St. Vincent DePaul Church Dutzow, Missouri Established 1856
St. Vincent DePaul Church Dutzow, Missouri Established 1856
St. Vincent DePaul Church Dutzow, Missouri Established 1856 Welcome! PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St. Vincent DePaul at Dutzow, high above the surrounding countryside, shares with its faithful a rich heritage of Catholic belief. As God’s people our mission is - to make Jesus Christ present in our daily lives through Divine worship, Christian education and service to our neighbor. - to strive through ethical conduct, generous hearts, and industrious lives, to give glory and honor to GOD. ABOVE ALL WE ARE A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY. SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE, HUMBLE ENOUGH TO SERVE, STRONG ENOUGH TO NOURISH 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Vincent de Paul Parish Parish/Rectory 13497 S. State Hwy 94 • 433-2678 - School 13495 S. State Hwy 94 • 433-2466 Parish Office and School Fax 636-433-2924 Parish email— • School email— Bulletin email— Parish Website— • School Website— Archdiocese Website— Fr. Gene’s Email— Pastoral Staff Pastor—Rev. Eugene Robertson Principal—Miss Diane Smith Office Manager—Mrs. Jacquie Schaper Music Coordinator—Mrs. Lorraine Struckhoff, 636-433-2722 School Secretary—Mrs. Donna Sahm Bulletin Editor—Mrs. Michele Voss Parish Council Sally Jasper—Chair Randy Kleekamp—Vice Chair Tony Ballmann—Secretary Mike Wessel John Matlick Jeff Gildehaus Larry Ballmann Tom Herbst Coletta Hakenewerth Carl Borgerding Finance Committee Lorraine Struckhoff Gena Mayer Rick Gratza Karen Holtmeyer Dave Meyer Sacramental Preparation Marriage Preparation—Couples should contact the parish office as soon as possible to prepare for classes, at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. Baptism Preparation—First-time parents and parents who have never taken a Baptism preparation class need to contact the rectory to arrange for a class. Once the class has been attended a Baptism may be scheduled for the 2nd or 4th Sunday of the month. Baptisms are celebrated immediately following the 10 am Mass. Christian Initiation of Adults—For more information on becoming a Catholic, call Fr. Gene at the parish office. Holy Orders and Consecrated (Religious) Life—If interested, please call the parish office or the Archdiocesan Office of Vocations at 314-792-6460. Parish School of Religion (PSR) Please Contact— Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish—New Melle 636-398-5270 Our Lady of Lourdes Parish—Washington 636-239-3520 Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 10:00 am Monday 8:00 am Tuesday 7:30 pm Wednesday 8:00 am Thursday 8:00 am Friday 8:00 am (During the school year Wed-Fri Masses are school Masses) Holy Days 8:00 am, 6:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Tuesday 7:00—7:15 pm Saturday 4:15—4:45 pm Any other time by appointment Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Tuesdays after evening Mass St. Vincent de Paul at Dutzow, high above the surrounding countryside, shares with its faithful a rich heritage of Catholic belief. As God’s people our Mission is: To make Jesus Christ present in our daily lives through Divine worship, Christian education and service to our neighbor. To strive through ethical conduct, generous hearts, and industrious lives, to give glory and honor to GOD. ABOVE ALL WE ARE A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY. SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE. HUMBLE ENOUGH TO SERVE. STRONG ENOUGH TO NOURISH February 12, 2012 Episode 5 THE INDISPENSABLE MEN PETER, PAUL AND THE MISSIONARY ADVENTURE Father Barron calls Peter and Paul two indispensable men, the ones without whom the church never would have emerged and survived. In telling each man s story, Father Barron shows how the Holy Spirit worked through all the apostles and disciples to build the Church. Following the trail of these apostles as they took the Gospel to the ends of the earth, Father Barron presents the foundations of the apostolic faith, particularly the revelation of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Showings after each weekend Mass and Tuesdays at 6pm This weekend, Fr. Frank Iacona will be here to celebrate all Masses and to speak about a ministry providing direct relief to the poor throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Fr. Iacona will share what he has witnessed about Food for the Poor and their mission to care for the destitute as a means of living out the Gospel mandate to love one another. Fr. Iacona was ordained in 2002 for the Claretian Missionaries. In addition to preaching on behalf of Food for the Poor, Fr. Frank works at a house of discernment, the Newman Center at the University of Illinois, and the Chicago Legal Aid Clinic. There will be NO SECOND COLLECTION. Fr. Iacona will pass out envelopes. You may give them to him on your way out next week, or you may mail it in to Food for the Poor whenever you wish. You may view their website at I asked Msgr. Frank Blood, our mission office director, about this organization, and he informed me it is a great service organization, and that he himself gives to them every year. This missionary effort is NOT part of our Archdiocesan missionary co-op, but, as we get closer to Lent, and the command to serve others not only by our prayers and fasting, but also almsgiving, this may be a way for you to do something positive for Lent and help others in the process. 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, February 12, 2012 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday, February 13 8:00 a.m. NO Mass “Brothers and sisters: Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.’” (1CORINTHIANS 10:31) Tuesday, February 14 7:30 p.m. No Evening Mass or Devotions Are you doing everything possible for the glory of God? Or is there maybe some other way that you could generously share your time, talent or treasure for God’s glory? Think about it. Wednesday, February 15 8:00 a.m. NO Mass Thursday, February 16 8:00 a.m. NO Mass Friday, February 17 10:00 a.m. Your Gift to Parish & Support Week of February 5, 2012 Offering $5,136.10 Budgeted Goal $6,000.00 Weekly Over (Under) ($863.90) Month to date Over (Under) ($863.90) Fiscal Year to date Over (Under) ($18,920.63) St. Vincent Parish Endowment St. Vincent Parish Operating Exp. St. Vincent Capital Improvements St. Vincent School Operating Exp. Clem Gentemann Scholarship St. Louis Review Easter Flowers Capital Campaign goal Pledges to Date Collected to Date $25.00 $331.00 $25.00 $165.00 $5.00 $161.00 $5.00 $1,000,000.00 $990,270.00 $456,525.18 Saturday, February 18 5:00 p.m. Sunday, February 19 7:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Victor & Jeanette Westhoff 59th Anniversary Millard & Dorothy Schopp Parishioners Tickets to the following upcoming events are available in the Parish Office: 62nd Annual Men of the Church Banquet, Thursday March 1, 6:30pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall. Tickets are $10 per person. Please purchase before February 24th so they can plan accordingly for food. This Week Sat/Sun, February 11/12 Food for the Poor Missionary at all Masses. Please welcome Fr. Iacona! Church Cleaners—Church is scheduled to be cleaned the evening of February 16th. The following people are signed up to help: Carol Matlick, Donna Hellebusch, Becky Holtmeyer, Kathy Marquart, Sarah Thomas, Rey & Pam Rodriguez, and Jennifer Schroer. Nancy Berg, Bonnie Engemann, Audrey Wagener, Mary Dierkies, Tim Short, Barb Schaper, Robert Eisenbath, Mary Ballmann, Lucille Ballmann, Rosemary & Herman Engemann, Amy Heggemann, Teresa Schmitt, Sophie Ruether, Ann Wessel, Lisa & Dan Stacy, Ken Iborg, Barb Sutorius, Steve McCoy, Harvey Quinn, Theresa Schwoeppe, Patricia Klinkhardt, Mike Goll, Norman Eckerle, Betty Hakenewerth, Roy Miller Sr., Paul LaPlant, Justyn Sahm, Orville Kuhlmann Monday, February 13 NO 8am Mass Active Seniors 1:30-3pm Tuesday, February 14 NO Rosary, Mass, or Devotions Wednesday, February 15 NO 8am Mass Thursday, February 16 NO 8am Mass Eucharistic Adoration 8:30am-5pm Friday, February 17 10am Mass with Fr. Ed Heim KC Chicken & Fish Fry Fr. Gene return late PM Saturday, February 18 Trivia Night Sat/Sun, February 18/19 Knights of Columbus membership drive. Catholicism Episode 5 after all Masses February 12, 2012 Second Annual Bishop Blast Recruitment weekend February 18-19 A Letter from our Archbishop: My Brothers in Christ, As Catholic men, we are called to a life of service. We are called to care for our families, serve our communities and serve our faith communities. I am excited to share with you that a great and wonderful opportunity exists for Catholic men to answer this call to serve by becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus. This exemplary order of Catholic men was founded in 1882 by a parish priest who had the vision and foresight to conceive of an organization which would provide Catholic men the opportunity to live their Faith through charitable works, caring for their families, and defending the Catholic Faith. Today, the Knights of Columbus are 11.8 million members strong in 14 countries, providing a strong moral example in an age where culture promotes secularism over service to others. Each year, this organization of practical Catholic men donates more than $150 million and 70 million man-hours to charity, in addition to providing its members with the opportunity to share a fraternal brotherhood with men of similar values. As a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus, I have personally witnessed the tremendous work that these men accomplish in this Archdiocese. However, there is much work which needs to be done in the name of charity. I strongly encourage each man in this Diocese, who considers himself to be a practicing Catholic and is at least 18 years old, to prayerfully consider joining the ranks of this fine organization. Should a member of the Knights of Columbus contact you and invite you to learn more about this Order, please take some time to visit with them so that you may join us in our mission to promote Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. I promise you the experience of a lifetime. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson Archbishop of St. Louis Paul the People Pleaser? Last week we heard St. Paul saying that he was all things to all people. This week, we hear that he tried to please everyone. To modern ears, that sounds more like a people-pleaser. But that wasn’t what Paul meant. The key to Paul’s way of life is the last line of the second reading: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” (1 Cor 11:1) When Jesus spoke to Paul in his conversion, he asked why he was persecuting Jesus. Paul later began to understand that all Christians make up the body of Christ. As members of that body, we can show others what Jesus is like, by our example. That seems to be a two part process. First, to show Christ, we have to know Christ. We can do that by reading the scriptures and praying with them. We can receive the sacraments regularly, especially Reconciliation, where we experience his forgiveness and love, and the Eucharist, where Jesus unites himself with us, so that we can become more like him. The second part is acting like Jesus. Forgive people who hurt us, care for the sick, the dying, the poor. Don’t be afraid to tell people what God has done for you; encourage others to be grateful for what God has done for them. Paul obviously didn’t please everyone, or he wouldn’t have ended his life in prison. He was more interested in imitating Christ. If we can imitate Paul in that way, we can’t go wrong. Liturgical Ministers Servers for the week of February 13: Isaiah Oaks, Walton Eckelkamp Saturday, February 18, 5:00 p.m. Servers: Christopher Schweissguth, Madison Buchheit, Kasie Gratza Ushers /Greeters: Mike & Eileen Molitor Lectors: JoAnne Ruether Gift Bearers: Dennis Patke Family Eucharistic Ministers: JoAnne Ruether, Greg & Joan Schneider, Jim Struckhoff, Evelyn Busch Sunday, February 19, 7:30 a.m. Servers: Haley Oetterer, Maddie & Cody Tuepker Ushers/Greeters: Jeanne, Rachel & Megan Micke Lector: Aurie Meyer Gift Bearers: Jane Barry-Davis Eucharistic Ministers: Rick & Sandy Mueller, Rey & Pam Rodriguez, Steve Sahm Sunday, February 19, 10:00 a.m. Servers: Nick Dierking, Haley & Alex Leesmann Ushers/Greeters: Don & Connie Schwoeppe Lector: Diane Voelkerding Gift Bearers: Mike Schweissguth Family Eucharistic Ministers: Darren Holtmeyer, Bernie & Sally Jasper, John Kluesner, Korine Krieftmeyer 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL 13495 South State Hwy. 94 Marthasville, MO 63357 Serving families from Dutzow, Augusta, Defiance, Femme Osage, Foristell, Lake Sherwood, Marthasville, New Melle, Washington, and surrounding areas. Don’t Forget...Applications for FACTS grants are in. Completed applications are DUE by April 1st, and need to include a copy of your income tax return. You MUST apply for FACTS if you wish to receive financial help from the parish. PLEASE don’t wait until the last minute!! We want to help as many as we can, but you also must help us. For more information, please contact the school office, principal, or parish office. NEW—Embroidered Navy Headband with red lettering. Available to see in the school office or at Open House. Watch for order forms in the Thursday envelopes. February 14th—Happy Valentine’s Day...Students are allowed to wear a pink or red shirt with Jeans for $1.00 February 16th—Spelling Bee February 18th—Pick up TJ Pizza Orders in the School gym 9am-11am & Trivia Night February 20th—NO CLASS February 21st—Mardi Gras...Students may wear jeans and a purple, green, or yellow shirt. Please send a baked good for the cake walk. February 22nd—Ash Wednesday February 27th—Math Club February 28th—StuCo Meeting February 29th—Leap Day! RFL Meeting St. Vincent’s Trivia Night will be February 18th at 7pm, doors open at 6:15pm. Eight and ten person tables are still available. Call Maggie Smith for reservations at 636-398-4584. Cash prizes, best table theme, 50/50 raffle, and attendance prizes! Bring your own snacks. Soda, beer and wine available for purchase. See you there!!! February 12, 2012 February 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 5 6 1st Sunday BreakNO 8am Mass fast KIDS EAT FREE! School Open House World Day of Prayer for Religious Life 12 Fr. Frank 13 NO 8am Mass Iacona, Food for the Poor Missionary at Masses this weekend. Active Seniors, 1:30-3pm 2nd collection for Food for the Poor Ministries. 2 Eucharistic Adoration 8:30am-5pm Fri 3 Sat 4 Celebrate Catholic Schools! Religious Life Appreciation Day 7 8 9 10 11 Fr. Frank NO evening Rosary, Mass, Devotions Prayer Breakfast, St. Ignatius, 7-8:30 NO 8am Mass NO 8am Mass Iacona, Food for the Poor Missionary at Masses this weekend. 2nd collection for Food for the Poor Ministries. Parent Appreciation Auction Meeting 7pm Day Blessing of Throats at CATHOLIC MEN 8am Mass FOR CHRIST CONFERENCE AT Community Appreci- PEABODY OPERA ation Day HOUSE School Mass at Borgia HS with Archbishop Carlson Knights of Columbus, School Mass at 10am 8:15pm With Fr. Tom Miller, Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary, New Melle Fr. Gene gone till 17th Thu Eucharistic Adoration 8:30am-5pm MASS COUNT 14 15 16 NO evening Rosary, Mass, Devotions NO 8am Mass NO 8am Mass Happy Valentine’s Day! 17 School Mass at 10am With Fr. Ed Heim, Eucharistic Adoration Pastor of Immaculate 8:30am-5pm Conception, Augusta KC Chicken & Fish Fry, 4-7 18 TRIVIA NIGHT! TJ Pizza Pick-up CATHOLICISM Part 5 after 5pm Mass MASS COUNT 19 20 21 22 23 CATHOLICISM Part 5 after both Masses Back to regular daily Mass schedule Happy Mardi Gras! ASH WEDNESDAY Eucharistic Adoration Lenten Friday 8:30am-5pm Day of Abstinence CATHOLICISM Part 5 6pm Day of Fast & Abstinence Rosary, Mass, Devotions, 7:15 Masses at 8am & 6pm 28 29 Fr. Gene at Lifeteen Mass 6pm Borgia 26 CATHOLICISM Part 6 after both Masses Rite of Election, Cathedral Basilica, PM Presidents’ Day NO School 27 CATHOLICISM Part 6 6pm Rosary, Mass, Devotions, Stations of the Cross 7:15pm Property Management 6pm 24 SCHOOL SELFSTUDY SCHOOL SELFSTUDY FACTS APPLICATIONS DUE APRIL 1!!! 25 CATHOLICISM Part 6 after 5pm Mass