BB 05 Program
BB 05 Program
PRESENTS THE 17TH A NNUAL A BELLY DANCE CONVENTION OCTOBER 2 0 0 5 S A T U R D A Y 8T H: 1 1 A M T O 7 P M S U N D A Y 9T H: 1 2 P M T O 7 P M Al Bahr Shrine Center 5440 Kearny Mesa Road San Diego, California —28— —1— 858•581•0135 EMAIL : • C LASSIC AND U NIQUE • • BELLY D ANCE S UPPLIES • AVAILABLE FOR SEMINARS PERFORMANCES AND BELLYGRAMS PRIVATE DANCE COACHING LICENSED NOTARY SERVICES —2— Scottie Schultz, San Diego Representitive for Audrena and Unicorn 858-581-0135 / email: 3234 Idlewild Way — San Diego, CA 92117 p. 2, Photo by Cathy Yavorsky, 2003 / Lotus by Nina Davies, 1954 / p.3, Stele by Milada Lexova, 1935 Scottie Schultz, Producer/Director —27— W ELCOME TO THE 17TH ANNUAL BEDOUIN WHERE THE FUN NEVER STOPS. There BAZAAR I trust all of you came by magic carpet since gas prices are so high. I know you have many choices of events to attend, so thank you for choosing the Bedouin Bazaar. I trust you had fun, met new people, and found that treasure you just couldn’t live without. Thanks to the support of the vendors, I am able to keep the price down and afford this fantastic facility. Next year the dates are October 7th and 8th, 2006, so reserve the dates. See you next year. May your personal genie grant you every wish and see you safely home. Scottie (Scherazade) 2 0 0 5 BE D O U I N BA Z A A R S T A F F • Producer, Director, and Big Woman In Charge: Scottie Schultz • 2005 Program booklet, flyers, audio, and stage : RA Steiger • Videography: Arnie Larner and Jeanie Chafferty • MCs: Jim Lane and Dave Dhillon • Stage manager: Linda Boche and Monica Sulley • After Hours Party Hostess: Cyriana, Astrid and Zeina • Front Desk: Jinx, Erika, Toni, and Ana and mother Tickets: Kay and Melissa and Leilani • Door: Tim Wayne • Raffle: Dottie • Dancer’s gifts prepared by: Apsara •Food: Egyptian Tea Room • Audio equipment supply: Dave Dhillon and RAS • Staff T-shirts by Marzue • Printing, binding, and biz cards: Clairemont Square THE UPS STORE —C ARLOS • Webmistress: Ahbi • General Helpers: Donya and Sue STAFF, ASSISTANTS, AND VOLUNTEERS : THANK YOU ALL for your HARD WORK! —26— are new vendors to try this year as well as our regulars. Some of my vendors have been with me since the beginning. So, “Shop ‘til you Drop!” When you need a break from shopping, relax and enjoy the show. Dancers from all over have fun performing at the Bazaar because the audience is so enthusiastic! Seminars this year include two days of double veil by KAMAAL. One day just wasn’t enough to present this exciting art form. On Saturday, FAHTIEM shows her secrets in a class on movement to create drama. She demonstrates hand and arm embellishments for dynamic combinations on Sunday. H ASSAN DEEB returns to the belly dance scene with EGYPTIAN C HOREOGRAPHY on Saturday, and B ALANCING A TO Z on Sunday. All three seminar instructors are veterans with a wealth of knowledge and experience to impart. DESERT WIND is playing outside the box with innovative music for our performances. They will play Saturday in the afternoon, and again at the BEDOUIN BAZAAR B ASH Saturday night. This year features S CHERAZADE AND THE B AD B OYS OF BELLY DANCE. HASSAN DEEB, K AMAAL, and M ARZUE promise a very naughty night at the CONGREGATION DOR HADASH just minutes away from the AL BAHR S HRINE CENTER. There will be open dancing, so come out and have a blast. JOHN B ILEZIKJIAN AND THE BEDOUIN B AZAAR BAND will play on Sunday afternoon. Enjoy your weekend and mark your calendars for next year’s BAZAAR: O CTOBER 7TH AND 8 TH, 2006. Seminars will feature DAV ID OF SCANDINAVIA and JUDEEN. Visit my website at Kudos for my webmistress, AHBI. •MAIN FLOOR : Vending, Performances •UPSTAIRS: Vending, Workshops, Women’s Dressing Rooms •F OOD: EGYPTIAN TEA R OOM —in the parking lot •P HOTOGRAPHY: CATHY YAVORSKY ’S STUDIO on Mercury Street •MAP TO PHOTO S TUDIO & DOR HADASH AVAILABLE AT FRONT DESK. NOT A SAMEDA EVENT —3— FOOD WILL BE SERVED) CONGREGATION DOR HADASH 4858 RONSON CT., SAN DIEGO TAKE CLAIREMONT MESA BLVD . WEST FROM THE BAZAAR, TURN LEFT (SOUTH) ON MERCURY STREET, TURN LEFT (EAST) ON RONSON ROAD, TURN LEFT ( NORTH) ON RONSON COURT B EDOUIN B AZAAR P.O. Box 571612 Tarzana, CA 91356 (818) 343–5354 email: (NO OFFICIAL VIDEOGRAPHER FOR THE TO Arnie’s Photo and Video Saturday evening October 8TH, 2005, 8 10 PM $12 ADVANCE • $15 DOOR MAP AVAILABLE AT FRONT DESK COMPOSER • VISUAL ARTIST PERFORMER • • AUTHOR RECORDING & MIXING ETHNOMUSICOLOGIST, MA SCHERAZADE AND THE BAD BOYS OF BELLY DANCE HASSAN D EEB, K AMAAL, AND M ARZUE ␣ A VAILABLE FOR S EMINARS AND PERFORMANCE LIVE MUSIC WITH INTERNATIONAL R ECORDING ARTISTS TRIBAL • F USION • JAZZ WITH GUEST PERCUSSIONISTS VAR DAGHDEVIRIAN AND RICHARD ADRIAN —4— STEIGER Bookzilla is nearly done! For details see, http:/ anaphase.htm 2005 photo by Lily Splane —25— Women’s Dressing Room, Seminars, and More Vendors are on the Upper Level. Schedule of Events R AFFLES THROUGHOUT EACH DAY ! (MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN ) Raffle Tickets .50 each or ten for $5.00 Let the Shopping and Dancing Begin! 11:00 AM SATURDAY / Noon SUNDAY — The Bazaar Opens DANCING ON STAGE ALL DAY 11:00 AM Sat. & Sun. Check in for Seminars 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM SAT. Kamaal: Double Veils I SUN. Hassan Deeb: Balancing A to Z TRIBAL AND GYPSY ACCESSORIES 914 WEST MARCELLO A VENUE • THOUSAND OAKS , CALIFORNIA 91320 T [805] 498-5274 F [805] 498-1384 1:30 PM Sat. & Sun. Check in for Seminars 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM SAT. Fahtiem: Fabulous Tips SUN. Fahtiem: Hand and Arm Embellishments 4:30 PM Sat. & Sun. Check in for Seminars 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM SAT. Hassan Deeb: Egyptian Choreography SUN. Kamaal: Double Veils II LIVE MUSIC WITH DANCING 3234 I DLEWILD W AY , S AN D IEGO , CA (858) 581-0135 EMAIL : COME PREVIEW VIDEOS, TAPES , AND CDS. TRY ON COSTUMES IN THE PRIVACY OF MY HOME . I F YOU DON’ T SEE IT HERE , WE CAN SPECIAL ORDER IT FOR YOU . FRIENDLY SERVICE IN A RELAXED ATMOSPHERE . WE ALSO CREATE ONE-OF -A-KIND COSTUMES TO FIT YOUR PERSONALITY, BODY TYPE , AND PERFORMANCE NEEDS . P RIVATE BELLYDANCE CLASSES AVAILABLE . O FFICIAL L OCAL VENDOR FOR H AFLAS A UDRENA DESERT WIND WITH AND U NICORN A big thank you to Phil Johnson and the staff of the Al Bahr Shrine Center who go the extra distance to provide this fantastic facility. ALAN AND ANDALIN BACHMAN & GUESTS 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM SUNDAY THE BEDOUIN BAZAAR BAND FEATURING JOHN BILEZIKJIAN W / DAVE DHILLON, & RA STEIGER THROUGHOUT THE YEAR . VISA •MASTERCARD •AMERICAN EXPRESS •DISCOVER —24— 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM SATURDAY LAST CHANCE RAFFLE 6:00 PM 7:00 PM SATurday & SUNday — The Bazaar Closes 8:00 PM Sunday ␣ •␣ BEDOUIN B AZAAR B ASH DESERT WIND W/ VAR DAGHDEVIRIAN —5— AT & D OR HADASH RA STEIGER Saturday Dancers Oriental Jewels / San Diego Moonshadow Dancers / Temecula Gamila Warda / Visalia Sacred Hips / San Diego Kinza / Temecula Fringe Elements / Palm Springs Monique / San Diego BreAnn / Laguna Beach Zahirah / Temecula Christine Rizkallah / Glendale Aziza Said / Palm Desert Katiah / San Diego Medea and Desert Mirage Dancers / Riverside Zafire / Mira Loma Ra-Chell / Mojave Ladies by the Lake / Lake Elsinore Desert Moon / Mira Loma Alia and Marzue / San Diego and Carlsbad Habib / Sedona, AZ Christine Rizkallah / Glendale Claudia / Glendale Troupe Harem Scarem / San Diego Sabrina: Sirens of the Moonlight Tide / La Habra Alexandra / Riverside Tiger Lily / Santa Monica DaVid of Scandinavia / La Jolla (3:05) Marzue / Carlsbad Zeinab / Aliso Viejo Mara and the Desert Roses / Anaheim Amalya / Escondido Judeen / Santa Inez (3:40) Hassan Deeb / Santa Clara (3:45) DESERT WIND / Salt Lake City, UT Sabrina / La Habra Apsara / San Diego Cyriana / Alta Loma Melissa / San Diego Kamaal / Sherman Oaks Rachel / Portland, OR Yasmina / Vista Jheri St. James / Laguna Beach Fahtiem / Rowland Heights JJ and the Habibis: Laguna Beach Dancers Amarain / Valley Village Zenaida / San Diego Dilek / Lakeside Cassie / San Diego Tokiko / San Diego Willow / Vista —6— Fahtiem Saturday 2:00 to 4:00 PM Fabulous Tips A M O V E M E N T C L A S S D E S I G N E D T O C R E AT E BREATHTAKING DRAMA . Sunday 2:00 to 4:00 PM Arm and Hand Embellishments F OR DYNAMIC COMBOS AND PHENOMENAL ACCENTS . V IDEOS PURCHASE . AND MUSIC AVAILABLE FOR F AHTIEM is truly one of the superstars of belly dance. Her versatility as a performer, choreographer, instructor, and sponsor makes her one of the most sought after teachers in the nation! She has been featured in many television and film programs. Her O ASIS D ANCE M AGIC is one of the top quality shows which has helped to elevate the calibre of belly dance and educate the general public. Her seminars convey a subtle nuance combined with form and technique which makes for magical performances. HASSAN D EEB is an award winning dancer with over 20 years of experience. He comes to us from Santa Clara county (the Bay Area). He is an excellent instructor and has coached dancers for competition. His seminars are always fun and informative. Hassan volunteers his time to teach belly dancing to both men and women who are terminally ill. He also teaches free art classes at hospices. You will find him selling at A RTEMIS ’ booth on the main floor. And to see his “bad self,” don’t miss the Saturday evening show at D OR H ADASH . —23— Kamaal Sunday Dancers Saturday 11:30 to 1:30 PM Marula’s Students / San Diego Tokiko / San Diego Cinnamon Caravan / Baldwin Park Lucia /San Diego Nile Blossoms /Temecula Mimi / Spring Valley Ra-Chell / Mojave Monique / San Diego Babylon Mood / Lomita Kahena’s Banaat al Qamar / Garden Grove Mahirah / San Diego Loreena and the Mystiques / Poway Charise-Lynar / Palm Desert Ninasofia / Torrence Clarissa and Dana / Orange Raven and Miliani / El Monte Kandisha / Mexico Rahana / Santa Monica Irridesence / Temecula Leilainia / San Diego Alexa and Raks Sharmenco Dance / San Diego BEDOUIN BAZAAR BAND Dilek / Lakeside Artemis / Pacific Beach Shalimar and Frank Lazzaro / Encinitas Gaylene / OR Judeen / Santa Inez Jorjana / Thousand Oaks Aleia / Carlsbad Zara / Carlsbad Scherazade / San Diego Double Veils I Sunday 5:00 to 7:00 PM Double Veils II T OO BIG A TOPIC FOR ONE DAY ! SPECTACULAR SHOW STOPPING MOVEMENTS . B RING TWO CIRCULAR VEILS OR PURCHASE THEM AT THE B AZAAR. KAMAAL’S light hearted style enthralls audiences everywhere. He has won MR. AMERICA OF BELLY DANCE several times, and is a 20 year veteran of the dance. His seminars are well received. Each participant feels empowered and enthusiastic because they has a great time learning. He volunteers his time at many events. He is also one of my “naughty boys” along with Hassan and Marzue at the B EDOUIN BAZAAR BASH on Saturday night. This is Kamaal’s farewell performance. We will miss him! Hassan Deeb Saturday 5:00 to 7:00 PM photo by Susie Poulelis /Zuzu Egyptian Choregraphy FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR TROUPE. EXQUISITE EGYPTIAN CLASSICAL MOVES. BRING A RECTANGULAR VEIL . Sunday 11:30 to 1:30 PM Balancing A to Z STYLING FOR MEN AND WOMEN. FOR PURCHASE AT THE B AZAAR. BRING YOUR PROPS. —22— S WORDS, CANE, TRAYS AVAILABLE Pakita / Riverside Zenaida / San Diego Shanti Vina / San Diego Enchantresses of the Desert / Riverside Heidi / San Diego Daughters of Isis / San Diego Sabah / Santee Sheila and Richard / San Diego —7— —8— —21— E M A I L: J O Y N A N@ U N I C O R N- B D S .C O M Shop ‘til You Drop! Everything for Middle Eastern Dance at affordable prices. 3361 S. Corona • Englewood, CO 80110 (303) 762-0124 • ARNIE LARNER (VIDEOGRAPHER) / TARZANA / LARNER@AOL.COM • ARTEMIS IMPORTS / PACIFIC GROVE / ATEMISIMPORTS.COM • AUDRENA’S INTERNATIONAL BAZAAR / ILL / ALEENA.COM/AUDRENA • DANCING RAHANA’S BOUTIQUE / SANTA MONICA / DANCINGRAHANA.COM • DANTZ RECORDS–JOHN BILEZIKJIAN / LAGUNA NIGEL / DANTZRECORDS.COM • DESERT WIND / UT / DESERTWINDMUSIC.COM • ESAU COMPANY / SANTA INEZ / JUDEEN.COM • GAYLENE’S BOUTIQUE / OR / 503-835-0712 • GANESHA BAZAAR / SEDONA, AZ / GANESHA@COMMSPEED.NET • HORUS AND ISIS COMPANY / EGYPT / FLASH.NET /~KCLLO • IAMED / SUZY EVANS / VAN NUYS / BELLYDANCE.ORG • JORJANA’S GLITTERWORLD / THOUSAND OAKS / BELLYDANCEWEB.COM/GLITTERWORLD • PE-KO RECORDS / LOS ANGELES / INFO@PEKORECORDS.COM • TURQOUISE INTERNATIONAL / WOODLAND HILLS / 818-999-5542 • CATHY YAVORSKY PHOTOGRAPHY / SAN DIEGO / 858-573-9717 • ZAHIRAH ENTERPRISES / TEMECULA / BELLYDANCERWEAR.COM Belly Dance Supplies Main Floor Vendors Upstairs Vendors • ROBERT CHANDLER / S AN DIEGO / IMFO@GET4 LESS. COM • CRESCENT M OON / L A MESA / CMOONDESIGNS@ EARTHLINK. NET • DELIGHTFUL DIVA WEAR / R EDONDO BEACH/ 2 DELIGHTFULDIVA @EARTHLINK.NET • LAURA LINDA / ONTARIO / LAURALINDA1@CS.COM • LEILAINIA AND G ABRIEL PENIX / SAN D IEGO / LEILAINIA @GYPSYDUENDE .COM • JINAAN SHERBENY / SAN DIEGO / JINAAN@SAN.RR.COM • SAMEDA / SAN D IEGO / SDSAMEDA .COM INSTRUCTORS will have VIDEOS , BOOKS , and DVDS available at their seminars and at the B AZAAR. There will be special discounts for SEMINAR ATTENDEES . ö C LOTHING A BHI- I RENA PERAKH DESIGN • V IDEO • G RAPHIC • W EBPAGES DANCER • T EACHER H&R BLOCK® In Memoriam Rachel Chavez May 23rd, 1937 – June 28th, 2005 RETIRED N AVY NURSE, AMERICAN RED CROSS VOLUNTEER, HELPED WITH 9/11. GOOD FRIEND AND BELLY DANCER.␣ —20— DISASTERS SUCH AS Colleen Schultz TAX ASSOCIATE CLAIREMONT NORTH 4339 CLAIREMONT DR . STE D SAN DIEGO, CA 92117-2722 TEL 858 272 5363 FAX 858 272 6718 DISTRICT OFFICE YEAR -ROUND SERVICE 522 BALBOA AVE #100 S AN D IEGO, CA 92117-6901 TEL 858 279 1780 FAX 858 292 3374 —9— EGYPTIAN TEA ROOM BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER COLLEGE A VENUE, S AN D IEGO, CA 92115 (LOOK FOR THE B IG O RANGE H OUSE ) (619) 265–7287 THE EGYPTIAN TEA R OOM serves the finest teas, coffees, and tobacco products in San Diego. Our Middle Eastern themed menu, accompanied by traditional coffeehouse/deli items appeal to the most discriminating of palates. Come visit our famous HUBBLY BUBBLY SMOKING P ATIO where you can enjoy unique fruit-flavored molassses tobacco from our elegant S HEESHA P IPES. Open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. TWO EGG BREAKFAST 2 Eggs, choice of Bacon or Sausage, Toast, and Potatoes. ONLY $3.95 ( WITH COUPON ) Not valid with any other offer or discount. Expires 12/31/05 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ SUNDAY SPECIAL!! BUY ONE ENTREE: EAT REGULAR PRICE AND GET THE SECOND (of equal or lesser value) 1/2 OFF Not valid with any other offer or discount. Expires 1/31/06 (Dine-in only) Bedouin Bazaar Menu BAKLAVA: $2.00 COOKIE: $1.50 CAN SODA: $1.00 BOTTLED WATER: $1.50 (SERVED Tel/Fax (202) 393-3949 GREEK SALAD: $5.95 GREEK SALAD w/ GYROS MEAT: $7.50 HUMMUS PLATE: $4.95 W/ OUR THREE FLAVORS OF HUMMUS: PLAIN , ORIGINAL, AND CHIPOTLE) GYROS SANDWICH $4.95 GYROS SANDWICH PLATE: $6.25 (SERVED —10— FRUIT: $0.85 ICE TEA: $1.00 WITH CHOICE OF PASTA SALAD OR PITA CHIPS, AND SODA OR ICED TEA) —19— —18— —11— DANTZ RECORDS John Bilezikjian RECORDING A RTIST, P ERFORMER, M USICIAN, TEACHER, L ECTURER AND COMPOSER FOR MOVIES AND TV FOR OVER 20 YEARS. J OHN HAS MANAGED HIS PERCUSSIONIST ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 619.284.5367 OWN ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. HE ALSO TRAVELS AROUND THE COUNTRY PROMOTING HIS RECORDS AND CDS. A complete entertainment agency specializing in Music from around the world. DJs to Orchestra’s, Variety Acts from M a g i c i a n s , F o r t u n e Te l l e r s , t o S i n g e r s a n d S o l o Instrumentalists. Complete wedding services, Corporate & Private theme parties & decorations, Conventions & Trade Shows. B ELLY D ANCE CD S T HE T APESTRY OF THE D ANCE SIROCCO T HE M AGIC OF J OHN B ILEZIKJIAN featuring “J EMILLAH ” & “SALLASANA” LA DANSE ORIENTALE • DREAM OF SCHEHERAZADE • A THOUSAND & ONE NIGHTS A special thank you to Congregation Dor Hadash for providing the venue for the Bedouin Bazaar Bash! Var Daghdevirian PROFESSIONAL MIDDLE EASTERN DRUMMER & SINGER F OLK D ANCE CD S A RMENIAN D IASPORA • A RMENIAN C ONNECTION • D ANTZ F EVER F OR ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ BOOKING INFORMATION OR OTHER RECORDINGS AVAILABLE REQUEST A BROCHURE AND PRICE Armenian • Turkish Greek Persian • Arabic Israeli • Spanish LIST DANTZ RECORDS PO BOX 2434, LAGUNA HILLS , CA 92654-2434 PHONE AND FAX (949) 581-5664 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Visit Our Website: V ISA • MASTER CARD —12— (909) 987-1670 —17— INTERNATIONAL RECORDING ARTISTS TRIBAL • FUSION • JAZZ with Alan and Andalin Bachman Flute Fest PO Box 3722 Salt Lake City • Tel/Fax: 801.274.8818 Marguerite (310) 370-5155 (619) 660-6569 —16— —13— THE OCTOBER 18 TH 7 TH ANNUAL AND Judeen 8 TH , 2006 SATURDAY 7TH SHOPPING e DANCING e LEARNING e MUSIC 2:00–4:00 T RIBAL F ORCES SUNDAY 8 TH 11:30–1:30 THE MYSTIQUE OF THE DANCE DaVid of Scandinavia SATURDAY 7TH 11:30–1:30 RAKS SHAABI SUNDAY 8 TH 2:00 – 4:00 J UDEEN will be teaching a ritual style belly dance that is inspired by the ancient Goddess religion. This is an earthy dance, brought up to date to have meaning for us in the modern world. Her second workshop has yet to be confirmed, but promises to be inspiring, creative and something not to be missed. She has studied extensively in Turkey. Coming in BHANGRA D AVID will introduce you to Shaabi , an upbeat, flirty and fun dance style of Egypt. Shaabi is a blend between folklore dances from the countryside and dances of the urban areas. Known for it's playful characteristics, Shaabi will add some spice on stage or at parties. Bhangra is rooted in the harvest celebrations of Punjab, India, but now has been westernized to be trendy, funky, and sizzling. This is a fun, full body workout. —14— Suzanna Del Vecchio AND Joynan —15—
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