Marin Republican Women, Federated


Marin Republican Women, Federated
November 2014
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
Awards 2013: NFRW Diamond Award Club
2014 Events Calendar
2013 CFRW-Northern Division: Membership Circle of Excellence, 2nd Place Newsletter
Luncheon Meeting, Wednesday, Nov. 19th
Four Points by Sheraton, 1010 Northgate Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903
11:30am – 1:30pm
• Nov. 4: Election Day
• Nov 7 - 8: CFRW Northern Division Fall Conference, Embassy
Suites, San Rafael
• Nov 11: Veteran’s Day
• Nov 19: MRWF Luncheon,
11:30am - 1:30pm, Four Points by
Sheraton Hotel, San Rafael. Board
Meeting at 10am
• Dec 7: Marin GOP holiday event
• Dec 12: MRWF Holiday Party at
the Thompson’s, Novato
• Winter Break
• Jan 2014: CFRW No. Division
Leadership Conference TBD
• Jan 21: MRWF Luncheon,
11:30am - 1:30pm, new location
to be announced. Board Meeting
at 10am
2014 MRWF Officers
Cindy Eisenhower
Ilene Meyers
1st VP/Programs:
Karen Molden
2nd VP/Membership:
Kathryn Thompson
3rd VP/Events:
Judy Groesbeck
Beverly Erbel
Lindsay Laven
Faye Bourret
Speaker: Nan Su
Radio commentator and human rights activist. Sound of Hope International Chinese Radio Network, FM 92.3 and 96.1 and AM 1400
Topic: Secrets Behind the China Economy
China, our growing knowledge of it, the devastating debt
America has built up with it, and the world power it has become has tipped the balance of power that the United States
once had. We are pleased to have Mr. Nan Su to enlighten us
on the Secrets Behind the China Economy.
• Is it sustainable?
• What should the world expect to see in the next decade from
this economic power?
• What cultural changes have been imposed by its regime for the past 60 years?
• What are its ripple effects on Social, Environmental, Political and Economic
Aspects of our lives in America?
Mr. Su has been serving as a news commentator for SOH International Chinese
Radio Network and NTD International TV network since 2003. He comments on
a wide range of national and international news and events.
In addition to his media work, Mr. Su has been a major activist for China’s
human rights. He was a coordinator of the Human Rights Torch Relay in 2008.
Starting from Athens, the Human Rights Torch Relay spanned from July 2007 to
July 2008, with stops at more than 100 cities around the world in order to raise
International Awareness of China’s human rights situation.
Do not miss this dynamic speaker who has a perspective and a captivating
message that will raise our awareness and knowledge of the world stage and the
powerhouse that is China.
Reserve now! Bring your friends and family to hear this unique inside perspective on China.
Thank You and God Bless America
Karen M. Molden, First Vice-President Programs
Luncheon Reservation Form Price $27 Deadline: Friday, Nov 14th
I will attend November 19th.
Lunch Choice:
r Roasted Chicken Porcini with vegetables/polenta
r Autumn Cobb Salad
My check for
is enclosed.
Please mail in your payment so that
check-in at the event is expedited.
Make check payable: MRWF
Mail reservations to: Lindsay Laven,
115 Wilson Way, Larkspur, CA 94939
Phone reservations to: 415-789-5022
Notice: Advance reservations required.
Lunch reservations not picked up will
be billed to you.
Page 2
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
Co-President’s Report
As Peggy Noonan states in her Wall Street Journal editorial of October 19th, the Obama administration’s Ebola evasions reveal its disdain for the American people. The handling of the Ebola crisis continues to be marked by double
talk, non-answers, illogical statements and gobbledygook.
A perfect example came last week in an exchange between
Megyn Kelly of Fox News and Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control. In response to Ms.
Kelly’s question about why our government is refusing to
stop travel into the United States by citizens of plagued nations, Dr. Frieden replied, “If we do things that are going
to make it harder to stop the epidemic there, it’s going to
spread to other parts. . .”
Why is this, you might ask; and Dr. Frieden would reply,
“Because you can’t get people in and out.” Megyn Kelly
noted that we are sending troops into Africa to help stop the
outbreak of Ebola and asked the question “why can’t we do
that and have a travel ban”? Dr. Frieden responded. Hmmm,
what was his response? It was something to the effect that if
Ebola spreads there it doesn’t protect Americans and if we
ban travel from the affected areas we’re not protected but
if high risk people can fly into the U.S. Americas are safer.
Huh? Dr. Frieden’s logic is a bit of a heart-stopper.
However, all is well. President Obama canceled a fundraiser and returned to the White House to deal with the crisis and appoint a new Ebola Czar. Ron Klain, a Democrat,
Washington insider and all around political hack is going
to take care of us. Oh, by the way, did I mention he has no
medical or public health experience!
Co-Presidents, Cindy Eisenhower& Ilene Meyers
Membership Matters
With the election behind us, we can only “hope” and pray
that there is true “change we can believe in”! On the home
front - “Congratulations, Ladies!” We surpassed last year’s
membership numbers by 2 and associates by 4 members.
We received a congratulatory call from the North Bay Regional Director who mentioned that Napa had not exceeded
their prior year. So, pat yourselves on the back!
Dues are being collected for 2015 and we start a new
membership contest. The winner of this year’s contest will
be announced at the November luncheon. If you introduce
someone to the club, be sure to let me know so you’ll be
eligible for the 2015 New Member Contest.
If you have not received your 2014-2015 Roster, contact
me. Also, don’t forget to update your contact information,
particularly your email address.
Help the MRWF, and our country, by bringing friends to
our luncheon meetings and to Satellite Club. Regular Member dues for 2015 are $30, Associate Member (men, noncitizens and members of other Republican Women Federated clubs) are $25. Use the membership form on Page 7 and
mail to: 821 Albatross Dr., Novato, CA 94945 Questions?
415-898-0090 or
Members Birthdays
October birthday greetings to Members Mary Anne Bell,
Jamie Waters Danielson, Helen Dennis, Gwen Gans,
Barbara Gifford, Hoang Leclerc, Emy Luchessa, Charmaine Mazur, Augie Morello, and Associates Karyn Battenburg and Bruce Bernott. Due to a computer problem,
please let me know if your birthday month is incorrect –
thank you, Kathryn Thompson
Kathryn Thompson, Membership Chair
Liberia and the United States
Liberia has been prominent in the news beand the country suffered two civil wars. Today
cause of the recent Ebola outbreak, which is now
85% of the population of Liberia lives below the
threatening to spread to our country. I thought a
international poverty line. In 2014, an outbreak of
few facts about Liberia might be of interest. LiEbola virus reached Liberia through Guinea. In
beria is the only country in Africa founded by Americanism August, 2014, ironically, Guinea closed its border
United States colonization. Beginning in 1820
with Liberia to help contain the spread of Ebola.
freed slaves, known as Americo-Liberians, were given
Because of the role the USA played in the establishment
passage back to Africa, with help by the American Coloof Liberia, I can understand a sympathetic attitude towards
nization Society. In 1847 the new country became the Reits citizens. However, one can only hope the United States
public of Liberia. Their government was modeled after the
will close its borders to people coming from Ebola-affected
US constitution, and the capital city was named Monrovia,
countries, sooner rather than later, until the latest epidemic
after President James Monroe. The Americo-Liberians led
has run its course.
their country as the dominant minority for over 130 years.
For further reading:
In 1980 a military coup overthrew the minority leadership
Cynthia Alfaro, Americanism Chair
Visit us on the web at
Page 3
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
Community Projects Reports
Your helping hands and talents are needed for all the
MRWF activities. Get on the lists, call the project chair listed.
The San Francisco VA Hospital is happily accepting: lap blankets, books, DVDs, socks, shoes,
clothing - especially warm
things. The Veterans Home in
Yountville seeks: boxed games,
playing cards, puzzles, puzzle
books (e.g.: crosswords), handkerchiefs, ball caps, and non-perishable snack foods like
chips, soup cups, Vienna Sausages, candy, and popcorn.
Both facilities can always use: stamps, stationery, toiletry
items and hotel freebies especially.
Donations can be brought to any of our meetings and are
tax deductible if you include your name and address with
the items. Questions? Please call Anne at 415-302-0330
Anne Brenneis, Veterans Project
I was reading an article in the San Francisco Chronicle
last month about how paid election workers were signing up
voters, including homeless. These election workers claim
they don’t take sides, but do they? We are told that there
are only 28% Republicans in Marin County and I think we
can do better than that. I don’t advocate signing up homeless and we certainly won’t see any at The Village Shopping
Center but I do think we can do better. We are working on
new signage and maybe we, too, can get t-shirts that say
VOTE! The important thing is that we are there at The Village Shopping Center and in a good visible spot each spring
and fall and we are volunteers and not using tax payer money to do it. Please let me know if you are interested in helping us with this fun job. I know spring is a long way off but
I’d love to hear from you and start a list of volunteers. Send
me an e-mail at
Bonnie Stevens, Voter Registration Project
Although I was not able to attend, reports were that everyone had a great time at Malka Hanna’s on the 24th, the last
Satellite event of the year. Her community’s clubhouse facility was beautiful and had great views of the surrounding
north San Rafael countryside. Good chats about the fashion
show, which was a great success, and lots of enthusiastic
talk about the elections. Of course, there was lots of good
MRWF Woman of the Year 2014
On November 19th MRWF will announce its
award to our Woman of the Year 2014.
Join us for our luncheon and to be there to give
your personal congratulations to our 2014
Thank you to these members whom we have honored in past
years for their outstanding service to our community:
Bev Heinecke
Barbara Gifford
Carla McCloskey
Sherry Johanson
Katie Bartee
Diane Roth
Alice Vipiana
Nan Paget
Sue Campbell
Anne Brenneis
Chris Blackburn
Judith Walker
Faye Bourret
Elvira Lindemann
Cindy Eisenhower
Ilene Meyers
food and drinks. Thank you to Malka for hosting us in October.
I am hoping to see many of you around the holidays. If
I miss you, this is wishing you a great and joyous time. Please let me know if you are able to offer your home for
events next year. It is always great fun to get together in
new venues. The next Satellite Club meeting will be January 23rd. Questions? Contact me at janem222@comcast.
net. Invite, Involve, Inform!
Jane Maushardt, Satellite Club Chair
Thank you, thank you to all
of our wonderful members who
worked on our Fashion Show fundraiser by obtaining prizes, modeling, selling raffle tickets, working on the silent auction, bringing
center pieces, taking reservations and checking guests in,
setting up the raffle auction, bringing friends and so many
other tasks. Thank you all so much for your dedication and
hard work. You are appreciated!
Co-Presidents, Cindy Eisenhower & Ilene Meyers
Visit us on the web at
Page 4
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
Election Day-Tuesday Nov. 4th
Election Countdown
Oct 6th Early Voting starts in the
Registrar’s Office at Marin Civic Center.
Oct 20st Last day to register to vote.
Oct 28th Last day to obtain a Vote by Mail ballot from
the Registrar’s office.
Prepared by Andrea Widburg, MRWF Legislative Chair
National News and the Internet
The Communicable Disease Center (CDC)
By Cynthia Alfaro, MRWF Americanism Chair
Date: 10/23/14, San Rafael, CA
The Communicable Disease Center was born on July 1,
1946, tasked with the job of preventing the spread of malaria in the USA. It had a budget of 10 million dollars and
fewer than 400 employees. It basically waged war on mosquitoes. Since then, like all government bureaucracies, is
has grown hugely. Today it awards about 7 billion in grants
and contracts. It has expanded its reach into school violence, tobacco and smoking, reducing lead levels and other
areas that have nothing to do with communicable disease.
Now that Ebola has come to the USA, will the CDC be able
to effectively protect us? After seeing the recent questioning
by congress of top CDC officials I am left very concerned.
For further reading:
In Flux – Discerning The Trends
By Andrea Widburg, MRWF Legislative Chair
Date: 10/23/14, Marin County, CA
I am writing this article two weeks before the November
election, but you will read it only after the results are in. There is, therefore, nothing to update because everything is
in flux. Still one can discern trends.
At the federal level, Obama’s administration is unraveling. He came into office promising the moon and stars, a
lowered sea, a brotherhood of men, and all sorts of other
things that only a messiah can deliver. Obama is no messiah.
Six years into his presidency, Obama has delivered a soggy economy that’s enriched only his cronies; a shrunken,
demoralized workforce; a porous border that’s flooded the
US with tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, many of
whom apparently carried a deadly polio-like Enterovirus in
their wake; a Middle East that has reverted to the Middle
Ages, only without the chivalry; the rise of the barbaric
ISIS; chronic racial grievances and violence; and a string
of scandals, ranging from the Benghazi debacle, to the Fast
and Furious gun-running operation, to the IRS’s gangsterism, to Obamacare’s disastrous, costly, and destructive first
year. All of these failures, lies, and missteps were recently
crowned by the federal government’s inept response to Ebola, revealing the limits of Big Government – especially Big
Government with bad leadership. The only thing that could
make this worse is Obama’s continued inexplicable refusal
to ban flights and halt visa requests originating in West Africa. He is mysteriously resistant to Pandemic Rule #1: Do
whatever possible to stop a disease’s geographic spread.
So what is a reasonable expectation for the election? In
Congress, Republicans will hold the House and take the
Senate. California, a Blue state with 23.4% of its residents
living in poverty (making it the most poverty-stricken state
in the Union), will continue its Blue ways, thanks to the
disproportionate impact that Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area have on voting outcomes in the state. However, with Republican candidates across America showing
class and dignity, even as Democrats implode, it is becoming possible to believe that, by 2016, the California Republican party will have a renaissance that may not be Reaganesque, but could be darned good.
Marin Veterans Day Service
Tuesday, November 11, 2014: 9:30am
Marin Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium
Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael
Save the Date - December 7th
Holiday Event Starting at 5pm
Visit us on the web at
Page 5
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
MRWF’s Capitol Muse
By Edwina Burke
Date: 10/23/14, Washington, D.C.
Oh dear, time for another pre-election column to be published post-election. What to do?
Well, this year I refuse to whistle Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah before the curtain rises on what could turn out to be King Lear.
Faithful readers may recall that I tried the sunny approach
in 2012, interpreting October lawn-sign data to augur for a
November Romney victory. We know how that turned out.
Now, instead, let’s look still-possible defeat straight in the
eye: Provided the opportunity to give Republicans a Senate
majority for the first time since 2004, the nation’s pesky,
whimsical voters may again choose to stick with the evil
they know.
Would this be so bad?
Oh yes.
The worst effect of Republicans’ losing the Senate yet
again will likely be psychological, and psychological defeat
in a political party is a pernicious thing indeed. If six solid
years of unadulterated liberal rule—with the domestic and
international detritus of Obama’s Left-topia on display for
all to see—if all this isn’t enough to tarnish the Democrat
brand, what on God’s green earth would be?
An equally lousy and predictable effect is not, alas, even a
blip on most voters’ radar screens: In 2015 and 2016, a Democrat-dominated Senate will confirm scores more “living
Constitution” progressives to lifetime sinecures throughout
the Federal judiciary. The vacancy count on the numerous
Federal courts currently hovers near one hundred, and new
vacancies will certainly occur—possibly even on the Supreme Court, where four conservatives’ grasp on a majority vote is so wretchedly loose that they repeatedly drop it.
Given continued Democrat control of the Senate, there’s no
escaping a yet-more-pronounced left-wing tilt to the enormously powerful Federal bench. Face it, my friends, and
Then there’s the mid-term elections’ effect on that sorry
galaxy of issues (constitutionalism, law enforcement, drugs,
gang violence, border security, terrorism—you name it)
that fall under the rubric “amnesty.” Democrat retention of
a Senate majority would likely encourage Obama to fulfill
his erstwhile promise to erase our national borders with a
stroke of his notorious pen. But, unlike the psychological
and judicial denouements mentioned above, universal amnesty would not be an unequivocally-Democrat lovechild.
For example, it isn’t clear what even a solidly Republican
Senate cum House of Representatives could do to prevent
Obama from issuing so nefarious an executive order.
More to the point, it isn’t clear if Republicans would even
want to prevent it. Ann Coulter (the closest thing we’ll ever
have to an American Geert Wilders) has decried many Republican congressmen’s refusal to side with voters who fear
and loath illegal immigration against donors who “keep bigfooting” those voters’ conservative instincts. Given Republican candidates’ refusal to champion exclusively legal immigration —even as an abstract ideal, never mind through
practical strategies—Obama’s issuance of an amnesty proclamation may not require a Democrat-controlled Senate.
This is a dismal truism indeed. But there’s an axiom tailor-made for this situation: “It’s an ill wind that blows no
good.” Public health considerations may operate against an
open-border diktat regardless of Democrat support or Republican acquiescence. The evolving pandemic threats of
Ebola and the Enterovirus D68, both of which have been
conclusively associated with illegal immigration, may make
an executive amnesty order unpalatable even to a president
as indifferent to the people’s will and well-being as Obama
has proven to be.
Yes, yes, Obama may not care what Americans want. But
the man does not lack vanity, and he surely would not issue
an Executive Order that categorically links his legacy to a
modern American plague.
Unless, of course, that horse has already left the barn.
MRWF Holiday Party – Dec. 12th
Circle Friday, December 12th on
your calendar. We are having a Holiday Party for all paid regular and
associate members and their guests
(potential members).
Time: 6:30 - 9:30 pm
Where: Home of Kathryn and Peter Thompson, 821 Albatross Drive,
Novato, CA
What to Bring: Bring an hors
d’oeuvre for 8 to 10 people to share in a serving dish and
whatever you like to drink.
It Happened in 1787
When the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended, anxious citizens were gathered outside Independence Hall.
A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin,
“Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded,
“A republic, if you can keep it.”
Visit us on the web at
Page 6
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated
CFRW No. Division Conference
November 7 – 8, 2014
Embassy Suites San Rafael- Marin
Hosted by the North Bay Region Clubs:
Marin RWF, Napa Valley RWF, Napa Vintage RWF, Novato
RWF, Santa Rosa RWF, Sonoma RWF, Upper Napa Valley RWF
The Republican Women’s Federated Clubs of the North Bay
invite you to save the date for the Fall Conference to be held
November 7- 8 at the Embassy Suites San Rafael-Marin Hotel.
Our North Bay Region Clubs will be working hard during the
summer to make this a memorable learning experience that you
will remember for months to come. We are encouraging you to
make early reservations for the hotel so that more rooms can
become available at our discounted price. Cancellation policy:
24 hours prior. Please confirm your reservation prior to October
18, 2014.
Speakers: All speakers are authors. Tom Del Barccaro, Peter
Hannaford, Susie Iventosch, Holly Swanson.
Lunch speaker - Retired Col. John Somerville USMC PH.D
Ohio State University.
Evening speaker - Veteran Michael Chain (musical duo).
Conference Chair: Gaylon Kastner, North Bay Region Director. E-Mail Call 707-255-2815.
Conference Reservations on-line:
Novato RWF Luncheon
Nov. 18, 2014 - 11:30am - 1:30pm
Marin Country Club
Reserve: 415-883-7059
Current Threats to U.S. Security in the Middle East
Dr. Abraham Sofaer
Hoover Institution Stanford University
George Schulz Distinguished Scholar & Senior Fellow
MRWF Committees - Faye Bourret
Community Service - - Open
Veterans - Anne Brenneis
Voter Registration - Bonnie Stevens
Legislation - Andrea Widburg
Telephone Communications-Ilene Meyers
Hospitality - Elvira Lindemann
Working Women - MRWF Satellite Club - Jane Maushardt
Mamie Eisenhower Library Project - Deanne Gilbert
Americanism - Cynthia Alfaro
Scholarships - Open
Parliamentarian - Open
Website - Gauri Tandavan
Chaplain - Bonnie Stevens
Ways and Means - Open
Financial Services
The Bernott Family
Proud Sponsors of
Marin Republican
Women Federated
Real Estate Services
Building Construction
Like-minded Marin
citizens working to
ensure the Right results
MRWF thanks our sponsors for helping defray the costs of publication and distribution of this newsletter. Copy has been provided by the sponsor and does not constitute endorsement of any product, service or candidate by MRWF, CFRW, Northern Division or this Federated Club.
Visit us on the web at
Page 7
“The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” - Thomas Jefferson
Marin Republican Women, Federated Have fun supporting these businesses. Buy American!
Building Construction
Building Construction
Alexander Sung
Romance for the Soul
Piano Music by Franz Schubert
Impromtus and Six Moments Musicaux
Pianist and Harpsichordist
Mr. Sung displays a most genuine
interpretation of Schubert’s emotions using a
Bluthner concert grand piano...
Pleasure for the Soul
Harpsichord Music by W. A. Mozart
Sonata KV 331 in A major
Sonata KV309 in C major
Sonata KV 311 in D minor
Listen to samples and
purchase these three albums at or
Alexander Sung brings Mozart’s music to life
using that wonderful Baroque period instrument—the harpsichord!
Serenity for the Soul
Sponsored by Cherry Lin and
The Munda Musica Foundation
Piano Music by J. S. Bach
Three Parts Inventions
Six Little Preludes
Italian Concerto BWV971
The Munda Musica Foundation thanks Jane Liston
for providing the artwork for our albums.
See more of her works at
The perfect music for relaxing where Mr. Sung’s
playing of Bach is transparent and sincere...
Membership Application 2015 - Marin Republican Women, Federated
I am a Republican and wish to r Join | r Renew with Marin Republican Women, Federated ($30)
My Republican Spouse wishes to r Join | r Renew as an Associate Member to support MRWF ($25)
Member of _____________ RWF club or non-citizen wishes to r Join | r Renew as an Associate Member ($25)
City/State/Zip Code
My Birthday is (Mo/Day)
for our monthly remembrances.
Enclosed are my 2015 dues of $30.00 for regular Membership or $25.00 for Associate Membership. You may pay
by check payable to “MRWF”or you may pay by credit card; see authorization below.
I wish to receive the Newsletter via: r Email only r Regular Mail only r Both Email & Regular Mail
Check box to specify preference. The club recommends Email Only in order to minimize our print/postage expenses.
I would like to help with: r Hospitality r Voter Registration /Election r Phoning r Events r Computer
r Community Projects r Veterans Programs r Membership r Board Member r Other ____________
I hereby authorize MRWF to debit my credit card:
Credit Card Number
r MasterCard
r Discover
Expiration Date:
Cardholder’s name as it appears on the credit card
Please mail your
completed applications with
your check or
credit card to:
Kathryn Thompson
VP Membership
821 Albatross
Drive, Novato,
CA 94945
To correspond
via email:
CVC Number:
Cardholder’s Phone Number
Cardholder’s billing address
Cardholder’s SignatureDate SignedEmail address
Visit us on the web at
Marin Republican Women Federated
PO Box 2291
San Rafael, CA 94912-2291
eon N
Nan hina Eco
ts Be
the C
Toll Free Congress: 1-800-826-3688
President: Barack H. Obama (D)
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500
Switchboard 202-456-1414
Comment Line: 202-456-1111;FAX 202-456-2461
Senator: Barbara Boxer (D)
112 Hart Bldg, Washington, DC 20510
202-224-3553;FAX 202-224-0454
70 Washington St., Ste. 203, Oakland, CA 94607
510-286-8537; FAX 202-224-0454
Senator: Diane Feinstein (D)
331 Hart Bldg, Washington, DC 20510
202-224-3841;FAX 202-228-3954
525 Market St. Rm 3670, San Francisco CA 94105
415-393-0707; FAX 415-393-0710
Representative: Jared Huffman (D) 2nd District
1630 Longworth House Office Bldg, Washington, DC 20515
202-225-6151; FAX 202-225-6153
email website:
999 Fifth Avenue, Suite 290, San Rafael, CA 94901
415-258-9657; FAX 415-258-9913
State Senator: Noreen Evans (D) 2nd District
1303 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
916-651-4002: FAX 916-323-6958
web site:
50 D Street Suite 120A, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
707-648-5312 and 707-576-2771 FAX 702-576-2773
Assemblyman: Marc Levine (D) 10th District
State Capitol, POB 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249
Marin County Civic Center Rm. 412, San Rafael, CA 94903
415-479 4920; FAX 415-479-2123
Governor: Edmund Gerald “Jerry“ Brown
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814
916-445-2841 (pending bills, issues)
916-658-2792 24 hr. hotline FAX 916-558-3160
Marin County Board of Supervisors
Civic Center ,Suite 329,, San Rafael, CA 94903
ph. 499-7331 FAX 499-3645
Supervisor: Susan Adams
District 1: San Rafael
Supervisor: Katie Rice
District 2: Ross Valley, part of San Rafael
Supervisor: Kate Sears
District 3: Southern Marin
Supervisor: Steve Kinsey
District 4: Corte Madera, Larkspur, Homestead Valley,
W. Marin, parts of Novato & San Rafael
Supervisor: Judy Arnold
District 5: Novato
KSFO 560
Brian Sussman
M-F, 5-9 am
Rush Limbaugh
M-F, 9-12 N
Michael Savage
M-F, 12N - 3 pm
Mark Levin
M-F, 3-6 pm
Sean Hannity
M-F, 6-9 pm
Glenn Beck
M-F, 9-12 m-night
Rabbi Daniel Lapin Sun 5-8 am
Anytime Radio on the web:
Marin Republican Party
PO Box 2102, San Rafael, CA 94912-2102
California Federation of Republican Women
CFRW Advocate—Allison Olson
1225 8th St. Ste. 342, Sacramento, CA 95814
916-442-4084; FAX 916-442-1322
Roseann Slonsky-Breault, President CFRW
CFRW Northern Division -
Carla Embertson, President
Gaylon Kastner, Director Region XI
Calif Repub Party.....................
US House of
Rep Nat’l