Pratibimb 2013 - Government Polytechnic Srinagar (Garhwal)
Pratibimb 2013 - Government Polytechnic Srinagar (Garhwal)
!! vlrks ek¡ ln~xe;~] relks ek¡ T;ksfrxZe;] e`R;ksZ ek¡ ve`raxe;!! fopkjksa dk okLrfod izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 laj{kd ns'k jkt iz/kku laiknd HkkLdj HkV~V v/;{k lh0,l0bZ0 iz/kkukpk;Z if=dk esa izdkf'kr jpuk dh ekSfydrk ;k izekf.kdrk dk nkf;Ro jpukdkj dk Lo;a dk gksxkA jktdh; ikWyhVsfDud Jhuxj] x<+oky Statement About ownership and other particulars About Newspaper (Poly-Mag.) Yearly Magazine Form IV (See Rule - 8) 1. Name of Magazine : Pratibimb (Poly Mag.) 2. Place of Publication : Srinagar (Garhwal) 3. Periodicity Name : Annual 4. Publishers Name Nationality Address : : : Desh Raj Indian Principal Govt. Polytechnic, Srinagar (Garhwal), U.K. 5. Editor's Name Nationality Address : : : Bhaskar Bhatt Indian Head CSE Govt. Polytechnic, Srinagar (Garhwal), U.K. Website : We hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of our knowledge and belief. Bhaskar Bhatt Signature of Publisher and Printer Signature of Editor The Publishers, Printer and editor accept no responsibility for the statements made by individual authors in their articles. Bhaskar Bhatt Editor Okkf"kZd if=dk izfrfcEc laj{kd iz/kku laiknd ns'k jkt HkkLdj HkV~V v/;{k lh-,l-bZ- iz/kkukpk;Z izdk'ku e.My fdju [kjDoky xksiky cqVksyk Jh vkj0 ih0 iqjksfgr Nk= lEiknd jfo] flfoy vfUre o"kZ lksue cMksuh] flfoy vfUre o"kZ xCcj flag] flfoy vfUre o"kZ mRrjk[k.M lfpoky;] lR;es; t;rs nsgjknwu& 248001 Qksu % 0135&2655177 ¼dk-½ 0135&2650433 QSDl % 0135&2712827 mÙkjk[k.M ljdkj fot; cgqxq.kk eq[;ea=h] mRrjk[k.M lUns'k eq>s ;g tkudj izlUurk gqbZ] fd jktdh; ikWyhVsfDud] Jhuxj&x<+oky viuh okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 ßizfrfcEcÞ dk izdk'ku djus tk jgh gSA vk'kk djrk g¡w] okf"kZd if=dk ßizfrfcEcÞ esa izdkf'kr rduhdh fo'ks"kKksa ds ys[k] laLFkk ds Nk=&Nk=kvksa ds lkFk gh vU; ikBdksa ds fy, Hkh mi;ksxh gksaxsA eSa okf"kZd if=dk ßizfrfcEcÞ ds lQy izdk'ku ds fy, 'kqHkdkuk,a nsrk gwWaA (fot; cgqxq.kk) lR;es; t;rs fo/kku Hkou] nsgjknwu d{k la- % 14 Qksu ¼dk0½ % 2666946 QSDl % 2666946 mÙkjk[k.M ljdkj x.ks'k xksfn;ky lalnh; lfpo@fo/kk;d Jhuxj 'kqHkdkeuk lUns'k ;g tkudj vfr izlUurk gks jgh gS fd jktdh; ikWyhVsfDud] Jhuxj viuh okf"kZd if=dk ßizfrfcEcÞ uke ls izdkf'kr djrh vk jgh gSA bl okf"kZd if=dk ßizfrfcEcÞ ds lQy izdk'ku gsrq laLFkku ds lHkh v/;kidksa@deZpkfj;ksa ,oa Nk=&Nk=kvksa dks gkfnZd 'kqHkdkeuk;sa izsf"kr djrk gWawA lkFk gh vis{kk djrk gwWa fd laLFkku esa v/;;ujr~ Nk=&Nk=k,ssa if=dk ds uke izfrfcEc dh rjg vius thou esa dk;Z djsaxsA 'kqHkdkeukvksa lfgr] (x.ks'k xksfn;ky) lR;es; t;rs mÙkjk[k.M ljdkj funs'kky; izkfof/kd f'k{kk mRrjk[k.M Jhuxj] ikSM+h x<+oky nwjHkk"k% 01346&250169@251937 ¼dk0½ 01346&250168 ¼QSDl½ 'kSys'k cxkSyh funs'kd ¼I.A.S.½ 'kqHkdkeuk lUns'k fiz; egksn;] eq>s ;g tkudj vR;Ur izlUurk gks jgh gS fd jktdh; ikWyhVsfDud Jhuxj viuh okf"kZd if=dk izfrfcEc dk o"kZ 2012&13 dk izdk'ku djus tk jgh gSA eq>s fo'okl gS fd bl if=dk esa ,sfrgkfld] /kkfeZd o rduhdh lEcU/kh 'kSf{kd igyqvksa ls tqM+s fo"k;ksa dks LFkku fn;k tk;sxk ftldk ykHk fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds lkFk&lkFk ;gk¡ ds tuekul dks Hkh fey ldsA f'k{kk dk lekt] izns'k ,oa jk"Vª ds fodkl esa vfr egRowi.kZ ;ksxnku gSA vk'kk gS fd ;g if=dk Nk=&Nk=kvksa ds ckSf¼d fodkl esa lgk;d gksus ds lkFk&lkFk muesa ys[ku ds izfr vfHk#fp tkx`r djus esa l{ke gksxhA eSa bl if=dk ds izdk'ku gsrq viuh 'kqHkdkeuk,sa izsf"kr djrk gw¡A ('kSys'k cxkSyh) mRrjk[k.M izkfof/kd f'k{kk ifj"kn~ #M+dh ¼gfj}kj½ irk% lqusgjk jksM+ ¼fudV&ds-,y- ikyhVsfDud Nk=kokl½] dk'khiqjh& 247 667 nwjHkk"k % 01332&266370] 266371] QSDl 266349 website:, gfj flag lfpo lUns'k fiz; egksn;] vR;Ur g"kZ dk fo"k; gS fd vkidk laLFkku okf"kZd if=dk ßizfrfcEcÞ ds o"kZ 2012&2013 ds laLdj.k dk izdk'ku djus tk jgk gS] ftlds fy, laLFkku ds Nk=x.k] lEiknd e.My ,oa vki c/kkbZ ds ik= gSaA if=dk ds ek/;e ls Nk=ksa ,oa laiknd e.My ls vtZ djuk pkgrk gw¡ fd bl esa tjk Hkh lUnsg ugha fd Hkkjr ds xk¡o o NksVs 'kgjksa esa Hkh cgqr lh izfrHkk;sa Nqih gSaA t:jr gS rks flQZ mUgsa <w¡< fudky dj rjk'kus dhA bfrgkl xokg gS fd lkekU; ?kjksa esa iSnk gq, gksugkjksa us vius Kku ds cwrs vusd egRoiw.kZ inks dks lq'kksfHkr fd;k vkSj ns'k&fons'k Lrj ij viuh mifLFkfr ntZ dhA ns'k dh Hkkoh ih<+h dks eqdke gkfly djus gsrq vius Hkhrj Nqih izfrHkk dks iqf"ir&iYyfor djuk gksxkA rduhdh Kku vftZr djus ds lkFk&lkFk] oSpkfjd vfHkO;fDr ,oa pfj= fodkl] lok±xh.k fodkl ds fy, vko';d gSA ;g if=dk Nk=ksa dks vfHkO;fDr dk vk/kkj iznku djus esa lgk;d gksxh] ,slk esjk fo'okl gSA vkids dq'ky ekxZn'kZu esa Nk=x.k vkSj laLFkku dk pgq¡eq[kh fodkl gksxk] ,slh esjh euksdkeuk g SA if=dk ds lQy izdk'ku gsrq laLFkk ifjokj dks iqu% gkfnZd 'kqHkdkeuk,aA (gfj flag) " lEikndh; jktdh; ikWfyVsfDud Jhuxj (x<+oky) dh LFkkiuk lu~ 1968 esa rRdkyhu mRrj izns'k ljdkj }kjk ioZrh; {ks= esa rduhdh f'k{kk ds izlkj ds mís'; ls dh xbZA Jhuxj (x<+oky) esa jktdh; ikWyhVsfDud dh LFkkiuk ioZrh; {ks= esa vius rjhds dh izFke ifj;kstuk Fkh ftlls ioZrh; {ks= ds uo;qodksa ,oa uo;qofr;ksa ds fy, vPNs lsok;kstu ds volj izkIr gq, vkSj blh dkj.k Hkfo"; esa vU; ioZrh; ftyksa esa Hkh blh izdkj dh rduhdh laLFkkvksa dh LFkkiuk dk dk;Z iz'kLr gqvkA izkjEHk esa bl laLFkk esa rhu ikB~;Øeksa flfoy] fo|qr ,oa ;kfU=dh esa fMIyksek ikB~;Øe izkjEHk gqvkA orZeku esa laLFkku esa lkr bathfu;fjax ikB~;Øeksa ds lkFk QkesZlh esa fMIyksek ikB~;Øe lapkfyr fd;s tk jgs gSa tks mRrjk[k.M izkfof/kd f'k{kk ifj"kn :M+dh ls lEc¼ ,oa vf[ky Hkkjrh; rduhdh f'k{kk ifj"kn~ fnYyh (A.I.C.T.E.)ls ekU;rk izkIr gSaA orZeku esa bl laLFkk esa yxHkx 1200 Nk=&Nk=k,sa rduhdh f'k{kk izkIr dj jgs gSaA 'kS{kf.kd dk;Z&dykiksa ds vfrfjDr laLFkk esa v/;;ujr~ Nk=&Nk=k,sa vU; dk;ZØeksa tSls& ØhM+k] ,u-lh-lh-] ,u-,l-,l,oa lkaLd`frd lekjksg esa viuh izfrHkkfxrk iw.kZ mRlkg ls nsrs jgs gSaA blh Øe esa Nk=&Nk=kvksa ds }kjk vius fopkjksa] ys[kksa] jpukvksa ,oa vuqHkoksa dh vfHkO;fDr dks ewrZ :i nsus gsrq bl if=dk ßizfrfcEcÞ ds izdk'ku dk iz;kl fd;k tk jgk gSA jkT; esa rduhdh f'k{kk dh mUufr esa izeq[k lfpo rduhdh f'k{kk] mRrjk[k.M 'kklu Jh jkds'k 'kekZ th dk fo'ks"k ;ksxnku jgk gS] ftuds dq'ky ,oa nwjn'khZ funsZ'ku esa jkT; esa rduhdh f'k{kk foHkkx us mYys[kuh; izxfr dh gSA fo"ke HkkSxksfyd ifjfLFkfr okys mRrjk[k.M jkT; esa nwjLFk ,oa vfodflr {ks=ksa esa rduhdh f'k{kk ds izpkj&izlkj gsrq vkids }kjk lrr~ iz;kl fd;s x;s gSaA bu {ks=ksa ds fodkl ,oa fuokflr tuleqnk; fo'ks"kr% uo;qodksa ,oa uo;qofr;ksa dks jkstxkjijd rduhdh f'k{kk miyC/k djokus gsrq u;s ikWyhVsfDudksa dh LFkkiuk ,oa mudk lQyrkiwoZd lapkyu vkids vrqY; iz;klksa ls gh lEHko gks ik;k gSA l= 2013&14 esa blh Øe esa lhekorhZ ,oa nwjLFk {ks=ksa esa 13 u;s ikWyhVsfDudksa dh LFkkiuk 'kklu }kjk izLrkfor gSA mRrjk[k.M jkT; esa rduhdh f'k{kk foHkkx }kjk mPpre vk;ke izkIr djus esa vij lfpo ,oa funs'kd rduhdh f'k{kk mRrjk[k.M Jh 'kSys'k cxkSyh dk dq'ky usr`Ro] iz;kl ,oa fn'kk&funsZ'ku Hkh ljkguh; jgk gSA laLFkk ds if=dk izdk'ku e.My dh vksj ls ekuuh; eq[;ea=h Jh fot; cgqxq.kk th] ekuuh; fo/kk;d Jhuxj (x<+oky) Jh x.ks'k xksfn;ky th] funs'kd rduhdh f'k{kk Jh 'kSys'k cxksyh ,oa lfpo mRrjk[k.M izkfof/kd f'k{kk ifj"kn :M+dh Jh gfj flag dk eSa lân; ls fo'ks"k vkHkkj ,oa /kU;okn djuk pkgWawxk fd vkids }kjk if=dk ds lQy izdk'ku gsrq vius 'kqHk lans'k izkIr djk;s x;s tks fd laLFkk ds fy, izsj.kk lzksr gSaA vUr esa eSa if=dk izdk'ku e.My dh vksj ls /kU;okn djuk pkgwWaxk] vf/k"Bku esa v/;;ujr~ Nk=&Nk=kvksa dk ftUgksaus if=dk dh lkjxfHkZrk dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, vius fopkj ikBdks ds Kkuo/kZu ds fy, miyC/k djok;s gSa ,oa iz/kkukpk;Z Jh ns'k jkt th dk ftudh izsj.kk ,oa lg;ksx ls bl o"kZ bl if=dk dk izdk'ku lEHko gks ik;k gS rFkk laLFkk lnL;ksa dk ftuds izR;{k ,oa ijks{k lg;ksx ls gh if=dk ßizfrfcEcÞ ds izdk'ku dk dk;Z iw.kZ gqvk gSA ;fn if=dk esa izdkf'kr fdlh Hkh ys[k] fopkj vkfn esa dksbZ v:fpdj rF; gks rks mls rF; dh Hkwy le>dj {kek pkgsaxs ,oa vkxkeh izdk'ku ds fy, ekxZn'kZu ds :i esa lq>ko vki lHkh ls lknj vkeaf=r djrs gSaA HkkLdj HkV~V lEiknd oUnuk oUnuk gs ek¡ ljLorh oUnuk fge Lojksa esa vkt Lohdkjks gekjh oUnuk oUnuk gs ek¡ ljLorh oUnuk T;ksfr Hkj nks oks ân; esa nwj gks ftlls va/ksjk Nu&Nuk nks rkj oh.kk ped mBs ftlls losjk gj fdj.k dks rqe ltk nks oUnuk gs oUnuk oUnuk gs ek¡ ljLorh oUnuk rqe gh deyk] vfEcdk rqe y{eh rqe gh cuh gks rqe gh nq"Vksa ds nyu dks dkfydk cudj ruh gks rqe gh lcdh ek¡ gks tuuh oUnuk gs oUnukA 9vuqØef.kdk9 9 i`"B la[;k = okf"kZd leh{kk l= 2012&2013 1 = jkstxkj ds c<+rs volj 4 = x<+oky dk ifjp; 7 = x<+oky ds 52 x<+ 8 = 'kwU; dh ladYiuk ,oa n'keyo LFkkuh; eku i)fr 10 = ifjJe 10 = nks #i;k gh Hkxoku 10 = rq>esa gS rq>esa gS 11 = Losn'k dk fn;k 11 = iap dsnkj 12 = Js"B Hkxon~ HkDr dkSu gS\ 13 = tM+h&cwVh fpfdRlk 14 = eu dh vkokt 14 = vk¡lw 14 = vueksy&thou lw= 15 = ojuk ugha cpsaxh dU;k,a 15 = dSys.Mj dh 'kq:vkr dSls gqbZ\ 16 = orZeku ;qx 17 = nksLr ds lkFk nxk 18 = lPpk ri 18 = Hkz"Vkpkj 19 = esjs liuksa dk fo'o 20 = esjh jk; 20 = D;k gks vxj u gks Lisl lwV 21 = ekuo dh lksp 21 = Hkkjr ek¡ 22 = O;ogkj&ifjorZu 22 = eSa dh fHkUurk 22 = vkidk y{; 23 = D;k dgsaxs pkj yksx 23 = ifjorZu 23 = dfork 24 = Hkz"Vkpkj 24 = leykSa.k 24 = taxy esa iztkra= 25 = dfork 25 = Hkwfe laj{k.k ,d lkaLd`frd fojklr 26 = ewfrZ;ksa dk vtk;c ?kj gS& yk[kke.My 27 = jk"Vªh; dSMsV dksj 29 = jDrnku egknku 31 = ,u-lh-lh- dSEi dk lq[kn vuqHko 32 = jk"Vªh; dSMsV dksj (National Cadet Corps) 34 = Smoking is Injurious to health 35 = dfork [ksy [ksy esa i<+uk lh[ksa 36 = f'k{kd 37 = izrkM+ fd;k geusa 37 = vktdy dh ialn 37 = la?k"kZ gh thou gS 37 = eUoUrj ds vk[;ku 38 = prqnZ'k iz;kx 40 = lj vk'kqrks"k eq[kthZ 41 = lj vk'kqrks"k eq[kthZ dh f'k{kk 41 = egku lkfgR;dkj % bZ-ch- czkmfuax 42 = Loj dks dSls cuk, e/kqj 43 = First Aid ¼izkFkfed mipkj½ 44 = fcuk nku fn;s ijyksd esa Hkkstu ugha feyrk 45 = Je 45 = n'kkorkjksa dh mn~Hko&frfFk;k¡ 46 = rEckdw [kkvksa] iq#Ldkj ikvks 46 = Kku & foKku 47 = xq# efgek 47 = fo|kFkZhZ dh vkx 48 = nqfu;k ds ns'kksa esa izFke efgyk jk"Vªk/;{k 48 = cks/k 49 = dky 49 = Creativity & Innovation 50 = Lateral Thinking 51 = Amazing Vehicles 52 = Drugs Banned in other Countries But Available in India 53 = The Next Generation Insulin Therapy 54 = Fathers of Important Branches of Science 57 = Male Breast Cancer 58 = Don't Quit 58 = Prayers from different Religions 59 = Sowing And Reaping 62 = Be Mindful Of Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow 63 = Beeps that tells the problem type in Computer System 64 = Beauty of Mathematics 64 = In 24 Hours 65 = What You Can Do! 65 = Do you Know 65 = Nine Golden Rules 65 = Annual Sports Results 66 = foHkkxokj LVkQ 68 = Branch Wise Final Years Students Names 69 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 jktdh; ikWyhVsfDud Jhuxj ¼x<+oky½ okf"kZd leh{kk l= 2012&2013 lu~ 1968 ls rhu 'kk[kkvksa (flfoy] fo|qr ,oa ;kaf=dh) ds lkFk 'kq: gqvk ;g laLFkku vkt mÙkjk[k.M ds Js"B laLFkkuksa esa fxuk tkrk gS] vius lqO;ofLFkr iz;ksx'kkykvksa] 'kS{kf.kd xfrfof/k;ksa] vuq'kklu] ;ksX; f'k{kdksa ,oa IysleasV ds dkj.k ;g laLFkku Nk=@Nk=kvksa dh igyh ilUn cu pqdk gSA 'kq:vkrh le; esa bl laLFkku dh izos'k {kerk 120 Nk=ksa dh Fkh] tks fd vc c<+dj orZeku esa 1200 gks pqdh gSA ns'k ds vkS|ksfxd izfr"Bkuksa esa fMIyksek /kkjdksa dh vR;f/kd ekax gksus ds dkj.k bl laLFkku }kjk yxHkx 320 Nk=@Nk=k;sa rduhdh ,oa QkesZlh fo"k;ksa esa izf'kf{kr gksdj jk"Vª fuekZ.k gsrq rS;kj ,oa lefiZr fd;s tk jgs gSaA gj o"kZ dh Hkkafr bl o"kZ Hkh laLFkku esa vusdksa xfrfof/k;ksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k] ftuesa ls dqN izeq[k fuEu gS& 1- jk"Vªh; ioZ ds nkSjku vk;ksftr dk;ZØe foxr~ o"kks± dh Hkkafr bl o"kZ Hkh laLFkku esa jk"Vªh; ioZ 26 tuojh] 15 vxLr ,oa 2 vDVwcj cMs+ /kwe/kke ds lkFk euk;k x;k] bu ioks± ds varxZr laLFkku esa o`{kkjksi.k] Jenku ,oa jDrnku fd;k x;kA 2- jk"Vªh; lsok ;kstuk jk"Vªh; lsok ;kstuk ds varxZr orZeku esa laLFkku esa nks bdkbZ;ka dk;Z dj jgh gSA ftUgsa dk;ZØe vf/kdkjh Jh fodkl HkV~V ,oa Jh xksiky cqVksyk ds fn'kk funsZ'ku esa lapkfyr fd;k tk jgk gSA jk"Vªh; lsok ;kstuk ds Lo;alsoh le;≤ ij jk"Vªh; ioks± ds volj ij jDrnku] Vhdkj.k ,oa iYliksfy;ksa dk;ZØeksa esa lfØ; :i ls Hkkx ysrs gSaA xzke JhdksV xaxukyh (Jhuxj) esa Lo;a lsodksa }kjk lkr fnolh; dSEi dj fofHkUu dk;ZØe lEiUu djk;s x;sA 3- izf'k{k.k ,oa lsok ;kstuk orZeku esa laLFkk esa izf'k{k.k ,oa lsok;kstu lsy dk lapkyu Jh fouksn MksHkky (Vh0ih0vks0)}kjk fd;k tk jgk gSA fiNys o"kks± dh Hkkafr bl o"kZ Hkh izns'k dh vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa esa laLFkku dh Nk=@Nk=kvksa dh dkQh ekax jghA ns'k ds 'kh"kZ dEifu;ksa ,oa cgq jk"Vªh; 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- dEifu;ksa }kjk laLFkku esa dSEil lk{kkRdkj ds ek/;e ls fMIyksek/kkjh Nk=@Nk=kvksa dk vPNs osru iSdst ij p;u fd;kA (fooj.k i`Fkd ls izLrqr) Nk=o`fÙk ,oa 'kqYd eqfDr lekt dY;k.k foHkkx }kjk foxr o"kks± dh Hkkafr bl o"kZ Hkh vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr ,oa es/kkoh Nk=@Nk=kvksa dks Nk=o`fÙk forfjr dh x;hA laLFkk esa Nk=o`fÙk forj.k ,oa 'kqYd eqfDr dk dk;Z Jh ftrsUæ flag dqaoj (O;k[;krk fo|qr vfHk;a=.k) }kjk fd;k tk jgk gSA iqLrdky; iqLrdky; dk dk;Z iqLrdky;/;{k Jh vjfoUn fd'kksj fc"V ds dq'ky funsZ'ku esa py jgk gSA Nk=@Nk=kvksa dh lqfo/kk gsrq iqLrdky; dks ySfeusVsM Xykl ikfVZ'ku ls lkSUn;hZd`r fd;k x;k gSA lwpuk dk vf/kdkj lsy lwpuk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e] 2005 ds varxZr lwpuk;sa izkIr djus ,oa nsus ds mís'; ls laLFkk esa lwpuk lsy xfBr fd;k x;k gSA laLFkk ds iz/kkukpk;Z Lo;a yksd lwpuk vf/kdkjh gS rFkk lgk;d yksd lwpuk vf/kdkjh dk dk;Z Jh fodkl HkV~V] O;k[;krk lh0,l0bZ0 }kjk fd;k tk jgk gSA 'kS{kf.kd xfrfof/k;ka 'kS{kf.kd l= 2012&13 ekg tqykbZ ls funs'kky; izkfof/kd f'k{kk] mÙkjk[k.M }kjk fu/kkZfjr dk;Z iapkx ds vuqlkj izkjEHk fd;k x;kA leLr 'kS{kf.kd xfrfof/k;ka Jh ,l0ds0 xqIrk (v/;{k QkesZlh) ds dq'ky funsZ'ku esa lEiUu dh tk jgh gSA ,u0lh0lh0 ,u0lh0lh0 ds dSMVksa us vius vf/kdkjh estj ds0,l0 esgjk ds dq'ky funsZ'ku esa dbZ miyfC/k;ka izkIr dh] ,u0lh0lh0 ds dSMVksa }kjk iwjs l= esa vusdksa dk;ZØe tSls jDrnku] lk{kjrk ,oa vU; jk"Vªh; dk;ZØeksa esa Hkkx fy;k x;kA Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. 1 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Number of Students in Academic Year 2012-13 S.No. Branch Name Ist year 2nd year 3rd year 1. Civil Engineering 47 45 52 2. Civil Engineering-2nd Shift 16 21 16 3. Mechanical Engineering 37 45 41 4. Mechanical Engineering- 2nd Shift 21 20 17 5. Electrical Engineering 45 43 51 6. Electrical Engineering- 2nd Shift 20 18 15 7. Electronics Engineering 34 32 39 8. Electronics Engineering -2nd Shift 16 16 14 9. Automobile Engineering 41 37 37 10. Computer Science & Engineering 34 28 25 11. Information Technology 36 21 31 12. Pharmacy 36 36 --- 13. Mechanical Engg. (Hindolakhal) 38 37 ---- SEMESTER WISE FINAL YEAR RESULT S. No. 2 Branch Name YEAR 2010 2011 2012 1 Civil Engineering 95.2 99.8 91.5 2 Mechanical Engineering 85.5 97.5 84.7 3 Electrical Engineering 88 91.4 79.3 4 Electronics Engineering 71.0 93.8 72 5 Automobile Engineering ----- ----- 88.8 6 Computer Science & Engg. 84 96.3 86.6 7 Information Technology 80 97.8 74.0 8 Pharmacy 94.0 98.6 81.5 A Successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 SEMESTER WISE RESULT -2012 S. No. Branch Name YEAR 2010 2011 2012 1 Civil Engineering 96.7 95.6 91.5 2 Mechanical Engineering 98.1 95.0 84.7 3 Electrical Engineering 89.2 96.9 79.3 4 Electronics Engineering 94.2 94.4 72 5 Automobile Engineering 89.7 91.8 88.8 6 Computer Science & Engg 93.9 96.1 86.6 7. Information Technology 90.6 96.8 74.0 8 Pharmacy 71.7 81.5 ------ 9- Nk=kokl Jh ts0ih0 ,l0 rksej Nk=kokl v/kh{kd ,oa Jh ih0,l0 jkor] lgk;d Nk=kokl v/kh{kd ds fn'kk funsZ'k esa 120 Nk=ksa gsrq esl dh lqfo/kk ds lkFk&lkFk dq'ky lapkyu fd;k tk jgk gSA Nk=kokl esa fofHkUu Jsf.k;ksa ds Nk= jg jgs gSaA 10- okf"kZd [ksy&dwn izfr;ksfxrk;sa foxr o"kks± dh Hkkafr bl o"kZ Hkh laLFkk dh okf"kZd [ksydwn izfr;ksfxrk;sa ,l0,l0ch0 vdkneh ds cæh'k LVsfM;e esa ekg ekpZ esa vk;ksftr dh x;h] ftlesa laLFkk ds Nk=@Nk=kvksa us c<+&p<+ dj Hkkx fy;k blh nkSjku laLFkk ds okf"kZd lkaLd`frd dk;ZØe Hkh vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jktdh; ikWyhVsfDud Jhuxj (x<+oky) esa dk;Z djuk esjs fy;s lEeku dh ckr gS] fulansg laLFkk ifjokj ds lnL;ksa ds lg;ksx ,oa dk;Z dq'kyrk ds dkj.k gh laLFkk dk la p kyu lEHko gS A la L Fkk ds leLr 'kSf{kd@f'k{k.ksÙkj vf/kdkfj;ksa@deZpkfj;ksa us bl laLFkk ds fodkl ds fy;s tks dk;Z fd;s] mlds fy;s leLr lnL;ksa dk eSa vkHkkj O;Dr djrk gw¡A esjk fo'okl gS fd lHkh ds dfBu ifjJe ls ;g laLFkk vkus okys le; esa cqyafn;ksa ds f'k[kj rd igqapk;sxhA vUr esa eSa ;gh dkeuk djrk gw¡ fd laLFkku izfr"Bk ,oa izflf¼ dh gj Å¡pkb;ksa dks Nq,s vkSj Nk=@Nk=kvksa ds Hkfo"; fuekZ.k esa vge Hkwfedk vnk djsaA 'kqHkdkeukvksa lfgr ns'k jkt iz/kkukpk;Z Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it. 3 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 ßjkstxkj ds c<+rs voljÞ jktdh; ikWyhVsfDud Jhuxj (x<+oky) ds mPpre izf'k{k.k] vuq'kkl ,oa lq;ksX; izf'k{kdksa dh dM+h esgur ds izfrQy ls laLFkku ds fofHkUu O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa ds Nk=&Nk=kvksa dks vius&vius izfr"Bkuksa esa ysus ds fy, izns'k ,oa ns'k Hkj dh dEifu;k¡ bl laLFkk esa vkrh gSa ,oa Øec¼ rjhds ls Nk=&Nk=kvksa dk vius&vius izfr"Bkuksa ds mPp rduhdh dk;ZØeksa ds lQy lapkyu ds fy;s p;u djrh gSA orZeku esa vusdksa izfr"Bkuksa esa bl laLFkk ds izf'kf{kr Nk=&Nk=kvksa }kjk viuh izfrHkk dk izn'kZu djrs gq;s bl laLFkk dks f'k[kj ij igq¡pkus dk iz;kl fd;k gS] ftlds fy;s laLFkk ds izkpk;Z] foHkkxk/;{k ,oa f'k{kdksa ds ifjJe dks Js; tkrk gSA jktdh; ikWyhVsfDud Jhuxj (x<+oky) ds Nk=&Nk=kvksa dh foxr~ rhu o"kksZa dh IyslesaV dh lwph fuEukuqlkj gS& jktdh; ikWyhVsfDud] Jhuxj laLFkk ds Nk=@Nk=kvksa dh IyslesaV dh lwpuk fuEukuqlkj gS%& o"kZ 2011&12 Ø0 la0 ikB~;Øe dk uke iathd`r Nk= la0 lsok;ksftr Nk=ksa dh laa[;k ekfld osru 1. Mechanical Engg. 56 24 6500.00 10000.00 Tata Motors LTD. Plot No-1, Sector-11 Iie Pantnagar, Dist- U.S Nagar Uttarakhand. Mahindra & Mahindra Farm Equipment Qurli Road,Kandiwali Mumbai - 400101 ITC LTD Packaging & Printing. Plot No-1 Sector 11 Iie Sidcul HARIDWAR Ashok Leyland Pantnagar, Uttarakhand Tata Motors Ltd. Plot No.-1, Sector-11 IIE Pantnagar Distt.-U.S. Nagar Uttarakhand Ashok Leyland Pantnagar, Uttarakhand Mahindra & Mahindra Farm Equipment Qurli Road, Kandiwali Mumbai - 400101 NIL Era infra engineering Ltd b-24 Sec-3, Noida-201301, India HCL info system Ltd, Pantnagar Rudrapur, Distt.-U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand-263153 HCL info system Ltd, Pantnagar Rudrapur, Distt.-U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand-263153 Wipro Infotech. Limited. 2. Mechanical Auto 41 19 6500.00 10000.00 3. 4. Civil Engg. Civil Beeronkhal Computer Science I.T. Science 55 51 NIL 02 NIL 12000.00 32 09 4000.00 31 11 4000.00 12000.00 5. 6. 7. Electrical Engg. 58 17 4000.00 12000.00 8. Electronics 52 18 12000.00 TOTAL 4 dEiuh dk uke ,oa irk ITC LTD Packaging & Printing. Plot No.- 1 Sector 11 Iie Sidcul Haridwar HCL info system Ltd, Pantnagar Rudrapur, Distt.- U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand-263153 Mahindra & Mahindra Farm Equipment Qurli Road Kandiwali Mumbai - 400101, Amber enterprises. HCL info system Ltd, Pantnagar, Rudrapur Distt.-U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand-263153 100 If you do not fight for what you want; do not cry for what you lost. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 laLFkk ds Nk=@Nk=kvksa dh IyslesaV dh lwpuk fuEukuqlkj gS%& o"kZ 2012&13 ¼24-5-2013 rd½ Ø0 ikB~;Øe la0 dk uke 1. 2. 3. Mechanical Engg. Mechanical Auto Civil Engg. iathd`r Nk= la0 lsok;ksftr Nk=ksa dh laa[;k 58 12 37 06 68 02 ekfld osru 7500 7500 to 8000 12000 4. Computer Sci. Engg. 25 11 4800 to 12500 5. I.T. 31 12 6. Electrical Engg. 66 05 4800 to 12000 15000 7. Electronics Engg. 53 14 4800 to 12500 8. Pharmacy 37 NIL NIL Total 75 dEiuh dk uke ,oa irk Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. 12, Jindal Centre. Bhikaji Cama Palace, New Delhi. DL-110066 Tata Motors Ltd. Plot No.-1, Integrated industrial estate Sidcul Pantnagar 263153 ITC Limited, Plot No. 1, Sector-11, IIE Sidcul, HARIDWAR-249403, Uttarakhand, India Spicer India Ltd., Plot No.-16.17, Pantnagar 263153, View Map Call : +(91)-9837200717 Era Group,, 153 Leela Building, Okhla Phase-3, New Delhi. Satyam Computer Service Ltd. International trade towe- Nehru Place, Block-F, New Delhi, DL-110019, Ph.- 01166628800 HCL infosystem Ltd. - Pantnagar Rudrapur Dist. U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand Satyam Computer Service Ltd. International trade towe- Nehru Place, Block-F, New Delhi, DL-110019, Ph.- 01166628800 Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. 12, Jindal Centre, Bhikaji Cama Palace, New Delhi, DL-110066 ITC Limited, Plot No.1, Sector-11, IIE Sidcul Haridwar, 249403, Uttarakhand, India Satyam Computer Service Ltd. International trade towe- Nehru Place, Block-F, New Delhi, DL-110019, Ph.- 01166628800 HCL infosystem Ltd. - Pantnagar Rudrapur Dist. U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand ITC Limited, Plot No.1, Sector-11, IIE Sidcul Haridwar, 249403, Uttarakhand, India NIL Kiran Kharkwal (Head Training & Placement) Vinod Dobhal (Training Placement Officer) Sarita Nautiyal (Asst. Training Placement Officer) Success speaks but failure listens. Be bold when you lose, and be calm when you win. 5 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 List of students , secured highest marks in 2011-12 S.N. Branch Year Name of the student Marks Total Marks Percentage Obtained Marks of Marks 1 CSE 1st Mohit Semwal 830 1175 70.63 2 CSE 2nd Poonam 798 1150 69.39 3 CSE 3rd Kusum Kagdiyal 4698 6013 78.13 4 Civil 1st Amit Chandra Ramola 1051 1500 70.06 5 Civil 2nd Kuldeep Singh 1020 1300 84.61 6 Civil 3rd Sarvesh Kumar 5351 6725 79.56 7 Machanical(Prod) 1st Ajeet Singh 999 1500 66.6 8 Machanical(Prod) 2nd Harish Singh Rawat 899 1125 79.91 9 Machanical(Prod) 3rd Ravindra Kumar 4487 5775 77.69 10 Mechanical(Auto) 1st Neeraj Pandey 1010 1200 84.16 11 Mechanical(Auto) 2nd Vinod Kumar Singh 829 1200 69.08 12 Mechanical(Auto) 3rd Harish Singh Gariya 4794 5975 80.23 13 Electronics Engg 1st Shivam Kala 994 1475 67.38 14 Electronics Engg 2nd Nidhi Rawat 977 1150 84.95 15 Electronics Engg 3rd Swati Thapaliyal 4938 6263 78.84 16 Electrical Engg 1st Rahul Kumar 1005 1475 68.13 17 Electrical Engg 2nd Mohan Singh 931 1150 80.95 18 Electrical Engg 3rd Bhopal Singh 4825 6063 79.58 19 Info. Tech 1st Akash Negi 843 1175 71.74 20 Info. Tech 2nd Neetish Khanduri 864 1200 72.00 21 Info. Tech 3rd Prabhat Bisht 4627 5963 77.59 22 Pharmacy 1st Anjali 887 1150 77.13 23 Pharmacy 2nd Neetu Negi 896 1050 85.33 6 Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 a x<+oky dk ifjp; x<+oky 'kCn ;ksx#<+h gS] vFkkZr~ ^x<+okyk*] ßokykÞ izR;; gS ftlls x<+oky 'kCn dk fuekZ.k gqvk ^x<+* 'kCn mu igkM+h fdyksa dk cks/kd gS tks fdys ioZrksa dh pV~Vkuksa ij vf/kdrk ls ik, tkrs gSaA fdys iwoZdky esa NksVs&NksVs Bkdqjh jktkvksa] ljnkjksa vkSj Fkksdnkjksa ds FksA mu jktkvksa vkSj ljnkjksa ds jkT; foHkkxksa ds uke Hkh i`Fkd~&i`Fkd~ Fks] tks vc ijxuksa vkSj iV~fV;ksa ds uke ls fo[;kr gSaA lu~ 1500 ls 1515 bZ0 ds chp iaokj oa'k ds ijkØeh egkjktk vt;iky us x<+oky ds lc Bkdqjh jktkvksa vkSj ljnkjksa ij fot; izkIr dj muds jkT;ksa dks feykdj ,d lqfoLrh.kZ jkT; LFkkfir fd;kA rc bl izns'k dk uke vf/kd x<+ gksus ds dkj.k ^x<+oky* j[kk x;kA izkphu dky esa ;g izns'k czgeorZ (czgens'k) Fkk czgef"kZ ns'k ds uke ls fo[;kr FkkA iqjk.kksa esa dsnkj [k.M ds uke ls vkSj ikyh lfgR; esa fgeoUr ds uke ls izfl¼ gqvkA x<+oky dh ,sfrgkfld ijEijk esa ;{k] fdUuj] ukx] fdjkr] dksy] [k'k] xqtZj] gwa.k] dqek;qa vk;Z vkfn vusd tkfr;ksa dk mYys[k feyrk gSA izkxSfrgkfld dky esa x<+oky eq[;r% ;{k] fdUuj] ukx vkSj fdjkrksa ls lEcU/k esa vusd fdaonfUr;ka vkSj nUr dFkk,sa yksd izpfyr gSaA ;{kksa ds jktk dqcsj dh jkt/kkuh vyduUnk ds rV ij ^vydk* ds uke ls lqfo[;kr Fkh] ftldk o.kZu Hkh lkfgR; esa feyrk gSA x<+oky esa ;{kksa dks ^tXl* ;k tk[k dgk tkrk gSA orZeku le; esa x<+oky {ks= esa tXl Hkwrksa ds fy, rFkk tk[k nsork ds #i esa ekU;rk izkIr gSA ;{kksa ds izHkko dks vkt Hkh dbZ xkaoksa rFkk LFkkuksa ds uke ls tksM+ dj ns[kk tk ldrk gSA tSls tk[k] tk[] tkxks<] tk[kky vkfn ukeksa ds dbZ xk¡o gSA fdUujh Hkk"kk dk nsork okpd (lw) 'kCn x<+oky esa cgqr gh O;kid gSA tkSulkj dk ^egklw*] {ks= dk lqfo[;kr cM+k nsork gSA x<+oky ds cgqr ls xkaoksa] ijxuksa vkSj iV~fV;ksa ds ukeksa esa ^lw* ;k ^L;w¡* vkrs gSaA tSls Fkyklw] twxklw] Qjklw] iiMklw] eY;klw] yaxklw] /kkjklw] jkorL;w¡] vkfn x<+oky {ks= esa ukx tkrh dk Hkh O;kid izHkko iM+k gSA yksdxhrksa] yksddFkkvksa rFkk yksdfo'oklksa ls tqM+s vusd izalx vkt Hkh ;gk¡ lquus dks feyrs gSA vyduUnk dh miR;dk esa ukxksa dh vusd cfLr;k¡ Fkh ukxiqj vkSj iSu[k.Mk (mjxe) iV~fV;k¡ fo'ks"kr% ukxksa ls gh lEcfU/kr ekuh tkrh gSaA x<+oky esa vkt Hkh ukxjtk] uxsyksa] ukx] nw/kk&/kkjhukx vkfn vusd ukeksa ls ukxksa dh iwtk gksrh gSA vkt Hkh ikaMqds'oj esa 'ks"kukx] ukxukFk (iks[kjh) esa iq"dj ukx] n'kksyh esa r{kdukx] iSu[k.Mk esa cksjpkukx dh iwtk gksrh gSA x<+oky esa fdjkrksa ds Hkh dqN izlax feyrs gSA LdUn iqjk.k esa dsnkj [k.Ms vkSj fdjkrksa dk foLr`r mYys[k feyrk gSA fdjkrksa ds ckn x<+oky esa ^[k'k* vkSj vk;Z tkfr;ksa dk izHkko jgkA ;g rF; fufoZokn #i ls Li"V gS fd rRdkyhu x<+oky {ks= esa ^[k'k* vf/kla[;d #i ls fuokl djrs FksA rRi'pkr dR;wjh oa'k dk mn; gqvk rFkk ^dR;wjh* dks fgeky; dk izFke jktoa'k ekuk tkrk gSA lu~ 1850 ds vki&ikl dR;wjh;ksa us x<+oky esa viuk jkT; LFkkfir fd;k tks fd lu~ 1015 bZ0 rd jgk oklqnso dks dR;wjh oa'k dk laLFkkid ekuk tkrk gSA blds mijkUr iaokj oa'k dk mn; gqvk dudiky dks bl oa'k dk laLFkkid ekuk tkrk gS] iaokj oa'k ds 37 osa mÙkjkf/kdkjh egkjktk vt;iky us lSdM+ksa NksVs&NksVs x<+ksa dks feykdj lqfoLrh.kZ jkT; dh uhao j[khA x<+oky ds bfrgkl esa ,d Hka;dj nq?kZVuk xksj[kksa ds vkØe.k ds dkj.k ?kfVr gq;hA lu~1803 esa xksj[kk dek.Mj vej flag Fkkik vkSj gLrhny pkSrfj;k ds usr`Ro esa xksj[kk lsuk us x<+oky ij vkØe.k fd;kA ml le; x<+oky dk jktk iz|qEu 'kkg us xksj[kksa ls tedj yksgk fy;k ysfdu bl ;q¼ esa jktk iz|qEu 'kkg dh e`R;q gks x;h vkSj x<+oky ij xksj[kksa dk jkT; LFkkfir gks x;kA rRi'pkr iaokj oa'kt jktk lqn'kZu'kkg us vaxzstksa dh lgk;rk ls x<+oky jkT; dks lu~ 1815 bZ0 esa xksj[kksa ds dCts ls eqDr fd;kA ysfdu vaxzstksa dh lgk;rk ds ,ot esa jktk lqn'kZu'kkg dks vydUunk unh ds ckb± vksj ds Hkw&Hkkx dks vaxzstksa ds gokys djuk iM+k] tks fd ckn esa ^jkW;y x<+oky* ds uke ls tkuk&tkus yxkA It is not your aptitude but your attitude that determines your altitude. vk'kh"k lrh flfoy 7 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 x<+oky ds 52 x<+ lkekU;r% x<+oky dks x<+ksa dk jkT; dgrs gSaA izkphu le; esa x<+oky esa cgqr lkjs x<+ gksrs FksA cgqr lkjs x<+ksa ds uke ij gh ^x<+oky* dk uke x<+oky j[kk x;kA x<+oky ds 52 x<+ksa dh lwph fuEu izdkj ls gSA Øe la- x<+ dk uke fdl ijxus esa gS fdl tkfr dk fooj.k 1ukxiqj x<+ ukxiqj ukx tkfr Fkk ukxoa'kh ;gka ukx nsork dk eafnj gSA ;gk¡ dk vfUre jktk Hktu flag gqvk FkkA 2dksy x<+ cN.kL;w¡ cNok.k (fc"V) & 3jokM+ x<+ cnjhukFk ekxZ jokM+h tkfr & 4QY;k.k x<+ QYnkdksV QY;k.k tkfr ds czkºe.k ;g x<+ fdlh jktiwr tkfr dk Fkk rFkk ml tkfr ds 'ke'ksj us bls czkºe.kksa dks nku dj fn;k FkkA 5ck¡xj x<+ ck¡xj ukxoa'kh (jktk tkfr) & 6dqbZyh x<+ dqbZyh ltok.k tkfr bl x<+ dks tkSjklh x<+ Hkh dgrs gSA 7Hkjiwj x<+ Hkjiwj ltok.k tkfr ;gk¡ dk vfUre Fkksdnkj xksfoUn flag ltok.k FkkA x<+ ltok.k tkfr vfUre Fkksdnkj lqYrku flag FkkA 9fly x<+ fly x<+ ltok.k tkfr vfUre jktk lcy flag FkkA 10eqaxjk x<+ jaokbZ jkor tkfr vfUre jktk t;pUn FkkA 11jSdk x<+ jSdk jkeksyk tkfr & 12eksY;kx<+ jeksyh jeksyk tkfr & 13mIiqx<+ mn;iqj pkSgku & 14ukyk x<+ nsgjknwu vc bldks ukykx<+h dgrs gSA 15lksdrh x<+ jokabZ jktk tkfr & 16jkeh x<+ f'keyk izkUr jk.kk tkfr igys x<+Okky dk x<+ FkkA 17fcjkYVk x<+ tkSuiqj jkor tkfr vfUre Fkksdnkj Hkwi flag FkkA 18pk¡niqj x<+ tkSuiqj jkor tkfr blh x<+ dks igys iokaj jktk dud iky us vius gLrxr fd;kA 19pkS.Mk x<+ 'khyh pk¡n iqj pkSaMky tkfr & 20rksi x<+ pk¡n iqj rksiky tkfr bl oa'k esa rqyflag izrkih jktk gqvk blus rksi <qyokbZ Fkh] rc ls rksix<+ o rksiky tkfr izfl¼ gq;hA 21jk.khx<+ jk.khx<+ iêh [kkrh tkfr }kjk cuk, tkus ij bldk uke x<+ iM+kA 22Jhxq#jx<+ lyk.k ifM;kj (ifj}kj) tkfr vfUre jktk fouksn flag FkkA 23c?kk.k x<+ c/kk.k c/ tkfr fi.Mj unh ds ÅijA 24yksgkc x<+ yksgck yksgcky usxh blesa fnyscj flag] izeksn flag izrkih jktk gq,A 25n'kksyh x<+ n'kksyh & bl x<+ esa ekuoj uke dk izrkih jktk gqvkA 8 A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 26- d.Mkjk x<+ ukxiqj d.Mkjh tkfr 27282930- /kkSuk x<+ jru x<+ ,jklw x<+ bfM;k x<+ bMokyL;w¡ dqtuh esa Jhuxj ds Åij jokbZ] cM+dksV /kkSU;ky tkfr /keknk tkrh & bfM;k tkfr 3132333435363738394041 4243444546474849505152- yaxwj x<+ ckx x<+ x<+dksV x<+ xM+rkax x<+ cu x<+ Hkjnkj x<+ pkSandksV u;ky x<+ vtehj x<+ dkaMk x<+ lkoyh x<+ cnyiqj x<+ laxsyk x<+ xqtM+ x<+ tkSaV x<+ nsoy x<+ yksn x<+ tkSayiqj x<+ pEik x<+ MksMjk Dok¡jkx<+ Hkqoukx<+ yksnu x<+ yaxwj iêh xaxk lyk.k eYyk <+k¡xw VdukSj cux<+ Hkjnkj pkSandksV dBwyL;w¡ vtehj iêh jkorL;w¡ lkoyh [kkVyh cnyiqj uSy pkeh esa xqtMw tkSuiqj nsoyx<+ nsoyx<+ & & igys x<o+ky eas Fkk & & & ckxMw usxh cxMoky fc"V HkksfV;k tkfr & & pkSandksVh tkfr u;ky tkfr i;ky tkfr jkor tkfr & & laxsyk fc"V & & yksnh tkfr dk & & & & & bl x<+ dk vfUre jktk ujohj flag Fkk tks] iaokj jktk ls ijkftr gksdj eUnkfduh unh esa Mwc ejk FkkA & ;g czºeiqjh ds Åij gSA & bl x<+ dks #ipUn uked ,d ljnkj us fo/oal fd;k FkkA & budks ckxMh Hkh dgrs gSA & & & & & bldk vfUre ljnkj Hkkxq gqvkA & & & & x<+&vo'ks"k rFkk lqjax iqjkrRo egRo ds FksA & nsoy jktk dk cuk;k gqvkA & & & & & & vk'kh"k izlkn QkesZlh vfUre o"kZ Knowing is not enough, we must apply, willing is not enough; we must do. 9 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 'kwU; dh ladYiuk ,oa n'keyo LFkkuh; eku i)fr r r r r r r vkt dks leLr foKku dk fljeksj dgk tkrk gSA 3000 o"kZ igys ls gh Hkkjrh;ksa dk er ;gh FkkA ßosnkax T;ksfr"kÞ esa yx/k us fy[kk gS % ß;Fkk f'k[kk e;wjk.kke~ ukxkuka e.k;ksa ;Fkk r}snnkax 'kkL=k.kka ew/kZfufLFkre~AA** lHkh osnkax 'kkL=ksa ds 'kh"kZ ij mlh izdkj lq'kksfHkr gS] tSls eksj ds flj ij fdjhV rFkk liZ ds Qu ij ef.kA 'kwU; dh ladYiuk rFkk vadksa dh LFkkuh; eku i¼fr fo'o esa dks izkphu Hkkjrh;ksa dh egku nsu gSA n'keyo LFkkuh; eku i¼fr ij vk/kkfjr ukS vadksa dk izFke fyf[kr lk{; ßikfylk fl¼kUrÞ (200) esa feyrk gSA 'kwU;%& gky gh esa gq, v/;;u ls fl¼ gqvk gS fd 'kwU; dh ladYiuk dk Js; egku laLd`r O;kdj.kkpk;Z ikf.kuh (500bZ0iw0) rFkk fiaxy (200bZ0iw0) dks tkrk gS] ftUgksaus izkslksMh (Prasadi) foKku dh 'kq#vkr dhA 'kwU; ds fy, ,d fpUg fuf'pr djus dk loZizFke lk{; oS'kkyh ikaMqfyfi (300&400 bZ0iw0) esa ik;k tkrk gSA izkphu Hkkjr dh vadh; i¼fr esa 'kwU; rFkk blds fpUg dk ;ksxnku lokZf/kd egRoiw.kZ gSA J.B. gkyLVsM us dgk gS] ß cqf¼ vkSj 'kfDr ds fodkl ds fy,] dh dksbZ Hkh ladYiuk 'kwU; ls vf/kd egRoiw.kZ ugha fl¼ gqbZ gSAÞ n'keyo LFkkuh; eku i¼fr%& fdlh Hkh la[;k dks 'kwU; lfgr nl vadksa esa O;Dr djuk vkSj izR;sd vadksa dks ,d fujis{k eku vkSj ,d LFkkuh; eku nsuk fo'o vkSj fo'o lH;rk dks Hkkjr dk lcls cM+k ;ksxnku gSA Ýkal ds egku xf.krK ih;js ykIykl us fy[kk gS] Hkkjr us gh gesa la[;k dks nl vadks }kjk O;Dr djus (ftlesa izR;sd vad dk ,d fujis{k vkSj LFkkuh; eku gS) dh mÙke iz.kkyh iznku dh] bldh egÙkk dks bl izdkj O;Dr dj ldrk gw¡ fd vkdZehMht rFkk viksyfu;l tSls cqf¼eku lHkh ml i¼fr esa lQyrk izkIr u dj ldsA fy;ksukMksZ fQcksUkklh filkuksa us 1202 bZ0 esa ;wjksfi; esa bl iz.kkyh dk lekos'k fd;kA fo'kky jkSFkk.k bySfDVªdy vfUre o"kZ nksgs&ß#i;k gh HkxokuÞ s ilhus dh cw¡nksa ls Qwy f[kyk djrs gSA esgur okyksa dks ojnku feyk djrs gSaA dke dHkh Hkh dksbZ vlEHko ugha gksrkA ufn;k¡ eqM+rh gSa ioZr Hkh >qdk djrs gSaA lk/kuk djuk gh lnk thou dk dke gSA dadj unh dh /kkj esa 'kadj cuk ldrk ugha Hkxoku rks vorkj ys bUlku cuk djrs gSaA tks dke vkrk nwljksa ds balku ogh gS balku djds usdh] Hkxoku cuk djrs gSaA s ifjJe dkys /ku dh ywV gS] ywV lds rks ywVA flagklu ij cSB dj turk dks ekjks cwVAA #i;k gh ek¡&cki gS] #i;k gh HkxokuA #i;k cukus ds fy, cu tk rw 'kSrkuAA lkb± bruk nhft, ?kj esjk Hkj tk,A fLol cSad [kkrk [kqys] lkr ih<+h rj tk,AA usrk g¡ls] turk fils] ,slk cu x;k ns'kA O;kikjh lc ywV jgs] j{kk djks x.ks'kAA turk rks ykpkj gS] usrk gSa eneLrA tkus dSlk nkSj gS] dSlk cankscLrAA ;g dSlh Qfj;kn gS] dSlh gS ;g ihjA Hkw[ks ejrs esgurh] x/ks [kkrs [khjAA uohu pkSgku flfoy f}rh; o"kZ 10 Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Lons'k dk fn;k ßrq>esa gS rq>esa gSa Þ rq>esa gS&rq>esa gS] ckiw ds I;kjs&nqykjs rhu canj rq>esa gSaA xgjh ihj phjus okys] lkr leanj rq>esa gSaA rq>esa gS&rq>esa gS] f'kok jk.kk] Hkxr tSls yk[k fldanj rq>esa gSaA lqanjrk ij jkt djrs] lkjs [kaMgj rq>esa gSaA rq>esa gSa&rq>esa gSa] cgknqjh dk ifjp; nsrs lHkh /kqja/kj rq>esa gSa ckgj D;k <w¡<+rk fQjs] loZxq.k vanj rq>esa gSaA rq>esa gSa&rq>esa gSa] 'kks"k.k ls yM+rs&fHkM+rs eLr coaMj rq>esa gSA xgjh ihj phjus okys] lkr leanj rq>esa gSaA fgek¡'kq cM+ksuh vkbZ-Vh- (f}rh; lsesLVj) ?kksj va/kdkj gks] py jgh c;kj gks vkt }kj ij] ;g fn;k cq>s ugha ;g fu'khFk dk fn;k] yk jgk fogku gSA 'kfDr dk fn;k gqvk] 'kfDr dk fn;k gqvk HkfDr ls fn;k gqvk] ;g LorU=rk fn;k #d jgh u uko gks] tksj dk cgko gksA vkt xax/kkj ij] ;g fn;k cq>s ugha ;g Lons'k dk fn;k] izk.k ds leku gSA ;g vrhr dYiuk] ;g fouhr izkFkZuk ;g iquhr Hkkouk] ;g vuar lk/kuk 'kfDr gks] v'kfDr gks] ;q¼ laf/k] ØkfUr gks rhj ij dNkj ij] ;g fn;k cq>s ugha ns'k ij lekt ij T;ksfr dk forku gS rhu pkj Qwy gSa] vkl ikl /kwy gS ck¡l gS] ccwy gS] ?kkl ds nqdwy gS ok;q Hkh fgyksj ls] Qw¡d ns >>ksj ns dcz ij] etkj ij] ;g fn;k cq>s ugha ;g fdlh 'kghn dk iq.; izk.k nku gSA >we&>we cnfy;k¡] pwe&pwe fctfy;k¡ vk¡f/k;k¡ mBk jgh] gypysa epk jgh yM+ jgk Lons'k gks] 'kkfUr dk u ys'k gksA {kqæ thr gkj ij] ;g fn;k cq>s ugha ;g Lora=rk dk Lora= xku gSA ;g fdlh 'kghn dk] iq.; izk.k nku gS] ns'k ij lekt ij T;ksfr dk forku gS ] ;g Lons'k dk fn;k izk.k ds leku gS The first step is, we have to say that we can. eksfgr MksHkky flfoy f}rh; o"kZ 11 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 n`f"Vxr gksrk gSA v v v v v v (5) JhdYis‚j&;g i€e dsnkj&{ks= gS ;gk¡ Hkxoku~ f'ko izkphu dky esa Hkxoku 'kadj us ,d ckj efg"k dk #i dh tVk,¡ izfrf"Br gSaA gsyax (dqEgkjpêh) esa eq[; ekxZ /kkj.k fd;k FkkA muds ml efg"k&#i ds ik¡p fofHkUu v NksM+dj vydUnk dks iqy ls ikj dj ds N% ehy tkus dkykUrj esa ik¡p LFkkuksa ij izfrf"Br gq,A os gh LFkku txr~ esa ij JhdYis‚j dk efUnj feyrk gSA bl LFkku dk uke i€ dsnkj ds uke ls izfl¼ gSaA budk laf{kIr ifjp; mjxe gSA fuEufyf[kr gS& i€ dsnkj (1) JhdsnkjukFk& izfl¼ ik¡pksa dsnkj &{ks= mÙkjk[k.M esa gh gSaA muesa JhdsnkjukFk eq[; dsnkj&ihB gSA bls izFke dsnkj Hkh dgk x;k gSA }kn'k T;ksfrfyZÂks ds o.kZu ds izl esa bldk foLr`r ifjp; feyrk gSA bl LFkku ij efg"k#i/kkjh f'ko dk i`"BHkkx izfrf"Br gSA lR;;qx esa mieU;q us blh LFkku ij Hkxoku~ 'kadj dh vkjk/kuk dh FkhA }kij;qx esa ;g {ks= ik.Moksa dh ri%LFkyh jgk gSA oLrqr% dsnkj {ks= vukfn gSA dsnkjukFk esa Hkxoku~ 'kadj dk fuR; lkafUk/; crk;k x;k gSA dsnkjukFk esa dksbZ fufeZr ewfrZ ugha gSA ik¡p eq[kksa ls ;qDr f=dks.k ,d cM+h f'kyk gSA ;k=h Lo;a tkdj Hkxoku~ dsnkjukFk dh iwtk djrs gS vkSj mUgsa vÁeky nsrs gSaA (2) Jhe/;es‚j& ;g f}rh; dsnkj&{ks= gSA bUgsa euksegs‚j ;k enegss‚j ds uke ls Hkh tkuk tkrk gSA bl LFkkuij efg"k#i/kkjh Hkxoku f'ko dh ukfHk izfrf"Br gSA m[kheB ls e/;es‚j dh nwjh 18 ehy ds yxHkx gSA ogk¡ tkus ds fy;s m[kheB ls gh ekxZ tkrk gSA ;g rhFkZ ije ifo= ,oa eks{knkrk gS] ,slk iqjk.kksa esa of.kZr gSA (3) JhrqÂukFk& bl rhFkZ dks r`rh; dsnkj&{ks= dgk tkrk gSA ;gk¡ ij efg"k#i/kkjh Hkxoku f'ko dh ckgq izfrf"Br gSA dsnkjukFk ls cnjhukFk tkrs le; gh JhrqÂukFk feyrs gSaA JhrqÂukFk ds efUnj esa f'kofya rFkk vU; dbZ ewfrZ;k¡ gSaA ;gk¡ ikrkyxÂk uked ,d vR;Ur 'khry ty dh /kkjk gS rqÂukFk ds f'k[kj ij ls iwoZ dh vksj uUnknsoh] i€pqyh rFkk æks.kkpyf'k[kj vkfn Li"V #i ls n`f"Vxkspj gksrs gSaA (4) Jh#æukFk&;gk¡ efg"k #i f'ko dk eq[k izfrf"Br gSA Jh#æukFk dk mYys[k prqFkZ dsnkj&{ks= ds #i esa fd;k tkrk gSA JhrqÂukFk ls #æukFk&f'k[kj Li"V#is.k 12 i€ ljksoj Hkxoku~ czãk ,oa fo".kq ds }kjk vf/kokflr ,oa izfrf"Br gksus ds dkj.k dqN ljksoj vR;Ur ifo=re rhFkksZ esa gSA ogk¡ vfHkxeu ,oa Luku vkfn dk fo'ks"k egRo gSA ljksoj rFkk dq.M&#i rhFkksZ esa ektZu rFkk vkpeu dk Hkh Luku ds rqY; gh Qy izkIr gksrk gSA iqjk.kksa esa ik¡p ljksojksa dks eq[; ekuk x;k gSA ;Fkk& (1) ekuljksoj& iqjk.kksa us bl ljksoj dk vR;f/kd ekgkRE; cryk;k gSA ;g czãth dh ladYi&'kfDr ls l`f"V ds vkjEHk esa fufeZr gqvk FkkA blls lj;w vkSj czãiq=&;s nks cM+h ufn;k¡ fu%l`r gSaA ;gk¡ dqeqnk uke ls lrhnsoh dk 'kfDrihB gSA firjksa ds Jk¼ ds fy;s ;g rhFkZ izk;% loksZÙke ekuk x;k gSA ;gk¡ ti djus ls rRdky flf¼ gksrh gSA gal i{kh dsoy blh ljksoj esa jgrs gSA (2) foUnqljksoj& Hkkxorkfn egkiqjk.kksa esa ;g mYys[k gS fd dnZe iztkifr dks oj nsrs le; Hkxoku~ fo".kq ds us=ksa ls tks d#.kkiwfjr vJqfoUnq fxjs] mlls ;g ljksoj fufeZr gqvkA ;g egf"kZ dnZe dh ri% LFkyh jgh gSA Hkxoku~ dfiy nso dk vorkj ;gha ij gqvk FkkA Hkxoku~ dfiy vkSj mudh ekrk nsogwfr dh Hkh ;g fuoklLFkyh jgh gSA blfy;s ;g fl¼kJe ;k fl¼iqj ds uke ls Hkh izfl¼ gSA ;g ljksoj xqtjkr&izns'k esa fLFkr gSA (3) ukjk;.k ljksoj&iqjk.kksa esa ^ukjk;.klj* uke ls dbZ ljksojksa dk mYys[k vkrk gS tks fofHkUu {ks=ksa esa fLFkr gSA buesa ls nks fo'ks"k izfl¼ gSA izFke ife leqæ&rVorhZ ukjk;.klj rFkk f}rh; fgeky; esa ukjk;.k ioZr ds pj.k esa fLFkr ukjk;.k&ljksojA ;g f}rh; ljksoj vR;Ur egRo dk gSA bldk ty vf/kdka'k le; fgekPNkfnr jgrk gSA ,slh izflf¼ gS fd fl¼&egkRek rFkk Anger is one letter away from danger. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 iq.;kRekvksa dks gh ;gk¡ ds n'kZu lqyHk gks ikrs gS ;gk¡ dk ekxZ nqxZe gSA xÂk dk ewy mn~xe Hkh ukjk;.k ljksoj gh ekuk x;k gSA (4)iEik&ljksoj& iqjk.kksa ds lkFk gh jkek;.k esa Hkh bldk mYys[k gqvk gSA ;g e/; Hkkjr esa rqaxHkæk unh mÙkj vkSj fdf"dU/kk ds nf{ Hkkx esa gSA bldk vkyadkfjd o.kZu fdf"dU/kk dk.M ds vkjEHk esa gqvk gSA bl ljksoj ds rV ij fi=ksa ds fy;s Jk¼ djus dk eRL; vkfn iqjk.kksa vR;f/kd egÙo iznf'kZr gqvk gSA (5) iq"dj&ljksoj& iqjk.kksa esa iq"dj&ljksoj dh vR;f/kd efgek xk;h x;h gSA iùiqjk.k ds lEiw.kZ l`f"V [k.M esa izk;% blh rhFkZ dk ekgkRE; izfrikfnr gS ;gk¡ czãth us fo'kky ;K fd;k FkkA ftl izdkj nsorkvksa esa e/kqlwnu Js"B gSa] oSls gh ljksojksa esa iq"dj Js"B gSA ;gk¡ dkfrZd&iwf.kZek ds Luku dk egRo dbZ o"kks± rd vfXugks= djus ls Hkh vf/kd cryk;k x;k gS ;g ljksoj vtesj esa gSA Js"B Hkxon~ HkDr dkSu gSa\ ;s fgrk% loZ t Urw u ka xrklw ; k veRljk% A of'kuks fuLi`gk% 'kkUrkLrs oS HkkxorksÙkek%AA deZ . kk eulk okpk ijihMka u dq o Z r s A vifjxzg'khyk rs oS Hkkxork% Le`rk%AA lRdFkkJo.ks ;s"kka orZrs lkfÙodh efr% A rn~Hkäfo".kqHkäk rs oS HkkxoÙkksÙkek%AA ekrkfi=ks 'kq J w " kka dq o Z f Ur ;s ujks Ù kek%A xÂkfo‚s‚jf/k;k rs oS HkkxoÙkksÙkek%AA oz f ruka p ;rhuka p ifjp;kZ i jk ;s A fo;q ä ijfuUnk rs oS HkkxoÙkks Ù kek%AA los z " kka fgrokD;kfu ;s onfUr ujks Ù kek%A ;s xq.kxzkfg.kks yksds rs oS Hkkxork% Le`rk%AA vkReor~ loZ H kw r kfu ;s i';fUr ujks Ù kek%A rqY;k% 'k=q"kq fe=s"kq rs oS HkkxorksÙkek%AA vU;s"kkeqn;a n`"V~ok ;s·fHkuUnfUr ekuok%A gfjukeijk ;s p rs os Hkkxorks Ù kek%AA f'kos p ijes ' ks p fo".kkS p ijekRefu A lecq¼~; izorZUrs rs oS Hkkxork% Le`rk%AA (ukjniqjk.k 1@5) tks lc thoksa ds fgrS"kh gSa] tks nwljksa dk nks"k ugha ns[krs] tks fdlh ls Mkg ugha djrs] eu&bfUæ;ksa dks o'k esa j[krs gSa] fu%Li`g vkSj 'kkUr gSa] os mÙke Hkxon~HkDr gSaA tks deZ] eu vkSj opu ls nwljksa dks ihM+k ugha igq¡pkrs] ftudk laxzg djus dk LoHkko ugha gSA os Hkxon~HkDr gSA ftudh lkfÙodh cqf¼ mÙke HkxoRdFkk lquus esa yxh jgrh gS rFkk tks Hkxoku vkSj muds HkDrksa ds Hkh HkDr gSa] os Js"B Hkxon~HkDr gSA tks Js"B euq"; ekrk&firk ds izfr xÂk vkSj fo‚ukFk dk Hkko j[kdj mudh lsok djrs gSa] os Js"B iq#"k lcds fy;s fgrHkjs opu cksyrs gS vkSj dsoy xq.kksa dks gh xzg.k djrs gS os bl yksd esa Hkxon~HkDr gSA tks Js"B iq#"k leLr thoksa dks vius gh leku ns[krs gSaA rFkk 'k=q&fe= esa Hkh leku Hkko j[krs gSa] os Js"B Hkxon~HkDr gSaA tks euq"; nwljksa dk vH;qn; ns[kdj izlUu gksrs gS vkSj lnk gfjukeijk;.k jgrs gSa] os Js"B Hkxon~HkDr gSa vkSj tks ijes'oj f'ko ,oa ijekRek fo".kq ds izfr lecqf¼ ls crkZo djrs gS] os Js"B Hkxor~HkDr gSaA fdju [kjDoky O;k[;krk QkesZlh To handle yourself, use your head, to handle others, use your heart. 13 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 tM+h&cwVh fpfdRlk LokLF; ls lh/kk tqM+k] gekjs 'kjhj laLFkku dk ,d egRoiw.kZ vax gSA elwMs+] tks ikpu laLFkku dk Åijh Hkkx gS ,oa eq¡g [kksyus ij utj vkus okyh xqQk ls vkjEHk gksrk gSA ftlesa [kkuk pckus ds fy, fo/kkrk }kjk nkar iznku fd, x, gSaA ;fn nar{k; gqvk] eq¡g esa Nkys o elwMs+ eokn ls ;qDr gksa] rks eq¡g ds Nkys (LVkesVbfVl)] nar{k; (dsfjl) ,oa ik;fj;k tSls jksxksa ds fy, nks loZJs"B vkS"kf/k;k¡ gS] cdqy (ekSyJh) ,oa dk;Qy&dV~QyA cdqy (ekSyJh&felqlkl ,sysUxh) dks e/kqxU/k Hkh dgk tkrk gS blds Qy&Qwy lqxfU/kr gksrs gSa ,oa lw[kus ij xa/k LFkkbZ jgrh gSA bldk o`{k l?ku 50 QhV rd Å¡pk gksrk gSA bldh igpku] iÙks dh cukoV o ihyh vkHkk fy, iq"iksa ls dh tk ldrh gSA vizSy&ebZ esa iq"i ;k Qy lkjs Hkkjr esa ik;k tkrk gSA ekSyJh dh Nky] iq"i ;k Qy iz;ksx esa vkrk gSA Nky dk dk<+k 50&100 lhlh (5 ls 10 NksVs pEep ds cjkcj rFkk iq"i pw.kZ 1 ls 2 xzke dh ek=k esa iz;qDr fd;k tkrk gSA nkarksa esa dhM+k yxus] mudh tM+ksa esa eokn gksus] elwM+ksa dh lwtu rFkk fNyus ij Nky ds dk<+s ls dqYyk djk;k tkrk gS Nky ds pw.kZ dk eatu ,oa dksey 'kk[kkvksa }kjk nkrwu djuk Hkh mruk gh ykHkdkjh gSA bldk drqd"kk; jl nkarksa dks etcwr djrk gS ,oa elawM+ksa ls jDr&eokn vkuk can djrk gSA eq¡g ds Nkys Hkh blds dk<+s ls dqYys }kjk Bhd gksrs gSaA dk;Qy (dVQy&fejhdkLD;wysUVk) dks dk;Nky ;k egkoYdy Hkh dgrs gSA fo'ks"k #i ls igkM+h bykdksa esa x<+oky] dqek;w¡ f'kokfyd dh ?kkfV;ksa esa 5&6 gtkj QhV dh Å¡pkbZ rd ik;k tkrk gSA 'kjn ½rq esa Qwy vkrs gSaA bldks 6 bap yEcs Hkkykdkj iÙks eksVh Hkwjhnkj Nky ls igpkuk tk ldrk gSA bldh Nky ewyr% iz;ksx esa vkrh gS blds Qwyksa dk rsy Hkh fudky dj Nky ds dk<s+ ds leku gh iz;qDr gksrk gSA eq¡g ds Nkys ftuesa laØe.k gks x;k gS rks bldk pw.kZ laØe.k uk'kd ds #i esa dk;Z djrk gSA nk¡rksa ds rst nnZ] dSfoVht] ik;fj;k] ftUthokbfVl vkfn esa dqYyk ;k eatu djus ls cgqr tYnh ykHk gksrk gS bldk oS/kd #i dVQykfn DokFk ds #i esa miyC/k gksrk gSA eu dh vkokt eu esa fu'p; djds tc ge ?kj dks NksM+ vkrs gSa] lcls vyx tks nqfu;k ns[ksa o igpku cukuk pkgrs gSaA igyh ckj tc ek¡ ds vk¡py ls fudy dj vkrs gSa] vk¡[kksa ls fQj fonkbZ ds vk¡lw Nyd ls tkrs gSaA u;h txg dh u;h meaxsa fQj eu dks cgykrh gSa] rc dHkh&dHkh ek¡ dh ;knsa flj dks lgykrh gSaA uk tkus D;w¡ dqN gh fnu esa ge vius lius Hkwy tkrs gSa] cl nksLrkas ds lkFk eLrh djrs vkSj ikVhZ eukrs gSaA tks igpku cukus fudys Fks oks eLrh esa [kks tkrs gSa] ,Dtke dh ,d jkr igys ek¡&ikik dh mEehnsa ;kn vkrh gaS A fQj fMIyksek ds vafre o"kZ esa tc fjtYV esa cSd vkrh gSa] fQj vius liuksa dks VwVrk ns[k iydsa Hkhx tkrh gSaA rc eu ls vkokt vkrh gS fd cgqr nsj gks pqdh gS] oks igpku cukus dh pkg vc eLrh esa [kks pqdh gSA nksLrksa dh nksLrh vyx vkSj vius liuksa dks vyx j[kksA bu liuksa dks vk¡[kksa esa ltkvks] igpku dks eu esa j[kksA vius lqugjs liuksa dh mM+ku dks dHkh lksus uk nsuk] vius ek¡&ikik dh mEehnksa dks fujk'k gksus uk nsukA Lojfpr iwtk ltok.k] bySfDVªdy vfUre o"kZ ßvk¡lwÞ fny jksrk gS rks vk¡[k Lo;a Hkj vkrh gSA fny tks u jksuk pkgs] rks D;k ;s rc Hkh Nyd vkrh gSA blh iz'u dk mÙkj rks eSa pkgrh g¡w] ysfdu tcko tkurs gq;s Hkh ;g iz'u fQj mBkrh g¡wA vk¡lw Hkh nks :iksa esa Nyd vkrs gSa] xe gks ;k [kq'kh fudy gh vkrs gSaA vk¡lqvksa dks Nydkuk rks vk¡[ksa dh ,d vnk gS] bUgha vnkvksa ls rks fny dks feyrh ltk gSA bu vnkvksa dks le> ikuk Hkh ,d dyk gSA tks le>rk ;s dyk gS] mls gh gj ,d vk¡lw dk eryc irk gSA nhfidk jkor QkesZlh vfUre o"kZ 14 Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently. uh'kw f}osnh flfoy vafre o"kZ izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 vueksy&thou lw= 1- tks mins'k vkpj.k ds }kjk fn;k tkrk gS] ogh vf/kd izHkko'kkyh gksrk gSA 2- tks tSls lksprk gS vkSj djrk gS] og oSlk gh cu tkrk gSA 3- cqf¼eku ogh gS] tks lksp le> dj dksbZ ckr eq¡g ls fudkyrs gSaA 4- le>nkjh] ftEesnkjh] bZekunkjh vkSj etnwjh ;s pkj mTtoy Hkfo"; ds fy, ea= gSaA 5- /ku&/kkU; dk iz;ksx djus esa] fo|k lh[kus esa rFkk vkpkj&O;ogkj esa yTtk ugha djuh pkfg,A 6- vk; ls vf/kd [kpZ djus okys frjLdkj vkSj d"V Hkksxrs gSaA 7- fdlh dk lq/kkj migkl djus ls ugha gks ldrk gSA 8- vko';drkvksa esa deh djds vkSj ifjfLFkfr;ksa ls rkyesy fcBkdj lq[kh jg ldrs gSaA 9- vk/ks&v/kwjs eu ls dke fd;k tk;s] rks lQyrk dh vk'kk NksM+ nsuh pkfg,A 10- ftudk vius Åij fu;a=.k ugha gksrk] ogh lcls cM+k nhu vkSj nqcZy gSA 11- viuk lq/kkj lalkj dh lcls cM+h lsok gSA 12- n`< ladYi ds lkFk iwjs eu ls dfBu ifjJe fd;k tk, rks lQyrk fuf'pr gSA 13- euq"; dks ijekRek us vka[k o dku nks&nks rFkk thHk ,d nh gS rkfd og ns[ksa lqus vf/kd vkSj cksys deA 14- vius dks euq"; cukus dk iz;Ru djks rks thou lQy gksxkA 15- thou esa fl¼kUrksa o vkn'kks± dk ikyu djuk gh izHkq dh lPph lsok gSA 16- ;fn vki nqfu;k ds ihNs Hkkxsaxs rks nqfu;k vkils nwj Hkkxsxh vkSj ;fn vki Bhd ls gj dke vkRe mUufr o vkRe&fodkl ds jkLrs ij py iMs+xsa] rks nqfu;k vkids ihNs HkkxsxhA 17- bZekunkj vkneh gtkjksa eudksa esa ghjs dh Hkk¡fr pedrk gSA 18- 'kkyhurk fcuk eksy feyrh gSa] ij mlls lc dqN [kjhnk tk ldrk gSA eksuk flag bySfDVªdy vfUre o"kZ ------ojuk ugha cpsaxh dU;k,a efgykvksa us ges'kk ls gh ,d eqdke ij igq¡pdj vius egRo ,oa ;ksxnku dks lkfcr fd;k gSA vkt efgyk,a iq#"kksa dh vis{kk izR;sd {ks= esa vf/kd lQyrk,¡ izkIr dj jgh gSaA ekLVj 'ksQ cuh f'kizk [kUuk vkSj fcx ckWl dh fotsrk twgh ijekj us Hkh dke;kch ds dne pwes vkSj lcls cM+h felky rks Hkkjr dh igyh felkby oqeu Vslh FkkWel cuh ftUgksaus vius cpiu ds lius dks iwjk fd;kA vkt mUgsa iwjk ns'k vfXuiq=h ds uke ls tkuus yxk gSA vkt csfV;k¡ cgqr vkxs c<+ pqdh gSa] fQj Hkh vkt dbZ ,sls ifjokj gS] tgk¡ csfV;k¡ iSnk gksus ij ekre euk;k tkrk gS vkSj bldh ftEesnkj dkQh gn rd ge efgyk,a gh gSa D;ksafd dgk tkrk gS fd] vkSjr gh vkSjr dh nq'eu gksrh gSA ge ,d nwljs ds izfr laosnu'khy ugh gSa] laosnuk,¡ gekjs ân; ds fdlh dksus esa n¶u gks xbZ gSaA tc ,d vkSjr csVh dks tUe nsrh gS rks nwljh vkSjr gh mls rjg&rjg dh ckrsa lqukrh gSA ge efgykvksa dks ,d &nwljs ds izfr laosnu'khy gksuk pkfg,] ,d &nwljs dh Hkkoukvksa dks le>uk pkfg,A exj vkt ,slk ugha gSA bUgha dkj.kksa ls dU;k Hkzw.k gR;k dh ?kVuk,a c<+h gSaA vxj blh rjg dU;k Hkzw.k gR;k,sa gksrh jgh] rks vkus okys lkyksa esa bldk lekt ij fdruk ?kkrd vlj iMs+xk bldh dYiuk djus ls Hkh Mj yxrk gSA ge lHkh dks blds izfr tkx#d gksus dh vko';drk gSA efgykvksa dks gh blds f[kykQ vkokt mBkuh pkfg,A vkSj ;g rHkh laHko gksxkA tc ge viuh o nwljksa dh lksp dks cny ldsaxs ge pkgasxs] rHkh lekt esa gks jgs dU;k&Hkzw.k gR;k tSls ?kksj vijk/k dks jksd ldsaxs vkSj xHkZ esa iy jgh eklwe cfPp;ksa o lekt dks lqjf{kr j[k ik,axsA ehuk{kh pkSgku QkesZlh vfUre o"kZ A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. 15 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 dSys.Mj dh 'kq:vkr dSls gqbZ\ lH;rk ds vkjEHk esa euq"; us tc lw;Z dks mn;&vLr gksrs ns[kk rks mls fnu vkSj jkr dk Kku gqvkA pUæek ds ?kVus vkSj c<+us ls mlus eghus dh /kkj.kk cukbZ vkSj 'kk;n ekSleksa ds cnyus ls mls o"kZ dk Kku gqvkA tSls&tSls foKku dk fodkl gqvk oSls&oSls euq"; dks dqN lgh&lgh ckrksa dk Kku izkIr gksrk x;kA lw;Z ds pkjksa vksj i`Foh dks ,d ifjØek djus esa ftruk le; yxrk gS] mlus mls o"kZ dguk 'kq: fd;kA pUæek i`Foh ds pkjksa vksj ifjØek djus esa ftrus fnu ysrk gS] og ,d eghuk dgyk;k vkSj i`Foh vius v{k (Aris) ij ,d pDdj iwjk djus esa ftruk le; ysrh gS] mls fnu dgk x;kA feJ (Egypt) ds izkjfEHkd dSys.Mjksa esa ,d o"kZ 12 eghus dk gksrk Fkk vkSj eghuk 30 fnu dk gqvk djrk Fkk] ;|fi ckn esa vfrfjDr 5 fnu o"kZ ds vUr esa tksM+ fn;s tkrs Fks] rkfd ,d o"kZ Bhd 365 1@4 fnuksa dk gks tk;sA ;wuku ds yksx pUæ dSys.Mj (Lunar Calendar) dk iz;ksx fd;k djrs FksA ftlesa vfrfjDr rhu ekg gj vkB o"kZ ckn tksM+ fn;s tkrs FksA ;|fi 432 bZ0iw0 ls T;ksfr"kh esVu us Kkr fd;k fd 235 pUæekl 19 o"kks± esa lgh <ax ls fQV gks tkrs gSaA ;gh dSys.Mj ml le; ds i¼fr;ksa rFkk /keZ lEcU/kh dSy.Mjksa dk vk/kkj cukA dSys.Mj fodkl dh fn'kk esa lcls igyk lgh dne 46 bZ0iw0 esa jkse ds 'kkld ^twfy;l lhtj* (Julius Caesar) us mBk;k] mlus bl dk;Z esa vius T;ksfr"k 'kkL=h ^lkSlhtu* (Sosigenes) dh lgk;rk yhA ;g dSys.Mj i`Foh }kjk lw;Z ds pkjksa vksj ,d ifjØe.k esa fy;s x;s le; ij vk/kkfjr Fkk] bldk uke lkSj dSys.Mj FkkA (Solar Calendar)] i`Foh 365-25 fnu esa lw;Z dh ,d ifjØek djrh gS] blfy, bl le; dks ,d o"kZ ekuk x;kA lhtj ds T;ksfrf"k;ksa us o"kZ dks 365 fnu dk rFkk gj pkSFks o"kZ dks 366 fnu dk ekuk] rkfd gj o"kZ dk pkSFkkbZ fnu pkj o"kZ esa iwjk gks tk;sA bl pkSFks o"kZ dks yhi bZ;j (Leap Year) dgk x;kA ftl o"kZ ds vad 4 ls foHkkftr gks tkrs Fks] ml lky dks ^leap year* eku fy;k tkrk FkkA 365 fnuksa dks 12 eghuksa esa foHkkftr fd;k x;kA buesa ls 16 tuojh] ekpZ] ebZ] tqykbZ] vxLr] vDVwcj vkSj fnlEcj 31 fnuksa ds eghus Fks ,oa vizSy] twu] flrEcj vkSj uoEcj 30 fnu ds FksA Qjojh 28 fnu dh gksrh FkhA ;g dSys.Mj yxHkx 1600 o"kks± rd pyrk jgkA ckn esa blesa 10 fnu dh xM+cM+h ikbZ xbZA 1582 esa bVyh ds iksi xzsxjh us bl dSys.Mj esa lq/kkj fd;s] D;ksafd blesa ,d deh jgh xbZ FkhA pw¡fd i`Foh dks lw;Z dh ifjØek esa okLro esa 365-2422 fnu yxrs gSaA vr% ,d gtkj o"kZ dh vof/k esa 7&8 fnu dk vUrj iM+uk LokHkkfod FkkA bl vUrj dks nwj djus ds fy;s xzsxjh (Gregory) egksn; us 1522 esa ;g lq/kkj fd;k] fd ftu 'krkfCn;ksa dh la[;k 400 ls foHkkftr ugha gks ikrh] mu 'krkfCn;ksa esa Qjojh 28 fnu dh gksxh] tSls lu~ 1700] 1800] 1900 esa Qjojh 28 fnu dh FkhA ysfdu lu~ 2000 esa ;g 29 fnu dh FkhA bl dSys.Mj dks xzsxsfj;u dSys.Mj dgrs gSaA bldk iz;ksx vkt fo'o esa gj txg gksrk gSA nwljk dSys.Mj pUæek dh xfr ij vk/kkfjr gS] bls pUæ dSys.Mj (Lunar Calendar) dgrs gSa] pwafd 29 1@2 fnu esa i`Foh dh ,d ifjØek iwjh djrh gSA vr% pUæek dh 12 ifjØekvksa esa 29 1/2 x12=354 fnu gq,A bl izdkj pUæ o"kZ 354 fnu dk cSBrk gS] tks lkSj o"kZ ls yxHkx 11 fnu de gSaA bl izdkj rhu o"kks± esa yxHkx 33 fnu dk varj vk tkrk gSA bl deh vfrfjDr ,d eghus dks eyekl dgrs gSaA eghuksa ds fnuksa dks iwjk djus ds fy;s frfFk;ksa dks ?kVk c<+kdj Bhd dj fy;k tkrk gSA Hkkjr ljdkj us 22 ekpZ 1957 ls pUæ dSys.Mj ds vk/kkj ij 'kd~ laor~ dks jk"Vªh; dSys.Mj ds #i esa Lohdkj fd;kA 'kd~ laor~ bZLoh laor~ ls 78 o"kZ ihNs iM+rk gSA bu fnuksa dSys.Mj ds vfrfjDr lalkj ds dqN fnuksa esa nwljs vU; dSys.Mj Hkh izpfyr gSa] tks ogk¡ ds /kkfeZd dk;ks± esa iz;qDr gksrs gSaA dSys.Mj cukrs le; o"kZ ds 365 fnuksa dks 12 eghuksa esa foHkkftr fd;k x;kA bu eghuksa dks ge tuojh] Qjojh] ekpZ] vizSy] ebZ] twu] tqykbZ] vxLr] flrEcj] vDVwcj] uoEcj] fnlEcj uke ls iqdkjrs gSaA o"kZ ds bu eghuksa dks ;s uke fuEu vk/kkj ij fn;s x;sA tuojh (January) o"kZ dk Yesterday is not ours to recover; but tomorrow is ours to loose or to win. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 izFke eghuk gS] bldh mRifr jkse ds nsork] ^tsul* (Janus) ds uke ls gqbZ] jkse ds fuoklh bl nsork ds nks eq[k ekurs gSa] tks Hkwr vkSj Hkfo"; esa ns[krs jgrs gSaA Qjojh (February) jkseu R;kSgkj ^Qsczqvk* (Fabrua) ls fudyk gSA ekpZ (March) ;k eaxy jkse ds fuokfl;ksa dk ;q¼ nsork Fkk] blh ds uke ij ekpZ eghus dk uke j[kk x;kA vizSy (April) lEHkor% ySfVu Hkk"kk ds ^,sisfjj* (Epirer) ls fy;k x;k gSA bldk vFkZ [kqyuk gksrk gS] pw¡fd bl eghus esa clUr ½rq esa ouLifr;k¡ f[kyrh gSa] blfy, bls vizSy uke ns fn;k x;kA ebZ (May) 'kCn dh mRifÙk jkse ds fuokfl;ksa dh nsoh ^ekbek* (Myma) ds uke ls gqbZ gSA twu (June) dh mRifÙk dk lgh irk ugha gS dqN lkfgR;dkjksa ds er ds vuqlkj og LoxZ dh jkuh ^twuksa (Juno) ds uke ls fy;k x;k gSA tqykbZ (July) twfy;l lhtj (Julius Caesar) ds uke ls fy;k x;k gS] og blh eghus esa iSnk gqvk FkkA ;gh lcls igyk O;fDr Fkk] ftlus vk/kqfud dSys.Mj ds fodkl esa cgqr cM+k ;ksxnku fn;k FkkA vxLr (August) ekg dh mRifÙk jkse ds jktk ^vkWxLVl* ds uke ij gqbZ gS] mlus bl eghus esa dbZ fot;sa izkIr dh FkhaA flrEcj (September) 'kCn ySfVu Hkk"kk ds 'kCn ^lIre* ;kuh lkr ls fy;k x;k gS] jkseu dSys.Mj esa ;g lkrok¡ eghuk FkkA vDVwcj (October) ySfVu 'kCn ^vkDVks* ;k vkB ls feyk gS] iqjkus jkseu dSys.Mj esa ;g vkBok¡ eghuk FkkA uoEcj (November) ySfVu 'kCn ^uoe~* (Novem-) vFkkZr~ ukS ls fudyk gS] ;g iqjkus dSys.Mj esa ukSoka eghuk FkkA fnlEcj (December) ySfVu Hkk"kk ds ^Mhlse* (Decem) ls fy;k x;k gSA ftldk vFkZ nlok¡ gksrk gS] ;g iqjkus jkseu dSys.Mj esa nlok¡ eghuk FkkA lqjfHk ukSfV;ky QkesZlh vfURke o"kZ orZeku ;qx orZeku ;qx vkt dk ;qx gS] vk/kqfud e'khuksa ds bLrseky dk ;qx gSA vkneh gks x;k csdkj] xjhch vkSj 'kks"k.k dh gj txg gS ekjA e'khuksa ls lLrk fcdrk gS vkneh] fnu&jkr dke dj Hkh Hkw[kk ejrk gS vknehA ;g 'kks"k.k dk ugha rks vkSj dkSu&lk ;qx gS\ orZeku ;qx vk/kqfud e'khuksa ds bLrseky dk ;qx gSA bDdhloha lnh dks lc djrs gSa okg&okg] vkxs c<+us dh gj vkneh esa gS pkgA ysfdu lkspks muds ckjs esa] tks bl izfrLi/kkZ eas Hkw[ks&uaxs ejrs gSa] mQ! rd u djrs dsoy nqfu;k dks vkxs c<+us dk lcc nsrs gSaA D;k ;gh vkt dk ;qx gS\ vk/kqfud e'khuksa ds bLrseky dk ;qx gSA [kqn dks vk/kqfud lksp ds dgus okyksa D;k bls rqe rjDdh dk ;qx dgrs gks\ e'khuksa ds bLrseky ls lcdh HkykbZ dk ;qx dgrs gks\ tkxks&2 vkSj lkspks muds ckjs esa tks izfrLi/kkZ esa fil jgs gSa muds ckjs esa& tks bl vk/kqfudrk dks otg ls gh ej jgs gSaA vkt tkxdj] feydj gesa dqN djuk gksxk] vehj&xjhc dks lkFk ysdj pyuk gksxkA vkSj fn[kkuk gksxk fd orZeku ;qx rjDdh dk ;qx gS] gj vkneh dh HkykbZ dk ;qx gSA izkph ckcqydj bySfDVªdy vfUre o"kZ Dedication is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. 17 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 lPpk ri nksLr ds lkFk nxk ,d taxy esa fgj.k vkSj dkSvk nks fe= jgrs FksA ,d ckj tc fgj.k taxy ls pjus ds ckn okil vk;k] rks mlds lkFk ,d xhnM+ Hkh FkkA xhnM+ dks ns[krs gh dkS, dk ekFkk BudkA og lkspus yxk fd ;g /kks[ksckt blds lkFk dSls\ ;gh loky mlus fgj.k ls iwNk] fgj.k us crk;k fd ;g xhnM+ bl lalkj esa vdsyk gS vkSj eq>ls nksLrh djuk pkgrk gSA dkSvk mls le>kus yxk fd xhnM+ nksLrh ds dkfcy ugha gksrs] ysfdu fgj.k ugha ekukA ml ij rks xhnM+ dh fpduh&pqiM+h ckrksa dk jax p<+k gqvk FkkA dkSvk [kkeks'k gks x;k vkSj xhnM+ ij utj j[kus yxkA njvly og xhnM+ cM+k gh /kwrZ Fkk vkSj fgj.k dks vius fo'okl esa ysdj mldk f'kdkj djuk pkgrk FkkA vr% ,d fnu fgj.k dks eDdk f[kykus ds cgkus ,d [ksr esa ys x;kA [ksr esa tky yxk Fkk] fgj.k muesa Qal x;kA og enn ds fy, xhnM+ dks iqdkjkus yxk] rks xhnM+ cksyk& ^ dSlh enn HkS¸;k! vc rks rqe e`R;q dk bartkj djksA vHkh eSa fpYykus okyk g¡w] esjh vkokt lqudj [ksr dk ekfyd vk tk;sxk vkSj rqEgsa ekj Mkysxk] mlds ckn eSa rqEgkjh yk'k vkjke ls [kkÅaxkA dgdj og [ksr ls ckgj tkdj gqvk¡&gqvk¡ djus yxkA vc fgj.k cgqr iNrk;k] og lkspus yxk fd dkSvk Bhd dgrk Fkk fd xhnM+ nksLrh ds dkfcy ugha gksrsA og jksus yxkA exj rHkh dkSvk mlds ikl vk;k vkSj cksyk&ns[kks rqeus esjh ckr u ekudj cgqr xyr fd;k] vkt rqe ekSr ds eq¡g esa iM+s gks] vc tSlk eSa dgrk g¡w oSlk djksA dkSvk mls viuh ;kstuk le>kdj o`{k ij tk cSBkA xhnM+ dh vkokt lqudj dqN gh nsj ckn [ksr dk ekfyd vk x;k] mlus tky esa Qals fgj.k dks ns[kk rks ,d eksVk MaMk mBk yk;k fd blh MaMs ls bldh tku y¡wxkA exj djhc vkdj mlus ns[kk fd og rks ejk iM+k gSA mlus mls tky esa ls fudky fn;kA xhnM+ >kfM+;ksa dh vksV esa fNik ;g lc ns[k jgk Fkk] tSls gh fdlku us fgj.k dks tky ls fudkyk] og QkSju mBdj HkkxkA fdlku us mls Hkkxrs ns[kk rks le> x;k fd fgj.k us ejus dk ukVd djds mls mYyw cuk;k gSA mlus vius gkFk esa eksVk MaMk ml ij [khap ekjk& ^Bgj /kks[ksckt* exj fgj.k nks gh Nyk¡x esa nwj fudy x;k vkSj MaMk lh/kk tkdj xhnM+ dh [kksiM+h esa yxk] ftlls rqjUr gh mlds izk.k&i[ks: mM+ x;sA vr% bl dgkuh dk rkRi;Z ;g gS fd ges'kk cqjh laxfr dk ifj.kke Hkh cqjk gh gksrk gSA LokFkhZ fe=ksa ls ges'kk lko/kku jguk pkfg,A egf"kZ fiIiy ije riLoh FksA vusd o"kks± rd ri djrs&djrs og lekf/k esa yhu gks x,A mudh nsg dks nhedksa us viuk ?kj cuk fy;kA 'kjhj feV~Vh ls <d x;kA muds bl dBksj ri ls izlUu gksdj nsorkvksa us dgk] ^ge izlUu gksdj rqEgsa ojnku nsrs gSa fd lEiw.kZ txr rqEgkjs o'k esa gks tk,xk*A egf"kZ fiIiy ^fo|k/kj* ds uke ls t t izfl¼ gks x,A mUgsa vius Kku rFkk flf¼ dk t t t vfHkeku gks x;kA t t fiIiy dk ;g vgadkj ns[kdj czãk th dks t t t yxk fd blls fiIiy dk rst [kRe gks tk,xk] t t t blfy, mUgksaus blds fujkdj.k dk mik; t t t lkspkA ,d fnu mUgksaus fdlh O;fDr dks t t t fo|k/kj ds ikl HkstkA mlus dgk] ^vki O;FkZ t t esa [kqn dks loZJs"B fo}ku le>us dk Hkze ikys t t t gSaA okLrfodrk ;g gS fd dqaMy ds iq= lqdekZ t t t ds leku rhuksa yksdksa esa dksbZ Kkuh ugha gSA* t t t fiIiy cksys] ^lqdekZ us Hkh rks riL;k ds cy ij t t Kku izkIr fd;k gksxk*A mUgsa mÙkj feyk] ^og rks t t t vHkh ckyd gh gSA riL;k dHkh dh gh ugha*A t t t fiIiy foizJs"B dqaMy ds vkJe esa igqapsA t t t mUgksasus ns[kk fd lqdekZ o`¼ ekrk&firk dh lsok t t t dj jgk gSA lqdekZ us fou;iwoZd fiIiy dk t t lRdkj fd;kA fiIiy us iwNk] ^rqe tkus&ekus t t Kkuh gks] bruh de vk;q esa ri dj nsorkvksa dk ojnku dSls izkIr dj fy;k\ lqdekZ us dgk] ^eSaus u ri fd;k gS] u rhFkZ;k=kA ekrk&firk dh lsok ls izlUu gksdj czãk us gh eq>s Kku iznku fd;k gS*A ;g lqudj fiIiy dk vgadkj pwj&pwj gks x;kA ;'kiky flag eSdsfudy bath0 (izksMD'ku) izFke o"kZ 18 Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines. uhjt jkor QkesZlh vfUre o"kZ izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Hkz"Vkpkj 'kek cq>us yxh gS] ijokuksa dks vkuk gksxk] lfn;ksa ls I;klh gS ;s /kjrh] cknyksa dks ty cjlkuk gksxkA ekr`Hkwfe dh izhfr ij] ns'kizse dh jhfr ij] iy iy [kafMr gksrh Tokyk esa] vjekuksa dks tykuk gksxk] oru ekax jgk dqjckuh gS] ljksa dks dV tkuk gksxkA oru ekax jgk dqjckuh gS] ljksa dks dV tkuk gksxkA 'kek cq>us yxh gS] ijokuksa dks vkuk gksxkA yM+uk gesa viuksa ls gS] tax ugha ijk;ksa ls Mj yxus yxk gS vc rks] vius gh lk;ksa ls jDr jaftr] izse oafpr] gks pqdh gS /kjk lkjh] lc nq[kgkjh] vfr cy'kkyh] izse iqtkjh d`".kk dks fQj vkuk gksxkA jguk eqf'dy gks x;k bl /kjk ij] 'kkafr vkSj veu dk] Nyuh gks x;k lhuk] esjs I;kjs oru dk] Nyuh gks x;k lhuk] esjs I;kjs oru dkA fQj fdlh nkuohj d.kZ ls dop dqaMy ykuk gksxk] ewfNZr gks x;k ns'k esjk] Hkz"Vkpkj ds jko.k ls] fQj fdlh guqeku dks lathouh ykuk gksxk] fQj fdlh guqeku dks lathouh ykuk gksxkA ekr`Hkwfe dh [kafMr gksrh Tokyk esa] vjekuksa dks tykuk gksxk] oru ekax jgk dqjckuh gS] ljksa dks dV tkuk gksxk 'kek cq>us yxh gS] ijokuksa dks vkuk gksxkA tax ugha ljgnksa ij] xwat mBh gS lRrk ds xfy;kjksa ls] dk¡i jgh gS Fkj&Fkj ekr`Hkwfe] ?kj esa Nqis xíkjksa lsA vfgalk ijeks /keZ gS] tax ugha yM+uh gfFk;kjksa ls] oafpr gks jgh tuekul] vius gh ekSfyd vf/kdkjksa lsA tokc ek¡xk gS gels] Hkxr] jktxq#] vktkn ds cfynkuksa us] tokc ek¡xk gS gels] Hkxr] jktxq#] vktkn ds cfynkuksa usA ysdj e'kky ØkfUr dh] mrjk gS ,d cw<+k eSnkuksa esa] deZHkwfe dh j{kk esa] ns'kizse dh lqj{kk esaA gj xyh] gj ?kj ls vUukvksa dk vkuk gksxk] oru ekax jgk dqjckuh gS] ljksa dks dV tkuk gksxk] oru ekax jgk dqjckuh gS] ljksa dks dV tkuk gksxkA 'kek cq>us yxh gS] ijokuksa dk vkuk gksxk] t;iky flag rksej 'kek cq>us yxh gS] ijokuksa dks vkuk gksxkA O;k0 flfoy The secret of success is consistency of purpose. 19 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 esjs liuksa dk fo'o gj ekuo p{kq esa] vuar lius ?kj djrs gSaA dqN lius gksrs gSa] vius fy;s] vkSj dqN lekt ls tqM+s gksrs gSaA ,slk gh liuk esjs fo'o ds fy;s] fd dSlh >yd gksxh ml fo'o dh tgk¡ ekuo&ekuo ls izse djsxk] ?kj&?kj ctsxk Madk Hkzkr`Ro dk] veu dk I;kyk NydsxkA gj eqYd esa gfj;kyh gksxh catj u dgha teha gksxhA fodflr gksxk laiw.kZ fo'o fiNM+h u dksbZ lksp gksxhA txex gksxk gj xk¡o&xk¡o] gj uxj&uxj jks'ku gksxk] izfrHkkvksa dk gksxk lEeku vKkurk dk iru gksxkA vkcknh ftldh lhfer gks lqfo/kk,¡ Hkjiwj lkFk jgsA ftl fo'o esa naxs gksa u dHkh] vkSj uk gh vkradokn jgsA dkys&xksjs dk Hksn ugha tkfrokn dk Hkko feVs uj&ukjh dk gks egRo cjkcj tx esa uk fyaxHksn jgsA ,d u;s fo'o dk fuekZ.k gksxk] ,slh esjh ifjdYiuk gS xjhch dh gks ekj dgha uk] ;g viuh reUuk gSA lk{kjrk laiw.kZ gks ftlesa] og lalkj gekjk gksA HksnHkko dh tM+sa [kRe gksa] gj ns'k esa HkkbZpkjk gksA c¡Vh u gks ;s viuh /kjrh lkjk tx gekjk gks fo'o cus vn~Hkqr vf}rh; liuk lkdkj gekjk gksA uhye dkyk flfoy vfUre o"kZ 20 l l esjh jk; esjh ,d jk; gS 'kjkc ls ukrk rksM+ nks] yr esa vxj Qal tkvksxs ckgj fudy ugha ikvksxsA ;s ,d ,slk tgj gS] tks <krk dgj gSA iSLkk rqe cckZn djksxsA fdlh dke ds ugha jgksxsA lekt esa bTtr tk;sxh rqEgkjh] rqe mnkgj.k cu tkvksxs xyr jkg tks tkvksxs ykSV ugha vk ikvksxsA pSu dHkh u ikvksxs] ihdj yM+us tkvksxs 'kksj&xqy epkvksxs mYVs MaM+s [kkvksxsA dksbZ u rqEgkjk nksLr gksxk] dksbZ u rqels gkFk feyk,xk lM+dksa ij chrsxh jkr dqÙks Hkh ekjsaxs ykrA ftrus vPNs dke dj yks] 'kjkch rqe dgykvksxs tgk¡&tgk¡ rqe tkvksxs cnukeh gh ikvksxsA iSlk [kpZ dj rqe iNrkvksxs] ru&eu dk viuk uqdlku djksxs] vPNs dk;ks± esa /;ku u yxsxk 'kjkc ihus dk gh eu djsxkA Hkys&cqjs dk Kku u gksxk] u dksbZ esgeku jgsxk u igpku jgsxh nqfu;k¡ Hkh vatku lh gksxhA le> yks esjh ckr gks tkvksxs rqe cckZn blfy, ihuk NksM+ nks] 'kjkc ls ukrk rksM+ nksA lwjt iUnoky flfoy bath0 f}rh; o"kZ Happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you thinks. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 D;k gks vxj u gks Lisl lwV 1 1 1 1 1 1 okrkoj.k cnyus ds lkFk gh gekjs diM+s Hkh cnyrs gSaA xehZ gS rks gYds diM+s] lnhZ gks rks xeZ diM+s vkSj vxj varfj{k esa tkuk gks rks Lisl lwVA varfj{k ;kf=;ksa ds Qwys&Qwys diMs+ ns[k dj yx ldrk gS fd bldh D;k t#jr gksrh gSA Lisl lwV ds ftrus Qk;ns gesa irk gSa mlls dgha T;knk dke djrs gSa ;s fof'k"V diM+sA vxj vki varfj{k esa fcuk Lisl lwV ds tk,axs rks iUæg lsd.M ds vUnj csgks'k gks tk;saxs] D;ksafd varfj{k esa i`Foh ds vykok dgha Hkh vkWDlhtu ugha gS blds ckn vkids 'kjhj esa [kwu vkSj mifLFkr lHkh izdkj ds æO; inkFkZ vanj gh vanj mcy dj te tk;saxs] D;ksafd ogka ok;qnkc ugha gksrk gSA blh nkSjku vkids 'kjhj ds ftrus Hkh Ård gSa tSls Ropk] fny o vU; vax mcyrs æO; vkSj jDr ds dkj.k Qwy dj QSy tk;saxsA fofHkUu izdkj ds jsfM,'ku lksyj cSaM ds d.kksa] varfj{k esa mM+rs NksVs iRFkjksa dk Hkh lkeuk djuk iMs+xkA tcfd ,d Lisl lwV ds dkj.k varfj{k lSjxkg cu tkrk gSA Lisl lwV bl rjg cuk;k tkrk gS rkfd og vkids 'kjhj ij ncko cuk;s j[ks vkSj jDr tes ughaA tSls ,d Vk;j gksrk gS] tks Qwys gq, xqCckjs dh rjg cuk;k tkrk gSA ftl ij jcM+ vk/kkfjr lajpuk yxkdj mls vkSj Qwyus ls cpk;k tkrk gS] mlh rjg Lisl lwV ds vanj Qwys o QSys xqCckjs dh rjg jpuk gksrh gS] ftlds vkoj.k ds rkSj ij fu;ksizhu uked QSfczd dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA xqCckjs okys Hkkx ds Åij yxh bl QSfczd dh ;g lhek varfj{k ;k=h dks vkWDlhtu Hkh miyC/k djkrh gSA lwV ls yxs ikbi ls mUgsa vkWDlhtu feyrh gS ;k lwV dh ihB ij yxs cSd&iSd flLVe ls vkWDlhtu izkIr djrs gSa ;k vxj mUgsa LislØk¶V ls ckgj varfj{k esa lSj djuh gS] rks ;g ikbi ;ku ls tqM+k jgrk gSA vc lkal ysrs le; tks dkcZu&Mkb&vkWDlkbM fudyrh gS] mls fyfFk;e gkbMªkWDlkbM dh enn ls lwV ls gVk;k tkrk gSA varfj{k ;kf=;ksa dks ilhuk vkus ls gsyesV /kqa/kyk gks ldrk gS] blds fy, lwV esa ghV ,Dlpsatj ;k QSu yxs gksrs gSaA lw;Z ds rki ls cpus ds fy, fu;ksizhu] xksjs VsDl vkSj MsØksu ds /kkxksa dh irZ yxk;h tkrh gSaA buds Åij izdk'k dks ijkofrZr djus okyh irZ (dksfVax) gksrh gSA eqf'dy rks rc vkrh gS] tc mUgsa Qwys gq, Lisl&lwV esa ?kweuk gksrk gSA xqCckjk igudj pyuk cgqr dfBu gksrk gSA blds fy, 'kjhj ds tksM+ okys txg ij Lis'ky eSdsfudy tkWbaV~l dh O;oLFkk Hkh gksrh gSA blds ckn Hkh varfj{k ;kf=;ksa dks pyus esa dkQh isj'kkuh gksrh gS] blds fy, mUgsa vH;kl dh t:jr gksrh gSA bldk eryc gS fd] varfj{k vkx dk nfj;k gS] ftlesa gj varfj{k ;k=h dks Mwc dj tkuk gS] ij fpark dh D;k ckr] Lisl lwV gS uk! iwtk fc"V QkesZlh vfUre o"kZ ekuo dh ßlkspÞ ekuo dks gh rks lkspus dk migkj feyk gS ftls mlus Lo;a Lohdkj fd;k gSA ldkjkRed lksp ds fy;s rks RkRij gksrs gSa] ysfdu udkjkRed lksp dks Lo;a gh Lohdkj fd;k gSA vf/kdka'k lksp ldkjkRed gks rks dy;qx Hkh lr;qx cu tk,A bl dy;qx dks lr;qx cukuk vc ,d LoIu jg x;k gSA D;ksafd udkjkRed lksp ds gksrs gq,] vc ;s ukeqefdu gks x;k gSA uh'kw flfoy f}rh; o"kZ Successful people learn something new every day because they remain teachable. 21 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Hkkjr ek¡ fQj ls vk tkvks /kjrh ij Hkkjr ek¡ er vUr ljhyk cuh jgks] Hkkjr dh HkkX; fo/kkrk gks er ;wa vutkuh cuh jgksA rsjh ygjksa esa og cy Fkk ftlus osnksa dk l`tu fd;kA rsjs ty esa Fkh og 'kfDr ftldks ½f"k;ksa us ueu fd;kA vc er /kjrh dh xksnh ij er fujkdkj ;wa cuh jgks fQj ls vk tkvks /kjrh ij Hkkjr ek¡ er vUr ljhyk cuh jgksA bl vk;ZorZ dk izk.k gks rqe fu"izk.k bls er djuk ek¡ tks Kkunhi Fkk fn;k dHkh og Kkunhi re gjuk ek¡A Hkkjr dh oh.kk ruh ij] ljxe cudj ;wa lth jgks fQj ls vk tkvks /kjrh ij Hkkjr ek¡ er ;wa vutkuh cuh jgksA lH;rk gekjh ge lc Hkwys laLd`fr ij vkØe.k gksrk gS] gS /keZ&deZ Hk;Hkhr gq,] vkSj lR; dgha Nqi dj jksrk gSA gs ljLorh cu ty /kkjk fQj ve`r flapd cuh jgks fQj ls vk tkvks /kjrh ij Hkkjr ek¡ er vUr ljhyk cuh jgksA eksfgr MksHkky flfoy f}rh; o"kZ v v v O;ogkj&ifjorZu eSa dh fHkUurk izk;% bl lalkj esa izR;sd dk viuk mfpr O;ogkj gksrk gS] ftl dkj.k ml ds O;fDrRo dk vkHkkl gksrk gSA vr% ge ekuo dh vksj bafxr djsa rks gesa lglk Kkr gksrk gS fd ekuo ,dkf/kd O;ogkj #ih vkoj.k ls vkPNkfnr gksrk gS vkSj fHkUu&fHkUu ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa mfpr izdkj dk O;ogkj izn'kZu djrk gSA gesa bldk mnkgj.k <wa<us dh vko';drk ugha oju~ ge Lo;a ls bl iz'u dks djsa vkSj fQj izfr&mÙkj esa gesa okLrfodrk Kkr gksxh fd ge lc O;ogkj&ifjorZu 'khy gSa ftl dkj.k gekjs O;fDrRo ij bldk xw<+ izHkko iM+rk gSA ;fn ekuo viuk O;fDrRo ,d leku cuk, j[kus esa lQy gksrk gS rks ;g mlds fy, ,d cM+h miyfC/k gksxhA ^^eSa** 'kCn gesa nwljksa ls fHkUurk iznku djrk gSA ßeSaÞ 'kCn gekjs thou esa nks vk;keksa dks izdV djrk gS A izFke vk;ke& ^vgadkj* ,oa f}rh; vk;ke&fujk'kk] ;fn vgadkj vkSj fujk'kk ds e/; lkeatL; LFkkfir fd;k tk, rks ;g ,d u, uke dks tUe nsrk gS&ßvkRefo'oklÞA ijUrq dsoy vgadkj gh ,d ,slh fLFkfr gS tc euq"; viuk opZLo LFkkfir djus ds fy, nwljs equ"; vFkok tho dks nq%[k igq¡pkrk gS] vkSj fujk'kk Hkh euq"; dks eu gh eu ,d ,sls va/kdkj dh vksj ys tkrh gS tgk¡ dksbZ Hkh ;k fdlh Hkh izdkj dh vk'kk dh fdj.k izrhr ugha gksrh gSA Kkr jgs fd ge vius vkRefo'okl dks lnSo cuk, j[kuk gS vkSj lkFk gh lkFk nwljksa dks lgk;rk ,oa eku&lEeku Hkh vo'; nsuk gSA ßdksey ân; dh d:.kke;h iqdkj] e`r 'kjhj esa Hkh izk.k Mky nsrh gSAÞ iou dqekj lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh vafre o"kZ va/k&va/k lc dgr fQjs fut mt djs u dksbZ cSj&Hkko tc lgr tjs rkds eu mft;kjk gks, 22 veu dqekj pkSgku vafre o"kZ dEI;wVj lkabl A great life is born in the soul, grown in the mind and lived from the heart. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 vkidk y{; tks O;fDr thou esa ,d y{; [kkstrk gS og vk'kk dj ldrk gS fd thou lekIr gksus ls iwoZ og mls izkIr gks tk,xkA y{; rc izkIr gksrs gSa] tc ge vius iz;Ruksa dk rkyesy nwljksa ds lkFk djrs gSaA vxj vkids ikl yEcs le; ds y{; gSa rks vkidks dHkh fujk'kk ugha gksxhA dksbZ Hkh O;fDr fdlh Hkh dher ij ml y{; dks gkfly dj ysrk gS ftlesa mlds izfr vlhfer mRlkg eu esa gksrk gSA thou ,d ckj gh feyrk gS] ysfdu ;fn vki bls vius lgh y{; ikus ds fglkc ls thrs gSa rks ,d ckj dk gh thou i;kZIr gS] mUur gksuk vkSj vkxs c<+uk izR;sd O;fDr ds thou dk igyk y{; gksrk gS] fQj mls ikus ds fy, iz;kl djks iz;kl esa vlQy gksus ij fujk'k er gks cfYd iqu% mBdj iz;kl djks] lQyrk vkids gkFkksa esa gksxhA tks ukfod viuh ;k=k ds vafre y{; dks ugha tkurk mlds vuqdwy gok dHkh ugha cgrh mlls igys fd vki fdlh vkSj fn'kk esa HkVd tk,a] mlls igys vki viuk dksbZ y{; cukvks vkSj ml iwjh rjg ls ikus dh dksf'k'k djks vxj vki dksf'k'k djsaxs] rks lQyrk vkids lkFk gksxhA d`i;k ;s esjh viuh lksp gS bls fdlh O;fDrxr Hkkouk ls u tksM+s] fopkjksa dks cnysa] bUlkuksa dks ughaA egsUæ dqekj QkesZlh izFke o"kZ R R D;k dgsaxs pkj yksx h cpiu ls lqurh jgh ek¡ dh ;s lykg ;s er djks] oks er djks ojuk pkj yksx D;k dgsaxsA mu pkj yksxksa ds Hk; ls eSa vius vkidks <kyrh jgh] bd vPNh cPph cudj bBykrh jghA ;gh bfrgkl vkt ds ekgkSy esa iyh viuh fcfV;k ds lkeus nksgjk;k rks os iwN cSBh] ek¡ dkSu gSa oks pkj yksx\ eq>s yxk tSls esjh lksrh psruk dks fdlh us >d>ksj txk fn;k eSa lkspus ds fy, foo'k gks xbZ gk¡! dkSu gSa oks pkj ykssx] tks uk tkus lfn;ksa ls fdrus yksxksa ds vfLrRo dks feVkrs vk jgs gSA ftudks lquus ns[kus ls Mj yxrk gS dqN iy ds fy, eSa ekSu gks xbZA fcfV;k us iwNk ek¡ D;k lksp jgh gks] eq>s yxk tSls fdlh va/ksjh xyh ls fudy vkbZ mtkys esaA eSaus dsoy ;s dgk] oks Hk; ds Hkwrdky rd ftank Fks os vkt ej pqds gSa] rqe [kqn viuk niZ.k gks rqEgsa [kqn gh r; djuh gS] ftUnxh dh eaftysaA ek¡ dh dye ls! vafdr jkor dEI;wVj lkbal] vfUre o"kZ ßifjorZuÞ lc dqN cny x;k ekSle ds lkFk isM+kas us lq[kk;s vius gh iys ½rq clar chr tkus ds cknA unh us cnyh /kkj viuh gtkjksa lky chr tkus ds ckn] dSlk ;s ifjorZu gqvk le; xqtjus ds lkFkA rqe D;ksa gks ekSu cSBs----! vc rks ifjorZu ykvks] oDr ds lkFk Fkh dyh tks f[ky x;h Qwy cuds f[kys Fks Qwy tks lkjs lw[k x;s ckxoku ns[kks bd] u;k cuk oDr cnyus ds lkFk NkbZ gfj;kyh cjlkr ds cknA dbZ 'kgj mtM+s] cus] curs x;s yM+kbZ;k¡ dbZ yM+us ds ckn] eafty viuh txg [kM+h jgh jkLrs cny x;s oDr cnyus ds lkFkA fcuhy jkSFkk.k bySDVªkfuDl vfUre o"kZ Wise men talk because they have something to say, fool talk because they have to say something. 23 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 dfork tks djuk Fkk oks fd;k ugha] D;ksa deZ ls drjkrs gksA [kqn nwj [kM+s gks eafty ls] vkSj eafty nwj crkrs gksA tc pys oDr ds lkFk ugha] fQj ihNs D;ksa iNrkrs gksA chr jgs gks [kqn gh rqe vkSj chrk oDr crkrs gksA rqe u ns ik;s igpku dksbZ] rqe eLr jgs gks vius esaA Hkksxksa us rqedks Hkksx fy;k] rqeus Hkksxk D;ksa crykrs gksA blfy, mBks] mBdj py nks mBdj gh dqN ikvksxsA igq¡pksxs tYnh eafty ijA vkSj eafty nwj u ikvksxsA lwjt eksgu QkeZslh vfUre o"kZ Hkz"Vkpkj ,d fnu Fkh eSa lkbZfdy ij lokj fey x;k eq>dks Hkz"Vkpkj eSaus dgk HkkbZ lkgc ueLdkjA oks cksyk&Qjekb,] esjs yk;d lsok crkb,A eSaus dgk&vki bl ns'k dks pkyhl lky ls pck jgs gSa] dkuwu ls rks fcYdqy ugha Mj jgs gSa] lp crkb, dc izLFkku dj jgs gSaA esjh ckrsa lqudj&Hkz"Vkpkj dqN lkspus yxk] /khjs&/khjs vius ckyksa dks ukspus yxk fQj cksyk vxj ge bl ns'k ls pys tk;sxsa rks vk/ks ls T;knk iqfyl okys] usrk Hkw[ks ej tk;saxsA eSa mudh jksth&jksVh ij ykr dSls ekj ldrk g¡w] ;s lqu eSaus dgk&Hkz"Vkpkj okil dj esjk ueLdkjA ns[k ysuk ftl fnu ØkfUr dk u;k [kwu tkxsxk] ml fnu rw D;k] rsjk cki Hkh bl ns'k ls HkkxsxkA oUnuk Hkkj}kt bySfDVªdy f}rh; o"kZ 24 leykSa.k df[k r [kksT; gksyh ok] eSa FkS viM+h leykSa.k ekA dcfj ?kSa.kk dqySa dk c.kwa ek] r dfHk dS lSa.kk riM+ ekA HkkSajksa iqryksa dh ek;k ns[kh vk.kha gksyh esfj ;kn ohaFkS Qwyw¡ ek gksyh viM+h ek;k df[k r gksyh [kksT; eSa FkSa okA iqN.kha gksyh viM+h fuUn FkSa] fdyS fu xSY;k Loh.kksa ekA df[k r [kksT; gksyh ok] eSa FkS viM+h leykSa.k ek eSa FkSa viM+h leykSa.k ek dfHk v/kjkrh fcjM+h fuUn ek r dfHk fcUljh fn[;k¡ lqIU;ksa ek df[k r gksyh [kksT; ok eSa FkSa viM+h leykSa.k ekA dfHk dS XoSj NksjS dh calqyh dh HkkSa.k ek r dfHk P;ksyh dw frlyw ijk.k ekA df[k r [kksT;k¡.kh gksyh ok eSa FkSa viM+h leykSa.k ek dfHk dqySa dk c.k¡w ek r dfHk dS lSa.kk riM+ ekA fcuhy jkSFkk.k cU/kq bySDVªkWfuDl vfUre o"kZ Do not read the easy stuff, you may be entertained by it, but will never grow from it. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 taxy esa iztkra= taxy esa Hkh iztkra= vk;k] dqÙkk&fcYyh us Hkh er dk vf/kdkj ik;kA Hk{kd 'ksj us lar dk os'k cuk;k] lcdks vc xys yxk;kA ns[kdj Hkkyw ;g cksyk] okg&okg esjs ekSyk 'k=q Hkh vc fe= cukA lqudj HksfM+;s us fd;k rek'kk] dSls iwjh gq;h ;s vk'kkA Hk{kd Hkh vc fe= cus] [kqf'k;ksa ds tSls Qwy f[kysA tc pyk fgjuh dks irk] ij[k ds fy;s yk;h ,d yrk] cksyh ^^'ksj HkS¸;k ;g yks yrkÞ [kkdj cu tkvks gekjs l[kkA lkspdj] 'ksj us [kk;h oks yrk] cu x;k lcdk oks l[kkA taxy Hkj esa QSyh ;s ckr] lc gks x;s] vc 'ksj ds lkFkA vius okns oks vc lcdks lquk;s] t;&fot; ukjs [kqn ds yxok;sA tSls gh ukjs [kqn ds yxok;s] lcus 'ksj dks fot; cuk;kA 'ksj dh fot; dk lcus t'u euk;k] fot; ikdj 'ksj us gj fdlh dks [kk;kA uohu pkSgku flfoy f}rh; o"kZ dfork lc dqN Mkok¡ Mksy feysxk vkus okyh ih<+h dks] <ksy ds vUnj iksy feysxk vkus okyh ih<+h dks] nkus fxu dj nky feysxk vkus okyh ih<+h dksA lc dqN Mkok¡ Mksy feysxk] vkus okyh ih<+h dksA ikuh ds bUtsD'ku gkasxs ?kksf"kr jkst bysD'ku gksaxsA gyokbZ gSjku feysaxs] fcu phuh fe"Bku feyasxs] vkus okyh ih<+h dksA lc dqN Mkok¡ Mksy feysxk] vkus okyh ih<+h dksA Hkkjh &Hkkjh cLrs gksaxs vk¡lw lcls lLrs gkasxs] cPps ckSus gks tk;saxs] Lo;a f[kykSus gks tk;saxs vkus okyh ih<+h dksA lc dqN Mkok¡ Mksy feysxk vkus okyh ih<+h dksA iki u gksxk iq.; u gksxk] jke uke dk tki u gksxk] vkus okyh ih<+h esaA ekj&dkV dk cks> feysxk] vkus okyh ih<+h dksA lc dqN Mkok¡ Mksy feysxk] vkus okyh ih<+h dksA lc dqN -----------------------------------------------------AA dey Lo:i flfoy f}rh; o"kZ Education is the ability to listen to anything without losing your temper or your self confidence. 25 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Hkwfe laj{k.k ,d lkaLd`frd fojklr ;fn Hkkjrh; laLd`fr dk v/;;u djsa rks Kkr gksrk gS fd i`Foh ij fuHkZjrk vk;Z laLd`fr ds lkFk izkjEHk gqbZ vkSj egkHkkjr dk ;q¼ lalkj esa i`Foh ds fy, yM+k x;k izFke ;q¼ FkkA blls iwoZ ekuo ds thou ;kiu dk eq[; lzksr i'kq/ku FkkA egkHkkjr ds iwoksZRrj bfrgkl esa ekuo us dsoy i'kq/ku ij vf/kdkj izkIr djus ds fy, ;q¼ yM+s gS] Hkwfe izkIr djus ds fy, ughaA ,slh fLFkfr esa Hkwfe&{kj.k ds rhozrj gksus dk iz'u gh ugha mBrk FkkA vk;ks± us i`Foh ds egRo dks le>k vkSj mlls mRiknu ysuk izkjEHk fd;kA blds lkFk gh vk;ksZa us lkoZHkkSe laLd`fr dk fodkl fd;kA mUgksaus ekuo ds fe= rRoksa vkSj 'k=q rRoksa dks igpkuk vkSj fe= rRoksa dh Lrqfr dh vkSj mudks lEekfur djrs gq, mudks vjk/; cuk fn;kA bl miØe ds vUrZxr ok;q] vfXu] i`Foh] ioZr] iRFkj] unh] lkxj] ty] p;fur] i'kq vkSj liZ rd dks vkjk/; cuk fn;k x;kA mu euhf"k;ksa dk mn~ns'; ;g Fkk fd euq"; ftldh vkjk/kuk djsxk mudk laj{k.k djsxk vkSj mudks gkfu ls cpk;sxkA bl izdkj vk;ks± us ekuo] i`Foh] izd`fr ds chp ,d izxk<+ lefUor lEcU/k LFkkfir fd;kA tc rd ekuo vius fe=ksa dks lEeku ds :i esa laj{k.k djrk jgk] ;g fe= Hkh ekuo dks vizR;{k :i ls lq[k vkSj le`f¼ dk vk'khokZn nsrs jgs] ekuo dk dY;k.k djrs jgsA ekuo fe=ksa dh Lrqfr dh rks i`Foh dh Hkh Lrqfr dhA fgUnw /keZ xzUFkksa ds vuqlkj vk;ks± us i`Foh dh Lrqfr esa dgk & gs /kjrh ekrk] ge rq> ls mruk gh ysaxs fturk rw iqu% mRiUu dj ldrh gSA vk;ks± us /kjrh dks eka dgk rkfd ekuo mldk 'kks"k.k u dj ldsA vk;ks± us /kjrh ds mRiknu vkSj viuh vko';drkvksa esa ,d leUo; LFkkfir fd;k vkSj bl leUo; dk vk/kkj /kjrh dh mRiknu {kerk dks ekukA vFkkZr~ vk;ks± us ekuk fd /kjrh dh {kerk ls vf/kd mRiknu ysuk mldk 'kks"k.k gS vkSj eka dk 'kks"k.k ugha fd;k tk ldrkA {kerk ds vuq:i mRiknu izkIr djus dh Lrqfr Hkwfe laj{k.k dk ,d ek= ekSfyd fl¼kUr FkkA tc rd bl fl¼kUr dk ikyu gksrk jgkA Hkw&{kj.k dh dksbZ leL;k ugha Fkh] D;ksafd gekjs loZR;kxh eqfu;ksa us ekuo&i`Foh vkSj izd`fr ds chp lefUor ljy lehdj.k fodflr dj yh Fkh] ftlesa izkFkfedrk Lo;a ds LokFkZ dks u nsdj nwljs ds vfLrRo dks nh?kZdkyhu cukus ij nh x;h FkhA /khjs&/khjs vU; laLd`fr;ksa dk mn; gqvk] tgka vk;ks± us viuh laLd`fr dk eq[; vk/kkj R;kx] U;wure vko';drkvksa ] ijksidkj] fu%LokFkZ thou i¼fr ekuo fe= rRoksa dks laj{k.k nsus dk cuk;k ogha vU; dqN laLd`fr;ksa us Lo ij cy fn;kA oSls mUgksaus ekuoh; lgkuqHkwfr ,oa lsok dk Hkh lekos'k fd;k ijUrq mUgksaus vU; rRoksa tSls o`{k] ioZr] ty] unh] lkxj vkfn dks dksbZ egRo ugha fn;kA ^ouLifr% 'kkfUr* ds led{k okD; vU;= ugha feyrkA ifj.kke ;g gqvk fd R;kx ds LFkku ij 'kuS%&'kuS% Hkksx us ys fy;k vkSj HkksX;okn us u;k vk;ke fn;k fd ge /kjrh ls bruk ysaxs ftruh gedks vko';drk gSA ifj.kker% /kjrh Hkh HkksX;k cu x;hA ekuo /kjrh&izd`fr ds e/; vk;ks± }kjk LFkkfir lUrqyu leUo; foJ[kfyr gks x;k vkSj rhuksa vo;o ,d nwljs ls vyx&Fkyx gks x;sA Hkwfe dk nksgu rks 'kks"k.k dh lhek rd gksus yxkA ijUrq laj{k.k ds fy, ekuo us vius izkd`frd drZO; dks Hkqyk fn;kA bl izdkj HkksX;okn ds u;s fpUru ls Hkwfe{kj.k dh izfØ;k Hkh rhoz ls rhozrj gksrh x;hA vU; laLd`fr;ksa esa /keZ dks vius fpUru ds ekxZ ij pyrs gq, dsoy vk/;kfRed 'kfDr;ksa dks izkfIr dk ek/;e cuk;kA vk;ks± us /keZ dks vk/;kfRed vk/kkj ekurs gq, mldks ,d fof'k"V thou 'kSyh dk :i fn;kA ekuo ds deZ ,oa drZO;ksa dks pkj Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr dj fn'kk&funsZ'k ds :i esa pkj osnksa vkSj fQj mudh ljy O;k[;kvksa dh jpuk dhA bl gh dkj.k oSfnd Kku tSls oSfnd fdlh Hkh /keZ fo'ks"k ;k tkfr dk dY;k.k mlesa fufgr gSA ;gh dkj.k gS fd fgUnqRo fdlh /keZ ;k tkfr ugha oju~ ,d fof'k"V thou 'kSyh dk ifjpkjd gSA bl fof'k"V thou 'kSyh esa ekuo ds Hkwfe ds izfr drZO; Hkh fufgr FksA ijUrq tSls&tSls bl fpUru ls foeq[krk c<+h bu drZO;ksa dk Hkh âkl gqvk vkSj Hkwfe laj{k.k dh lgt izo`fr Hkh u"V gks xbZA bl izdkj Hkwfe laj{k.k dsoy rduhdh fo"k; gh ugha gSA izkphu ifjn`'; esa ns[ks rks gekjh egku ,oa lkoZHkkSe laLd`fr ,oa fpUru ls foeq[k gksus dh vo';e~Hkkoh ifj.kfr gSA mRrjk[k.M ds dfri; efUnjksa esa nsonkj dk cht izlkn ds :i esa fn;k tkrk Fkk vkSj iqtkjh HkDr ls dgrk Fkk fd bldks vius 26 An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 vkaxu esa yxkuk vkSj /;ku j[kuk ;fn ;g ikS/kk ej x;k rks rsjk csVk ej tk;sxkA vkt ds cqf¼thoh fuf'pr gh bldks ,d lkaLd`frd dyad vkSj bu iqtkfj;ksa dks vU/kfo'oklh ekurs gSaA ijUrq D;k vkt mRrjk[k.M esa nsonkj ds foLr`r ouksa dks LFkkfir djus esa bl vU/kfo'okl ds l`tukRed ;ksxnku dks Hkh udkjk tk ldrk gSA blls i;kZoj.k dks 'kq¼ j[kus ls Hkwfe dks lajf{kr djus ls ,oa izk.kok;q dh miyC/krk ls D;k ekuo mid`r ugha gqvkA ;fn ,d gkfujfgr >wB fdlh foLr`r HkwHkkx dh Hkwfe] i;kZoj.k ,oa ok;q dh 'kq¼rk dks lajf{kr j[kus esa lQy gS rks ,slk >wB fpj lR; ls Hkh egku gSA lEHkor% og vU/kfo'oklh lalkj dk vR;Ur izkphu ,oa egku i;kZoj.kfon~ Fkk] ftlesa dqekÅa esa ;g >wB cksyk Fkk fd Jh cæhukFk dh ;k=k rc rd lQy ugha gksxh tc rd cæhukFk ls nsonkj dk ikS/kk ykdj ;gka ugha jksfir fd;k tk;sxkA ,d iz'u mBrk gS fd Hkkjr esa Hkwfe laj{k.k ,d lkaLd`frd fojklr gS fQj mu ns'kksa esa d`f"k mRikndrk D;ksa vf/kd gS tgka ;g dsoy foKku dh ifjf/k esa gh vkrk gSA okLro esa mRikndrk dk Lrj cuk;s j[kus ;k c<+kus ds fy, Hkkjrh; ifjos'k esa nks ekxZ gks ldrs gSaA izFke ;g fd bldks ge viuh lkaLd`frd fojklr ekudj lajf{kr djrsA ,slh fLFkfr esa laj{k.k dh lgt izfØ;k,a gh i;kZIr FkhA ftuesa vfrfjDr fuos'k dh vko';drk ugha FkhA ijarq bl fLFkfr dks ge cgqr ihNs NksM+ vk;s gSaA nwljk ekxZ tks if'pe esa ,oa vU; ns'kksa esa viuk;k x;kA mlesa d`f"k {ks= esa vR;f/kd mPp fuos'k dh vko';drk gS] tks Hkkjr ogu djus esa vleFkZ gSA moZjd vuqnku ij izk;% rkfdZd okrkoj.k dk curs fcxM+us jguk vkSj bldks jk"Vªh; vkfFkZd fodkl ds fy, gkfudkjd crkrs jguk bl ckr dk izek.k gS fd d`f"k {ks= esa if'peh ns'kksa ds lerqY; fuos'k Hkkjr esa djuk lEHko ugha gSA vr% ;g ekxZ Hkh tfVy gS bl ekxZ ls Hkh ge vU; ns'kksa dk eqdkcyk ugha dj ldrsA mfpr gksxk fd ge viuh lkaLd`frd fojklr dks latksdj j[ksa ,oa ;g Lohdkj djsa fd nh?kZdkyhu lq[kksa ds fy, Hkkjrh; fpUru gh ,d ek= fodYi gS rkfd Hkwfe laj{k.k dh lkaLd`frd fojklr dks lajf{kr j[kk tk ldsA ns'k dh Hkwfe&vkids gkFk ladyu fdju [kjDoky ewfrZ;ksa dk vtk;c ?kj gS& yk[kke.My mRrj Hkkjr dk vafre jsyos LVs'ku gS& nsgjknwuA ;gka ls igkM+ksa dh jkuh uke ls dSEVh okVj QkWy gksrs gq, cuhZxkM+ igqaprs gSaA elwjh ls cuhZxkM+ 57 fdeh dh nwjh ij gSA cuhZxkM+ ls ek= 200 ehVj vkxs pydj ekxZ nks Hkkxksa esa caV tkrk gSA lh/kk vkxs ;equks=h dks rFkk iqy ikj dj ek= ikap fdeh dh nwjh ij fLFkr gS& yk[kke.MyA egkHkkjr dkyhu fdaonfUr;ksa dh ;g og LFkyh gS tgka nq;ksZ/ku us ik.Moksa dks Hk"e djus ds fy, Toyu'khy inkFkZ yk[k vkfn ls yk{kk egy cuk;k FkkA ;|fi ik.Mo ml egy ls cp fudys FksA vr% bl LFkku dk uke iM+k yk[kke.MyA bl xkao dks eM~Mdk Hkh dgrs gSaA bfrgkldkj eM~Mdk dks ekWMy dk viHkza'k :i ekurs gSaA ;gka ds iqjko'ks"kksa dk voyksdu djus ls ;g LFkyh okdbZ bfrgkl dk vtk;c ?kj yxrh gSA ,d vksj fj[kukyk (½f"kukyk) rFkk nwljh vksj xqVkM+xkM+ (xkserh) ds e/; fLFkr yk[kke.My x<+oky ds vke xkaoksa tSlk gh ,d xkao gSA leqnzry ls ;gka dh dh ÅapkbZ 1095 ehVj gSA Bhd uhps ;equk unh cgrh gS] tks bl xkao dh lhek dks fu/kkZfjr djrh gSA bl LFkku ij HkwxHkZ esa nch Le`fr;ksa ds eksrh iqjkrRo'kkfL=;ksa] oSKkfudksa] 'kks/kdrkZvksa ds fy, ,d vUos"k.k] vuqla/kku ,oa jgL; dk fo"k; cus gSaA ;|fi iqjkrRo foHkkx us Hkkjr dh Lora=rk ds i'pkr~ yk[kke.My dks vius laj{k.k esa fy;k gqvk gS] fdUrq ;gka visf{kr fodkl ugha gqvk gSA mR[kuu ls izkIr fofHkUu f'kyk&ys[kksa] ewfrZ;ksa ,oa vU; lkexzh ds v/;;u ds mijkUr bfrgkldkj ;gka dh ewfrZ;ksa dks ikapoh 'krkCnh ds vklikl dh ekurs gSaA ,d An ounce of action is worth than a ton of theory. 27 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 f'kyk&ys[k jktdqekjh bZ'ojk ds iqjkrRo laxzgky; esa gSA jktdqekjh ds fo"k; esa dgk x;k gS fd mldk fookg tkyU/kj ds jktdqekj pUæxqIr ds lkFk gqvk Fkk fdUrq nqHkkZX;o'k og jktdqekj fookg ds fnu gkFkh ls fxj x;k vkSj mldh ekSr gks x;hA dgrs gS fd jktdqekjh us vius dh Le`fr esa ;g iz'kfLr fy[kokbZ rFkk ;gka ij vusdksa eafnj o ewfrZ;k¡ Hkh cuokbZA xkao dh ladjh xyh ls gksdj lh/ks eafnj ifjlj esa izfo"V gksrs gSaA Bhd lkeus dk orZeku eafnj N= 'kSyh dk cuk gqvk] Hkxoku HkksysukFk ,oa ekrk ikoZrh dks lefiZr gSA eafnj dk izos'k }kj iwokZfHkeqf[k gSA }kj ds nksuksa rjQ f'kox.k uanh Hk`axh 'krkfCn;ksa ls eqLrSn fojkteku gSaA eafnj dh okº; fHkfRr ds xok{kksa ij mdsjh x;h thoUr lh ewfrZ;ka vpfEHkr dj nsrh gSaA eafnj ds rhu Hkkx gS& cjkenk] lHkkd{k vkSj xHkZx`gA lHkk d{k esa vusdksa izLrj ewfrZ;ka bruh vkd"kZd vn~Hkqr gSa fd n'kZd vpfEHkr gks tkrs gSaA budh cukoV ,oa ped ns[krs gh curh gSA eq[; ewfrZ;ksa esa f'ko ikoZrh] pkeq.Mk nsoh] ctjaxcyh guqeku th] dkfrZds; th] Jh x.ks'k th rFkk xHkZ x`g esa eq[; f'kofyax ds bnZ&fxnZ budh HkO; ewfrZ;ka oL=kHkw"k.kksa ls lqlfTtr yxrh gSaA Hkxoku fo".kq dh prqHkZqt izfrek rhu QhV Åaph nks QhV&pkSM+h] gkFkksa esa 'ka[k&pØ] xnk o in~eiq"i /kkj.k fd;s gSA ikl gh f'ko&ikoZrh] xkSjh 'kadj rFkk ,d f'kyk ij Hkxoku fo".kq dks 'ks"k 'kS¸;k ij fojkteku fn[kk;k x;kA ,d f'kyk dks ekrk ikoZrh ds ckY;dky ls tksM+k x;k gS ftl ij ryoksa ds fu'kku cus gSaA xHkZ x`g ds }kj ds cka;h vksj efg"kklqj enZuh] Hkxorh nqxkZ] rk.Mo u`R; djrs Hkxoku f'ko rFkk vusdksa ewfrZ;ka fojkteku gSaA pkjksa vksj dh fHkfRr;ksa ij xaxk&;equk] lIr ekr`dk,a] uoxzg o vusdksa nsoh&nsorkvksa dks mdsjk x;k gSA izdk'k ds vHkko ds dkj.k fHkfRr;ksa ij mdsjh dbZ ewfrZ;ka Li"V ugh ns[kh ugha tk ldrh gSA eafnj ds iqtkjh ls vkxzg djus ij }kj [kksys tkrs gSa vU;Fkk iwtk ds i'pkr }kj cUn jgrk gSA eq[; eafnj ds ikl fLFkr fo'kky pcwrjs ds pkjksa vksj izkphu b±Vsa fcNh gqbZ gSa] tks egkHkkjr dkyhu le; dh ekuh tkrh gSaA bl pcwrjs ds Bhd orZeku eafnj ds ihNs nks vknedn ewfrZ;ka N% QhV Åaph nedrs izLrj ls cuh vko';d gSaA bu izfrHkkvksa dks vkHkw"k.kksa ls ;qDr fn[kk;k gqvk izrhr gksrk gS rFkk nksuksa Hkqtkvksa esa vL=&'kL= gSaA dksbZ 28 bUgsa Hkxoku ds }kjiky t; vkSj fot; crkrs gSa rFkk dqN bUgas Hkhe] vtZqu Hkh dgrs gSaA lhf<+;ksa ls p<+dj pcwrjs ds Bhd e/; esa ,d fo'kky f'kofyax LFkkfir gSA xzkeh.k bls ^eq.Mdw nso:] (vFkkZr~ flj ls VwVk gqvk eafnj) dgrs gSaA 'krkfCn;ksa iwoZ ;gka ij vo'; ,d HkO; eafnj jgk gksxkA dqN izkphu f'kyk,a orZeku eafnj ds i`"BHkkx esa j[kh gqbZ gSa] tks eafnj gksus ds i;kZIr lqcwr gSaA nksuksa izLrj izfrek,a Hkh Bhd eq[; pcwrjs ds ckgj gSa] tks 'krkfCn;ksa iwoZ eafnj ds }kj ij jgh gksxhA dqN bfrgkl dkj ,oa xkao ds cqtqxZ bls ik.Moksa }kjk fufeZr eafnj crkrs gSaA eafnj ifjlj ls dqN nwjh ij ,d nedrs gq, iRFkj dk f'kofyax nhokjksa ds e/; esa gSA bl f'kofyax dh cukoV ,oa ped bruh vn~Hkqr gS fd ty p<+krs le; niZ.k lk izfrfcEc f'kofyax esa fn[kkbZ iM+rk gSA f'kofyax ds ikl dh dqfV;k esa ckck ;gka dbZ lkyksa ls jg jgs gSaA lkfgR;dkj Jh jktsUæ flag jkuk ^u;u* th crkrs gSa fd o"kZ 1963&64 esa edku dh uhao [kksnrs le; ;g f'kofyax izkIr gqvk FkkA eafnj ds bnZ&fxnZ iqjkrRo foHkkx }kjk tkjh mR[kuu ls vusdksa eafnjksa dh uhao o dksBkjhuqek iRFkj ds pkSdksj cDlksa ds Hkhrj dbZ nsoh&nsorkvksa dh ewfrZ;ka feyh gSaA eafnj ls djhc 200 ehVj dh nwjh ij ,d pkeq.Mk nsoh dk eafnj gS ;gka rks ewfrZ;ka] f'kofyaxksa dh Hkjekj lh gSA xzkeh.kksa ds vuqlkj ;gka ij vf/kdk'ka f'kofyax ohjku LFkku gksus ds dkj.k pksjh gks x;s gSaA yk[kke.My tkus okys ekxZ ij ,d ^ÅMkj* (xqQk) Bhd lM+d ds nk;ha vksj gSA Hkhrj [kqyk LFkku gS rFkk ,d ladjh lqjax tehu ds Hkhrj cuh gS ftlesa lkglh yksx ljd&ljd dj ?kqVuksa ds cy vanj pys tkrs gSaA ckck th crkrs gSa fd bldk lEcU/k egkHkkjr dky ls gSA ftl lqjax ekxZ ls ik.Mo cp fudys] ;g ogha lqjax gks ldrh gSA mRrjk[k.M ds nsgjknwu rglhy pdjkrk ds vUrZxr ;g LFkyh tgka vius nkeu esa le`¼] ,sfrgkfld [ktkuk latks;s gS] ogha ;g /kkfeZd ,oa i;ZVu dh n`f"V ls Hkh egRoiw.kZ LFkyh gSA ukSxkao cM+dksV bl vksj jgus] [kkus&ihus ds fy, vkjkensg LFky gSaA ftrsUæ iaokj dk;kZy; lgk;d Do not wish it were easier, wish you were better. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 jk"Vªh; dSMsV dksj ns'k dk ;qok laxBu ,drk vkSj vuq'kklu ns'k ds fy, ykHk% 1- vusdrk esa ,drk&jk"Vªh; ,drk dk izrhdA 2- ukxfjdksa dks ns'k fuekZ.k ,oa fofHkUu {ks=ksa esa usr`Ro ds fy;s rS;kj djukA 3- ;qok 'kfDr dk vuq'kkflr ,oa fu"Bkoku cukus dh izsj.kk iznku djukA 4- gj {ks= esa Nk= dSMsVksa ds Hkkoh usr`Ro dk loksZRd`"V mRifRr LFky gSA Nk=ksa ds fy, ykHk% 1- ;qokvksa esa pfj=] vuq'kklu] usr`Ro] /keZfujis{krk] jksekap rFkk fu%LokFkZ lsok Hkko dk lapkj djukA 2- lkgfld fØ;kdykiksa ds fy, lqvoljA 3- ;qok vknku&iznku dk;ZØe ds vUrZxr fons'k Hkze.k dk voljA 4- lSU; lsok] lSU; fpfdRlk lsok ,oa vfrfjDr lSU; cyksa esa izos'k ds lqvoljA 5- O;fDr fodkl gsrq lqvoljA 6- 'kSf{kd fuiq.krk ds fy, vkfFkZd izksRlkguA 7- Nk=ksa dks dbZ rjg dh Nk=o`fÙk;kaA 8- lkgfld fØ;k dykiksa esa nq?kZVuk gksus ij gkfuiwfrZA ,u- lh-lh- vf/kdkfj;ksa ds fy;s ykHk% 1- lSU; vf/kdkjh dk lEekuA 2- lekt lsok thou ds mPp ewY;ksa dks izkIr djuk] ns'k ds ;ksX; ukxfjd cukus esa usr`Ro iznku djukA 3- lkgfld fØ;k dykiksa esa Hkkx ysus dk lqvoljA 4- ,u-lh-lh- ds vUrZxr vk;ksftr dk;ZØeksa ds nkSjku fons'k Hkze.k gsrq lqvoljA 5- ;ksX; izdj.kksa esa lsok mijkUr ys0 duZy rd ekud in izkIr gksus dk voljA jk"Vªh; dSMsV dksj fdlh Hkh jk"Vª dh mUufr ,oa le`f¼ mlds ukxfjdksa esa vuq'kklu] vkRefo'okl] /kS;Z] lkgl] ifjJe] ns'kizse tSls ekuoh; xq.kksa ,oa mudh f'k{kk ,oa izf'k{k.k ij fuHkZj djrh gSA gekjs ns'k dh fo'ks"krk] vusdrk esa ,drk dh Hkkouk] ,ulh-lh- dk ewy mn~ns'; gSaA ,drk vkSj vuq'kklu ls iwfjr O;fDrRo dks fodkl djus dh ewy Hkkouk fy, ;g laxBu uo;qodksa ,oa uo;qofr;ksa dks mÙkjnkf;Ro ls vksrizksr dk;Z djus dks izsfjr djrk gSA Hkkjr o"kZ esa lHkh jkT;ksa ds fy, 16 ,u-lh-lhfuns'kky; fo|eku FksA fjVk;ZM estj tujy ,u-lh- Hk.Mkjh egkfuns'kd ,u-lh-lh ds ;ksxnku ls 17ok¡ funs'kky; mÙkjk[k.M jkT; esa cukA mÙkjk[k.M jkT; dk ,u-lh-lheq[;ky; nsgjknwu esa fLFkr gSA blds vUrxZr rhu xzqi gsMDokVZj ds v/khu cVkfy;u o LorU= dEifu;k¡ gS] vkSj buds v/khu lc;wfuV dkyst o Ldwyksa esa dSMsVksa dks izf'k{k.k fn;k tkrk gSA Either you run the day or the day runs you. 29 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 ,u-lh-lh- dh mi;ksfxrk&,u-lh-lh- ds ^lh* lVhZfQdsV /kkjdksa ds fy, j{kk lsok esa deh'ku izkIr djus esa & 1& lsuk&Fky lsuk vkjf{kr LFkku %&vkbZ-,e-,- nsgjknwu] ;wih,llh ,oa ,l-,l- ch- lk{kkRdkj ds ek/;e ls 64 LFkkuA vks-Vh-,- pSUubZ&'kkVZ lfoZl deh'ku (xSj rduhdh) ds fy, izfr o"kZ 100 LFkku vkjf{kr gSaA dksbZ fyf[kr ;wih,llh ijh{kk ugha dsoy lk{kkRdkj }kjk p;uA efgyk fo'ks"k HkrhZ ;kstuk&izR;sd dkslZ esa 20ø LFkkuA 2& ukSlsuk&% izR;sd dkslZ esa 05 LFkkuA dksbZ ;wih,llh fyf[kr ijh{kk ugha] dsoy lk{kkRdkj] ,u- lh-lh- ds ^lh* lkVhZfQdsV /kkjdksa ds fy, vk;q lhek esa nks o"kZ dh NwVA 3& ok;q lsuk%& mM+ku izf'k{k.k ikB;Øeksa lfgr lHkh dkslks± esa 10ø LFkku vkjf{kr] dksbZ ;wih,llh fyf[kr ijh{kk ugha] dsoy ,l-,l-ch- lk{kkRdkj }kjk p;uA lkekU;& 1& iSjk fefyVªh QkslZ%&HkrhZ ds le; 02 ls 10 vad rd cksul vad fn, tkrs gSaA 2& fMikVZesUV vkWQ VsyhdkWe%& HkrhZ ds le; vfrfjDr cksul vad fn;s tkrs gSaA 3& m|ksx%&,u-lh-lh- lVhZfQdsV /kkjdksa dks vusd izfrf"Br m|ksxksa }kjk izkFkfedrk nh tkrh gSA ,u-lh-lh- ;qokvksa esa xq.kksa ds fodkl dk ek/;e& 1& ;qokvksa ds tks'k vkSj gks'k ds lkFk gh fdlh Hkh tax dks thrk tk ldrk gSA 2& lekt esa ifjorZu vkSj fodkl ds fy, ;qokvksa esa jpuk'khyrk dk gksuk t#jh gSA 3& jk"Vªh; dSMsV dksj ;qokvksa esa ns'kizse] vuq'kklu] ,drk vkSj usr`Ro lapkyu ds xq.kksa ds fodkl esa l'kDr ek/;e gSA ,u-lh-lh- ds ek/;e ls ns'k dh rhuksa lsukvksa dks ;ksX; ;qok feyrs gSA 4& lPps dSMsV esa bZekunkjh] drZO;fu"Bk vkSj jk"Vª ds fy;s cfynku dks lnSo rRij jgus ds xq.k fodflr gksrs gSA estj ds ,l- esgjk ,u-lh-lh-vf/kdkjh r r r r r r r 30 Opportunities are like sunrises if you wait too long, you miss them. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 jDrnku&egknku laLFkk ds dSMsVksa us lekt ds yksxksa esa jDrnku dh vko';drk rFkk jDrnku ds fo"k; esa tkx#drk iSnk djus ds fy;s jk"Vªh; dSMsV dksj LFkkiuk fnol 23&vDVwcj 2012 dks ,d jDrnku jSyh dk vk;kstu Jhuxj (x<+oky) esa fd;kA bl jDrnku jSyh dk vk;kstu estj ds-,l- esgjk ds dq'ky usr`Ro esa fd;k x;kA jSyh ds lkFk&LkkFk jDrnku ds fy;s dSMsVksa us viuk iathdj.k rFkk dqN dSMsVksa us jDrnku djds jSyh ds lQy vk;kstu esa egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk iznku dhA jSyh ,oa jDrnku f'kfoj esa fcM+yk ifjlj (,p-,u-ch- dsUæh; fo'ofo|ky;) ds dSMsVksa us Hkh izfrHkkx fd;kA jDrnku jSyh ds lkFk dSMsVksa us fcM+yk ifjlj esa ,u0lh0lh0 LFkkiuk fnol ds miy{k esa vk;ksftr ,d laxks"Bh esa izfrHkkx fd;kA laxks"Bh esa fcM+yk ifjlj ds ,u0lh0lh0 vkfQllZ ys- ,l- fc"V th us dSMsVksa dks ,u0lh0lh0 ds mn~ns'; rFkk ,u0lh0lh0 esa vuq'kklu dk egRo ij vius fopkj j[ks rFkk dSMsVksa dks,u0lh0lh0 esa izfrHkkx gsrq izksRlkfgr fd;kA dqN dSMsVksa us Hkh ,u0lh0lh0 ds xBu dh vko';drk rFkk ,u0lh0lh0 dh LFkkiuk ij dSMsVksa dks egRoiw.kZ tkudkfj;k¡ nhA vUr esa laLFkk ds ,u0lh0lh0 vf/kdkjh estj ds-,u- esgjk us lkekftd cqjkbZ;ksa ls nwj jgus rFkk lkekftd dqjhfr;ksa dks nwj djus ds fy;s izksRlkfgr fd;k] rFkk dSMsVksa dks uSfrd f'k{kk viukus dj Hkh tksj fn;kA jDr dh vko';drk rFkk jDr nku djus ls izkIr ykHk ds fo"k; esa egRoiw.kZ rF; laxzg dj lekt ds fy;s izLrqr dj jgk g¡wA ßjDr 'kjhj dk ,d izeq[k vo;o gS ;g ,d rjy la;ksth Ård gSA iwjs 'kjhj esa bldh ek=k 5&6 yh0 rd gksrh gS jDr esa rhu izdkj dh dksf'kdk;sa ik;h tkrh gSAÞ (i) Red Blood cells (R.B.C.) yky #f/kj dkf.kdk;saA (ii) White Blood cells (W.B.C.) 'osr #f/kj df.kdk;saA (iii) Platelets IysVysV~lA Red Blood Cells (R.B.C.) - 'kjhj ds jDr esa R.B.C. dh ek=k lokZf/kd gksrh gSA R.B.C. esa mifLFkr gheksXyksfcu ds dkj.k gh jDr dk jax yky gksrk gSA ,d LoLFk iq#"k esa gheksXyksfcu gh ek=k 14&18 ;wfuV rd rFkk ,d efgyk esa gheksXyksfcu dh ek=k 12&14 ;wfuV ds e/; gksrh gSA jDr esa R.B.C. dh ek=k 4-5 fefy;u ls 5-5 fefy;u rd gksrh gSA W.B.C. (White Blood Cells) - jDr esa W.B.C. dk dk;Z 'kjhj dks ckº; laØe.k ls cpkuk gSA jDr esa budh ek=k 4000&11100 ;wfuV rd gksrh gSA Platelets (IysVysV~l) - jDr esa budh ek=k 1-5 yk[k ls 4-5 yk[k rd gksrh gSA bldk eq[; dk;Z jDr dks cgus ls jksduk gSA jDr dks pkj Jsf.k;ksa esa ckaVk x;k gS& (i) A (ii) B (iii) AB (iv) O jDr esa RH Factor dh mifLFkfr bldks (+) ikWftfVo rFkk vuqifLFkfr bldks (-) usxsfVo esa oxhZd`r djrh gSA fdlh equ"; dks jDr dh deh gksus ij mlh lewg ds jDr ds lkFk&lkFk mlh lewg ,oa RH Factor ds jDr dh vko';drk gksrh gSA jDrnku djus ls ge fdlh O;fDr dh u flQZ tku cpkrs gSa cfYd vius 'kjhj ds ckjs esa Hkh dqN tkudkfj;k¡ izkIr djrs gSaA jDrnku djus ls gekjs 'kjhj dks Hkh fuEu ykHk gksrs gSa %& (1) gekjs 'kjhj dh vfLFk eTtk u;s jDr dks cukus dks izsfjr gksrh gSA (2) ân; jksx rFkk mPp jDrpki dh laHkkouk de gks tkrh gSA (3) ekuo ds 'kjhj dh R.B.C. ftudk thou dky 120 fnu dk gksrk gSA og 120 fnu ds ckn Lor% u"V gks tkrh gSA jDr nku Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards us. 31 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 nsus ls 'kjhj ds jDr esa R.B.C. (Platelets) dh ek=k esa Hkh c<+ksÙkjh gksrh gS rFkk u;h dksf'kdkvksa ds fuekZ.k ds lkFk&lkFk jDr dk ifjlapj.k Hkh c<+ tkrk gSA Hkkjr esa 18 ls 60 o"kZ dh vk;q rd dk dksbZ Hkh O;fDr jDrnku dj ldrk gSA fdlh O;fDr ds 'kjhj ls ,d ckj esa 350 fe0yh0 ls 450 fe0yh0 rd jDr fy;k tkrk gSA 'kjhj ls fy;s x;s jDr dh iwfrZ] 'kjhj 24 ls 48 ?k.Vksa esa dj nsrk gS] rFkk dksf'kdkvksa dh izfriwfrZ 3 ls 8 lIrkg esa gks tkrh gSA jDrnku djus ls iwoZ vk/ks ?k.Vs rd gYdk O;k;ke djsa rFkk 24 ?k.Vksa rd dksbZ Hkkjh O;k;ke u djsaA jDrnku djus ds mijkUr vfrfjDr Hkkstu dh vko';drk ugha gksrh gSA lkekU; Hkkstu djus ls gh jDr dh iwfr gks tkrh gSA lekt ds yksxksa dks jDrnku ds izfr tkx#d gksus ds lkFk gh vius drZO; dk fuoZgu Hkh djuk pkfg;sA fdlh ejht ds rhekjnkjksa (fj'rsnkjksa) dk loZizFke drZO; curk gS] fd og vius jDr lewg dh tk¡p djk;saA ;fn jDr lewg ejht ds jDr ls fHkUu gS] rks og CyM cSad ls ejht ds jDr lewg dk jDr ysdj] viuk jDr tks fdlh Hkh xzqi dk gks] CyM cSad dks ns ldrk gSA ysfdu lekt esa yksxksa esa bl izdkj dh drZO;fu"Bk ns[kus dks ugha feyrh gSA os jDrnku djus ds ctk; lkekftd laxBuksa ,u0lh0lh0 o ,u0,l0,l0 ds Nk=ksa dh ryk'k djrs gSA Hkkjr&o"kZ esa jDr dh ek¡x yxkrkj c<+rh tk jgh gSA orZeku esa gekjs ns'k esa ,d djksM+ ;wfuV jDr dh vko';drk gS] fdUrq ek¡x ds lkis{k dsoy 70ø vkiwfrZ gh laHko gks ikrh gSA tjk lksfp;s fd tc jDr dks mRikfnr ;k fufeZr ugha fd;k tk ldrk gS rks bldh vkiwfr dSls laHko gSA fuf'pr #i ls lekt ls jDr dk dsoy ,d gh lzksr gS] og gS ekuoA ekuosUæ jk.kk twfu;j v.Mj vkWfQlj 4 ;w0ds0 (1) COY] NCC, ikSM+h x<+oky ,u-lh-lh- dSEi dk lq[kn vuqHko fdlh Hkh n'sk dh mUufr eas lgk;rk djus okys 5 LrEHk gkrss g&aS 1- HkkSxksfyd ifjfLFkfr;k¡ 2- vkfFkZd fLFkfr 3- jktuhfrd fLFkfr 4- rduhdh fodkl 5- lsuk ns'k es dbZ ukStokuksa dk liuk ns'k dh lsuk dk fgLlk cudj ns'k dh lsok djuk gksrk gSaA blh lsuk dh jhfr fjoktksa] rduhdksa] vuq'kklu vkfn dks utnhdh ls ns[kus dk ekSdk gesa ^vkehZ vVSpeSaV dSEi #M+dh* esa ns[kus dks feyk] tc eq>s irk pyk dh fd ,u-lh-lh- dk 15 fnolh; f'kfoj #M+dh dSaV es yxus okyk gSA bl tkudkjh ds feyrs gh eSaus viuk uke dSEi esa izfrHkkx fd;s tkus okys dSMsVksa dh lwph esa vafdr djok fn;kA eq>s vkehZ dk fgLlk cuus dh cgqr mRlqdrk FkhA 10 flrEcj ls 24 flEcj 2012 rd vkehZ vVSpeSaV dSEi dk vk;kstu #M+dh 14 eSdukbTM bUQSUVªh esa gqvkA vkehZ vVSpeSaV dSEi ds fy;s gekjs laLFkku] jktdh; ikyhVsfDud Jhuxj ls 26 dSMsVksa us 32 ukekadu djk;k] ftldk usr`Ro lhfu;j v.Mj vkWfQlj ds #i esa eSaus fd;kA eq>s dSEi esa tkus dh cgqr mRlqdrk Fkh blfy;s dSEi esa tkus okys fnu le; ls 2 ?kaVs igys gh eSa LVs'ku ij igqap x;kA ge losjs 8 cts lHkh 26 dSMsV estj ds-,l- esgjk ,ulh-lh- vf/kdkjh ds lkFk #M+dh ds fy;s jokuk gks x;sA lk;a 330 cts ge #M+dh igqaps] #M+dh igqaprs gh gesa ,glkl gks x;k Fkk fd geus lsuk {ks= esa izos'k dj fy;k gSaA dSEi {ks= ys tkus ds fy;s lsuk dh ,d cl gesa ysus LVs'ku vkbZA dSEi {ks= es izos'k djrs gh VSadksa dh drkj fn[kkbZ nsrh gSA VSadksa dks brus ikl ls ns[kdj eSa cgqr jksekafpr gks x;k] geesa ls dbZ yksxksa us VSad dks igyh ckj brus ikl ls ns[kk FkkA ge lk;a 4 cts 14 eSdukbTM bUQSUVªh #M+dh igq¡p x;sA fnu Hkj dh FkdkoV nwj djds ÝS'k gksus ds ckn geus iSfdax rFkk lkeku O;ofLFkr fd;kA jkr dks [kkuk [kkus ds ckn jksydkWy ds fy;s lHkh dSMsV eSnku esa Big journeys begin with small steps. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 ,df=r gq, tgk¡ estj iadt eSBkuh] lwcsnkj Hkxr flag] lwcsnkj txnh'k ukFk rFkk vU; ih vkbZ LVkQ ls eqykdkr gqbZA mUgksaus gesa gekjs vxys 14 fnuksa dh fnup;kZ rFkk vkehZ ds mlwyksa ds ckjs esa crk;kA vkehZ vVSpesUV dSEi ds fy;s #M+dh xzqi ds fofHkUu laLFkkvksa ds dSSMsVksa us fgLlk fy;kA ge lHkh 198 dSMsVksa dks 3 dEifu;ksa esa ckaVk x;k& vYQk] czkoks rFkk pkyhZA eq>s pkyhZ dEiuh dk lh-,p-,e- fu;qDr fd;k x;kA Vªsfuax vkWfQljksa us gesa Vªsfuax nh rFkk crk;k fd os lHkh dqN ekg iwoZ :l dh lsuk ds lkFk la;qDr ;q¼kH;kl djds vk;s Fks] muds }kjk gesa :l fd cgqr lkjh tkudkfj;k¡ izkIr gqbZ] mUgksaus crk;k fd :l esa gj ukStoku dks viuh i<+kbZ iwjh djus ds ckn nks o"kks± rd lsuk esa ukSdjh djuh iM+rh gS rFkk bl izek.k&i= ds uk gksus ij mls vU;= ukSdjh ugha fey ikrh gSA vxys fnu ls gh gekjh fnup;kZ 'kq# gks x;h] tks fuEuor~ Fkh& lqcg 5%30 ls 6%30 cts rd nkSM+ rFkk 7%00 ls 7%30 cts rd uk'rk] 8%00 ls 9%40 cts rd fMªy] 9%40 ls 11%20 rd gfFk;kjksa dh tkudkjh] 11%20 ls 11%40 rd gesa vU; Dyklsl tSls fn'kk dk Kku] eSi jhfMax] jkf= izLFkku rFkk vU; phts crkbZ tkrh FkhA 1%00 ls 2%00 cts rd nksigj dk [kkuk] lk;a 5%00 ls 6%00 cts rd [ksy xfrfof/k;ksa dh tkudkjh ,ao vH;kl rFkk 7%00 ls 8%00 cts rd jkf= Hkkst feyrk FkkA jkf= 9%00 cts jksydkWy gksrh Fkh ftlesa ,u-lh-lh- vQljksa ds }kjk gesa vxys fnu dh fnup;kZ rFkk vkehZ dh dbZ egRoiw.kZ tkudkjh gesa crkbZ tkrh FkhA vU; le; esa ge foJke rFkk fofHkUu dk;Z djrs FksA vkehZ ds vUnj vuq'kklu lSfud dk lcls cM+k gfFk;kj gksrk gSa mUgksaus gesa Hkh ;gh ckr fl[kkus dk iz;Ru fd;kA lHkh dSMsVksa us c[kwch fu;eksa dk ikyu fd;k rFkk c/kkbZ ds ik= cusA gfFk;kjksa dh Dyklsl esa geus eq[;r% bUlkl jkbQy] bUlkl ,y-,e-th-] 84 jksdsV ykWUpj] ch-,e-Vh- VSad] Vh&20 VSad] ekbal bR;kfn ds ckjs esa i<+k rFkk mUgsa [kksydj] Vªsfuax vkWfQljksa us gesa mudh Vªsfuax nhA eq>s VSad dks pykdj csgn jksekap dk vuqHko gqvkA geus lsuk ds vUnj ,d cgqr cM+h ckr lh[kh] tks Fkh lHkh /keZ leku gSaA bldk izrhd Fkk ,d efUnj tks rhu Hkkxksa esa c¡Vk gqvk Fkk] igys Hkkx esa xq#}kjk] nwljs Hkkx esa efUnj rFkk rhljs Hkkx esa efLtn FkhA ;gka iqjkru xzUFk rFkk fyfi;ksa dh cgqr lh tkudkfj;k¡ ekStwn FkhA eSa ;g lc ns[k dj gSjku Fkk fd lekt esa rks fgUnw eqfLye naxs vdlj ns[kus ,oa lquus dks feyrs gS] ysfdu lsuk rks] lHkh /keZ leku gS fd Hkkouk ls iw.kZ gS] ;g ns[kdj esjk flj vkehZ ds izfr ureLrd gks x;kA 21 flrEcj dks gesa ,;j fMQsUl ;wfuV esa ?kweus ys tk;k x;k] ;gka geus Fky lsuk dks gokbZ lqj{kk iznku djus okys VSad rFkk felkbyksa tSls LVªsyk] 10 ,e felkby flLVe] 9 ,e] 33 ,e] 3 felkby fogdy] vks-,e-,& ,ds VSad dk v/;;u fd;kA mUgksaus crk;k fd ;s lHkh VSad o felkbysa f}rh; fo'o ;q¼ esa :l }kjk iz;qDr fd;s x;s Fks rFkk budh vn~Hkqr {kerk dks ns[krs gq, bUgsa Hkkjrh; lsuk esa budk vk/kqfudhdj.k dj 'kkfey fd;k tkrk gSa] ftlls gekjh lsuk dks vkSj etcwrh feyrh gSA blh fnu gesa vkehZ ds E;wft;e dks fn[kkus ds fy;s ys tk;k x;k tgka geus #M+dh ;wfuV dk iqjkru bfrgkl] gfFk;kjksa] iwoZ vkWfQljksa rFkk djfxy ;q¼ esa 'kghn gq;s lSfudksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjh izkIr dhA fgUnh fQYe ^iku flag rksej* ds uk;d iku flag rksej #M+dh ;wfuV ls gh tqM+s FksA E;wft;e esa vkt Hkh muds twrs vkSj diMs+ lqjf{kr j[ks gq, gSaA dSEi esa vyx&vyx izfr;ksfxrk,sa gqbZ] ftuesa fMªy] ckWyhcky] lkaLd`frd dk;ZØe izfr;ksfxrk,sa izeq[k FkhA bu lHkh izfr;ksfxrkvksa esa ge vCoy jgs rFkk iq#Ldkj forj.k lekjksg esa #M+dh ;wfuV ds lh-vks- us gesa pSfEi;u VªkQh iznku dhA dSEi ds nkSjku jkf= euksjatu ds fy;s geas ,d Fkk VkbZxj] ^ckMZj* rFkk ^fdLuk* fQYesa fn[kkbZ x;hA eq>s ^ckMZj* fQYe csgn ilUn vkbZA ,d fnu ges Hkkjrh; lsuk dh [kwfc;ksa rFkk rkdr ds ckjs esa crk;k x;k] tks vkb-,e- ,- ls lEcfU/kr FkhA 24 flrEcj dh lqcg ge Jhuxj vkus ds fy;s rS;kj gq, rks lHkh dSMsV ,d nwljs ls feysA gj ,d ds lkFk QksVks f[kapokbZA ge lHkh Vsªfuax vkWfQljksa ls feys rFkk mUgksaus gesa thou esa vPNk ukxfjd cuus ds lkFk gh vuq'kklu esa jgus dh izsj.kk nhA lqcg 8-00 cts ge Jhuxj ds fy;s jokuk gq,] Bhd 3-00 cts ge Jhuxj ig¡qpsA eSaus dSEi esa ,d ckr ns[kh fd lsuk dk gj toku fnu Hkj /kjrh ek¡ dh lsok esa ilhuk cgk jgk gS rFkk vius vkidks vkSj csgrj cukus dh dksf'k'k esa yxk gqvk gS] rkfd og viuk QtZ bZekunkjh ls vnk dj ldsA /kU; gS tokuksa] rqEgkjh ns'k&HkfDrA eSa tc dHkh dSEi dks ;kn djrk gw¡ rks vkt Hkh vkufUnr gks tkrk gw¡A jfo lhfu;j v.Mj vkfQlj ;wds,lMh 10@89064] flfoy vfUre o"kZ You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created. 33 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 jk"Vªh; dSMsV dksj (National Cadet Corps) Hkkjrh; x.krU= ds uo;qod ,oa uo;qfr;ksa esa vuq'kklu dh Hkkouk dks fodflr ,oa iYyfor djus ds fy, Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk lu~ 1948 esa jk"Vªh; dSMsV dksj (National Cadet Corps) dh LFkkiuk dh xbZ Fkh] bl le; ns'k esa yxHkx 15 yk[k Nk=&Nk=k,¡ ,u- lh-lh- dk izf'k{k.k izkIr dj jgs gSA ,u-lh- lh- ds eq[; mn~ns';ksa esa ;qokvksa dks Js"B ukxfjd cukus ,oa orZeku rFkk Hkfo"; dh pqukSfr;ksa dk lkeuk djus ds fy, muesa pfj=] lkgl] lg;ksx&Hkkouk] vuq'kklu] usr`Ro {kerk] /keZ fujis{krk] n`f"Vdks.k] [ksy ,oa lkgfld fØ;kdykiksa ds izfr vfHk#fp rFkk fuLokFkZ lsok ds vkn'kZ xq.k fodflr djuk gSA blds vfrfjDr laxfBr] izf'kf{kr ,oa mn~ns';iw.kZ fopkjksa okys ukStokuksa dks ,d ekuo la?k ds #i esa] tks l'kL= lsukvksa lfgr thou ds gj {ks= esa usr`Ro iznku dj lds rFkk jk"Vª lsok ds fy, rRij ,oa miyC/k jgs] ,u-lh-lh- ds mn~ns';ksa esa lfEefyr gSA ,u-lh-lh- esa ukekadu& laLFkk jktdh; ikWfyVsfDud] Jhuxj (x<+oky) 2012&13 esa 70 Nk=ksa rFkk 30 Nk=kvksa lfgr dqy 100 Nk=&Nk=kvksa us ,u-lh-lh- esa ukekadu fd;k rFkk laLFkk ds dSMsVksa }kjk fuEu xfrfof/k;ksa esa Hkkxhnkjh fuHkkbZ xbZA LorU=rk fnol ijsM] 15 vxLr 2012 ds jk"Vªh; ioZ ij laLFkk izkax.k esa jk"Vªh; /ot dks lykeh nh xbZA ,u- lh-lh- f'kfoj& Ø- l- f'kfoj dk uke 1 vkehZ vVSpeSaV 2E/7/CATC Pre/ GC 3. E/7/CATC Pre/ GC 4CATC 5. CATC LFkku #M+dh #M+dh #M+dh nsgjknwu fVgjh le;kof/k 10 -09-2012 ls 24-09-2012 11-10-2012 ls 20-10-2012 01-11-2012 ls 10-11-2012 23-01-2013 ls 12-01-2013 03-01-2013 ls 12-01-2013 jDrnku fnol&25 uoEcj 2012 dks laLFkku rFkk fcM+yk ifjlj ds }kjk la;qDr #i ls Jhuxj 'kgj esa ,d jSyh fudkyh xbZ rFkk yksxksa dks jDrnku ds izfr tkx#d fd;k x;kA bl jSyh dk usr`Ro la;qDr :i ls estj ds-,l- esgjk rFkk yS¶VhusaV ,l-,l- fc"V ds }kjk fd;k x;kA ukxfjd iz'kklu lg;ksx&,u-lh-lh- dSMsV~l le;≤ ij LFkkuh; iz'kklu dks lg;ksx nsrs jgs gSa] Jhuxj esa vk;ksftr jkeyhyk ds nkSjku ,u-lh-lh dSMsV~l }kjk 'kkafr O;oLFkk cuk, j[kus esa jkeyhyk lfefr dks iw.kZ lg;ksx fn;k x;kA blh Øe esa Jhuxj esa cSdq.B prqZn'kh ds iq.; volj ij 26 uoEcj 2012 dks esys ds mn~?kkVu lekjksg esa ekuuh; eq[;ea=h Jh fot; cgqxq.kk th ds le{k vk;ksftr ijsM esa laLFkk ny }kjk izfrHkkx fd;k x;k] ftlesa laLFkk dks f}rh; LFkku izkIr gqvk rFkk esys esa 'kkafr O;oLFkk cuk, j[kus ds fy, fd;s x;s dk;Z gsrq loZJs"B dSMsV ds #i esa eq>s pquk x;k rFkk iqjLdkj Lo#i Tablet P.C vk;kstdksa }kjk iznku fd;k x;kA x.krU= fnol ijsM&x.krU= fnol (26 tuojh 2012) ds jk"Vªh; ioZ ij laLFkku izkax.k esa vk;ksftr dk;ZØe esa ,u-lh-lh- ny }kjk jk"Vªh; /ot dks lykeh nh xbZ rFkk bl volj ij uxjikfydk ifj"kn~ Jhuxj }kjk vk;ksftr dk;ZØe esa laLFkk ds dSfMVksa ds }kjk ekpZ ikLV fd;k x;k rFkk lykeh ijsM esa dSfMVksa us izFke LFkku izkIr fd;kA dek.MsUV vfer dqekj ,l-,l-ch- }kjk laLFkk ,u0lh0lh0 ny dks izFke iqjLdkj ls lEekfur fd;k x;kA ßt; fgUn t; HkkjrÞA 34 We make our own fortunes and call them fate. xfjek fujkyk v.Mj vkfQlj ;w-ds- 56@11@89144 eSdsfudy f}rh; o"kZ izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 SMOKING IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH ! For every person that dies from a smoking-related disease, there are 20 more who suffer from one serious illness associated with smoking. ! The CDC estimates that male smokers lose an average of 13.2 years of life and female smokers lose 14.5 years of life because of smoking and given the diseases that smoking can cause, it can steal your quality of life long before you die. ! Every day over 3,800 teens, 18 and younger, smoke their first cigarette. While, 1000 teens start smoking on a daily basis. ! A single cigarette contains over 4,800 Chemicals, Second hand smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, including 70 cancer causing chemicals. ! Every year, there approximately 46,000 deaths from heart disease in people who are current non-smokers. ! Smoking increases your risk of getting lung diseases like pneumonia, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. ! Smoking in India is prohibited in public since 2 October 2008. The nationwide smoke-free law pertains only to public places. ! The sale of tobacco products within 100 yards of educational institutions is also prohibited. ! However, this particular rule is seldom enforced. ! The Cable Television Network (Regulation) Amendment Bill; in force since 5 September 2000 completely prohibits There are approximately 120 million smokers in India. ! Approximately 900,000 people die every year in India due to smoking cigarette and alcohol advertisements Ashish Negi NCC Cadet If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If it is broken by an inside force, life begins. Great things happen from inside. 35 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 dfork [ksy&[ksy esa i<+uk lh[ksa ?kj ij cSBs&cSBs lqLrkvks ugh] ikl vkvks esjs ?kcjkvks ugha pyks vkt dqN u;k djsa ge fdrkcksa ls dc rd Mjsa ge\ ^^fo|k txr dh ubZ jkspd ckrsa] vkvks vkt ge x<+uk lh[ksa pyks nksLr vkt ge lc feydj] [ksy&[ksy esa i<+uk lh[ksaA vaxzsth gS bd Hkk"kk ,slh] yxs tfVy igyh tSlhA idM+ yks gkFk tks dldj] pys lkFk lgsyh tSlhA dj bu nksuksa ls xgu nksLrh] ge bUgsa dHkh u Hkwy ik;saxsA tku tk,¡xs buds fNisjkt] isij esa budks /kwy pVk,¡xsA vkvks buds lkFk jgsa ge] budh uCt idM+uk lh[ksaA pyks nksLr vkt ge lc feydj] [ksy&[ksy esa i<+uk lh[ksaA izR;sd lw= dks jVrs&jVrs] yxus yxk igkM+ tSlk vkokt can gks tk, lcdh] yxs flag dh izcy ngkM+ tSlkA lw=ksa dks lksprs le>rs pyks] rqEgkjk efLr"d bruk rqPN Hkh ughaA izfrfnu vH;kl djks ?kj ij] ns[kks rqEgkjs vkxs dqN Hkh ughaA 36 tSls fo'kkydk; ioZr ij] gj fnu mrjuk vkSj p<+uk lh[ksaA pyks nksLr vkt ge lc feydj] [ksy&[ksy esa i<+uk lh[ksaA rhljk uacj vkrk gS mldk] ftls ge lHkh foKku gS dgrsA blls Mjuk Hkh dSlk ;kjksa] bls ge ?kVukØe dk Kku dgrsA irk pyrk vrhr@Hkfo"; gesa] le; dh lqbZ dSls ?kwerh gS\ gj rF; d.BLFk rks djds ns[kks] lQyrk rqEgkjs dne dSls pwerh gS\ Kku dk vfouk'kh 'kL= idM+dj] vkarfjd Mj ls ge yM+uk lh[ksaA pyks nksLr vkt ge lc feydj] [ksy&[ksy esa i<+uk lh[ksaA 'ks"k cps lHkh fo"k;ksa ls] dj ys rw eqykdkr vHkhA ijs'kkuh gks ;fn dgha ij] f'k{kd ls dj ckr vHkhA lkjs fo"k; cjkcj egRo okys gSa] dksbZ vfr ugha] dksbZ vYi ughaA fu"d"kZ rks ;gh fudyk I;kjs] ifjJe dk dksbZ fodYi ughaA R;kx lkjh ghu Hkkoukvksa dks] thou esa vkxs c<+uk lh[ksaA pyks nksLr vkt ge lc feydj] [ksy&[ksy esa i<+uk lh[ksaA A head full of fears has no space for dreams. Lojfpr Hkkjr Hkw"k.k HkV~V] lh0,l0bZ0 f}rh; o"kZ izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 ^^f'k{kd** u, rF; ,oa jkspd ckrsa] ge lcdks crkrk gS f'k{kdA eqf'dyksa ls yM+us dk xq#ea=] gesa 'kkyhurk ls crkrk gS f'k{kdA Lo;a nhid ds leku tydj] Hkfo"; dh jkg fn[kkrk gS f'k{kdA Lo;a cu uS¸;k dk f[koS¸;k] lQyrk rd igqapkrk gS f'k{kdA ân; esa cls bl rqPN Mj dks feVk] iqLrdksa ds fy, izse txkrk gS f'k{kdA izfrfnu iw.kZ fu"Bk Hkko ls esgur dj] ew[kZ dks iafMr cukrk gS f'k{kdA var esa f'k"; dks cuk iw.kZ n{k] Lo;a blls ekr [kkrk gS f'k{kdA blhfy, rks f'k{kd fnol ds fnu] ge lcdks ;kn vkrk gS f'k{kdA ^^izrkM+ fd;k geus!** 'kjhj rks cM+k vPNk c['kk ;k [kqnk us ge lcdks] ij bl 'kjhj ds lkFk eupkgk f[kyokM+ fd;k geusA bl cspkjs fugRFks 'kjhj ij dj vla[; iz;ksx] blls izR;sd vax dks m[kkM+ fn;k geusA [kqnk us rks gjs&Hkjs xqfyLrka ls ltkbZ Fkh viuh dk;k] ij ml xqfyLrka dks cgdkos esa vk mtkM+ fn;k geusA u'khys&fujFkZd inkFkks± dks dj thou esa 'kkfey] [kq'kh dh L;kgh ls fy[kk iUuk QkM+ fn;k geusA 'kjkc ls dj nksLrh o blds izfrfnu lsou ls] LoxZ leku thou dks] ujd esa xkM+ fn;k geusA vius 'kjhj dk iru bl dæ vkf[kj fd;k D;ksa] vc rks lksp ys fd ;s D;k fd;k geus\ 'kjhj ij izrkM+uk dh pje~ rd igq¡dj] gk;! ;s dSls izrkM+ is izrkM+ fd;k geusA vktdy dh ilan la?k"kZ gh thou gS ,slh viuh okbZQ gks] lk<+s ik¡p QhV ftldh gkbZV gks] thUl ftldh VkbZV gks] psgjk ftldk czkbV gks] mez esa fMÝsUl LykbV gks] FkksM+h lh oks DokbV gks] ,slh viuh okbQ gks bafM;k dh iSnkbZ'k gks] lkl dh lsok ftldh [okb'k gks] vxj ,slh viuh okbQ gks rks] D;k glhu viuh ykbQ gksAA eafty ek¡xus ls ugha feyrh] [kqn eafty ij igqapuk iM+rk gSA ftUnxh dk nq%[k fdruk xgjk D;ksa u gks] fQj Hkh eqLdqjkuk iM+rk gSA ,s esjs nksLr! dey vius vki ugha mxrk] mls mxkuk iM+rk gSA esjs nksLrksa ulhc dks nks"kh er Bgjkuk] ulhc [kqn gh cukuk iM+rk gSA ftUnxh esa dHkh gkSlyk er gkjuk] D;ksafd Bksdj bUlku dks pyuk fl[kkrh gSaA 'kqHke fc"V flfoy f}rh; o"kZ Never let success get into your head; and failure into your heart. 37 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 eUoUrj ds vk[;ku egkiqjk.kksa ds ik¡p eq[; y{k.k gSa& 1- l`f"V] 2- izy;] 3- oa'k] 4- oa'kkuqpfjr rFkk 5- eUoUrjA blesa ls eUoUrj dk lEcU/k dky dh x.kuk ls gSA euq rFkk euq iq=x.k ftrus le; rd lIr}hik olqerh dk jkT; Hkksxrs gq, /keZ iwoZd viuh iztk dk ikyu djrs gS] og le; eUoUrj dgykrk gSA eUoUrj dks le>us ds fy;s bl dky&x.kuk dk Kku vko';d gS] tks la{ksi esa bl izdkj gS& euq"; dk 1 ekl ¾ firj dk 1 fnu&jkr euq"; dk 1 o"kZ ¾ nsork dk 1 fnu&jkr euq"; ds 30 o"kZ ¾ nsork dk 1 ekl euq"; ds 360 o"kZ ¾ nsork dk 1 o"kZ (fnO; o"kZ) 4]32]000 ekuo& o"kZ ¾ 1200 fnO; o"kZ ¾1 dfy;qx 8]64]000 ekuo&o"kZ ¾ 2400 fnO; o"kZ ¾ 1 }kij;qx 12]96]000 ekuo &o"kZ ¾ 3600 fnO; o"kZ ¾ 1 =srk;qx 17] 28]000 ekuo & o"kZ ¾ 4800 fnO; o"kZ ¾ 1 lR;;qx ;ksx&43]20]000 ekuo&o"kZ ¾ 12]000 fnO; o"kZ ¾ ,d egk;qx ;k prq;qZxh bl izdkj ,d prq;Zxh esa 12]000 fnO; o"kZ ;k 43] 20]000 ekuo&o"kZ gksrs gSA blh dks egk;qx dgrs gSA ,sls ,dgÙkj ;qxksa dk ,d eUoUrj gksrk gS] ftldk eku 30]67] 20]000 ekuo&o"kZ gksrk gSA izR;sd eUoUrj ds vUr esa lR;;qx ds o"kks± ds cjkcj vFkkZr 17]28]000 o"kks± dh la/;k gksrh gSA ,d eUoUrj ds eku ¾ 30]67]20]000 o"kZ esa la/;k ds eku¾ 17]28]000 o"kZ ds ;ksx djus ij 30]84]48]000 o"kZ gksrk gS] tks laf/k lfgr ,d eUoUrj ds ekuo&o"kZ gSA vFkkZr laf/k;qDr ,d eUoUrj esa 30]84]48]000 o"kZ gksrk gSA ,sls gh tc 14 eUoUrj O;rhr gksrs gSa] tc ,d dYi gksrk gSA ;gh ,d dYi czãkth ds ,d fnu ds cjkcj gksrk gSA pkSng eUoUrj viuh&viuh la/;kvksa ds ekuds lfgr gksrs gSA blds vfrfjDr dYids vkjEHkdky esa Hkh ,d lR;;qx ds ekuds cjkcj dh la/;k gksrh gSA bl izdkj ,d dYi ds pkSng euqvksa esa 71 prq;Zqxh ds vfrfjDr lR;;qx ds ekudh 15 la/;k,¡ gksrh gSA 71 egk;qxksa ds eku ls 14 euqvksa esa 994 egk;qx gksrs gSa vkSj lR;;qx ds ekudh 15 la/;kvksa dk dky iwjk 6 egk;qxksa ds leku gks tkrk gSA nksuksa dk feykus ij iwjs ,d gtkj egk;qx ;k fnO; ;qx chr tkrs gSaA bls fuEu#i esa le>k tk ldrk gS& lkSjeku (ekuo&o"kZ) nsoeku ;k fnO; o"kZ ,d prq;qZxh (egk;qx) 43]20]000 12]000 ,dgÙkj prq;qZxh 30]67]20]000 8]42]000 dYidh laf/k 17]28]000 4800 eUoUrjdh pkSng la/;k,¡ 2]41]92] 000 67] 200 lfU/k lfgr ,d eUoUrj 30]84]48] 000 8]56]800 pkSng la/;klfgr pkSng eUoUrj 4]31]82]72]000 1]19]94]200 dYi dh laf/k lfgr pkSng eUoUrj ;k ,d dYi 4]32]00]00]000 1]20]00]000 czãkth dk fnu gh dYi gS] bruh gh cM+h mudh jkf= gSA czãk ds mn; ds lkFk gh =SyksD;dh l`f"V gksrh gSA muds fnu dh lekfIr gksus ij mruh gh jkf= gksrh gS& czãk dk fnu ¾ 4]32]00]00]000 czãkdh jkf= ¾ 4]32]00]00] 000 ekuq"kh o"kZ fnu&jkf= dk ;ksx ¾ 8]64]00]00]000 } 38 Do not ask the lord to guide your footsteps, if you are not willing to move your feet. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 bls 30 ls xq.kk djus ij czãk dk ,d ekl gksrk gS vkSj xq.kuQy esa iqu% 12 ls xq.kk djus ij czãkthdk ,d o"kZ gksrk gS& ,d czã fnu &&&& 8]64]00]00]000 X 30 ,d czã ekl &&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& 2]59]20]00]00]000 ,d czã o"kZ &&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 31]10]40]00]00]000 X12 czãk dh ijek;q bl czkã o"kZ ds eku ls ,d lkS o"kZ gSA bls ^ij* dgrs gSaA bl le; czãkth viuh vk;q dk vk/kk Hkkx vFkkZr~ ,d ijk/kZ (50 o"kZ) fcrk dj nwljs ijk/kZ esa py jgs gSaA ;g muds 51osa o"kZ dk izFke fnu ;k dYi gSA nksuksa ijk/kks± ds vkfn vkSj vUr esa Øe'k% czkã rFkk ikn~e uked nks fo'ks"k dYi gksrs gSaA bl izdkj czãkth ds ,d ekl 30 fnu ds 30 dYi $ 2 dYi ¾ 32 dYi gksrs gSA 1 czãk ds izFke ijk/kZ esa dYiksa dh x.kuk jFkUrj&dYi ls gksrh gSA ijUrq czãk ds f}rh; ijk/kZ ds vkfn dk dYk ‚srokjkgdYi gksrk gSA vr% orZeku dYi dks ‚srokjkgdYi dgk tkrk gSA ;g f}rh; ijk/kZ dk izFke dYi gSA dYi ds pkSng eUoUrjksa (pkSng euqvksa) esa 6 eUoUrj O;rhr gks pqds gSaA orZeku esa lIre oSoLor eUoUrj ds 27 prq;qZx (egk;qx) chr pqds gSa vkSj 28 osa egk;qx ds lR;] =srk] }kij chrdj 28ok¡ dfy;qx py jgk gSA l`f"V rFkk eUoUrjkfn dh ;g dky&x.kuk iqjk.kksa dk egÙoiw.kZ izfrik| fo"k; gSA izR;sd /keZ&dekZfnds vuq"Bku dk;ks± esa vkjEHk esa tks ladYi fd;k tkrk gS] mlesa ns'k vkSj dky dk gh Lej.k fd;k tkrk gSA ladYi esa bl czãk.M ds prqnZ'k Hkqouksa] lIr}hiksa] [k.M] o"kZ vkfn ns'k ds ifj.kke ds lkFk gh l`f"VdrkZ czãk ds ijk/kZ] dYi] eUoUrj] ;qxkfn ls ysdjh laor~ v;u] ½rq] ekl] i{k] frfFk] okj] yXukfndk mPpkj.k fd;k tkrk gSA bl izdkj izfrdYi (czãk ds fnu) esa pkSgn euq gksrs gSA pkSngksa euq euqiq= ,d&,d leLr i`Foh ds jktk gksdj /keZiwoZd iztkdk ikyu djrs gSa vkSj vius&vius HkksX; dky rd jkT; djrs gSaA equvksa ds ukekuqlkj gh pkSng eUoUjksa ds pkSng fHkUu&fHkUu uke iM+s gSaA Hkxoku~ fo".kq ds ukfHkin~e ls prqeqZ[k czãk us vkfoHkwZr gksdj eSFkquh l`f"V ds ladYi dks ysdj vius gh 'kjhj ls Lok;EHkqo euq rFkk egkjkuh 'kr#ik dks izdV fd;kA ;s vkfn euq gh Lo;EHkw ;k Lok;EHkqo izFke euq gSa] ftuds uke ls Lok;EHkqo eUoUrj uke iM+kA f}rh; euq dk uke Lokjksfp"k gSA blh izdkj Øe'k% vkSÙke] rkel] jSor rFkk pk{kq"k&;s N% euq gq,A bu euqvksa ;k eUoUrjksa dk le; O;rhr gks pqdk gSA orZeku esa oSoLOr euq uke ds lIre euqdk le; py jgk gSA oSoLor eUoUrj ds ckn lkr euq vkSj gksaxs] ftuds uke bl izdkj gSa& 8& lw;Zlkof.kZ] 9& n{klkof.kZ] 10 &czãlkof.kZ 11& /keZlkof.kZ 12&#ælkof.kZ] 13&jkSP; vkSj 14&HkkSR;A bu eUoUrjksa dk le; chr tkus ij l`f"V esa izy; gksrk gS] tks vOkkUrj ;k ikfFkZd izy; dgykrk gSA pkSngksa eUoUrjksa dk iw.kZ le; ,d dYi (czãk dk fnu) ds cjkcj gksrk gSA bl dYids vUr esa gksus okyk izy; uSfefÙkd] nSuafnu ;k dYi&izy; dgykrk gSA czãk dh vk;q ds nksuksa ijk/kks± dh lekfIr ij izkd`frd egkizy; gksrk gS] ftlesa l`f"VdrkZ czãk dk y; gksrk gSA rnuUrj leLr czãk.Mdk iw.kZ czã ijekRek esa y; gksrk gS] tks vkR;fUrd izy; dgykrk gSA iqu% dky] deZ vkSj LoHkko ls ml fujkdkj ls lkdkj l`f"V dh mRifÙk gksrh gSA ;gh l`f"V vkSj izy; dk Øe vukfndky ls pyk vk jgk gSA iwoZ esa ftu pkSng euqvksa ds uke dk ifjx.ku fd;k x;k gS] ;s gh Hkwr] orZeku vkSj Hkfo";r~ euq uke ls dhfrZr gksrs gSaA izR;sd eUoUrj esa nsork] nsox.k] bUæ] lIrf"kZ rFkk euqiq= fHkUu&fHkUu gksrs gSaA izfr pkj ;qx chr us ij osnfoIyo gksrk gSA blhfy;s lIrf"kZx.k Hkwry ij vorh.kZ gksdj osn dk m¼kj djrs gSaA euq izR;sd lR;;qx esa /keZ'kkL= ds iz.ksrk gksrs gSaA euq rFkk euqiq=ksa ds vf/kdkj dky rd nsork ;KHkqd~ gksrs gSA euqiq= vkSj muds oa'k/kj ,d eUoUrj rd i`Foh dk ikyu djrs gSaA eUoUrj&Hksnls Hkxoku~ fofHkUu #iksa esa Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. 39 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 vorkj xzg.k djrs gSaA vkxs bu pkSng eUoUrjkf/kifr;ksa dk o`ÙkkUr fn;k tk jgk gS] ftuds dFkk&ekgkRE;&Jo.k ls euq"; iq.;ktZu esa leFkZ gksrk gS vkSj mldk oa'k dHkh Hkh {kh.k ugh gksrkA Lok;EHkqo eUoUrj ds Jo.k ls euq"; /keZ&ykHk djrk gSA Lokjksfp"k eUoUrj ds Jo.k ls equ"; dh lHkh dkeuk,¡ fl¼ gksrh gSA vkSÙke eUoUrj ds Jo.k ls /ku dh izkfIr gksrh gSA blh izdkj rkel ls Kku] jSor ls cqf¼ vkSj lqUnj L=h] pk{kq"k ls vkjksX;] oSoLor ls cy] lw;Zlkof.kZ ls xq.koku~ ikS=] n{klkfof.k ls Js"B tkfr vkSj ln~xq#] czãlkof.kZ ls ekgkRE;] /keZlkof.kls 'kqHkefr] #ælkof.kZ ls t;] jkSP; ls 'k=quk'k {kerk vkSj HkkSR; ls nsoizlkn] vfXugks= dk Qy ,oa xq.koku~ iq= dh izkfIr gksrh gSA bu pkSng eUoUrjksa ds nsox.k] ½f"kx.k] bUæksa] euqvksa] jktkvksa vkSj muds oa'ktks ds o`ÙkkUrdks lquus ls euq"; lHkh ikiksa ls eqDr gks tkrk gSA ;s lHkh izlUu gksdj vPNh cqf¼ iznku djrs gSaA nsork] euq] lIrf"kZ rFkk euqiq= vkSj nsorkvksa ds vf/kifr bUæx.k&;s lHkh Hkxoku~ Jhfo".kq dh gh foHkwfr;k¡ gSaA ;Fkk& losZ p nsok euo% leLrk% lIr"kZ;ks ;s euqlwuoA bUæ ;ks·;a f=n'ks'kHkwrks fo".kksj'ks"kkLrq foHkwr;Lrk%AA prqnZ'k iz;kx uke lfjrk&laxe uke lfjrk&laxe 1- iz;kxjkt & xÂk&;equk&ljLorh 8- bUæiz;kx & HkkxhjFkh&O;klxÂkA 2- nsoiz;kx & vyduUnk&HkkxhjFkhA 9- lkseiz;kx & lkseunh&eUnkfduhA 3- #æiz;kx & vyduUnk&eUnkfduhA 10-HkkLdjiz;kx & HkkLorh&HkkxhjFkhxÂkA 4- d.kZiz;kx & fi.Mj xÂk&vyduUnkA 11- gfjiz;kx & gfjxÂk&HkkxhjFkhA 5- uUniz;kx & vyduUnk&uUnkA 12- xqIriz;kx & uhyxÂk&HkkxhjFkhA 6- fo".kqiz;kx & fo".kqxÂk&vyduUnkA 13- ';keiz;kx & ';kexÂk&HkkxhjFkhA 7- lw;Ziz;kx & vylrjfÂ.kh&eUnkfduh 14- ds'koiz;kx & vyduUnk&ljLorhA buesa izFke 5 iz;kx eq[; gSaA bD;kou fl¼&{ks= %& iqjk.kksa ds vUrxZr fl¼&{ks= dh efgek dk foLrkj ls o.kZu gS fl¼ {ks=ksa dh dqy la[;k 51 ekuh x;kh gSA ftudk bl izdkj gS&1 dq#&{ks=] 2&cnfjdkJe&{ks= ukjk;.k&{ks=] 4&x;k&{ks=] 5&iq#"kksÙke&{ks= (txUukFk 6&okjk.klh&{ks=] 7& okjkg&{ks= (v;ks/; ds fudV) 8&iq"dj &{ks=] 9&uSfe"kkj.;&{ks=] 10&izHkkl&{ks= gSA 11&iz;kx&{ks=] 12&'kwdj&{ks= (lksjksa)] 13&iqygkJe (eqfDrukFk)] 14&dqCtkezd&{ks= (½f"kds'k)] 15&}kjdk] 16&eFkqjk] 17&dsnkj&{ks=] 18&iEik&{ks=] 19&fcUnqlj (fl¼iqj)] 20&r`.kfcUnq&ou] 21&n'kiqj (eUnlkSj)] 22& xÂklkxj&laxe] 23& rstksou] 24&fo'kk[klw;Z (fo'kk[kkkiÙkue~)] 25&mTtf;uh] 26&n.Md (ukfld)] 27& ekul (ekuljksoj)] 28&uUnk&{ks=] (uUnknsoh ioZr)] 29&lhekJe (fcBwj)] 30&dksdkeq[k] 31&eUnkj (Hkkxyiqj)] 32&egsUæ&{ks= (eaMklk)] 33&½"kHk&{ks=] 34&'kkyxzke&{ks=] (nkeksnj&dq.M)] 35&xksfu"Øe.k&{ks=] 36&lg~;&{ks= (lákfæ)] 37&ik.M~;&{ks=] 38&fp=dwV&{ks=] 39&xU/keknu&{ks=] (jkes‚j)] 40&gfj}kj&{ks=] 41&o`Unkou&{ks=] 42&gfLrukiqj] 43&yksgkdqy (yksgkxZy)] 44&nso'kky] 45&dqekfjdk&{ks= (dqekjLokeh) 46&nsonk#ou (vklke)] 47&fyÂ&LQksV&{ks=] 48&v;ks/;k&{ks=] 49&dqf.Mu&{ks=] 50&f=dwV&{ks=] 51&ekfg"erh&{ks=A bu bD;kou fl¼&{ks=ksa dk foLr`r ekgkRE; iqjk.kksa ,oa vU;k; /keZxzUFkksa esa miyC/k gksrk gSA foLrkj Hk; ds dkj.k ek= muds ukeksa dk gh funsZ'k fd;k x;k gSA fdju [kjDoky O;k[;krk QkesZlh 40 What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 lj vk'kqrks"k eq[kthZ eq[kthZ ;g caxkyh czã.kksa dh mikf/k gSA eq[kksik/;k;dk gh caxyk viHkza'k eq[kthZ gS] tSls oU|ksik/;k;dk cuthZA vk'kqrks"k ds firk MkWDVj xaxkizlkn th dydÙkk ds loZlEekfur ukxfjdksa esa FksA lu~ 1865 bZ0 esa vk'kqrks"k dk tUe gqvkA ,d lEekfur dqy ds vuq#i gh vkidh f'k{kk gqbZA cpiu ls gh budh cqf¼ vR;Ur rhoz FkhA'kkò] inkFkZfoKku rFkk dkuwu ds rks vki loZJs"B fo}ku~ Fks gh] laLd`r] bfrgkl vkfn ds Hkh eeZK FksA bUgksaus igys dydÙkk gkbZdksVZ esa odkyr dhA lu~ 1900 ds yxHkx bUgksaus dydÙkk fo'ofo|ky; ds izfrfuf/k dh gSfl;r ls caxh; O;oLFkkid lHkk esa izos'k fd;kA lu~ 1903 esa cM+s ykVdh O;oLFkkid lHkk ds lnL; gq,A budh loZrkseq[kh izfrHkk ls lHkh izHkkfor FksA lu~ 1904 esa vki dydÙkk gkbZdksVZ ds fopkjifr ds in ij vklhu gq, vkSj vUr esa vki phQ tfLVl (eq[; U;k;k/kh'k) cusA budh U;k;fiz;rk dh loZ= [;kfr gqbZA lu~ 1904 ls 1914 rd ukS o"kZ vki dydÙkk fo'ofo|ky; ds okbl pkalyj ds in dks lq'kksfHkr djrs jgsA bl le; bUgksaus f'k{kk&lq/kkj&lEcU/kh cgqr&ls egÙoiw.kZ dk;Z fd;sA dqN le; rd vki izfl¼ ,f'k;kfVd lkslk;Vh ds lHkkifr jgsA uo}hi ds fo}kuksa us vkidks ^ljLorh* dh mikf/k ls foHkwf"kr fd;kA ^dydÙkk lkfgR;&lHkk* vkSj ^caxh;&lkfgR;&ifj"kn* ls Hkh vkidk cM+k lEcU/k jgk vkSj muds lHkkifr&in ij vki izfrf"Br gq,A vkidh lnk'k;rk vkSj fo}Ùkk dk loZ= vknj FkkA ljdkj us Hkh vkidks ^lj* dh mikf/k nsus esa xkSjo dk cks/k fd;k FkkA Hkkjr rFkk ;wjksih; fo}kuksa esa Hkh lj vk'kqrks"k dk vR;f/kd vknj FkkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh vkids ;gk¡ HkhM+ yxh jgrh FkhA vaxzst] vQlj] jkts&egkjkts vkSj ns'kh&fons'kh fo}ku~ vkils feyus vk;k djrs FksA fdrus fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk ikyu vkSj f'k{k.k buds xqIr&nku ls gksrk Fkk& bldk dqN fBdkuk gh ugha gSA tgk¡ jktuhfrd usrk Hkkjr dks jktuhfrd vf/kdkj fnykus ds iz;Ru esa yxs Fks] ogha lj vk'kqrks"k ns'k dh fo|k ,oa oSKkfud Kku dks mUur djus dk egÙoiw.kZ dk;Z lEiUu dj jgs FksA buds O;fDRkRo ds dkj.k gh dydÙkk fo'ofo|ky; mUufr dj ldkA vusd oSKkfudksa dks vkius izksRlkgu nsdj vkxs c<+k;kA vkids nku ls vusdksa dk f'k{k.k ,oa vUos"k.k dk;Z iwjk gksrk jgkA gkbZdksV dh tth NksM+us ds ckn lj vk'kqrks"k iVuk jgus yxs FksA ogha 24 ebZ lu~ 1924 dks vkidk 'kjhj NwVkA iwjs ns'k us 'kksd euk;k ml egkiq#"k ds fo;ksx esaA ok;ljk; dh dkSafly ls ysdj dpgfj;ksa rd 'kksd dh canh euk;h x;hA lj vk'kqrks"k eq[kthZ dh f'k{kk ikdj /ku ;k in vf/kdkjA ekuks bZ'oj dk vkHkkjAA djks u eu >wBk vfHkekuA ;g rks rqPNksa dk vKkuAA Hkwyks er viuk vkpkjA NksM+ks er /kkfeZd O;ogkjAA viuk /kekZpj.k egku~A mlls gh gksxk dY;k.kAA feyk rqEgsa tks gSA vf/kdkjA /ku] fo|k ;k in dk HkkjAA og lc gSa izHkq dk migkjA lsok dk rqe dks vf/kdkjAA djks lHkh dk tu&fgr nkuA tu&lsok izHkq&lsok ekuAA djks cM+ksa dk vknj ekuA fo|k dk Qy ;gh egku~AA J¼k] lnkpkj] midkjA ;gh Kku ds 'kqHk migkjAA og Kkuh tks bl iFk tk;sA thou esa budks viuk;sAA An ounce of action is worth than a ton of theory. QwypUn oS;fDRkd vf/kdkjh 41 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 egku lkfgR;dkj % bZ- ch- czkmfuax ,fytkcsFk cSjsV czkmfuax mUuhloha lnh dh fo[;kr ;wjksih;u lkfgfR;d gfLr;ksa esa ls ,d gSa mudk O;fDrRo bl lR; dks mtkxj djrk gS fd ;fn eu esa n`<+ ladYi gks vkSj thou&;k=k esa ,d lPps] lefiZr thou&lkFkh dk lgkjk fey tk;s rks vlaHko dks Hkh laHko djds fn[kk;k tk ldrk gSA pkSchl o"kks± rd jksxh&'kS;k ij iM+k jgus okyk O;fDr Hkh igkM+ksa dh dfBu p<+kbZ Hkh p<+ ldrk gSA ,slk gh gqvk bl fo[;kr dof;=h ,fytkcsFk cSjsV czkmfuax ds lkFkA 6 ekpZ 1806 dks baXyS.M esa ,d /kuk<~; ifjokj esa tUEkh ,fytkcsFk cpiu ls gh foy{k.k izfrHkk dh /kuh FkhA ek= pkSng o"kZ dh vk;q esa gh budh igyh dfork ^n cSVsy vkWQ eSjkFku* izdkf'kr gks x;h FkhA fd'kksjkoLFkk esa bUgksaus ;wukuh] jkseu] Ýkalhlh rFkk vaxzsth lkfgR; dk fo'kkn v/;uu dj fy;k Fkk] fdUrq buds thou esa vpkud ,d nq%[kn eksM+ vk;k] tc ?kqM+lokjh ds nkSjku fxj tkus ij budh jh<+ dh gM~Mh bruh cqjh rjg {kfrxzLr gks xbZ fd ;s pyus&fQjus esa Hkh fcYdqy v'kDr gks xbZA yxHkx 24 o"kks± rd yxkrkj jksxh&'kS;k ij jgus ds ckotwn bUgksasus fgEer ugha gkjh vkSj viuk lkfgR; v/;;u&l`tu tkjh j[kkA ;|fi viuh 'kkjhfjd v{kerk ds dkj.k ,fytkcsFk vkxUrqdksa ls feyus dks vfuPNqd jgk djrh FkhaA fdUrq izfl¼ ulZ ¶yksjsal ukbfVaxsy tc buls feyus igqaph rks bUgksaus ukbfVaxy ds lsokdk;Z dh Hkwfj&Hkwfj iz'kalk dhA viuh 'kkjhfjd v{kerk ds pyrs ,fytkcsFk ds ikl ckgjh nqfu;k ls tqM+s jgus dk ,d gh ek/;e Fkk& og Fkk dfork&ys[ku vkSj vius fe=ksa] iz'kaldksa ds lkFk i=&O;ogkjA budh dforkvksa us bUgsa bruk yksdfiz; cuk fn;k Fkk fd dsoy ^,fytkcsFk cSjsV] yanu ls fy[ks i= buds vkokl 6] foEiksy LVªhV] yanu ij igqap tk;k djrs FksA buds iz'kaldksa esa vaxzsth lkfgR; ds lqizfl¼ dfo jkWcVZ czkmfuax Hkh Fks tks buls igyh ckj 20 ebZ] 1845 dks feysA nks foy{k.k izfrHkk&lEiUu dfo;ksa dh ;g eS=h /khjs&/khjs izxk<+ gksrh xbZ vkSj ,fytkcsFk ds izkjfEHkd ladksp ds ckotwn czkmfuax us vUrr% mUgsa fQj ls ckgjh nqfu;k esa dne j[kus esa lQyrk fnyok gh nhA flrEcj 1846 esa ,fytkcsFk jkWcVZ czkmfuax ls fookg djds bVyh pyh xbZ tgka mUgksasus u dsoy vusd e'kgwj dforkvksa dk l`tu fd;k] vfirq vius ifr czkmfuax ds lefiZr lkgp;Z ds cy ij bVyh ds nqxZe igkM+h jkLrksa ij pyus dh fgEer Hkh tqVkbZA 43 o"kZ dh vk;q esa ,fytkcsFk ,d iq= dh eka cuhaA bVyh esa mu fnuksa Lora=rk laxzke tksjksa ij FkkA ,fytkcsFk iwjh rjg ls bVyh ds bu egRoiw.kZ nkSj dh lk{kh cuh vkSj viuh e'kgwj dfork ^dklk fxfM fcUMkst* ds ek/;e ls ogka ds jktuSfrd ifjn`'; dks vfHkO;Dr fd;kA ,fytkcsFk dh dforkvksa esa ekuuh; ewY;ksa ds izfr vkLFkk vkSj jk"Vª dh Lora=rk ds fy;s iwjh izfrc¼rk fn[kkbZ nsrh gSA bVyh ds Lora=rk laxzke ds lanHkZ esa baXyS.M ds udkjkRed #[k dh bUgksaus cs[kkSQ vkykspuk dh ftlds dkj.k baXyS.M esa dkQh yksx buls ukjkt Hkh gks x;s] ysfdu bUgksaus bldh ijokg ugha dh D;ksafd budk ekuuk Fkk fd ,d ns'k dks nwljs ns'k dks xqyke cukus dk dksbZ gd ugha gSA ,fytkcsFk cSjsV czkmfuax dh lokZf/kd pfpZr jpuk ^vjksjk ysg* uked egkdkO; gS] ftlesa bUgksaus iq#"k iz/kku lekt esa ,d dof;=h ds la?k"kZ dh xkFkk dk o.kZu fd;k gSA ,d ubZ fo/kk (egkdkO; esa miU;kl) esa jfpr ;g d`fr bruh yksdfiz; gqbZ fd rhu o"kZ esa blds ikap laLdj.k izdkf'kr gks x;sA budh ,d vkSj jpuk ^lksusV~l ÝkWe n iksVqZxht* ftlesa bUgksasus jkWcVZ czkmfuax ds izfr viuh Hkkoukvksa dks pokyhl y?kq dforkvksa dh J`[kayk ds ek/;e ls izdV fd;k gS] fo'o izfl¼ izse&dforkvksa esa ls ,d gSA NksVh&cM+h lSdM+ks dforkvksa] ys[kksa ds vfrfjDr] jkWcVZ czkmfuax rFkk vU; lkfgR;dkjksa@fe=ksa dks buds }kjk fy[ks x;s i= budh cgqeq[kh izfrHkk rFkk buds laosnu'khy O;fDrRo dks n'kkZrs gSaA 'kkjhfjd :i ls dksey vkSj e`nqHkk"kh bl dof;f= esa tks'k vkSj tTck dwV&dwV dj Hkjk FkkA 29 twu lu~ 1861 dks dqN eghuksa dh chekjh ds ckn 55 o"kZ dh vk;q esa budk fu/ku gks x;kA e`R;q ls dqN gh {k.k iwoZ bUgksaus vius ifr jkWcVZ czkmfuax ls dgk Fkk& "Life is Beutiful" ch0ch0 tks'kh iz;ksx'kkyk rduhf'k;u] QkesZlh 42 The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 d Loj dks dSls cuk,a e/kqj Jqfr% tks /ofu dkuksa ls Li"V lquh tk lds mls ^Jqfr* dgrs gSaA nwljs 'kCnksa esa fdUgh Hkh nks Lojksa dk og lw{e varjky Jqfr dgykrk gS tks dkuksa ls Li"V lqukbZ iM+sA dkuksa ls Bhd izdkj lqus tk ldus okys ukn ,d lIrd esa dqy 22 ekus x, gSa] tks 7 Lojksa ds chp esa fLFkr gksrs gSa vkSj ftudh fLFkfr dks fd;k tk ldrk gSA lIrd% ^lk* ls ysdj ^fu* rd ds {ks= esa vk, gq, Loj lewg dks lIrd dgrs gSaA uhps Lojksa okys lIrd dks eaæ lIrd] chp ds Lojksa okys dks e/; lIrd vkSj Åaps Lojksa okys dks rkj lIrd dgrs gSaA 'kq¼ ;k rhoz Loj% Jqfr;ksa dk foHkktu djds vyx&vyx Jqfr&LFkkuksa ij dqN fo'ks"k Lojksa dh LFkkiuk djds mUgsa 'kh?kz 'kq¼ ;k rhoz Loj dgk x;k gSA dksey ;k fod`r Loj% tc 'kq¼ Loj vius LFkku ls gVdj Åaps ;k uhps gks tkrs gSa rks bUgha dks igpku ds fy, dksey ;k fod`r Loj dgk tkrk gSA Lojfyfi&ys[ku esa bu Lojksa ds uhps vkM+h js[kk cuk nh tkrk gSA vkjksg% tc Lojksa dks uhps ls Åij dh vksj ys tk;k tkrk gS rks mls vkjksg ;k vkjksgh dgrs gSa] tSls&lk js xe i /k fuA vojksg% tc Lojksa dks Åaps ls uhps dh vksj ys tk;k tkrk gS rks mls vojksg ;k vojksgh dgrs gSa] tSls& lka fu /k i ex jsA vyadkj% tc Lojksa dk dksbZ Øe lqUnj yxs rks mls vyadkj dgrs gSa] tSls lklk] jsjs] xx] ee vFkok xjslk] exjs] ix bR;kfnA o.kZ% Lojksa dks lqUnjrkiwoZd myV&iyV dj j[kus ds Øe dks ^o.kZ* dgrs gSaA ehM% tc ,d Loj ls nwljs Loj ij /ofu dks fcuk rksM+s gq, ykspiw.kZ <ax ls vFkkZr~ /kuq"k dh rjg [khap dj ys tkrs gSa rks og fØ;k ^ehM+* dgykrh gSA d.k% tc ,d Loj ds lkFk nwljs Loj dk fdafpx Li'kZ fd;k tk, rks mls d.k ;k d.k Loj dgrs gSaA eqdhZ% tc fdUgha rhu Lojksa dk ,d lkFk 'kh?kzrk ls mPpkj.k fd;k tk, rks bl fØ;k dks eqdhZ dgrs gSaA ok|ksa esa ehM+] d.k] eqdhZ vkfn tSls dqN vU; fØ;kvksa dks lwr] ?klhV] tetek] d`Uru ;k fxVdjh bR;kfn ukeksa ls tkuk tkrk gSA vkyki% fdlh jkx dks is'k djus ls igys xk;d ;k oknd tc mldk Lo:i foyfEcr xfr ls Lojksa ds ek/;e ls izdV djrs gSa rks ;g fØ;k ^vkyki* ;k ^vkykipkjh* dgykrh gSA rku% tc FkksM+s le; esa vf/kd Loj xk vFkok ctk fn, tk,a rks mls ^rku* dgrs gSaA BkB ;k FkkB% ftl rjg ehVj esa QhV vkSj QhV esa bapksa dk oxhZdj.k gksrk gSA mlh rjg BkB :ih Ldsy esa jkx lekfgr jgrs gSaA nf{k.k Hkkjr esa bls esy dgrs gSaA nwljs 'kCnksa esa ml Loj lewg dks BkB dgk tkrk gS ftlls jkxksa dh mRifÙk gksA mÙkj Hkkjrh; laxhr i¼fr esa eksVs rkSj ij 10 BkB crk, x, gSaA buds uke gSa& fcykcy] [kekt] dkQh] vklkojh] HkSjoh] ;eu ;k dY;k.k] ekjok] iwohZ] HkSjo vkSj rksM+hA Lojksa ls lkE; j[krs gq, izR;sd BkB esa ftu /kquksa ;k jkxksa dk fuekZ.k gksrk gSA os vius&vius BkB ds varxZr tkus tkrs gSaA ,d izdkj ls BkB dks firk ;k tud vkSj jkxksa dks iq= le>uk pkfg,A ljxe% fdlh jkx ds Lojksa dks tc rkyc¼ djds xk;k tkrk gS mls ^ljxe* dgrs gSaA dqN yksx bls Loj ekfydk Hkh dg nsrs gSaA y{k.k xhr& tc fdlh laxhr&jpuk ds Loj vkSj 'kCn fdlh jkx ds y{k.kksa dks iznf'kZr djrs gSa rks ,slk xhr ^y{k.k xhr* dgykrk gSA /kqzoin% ;g ,d xk;u&izdkj gS ftlesa fdlh in dks ,sls <ax ls xk;k tkrk gS ftlesa rkusa ugha gksrh] dsoy y;dkfj;k¡ fn[kkbZ tkrh gSaA /kekj% ;g /kzqo in dh rjg gh xk;u 'kSyh gksrh gS ftlesa jk/kk&d`".k dh gksyh dk o.kZu vf/kd gksrk gSA ,d rky dk uke Hkh ^/kekj* gSA [k;ky% ;g eqxydky esa izpfyr gksus okyh ,d 'kSyh gS tks /kqzoin xk;u ds ckn yksdfiz; gqbZ gSA blesa xhr ds cksyksa dks ysdj d.k] ehM+] xeu rFkk NksVh&NksVh rkusa fn[kkbZ tkrh gSaA /kheh y; esa xk;k tkus okyk ^æqr y; dk [k;ky* ;k ^NksVk [k;ky* dgykrk gSA [k;ky esa rkuksa dk iz;ksx cgqrk;r ls The past is where you learned the lesson. The future is where you apply the lesson. 43 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 gksrk gSA VIik% blesa yEch&yEch rkusa gksrh gS ftuds Loj cM+h myV&iyV ds lkFk xhr esa xqaFks gq, jgrs gSaA Bqejh% ;g mi'kkL=h; laxhr ds varxZr xkbZ tkus okyh ,d fo/kk gS ftlesa J`axkj iz/kku jpuk,a gksrh gSaA rkusa cgqr de jgrh gSa ftlesa xhr dh jatdrk c<+rh gSA f=oV% fdlh rky ds cksyksa dks fdlh jkx ds Lojksa ij xk;k tk,] rks mls ^f=oV* dgrs gSaA rjkuk% blesa xhr ds LFkku ij fujFkZd 'kCnksa dks cksyk tkrk gS] tSls& nha] ruuu] nsjs] uk] rkse] ruuu bR;kfn bls dkQh rst vFkkZr æqr y; esa xk;k tkrk gSA blds xk;u esa ok|;a= ds oknu&tSlk vkuUn izkIr gksrk gSA Hktu% blesa bZ'oj ls lEcfU/kr in ;k Lrqfr;ka xkbZ tkrh gSaA ehjk] lwj] rqylh vkfn HkDr dfo;ksa dh jpuk,a blh esa vkrh gSaA xt+y% ,slk xhr gS] ftlesa izse&lEcU/kh Hkkouk] mnwZ 'kk;jh ds ek/;e ls izLrqr dh tkrh gSA Loj fyfi% Lojksa dh Hkk"kk dks fy[kuk ^Lojkadu* ;k ^Lojfyfi* dgykrk gSA vaxzsth esa blh dks ^E;wftdy* uksVs'ku* dgrs gSaA mÙkj Hkkjrh; laxhr esa Hkkjr[k.Ms Loj&fyfi i¼fr vkSj fo".kq fnxacj i¼fr gh vf/kd izpfyr gSA bl izdkj ;gka laxhr dk vYi ifjp; ns fn;k x;k gSA vf/kd ifjp; ds fy, laxhr&lEcU/kh fo'ks"k iqLrdksa dk v/;;u djuk pkfg, vkSj fØ;kRed laxhr dh f'k{kk xzg.k djuh pkfg,A MkW0 bUnq dSUrwj O;k0 jlk;u First Aid ¼izkFkfed izkFkfed mipkj og ekuoh; enn gS tks fdlh vpkud vLoLFk ;k nq?kZVukxzLr O;fDr dh enn] ftlls mlds thou ij vk;s ladV dks Vkydj mls thou nku fn;k tk ldsA vFkkZr~ fdlh ?kk;y ;k vLoLFk O;fDr dks fdlh fpfdRlh; lgk;rk miyC/k gksus ls iwoZ mlds thou dks cpkus ds fy, tks Hkh laHko lgk;rk dh tkrh gS mls ^izkFkfed mipkj* ;k ^First aid* dgrs gSaA izkFkfed fpfdRlk ds mn~ns';& First aid ds fuEu mn~ns'; gS% (1) ?kk;y O;fDr@chekj O;fDr ds thou cpkus esa enn djukA (2) ?kko ds izHkko dks de djuk rFkk vkxs ?kko u c<s blds mik; djukA (3) ;Fkk'kh?kz fpfdRlh; lgk;rk miyC/k djkukA (4) ?kk;y@ejht dks nq?kZVuk {ks= ls lqjf{kr LFkku ij igq¡pkukA izkFkfed fpfdRlk ds pj.k& fdlh Hkh izkFkfed fpfdRld dks izkFkfed fpfdRlk nsrs le; fuEu pj.kksa esa izkFkfed fpfdRlk nsuh pkfg,%& First Aid, 44 mipkj½ (1) ?kk;y O;fDr@ejht dh fLFkfr dk lgh&lgh vkadyu djukA (2) ok;q ekxZ dks vo#¼ gksus ls jksdukA (3) 'olu fØ;k lkekU; cuk;s j[kus ds mik; djuk pkfg,A (4) ejht dh ân; xfr@ân; /kM+du lkekU; cuk;s j[kukA (5) jDr òko dks jksdus ds mik; djukA (6) mfpr ns[kHkky djukA (7) ewfNZr O;fDr dks fdlh izdkj ds rjy ;k [kk| inkFkZ ugha fn;k tkuk pkfg,A (8) ejht dks vkjke iwoZd j[kuk pkfg, rFkk mlds 'kjhj dk rkieku lkekU; cuk;s j[kuk pkfg,A First aid }kjk ejht dks mlh LFkku ij cpk;k tk ldrk gS mlds ckn fpfdRld ejht dk mipkj djrs gSaA An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. vk'kh"k dqekj QkesZlh vfUre o"kZ izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 fcuk nku fn;s ijyksd esa Hkkstu ugha feyrk fonHkZ ns'k esa ‚sr uked jktk jkT; djrs FksA os lrdZ gksdj jkT; dk lapkyu djrs FksA muds jkT; esa iztk lq[kh FkhAdqN fnuksa ds ckn jktk ds eu esa oSjkX; gks x;kA rc os vius HkkbZ dks jkT; lkSaidj ou esa riL;k djus pys x;sA mUgksaus ftl yxu ls jkT; dk lapkyu fd;k Fkk] mlls Hkh vf/kd yxu ls gtkjksa o"kks± rd riL;k dhA mÙke riL;k ds izHkko ls mUgsa czãyksd dh izkfIr gqbZA ogk¡ mUgsa lc rjg dh lq[k&lqfo/kk feyh] fdUrq Hkkstu dk dksbZ izcU/k u FkkA Hkw[k ds ekjs mudh bfUæ;k¡ fody gks x;haA mUgksaus czãk th ls iwNk fd ^;g yksd Hkw[k&I;kl ls jfgr ekuk tkrk gS fQj fdl deZ ds foikd ls eSa Hkw[k ls lrr~ ihfM+r jg jgk gw¡A* czãkth us dgk&^oRl! e`R;qyksd esa rqeus dqN nku ugha fd;k] fdlh dks dqN f[kyk;k ughaA ogk¡ fcuk dqN nku fn;s] ijyksd esa [kkus dks ugha feyrkA Hkkstu ls rqeus dsoy vius 'kjhj dks ikyk gS] blfy;s mlh eqnsZ 'kjhj dks ogk¡ tkdj [kkuk iM+sxkA blds vfrfjDr rqEgkjs Hkkstu dk vkSj dksbZ ekxZ ugha gSA rqEgkjk og 'ko v{k; cuk jgsxkA lkS o"kZ ckn egf"kZ vxLR; rqEgkjk m¼kj djsaxs*A Bhd lkS o"kZ ckn nSo;ksx ls egf"kZ vxLR; lkS ;kstuk okys ml fo'kky ou esa tk igq¡psA og taxy fcydqy lqulku FkkA ogka u dksbZ i'kq Fkk u i{khA ml ou ds e/; esa pkj dksl yEch ,d >hy FkhA vxLR; th dks mlesa ,d eqnkZ nh[k iM+kA mls ns[kdj egf"kZ lkspus yxs fd ;g fdldk 'ko gS\ ;g dSls ej x;kA blh chp vkdk'k ls ,d vn~Hkqr foeku mrjkA ml foeku ls ,d fnO; iq#"k fudykA og >hy esa Luku dj ml 'ko dk ekal [kkus yxkA HkjisV ekal [kkdj og ljksoj esa mrjk vkSj mldh NVk fugkjdj fQj LoxZ dh vksj tkus yxkA egf"kZ vxLR; us mlls iwNk&^ns[kus esa rks rqe nsork ekywe iM+rs gks] fdUrq rqEgkjk ;g vkgkj cgqr gh ?k` gSA rc ml LoxZoklh iq#"k us viuk iwjk o`ÙkkUr dg lquk;k vkSj ;g Hkh crk;k fd gekjs lkS o"kZ iwjs gks x;s gSaA irk ugha egf"kZ vxLR; eq>s dgk¡ dc n'kZu nsaxs fd gekjk m¼kj gksxk\ vxLR; th us dgk&egkHkkx! eSa gh vxLR; gw¡ crkvks rqEgkjk D;k midkj d#¡\ rc mlus dgk&^eSa vius m¼kj ds fy;s ,d vykSfdd vkHkw"k.k HksaV djrk gw¡A bls vki Lohdkj dj esjk m¼kj djsaA fuyksZHk egf"kZ us mlds m¼kj ds fy;s ml vkHkw"k.k dks Lohdkj dj fy;kA vkHkw"k.k& ds Lohdkj djrs gh og 'ko vn`'; gks x;k vkSj ml iq#"k dks v{k; yksd dh izkfIr gqbZA e Je gkM+rksM+ esgur djus ls igys rks dqN vkSj feysxk J`tu dk migkj feysxk /kjrh eka dk I;kj feysxk vkRe'kkfUr dk jkt feysxk vUu /kUu Hk.Mkj Hkjsxk tx esa dqN lEeku feysxk vkSj ugha fey ik;k dqN rks fuafn;k dk og I;kj feysxk ehuk lk cktkj feysxk ehBs liuksa dk lalkj feysxk vkapy dk lk nqykj feysxk ikS#"k dk J`axkj feysxk dqN rks feysxk dqN rks feysxk nhif'k[kk feJk flfoy izFke o"kZ e A train out from the track is free, but it can not move. 45 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 n'kkorkjksa dh mn~Hko&frfFk;k¡ ~ ~ ~ ~ ijRij ijczã Hkxoku~ fo'o&O;oLFkk dh yksx&eÂy&Hkkouk ls le;≤ ij bl Hkwe.My ij Lo;a vrofjr gksrs gSA mu fuf[kyfu;Urk ds vorj.k dh lHkh frfFk;k¡ gekjs fy;s ikou ioZ gSaA ge mu frfFk;ksa ij ozr&miokl djrs vkSj egksRlo eukrs gSaA pS= 'kqDyk uoeh dks ^Jhjkeuoeh* vkSj Hkkæin dh d`".kk"Veh dks ^Jhd`".k&tUek"Veh* ds :i esa ge Hkxoku~ jke&d`".k dh ;s t;fUr;k¡ eukrs gSaA Hkxoku~ ds n'kkorkj dh nl t;fUr;k¡ gSa] tks ;FkkLFkku euk;h tkrh gSaA Hkxoku~ dh ;s t;fUr;k¡ vusd gSaA muesa ls Hkxoku~ ds n'kkorkj dh nl t;fUr;k¡ izeq[k gS] ftuls ifjfpr gksuk vkSj mUgsa vkRe&dY;k.kkFkZ ;Fkk'kD; iwtu&;tu] ozr&miokl] Hkxonkjk/ku vkfn}kjk eukuk lcdk vko';d drZO; gSA t;Urh frfFk;k¡ ;s gSa& uke frfFk le; vorj.k&LFky 1- JheRL;t;Urh pS='kqDyk r`rh;k e/;kg~uksÙkj d`rekykrV 2- JhdweZt;Urh oS'kk[k'kqDyk iwf.kZek lk;adky leqæ (erkUrj ls oS'kk[k&vekoL;k) 3- Jhojkgt;Urh Hkkæin'kqDyk i€eh e/;kg~uksÙkj gfj}kj ;k ojkg {ks= 4- Jhu`flag t;Urh oS'kk[k 'kqDyk prqnZ'kh lk;adky ewyLFkku ;k eqYrku 5- Jhokeut;Urh Hkkæin 'kqDyk }kn'kh e/;kg~u iz;kx 6- Jhij'kqjket;Urh oS'kk[k 'kqDyk r`rh;k e/;kgu tefu;k¡ xk¡o (erkUrj ls lk;a dky) 7- Jh jke t;Urh pS='kqDyk uoeh e/;kºu v;ks/;k 8- Jh d`".kk t;Urh Hkkæin d`".kk v"Veh e/;kjkf= eFkqjk 9- Jh cq¼t;Urh ikS"k'kqDyk lIreh lk;adky x;k 10- JhdfYd t;Urh Hkkæin 'kqDyk r`rh;k lk;adky lEHkyxk¡o fodkl HkV~V O;k[;krk lh0,l0bZ0 rEckdw [kkvks] iq#Ldkj ikvks uqDdM+ ij yxs foKkiu dks i<+dj yxk tksj dk >Vdk] ;g Fkh ,d bukeh ;kstuk muds fy, tks [kkrs Fks xqVdkA igys uhps dk gky i<+ ysa tukc] Hkkx ysuk pkgs tks Hkh] ;kstuk dh vof/k ejus rd [kRe u gksxhA tks lcls vf/kd xqVdk [kk,xk] og izFke buke dSalj ik,xkA nwljs fotsrk dks dksbZ ys lEHkky] D;ksafd mlds lM+k fn, tk;saxs xkyA rhljk fotsrk dj ys vius izHkq dks ;kn] D;ksafd mldks ns fn, tk;saxs lM+s gq, nk¡rA pkSFkk fotsrk djys jlhys Hkkstu dks ;kn] D;ksafd og Hkwy tk,xk [kV~Vs ehBs dk LoknA ik¡pos fotsrk dh vc vk,xh ckjh] fotsrk dks nh tk,xh isV dh chekjhA ,d NksVh lh ckr rqe Hkh j[k ysuk ;kn esa iq:Ldkj ck¡Vs tk;saxs utnhdh 'ke'kku esaA rEckdw dk lsou uk djsa] ;g n.Muh; gSA 46 ukxsUæ HkV~V eSdsfudy vfUre o"kZ The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little word "extra" izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 ßKku&foKkuÞ 12345- xq# efgek ekfpl esa iz;qDr jlk;u gS & iksVsf'k;e DyksjsV ,sfylk ijh{k.k rduhd fdlesa mi;ksx dh tkrh gS\ & ,M~l esaA Mh0,u0,0 dk ewy ek=d gS & U;wfDy;ksVkbM~lA us=nku esa vk¡[k dk dkSu lk Hkkx mi;ksx gksrk gS & dkWfuZ;k Vh0oh0 ^fjeksV&dUVªksy* fdl izdkj dh izdk'k rajxksa dk mi;ksx djrh gS& vojDr rjaxA 6- ^lksukj* vf/kdk'kr% iz;ksx esa yk;k tkrk gS & ukSlapkydksa }kjkA 7- lokZf/kd tSo fofo/krk (Hkkjr esa) ik;h tkrh gS & 'kkar ?kkVhA 8- LoLFk euq"; ds 'kjhj dk rkieku 98-4 F gS lsfYl;l iSekus ij bldk eku gksxk& 36.9 c 9- Lons'kh rduhd ls fodflr rstl gS& gYkdk yM+kdw foekuA 10- dk¡p foys; gS & HF (gkbMªkstu ¶yksjkbM) esaA 11- lqlkbMy cSx dgykrk gS & ykblkslkseA 12- la;qDr jk"Vª la?k }kjk vUrjkZ"Vªh; varfj{k o"kZ ?kksf"kr fd;k x;k & o"kZ 1992 esaA 13- fQysVyh ls vfHkizk; gS & Mkd fVdVksa dk laxzgA 14- ,Lizhu dk jlk;fud uke gS & ,lhVkby lSyh flfyd vEyA 15- fQVdjh dk O;kolkf;d uke gS & uhyk df'k'kA 16- fctyh esa yxh vkx cq>kus ds fy, vfXu'kked dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS & 0 dkcZu VsVªkDyksjkbMA 17- 'kq"d /kqykbZ ds dke vkrk gS & csUthuA 18- dk¡p ij fy[kus ds fy;s ftl vEy dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS& gkbMªksDyksfjd vEyA 19- ok;q;ku ds Vk;jksa esa fdl xSl dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS& ghfy;e xSlA 20- ,YdksgkWy gS & ,Ydsuksa ds gkbMªkWDlh ;kSfxdA ih tkus okyh ,YdksgkWy dk uke & ,fFky ,YdksgkWy (C H OH) 21- esfFky ,sYdksgkWy dk ekuo 'kjhj ij izHkko gksrk gS& ikxyiu] vU/kkiu o e`R;qA 22- Hkkjr esa fo|qr vihyh; U;k;kf/kdj.k dk xBu fd;k x;k& 7 vizSy 2004 bZ0 dksA 2 5 23- jk"Vªh; rki fctyh fuxe (National Thermal Power Corporation, NTPC) dk eq[;ky; gS& ubZ fnYyhA 24- Hkkjr esa izFke ^izkstsDV Vkbxj fjtZo* dk uke gS& fte dkWcsZV us'kuy ikdZ] xq# dh vf}rh; izfrek dk dSls eSa O;k[;ku d#¡A 'kCnksa ds v/kwjs /kkxksa ls dSls eSa ml fnO; izfrek dk fuekZ.k d#¡A esjs eu&efLr"d ds 'kCndks"k esa] 'kCn Hkh de i<+ tkrs gSaA ml d#.kk fuf/k ds ckjs esa] dqN de gh dg ikrs gSaAA <w¡<rs gSa] ykssx bZ'oj dks efUnj] efLtn] fxjtk?kj tkdj <w¡<rs gSa yksx lPpkbZ;ksa dks ifo= LFkku esa tkdjA vDlj yksx xyrh djrs gSa] tks fudV gSa gekjs] mUgha dks ugha igpku ikrs gSaA izdk'ke; nhid dh izTofyr ykS] tyrh gS ;s lkspdj eSa v/kadkj dks feVk ldw¡ [kqn va/ksjs esa jgdj] ,d mnkgj.k is'k dj tkrh gSA viuk nwljk :i] xq# efgek esa mRiUu dj tkrh gSA ftlus xq# opuksa dk vuqlj.k fd;k] thr Hkh ogh ikrk gS] ftlus J¼k ls xq#opuksa esa ueu fd;kA mRrjk[k.MA 25- vUrjkZ"Vªh; dkuwu CITES lEcfU/kr gS& yqIr gks jgh iztkfr;ksa lsA lqjfHk ukSfV;ky QkesZlh vfUre o"kZ lksue bySDVªksfuDl (f}rh; o"kZ) The fisherman know that sea is dangerous and storm terrible, but they have never found these dangerous, sufficient reasons to remain at ashore. 47 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 fo|kFkhZ dh vkx lkjs lky og lgrk jgk ej&ej ds og i<+rk jgk thuk Hkwy x;k ej&ej dj vkl iwjh ugha gq;h jks&jksdjAA jkr fnu jlk;u jVdj] eu esa gq;h ,slh fØ;k Hkwy x;k og g¡lus eqLdqjkus dh lkjh izfØ;kA ,YdksgkWy ls ^vkWy* vkSj ,Ydhu ls ^bu* bUgsa ;kn dj&dj ds n'kk gks x;h nhu&ghu tc vk;h ijh{kk] eu esa ugha Fkh dksbZ bPNk lkspk vfUre o"kZ dh gS ;s f'k{kkA ij ifj.kke esa gqvk ctzikr i<+s fo"k; esa [kk;k vadks ls ekr gq;h vk¡[ks yky jks jksdj jkrHkj Nk;k ekre lkjs ?kj ij ftlls NwVh thus dh vkl ugha gqvk Fkk og ikl #d&#d dj pyus yxh lk¡l eu jgus yxk mnkl eu yxk ?kcjkus] fpj ifjfpr yxs dVq vk{ksi yxkusA loky yx x;s mls lrkus ;gk¡ [kM+k Fkk og v¡/ksjs esa] dksbZ ugha Fkk ml ?ksjs esaA fQj ;kn vk;h ogh d{kk ftl ij cSBus dh ugha Fkh bPNk fQj u gksaxh ogh ckrsa u gksaxh fe=ksa ls eqykdkrsa fe= tks gq;s gSa] ikl vc gesa NksM+ nwljksa ds gq;s gSa [kklA tkrk Fkk ftl 'kku ls djrs ckrsa etkd c[kku ls vc ;g lc dHkh u gksxkA fou; dqekj QkesZlh izFke o"kZ nqfu;k ds ns'kksa es izFke efgyk jk"Vªk/;{k%& ns'k vk;jyaM S fQuyaM S ykbcfsj;k Hkkjr vt±Vshuk ckaXykn'sk vkblyaM S fy;qvkfu;k Øk,sf'k;k fLoV~tjyaM S fdxZfLrku dkLsVkfjdk mÙkj dkfsj;k 48 uke ejsh ed S yl S rjtk gy s kusus ,yus tkUlu lyhZQ izfrHkk nosh flag ikVhy fØLVhuk QukZM~ht 'k[sk glhuk okftn tkgskuk flxqMkZMkêshj Mkyh;k x;zsck¡LdVs tMjkadk dkl s hj Mkfsjl Y;wFkM jkt s k vkVs~;wck;osk ykmjk fpuphyk ikdZ X;wu gkbZ in jk"Vªifr jk"Vªifr jk"Vªifr jk"Vªifr jk"Vªifr iz/kkuea=h iz/kkuea=h jk"Vªifr iz/kkuea=h jk"Vªifr varfje jk"Vªifr jk"Vªifr jk"Vªifr fu;qfDr 1997 2000 2006 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2013 lksue uk;Mw flfoy bathfu;fjax vfUre o"kZ We were born to win, but to win we must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 cks/k dFkk ,d ck;ksykWth Vhpj vius LVwMsaV~l dks i<+k jgk Fkk fd ,d dSVjfiyj fdl rjg frryh esa cny tkrh gSA mlus LVwMsaV~l dks crk;k fd og ckgj fudyus ds fy, NViVk;sxh] ysfdu mUgksaus dgk fd frryh dks ckgj fudyus esa dksbZ enn u djsaA bruk dg dj os ckgj pys x;sA LVwMsaV~l ftl ckr dk bartkj dj jgs Fks ogh gqvkA frryh dksdwu ls ckgj vkbZ] mlus Vhpj dh ckr dh ijokg fd, cxSj dkssdwu rksM+dj frryh dks ckgj fudkyus esa enn dh] ftlesa frryh dks la?k"kZ ugha djuk iM+k vkSj og vklkuh ls ckgj fudy vkbZ] ysfdu FkksM+h gh nsj esa frryh ej xbZA tc Vhpj ykSVs rks mUgsa iwjh ?kVuk crkbZ xbZ] Vhpj us ml cPps dks le>k;k fd mlus frryh dh enn djus ds ctk, mls ekj fn;k] D;ksafd dqnjr dk ;g olwy gS fd dksdwu ls ckgj vkus esa tks la?k"kZ frryh djrh gS] ogh mlds ia[kksa dks etcwr cukrk gSA cPps us mldk la?k"kZ Nhu fy;k] blfy, frryh ej xbZA ges ;gh fl¼kUr thou esa ykxw djuk pkfg,&fcuk la?k"kZ ds thou esa dqN Hkh egRoiw.kZ gkfly ugha gksrkA dgk x;k gS& "A Smooth sea never makes a skillful mariner" ^^,d 'kkar leqæ esa ukfod dHkh dq'ky ugha cu ikrk** fxjh'k pUæ iqjksfgr bySfDVªdy vfUre o"kZ dky eSus balku dks ,d fyckl esa fyiVs ns[kk gS] eSus vlgk; dks etcwjh ls yM+rs ns[kk gSA dkSu dgrk gS cpiu vcks/k gksrk gS] eSus cPps dks ifjokj dk cks> <ksrs ns[kk gSA dkSu dgrk gS eSa [kq'k gw¡] eSus gj balku dh vk¡[kksa esa ykyp ns[kk gS eSus balku dks ,d fyckl esa fyiVs ns[kk gS eSus balku dks balkfu;r dk ne ?kksVrs ns[kk gSA dkSu dgrk gS] eSus nku fd;k eSus ,d jksVh ds fy, balkuksa dks yM+rs ns[kk gSA dkSu dgrk gS] eSus izk;kf'pr fd;k gS] eSus ikih dks g¡lrs ns[kk gS eSus balku dks ,d fyckl esa fyiVs ns[kk gS] eSus fnyksa dks tqM+rs &VwVrs ns[kk gS dkSu dgrk gS eSus I;kj esa /kks[kk [kk;k gSA eSus eka dks cPpksa ds vk¡lw iksaNrs ns[kk gSA dkSu dgrk gS] esjk liuk iwjk ugha gks ik;k eSus bu vka[kksa esa mEehnksa dk ikxy&iu ns[kk gSA eSus balku dks ,d fyckl esa fyiVs ns[kk gS eSus Hkfo"; dks fxjrs laHkyrs ns[kk gSA dkSu dgrk gS] eSus viuksa dks [kks;k gS eSus viuksa dks vkf'k;kus lesr tyrs ns[kk gSA dkSu dgrk gS] eS vej gw¡ dkSu dgrk gS\ eSa vej gw¡ eSus 'ke'kku dk Hkfo"; ns[kk gSA vfHk"ksd bySfDVªdy vfUre o"kZ If you do not like something, change it. If you can not change it, change your attitude. 49 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Creativity & Innovation Engineers and Technologists are required to solve problems relating to design, Development Construction, Testing etc. in their occupation. They have to evolve new methods, Processes & technology for managing their jobs efficiently and effectively. In present time of global competition, those who will be coming out with novel solution of problems relating to the job, may be design & others, will win or survive the competition. It is therefore essential that talent of creativity/innovation existing in students is given opportunity for flowering in the climate of engineering institute. Engineering Diploma/ Degree programs should include some inputs for giving learning experiences to the students for developing their creativity/innovation. Most of the institutes have introduced a subject of design in the curricula, other give emphasis on this in the laboratory work, self learning/self study, industrial training or project work. The success of introducing this depends on the efforts of the teacher in selection areas/topics which demands greater study and thinking of novel solutions by students. The subjects and exercises should be designed so as to effectively remove barriers and to develop helping attitudes and circumstances. Techniques of idea generation through individual and group efforts should be exercised. For instance brain storming and exhibition are other way of motivating students to act creatively. Innovation, invention and creativity are often used interchangeably particularly in everyday language. Among scholars in the field of creativity, innovation is used to define the process by which a new product or idea is introduced into use or practice. Innovation sometimes refers only to the first use of a new thing or idea, in this sense discussions of innovation are concerned with the recognition and take into account such things as entrepreneurship and marketing. It is convenient to use innovation to refer to the process that generates an idea, develops it, and brings it into practice. In this sense of the word, creativity is then the first step in the invention process. As Edison said,"Invention is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration," Creativity is what Edison called inspiration, the generation of an original, useful idea and the critical first step in the process. Invention is the process of selection of the idea to be worked on and its detailed development into produce able and usable form. Innovation is the process by which the invention is first brought into use by an individual, company, or agency. Differentiating creativity, invention and innovation help us to see the differences in the required process elements more clearly. Creativity requires the ability to reach out to widely separated components, and to synthesize them. The creative effort does by generating as many useful, new ideas as possible from which to select one or ideas to develop. The rest of overall in invention process consists of selecting the ideas to develop required convergent thinking and the ability to discard irrelevant ideas. And it includes analysis as opposed to synthesis. Guideline for Creativity or Problem solving: Think Creatively: ! Use a wide range of idea creation techniques (such as brainstorming) ! Create new and worthwhile ideas (both incremental and radical concepts) ! Elaborate, refine, analyze and evaluate their own ideas in order to improve and maximize work creatively with others ! Develop, implement and communicate new ideas to others effectively ! Be open and responsive to new and diverse perspectives incorporate group input and feedback into the work ! Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in work and understand the real world limits to adoption new ideas ! View failure as an opportunity to learn; understand that creativity and innovation is a long-term, cyclical process of small successes and frequent mistakes Implement Innovations Act on creative ideas to make a tangible and useful contribution to the field in which the innovation will occur. N.S.A. Bisht Head (Incharge)- Electrical Engg. 50 We will face many defeats in our lives, but we must not let ourselves defeated. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Lateral Thinking Lateral thinking is solving problems through an indirect and creative approach using reasoning that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional stepby-step logic. The term was coined in 1967 by Edward de Bono. The list given below contains some of the most renowned and representative lateral thinking puzzles: 1- The Man in the Elevator: A man lives on the tenth floor of a building. Every day he takes the elevator to go down to the ground floor to go to work or to go shopping. When he returns he takes the elevator to the seventh floor and walking so why does he do it? However during rainy day he uses elevator up to 10 th floor when he come back to his apartment from work. 2- The Man in the Bar: A man walks into a bar and asks the barman for a glass of water. The barman pulls out a gun and points it at the man. The man says 'Thank you' and walks out. 3- The Man who Hanged Himself: There is a large wooden barn which is completely empty except for a dead man hanging from the middle of the central rafter. The rope around his neck is ten feet long and his feet are three feet off the ground. The nearest wall is 20 feet away from the man. It is not possible to climb up the walls or along the rafters. The man hanged himself. How did he do it? 4- Death in a Field: A man is lying dead in a field. Next to him there is an unopened package. There is no other creature in the field. How did he die? 5- The deadly dish: Two men went into a restaurant. They both ordered the same dish form the menu. After they tasted it, one of the men went outside the restaurant and shot himself. Why? 6- The Arm of the Postal Service: One day a man received a parcel in the post. Carefully packed inside was a human arm. He examined it, repacked it and then sent it on to another man. The second man also carefully examined the arm before taking it to the woods and burying it. Why did they do this? 7- A man died and went to Heaven, there were thousands of other people there. They were all naked and all looked as they did at the age of 21. He looked around to see if there was anyone he recognized. He saw a couple and he know immediately that they were Adam and Eve. How did he know? The answers to the puzzles above are given here. 1- The man in the Elevator: The man is (of course) a dwarf. Variants of this puzzle include the clue that on rainy days he goes up in the elevator to the tenth floor (he uses his umbrella!) 2- The man in the bar: The man recognized this from his speech and drew the gun in order to give him a shock. It worked and cured the hiccups- so the man no longer needed the water. 3- The man who Hanged Himself: He climbed on a block of ice which has since melted. We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. 51 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 4- Death in a Field The man had jumped from a plane but his parachute had failed to open. It is the unopened package. 5- The Deadly Dish The dish that two men ordered was albatross. They had been stranded many years earlier on a desert Island. when the man lasted albatross he realized that he had never tasted it before. This meant that the meat he had been given on the Island was not albatross as he had been told. He correctly deduced that he had eaten the flesh of his son who had died when they first reached the island. 6- The Arm of the Postal Service The three men had been stranded on a desert Island. Desperate for food, they had agreed to amputate their left arms in order to eat them. They swore an oath that each would have his left arm cut off. One of them was a doctor and he cut the arms off his two companions. They were then rescued. But his oath was still binding so he later had to have his arm amputated and sent to his colleagues. 7- Heaven He recognized Adam and Eve as the only people without navels. Because they were not born of women, they had never had umbilical cords and therefore they never had navels. N.S.A. Bisht Head (Incharge)- Electrical Engg. r r r r r r r AMAZING VEHICLES BIGGEST DUMPER TRUCKSThe general motors terex Titah 33-19 mine truck first made in 1974, can carry 317.5 tonnes. An average truck carries about 5 tonnes. BIGGEST TYRESThe largest road vehicle tyres are 3.82 m in diameter. They are made by Bridgestone Corporation. Tokyo, Japan for giant dumper trucks normal car tyres are 60 cm in diameter BIGGEST FIRE ENGINESFire trucks made by the ashkosh truck corporation of wisconsin, USA for airports 52 have eight wheels 860- horepower engines and weigh 60 tonnes. LONGEST LIMOSThe Current record-holder, built by Jay obrberg of California measures 30.5 m and has 26 wheels. Its so long that it has to be henged in the middle to enable it to turn corners. BIGGEST BUSThe articulated super city train Buses used in the democratic republic of Congo are 32.2m long. They can carry 110 seated passengers and 140 standing in that first part and 60 seated and 40 standing in the second, a total of 350 people. People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes. Hemlata bisht Mechanical (Pro.) Final Year izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 DRUGS BANNED IN OTHER COUNTRIES BUT AVAILABLE IN INDIA Though each country has its own list of banned drugs, it is worrisome that some drugs that are banned in other countries for proven adverse effects are still available in the Indian market. Some of these drugs are available over - the-counter and people may take it without realizing the risk. A note of caution on these drugs could help patients in deciding whether they want to take the drug. Some of these drugs are: 1. Phenylpropanolamine: Phenypropanollamine is commonly found in cold and cough medication in India. it was also used tore it was found to increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke (stroke due to a bleed in the brain). It also had the potential to worsen psychiatric problems. Though the dose used in cough and cold medicines is lower than that used in obesity , people buying the medication especially over the counter should be made aware of these adverse effects. This drug has come under the scanner and may soon be banned in india. 2. Metamizole (Analgin): Analgin is a painkiller. It has been banned in some countries since it carries the risk of agranulocytosis types of white blood cells). Beside, safer painkillers that are equally effective are easily available and there is no need to take such as serious risk. Analgin itself is not banned in India but the combination of analgin with any other drug is banned. 3. Oxyphenbutazone: Oxyphenbutazone is a painkiller that was not introduced in the American, UK or Australian market but is widely used in India. It has been banned in many countries since it causes bone marrow depression and other side effects. Its combination with any other drug is banned in India. 4.Nimesulide: Nimesulide is a painkiller that was not introduced in the America, UK or Australian market but is widely used in India. It has been found to cause liver failure and hence has been banned in some countries. Children with viral infection could be particularly susceptible. However, the ban has not been implemented even in children in India. 5. Ciasapride: Cisapride is a drug that increases the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used to treat acidity and constipation. It may cause arrhythmia when used in high doses or when combined with other drugs like erythromycin and ketoconazole; hence it is banned in some countries. Its use in India is under the scanner and it may soon face a ban. 6. Furazolidone and Nitrofurazone: Furazolidone acts against some bacteria and protozoa that cause diarrhea. It is used alone as well as with other drugs such as metronidazole. It had been banned in some countries since it belongs to a class of drugs that could cause cancer. The combination of loperamide with furazolidone is banned in India. Nitrofurazone is an antibacterial cream that belongs to the same class of druga as furazolidone, thus there is a chance that it could also cause cencer. Hence it is banned in some countries 7. Cerivastatin: Cerivastatin in a cholesterol lowering drug similar to atorvastatin. It was withdrawn since it caused several cases of rhabsomyolysis (damage to muscles) following which patients suffer from kidney failure. Unfortunately, it is still available in India. 8. Phenolphthalein: Phenolphlein is a stimulant purgative. It produced cancers when tested in mice as well as damage to genes. Hence it has been banned in some countries. 9.Quinodochlor: Quinodochlor is an amoebicidal drug effective against diarrhea caused by amoebae. It caused a serious side effect called subacute Human being can always alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind. 53 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 myelo-optic neuropathy, initially seen in Japanese, a condition that caused nerve damage and loss of sight. 10. Tegaserod: Tegaserod is a drug that is used to treat patients with irritable bowel syndrome with predominantly constipation. It was withdrawn from the market since patients taking this drug showed increased incidence of heart attack and stroke. 11. Thioridazine: Thioridazine is an antipsychotic drug. It causes adverse effects like arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm), eye damage, and a condition called neuroleptic malignant syndrome. 12. Pergolide: Pergolide is a drug used for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. It has been withdrawn from some countries since it causes damage to heart valves. Human Placental extract Human placental extract is used in the cosmetic industry in the form of lotion, gel and injection. It is not permitted in some countries since it can transmit diseases to the user. It is under the scanner and may be banned in the future. S.K. Gupta Head Pharmacy oooooooo The Next Generation Insulin Therapy Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a disorder that affects the body's ability to make or use insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas that helps transport glucose (blood sugar) from the bloodstream into the cells so they can break it down and use it for fuel. People cannot live with-out insulin. Diabetes results in abnormal levels of glucose in the bloodstream. This can cause severe short-term and longterm consequences ranging from brain damage to amputations and heart disease. There are mainly two types of Diabetes: Type 1 (Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) Type 2 (Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM). Type1 Type2 Onset predominantly after 40 Onset primarily in childhood and ! Phenotype ! years of age. adolescence ! Often obese ! Often thin or normal weight ! No ketoacidosis ! Prone to ketoacidosis Insulin administration no ! Insulin administration required for ! required for survival survival Pancreas is not damaged by ! Pancreas is damaged by ! autoimmune attack autoimmune attack ! Treatment: insulin injection, ! Treatment : Insulin injections healthy diet and increased exercise Increased prevalence in relatives Increased prevalence in relatives Genotype HLA association: Yes HLA association:No 54 You cannot live and let go. You have to let go to live. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Other Types of Diabetes Includes: Gestational diabetes: A temporary metabolic disorder that any previously non diabetic woman can develop during pregnancy, usually the third trimester. Hormonal Changes contribute to this disease, along with excess weight and family history of diabetes Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes Excessive thirst (polydipsia) Excessive urination (polyuria) and dehydration Excessive hunger or appetite (polyphagia) Skin problems, such as itchiness and Numbness, tingling or pain in the feet, legs or hands. Risk factors and causes of Diabetes: Genetics and family history Family medical history is also influential to varying degrees Weight and body type Other diseases: High blood pressure, hyper-lipidemia (unhealthy levels of cholesterol), asthma Causes of Diabetes: Glucose is an essential fuel for the body. The amount of glucose in the bloodstream is regulated by many hormones, the most important being insulin. Glucagon is the main hormone opposing the action of insulin and is released when food is scarce. Where as insulin triggers the formation of glycogen (an energy-requiring process, or an anabolic effect), glucagon triggers glycogen breakdown, which releases energy (a catabolic effect). Glucagon also helps the body to switch to using resources other than glucose, such as fat and protein. Conventional Insulin Therapy: In conventional therapy, the insulin is introduced by injections which is very painful. Advantages of conventional insulin therapy: ! Ease of insulin. ! Does not require a large amount of training. ! There is no need for frequent monitoring of blood sugar. Disadvantages of conventional insulin therapy: ! Hard schedule and strict diet. ! Frequent and mandatory meals 5-7 times a day. ! Inadequate compensation of diabetes and, consequently, increasing the likelihood of complications in the early stage of the disease. ! High risk of hypoglycemia. ! Does not meet the physiological parameters of the pancreas ! Pain occurs during the delivery of drug through injection. Courage is what it takes to stand up & speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. 55 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 New System Included for Easy administration of Insulin: In the next few years, the treatment of diabetes may change dramatically. If the recently approved products and those in Phase III trials fulfil their current promise, we will see the following developments: ! For patients requiring insulin, the insulin can be delivered in various non-injectable forms such as inhaled, oral, buccal, etc. ! Therapies will provide glucose lowering ability without increasing adverse events, such as weight and hypoglycaemic. ! Treatment with incertain hormones will preserve beta cell function, arresting or slowing the natural progression of diabetes. TM Altea Therapeutics Transdermal Passport System The Altea Therapeutics Pass Port System was the first product in development shown in USFDA clinical trials to provide a non-invasive, controllable and efficient way to deliver insulin via a patch on the skin. Salients features TM TM Pass Port System enables fast, controlled drug delivery without the pain of an injection or the possible complications associated with inhaled medications. ! It also avoids the first-pass gastro- intestinal and liver metabolism that occurs often after oral administration. ! Elimination of complex training to administer subcutaneous injections ! The Generex drug delivery system uniquely combines pharmaceutical agents in a proprietary agents in a proprietary aerosolized liquid formulation with a compact, easy to use device ! Compounds delivered through the buccal mucosa ! Substantial proteins (Applicable to most proteins and peptides) Oral-lyn Needle-free Buccal Delivery of Insulin The formulation, called Oral-lyn , is delivered to the oral cavity for absorption through the buccal mucosa and the device used for administering the drug is called as Rapidmist . TM TM Technosphere ®/Insulin Mimics Early Post-Prandial Insulin Release Technosphere®/Insulin(TI), an inhalable formulation under development by MannKind Corporation, is the speed with which the insulin is delivered to the patient's bloodstream. Pharmacokinetic studies in man have shown that Technosphere®/Insulin produces peak insulin levels in 12 to 14 minutes after inhalation. To facilitate the delivery of Technosphere®/Insulin to the deep lung, an inhaler utilising single-use, disposable, plastic cartridges was developed. The MedTone inhaler is light, easy to use and fits in the palm of the patient's hand TM Extended release tablet: Glumteza ® (Metformin hydrochloride) GLUMETZA contains metformin, a medication to help manage type 2 diabetes. GLUMETZA helps 56 Tears will get you sympathy; sweat will get you change. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 control your blood sugar in number of ways, including: ! Help body to respond better to the insulin it makes naturally. ! Decreasing the amount of sugar your liver, Decreasing the amount of sugar which intestines absorb. Sarvesh Chaudhary Guest Lecturer Pharmacy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Fathers of Important Branches of Science S.No. Name Concerned Brance 1. Aristotle Father of Natures History Father of Biology Father of Zoology 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Addison Linneus Francois Galton Gregor John Mendel Hippocrates Hugo do Vries Leonardo de Vinci Karl Ernest Von Bear William Harvey Rudolf Virchow Karl Landsteiner Robert Hook W.M. Stanley Louis Pasteur Edward Reiter Paul Berg Robert Koch Ivan Pavlov Father fo Endocrinology Father of Taxonomy Father of Eugenics Father of Genetics Father of Medicine Father of Mutation Theory Father of Paleontology Father of Modern Embryology Father of Blood Circulation Father of Pathology Father of Blood Groups Father of Cytology Father of Virology Father of Microbiology Father of Immunology Father of Ecology Father of Genetic Engineering Father of Bacteriology Father of Conditional Reflex Meenakshi Nakoti Pharmacy- Final Year It is better to deserve an honor and not receive it, than to receive one; and not deserve it. 57 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Male Breast Cancer What is the male breast Cancer? Male possess small amount of non functioning breast tissue. Cancer of the male breast is the uncontrolled growth of the abnormal cells of the breast tissue. How Common is male breast Cancer-: Male breast cancer is a rare condition, only about 1% of all breast cancer. The American cancer society estimate that in 2010 about 1907 new cases in men would be diagnosed & that breast cancer would cause approximately 390 deaths in men. (in comparison almost 40, 000 women die of breast cancer each year) Causes of Male Breast Cancer:As with cancer of the female breast the causes of cancer of the male breast has not been fully characterized, but both environmental influences & genetic factors likely play a role in its development. Risk factors of Male Breast Cancer:(1) Radiation Exposure (2) Hyper estrogenism (high levels of estrogen) (3) Kline felter's syndrome (4) Cirrhosis of the liver (5) Familial pre disposition (6) Finasteride use Symptoms & Signs of Male Breast Cancer:The most common sign of breast cancer in men is a firm non-painful mass located just below the nipple. There may not be associated symptoms. The average size of breast cancer 2.5 cm in diameter. The cancer may cause skin changes in the area of nipples. Advance breast cancer can also produce symptoms typical of many cancer including weakness & weight loss. Treatment:- Like breast cancer in women treatment depends upon the stage of a cancer & overall physical condition of the patient. Most men diagnosed with breast cancer are initially treated by surgery. After surgery adjuvant therapy is often prescribed. Adjuvants include chemotherapy, radiation therapy. In case of metastatic cancer therapy, hormone therapy or a combination of both are generally recommended. Suchitra Nabiyal Pharmacy- Final Year v v v v v v Don't Quit When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you trudging seems all up hill. When the funds are low & the depths are high, And you want to smile but you have to sigh. When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest, if you must but don't quit. Life is queer with its twists & turns, As everyone of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about, When he might have won, had he stuck it out. 58 Don't give up, though the pace seems slow, You might have succeed with another blow, Often the goal is nearer than, It seems to a faint & faltering man, So stick to fight when you are hardest hit, It's when things seems worst that you must not quit. Pooja Bisht Pharmacy- Final Year A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but on idea lives on. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 PRAYERS FROM DIFFERENT RELIGIONS " All religions teach one basic discipline; the removal from the mind of the blemish of egoism, of running after little joys. Every religion teaches humanity to fill themselves with the Glory of God, and evict the pettiness of conceit. It trains them in methods of detachment and discrimination so that they may aim high and attain liberation. Believe that all hearts are motivated by the One and only God, that all faiths glorify the one and only God. That all Names in all languages and all Forms man can conceive and denote the one and only God; his adoration is best done by means of love. Cultivate that attitude of oneness between men of all creeds, all countries and all continents. That is the Message I wish you to take to heart" Voice of the Avatar, Vol 2 p154 Hinduism May there be peace on Earth, peach in the atmosphere and in the heavens. Peaceful be the waters and the plants. May the Divine bring us peace. May the holy prayers and invocations of peace-liturgies generate ultimate Peace and Happiness everywhere. With these meditations which resolve and dissolve harm, violence and conflicts. we render peaceful whatever on earth is terrible, sinful, cruel and violent. Let the earth become fully auspicious, let everything be beneficial to us. Atharva Veda XIX-9 May the whole world be peaceful. May the wicked become gentle. May all creatures think of mutual welfare. May their minds be occupied with what is auspicious. And may our hearts be immersed in selfless love for the Lord. Bhagavata Purana 5. 18.9 Let us be united; Let us speak in harmony; Let our minds apprehend alike. Common be our prayer; Common be the end of our assembly; Common be our resolution; Common be our deliberations; Alike be our feelings; Unified be our hearts; Common be our intentions; Perfect be our unity. Rig veda in Earth prayers From the unreal lead me to the real! From darkness lead me to light! From death, lead me to immortality! Om. Peace, Peace, Peace. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.3.28 Do not judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant. 59 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Budhism Homage to Him, the Exalted One, the Arahant, the All enlightened One. To the Budha I go for refuge. To the Norm I go for refuge. To the order I go for refuge Khuddaka patha May all beings be peaceful and happy and free from ignorance, desire, suffering, sorrow and conflict-may their heart be full infinite loving kindness, sympathetic joy, compassion and equanimity, may they be enlightened. I take refuge in the Budha, the one who shows me the way in this life I take refuge in the Dharma the way of understanding and Love I take refuge in the sangha, The community that lives in harmony and awareness. Jainism Lead me from Death to Life, from falsehood to Truth. Lead me from Despair to Hope, form Fear to Trust. Lead me from Hate to Love, from War to Peace. Let Peace fill our Heart, Our World, our Universe. May my mind remain always steady and firm, unswerving and unshaken; may it become stronger every day May I bear and endure with patience the deprivation of dear ones and occurrences of undesired evils. May universal love pervade the world and may ignorance of attachment remain for away. May nobody speak unkind, bitter and harsh words! Christianity The Lord's Prayer Our Father who art in heaven Hollowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come Thy will be done One earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, As we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. Matthew 6.9.13 (RSV) Lord make me an instrument of Thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love Where there is injury, pardon. 60 Changing the face can change nothing, but facing the change can change everything. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Where there is doubt, faith Lord make me an instrument Thy peace. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. Where there is sadness, Joy O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek; To be consoled as to console, To be understood as to understand To be Loved, as to love; For it is in giving that we receive And it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. And wonders shall never cease. Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi Islam In the name of God. the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, The Beneficent, the Merciful You alone we worship, You alone we ask for help Show us the straight path: The path of those whom You have favoured; Not of those who earn Your anger nor of those who go astray Qur'an 1: The Fatihah Sikhism He is the sole Supreme Being; of eternal manifestation; Creator, Immanent Reality; Without Fear, Without rancour; Timeless Form; Unincarnated; Self-existent; Realised by the grace of the Holy Preceptor Adi Granth: The Mool Mantra Dinesh Kanjolia Head Electronics a a a a a A head full of fears has no space for dreams. 61 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Sowing And Reaping If you plant honesty, you will reap trust. If you plant goodness, you will reap friends. If you plant humility, you will reap greatness. If you plant perseverance, you will reap victory. If you plant consideration, you will reap harmony. If you plant hard work, you will reap success. If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation. If you plant openness, you will reap intimacy. If you plant patience, you will reap improvements. If you plant faith, you will reap miracles But If you plant dishonesty, you will reap distrust. If you plant selfishness, you will reap loneliness. If you plant pride, you will reap destruction. If you plant envy, you will reap trouble. If you plant laziness, you will reap stagnation. If you plant bitterness, you will reap isolation. If you plant greed, you will reap loss. If you plant gossip, you will reap enemies. If you plant worries, you will reap wrinkles. If you plant sin, you will reap guilt. So be careful what you plant now, It will determine what you will reap tomorrow. The seeds you now scatter, Will make life worse or better, Your life or the ones who will come after. Yes, someday, you will enjoy the fruits, Or you will pay for the choices you plant today. Kiran Kharkwal Lecturer Pharmacy 62 Never let success get into your head; and failure into your heart. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Be Mindful Of Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow: Do we have likes and dislikes or do likes and dislikes have us? As unconscious beings, likes and dislikes control our lives. Conscious being are masters of likes and dislikes. When likes and dislikes are under your control, they will serve you. It is wrong to say that we have to live only in the present. One needs to consider time as past, present and future. Some people operate from the past. Some are future-oriented and so they mostly operate from the oriented. To be wise involves balancing the three time periods... when required you have to take reference from the past or consider the future. Hence balancing time is very essential. Do not reject the past or future. Also do not live only in the past or future. Learn from the past, enjoy the present and plan for the future. Be present in the past, there by learn form the past. Be present in the future, thereby plan for the future. Being alive in the present, you will enjoy the present. It is said that, one of the reasons Hitler lost the war was because he did not learn from history. He attacked Russia in winter. If he learnt from history, he would have known that Napoleon had lost many of his men by attacking Russia in winter. One can learn from the past as well as from the future taking care not to be imprisoned by both. Similarly, while planning for the future, do not lose the present and miss the wisdom of the past or the opportunities in the future. Hence, one needs to be balanced with reference to time. Decide on your priorities in life. Priorities your priorities in life. Establish your peak performance time during a day. Monitor your low performance time. Do any important task at your peak performance time. Do any less important task at your low performance time. Identify your time wasters. Learn to delegate work. Enjoy your work and you will find there is a lot of time. Review your priorities from time to time. Be with people who are good at time management. just as the past was the present at one point of time, the future will also be the present at another point of time. So be present in the past and also be present in the future. Therefore, the present in more real. One hour. One hour has 60 minutes. A minute has 60 seconds. Further, break down the second and still furthers, the present will lose itself into 'is- ness'. Time will melt into timelessness. Use time to go beyond time. Within us, there is a dimension of time and beyond time. We live in two worlds, a world of mind, which is in time and a world beyond the mind that in timelessness. When we are in sleep or in samadhi, we go beyond mind and experience timelessness. One should have the wisdom to use the mind and the wisdom to go beyond the mind. In a state of deep joy, we are beyond our minds. Mind is a bundle of thoughts. More than heart attacks, we suffer from thought attacks. When thoughts attack us, we become victims of thoughts. It is like employing someone and then being thrashed by him. You should be the master of the mind rather than the mind being your master. You should use the mind rather than let the mind use you. The very intention to be the master of the mind will give you the wisdom of how to use the mind. Kiran Kharkwal Lecturer Pharmacy The drops of the rain make a hole in the stone not by violence, but by oft falling. 63 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Beeps that tells the problem type in Computer System: Beep Code No beep, system dead Problem Power supply bad, system not pugged in, or power not turned on. Continuous beeps Power supply bad, not pugged into motherboard correctly, or keyboard stuck. Repeating short beep Power supply problem. One short beep, nothing on screen Video card failure. One short beep, video present but system wont boot. Bad Floppy drive, Cable or controller. Two short beeps Configuration Error (On most PS/2 systems.) One long beep, one short beep System board bad. One long beep, Two short beeps Video card failure. Bharat Bhushan Bhatt CSE IInd Year u u u u u u Beauty of Mathematices 1x8+1=9 Part II 12x8+2=98 1x9+2 =II 123x8+3=987 12x9+3=III 1234x8+4=9876 123x9+4 =IIII 12345x8+5=98765 1234x9+5=IIIII 123456x8+6=987654 12345x+6=IIIIII 1234567x8+7= 9876543 123456x9+7= IIIIIII 12345678x+8= 98765432 1234567x9+8= IIIIIIII 123456789x8+8=987654321 12345678x9+9= IIIIIIIIII 123456789x9+10= IIIIIIIIIII Harshvardhan Prasad C.S.E. Final Year m m m m m m 64 The wonderful about game of life is that winning and losing are only temporary, unless you quit. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 IN 24 HOURS WHAT YOU CAN DO ! 1) Your heart beats - 103, 689 times. 2) Your blood travels - 160,000 miles. 3) You breathe - 23040 times. 4) You inhale - 488 cubic feet of air. 5) You eat - half a kg. of food. 6) You drink - 2 liters of water. 7) You lose - 7/8 pounds of waste. l Walk or ride a bicycle when you can. 8) You speak - l Vote for leaders who pledge to solve 4800 words and green energy wherever possible. l Recycle and use renewable resources. (including unnecessary ones). 9) l Use electricity efficient appliances this issue. You move - 750 muscles. 10) Your nails grow - 0.01714 inches. 11) You exercise - 70,00000 brain cells. l Plant trees, many trees. l Reduce dependence on foreign oils. Aren't you tired\!!! Nagendra Bhatt Mech. -Final Year Do you know Organs which live after death:- NINE GOLDEN RULES Before you Pray - Forgive Before you Speak - Listen 10 minutes Before you Write - Think - 1 Hours Before you Spend - Earn Legs - 4 Hours Before you Invest - Investigate Skin - 5 days Before you Waste - Save Bones - 30 days Before you Criticize - Pause Before you Quit - Try Before you Die - Live well Eyes - 31 minutes Heart - 10 minutes Brain - Ears Harshvardhan Prasad C.S.E. Final Year To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream. Not only plan, but also believe. 65 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Results Annual Sports Year 2013 (12-03-2013 to 14-03-2013) Event Long Jump (Boys) Long Jump (Girls) High Jump (Boys) High Jump (Girls) Shot Put (Boys) Shot Put (Girls) Discuss Throw(Boys) Discuss Throw(Girls) 100 Mtr Race (Boys) 100 Mtr Race (Girls) 200 Mtr Race (Boys) 200 Mtr Race (Girls) 400 Mtr race (Boys) 66 Position Name of the student 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd Vikash Joshi Deepak Kumar Saurab Giri Monika Jagwan Kanchan Rawat Sonam Badoni Ajay Adhikari Jitendra Rawat Ankit Bhandari Nisha Bhandari Monika Jagwan Sushila Sati Ankit Bhandari Vikash Joshi Dharmendra Nisha Bhandari Sunita Negi Sonam Naidu Ankit Bhandari Manvendra Singh Vikas Joshi Nisha Bhandari Sunita Negi Poonam Panwar Deepak Kumar Saurab Giri Saurabh Amita Rawat Kanchan rawat Monika Ankit Bhandari Vineet singh Sanjay Negi Kanchan rawat Sonam Badoni Sunita Negi Vineet singh Jitendra Rawat Ankit Gusain Branch Mech(Auto) Mech(auto) Mech(Prod) Electrical Engg Mech(Pro) Civil Engg I.T. I.T. CSE Mech(Auto) Electrical Mech(Prod) CSE Mech(Auto) Electrical Mech(Auto) CSE Civil Engg CSE Electrical Mech(Auto) Mech(Auto) CSE CSE Mech(auto) Mech(Prod) CSE Mech(Pro) Mech(Pro) Electrical Engg CSE Civil Mech(Pro) Mech(Pro) Civil Engg CSE Civil I.T. Civil Sem/year 4th 4th 2nd 2nd 2nd 6th 4th 6th 4th 2nd 2nd 4th 4th 4th 2nd 2nd 4th 6th 4th 6th 4th 2nd 4th 6th 4th 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 4th 6th 2nd 2nd 6th 4th 6th 6th 2nd A real friend is one who walks in when rest of the world walks out. House Vishweswaraya Raman Vishweswaraya Bhabha Raman Vishweswaraya Raman Raman Raman Bhabha Bhabha Shrof Raman Vishweswaraya Raman Bhabha Bhabha Vishweswaraya Raman Vishweswaraya Vishweswaraya Bhabha Bhabha Shrof Raman Vishweswaraya Vishweswaraya Bhabha Raman Bhabha Raman Vishweswaraya Vishweswaraya Raman Vishweswaraya Bhabha Vishweswaraya Raman Raman izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 400 Mtr race (Girls) 800 Mtr Race (Boys) 800 Mtr Race (Girls) Javelin Throw (Boys) Javelin Throw (Girls) Volley Ball Badminton (Boys) Badminton (Girls) Badminton (Boys) Doubles Badminton (Girls) Doubles 4 x 100 Mtr Relay Race Boys 4 x 100 Mtr Relay Race Girls 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd Amita Rawat Kanchan rawat Roshni Negi Jitendra Rawat Rahul Badola Ravindra Chauhan Rachana Gusain Himani Deepshikha Mishra Ankit Bhandari Papendra Singh Ajay Chaudhary Poonam Panwar Nisha Bhandari Sonam Naidu Vishweswaraya House Raman House Shikhar Nirala Anuj Naithani Arti Pharswan Aayushi Chamoli Rupesh Bhatt Anuj Naithani Hemant Bharti Udai Pratap Singh Pinky Panwar Poonam Panwar Arti Pharswan Naina Kori Mech(Pro) Mech(Pro) Mech(Prod) I.T. Electrical Engg Mech(Auto) Elect Electronics Civil CSE Electrical CSE CSE Mech(Auto) Civil Engg 2nd 2nd 2nd 6th 4th 2nd 2nd 6th 2nd 4th 2nd 2nd 6th 2nd 6th Bhabha Raman Bhabha Raman Shrof Shrof Shrof Raman Raman Raman Shroaf Raman Shroaf Bhabha Vishweswaraya CSE Mech(Auto) Mech(Prod) Mech(Prod) Electronics Mech(Prod) Electrical Civil Civil CSE Mech(Prod) Mech(Prod) 4th 6th 4th 2nd 6th 6th 4th 4th 2nd 6th 4th 4th Vishweswaraya Vishweswaraya Raman Raman Vishweswaraya Raman Shrof Raman 1st Raman House 1st Individual Championship Boys 1. Ankit Bhandari 2. Jitendra Rawat Girls 1. Nisha Bhandari 2. Kanchan Rawat Raman House CSE-4th Raman House I.T.-6th Raman House Mech(Auto) 2nd Sem Bhabha House Mech(Auto) 2nd Sem Raman House House Championship 1. Raman House House In Charge - Kiran Kharkwal 2. Vishweswaraya House House In Charge - Dr. Indu Kaintoor Imagination is the highest kite one can fly. 67 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 foHkkxokj LVkQ flfoy bathfu;fjax 1- t;iky flag rksej ekufodh ,oa foKku foHkkx & O;k[;krk bySfDVªdy bathfu;fjax 1- ,u0,l0,0 fc"V 2- ftrsUæ flag dq¡oj 3- ,e0ds0 flUgk & & & O;k[;krk O;k[;krk lgk;d izoDrk & & v/;{k lgk;d izoDrk eSdsfudy bathfu;fjax 12345- vkj0,0 ;kno ts0lh0 xq:jkuh ds0,l0 esgjk ,0ds0 xqIrk yhyk flag i¡okj & & & & & deZ'kkyk v/kh{kd lgk;d izoDrk dyk vuqns'kd deZ'kkyk vuqns'kd dq'ky dkjhxj & & & v/;{k O;k[;krk O;k[;krk & O;k[;krk & & & & & & v/;{k O;k[;krk O;k[;krk O;k[;krk ySc VsfDuhf'k;u ySc VsfDuhf'k;u bUQkWjes'ku VsDuksykWth 1- fouksn MksHkky O;k[;krk jlk;u 123456789- jtuw yky QwypUn ts0ih0 t[keksyk y{e.k flag Hk.Mkjh thrsUæ flag i¡okj eqds'k iUr t;nhi iqjh iznhi dqekj vjfoUn fd'kksj fc"V & & & & & & & & & eq[; lgk;d oSf;Drd vf/kdkjh ys[kkdkj vkWfQl Mªk¶V~leSu dk;kZy; lgk;d dk;kZy; lgk;d dk;kZy; lgk;d dk;kZy; lgk;d iqLrdky;k/;{k prqFkZ deZpkjh dEI;wVj lkbal ,aM bathfu;fjax 1- HkkLdj HkV~V 2- fodkl HkV~V 3- xksiky cqVksyk & dk;kZy; bysDVªkWfuDl 1- fnus'k datkSfy;k 2- vkj0ih0 iqjksfgr 1- MkW0 bUnq dSUrwj loZ Jh& 1- eksgu flag 2- jes'k pUæ 3- Jherh 'kdqUryk nsoh 4- jktdqekj 5- JhpUn 6- fouksn yky 7- cqf¼ flag 8- eqds'k iqjh 9- jes'k izlkn iqjh 10- vjfoUn pkSgku 11- jktiky 12- v'kksd dqekj 13- fou; pUn QkesZlh 12345668 lqjsUæ dqekj xqIrk Jherh fdju [kjDoky Jherh lfjrk ukSfV;ky Jherh lqeu ckEiky ch0ch0 tks'kh ih0,l0 jkor Umbrella can not stop rain, but can make us stand in rain, confidence may not bring us success but gives us power to face any challenge. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 FINAL YEAR STUDENTS 2012-13 Civil Engg. Ist Shift 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 AMIT ASWAL AMIT SINGH GUNSOLA AMRITA VERMA ANIRUDH RAWAT ANJALI ANKIT PUNDIR ARJUN KUMAR ASHA RAWAT BIPIN NAUTIYAL DEEPENDRA SINGH KUNWAR DEVESH KUMAR DHARM VEER DHYAN SINGH DIVYA GABBAR SINGH HARISH THAPLIYAL KAJAL RAWAT KIRAN KAINTHOLA KULDEEP SINGH LOKESH KUMAR MEENAKSHI NAVEEN CHAUHAN NEELAM NITIN PANWAR 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 PANKAJ RAWAT POOJA NEGI PREETI PREETI PRIYANKA NEGI PRIYANKA RANA PUSHKAR SINGH MEWAR RAJPAL KHAROLA RAVI BIST RAVI RITU BADONI SANGEETA BHATT SHASHANK SHAH SHWETA KATHAIT SITENDRA PAL KOHALI SOORAJ PANDWAL SURAJ KUMAR SURAJ SINGH SURENDRA SINGH UDAY PRATAP SINGH VIJAY KUMAR ANMOL SINGH ANOOP BADONI ASHOK DOBHAL C.S.E. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ABHISHEK SHARMA AMAN KUMAR CHAUHAN ANKIT RAWAT ANKITA KAPARWAN ANKUSH SAINI ATUL DARMORA HARSHVERDHAN PRASAD KANCHAN BHATT KIRAN NAUTIYAL KM KOMAL BHANDARI KM MANISHA RAWAT KM SUNITA NEGI MANISH RAWAT MANMOHAN PUNDIR MOHIT DIMRI NARENDRA SINGH PAWAN SINGH POONAM RISHABH PANWAR SUMIT SAJWAN POONAM RATHAUR ASHISH KUMAR AMARJEET SINGH NITYA NAND SANTOSH PANWAR Electrical Engg. Ist Shift 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 VIVEK KUMAR SOHAN SINGH NEGI AMIT SAINI ANIL ARYA ANJU JOSHI ANKIT KUMAR ANURADHA JOSHI ASHISH KHANDURI ASHISH SEMWAL BHUPENDRA SINGH BIRESH KUMAR DEEKSHA DEEPAK MUYAL KM DIVYA GAMBHIR SINGH GANGESWAR KUMAR 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 GIRISH CHANDRA SONI BISHT KULDEEP SINGH MANISH SINGH MUKESH TOMAR NITIN KUMAR PANKAJ SINGH NEGI PANKAJ SINGH RAWAT PRADEEP MEHRA PRATIBHA DABRAL PRIYANKA RAUTHAN RAKESH SINGH RATNA CHAMOLI RENU SAKLANI SATYAM AGARWAL UTTAM CHANDRA 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 VEERPAL SINGH GUSAIN VIKASH KUMAR VIKASH SARKAR VISHAL RAUTHAN VIVEK GIRI ASHISH BISHT MANVENDRA SINGH AJAY KUMAR DEEPAK SINGH KM. HIMANI KM. POOJA PANWAR LOKESH PANWAR MANDEEP SINGH PRAVEEN SINGH RAJESH KUMAR YOGESH SILORI When we dance, our purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It is to enjoy each step along the way. 69 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Electronics Ist Shift 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PRABHAKAR MISHRA AMANDEEP SINGH RANA AMIT SINGH CHAUHAN ARJUN SINGH BINEEL SINGH CHITRA BHANDARI DEEPTI SATI DEVANTI JYOTI PAL JYOTSHNA BALODI KARSHAN PAL KM. MEGHA RAWAT MOHIT DHYANI MONIKA NEGI NIDHI RAWAT PANKAJ KUMAR PREETAM SINGH PUSHPENDRA SINGH RAHUL SHAH 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 RAVINDRA KUMAR TIWARI ROHIT SINGH ROOPESH BHATT SACHIN KUMAR SANDEEP SHAH SANJAY SINGH RAWAT SHIVNANDAN SINGH SONAM SUMIT GUSAIN VIKAS KUMAR VIKAS SINGH VIPIN BISHT ARCHANA BHATT ANUJ KUMAR DEEPAK CHAUHAN GEETA NAUTIYAL PREMA VIPI VIKAS PATAL Mechanical Ist shift 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 70 MANOJ SINGH SHUBHAM RAMOLA DEEPAK MEENAKSHI JITENDRA SING RAWAT UMA SHANKAR SUSHIL GAIROLA ANJALI RAWAT ASHA RANJEET ALMIYA VIMAL SINGH VIVEK NAYAL PRIYA JOSHI HEMLATA BISHT MAHIPAL SINGH NITESH KUMAR MEENAKSHI NEGI PUJA DHANAI ANKITA MINIKSHA RANA MANJEET KUMAR 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 MOHD. IKRAM SUKESH KUMAR SUMAN SINGH NEGI ANUP SINGH NISHU GIRI NITIN KUMAR NAVEEN SINGH AMIT KUMAR MANISH VIDYA PRAKASH BISHT RAVI PAL HARISH SINGH RAWAT NEERAJ JOSHI VIPIN CHANDRA BUDAKOTI DILEEP SINGH DEEPAK KUNWAR MOHD. SHAHID HUSAIN NAGENDRA BHATT RANPREET SINGH RAJESH KUMAR PHARMACY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 ANJALI ASHISH KUMAR BALBEER SINGH CHETAN SINGH DEEPAK KUMAR DHANVEER SINGH HARISH SINGH RANA KM.ANAMIKA BANGWAL KM.BABLI KM.CHANDRA PRABHA KM.DEEPTI KM.JYOTI KM. KAJAL KM. KANCHAN GUSAI KM. KARISHMA KM. MEENAKSHI KM. MEENAKSHI KM. MEENAKSHI KM. POOJA KM. POONAM BHATT KM. POORNIMA PRIYANKA SHAH KM. RAKHI BAHUGUNA KM. RASHMI DOBHAL KM.RUCHI KM.RUCHI KM.RUCHI KANDARI KM. SHALINI GOSWAMI KM.SHIKSHA KM.SUCHITRA NABIYAL KM. TRILOCHANA PRASHANT KUMAR ROBIN SINGH RANA SARITA RAWAT SAVITA SURAJ MOHAN UPENDRA KR JELTA VIPIN SINGH RANA All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to persue them. izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Mehanical (Auto) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SANJEEV KUMAR SANJAY RAWAT AJAY DEEP ANKIT KANDIYAL ANKITA NEGI ANUJ NAITHANI ASHWANI RATURI ASHWANI SAINI BALDEV SINGH BANDANA RAMOLA DEEPAK KUMAR DEEPAK SINGH PANWAR GAURAV KUMAR GAURAV NAITHANI JYOTI BHANDARI KULDEEP SINGH CHAUHAN LALIT MOHAN POOJA PANWAR 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 POONAM NEGI RASHMI SACHIN KUMAR SANTOSH RAWAT SAURAV RAWAT SONAM RANA SUMITA SUNIL S. CHAUHAN SURESH C. BHATT VIMAL KISHORE VINEET KUMAR VINOD K. SINGH VIRESH NAUTIYAL YOGESH SAGAR ASHISH KANDIYAL IKRAM ALI PANKAJ SINGH SANJEEV KUMAR NANDAN KUSHWAHA Information Technology 1. ABHISHEK PARSAD VAISHNAV 2. ANJU BHATT 3. ANKIT NEGI 4. ARVIND SINGH RANA 5. ASHISH KHANDURI 6. AVAISH ANSARI 7. KIRAN PANWAR 8. ARADHANA CHAUHAN 9. MAHIPAL SINGH PUNDIR 10. MANOJ SINGH 11. MEJAR SINGH 12. NAVEEN KUMAR SAINI 13. NEETISH KHANDURI 14. PARIDHI NEGI 15. PAWAN KUMAR 16. PIYUSH LINGWAL 17. POONAM BHATT 18. PRADEEP SINGH NEGI 19. PRAMOD KUMAR 20. PRAVEEN LAL 21. PRIYANKA KOTHARI 22. RAHUL KOTIYA 23. SANDEEP SINGH BHANDARI 24. SONU 25. SURESH KUMAR 26. ARUN KUMAR 27. KUMUD BAMRARA 28. JITENDRA SINGH RAWAT 29. VIVEK KUMAR 30. MANISH BISHT The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. 71 izfrfcEc okf"kZd if=dk 2012&13 Civil 2nd Shift 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 VIVEK GOSWAMI AARTI UNIYAL ANKIT BIJALWAN ANURAG RAWAT ASHISH KHARKWAL BIPIN CHANDRA MADHUBALA MAYANK RAWAT NIRANJAN SINGH RAMOLA OM PRAKASH PANKAJ NEGI PRATEEK KUMAR BHANDARI PRAVEEN TIWARI PRIYANKA RAUNCHHELA SANDEEP MEHRA SATENDRA SINGH SONAM SONAM BADONI SUNNY KUMAR VINEET SINGH Electrical 2nd Shift 1 ANKIT SINGH 2 ARCHANA NAUTIYAL 3 ASHISH NEGI 4 BIPUL SINGH 5 MAQSOOD KHAN 6 MUSAWIR ALI 7 NASEEB NAUTIYAL 8 PAWAN PANDEY 9 PREM SINGH 10 RADHA 11 RAHUL 12 RAMPAL 13 SUJEET KUMAR 14 YOGENDRA GUNSOLA 15 MOHAN SINGH Electronics 2nd Shift Mech. 2nd Shift 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 72 RAHUL BHARTI RAHUL TIWARI PUSHPENDRA BHASKHAR SINGH RAMESH K. PANDEY RANJANA RAWAT RAJENDRA SINGH NAVEEN KUMAR SINGH KULDEEP RAWAT ARCHANA PAINYULI KANCHAN JUYAL RITESH BHATT VIKKY KUMAR AJAY SINGH RAWAT ANURAG BHAUNTIYAL AVANISH KUMAR 1 Anju Rawat 2 Ankur kumar 3 Bharat singh Chauhan 4 Himani 5 Monu singh 6 Naresh Chandra 7 Naveen negi 8 Nirmala Rawat 9 Preeti Joshi 10 Rakesh kumar 11 Rakesh kumar bhardwaj 12 Rishu kumaar 13 Rohit rawat 14 Sandeep singh Things may come to those who wait but these are only things left over by those who fought and failed to get.
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