BB 04 program
BB 04 program
Arabian Nights Entertainment PRESENTS THE 16TH A NNUAL Bedouin Bazaar A BELLYDANCE CONVENTION OCTOBER 9 TH AND 10 TH 2004 S ATURDAY : 11 AM TO 7 PM S UNDAY : NOON TO 7 PM Al Bahr Shrine Center 5440 Kearny Mesa Road San Diego, California —32— —1— 858•581•0135 EMAIL : • CLASSIC AND UNIQUE • • BELLY DANCE SUPPLIES • AVAILABLE FOR SEMINARS PERFORMANCES AND BELLYGRAMS PRIVATE DANCE COACHING LICENSED NOTARY SERVICES —2— Scottie Schultz, San Diego Representitive for Audrena and Unicorn 858-581-0135 / email: 3234 Idlewild Way — San Diego, CA 92117 p. 2, Photo by Cathy Yavorsky, 2003 / Lotus by Nina Davies, 1954 / p.3, Stele by Milada Lexova, 1935 Scottie Schultz, Producer/Director —31— I am so glad you attended the 16th annual Bedouin Bazaar. Thank you for spreading the word, and for encouraging others to come, and of course, shop! The vendors are always pleased with the number of shoppers and the quality of performers that come to this event. Due to your support, the Bedouin Bazaar is fast becoming a “must not miss event.” Do not forget next year it happens on October 8th and 9th, 2005. See you all again! May your caravan take you to interesting places and safely bring you home! Scottie ( Scherazade) 2 0 0 4 ST A F F • Producer, Director, and Big Woman In Charge: Scottie Schultz. • 2004 Program booklet and flyers, audio design and stage : R.A. Steiger. • Videography: Arnie Lerner and Jeanie Chafferty. • Webmistress: Ahbi • Front Desk: Jinx, Erica, Toni, Ana, Rachael • Door: Tim Wayne • MCs: Jim Lane and Dave Dhillon • Stage manager: Linda Bouche • Raffle: Dottie • After Hours Party Hostess: Louise Simpson • After Hours Party poster: Lilly Splane • Printing, binding, and biz cards: Clairemont Square THE UPS STORE—CARLOS • Audio equipment supply: Dave Dhillon and RAS. • Dancer’s gifts prepared by Kay, Amy, Valentina • Instructor’s gifts: Mary Kay by Kay Littau • Staff, Assistants and Volunteers: THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!!! —30— T HE B EDOUIN B AZAAR IS SWEET SIXTEEN THIS YEAR . Thank you for coming. I know you will all have a great time. Alexandra King, Judeen, Dawn Devine Brown, and Zaina Hart are the seminar instructors. Each one has many years of experience. On Saturday Alexandra teaches Spanish Gypsy, Judeen teaches the Four F’s of Belly Dance, and Dawn demonstrates costume construction. On Sunday Judeen teaches fusion movements, Zaina teaches arm movements, and Alexandra helps you create choreography. Two full days of fun and informative classes not to be missed. Shoppers will find exciting wares in the main room and on the second floor. I try to have an interesting variety of vendors so there should be something for everyone. Don’t forget Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa are coming sooner than you think. The henna vendor is on the second floor for a lasting memento of the weekend. (Nobody leaves without shopping!) The After Hours Party will be SUNDAY at the Greek Palace just east of the Bazaar on Clairemont Mesa Blvd. If you haven’t made reservations yet, please do at the front desk. Check the program ad for details. Come out and rock with us! Enjoy your weekend of shopping, dancing, viewing, learning, and socializing. Mark your calendars for next years’ Bazaar on October 8th and 9th, 2005. Seminar instructors will feature Fahtiem, Kamaal, and Hassan Deeb. Details are on the centerfold of this program. Visit my website at Ahbi‘s the webmistress and has done a wonderful job. •MAIN FLOOR: Vending, Performances •UPSTAIRS: Vending, Workshops, Women’s Dressing Rooms •FOOD: Proud Mary’s @ Ramada Inn •PHOTOGRAPHY: Cathy Yavorsky’s Studio on Mercury Street •MAP TO PHOTO STUDIO & GREEK PALACE AVAILABLE AT FRONT DESK. NOT A SAMEDA EVENT —3— The Bedouin Bazaar AMARAT After Hours Party PRESENTS BELLY DANCER OF THE UNIVERSE 2003 Jamileh at the Greek Palace FOR A WORKSHOP AND A SHOW • 8878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego • Just down the street east from the Bazaar cyriana, Hassan Deeb, Zaina Hart, AND Dinner Seating at 7:00 Kamaal PM $5.00 Cover Charge + $12,00 minimum Food/Drink Purchase • Select Menu • Special cocktail prices • For Reservations: Sign up at the front desk. —4— P.O. Box 571612 Tarzana, CA 91356 (818) 343–5354 email: WITH GUEST PERCUSSIONISTS VAR DAGHDEVIRIAN AND RICHARD ADRIAN STEIGER (310) 370-5155 BEDOUIN BAZAAR INTERNATIONAL RECORDING ARTISTS TRIBAL • FUSION • JAZZ Marguerite OFFICIAL VIDEOGRAPHER FOR THE TO April 30th 2005 Arnie’s Photo and Video Sundayevening October 10TH, 2004, 8 10 PM —29— Women’s Dressing Room, Seminars, and More Vendors are on the Upper Level. Schedule of Events Raffles throughout each day! (must be present to win) Let the Shopping and Dancing Begin! 11:00 AM SATURDAY / Noon SUNDAY — The Bazaar Opens DANCING ON STAGE ALL DAY 11:00 11:30 TRIBAL AND GYPSY ACCESSORIES 914 WEST MARCELLO AVENUE • THOUSAND OAKS, CALIFORNIA 91320 T [805] 498-5274 F [805] 498-1384 AM AM Sat. & Sun. Check in for Seminars to 1:30 PM SAT. Alexandra King: Spanish Gypsy SUN. Judeen: North African Fusion Combos 1:30 PM Sat. & Sun. Check in for Seminars 2:00 PM to 4 PM SAT. Judeen: The Four F‘s of Belly Dance SUN. Zaina Hart: Wings of Phoenix 4:30 PM Sat. & Sun. Check in for Seminars 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM SAT. Dawn Devine Brown: Easy Costuming Tips SUN. Alexandra King: Creating Choreographies LIVE MUSIC WITH DANCING 3234 I DLEWILD W AY , S AN D IEGO , CA (858) 581-0135 EMAIL : COME CDS. TRY ON COSTUMES IN THE PRIVACY OF MY HOME. IF YOU DON’T SEE IT HERE, WE CAN SPECIAL ORDER IT FOR YOU. FRIENDLY SERVICE IN A RELAXED ATMOSPHERE. WE ALSO CREATE ONE-OF-A-KIND COSTUMES TO FIT YOUR PERSONALITY, BODY TYPE, AND PERFORMANCE NEEDS. 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM SATURDAY ONLY THE BEDOUIN BAZAAR BAND FEATURING PREVIEW VIDEOS, TAPES, AND P RIVATE BELLYDANCE CLASSES AVAILABLE . OFFICIAL LOCAL VENDOR FOR H AFLAS AUDRENA JOHN BILEZIKJIAN W/ DAVE DHILLON, & RA STEIGER 4 to 5 PM SATURDAY 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM SUNDAY DESERT WIND THROUGHOUT THE YEAR . AND WITH UNICORN VISA•MASTERCARD•AMERICAN EXPRESS•DISCOVER 6:00 ALAN AND ANDALIN BACHMAN & GUESTS LAST CHANCE RAFFLE PM 7:00 PM SATurday / 7:00 PM SUNday — The Bazaar Closes A big thank you to Phil Johnson and the staff of the Al Bahr Shrine Center who go the extra distance to provide this fantastic facility. —28— 8:00 PM Sunday ␣ •␣ AFTER HOURS PARTY DESERT WIND W/ AT THE VAR DAGHDEVIRIAN —5— & GREEK PALACE R.A. STEIGER Saturday Dancers Ra-Chell / Mojave Fringe Elements / Palm Springs Sabah El Nour / Valley Center •L IVE M USIC : T HE B EDOUIN B AZAAR B AND Dilek / San Diego Taji / Lakewood Cyriana / Alta Loma Zara / Carlsbad Dawn Devine Brown Ana / Spring Valley Judeen / Santa Inez Artemis / Pacific Grove Kamaal / Sherman Oaks Christina Rizkallah / Glendale Blue Lotus / Lakeside Parri / Santa Clara Marzue and Alia / Carlsbad and San Diego Loreena and the Mysiques / Poway Burning Insence / Victorville Kamal / Egypt Raks Ohana / Carlsbad BreAnn / Laguna Beach Desert Moon / Mira Loma Kinza / San Diego Tandamonium / Glendale Christina Rizkallah / Glendale Amarat / San Diego •L IVE M USIC : D ESERT W IND / S ALT L AKE C ITY , UT Isis / San Ysidro Havilah / San Diego Marguerite / Los Angeles Jeanie / Tarzana Sohaila / Escondido Alexandra King / Santa Barbara Zaina Hart / Oregon Scherazade / San Diego Ahbi / Escondido Moonshadow Dancers / Temecula Maha Hadi / San Diego Sabrina / Huntington Beach Judith / West Covina Maggie / West Covina Sophie / West Covina Amarian / Valley Villiage Yoninah / San Diego Cyriana’s Student Dance Ensemble / Alta Loma Anwar Al Saharra / Palm Springs Rahana / Santa Monica —6— Judeen Saturday 2 to 4 PM The Four F’s of Belly Dance Focus, Frame, Flirt, and Flourish. Sunday 11:30 to 1:30 PM N. African Fusion Combos Steps from Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco. Energetic and earthy. JUDEEN is one of the most popular instructors in California. She has studied extensively in Egypt, and has researched folkloric as well as oriental dance. Her dynamic style is influenced by Lebanese and Turkish cabaret. She blends the best of these elements to create innovative veil combinations, exciting isolations and expressive floor dancing. She performs single and double sword, cane and dynamic drums solos. She has won numerous awards including IAMEDs 2000 Cabaret Dancer of the Year. She vends as Esau Company and travels Turkey and Egypt to find usual wares. She also sponsors tours to Turkey. Dawn Devine Brown Saturday 5 to 7 PM Easy Costuming Tips Create your own dance costume bra with a master seamstress. D AWN D EVINE B ROWN is not only an exciting dancer, but also the author of several costuming books. Whether you are a professional seamstress or just a beginner you’ll find her book informative and the directions easy to follow. She covers cabaret, as well as folkloric and tribal costuming. Her books include Costuming From the Hip, Bedlah, Baubles and Beads, From Turban to Toering, and her latest on costume bra construction, Embellished Bras. Her books are available through, Receive as special discount on her books if you order at the Bazaar. —27— Sunday Dancers Alexandra King Saturday 11:30 to 1:30 PM Spanish Gypsy Put fire in you soul incorporating flamenco moves. Sunday 2 to 4 PM Creating Choreographies For yourself and your troupe with a master chreographer. A L E X A N D R A K I N G is known for her flamboyant gypsy style. She has honed the style by studying and performing in the Middle East. She has won numerous awards including IAMED’s 2003 Best Instructor of the Year and IAMEDs 1999 Best Cabaret Dancer of the Year. She is a lecturer of accredited Middle Eastern Dance classes at UCSB, and directs the UCSB Middle Eastern Dance Ensemble. Moon Over Morocco 5, which she produces, will be the last Saturday in August in 2005. Zaina Hart Sunday 2 to 4 PM Wings of Phoenix Arm and hand movement techniques. Learn how to push your energy. ZAINA HART produces a double crown belly dance competition and festival. She hails from Vancouver, Washington, and is known for her graceful and expressive arm movements. She helps to put emotion and passion into your performance, She is a staff writer for Wiggle Hips and Jareeda. She is the owner and editor of The Belly Dancer, an in depth magazine. I was very impressed by her performance in San Diego, and invited her back again to share her expertise. Zaina has two v i d e o s : Wi n g s o f P h o e n i x , a n d Z a i n a H a r t , v o l 1 . —26— Gypsy Soul / Riverside Jody / Santa Monica Jamila / San Diego JJ & the Habibis / Laguna Beach Dunya So / Thousand Oaks Luisa / San Diego Yasmina’s Yems / El Cajon Tiger Lily / Santa Monica Mare / Santa Clara Marzue / Carlsbad Tokiko / San Diego Suzannah / San MArcos Cinnamon Caravan / Baldwin Park Iridescence / Temecula Catharae / Upland Yazmina Zarod / San Ysidro Milana / San Diego Babylon Mood / Lomita Hassan Deeb / Santa Clara Ladies By the Lake / Temecula Medea and Desert Mirage Dance / Riverside Raks Sharmenco Dance Academy / SD Ravynnah / San Clemente JJ and the Habibis Laguna Beach Belly Dancers / Laguna Beach •L IVE M USIC : D ESERT W IND / S ALT L AKE C ITY , UT Amalya / Escondido Jorjana / Thousand Oaks Siwa / El Cajon Marula / San Diego Aviahna / Cerritos Sohaila / Escondido Scherazade / San Diego Carlena / Los Angeles Apsara / San Diego Zafire / Mira Loma Ameera / San Diego —7— Main Floor Vendors • ARNIE LERNER (VIDEOGRAPHER) / TARZANA / LARNER@AOL.COM • ARTEMIS IMPORTS / PACIFIC GROVE / ATEMISIMPORTS.COM • AUDRENA’S INTERNATIONAL BAZAAR / ILL/ ALEENA.COM/AUDRENA • DANCING RAHANA’S BOUTIQUE / SANTA MONICA / DANCINGRAHANA.COM • DANTZ RECORDS–JOHN BILEZIKJIAN / LAGUNA NIGEL / DANTZRECORDS.COM • DAWN DEVINE BROWN (AUTHOR) @ GAYLENE’S BOOTH / IBEXA.COM • DESERT WIND / UT / DESERTWINDMUSIC.COM • ESAU COMPANY / SANTA INEZ / JUDEEN.COM • GAYLENE’S BOUTIQUE / OR / 503-835-0712 • GANESHA BAZAAR / AZ / GANESHABAZAAR.COM • HORUS AND ISIS COMPANY / EGYPT / FLASH.NET/~KCLLO • IAMED / SUZY EVANS / VAN NUYS / BELLYDANCE.ORG • JORJANA’S GLITTERWORLD / THOUSAND OAKS / BELLYDANCEWEB.COM/GLITTERWORLD • KAYLEY’S CARAVAN CREATIONS / SAN DIEGO / SALES@KAYLEYSCARAVAN.COM • PE-KO RECORDS / LOS ANGELES / INFO@PEKORECORDS.COM • TRIBAL BAZAAR / CULVER & VENICE BEACH /310-396 2167 • TURQOUISE INTERNATIONAL / WOODLAND HILLS /818-999-5542 • CATHY YAVORSKY / SAN DIEGO OFF SITE / 858-573-9717 • ZAINA HART / WA / ZAINAHART.COM Shop ‘til You Drop! —8— —25— Upstairs Vendors • ARTISTIC ANCIENT LANDS INC. / EL MONTE / ARTISTICANCIENTLANDS. COM • ROBERT CHANDLER /SAN DIEGO/ IMFO@GET4LESS.COM • CRESCENT MOON / LA MESA/ CMOONDESIGNS@EARTHLINK.NET • DELIGHTFUL DIVA WEAR / REDONDO BEACH/ 2DELIGHTFULDIVA@EARTHLINK.NET • LEFT COAST TRADING / ORANGE / ATORTORA1@HOTMAIL.COM • LAURA LINDA / ONTARIO/LAURALINDA1@CS.COM • SAMIAH / HUNTINGTON BEACH /SAMIAH.COM • JINAAN SHERBENY / SANTA MARCOS • SILK ROAD TRADING COMPANY / SAN DIEGO / 619-234-7369 • ZAHIRAH ENTERPRISES / BELLYDANCERWEAR.COM ❥ CATHY YAVORSKY PHOTOGRAPHY OFF-SITE ON MERCURY STREET (5 MINUTES ❥ INSTRUCTORS WILL AWAY ) HAVE VIDEOS, BOOKS, AND DVDS AVAILABLE AT THEIR SEMINARS AND AT BAZAAR. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR SEMINAR ATTENDEES. H&R BLOCK® Colleen Schultz TAX ASSOCIATE CLAIREMONT NORTH 4339 CLAIREMONT DR . STE D SAN DIEGO, CA 92117-2722 T EL 858 272 5363 F AX 858 272 6718 —24— DISTRICT O FFICE YEAR-ROUND SERVICE 522 BALBOA AVE #100 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117-6901 T EL 858 279 1780 FAX 858 292 3374 —9— —10— —23— Everything for Middle Eastern Dance at affordable prices. 3361 S. Corona • Englewood, CO 80110 (303) 762-0124 Belly Dance Supplies E M A I L: J O Y N A N@ U N I C O R N- B D S .C O M Tel/Fax (202) 393-3949 —22— —11— DANTZ RECORDS Var Daghdevirian John Bilezikjian Professional Middle Eastern Drummer & Singer Armenian, Turkish, Greek, Persian, Arabic, Israeli, Spanish Recording Artist, Performer, Musician, Teacher, Lecturer and Composer for movies and TV for over 20 years. John has managed his own entertainment company. He also travels around the country promoting his records and CDs. (909) 987-1670 A complete entertainment agency specializing in Music from around the world. DJs to Orchestra’s, Variety Acts from M a g i c i a n s , F o r t u n e Te l l e r s , t o S i n g e r s a n d S o l o Instrumentalists. Complete wedding services, Corporate & Private theme parties & decorations, Conventions & Trade Shows. Avianna (619) 660-6569 (562) 926-2328 CDs for Belly Dancing “The Tapestry of the Dance” Sirocco—Now available on CD The “Magic” of John Bilezikjian featured songs: “Jemillah” & Sallasana” La Danse Orientale *Dream of Scheherazade* A Thousand & One Nights Folk Dance CDs *Armenian Diaspora * Armenian Connection * Dantz Fever Visit Our Website: For booking information or other recordings available request a Brochure & Price list. DANTZ RECORDS • PO BOX 2434, LAGUNA HILLS , CA 92654-2434 PHONE AND FAX (949) 581-5664 VISA • MASTERCARD —12— —21— INTERNATIONAL RECORDING ARTISTS TRIBAL • FUSION • JAZZ FEATURING Alan and Andalin Bachman CD e w ne leas re Flute Fest new rele CD ase PO Box 3722 Salt Lake City • Tel/Fax: 801.485.7293 —20— —13— PERCUSSIONIST ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ AWARD WINNING TOP QUALITY ACCOMODATIONS EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE • AFFORABLE PRICES 619.284.5367 100% U NCONDITIONAL S ATISFACTION G UARANTEE V ERY FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL STAFF . PRICES FROM $ 79.00 Mention the Bedouin Bazaar. • AT LAS T EXTENSIVE COMPLIMENTARY BREAKFAST BUFFET , LOCAL CALLS , HBO , CNN , ESPN CABLE , NINTENDO • A LSO AVAILABLE : 1 ST RUN PAY MOVIES • R ESTURANT DELIVERY 3 RD AND 4 TH A DULTS / C HILDREN S TAY F REE C ORPORATE S HUTTLE • B USINESS / F AX • V ALET N ONSMOKING R OOMS • O UTDOOR H EATED P OOL • E XTENDED S TAY F LOOR ARRIVING • SHORT DRIVE TO THE CITY’ S ENDLESS ATTRACTIONS : SEA WORLD, SD ZOO AND WILD A NIMAL PARK, MEXICO, BEACHES, HARBOR, BALBOA PARK, MUSEUMS CENTRALLY LOCATED AND FREEWAY CONVENIENT RESERVATIONS 1-800-HAMPTON HOTEL DIRECT (619) 292-1482 HWY 163 AT CLAIREMONT MESA BLVD. 5434 KEARNY MESA ROAD ® SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 —14— !!! IN ® JANUARY 2005! ® WWW.CYBERLEPSY.COM/ANAPHASE.HTM —19— RAMADA INN and Conference Center 5550 KEARNY MESA ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 (85) 278-0800 HOTEL DIRECT (858) 277-6585 FAX WWW.RAMADASANDIEGO.COM FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL 800-447-2637 AMENITIES 135 SPACIOUS GUEST ROOMS FEATURING 20” COLOR REMOTE WITH HBO, CNN, ESPN AND PAY-PER-VIEW MOVIES, COFFEE MAKER, REFRIGERATOR, IRON AND BOARD, HAIRDRYER, DATA PORT, AND VOICEMAIL MICROWAVES AVAILABLE. 15 SUITE WITH KITCHENETTES COMPLIMENTARY PARKING, AIRPORT AND CORPORATE SHUTTLE LUSHLY LANDSCAPES OUTDOOR POOL AND SPA ACCESS TO FITNESS FACILITY FREQUENT STAY PROGRAM GUEST LAUNDRY VALET SERVICES RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE AWARD WINNING PROUD MARY’S RESTAURANT IS OPEN TO SERVE GUESTS FRO BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER. IT IS THE PERFECT PLACE TO ENJOY A COCKTAIL WITH FRIENDS AS YOU WATCH YOUR FAVORITE SPORTING EVENT ON OUR BIG-SCREEN TV MEETING FACILITIES OVER 8,000 SQUARE FEET OF FLEXIBLE BANQUET AND MEETING SPACE FIVE SEPARATE MEETING ROOMS AUDIOVISUAL SERVICES AVAILABLE ABUNDANT PARKING FOR ATTENDEES —18— —15— FAHTIEM W/ TWO BIG DAYS ! O CTOBER 8 TH AND 9 TH SHOPPING–DANCING–LEARNING–MUSIC TECHNIQUE WARM-UPSTM S ATURDAY 8 TH FAHTIEM’S FABULOUS TIPS A MOVEMENT CLASS DESIGNED TO CREATE DRAMA S UNDAY 9 TH Ha s s a n De e b S ATURDAY 8 TH EGYPTIAN HAND AND ARM EMBELLISHMENTS FOR DYNAMIC COMBOS Kamaal S ATURDAY 8 TH AND CHOREOGRAPHY FOR YOURSELF AND FOR YOUR TROUPE S UNDAY 9 TH STICK DANCE MEN AND WOMEN’S STYLE —16— S UNDAY 9 TH DOUBLE VEILS I AND II TOO BIG A TOPIC FOR ONLY ONE DAY. BOTH RECOMMENDED. —17—
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