you. Never choose anyone without complete understanding and never lose anyone because of a small misunderstanding. Two important moments of your life – First when you were born, Second when you prove why you are born. Performance always comes from passion and not from pressure, be passionate, love what you do and do what you love, success will always be yours. Everybody says: “Mistake is the first step to success”, but it is not true, the correction of mistake is the step to success. Change is the nature of life, but Challenge is the aim of life. So we have to challenge the changes, not change the challenges. A correct understanding about life: “Your problem is not really your problem; your reaction to the problem is actually your problem.” Your mind is your great friend if you control it; it is your great enemy if mind controls you. Two ways to be happy in life: Never take help of tears to show your emotions and never take help of words to show your anger. Soldier: “Sir, we are surrounded by enemies on all sides.” Major: “Excellent! We can attack in any direction! Attitude decides your success in life. _Xosn & laLÑfr dk egkea= Kku LraHk ½Xosn Hkkjrh; laLÑfr dk ewy Ïksr gSA i'kq&if{k;ksa] ouLifr;ksa vkSj ufn;ksa rd dks ueLdkj djus dh laLÑfr Hkkjr us ½Xosn ls ikbZ gSA HkkSfrd inkFkks± vkSj thoksa ds vykok Hkko txr dh reke vuqHkwfr;ksa dks Hkh ½Xosn esa nsork dgk x;k gSA ueLdkj izR;{k inkFkZ ;k oLrq ugha gS] ;g fpÙk ds Hkhrj mBus okyh izhfr vkSj vknj dk vuqHkko gSA ueLdkj mxrk gS gekjs var%LFky esa] izdV gksrk gS gkFk tksM+us vkSj flj >qdkus esaA ½Xosn ds ½f"k;ksa us ^ueLdkj* dks Hkh nsork dgk gS vkSj ueLdkj dks Hkh ueLdkj fd;k gSA J¼k Hkh ,slh gh vuqHkwfr gSA oSfnd J¼k dk vFkZ va/fo'okl ugha gSA vfLrRo ds izfr /U;okn Hkko dk uke gh ^J¼k* gSA ½Xosn ds ½f"k ^J¼k* dks nsork crkrs gSa vkSj izkr%] nksigj] lk;a J¼k dk vkokgu djrs gSaA os crkrs gSa fd J¼k esa cM+h mQtkZ gSA fpÙk dh fo'ks"k n'kk dks ge lc 'kkafr dgrs gSaA oSfnd lkfgR; esa ^'kkafr* Hkh nsork gS] ½f"k 'kkafr ls 'kkafr ek¡xrs gSaA µ lqHkk"k eYgks=kk (izca/ lEiknd) Lo- ykyk fd'ku yky xks;y th dh 31oha iq.;frfFk 10 tuojh ij lEiw.kZ ^fnO; oSfnd lans'k* ifjokj viuh gk£nd J¼katfy v£ir djrk gSA vk'kk gS ykyk th ds vk'khokZn ls ;g fnO; i=k fnu&nwuh jkr&pkSxquh izxfr djsxkA fnO; oSfnd lans'k ds lnL; cusa lnL;rk 'kqYd eq[; laj{kd : For 5 Years – ` 1100/For 10 Years – ` 2100/: ` 31,000/- eq[; laj{kd O.P. Agarwal Sanjeev Hans eq[; lEIkknd% fotsUæ xks;y vki Hkh bl i=k ds eq[; laj{kd cudj blds izpkj esa lg;ksxh cusaA # 9313 55 3434 t; lkb± jke vU/k vk¡[k çkfIr dks çHkq dh Ñik le>rk gS] xjhc /u çkfIr dks çHkq dh Ñik le>rk gS] jksxh fujksx gksus dks çHkq dh Ñik le>rk gS] fdUrq ;s lc /ks[kk gS] ;s lc çHkq dh Ñik ugha gSA çHkq ftl ij Ñik djrs gSa] mls viuh 'kj.k esa ys ysrs gSa vkSj ml tho dh lc vklfDr;ksa dks ywV ysrs gSa] rc tho ,dek=k çHkq dk vkJ; ysrk gSA ;gh çHkq dh lPph Ñik gSA Hkxoku~ dh Ñik vkSj ek;k dh Ñik] tho ij ;s nks Ñik gksrh jgrh gSaA bu nksuksa Ñikvksa esa cgqr varj gSA ek;k tc [kq'k gksdj Ñik djrh gS rks /u] nkSyr] ;'k] lEeku ns nsrh gSA ek;k dh Ñik ls eSa vkSj esjk ds Hkko tkx`r gks tkrs gSaA tc çHkq Ñik djrs gSa rks /u vkfn nsus ls igys] eSa o esjk dh o`fÙk gVk nsrs gSaA tSls çHkq us lqnkek th dks /u rks fn;k ijUrq nsus ls igys muesa esjk&rsjk dh Hkkouk fcYdqy [kRe dj nhA Hkxoku~ vius HkDr dk lnk Hkyk pkgrs gSaA tSls & ukjn th us Hkxoku~ dks ukjh&fojg dk Jki fn;k] ijUrq Hkxoku~ us ukjn th dk dY;k.k gh fd;k] mu ij #"V ugha gq,A Hkxoku rhu rjg ls Ñik djrs gSaA ,d Ñik lk{kkr~ n'kZu nsdj djrs gSa] nwljh Ñik eu ls eaxy pkgdj djrs gSa] tSls vusd fufeÙk cuk nsuk] fcuk fdlh ç;Ru ds dk;Z cuk nsuk vkSj rhljh Ñik laLi'kZ ls djrs gSa] tSls eNyh v.Ms dks nwj ls ns[krh gS vkSj mldk ikyu djrh gSA dNqvk nwj ls gh vius v.Ms dk fparu djrk gS] blh ls v.Ms dk ikyu gksrk gS vkSj og c<+rk gSA lw;Z dHkh ugha iwNrk fd vU/dkj fdruk iqjkuk gS\ vU/dkj vkt dk gS ;k o"kks± iqjkuk gSA lw;Z dh fdj.ksa rks vU/dkj ds ikl igqp ¡ rs gh mls feVk nsrh gSaA ,sls gh çHkq dh Ñik dHkh ;g ugha iwNrh fd lkeus okyk fdruk cM+k ikih gS\ çHkq dh Ñik gksrs gh tho ds leLr iki o d"V feV tkrs gSaA vxj çHkq dh d#.kk ikuk pkgrs gks rks viuh vgark dks fudky nksA µ lkb± lsod vt; xksLokeh ^Hkb;k th* lw;Zuanu 'kfu vkidh t; gks ftudk ekxZ jksdus dk lkgl rhuksa yksdksa esa fdlh esa ugha] ftuds Hk; ls vU; nsox.k mudh fe=krk Lohdkj djrs gSa] tks f=k'kwy] Hkkyk] <ky fy, gq, gSa] ftuds xys esa 'keh iq"iksa dh ekyk gS] ftUgsa eankj fiz; gSA ftuds fo'kky Hkky ij fdjhV eqdVq 'kksHkk ikrk gS] tks f'ko f'k"; gSa] lEiw.kZ yksdksa ds Lokeh dkUgk ds ekU; HkDr gSa] ftuds lqokflr cnu ij uhy oL=k 'kksHkk ikrs gSa] tks HkDrksa dk Hkh"k.k vkifÙk;ksa ls laj{k.k djrs gSa] eq> nhu dks mudh 'kj.k feysA 'kfu ;a=k /kj.k djks] mÙke fnu 'kfuokjA 'kfu feV tk;s ihM+k lHkh] gksos csM+k ikjAA fnO; 'kfDr njckj 'kfu;a=k flf¼] O;kikj o`f¼] ifjokj le`f¼] 'kfu <SÕ;k] lk<+slkrh] egkn'kk o jksx fuokj.kkFkZ o 'kfuÑik gsrq lEidZ djsaA µ 'kfuefr ^euq* 9899 13 3496, 9873117268 ehfM;k lg;ksx E-Magazine lkb± eqLdku le`¼ lq[kh ifjokj xkS&yhyk izca/ lEIkknd% lqHkk"k eYgks=kk # 9210123967 lEIkknd% vjfoUn xks;y # 9311 35 3434 lEiknd eaMy vkpk;Z ia- jkeÑ".k >k jkekuUn xqIrk euq R;kxh vks-ih- ikjhd vkuUn e/qdj Printed by: Vijender Kumar Goel • • • • Published by: Vijender Kumar Goel On behalf of: Vijender Kumar Goel Printed at: Deepika Enterprises, 519/1/23, Dilshad Garden Ind. Area, Sansar Compound, G.T. Road, Shahadara, Delhi Published at: H-3/61B, FF, Bengali Colony, Mahavir Enclave, N. Delhi-45 Divya Vaidik Sandesh, as a matter of policy, disclaims its responsibility for any views expressed by the authors/Editors. Editor: Vijender Kumar Goel The views expressed in this "Patra" are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ‘Divya Vaidik Sandesh'. i=kkpkj gsrq irk% Mh&1@2] lqyHk baVjus'kuy ds lkeus] ikye MkcM+h jksM] egkohj ,UDyso] u-fn-&45 E-mail: vaidiksandesh@gmail.com Vaidik Sanskriti @hindusanskritii Web: www.hindusanskriti.com bl if=kdk esa izdkf'kr ys[kksa ds lEiknd dk lger gksuk vko';d ugha gSA bl if=kdk esa izdkf'kr lkexzh esa O;Dr fopkj ,oa n`f"Vdks.kksa ds fy;s izdk'kd o lEiknd iw.kZr;k ;k vkaf'kd :i ls Hkh mÙkjnk;h ughaA ys[kd Lo;a mÙkjnkf;Ro gksaxsA lHkh fooknksa dk U;k;{ks=k fnYyh&ubZ fnYyh gksxkA tuojh 2016 3 www.hindusanskriti.com SMALL BEGINNING, BIG EARNINGS Things were going well for RAMESH AGARWAL but a dream didn't let him slip into slumber with ease. That's how Agarwal ventured into business giving up his role as an Air Force officer. TEAM USP recalls his journey Ramesh Agarwal's aim was to touch the sky. His low profile style of living and completing education from a school in non-descript village of Nalwa in Haryana, didn't really stymie his way. In fact, his humble past bolstered his spirit for the struggle in life. He touched the skies not once but twice — first as an Indian Air Force officer, where he took several flights to kiss the azure sheet above and come back victorious. And later, when he discovered newer limits by venturing into his own business of movers and packers, and became his own competition. His multi-crore empire has given Agarwal several reasons to celebrate. For someone who started with a modest beginning of Rs. 4,000 that he borrowed from his friend's mother, his company Agarwal Packers & Movers Ltd. is worth over Rs. 600 crore today. HOW THE SEEDS WERE SOWN He was not born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. “I was born to a grocer and raised in Nalwa, a small village in Hissar, Haryana,” he said. Besides humility, his parents taught him the virtues of winning the world through honesty and righteousness. “My father would tell me that no matter what, I should never cheat anyone. His values are my greatest inheritance and his belief system formed the basis for any success,” he said. Agarwal, like most other children from this 300-house hold hamlet, went to the village government school.” It was a good school, but not at all fancy. Hindi was the only medium of instruction. We had no computers or well-equipped labs,” he recounted. After graduating from Kurukshetra University he set about achieving his dream of making it to the IAF. OF DREAMS AND STRUGGLES Uniform was his first love and it was much later that he changed his ground of work. “I always wanted to be a man in uniform. I would often picture myself standing tall and proud, next to a mammoth aircraft. It was this vision that made me apply for a diploma at the MTI in Chennai. I was surprised when I got through,” he recalled. The stint in the defence sector prepared him for the wider world of adjustments and tough working conditions. “I was always nervous, mainly owing to my discomfort with English. I was scared of asking questions, As someone who was always clad in Kurta, pyjama and slippers, I felt like a gross misfit in the formal world,” he said. He made the transition from student to professional in 1980, as an airman with the Indian Air Force (IAF). In the classroom, one would find him occupying the back benches. He preferred to stay away from any attention. His proficiency in mathematics, however, made it easy for him to grasp new concepts. “For the first three months, my batchmates didn't even know I existed. They were all from reputed private schools and I wasn't half as fluent in English as them. I would just sit and quietly listen to them speak. Often, they spoke so fast I could barely keep up,” he said. The challenge didn't end here. His flying officer, Solomon, was a contd. on page 5 AA oUns xkS ekrje~ AA fpjLej.kh; iy izkphu fuxe cks/k ?kkV] fnYyh esa vk'p;Ztud dfy;qxh peRdkj 92 o"khZ; /eZjr ,oa egku xkS lsfodk esjh iwtuh; ekrkJh Jherh >esjh nsoh vxzoky ds nkg&laLdkj gsrq 14 tqykbZ 2002 dks fnYyh fLFkr fuxe cks/ ?kkV ij lHkh ifjtu] lac/ a h ,oa vU; fe=kx.k mifLFkr FksA ik£Fko nsg dks fprk ij fojkftr djrs gh vn~Hkqr peRdkj gqvkA ,d lqUnj xk; vkdj fprk dh ifjØek djus yxh vkSj fprk ds dksus ls ,d iq"i xqPN dks eq¡g esa nckdj pyh xbZA ogk¡ mifLFkr vikj tulewg ;g vn~Hkqr n`'; ns[kdj vokd jg x;k vkSj xk; ekrk ds bl vk'khokZn:ih peRdkj dks ns[kdj ureLrd gks x;kA eSa vkSj esjk ifjokj vkt rd ml fnO; vfoLej.kh; iy dks ugha Hkqyk ik;kA leqæ&eaFku ls izkIr 14 jRuksa esa ,d ^dke/suq* xk; FkhA xk; fgUnw lekt dh vVwV vkLFkk dk izrhd gSA xk; ekrk ds nw/ ds lkFk&lkFk xkscj o xkS&ew=k dks Hkh ifo=k vkSj fgrdkjh ekuk x;k gSA ;s lHkh ;Fkk'kfDr vkS"kf/ :i esa mi;ksxh gSaA nkg&laLdkj ds le; xkSekrk ds ikou n'kZuksa ls mRizsfjr Hkkoukvksa us eq>s izsfjr fd;k fd vafre ;k=kk LFky ij xkS ekrk ds 'kq¼ xkscj fu£er miyksa ls czãyhu izk.kh ek=k dh lsok dh tk;sA bl izsj.kk ds iQyLo:i gekjk ifjokj lsokLo:i fu%'kqYd xk; ds xkscj ds miyksa dh O;oLFkk fuxe cks/ ?kkV ij djrk vk jgk gSA µ t;ukjk;.k vxzoky xk¡/h uxj] fnYyh xk; iwjs fo'o ds fy;s egku eaxy dh fuf/k gSA blfy;s bldh j{kk djuk gekjk dÙkZO; gSA yksd dY;k.k gsrq bl ^fnO;&i=k* dks Lo;a i<+sa vkSj vU; J¼kyq HkDrksa dks Hkh i<+us ds fy, izsfjr djsaA µ laiknd tuojh 2016 4 www.hindusanskriti.com We must continue to evolve ojnkrk Jh x.ks'k th fo?ufuokj.k ds fy;s x.ks'k th lqifz l¼ gSaA u dsoy fo?ufouk'k gh] oja izR;sd dkeuk Hkh budh mikluk ls iw.kZ gksrh gSA Hkkjr dk lukru erkoyEch dksbZ Hkh O;fDr gks] fdlh&u&fdlh :i esa budk iwtu djrk gh gSA Hkkjr ds lHkh ?kjksa esa Hkkæin&'kqDy&prqFkhZ dks budk iwtu gqvk djrk gSA izR;sd eafnj esa x.ks'k th dks ge ns[k ldrs gSaA og pkgs f'ko&eafnj gks] pkgs fo".kq&eafnj ;k dksbZ vU; eafnj] x.ks'k th lcdks vHkh"V gSaA nsoksa dh iwtk ;k fdlh vU; eaxy&dk;Z dks djrs le; loZizFke budh iwtk vko';d gksrh gSA Jhx.ks'k&iwtu ds fcuk fdlh dk;Z dk vkjEHk gks gh ugha ldrkA 'kkL=kksa esa loZizFke budk iwtu fofgr gSA lkjs 'kkadjerkuq;k;h yksx i×pk;ru&iwtu djrs gSaA ml i×pk;ru esa f'ko] ukjk;.k] lw;]Z nsoh vkSj x.ks'k th gSaA x.ks'k HkDr bu nsoksa esa x.ks'k th dks iz/kurk nsdj mudh iwtk djrs gSaA O;kl th us egkHkkjr fy[krs le; vU; fdlh dks bl dk;Z ds fy, leFkZ u ikdj x.ks'k th ls gh mls fy[kus ds fy, izkFkZuk dh FkhA bUgksua s mudh izkFkZuk Lohdkj dh vkSj O;kl th tSl&s tSls dgrs x;s] oSl&s oSls gh x.ks'k th fy[krs x;sA x.ks'k th dh }kn'kukekoyh bl izdkj gS& 1- lqeq[kk; ue%] 2- ,dnUrk; ue%] 3- dfiyk; ue%] 4- xtd.kZdk; ue%] 5yEcksnjk; ue%] 6- fodVk; ue%] 7- fo?uuk'kk; ue%] 8- fouk;dk; ue%] 9/wezdsros ue%] 10- x.kkè;{kk; ue%] 11- HkkypUæk; ue%] 12- xtkuuk; ue%A bu ukeksa ls nwokZ p<+kus ls Jhx.ks'k th dh Ñik izkIr dj vki viuh lHkh dkeuk,¡ liQy cuk ldrs gSa& ueLrLeS x.ks'kk; czãfo|kiznkf;usA ;L;kxLR;k;rs uke fo?ulkxj'kks"k.ksAA ,glkl ,d çseh&;qxy 'kknh ls igys dkiQh g¡lh&etkd vkSj uksd&>ksad fd;k djrs FksA 'kknh ds ckn muesa NksVh&NksVh ckrksa ij >xM+s gksus yxsA ,d fnu mudh 'kknh dh lkyfxjg Fkh] ij chch us dqN ugha cksyk oks ifr dk utfj;k ns[kuk pkgrh FkhA lqcg ifr tYnh mBk vkSj ?kj ls ckgj fudy x;kA iRuh :vkalh gks xbZA nks ?kaVs ckn Mksj csy cth] mlus tkdj njoktk [kksykA njokts ij fxÝV vkSj dsd ds lkFk mldk ifr FkkA ifr us xys yxkdj lkyfxjg fo'k fd;k fiQj vius dejs esa pyk x;kA rHkh vpkud iRuh ds ikl iqfyl Fkkus ls iQksu vk;k fd vkids ifr dh gR;k gks pqdh gS] muds tsc esa iM+s ilZ ls vkidk iQksu uEcj <w¡<+ ds dkWy fd;k x;k gSA iRuh lkspus yxh fd ifr rks vHkh ?kj ds vUnj vk;s gSa] fiQj mls dgha ij lquh ,d ckr ;kn vk xbZ fd ejs gq;s balku dh vkRek viuh vafre bPNk iwjh djus ,d ckj t:j vkrh gSA oks tksj&tksj ls jksus yxhA mls viuk oks lkjk yM+uk&>xM+uk] uksd&>ksad ;kn vkus yxkA mls i'pkrki gksus yxk fd var le; esa Hkh oks vius ifr dks I;kj uk ns ldhA tc :e esa xbZ rks ns[kk mldk ifr ogk¡ ugha FkkA oks fpYyk fpYyk ds jksrh gqbZ ^Iyht de cSd] de cSd* dgus yxh] vc dHkh ugha >xMw¡xh] rHkh ckFk:e ls fudydj mlds da/s ij fdlh us gkFk j[k ds iwNk D;k gqvk\ mlus iyV dj ns[kk rks mlds ifr Fks] oks jksrh gqbZ mlds lhus ls yx xbZ] fiQj lkjh ckr crkbZA rc ifr us crk;k fd vkt lqcg mldk ilZ pksjh gks x;k FkkA fiQj nksLr dh nqdku ls ;s fxÝV oxSjg m/kj fy,A nksLrksa] ftUnxh esa fdlh dh vgfe;r rc irk pyrh gS tc oks ugha gksrkA ge yksx vius nksLrksa&fj'rsnkjksa ls uksd&>ksad djrs gS] yM+rs&>xM+rs Hkh gSa] ij ftanxh dh djoVsa dHkh&dHkh Hkwy&lq/kj dk ekSdk ugha nsrhA g¡lh&[kq'kh esa I;kj ls ftanxh fcrkb;s vkSj viuh ukjktxh dks viuksa ls T;knk nsj rd er jf[k;sA µ vjfoUn xks;y Humble beginnings followed by steady growth toward the ultimate goal: such is the order of development in nature. This is man's natural tendency as well. We are born small, both in our bodies and in our brains. Not just our intelligence, but our emotions are immature as well. A small child's expectations are almost completely different from those around him. Milk from the mother, a ride in the lap of the sister, treats from father, toys from the older brother, and so on. In a few years as he starts his formal education, the child matures a little: he starts to share his books, pencils, and lunches with his friends in school. He starts sharing his toys. These are the first small yet steady steps in expanding the sphere of generosity. Marriage follows next, and he is willing to sacrifice his personal pleasures in order to make his wife and kids happy. He enjoys their happiness, sometimes much more than his own. This is the process of the expansion of the self. Creation ordains it as such. It requires that as we grow older, we also become more generous and that we use an increasing portion of our income and abilities to further the young and less abled. This law of nature is continually inspiring our hearts and minds to grow to expand our circle of expansion. We, as members of the Yug Nirman (Movement for the creation of a new era) family must follow this path. May we grow, from being active members to being committed volunteers. May we continue to grow into being ultimate karmayogis, renouncing familial attachments, finally ending our journey with a crescendo of absolute and complete realization. Hkxoku ;ksx{kse dh O;oLFkk Lo;a djrs gSa Lokeh foosdkuan th ds thou dh ,d ?kVuk gSA rc os txr izfl¼ ugha gq, FksA mudk thou HkkSfrd vHkkoksa ls xqtj jgk FkkA vesfjdk ;k=kk ls iwoZ mUgksua s lEiw.kZ Hkkjr dk Hkze.k fd;kA ,d ckj os jsyos ;k=kk dj jgs Fks] mUgsa cM+h tksj ls Hkw[k&I;kl yx jgh Fkh] fdarq muds ikl dqN ugha FkkA os pqipki cSBs FksA muds lkeus dh lhV ij ,d lsB th lifjokj [kkrs&ihrs ;k=kk dj jgs FksA os Lokeh th dh iwjh ;k=kk esa g¡lh mM+krs jgs fd dSlk gV~Vk&dV~Vk laU;klh gS] fuBYyk gS] dqN dke ugha djrk] iQksdV dk [kkrk gSA ,d ge gSa] [kwc esgur djrs gSa vkSj BkV ls jgrs gSaA Lokeh th us mldh ckr ij dksbZ è;ku ugha fn;k] pqi cSBs jgsA xUrO; LVs'ku vk;k] lsB th vkSj Lokeh th ,d lkFk mrjsA Lokeh th LVs'ku ij ,d isM+ ds uhps lhV ij cSB x,] fdarq lsB th dk migkl dk Øe ugha VwVkA rHkh ,d gyokbZ vk;kA mlus Lokeh th dks iz.kke fd;k] lkFk yk;s vklu ij cSBk;k vkSj xje&xje Hkkstu ijkslus yxk rFkk ,d fxykl ikuh j[kkA foosdkuUn th us ldqpkdj dgk& ^HkkbZ! rqEgsa xyriQgeh gqbZ gS] rqe ftlds fy;s dj jgs gks] og eSa ugha gwA¡ esjk ;gk¡ dksbZ ifjfpr ugha] eSa rks ,d laU;klh gwA¡ * gyokbZ cksyk& egkjkt! eSa rks viuh nqdku ij cSBk mQ¡?k jgk FkkA rHkh eq>s uhan yx xbZA lius esa Hkxoku jke vk;s vkSj dgk& ^rw ;gk¡ cSBk&cSBk mQ¡?k jgk gS] ogk¡ LVs'ku ij esjk HkDr Hkw[kk&I;klk cSBk gSA tYnh mB] iwMh+ &lCth cuk vkSj BaMk ikuh ys tkuk er Hkwyuk] mls cgqr I;kl yxh gSA* eSa pkSd a dj tkxk] fdarq Hkze le>dj fiQj lks x;kA Hkxoku jke fiQj lius esa vk;s vkSj Mk¡Vdj dgk& ^lqurk ugha gS] fiQj lks x;k] py mB] eSaus tSlk dgk gS] oSlk djA mUgksua s lius esa vki dk Lo:i Hkh fn[kk;kA vc cl] eSa iQVkiQV mBk] iwMh+ &lCth cukbZ vkSj nkSM+rk vk;k gw¡A vki ogh gSa] tSlk eSaus lius esa ns[kk FkkA lsB th us ;g lc lquk] ns[kk vkSj mUgsa vius ÑR; ij Xykfu gqbZ vkSj mUgksua s Lokeh th ds pj.k idM+dj ekiQh ek¡xhA Takshila: World's first University The world's first University was established in Takshila or Taxila or Takshashila (now in Pakistan) in 700BC. This centre of learning was situated about 50 km west of Rawalpindi in Pakistan. It was an important Vedic/Hindu and Buddhist center of learning. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied here. The campus accommodated students who came from as far as Babylonia, Greece, Arabia and China and offered over sixty different courses in various field such as science, mathematics, medicine, politics, warfare , astrology, astronomy, music, religion, and philosophy. Panini, the famous Sanskrit grammarian, Kautilya (Chanakya) and Charaka, the famous physician of ancient India, and Chandragupta Maurya were the products of this university. It gained its importance again during the reign of Kanishka. Takshashila is best known because of its association with Chanakya. The famous treatise Arthashastra by Chanakya, is said to have been composed in Takshashila itself. Taxila has been listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Heritage Sites. tuojh 2016 5 www.hindusanskriti.com pSrU; egkizHkq gjs Ñ".k gjs Ñ".k Ñ".k Ñ".k gjs gjs ifj=kk.kk; lk/wuka fouk'kk; p nq"Ñrke~A /eZlaLFkkiukFkkZ; lEHkokfe ;qxs ;qxsAA Hkxoku Ñ".k us xhrk esa Lo;a vk'oklu fn;k fd tc Hkh i`Foh ij /eZ dk ßkl ,oa v/eZ dk vH;qn; gksxk] rc&rc eSa lk/qtuksa dh j{kk ,oa nq"Vksa ds lagkj ds fy;s vorkj ysrk jgwx¡ kA ;|fi Hkxoku loZleFkZ gSa] ;g dk;Z fcuk vorkj fy;s Hkh dj ldrs gSa] rFkkfi thoksa ij fo'ks"k Ñik djus ds fy;s Hkxoku Lo;a gh vorh.kZ gksrs gSaA Hkxoku ds dbZ ,sls izseh HkDr gksrs gSa] tks Hkxoku ds lkFk [ksyuk pkgrs gSa] jguk pkgrs gSaA og fujkdkj tc HkDrksa ds izse ls foo'k gksdj viuh ;ksxek;k ls lkdj :i esa vorkj ysrk gS rks muds n'kZu] Li'kZ okrkZyki vkfn ls muds vorkj dky esa ,oa Hkfo"; esa mudh yhykvksa ds Jo.k ,oa fparu ls yksxksa dk lgt gh m¼kj gks tkrk gSA 1486 bZ- ds ekpZ eghus esa iQkYxqu ekl dh iw£.kek dks if'peh caxky ds ufn;k ftys esa Jh ek;kiqj esa Jh pSrU; egkizHkq bl e`R;qyksd esa izdV gq,A vius f'k{kkizn dgkuh gjs jke gjs jke jke jke gjs gjs HkDrksa dh izkFkZuk vkSj fuosnu ls æfor gksdj iw.kZczã us uj:i esa vorkj fy;kA ;g vorkj foy{k.k FkkA Hkxoku igyh ckj HkDr :i esa i`Foh ij vk;s FksA bl vorkj esa mudk fnO; 'kL=k ^gfj uke* FkkA os bl e`R;qyksd esa dsoy 48 o"kZ jgs] ftlesa mUgksaus 24 o"kZ x`gLFkkJe esa fcrk;s vkSj 'ks"k 24 o"kZ ,d fHk{kqd laU;klh ds :i esaA xkSjkax egkizHkq bl larIr txr ds fy;s u;k lan's k ysdj vk;sA mUgksua s cryk;k vkSj fn[kyk fn;k fd Hkxoku ds uke vkSj Lo;a Hkxoku esa dksbZ varj ugha gSA Hkxoku us uke vkSj :i esa txr dh l`f"V dh gS] vr,o muds uke ladhrZu dh cM+h efgek gSA mudk lan's k gS fd izHkq dk uke yks vkSj ek;k ds izip a ls eqDr gks tkvksA uke ds }kjk Hkxoku ds lkFk viuk lac/ a tksM+ yksA vkt ds bl ;qx esa pSrU; egkizHkq dh ikou yhyk dk iBu] Jo.k gh bZ'oj izkfIr dk loZJs"B lk/u gSA vkxkeh vadksa esa ge JhÑ".k izsekorkj (pSrU; egkizHkq) dh lEiw.kZ yhyk (vorj.k ls laoj.k rd) dk Øe'k% o.kZu djsaxsA vkils fouez vuqjks/ gS fd pSrU; egkizHkq dh bl e/qe;] izsee; ,oa vkuane;h yhyk dk iBu vo'; djsaA µ ^pSrU;nkl* jkekuUn xqIrk thou dk utfj;k ,d vLirky ds dejs esa nks cqtxq Z Hkjrh FksA muesa ls ,d mBdj cSB ldrk Fkk] ijarq nwljk mB ugha ldrk FkkA tks mB ldrk Fkk] mlds ikl ,d f[kM+dh Fkh] og ckgj [kqyrh FkhA og cqtxq Z mBdj cSBrk vkSj nwljs cqtxq ]Z tks mB ugha ldrk] mls ckgj ds n`'; dk o.kZu djrkA lM+d ij nkSM+rh gqbZ xkfM+;k¡] dke ds fy;s Hkkxrs yksxA og ikl ds ikdZ ds ckjs esa crkrk] dSls cPps [ksy jgs gSa] dSls ukStoku dljr dj jgs gSa vkfn&vkfnA nwljk cqtqxZ vk¡[ks can djds fcLrj ij gh mu n`';ksa dk vkuUn ysrk jgrkA og vLirky ds lHkh MkWDVj] ulks± ls Hkh cgqr vPNh ckrsa djrkA ,sls gh dbZ ekg xqtj x;sA ,d fnu lqcg ulZ vkbZ rks ns[kk fd og cqtqxZ] tks mB ldrk Fkk] vHkh rd lks jgk gSA ulZ us mls txkus dh dksf'k'k fd rks irk pyk fd og rks uhan esa gh py clkA vc nwljs cqtqxZ dk iM+ksl okyk fcLrj [kkyh gks pqdk Fkk] og cgqr nq%[kh gqvk! mlus bPNk tkfgj dh fd mls iM+ksl ds fcLrj ij f'kÝV dj fn;k tk;A vc cqtxq Z f[kM+dh ds ikl FkkA mlus lkspk& pyks] dksf'k'k djds vkt ckgj dk n`'; ns[kk tk;A dkiQh ç;kl dj og dksguh dk lgkjk ysdj mBk vkSj ckgj ns[kk rks vjs ;gk¡ rks ckgj nhokj Fkh] uk dksbZ lM+d] uk gh ikdZ] uk gh [kqyh gokA mlus ulZ dks cqykdj iwNk rks ulZ us crk;k fd ;g f[kM+dh blh nhokj dh rjiQ [kqyrh gSA ml cqtxq Z us dgk] ysfdu og rks jkst eq>s u;s&u;s n`';ksa dk o.kZu djrk FkkA ulZ us eqLdjkdj dgk] ;s mudk thou thus dk utfj;k Fkk] os rks tUe ls va/s FksA blh lksp ds dkj.k os fiNys 2&3 lkyksa ls dSalj tSlh chekjh ls yM+ jgs FksA lkjka'k% thou utfj;s dk uke gS vufxur [kqf'k;k¡A nwljksa ds lkFk ck¡Vus esa gh gekjh [kqf'k;k¡ fNih gSaA [kqf'k;k¡ T;knk ls T;knk 'ks;j djsa] ykSVdj [kqn dks [kqf'k;k¡ gh feysaxhA de#ukx >hy& ftlesa fNik gS vjcksa dk [ktkuk fgekpy çns'k dh igkfM+;ksa ds chp ,d ,slh >hy ekStwn gSa] tgk¡ yk[kksa&djksMk+ as ugha] cfYd blls dgha vf/d ewY; dk [ktkuk ekStwn gS] ftlesa yk[kksa #i;s Åij ls ns[ks tk ldrs gSaA ;s >hy gS eaMh ftys ls djhc 60 fdyksehVj nwjh ij jksgkaMk uked LFkku ij gS] ftls ^de#ukx >hy* ds uke ls ekuk tkrk gSA de#ukx >hy ij yxus okys esys esa gj lky HkDrksa dh Hkkjh HkhM+ tqVrh gSA ikSjkf.kd ekU;rkvksa ds vuqlkj HkDr >hy esa lksus&pk¡nh ds xgus vkSj iSls Mkyrs gSaA lfn;ksa ls pyh vk jgh bl ijaijk ds vk/kj ij ekuk tkrk gS fd bl >hy ds xrZ esa vjcksa dk [ktkuk nck gSA xehZ ds ekSle esa lksuk&pk¡nh ds tsoj lkiQ utj vkrs gSaA ekU;rk gS fd bl >hy esa lksuk&pk¡nh p<+kus ls eUur iwjh gksrh gSA blh dkj.k yksx J¼k ls ;gk¡ vius 'kjhj dk dksbZ xguk p<+k nsrs gSaA >hy iSlksa ls Hkh Hkjh jgrh gSA ;s lksuk&pk¡nh dHkh Hkh >hy ls fudkyk ugha tkrk] D;ksafd ;s nsorkvksa dk gksrk gSA dksbZ Hkh bl [ktkus dks pqjk ugha ldrkA ekuk tkrk gS fd de#ukx ds [kkeks'k çgjh bldh j{kk djrs gSaA gj lky 14 vkSj 15 twu dks ckck de#ukx dk n'kZu HkDrksa dks çkIr gksrk gSA buds n'kZu ds fy, yksx jksgkaMk uked LFkku ls 8 fdyksehVj ?kus taxy vkSj igkM+ksa dh dfBu p<+kbZ iwjh djds vkrs gSaA Small beginning, big earnings contd. from page 3 South Indian who was not at all proficient in Hindi. “My limited knowledge of English meant I was unable to frame my queries well enough. Teachers took that as a sign of inadequacy and often dismissed me.” But he was not the one to give up. His hard work and dedication won him recognition and he was conferred the title of Best Airman in 1980. He outshone 542 other cadets. MOVING INTO THE FAST LANE Six years on, he gave up his uniform and set out to become an entrepreneur. But not before making a touching gesture towards the war widows. He donated Rs. 43,000 to them. “That was my entire life's savings. It was just a small gesture signifying my respect for the forces,” he said. The rest is history. With the borrowed sum of Rs. 4,000, he set up his own venture. His first consignment, aimed at helping a family relocates, fetched him Rs. 6,000, fetching him a modest profit of Rs. 2,000. He grasped the pulse of the field and went ahead. “I started form the scratch but I had foresight and dedication on my side. I could see how India was going to grow with the Industrial Revolution. I bought my first truck within two-and-a-half years of beginning, and today my fleet has crossed 1,000 vehicles. It has been a rewarding journey,” he smiled. REWARDS AND RECOGNITION Recognition has been constant too. Agarwal Packers & Movers Ltd. has been felicitated with the 'Business Sphere' Award 2005 for exemplary services in the industry. In 2008, Agarwal was awarded with the 'Innovative of Logistics Industry' award by AITWA and most recently, he won the 'Transport & Logistics Business of the Year' award 2010 handed out by Small Business awards. The company was also awarded for 'Operational Excellence & Environment Conservation by CEAT IRTA-2011. Recently, it was chosen as the Indian Power Brand in 2012 and also the winners for the Mahindra Navistar Transport Excellence Awards 2011 in the fleet owner category for alternate thinking. In February 2012, the group was awarded by the 'HT-HR Leadership' award 2012 for delivering 'Best HR Practices and CSR in Logistics and Movers Industry.' The highest accolade being acknowledged in the Limca Book of Records for the largest movers of household goods in the country two times in a row and recently been certified with the #ISO: 39001:2012- Road Transport Safety (RTS)Management System standards by international quality certification. With 102 offices across the country, 6400 + employees, 14 lakh satisfied customers, the company is known for its innovative approach in the packing and moving industry. www.hindusanskriti.com rw cgrk py es eu% f'ko ladYieLrq vkpk;Z ia- jkeÑ".k >k (lqyHk i×pkaxdkj) vè;{k% lqyHk T;ksfr£oKku vuqla/ku dsUæ nwljksa dk lgkjk ikus dh vis{kk gesa viuk lgkjk ysuk pkfg, D;ksafd os lHkh lk/u euq"; ds ikl izpjq ek=kk esa Hkjs iM+s gksrs gSa] tks izxfr ds fy, vko';d gSaA ekuo efLr"d esa og {kerk ekStwn gS] ftls FkksMk+ &lk lgkjk nsdj mPp dksfV ds fo}ku] cqf¼eku cu ldrs gSaA euq"; ds gkFkksa esa izÑfr us os lkjs xq.k Hkj fn, gSa] ;fn lgh jhfr ls mi;qDr dk;ks± esa yxk;k tk, rks os vius drZR` o ls lalkj dks peRÑr dj ldrs gSaA ekuo Je&lk/uk cgqewY; [kkn gS] ftlds lgkjs ghjs&eksfr;ksa dh iQly mxkbZ tk ldrh gSA vko';drk gS ge vius dks igpku lds]a viuh {kerkvksa dks lgh fn'kk esa] lgh jhfr ls iz;ksx dj dq'kyrk izkIr dj ldsAa vius vkRefo'okl dks vkxs c<+k,¡ rkfd nwljksa dk lgkjk ysuk u iM+As dohUæ Jh johUæukFk VSxksj dgrs gSa] ^vkidk ladYi gh cká txr esa uohu vkdkj xzg.k djrk gSA tks dYiuk vUnj esa iSnk gksrh gS] ogh ckgj esa LFkwy :i esa izdV gksrk gSA gj ln~fopkj vkSj nq£opkj igys balku ds eu esa iSnk gksrk gS vkSj mlh fopkj ds vk/kj ij og viuk O;ogkj fuf'pr djrk gSA* fopkj izokg ds Ïksr eu ls gh izokfgr gksrs gSaA egkRek dchjnkl dgrs gSa] tc rd vkids eu esa fodkj gS] rc rd lkalkfjd iziap ls NqVdkjk ikuk lEHko ugha gSA vr% eu dh fueZyrk lokZf/d egRoiw.kZ gSA iz[;kr nk'kZfud vks'kks dk ekuuk gS fd vki IykfLVd ltZjh ls 'kjhj dk lc dqN cny ldrs gks] ,slk laHko gS] ysfdu rqEgkjk LoHkko& yksHk] okluk] fgalk] Øks/] bZ";kZ vkfn ugha cnysxkA ^es eu% f'ko ladYieLrq* eg£"k;ksa us blh ds vk/kj ij ^olq/So dqVqEcde~* ekudj ekuork dh lsok dhA mUgksaus fo'o dks viuk ifjokj ,oa ekuork ds fgr dks viuk fgr ekukA rHkh rks eg£"k n/hfp us ekuork ds fgr ds fy, lg"kZ vfLFk nku fn;kA ,sls mnkgj.k Hkkjrh; bfrgkl esa vusd gSaA ru ugha] eu lqUnj gksA iq"i dh xa/ ok;q ds foijhr dHkh ugha tkrh] ysfdu ekuoh; ln~xq.k dh egd lc vksj iSQy tkrh gSA Lokeh jkeÑ".k ijegal v'kqHk fopkjksa dks eu ls fudky nsus dk i{k ysrs gSaA os dgrs gSa& uko ty esa jgs rks Bhd gS] ysfdu ty uko esa ugha jguk pkfg,A vki Lo;a dfBukbZ lgks] 'kkjhfjd d"V lgks] ysfdu vkids eu esa v'kqHkrk u gksA Generally, people make a huge mistake of thinking that their vices or defects would stay hidden from others. This is totally impossible. None can digest mercury. If some does consume it, their body will start showing up the symptoms and signs revealing the poisoning. Sin cannot remain secret for ever, it will proclaim itself sooner or later. It is impossible to consume alcohol and then to hope that none should smell alcohol on their breadth or that it shouldn’t cause any effects. It is not possible for any individual’s wrongdoing not to trigger any reaction or after-effects. It is better not to deny this eternal truth but rather seek to rectify oneself which is the only solution to get delivered from it. Don’t deny the Eternal Truth Lons'kh iztkfr ds xksoa'k ds i'kq izFker% de mRiknd fn[kkbZ nsrs gSa] ijarq buds lexz xq.k vkdfyr djus ij budh fof'k"Vrk,¡ LFkkuh; izpfyr Ñf"k&iz.kkyh esa vf/d mi;ksxh ikbZ xbZ gSa] D;ksafd Lons'kh xksoa'k ds i'kq LFkkuh; tyok;q ds iw.kZ vuqdwy gksrs gSaA Lons'kh xksoa'k ds i'kq izR;sd {ks=k esa lqyHk pkjs dk mi;ksx dj Hkjiwj mRiknu nsrs gSa vkSj Lons'kh xksoa'k dk nqX/ dgha vf/d ikSf"Vd rFkk xq.kdkjh gksrk gSA Lons'kh xksoa'k ds i'kqvksa ds j[kj[kko ij vis{kkÑr de ykxr vkrh gSA Lons'kh xksoa'k ds i'kqvksa esa laØked jksx ,oa fdlh izdkj ds vU; izdksi ugha ds cjkcj gksrs gSaA Lons'kh xksoa'k ds i'kqvksa esa ck¡>iu tSlh leL;k,¡ rFkk oRlksa esa e`R;qnj izk;% cgqr de gksrh gSA Lons'kh xksoa'k dh C;krksa dh la[;k fons'kh iztkfr;ksa dh C;krksa ls dgha Lons'kh xksoa'k tuojh 2016 6 Tkhou ,d ,slk liQj gS ftldk uk dksbZ iM+ko gS vkSj uk gh dksbZ fBdkukA ;s thou lk¡lksa dh rjg fcuk Fkds] fcuk #ds pyrk gh jgrk gSA blhfy, rks bl thou esa vkSj cgrs gq, ty esa dksbZ varj ugha gSA unh dk ty dBksj vkSj uqdhys iRFkjksa dks phjrk gqvk ÅcM+&[kkcM+] VsM+s&es<+s jkLrksa dks ikj djrs gq, eafty dh vksj c<+ tkrk gSA ;s thou ijekRek dk fn;k gqvk ,d ojnku gS] ftlesa dgh /wi rks dgha Nkao Hkh gS] dgh nq%[k rks dgha lq[k Hkh gSA bl lq[k&nq%[k dks /wi vkSj Nkao dh rjg le>dj pyrs jgsxs rks ;s lq[k&nq%[k Hkh gekjs geliQj cu tk,axsA vkt nqfu;k esa tks fc[kjko gS] mlds nks eq[; dkj.k gSa okn vkSj fooknA bl okn vkSj fookn us dHkh fdlh dks vkckn ugha fd;k gSA pkgs tkfrokn gks] lEiznk;okn gks] ekvksokn gks] uDlyokn gks ;k fiQj vkradokn gks] bu oknksa us nqfu;k dks ujd cuk fn;k gSA vkt T;knkrj yksx vVds] yVds vkSj HkVds gq, gSaA vVdk gqvk O;fDr tkfrokn dk ifjpk;d gS tks Hkwr ls orZeku esa vkrk gh ugha vkSj vius dks Js’ rFkk nwljs dks rqPN ekurk gSA yVdk gqvk O;fDr lkEiznkf;drk dk ifjpk;d gS tks [kwVh ij Vaxs diM+s dh rjg yVdk gh jgrk gSA ;s lksp ij pyrk gS] lkspdj ughaA HkVdk gqvk O;fDr uDlyokn vkSj vkradokn dk ifjpk;d gSA ;s jkg ls xqejkg gq, ,sls yksxksa dk dkfiQyk gS tks nqgkbZ rks ekuoh; fgr dh nsrs gSa ysfdu gR;k mlh ekuork dh djrs gSA ;s #f<+okn dks iksf"kr djrk gS vkSj va/dkj dks izdk'k le> ysrk gS vkSj v/eZ dks gh /eZ ekudj iki dks c<+krk gSA bl ekxZ ls rjDdh uk dHkh fdlh dks feyh gS vkSj uk gh dHkh fdlh dks fey ldrh gSA okn&fookn lek/ku ugha] leL;k dks vkeaf=kr djrk gSA lksp vkSj fopkjdj pysxa ]s rHkh leL;k dk lek/ku gksxkA lksp eu dh gksrh gS vkSj fopkj cqf¼ dkA tc O;fDr lksp vkSj fopkj djus yxrk gS rks vanj ls eD[ku ds :i esa fparu fudyrk gSA fparu dk vxyk iM+ko gS è;ku vkSj ;s è;ku gesa ije 'kkafr dh vuqHkwfr nsrk gSA ;g ije 'kkafr vkSj dksbZ ugha ijekRek dk gh nwljk uke gSA Hkxoku us xhrk esa dgk gS fd gs vtquZ ! vxj rw lc ikfi;ksa ls Hkh vf/d iki djus okyk gS rks Hkh rw Kku :ih ukSdk ds }kjk fu%lUnsg lEiw.kZ iki leqna z dks ikj dj tk,xkA xq: æks.kkpk;Z us vtquZ dks tks /uq£o|k fl[kkbZ Fkh] blls og d.kZ ls Hkh T;knk egku /uq/kZjh cuk vkSj Js"Brk dh Å¡pkbZ;ksa ij igqp ¡ x;k] ijUrq Kku ds fcuk blh vtquZ us ;q¼ ls Hkkxus dk eu cuk fy;k FkkA lalkj ls Hkkxuk dHkh laU;kl ugha dgykrkA laU;kl vkSj R;kx dk vkHkkl rks Kku dh izkfIr ds ckn gh gksrk gSA xhrk dk vafre 'yksd gS fd tgk¡ 'kL=k/kjh vtquZ gks] 'kkL=k/kjh Hkxoku JhÑ".k gks] ogk¡ fot;Jh gh fot;Jh gksxhA blfy, fo|k izkIr djsa Js"B cuus ds fy, vkSj vxj ijekRek dks izkIr djuk gS rks fiQj gesa Kku dk lgkjk ysuk gh gksxkA blfy, ikih ls Hkh ikih dks Kku izkIr djus dk vf/dkj gSA vkys[k dk 'kh"kZd ^rw cgrk py* dk vfHkizk; gS fd thou dks ladh.kZ ekufldrk ls vktk+n djsa vkSj unh dh cgrh /kjk ls izsj.kk ysdj thou dks cgko nsa vFkkZr~ tks dk;Z djs]a ijekRek dks fufeÙk dj rw cgrk pyA µ jks'ku yky xksj[kiqfj;k & DARCL Logistics Limited vf/d gksrh gS rFkk Lons'kh cSy dh Ñf"k&dk;Z esa iw.kZ mi;ksfxrk gksrh gSA Lons'kh xksoa'k ds ,d i'kq ds j[k&j[kko ij gksus okyk O;; muls izkIr xkse;] xksew=k rFkk mudh vU; mikns;rk ds lkis{k cgqr gh de vkrk gSA izR;sd Lons'kh xksoa'k& iztkfr dh viuh&viuh fof'k"Vrk,¡ gksrh gSa] tks muesa lfn;ksa ds varjky esa fofHkUu izkÑfrd ,oa euq";ksa dh vko';drkvksa ds lkis{k fodflr gqbZ gksrh gSaA µ xkslsod iznhi vxzoky] eS- tsV jksMykbZUl dkWjiksjs'ku tuojh 2016 7 www.hindusanskriti.com lEikndh; fujgadkfjrk vkSj nhurk dk laxe gS ^fouezrk* fouezrk ,d lgt ekuoh; o`fÙk gSA ;g ,d ,slk xq.k gS] tks u dsoy euq"; dh 'kkjhfjd lqUnjrk ds vHkko dks lEiw.kZrk iznku djrk gS] oju~ mlds O;fDrRo dks fu[kkjdj ubZ mQ¡pkb;ksa ij vk:<+ dj nsrk gSA oLrqr% fouezrk vkSj egkurk ,d&nwljs ds i;kZ; gSaA ,d egku O;fDr ds pfj=k dh lcls izFke fo'ks"krk mldh fouezrk gksrh gSA fouezrk ,d foy{k.k ekuoh; ewY; gS] tks euq"; dks nsonwr cukus dh vn~Hkqr {kerk j[krh gSA egku O;fDr vfuok;Zr% fouez gksrk gSA ,slk lEHko gh ugha gS fd dksbZ O;fDr fouez Hkh gks vkSj xq.kfoghu HkhA fouezrk ,d ,slk peRdkfjd xq.k gS] tks O;fDr dh dq:irk dks <d nsrk gSA egku fpUrd vkSj ^es?knwr* rFkk ^'kkdqUrye~* tSls dkyt;h xzaFkksa ds jpf;rk lar dkfynkl :ioku ugha Fks] ysfdu viuh vn~Hkqr fo}Ùkk vkSj fouezrk ds xq.k ds dkj.k mUgksaus jktk foØekfnR; dk fny thr fy;k vkSj os lezkV ds lcls vf/d fiz; vkSj fo'oLr lHkkln~ gksus dk xkSjo izkIr djus esa liQy gq, FksA fouezrk ftUnkfnyh dk uke gS vkSj vdM+uk eqnsZ dh igpkuA dgk Hkh gS] >qdrk ogh gS] ftlesa tku gSA tks dsoy vdM+uk tkurk gS] izÑfr mls m[kkM+ isaQdrh gSA fouezrk ls ge cgqr dqN izkIr dj ldrs gSa] tcfd dBksjrk ls ge [kksus ds vfrfjDr dqN ugha ik ldrsA fouezrk thou'kSyh ds yphysiu dk gh nwljk uke gSA ;gh yphykiu gesa nwljksa ds izfr mnkj vkSj f'k"V cukrk gSA fouezrk nwljksa ds fnyksa dks pqjk ysus dh dyk vkSj vkRefo'okl dh ijkd"Bk gSA fouezrk gekjk Lo;a ls ifjp; djkrh gS] gesa vkRe&ewY;kadu dk volj iznku djrh gSA gekjh fou;'khyrk foijhr voljksa ij vFkok izfrdwy ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa viuh dlkSVh ij [kjh mrjrh gSA vius izfr}U}h dh liQyrk vkSj viuh foiQyrk ij vlgt fLFkfr dks lgt :i ls ysus dk xq.k gesa fouezrk ls gh izkIr gksrk gSA CA. O.P. Pareek ;fn ge Lo;a ijkftr gksdj fotsrk dks lPps eu ls c/kbZ ns jgs gSa rks ;g lpeqp gekjh fouezrk dh mQ¡pkbZ gh ekuh tk;sxhA fouezrk gesa lgt vkSj U;k;laxr gksuk Hkh fl[kkrh gSA O;fDr dk dn c<+us ds lkFk&lkFk mldh fou;'khyrk dk c<+uk ,d LoLFk o`fÙk dk |ksrd gSA ,slk u gks fd liQyrk O;fDr dks nEHkh vkSj vgadkjh cukdj NksM+ nsA ;fn nqHkkZX;o'k ,slk gqvk rks og liQyrk dks gh yhy tk;sxh vkSj O;fDr ckSuk gksdj jg tk,xkA fouezrk ,d ,slk foy{k.k xq.k gS] ftlds jgrs vU; lkjs ekuoh; ewY; Lor% eq[kfjr gksrs tkrs gSaA fouezrk dk vFkZ >qduk ugha gS] vfirq ;g /S;Z vkSj larks"k dk larqyu gSA ,slk O;fDr vgadkj foghu gksrk gSA ftl O;fDr dks vgadkj ugha gksrk] og vo'; gh thou esa mUufr djrk gS D;ksafd vgadkj gh euq"; dks Mqcksrk gSA fouez O;fDr ges'kk ykHk esa jgrk gS vkSj loZ=k lEeku ikrk gSA fouez O;fDr ds lHkh fe=k gksrs gSaA okLro esa] fouez O;fDr lekt vkSj jk"Vª dh ,d /jksgj gksrk gSA fouez O;fDr LoLFk o nh?kkZ;q gksrk gS] D;ksafd og ckr&ckr ij viuk /hjt ugha [kksrk rFkk og fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr esa fopfyr ugha gksrk] blls mldk ekufld larqyu cuk jgrk gSA fouezrk euq"; dk lukru ,oa oSfnd xq.k gSA ^xksizseh* fotsUæ xks;y] eq[; laiknd xk; dh j{kk gsrq izfrfnu 1]000 ckj ^e/qlwnu* uke dk ti vo'; djsaA The World According to GITA World order in Hindu cosmology was governed by immutable cycles of an almost inconceivably vast scale — millions of years long. Kingdoms would fall, and the universe would be destroyed, but it would be re-created, and new kingdoms would rise again. The true nature of human experience was known only to those who endured and transcended these temporal upheavals. The Hindu classic the Bhagavad Gita framed these spirited tests in terms of the relationship between morality and power. Arjuna, "overwhelmed by sorrow" on the eve of battle at the horrors he is about to unleash, wonders what can justify the terrible consequences of war. This is the wrong question, Krishna rejoins. Because life is eternal and cyclical and the essence of the universe is indestructible. Redemption will come through the fulfillment of a preassigned duty, paired with a recognition that its outward manifestations are illusory because "the impermanent has no reality; reality lies in the eternal." Arjuna, a warrior, has been presented with a war he did not seek. He should accept the circumstances with equanimity and fulfill his role with honor, and must strive to kill and prevail and "should not grieve." While Lord Krishna's appeal to duty prevails and Arjuna professes himself freed from doubt, the cataclysms of the war — described in detail in the rest of the epic— add resonance to his earlier qualms. This central work of Hindu thought embodied both an exhortation to war and the importance not so much of avoiding but of transcending it. Morality was not rejected, but in any given situation the immediate considerations were dominant, while eternity provided a curative perspective. What some readers lauded as a call to fearlessness in battle, Gandhi would praise as his "spiritual dictionary." Against the background of the eternal verities of a religion preaching the elusiveness of any single earthly endeavor, the temporal ruler was in fact afforded a wide berth for practical necessities. The pioneering exemplar of this school was the 4th century Be minister Kautilya, credited with engineering the rise of India's Maurya Dynasty, which expelled Alexander the Great's successors from northern India and unified the subcontinent for the first time under a single rule. For Kautilya, power was the dominant reality. It was multidimensional, and its factors were interdependent All elements in a given situation were relevant, calculable, and amenable to manipulation toward a leader's strategic aims Kautilya wrote about an India comparable in structure to Europe before the Peace of Westphalia. He describes a collection of states potentially in permanent conflict with each other; Like Machiavelli's, his is an analysis of the world as he found it; it offers a practical, not a normative, guide to action. And its moral basis is identical with that of Richelieu, who lived nearly two thousand years later: the state is a fragile organization, and the statesman does not have the moral right to risk its survival on ethical restraint. The Arthashastra sets out, with dispassionate clarity, a vision of how to establish and guard a state while neutralizing, subverting, and (when opportune conditions have been established) conquering its neighbors. The Arthashastra encompasses a world of practical statecraft, not philosophical disputation. For Kautilya, power was the, dominant reality. It was multidimensional. and its factors were interdependent. All elements in a given situation were relevant, calculable, and amenable to manipulation toward a leader's strategic aims. Geography, finance, military strength, diplomacy, espionage, law, agriculture, cultural traditions, morale and popular opinion, rumors and legends, and men's vices and weaknesses needed to be shaped as a unit by a wise king to strengthen and expand his realm — much as a modern orchestra conductor shapes the instruments in his charge into a coherent tune. It was a combination of Machiavelli and Clausewitz. Millennia before European thinkers translated their facts on the ground into a theory of balance of power, the Arthashastra set out an analogous, if more elaborate, system termed the "circle of states." Whatever professions of amity he might make, any ruler whose power grew significantly would eventually find that it was in his interest to subvert his neighbor's realm. This was an inherent dynamic of self-preservation to which morality was irrelevant. What our time has labeled covert intelligence operations were described in the Arthashastra as an important tool. Operating in "all states of the circle" (friends and adversaries alike) and drawn from the ranks of "holy ascetics, wandering monks, cart-drivers, wandering minstrels, jugglers, tramps, [and] fortune-tellers," these agents would spread rumors to foment discord within and between other states, subvert enemy armies, and "destroy" the King's opponents at opportune moments. The Arthashastra advised that restrained and contd. on page 9 tuojh 2016 8 www.hindusanskriti.com osnekrk xk;=h ^vkse~* & vn~Hkqr peRdkjh 'kCn osnksa esa xk;=kh ea=k dk LFkku loksZifj gSA xk;=kh osnekrk gS tks euq"; dks ifo=krk] lkfRodrk] ijekuan o HkkSfrd lEink dh izkfIr djkrh gSA O;fDr ds Kkr&vKkr ikiksa dks feVkus dh {kerk bl ea=k esa gSA xk;=kh ea=k dk tki ve`r leku gS] tks e`R;q dks lq/kjrk gSA xk;=kh ea=k esa ewy :i ls Hkxoku ls ;g ek¡xk x;k gS fd izHkq gesa vkius ekuo 'kjhj nsdj vlhe vuqdEik dh gS] vc gesa ekuo cqf¼ nsdj ÑrkFkZ dj nhft,] rkfd ge lPps vFkks± esa euq"; dgyk ldsa vkSj ekuo thou dk vkuUn mBk ldsAa Devotion and Virtues Virtues can be learned and integrated in life by putting them into practice. One has to plunge into a pool to learn swimming. One has to go to a wrestling club to learn wrestling. One has to take help of musical instrument to learn music. In the same way, one must regularly perform worship and related rituals to enhance their feelings of devotion to God. Student needs to use notepad, book, pen, ink, etc. to study. Scientists need many types of equipment, chemicals and a laboratory to carry out their scientific investigations. Similarly, one will have to set up a routine of staying occupied in doing good deeds in order to learn and ingrain good virtues in their life. One cannot acquire any virtue or develop a deep devotion to it just by thinking about it or having a desire to acquire it (but doing nothing actively about it). Therefore, if you do experience the usefulness and importance of certain good virtues and really wish to integrate them in your life, you should start constantly applying them on daily basis in at least some sort of good deeds. You should be willing to put into action any thought or idea you may feel to be useful. jktk ds lkeqfæd y{k.k µ vks-ih- vxzoky laj{kd] vkWy bafM;k VªkaliksVZlZ osyisQ;j ,lksfl,'ku (jft-) tc Hkxorh Jhlhrk th us guqeku th ls iwNk fd ^Hkxoku jke vkSj y{e.k dh vkÑfr dSlh gS\* rc guqeku th us Bhd lkeqfæd jhfr ls Hkxoku ds Lo:i dk o.kZu fd;kA vkius dgk fd ^muds rhu vax etcwr gSa] rhu yacs gSa] rhu cjkcj gSa] rhu mQ¡ps gSa] rhu yky gSa] rhu fpdus gSa rFkk rhu xEHkhj gSaA* lkeqfæd 'kkL=k esa cryk;k x;k gS fd jktk dh tk¡?k] dykbZ vkSj eqV~Bh etcwr gksrh gSA HkkSgsa] eq[k vkSj ckgq yEcs gksrs gSaA ds'kkxz] ckgq rFkk o`"k.k cjkcj gksrs gSaA o{k%LFky] ukfHkdk vafre Hkkx vkSj mnj mQ¡ps gksrs gSaA us=kksa ds dksus] u[k vkSj gkFk&iSj ds ryosµ ;s rhu oLrq,¡ yky gksrh gSaA gkFk&iSj dh js[kk,¡] flj ds cky rFkk ef.k fpdus gksrs gSa ,oa Loj] pky vkSj ukfHk xEHkhj gksrh gSA Hkxoku Jhjke ds bu lHkh y{k.kksa dks guqeku th us la{ksi esa o.kZu fd;k FkkA ftlds gkFk&iSjksa esa gkFkh] N=k] eRL;] iq"dfj.kh] vadq'k vkSj oh.kk ds fpUg gksa] og jktk gksrk gSA ftldk xksy flj] pkSM+k eLrd] d.kkZUr&foLrkjh uhydey&ln`'k us=k vkSj ?kqVus rd yach Hkqtk gks] og lkjs Hkwe.My dk Lokeh gksrk gSA jktk ds iz/ku y{k.kksa esa crk;k x;k gS fd mldh riL;k gh mlds jktRo dk dkj.k gksrh gSA vius iwoZtUe ds ri ds dkj.k gh O;fDr jktk gksrk gSA ;g Li"V gS fd /eZ rFkk ri ds dkj.k jkT;Hkz"V O;fDr Hkh jktk cu tkrk gS] blds foijhr /eZHkz"V gksus ij jkT;k:<+ Hkh jkT; ls foeq[k gks tkrk gSA jktk ds fy;s ru&eu ls HkxoPNj.k gksuk gh izeq[k dÙkZO; gksuk pkfg,A ;fn jkT;ikV ds u'ks esa og Hkxoku dks Hkwydj jko.k&lk vkpj.k djus yxrk gS] rc ^jke foeq[k laifr izHkqrkbZA xbZ jgh ikbZ fcuq ikbZ* gks tkrh gSA ^vkse*~ gj ,d foifÙk esa euq"; dks 'kfDr vkSj u;k lkgl nsus okyk vn~Hkqr peRdkjh 'kCn gSA ^vkse* czãcht gS] bldh èofu esa ,slk lw{e dEiu mRiUu gksrk gS fd pkjksa vksj 'kfDr ,oa lkgl dh ygjsa iSQyrh gSaA ^vkse*~ ijekRek dk mÙke uke gSA osnksa esa Hkh ijekRek dk eq[; uke ^vkse*~ gh crk;k x;k gSA lHkh izdkj dh 'kfDr;k¡] fjf¼;k¡ vkSj flf¼;k¡ blh vksd a kj esa Hkjh gqbZ gSaA vr% ^vkse*~ dh mikluk djuh pkfg, vkSj ;FkklEHko mPpkj.k djuk pkfg,A ^vkse*~ ds mPpkj.k ls euq"; esa 'kq¼ vkSj lkfÙod Hkko mRiUu gksrs gSaA usrkth lqHkk"kpUnz cksl Jh lqHkk"k pUnz dk tUEk 23 tuojh 1897 dks dVd esa gqvk FkkA muds iwT; firk jk;cgknqj Jh tkudh ukFk cksl ewyr% iwohZ caxky ds pkSchl ijxuk dksnfy;k xzke ds jgus okys Fks] ij odkyr djus dVd eas vkdj cl x, FksA ekrk izHkk nsoh LOkkeh jkeÑ".k ijegal dh HkDr Fkha rFkk LOkkeh foosdkUkUn ds fopkjksa ls izHkkfor FkhaA ckyd lqHkk"k Hkh Lokeh foosdkuUn ds fopkjkas ls izHkkfor gks muds f'k"; cu x;sA lqHkk"k dh bPNk ns'k lsok djus vkSj vaxzstksa ds fo#¼ la?k"kZ djrs gq, Hkkjr ekrk dks Lora=k djkus dh FkhA ij firk ds vkns'k dk ikyu djrs gq, os 15 flarcj 1919 dks yanu x, vkSj ogk¡ dSfEczt fo'ofo|ky; esa vè;;u djus yxsA ogk¡ ls mUgksaus vkbZ-lh-,ldh ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ dh vkSj ;ksX;rk lwph esa pkSFkk LFkku izkIr fd;kA ij vius ns'k lsok ds fy;s iwoZ fu'p; ds vuq:i 22 vizSy 1921 dks mUgksaus vkbZ-lh-,l- ls R;kx i=k ns fn;kA Hkkjr vkdj os lqizfl¼ usrk ns'kcU/q fprjatu nkl ds lEidZ eas vk, vkSj mUgksaus mudks viuk jktuSfrd xq# eku fy;kA Hkkjrh; dkaxzsl dk 51ok¡ vf/os'ku gfjiqjk eas gqvkA bl vf/os'ku dh vè;{krk ds fy, lqHkk"k th dks pquk x;kA lEiw.kZ ns'k us jk"Vªifr lqHkk"k (dkaxzsl ds jk"Vªh; vè;{k dks ml le; jk"Vªifr dgk tkrk Fkk) dk rkIRkh unh ds rV ij fLFkr gfjiqjk esa vHkwriwoZ Lokxr fd;k x;kA ;gk¡ xk¡/h th us Jh iV~VkfHk lhrkjeS;k dk uke izLrkfor fd;k] ij xk¡/h th ds fojks/ ds ckotwn Hkh Jh lqHkk"k paæ cksl vè;{k in ij iqu% pqu fy, x,A lqHkk"k panz cksl vR;f/d rhoz izof` Ùk ds O;fDr FksA vktknh dh yxu muds eu esa cgqr FkhA vr% fcuk le; cjckn fd, mUgksua s dkaxzl s ds vanj gh viuh ubZ ikVhZ ^iQkWjoMZ CykWd* dk xBu dj fy;kA lu~ 1940 esa lqHkk"k panz cksl us tc dydÙkk ds MygkSth LDok;j esa cus vaxsztksa ds Lekjd ^CySd gksy* dks gVkus ds fy, vkanksyu fd;k rks mUgsa fxjÝrkj djds tsy Hkst fn;kA mUgksua s tsy esa Hkw[k gM+rky 'kq: dj nhA mUgsa tsy ls rks fjgk dj fn;k x;k] ysfdu mUgsa ?kj eas gh utjcan djds dM+k igjk cSBk fn;k x;kA utjcanh ds nkSjku mUgksua s ,dkarokl dk cgkuk cukdj /hjs&/hjs viuh nk<+h c<+k yhA mlds ckn ,d fnu os ekSyoh dk os'k cukdj vkSj igjsnkjksa dks pdek nsdj dkcqy dh vksj pys x,A ogk¡ dqN usrkvkas vkSj jktnwrksa ls feyus ds ckn os teZuh vkSj fiQj ogk¡ ls tkiku tk igqp ¡ As tkiku esa xfBr ^vktkn fgan iQkSt* dh ckxMksj lqHkk"k panz cksl us vius gkFkksa eas ys yhA 5 tqykbZ] 1943 dks flaxkiqj eas usrkth lqHkk"k panz cksl us Hkjh lHkk esa Hkkjr dks Lora=k djkus dh ?kks"k.kk dhA mUgksua s ukjk fn;k&^rqe eq>s [kwu nks] eSa rqEgsa vktknh nw¡xkA* ml lHkk esa mifLFkr lHkh Hkkjrh;ksa dh Hkqtk,¡ iQM+dus yxhaA vusd yksxksa us vius jDr ls izfrKk&i=k ij gLrk{kj fd,A usrkth us viuh ^vktkn fgan iQkSt* esa Hkkjh la[;k esa fL=k;ksa dks Hkh lSfud :i eas HkrhZ fd;kA nwljs fo'o;q¼ ds nkSjku vktkn fgan iQkSt us dbZ ekspks± ij vaxszt lsuk dks ijkftr fd;k vkSj og rsth ls vkxs c<+us yxhA ijarq tc tkiku us vkReleiZ.k dj fn;k vkSj teZuh Hkh ijkftr gks x;k rks vktkn fgan iQkSt dks lgk;rk feyuh can gks xbZ vkSj blds gtkjksa lSfudksa dks Hkh canh cuk fy;k x;kA yksx lqHkk"k panz cksl dks fdlh Hkh rjg canh cuus ls cpkuk pkgrs Fks] blfy, mUgsa 24 vizy S ] 1945 dks foeku ls Hkst fn;kA ,slk ekuk tkrk gS fd mlh foeku nq?kZVuk eas lqHkk"kpUnz cksl dh e`R;q gks xbZA usrkth ds izfr Hkkjrh;ksa ds fnyksa esa bruk I;kj Fkk fd os vusd o"kks± rd budh e`R;q ds lekpkj dks xyr ekurs jgsA usrkth ds vkstLoh Hkk"k.k o mudh f'k{kk,¡ vkt Hkh gekjs fy, izsj.kk dk lzkrs gSaA µ egs'k pUæ 'kekZ (iwoZ egkikSj)] laj{kd% Hkkjr fodkl ifj"kn~ lnL;% uxj fuxe f'k{kk lfefr] vè;{k% fgUnh lkfgR; lEesyu tuojh 2016 9 www.hindusanskriti.com Obstructing parliament proceedings is disgraceful for the people of india and voters People’s representative obstructing Parliament must be called back. Bhartiya Matdata Sangathan in a specially called meeting attended by Delhi Former Mayor Mahesh Chandra Ji Sharma, Former Minister in Delhi Government, Shri Ramakant Ji Goswami, Former MLA, Nand Kishore Ji Garg, Saint Bharti Ji, Citizen Council President Radhey Shyam Ji Agarwal, Rajendra Swami Ji, Shri A. K. Arun Ji, Editor, Yuva Sambad, Satya Bahumat “ Bhrastacharya Mukt Rajneetik Viklap” coordinator Bhai Satya Dev Ji Chowdhury and President of Bhartiya Matdata Sangathan, Rikhab C. Jain and several prominent citizens resolved unanimously that people’s representatives, Members of Parliament contradicting people’s mind set and trying fcu deZ u feysa xkslkb± Hkxor n'kZu ds fy;s gesa /qzo tSlk Hkxr cuuk gksxk] HkDr izÈkn cuuk gksxk] /Uuk tkV tSlh yxu dh vko';drk gksxh] ehjk ckbZ tSlk R;kx pkfg;s gksxk] rHkh ge izHkq dks ns[k ik;saxsA cgqr le; igys ,d iztkikyd o /ekZRek jktk jkT; djrk FkkA og ftrus iztk&ikyd Fks] mrus gh Hkxoku fo".kq dh izHkq HkfDr esa rYyhu jgrsA ,d fnu mudh HkfDr ls izlUu gksdj Hkxoku fo".kq izdV gq, vkSj cksys& ^jktu~! eSa rqEgkjh HkfDr ls cgqr izlUu gw¡A* Hkxoku dks vius lkeus ns[kdj jktk izHkq ds pj.kksa esa fxj iM+kA izHkq us mls mBk;k vkSj cksys] rqe tSlk riLoh jktk eSaus ugha ns[kk] eSa rqels cgqr izlUu gw¡] oj ek¡xksA* jktk cksyk] ^izHkq! vkius eq>s lc dqN fn;k gSA vkt vkius n'kZu nsdj eq>s ÑrkFkZ dj fn;k] eq>s vkSj dqN ugha pkfg;sA* izHkq cksys] fiQj Hkh rqe tks pkgks] oj ek¡x yksA jktk us dgk] ^izHkq vki oj nsuk pkgrs gks rks vki esjh lkjh iztk dks n'kZu nsdj ÑrkFkZ djsAa * Hkxoku cksys] ^jktu~! ;g lEHko ugha gSA dqN vkSj ek¡xksA* jktk cksyk& ^eq>s ;gh oj pkfg,] vU;Fkk eq>s vkSj dksbZ oj ugha pkfg;sA* jktk dk gB ns[kdj Hkxoku fo".kq us dgk& rFkkLrqA eSa rqEgkjh lkjh iztk dks lk{kkr~ n'kZu nw¡xk] fdarq rqEgsa viuh lkjh iztk dks ysdj pkj ehy nwj vekoL;k ds fnu Bhd nksigj ckjg cts lqe#s ioZr ds ikl vkuk gksxkA jktk us jkT; esa ?kks"k.kk djok nh fd vkus okyh vekoL;k dks lkjh iztk vkB cts uxj ds ckgj bdV~Bh gks tk;s] ge lc lqe#s ioZr pysxa ]s tgk¡ lk{kkr~ Hkxoku fo".kq lcdks n'kZu nsaxsA lc txg izlUurk dh ygj nkSM+ xbZ fd egkjkt ds iq.; izrki ls fcuk fdlh ifjJe ;k HkfDr ds gesa izHkq n'kZu gksxa As vekoL;k dk fnu vk x;kA lkjh iztk uxj ds ckgj bdV~Bh gks xbZA jktk o jkuh vius jFk ij lokj gksdj py fn;sA nks ehy pyus ds ckn yksxksa dks vius nksuksa rjiQ rk¡cs ds flDdksa ds igkM+ fn[kkbZ iM+As cgqr lkjs yksx m/j nkSM+ iM+As viuh tscksa esa ;k diM+kas esa ftrus flDds Hkj ldrs Fks] Hkjus yxs vkSj flDds ysdj jkt/kuh dh vksj okil pys x;sA jktk mUgsa jksdrk gh jgk] ij fdlh us mudh ,d u lquhA dqN nwj pyus ij jkLrs ds nksuksa vksj pk¡nh ds flDdksa to bye-cot and obstruct Parliament proceedings in both houses — Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha be sacked or recalled. As a matter of fact, elected members are inflicting voters sentiments disgracefully and dishonouring the will of the people of India and its voters. Voters have elected them to go to Parliament and to represent them by advocating their cause by speaking, by participating in the Parliament. They did not vote for obstructing proceedings of their own will. People’s representatives duty is to represent their voters views and thoughts in Parliament and to respect the will of the people. They should place their needs in the house. They should not obstruct the legislative house for their own benefits or benefits of their Party. They ds igkM+ fn[kkbZ fn;sA cph gqbZ iztk ls yksx vc pk¡nh ds flDdksa ds igkM+ksa dh vksj nkSM+ iM+As jktk o eaf=k;ksa us mUgsa cgqr jksduk pkgk] fdarq pk¡nh ds flDdksa dh ped us mUgsa lc Hkqyk fn;kA jktk ijs'kku ns[krs jg x;sA dqN vkSj vkxs tkus ij ekxZ ds nksuksa vksj lksus ds flDdksa ds igkM+ fn[kkbZ iM+As vc rks cph&[kqph iztk dk lcz Hkh VwV x;kA cps gq, yksx] ea=kh o x.kekU; O;fDr viuk /S;Z [kks cSBAs lHkh lksus ds flDdksa ds igkM+ksa dh vksj nkSM+ iM+As tks ftruk lksuk mBk ldrk Fkk] mBkdj uxj dh vksj py iM+kA jktk jkuh gh ckdh cp x;sA lkjh iztk okil tk pqdh FkhA egkjkt cgqr nq%[kh gq,A vc jktk o jkuh lqe#s ioZr dh vksj py iM+As ioZr dqN nwjh ij gh Fkk fd ekxZ ds nksuksa vksj ghjs&tokgjkr ds igkM+ fn[kkbZ fn;sA ghjs&tokgjkr dh ped vk¡[kksa dks pdkpkSa/ dj jgh FkhA brus cM+&s cM+s ekud eksrh jkuh us thou esa dHkh ugha ns[ks FksA vc jkuh Hkh vius vkidks jksd ugha ikbZ vkSj ghjs&tokgjkr ds igkM+ksa dh vksj nkSM+ iM+hA jktk us mls jksdus dk Hkjld iz;Ru fd;k] ijarq jkuh ugha :dhA egkjkt vc fujk'k gksdj lqe#s ioZr dh vksj vdsys py iM+As cM+s nq%[kh eu ls jktk ogk¡ igqp ¡ ]s tgk¡ Hkxoku fo".kq mudh izrh{kk dj jgs FksA izHkq cksys& jktu~! vdsys gh vk;s gks] rqEgkjh iztk dgk gS\ ftls rqe esjk n'kZu djkuk pkgrs FksA jktu~! eSaus rqEgsa cgqr le>k;k Fkk fd dksbZ nwljk oj ek¡xks] ij iztk ds izse esa rqeus ,d ckj Hkh ugha lkspk fd fcuk deZ fd;s fdlh dks iQy ugha feyrkA rqEgkjh iztk D;k] rqEgkjh jkuh us Hkh og deZ ugha fd;s] ftlls esjs bl fnO; :i dk n'kZu dj ldsA os lHkh vius ek;k&eksg ij dkcw ugha contd. from page 7 should work for the welfare of the people who have voted them. Their duty is to advocate the cause of their voters. They should not be busy in fulfillment of their own objectives or Party’s objectives. In fact, it is allowed in many other countries that under such circumstances People must have a right to recall such defiant and obstructive representatives. Matters relating to voters welfare, matters concerning hope of the people, matters concerning people’s immediate difficulties, required changes in the law and Administrative orders get held up due to such obstructing by defiant MPs. Because of obstructive representatives — who suffers? — ofcourse people and voters do suffer. Members of Parliament contd. on page 11 ik lds vkSj esjh ek;ktky esa iQ¡l x;sA ;g tky mudh ijh{kk ysus ds fy;s eSaus gh fcNk;k Fkk] ftlesa os lc iQ¡l x;sA dsoy rqEgha ml tky esa ugha iQ¡ls D;ksafd rqe og eksg rksM+ pqds Fks] blfy;s esjs ikl igqp ¡ ldsA µ uUnfd'kksj lsBh ehfM;k izHkkjh] >.Msokyk nsoh eafnj eqæk foKku & lgt 'ka[k eqæk fof/& nksuksa gkFkksa dh vaxfq y;ksa dks vkil esa iQ¡lkdj gFksfy;k¡ nckdj rFkk nksuksa vaxBw ksa dks cjkcj esa lVkdj j[kus ls ;g eqæk curh gSA ykHk& bl eqæk ds vH;kl ls gdykuk] rqrykuk vkfn ok.kh lEcU/h jksx nwj gksrs gSaA blls ok.kh esa e/qjrk vkrh gSA bldk iz;ksx otzklu esa djus ls ikpu fØ;k Bhd gksrh gS] Hkkstu 'kh?kz iprk gSA xSl dh chekjh ls NqVdkjk feyrk gSA fo'ks"k& bls otzklu ;k lq[kklu esa djuk pkfg,A vf/d ykHk ds fy;s bls ewyca/ (xqnk ds Luk;qvksa dks Hkhrj dh vksj [khapuk) vkSj izk.kk;ke ds lkFk Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gSA ewycU/ ds iz;ksx ls o`¼ Hkh ;qok tSls cu tkrs gSaA xqnk ds Luk;qvksa dh rdyhiQ esa ;g eqæk ykHknk;d gSA oS| xksiky Ñ".k lksyadh] 9899182158 (jsdh ekLVj] lqtksd ,D;wizs'kfjLV ,oa eqæk ,DliVZ) The World According to GITA humanitarian conduct was under most circumstances strategically useful: a king who abused his subjects would forfeit their support and would be vulnerable to rebellion or invasion; a conqueror who needlessly violated a subdued people's customs or moral sensibilities risked catalyzing resistance. The Arthashastra's exhaustive and matter-of-fact catalogue of the imperatives of success led the distinguished 20th-century political theorist Max Weber to conclude that the Arthashastra exemplified "truly radical 'Machiavellianism'... compared to it, Machiavelli's The Prince is harmless." Unlike Machiavelli, Kautilya exhibits no nostalgia for the virtues of a better age. Whether following the Arthashastra's prescriptions or not, India reached its high-water mark of territorial extent in the third century BC, when its revered Emperor Asoka governed a territory comprising all of today's India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and part of Afghanistan and Iran. Excerpted from Henry Kissinger's book World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History, recently published by Penguin India. www.hindusanskriti.com tuojh ekg dk jkf'kQy es"k Aries (pw ps pks yk yh yw ys yks v) • LokLF; lEcU/h lq/kj • ikfjokfjd leL;kvksa dks fuiVkus esa LiwQ£r o iz;klksa esa liQyrk • vU; Ïksrksa ls ykHk • fu;fer dk;ks± esa vM+puksa ds mijkar liQyrk • 'k=kqvksa ij fot;A 'kqHk frfFk% 3,4,5,10,11,12,14,18,23,25,31 o`"k Taurus (b m , vks ok fo oq os oks) • ikfjokfjd lq[k esa deh • iRuh ds LokLF; ds izfr ltx • O;kikj lkekU; • ljdkjh foHkkx ls lEcfU/r dk;ks± esa lko/kuh cjrsa 'kqHk frfFk% 3,5,7,11,12,14,16,20,23,24,27,30 feFkqu (d dh dq ?k M N ds dks gk) Gemini • feyk&tqyk le; • dkjksckj lEcfU/r u, Ïksrksa ds volj • nwljksa ds lg;ksx ls O;kikj esa mUufr o /u&ykHk • cPpksa ds fu.kZ;ksa ls vki uk[kq'k o [kpks± esa vf/drk 'kqHk frfFk% 1,3,5,6,8,11,12,14,17,18,23,27,31 ddZ Cancer (gh gw gs gks Mk Mh Mw Ms Mks) • dkjksckj esa mUufr • ikfjokfjd dk;ks± esa foyEc • vk£Fkd leL;kvksa dk lek/ku • ljdkjh foHkkx ls lEcfU/r dk;ks± dks lko/kuhiwoZd fuiVk,¡ • ;k=kk,¡ ykHkizn jgsaxh 'kqHk frfFk% 1,5,8,9,11,18,19,20,25,27,30 flag Leo (ek eh ew es eks Vk Vh Vw Vs) • O;kikj esa mUufr • /k£ed izof` Ùk • Lo;a ds fu.kZ; ykHkizn • izkis VhZ lEcfU/r ykHk • vk£Fkd n`f"Vdks.k ls mrkj&p<+ko • /u ykHk 'kqHk frfFk% 1,3,5,9,10,14,18,19,20,21,27,31 dU;k (Vks ik ih iw "k .k B is iks) Virgo • lEifÙk ls gkfu • vk£Fkd ijs'kkuh • O;kikj esa iz;klksa ds mijkar liQyrk • ekufld ruko o fpUrk • fdlh u, yksxksa ds lkFk lksp&fopkj dj dk;Z djsa 'kqHk frfFk% 1,3,6,10,11,14,15,21,22,23,24,30 rqyk (jk jh : js jks rk rh rw rs) Libra • izksiVhZ lEcU/h ckrphr esa liQyrk • okgukfn [kjhnus dk ;ksx • /u ykHk • dkjksckj lkekU; • dk;ks± esa liQyrk • cPpksa ds iz;klksa esa liQyrk ls eu esa [kq'kh 'kqHk frfFk% 3,5,6,11,12,14,18,21,23,25,27 o`f'pd (rks uk uh uw us uks ;k ;h ;w) Scorpio • feyk&tqyk le; • lg;ksfx;ksa o fj'rsnkjksa ds O;ogkj ls ekufld ruko • dkjksckj esa mUufr • /u ykHk 'kqHk frfFk% 1,2,6,7,11,12,18,21,23,25,27,30 /uq (;s ;ks Hkk Hkh Hkw /k iQk <+k Hks) Sagittarius • eku&lEeku o ;'k c<+sxk • izksiVhZ lEcU/h ykHk • cPpksa dk izn'kZu vPNk jgsxk • dkjksckj c<+kus ds fy, iw¡th&fuos'k djus dk mfpr le; 'kqHk frfFk% 1,2,5,9,11,12,14,16,18,19,23,27,30 edj Capricorn (Hkks tk th [kh [kw [ks [kks xk xh) • ikfjokfjd leL;kvksa dk lek/ku • vk£Fkd ykHk • vU; Ïkrksa ls vk; c<+xs h • ;k=kk ykHkizn jgsxh • nwljksa ds dgus ij dksbZ fu.kZ; u ysa 'kqHk frfFk% 5,6,7,11,12,18,19,20,25,28,29,30 dqaHk (xw xs xks lk lh lw ls lks nk) Aquarius • vuqdwy le; • okgukfn ij [kpZ • lk>snkjh ykHkizn • ikfjokfjd ekeyksa ij [kpZ • dk;ks± esa liQyrk • ljdkjh foHkkx ls lEcfU/r dk;Z fuiVkus dk mfpr le; 'kqHk frfFk% 5,6,8,9,15,18,19,20,23,24,26,27 ehu (ns nh nks nw Fk > ×k pk ph) Pisces • lkekU; le; • dkjksckj esa ftEesnkfj;k¡ c<+us dh lEHkkouk • okgukfn è;kuiwoZd pyk,¡ • iw¡th fuos'k dk fu.kZ; lksp&fopkj dj ysa • xyriQgeh ds dkj.k vkilh erHksn • dkuwu foHkkx laca/h dk;ks± esa liQyrk 'kqHk frfFk% 6,7,8,9,11,15,19,20,23,24,27 eSMe :ek esgjk 9873 70 3333 rooma.mehra@hotmail.com tuojh 2016 10 Quotations about India and Hinduism • India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only. – Mark Twain, American author • We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made. – Albert Einstein, American scientist • If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India. – Romain Rolland, French scholar • There are some parts of the world that, once visited, get into your heart and won't go. For me, India is such a place. When I first visited, I was stunned by the richness of the land, by its lush beauty and exotic architecture, by its ability to overload the senses with the pure, concentrated intensity of its colors, smells, tastes, and sounds... I had been seeing the world in black & white and, when brought face-to-face with India, experienced everything re-rendered in brilliant technicolor. – Keith Bellows, National Geographic Society • Whenever I have read any part of the Vedas, I have felt that some unearthly and unknown light illuminated me. In the great teaching of the Vedas, there is no touch of sectarianism. It is of all ages, climbs, and nationalities and is the royal road for the attainment of the Great Knowledge. When I read it, I feel that I am under the spangled heavens of a summer night. – Henry David Thoreau, American Thinker & Author ne;Urh }kjk iqu% Lo;aoj dk lekpkj fHktokuk ne;Urh us czkã.k lqnso ls dgk& ^vki vfr'kh?kz v;ksè;k uxjh esa tkdj jktk ½rqi.kZ ls ;g ckr dfg;s fd Hkhed&iq=kh ne;Urh fiQj ls Lo;aoj esa LosPNkuqlkj ifr&oj.k djuk pkgrh gSA cM+s&cM+s jktk vkSj jktdqekj tk jgs gSaA Lo;aoj dh frfFk dy gh gSA blfy, ;fn vki igq¡p ldsa rks ogk¡ tkb,A uy ds thus vFkok ejus dk fdlh dks irk ugha gS] blfy, og dy lw;ksZn; ds le; nwljk ifr oj.k djsxhA* ne;Urh dh ckr lqudj lqnso v;ksè;k x, vkSj mUgksaus jktk ½rqi.kZ ls lc ckrsa dg nhaA jktk ½rqi.kZ us lqnso czkã.k dh ckr lqudj ckgqd dks cqyk;k vkSj dgk fd& ^ckgqd! dy ne;Urh dk Lo;aoj gSA eSa ,d fnu esa gh fonHkZ ns'k igq¡puk pkgrk gw¡A ijUrq ;fn rqe bruk tYnh ogk¡ igq¡p tkuk lEHko le>ks] rHkh eSa ogk¡ tkmQ¡xkA* ½rqi.kZ dh ckr lqudj uy dk dystk iQVus yxkA mUgksaus vius eu esa lkspk& ^ne;Urh us nq%[k ls vpsr gksdj gh ,slk dgk gksxkA lEHko gS] og ,slk djuk pkgrh gks] ijUrq ugha&ugha] mlus esjh izkfIr ds fy, gh ;g ;qfDr dh gksxhA og ifrozrk] rifLouh vkSj nhu gSA eSaus nqcqZf¼o'k mls R;kxdj cM+h xyrh dh] vijk/ esjk gh gSA lR;&vlR; dk rks ogk¡ tkdj gh ekywe iM+sxkA ijUrq ½rqi.kZ dh bPNk iwjh djus esa esjk Hkh LokFkZ gSA* ckgqd us gkFk tksM+dj dgk fd eSa vkids dFkukuqlkj dke djus dh izfrKk djrk gw¡A uy us pkj 'kh?kzxkeh ?kksM+s jFk esa tksr fy,A jktk ½rqi.kZ jFk ij lokj gksdj jokuk gks x,A ckgqd dk jFk unh] ioZr vkSj ouksa dks rhozxfr ls yk¡?kus yxkA ,d LFkku ij jktk ½rqi.kZ dk nqiV~Vk uhps fxj x;kA mUgksua s ckgqd ls dgk& jFk jksdks] esjk nqiV~Vk fxj x;k gS] rc uy us dgk vc ge ogk¡ ls ,d ;kstu vkxs fudy vk, gSa] vc og ugha mBk;k tk ldrkA ml le; jFk ,d ou esa py jgk FkkA ½rqi.kZ us dgk& ^ckgqd! rqe esjh xf.kr fo|k dh prqjkbZ ns[kksA lkeus ds o`{k esa ftrus iÙks vkSj iQy fn[k jgs gSa] mudh vis{kk Hkwfe ij fxj gq, iQy vkSj iÙks] ,d lkS ,d xqus vf/d gSaA bl o`{k dh nksuksa 'kk[kkvksa vkSj Vgfu;ksa ij ik¡p djksM+ iÙks gSa vkSj nks gtkj fipkuos iQy gSaA rqEgkjh bPNk gks rks fxu yksA* uy vk'p;Zpfdr gks x,A ckgqd us dgk& ^vkidh fo|k vn~Hkqr gSaA vki viuh fo|k cryk nhft,A* ½rqi.kZ us dgk fd ^xf.kr fo|k dh gh rjg eSa iklksa dh o'khdj.k&fo|k esa Hkh ,slk gh fuiq.k gw¡A* ckgqd us dgk& ^vki eq>s ;g fo|k fl[kk nsa rks eSa vkidks ?kksMk+ as dh Hkh fo|k fl[kk nw¡xkA* ½rqi.kZ dks fonHkZ ns'k igqp ¡ us dh cgqr tYnh Fkh vkSj v'o&fo|k lh[kus dk yksHk Hkh Fkk] blfy, mUgksua s jktk uy dks iklksa dh fo|k fl[kk nh vkSj dg fn;k fd ^v'o&fo|k rqe eq>s ckn esa fl[kk nsukA eSaus mls rqEgkjs ikl /jksgj NksM+ fn;kA* www.hindusanskriti.com tuojh 2016 11 nq;ksZ/ku ds }kjk nqokZlk dk vfrfFk&lRdkj vkSj ojnku ikuk jkspd dFkk,¡ tc nq;ksZ/u us ;g lquk fd ik.Mo yksx rks ou esa Hkh mlh izdkj vkuUn ls jgrs gSa] tSls uxj ds fuoklh jgk djrs gSa] rks mudh cqjkbZ djus dk fopkj fd;kA fiQj rks Ny&diV dh fo|k esa izoh.k d.kZ vkSj nq%'kklu vkfn dh e.Myh ,df=kr gqbZ vkSj ik.Moksa dks gkfu igq¡pkus ds vusdksa mik;ksa ij fopkj gksus yxkA blh chp esa egku ;'kLoh eg£"k nqokZlkth vius nl gtkj f'k";ksa dks lkFk fy;s gq, ogk¡ vk x;sA ije Øks/h nqokZlk eqfu dks ?kj ij i/kjk ns[k nq;ksZ/u cgqr fou; fn[kkrk gqvk Hkkb;ksa lfgr muds ikl x;k vkSj uezrkiwoZd mUgsa vfrfFk&lRdkj ds fy;s fueaf=kr fd;kA cM+h fof/ ls mudh iwtk dh vksj Lo;a nkl dh Hkk¡fr mudh lsok esa [kM+k jgkA nqokZlk th dbZ fnu ogk¡ Bgjs jgsA nq;ksZ/u vkyL; NksM+dj jkr&fnu mudh lsok djrk jgkA HkfDr&Hkko ds dkj.k ugha] muds 'kki ls Mjdj og lsok djrk FkkA eqfu dk Hkh LoHkko fofp=k FkkA dHkh dgrs& ^eq>s cM+h Hkw[k yxh gS] jktu~! 'kh?kz Hkkstu rS;kj djkvksA* ,slk dgdj ugkus pys tkrs vkSj ogk¡ ls ykSVrs [kwc nsj djdsA vkus ij dgrs ^vkt rks Hkw[k fcYdqy ugha gS] ugha [kkmQ¡xkA* ;g dgdj n`f"V ls vks>y gks tkrsA bl izdkj dk crkZo mUgksaus ckjEckj fd;k] rks Hkh nq;ksZ/u ds eu esa u rks dksbZ fodkj gqvk vkSj u Øks/ ghA blls nqokZlk th izlUu gks x;s vkSj cksys& ^eSa rqEgsa oj nsuk pkgrk gw¡] tks iqLrd leh{kk ;ksxokfl"B vuq'khyu bPNk gks] ek¡x yksA* nqokZlk dh ;g ckr lqudj nq;ksZ/u us eu&gh&eu ,slk le>k] ekuks mldk u;k tUe gqvk gSA eqfu larq"V gks rks muls D;k ek¡xuk pkfg,& bl ckr ds fy, d.kZ] nq%'kklu vkfn ds lkFk igys ls gh lykg gks pqdh FkhA tc eqfu us oj ek¡xus dks dgk rks mlus cM+s izlUu gksdj ;g ojnku ek¡xk] ^czãu~! gekjs dqy esa lcls cM+s gSa ;qf/f"BjA os bl le; vius Hkkb;ksa ds lkFk ou esa fuokl djrs gSaA cM+s xq.koku vkSj lq'khy gSaA tSls vius f'k";ksa ds lkFk vki vkt gekjs vfrfFk gq, gSa] mlh izdkj muds Hkh vfrfFk gksb;sA ;fn vkidh eq> ij Ñik gks rks esjh ,d vkSj izkFkZuk è;ku j[kdj tkb;sxkA ftl le; jktdqekjh ækSinh lc czkã.kksa vkSj vius ifr;ksa dks Hkkstu djkdj Lo;a Hkh Hkkstu djus ds i'pkr~ foJke dj jgh gks] ml le; vki ogk¡ i/kjsaA* ^rqe ij izse gksus ds dkj.k eSa ,slk gh d:¡xkA* ;gh dgdj nqokZlk th tSls vk;s Fks] oSls gh pys x;sA nq;ksZ/u us le>k] vc ^eSaus ckth ekj yhA* mlus izlUu gksdj d.kZ ls gkFk feyk;kA d.kZ us Hkh dgk& cM+s lkSHkkX; dh ckr gSA vc rks dke cu x;kA jktu~! rqEgkjh bPNk iwjh gqbZ vkSj rqEgkjs 'k=kq nq%[k ds egklkxj esa Mwc x;sµ ;g lc fdrus vkuUn dh ckr gSA 'ks"k vxys vad esa----- Obstructing parliament proceedings ...... contd. from page 9 ;ksx&okf'k"B dh dFkk ,oa mins'kksa dk vkjEHk jke ds oSjkX; ls gksrk gSA tc jkepUæ th 'kS'kokoLFkk dks ikj djds ;qokoLFkk esa inkiZ.k dj jgs Fks rks muds eu esa lalkj] thou] lEifÙk] L=kh vkfn lHkh lkalkfjd inkFkks± ,oa Hkksxksa ds izfr oSjkX; Hkkouk dk mn; gks x;kA mUgsa lalkj esa loZ=k nq%[k gh nq%[k fn[kkbZ nsus yxk rFkk lalkj ,oa Hkksxksa dh {k.k&Hkaxjq rk dk vkHkkl gqvkA os 'kk'or lq[k ,oa 'kkafr izkIr djus ds bPNqd gks x;sA bl thou dk vafre ifj.kke e`R;q gh gS] ftlls dksbZ ugha cp ik;k gS rFkk bl lEiw.kZ thou ds Hkksxksa dks Hkksxdj Hkh og vr`Ir jgdj [kkyh gh ykSV tkrk gSA blfy, ;s Hkksx lkjghu gh gSaA ;gk¡ yksx ejus ds fy, gh iSnk gksrs gSa vkSj iSnk gksus ds fy, ejrs gSaA ;g lalkj vfLFkj ,oa fuR; ifjorZu'khy gSA bl izdkj dh oSjkX; Hkkouk ds dkj.k mudh lalkj ,oa Hkksxksa ds izfr :fp ugha jghA os vk'kkghu] fujk'kkoknh vkSj f[kUueuk gks x;sA os buls eqfDr dk mik; lkspus yxsA ;gk¡ rd fd os vUu&ty dk Hkh ifjR;kx dj 'kjhj NksM+us dks Hkh rS;kj gks x,A os fdlh izdkj bl lalkj ls ckgj gksuk rFkk lR; ,oa 'kk'or in dks izkIr djuk pkgrs Fks] ftlls mUgsa ijekuUn dh izkfIr gksA mudh bl 'kkspuh; n'kk dk gky tc jktk n'kjFk dks Kkr gqvk rks ml le; fo'okfe=k Hkh mifLFkr Fks] tks viuh ;K&j{kk ds fy, jke rFkk y{e.k dks ysus vk;s FksA fo'okfe=k us tc jke dh bl n'kk dks lquk rks mUgksaus jke dks cqyok;k rFkk eg£"k of'k"B ls mUgsa Kku dk mins'k nsus dks dgk] ftlls mudk lc 'kksd nwj gqvk rFkk os thoUeqDr gksdj vkn'kZ iq#"k dh Hkk¡fr viuk thou fcrk ldsA eg£"k of'k"B }kjk Hkxoku jke dks fn;k ogh Kku Jherh bfUnjk eksgu th us viuh iqLrd ^;ksxokfl"B vuq'khyu* esa laf{kIr :i ls cM+s gh lqUnj 'kCnksa esa ikBdksa ds fy, lgt lqyHk djk fn;kA vk'kk gS Hkfo"; esa Hkh Jherh bfUnjk eksgu th dh ys[kuh vU; egRoiw.kZ xzaFkksa dk Hkh vuq'khyu djrh jgsxhA µ vjfoUn xks;y] lEiknd ;ksxokfl"B vuq'khyu ys[kd% bfUnjk eksgu izdk'kd% pkS[kEHkk vksfj;UVkfy;k iksLV ckWDl ua- 2206] caXyks jksM] 9&;w-ch-] tokgj uxj (deyk uxj ds ikl)] fnYyh&110007 ewY;% 250@& #i;s i`"B% 296 do not suffer any personal loss, by doing undesirable obstructive activities and by holding Parliament at random. Meeting organized by Bhartiya Matdata Sangathan also decided that appeal should be made out to Government of India, Parliament, Prime Minister of India, President of India, Vice President that various recommendations about Political reforms, electoral reforms, election reforms pending for more than 15-20 years as suggested by the Law Commission, Election Commission, Supreme Court and various committees set up for the purpose should be implemented urgently. Necessary legal enactments be implemented to make long awaited reform suggestions a reality at the earliest. Political Parties should be regulated through an adequate and competent legal regulatory frame work. People’s representatives who are selected to fight in the election must be screened through minimum basic guidelines, so that the elected people’s representatives will do work for the betterment of the nation’s people even if disadvantageous for the party. All democratic institutions from Panchayat to Parliament should be reformed and should be made free from entry of criminals. Rajya Sabha and Vidhan Parishads should be constituted by non-political eminent citizens. In view of the above, the Government of India, Political Leaders, Politicians of all Political Parties must deliberate on these issues without any further delay and enact effective laws to bring the desired reforms. In fact Former Presidents of India and Prime Ministers of India, Present Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi, President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Rajya Sabha Chairman & Vice President of India, Mohammad Hamid Ansari, Lok Sabha Speaker, Smt. Sumitra Mahajan, Supreme Court Former Chief Justice, Shri R. M. Lodha Ji, Congress President, Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji and other former Chief Justices, Front line leaders of Political Parties do make statement on the above line, emphasizing the importance of bringing such electoral reforms. However, Government keeps changing, Prime Minister keeps changing, Parliament Members keep changing and yet nothing is done for this respect. Bhartiya Matdata Sangathan and People of India want to get enacted such laws as quick as possible so that Indian Democracy can be saved and developed. Democratic values can be upgraded for the benefit of the people of India and their future. All people must come together on these issues to enact and implement such changes. Prominent Citizens must wake up and must realise these essential reforms. By doing so, they would be ensuring the future of great Indian Democracy in the world. It is will of the 125 Crores of Indians and their future generations — Dr. Rikhab C. Jain Sangathan Pramukh, Bharatiya Matdata Sangathan tuojh 2016 12 www.hindusanskriti.com Earth Group is Committed to Deliver with Ethical Value for Money REGISTERED OFFICE 26, Ist Floor, Pusa Road, Adjacent to Karol Bagh Metro Station, New Delhi-110005 Tel.: 011 - 49997550, 49997551 (100 Lines) CORPORATE OFFICE A-1, C & D Sector-16, Near Metro Station, Noida - 201301 (U.P.) Tel.: 0120 - 4805050 (30 Lines) www.earthinfra.com GURGAON OFFICE 1501-1503, 15th Floor, Tower-A, Signature Tower, Gurgaon - 122001 (Haryana) Tel.: 0124 - 4812060 to 0124 - 4812089 (30 Lines) SMS 'EIL' to 53030 • E-mail : info@earthinfra.com • Toll Free : 1800 420 5555
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