Marin Republican Women, Federated


Marin Republican Women, Federated
October 2011
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
Awards CFRW Northern Division: 2009 Membership Circle of Excellence, 2009 Newsletter 3rd Place. NFRW 2009: New Generation Club
2011 Events Calendar
Luncheon Meeting, Wednesday, Oct. 26th
11:30 a.m. Social Hour 12:00 noon Luncheon The Club at McInnis
350 Smith Ranch Road, San Rafael • Oct 10: Columbus Day
• Oct 21-23: CFRW 37th Biennial
Convention, Marriott, Visalia, CA
• Oct 26: MRWF Board Meeting,
10am at The Club at McInnis
• Oct 26: MRWF Luncheon,
11:30am-1:30pm at The Club at
• Oct 28: MRWF Satellite Club, 6pm
• Nov 8: Election Day
• Nov 11: Veterans Day
• Nov 11-13: CFRW No. Division
Fall Convention, Sacramento, CA
• Nov 16: MRWF Board Meeting,
10am at The Club at McInnis
• Nov 16: MRWF Luncheon,
11:30am-1:30pm at The Club at
• Dec 8: MRWF Holiday Party
2011 MRWF Officers
Cindy Eisenhower
1st VP/Programs:
Judith Walker
2nd VP/Membership:
Ilene Meyers
3rd VP/Events:
Kitty Forde
Chrissy Pederson
Pat Derenzo
Faye Bourret
Speaker: Lynne Leach
Program: Under the Dome: An Inside Look at Congress and Your Legislature
Greetings! We are honored to welcome back Lynne Leach to
our October luncheon. Somehow, Lynne has a special ability to
tell it like it is, yet she always leaves us with reasons to be optimistic and engaged. This time will be no different.
In 1996, Lynne was elected to the State Assembly and became the first woman
ever to represent the combined Alameda/Contra Costa Counties 15th Assembly
District. She was reelected in 1998 and 2000 by a commanding margin and term
limited in 2002. Lynne made her mark as a leader in the Legislature, serving as
Chair of the Assembly Republican Caucus in her first term and Vice Chair of the
Assembly Education Committee in her second and third terms.
Lynne is an accomplished business woman, who established her own business in 1978. In 2003, she launched Lynne Leach Presents, offering informative,
common sense programs on sales – customer service, communications and leadership to the business and political communities.
Please join us for this exciting presentation. It is just the spark of inspiration
we need to prepare us for the elections coming up next year!
Judith Walker, Program Chair
Luncheon Reservation Form Price $22 Deadline: Friday, Oct. 21st
r I will attend Oct. 26th:
Lunch Choice:
r Grilled Salmon with Vegetables
r Thai Chicken Curry Salad
My check for
is enclosed.
Please mail in your payment so that
check-in at the event is expedited.
Mail reservations to:
Kitty Forde
61 Maple Hill Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903
Make check payable: MRWF
Phone reservations to: 499-8279
Notice: Advance reservations required.
Lunch reservations not picked up will
be billed to you. Late reservations $5.
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“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
President’s Report
Membership Matters
In his jobs speech last week, President Obama demanded
that Congress pass his new stimulus proposals “right away.” However, on a key proposal - free-trade agreements with
South Korea, Colombia and Panama - he is the one person
who was and still is preventing a vote. Congress does not
have the legal authority to vote on that stimulus proposal
until the president officially submits the agreements to Congress. In his State of the Union address in 2010, Mr. Obama
appealed for congressional approval of the trade deals, but
it was he who chose not to allow Congress to vote for that
entire year, even though he had said the agreements would
create jobs. In his State of the Union address this year, Mr.
Obama once again implored Congress to act on the job-creating agreements. But rather than move forward to create
jobs, he did nothing in February.
In March, April and May, the President chose to make
it impossible for Congress to act on creating jobs. In May,
June and July, as the U.S. economy stalled and a majority
of Americans began to believe that our economy could slip
into a double-dip recession, he decided it would be better
to do nothing. In August, after he learned that Standard &
Poor’s had downgraded America’s ratings, he chose to go
on vacation rather than allow Congress to act on the jobcreating trade agreements he had endorsed more than 18
months before. He seems to understand that exports create
jobs. And figures from his trade website reveal that the South
Korea agreement alone would create more than 60,000 jobs.
That’s 60,000 jobs we could have had two years ago. If we
want our Country back on track we all
need to step it up in 2012 and get rid of
this do-nothing, talk-a-lot, blame-theother-guy buffoon.
Cindy Eisenhower, President
Our membership contest continues and has been extended until
Oct. 26th. Just think, help save our
country and win great prizes, too.
Membership Contest Extended
Grand Prize-$100 gift certificate, plus free membership
for 2012, plus one free luncheon meeting (unbelievable)!
First Place- Free membership for 2012, plus a free luncheon.
Second Place-Free Membership for 2012.
These top prizes will be won by the three members who
bring in the most new regular members by October 26th.
And then there is the Drawing - All members who bring in
at least one new member will have their name entered into a
drawing and one lucky woman will win a free membership
for 2012. Wow! Carry membership applications with you
and ask all of your like-minded friends and relatives to join
MRWF. It’s a win-win.
Please join me in welcoming our new members: Helen
Willms and Patricia Reyes Franklin, and new Associate
members Maynard Willms and James Bitter.
Happy Birthday to our October members: Gwen Gans,
Barbara Gifford, Mike Halliwell, Charmaine Mazur, Aggie
Morello, Robyn Moss and Roger Schucke.
Together we are strong and we will make a difference!
Ilene Meyers, Membership Chair
Americanism - October History of the Republican Party
Oct. 6, 1914 - Birth of women’s rights advocate Mary
Louise Smith, elected Chair of the Republican National
Committee in 1974. Oct. 8, 1898 - Republican Joseph Simon (R-OR) elected
as first Jewish U.S. Senator outside the former Confederacy.
Oct. 11, 1972 - Horacio Rivero, first Hispanic four-star
Admiral, appointed by President Richard Nixon as U. S.
Ambassador to Spain.
Oct. 15, 1914 - African-American Republican James Weldon Johnson, celebrated poet of Harlem Renaissance, becomes editor of leading black journal, New York Age; served
as Theodore Roosevelt’s Consul in Venezuela and Nicaragua.
Oct. 17, 1989 - Appointed by President George H. W.
Bush, Antonia Novello becomes first woman and first Hispanic to be U.S. Surgeon General. Oct. 23, 1906 - President Theodore Roosevelt nominates
first Jewish Cabinet member, Republican Oscar Straus, as
Secretary of Commerce and Labor
Oct. 24, 1972 - Death of Jackie Robinson, athlete and Republican civil rights activist.
Oct. 26. 1919 - Birth of Republican Senator Edward
Brooke (R-MA), who in 1967 became first African-American elected to U.S. Senate by popular vote. Nan Paget, Americanism Chair
Visit us on the web at
Page 3
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
Nominating Committee Report
The slate of elected officers for the year 2012 will be presented to the membership for voting at our November meeting.
The Nominating Committee’s recommendations are:
Cindy Eisenhower
1st VP-Programs
Ilene Meyers
2nd VP-Membership
Kathryn Thompson
3rd VP-Events
Kitty Forde
Iris Pera
Cynthia Alfaro
Submitted by the Nominating Committee: Ilene Meyers,
Chris Blackburn, Kathryn Thompson.
Community Projects Reports
Your helping hands and talents are needed for all the
MRWF activities. Get on the lists, call Chris at 455-9468.
The San Francisco VA Hospital is
happily accepting: lap blankets, books,
DVDs, socks, shoes, clothing-especially warm things.
The Veterans Home in Yountville
seeks: boxed games, playing cards, puzzles, puzzle books (e.g. crosswords),
handkerchiefs, ball caps, and non-perishable snack foods like chips, soup Navy Day 10/27
cups, Vienna Sausages, candy, and popcorn.
Both facilities can always use: stamps, stationery, toiletry
items - hotel freebies especially.
Donations can be brought to any of our meetings and are
tax deductible if you include your name and address with
the items. Questions? Please call Anne at 302-0330.
Anne Brenneis, Veterans Project
Voter Registration
November 8th is just around the corner and it’s going
to be a very important election for the Republican Party.
We need your assistance to register new voters at the Village Shopping Center in Corte Madera on Saturday October 1st and 15th. Shifts each day are 11:00am – 2:15pm
and 2:00pm – 5:00pm. We need 2 people for each shift,
at least one person who has participated in Voter Registration previously. The morning shift on October 1st is filled. Please email your name and contact information to: peter@ or call me at 415-898-0090 to sign up. It’s fun to get those “thumbs up!”
Kathryn Thompson, Voter Registration Project
MRWF Woman of the Year 2011
You are invited to send in your Nomination for 2011
Marin Republican Woman of the Year by 10/12/11. The Question: Who is the MRWF woman who has
served and accomplished the most in 2011?
I wish to nominate
My Comments
Submit by 10/12/2011 to: Ilene Meyers,
122 Escalle Lane, Larkspur, CA 94939
Past Honorees:
Bev Heinecke
Nan Paget
Barbara Gifford
Sue Campbell
Carla McCloskey
Anne Brenneis
Sherry Johanson
Chris Blackburn
Katie Bartee
Judith Walker
Diane Roth
Faye Bourret
Alice Vipiana
MRWF Satellite Club
The summer flew by as it normally does but on Aug. 26th,
36 high-spirited MRWF members gathered at Kathryn and
Peter Thompson’s home in Novato. What a great way to
usher in the Fall season! We had a meeting that highlighted
announcements from our President, Cindy Eisenhower, regarding up-coming speaker luncheons and other activities
that we are and will be involved in. Here is what is happening: electing new MRWF board members, Holiday Party,
our Mamie Eisenhower Library Project, a California Smart
Train update from Chuck Reite, a formal introduction of
Jack Wilkinson who is running for Board Member at Marin
Community College, and welcoming our new MRWF
Jim and Miriam Doody will host our next event on Friday,
September 30th. We look forward to meeting new potential
Chris Blackburn and June Frost, Co-chairs Election Day - Tuesday Nov. 8th
Election Countdown
Oct 11th Early Voting starts in the
Registrar’s Office at Marin Civic Center.
Oct 24th Last day to register to vote.
Visit us on the web at
Page 4
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
Legislative Update
From our Member to the IJ and Governor
Subject: Please Veto AB 361
Date: Sept. 3, 2011 From: Anna Mae Maly
Dear Governor Brown,
I understand AB 361 is on your desk for signature approval. As a 38-year resident of California and one that is both
a business owner and extremely concerned about our ongoing fiscal problems in this state, may I humbly and strongly
request that you veto AB 361? My reasoning is clearly stated in the letter (copied below) to my local newspaper, the
Marin Independent Journal. Today, in the same newspaper,
my letter was nominated for “Letter of the Century” by another local Marin County citizen, Fielding Greaves (who I
do not personally know). Both letters follow below.
Letter 1 – Who Needs Costly Law?
(Published in the Marin Independent Journal on 8/31/11.)
Why do politicians like Assemblyman Jared Huffman always see themselves as do-gooders and never as part of the
In his Aug. 26 Marin Voice column, he makes a number
of self-aggrandizing statements, but the one that is just plain
dishonest is “AB 361 does not cost the state any money.”
Who does Huffman think pays his salary, the salaries of
his staff, the salaries of all the other assemblymen, the salaries of the staffs of all the other assemblymen?
When I researched AB 361 online, I saw 35 different entries for floor readings, committee meetings, votes, etc. to
get this unnecessary, “no-cost,” legislation through the Legislature. Additionally, this bill calls for work — and therefore costs — from California’s Secretary of State (and his/
her staff), “reasonable regulatory costs,” and costs associated with “enforcement proceedings.”
How can Huffman possibly state this bill costs California
no money?
AB 361 provides for a new feel-good category of business called “benefit corporations.” Huffman claims the “old
way” of California corporations was the greedy maximization of profits and his “new way” corporation is one that
will “make positive contributions to the community, improve the environment and show a commitment to employees and customers.”
Where has he been hiding? California has a rich history
of some of the most wonderful, profitable, and socially responsible corporations — in the world! Think: Apple, H-P,
Google, Genentech, Charles Schwab, and many more. Cali-
fornians do not need new and costly legislation for something we already have.
Huffman’s bio states that he is one of California’s “most
prolific lawmakers,” and the current fiscal mess in this state
is a direct result of prolific lawmakers like Huffman.
Signed: Anna Mae Maly, San Rafael
Letter 2 – “Letter of the century”
(Published in the Marin Independent Journal on 9/3/11)
It is with the greatest pleasure that I hereby nominate the
IJ.’s Aug. 31 letter, “Who needs costly law?” on Assemblyman Jared Huffman’s legislation, Assembly Bill 361,
as California’s most intellectually honest, most cogent and
timely, and altogether most significant and finest political
letter of the 21st century.
The letter was written by San Rafael’s Anna Mae Maly, a
wise lady who deserves the unstinted acclaim, wholehearted
admiration, and sincerest appreciation of every Marin taxpayer.
Signed: Fielding Greaves, San Rafael, President, MARIN
Governor Brown, thank you for your serious consideration
of my request – for both this piece of legislation (AB 361) and
all such future legislation which does nothing to improve –
and indeed worsens – California’s fiscal condition.
Marin Citizens Action on County Pensions
There is an action group formed to work on this critical
issue. Visit the website to
find out what they are doing and to get involved. One of
their current actions is to get elected officials to sign the
following pledge:
I recognize that public employee retirement costs are
unsustainable and are a true threat to the ability of Marin
County to maintain vital services and to preserve our quality of life. I commit to control these costs, make every attempt to end all practices that contribute to this crisis, and
to make the retirement system more transparent. For issues
that require changes in the law, I will actively support legislation that will facilitate these changes. I pledge that all
my actions as an officeholder will reflect and be true to this
Margaret Binggeli – in Memoriam
Our long time Associate Member, Margaret Binggeli,
passed away on August 31, 2011 in Folsom, California. She
was buried in Logan, Utah, next to her husband. Margaret was a member of Novato RWF and was active as a tax
accountant in the Novato area. She attended many of our
MRWF events over the years.
Visit us on the web at
Page 5
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
CFRW 37th Biennial Convention
October 21-23, 2011
Marriott Hotel, Visalia ,California
Reservation Cut-off date: September 23, 2011
On-line:, Member Center, Conferences
Phone: 1-800-798-6506
Northern Division CFRW Fall Convention
November 11-13, 2011
Double Tree, Sacramento, CA
To attend, email
NFRW 36th Biennial Convention
September 29 - October 02, 2011
Kansas City, MO
Register on-line:
Tentative Schedule :
October 21 - Workshop in P.M.
Evening – President’s Dinner
October 22 - Business Meeting, Speakers
Election of 2012 Officers
Education Panel
Ambassador Event
Banquet – Speaker & Installation of 2012 Officers
October 23 - Speakers
Awards, Bylaws, Resolutions Membership Application 2012 - Marin Republican Women, Federated
I am a Republican and wish to r Join | r Renew with Marin Republican Women, Federated.
My Republican Spouse wishes to r Join | r Renew as an Associate Member to support MRWF.
City/State/Zip Code
My Birthday is (Mo/Day)
Please mail your
completed applications with
your check or
credit card to:
for our monthly remembrances.
Enclosed are my 2012 dues of $30.00 for regular Membership or $25.00 for Associate Membership (for members
of other RWF clubs, men, and non-citizens). You may pay by check payable to “MRWF”or you may pay by credit
card; see authorization below. I wish to receive the Newsletter via: r Email r Regular Mail r Both Email/Regular
Check box to specify preference. The club recommends Email Only in order to minimize our print/postage expenses.
I would like to help with: r Hospitality r Voter Registration /Election r Phoning r Events
r Community Projects r Computer r Veterans Programs r Membership r Board Member r Other
I hereby authorize MRWF to debit my credit card: r VISA r MasterCard r Discover
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date:
Cardholder’s name as it appears on the credit card
Ilene Meyers
VP Membership
122 Escalle Lane
Larkspur, CA
To correspond
via email:
CVC Number:
Cardholder’s Phone Number
Cardholder’s billing address
Cardholder’s SignatureDate SignedEmail address
Visit us on the web at
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
Visit us on the web at
Page 6
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
Visit us on the web at
Page 7
Marin Republican Women Federated
PO Box 2291
San Rafael, CA 94912-2291
ct. 26
unch each
Lynn k at Con
MRWF Committees: - F. Bourret, Dana Doss
Community - Chris Blackburn
Veterans and Chaplain - Anne Brenneis
Voter Registration - Kathryn Thompson
Telephone Communications - Jan Stephens
Hospitality - Elvira Lindemann
Working Women - MRWF Satellite Club - C. Blackburn, J.Frost
Mamie Eisenhower Library Project - Nuri Sutter
Americanism - Nan Paget
Scholarships - Judy Groesbeck
A Contest For You!
See Page 2
Toll Free Congress: 1-800-826-3688
President: Barack H. Obama (D)
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500
Switchboard 202-456-1414
email: Comment Line: 202-456-1111;FAX 202-456-2461 Senator: Barbara Boxer (D)
112 Hart Bldg, Washington, DC 20510
202-224-3553;FAX 202-224-0454
1700 Montgomery, Ste.240, San Francisco CA 94111
415-403-0100; FAX 415-956-6701
Senator: Diane Feinstein (D)
331 Hart Bldg, Washington, DC 20510
202-224-3841;FAX 202-228-3954
525 Market St. Rm 3670, San Francisco CA 94105
415-393-0707; FAX 415-393-0710
Representative: Lynn Woolsey (D) 6th District
2263 Rayburn Bldg, Washington, DC 20515
202-225-5161; FAX 202-225-5163
1050 Northgate Dr. Ste. 354, San Rafael, CA 94903
415-507-9554; FAX 415-507-9601
State Senator: Mark Leno (D) 3rd District
State Capitol Room 5114 Sacramento, CA 95814
916-651-4003: FAX 916-445-4722
web site:
3501 Civic Center Dr, rm 425, San Rafael, CA 94903
415-479-6612; FAX 415-479-1146
Assemblyman Jared Huffman (D) 6th District
State Capitol, POB 942849, Sacramento, CA 95814
Marin County Civic Center Rm. 412, San Rafael, CA 94903;
415-479 4920; FAX 415-479-2123
Governor Edmund Gerald “Jerry“ Brown
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814
916-445-2841 (pending bills, issues) 916-658-2792 24 hr. hotline FAX 916-558-3160
Marin County Board of Supervisors Civic Center ,Suite 329,, San Rafael, CA 94903
ph. 499-7331 FAX 499-3645
Supervisor Susan Adams
District 1: San Rafael
Supervisor Harold C. Brown District 2: Ross Valley, part of San Rafael
Supervisor Kate Sears
District 3: Southern Marin
Supervisor Steve Kinsey
District 4: Corte Madera, Larkspur, Homestead Valley,
W. Marin, parts of Novato & San Rafael
Supervisor Judy Arnold
District 5: Novato KSFO 560 CALL- IN SHOWS
Brian Sussman
M-Th, 5-9am
Rush Limbaugh
M-F, 9-12 N 800-282-2882
Rabbi Daniel Lapin Sun 1-4pm
Barbara Simpson Sat-Sun 4-7pm
Sean Hannity
M-F, 12-3pm 800-941-SEAN
Mark Levin
M-F, 3-6pm
Anytime Radio on the web:
Marin Republican Party
PO Box 2102, San Rafael, CA 94912-2102
California Federation of Republican Women
CFRW Advocate—Allison Olson
1225 8th St. Ste. 342, Sacramento, CA 95814
916-442-4084; FAX 916-442-1322
Mariann Hedstrom, President CFRW
CFRW Northern Division -
Murriel Oles, President
Edelweiss Geary, Director Region XI
Calif Repub Party.....................
US House of
Rep Nat’l